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Evaluation question 3 a2

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Evaluation question 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback?
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Evaluation question 3What have you learned from your audience


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To gather an idea of what our target audience would like to see in our music video we sent out a questionnaire to find out what they would like to see as we they would be the main people who would be viewing the video and they would be the ones voicing their opinions on it so we felt that the video would need to include things that they would like to see. So when we received our feedback we decided to implement some of the things the target audience wanted to see such as a performance based video.

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Stuart Hall’s theory suggests that media is encoded by the producers and is then decoded by the audience. It suggests that different people can interpret media in different ways and can decode the media in different ways and they can find different and deeper meanings to the media compared to other people. In our music video we tried to show how the lead singer was mentally in a dark place and felt lonely and we tried to convey this to the audience in a variety of ways through the performance and narrative with how the artist starts off in a lonely field but eventually starts to slowly pull through his depression as he starts to perform on the stage and we tried to give the idea to the audience that the stage is where at artist feels like he belongs as in the rest of the world he feels alone. We tried to link the lyrics and visuals very closely and convey the narrative of the lyrics through the video. Also from the feedback we received we can see that the majority of the people also felt their was a narrative and the artists loneliness was represented particularly well.

Stuart Hall’s reception theory

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Here is the link to our survey of our music video and our ancillary task survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P9XH3MZ


We posted our surveys on social media so that our questionnaires would reach a lot of people and people who had different interests to get a fair response.

Our Surveys

Post on social media website facebook to get as many respondents to our survey as possible.

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Music video questionnaire evaluation

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We asked the question “what are your opinions on the music video?” so that we could gather what they’re first thoughts of the video were and it is also quite an open question that leaves a lot of room for people to praise or criticize the video. We received a generally positive response as shown with one person who said “The video is really great, it looks really good” however we also received some negative feedback as people suggested that things such as the cut rate could be improved, however their was only one response that was entirely negative saying that it was “amateurish” which I suppose we could somewhat understand and if were to redo the video we would have liked to improve things such as the cut rate to give a more professional feel to it, however this was only one out of ten response that was completely negative.

What are your opinions on the Music Video? I really liked the video. It was simple but still followed the song and had appropriate locations and costumes. The video is good as it follows the theme of the song. The video is good but contains mistakes which take the edge of the video. It is good, it links to the genre characteristics and the location and costume are appropriate too. I really liked it. I went well with the lyrics and song. I didn't really like it to be honest. It looked very amateur and nothing like a real music video. The video is good, the locations are nice and the costume fits in with the genre. However the shots are a bit

too long so the cut rate could be quicker. The video is really great, it looks really good. It is very good as it represents and conforms to the genre characteristics. The video is good. The two locations are good but I would have liked to have seen maybe another.

1. What are your opinions on the Music Video?

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From this question we could pick out what the audience thought we did particularly well. A lot of the responses commented on how we used our locations very well as the places we chose are typically full of life and people however our lead singer was in these places alone which from the responses we can see that we clearly conveyed his loneliness. The audience also appeared to like other features of our music video such as the 360 degree shot and how the lyrics were linked with the visuals.

What did you like about the video? I liked the two locations. They were both lonely places which went with song. I liked the locations, the narrative and the 360 degree shot. I did like the locations as they suited the songs meanings. I also liked the costume and the acting of the

character. I liked the way the lyrics were portrayed in the acting and the lonely locations. I also liked the slow cut rate as it

went with the beat and the mood. I really liked the slow cut rate as it went with the beat and the mood of the song. I also liked the costume, shot

types and locations. I did like the leader singer. He portrayed the lyrics well in his acting by looking depressed and lost. The two locations were good as they fitted in with the lyrics as they portrayed the loneliness. The smart casual

costume looked great too. The video is set in a really nice location and the costume looks good too. I liked the two location, the outfit and the narrative. I liked the way the video shows a lonely person on stage and on a stage which matches the lyrics. I also like

two locations and what the person is wearing.

2. What did you like about the video?

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From this we saw a variety of different views on the video and how some people disliked certain aspects, however they id not seem to say it was a particularly bad video they rather just didn’t like individual things such as one person who thought that it would’ve been more appropriate for the lead singer to be wearing a suit. I can understand this viewpoint as it would’ve added to the serious tone of the music video and song, however we had decided against this as we felt it would be more in line with the indie rock genre for our artist to be wearing more casual clothing. There was also the view that there should have been a bigger variety of shot types in retrospect we probably could have included more different types of shots however like with every media product some people are going to like and dislike different parts of it.

What did you dislike about the video? On the other hand I didn't like the costume. I feel it would be much more appropriate if the artist was wearing a suit. I didn't like the costume, I know it was smart casual and this is part of indie rock but I just didnt personally like the

outfit. I though the stage location should have been used more too. I though there was many mistakes as there was the school logo on the stage, the houses and park in the

background of the park and wobbly camera at some points. I didn't like the rewind at the end as I didnt know the relevance of it. I also didn't like the way the play area and

houses were in the background of the park as it looked amatuer. I didn't like the ending when the artist was in reverse back on to the tree truck. I didn't like the two locations. The park had a playground and houses in the background while the stage footage

wasn't too clear and had a school logo in the background which looked bad. I though the shots were too long and the cut rate should of been quicker. I don't like the shot types as there isn't much of a variety. I didn't really like the on stage section. I didn't like lack of shot types as there was much of a variety. I also though a third location would have been better

maybe in a studio.

3. What did you dislike about the video

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Some of the responses we to this question suggested that they would like for their to have been a third location, we would’ve liked to have included a third location such as a town square completely empty for our artist to walk through, however this was very hard to find so we therefore could not implement this into our music video. Also a few responses mentioned how they would have like a bigger variety of shots, so from this we can see that what the people would like to change in the music video were what they disliked in the video.

What would you change about the video? I would change the costume. I would also change the video so that other people were in it to highlight his

lonliness. I would have changed the costume and shown more of the stage location. I would personally eradicate all the mistakes and mabye add a new location. I would find a way to film in the park without the play area and the houses. I would also add some close

up shots. I would change the ending for something more meaningful as the rest of the video was great. I would change the locations. I think the idea of a park and stage were good but they weren't executed

well. The park would look good without the play area and the houses. Also if a different staged was used that would look great.

I would make the cut rate quicker as it was too slow for a music video. I would also add in more variety of shots such as more close ups and extreme close ups.

I would add a wider variety of shots Change the on stage section for a city or studio location. I would add a variety of more shot types especially close ups and extreme close ups. I would also have

added a third location preferably in a recording studio. Finally I would have had more people in the video.

What would you change in the video?

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From this response we feel that we chose the right costume for our lead singer as the smart/casual look is very common in the indie rock genre and we felt that that would be the most appealing look for our target audience and from the answers we seem to have been right. However there was one answer that said they would have preferred the lead singer to be wearing a suit which we as a group considered but ultimately decided against as we felt that the smart/casual look would’ve have been appealing to more people which it clearly was.

Did you like the costume? and why? I thought it was ok but I would have preferred a suit as I feel it would suit the narrative

better. No I didn't like the like the outfit. It was just not too my liking. The costume is good, it's smart but casual as well and is a typical indie outfit. Yes the costume fitted into the indie rock genre and looked good in the video. The costume suited the genre and song well. I did like the costume as it looked smart but casual and fitted in with the genre well. The smart casual costume looked great and also was in keeping with the indie rock codes

and conventions. Yes the costume looks great as it is typical indie wear and it looks good. I like the shirt, jeans and boots as this is a typical indie look. Yes I though the costume was great as it is typical indie wear and conformed to the genre


5. Did you like the costume? And Why?

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The overall feeling we gathered from the response to this question is that they felt the park location was used effectively as it usually a very lively place however since no-one was around the artist it helped to give off the idea of loneliness that we were trying to create. This is shown by one of the people who said “I liked both locations. They both represented the loneliness in the song. A park is meant to be a fun place but this park was quiet and lonely and the stage had no audience.” Despite this a few of the responses said that they like the location but didn’t like the houses in the background which we would have like to change as we also felt in retrospect that it was a bit out of place as it doesn’t make it look as desolate as we would’ve liked.

Did you like the location? and why? I really liked both locations as they are meant to be lively socialable locations however they are lonely locations

because of the song which is great. I liked both locations. They both represented the loneliness in the song. A park is meant to be a fun place but this park

was quiet and lonely and the stage had no audience. The locations are good as they are usually social places but they are empty and have been made lonely. I did like the park but I didn't like the houses and play area in the background. I liked the dead tree that the artist was

sitting on however. The stage location was good though. I loved both of the locations as they represented the theme on lonlineness. As I said before I would change the locations however I though they were good ideas. I think the idea of a park and

stage were good but they weren't executed well. The park would look good without the play area and the houses. Also if a different staged was used that would look great.

The park location was good as it showed of the lonely theme as there was nobody else around. The stage also did this as there was nobody watching. I though the stage could have been used more.

Both locations are good especially the park location. I liked the park location but not the on stage location. I'm not exactly sure why I didn't like it I just would prefer

somewhere else. Yes I liked both locations. The stage location is good as it shows the loneliness as there is nobody watching. The second

location is quite good as it is again empty but he park and houses in the background don't look to great.  

6. Did you like the location? And why?

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Most people who responded to this question appeared to be in agreement that their was a narrative in terms of how the artist was shown to suffer from loneliness and depression, but they also seem to agree that apart from that their isn’t much of a narrative. This is something we agree with as we tried to make the lyrics match the visuals and their wasn’t a clear conclusion in the song so it was hard for their to be a narrative where things are concluded however we did try to make it seem that the artist was slowly starting to cope with his deep depression and loneliness through his performance on the stage.

Do you believe the video has a narrative? and if so do you like it? There is a narrative as the whole video shows the lonleness of the artist. There was a great narrative in my opinion. The video showed the depression and loneliness of the

artist. There isn't much of a narrative but it does show the loneliness which is just as good. There is a good narrative in my opinion. Nothing much really happens but this is showing the

loneliness which the song is about. There was a small narrative but I liked it like his however the ending didn't make any sense to me. There is a narrative and I did like it. It shows the depression and the loneness of the character

which links to the song. There is a strong narrative as the loneliness in the lyrics is depicted all song. There is a small narrative with the loneliness aspect. I do like it but it could be implemented better. Yh the lonely Morrissey goes with the lyrics so this is a good narrative. I do like the mix between narrative and performance. There is a basic narrative but I would have

liked to have seen a bit more of a story.

7. Do you believe the video has a narrative? and if so do you like it?

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This was a clear yes or no answer to gain a clear idea as to whether the idea to just have the one person in the video was the right one, which judging from the results it was as 70 % of the respondents thought that it was best for their to be only was person in the music video. It seems that the majority of people agreed with us that the best way to represent the lead singers loneliness is to only feature him in the music video.

8. Would you have like to have seen more people in the video?

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The vast majority of answers to this question appeared to agree with that the locations used were good however there are a few that disagreed as one says “Over the stage I would prefer a city or studio location” this is something we had originally though about however it was very difficult to try to film in the city with all the people around who would be getting in the way of the camera, however for the most part from the ten answers the majority of people seemed to like the locations we chose and thought they were appropriate for the music video.

Would you have liked to seen an extra location? and if so where? No I liked the two locations as it is. No I liked the two that were used. Yes I would have liked another location maybe a studio or the artist in a club on there own. No the two was enough and were appropriate. No I liked the two locations as it is. No I think two locations was a good idea but they should of been planned better. No I liked the two but the stage should of been shown more in my opinion. No I liked the two locations and I feel three would have been too many. Over the stage I would prefer a city or studio location. As I said I would have liked a third location preferably in a recording studio or maybe with

something on a green screen done too. A city location could have worked too as well.

9. Would you have liked to seen an extra location? And if so where?

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The response to this question was very important to us as throughout the whole recording process of recording our music video we tried to make sure that our video conformed to the typical conventions of the indie rock genre and it appears that we managed to that as shown with the response “Yes the video goes with the genre conventions as the costume is appropriate and the location is also very indie.” Since all the responses though that the video conformed to indie rock conventions and think our video fitted the indie rock genre very well.

Do you think the video conforms to the indie genre conventions? and why?   The video definitely follows the genre characteristics with the acting, locations and the general

feeling of the video. The video definitely fits into the indie category. The video does look like many other indie video and conforms well to the characteris. Yes the video goes with the genre conventions as the costume is appropriate and the location is

also very indie. Yes the costume, location and general mood of the video was suited to the genre. The video is very in keeping with the indie rock genre characteristics because of the costume

and the mood that is set. Yes the video does by using the costume and locations of a typical indie genre video. It does conform the genre conventions with the costume especially. Yes the locations and outfit give the video a indie rock look. I feel it is clear it is a Indie video because of the costume the locations and the mood created by

the video.

10. Do you think the video conforms to the indie genre conventions? and why?

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Ancillary tasks feedback

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We felt that this was an appropriate first question to ask to see if we had succeeded in our goal of making our ancillary tasks fit in with the codes and conventions of indie rock. Our results show that 90% of our respondents thought that it was of the indie rock genre so it appears that we did manage to clearly make it conform with the codes and conventions of indie rock. However one person said that they thought it was of the pop genre which is understandable as the way in which our band was stood on the front of our album poster is also very common in the pop genre.

1. What genre do you think the digipack and poster are associated with?

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The responses we got to this question were very mixed. It was clear some of the respondents really liked the digipack however some also seemed to dislike it, also a few said that they liked the pictures whilst also stating that they thought they could’ve been better quality photos. From this response to the question we could see that people’s reactions were very split and there were a lot of positives and negatives picked up on. One of the negatives people picked up on was the lack of information about the band but we felt with the digipack it was important to focus on the photos of the band rather than information on the actual band as that is quite uncommon in digipacks.

Do you like the Digipak? and why? I thought the digipak was ok, but there could have been improvements. I liked the digipak as it had a lot if images which fans want then it had the track list which is essential

too. The digipak in my opinion wasn't the best. The pictures are poor quality and there isn't any

information about the album or band. The digipak is ok. The pictures are good but no the best quality. The digipak is nice. It shows the band but the lead artist more which is common in bands. It also has

the track list which looks good in front of a good picture. I though the digipak was ok I thought it was the weakest of the three items. Yes I do like the digipak. There are more images of the main artist but the band are also there which

fans want too see. The digipak was ok but the images wasn't be best quality and the text was in a poor font. It's good but I would like a bit more text such as information on the band. Yes I like it is shows the artist a lot which is what people want to see.

2. Do you like the Digipak? And why?

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This question was asked to get an idea of the negatives and positives and to receive some criticism to see what we could have improved on to make the product more appealing to more people. Quite a lot of the people who answered the question seemed to like things such as the layout and how it showed pictures of the lead singer and the band. However similar to answers in the last question some people would’ve preferred more of a variety of pictures in better quality and possibly a close up and if we were going to redo the digipack we would’ve liked to have used a wider variety of photos.

What do you think was good and bad about the digipak? The basic layout was good as I don't like the digipaks that fold out. However the pictures were all similar

and I would have preferred a variety. I liked the pictures and the way it was designed. I would have liked too see a fold out digipak as its more

interactive and fun. The digipak picturs are poor quality and I would have liked a short summary on the album. I do like the

consistency of the band name font. I like the layout and design but I don't think it has been executed well as the pictures are poor quality. The design and layout is great and the picture are good too. However I would have preferred a close up

picture. I thought the pictures were of a poor quality and that a fold out digipak could have been made. There is a good variety of pictures and there is a clear track list with a great background. However the

pictures aren't the best quality and there could be more information on the album. The pictures and choice of font wasn't the best and I didn't like them. However the design was good as it

showed the artist which is what people want. The picture are good angles and positions but not the best quality. I like the text for the digipak. I like that it has the main artist more than the other members but that it still features them too. However

I think there could be more text about the band and the album like a blurb.

3. What do you think was good and bad about the digipak?

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We hoped that this question would help give us a clear indication of what our audience would like to see specifically improved. From the responses we gathered that they would’ve like the digipack to be able to fold out more to make it more interactive with the audience, in hindsight we wish that we would’ve implemented this into our digipack to make the pack more interesting for potential buyers. Furthermore one of the responses said that they would’ve liked their to have been a short summary on the digipack, however we thought it would be better to convey our band through images of them rather than words.

What do you think should be improved on the digipak? Just a variety of different pictures would please me. I would just changed it into a fold out digipak with more pages. I would have liked one on the fold out digipaks as its more interactive and better for buyers of

the album. Better quality images would improve the album. I think a close up image should replace one of the mid/long shots. I think the pictures should be of higher quality, there could have been a paragraph about the

album and a fold out digipak would have been nice too. I think there should be a small summary on the album and the pictures should be of a higher

quality. Different images should be used as they aren't the best quality. The quality of the images. I think that a blurb of some sort should be added.

4. What do you think should be improved on the digipack?

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From this question about our poster we gathered that the majority of the respondents liked it, however they did seem to feel that their was room for improvement as even though they thought the poster was good they suggested that it could have been more eye catching, I agree with them that it could have been more eye catching but as a group we felt that if we made it too bright and colourful the poster would not conform with the indie rock genre.

Do you like the poster? and why? I preferred the poster but again it could have been better. Yes I did. It was fairly simple but not boring. The poster is better but still could be better. The small details are good but the picture

again is poor quality. Yes the poster is better but still could be improved. The layout is nice but there could

be more to make it interesting. I do like the poster too as it is simple yet effective. I did like the poster but I though it could have been a lot better. Yes I think the poster is fairly simple but effective. The poster again has a good idea but it isn't executed that well. It's fairly good as it shows the two other members of the band who aren't seen much. The poster is nice as it is simple yet effective.

5. Do you like the poster? and why?

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The view we got from this question was that people liked the simple clear layout as well as the star ratings indicating the reviews that the band have received for their album. The respondents also said that they like the font consistency which we were pleased about as we wanted to create a recognizable brand for our band which I feel we succeeded in doing.

What do you think was good and bad about the poster? The picture was a great idea the way the three are standing and the use of lighting and costume is great.

However the picture didn't look good as its a poor quality. I did like the star ratings and the simplicity of the poster.

I liked the design and they layout. However a better picture would improve the poster. The consistency between the two products is good and there are a lot of small details but are well done.

However the picture is a good idea and well thought out but is poorly taken. The image is good idea with the main artist at the front and the other band members behind less prominent. I

also like the suits but again the quality is poor. The banner at the top is a waste in my opinion. I like the start ratings and the simplicity. However I don't like the picture as the suits don't go with the genre for

me. I also think the plain banner at the top is a waste and something more creative could have been put there. The fonts for the album date is very boring and simple and the picture which is very prominent is poor in my

opinion. However all the little features such as the stars are great and the band name is the same as the digipak which makes it look professional.

I like the simplicity but if it is done then like this then you need a really strong picture and the chosen image is poor quality. However I like the consistency between the poster and digipak.

The idea of the picture was a good idea but it was taken very well as its quite dark. The way the fonts have been used consistently through the poster and digipak is really good as it gives the band an identity.

Showing three was good but the picture isn't good quality.   It shows the band which people want however the picture could be better.

6. What do you think was good and bad about the poster?

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We asked this question to understand specifically what our audience would have like to have seen different with our poster and from the answers we gathered that they liked the photo and the idea however a few of them mention how they would’ve preferred a better quality photo which is understandable.

What do you think should be improved on the poster? Just a better quality image but in the same style. Just a better picture really. The picture is letting it down and if it is improved it will improve the whole poster. I feel there could be more creativity on the poster and that the top banner is

boring and pointless. I think something more creative on the top and a different costume would

improve the poster. A new main image and a better font for the album release data would make the

poster great. I feel a better quality image will really improve the poster. I feel a much better picture would really improve the poster. A better image even though the look is good with the suits and the lighting. A better picture could be chosen.

7. What do you think should be improved on the poster?

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From our feedback we saw that people found a lot of positives in our ancillary tasks and music video. We were particularly happy with the fact that nearly all of our respondents thought that our products were of the indie rock genre as it showed that our products fitted the codes and conventions of the genre which is what we were trying to achieve. We also found that we conveyed the lead singers loneliness to the audience as that was what our narrative in our video was based on. I also learnt how to appeal to our target audience from the results of our preliminary surveys and how to conform to what our target audience would like to see as it was vital that we appealed to them as they would be the main ones viewing the product and giving their opinion on it.

Conclusion: What have you learned from you audience feedback?
