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Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1863-04-29 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 13. ·...

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9 ^ V2t. XXI. WASHINGTON. D. C.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29. 1863. N*. 3,175. the evening star. » eteky afteknoow, iSVNDJir MJOKPTMD,) IT TUB STAR BCILDl!lfll» O-aenin Piss* a Arifti atc IfrrH Stm»> BT "W. D. WALLACH* arriM ifl package* fey 91 . <~r month. To mall .uhoeribers is 94 *6 » yew. »« advance: 94 for six V- «V*«« rr.AfltVl« An/t fOF Uflfl ferl^thw gftTmV^h- at the rate of 1U ennte a wooh. Single iS^Toia 0«kt; in wrapper*, TWO OHM. ^^ADVIBTIPBMINTB should ho Mat to the -ySTL a^fc,re IS . elveh *.; otherwise they rosy not fe^eXi aatU the next day. PROPOSALS. F BOFOBALB FOR HOR8B9. Chitr ^I'lnTKhMiijrsnh) Orncc. J l~*ru nf H'«/<Ati»sio«, tor. 1h.'4 ft .*£« . W««'giD(t<'U D. C., April 3n. 1861. \ IliUC FKOPOBaL8 will be received at this office attU MONDAY. the 4th <Uy of M*y, at IB e'eiotk 14.. for tarnishing the tfoTcrnmont with 0«nr two thousand Horses. of the Jollaw.ng de¬ scription, ?»«: CAVALRY. $*>r Cavalry. M.M>' oattboaiud ft?e hundred Born**, fron» (1-5 > fifteen to< H>) sixteen hauJs high. »etw«en fi?e and eight rears of age. of dark solars. mi 11 broken to the saddle compactly built, and free from all defects. ARTILLERY. For Artillery. <y>0) live hundred Horse*. from 'tfS' fifteen and one-hulf to il6) sixteen h&ni: hi*h. bctwoen five and eight ye.ir* ot w«. of dtrfc .o ms, Tree from all defects, well broken to h wr n*«s, compactly built, and to weigh not 1-jftS than l.M' pcanaa. PROPOSALS. The full come and por.t oRise address cf the bid¬ der must appear in the proposal. If a bid ip ms.d« Id f nt- hum* of a firm, the name* of all the parties must apu"or. or tho bid will be considered ai the individual proposal of the part? signing it. Proposal* Trom disloyal parties leiil not be ron- . uh-rui, and an oath of allegiance will b*» required from successful bidders before sig- i»» 'h-- u tract. Proposals must specify riojgiy w -" her rne bil Is lor Cavalry or Artillery Horses, . :i.l i». ox - must both be bid for on the surae par.-' If any bidder wishes to propone for bottl -iasatm, he must forward two distljiCI propos.,in.».n-' for .a< h clan.-', (ompirti in i:s, fr~nTri having liu refer¬ ence to any other proposal by the same party l'ropona'.s muHt be addrensoi to C«l. D. II, Roclt- ta.Quartermaster U. S. Army. Washington D. 0., aai should be plainly marked "ProposaU for Horfes " Ifcnis equal in amount to half the sum to be re- eeiTed on the contract, signed by the contractor a»l ">». reBjx.nplt.le securities, will be required of iCfoessfnl bidders. Itidders must be present in person when the bids Are opened iilank? for bonds can be cro«ured upon applica¬ tion feeing made at this omee, either pernonaily, hy letter, or by telegraph INBPKCTION. DKhlVKKY, Ac. All Horses contracted for under tLis advertise¬ ment will be subject to a rigid inspection, and those »ot conforming to the specihcrftioua will be re- >e«t#d. No Mares will be received. The Horses must be delivered in this city, within twenty days from the date of the contract. I'arnient be made upon the completion of the eontrv.t, or so soon thereafter as the Chie.' Quar teimasier shall 1 e in funds. The CAVALRY Horses will be awarded in lots of (K'Ot two nundred es«h, and the ARTILLERY Hctmr in lots of (25'>) two hundred and fifty ea^h, uole*s the Chief Quartermaster should deem it for the interpst of the Government :o vury the number. The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself the ri«htto reject any or all bids that he may deem too high. D. 11 RUCBXR, ap 29 (!t Colonel and Chief Quartermaster. p fl 0 P O S A L 3 P OKU M B l H. Chikf Assist't QuasitrrmapterV 0??io«,; DtvotcJ Wathinttcn, 215 G at., > Corner lrtb street, April 20.185S.N "RoyoaiLs will be received atthisoffies **til Saturday. May 2, 1.^33. at 12 o'clock m.. for i«>iverin< in the city or Wn^hin^t^n, nt f5uch point w «« pot QuartermaRt^r may direct, one mil- haa (l.OOO^iiOO) feet of Lumber of the fallowing kiud and description Tiz: five hundred thousand (50ii.fion) feet Morone(l) inch White Pine Common Culiings. .b» buudred thousand ( ii*> ikn:) feet6--i or one ant a half i l!ji ic«h White Pine Common Culling-1, Twentv thouian.i (2D,W>C' feet 8-4 or two (2) inch W hite Pine Common Callings, Fifty thousand (0".«0"> fett dressed, ton<ued and grooved White Piiie, Thirty thousind (SO.rof) feet White Pine Timbar, 8 b* 8, afisorted. Thirty theu^and (3i.0t*') feet White Pine Timber. 6 by 6,22 to 24 feet long. Thirty thousandfett Whit* Pine Timber, 4 by 6, 22 to 24 feet long. Bitty thousand (&',<**) fret Joist, 3 by 9 or ten CIO) inches wide. 14 feet locj. Htmlock, Biity thousand (i5",ono> feet Joi*t, 8 by 9 or ten (10) inches wide IS feet long, Heiniock, Siity thousand (fin.Oiii!) feet Joist,3 hy (5 or seven (7» inches wide, 16 feet loiig. Heculock. Tea thousand (lO,fKx'i) feet Joist. 3 by 5 12 feet long. Hemlock, Tei» theusand (10,0Ct») feet Joist, 3 by 5,14 feet long. Hemlock. . Ten thousand < 10,000) feet Joist, 3 by 5,16 feet long, H«mk>rk, Ten thousand (10,000) feet Scantling, 3 by 4,14 feet long. Hemlock. Tea thousand < 10JKX ) feet Scantling, 3 by 4,16 feet Ic-ng, Hemlock, T»u th*u«ar.d (lo,ofK>) feet Scantling.9 by 4, 13 feet long Hemlock. All the above described to be gaod. merchantable lumber, subject to the inspection of an agent ap- pc.iuted < n th" pnrt of the Government. All the luniber to be delivered within thirty days after sitning the contract. Proposals from disloyal parties will not be con- siaere.i. am! an oath of allegiance to the B. S. (iov- rrnmeiit mu*t accouip^ny each prop<isitinn. The ahility of the bidder to fill trie contract should it be awarded to him. must be guarantied 'oy two rf-sponsible persons, whose signatures must tve appended to the guarantee, and said guarantee sau«t accompany the bid Tfce responsibility of the guarantors niHst be shown bv the official certificate of the Clerk oft he c^rent Cistrict Court or of the United States Dis¬ trict Attorney. Bidders mu^t be present iu person when the bids are opened, or their proposals will not be consid- »re<1. The fail name and Post Oflice address of the bid- 4*r ma«t appear in the proposal. If a bid is made in the name of a firm the names of all the parties must appear, or the bid will be .onsidTed as the individual proposal of the party riming it. Bonds in the sum of five thousand dollars, signed by the contractor and both of his guarautors, will be required of the succesafui bidder upon signing ifc-« contract TLe right to reject any or all bids that may be deemed too high in reserved by the Depot Quarter- matter, Informal proposals will be rejected. Proposals n.u-t be addressed to Captain Edward L Haitz, Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Array, Washington, D. C., and should be plainly marked "Proposals for Lumber." FORM OF GUARANTEE. We , of the county of , and State of and of the county of , and State of , do **r»by guaranty that is able to fulfil the contract is accordance with the terms of his proposition, aad that, should his proposition be accepted, he wlri at once enter into a contract in accordant therewith. Should the contract be awarded him, we are pre tared to become his securities. (To this guarantee must be appended the official SutiBcaU aboTe mentioned.) EDWARD L. HARTZ, »p21-td Capt. and ^ss't Quarterm'r U. 8. A. phOPGBAL* #OR BITUMINOUS GOAL. C\i'J Assistant Quartermaster's Office, i Depot of W-tshinfton. D. C., > Corner of lfi/A and U sts., April 13, WH3.S Piaikd J-ai'i-osus will be received atthisom>.e aatil Thursday. April 3», 1863, at 12 o'clock m., for deliverin < at the Government Coal Yard, on the sioie, at the confluence cf the Ohio and Chesa- Caie Canal and the Potomac river, in Oeorge- wn. D. C , of twe thousand (2,000) tons cf Bita- u^uous Coal. The Coal to be of the best quality, suitable for .gamers and biack-tmithing purposes, subject to the inspection of an Agent appointad on the part cf the Government, ana to waigh twenty two hun- ired and forty (2ivt) Ig^ds to the ton : the deliv- .ry thereof to comrndB on the 11th of May, lab3, .y ».' be delivered^ the 31»t of said month. The above Coal to be weijji ed by an Agent of the wcv. rnir.ent, and to be paid for by the weight so aeVermined. -v , , PROPOSALB. The full name and Post Office address of Uie bid- must appear in the proposal. If a bid is made in the name of a firm, the names <.: a>l the parties must appear, or the bid will be .t-Hindered ae the individual proposal of the partner aurcmg »t. Pfoposais from disloyal parties will not be eon- .Mered, and ah Oath op allkoianok most acoom »AJIT BACH PKOPOSITIOH. Prop<.Dais must be addressed to Capt Edward L fkrU-uAMia>n.t Quartermaster United Statea Army. Washington D. C., and should be plainly Karted Prop<»sals for Coal. ' . OUARANTKJC ."*. rseponsibihtv of the guarantors mn«t ba shewn by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Ihstnet Oourt xr of the United States Dig- ¥Vt Attorney. The ability of the bidder to fill the contract, should n he awarded to him. must he guaranteed by two responsible persons, whese signatures must be ap- fsnded to the fuarantee, and said guarantee must a«^oir.»any the bid. Bidders must he present in person when the &ida ^?^opened, or their prop< sa^s will not Con«hl- Ponds in the sum cf five thousacd dollars, signed py the contractor and both of n .s guarantors, will .* required of the su«ce»eful bidder apon signing «ontratt. . FORM OF GU ARaN TKK. , <of the county of , and Btatsi of ~ , tf the coonty of , and Stat* Jj ~T~i hereby guarantee that >s able to ^¦nl The eon tract in aeeordauee with the terms of A*s proposition, and that should hie proposition bo *****"*? he win at onoe enter Into » contract In .«crdane, therewith w>Vl*'t *>? swarded him wo are pre- gnred to bMeMA his sureties. .uSalri! fiV^Vee must bo appended tho official ^SJ^.V?T*n*ctioned.) any or all bids that mar ho ",!l, ,M*rBS,whAM#LD*fiART2rlM* t " ^ Captain and A Q. M.t P7^ Arm'y. T"r/h^ffr'vJd *iiL,V0B' f®°M *W* KSa&tt&fJHS*,stat »«»w » RSlOliBASV,Aj»bW PROPOSALS, ¥ gIGKAL OFFICX, ^ MMT1|WT| WabbiVmtok, D. 0., April 11, ]6ti. Sialhd Proposals will received at thUi Office until 4 o'clock p. m., on the 9Hh day of April. KUU, for fnrniehinj; to the Signal Department the fol¬ lowing arte elet: 3g Three hundred Telescopes, complete. 9ro Tw© hundred Marine Giassee, de. . 350 Tiro hundred and fifty Compasses. #"> Forty Telescopes, extra sice with stands. The first delivery to be made abcat the 15th dap of June, 1S63, or as soen thereafter as Government mar direct; the balance to be delivered on or be¬ fore the 1st dap of August, DM. A bo ad, with food and sufficient security, will be required. Projiisal* from disloyal persons, or where the bidder is sot present to respond to his bid, will aot be considered The Dunes of firms should be stated in full, with the precise address of each member of the firm. A :I bids to be accompanied by two guarantee*, and directed to Signal Officer of the Army and en¬ dorsed "proposals for Field Signal Equipments." Form of QuarontM. " s of the county of . and State of ., do hereby guaranty that is able to fulfill the con¬ tract in accordance with the terms of his propo¬ sition, and that, should Ms proposition be accepted, he will at once enter Into a contract in accordant* therewith. 8houId the contract be awarded to hkn, we are* prepared to become his sureties. iThi** guarantee must be appended to each bid.) The reppiiEsibi.ity of the guarantors must be *hown by the oftirUl certificate of the Clerk of the ! earest District Court or of the Uuited States Dis¬ trict Attorney. Tht- right is reserved to rejeet all proposals if the prices are deemed too high, or if, for any cause.it not deemed for the pablic interest to aooept them. Models will be on exhibition at the office of the Signal Officer fer fifteen (15) days from date, ap 13-td A IBS I ST A N T QUA RT2RM ASTER'S OFFICE.! Corner (i and Hid Streets, } Washington, D. C., Ap.il 21, 1363. \ Seajed Proposals will be received at this office until the 1st day ot May. 1SS3, at 12o'c!oca. m. for the purchase of Dead Animals of t he Government. Bids will he af follow*; 1st..F«r dead animals delivered by Government at a wharf in this city elected by Government . 2d..For dead animals delivered at a suitable buryi nggrnund on the opposite side of the river cttr Arlington The proposals will state whether or not the ani¬ mals are to buried by the Government, or to be buried or otherwise disposed r.fbythe bidders. The nsnal restrictions imposed by the Govern¬ ment must be observed in putting in the proposals. CAPTAIN H. B LACEY. ap 22 td Assistant Quartermaster, U. 8. A. PKOFUUALtf FOR RIFLE CANNON. Obdsabck OriricK, War Departmbnj,/ Washington, April !6. 1U63. S PRorociL.H will be received at thisuftiee uutil4 o'clock p. in., on the Set day of Mat next for the manufacture and delivery of thirty CAST-IRON el£6K RIFLE CAN NON of the caliber of four and a half inches. These Cannon weigh, when finished, ahout 3,67'i pounds. They are to be made in strict conformity to the drawings which will be furnished, and which may seen at any United States Arsenal. They are tn.be cast hollow and cooled frem the interior They are to be subject to the regular United States inspection and proof, and none are to he received or pai4 for but such an are accepted by the Ir sprctor. whose decision as to the reception or rejection of any of them is to be final and conclusive. Bidders will state the time they propose lo deliver the firft Cannon, and the number they will deliver, weekly, thereafter. They will also state where they prcpote to manufacture them, and the price per pound, for the finished Cannon; delivered at the place of shipment nearest to the foundry where cast. No bid will be entertained except from regular founders, evidence of which, and of their ability to fulfill a contract, if awarded to them, must ac¬ company the bid*, unless the bidder is known to thin office. Any bidder obtainice a contract will be required to enter into bonds with not less than two sureties, in the ppnart>um of .«5,00<ifor the falthfal fulfill¬ ment of his contract, in all respects. The right is reserved te reject anv or all bids if tVe prices are d»emcd too high, or if,for any cause, it is not thought for the public interest to accept them. Proposals will be sealed and addressed to "Brig. Gen. J. W. Ripley, Chief of Ordnance, Washington. D C.." and will be indorsed 'Pro¬ posals for 4,'-2 inch Rifle Cannon." JA8. W. RIPLEY, ap 17-eott Brig. Gen., Chief Ordaaace, ' PROPOSALS OR ADDITION TO HOSPITAL AND CON¬ STRUCTING SEWER, MARINE BAR¬ RACKS, WASHINGTON, D. C. (quartermaster's Cjfice, U. S. Marine Cori'S, I Washington. 1?£A April, 1.*.3 t Pkopopai^s will be received at this office until 12 m. of Tuesday, the 5th day of May next, for the construction of an Addition to the Hospital at the Marine Barracks, Washington ; also, a separate proposal for constructing a Hewei, Ace., for '.house of the Karracks, according to plans and specifica¬ tions to be seen at the office of the Quartermaster of the Corps. Bidders are notified that payments will be made upon aectunts duly authenticated by the command - iug officer of the post, and that the last or final payment will only be made upon the report of such person or persons as may be authorized to inspect th- work thab the whole has been properly exe¬ cuted. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposal* for Con¬ structing Addition to Hospital, Marine Barracks, Washington," or "Proposals for Constructing Sewer.&c , at Marine Bariacks, Washington,"and addressed to the u ndersigaed. Major W. B. SLACK, Quartermaster TT. 8 M. Corps. [Baltimore American please copy and sena bill to this office.] ap !8-3tawtMay5 ORDNANCE OFFICE, War Drpartmhnt, Washington, March®), 1863. Proposals will be received at this office until 4 o'clock p. na., on the £th of APRIL, 1851, for furnishing six hundred Wrought Iron Beamsfor Rails of Chassis ef Sea Coast Carriages. These beams are to be made aft r the following speicficatious: The rail for barbette carriages is a rolled wrought iron beam, aimilar in appear^ice to the ' I" shaped beams a red in the construction of fire-proof build¬ ings It ia required <obe atraight ana smootn on its surface, and free from flaws, imperfect wields, blisters, and cinder streaks. The outer surfaces of the two flanges are planes, parallel to each other, and at right angles to the web. The web loins the two flanges along their middle line, leaving them to protect equally on each si ie, and must be with¬ out benda or corrugations. D1MEN810NH Of BKAM8, Length of rail 17 inches. Depth between outer surfaces of 15 inches. Width of fianges 5,37Mnehes. Thickness of flange at outer edgd 75 inches. Thickness of wen 825 inches. These beams will be inspected after the follow¬ ing rules; They are to be made ef good theugh well worked clear iron, the absence of which qualities, (gene¬ rally indicated by roughness of surface, and by checks, aad more marked roughness a\ong the edges of the flanges,) alee flaws or bad weldB, blisters, and streaks of cinder will cause their re- jectien 1st. They are to beef the required dimensions and square at the ends. 2d. They are to be straight and free from short bends in the flanges and webs. Sd. The outer plan aurface of the flanges arc to be parallel to each other, and in plans perpendicular to that of the web. 4tb. The webs are not to be bent o% trovthed, a would result from resting the raila along their whole lttiigtba on the edijea of the fianges while the w«bs are too hot to bea^hcir weight. 5th. The flanges are to be perfectly equal on each tide oftha web VARI\TI0N ALLOWS!) IN IKMPlCTIHO. In length of rail - .60 inches. Indepthof rail 1<) inches. In tbwknesof web 'finches. In warp or wind, in depth of flange at ex¬ treme end of rail LO inches. Difference in distance between outer edge of plane nirfacesof flanges on different sides efwab at any c*oss s«e- tion of rail 10 inches A straight edge ot equal length with the rail placed on the enter edge of the range should not depart from it a*. at> y point more than Jfiinchea. A plane surface placed oi the web should not depart from A at any point mere than - 1" ifithee. A piane surface placed on the plane mr- face of either flange shenld no: depart from it at any point more that.10 wcrcee. Departure from square in depth of rail It niches. Specimens of the beams, or drawing of th-m can be seen at the United States Arsenals at Fort Monroe, Virginia. Bridesburg »b4 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and Watertown, Massachusetts. Bidders will stat« the number of beams they pro- pwe tofurnieh. the time when they will commence the delivery, which should be as early as possible, and the number they can deliver weekly after ¦commencing the delivery,-place where they will make them, and the price per pound for which they will deliver them at the point of vessel or railroad shipment neafeet to their works No bide will be entertained eteept from person* ^ctnally engaged in the manafactare of Iron, evi¬ dence of which rauat accompany the bid. .Bach par y obtain ng a contract will be rwoired enter into bonds, with proper mretiefl for its faithful fulfillment: aad a transfer of the contract to another party will cause Its entire forfeiture. The right is reserved to reieetall proposals if the prieee pre deemed too high, or if for any caase it is not deemed fer the publio interest to accept them. , PrL°'S!^?lU1 and addressed te Gen. J- W.^IPLMT, Ohief «f Ordnane*. Waahin-rton. 5?^ 5111 iadorsad "rroposah for Wresghl Tron Beams.* JAg. w. RIPLEY, . . General, Chief Orduaiice an tathcatd I HON HANDLBD HATCMTf, . mi liON CLAWS, For Vorvmteby .ri4 I a. gUVANS. Wj OFFICIAL. AH MPABTUIRT, Waibiiqtos, Juurr SB, 18SS. Ib Mnie^itiw the prtaton of busineaa itth* War Department, paaees for citiaeas to visit the Ajar .'the Potomac will he (irn *t the eBoe of Lieut. Col. Ooibrb, 139 Pennsylvania avenue above Nineteenth street. PERSONAL. (lOUBl'Y WATKBfOHD..Ibt information of j MART McGRATH, who left the eity of Water ford 8 years next June. a«e<l 21 year* naxt July. I»he <ame with ore Mr Thorn eon to Washington laet fa 11 icy ir formation of her will be received at PATRICK FLANAGAN'S, No. 134 eaat 29th street. Naw York.bar mother and brother atopa with him. If eonveaient, information will be re¬ ceived at the eorner4th and G atreeta, near the jail. No 332. Washington, D. C, a»38tt* NO IMPOSITION..Madaide Rosa, Doctress and Astrologist. was born with a natural gift. She telle the paat and futare. never known to fail. Causes speedy marriages; brings together those lone separated; cures all dia*asen Business strictly confidential. N».333G street north, eerner of Twelfth atreet wast, three aquarea frem the Patent Office. The only parson that can ahow a likeness of future huaband or abaent frierd In re alitr. Ladie* 50 cents. Gentlemen SI. ap28lm*£ BOARDING. TWO GENTLEMEN CAN FIND PLEASANT accommodations and gnod BOARD at .$26 p»>r month in a private family where there are no chil¬ dren. Apply at 179 6th street, near N street north. Refereneea required. _ap2fl-lw* T^WO HANDSOMELY FURNISHED R«OMH, with Board, may be obtained by immediate ap¬ plication at No. 339 F strtat, bttweenyth and l(»th ap 17-3t* pLEASANT ROOMS WITH-BOARD POB RENT, AT NO. 413, E STREET, BETWEEN EIGHTH AND NINTH. ap27-3t* nuy oeen GEORGETOWN ADVER'MTS. Mayor 8 office, Gkibgstows, D. C., April 27th. 1863. In compliance with a request of the Common Council, 1 hereby most respectfully recommend that the citizens of thUtown abstain from teralir occupations, and join in such religious observ¬ ances, on Thursday, the .'.Oth inst., as will be ap¬ propriate to a day of humiliation and prayer, as designated and recommended by th» President o' the United states, _ap 28 2t HENRY ADDISON, Mayor. Reopening or the "railroad housm QEORGETOW ,V. This favorite Kostanrant having recently been enlarged and refitted, the Proprietor^ takes this method of informing his" friends and patrons, and tlu- pubHc gen-, erally, that it will ha reopinird on Monday eveuiug, April 27th, on which occasion the Holy Ilill Band has kindly vo'unteered to he present and enliven the occasion with some of their choicest airs. ap 28 3t* JOHN T. NORhIB, Proprietor. JNO. W LUMSHON, ORWARBING AND GBVKitAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, 91 AMD 103 Watkr Strkbt, (reorfrtoirn. D. ('., Attends to the sale of Produce, Flour. Grain, and Merchandise generally ; Procures Freight, Char¬ ters Vessels, &c. Business transactet always with promptness and dispatch. mar 4-tf F~ OR SALE. SO BARRELS TAR. 30 BARRELS ROSIN. Apply to no 6 tf J. L. K I DWILL Georgetown, D. O. EDUCATIONAL tiT. TIMOTHY'S HA~L. 0 CAT ON S VILLE. Baltimors County, Maiul tsn. The duties of this Instiution hive been regularly resumed at Catonsville in all Its department*. Classical, Commercial and Military. Arms and equipments huve been furnished by the State for Artillery and Infantry tactics, Terma, including Bcoks and Stationary .$285 per session of ten moithi. For adiniswiou of pupils, address Bev. L. VAN BOKKELEN, Htctor. ap 16 lOt Reward institute, ^ Hon. WM. U. SEWARB. President. FEMALE DEPARTMENT.Miss M. E. Hotoh 1 IBS, Principal..The Bummer Session commences AprilS'. Board, tuition in English and French, $140 per annum. Hefcrenrts .Hon. Wm. H. Beward, Rev J. Eells, D D., Church on the Hights, Brooklyn; R. G. Pardee. Supt. N. Y. 8. 8. Union, 399 Broadway; and Iveson ft Phinney 4** Walker atreet, N Y. Florida, Orange eoanty, N. Y. ap 8-3w* HUBBARD BROS., IMPORTERS OF ARMV WATCHES, Nassau ft John Strckts, Naw York, are recei ving a large importation of RAILWAY TIMEKEEPERS, For Army Speculation. The Army and Navy Gazette, of Philadelphia, in is ite Februa* y number says: "This importation of thelluBBAKD Bros.,of New York, fills a long- felt want, beinea handsome and serviceable Watch at an extremely Iomt ligure." Superior in styU and finish.' Decidedly the most taking nocelttts out! Should retail at prices from $2'i to §50 each, (food imitation of both Hold and silver, tvith fancy lolortd hands, and beautiful dials, with superior regu¬ lated movement. Sold only by the case of six of assorted designs. Engraved and superior electro¬ plated with gold, and silver, per case of six, Fortt- kiOHT Dollahs .«4fj). By mail, postage, f 1,65 per per case. MAGIC TIME OBSERVERS. TUlt PRHIRCTIUN or MECHANICS*! Being a Hunting and Open Fare, or Lady1 s or (i'.Htlemen's Wa7ih Combined, with Patent Self-Winding Improvement. The New York Illustrated News, tbe leading pic¬ torial paper of the United States,in its issue or Jan. 10th,lH63,on page 147,voluntarilj says: We have been shown a pluaaing nwvelty.of which the Hhbhaud Broh., of New York, are the so e importers. It ia called the Maoic Time Orsbrvrr. aud ia a Hunt¬ ing and Open Face Watch combined. One of the prettiest, most convenient, and decidedly the best and ebeapest timepiece for general and reliable use ever offered, it has within it aad connected with ita machinery. its own winding attachment, render¬ ing a key entirely unnecessary. The caaes of thia Watch are composed of two metala. the outarone being fine 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby actien lever movement, and ia warranted an accurate timepiece." Price, auperbly engraved, per caae of half dor an, #><4.00. Sample Watches, w neat morocco boxea, for thoaa proposing te buy at wholesale, $36. If seat by mail toe postage is 36 cents. Retails at $1(U and upwards. We have no agenta or circulars. Buyer a mint deal with as direct, ordering from this adver¬ tisement. Tbrmb UAsn, sent "C.O. D.'" to only those that remit A2 or more to guarantee the pay¬ ment of the bill Buyers in the Army muat remit Uie whole amount in advance, ai we cannot collect frt>m them. Watches will be sent by mail poet free, upon receipt of priee and postage; a aafe and sure delivery guaranteed, RioiflTHiD Lbttbr, onlt, at our iisi I Address ap 22-6t | AUUI COO HUBBARD BROB.. Ihportkh9. Nassau ft John Btraerta. New York. LTNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE, April 90, 1863. PhOfoBlLB will be reeeived by the undersigned until the 10th day of May next, for repairing and painting the saloon in the old portion of the Patent Office Building, making caaes, *c. Ppecl&eatione can be seen at thia offlee. For "repairing and painting" bida can be mat* for work by the day, or for the lob. apV-td D. P. ItOLLOWAY, Commissioner. T^BCNKB! 1^ TRUNKS! TRUNKS I Valises and Traveling Bags in great va¬ riety and very low, at L. HEILBRUN ft CO >8. 506 Seventh at., between D and ¦. ap 17-lm* Under Odd Fellows' HalL_ ARRIVED AND FOR BALI BY B. H. BACON, 393 Fenn. avenue, between 4and 6th streets. Choice Goahen BUTTER, Fineat qualities of TEA, Complete assortment of BEGARS, sl^saV£on uSiRRi N9, CONNECTICUT MILK BISCUIT AND BOSTON 1- .V. . .L . 1 J _ GROCERIES, WI«M~ ** ' LIQUOR8. A ccBtsl«tfc aaecrttnaat of seicctfll family ttw- a^ricO^0*" *Bd U,iU0 r'gaN & PERRIE'S. coiner M'.Lthaad Estre«U. gLr Qof'dN delivered to »11 of tbo ana ««org»iowB flr»« ot * AMUSEMENTS. QROVER'B THEATRE. FWN8YLVANIA AVENUE, bobt ^ill^dl Hotel 6uni__ lUMAun* THIS EVENING, Fourth appearance of the great American Actor, MR. EDWIN ADAHS. Last night&ut three of the Gifted Comedian, MR. D. BETCHELL, Tkii> evening. will be preeeated.hy universal de¬ sire, Judge Conrad's thrilling new play, >3 tableaux, entitled the H1R1TIC! Produced to-night for the last time. Adrian de Taligny.. . Edwin Adam* Eleanor de Teligny Su»au Denin To conclude with Leonard G rover's new delig'nt- ful petite Comedy, CAPE MAT DIAMOWDS. Mr. Kerr Mode eon D. Setehell Mrr Kerr Mudgeon fusau De~in Mr Dauby Bvmes Mr. Ben. Rogers llr*. DanbySymes Miss Sophie Gimber To morrow, after a lengthy and elaborate pre¬ paration, THE ROMANCE OF A POORYOUNG MAN. Admission bp, 25, and 76 cents. No extra charge for secured seats. WA8HINQTON THEATRE. Lessee and Manager John Wilis* Boom Third night of the Distinguished Young Ameri¬ can Tragedian, . JOHN WILKKS BOOTII, who has been greeted on each nigh t of his engage¬ ment by the ELITE OF WASHINGTON. THIS EVENING, will be presented the celebrated emotional French Play, by Charles Selbr, of < THE MARBLE HEART; oa, THE SCVLP'IOJi'S DREAM! Raphael', \ by J. Wilkes Boctti Supported by the entire strength of the Company. TH URSDA Y EYEN TtfG, J. WILKES BOOTH AS ROMEO. w ILLARB8' HALL! POSITIVELY FOR ONE WEEK ONLY.' Commencing MONDAY, MAY 4TH, AID hVlHI EVBHINO * LHINO THS WIKK, First appearance in Washington in six years of the World Renowned PEAK FAMILY,' SWISS BELL-RINGERS! «F 12 MEMBERS ! The entire Company will appear in SWltS COSTUMLj! 2 4 0 SILVER BELLS. The Wonders of the Age, LA PETITE LIZAT rE, MASTER EDDIE, MASTER FRANK, will appear in connection with the entire company. Further particulars hereafter. 1 ickets of admission. 5'-> eents ; reserved seats, 25 cents extra ; children half price. Tickets fur sale a* John F. Ellis's. 306 Pa av., where a diagram of ihe hall inay besetn. Sale of ticke ts to commence at 11 o'clock Saturday. May 2. The Piano used is trom the manufactory of Chiciering X Bon, Boston, furnished by John F. Ellis N. B..THREE GRAND MATINEES, TUK3 DAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY AFTER¬ NOONS Children admitted to the Matinees far 15 rent*.ad ults, 50 cents. Doors open at 7 and 2; commence at 8 and 3 ftp 29 3t* C. C. CHASE, Bu in»*«s Agent. VARIETIES ! VARIETIES! Fronting on Pa avenue and Ninth »t. LADIES' FASHIONABLE M A TI < E E THIS (WEDNESDAY) AFTERNOON, At 3 o'clock. After tie Matinee is over, the daring rope walker, MR. HARRY LESLIE, makes a perilous R«p» Ascension clear acrof s Penn¬ sylvania avenue. Frft Exhibition to tht Public. Admi> sioii to the Varieties Matinee.Ladies, 20 cents ; Masters and Misses, 10 cent*; Gentlemen the regular prices A GRAND BILL BOTH AFTERNOON AND NIGHT ! Messrs. Leslie, Parker aid Watkins appearing. Ada Tesmsn, Helena Smith, Nellie Seymour. The Triple Troupe ! Circle ot Beauty ! Ana All the Stars ! . SCAMP IN 1; THE AGILE'S REVENGE: MAYPOLE FESTIVITIES! The Dr> ma, from Ainsworth's novel, entitled JACK SHEPPARD, is in rehearsal and will shortly be produced. %=r W. S. Bl" D WORTH is coming. o DD FELLOWS' HALL The greatest measure of success hn6 attended the exhibition of « Sanderton's Gigantic Dioramic Musiviiicns of THE RUSSIAN WAR! As attested by the crowded anddelightedaudience? which nightly throng the hall. It has entered upon its THIfiD WEEK, i And will be exhibited this ( Monday) evening, and every evening during the week, with Grand Day Performances on THURDAY National Fast Day. and on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. It will be shown with ail its Thrilling Incidents, Bombardments and Sieges, Battles ou Land and Sea, and ending with the grandest conception of Scientific Art, Iht Final Destruction and Conflagration o/Sebas- ttrpool! Which has been pronounced the most successful illue,ration of its kind Ever Atlernrttd in this Country, And must be seen to be fully appreciated. The Painting represents in the most graphic manner the important events which distinguished THE CRIMEAN WAR, and forming at the same time the 31 est Startling Tableaux, Thrilling Events, and Scencts of Powerful Intrre.it, Which marked that great epoch in the world's history. It is MORAL, INgTftU0TIVEt and ENTERTAINING, And especially worthy thwpatronago of all heads ot families and those having charge of children. *jTAdmission 35 cents : Reserved Seats, so cents. Children with parents, 15 cents. «£/~geats may be secured between 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p m. ap 23-3t» CANTERBURY HALL, LOUISIANA AY., mi Sixth Hthit. Acting Manager.... Geo. R. Edesca THE GREAT STAR COMPANY TO NIGHT. A GRAND FESTIVAL OF THE QRACES! Last week of the FAIRY COMBINATION I MISS JULIA MORTIMER, MISS ERNESTINE DE TAIBBR, MISS KATE PSNNOYEB, M'LLEB AUGUSTA and MARIE. The beautiful Oriental Ballet, PASHA ABDUL KAZAK, Or the Slave Marhet of Constantinople. Produced after weeks of assiduous and careful pre- paration by Moas. J. B. L. SZOLLOSY. THE GREAT COURT OF BEAUTY, Composed of the moat Beautiful Young Ladies in the Profession. The great Comediaaa. H. W. Bgan. Dick Parker, J. Eylvas Clarke, Master Johaay, Ac., Ac., la a choice selection of OORKOGRAPHICALITIES, such as THE RIVAL ARTI8T8, A REMARKABLE COINCIDENCE, THE GABROTERS, UNCLE SAM'S HOTEL, Ac. WILLIS ARMSTRONG, the wonderful Juggler asd Pantomimist Revival of the beautiful act, THE ARAB LAY By Misses Julia Mortimer and Kate Peanoyer. The performance will conclude with the Domestic Drama entitled THE IRISH EMIGRANT. O'Brien, the Emigrant Geo. R. Edeson Other characters by the Corps Dramatique. Admission 26 cents; Orchestra Arm Chairs, AO sent*; PrivaU Boxes (holding six,) Door a open at 7 o'clock. Peiformaase at 8. A GRAND UAT1XEE BATUBDAY AFTERHOON» at 2 o'clock, Yob Ladibs akd Child bib. when the great Canterbury Company will appear. Admission.ladies, 90 cents; children, 10 cents. ^TBICTLY PURE CALIFORNIA WINES AND Eolo agents for the District of Columbia for the sale of Messrs. Kohler A Brohling'e pure Califor¬ nia W iaes and Braadiee. The following are ou - Mf&rasssii. ftlCBIVINCK aa^or SSe^Jtoe fthreo > uo- ared thousand) Wving and Merthax table Brisk. Iaeoiro of __ af»i7-lw" M. 8TAKB, Gooriett-WK TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. [ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES.] terrible disaster. Wreck of the Steamer Anglo-Saxon tff tape Race.Great Lens of Life. F'' APrt127» (via Port Hood}. TheYteamer Anglo-Saxon, which failed from Liverpool on the 16th, with 36upus«n|^ri and a snip's crew of M men, making a total of 444 couls, was wrecked four miles east of Cane Race, &tbnoon to-day during a dense fog. fcerenty-three persons escaped from the wreck by ropes and spars, and twenty.four more in ho. au life-noat, making a total s^ved of ninety.seven. Boats Nos. 4 and tt have not 7»f T off Cape Race in consequence of the density of the log, and «even more persons who embarked on a raft are also missing. There is still a heavy eoa and a dense fog. The - is supposed to be among the drowntd. The purser, lirst and second engi- "HI" <l,octor are saved. Lieut. Sampson, ol the Royal Artillery, Hon. John Youngand bchV* ' arP saPP°8®^ to be in one of the missing The £eck of the steamer broke up about an honr after the ship struek, and nothing but her mizzenmast was left standing. Several persona clung to the fore-rigging till the foremast Ml, but no assistance could be rendered them 2?" bei»*. fin,d at Cape Race to attract the attention of the missing boats. RESCUE OF KINETY PERSONS BY THE STlAXBR DACNTLKSg. 28..The steamer Dauntless this morning picked up the tw^ltfe- boats of the Anglo-SB <on, containing ninety persons The following is a lis: of the passen¬ gers on board the Dauntless. The others are probably a portion ol the crew: Hon. John \'i"d T^Ven chiidr, n- and servant; |L;°ruI' M,sf Bertram, Mrs. Captain Stod- vi ^J»r* ^-ciwe,>'' Rev. Mr. Eaton, Capt. Caa- t .-Irs" Jack8"« «nd child, Mrs. Wrieht J.®1111 Martin, James Kirk wood and sister, Mrs n. m5' Catharine Cameron, Mary Ann 1 fcomas, Mary Ann Adams, E. Manns, Thofcas Caldwell Mr. Hart, tirst offlo«-r; Mr. Scott, fourth officer; James Henderson, fourth Engi¬ neer, and Charles Carron, fifth engineer. The steamer Bloodhound has j:one to Cape itace for the people rescued there from the the'coastTo day^aUler * ^ « From Mexico. ^ ORKlA^H L>t' ~Vera ^ru* advices of tbi 5th, per hark Trowbridge, state that the Mexican guerrillas had captured a camp of railroad laborers near Veracruz, destroying or carrying oa all the*property there. Several other similar camps near Tejeira were also kfuln16 ^ « sacked, and some -JO laborers killed and .50 or 00 wounded. It was stated that the French were m.-tkine L R vi ^ogress Mexico. A small fort . k bet*u caP'nred with a loss to the r rench army of over 700 men. A heavy storm recently occurred at Vera Ciuz, which destroyed over £20,000 worth of i rench stores. Reinforcements for the French army were continually arriving however, The t'umilrn and Amhoy Railroad. Bordektown, April 2S..At a meeting of the stockholders of the Camden and Amboy Rail¬ road Company, held **o-day, the action of the directors in the double tracking of their road was unanimously endorsed, and also a contract contemplated between the railroad companies forming the line frcm New York to Washing¬ ton, by which the pnblic will obtain all the ad¬ vantages arising from a through double track and other improvements rendered necessary bv the present emergencies. J ..! Loss of a Prize. April 2H..The prize schooner Ciine, of Nassau, went anhore on Lewes Beach, near the Breakwater, on Saturday night, and went to pieces. All hands were saved. THE REBEL RAID IK WESTERN VIR- OIKilA. Rebel Raid upon the Baltimore aud Ohio Hiiilroad.Attacks and Skirmishes at Va¬ rious Places.R umored Raid into Penn. sylvsnia. Ttie Baltimore Sun of this morning says re¬ lative to the recent rebel demonstration in West¬ ern Virginia: It appears that the first intimation of any movement northward in Western Virginia to¬ wards the line ot the Baltimore and Ohio road was an atrack at Beverly, in the Cheat Moun¬ tains, some fifty miles south of Grafton, upon several companies of Federal troops, under Lol. Latham, by a cavalry force, with artillery Rumor soon followed that Clarksburg, on the Farkersburg r«ad, in Harrison county, and Grafton, the junction of the Wheeling and Far¬ kersburg road, loo miles distant from either plate, were threatened by the Confederates in force. Military movements were promptly made, however, under den. Schenck's orders, to meet the supposed emergency. In the mean¬ time this excitement subsided, and rumors arose of another body of Confederates moving from the \ alley of Virginia to the west, by way of Moorfield, perhaps, and possibly threat- eniiJ?,IS^w Cfeek station, between Cumberland and Piedmont, and east of the mountains, or perhaps intending to co-operate with the force that had appeared at Beverly. It is said that no demonstration, however occurred at any point from Thursday until .Sunday morning, when, between ten and eleven o'clock, about 200 Confederate savalry, said to be under a Col. McDonald, suddenly appeared at Altamont, at the head of the Fiedmon: grade, 1/ miles west of that place, where they attacked and took possession of an engine and small train of empty coal cars on their way to O' Don- nell s Newburg gas coal mines. As soon as this party appeared at Altamont the telegraph wires were cut, and all commu¬ nication west of the Piedmont etfice ceased By way of Wheeling, however, it was learned that squadrons of cavalry appeared almost simultaneously at Oakland, Cranberry Sum¬ mit and Rowlesburg, the three stations next west of Altamont, although, as far as it is known, the aggregate of all these fores hardly exceeded some Ave hundred meu. At Rowles¬ bnrg, which was the most important point at¬ tacked, five companies of Federal troops were posted, and defended the place throughout Lhe afternoon. At Cranberry Summit, ll miles east of Rowlesburg, the telegraph wires were also cut and several rails of the track taken up. Considerable anxiety is felt about the con¬ dition of affairs at Grafton, which is the most important station between Wheeling and Pied- road'' be'De ^ janction of tLe Farkersburg Col. Mulligan, of Lexington fame, was in cemmand there on Sunday, with a consider¬ able force, and being attacked on Monday in the neighborhood, drove the Confederates to the southward, since which nothing has been heard of the situation there. Major General S: henck received dispatches from Pittsburg yesterday evening, stating that it had been positively ascertained that a force of Confederates were then at Morgantown, and that the military arrangements had b^n s=o perfected that their capture was deemed certain. The heavy and valuable equipment of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in engines aud cars of all descriptions was promptly moved at the first sign of danger from New burg, Graf¬ ton, and other engine stations in the threatened district, to Wheeling. The Northwestern Virginia Railroad, it ap¬ pears. has been a sufferer in the present raid. Gen. Schenck received information at a late hour on Monday nigh: from Clarksburg, on that read, announcing the fact that from a deemed military necessity, the railroad bridge situated a few miles from Clarksburg, towards Grafton, had been destroyed by the Federal forces. This was done without any orders from Gen. Schenck. The bridge. how«««r wjII be rebuilt in a few days, ' At the latest advices there wai still bo tele¬ graph communication on theroad farther west thsn Rowlesbnrg, up to which point the Fed«- ral forces were in possession. UTIfiT, At a late hour last night information was re¬ ceived from Ool. Mulligan to the effect that he bad succeeded in sustaining himself at Graf¬ ton; also that he was then marching his ocm- m»nd to ao important station en the road, which would insure ite safety. At the tine «f going to press nothing of a definite character had been received In regard to the rumored raid «f the Coafedcratoe into Fayette county, Fenanylvania, or, in fa«t, of their exaot wh«reaboat«. The Baltimore AfW-kW* ef this BMrming .ays: Wt Irarn that the whole line «f the Balti¬ more and Ohio Raiir«»d Is now full protected THE WEEKLY STAR. This uwlltnit Family tad New* Journal, my *alaing e Wt»t« variety of r«*4icg than tu be foaod Jn ur cther^-i* cubiisheti <m Trii*r momlsf ****8. Out, iamtruuly, t* admum. Btngl* oopy. Mr umki f 1 Jire coml. 4 7# Tw MyiH _ Twutr In wim so oo II Invariakly MBteiwi ihe "WMkiacloa Hews" that kw made Tk* Dmt* Brmrnt »rr ?ir«*»*1e M ..¦.rail* throughout the ooaatr*. ¦rilnek «o»i«S (<¦ wrt^r,) »t the counter. isKnediateir after tae issue of the Hl« Priee-THRBl CMTR. at all important points. The Rebel-* h%v* driven off from Howle-burg, having m?t with another raver* repulsion Monday. They, how¬ ever, suce-eded in destroying the Youihioranv bridge near Oakland, a low travel work str ac¬ ta re. A. large forcr of workuv u were iinraUi- au ly pUt on by the company, and it will be 2*Ly .r passage of trams at noon to-duy. r>»? . aAJ< n'FI °f !hr Bebels to ret to the great Cheat Eirrr Ti.-.dnct, which was douhtlesa f K f rca,r' of the vim, has signally failed through the brave defence of the troops sta¬ tioned at Rewlesburg. The locomotive and train, which was started on Monday by Ihe Rebels from Altainout with i,o> one on it, stopped ol its own aceord at any 11 VUiS done no damage or received there is also reported to be a considerable rebel fcrcr in the vicinity of Ktrashnrg, about twelve miles from Winchester. There seems to be no doubt that a consideiable movement has been made towards the Opper Potomac and Western \ irginia,doubtleK« with the name or-ject as similar moumenU last year, which .were to detract the Army of the Potomac and create another panic at Washington ».* «'P£rt yesterday at Wheeling and Parkersburg that the rebel force which Kiadf the attat k at Rowlesrmrg have crowd the line of the road and moved through the mountains towards the Pennsylvania Central xvcau. with the intent of destroying some of the bridges. As to the rumors of an attempt of the rebels to cross into Maryland, theyareof course un¬ founded. The river is now too high to be forded anywhere wyept at Whites and Ed- wards Ferry, which are in the neighborhood of Eeesbr.rg At both of these Ferries there are strong earthworks, well mounted and gar- nscned. R M.*ijor (ieneral Schenck, with Generals Kelly and Milroy, are actively at work with suffi¬ cient force to counteract the movements of the enemy. . LOCAL NEWij. Examination or McNacohtor.He is X>»<- c'u rg>it. Yesterday afternoon, the examination ll' iS" "cN«ughton, who was charged with robbing the effect* of Lieut. Lewis Ora- liam, on the 19:li March, while he was dying was concluded belore Justice Ferguson, and r<*M ilu dismissal of the accused. Mr Hnrnrk was cross-examined by Mr. Bradley in reference to his suspicions, but no new fact was brought out. The testimony for the prosecution here closed, and the defence called. Mrs. Margaret E. Cooly, (sister of McNaugh- ton,) tcstifi. d that she went to Falmonth on the 13th ol March, and on the loth wroU to her brother to come down. On the evening of the ISth, (the day of the occurrence.) she heard trom a tr.end (Mrs. McCarthy) that he was at Falmouth station. The witness did not see him. Lately she had received a letter written by her brother at Alexandria, March 22, in which he states that he could not find her at Falmouth, and was going to New York [This testimony was introduced to explain how McNaughton came to leave the city so suddenly alter the robbery.] Mrs. McCarthy testified to the good character of the prisoner, and to seeing him at Falmouth about the 19th ol March. Geo. S. DiflTeiideriTer also testified to the good character of the pris¬ oner. The evidence here closed, and Messrs. Whar¬ ton and Bradley briefly argued the merits and bearings of the case, contending that there was no evidence or suspicion on which he could be held, and that all the circumstances connected with the movements of the accused could be readily accounted for. Justice Ferguson said that after considering all the evidence, he could not believe that Mc- Isaughton was guilty of the charge, and dis¬ missed him. It is stated that McNaughton abandoned his proper name^n New York, where he w;is ar¬ rested, and assumed that of Samuel J. Hope. A New Cape .On Saturday night last a-5 Mr. Charles B. Wright was in one of the Nay v Yard cars, he found on the seat of the car a pocket-book containing £11 and a book, which the conductor (Mr. "Yenable) very properly claimed u»der the rules of the company, which provides that all articles found in the cars shall be taken in charge by the conductor and deposited in the office of the company, and that they shall at stated times advertise all such ariicles. Mr. WTright refused to give them up: but went to the office of the company at the Navy Yard, showed the articles and left his name and address in case the loser should apply for them, and at the same time he offered to advertise them The company yesterday made a formal demand for the arti¬ cles, which Mr. Wright lelused to surrender unless the owner came forward and identified them: and this morning a warrant was obtained charging Mr. Wright with the larceny of Lhd articles, on which he was arrested by Officer Paiker and taken belore Justice MeKenna, who ordered him to give bail for court, which he refused to do, and was committed to iail in default. J Ihere is an evident propriety in articles left in the cars being retained at the company's office, subject to the demand of the owner, who is certain to look in that direction for the mis¬ sing property. Bible SocietySTai the meetingof the Wash¬ ington City Bible Society Monday atternoon, in consequence of the vacancy caused by the decease of the President, Mr. John P. lugl-,. A. N. Zevely, Esq., Asiistaut Postm .ster Gen¬ eral. was called to the chair, and Rev Ur Smith, on invitation, led in prayer. It was resolved to hold the anniversary on the last Monday in Mav, and a committee, con - listing of M. II. Miller, C. H. Ear.e and O. O. Wight, was appointed to make the neoest>ary arrangements. A committee, consisting of Wm. B&Uantyue, John C. liarkness, A. Rotlirock, O. C. Wight. ar-d E. L. Chi Ids, was appointed to nouiin it<» officers of the society tor the ens aim; vear, to report on the day of the anniversary. The statement of the depository whs pre¬ sented, which showed, among other inter stin ^ lacte, that the issues from the depository, N jl 4t!e Seventh street, had. during the la^t twelve months, exceeded 81,WO volumes of the Scrm- turts. The account to March 31bt of this, with the Parent Society, was also presented, exhib¬ iting a balance due of and .demonstrating the necessity for special efforts to remove fh>s indebtedness and to provide funds for foturw purchase-. Adjourned to the last Monday in May. Accipekt..About noon Monday, as Mr Z. 1>. Kellen, fori-man under Mr. Padgett, at th4 Navy \ ard, was engaged in superinteudiii'T the pile driving on the western si<U> of th-* l ard, preparatory to tt.e erection of a crane, hn was severely injured. The driver was t>eiii< drawn up when,from some cause, the nippers attichcd to the weight flew out of place and struck Mr. Kellen, who was standing near hv, in the iace, splitting his nose and tearing ihi> tlesh on the left side of his face in a oorribl* manner, at the same time knocking him from his position into the water. He was at on * rescued, and alter his wounds were dressed removed to his residence,on Ninth street,near I. It is feared that he is also internally injured. At their Old Tkickb..Monday, as John Hess, with other workmen, were in rh > "Brick1 on Pennsylvania avenue near Ninth! street east, which he is fitting up as a lager-b-1- r saloon, Annie Wilson and Cornelia Tvler. wh> were a short time since routed out by tlw poll * for keeping it as a house of ill fame, got in fh-* building with some soldiers, and proceeded u> ply their old vocation in the old place. Mr. Hess caught them iu the act and knocked on» of them down, ano she had him arrested. Offl^'r Williams took him before Justice Fergason, who, on hearing the evidence, immediately d'-- miseed the ease, remarking that he had dou« right. Ft'ti*K than usual..A larger number of soldiers than nsnal have beeu in the i;y ;ue past few days, and the result is, that thu C< a- ;ral Guard-house has been faller than n-oal, the soldier# whose terms of raUstaifln* har* expired having availed themselves of the op¬ portunitylo imbibe rather freely. On ac-e»rt ol the number of soldiers in tbe-«eigbborfco»d of the Depot, Gea. Martin dale has ordered ih«» saloons and drinking-houses in that locality Be kept closed iatil the soldiers leave. . Monday, Christopher Dana, J. A. Flannery aud Stephen Flauuery, were ar- rested by officer Miller on suspicion of picking the poeket of Daniel Murphy. They ware tahwa before Justice Johnson. The act was oommitted at seine ranche In the northern part of th» Four* Ward. Murphy had been drinking, an 4 not bring able to testily to anything poMttvaly. and the asensed having proven that they weva working mem, and of good reputation, Jaevio* Johnson tbuau
Page 1: Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1863-04-29 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 13. · dermustappearin the proposal. Ifabid ip ms.d«Id f nt-hum*of a firm,thename* ofall the parties

9 ^

V2t. XXI. WASHINGTON. D. C.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 29. 1863. N*. 3,175.

the evening star.»

eteky afteknoow,iSVNDJir MJOKPTMD,)


O-aenin Piss* a Arifti atc IfrrH Stm»>BT


arriM ifl package* fey 91 .<~r month. To mall .uhoeribers

is 94 *6 » yew. »« advance: 94 for sixV- «V*«« rr.AfltVl« An/t fOF Uflflferl^thwgftTmV^h- at the rate of 1U ennte a wooh. SingleiS^Toia 0«kt; in wrapper*, TWO OHM.

^^ADVIBTIPBMINTB should ho Mat to the-ySTL a^fc,re IS . elveh *.; otherwise they rosy notfe^eXi aatU the next day.


Chitr ^I'lnTKhMiijrsnh) Orncc. Jl~*ru nf H'«/<Ati»sio«, tor. 1h.'4 ft .*£« .

W««'giD(t<'U D. C., April 3n. 1861. \IliUC FKOPOBaL8 will be received at this office

attU MONDAY. the 4th <Uy of M*y, at IBe'eiotk 14.. for tarnishing the tfoTcrnmont with0«nr two thousand Horses. of the Jollaw.ng de¬scription, ?»«:

CAVALRY.$*>r Cavalry. M.M>' oattboaiud ft?e hundred

Born**, fron» (1-5 > fifteen to< H>) sixteen hauJs high.»etw«en fi?e and eight rears of age. of dark solars.mi 11 broken to the saddle compactly built, and freefrom all defects.

ARTILLERY.For Artillery. <y>0) live hundred Horse*. from

'tfS' fifteen and one-hulf to il6) sixteen h&ni:hi*h. bctwoen five and eight ye.ir* ot w«. of dtrfc.o ms, Tree from all defects, well broken to h wrn*«s, compactly built, and to weigh not 1-jftS thanl.M' pcanaa.

PROPOSALS.The full come and por.t oRise address cf the bid¬

der must appear in the proposal.If a bid ip ms.d« Id f nt- hum* of a firm, the name*of all the parties must apu"or. or tho bid will beconsidered ai the individual proposal of the part?signing it.Proposal* Trom disloyal parties leiil not be ron-

. uh-rui, and an oath of allegiance will b*» requiredfrom successful bidders before sig- i»» 'h-- utract.Proposals must specify riojgiy w -" her rne bil

Is lor Cavalry or Artillery Horses, . :i.l i». ox -

must both be bid for on the surae par.-'If any bidder wishes to propone for bottl -iasatm,he must forward two distljiCI propos.,in.».n-' for.a< h clan.-', (ompirti in i:s, fr~nTri having liu refer¬ence to any other proposal by the same partyl'ropona'.s muHt be addrensoi to C«l. D. II, Roclt-ta.Quartermaster U. S. Army. Washington D. 0.,aai should be plainly marked "ProposaU forHorfes "

Ifcnis equal in amount to half the sum to be re-eeiTed on the contract, signed by the contractora»l ">». reBjx.nplt.le securities, will be required ofiCfoessfnl bidders.

Itidders must be present in person when the bidsAre openediilank? for bonds can be cro«ured upon applica¬

tion feeing made at this omee, either pernonaily,hy letter, or by telegraph

INBPKCTION. DKhlVKKY, Ac.All Horses contracted for under tLis advertise¬

ment will be subject to a rigid inspection, and those»ot conforming to the specihcrftioua will be re->e«t#d.No Mares will be received.The Horses must be delivered in this city, within

twenty days from the date of the contract.I'arnient t© be made upon the completion of the

eontrv.t, or so soon thereafter as the Chie.' Quarteimasier shall 1 e in funds.The CAVALRY Horses will be awarded in lots

of (K'Ot two nundred es«h, and the ARTILLERYHctmr in lots of (25'>) two hundred and fifty ea^h,uole*s the Chief Quartermaster should deem it forthe interpst of the Government :o vury the number.The Chief Quartermaster reserves to himself the

ri«htto reject any or all bids that he may deem toohigh. D. 11 RUCBXR,ap 29 (!t Colonel and Chief Quartermaster.

p fl 0 P O S A L 3 P OKU M B l H.Chikf Assist't QuasitrrmapterV 0??io«,;DtvotcJ Wathinttcn, 215 G at., >

Corner lrtb street, April 20.185S.N"RoyoaiLs will be received atthisoffies**til Saturday. May 2, 1.^33. at 12 o'clock m.. fori«>iverin< in the city or Wn^hin^t^n, nt f5uch pointw «« D« pot QuartermaRt^r may direct, one mil-haa (l.OOO^iiOO) feet of Lumber of the fallowing kiudand description Tiz:five hundred thousand (50ii.fion) feet Morone(l)inch White Pine Common Culiings..b» buudred thousand ( ii*> ikn:) feet6--i or one ant

a half i l!ji ic«h White Pine Common Culling-1,Twentv thouian.i (2D,W>C' feet 8-4 or two (2) inchW hite Pine Common Callings,Fifty thousand (0".«0"> fett dressed, ton<ued andgrooved White Piiie,

Thirty thousind (SO.rof) feet White Pine Timbar, 8b* 8, afisorted.

Thirty theu^and (3i.0t*') feet White Pine Timber. 6by 6,22 to 24 feet long.Thirty thousandfett Whit* Pine Timber, 4by 6, 22 to 24 feet long.Bitty thousand (&',<**) fret Joist, 3 by 9 or ten CIO)inches wide. 14 feet locj. Htmlock,Biity thousand (i5",ono> feet Joi*t, 8 by 9 or ten (10)inches wide IS feet long, Heiniock,

Siity thousand (fin.Oiii!) feet Joist,3 hy (5 or seven (7»inches wide, 16 feet loiig. Heculock.Tea thousand (lO,fKx'i) feet Joist. 3 by 5 12 feet long.Hemlock,Tei» theusand (10,0Ct») feet Joist, 3 by 5,14 feet long.Hemlock. .

Ten thousand < 10,000) feet Joist, 3 by 5,16 feet long,H«mk>rk,Ten thousand (10,000) feet Scantling, 3 by 4,14 feet

long. Hemlock.Tea thousand < 10JKX ) feet Scantling, 3 by 4,16 feet

Ic-ng, Hemlock,T»u th*u«ar.d (lo,ofK>) feet Scantling.9 by 4, 13 feet

long Hemlock.All the above described to be gaod. merchantable

lumber, subject to the inspection of an agent ap-pc.iuted < n th" pnrt of the Government.All the luniber to be delivered within thirty days

after sitning the contract.Proposals from disloyal parties will not be con-

siaere.i. am! an oath of allegiance to the B. S. (iov-rrnmeiit mu*t accouip^ny each prop<isitinn.The ahility of the bidder to fill trie contractshould it be awarded to him. must be guarantied'oy two rf-sponsible persons, whose signatures musttve appended to the guarantee, and said guaranteesau«t accompany the bidTfce responsibility of the guarantors niHst be

shown bv the official certificate of the Clerk oft hec^rent Cistrict Court or of the United States Dis¬trict Attorney.Bidders mu^t be present iu person when the bids

are opened, or their proposals will not be consid-»re<1.The fail name and Post Oflice address of the bid-

4*r ma«t appear in the proposal.If a bid is made in the name of a firm the namesof all the parties must appear, or the bid will be.onsidTed as the individual proposal of the partyriming it.Bonds in the sum of five thousand dollars, signedby the contractor and both of his guarautors, will

be required of the succesafui bidder upon signingifc-« contractTLe right to reject any or all bids that may be

deemed too high in reserved by the Depot Quarter-matter,Informal proposals will be rejected.Proposals n.u-t be addressed to Captain Edward

L Haitz, Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Array,Washington, D. C., and should be plainly marked"Proposals for Lumber."

FORM OF GUARANTEE.We , of the county of , and State of

and of the county of , and State of , do**r»by guaranty that is able to fulfil the contractis accordance with the terms of his proposition,aad that, should his proposition be accepted, hewlri at once enter into a contract in accordanttherewith.Should the contract be awarded him, we are pre

tared to become his securities.(To this guarantee must be appended the official

SutiBcaU aboTe mentioned.)EDWARD L. HARTZ,

»p21-td Capt. and ^ss't Quarterm'r U. 8. A.

phOPGBAL* #OR BITUMINOUS GOAL.C\i'J Assistant Quartermaster's Office, i

Depot of W-tshinfton. D. C., >Corner of lfi/A and U sts., April 13, WH3.S

Piaikd J-ai'i-osus will be received atthisom>.eaatil Thursday. April 3», 1863, at 12 o'clock m., fordeliverin < at the Government Coal Yard, on thesioie, at the confluence cf the Ohio and Chesa-

Caie Canal and the Potomac river, in Oeorge-wn. D. C , of twe thousand (2,000) tons cf Bita-

u^uous Coal.The Coal to be of the best quality, suitable for

.gamers and biack-tmithing purposes, subject tothe inspection of an Agent appointad on the partcf the Government, ana to waigh twenty two hun-ired and forty (2ivt) Ig^ds to the ton : the deliv-.ry thereof to comrndB on the 11th of May, lab3,.y ».' be delivered^ the 31»t of said month.The above Coal to be weijji ed by an Agent of the

wcv. rnir.ent, and to be paid for by the weight soaeVermined.-v , , PROPOSALB.The full name and Post Office address of Uie bid-must appear in the proposal.If a bid is made in the name of a firm, the names

<.: a>l the parties must appear, or the bid will be.t-Hindered ae the individual proposal of the partneraurcmg »t.Pfoposais from disloyal parties will not be eon-

.Mered, and ah Oath op allkoianok most acoom»AJIT BACH PKOPOSITIOH.Prop<.Dais must be addressed to Capt Edward LfkrU-uAMia>n.t Quartermaster United StateaArmy. Washington D. C., and should be plainlyKarted Prop<»sals for Coal. '


."*. rseponsibihtv of the guarantors mn«t bashewn by the official certificate of the Clerk of thenearest Ihstnet Oourt xr of the United States Dig-¥Vt Attorney.The ability ofthe bidder to fill the contract, shouldn he awarded to him. must he guaranteed by tworesponsible persons, whese signatures must be ap-fsnded to the fuarantee, and said guarantee must

a«^oir.»any the bid.Bidders must he present in person when the &ida

^?^opened, or their prop< sa^s will not b« Con«hl-Ponds in the sum cf five thousacd dollars, signedpy the contractor and both of n .s guarantors, will

.* required of the su«ce»eful bidder apon signing«ontratt.. FORM OF GU ARaN TKK.

, <of the county of , and Btatsi of~

, tf the coonty of , and Stat*Jj ~T~i hereby guarantee that >s able to^¦nl The eontract in aeeordauee with the terms ofA*s proposition, and that should hie proposition bo*****"*? he win at onoe enter Into » contract In.«crdane, therewith

w>Vl*'t *>? swarded him wo are pre-gnred to bMeMA his sureties..uSalri! fiV^Vee must bo appended tho official^SJ^.V?T*n*ctioned.)

any or all bids that mar ho",!l, ,M*rBS,whAM#LD*fiART2rlM*t"^ Captain and A Q. M.t P7^ Arm'y.T"r/h^ffr'vJd *iiL,V0B' f®°M *W*KSa&tt&fJHS*,stat»«»w » RSlOliBASV,Aj»bW




WabbiVmtok, D. 0., April 11, ]6ti.Sialhd Proposals will b« received at thUi Office

until 4 o'clock p. m., on the 9Hh day of April. KUU,for fnrniehinj; to the Signal Department the fol¬lowing arte elet:3g Three hundred Telescopes, complete.9ro Tw© hundred Marine Giassee, de. .350 Tiro hundred and fifty Compasses.#"> Forty Telescopes, extra sice with stands.The first delivery to be made abcat the 15th dap

of June, 1S63, or as soen thereafter as Governmentmar direct; the balance to be delivered on or be¬fore the 1st dap of August, DM.A bo ad, with food and sufficient security, will be

required.Projiisal* from disloyal persons, or where the

bidder is sot present to respond to his bid, will aotbe consideredThe Dunes of firms should be stated in full, with

the precise address of each member of the firm.A :I bids to be accompanied by two guarantee*,and directed to Signal Officer of the Army and en¬

dorsed "proposals for Field Signal Equipments."Form of QuarontM." s of the county of . and State of., do

hereby guaranty that is able to fulfill the con¬tract in accordance with the terms of his propo¬sition, and that, should Ms proposition be accepted,he will at once enter Into a contract in accordant*therewith.8houId the contract be awarded to hkn, we are*

prepared to become his sureties.iThi** guarantee must be appended to each bid.)The reppiiEsibi.ity of the guarantors must be

*hown by the oftirUl certificate of the Clerk of the! earest District Court or of the Uuited States Dis¬trict Attorney.Tht- right is reserved to rejeet all proposals if the

prices are deemed too high, or if, for any cause.itl» not deemed for the pablic interest to aooeptthem.Models will be on exhibition at the office of the

Signal Officer fer fifteen (15) days from date,ap 13-td

AIBS ISTAN T QUA RT2RMASTER'S OFFICE.!Corner (i and Hid Streets, }Washington, D. C., Ap.il 21, 1363. \Seajed Proposals will be received at this office

until the 1st day ot May. 1SS3, at 12o'c!oca. m. forthe purchase of Dead Animals of t he Government.Bids will he af follow*;1st..F«r dead animals delivered by Government

at a wharf in this city elected by Government .

2d..For dead animals delivered at a suitableburyi nggrnund on the opposite side of the rivercttr ArlingtonThe proposals will state whether or not the ani¬mals are to buried by the Government, or to beburied or otherwise disposed r.fbythe bidders.The nsnal restrictions imposed by the Govern¬

ment must be observed in putting in the proposals.CAPTAIN H. B LACEY.

ap 22 td Assistant Quartermaster, U. 8. A.

PKOFUUALtf FOR RIFLE CANNON.Obdsabck OriricK, War Departmbnj,/Washington, April !6. 1U63. SPRorociL.H will be received at thisuftiee uutil4

o'clock p. in., on the Set day of Mat next for themanufacture and delivery of thirty CAST-IRONel£6K RIFLE CAN NON of the caliber of four anda half inches. These Cannon weigh, when finished,ahout 3,67'i pounds. They are to be made instrict conformity to the drawings which will befurnished, and which may b» seen at any UnitedStates Arsenal. They are tn.be cast hollow andcooled frem the interior They are to be subjectto the regular United States inspection and proof,and none are to he received or pai4 for but such anare accepted by the Ir sprctor. whose decision as tothe reception or rejection of any of them is to befinal and conclusive.Bidders will state the time they propose lo

deliver the firft Cannon, and the number they willdeliver, weekly, thereafter. They will also statewhere they prcpote to manufacture them, and theprice per pound, for the finished Cannon; deliveredat the place of shipment nearest to the foundrywhere cast.No bid will be entertained except from regularfounders, evidence of which, and of their ability to

fulfill a contract, if awarded to them, must ac¬company the bid*, unless the bidder is known tothin office.Any bidder obtainice a contract will be required

to enter into bonds with not less than two sureties,in the ppnart>um of .«5,00<ifor the falthfal fulfill¬ment of his contract, in all respects.The right is reserved te reject anv or all bids if

tVe prices are d»emcd too high, or if,for any cause,it is not thought for the public interest to acceptthem. Proposals will be sealed and addressed to"Brig. Gen. J. W. Ripley, Chief of Ordnance,Washington. D C.." and will be indorsed 'Pro¬posals for 4,'-2 inch Rifle Cannon."

JA8. W. RIPLEY,ap 17-eott Brig. Gen., Chief Ordaaace,


RACKS, WASHINGTON, D. C.(quartermaster's Cjfice, U. S. Marine Cori'S, I

Washington. 1?£A April, 1.*.3 tPkopopai^s will be received at this office until 12

m. of Tuesday, the 5th day of May next, for theconstruction of an Addition to the Hospital at theMarine Barracks, Washington ; also, a separateproposal for constructing a Hewei, Ace., for '.houseof the Karracks, according to plans and specifica¬tions to be seen at the office of the Quartermasterof the Corps.Bidders are notified that payments will be made

upon aectunts duly authenticated by the command -

iug officer of the post, and that the last or finalpayment will only be made upon the report of suchperson or persons as may be authorized to inspectth- work thab the whole has been properly exe¬cuted.Proposals to be endorsed "Proposal* for Con¬

structing Addition to Hospital, Marine Barracks,Washington," or "Proposals for ConstructingSewer.&c , at Marine Bariacks, Washington,"andaddressed to the u ndersigaed.

Major W. B. SLACK,Quartermaster TT. 8 M. Corps.

[Baltimore American please copy and sena billto this office.] ap !8-3tawtMay5


Washington, March®), 1863.Proposals will be received at this office until 4

o'clock p. na., on the £th of APRIL, 1851, forfurnishing six hundred Wrought Iron BeamsforRails of Chassis ef Sea Coast Carriages.These beams are to be made aft r the following

speicficatious:The rail for barbette carriages is a rolled wrought

iron beam, aimilar in appear^ice to the ' I" shapedbeams a red in the construction of fire-proof build¬ings It ia required <obe atraight ana smootn onits surface, and free from flaws, imperfect wields,blisters, and cinder streaks. The outer surfaces ofthe two flanges are planes, parallel to each other,and at right angles to the web. The web loins thetwo flanges along their middle line, leaving themto protect equally on each si ie, and must be with¬out benda or corrugations.

D1MEN810NH Of BKAM8,Length of rail 17 inches.Depth between outer surfaces of

15 inches.Width of fianges 5,37Mnehes.Thickness of flange at outer edgd 75 inches.Thickness of wen 825 inches.These beams will be inspected after the follow¬ing rules;They are to be made ef good theugh well worked

clear iron, the absence of which qualities, (gene¬rally indicated by roughness of surface, and bychecks, aad more marked roughness a\ong theedges of the flanges,) *« alee flaws or bad weldB,blisters, and streaks of cinder will cause their re-jectien

1st. They are to beef the required dimensionsand square at the ends.2d. They are to be straight and free from short

bends in the flanges and webs.Sd. The outer plan aurface of the flanges arc to

be parallel to each other, and in plans perpendicularto that of the web.4tb. The webs are not to be bent o% trovthed, a

would result from resting the raila along theirwhole lttiigtba on the edijea of the fianges while thew«bs are too hot to bea^hcir weight.5th. The flanges are to be perfectly equal on

each tide oftha webVARI\TI0N ALLOWS!) IN IKMPlCTIHO.

In length of rail - .60 inches.Indepthof rail 1<) inches.In tbwknesof web 'finches.In warp or wind, in depth of flange at ex¬

treme end of rail LO inches.Difference in distance between outer

edge of plane nirfacesof flanges ondifferent sides efwab at any c*oss s«e-tion of rail 10 inches

A straight edge ot equal length with therail placed on the enter edge of therange should not depart from it a*. at> ypoint more than Jfiinchea.

A plane surface placed oi the web shouldnot depart from A at any point mere

than - 1" ifithee.A piane surface placed on the plane mr-

face of either flange shenld no: departfrom it at any point more that.10 wcrcee.

Departure from square in depth of rail It niches.Specimens of the beams, or drawing of th-m can

be seen at the United States Arsenals at FortMonroe, Virginia. Bridesburg »b4 Pittsburg,Pennsylvania, and Watertown, Massachusetts.Bidders will stat« the number of beams they pro-

pwe tofurnieh. the time when they will commencethe delivery, which should be as early as possible,and the number they can deliver weekly after¦commencing the delivery,-place where they willmake them, and the price per pound for whichthey will deliver them at the point of vessel orrailroad shipment neafeet to their worksNo bide will be entertained eteept from person*

^ctnally engaged in the manafactare of Iron, evi¬dence of which rauat accompany the bid..Bach par y obtain ng a contract will be rwoired

J® enter into bonds, with proper mretiefl for itsfaithful fulfillment: aad a transfer of the contractto another party will cause Its entire forfeiture.The right is reserved to reieetall proposals if the

prieee pre deemed too high, or if for any caase it isnot deemed fer the publio interest to accept them., PrL°'S!^?lU1 and addressed te Gen.J- W.^IPLMT, Ohief «f Ordnane*. Waahin-rton.

5?^ 5111 iadorsad "rroposah forWresghl Tron Beams.* JAg. w. RIPLEY,

. . General, Chief Orduaiicean tathcatd


liON CLAWS,For Vorvmteby

.ri4 I a. gUVANS.


AH MPABTUIRT,Waibiiqtos, Juurr SB, 18SS.

Ib Mnie^itiw the prtaton of busineaa itth*War Department, paaees for citiaeas to visit theAjar .'the Potomac will he (irn *t the eBoe ofLieut. Col. Ooibrb, 139 Pennsylvania avenueabove Nineteenth street.

PERSONAL.(lOUBl'Y WATKBfOHD..Ibt information of

j MART McGRATH, who left the eity of Waterford 8 years next June. a«e<l 21 year* naxt July.I»he <ame with ore Mr Thorneon to Washingtonlaet fa 11 icy ir formation of her will be receivedat PATRICK FLANAGAN'S, No. 134 eaat 29thstreet. Naw York.bar mother and brother atopawith him. If eonveaient, information will be re¬ceived at the eorner4th and G atreeta, near thejail. No 332. Washington, D. C, a»38tt*

NO IMPOSITION..Madaide Rosa, Doctress andAstrologist. was born with a natural gift.She telle the paat and futare.never known to fail.

Causes speedy marriages; brings together thoselone separated; cures all dia*asen Businessstrictly confidential. N».333G street north, eernerof Twelfth atreet wast, three aquarea frem thePatent Office. The only parson that can ahow alikeness of future huaband or abaent frierd In realitr. Ladie* 50 cents. Gentlemen SI. ap28lm*£


accommodations and gnod BOARD at .$26 p»>rmonth in a private family where there are no chil¬dren. Apply at 179 6th street, near N street north.Refereneea required. _ap2fl-lw*T^WO HANDSOMELY FURNISHED R«OMH,

with Board, may be obtained by immediate ap¬plication at No. 339 F strtat, bttweenyth and l(»thap 17-3t*






nuy oeen


Gkibgstows, D. C., April 27th. 1863.In compliance with a request of the Common

Council, 1 hereby most respectfully recommendthat the citizens of thUtown abstain from teraliroccupations, and join in such religious observ¬ances, on Thursday, the .'.Oth inst., as will be ap¬propriate to a day of humiliation and prayer, asdesignated and recommended by th» President o'the United states,_ap 28 2t HENRY ADDISON, Mayor.

Reopening or the "railroad housmQEORGETOW ,V.

This favorite Kostanrant having recently beenenlarged and refitted, the Proprietor^takes this method of informing his"friends and patrons, and tlu- pubHc gen-,erally, that it will ha reopinird on Monday eveuiug,April 27th, on which occasion the Holy Ilill Bandhas kindly vo'unteered to he present and enliventhe occasion with some of their choicest airs.ap 28 3t* JOHN T. NORhIB, Proprietor.


MERCHANT,91 AMD 103 Watkr Strkbt,

(reorfrtoirn. D. ('.,Attends to the sale of Produce, Flour. Grain, andMerchandise generally ; Procures Freight, Char¬ters Vessels, &c.Business transactet always with promptness and

dispatch. mar 4-tf


Apply tono 6 tf J. L. K I DWILL Georgetown, D. O.


Baltimors County, Maiul tsn.The duties of this Instiution hive been regularly

resumed at Catonsville in all Its department*.Classical, Commercial and Military.Arms and equipments huve been furnished by

the State for Artillery and Infantry tactics,Terma, including Bcoks and Stationary .$285 per

session of ten moithi. For adiniswiou of pupils,address Bev. L. VAN BOKKELEN, Htctor.ap 16 lOtReward institute,^ Hon. WM. U. SEWARB. President.FEMALE DEPARTMENT.Miss M. E. Hotoh

1 IBS, Principal..The Bummer Session commencesAprilS'. Board, tuition in English and French,$140 per annum.Hefcrenrts .Hon. Wm. H. Beward, Rev J. Eells,

D D., Church on the Hights, Brooklyn; R. G.Pardee. Supt. N. Y. 8. 8. Union, 399 Broadway;and Iveson ft Phinney 4** Walker atreet, N Y.Florida, Orange eoanty, N. Y. ap 8-3w*


Nassau ft John Strckts, Naw York,are recei ving a large importation of


The Army and Navy Gazette, of Philadelphia, inis ite Februa* y number says: "This importationof thelluBBAKD Bros.,of New York, fills a long-felt want, beinea handsome and serviceable Watchat an extremely Iomt ligure." Superior in styU andfinish.' Decidedly the most taking nocelttts out!Should retail at prices from $2'i to §50 each, (foodimitation of both Hold and silver, tvith fancy lolortdhands, and beautiful dials, with superior regu¬lated movement. Sold only by the case of six ofassorted designs. Engraved and superior electro¬plated with gold, and silver, per case of six, Fortt-kiOHT Dollahs .«4fj). By mail, postage, f 1,65 perper case.


Being a Hunting and Open Fare, or Lady1 s or(i'.Htlemen's Wa7ih Combined, with Patent

Self-Winding Improvement.The New York Illustrated News, tbe leading pic¬torial paper of the United States,in its issue or Jan.

10th,lH63,on page 147,voluntarilj says: We have beenshown a pluaaing nwvelty.of which the HhbhaudBroh., of New York, are the so e importers. It iacalled the Maoic Time Orsbrvrr. aud ia a Hunt¬ing and Open Face Watch combined. One of theprettiest, most convenient, and decidedly the bestand ebeapest timepiece for general and reliable useever offered, it has within it aad connected withita machinery. its own winding attachment, render¬ing a key entirely unnecessary. The caaes of thiaWatch are composed of two metala. the outaronebeing fine 16 carat gold. It has the improved rubyactien lever movement, and ia warranted anaccurate timepiece." Price, auperbly engraved,per caae of half doran, #><4.00. Sample Watches,w neat morocco boxea, for thoaa proposing te buyat wholesale, $36. If seat by mail toe postage is36 cents. Retails at $1(U and upwards.

We have no agenta or circulars. Buyer amint deal with as direct, ordering from this adver¬tisement. Tbrmb UAsn, sent "C.O. D.'" to onlythose that remit A2 or more to guarantee the pay¬ment of the bill Buyers in the Army muat remitUie whole amount in advance, ai we cannot collectfrt>m them. Watches will be sent by mail poet free,upon receipt of priee and postage; a aafe and suredelivery guaranteed, RioiflTHiD Lbttbr, onlt,at our iisi I Address

ap 22-6t


HUBBARD BROB.. Ihportkh9.Nassau ft John Btraerta. New York.


PhOfoBlLB will be reeeived by the undersigneduntil the 10th day of May next, for repairing andpainting the saloon in the old portion of the PatentOffice Building, making caaes, *c.Ppecl&eatione can be seen at thia offlee.For "repairing and painting" bida can be mat*

for work by the day, or for the lob.apV-td D. P. ItOLLOWAY, Commissioner.


Valises and Traveling Bags in great va¬riety and very low, at

L. HEILBRUN ft CO >8.506 Seventh at., between D and ¦.

ap 17-lm* Under Odd Fellows' HalL_ARRIVED AND FOR BALI BY

B. H. BACON,393 Fenn. avenue, between 4and 6th streets.

Choice Goahen BUTTER,Fineat qualities of TEA,Complete assortment of BEGARS,



LIQUOR8.A ccBtsl«tfc aaecrttnaat of seicctfll family ttw-

a^ricO^0*" *Bd U,iU0 r'gaN & PERRIE'S.coiner M'.Lthaad Estre«U.

gLr Qof'dN delivered to »11 of tbo ana

««org»iowB flr»« ot *


FWN8YLVANIA AVENUE, bobt ^ill^dl Hotel6uni__ lUMAun*

THIS EVENING,Fourth appearance of the great American Actor,

MR. EDWIN ADAHS.Last night&ut three of the Gifted Comedian,MR. D. BETCHELL,Tkii> evening. will be preeeated.hy universal de¬

sire, Judge Conrad's thrilling new play, >3tableaux, entitled the

H1R1TIC!Produced to-night for the last time.Adrian de Taligny.. . Edwin Adam*Eleanor de Teligny Su»au Denin

To conclude with Leonard Grover's new delig'nt-ful petite Comedy,CAPE MAT DIAMOWDS.

Mr. Kerr Mode eon D. SetehellMrr Kerr Mudgeon fusau De~inMr Dauby Bvmes Mr. Ben. Rogersllr*. DanbySymes Miss Sophie GimberTo morrow, after a lengthy and elaborate pre¬paration,THE ROMANCE OF A POORYOUNG MAN.

Admission bp, 25, and 76 cents. No extracharge for secured seats.

WA8HINQTON THEATRE.Lessee and Manager John Wilis* Boom

Third night of the Distinguished Young Ameri¬can Tragedian, .

JOHN WILKKS BOOTII,who has been greeted on each nigh t of his engage¬


THIS EVENING,will be presented the celebrated emotional FrenchPlay, by Charles Selbr, of <


THE SCVLP'IOJi'S DREAM!Raphael', \ by J. Wilkes BocttiSupported by the entire strength of the Company.




AID hVlHI EVBHINO * LHINO THS WIKK,First appearance in Washington in six years of the

World RenownedPEAK FAMILY,'


The entire Company will appear inSWltS COSTUMLj!

2 4 0 SILVER BELLS.The Wonders of the Age,

LA PETITE LIZAT rE,MASTER EDDIE,MASTER FRANK,will appear in connection with the entire company.

Further particulars hereafter.1 ickets of admission. 5'-> eents ; reserved seats, 25

cents extra ; children half price.Tickets fur sale a* John F. Ellis's. 306 Pa av.,where a diagram of ihe hall inay besetn. Sale of

ticke ts to commence at 11 o'clock Saturday. May 2.The Piano used is trom the manufactory of

Chiciering X Bon, Boston, furnished by John F.EllisN. B..THREE GRAND MATINEES, TUK3

DAY. THURSDAY and SATURDAY AFTER¬NOONS Children admitted to the Matinees far15 rent*.ad ults, 50 cents.Doors open at 7 and 2; commence at 8 and 3ftp 29 3t* C. C. CHASE, Bu in»*«s Agent.VARIETIES ! VARIETIES!


At 3 o'clock.After tie Matinee is over, the daring rope walker,

MR. HARRY LESLIE,makes a perilous R«p» Ascension clear acrof s Penn¬

sylvania avenue.Frft Exhibition to tht Public.

Admi> sioii to the Varieties Matinee.Ladies, 20cents ; Masters and Misses, 10 cent*; Gentlementhe regular pricesA GRAND BILL BOTH AFTERNOON AND

NIGHT !Messrs. Leslie, Parker aid Watkins appearing.Ada Tesmsn, Helena Smith, Nellie Seymour.The Triple Troupe ! Circle ot Beauty !

Ana All the Stars ! .


The Dr> ma, from Ainsworth's novel, entitledJACK SHEPPARD,is in rehearsal and will shortly be produced.

%=r W. S. Bl" DWORTH is coming.

o DD FELLOWS' HALLThe greatest measure of success hn6 attended theexhibition of «

Sanderton's Gigantic Dioramic Musiviiicns ofTHE RUSSIAN WAR!

As attested by the crowded anddelightedaudience?which nightly throng the hall.It has entered upon its

THIfiD WEEK,i And will be exhibited this ( Monday) evening, andevery evening during the week, with Grand DayPerformances on THURDAY National Fast Day.and on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock.

It will be shown with ail itsThrilling Incidents, Bombardments and Sieges,Battles ou Land and Sea, and ending with thegrandest conception of Scientific Art,Iht Final Destruction and Conflagration o/Sebas-ttrpool!Which has been pronounced the most successfulillue,ration of its kind

Ever Atlernrttd in this Country,And must be seen to be fully appreciated.The Painting represents in the most graphicmanner the important events which distinguishedTHE CRIMEAN WAR,and forming at the same time the31est Startling Tableaux,

Thrilling Events, andScencts of Powerful Intrre.it,Which marked that great epoch in the world's

history. It isMORAL,


ENTERTAINING,And especially worthy thwpatronago of all headsot families and those having charge of children.*jTAdmission 35 cents : Reserved Seats, so cents.

Children with parents, 15 cents.«£/~geats may be secured between 10 o'clock a. m.

and 4 o'clock p m. ap 23-3t»




PASHA ABDUL KAZAK,Or the Slave Marhet of Constantinople.Produced after weeks of assiduous and careful pre-paration by Moas. J. B. L. SZOLLOSY.

THE GREAT COURT OF BEAUTY,Composed of the moat Beautiful Young Ladies inthe Profession.The great Comediaaa. H. W. Bgan. Dick Parker,J. Eylvas Clarke, Master Johaay, Ac., Ac., la a

choice selection ofOORKOGRAPHICALITIES,


A REMARKABLE COINCIDENCE,THE GABROTERS, UNCLE SAM'S HOTEL, Ac.WILLIS ARMSTRONG, the wonderful Jugglerasd PantomimistRevival of the beautiful act,

THE ARAB LAYBy Misses Julia Mortimer and Kate Peanoyer.The performance will conclude with the Domestic


O'Brien, the Emigrant Geo. R. EdesonOther characters by the Corps Dramatique.

Admission 26 cents; Orchestra Arm Chairs, AOsent*; PrivaU Boxes (holding six,)Doora open at 7 o'clock. Peiformaase at 8.


Yob Ladibs akd Childbib.when the great Canterbury Company will appear.Admission.ladies, 90 cents; children, 10 cents.


Eolo agents for the District of Columbia for thesale of Messrs. Kohler A Brohling'e pure Califor¬nia W iaes and Braadiee. The following are ou

- Mf&rasssii.ftlCBIVINCK aa^or SSe^Jtoe fthreo > uo-ared thousand)Wving and Merthax table Brisk.Iaeoiro of __af»i7-lw" M. 8TAKB, Gooriett-WK


terrible disaster.Wreck of the Steamer Anglo-Saxon tff

tape Race.Great Lens of Life.F'' APrt127» (via Port Hood}.TheYteamer Anglo-Saxon, which failed from

Liverpool on the 16th, with 36upus«n|^ri anda snip's crew of M men, making a total of 444couls, was wrecked four miles east of CaneRace, &tbnoon to-day during a dense fog.fcerenty-three persons escaped from the

wreck by ropes and spars, and twenty.fourmore in ho. au life-noat, making a total s^vedof ninety.seven. Boats Nos. 4 and tt have not

7»f T off Cape Race in consequence ofthe density of the log, and «even more personswho embarked on a raft are also missing.There is still a heavy eoa and a dense fog. The-

is supposed to be among thedrowntd. The purser, lirst and second engi-"HI" <l,octor are saved. Lieut. Sampson,ol the Royal Artillery, Hon. John YoungandbchV* ' arP saPP°8®^ to be in one of the missingThe £eck of the steamer broke up about an

honr after the ship struek, and nothing but hermizzenmast was left standing. Several personaclung to the fore-rigging till the foremast Ml,but no assistance could be rendered them2?" bei»*. fin,d at Cape Race to attractthe attention of the missing boats.RESCUE OF KINETY PERSONS BY THE STlAXBR

DACNTLKSg.28..The steamer

Dauntless this morning picked up the tw^ltfe-boats of the Anglo-SB <on, containing ninetypersons The following is a lis: of the passen¬gers on board the Dauntless. The others areprobably a portion ol the crew: Hon. John

\'i"d T^Ven chiidr, n- and servant;|L;°ruI' M,sf Bertram, Mrs. Captain Stod-vi ^J»r* ^-ciwe,>'' Rev. Mr. Eaton, Capt. Caa-

t .-Irs" Jack8"« «nd child, Mrs. WriehtJ.®1111 Martin, James Kirk wood and sister, Mrsn. m5' Catharine Cameron, Mary Ann1 fcomas, Mary Ann Adams, E. Manns, ThofcasCaldwell Mr. Hart, tirst offlo«-r; Mr. Scott,fourth officer; James Henderson, fourth Engi¬neer, and Charles Carron, fifth engineer.The steamer Bloodhound has j:one to Cape

itace for the people rescued there from the

the'coastTo day^aUler * ^ «

From Mexico.^ ORKlA^H L>t' ~Vera ^ru* advices of

tbi 5th, per hark Trowbridge, state that theMexican guerrillas had captured a camp ofrailroad laborers near Veracruz, destroyingor carrying oa all the*property there. Severalother similar camps near Tejeira were alsokfuln16 ^ «

sacked, and some -JO laborerskilled and .50 or 00 wounded.

It was stated that the French were m.-tkineL R

vi ^ogress Mexico. A small fort.k

bet*u caP'nred with a loss tothe r rench army of over 700 men.A heavy storm recently occurred at Vera

Ciuz, which destroyed over £20,000 worth ofi rench stores. Reinforcements for the Frencharmy were continually arriving however,

The t'umilrn and Amhoy Railroad.Bordektown, April 2S..At a meeting of the

stockholders of the Camden and Amboy Rail¬road Company, held **o-day, the action of thedirectors in the double tracking of their roadwas unanimously endorsed, and also a contractcontemplated between the railroad companiesforming the line frcm New York to Washing¬ton, by which the pnblic will obtain all the ad¬vantages arising from a through double trackand other improvements rendered necessary bvthe present emergencies. J

..!Loss of a Prize.April 2H..The prize schooner

Ciine, of Nassau, went anhore on LewesBeach, near the Breakwater, on Saturdaynight, and went to pieces. All hands weresaved.


Rebel Raid upon the Baltimore aud OhioHiiilroad.Attacks and Skirmishes at Va¬rious Places.R umored Raid into Penn.sylvsnia.Ttie Baltimore Sun of this morning says re¬

lative to the recent rebel demonstration in West¬ern Virginia:

It appears that the first intimation of anymovement northward in Western Virginia to¬wards the line ot the Baltimore and Ohio roadwas an atrack at Beverly, in the Cheat Moun¬tains, some fifty miles south of Grafton, uponseveral companies of Federal troops, underLol. Latham, by a cavalry force, with artilleryRumor soon followed that Clarksburg, on theFarkersburg r«ad, in Harrison county, andGrafton, the junction of the Wheeling and Far¬kersburg road, loo miles distant from eitherplate, were threatened by the Confederates inforce. Military movements were promptlymade, however, under den. Schenck's orders,to meet the supposed emergency. In the mean¬time this excitement subsided, and rumorsarose of another body of Confederates movingfrom the \ alley of Virginia to the west, byway of Moorfield, perhaps, and possibly threat-eniiJ?,IS^w Cfeek station, between Cumberlandand Piedmont, and east of the mountains, orperhaps intending to co-operate with the forcethat had appeared at Beverly.

It is said that no demonstration, howeveroccurred at any point from Thursday until.Sunday morning, when, between ten and eleveno'clock, about 200 Confederate savalry, said tobe under a Col. McDonald, suddenly appearedat Altamont, at the head of the Fiedmon: grade,1/ miles west of that place, where they attackedand took possession of an engine and smalltrain of empty coal cars on their way to O' Don-nell s Newburg gas coal mines.As soon as this party appeared at Altamont

the telegraph wires were cut, and all commu¬nication west of the Piedmont etfice ceasedBy way of Wheeling, however, it was learnedthat squadrons of cavalry appeared almostsimultaneously at Oakland, Cranberry Sum¬mit and Rowlesburg, the three stations nextwest of Altamont, although, as far as it isknown, the aggregate of all these fores hardlyexceeded some Ave hundred meu. At Rowles¬bnrg, which was the most important point at¬tacked, five companies of Federal troops wereposted, and defended the place throughout Lheafternoon.At Cranberry Summit, ll miles east of

Rowlesburg, the telegraph wires were also cutand several rails of the track taken up.Considerable anxiety is felt about the con¬dition of affairs at Grafton, which is the mostimportant station between Wheeling and Pied-

road'' be'De ^ janction of tLe FarkersburgCol. Mulligan, of Lexington fame, was in

cemmand there on Sunday, with a consider¬able force, and being attacked on Monday inthe neighborhood, drove the Confederates tothe southward, since which nothing has beenheard of the situation there.Major General S: henck received dispatches

from Pittsburg yesterday evening, stating thatit had been positively ascertained that a forceof Confederates were then at Morgantown,and that the military arrangements had b^ns=o perfected that their capture was deemedcertain.The heavy and valuable equipment of the

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in engines audcars of all descriptions was promptly movedat the first sign of danger from New burg, Graf¬ton, and other engine stations in the threateneddistrict, to Wheeling.The Northwestern Virginia Railroad, it ap¬

pears. has been a sufferer in the present raid.Gen. Schenck received information at a latehour on Monday nigh: from Clarksburg, onthat read, announcing the fact that from adeemed military necessity, the railroad bridgesituated a few miles from Clarksburg, towardsGrafton, had been destroyed by the Federalforces. This was done without any ordersfrom Gen. Schenck. The bridge. how«««rwjII be rebuilt in a few days, '

At the latest advices there wai still bo tele¬graph communication on theroad farther westthsn Rowlesbnrg, up to which point the Fed«-ral forces were in possession.

UTIfiT,At a late hour last night information was re¬

ceived from Ool. Mulligan to the effect that hebad succeeded in sustaining himself at Graf¬ton; also that he was then marching his ocm-m»nd to ao important station en the road,which would insure ite safety.At the tine «f going to press nothing of a

definite character had been received In regardto the rumored raid «f the Coafedcratoe intoFayette county, Fenanylvania, or, in fa«t, oftheir exaot wh«reaboat«.The Baltimore AfW-kW* ef this BMrming

.ays:Wt Irarn that the whole line «f the Balti¬

more and Ohio Raiir«»d Is now full protected

THE WEEKLY STAR.This uwlltnit Family tad New* Journal, my

*alaing e Wt»t« variety of r«*4icgthan tu be foaod Jn ur cther^-i* cubiisheti <mTrii*r momlsf

****8.Out, iamtruuly, t* admum.Btngl* oopy. Mr umki f 1 0»Jire coml. 4 7#Tw MyiH _

Twutr In wim so ooII Invariakly MBteiwi ihe "WMkiacloa Hews"

that kw made Tk* Dmt* Brmrnt »rr ?ir«*»*1eM..¦.rail* throughout the ooaatr*.¦rilnek «o»i«S (<¦ wrt^r,)

»t the counter. isKnediateir after tae issue of theHl« Priee-THRBl CMTR.

at all important points. The Rebel-* h%v*driven off from Howle-burg, having m?t withanother raver* repulsion Monday. They, how¬ever, suce-eded in destroying the Youihioranvbridge near Oakland, a low travel work str ac¬ta re. A. large forcr of workuv u were iinraUi-au ly pUt on by the company, and it will be

2*Ly .r passage of trams at noon to-duy.r>»? . aAJ< n'FI °f !hr Bebels to ret to the greatCheat Eirrr Ti.-.dnct, which was douhtlesa

f K f rca,r' of the vim, has signally failedthrough the brave defence of the troops sta¬tioned at Rewlesburg.The locomotive and train, which was started

on Monday by Ihe Rebels from Altainoutwith i,o> one on it, stopped ol its own aceord at

any11 VUiS done no damage or received

there is also reported to be a considerablerebel fcrcr in the vicinity of Ktrashnrg, abouttwelve miles from Winchester. There seemsto be no doubt that a consideiable movementhas been made towards the Opper Potomacand Western \ irginia,doubtleK« with the nameor-ject as similar moumenU last year, which.were to detract the Army of the Potomac andcreate another panic at Washington».* «'P£rt yesterday at Wheelingand Parkersburg that the rebel force whichKiadf the attat k at Rowlesrmrg have crowdthe line of the road and moved through themountains towards the Pennsylvania Centralxvcau. with the intent of destroying some of thebridges.As to the rumors of an attempt of the rebels

to cross into Maryland, theyareof course un¬founded. The river is now too high to beforded anywhere wyept at Whites and Ed-wards Ferry, which are in the neighborhoodof Eeesbr.rg At both of these Ferries thereare strong earthworks, well mounted and gar-nscned. R

M.*ijor (ieneral Schenck, with Generals Kellyand Milroy, are actively at work with suffi¬cient force to counteract the movements of theenemy. .

LOCAL NEWij.Examination or McNacohtor.He is X>»<-

c'u rg>it. Yesterday afternoon, the examinationll' iS" "cN«ughton, who was charged

with robbing the effect* of Lieut. Lewis Ora-liam, on the 19:li March, while he was dyingwas concluded belore Justice Ferguson, andr<*M ilu dismissal of the accused.Mr Hnrnrk was cross-examined by Mr.

Bradley in reference to his suspicions, but nonew fact was brought out.The testimony for the prosecution here closed,

and the defence called.Mrs. Margaret E. Cooly, (sister of McNaugh-

ton,) tcstifi. d that she went to Falmonth onthe 13th ol March, and on the loth wroU to herbrother to come down. On the evening of theISth, (the day of the occurrence.) she heardtrom a tr.end (Mrs. McCarthy) that he was atFalmouth station. The witness did not seehim. Lately she had received a letter writtenby her brother at Alexandria, March 22, inwhich he states that he could not find her atFalmouth, and was going to New York[This testimony was introduced to explain

how McNaughton came to leave the city sosuddenly alter the robbery.]Mrs. McCarthy testified to the good character

of the prisoner, and to seeing him at Falmouthabout the 19th ol March. Geo. S. DiflTeiideriTeralso testified to the good character of the pris¬oner.The evidence here closed, and Messrs. Whar¬

ton and Bradley briefly argued the merits andbearings of the case, contending that there wasno evidence or suspicion on which he could beheld, and that all the circumstances connectedwith the movements of the accused could bereadily accounted for.Justice Ferguson said that after considering

all the evidence, he could not believe that Mc-Isaughton was guilty of the charge, and dis¬missed him.

It is stated that McNaughton abandoned hisproper name^n New York, where he w;is ar¬rested, and assumed that of Samuel J. Hope.A New Cape .On Saturday night last a-5

Mr. Charles B. Wright was in one of the Nay vYard cars, he found on the seat of the car apocket-book containing £11 and a book, whichthe conductor (Mr. "Yenable) very properlyclaimed u»der the rules of the company, whichprovides that all articles found in the carsshall be taken in charge by the conductor anddeposited in the office of the company, andthat they shall at stated times advertise allsuch ariicles. Mr. WTright refused to givethem up: but went to the office of the companyat the Navy Yard, showed the articles andleft his name and address in case the losershould apply for them, and at the same timehe offered to advertise them The companyyesterday made a formal demand for the arti¬cles, which Mr. Wright lelused to surrenderunless the owner came forward and identifiedthem: and this morning a warrant was obtainedcharging Mr. Wright with the larceny of Lhdarticles, on which he was arrested by OfficerPaiker and taken belore Justice MeKenna,who ordered him to give bail for court, whichhe refused to do, and was committed to iail indefault. J

Ihere is an evident propriety in articles leftin the cars being retained at the company'soffice, subject to the demand of the owner, whois certain to look in that direction for the mis¬sing property.Bible SocietySTai the meetingof the Wash¬

ington City Bible Society Monday atternoon,in consequence of the vacancy caused by thedecease of the President, Mr. John P. lugl-,.A. N. Zevely, Esq., Asiistaut Postm .ster Gen¬eral. was called to the chair, and Rev UrSmith, on invitation, led in prayer.It was resolved to hold the anniversary on

the last Monday in Mav, and a committee, con -

listing of M. II. Miller, C. H. Ear.e and O. O.Wight, was appointed to make the neoest>aryarrangements.A committee, consisting of Wm. B&Uantyue,

John C. liarkness, A. Rotlirock, O. C. Wight.ar-d E. L. Chi Ids, was appointed to nouiin it<»officers of the society tor the ens aim; vear, toreport on the day of the anniversary.The statement of the depository whs pre¬sented, which showed, among other inter stin ^lacte, that the issues from the depository, N jl4t!e Seventh street, had. during the la^t twelvemonths, exceeded 81,WO volumes of the Scrm-turts.The account to March 31bt of this, with the

Parent Society, was also presented, exhib¬iting a balance due of and .demonstratingthe necessity for special efforts to remove fh>sindebtedness and to provide funds for foturwpurchase-.Adjourned to the last Monday in May.Accipekt..About noon Monday, as Mr Z.

1>. Kellen, fori-man under Mr. Padgett, at th4Navy \ ard, was engaged in superinteudiii'Tthe pile driving on the western si<U> of th-*l ard, preparatory to tt.e erection of a crane, hnwas severely injured. The driver was t>eiii<drawn up when,from some cause, the nippersattichcd to the weight flew out of place andstruck Mr. Kellen, who was standing near hv,in the iace, splitting his nose and tearing ihi>tlesh on the left side of his face in a oorribl*manner, at the same time knocking him fromhis position into the water. He was at on *rescued, and alter his wounds were dressedremoved to his residence,on Ninth street,near I.It is feared that he is also internally injured.At their Old Tkickb..Monday, as

John Hess, with other workmen, were in rh >"Brick1 on Pennsylvania avenue near Ninth!street east, which he is fitting up as a lager-b-1- rsaloon, Annie Wilson and Cornelia Tvler. wh>were a short time since routed out by tlw poll *for keeping it as a house of ill fame, got in fh-*building with some soldiers, and proceeded u>ply their old vocation in the old place. Mr.Hess caught them iu the act and knocked on» ofthem down, ano she had him arrested. Offl^'rWilliams took him before Justice Fergason,who, on hearing the evidence, immediately d'--miseed the ease, remarking that he had dou«right.Ft'ti*K than usual..A larger number of

soldiers than nsnal have beeu in the i;y ;ue

past few days, and the result is, that thu C< a-;ral Guard-house has been faller than n-oal,the soldier# whose terms of raUstaifln* har*expired having availed themselves of the op¬portunitylo imbibe rather freely. On ac-e»rtol the number of soldiers in tbe-«eigbborfco»dof the Depot, Gea. Martindale has ordered ih«»saloons and drinking-houses in that localityBe kept closed iatil the soldiers leave.

.Monday, Christopher Dana, J.A. Flannery aud Stephen Flauuery, were ar-rested by officer Miller on suspicion of pickingthe poeket of Daniel Murphy. They ware tahwabefore Justice Johnson. The act was oommittedat seine ranche In the northern part of th»Four* Ward. Murphy had been drinking, an4not bring able to testily to anything poMttvaly.and the asensed having proven that they wevaworking mem, and of good reputation, Jaevio*Johnson tbuau
