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Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi...power to i ou. j:. Yoius titil, t: 1). I t: K tt tt tt...

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1 J STEAMER TABU From San Francisco: Siberia Oct; 1C Chltm Oct. 23 For San Francisco: Alameda Oot. JG Asia Oct. 22 From Vancouver: Moana Oct. 19 For Vancouver: A MIowera Oct. 1C VOL. IX. NO. 3823 4 . i Eastern Instruments Record JBig Jemblor ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 16. A violent and prolonged earthquake, appar- ently about three thousand miles southwest of this place, has been recorded ry the seismographs here, at Washington and elsewheVe. It began at 9:14 o'clock this morning. . m Flynn And Older Johnson Matched l.ltsticliitcil 7'rr Hiirclul Cable SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Oct. 16. Jack Johnson, tho colored fighter, and Jim Flynn have been matched for ay45round heavyweight match to take place on the afternoon of Nov. 2. Fatal Storm In Europe Assurldtal I'reia Special Cable PARIS, France, Oct. 16. Disastrous storms are sweeping the southern narts of Europe. A number of lives have been lost. SUGAR. SAN FRANCI8CO, Cal., Oct. 15. SUGAR: 96 degrees Centrifugals, 3.90 cents or $78. per ton. Previous quota- tion, 3.94 cents. BEETS! 88 analysis, 9s. 5 14d. Par ity, 3.98 cents. Previous quotation, Cs. 3 OUR SPECIALTY is the shipment of Choice Fruits to Mainland Points ISLAND FRUIT CO. 72 S. King. Phone 15. Hotel i. ? S&IA1 mtf Aiauctatcil I'rcta Special Cable SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 16.-E- dltor Fremont Older of the San Fran clcco Bulletin has filed suit against the parties who kidnaped him. He asks for $100,260. damages. A9octnttil I'rcta Bpcclnl Cable MANILA, P. I., Oct. 16. Secretary Taft opened the Philippine Assembly here today. II I've suffered from tho toothache. And an earache 1 liavo had; CucuuibrE, too, have given me A pain I thought was bad, Hut these were merely plcnlcB, Compared to present ache. That's given mo at every turn lly tho hook-wor- m leper fake. HEM'. Honolulu, Oct. 15, '07. . w this paper for date of dance and reception to De Riven by the Roy- al Hawaiian Hotel to the Bulletin twirls on their arrival home. Fort Sts. Phone 25, Benjamin & Coltvork Correct Clothes for Men A Splendid Suit Our new undressel black worsteds are the most uopular clothes in town. light and comfortable for Island wear and keep their shape. Trousers are looped for belt wear. You can't do bett:r than this. You probably cannot do so well.. Kash Corner and Watch THE IS THE IN Evening Bulletin 3:30 Of For Damages Assembly Opened Taft SUFFERED LtcLt Alfred $20 Buys The By Co, BULLETIN CIRCULATION LARGEST HAWAII O'CLOCK Sues THE HONOLULU, TERRITORY Kumeric IKIN WW Suit For injunction Against Burial Association Alexin r Hurl;, n resident of Harrl- - ran County, Ohio, today, liy his attor- ney, ChnB. F. demons, filed In the United States District Court, u milt In U opiilty against tho Relief mid Uurlal Asportation of Hawaii, and M. K. and H iiioy Sllva. for lnfrlnKement of cony- - tt ilislit, tt Iliirk claims to bo the author of a tt hook entitled "Aitlcles of Association (nil of the Harrison Mutual tt Iturlal Association. A. !' Iliirk." which :: was copyrighted by lilm. He Is now the sole owner of the copyright, tt This copyright llurk claims has beon II infringed by tho res.noiulents. who tt hevo nublUhed and circulated and tt used In tho formation of a Mutual K Ilurlal ABsuclatlon books which are tt facsimiles of his book. Tlio resjxindcnts liavo had notice of tnelr lnfiingemcnt f the copyright.1 hut have paid no attention to It. llurk asks for nn Injunction rcstinlnlng the, .nH.l.nlj t . ..... fxClin. I.tfclltfrnlnnnt i.t 1,1. It. nl. nk that they ho ordeicd to make an account- ing, and to pay to the complainant thu profits acquired by them In tho prem ises, and damages such as may oo td by' the Court. III REPUBLICANS? The report has been going about to. day that Ilic mass meeting of Satur day night Is to be the ground work of a "new lteimuucau party. i tltttt Innnn In t. I .11 tllldllllln T. ttlllrt I then comes John candidate f.r",w'h ,l,e,8,0 lye' K"0' , "10 st- - ,cam mayor of Honolulu, then XI. 1'oe- - "'' "' roe, Fred Deckley. Ulll White, Herbert' turn beforo the Coast team comes, Mossman, Sam Dwlght, llertle- - j nnno of players will tnku part inan, Supervisor Fern, Frank Harvey ind possibly others. The campaign slogan Is to be "Ha waii for the Hawullaus," mi It Is said, and John Ino for major. Senator Chlllingwortli, who Is quoteil as authority for tho "new Republican" statement. Is said to have been asked .o tpeak and refused. Tho AmHknn-Hawnlia- n liner, Co- lumbian sails on Friday for Kahulul. Kaanflpall and Illlo. She Is taking a large load of sugar here; completing tho, coaling which being construct THINK OF, IT! your Jewelry, your silverware, your valuable pa- pers. Fifty a month ' a safe deposit box pre- vents this. Hawaiian Trust Company, Ltd, w Fori Rt. Hcnolul Developing and Printing We the printers and developers in the Islands. We doing higher class of work today than ever be- - 4. fore. Give us trial. Hollister Drug Co. PROPOSITION IS OPEN OF HAWAII, OCTOBER 16. 1907 i raises To Help t: oci l. ion?. :: J. ro' Henry their In steamer Ratlin llona, Cnl . James R .Morgan, Ksn. . 'resident t! Honolulu .Cliuniln-- r of Com- - :: ineuc. Ildnolnlii, H. r. :: Dear Sir: Your lomtiiunlca- - :: Hon of September is endorsing X! resolution or Chamber of font- - It, merre tcgardlng Pearl Harbor re- - col veil In due time. I will give tt your communication ewry roll- - slileratlon and will dn all In my a power to i ou. j: . Yoius titil, t: 1). I t: K tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt It K tt H II SI. MS SI Ml When the Siberia pulls out of tho "UrllOr tOduy sllO Mill liavo on boa-- d tho St. I.otils baseball team bound for .lapau, whuru the) will play a scries of games with the Japaneso universi- ties and uthvr I)41 teams thcru. Tho players who will go are: Ilruiis, Snares, Leslie, Iliishnell, (lleasou, l.o On, Kn Sue, Evors, Jones and probably Aylett This will be a strong llno-u- and should glvo thu Japs a good gamu. Tho going of these pl.oers will not detract from u! tuo Coa8t ,jors. illut as strong a line-u- p can do uau tho games. Thu public much disappointed at tl.o action of St. Louis team In going away Just at this tlmo after Inoy had signed to play anil help out in tho Coast games. Owing to the delay in loading coal. tho United States army transport Sher- - loys wcio given drill by their omcors. 1'ho baud was stationed at tho gato and played npproprltito selections, The offlceis and thcli wives were greatly (leased with delay in tho sailing of the Sherman enabled them to ct somo mull fiom the Many ft them came tip town again this fore noon for further sightseeing. Aside from coal everything is ready lor her depaiturc. Tho tiunsport Sherman, which will depart today at5 5 o'clock, has 35,000 potiudB of ".tie, grain-fe- d turkey, all dressed on Ice In a specially built box for the shipment They nre for the Tlianksglxlng good cheer of the troops In tho Philippines. The Wenkly Edition of the Evening Bulletin gives a complete summary of the news of the day. fx ar ihe rest of her cargo at the above 'man, Captain llruguerre, did not sail ports. It Is doubtful whether she at 11 o'clock this morning, us was would take passengers from this port. 'planned. She sails at 5 o'clock this C. P. Morse, the local agent of the afternoon for During tho company, has not yet heard about of the Sherman the soldier pew Is ed. Losing cents for are oldest art a a J. t0 comiuK Is the the It Siberia. Manila. INet. TO INSPECTION WEDNESDAY. Called iY M WAUAGH V y BreckonsComparingTwo Statements Of Quack Doctor If the perjurer Worm' I Wallach Is put on trial for perjury, It' ' ' '" " ' " - "as ooen Is probable that tho will "ll!lb-'''- , ,,f ' ""' "' 12 In Ta- leaMng a balance of Jiooo, for ti ho on the part of the United States vor Cooper for which the pl.ilntltf sues, together with minorities. Attorney (leneral Hem- - Co., Davles & Co., K. Marujama and L.tuivst, costs, attorney's commissions, enway says as fdr as he now.Charllo Clilllliigwnrlh are as etc. Thu complaint alleges that thu knows, tho Territory hns no caso I Karnlshees. defendants nro T. I gnrnlshcos hold nioney belonging to against the salad oil "dortor." Thero i Kolk.( K. NnKn(n ,. Momlyo. (1. Tn-iin- and that the s no doubt, he wiis, but that Wallacl: vnM , ,, ,, ,.., vl.i.n . .. . ............ was ntrnlnuf , since his ' ". ." .. nerJiirv either hU i nlun.llzatlon '". ' Tsuchlyama. T. Cl.lnada, jesterday was Ukawa, K. Mariiynma, T. Nakamurii, stnnil the Tollee Court Hut to Chas. Clillllugworth. a convlctlJn, It would neceif-- 1 stated that July 12. to prove In caso ' defendants nit signed and executed' jury was committed. If Wallach ,ilt. )lot rr s;,r,00 to ,uivui.i, ! u.u I.UUMI "." the United Slates, It makes no differ- - i nee from a legal point of view, ns he perjury must on some statement material to the case, and the length Wnllach's residence In tho country was not material In the libel yes- terday. Hut If It appears that Wallach lied when ho appealed the Untied Estates Court to obtain his nalurullni-tli- n papers. It will be a serious for him, us that taso thu length or his residence Is a material fact and untruth In to It would perjury from a legal standpoint. United States llieckons looking Into tho matter. Ho has ob- tained a transcript of'Wnllach'H evi- dence given yesterday, compar- ing It the evidence given by before Judge Dole If It appears that Wallach pcrjureil himself In the United States Court. things: will go hard with him. wiiici lawan All tho membeis of tho Olcson com-- inlttfo ore urgently requested to bo present nt tho of tho School for Iloys this even- ing at 7 A meeting of great Importance will bo held and a lotter Ahlch was received today from Mr. Olcson will bo road. IlosldcH this committee, all who nro Interested In football aro like- wise Invited to bo present. Music and lufrcbliments have been ordered nnd Kam. Is expected to turn up to partake of iheso rare treats. Tho lilt - or tho committee bo re CC,VC(L 53"For Sale" cards at Bulletin. CURTAINS ALU next week HORP & in the Lewers & Cooke BldRf., will sell hlKh-jjrad- e Arabian, Fish Ps'et, Irish Point and other Lace Cur- tains at 1- -3 off usual price. Arabian Curtain Net Prlcc: 54"inch width, 35c yd 72-inc- h width, . 45c yd 108-inc- h width,. . 65c yd This a fine jjracle of Arabian Curtain EDITION Is Sued Into Kumeric Hui By H. On Prom brought this luornliiu, 111,, IflttiKirlr. liv IT T 1lltd .,. ,.' ,, (imt u hnB b9en signed and en- - Gilman's "1 do not bollove the steamships I had In tow will mur como to thu Coast." "I think tho tolophono company work will go ahead n:ul 1 expect an engineer to arrive by thu China." This Is tho gist rt the report J. A. (illmau had to as a result of has (ommltted at the, " H time pers, or when he on (ii In ob-ie- lain be The smniuons on mry which tho per- - tho lied J. Coorper, and be or suit In an regaul cnnBtl-lut- e Attorney and Is with him o'clock. thnsn repoits will IE J. . . . lull make Steamers mu are up '.ro Lfti , tU? i tt (Hi rem rs ''u "' Attorney who n who with heedless drlv - A C'Aurt Of Court Weed this Just as heal- - of McUrldo An AH There's more, value ebrated than any other No. made gun calf, on a wide last. balmornl. on pair necessary thlngt about A WANT AD.: It must be Properly Printed. It must appear In a newspaper that Is Universally Rvid. And. beyond It must Bring , In the B U L E" T N Looks Right The People. It Bring: "" "" action linvo '" paid )f J- - 13500. & that, named Thu garnishee iic before matter Is dining-roo- every il is Suit ? L PRICE 5 CENTS Court T. dorhPd to Mlltt. nlio Is nm r 11 !...,., ni ,,. ., ... , "... . ,, v iih"iui mum.- nuuuuiuiiuy ,,.-lt- l with llishop & Senlco was on some of thu df tend.uits morning, but on account ol large number of copies or niinmoiis which must bo It Is not that thu defendants le servo,! beforo tomorrow. nothing for Hawaii. ".I did not drop steamship matters altogether," Bays Oilman. "I hnvu friends on the watch for steamer propositions that will practicable, for of geneial conditions on Coast, said that money Is ges polntmcnt or Ilrown that such action would be this Is the Hist tlmo (Continued Page 2) ifsiesses closed n icccss, Weed la ac- - cusod having advised witnesses who had been excluded tho court-roo- (Continued on Page 5) eel- - shoe irip to air. tinman spent tight, especially In threu days In l.os Angeles In that There tho business men tlmo his mind that tho steam-- j thu outcome the If Taylor ship pioporltlon. so far as Harvard ih elected Major It Is believed the bus-en- Yale concerned, will (Continued on Pjoe 2) Brown's Authority Tho right or M. Ilrown to appear, lug. Although It has been rumored us tho County's piosccutor In Ills- - tevcral times sJnco tho Hoard or Sit-trl- Court wus this morning challeng- - pervlsors refuted to conllim the ap-- E, C Peters, np-- c",ci1 for McUrldo. was charged Weed Is Accus Coaching Wi serious churgo against fleer In the Dlstilct Kred, was made noon tho tig tho automobile caso fc9QW1WWWyWWWfWWi$'Qf?vif'$J Buy America Shoe Price $4.00 real in this ? shoe in 4G7 of metal swing, roomy Bluch-L- . cr fe Call try a at all, Results. An ad. Reaches Certainly Remits. lllBhop Mills out tho ,...,! nun Co. had this the tho lniulu probablo will all to any be Honolulu." Speaking tho (Illmau en taken, ' on Qfl flf .s tor of from uoasi. San Francisco, and waltlnK made of election the nnicmjit A. tho c,""",cl is and ffLaafltfivr Manufacturers' Shoe Company, Ltd., & 1051 Fort Street. 'Phone 282. .5 M 4 ac ai kLknkktkkkkXMhiktk J - I .nw.y- - I . . .'
  • 1



    From San Francisco:Siberia Oct; 1CChltm Oct. 23

    For San Francisco:Alameda Oot. JG

    Asia Oct. 22From Vancouver:

    Moana Oct. 19For Vancouver: A

    MIowera Oct. 1C

    VOL. IX. NO. 3823

    4 .


    Eastern Instruments

    Record JBig JemblorALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 16. A violent and prolonged earthquake, appar-

    ently about three thousand miles southwest of this place, has been recordedry the seismographs here, at Washington and elsewheVe. It began at 9:14o'clock this morning. .m

    Flynn And Older


    Matchedl.ltsticliitcil 7'rr Hiirclul Cable

    SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Oct. 16.Jack Johnson, tho colored fighter,and Jim Flynn have been matched foray45round heavyweight match to takeplace on the afternoon of Nov. 2.


    Storm In

    EuropeAssurldtal I'reia Special Cable

    PARIS, France, Oct. 16. Disastrousstorms are sweeping the southernnarts of Europe. A number of liveshave been lost.


    SAN FRANCI8CO, Cal., Oct. 15.SUGAR: 96 degrees Centrifugals, 3.90cents or $78. per ton. Previous quota-tion, 3.94 cents.

    BEETS! 88 analysis, 9s. 5 14d. Parity, 3.98 cents. Previous quotation,Cs. 3


    is the shipment of Choice Fruits toMainland Points

    ISLAND FRUIT CO.72 S. King. Phone 15.


    i.? S&IA1mtf

    Aiauctatcil I'rcta Special CableSAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Oct. 16.-E- dltor

    Fremont Older of the San Franclcco Bulletin has filed suit against theparties who kidnaped him. He asksfor $100,260. damages.

    A9octnttil I'rcta Bpcclnl CableMANILA, P. I., Oct. 16. Secretary

    Taft opened the Philippine Assemblyhere today.

    III've suffered from tho toothache.And an earache 1 liavo had;CucuuibrE, too, have given me

    A pain I thought was bad,Hut these were merely plcnlcB,

    Compared to present ache.That's given mo at every turn

    lly tho hook-wor- m leper fake.HEM'.

    Honolulu, Oct. 15, '07.. wthis paper for date of dance

    and reception to De Riven by the Roy-al Hawaiian Hotel to the Bulletintwirls on their arrival home.

    Fort Sts. Phone 25,

    Benjamin & ColtvorkCorrect Clothes for Men

    A Splendid SuitOur new undressel black worsteds are the most

    uopular clothes in town. light and comfortable forIsland wear and keep their shape. Trousers arelooped for belt wear.

    You can't do bett:r than this.

    You probably cannot do so well..

    KashCorner and



    Evening Bulletin3:30










    $20 Buys









    KumericIKIN WWSuit For injunction

    Against BurialAssociation

    Alexin r Hurl;, n resident of Harrl- -ran County, Ohio, today, liy his attor-ney, ChnB. F. demons, filed In theUnited States District Court, u milt In Uopiilty against tho Relief mid UurlalAsportation of Hawaii, and M. K. and H

    iiioy Sllva. for lnfrlnKement of cony- - ttilislit, tt

    Iliirk claims to bo the author of a tthook entitled "Aitlcles of Association(nil of the Harrison Mutual ttIturlal Association. A. !' Iliirk." which ::was copyrighted by lilm. He Is nowthe sole owner of the copyright, tt

    This copyright llurk claims has beon IIinfringed by tho res.noiulents. who tthevo nublUhed and circulated and ttused In tho formation of a Mutual KIlurlal ABsuclatlon books which are ttfacsimiles of his book.

    Tlio resjxindcnts liavo had notice oftnelr lnfiingemcnt f the copyright.1hut have paid no attention to It. llurkasks for nn Injunction rcstinlnlng the,

    .nH.l.nlj t . ..... fxClin. I.tfclltfrnlnnnti.t 1,1. It. nl. nk thatthey ho ordeicd to make an account-ing, and to pay to the complainant thuprofits acquired by them In tho premises, and damages such as may oo td

    by' the Court.

    III REPUBLICANS?The report has been going about to.

    day that Ilic mass meeting of Saturday night Is to be the ground work ofa "new lteimuucau party. i

    tltttt Innnn In t . I .11 tllldllllln T. ttlllrt Ithen comes John candidate f.r",w'h ,l,e,8,0 lye' K"0' ,"10 st-- ,cammayor of Honolulu, then XI. 1'oe- - "'' "'roe, Fred Deckley. Ulll White, Herbert' turn beforo the Coast team comes,Mossman, Sam Dwlght, llertle- - j nnno of players will tnku partinan, Supervisor Fern, Frank Harveyind possibly others.

    The campaign slogan Is to be "Hawaii for the Hawullaus," mi It Is said,and John Ino for major.

    Senator Chlllingwortli, who Is quoteilas authority for tho "new Republican"statement. Is said to have been asked.o tpeak and refused.

    Tho AmHknn-Hawnlia- n liner, Co-lumbian sails on Friday for Kahulul.Kaanflpall and Illlo. She Is taking alarge load of sugar here; completing

    tho, coalingwhich being construct


    OF, IT!

    your Jewelry, your

    silverware, your valuable pa-

    pers. Fifty a month

    ' a safe deposit box pre-

    vents this.

    Hawaiian Trust

    Company, Ltd,w Fori Rt. HcnolulDevelopingand Printing

    We the printersand developers in the Islands.We doing higher classof work today than ever be- -

    4. fore. Give us trial.

    Hollister Drug Co.


    OF HAWAII, OCTOBER 16. 1907

    i raisesTo Help

    t:oci l. ion?. ::

    J. ro'

    Henry their In


    Ratlin llona, Cnl .James R .Morgan, Ksn. . 'resident t!

    Honolulu .Cliuniln-- r of Com- - ::ineuc. Ildnolnlii, H. r. ::

    Dear Sir: Your lomtiiunlca- - ::Hon of September is endorsing X!resolution or Chamber of font- - It,merre tcgardlng Pearl Harbor re- -col veil In due time. I will give ttyour communication ewry roll- -slileratlon and will dn all In my apower to i ou. j:

    . Yoius titil, t:1). I

    t:K tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt It K tt H II

    SI. MS SI MlWhen the Siberia pulls out of tho

    "UrllOr tOduy sllO Mill liavo on boa-- d

    tho St. I.otils baseball team bound for.lapau, whuru the) will play a scriesof games with the Japaneso universi-ties and uthvr I)41 teams thcru.

    Tho players who will go are: Ilruiis,Snares, Leslie, Iliishnell, (lleasou, l.oOn, Kn Sue, Evors, Jones and probablyAylett

    This will be a strong llno-u- andshould glvo thu Japs a good gamu. Thogoing of these pl.oers will not detractfrom u! tuo Coa8t ,jors.illut as strong a line-u- p can do uau

    tho games.Thu public much disappointed at

    tl.o action of St. Louis team Ingoing away Just at this tlmo afterInoy had signed to play anil help outin tho Coast games.

    Owing to the delay in loading coal.tho United States army transport Sher- -

    loys wcio given drill by their omcors.1'ho baud was stationed at tho gatoand played npproprltito selections, Theofflceis and thcli wives were greatly(leased with delay in tho sailingof the Sherman enabled them to

    ct somo mull fiom the Manyft them came tip town again this forenoon for further sightseeing.

    Aside from coal everything is readylor her depaiturc.

    Tho tiunsport Sherman, which willdepart today at5 5 o'clock, has 35,000potiudB of ".tie, grain-fe- d turkey, alldressed on Ice In a specially built boxfor the shipment They nre for theTlianksglxlng good cheer of the troopsIn tho Philippines.

    The Wenkly Edition of the EveningBulletin gives a complete summary ofthe news of the day.

    fx ar

    ihe rest of her cargo at the above 'man, Captain llruguerre, did not sailports. It Is doubtful whether she at 11 o'clock this morning, us waswould take passengers from this port. 'planned. She sails at 5 o'clock thisC. P. Morse, the local agent of the afternoon for During thocompany, has not yet heard about of the Sherman the soldierpew Ised.




    are oldest

    art a



    t0 comiuK









    CallediY M WAUAGH




    Statements Of QuackDoctor

    If the perjurer Worm'


    Wallach Is put on trial for perjury, It' ' ' '" " ' " - "as ooenIs probable that tho will "ll!lb-'''- , ,,f ' ""' "' 12 In Ta- leaMng a balance of Jiooo, forti ho on the part of the United States vor Cooper for which the pl.ilntltf sues, together withminorities. Attorney (leneral Hem- - Co., Davles & Co., K. Marujama and L.tuivst, costs, attorney's commissions,enway says as fdr as he now.Charllo Clilllliigwnrlh are as etc. Thu complaint alleges that thuknows, tho Territory hns no caso I Karnlshees. defendants nro T. I gnrnlshcos hold nioney belonging toagainst the salad oil "dortor." Thero i Kolk.( K. NnKn(n ,. Momlyo. (1. Tn-iin- and that thes no doubt, he wiis, but that Wallacl: vnM , ,, ,, ,.., vl.i.n . .. . ............





    ' ". ." ..nerJiirv eitherhU i nlun.llzatlon '". ' Tsuchlyama. T. Cl.lnada,jesterday was Ukawa, K. Mariiynma, T. Nakamurii,

    stnnil the Tollee Court Hut to Chas. Clillllugworth.a convlctlJn, It would neceif-- 1 stated that July 12.to prove In caso ' defendants nit signed and executed'

    jury was committed. If Wallach ,ilt. )lot rr s;,r,00 to,uivui.i, ! u.u I.UUMI "."

    the United Slates, It makes no differ- -i nee from a legal point of view, nshe perjury must on some statement

    material to the case, and the lengthWnllach's residence In tho countrywas not material In the libel yes-terday.

    Hut If It appears that Wallach liedwhen ho appealed the UntiedEstates Court to obtain his nalurullni-tli- n

    papers. It will be a seriousfor him, us that taso thu length orhis residence Is a material fact anduntruth In to It would

    perjury from a legal standpoint.United States llieckons

    looking Into tho matter. Ho has ob-tained a transcript of'Wnllach'H evi-dence given yesterday, compar-ing It the evidence given bybefore Judge Dole

    If It appears that Wallach pcrjureilhimself In the United States Court.things: will go hard with him.

    wiiici lawanAll tho membeis of tho Olcson com--

    inlttfo ore urgently requested to bopresent nt tho of tho

    School for Iloys this even-ing at 7 A meeting of greatImportance will bo held and a lotterAhlch was received today from Mr.Olcson will bo road.

    IlosldcH this committee, allwho nro Interested In football aro like-wise Invited to bo present. Music andlufrcbliments have been ordered nnd

    Kam. Is expected to turn up topartake of iheso rare treats. Tho lilt -

    or tho committee bo reCC,VC(L

    53"For Sale" cards at Bulletin.

    CURTAINSALU next week HORP &in the Lewers &Cooke BldRf., will sell hlKh-jjrad- eArabian, Fish Ps'et, IrishPoint and other Lace Cur-tains at 1- -3 off usual price.Arabian Curtain Net

    Prlcc:54"inch width, 35c yd72-inc- h width, . 45c yd108-inc- h width,. . 65c ydThis a fine jjracle of ArabianCurtain


    Is Sued

    IntoKumeric Hui

    By H.

    On Prombrought this luornliiu,

    111,, IflttiKirlr. liv IT T 1lltd.,. ,.' ,,

    (imt u hnB b9en signed and en- -


    "1 do not bollove the steamships Ihad In tow will mur como to thu

    Coast.""I think tho tolophono company work

    will go ahead n:ul 1 expect an engineerto arrive by thu China."

    This Is tho gist rt the report J. A.(illmau had to as a result of

    has (ommltted at the, " Htimepers, or when he on (ii

    In ob-ie-

    lain be The smniuons onmry which tho per- - tho

    lied J. Coorper, and




    regaul cnnBtl-lut- e


    and Iswith him



    repoits will



    . ..







    Lfti ,tU? i tt (Hirem rs

    ''u "' Attorney whon

    who with heedless drlv -

    A C'Aurt OfCourt Weed

    this Just as heal- -of McUrldo



    There's more, valueebrated than any other

    No. made gun calf,on a wide last.


    on pair

    necessary thlngt about A WANTAD.:

    It must be Properly Printed.It must appear In a newspaperthat Is Universally Rvid.And. beyond It must Bring


    In the B U L E" T NLooks Right

    The People.It Bring:

    "" ""action linvo '" paid

    )f J- - 13500. &

    that, namedThu
















    dorhPd to Mlltt. nlio Is nmr 11 !...,., ni,,. ., ... , "... .

    ,,v iih"iui mum.- nuuuuiuiiuy,,.-lt- l with llishop &Senlco was on some of thu df

    tend.uits morning, but on accountol large number of copies orniinmoiis which must bo It Is not

    that thu defendantsle servo,! beforo tomorrow.

    nothing for Hawaii.".I did not drop steamship matters

    altogether," Bays Oilman. "I hnvufriends on the watch for steamerpropositions that will practicable,for

    of geneial conditions onCoast, said that money Is


    polntmcnt or Ilrown that such actionwould be this Is the Hist tlmo

    (Continued Page 2)

    ifsiessesclosed n icccss, Weed la ac- -

    cusod having advised witnesses whohad been excluded tho court-roo-

    (Continued on Page 5)

    eel- -


    irip to air. tinman spent tight, especially Inthreu days In l.os Angeles In that There tho business mentlmo his mind that tho steam-- j thu outcome the If Taylorship pioporltlon. so far as Harvard ih elected Major It Is believed the bus-en-

    Yale concerned, will (Continued on Pjoe 2)

    Brown's AuthorityTho right or M. Ilrown to appear, lug. Although It has been rumored

    us tho County's piosccutor In Ills- - tevcral times sJnco tho Hoard or Sit-trl-Court wus this morning challeng- - pervlsors refuted to conllim the ap--

    E, C Peters, np--c",ci1 for McUrldo.

    was charged

    Weed Is Accus

    Coaching Wiserious churgo against

    fleer In the Dlstilct Kred,was made noon thotig tho automobile caso


    America Shoe

    Price $4.00

    real in this? shoe in

    4G7 of metalswing, roomy Bluch-L- .


    fe Call try a at


    An ad.

    ReachesCertainly Remits.



    out tho,...,!



    the tholniulu

    probablo will all




    tho (Illmau


    taken,' on

    Qfl flf

    .s torof


    uoasi. San Francisco,and waltlnK

    made of electionthe







    Manufacturers' Shoe Company, Ltd.,& 1051 Fort Street. 'Phone 282.




    ac ai kLknkktkkkkXMhiktk J- I .nw.y- -I . . .'





    "tUMJlnAVlonolulu Chapter 5 p. m. Rf

    ular Meetings

    onolulu Chapter Special 7 3Post and Matt excellent Degreet.


    All visiting members of Iioorder nro ronltnlly Invited tohtteml meetings of local lodges

    HARMONY I0D0E, No.3, I. 0. 0. F

    Meet"! eery Moml.iy evening at730 III I O O F Hall. Tort street

    K II HENDRY. Secretaryr. w uniiuiNU. n. o

    All visiting druthers very curdlnll)Invited.

    MYSTIC LODGE, No. 2, K. of P.

    Meets every Tuesduy cenlng III7:30 ii'ilwk In K. of P Hall, torTort nml Heietnnla. Visiting broth-er- a

    coidlnlly Invited to attend.A. S WEIIlltill. C. CF. WALDRON K. It. 8.

    0AHU LODGE, Ho. 1, K. of P.

    Meets every Friday evening atK. of 1'. Ilnll, cor. l'oit r.nd llore-tatil- a,

    at Members of M)tltLodgo No. 2, Will XliKltiln) LndgrNo S, and lsltlng lirotlierr eordlull)Invited.

    General Business.n. gosling, c. c.A. S. KBNWAY, K. It. S.


    Honolulu Lodge No. 010, II. P. OK., will meet In their hall on Kinsnear Tort street cerj Friday evening

    lly order of the K. It.IIAIIHY II. SIMPSON.

    Secretary,r. K. RICHARDSON, E. r.

    7m. M'KINLEY LODGE No.8, K.of P.

    Meet every Saturday evening at7:30 o'llock in K. of P. Hall, corFort and Ileretanla. Visiting broth-ers cordially Inltcil to attend.

    L. II. WOLF, C. C.E. A. JACOIISON, K. R. 3

    HONOLULU AERIE 140, F. 0. E.

    Meets on tho 2nd and 4th WED-NESDAY evcrings of each month at7.30 o'clock In K. of P. Hall, co'nerlicretnnla and Port streets.

    Visiting Eagles are Invited to at-tend.

    I. E. TWOMEY, W.. PresidentII. T MOORE. Secy.

    HAWAIIAN TRIBE No. 1. I. 0. R. M

    Meets cvory first and third Thurs-days of each month at Knights tilPjthlan Hall. Vlsltlnr brothel y

    luvlted to attend.A D. CASTRO,A. E MURPHY, C Of It

    Tel. Main 108. P. O. Box 192


    ' Lord and Beiser,GENERAL CONTRACTOR.

    Dredging, Sewers, Grading, PavingTeaming, Cruched Rock.

    Dlack and White Sand and Soilfor Sale.




    Cor. Alakea and Merchant Streets.Special Attention Given toTrusts and Real Estate.

    HONOLULU IRON WORKSImproved and Modern SUGAR MA-

    CHINERY of every uipacity and de-scription made to order. Boiler workand RIVETED PIPES for irrigationpurposes a specialty. Particular at-tention paid to JOB WORK, and re-pairs executed at shortest notice.

    Church Bellsfinall and Medium Sizes, Complete.

    A. FERNANDEZ & SON,Nos. 44 50 King St., Katsey Dlk, bt.

    Nuuanu and Smith Sts; Tel 189.



    Sun Bise Dyeing House1H FORT STREET.


    , tv oiT r1"' ' pad

    mm S

    Hoffschiaeger Co.,Limited,

    King and Bethel Sts.

    The Sweetest Meat

    Lies Next the Bone

    anil that i true with allmeats except our home cuietlhams and bacon they aicsweet all the way through

    from rind to rind. We have

    both in varying weights, nil

    fiesh and perfectly cured.

    Ring us up on 251.


    Next the Fislunarkct.


    A Wood Saver

    USE A


    Honolulu Gas Co.,

    Ltd., Bishop St.


    ORRINE will stop the waving fordrink and can be taken at home. Thetieatment is guaranteed; money backit it fails to cure. Employers do notvant to have drinking men about,

    Honolulu Drug Co.,SOLE AGENTS

    UYEDA,1028 Nuuanu St.,lias more than 300 old hats left by

    customers "to be called for." Unlessthty aie removed by the 24th insttlicy will be destroyed.

    BVBNINO mil.l.F.TlN, HONOLULU, T II . WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1(1, 1007.


    The evening paper depends on thehome for Its patrons so does the mer-chant. The whole family have time atnight to ENJOY the paper.

    Pannmn lints cleaned at the Globe.'Court l.iinnlllo No OGOO, A O. P.,

    meets this civiilng In K of P hall ntI 10

    titi can cave wood and nione hmining gns See the Honolulu (la

    t o LtdMi and Mrs. W n. Thomas, tif W'n- -

    hlnwa. left todn on tho Alameda forHit Coast

    Tako your carriage or nutomoblleto Hawaiian Carrlago Manfg. Co., for

    repairs.llennv & Co., Ltd., ngents for the

    Wlilto sowing machine, 1200 Portstreet. Phono IS8.

    Ancient Order of Hibernians DUI"Ion No 1, will meet In C 11 r hallin )j o'clock this e oiling

    The Lawrence Barrett lOo Cigarmakes a delightful mild Havanasmoke. Try one. Ask vonr dealer.

    The Ideal smoke Is die El Pnleutlacigar. llu one and trv one Hajsel-le- n

    Toliauo Co dlstilbiitois. Youngwinding

    There will be a tegular mtetlng oriiitmbirs or TIhmiiIiiih Roosevelt CampNo 1, I h W V, In Wneiloy Hull ati .10 this t cnlng

    Thomas .Nolan, an employe of theIt.ipld Tiunt-lt- , wlio has lieun nwns loHie Stales on a Micatloii. letiuned onI le Slbella toila)

    The ladle of the KamebaiiielinSchools will be at home the tlilnl androurtli H.itin il.iyH of each moil I It din.ng the Fthotil i.ir.

    Killer 1111110111111- - it special Kale ofI in novel- - lollatH. nndcrvests, fnntsillibons mid iiirlalli materials foi nextMoiidn), 0, tidier 21.

    Mr Hlaiifoid. private secretar) ofClaim Spictkels, who him been hereomc lime, departed for the mainland

    lr the Alamtd.i today.SpicHI embiohler) Mile on this week

    at A. lllom's Swiss and CambricS lo 10 Inches wide reduced

    fitiin 3Be lo 20c n MildTreat otir iron root en a coat of

    Arable." There Is no bet'er preserv-ative niailo. California Peed CoagelltA fj

    1'1iiiIi:ii iI'h candles and maiKlnnal-iow- hand Calller's Swiss Milk Clioc-ilal- eJiiH in rU ed at llenr Ma &

    Co 's To i patKngeA sneak thief, with a fondness Tot

    Hue clothing, Is getting In his workr boil I town Hecrnl bachelor roomsbae been robbed lately.

    Th"ie wIP be u meeting of the Hisl('loss Society of Honolulu In JudgeDole's (handlers, Julltlar building,at I o'clock this afternoon

    The S H. Slbeila, which arrUed thismorning, bus ti good-size- d held ofblooded tattle for Jnpan The) are tobe usul for breeding purposes

    The steamer Nllhnii. Cnplnlii Ow l-ilts, arrived from Kauai this morningx lib one Meek Jiassenger, 1 package ofineichaiidlse and I erupt) ill u ill.

    Complaint Is being made to Hieati'iiit tho condition of the

    nidge nt Uilc Maloo. An aecldenimay happen to uny team passing overr.

    It's teiill) etonomy to have )ourpiano tuned eveiy six mouths and

    link how much better It will soundllergstrom MiibIc Co. do the best tun-ing Phone :I21.

    iinouiHcment was recently re-ceived of tho niairlugo of Hiine) l.tv'lo an Oakland )oung lady. U-v- Is agt Hudson of Mis. E. A. Cone) and Iswell known among lotal )oung people.

    Chillies Donahue, thu hack drive- -

    ariip-ei- l of embezzlement, pleaded,'nlltv befote Juilgu KobliiHiu thisnioiiilng Sententii was suspended forthirteen mouths, to allow Donahue torid the Tenltor) of his piesente.

    William T Schmidt, udmliilsttatorl the estate of Wllnieliiilna Schmidt

    todiit tiled his final accounts. Hoasks to be allowed $1.12.20, and chnrgeshluibeir with SSir, 11, leaxlng n to

    In fnoi of the estalu of 192.91.The children's bootn lit St. Andrew's

    lair next Satuiday will be full ofnovel and original snrprlt.es for thedttle ones This lb In thargo or Mis,I) Howaid Hitchcock, who will Intro-dut-

    stiinctliliiK entirely new In Hono-ril-

    The frlendf of Central Union church,whether members of tho church oinot, aio cordially Invited to tho reception to be glen to Dr. and Mrs. Scud- -der In the chilli li tiarlois on Thiusdayevening, October 17, fiom 8 to 10I'clock.

    The October number of the Paradisej the Patlllc Is out. Hawaiian finestpiodiiLts. the Infant Induutr) of theIslands, Is given thu plato of honor asn cader A beautiful cut or me

    lirens reslilenco Is another feiitino ofthis month's Usue.

    Mis. Hour) Wnte l.)oii Is an lutonilug pasheuger by the Slbeila thlinoinlng. She will bo Joined In alionth by Adllllial I.)on, wlioho

    f i inn tho navy goes IntoIn Nocmhcr. Admiral and Mis

    I.)ou piobabl) will make theli lioiuuin lluwali


    m$im .

    Oelng an Alkaline Liquid Dentifrice,SOZODONT penetrates all the littlecrevices of the teeth, neutralizes thedangerous mouth acids and purlfleithe whole tooth structure, making theteeth strong and well.

    Stand by 80ZODONT, and yourteeth will stand by you.

    ,u;. JU, i,,,

    Weeping eyes and aching head,Smarting 1'ds a fiery red,Eyes so weak can barely seeThink you're on a nightly spree.Can neither read, nor think, nor sew,Uo to church, nor shop, nor show,


    Relief is in our hand above.



    Made in


    (MAdditional Cable News on Page 1.


    Poiitnncl, Ind . Oct IS-- of atotal population of one thousand 111this town six bandied were Injured to-d-

    tbioiigh tho explosion at tho winksof the Dupont Powder Company, onemagazine, containing forty thousandhands of powdei going off In out)liarful blast. ,

    Thu list of dead so far us knownt.ow Is liutvi ten twciity-llu- ) nnd thirtypersons and many of thu liijuied am111 serious ctmdltIo,u.

    The town Itself was practically datiiollshed as a result of tho explosion,nt'url) eery building being levelled.Ainu) or tho Injured recehod theirhurts b being caught In the railings'liuctures.

    NO LIQUOR FOR TAFTManila, P I., Oct 15. Tho reception

    to Sicit'tur) Tuft was begun today bya water parade, which went out lomi ot the bringing tho Seciuta-- yof War to the Philippines. Headed bythe tlow'inor tho paindeiH escortedthe giiesi of honor to thu Pulaeo,whcie Hoops had been drawn up. Atthe Palace the olllclul wclcomo wisEh eli b) the limenioi- - of the Philip-pines and tho Mnjor of Manila.

    No lltpiois will bu hened at any oftho functions given at thu Palace Inhonor of thu Secietniy, this being binown it'ipicst

    WILL HAVE ANOTHER TRYNew York, N. Y., Oct. 15. Captain

    Donald Amundsen, tho Danish Arcticcxploicr who uittdu tho trip from Chrl-llaul-

    acioss thu Arctic ocean andtbioiigh the Northwest pussugu In the.sloop (IJo.i, ariUliigou thu coast In thuspilng of lliiin, will iiiaku u dash forIhe Noith Pole, beginning In 1910. Iluwilt begin now tu 'ay his plans for Ibuuudertiikliig.


    Walkaue, on the opposite side olthis Isluml, has hi en the sceno of en-thusiastic tellgloiis uieutlngs fur thulust four dii)8 by tho Hawaiian Evangelltal Association. Tho meuibeis(onsliler tho coucUdo Just closed asone of thu most successful ever heldI') Unit body.

    John (I. Woolluy gave all luloiestlngi.ddiess on teujpuiaiieu. This was lu-lu puled by Mr. Nukuliiii.

    Italii piueott'd tho dedication otthu church on Sunday and It was post-poned t Monday.

    Tho gcueinl woik of thu SundaymIiooIs, CliilKtlau KuueawnerB andfthei hi. inches of itillgloim wtuk weicthoiouKbly rovluwctl.


    Infoi million has been received fromllllo stating Hint Kiiglneer South win thof the Public Works Depailmeiit busmade a thoioiigh examination of theold wharf In pieseuco ot witnesses.

    Photographs have been taken amillio examination thows tho stiiictumas posltlMily lottin. Mr. Southwoithtonsldeis It dnngeioiis nnd has ordepcd a plank to bu placed aciosH thuentianco bunilng thu warning legend,

    Not Safe."

    Lu --siuuMi. :lU't AdMs .

    NEW BOOKSBarbary Sheep, Hurt, lllchcns 'Light Fingered Gentry, Davis Graham

    PhillipsA Lost Leader, E. P. OppcnhelmClementina's Highwayman, Hobt. Ste-

    phen nnd Geo. WestloyPinafore Palace, Knto Douglas WlggenHelena's Path, Anthony HopoThe Car of Destiny, O. N. nnd A. M,

    WilliamsonThe Blue Ocean's Daughter, Cyrus

    Townsetfd IlradyThe Daughfer of Anderson Crow, (leu

    Ilarr McCtitchcon

    Hawaiian News Co., Lid'.ALEXANDER YOUNG BUILDING.


    Is the El Palencla Cigar.

    Buy one and try one.

    HAYSELDEN TOBACCO CO., LTD.,Distributors.

    HonoluluHIGH CLASS



    1064 Fort Street

    WATERFRONT NOTES XKMKJtKli si v, It mi m x H W 3

    The new lug General Hubbard, whichwas built nt plillaileljihla for the Ham-mond I,u in he r Cotnpau), arrived )cs-- t

    nl.iy fiom Norfolk. Vn., sn)s the S.r Call of October 8. On the Atlanticthe General Hubbard encountered somefearful weiithcr and Captain James

    Is hntlvllcd that with plenty ofrea room Ihcie Is nothing In tho wayof slot ma that can do muth harm toI ho tug. During most of tho tlmoIrom Norfolk to the Straits of Magel-lan the new tug was jiractlcally underwater and ah a submarine boat provedItself it wonder. The wiyage otcuplcd72 tin) 8. Alter passing tbioiigh thoMraltH Into the Pacllle the GeneralHubbard was favoied with fine weath-i- r

    PaThe steamer .Mlknliata, Captain

    Oregory, nrrhed from Kauai thismorning with 139 bags sugar, 341nags V. K. A. siiRur, 10(1 bags taro, 297tnses monev, 10 cases wax, 9 bundleshides, 30 empty wlno barrels, CI bar-e- ls

    empty bottles, 10 empty beer bar-icl- s,11 empty gas drums, .1 pigs, lu

    bags Hour, lit) sundry jincknges. Purs-t- rAllies leports the following sugar

    awaiting shipment on Kauai: K. S.I , COO; SI A. K.. 42.385; G. & II., 28.

    The bark Governor Itoblo nnd thertcamei Nllhnii were discharging coalat Kauai, the former at Kleelo and thoalter al Anahola.

    mThe depaiture of the Alameda this

    foirnoon opens up a gap ofboats that Is quite extensive.

    I'lieie will be no passenger tarijlngtteanier leave these Islands until

    5, which will bo tho Hllonlau,mid the next one will bo the Alamedami Nut ember l.

    The American bark Pooling Suey,loaded with sugar, arrived ut Dela-ware Ilreakwntet on October 7 Thovessel put In at H.vi Juan on Septem-ber HI, with sevPii cf her ciew laid upwith beilbeil. Nt w lutli were shippedIn their stead.

    rolled barleygoes Jumping upThe fact that lolled ha I ley In this

    ell) is making Jumps of 12, Sti andeen 18 per ton is tiiiislnglhonie

    among thu local dealers,'fife supply now lu tho city Is veryhhort nml there will bo much grumb-ling among thu useis of that commod-ity. Tho price at picsent Is 133 perton and even at thai rata there will boa shortage The Importation of rolledbailey will nrrago 1200 tons a monthuo that ll tan bu been Hint tho effect Isgoing to bo far--i caching.


    III behalf of in self nml family I de-sire to oxpicss my deep sense of grat-itude to the kind fi lends Instrumentallu electing the Haalclea tablet lu

    ChurchMUS. I A. CONI1Y

    Fine Job Printing at the Bulletin.WIMWWWM,lOur New Window Display

    Shows A Sample Of The

    Fine SuitingsWe Are Making Up.

    Give Us A Try And We Will PleaseYou.

    W. W. Aliana &.Co.,MERCHANT TAILORS.

    G2 King St.Phone 525, F. 0. Box 98G,

    iwift., ?',,, IMA



    5 'd fig n 4 i i &"tiIt, m. p m a.m Sttt'I It 9 ) I t'lo 41 s 5 J S6. II'

    15 nnll6 - U6 )1 llE II! onp in a in l16 If os D.1 1 to' lo s S?, i U ' f


    If l ol i.) t ol f 4t 6 it s S?I SSI SI 'II It l.J I 4 lo i n 1 5S ) 1 $'I I9 Mill ll! In ln !!'!) l6 l III

    I l II l It ) S J l IIill JFirst quarter of tho moon Oct. 14lh.Hawnllnn standard tlmo Is 10 hours

    30 minutes slower than Greenwichtime, being that of tho meridian of 107legrees 30 minutes. Tbo time whistleblows nt 1:30 p. m., which Is the sameas Greenwich, 0 hours 0 minutes. Sunnnd moon are for local time for thewholo group. ,

    - -Ji, K K K 5 X :! JC X: X 30 X K 3C 5C 5

    ARRIVED)t K )( E M X X 11 ft 3S K M W )i

    Wednesday, October 10.Sttnr. Mlkalmla, Gregory, from

    Kauai ports. C a, m.Stmr. Nllhnii, Owness, from Knual

    I oris, (i a. m.S. S. Hnsecrnus, Holmes, from (Inv-lol- n,

    7 n. m.P. M S. S. Siberia, Zeeder, from San

    Francisco, 9:30 n. in.


    )! )t M K X 38 It K C M ) K KTuesday, October IB.

    Stmr. Iwnlanl, Self, ror Molokal andMaui ports, S p. m.

    Stmr .Maul, fur Kauai juris, G p. in.Stmr. Llketlke, Nnopala, ror Ha-

    waii, D p, m.Wednesday, October 1C.

    O. S. S. Alameda, Dowdcll, for SanFrancisco, 10 a. in,


    MXKMKMMaXiIMMKKV S .A. T. Sherman, Urugulcrre, for

    Manila, li i in.P. M. S. 8. Slberlu, Zecder, for tho

    Orient, S J), in.


    KltSlfliKlCKIi X5"3ilMK;CMIt. M S. S. Mloweia, from Colonics,

    li. m.Stmr. Claudlne, Dennett, from Maul

    torts, a. m


    U. S. A. T. Uuford, from Nagnsakl,ti. in.


    Per P. M. S. S. Siberln, Zceder, fromSail Fianclsco, 9:30 a. in. Oct. Pi.For Honolulu: Sirs. A. F. lioytl, Wll-lart- l

    K. Brown, Mrs. Wlllard I). Hi own,Mrs. J. A. Carter, Mrs. A. Coors, HN. Kenlson, Mis. II. N. Dcnlson anilInfant, Miss Florcnco Denlson, MrsJohn Kfllnger, Capt. C. W. Kxton,JIIhs l.ydla Gnllale, Miss Hhca Gallalc,J. A. Oilman, K. S. GJerdrum, MissAnnetta Ilnskcll, Mrs. A. Hcllstroin,Mrs. A. K. Hopkins, Mrs. James Hor-lon- ,

    Miss A. D. Morton, Mrs. J. F.Huinburg, Infant and maid; F. How-ard Ilumplirls, Mrs. F. Howard Humphrls, W. Bresler, A. It. Jungclaus,John I.lttle, A", i:. Lloyd, Jas. II. Love,Mrs. Fannie Line, Mrs. Henry WareI.) on. Mrs. J. H. Meyers, n. V. Mltchcll, Thos. Nolan, Antonio Perry, W,II. Hlco, Mrs. W. II. Illcu, Miss D.nice, P. L. Hlcu, Miss F. Smith, K.Tanlgoshl, Jas. T. Taylor, Lew Watlace, Mrs. Low Wallace, Wm. J. West,Paul Wlthlngton, Mrs. D. V. Wlthlng-ton- .

    Miss Anno Wlthlngton, K. C.Vaughn, N. D. I.lndcrninn, A. A.Ilryau, Samuel I:. Dai by, Mrs. SamuelI?. Darby, J. Delieel, Miss Mi. Debcel,M. 8. Hoyt. For Yokohama: 8. Awayn,Jos. Driinncr, Mrs. II. 12. Collbran, In-fant and maid; Miss Dortha Coots,Miss Julia N. Crosby, Miss FlorcncoParish, N. Fukuchl, Y, Kltngawa, Mrs.II. I.ande, T. MaJImu, N, Mlnabe, MissAlia U, Nutter, J. W. Stevenson, Dr.Y. Snmlnokurn, F. Lewis. For Kobe:II. A. I:. Jachne, II. Nose, 11. F. Sailborn. For Nagasaki: Geo. D. Adams,Mrs. Geo. D. Adams, Ilev. Willis O.lioekje, J. II, McCoy, C. 8. Tumor,i:. J. Kappler. For Shanghai: i:. doIlavlor, A. W. Helling. Mrs. A. W.Helling nnd Infant. C. H. Illaku, Hov.Agnell Illcsor, A, C. Houghton, Win.h Ilurns, Hov. J. W. Doolln, Miss M.A. Dowllug, Miss Dulslo P, Gchtnau,A. V. Gray. Mrs. A. V. Gray, Mrs. M.Giuneuberg, J, P. Jameson, Nelson T.Johnson, Dames Moss, Mrs. JinniesMoss, M. S. M)ois, Miss Sndu C,TomlliiBon, MIbs Laura Wulthor, B. S.Wright, Mrs. K. 8. Wright. For HongKong: Otmnr Uauor, Owen W. Iiauur,Mis. Martin V, Helger, Geo. N. llrlggs,Mrs. Geo. N. llrlggs and child, J, W.Cnlrns, Mrs. J. W. Cairns, Paul Cle-ments, Mrs. Paul ClemenlB, II. L. Con.don, Mrs. Georgia O, Cooley, John 11.Cory, Mib. John IJ. Cory, Hov. HenryP. DePiee, Mrs. Henry P. DePree andinfant. Mtb. c D. Dickey, HerbertForller, Miss Katherltie II. Green, MissLllen T. Hicks, Lt. John Holtman, Dr.P Janss, Mrs. P. JmiBS, Harold Janss,Miss H. M. Klnnoy, L. Lewis, Mrs.Josoph do Lorenzl, MIbs Helen do l,

    Mrs. Laura Moore, II, 8, Doono,Mrs, Arthur Popplowell, J. P. Rich-ardson, G. W. IUcliter, W. E. Robert- -

    ron, Mrs. W. K. Robertson, Miss NunRobertson, Miss Mary Robertson, Da-vid Robertson, Master Jack Robertson,C. F. Rutherford, O, H. Schell, Mrs.O. K. Schell, Ou Sho Tchlin, Mrs.Chas. H. Sleeper, Harold Sleeper, MissSylvia Sleeper, Miss Mabel F. Smith,Rev. F. L. Snyder, Mrs. F. L--. Snydernnd child, Henry G, Tewcs, A, It.Thomas, It. Thomas, Chas. R. Trow-bridge, Mrs. Chas. R. Trowbridge, andtwo children, II, M. Wagenblass, Mrs.II, M. Wagenblass, Mrs. R. (Wallace,Walter W. Wilson, Miss Lillian A.Woltard, J. C, Woodbury, Mrs, J, C.Woodbury, Miss Margaret Woodbury,Miss Julia. II. Woodward, Carl Young,Karl Young, Wong Tin Men.

    Per stmr. Mlkahala, Gregory, fromhaual ports, Oct 10. Wm. Pnaol, J.II. Fuller, Lin Ynu, O. Uuchholtz, S.M. Knlwl, II. Isenberg. W.1 O. Howell,P. G. II. Deverlll and 5G deck.

    3 PASSENGERS DEPARTEDX X X X X X X M X X Jfl X X X M JtPer O. S. S. Alameda, Oct 1C, for

    Son Franclfco. Mrs. J. A. Hughes andtwo children, I. Velller and wife,Iheo. Martin, Miss Kuufmann, I.Schweitzer, Miss Amanda Carlstrom,iMIss Mary Rapoza, Mrs. Theo. Hon"-na-

    Mrs. n. B. Walker, Mrs. S. A.Samuels, It. J. Johnston, J. A. Puck,J Wagner, W. Ilrlck nnd wife, G. O.lsbonic. Miss II. F. Harrington, MissF. M. Ucnner, F. J, Barnes, wife andchild, II. K. Fletcher.

    Per stmr. Maul, Ilrtilui, for Kauaiports, Oct IB, 5 p. m. W. It. Riconml wife, Win. Lennox, II. Jneger andwife.

    Per stmr. Mkellke, Nnopala, forHawaii ports, Oct IB, S p. in. W. GIrwin, Win Olffard, Richard Ivors.

    Per Btmr. Iwnlanl, Self, for Molokal,Oct. 1G, G p in. Miss Hartwcll.


    Per slmr, Mlkahala, for Kauai ports,li p. m.. Oct. 17. W. II. Rico and wife,Mrs. R. L. Wilcox, Miss Rice, Miss A.Maloha, Miss L. Keau, 13. A. Knudseu,C. W. Spitz. II. Isenberg, Otto Wlx, W.II. llalrd. W. O. Smith, A. S. Wilcoxand wife, P. I.. Rice, II. Waggoner.

    Per S. 8. Mlowcra, for Vancouver,Oct. 17. C. A. Nelson, Mr. Meyer. Mrs.U T. Wnlty and 2 children, J. II. Sand-for-

    Mr. and Mrj, I,. 11. Spcrry, E. W.Ilarnnrd, Andrew Chalmers, M. J.lloolry, Mrs. B. L. Fawcett. Miss AdaAdcock, R. II. Icgg.

    Per P. M. S. S. Siberia, for the Or-ient, Oct. 10. MaJ. R. U Amesley, Mr.and Mrs. Wm. duff, Miss Cluff, Miss

    Dickinson, Miss G. Ilaucus, I. 1.Arklns, Mrs. A. D. Arklns, Mrs. I U.Webber, Miss Luft, Miss E. M. Reld.

    Per slmr. Claudlne. Dennett, forMaul ports, Oct. 18. G p. in. J. W.Keyston, R. N. Carbaley.

    Per stmr. Mlkahala, Gregory, forKauai ports. Oct. 17, G p. m, A. AWilcox nnd wife.


    (Continued rrom Page 1)that lt has actually been done.

    Peters made his objection as soonas the case was called.

    "I wish to enter an objection to thoappearance of A. M. Drown as prose-cutor for tho Government In this oase,"he said, "on the grounds that ho hasnot been duly and regularly appointednnd that ho Is not authorized to appearIn tho District Court of Honolulu lubehalf of tho Territory. I will submitthis objection without argument. Iwill make It In every case In which Iappear as counsel lu the future."

    "Thu objection Is overruled," saidJudge. Andrade.

    "Save an exception," said Peters.Whether nnythlng further will como

    of this objection depends altogetheren whether Mcllrlde Is found guilty ornot. Should hu bo found guilty, anappeal will bo taken to the CircuitCourt, when tho question of tho au-thority of Drown to appear as prosecu-tor will bo taken up. Even if this Isnot the caso In tho McDrldo cato, Pe-ters' statement thnt ho will inaku thisL'bjcctlou lu eory caso In which hoappears Indicates that tho Drownquestion will soon bo determined luI ho courts.


    (Continued from Page 1)iiicsB men will loosen up nnd money"III come In from thu Bust. The menwith monoy will not Invest their coinunder such conditions as prevailedwith the Schmltz outfit.

    Taylor Is the business man's candi-date aiitl it is believed ho Is gainingtupport from thu mechanics, who havehad a lesson lu government and arolikely to profit by It as well as thobusiness men.

    In Los Angeles Mr. Gllmnn foundthe tourists coming lu good numbers(hough possibly not quite as large asduring tho boom times. There Is no

    howover, and things genei-all- yaro going ahead.

    Do not keep too many fowls In aflock, ns they ate sure to ciowd atnight, causing them to awtnt nn easyroad to colds and roup.

    It Is Important to give good caro to(ill animals, but particularly to Bbeep.To restore flesh to an animal is anexpensive process, as costly to sheepis to other animals; but the sheep, Ifallowed to get poor, meets with loss Inthe lleeco that can not be restored.

    Cribbing Is a vice contracted byhorses and hard to break. It may berestrained by buckling a strap aroundHie throat loosely enough to allow tholiorso to breathe readily; also bystopping tho haller to a rod that willprevent the horse from getting histeeth on to anything to "suck wind.


  • I S

    New Neck0 Ruches in n box; no two alike

    New Ruffle Neck FrontsIn nil White Embroidery, nnd delicate tints; nlso in

    nil lace; makes n plain waist look dressy, from 00 1 up.

    Crepe Chiffon Scarfingby the yard; entirely new; pretty floral designs in

    delicate colors, at , $1.00 yd.HEMSTITCHED CHIFFON SCARITS, all ready for

    use, delicate floral designs, lcgulation length SjSIJ. ca.

    New Kid Gloves

    At the Old PricesThe advance in prices of Kid Gloves has been very

    sharp; we placed our orders before the rise in prices, andGIVE OUR PATRONS THE BENEFIT.

    GLACE KID GLOVES, 1G button length, in White,Black and Brown, nil sizes, at il.JIOpr.

    OLACE KID GLOVES, 2 clasp, best make, everypair guaranteed, in Black, White, Grey andShades of Tan $1.25 pr.

    SUEDE GLOVES, 3 clasps, in white and black, at $1.75 pr.NEW DRIVING GAUNTLETS, with CUFr and' BUTTON, Meyers make, in Tan and Browns,

    at $l.:i5 pr.HEW DRIVING GLOVES, Meyers make, soft kid,

    extra quality, in Tans and Browns, at $1.50 pr.NEW WHITE CHAMOIS GLOVES, 2 clasps, wash- -

    able, all sizes, at $l.:i5 pr.


    PAU piukiaWHEN YOU


    RuchingsiO box




    and Monument WorksPHONE 287.


    COLUMBIA DRY BATTERY No. 2It Is best for automobile and all other sparking purposes. The

    strongest dry battery made.

    Sold by Associated Garage, E. O. Hall 4 Sen. Cciun n CarriageCo , and

    Hawaiian Electric Go., Ltd,,rilONE 300.

    Get the Cream We Sell

    For Tomorrow'sBreakfast Food

    Metropolitan Meat Co.Limited.

    HB Monuments.MR

    MirsXcfrr"-:-'AFI.ifi.-.JpKtewiron enceHawaiian Iron Fence


    Weekly Bulletin, $1 Year

    "'T . '



    United States Wiii StopCoolie Xabor


    OTTAWA, Out , Oct r. - A (iunilUotnlcmcilt of Pnii.iiln'n nii-m- hi

    against tliu Immigration if Japanese)ililo this counlr) Ih being prcpuied lithe Canadian (lOMrnmenl for presotiunion to the (internment of Inpui Ith u.idersteiod that a Cnnadlnn envoyHill he sent to .Inpaii to ncgotlnto withlie Japanese (Internment

    It will ho pointed out by tho Cana-dian luprcscntntlto that when tho trent) with Japan was Binned by Canadathere was nn explicit understanding1ml the Japaticso law covering tho

    of passports lo Intending Imml- -LianlR to n llmlled number each jcarwould continue to ho enforced In tholapiucso emigration I.iwh It Is

    Htattil that any Immigrantfrom .lap in old lining n passport underfalse rcpiiscntntlnn Is llnblo to heavyfine In addition to cancellation of thopassport Knforieuicut or this cIihihoby Japan would have the urfict of g

    tho flood or Jnp.im.so unlvals InIlrll,li-l-i Columbia b way of tho

    IslandsOther points that will bo emphasised

    iiro Hint public opinion In Canada, asbIiiiwii Iij tho utteiaiices of publicmen, by iliu press, nnd bj the icsolu-lion- s

    of labor nsbocl.itlons, Is unniil-moiisl- )opposed lo Oileut.il Immigra-


    Taffs Visit Means LullTOKIO, Japan, Oct 5. Well lnforni

    "d iiersons In Toklo ugrio lh.it whileHccrcl.ir) Tnft's visit did a great dealtoward fosteilng u good understandingVtvvcon America and Japan, It did notresult In mi) concrete agreement respccllng ponding iiuortloiiH bettviculie Inn countries The matters In ills

    pull me lo be pcrmlHUI lo Ho down'jolb sides consltiorlng n definite (,ctiliiuciit at this lime lnioneiiliiil

    Willi refoienio lo the Canidlaii emunilshlon whldi Is riported lo ho loinng lo Ininn It Is authoritatively iclti.ilcd that the Toklo (Internment will

    tint consent lo nny icshlcllou of lmmigration Into Cauiida, Innsmiieli asililH Inimlgiatlon may lm restrictedwhenever tho (iovcrniueiit eonsldirri Itlislrable, without any wiltten ngreounit, which Is ngirdcd us hilug In"outinvcntlou of tho Anglo JapaneseHeaty

    Canadian reeling StrongChh ago, Octobpi i; Abbe I'ellxHue, oiii of the piomliicnl niimbiis

    if t'jp clcrli ill eh mi lit In I'rnnie, whos making i stud) of Amcilcsiii hoil.itmil irononili eondllioiis, bus iplunirdfiom nn cxtcuslto lour iif Hie WestSpeaking of his ozonations, Abbe'llno said

    "I was iniiili Impiessed whllo on theacMe Coast with tho

    ti cling existing at Vancouver andliioughout Hrltlsh Columbia, which I

    Tir inoi r Intense than tho fooling onho Aiui'ilc.in side of the border AtJan Trauilsro tho clc-nc-

    Is comparative!) small, unci oneicars 'lltbo or the iiilho ngllallonigalnst thn Jnp.iurbP On tho otheilaud, I vlslled Vuncouvcr Bhoitlj aflorbp ilols, Hireling thel.ipaiieso Consul and going Ihnmgli'ho Jiip.lllibo qivitleru i:fl5Hlieieheie was cUdcnco of hostllo Inten-lo- n

    'I liu people h.io laKen up (bodilbbolith of "Cuuiitl i for tho Cannil-tiib,- "

    nnd thoj fiol Hint tho exiluslouif tho jcllow lato Is cbM'ntlal for tin Ir

    Thcj are crjIn this feeling, nnd nro preis

    ng tholr lews fonlbly on thont Ottawa and Imdon

    "lleforo lomliig lo Ann rlea I sharedho lews of n (onshlprablo climcnt In'iniiro ami throughout Kuioo that

    i he Japineso rpiehllou might lead thol lilted Studs Into war Hut personal'ibscniitloii thioughoiit tho MldtllnVest and I'nr West has lonipltlilyIinugpil no vliws Tho jieople of the.Vest uie not IhliiUlng of suili a thingnnd Mout Iho ery Idea of war livenu Han riaiu.lt.io, whlih Ik supposidn Iliiropo lo bo tho i enter of autl- -l.ipancM) hostlllti. Ihcin was muchces feillng Hum I found to exist Inhe Ilrllish colonies to Iho north Ita quite ivhlint also, lu witnessing thoiplenilhl dovelopnicut of the l'nelllc'onst, Hint n w.u would bo little shortf criminal, alike tlismstious to Japanml tho United Stales, neither of

    'horn has mi) thing (o gain by suih nuioinse In bailmrbm "

    rorbld Coolie LaborWashington, October t! Iniiiilgra-lo- u

    of Japanese Into Amcrli.i Is In- -reirlng at so alarming n into that It

    has Iippii delci mined to adopt extrardluui measures to iieiiit tho

    Into Iho United States notmil of Injianeso, hut of other Asiatic

    oollo labor Otio result of tho trip o

    Fop Rentcotlngc on Kunlcini sticct,

    near car line, $10 00 per month.

    house at Kuakini street, in-cluding 4 bethoomt, toilet andInth! newly painted. flOOO.

    P. E. R. Strauch,74 S. KING STREET.


    Secretary Htruua lias boon mi Increase'In the force of i in MilKr.it Ion Inspeeliust tout; the Canmllnn border with ii lt"vto con I roll I up the fioo I r Astatic lm- -'migration It la Uiinnn that niorolilan (IoiiIjIp the niinilur or Jnpancsehave come Into the I Ml led bnt,s Ihm1fir In the je.ir 1007 ih.in mine luivliming the bam,s period hut voar

    Natural!) , the llguics of the (;icrn- -incnt di) Hot IiuIiiiIp I hi luiniliitls ofIipnnose who have romp Into ihp i nun-tr- y

    surreptitious!) The) hnpmross from the ('in-nlla- and Mo-Ic-

    borders prlnclpillv without hind-iiint-despite the niPinn iiiloptd li)

    lio Oovcinmonl to pi it cut tlip lillio--iluctloti of Japanese laborers I 'orman) months the limuiiuiint lum hadImmigration ioniinl'loners In Mexico

    l,,,,, I" lirartiniiv ever) Instamp llio IntiniloiH ,,, , hikiiIcifiat the Jnpauese who ipnib MpxIcoor Canada arc bound foi tin t nltcdStates Imitilrles In the Hawaiian

    lue iecaled oipnnlratlonswhosp business It Is to pimtire lap-ine-

    laborers to woik in tho 1'nltcd3tnlcs. The) net onlv piovldo themenus, hut p.io the w.iv bj nhlrhjap-lincs- o

    nui eislly ohtnlu inlranre luthis louulr.i Ihroiigb Mixho and Can-ada.

    It Is thin Mirt of position that tho(lovcrnment ptoposes to loinlial Intho appointment of what print Ipall)cjiistltutcH n ii.iliol guniil of the north-ern and southern horde in of iho louu-t- ".

    Secrctuo Slr.ms hopi s to icdueothe uiimbci of Aslnths uhn d ill arecoming armss tho Inn . - In lm reus-ing numhers Hcliiius fnmi the Can-adian tmmUrntloti nllhi hhim thais.'Sil Aslitles landed in the Hrltlsh Co-lumbia iKiits of Vltloii.i ami Vane inn-er between Juuiiai) and September18, 11107 Of Hill niinilur 2S72 weieHindoos and ISll wen InpaiiPKe, mostof tho latter teaching ( anada from Ho-nolulu Tho remaining iiij were('lilncso who p ltd admission fees ofSlftn for tho liiMli'M.' "f landing InCanada Tho Held of labor In (hatscitlon of Canada Is limit, d. ami Hid'mcstlKUtlons of the I ulud States

    InsjieUors hm thaimist of the Jupancu md I III luxe ex-pect tiltltnatcl) to gii iiiiii i'ic 1'nltcdStales

    court ip mw

    Evidence Of Perjury isIntroduced On


    'I he afternoon sis-Io- of tin Souimatrial irstmltiy n.ix Mill imne exclllngthan Iho loreuoou mills Sonnna waxrecalled and gae fuilhir cvldemo In--"gnid lo his dialings Willi Wall.ieh

    Wnllatii g,io Soiiim.i oul li forlis ice I pes, but In pioinlbtil later ont) glvo him n tliiik for Iho list of tinmoney. About two niontliH later besaw Wallnih, who pi tlsed the hair restoier, which lie Mud iicclud fiiniilomiiia Soniin.i iUcd him for his

    iiioup. but Wall. nli ugnlti put liiiu onOn nnothir occasion Wnlhicti came lo

    I in to find nut li in (o mix iirtaiuif Iho iciipes lie li id been given, butlie did not offtr In n.i Ills debt, andSo in nut rofiisid lo li.uu nn) thing todo with him Wall icb s.il,l Hint hoi nil been iuusIki tm practicing mod.kino without a lliiuc, nnd had beenlined t'lio, mi Hint In whs pressed lorfunds Ho Mild fuilhir that the po-lice had belzed a gallon of Hie icintil)vbleh ho had pin up according to Som-an s iiclpe

    Mrs Sonnna testltlul, eoirolioiatingi 'imn of h"i IiiisIiiiiiIh stuleminls

    orge, a small ln living villi theSoinnia'H, Idcullllcd pi c linens of lietlisol the lilml which Sniuuia had used oniiio occasion whin lie showed Wiill.iibnow lo lompomd Hie saUes.

    At this point Hn Hi fi lino spuing amirjirlse

    "I ha'.e iiuhpomntd Clerk 1'iaiikllutih of Iho Hulled Stales DistrictCoin I," Slid I'cli rs 'I will lest Ifcounsel will nilmlt Unit J l.or Wtil- -lich In his application for citizenshipi wore, and In his nllldaWt staled, thathe airhcd at Niw ork Oitolier 10ISIt, thai hi was a nitho of Snllrer-uu-

    that ho was ai that Hnio '.) jiarsild and Hi it he win twcuH-fn- Main

    of ugo whin he made his aiilliallonmil lb.il hn had Kbldid lu the I nltcdSlates for llltit u cais

    "t will admit whit thn moid uphero shows," K.ild lliown"llils Is mi exact mp of the rienrtl

    'f tho lT S Dlstrln Courl " bald let-ir-nnd the eililvnn tefeiiid to was

    p'uriil on thn iccoril With this Hiedifense rested

    l'elers made n in iiti'rli uigunieiitf.il lil.i clieni In whli h lie look occtiiloti to mast Wnllaih for IiIh nndet-han- d

    dealings wltli Souiuin, for binii'tllitdo an u suloi of Iho Huunllatipeople, and incusing It tut Hall) of hav-ing eouitiiitted neiJiiM

    Itidge Anc'iad' slatnl Hint while (heaitlclo was undoiihli il llhollous, butthe tiutb of Hie allegations was a pci-I'c-

    delenso"llie evidence of the dorenso In tlile

    ense, snhl the Couit "and the lostlmum of tho plaintiff Wnllaeh, lilni- -ioII stating that he hud $S"0 with bllumil Hint ho had entered Into a bargilni IHi Souimn In which lie ugieod In

    pai Hie m i haw) mlm of $3fltt isliows Hint W.nluili Is a swlnd

    In and a smooth oiii nnd If WnllacliSiil this iuoiipj pud took Sotninu's rei Ipci and did not pa for Hum, theni.i the Judgment of this courl It Is iilu ft, oi else this imiil dook not kuuwwhat I hell is

    ' Hon t he ah lid of tho dog saidllio housewife) He merelv waul, tofollow )oii 'I know that,' nusweiedI'loddlng I'eto Hut it don t eisu in)mind I onco saw n loiomotlvo fol-'o-

    a cow up tho lino.' PucL.

    illA! mil ETIK

    Hopes Temperance WillTriumph At

    LastThe hn ai In mi. li of Hn Woman s

    Christian kl nieniiii i I ulou held Itsniituinl miotlug tester la nfle noon atIhe lesldeliie of Mis I .1! Willi lmon l'unuhoii iiu it 1 hpre'wax a goodnltundance, over foil) members beingpresent

    The election of MUs Kloieuceto Hie iiosltlon of recording EPire-tnr- yof Iho association was one of the

    Inteiestlng features of tho ronelnve IIwas done oy n unanimous vole or allptesont

    Trensurcr JIra I.vdli 11 Com re-pot ted tho llimncps lu good shujie,Ihero lielpg n balincc of $12171 onhand nflei debts of the )car had beenm ttled

    'Ihe mallei of Hie drinking fountaintamo up for general discussion l'res-'de-

    Mrs Whlliicv oxilalncd that Hit'liltir bail been settled nvet n cnriigo ns she tliouglii liv an understand-ing with l'icsldcnt I'lnkham of Ilulloiid of Health She slntcd that sliphad supposed that permission In placeHie fountain had been giaulcd nl Hintlime, mil did not nuHilpaln nn ofthe preint tioiiblc 'lo stmlglilriimat ten nut I'lesldpiit .Mrs Whltnevslated Hint an application for permlsfc'on lo erect the fountain bad beenhiii to llio Iloaid or lleiltb over threeweeks ago which that body had ne-glected to replv to up lo the present

    Hon lolin II Wonlltv the Nationali oh Id I loti leader, spoke at length on

    Hie business in which he wns engagid'p told Willi Interest Hip part b"llavpcl in the Inst nresijcnllal cam- -

    tilgn, in which l.n wns nn arllve enn-I'di-going frum ill) to iltv In a

    car, making spiech nttcrI'leeli and often holding his mepl-.ng- s

    In the tamp town and at Hip sameMine as d'd I'leslilcnt Hooseveltpinker Woollev gavo a most Interest-

    ing net mint of Ids uphill fight ngnltutthe llcpioi tiallle Hut the many

    anil disapiioltilmeiilH have notdimmed Ills di termination, foi heMid, during his spend'

    'I hope lint, I shall llvo In get myfool on the Hnii.it of the liquor trallled Hie eoiiuln. so Hi it HieiP will lie no

    such thing us u leg.illirid saloon, tolebaiirb Hie manhood, insult the wornmbooil and detlle Ihu ililldliood oi mvlOllllHV

    Dr Si udder inmle n verv pluwlnniililiess ill Hid lailK-- of liliieriiuielle said lu pari

    "I have tho strongest and mostheart) usslslnmi) ii.nl) for HipWorn ill's Christian Temperance Union.mil for the work which I lie v have Inhand, mill, lu ni position us Hie pas-tor of one of Iho tin a I clinic lies, shallbe glad lo assist the noble woik Innvei) vvnj

    Di MiKievn made a few tillingof Itmpirnuif) niovcs Hint bo

    hud hem engnged In, ami of Hmin n kid biuiess Hint has alU)s

    woik of tills iiatuio wlicn wo-men had taken ,i hold wltli a n

    An eleitloii of olllcirs for tho ensu-ing vuir resulted as follows, atl beingelected unanimous!) :

    Mrs J M Whltnev. pusldontMis I) Scuildrr, vile iiresldent. iMis I" C Jones, vice) jireshlentMrs Woollc), vlio iiresldentMrs Jniil.ui, col rescinding sccre--


    Miss Ynnow, iieciiding seercliitvMis Coin. In isuii rHeads of dopiilnii ills lival legi-

    on Mis Itldii, I lovvci Mission, MUsI'ludir, .Miss ludd l.llci.m, Mhlolinson. Iliiferiueliteil CoiumilllloiicVltii. Mrs O II (liiliek, liiHlrutlloiili Schools. Miss While man Kiindav

    Sihool Woik, Mrs 'Ihoiuns lliriimCommittee em Nominations Mis I Tlulick, Mrs 0 II (iullik

    ftn the nut I. ng light lefieslimcutsve re enjoved


    promote colda and colds

    develop grippe. From

    that many unpleasant

    complications ensue. A

    box of ANITGRIPPC

    TADLETS will fix you; a

    few doses when the first

    symptoms of cold appear

    Is, all that lo necessary to

    keep clear of a doctor's

    bill. Sold only by

    Benson, Smith & Co.,,



    The Weekly Edition of tho EveningOulletln gives a complete summary ofthe news of to day.

    Tto JAtiiirt&fit w(. wkakfe aA. "i---jLU omJ Jt. jute. v sH--,-U- ' ' Jt ik w? msit.v i

    THE DISCOVEREROf LycIIa E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, tho

    Great Woman's Remedy for WomanVllIs.

    mI L XX JTHt-- - .T-i- N. A.


    VY 1S W VJ

    a- - m&mt a


    E.No other medicine fur Woimn s Ills in the vvorhl has rcceiicd rucIi wide.

    Sireail ntid uiiqiiniilleil endorse nn ntNo oilier liieilieiuu has But li a n cord of cures of fcmnlo Illnesses or sucli

    hosts of grateful friends lis lias I.vdin II. I'llililinnis Vcgetablnl'or moro tliiiu 10,vearsit IiiihIucii taring all forms of reiiinle

    nnd Ulverutlon, uml Weakness. ,It has cured mor cases of Backache and I.ocul Weaknesses than nny other

    one) l.'incdv. It and expels tumors ill nil inrly stage ofnnd periodical pilns, Winl.ncss of

    Moating Venous l'rostr.itloii. Ilendiehe, (leni rnl Debility ejulckly vlcld tolt;nlso eler.iuged organs cnuting inln, drngi;lng sensations nnd backache.Under nil eireiinistnuoes It nets In hnrmonv with tho female svstcm.

    It removes that wearing feillng extreme) lassitude, "don t caro" nnd"ivanl-t- o In- - li (t alono feellnif. exeitnbllitv, nervousness,

    fnltilness, Iltiliileucv, lnolancholy or tho "blues". Thcsonro liullintinris of 1'cmnln Wctiliuiss or somo of tho orgnnc,vvhleli this medlflno cures ns well as Uiromo Kidney anilHack lehe, of i i t lit r hex.

    'I boso women who refure to nro rcwnnlcd a hundredthousand times for tlioy gel what tboy want a. cure, bold by Druggistsever) where


    Should Buy

    Kona Coffee




    development.Irregularities tbohlomncli, Indlgistion,





    Why You

    1st. Because jou get 5 lbs full weight of the bestcolTcc in Hie Islands for $1 2nd. Because each purchaserreceives free n handsome Chum cup nnd snuccr and n spoonin each tin. 3rd. Bccuso you get tins choice Kona coffeefreshly roasted nnd ground. 4th. Because it is the finest

    v product of the Honolulu Coffee Mills, the largest coffee pro-ducers in the Islands. ,


    Levy & Co.,FAMILY GROCERS.

    Have You Learned Whysome people ninivcl at the fact of our selling mote soda water thanthe other maiiufnctiiicrs of aerated waters? The rcuson is plain.

    Purity of Flavors, Fxccllencs of ManufactureOlder a case this morning if jour phone works.

    Ring No. 71.

    ConsolHatcd Soda

    PHONE 7G.

    Ltd,,G. S. LEITHEAD, Manager.


    f WHY TAKE CHANCES ELSEWHERE WHEN YOU CAN GET A ic . . . --ov National Lash Register

    from us for less money and on easy payments, without Interest, 0iliberal discount for cash. Thero Is no cash register so absolutel)certain of results as a National. Every National Is guaranteed ai to

    durability and repairs. .WE ARE SOLE ASENTS.

    Tl?j Wutcrhouso Company,JUDD BUILDING.

    iiiMJfciMyMiMiiui ws wiiii piitninwn ii im wm mtm.Clipping:

    Iioiscs called foi' and returned.

    Club Stables,Fort above Hotel St. Tel. 100,

    niwti-V-i'- " dXiJdJ-AA.r.,-.ll)lt'jilfriltAi- i

    Works Co.,

    Bo Wo






    V.'o make a specialty of Chinese Jewdry. New line just received per 8.0. "Koroa." We Invite you to conn

    'and inspect our line of Jade set Ininnumerable Oriental designs.

    Hotel Ct, bet Smith and Maunakea St.


  • II



    Evkxixo Uoijhtinl'ubllslioil Every Day nxcept Sunday

    at 120 King Street, Hutntulu,T. II., by the



    Entcrei! nt the I'ostoQlcu at Hono-lul- uus second-clas- s matter.


    Payable In Advance.

    Evening Bulletin,l'er month, anywhere In U. S.S .76rorqunitor, nnywhoro In U. S. 2.00l'er year, nnyviliero In U. S... 8.00Per year, postpaid, foreign... 11.00

    Weekly Bulletin.Six months , J .00l'er year, anywhere In U. S... 1.00iorye.tr, postpaid, foreign... 2.00

    Territory of Hawaii, )Honolulu, )ss:First Judicinl Circuit.)

    W. 11. FAUHINUTON Mnnagoiof the Dultctln Publishing Company,Limited, being first Uuiy sworn, onoath deposes and says: That the fol-lowing Is n truo and correct state-me-

    of the circulation for tho week(ndlne rrlilni, October 11, 1007, ofthe Ua'ly and Weekly Kdltlons of thelivening llulletln:Saturday, Oct. 5 2711Monday, Oct. 7 2405Tucsdny, Oct. 8 2513Wednesday, Oct, 0 2505Thursday, Oct. 10 250GFriday, Oct. 11 2498

    Average Daily Circulation 2555Circulation of Weekly Bulletin

    Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1907 28G3Number of weeklies delivered on

    the Island of Hawaii alone.. 1316Combined guaranteed average

    circulationliUl.LICTIN I'lJUUSHINO CO., LTD.,

    by V. 11. l'AIUUNOTON,Iluslness Manager.

    Subscribed and sworn to before, mithW 12lh day of October,

    (SEAL) Anno Domini. l'J07:P. 11. llt'rtNKTTK.

    Notary Piihllr, Wrist Judicial Circuit

    WEDNESDAY. OCT. t, 1007.How much moic evidence do uen

    the prevloimly ililudcd people requiteto com luce them of tin- supremo TollyT th Wntlnch funire?

    Tho experience nt tho Indiana towni lions that tho honor of being u powdor town Is not to bo sought by those(xpcctlng to lemitln on the map.

    Kngland Is taking u hand in dcad'yialna accidents, ami may And nillimy cause for It If tho roailn hawbeen piiichaslng defective liiist-mad- calls.

    "A stitch In time saves nliio." Sec- -retarj Taft takes early action to pio-ve-

    any romptlcntlons that mightiirlso from Innocently following thococktail louto.

    The baseball team that Iiiih a rlinnrolo make a trip to Japan, and expensespaid, falls to apptvclntu the great opportunltles of this life. If It docs notr.ccopt the olfer and go

    Another good winker Iiiib rallied tothe Hag of the I'earl Harbor Improvement league. It will soon bo tlmo tor,.arshal theso forces mid biing themto bear whcio tlioy will do tho mostgood.

    Uncle Jno Cannon as an opponent ntHooscvull will result In mi argumentby those taking sides on Undo .loo'sability to spit tcrbaccer as far as Ted-dy can throw tho big stick. Pictur-esque Ib what It will piobably bo call-ed.

    How often bnve Hawaiian-American- slo bo reminded that the men who

    restricting tho frunihlho arosatisfied to let tho Wallach fako hnvofieo swing? They havo only ono pur-pose In view, and tho leaders aro play-"r.-

    directly Into tho hands of their de-clared enemies.

    A French Investigator says tho tintlpathy for tho .lupaueso among Amerleans and llritlshcrs of tho PacificCoast Is very grcut, but no Americanthinks seriously of war. It Is pleasantto lime n generally accepted fact guarrnteed by tho observations of an unprejudiced outsider.



    Oilman announces his belief thnt thupassenger steamshlpa ho wus lookingup will never como to tho Paclllc(.oast.

    Tho ending of this preposition, llkoa hqttlrrol track, up n tree will llko1) causo some of our follow-cltlzen- s tofeel and say that "It's no uso anyway,"rnd glo up In disgust.

    Tliu'lliillotlii objects to thisvlow of It. Ono swallow doeB not maker. summer and twenty failures cannotkill a passenger steamship projectwhen lliero Is a lle community behindtho demand for bettor service. Tho(ill man proposition lu dcud. Let Ittiny there.

    Turn to tho noxt prospect for un lui- -(itoved passenger steamship that may

    .offer. Or If nono offers, set out Iniearch.JtTliC'agltatlon,andtlio searchLi"Sfr'.;i


    it useless monry. And If you keep Itin your trunk, thieves are apt to breakhrough and steal. We can take thaiusty one hundred dollars and make It

    earn you fifty cents a month andwithout risk or expense to you. Or wcan get you $2.50 a month for $500.00;or $5.00 a month for $1000.00. It willcost you nothing to consult us aboutinvestments.


    coutlnuu imaKitod In cause thocause Is absolutely Just.'

    Transportation Is tho great Issue bo-lo-the Territory of Hawaii today.

    Our progress Is dclajod Just so longi.s the problem remains unsolved andwo encounter conditions similar tothose prevailing dtiri ig tho next thrcoweeks, when no steamship will lenvothe port on which passengers maytake passage to an American poitwithout paying n fltio.

    Less exclt.iblu comiiiiiiiltles thanours would call this an outrago and(enter every energy on a correctionof It

    The fnrty-thiu- millions of dollarsworth of freight carried between Ha-waii and the mainland In n year oughtto be of sumo senlco In gaining r

    ships for tho Islands.


    How much gicator arrny of facts Isme-dei- to convince misguided people

    .1 the Islands that the faith they placein Wallacb's claims Is absolutely

    Ileio Is a man who, after n thoroughhearing of his case of cilminnl libel,U branded by tho Judgo on tho benchas u man whoso testimony under oaths of a doubtful character. Not onlythis, the judge alto said that the man'sacts eamu as near theft as an thinghe knew.

    Thli Judgo In not a prejudiced JudgoThe criminal case, brought against abarber whoso medicines tho "doctor"bargained for, was one nt the quack'sown seeking. He failed miserably Inproving bis charge ami brought hisown hliortconilugs Into tho limelight,. It. Is. tlino for tho leaders of the Ha-

    waiian people to stop and considerwhither thoy ni-- going In fosteilngtho furoro over this fakir.

    A itconl DKo Unit made In tho Vo


    should not fall to visit the greatestliving Volcano

    KILAUE AIt takes but four days to mako the

    round trip, and costs only


    I' or tickets nnd Information rcgatd-lu-the trip apply to


    Cor. Kort nnd Morchant Sts.Honolulu.

    753WWBstHfeT COMPANY.


    Xffc :w- - '0H"onolulii.rUtU

    LOCALITY Is everything whenIt comes to building a home. Eleva

    ion, climate, neighborhood, car scrv

    Ice, make MANOA VALLEY an Ideal


    Lots In the Puupueo Tract can be

    bought for $1000 and up, according to


    We advance money to build homes

    on these lots and you can repay us In

    monthly Instalments.

    Let us show you a lot and tell you

    how easy it Is to own a home'.

    Henry WaterliouseTnist Co.,LIMITED

    Corner Fort and Merc! ant Sts.wn.Pr .Ty .iyg-iTf- t

    KVfl.MNW PDM.WriN, HONOLULU T. If., WUDNKSDAY. OCT. If., 1907.

    llco Court alone would go cry far towards convincing United States Conpressmen, with whom some of tho Iln

    lenders are vcrfriendly, that men who lead or assistIn leading people to follow such aquack are lacking vital elements dcourageous and thoiougbly honedAmerican, citizenship.

    Mr. Woollcy has things to Bay onthe contest against tho evils of rumthat suggest bo Is n thoroughly prac-tical man. Most men have abandonedtl.c idea that humanity In any coiibIiI-- '( raliTe numbers can bo driven Into

    Iglit living and right action. Thereare enthusiastic opponents of tho saloon who will profit It they tnko thisfact to heart and gocrn themselvesaccording!).

    Gannon For

    PresidentWASHINGTON, D. C. Oct. 8. Men

    prominent In Eastern financial circleslime declared to friends within n fewdays that thero Is now n strong moe--ment to boost the Presidential cnudl-I'nc- y

    of Speaker Joseph Cannon, withI olltlco-bttslncs- s Interests which nroopposed to President Itoosovelt nndtl.c Koosevcltlnu domination of tho sit-- t

    ntion confronting tho RepublicanI arty. The mocment Is said to contemplate tho nomination of GovernorHughes of Now York for second placeon the ticket.

    Joseph Weeks Ilahcock, former momber of Congress from Wisconsin, fortiitui) )ears chairman of tho Ileptib-Hca-

    Congressional Committee mid ntpresent Wisconsin member or tho He-- 1

    ithllcan National Committee, gavo abrief outline of tho movement. Ho

    u banker' name, which Is n guarautre that the story has feonic sub- -

    tnnce.Ono of tho most Interesting features

    ')! this purported Cannon-Hughe- s coml tuallon Is the assertion that GovernorHughes letH tho tact bo known thathe Is willing to accept tho Vice PresIdeiitlal nomination. This Is Important, If true. Within twenty-fou- r hours.It has been printed that Governor JHughes had Informed close friendsthat ho would not accept n rcnomllia-lio-

    for his present olllco or u nomi-nation for Vlco President, leaving thoInference that the Presidency nlonowould tempt III in to continue his polit-ical career. Tho Inter story, however.Is entitled to just as much credence.

    The kchemo Is veiy slmplo andloiiuds very reasonable. Of course. Ifthe nlitl.ItoriReplt eleii'rnt enn rrtho Now York delegaMoii It i

    able to present Hughes 'or I ,t , I -- r Jbut It would need help from th" outside, and there would bo extreme dan-ger that tho second sentiment of otherStates with favorite sons would bo forTaft as tho Hoosovelt candtdato or forItoosovelt himself. Tho basic Idea ortho schemo in hand Is to gather the

    otea of Now York, Pennsylvania nndIllinois as u nucleus to carry throughanything to heat Itoosovelt or Hooso- -

    ell's candidate.

    We Announce a

    Special Sale

    Monday, Oct. 21stof the following articles at great-ly reduced prices:

    Turnover Collars1 lot, assorted, were 25c to 75c

    eachSALE PRICE 10 CENTS.

    Ladies' UudervestsWhite, Ribbed, Low Neck, No

    Sleeves, Seconds,SALE PRICE 10 CENTS EA,

    Fancy RibbonsBaby fl"-- ii, 'ary..2 Yd.No. ! F- - cy ht.i . 15s Yd.Hat Band Rih'.-o-

    2Cc nntl 25c Yd.Ribbon, Bayadere Plaids

    50c Yd.

    Draperies, etc.25c Flowered Denims, 36 Ins.

    7 Yds. $1.00X)c Flowered Satlnes, 36 Ips.

    I 10c Yd.Fancy Cretonnes, 30 to 36 Ins.

    5c Yd.Madras Curtaining..

    15e Yd.60c Flowered Madras, 40, 45

    Ins 35c Yd.


    ElilersWhose Sales ARE Sales

    JUDGE OF THE SUPREME COURTSuffered Four Months From the After-Effect- s

    , of the Grip--Relieve- d By Pe-ru-n- a.

    w" i'g"' lilMMI

    The grip more than any other dis-

    ease in tho world leaves the system ina run-dow- nervous, bloodless con-dition,

    Pcruna has becomo famous in

    tho deplorable condition which

    the grip produces

    B?CCatarrh Victims Susceptible.

    Fooplo who havo had catarrh of thohead, throat, noso or lungs aro muchmoro liablo to catch tho grip than otherpeople.

    Tho reason for this Is that tho mucousmombrane of tho bead, nose, throat orlungs aro Injured by tho catarrh andtho germs which canso tho grip ilndeasy entrance Into tho system.

    It Is a well! established fact that per-fectly sound inucotu mombranes countl-Int- o

    a barrlor to tho entrance of diseasegerms.

    Tho best precaution any ono can haroagainst the grip is to bo perfectly froefrom catarrh.

    Feruna a Preventive.Asa provontivo of grip, Pcruna ha

    done n great deal of good In tho worldby Its beneficial effect upon the raucousmembranes.

    Catarrh has another untoward In-fluence! to bo noticed In connection withtho grip.

    Victims of catarrh who have had thogrip find themselves after tho acutestages havo 'passe'd, In very weakenedand doplorablo conditions.

    After-Effec- ts of Grip.The whole- norvou system Is. Im-

    paired; tho dlgcs.tlvo organs deranged;tlio circulation o tho blood feeble andIrrcgnlar. AU theso symptoms aro pro-Juceil, more or less, by tho grip, andJiVrh previous to1 boVrlD.'" " "'

    Ask your druggist for a copy oiIve Peruna by

    following druggists Honolulu, Smith &



    Demanded $25 Fee BeforeTestifying As Expert

    WitnessJ. Hastings ll'jwlaud nearly biokc up

    the game yesterday In Judgo Holt'sI'ouit when refused to testify In tho(iiso of fl J. McCarti vs. I.. M. White- -house until ho been paid aas expert witness. And hodid the money, he handed em-ployer a lemon giving testimony'n faoruf tho other T. M. liar-rlbo-

    the attorney, was tho mangot

    JItC'arty Is suing Whltchouso for$38:1.18, which ho claims Is tho hal-un-

    duo on a subcontract thu

    Does Your


    Need Repairing

    Don't neglect it until it isalmost worn out but bring itto us and will give you anhonest report on its condition.




    IF. J Ileading Jewelers,

    .vrfW ;iti nltnMWMmiiaiii

    wWffffffmB v - 0fM&Ii&Mk


    W. Parsons Is o Senator


    Court of Tolas, and was Urlgadlor-Qonor- in Confedorato Army. In alottar from 025 II itreot, N. W., Washington, D. O., this promlnont gentle-man says:

    "Upon the recommendation personal Mends many strong test'monlals ns to the etdcacy Pcruna In tho treatment of the numeroussymptoms the wj which I have been afflicted for four monthspast, I been Induced to undergo a treatment with this justly cele-brated formula. I a decided change for the better after using It onlyono week.

    "It Is especially good In toning up the stomach and has a decided effectupon my appetite. I therefore encouraged that I am on theroad to complete restoration.

    "My numerous f rlonils in Toxas, whero I havo had tho honor to commanda brigade of her Veteran Cavalry In a four years' war, may accept thisuntary testimonial to merits of Pcruna as n of obligation on my

    use of Peruna. is for sale all chemlstB and druggists.The wholesale will supply the retail trade In Hawaii: Benton, Co.,

    Honolulu Drug Co., Hobron Drug Co.


    had $25 feean whenget his



    for con- -





    of andof

    of griphave


    feci much

    voltho eenso

    part for Its wonderful cfllcaey." W. II.

    It Is no longer merely n theory or anassertion that I'cruna Is appllcablo tosuch cases.

    Prompt Relief.In all of tho after-effect- s of tho grip,

    Pcruna- gives prompt relief. This hasbeen tho oxpcrlenco of such a sroatmullltudo of people that Pcruna hascomo to bo a standard romedy for thesocases.

    It a person has not used I'crnna toprevent tho grip, tho noxt best thing Isto uso Pcruna to rcmovo tho after-effect- s

    of tho grip.A Safe, Reliable Remedy.

    Even during tho aculo stagos of thogrip, Peruna taken In small,

    doses, is so cfllclcnt that manyDcoole uo nothing clso,our booklet, "The Ilia of Life," nlvlnn

    ftruetlon of n part of tho government'road In the W.'ilka'.mlana Kiilili. Thelolut .it Itsue was tho amount of earth

    excavated, ami Howland, ns an engi-neer, was called lo calculate from bluepi hits of cross sections of tho rn.nl J nothow lniuli un., taken out.

    i:cr.vthlnp was lovely until How- -land teaehed tho crux of his testimony,when he balked nnd refus"d toiuswcrdie mln'liul (motion unless ho 10- -

    n !"c of Jir, for cxpeit trstl- -i tiinj . Uairlson, attorney for

    tried to heat lilin down to $10,out there wus nothlui; doing. It wasSjTi or iHithliiK, and Harilson finallyuaii io un: (ion u ami pin up ui:urnioiint, stutlui; us he did so that IiIjdleut would stand for mil) $1(1, and hohliilbclf had I) put up the balance.

    Aim turn liow-luui- l consented intnllc, and tho flRiires he save were Infavor of the other man. Ho calculated that the amount of earth moved was(1(183 cubic yuids, 170 yards nunc thanWhltchouso was wlllltiB to pay for andr,78 lcs than the subconttactor wassulni, foi.

    Judgo Do Holt dually gao judg-ment for S)tCuil in tho sum ol51 13.58.

    cEvening Bulletin 75 per month.


    iJtem-BQCf- i$fflaitC?Gtfis

    41 p

    J - Mm



    and Judge of tho Supremo



    It has been noticed that thoso whotako Pcruna during tho first stages oftho grip generally mako a moro rapidand comploto recovery.

    A Most Effective Medicine For

    la Grippe.Robt. L. Madlmin, A. M., Principal of

    Cullowhco High School, Palntor, N. O.,Is chairman of tho Jackson CountyHoard of IMucatlon. Ho Is a writer otoccasional verso and has contributed toa number of loading papors and maga-zines.

    In sp'paklng of Parana, Mr. Madisonsays : "I am hardly over without Porunalninyhomc. Itistliomosterfcctlyorncd-tclnothat- l

    have e or tried for lijsrlppi.It also cured mv vlfo of uata: c.tarrlt."

    Instruction covc.-ln- a the most effectI


    Senator Chllllngwortli Is btlll In theJapanese transportation business,'That ho has not becomo discouragedb his prcWnus venture Is made maul -lest by tho fact, that tho promoters otltho .lapaiieso emigration schemo have,chartered two "Allen l.lno" steamers,,tue H. H. Indravulll and thu S. S. Dean, 'to tiuiihport laborers

    I'rom what could bo learned, thosteamship Is duo to urrhoj

    hero somu tlmo about tho end of January, and for tho purposo of movingr.hout.COO Japanese from heio to Vnu - Icouvor. Tho S. S. Dean Is not looked'or until two or thrco months later. I

    Willi this latter thu promotersexpect to tako about 1,200 Japauccoto Ilraill. '

    According to Senator ChlllmgNvorth'sstatement, tho llrazlllnti (jovcrnmentla willing lo tako over 20,000 Jnpanesous laborers.

    It Is possible that tho transportationof Jnpaneso to Urll may bo madedirect floin Japan.

    ade for

    their bestINStein-Bloc- h,

    "inr lli-.-if'TJil.j- M.

    Clothier and

    :$ a :t x n lBAND CONCERT

    H X H K M X X-- X X K X M M M K M

    A public band concert will bo givenIbis evening nt 7:30, at Aala park, theprogram being as follows:

    PAItT I.Mnrcli-,,T- ruo Illuo" TclkoOverture "Light Cavalry" .... SuppoIntcrmcizo "Clierry" AlbeitSelection "Anunawny alrl".MoncKton

    PART II.Vocnl Hawaiian Songs.. Ar. by llcrgerSelection "American Airs". .ContornoWaltz "1001 Night" StraussKlnnlo "Madame Angot" ....Iecocy

    "The Star Spangled Ilaniicr."

    HAPPINESS!For candy-eater- s this means

    Alexander Young Cafe goods

    fresh chocolate creams, bon

    bons, etc.

    Fresh Huyler's Just In. They

    came In sealed cases

    this time.

    Alexander Young CafeAlexander Young Bldg.

    NOW!Our Suits rondo to your measure for

    $25.00are guaranteed to give satisfaction,

    that you get your money's worth.

    Geo. A, Martin,HOTEL ST.

    Open Until 5:30 P. M.

    The HoffmanOur opening was a success. We are

    now ready to serve our patrons withentirely new and fresh Liquors, Winesand Beers. Free lunch dally between11:30 and 1.

    Wo Li Howell,'PROPRIETOR.


    Pinest Pitand clotn of A-- 1 quality can be pur.chased from

    Sang Chan,McCandless uDlldlng.

    P. O. Box 961. Telephone Ml.

    Dp. 'P. Uemura,Physician and Surgocnj Specialist

    eyo diseases. Olllco, Horotanla nearNuuanu. Hcura: 8 to 11 a. m.. 7 to8 p. ra Tclephono Main 420. OfficeKing tr. Alapul; hours: 1 to 3 p.m.Telephone White 166.


    It Is really economy to have yourpiano tuned once every six months.


    BERGSTR0M MUSIC COMPANY, Id.odd Fellows' Bldg.

    Us Alone

    manner bysack business

    Merchant and Fort Sts, 8

    suits. Smart, correct in cut Jand --fashioned by the most jfknowing journeymen tailorsin America.

    Mostly daik shades in scores of patterns,all contincd and selected by us from theoriginal cloths before cutting.

    M. If Inerny, Ltd.,Haberdasher,

    '' ' - i


  • I





    8 "Great aches from little ache-corn- s grow'





    mm Mclnernytk Six SwSisjIxxiS Sii SIS SIX Sin Six Si!



    fELEPHQNE 240.

    cream very best





    n last that has stood test SIRSi?

    forty years, cures nil


    and elegant,S'S

    and refined. SixSix

    Pa S!SSixSix

    Not shoe, but 13

    great value an honest mm

    I S!SSixSISSix

    Shoe StoreS!S

    MR Sin MiijiiRaixxUxUxIicMicMR

    There's a Barrel of

    Satisfaction in a

    Single Glass of


    9mm jj

    5 Negligee ShirtsPQ line of men's shirts of varied sizes and numerousH vcolor just arrived from .tho Coast. We are selling them at all pricesS from 50c. to $2.00.

    R We also have a large assortment of gentlemen'sB TIES, any one of which Is equal to a $1.00 tie anywhere else. We get

    35 cents apiece.




    Coffee PotsKussian, Nickel and Marion TEA POTS, in many varieties.

    IceWoterPltcherswith Ice RendersNickel Bread Boats, Crumb and Scrapers.

    Lewis & Co., Ltd.,THE H0USEH0LP EMPORIUM.


    We sell in small or

    flavors and fancy moulds

    is the

    Especially Solicited.

    as nature

    is gen-


    an expensive






    large quantities and make special

    parties and banquets. Our

    made this city. Family Trade

    M:nir. to A'all MQTTwbSS

    mtalk it wttli '::- - M

    The Palm Cafe,The Home Good Things Phone J

    TArHENthcBciss.VV I'lr-cf-i Decoration., nr.cl l'r.int- -

    intj, wc'io nt the top ofyou have i:i iiitml chatiginr; over

    of any room in t'.'c houw.



    aches, fit the


    at price.





    160.WT-"si- J

    for ice


    r our

    of 31

    the heap.If the

    sxtriuiii; u valublilc.

    Stanley Stephenson.Thone 420. TnE DECORATOR.

    Be an S. S Sign will make you so.




    RVV.NlNf, nW.I.KIIN. HONOLW.U.T. I!., WKDNKSDAY, OCT. lfi, 1907.





    NEW YORK, N. Y.. Oct. 6.- -A cabloto tlio Sun from London says: Tlio


    Inlrrnrrtntlim which Kurnnn lilncnn mi. '- - 'on tlio policy or sending tlio American ,battleship fleet to the Pacific receivedIts first practical application this week, jA Inrso steamship flying tlio Japaneseling Is to Ball from Antwerp tomorrow i... '. 'tc join a new lino from San Franciscolo Japan. Sho carries considerablecargo and Bhlppcrs notified tlio own-ers of tlio vessel that they would with-draw tho shipments unless tlio vesseltnd cargo wcro Insured against war)Isks. This has been done at consid-

    erable expense.

    NEW YORK, N. Y., Oct. 7. A cabloto tho Sun from Manila- - says: Eng-ineer and marines havo mndu remark-tibl- o

    progress In rushing work on thofortifications, despite heavy 'rains and,ioor transportation facilities. Twenty-fou- r

    guns have been Installed on Gran-d- oIsland, at the entrance to Sublg

    Day, Including ten oftho best Navy gun, which are niountlden heights.

    Complementary forts hnvo beenerected on tlio mainland. Satisfactory 'vork Is being tlono on the larger andPermanent fortifications on CorregldorIsland, at tho mouth of Manila Hay,.mil at tho torpedo station. Tho troops Ithroughout tho islands hnvo been act- - jnely practicing and nro now In splen jdid condition. Tlio locnl naval squad- -ron engaged In maneuvers during tholast week, and will practlco night tac-- 1tics this week. Thus all branches ottho service, though small In uumbcri1110 being made cRlclent.


    WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. G. In-stead of being delayed In starting tinIII after December 15th, on account olvarious repairs, as has been feared,tho battleship fleet, It Is now said, willprobably sail from Hampton Roadsrcccmbor 1st. Target practlco will bocompleted at Capo Cod by tho 10th,ind tho ships will nt onco sail for thoarils to which they havo been assign

    cil for repairs and overhauling. Whllothis will bo nttcndcd to ns thoroughlyas possible, It Is not contemplated byI ho President that tho sailing for thoPacific shall ho delayed. If tho tlmofor Installing tho tlio control system U;,ot sufllclent, one can bo put In which,It Is bcllucd, will bo fairly efficient.All work will bo rushed. Soma of Itcan bd dono on shipboard, and thollaus contemplated that an officer oftlio Nnvnl Construction Corps shall ac-company tho fleet on tho voyage,

    Tho California and Pennsylvaniahavo been assigned to tho I'ugctSound yard for repairs, nnd tho WestVligiula and Maryland to M.iro Islandwhen necessary. 'Iheso shlpa will goto Magdaleim Hay for tnrgot practlconnd will get back about tho 1st of No- -

    ember for overhauling and repair. Agcnoral Miivey of tho Raleigh and Cin-cinnati has been authorized at Marcbland to determine their condition,but It Ib Intimated that thoy will bolaid up Indefinitely.

    Tho Naval Unreal! of Ordnance willtend a master mechanic from tho

    gun factory at Washington to Piti;et Sound to suiicrvlso tho Installationol II10 turrets on tho Nebraska andColorado.


    (Continued from Ptge 1)of tho testimony which hud bcun givenby tho witnesses preceding them, midMcltrldo says that ho has several wit,r.csses to provo that this Is tho cato.

    Tho court nnd tho attorneys weiu InIho act of dlscusslug tho duto to whichtho case should bo continued, whunAttorney Peters, who appoared ns couu..el for Mcllrldo, culled Weed to thouund. a

    "Did you speak to Santos when youwent out In tho corridor?'' iiBkcd Pe-ters, referring to ono of fho witnessesv;lio had been excluded from tho court-- l

    'oom."I did not," answered Weed."Do ou deny that you told him

    what tho other witnesses hud beentestifying?"

    "I do."Polcrs called Santim to take the

    .I...I II. lu ...tilil...... lin tirnr-n- . iiti.itlilt .1. in.n .......u. ,.....x.....when tho case wus brought up

    again.Prosecutor llrown Wanted to know

    vho witnesses against Wood wetoMcllrldo answered that Itoscoo For-kin-

    wait ono of them.Tho McBrldo ciso has contin-

    ued until Friday, when tho mnltor oliVo ehnrgosjignlnBt will bocteded wltli.


    HONOLULU, Oct. 16, 1907

    ham of STocr t'.IJ t't nid AkH

    HerCantil-e-Brtwr ft Co..- .-

    SUT.ARtlwA tfantaltori Co ... l.ono,o.o i 1 1Hawaiian Antic Co.. "Maw Com & bus Co lll.TCllaivailan Sujcar Co. . .Ilmicmu PitRar Collotiokaa Sujtar Co ..Ifalku Siiiar Co ..... aOnQfOOOKaliukU Plantation Co nn mo 10 .tKlhl Plantation Co Ltd t ry,ano 1.4Sugar C.O.. 160 onoKoloa SURBf Co ...oalio Sugar Co .. !.fwi. I ! t I tunomea nui; vu ... 'WW CWrt Jl '"pkola Pur-i- t I'lanl tou'.ia ugar lo l.m ) ! I VpT," sJuRiKu it cJ 5 wo cio)i.", fuSm en '.".Prrcckm' sugar Co!.! TJOOno

    jvVaTuVAKticCo'"!'' t TV jxn4,'t- - On.:Wpiiuku hussi Co ,., Tun.fiWa in.in-i1- Sucar Co 5,waimM Sugar Mm o 1f,oco aMISCKLLANLOITO

    liilcr-ltla- N Co flatil-- aHawaiian KlcctrlrCo, 500000Hon U T ft I. Co Trrllion K Toll. Co Cum f,io, oMutual Tctnilinnc Co l$ounoNahlku Rubber Co.,

    Paul Up fo.oooNalitkuKubberCo.

    AwaOaliu R& t.Co 4,oi crmMiloRKCo t,momojHon ll M Co 400 ,t.fHON'DSllawTcr4cl'lreCllnaw icr 4 pc.llnwTcr pc...ItawTrr 4 pc...MawTrri pc...Haw Gov't t PC...Cat Beet Sug & Rtl Co

    pcIUIkuSuirarro6tcHam. Ditch Co,

    Upper Ditch Ma w Com ft Sug Co j pc

    llawSucar Co 6 pc.HlloR KCo Con ii r lo6t 1Hon RTIt L.C0611CNanuku co opeClaim K ft U'iitiCOaliu Sugar Co 6 pOlaa Sui;ar Co 6 p c, .Pala Plantation Co ...Pioneer M III Co 6 p c . .U'amlua Vgric Co tpc!iwruiyuc W I OT

    Sales Del. Hoards. 20 Ewa, S25.DO;5 O. It. & I.. Co., 9G SO; $J0i) 0. II. &1. Co. Gs. JlOOi 20 Oalut Sugar Co..$23.75: 42 Haw. C. & S. Co.. 181: 100Hon. II. & M. Co.. $21, 20 Pioneer,$120; 90 Ewn, $25.50.

    Latest sugar quotation, 3.90 cents,or $78. per ton.

    LONDON BEETS, - 9s 5

    SUGAR, - 3,90

    Henry Waterhouse Trust Co.,

    Stock and Bond DepartmentMember Honolulu Stock and Bond

    Exchange.WILLIAM WILLIAMSON. Manager.


    thlH morning. ShoJlULlW 111 J Ksq, thcitsslstant minister of

    Following aio the quotations forrugar stocks in tho San Francisco F.x- -cnango. October 9Hnwalulu Com. 81Honok.-i- S. C S1 0V6Hutch S. P. Co. 1 Wi 15KllaueaMakawell C 29Oiiomcu S, (' a HiPniiithuu S. C wm -Inlon S. Co 15

    do jiool 45

    Frederick Hastings, tho young Huston biirltono who was appointed direct -

    'or of music at the Oaliu College, Honolulii, bus been engaged for tho concent stugo by It K. .lohnsloii, concertmanager of Nordlc.i, Oorardy, ct al

    Hastings wont to Honolulu a stratircr In tlio laud, and nftor his singing'had won tho natives, and his work nsmusic .director at tlio college provolsuccessful, he discovered that Govern-or Carter of Hawaii was Ills cousin,a condition that, whllo It hail been ofno service to tho young man In getling him his fltst professional footingIn Honolulu, sorvod him greatly In nroclal way. Hastings' olco, a rich andpowerful baritone, will, 'tis said, provea revelation lo the music world.

    Tho young man Is heralded as themost dramatic baritone In America.

    ill rUlSAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Oct. 8. Tho

    "trength of
