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T oday’s strategic environment provides boundless space for both the international and regional actors to understand, share and cooperate with each other in order to protect and secure their own national interest and maintain strategic stability within their own region. Every nation in the international affairs has its own strategic significance against another in terms of its strategic location for economic and military means. However, the geostrategic significance of one nation remains a threat to another nation’s own interest and stability within its region. Similar is the case of Israel which is surrounded by its major neighbouring nations as Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon which are constantly in the state of unrest due to various regional and inter-state conflicts in the Arab world. This situation also resembles similar for India with countries as Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal, Srilanka, which remain burning due to its inter –state, inter – religious, political unrest, ethnic conflicts, traditional and non-traditional security threats as reported on the world conflict database, and by and large remain serious concerns to India’s national interest. In this context, the relationship between the two major players in the strategic calculus is of utmost concern considering the geostrategic significance of the two countries. Historical background Since, India’s independence post 1947, there was no formal relationship with Israel. India recognized the state of Israel in 1950, two years after its establishment in 1948. However, India’s pro-Arab attitude and its strong commitment to the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) which created rift and division between these two countries. In 1992 a significant diplomatic change occurred, when India and Israel established full diplomatic relations which reached new heights INDIA AND ISRAEL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES By Dr. Praful S. Adagale EURASIA REVIEW | BY DR. PRAFUL S. ADAGALE* Political Reflection Magazine | Issue 11 | 101

T oday’s strategic environment

provides boundless space for

both the international and

regional actors to understand,

share and cooperate with each other in

order to protect and secure their own

national interest and maintain strategic

stability within their own region. Every

nation in the international affairs has its

own strategic significance against

another in terms of its strategic location

for economic and military means.

However, the geostrategic significance

of one nation remains a threat to another

nation’s own interest and stability within

its region.

Similar is the case of Israel which is

surrounded by its major neighbouring

nations as Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and

Lebanon which are constantly in the state

of unrest due to various regional and

inter-state conflicts in the Arab world.

This situation also resembles similar for

India with countries as Pakistan, Tibet,

Nepal, Srilanka, which remain burning

due to its inter –state, inter – religious,

political unrest, ethnic conflicts,

traditional and non-traditional security

threats as reported on the world conflict

database, and by and large remain

serious concerns to India’s national


In this context, the relationship between

the two major players in the strategic

calculus is of utmost concern considering

the geostrategic significance of the two


Historical background

Since, India’s independence post 1947,

there was no formal relationship with

Israel. India recognized the state of Israel

in 1950, two years after its establishment

in 1948. However, India’s pro-Arab

attitude and its strong commitment to the

Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) which

created rift and division between these

two countries. In 1992 a significant

diplomatic change occurred, when India

and Israel established full diplomatic

relations which reached new heights



By Dr. Praful S. Adagale


Political Reflection Magazine | Issue 11 | 101

under the successive Indian

Governments headed by BJP (1998-2004).

The relationship with Israel is purely

based on the cooperation in the field of

defence and security matters. The

strategic partnership with Israel

presupposes a broad understanding of

mutual security concern that is common

to the interest for both nations. The end of

Cold war created a breathing space for

major rising powers around the globe to

choose partners of common interest and

concern for each other. So was the case

of Israel which appeared to be more

appealing to India’s foreign policy. There

were four major causes that lead to the

building of the strategic partnership from

both sides. Firstly, India’s immediate

concern in post soviet disintegration was

to maintain its defence and technological

needs updated. Whereas Israel ambition

was to gain military superiority in the

Arab world by gaining access in South

Asian region. Secondly, it was also

important for India to overcome the

propaganda unleashed by Pakistan on

the Kashmir issue. Thirdly, in case of

Israel which recognised India’s

immediate needs in near future are

importing of sophisticated technological

weapons and armaments. Lastly, Israel

also realised India’s concern to maintain

peace in the Arab world. On these

parameters it became imperative for

India to choose Israel as its leading arms

exporter for military supplies, having not

forgotten Israel assistance to provide

immediate help to India during war in

1962 and 1965 with China and Pakistan

respectively. India helped Israel

during the 1967 Middle Eastern conflict,

by covertly sending military equipment

to Israel. Diplomatic exchange between

the two countries on diverse subjects

related to gathering of intelligence input

through secret channels, military to

military exchange programme,

cooperation in the field of science and

technology as well as space and nuclear

science where discussed and shared at

top levels. However, most of the visits

remain unclassified in local media

reports due to India’s political clashes.

Commonalities of interest

The major area of concern that remains

compounded to both countries had

become the milestone for building the

relationship between the two in the area

of defence and security cooperation. In




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102 | Issue 11 | Political Reflection Magazine

case of Israel the major threat emanating

out from its immediate neighbourhood

Iran due to its nuclear programme and

support for terrorist groups, where as

India’s remains concerned with the

Pakistan nuclear arsenal and terrorist

activities based in Pakistan. Both

countries are pursuing their common

hegemonic agendas of ‘Greater Israel’

and ‘Akhand Bharat’, since their

inception. Both countries have an

oppressive attitude and hostility towards

their neighbors and, both have forcibly

occupied areas beyond their

geographical borders. The strategic

partnership remains more intact due to

Israel consistent assistance to India and

its concern to maintain peace and

stability in South Asia, which can be

reflected in the Afghanistan war, the

kargil crisis of 1999, the attack on the

Indian parliament, the 26/11 Mumbai

terror attack. In all these major turmoil

Israel provided assistance at diplomatic,

economic and more vital was the

intelligence inputs to Indian government.

It was provided bulk of proposal floating

in the ministry of defence post 26/11 to

upgrade its special forces the NSG and

the defence forces with high-tech cutting

edge technologically sophisticated

weapons and equipments.

The major concern for both countries is

its immediate neighbours Pakistan and

Iran illegal nuclear arsenal and its

proliferation in the hands of the

terrorists. It was in this respect that the

Indian national security advisor, Brajesh

Mishra, outlined a proposal in a speech

to the American Jewish Committee in

Washington in May 2003 that India,

Israel, and the United States should unite

to combat the common threat of Islamic

fundamentalism. He argued that

democratic nations that face the menace

of international terrorism should form a

"viable alliance" and develop multilateral

mechanisms to counter this menace.

Cooperation in the field of defence and


Indian Prime Minister P.V. Narashimha

Rao’s decision in January 1992 to

establish full diplomatic relations with

Israel was driven by the potential for

security cooperation. Israel offered India

both investment and technical

cooperation in matters related to military

aircraft, reverse engineering, and the

upgrading of weapons systems. In 1996,

India purchased a sophisticated Air

Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation

from Israel, which was installed at the

Jamnagar air base. The same year, a $10

million deal was made to provide two

Dvora MK-2 patrol boats for the Indian

Navy. During the 1990s, the Israeli firm

Elta also won a multi-million dollar

contract to upgrade the avionics on

India’s MiG-21 fighters. Growing defense

relations were further solidified by

Israel’s willingness to supply arms–

including ordnance, laser-guided

bombs, and unmanned aerial vehicles

(UAVs)–during the 1999 Kargil War

between India and Pakistan. In addition,

India began to obtain a large number of

small arms and weapons systems from

Israel, eventually including airborne

early warning systems. New Delhi sent its

first military attaché to Israel in 1997,

indicating a growing military dimension

in bilateral relations. The approximate

total value of the weapons trade over the


Israel offered India both investment and technical cooperation in matters related to military aircraft, reverse engineering, and the upgrading of weapons systems.

Political Reflection Magazine | Issue 11 | 103

past decade is estimated at around $10

billion. With the delivery of the Phalcon

Airborne Warning and Control Systems

(AWACS), equipped on Russian-built

Ilyushin II-76s, in May 2009 and March

2010, Israel has emerged as one of the

largest arms exporters to India.[20] An

agreement for these weapons systems

was signed in March 2004 at an

impressive cost of $1.1 billion.

Aerospace Industries has signed a four-

year, $1.1 billion deal with India for

aircraft, missiles, unmanned aerial

vehicles and intelligence systems, a

major boost for the Jewish state's high-

tech defense sector in an increasingly

export-driven global market. Israel

Aerospace Industry (IAI) won a $1.1

billion deal with the Indian navy in 2009

to provide advanced Barak-8 tactical air-

defense missile systems for its warships.

The Phalcon-equipped AWACS has

proved to be a great force-multiplier for

the IAF, being able to provide real-time

intelligence, and command and control

needed to attain and maintain air

superiority in selected airspace over the

combat zone and to enable surveillance

deep inside enemy territory.

India and Israel have agreed to launch a

long-term joint programme worth USD 10

million annually to facilitate research and

academic activities benefiting them in

areas like renewable and sustainable

energies, bio-medical sciences and


Cooperation in the field of Counter


The common threat to both countries is

the rise of Islamic Radicalism, the threat

from criminals and terrorists linkages.

India’s relationship with Israel on counter

terrorism is based even before the major

events that have taken place post 9/11

and 26/11.

It is important to quote that,

India is one of the 39

countries with whom Israel

has s igned “secret

cooperative agreements”

to prevent information

leaks from joint security

projects. Besides of India’s

strong commitment for

A r a b c a u s e , s h e

established secret military

and intelligence links with

Israel as early as 1960.

India and Israel not only

e x c h a n g e c r u c i a l

intelligence information on

Islamist terrorist groups

but Israel is also helping

India to fight terrorism in

Kashmir by providing

i m p o r t a n t l o g i s t i c a l Ben


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104 | Issue 11 | Political Reflection Magazine


support such as specialized surveillance

equipment, cooperation in intelligence

gathering, joint exercises, and

cooperation to stop money laundering

and terror funding. The level of

intelligence cooperation between India

and Israel may be even more extensive

than between India and the United States.

The tactics used by the Israeli Defense

Forces (IDF) in the guerrilla and urban

warfare it wages against Palestinian

terror in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

can be fruitfully adopted by the Indian

security forces in countering insurgency.

These tactics have even been found

useful by the U.S. forces in Iraq who had

to learn IDF strategy of urban warfare to

tackle growing insurgency. The Israel

security forces have also trained the

Indian counterpart defence forces on

handling of IED, training elite forces

commandos in handling terrorist attacks

both post and pre-operations there by

reducing civilian casualties, followed by

which the Maharashtra government in

2009 had send its troops for training for

hands-on experience.

The Space Cooperation

In January 2008, India successfully

launched an Israeli spy satellite “TecSar”

developed by IAI, forging a strategic

partnership in the space sector. It was

Israel’s first satellite to be launched by

India. On 17 April 2009, India

successfully launched an Israeli-built

RISAT 2 or radar imaging spy-satellite. In

March 2009, Israel overtook Russia as

India’s number one defence partner,

when both sides signed a US$ 1.4 billion

deal for the acquisition of shore-based

and sea borne anti-missile air defence

system. During the Kargil War, it

supplied India with UAVs for high

altitude surveillance and laser-guided

systems within 24 hours.

The Constraint in the Relationship

Every strategic partnership of India with

major rising powers in the international

system has US as a factor attached to its

periphery. The case is also true where;

US interests sometimes constrain Indo-

Israeli defense cooperation with regard

to weapons and technology transfer. In

2003, the US blocked negotiations

between India and Israel on the sale of

Israel's Arrow anti-missile defense

system. Israel sold the Green Pine

missile-detector radar system,

manufactured by Elta, but New Delhi’s

request to obtain the full Arrow system

was rejected due to United States

opposition. Such actions not only strain

the relationship between India and Israel

at bilateral level but also impinge on

Israel’s arms sale to India’s. However,

with increase in India’s defence budget

and its requirements to tackle the future

asymmetric challenges, its dependency

and cooperation with Israel will be of

significant importance for research.

However, US have now realised India’s

concern to build up its military capability

both at land and airborne due to which it

has given clearance to Israel's delivery of

Phalcon reconnaissance aircraft to India,

in marked contrast to Washington's

vigorous opposition to supplying them to

China in 1998.

Another factor originating is India’s close

and historical relationship with Iran.

India’s close military and defence

cooperation and its future energy

security needs to meet its ever

Every strategic partnership of India with major rising powers in the international system has US as a factor attached to its periphery.

Political Reflection Magazine | Issue 11 | 105


increasing yearn for oil and petroleum,

makes India dependent on Iran in the

coming decades for economically and

militarily. Israel views the Iranian threat

very seriously while for India, Iran is a

partner, and an ideological partner that

takes a negative view of American



The final question that looms is whether

the partnership between India and Israel

is truly ‘strategic’? Most of the analyst

examines the relationship between the

two countries remains strategic only

when the partnership goes beyond the

bilateral relationship with common

understanding and shared values to

protect and secure their interest against

the global challenges. India and Israel

have bases of its cooperation merely in

terms of security and defence

cooperation. Both countries look forward

to peace and stability within their own

region as the Arab world for Israel and

the South Asia for India. Both countries by

now must have realised the geo-strategic

importance of the region with major

conflict and war that have taken place

since its independence.

Israel in the coming decades will

definitely be one of the top arms

exporter in the world to India as well a

major reliable partner due to its major

advantages that comes from its sales of

arms and weapons with transfer of

technology. United States will continue to

remain a key factor in India- Israel

relationship, as US interest in South Asia,

primarily to counter Chinese presence

and bring stability and peace in

Afghanistan and Pakistan, US will

continue to maintain its presence both

politically and militarily within the

region. However, US must also

remember that in order to confront the

menace of Islamic fundamentalism in

South Asia, as stated by the former

National security advisor of India, Brajesh

Mishra that ‘US and Israel must unite to

fight against this crisis. It is also

necessary for Indian diplomats to remain

realistic in dealing with problems

confronting between Israel and Iran and

remain an active player diplomatically to

maintain analogous relationship with

both the nations. In terms of sharing of

intelligence inputs on counter terrorism,

it is not practically possible for India to

follow Israel’s model of countering

terrorism as it did in Lebanon and Gaza,

but India can definitely become

accustomed and learn its strategic and

tactics to tackle the future threat coming

by the use of radiological and biological

weapons, for which Israeli forces are the

best equipped and highly trained unites

to combat such disasters. Lastly, close

military to military exchange,

intelligence exchange and sharing of

crucial information to counter terrorists

and criminal linkages will remain major

areas of interest for both the countries.

India readiness to develop its own

indigenous weapons and arms industry

as predicated by most of the analyst may

become productive if Israeli defence

industry comes with substantial

collaborative projects to foster India’s

growing defence industry needs in the

21st century.


* Praful Adagale is a Ph.D. Research

Fellow at Yashwantrao Chavan National

Centre of International Security

and Defence Analysis (YCNISDA)

University of Pune, Pune, with areas of

specialization in National and

International Security, Terrorism and

European Studies.

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