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Evaluation question 4

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Evaluation Question 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation.
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Evaluation Question 4How did you use

media technologies in the construction

and research, planning and


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Research and PlanningAudience Research:- BBC Social Class test- YouTube- Bauer Media - UK Top 40- Camera and Microphone- Sony VegasFacebookPreziBloggerSlideshare

The following list includes all the different technologies I used during my research and planning;

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Research and Planning

Audience ResearchBBC Social Class Test:

YouTube: I used an online class test through the

BBC websites answering the questions as if I was a member of our target

audience so that I got a rough idea of what sort of class they belonged to which gave me an insight into what sort of things they’d be into and also

what sort of things I could include that would appeal to our target audience.

YouTube was used as a source of primary research so that I was able to

find out how successful alternative rock bands are/ have been in the past.

This was so that I could get an idea whether there is a target audience out there for this particular genre which is

why I analysed the amount of views and comments on the videos to gain a

better understanding of what the target audience want .

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Research and Planning

Audience ResearchBauer Media: UK Top 100:

Bauer Media is an online website where I was able to conduct my

primary research based on my target audience.

I did this by researching different companies and labels which may link to our target audience so that I could ultimately decide upon the age group

of both our target audience and secondary audience.

I used the UK’s Top 100 to research the sort of artists/ bands who are

already successful in the charts and to see how successful alternative rock

bands are in the present day. I did this by researching the current

alternative rock bands and analysing how many are in the charts and how

far up the charts they have been. This was to help me discover how

popular alternative rock is and whether there is a strong target

audience out there.

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Research and Planning

Audience ResearchCamera and Microphone Sony Vegas

Myself and my group decided that recorded focus groups and interviews

would be useful as part of our audience research in order to gain a better understanding of what our target

audience want. We did this my setting up and camera

and a microphone so that we could play back what we found out in the


We then edited our focus group and interviews using Sony Vegas so that we

could present our findings clearly on our blogs.

For this we decided to split the questions up but mix our separate

interviews together so that they are answering the same question at the

same time one after the other so that its clear to the both us and the

audience which question is being answered. We also included dissolves and text boxes to present this part of our work to make it more clear and

easy to follow and understand.

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Research and Planning


Prezi I used Facebook as source of primary

research so that I could find out the interest towards alternative rock bands

and how popular they are to gain a better understanding of what the

target audience is. I did this by searching the pages of

certain alternative rock bands that I have already researched to see how many followers they have and how

dedicated the audience is to the band/artists.

Prezi was used to present my work on my blog so that a my work and findings are presented clearly to the audience.

I did this by using prezi to present my primary and secondary research and many of my convention and generic

research so that there is a clear order to my work that is easy to read and


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Reseach and Planning


Slide Share I have used blogger to present all my

work as it keeps all my work in one place and keeps it all in the correct

order. I have done this by keeping all my

posts in the order that I have done them in so that there is no confusion

relating to my posts and have also used blogger to upload videos, images and presentations (prezi) so that my work

is neatly and clearly presented.

I haven't used slide share a lot but it did come in very useful during the

planning stage of my work. I used Slide Share when uploading my

shot lists and shooting schedule to my blog rather then using blogger to present my work as Slide Share presents my work more clearly.

I did this by creating my shot list and shooting schedule on word processor then uploading it to Slide Share which

then turned it into a presentation which could then be uploaded to my


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ConstructionCameras Sony VegasYoutubePhotoshopPhones

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Construction SD Cameras- we used Panasonic NV- GS500B cameras when filming our actual music video. The cameras are very light so are easy to carry around and also record using a

tape which is simple to transfer footage across to the computer when we were ready to edit with the help of USB cables. Although the quality of these cameras are standard

definition, I would have preferred to film with a high definition (HD) camera as other groups in the class used them and there picture seemed a lot clearer then ours

which would have improved our final piece with a cleaner finish.

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Construction Sony Vegas- Was the software we used to edit our music

video together which was simple and straightforward to use. The software allowed us to do all the elements we wanted to include in our video for example, some of our

shaky shots could be stabilized with the stabilising tool and we could also upload the light filters we wanted from

YouTube and overlay them over our image on Vegas. The Software also allowed us to do other, more simple editing techniques like dissolves, jump cuts, cross cuts, match on action and colour balances which helped make our music

video look more professional.

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ConstructionSony Vegas continued- the tools we used on Vegas

(stabilizer, light filters…etc) were very effective as part of our production although the stabilizer didn’t completely steady our shaky shots we have learnt to always take a tripod with us and only use the tool as a last resort. The light filters were also effective in the fact that they added the hipster like feel we wanted to attract our target audience. They were also easy to use and include (after we knew how to use them) and added that little bit more in making our video look more professional.

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Construction Photoshop- was the software we used to edit both our digipak and advert. Myself and Kain already know how to use the software so we were able to construct the design easily. On this we were able to create the layers needed

merge images together to create our brand identity of our triangle and upload and use the right fonts wanted from the internet for our digipak and advert. We also used the contrast, curves, quick select and text tool to create the

final design of both our digipak and advert.

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ConstructionPhotoshop continued- The tools we used in Photoshop

worked very effectively in the final design of our digipak and advert. In particular, the curves and contrast tool which added more depth to our images making them look more professional and more realistic.

The one problem we had was the writing not showing up against the background however we were able to fix this by changing the opacity on a solid filled box which was put behind the text in order for both the text and the background to be showing.

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ConstructionPhones- During the construction stage of our music video,

everyone involved in our production used their phones to keep everything organised. We used our phones to check the weather forecast for they days we wanted to film as it

was important to have a sunny day and also to keep in contact with everyone involved so that everyone knew when and where they needed to be. We also used our

phones throughout the digipak stages to take pictures of our progress to update our blogs with.

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EvaluationPrezi YoutubeVoice RecorderBloggerFacebook Slide Share

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Evaluation Prezi- I decided to use Prezi to present evaluation question

1 because I knew there was a lot of content that needed to be included with regards to text, pictures and the fact that

I could upload videos from YouTube helped present my work clearly. I used Prezi’s features to my advantage by

having pages within pages which split things up nicely and separated my work whilst still being all together in one place to make my evaluation easier to read and follow.

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Evaluation Voice Recorder- I decided to mix things up a bit with

question 2 by recording myself answering the question rather then using a presentation software. This way I could write everything that I wanted to say before hand on paper

and then read out my answer whilst recording. I then edited my recording on Sony Vegas which I could then

upload to my blog quickly and easily.

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EvaluationBlogger- For question 3 I decided to present my answer using blogger as I could upload my work straight away and

I could include the images I need to back up my answer. The online program is also very easy to present text which is easy to show peoples feedback and opinions. We also put our video up on Facebook and YouTube for people to see so that people were able to give us there feedback which we

can then easily transfer to Blogger to present our findings.

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EvaluationSlide Share- As part of this question, I used power point

and Slide Share to allow me to upload my presentation to my blog. I did this by including both text and images to

show what technologies I have used throughout the process of creating a music video and promotional

