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Evaluation Activity 7

Date post: 05-Apr-2017
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EVALUATION ACTIVITY 7 Looking back at your prelim task, what have you learnt in the progression from that to the final product?
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Looking back at your prelim task, what have you learnt in the progression from that to the final product?

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CAMERAWORKIn our preliminary task we used a diversity range of shots to capture and practice the use of a camera. As the shots did not conclude a message or meaning to the audience we used this opportunity to guide us to the final product of our film. We used our skills and knowledge from the preliminary task and transfer this to the final product.

In our final product we desired to deliver a clear message through the use of shots and selecting the best shots to be placed in a particular scene. For example below you can see a close up shot of the prop used where Sarah receives a text from her mother. This shot was vital as it connotes that its getting late and she needs to get back home safely. Another shot used is a medium shot below, although the audience might not recognise this immediately, Sarah leaves her bag in the classroom and she goes back to get it. Again we can associate several things about this shot, we can say that Sarah as a character forget things? or this is destined to happen so the antagonist can come to be alone?

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A problem that occurred during the preliminary task is that we kept the duration of the door closing for too long. This is an issue as we were not showing any particular meaning at this point and signals a point to look out for during filming our final product.

Fortunately we avoided this problem of keeping the duration of the door closing long enough. We decided not to shoot an angle of the door closing but capture an shoot of the students leaving as you can see below. We believe that this was a much better shot where you can see the students leaving the classroom.

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EDITINGIn comparison between both preliminary task and the final product the quality of the use of editing has vastly improved as we consumed a lot of time thinking of what editing techniques to use which was not the case when filming for he preliminary task. During the preliminary task we had a small amount of time to include as many editing techniques whereas in the final product a variety of editing techniques were used during production.

An editing technique we tried to convey in the preliminary task was continuity editing where we aimed to present the scenes in a chronological manner, we have managed to do this successfully as we set the continuity of the short movie smoothly. In our final product we managed to resolve any issues of continuity editing for example we achieved to build the suspense and tension when the antagonist was after the protagonist.

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SHOT REVERSE SHOTAnother editing technique used was shot reverse shot and was used effectively in the preliminary task. The effect of the shot is to cut between two people having a conversation and allows us to see the reaction of both characters. This editing technique was best used during our preliminary task.

In contrast to the final product, as we used this editing technique effectively in the preliminary task, we managed to use it in the final product during the conversation between both protagonists (Adam and Sarah). During this conversation we can see the reaction on Adam’s face and this is the last time we see both Adam and Sarah together.

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180 DEGREE RULEDuring our preliminary task we managed not to break the 180 degree rule. The 180 degree rule is when during a scene featuring two people an imaginary line is joining these two people. This means that the camera will always be on one side of that line and would never cross to the other side. The use of the 180 degree rule is to ensure the viewer is comfortable and makes it feel like real life.

We kept close attention of what not to break and what to include on our preliminary task such as to avoid this problem.

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MATCH ON ACTIONMatch on action was used in our preliminary task, however this lacked a smooth action sequence and did not flow as planned.

On the other hand our final product accomplished to execute match on action as planned as it showed a shot that cuts to another continuing piece of action between the shots. Overall we learned to avoid the issue we encountered in the preliminary task and create a much smoother action.

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Overall in my opinion we could of improve our preliminary task by adding more elements and produce a more interesting preliminary task. Some elements I thought of is a different location and a more efficient use of mise-en-scene. However we managed to successfully to complete the task and use as many shots and editing techniques as we possibly can in a short period of time.

During the coursework I have learned many skills during the way such as producing a media product, cinematography camera skills, learning what goes beneath of producing a film and such more. These skills therefore helps build my skill attributers especially the use of IT skills and will defiantly support me through the future.
