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Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1912-03-03 ......guest of Air. and Mrs. Roland...

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ave Your Old OSTRICH PLUMES BY OUR Process of SPECIAL From Producer 10 you U»-: ntii m1. i:< -rvilai $*.< ii Willow Ptu.n»i. vviili < ti. I . lis flues Jin I br« ji <1 & st.«5 1 a i-it'. Ibgnlar f7.50 French PioBies, with I ph <>'. I v $5.00 h Reconstruction Vnur old plumbs have intrinsic value. HIT.the riMiilt of restoration depends ii|i«»n tin' i'iiik em who nndertnkes the work. Our process is different.so different, in fa« t. that wi' have time and again under¬ taken the work considered "impossible l»y others, and met with remarkable success. We specialize in the reconstruction of ostrich plumes, maintaining a department occupying .">.i tii» .«t|iiar<' 1'. ..¦ t of tloor space. * 111 i l> {". with ! h . latest appliances and the highest skilled feather workers known to the plume industry. Hring in your old feathers, get oui esti¬ mate. and if you favor us with your or- der we will transform your old feathers into beautiful French plumes, stick-up . t- l. -ts or fancy Parisian novelties at 1 _ th» i . sI of lit \\ nil «. g gf l adies' Quality SIiom S15 G St. N.W. \i'n York, "V. \ . 1li>l llroiiil »\ n> .v 2tO w. 2Sth >«. I'h I liidel pl> in "07 >11 ii t \rcmle llroiiil A I hmtniit II rook I >11, \t . .Mil I'u 11 on si reel <l>'\elunil. Ohio I-.".- I'" Tie I III me. We have not moved: we have no intention of mov- mg! We emphasize this point because this impression -eo s to have g ne forth, no dcu'.t due to the extensive build¬ ing, operations going on around us. B. RICH'S SONS. Rich 's "Smart" Colonial Ties lh- for close followers of fashion. Correctly dressed women and mtsscs. this com- mif s fin n<f .aid summer, ii'J! wear /ftesc "smart Colon ill Tics.///1 / / is, the distinctive styles shown exclusively by us. The Li roc assort¬ ment offers a wide choice. II e illustrate one. ( olonii I Tics of qun metal. black castor, black satni. tan castor and tan russia At Six Dollars. II b<ic canvas at five dollars. B. RICH'S SONS, TV.'.-one F Street. Corner Tenth. Peroxide Toilet Cream The fair motorist fairly delights in using it, as it keeps the face in such smooth and velvety condition. \l Ml llrub mill Depart nu n I More*. This Beautiful Tiffany DIAMOND RING Ycu cannot duplicate the value at the price.$25. We fcund out long ago that you must outdo competition if you w. >uld get re¬ sults from your advertising. This ring is guaranteed as represented. just as we guarantee every other article of jewelry wheh we sell. And don't forget that you can Have It'Charged UP FROM THE RANKS. Presidents and Other Officers of Railroads Who Started Low Down. i !'.!!, Ill- P. ! I ~!«li ^'.1 Tin.1 >. W. A. tlarrvit, i-huirman . tin- «Ien- . .riii M ui; -ei.- A>-o> iatiofi .»! * "hit ik*1. 111., ami forna-r president of the Seaboard Air lane. has pr# pared a list, showing the beginnings of una wlio today are r;.; I - ...ad president . The li.-t includes 10. 1'. Uiph v «.!' the Santa 1Y, who was a ti< t agerr of tia < lalvest on. Houston and ;!¦¦nde:>oi <>hcar Murray, formerly resident and now <bairuin ..1" t ,e llalti- iior» id «»hfo diricto at. ; Walter I., floss, \ |!-I pre- 11, t! o; the A toll, V !t'i it: Wa- all i--!i< e hov ill t!; 1 I'ip'ov of t- 1 W J. us; i: I \\ i- II I"' \\ and tin- I'hicago and Kastern IHinois, who tugan in a clerical capacity in tUe ! rathe department of the Hannibal and Si Joseph in Pari us M li-r of the r.urlinyton. who in !s* » was a stenogra¬ pher 111 the gem ral freight office of the .Michigan Central: Charles .M. Ha es of ih« (irand Trunk, who started as a chik 111 tin- passenger department o! tiie od Atlantic and Pacific. I!. 1>. Caldwe 1, now president of Wells Cargo: his immediate successor. W Miam Sproule, who has :e- Celltly Income president of the Soinaern i'aiiie: l>aniel Willard of the Haiti in re and Ohio, who is a striking examp.e of what the mechanical department can pro¬ duce; W. <\ Brown of the New York Central lines, who went through tlie grades of many departments before lie reached the top of the ladder; W. 11. Xcwrnau whom Mr. Hrown succeeded, and who is still associated with the same system in a responsible thong's advisory SOCIETY WARRENTON. *- S| »1 Cop-ospollof "I'll,, stnr. W ARRENTOX, Va. March 2, 1!>12. Miss Elzabeth M- Intyre has returned to lv-r home in Warren ton after a visit of several weeks to friends in Charlottes- vi le. Va. Mrs. K. R. \V. Barker enter¬ tained At a tea Monday afternoon at her home on Culpeper street. Messrs. Thomas c. Thornton of Washington and Walter Cook of Baltimore spent the past week 'end with friends in Warrnnon. Bay- ii.aster Randolph Mason Ba.l, l*. S. X., spent several days in town this week. Miss Jacobs of Philadelphia and Co'.. Paxton of Leesburg, Va.. were the recent quests of Mrs. Rothwell at Mrs. \V. A. j Garner's. Mr.' and Mrs. P. Jasper Simms of N> \v York spent several days in Warrenton this week with Mrs. Maud Spicer. Mi. W. H. (Curtis was amonn' tiiose that v sited Washington the past week. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Wortham of St. Stephens. Catlett, \'a., are tne quests of Mr. and Mrs. l>. II. Matian. Mrs. C. X. Beak- of Washington is visiting friends in Warrent> n. Mr and Mrs. W. W. Finley and the Misses Finley arrived iu Warrenton Sa;uday last and wi I spend some time at l.oreita on tin- Bethel road. wl%ich Mr. Pin ley recently purtJiascrf itom Mr. John S. Gaines. Mr. and Mrs W. 1!. Blythe haw rented the IJendaH: plaee on the Alexandria pike and have: tak -n possession of same. Mrs. -T. A. c. Groner. who visited Washington sevtral] days this week, has returned home. -Miss E.izaboth Gaines. who has been spendng some time in Philadelphia, is now the Sliest of her sister. Mrs. Joseph A. Bell, in Richmond, Va. Dr. S. W. Maphis has re urned to W arrenton from charlottes- \ ille, Va. Rev. E. B. Jackson of Blacks- bur.?. Va.. has accepted tne call to the Baptist Church here recent y tendered! Ii m. Mr. William V. Millington has re-; oentiy sold to Mrs. Mary P. M Oume of Washington his farm on the Lees Ridge, road near Warrenton. Mr. and Mrs. Millington will niaKe their future home near Annapoiis, M>i. Mrs. Jennie M. Payne left Warrenton Friday for Atlanta, Ua.. where she will i spend everal weens with her daughter, Mrs. Howell M. Peep.es. Mrs. Atoert Fletcher. ,1r.. . entertained Tuesday after¬ noon at tea. Mrs. William C. Hayes visited Washing 1 n W edm rf.lay of this week. Miss Mary Carter Randolph of Clarke connty. wtio iias been the guest of Mrs. Wnliam C. Whittle in Nor¬ folk, is the guest of Mrs. E. Astley Cooper. at Waverly. near Warrenton. Miss (lizzie Smith has returned to her hi me n> ar Bro.nl linn after spending S"ine tinn in Wasii.ngton wi h Mrs. F. A. Winter. Mrs. W. Ii. Smith and Miss Juliette White . f" B'< ;oi Run are visiting i'.'-ikIs in Washington. Mrs. R. D.J Douglas lias n op i.ed i.e. orne on Bees Ridge after sp> >;t;ing s vend months at [ the home of Mr and Mrs. W. A. Garner. Mrs. Walter Roin-rtson is the guest of friends in New York. Miss Anna Stro h- j er who has re< cully returned from Char- ott» sville, is s, ei.iiing some time at Casa- nova. Va. The Misses Gasknts have as! their guest at heir home on Lee street! Miss Agnes I'laekwell. Wednesday a!ti noon Miss R* sa Xeal [ Tongue was hostess at a tea given in honor of her guest. Miss Virginia l'riin- rose of HuLimoiv.. Assisting were Miss Emily W. Fletcher, Georgie Xewby, Agnes Strother and Bouise Evans. Among those present :e Misses l.ouise Kincheb e, Frank Moore, Mildred Jef¬ fries, >an « 'hainberla'ii. Janet Hamilton, Miss Shepherd of llerryvillt. Roberta Curtis. Mary Perkins. Mary Robinson. Ma> Strother, B.l :ii I.. i I:«11 i«¦ .". Virgin'a j Vaughn. Genevive Fletcher, Helen Wal- raven, Agnes Payne, Hi<-ks, Bessie Hicks and Mrs. J. Donald Richards. M?s Paul Richards. Mrs. .Nina llinekin. Mrs < :iai es R. Dtar*. .Mis. .lunies Walden Jef fries Mrs. Alexander Hiimilton. Mrs. Ed ward Thornton. Mis. Rietuwd Hiibary Mrs. Wilbur Si< :ie. Mrs. . ;<.< i ge Smi b Mrs. C. E. Titfany. Mrs. .M. <;. I '* uglas Mrs. Charles Owtns. Mrs. Samuel Britth and Mrs. Ford lb It. CLASE"- DON. c-i ii r.irri'H', i)i|Kii. ,.f ti,o sinr. CLAREN*IK>X, Va., March 2, 1P12. Mr-. Richard Sutton of clarendon en- lertaiiK d the members <1 the Clarendon Embroidery Cjub at In r home Wednesday- .ft"inoon. Miss Ruth Garrison eiit» r- U:!ned tin' Doiens Society Friday after¬ noon Mrs. G II. Rt; ker entertained ttie members of the Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon. .Mrs. Wade Ball of Clarendon entertained the members of the St. George Guild sit her home Tuesday after the business meeting. A luncheon was served by tht * hostess. The hiilies spent the afternoon sewing. Mrs. s. p. Wrig'it of Bar soft ; was the week-end guest of Mrs. A. <1. r'o.\ i>t Washington, D. C., this week. A han<i jet was given by the meinners of the Masons of Arlington Lodge at their Ma- sonie temple .-»t Clarendon Thursday night. Beside.- a deiightfu. musical pro¬ gram thei e were several literary treats, .niss Wr-adon of Hamilton. \*a.. is the guest of Air. and Mrs. Roland Hough ot Clar< ndon. Va. Mrs W. T. Hna/es is visiting in Florida, as the guest of her i aunt, Mrs. c. S. Churchill. Siie will be | ubsent several weeks. Mrs. M. Carpenter of Washington. 1 >. has returned to iier eity home after a v isit To her daugh- ter, Mrs. L. 11. Thomson of Wa nut street, i Mr. itinl Mis. G. E (iiid have returned to j their clarendon hom< after a visit to the home of Mrs. Mary E. Shepherd ot j Wilnington. Del. Mrs. Adelaide Farrell and Aiiss Farrell of W asiiington, i>. were guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Harry i<. Green of Chestnut street. Mrs. J. A. Loveless of Clarendon is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. B. Van Every of Arling¬ ton. Air. and Mrs. J. R. Moore and fain:A' after ;i ten-flay vi.-it to Mrs. M. Heard of W asiiington. D. C. returned to their Clarendon home Wednesday. .\liss Katharine Rea of Washington, D. <\. was | the guest of Mrs. Gioome Eareekson ot Chestnut street. Clarendon, . this week. | Mi .viortinter Burke <d" Clarendon has as I .- vilest his father, Mr. James Buri.e ! ot Amissville Va. Master < urtis Cline. aft. r a visit to his grandfather, Mr. j Man is Sthr. shiy of l-"re<lfricK.-ourg, Va., | ! has ret u ned home. Mr. George II. Cm. der b ft Saturday for several days' visit .'t«. ids father, Mr. .i. C. tjorder of Beaie- t'>n. Va. Mi.-s Ethel Priest of Roekvilb-. Mil . I was the guest this week of Miss Annie Priest of Clarendon. Mr. and Mrs. C. B Latimore of Ftica. X V., aye guests <¦1 Mr and Mrs. William It. Watts of Fort Myer. Mrs. Oliver Heat wold of I larrisonburg. Va.. is the guest of Mrs. Leith Thompson of Chestnut street. Mism Annie Priest has returned after a \isit in her cousins, the Misses Mann, in Washington. Mrs. A. G. Fox of Bar- . roft is spending the remainder of the wmt i in Washington. 1). C. Mrs. W. W. Wright and chiblren. after several i months in Mobile. Ala., and other south- e!*ii i ities, returned tf> Bareroft this week. Mrs. Thomas Gray entertained the mners of the Arlington Presby¬ terian Missionary Society at tier Arling¬ ton Imine Thursday. Mr. II Bruce Har- I rison and wife ent- rtained the ineml»'i-s of the Five Hundred Club of Cherrydaie Saturday evening. The Missionary Band of the Presbyterian Church at Arling- ton met at the manse Saturday after- noun. Mrs VrMtur !!oii?h -inl I" or- be11 of Washington. 1». C., wen week¬ -end guests of Mrs. R. Hough. Rev. and Mrs. Frederick Howden of Washington will lie entertained at tea Sunday by Rev. and Mrs W. Edward Callender «if Clarendon. Miss Annie Burke of Wash- ington is the goest of the Misses Co|- ' Iius uf Fort Myer Heb'lits. Va. Miss Dorothy llursey of Clarendon enter- ta'nod the members of the Go"d Sl'en. '.erd of St George's Church Txie-dny .?'tertmon. Mjs« Katherine Strother of Markbain. Va. Is the guest of Misses vav aid Marie Simpson, en Oak street. ',M.. in. mhi-rs of the lJ-ira".*t i-lass of the l"irst Presbyterl-in Church of Ballst n -ere en»er'aine<l nt the home of L (}. '^eiuirii-k of Bailston Wednesday even- '*ig. .> | HERNDON. | 'feir l Correspondence of The Star. HERXDOX Va., March 2, 1012. Rev. George Thomas Waite and Mrs. Waite have had vvith them for a visit dr. and Mrs Waite of Fredericksburg. M'- James CoekcriHo was hostess I Tuesday afternoon at a delightful meet- j ing of the Corban Club, thos*» present being Mrs. B. Harry Bread y, Mrs. Sehooley, Miss Mamie < rounse, Mrs. Krnest Robey, Mrs. William Robey, Miss Lizzie My res, Miss Belle Simmonds, Miss Amy Burton, Miss Maude Vount, Miss Ev;t Cummins, Mrs. E H. Mooney. Mrs. I fa rry Mitchell, Mrs Powell Sum- iners and Misses i',vuin,6.,i Sciioolcy and Margaret Robey. Mn*. E leu Bued ana -Mr. Thomas Btiell have returned from a ten-day visit to Mr. and Mrs. George i Franklin Ruell of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hurst gave a ilan.e at then home at Wax pool Friday ;n honor of Misses Hazel and Lydia Bradsha \v. ,n o.d-fashioned Virginia supper being served at midnight. -%irs. Will,am Waiter Taylor was hostess at a most pleasant party Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Airs. B. Harry Bready and M.ss Cathe- rine Breads* have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. F. S. A Item us ,n Wash¬ ington. Miss Hope Summers has niurn- ed to her home in Sterl.ng, after a v.?,t to fr.ends in lxeshur._. Mrs. R hard McM.llen was hostess at a most d .glu- ul meeting of the Congregational Ladies' Aid So- ietv '1 .iur.-da_». ..n tiei..g served at noon to the guests those in attendance being Rev. R. C. Drisko and Mrs. Drisko, Mesdam s Saku. r, S.mmonds, Kenfield, Vount, Rit^g.cs, nuddieson, Hutchison, Webster, Mooney ami A A. Bready, E. A and A. H. Kirk and Miss Lula Hutchison. Miss Ilattie Robey has returned from a visit to Mrs. Emma Arntstn t:g t Philadelphia. Miss Maria Greshatn won first prize at a "five hundred'' part}" given iiy Miss Mary Davis in W.ishine- ton Thursday. Walker s Hall was | crowded to the doors Friday evening to witness the production of ''The Dis¬ trict School." -given by faculty and { pupils of the High School, nearly fifty dollars being cleared, which will h i used on the purchase of a piano f< 1 the new high school building, which s now rapidly approaching completion The principal characters were ta^ea bv Misses Walker, Stigall. Ri< har s Bohrer, Williams, Gaver, Cummins Carter, Holsinger, Bicksler. Bitzer. Davis and Mrs. William White ; n Messrs. Beazley, Edgar Reed. Bradsha w Jenkins, George Bread}', Bohrer, I.eon j ard White. Idlis, Hanes, Aud. I andir j and Lawrence Dctweiler and Floyi i Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farnham. Mrs Lulu | Tremaine and small daughter of Wash¬ ington. formerly of llerndon, and M; David Farnham of Maryland are spen i- ing some time in Florida. Miss Youni and Messrs. Maurice and Claude'Y un¬ assisted by their gur-.st. Miss Houchtn j gave a delightful "George Washington J part}" Fridas* evening in honor of the j Triangle class. "The Boston Tea Party ( was represented, a ship being loade I j with candies in tea packages. In the 1 parlor stood an Indian wigwam, ai ! which the guests exchanged their corn for beautiful George Washington hatchets. A prize was given t<> the one naming the governors of the thir¬ teen "original states, tiie prize going to Mr. Amos C. Ciuunse. jr. in the dining room the colors of red, whit- and blue prevailed, the cloth place cards also being in these colors Streamers suspended from the ohande- j lier bore amusing prophecies for . i member of the (lass. Mrs. Ina Chase Steele Colson of Washington spent the week end with Mrs. Charles Steele on spring street". Mr. and Mrs. Howard t Peck, after spending some time t Floris. have left fo> Iowa, where they will make their home Mrs. L. ('. Madi¬ son has returned, accompanied l»y Mis Marian Williams, front a visit <d" sev¬ eral weeks to relatives Chicago. Airs. M. \ irgin a Woods Smith and Miss Dorothy Russell Smith of I'urcellvil «. ai. guests of Mrs. R. A. Lynn on Kldon street. Miss Virginia Wrenn spent the week end with Mr. a ad Mrs. Washington 'Wrenn. Miss L.vdia Biadsiiaw of The Plains is the house guest of M ss Nettie Bradsha w. Mrs f.illhui Hyatt Garrett! and Master Edwin Garrett have returned from a brief s;aj w'-th r. ! itives in Wasi- ington. Mrs. .Mattie S'.i wlnnson had with l er fiver the week end Mr. Claude G. Stephenson of Baltimore. Miss Mabel Moffett iias returned to her home n Vtcola after a visit to Miss Ruth Cham- blin. Mrs. George B.'ent has rerurn-d to her Floris home afu r a vis.t 10 ii LttV in Washington. Mrs. M Bride of Wash iiigton is the house guest of Mr- Br Messrs. Robert and Ashburv Harrison have returned from Farfax. where they were Cidled by the death <>f their uncle. Mr Frank Harrison. Mr. and Mis. T. E. Aud entertained at dinner Tuesday, their guests being Misses Richards, Stign 1 Walker and Crounse, and Mess.s. Aud, Barbour. Hutchison and J. H. I: -azley.. Miss Louise Aud iias been the guest of, Mi> f i ;«r: 1* a- :nie -. Mi-- herta Boston and Gohlic Wiehle of Wielile attended the production of "The District i . uooi P'riday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Middleton of Washington spent the week enil with Mrs. < o-orge Bready at Klwardstone. Mr., Breadv returned Tuesday from a visit to New York. Miss Ethyl Wil. on .! ley Springs W. Ya., is th< guest of Mrs. William H. Taylor. Mr and Mrs F. jj. Ji hn.son are at their suburban iiome after an absence of fovphiI weeks in Washtng- t<>n. Mrs. Cas.sius 51. La wren<v ha- i turned from a brief vi -it Washington M I S. i * t i W ill || M»'t »lley wa S J*] j. day ai :i . harming i:ii>ci < n. n- tary in her house guest. Mis |j; Schooley 'if Cleveland, cow rs . in [ f->r ten. Monday afternoon Mrs. Schooley was honor guest :it a stmTl p,-it\ it t". Ma pies. Mr. R. H Dutton has returned :r>>m Richmond, where he ws v.'led i.> the death of Mr. Ixra$head a brother of Ail-. lnitton. MNs I I.in.i Walk, i with her over the Week end Mis- W ?Kc-i- <>f Vienna. M'ss Ruth Riclards spent a few days rocntlv with Mr. an' Mr-.- W H. Riehards of Washington. Mrs W.t- t< il and Ml s Ouida Watt. 1 of \le\aniiia spent til. week eni with Mrs Henr> \sa- ton and Miss Ann l'- yton. Mr and >ir- rthur Hyde Rut .1 entert iin« d at dit 11 * - r Friday Capt. llenr\ da us < t" Sterling and Mr. C. A. Hutchi nson. Mrs. B. . s wiler and Miss Blanch Detwiler enter¬ tained Saturday aft :i:.n>n aUout six:.. . mend ers of the younger set and oil; in- zed a young ladles' society connected with St. Timothy' - Char. LEESBURG. '.* V i-pe^ud t'orr. spoi il ii. r <a i s -. LBrESBrRG. Va., Math 1012. Miss Moselle Wwsley, who lias been sPend ng the past -1\ ni'int!'- in Furo* was th> week end gues: >¦:' th M-- - avis of tlijs town. !< avin* Mon k, f..r a.-r la.in.¦ in Coluiiiii;:. . (la. V - V. m < > spent th.- \\in( -!- iii'rnt : ; so },. i; | Italy. Mr. Harry burr of Washington. 1' 1 . spent the week end at i-''i-;nsuc Mi. the horn . near here of Mr. ar: I Mi Samuel l.utz. Mrs. John S f im' n:an is ,h( guest of Mr Stephen Rn- iii I hiiadeiphia. Miss Mar\ Coma', aft r spending scvi ra' w> ,:.s ii m \ it ron (1. (/ a t i ] rop .1 f W. I'n; n ;; . J. * visitins Miss Virginia Thon: - Charlotte Hail, Md. Mr. Charles Coryell ot Philadelphia spent the w . k end" a: :von Farm, the home m-ar here o;' Ci; t. rt'iur M. Chichester Mrs. Iiieli.-ird C "ton of Orange. Va.. has r. urned ome from a visit at the home o" <'.'1 t n i Mrs. James William Foster of this town. Miss I .lian Yiers Whde return d t lie day l'rom an extended vi -it t. rt.nil--- in Chicago an 1 <" .arkston, W \*a Miss Nancy Lee Janney has return¬ ed from a six-week trip to the West in- !:. s, Brazil and I'anania. Sh. was tn> guest of Miss Lettlee Lee Woodward of Richmond. Va. Mi-s Fhzah.-th Ho * a lio is spend ng some time at .- >i iri_r- yood. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sa ri'-7; S. Lutz, was the guest of friends at Fort Myer. Va., during th.- past week. Mr. i:d Mrs Frank D. rani and children have returned from an extended v sit to relatives in Washington, 1>. C. Miss liian Janney is v . j!!ar relative- n . ni'ad Iphia. Mrs. Harry Tazew.- Har¬ rison and daughter. Miss Lucy Gillette itarrrson, are spending sonic ne at antie ( it... A!i. John S < asi'.-iiian a' ¦! -.'P. Charles, haw ,< turn- 1 - a. a v -t to relatives in Clarke county, V*a Miss Mary Met ahe has retuvned .!-* m an ex- eiuled visit to friends nil .aw.- >i Uasliington, i >. Mi.-.- \ .: -.a ... rett of t 'etitervilie, \ a . ,- \ i- t ng ..el- aunts. 1'e' Aiisse- Flgir, < town Ii.-- Kthe' Rink, r 1. ,- ,, turn- i iron: a visit to relative.- in Rai n ier. She wis iccompanied by Miss Kthel .Catzenbcr- er ot Baltimore. wt:.» -.v. it s;m i:,! soa:. till! here. -Mr. and Mr. Waif r II. Burke and children have returned from an . ad. visit to relafives in Hampton. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Burke also - i> nt se\cr l da in Ri-hmond. Mrs. Rot.; rt i'. irk M Virginia Johnson and Mast r Chester Ti¬ tus of Washington. 1> - .n. i\. ,v. en ! with lelitives in ;,e. h ;-.ir- nta Hoi'pt Rausch, who has !.... n ng- some time at the home ..f h i parent Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Houpt. left during past week for Montana Vlrs I" A Isii i- \j-iting jl ti e home of Mr ar; .Mrs. Kdward T. Adams. Mis \- il-i.^n Shieves of Paeonian Springs, this oou tv i was hostess at a de'.- ' .! t, a I" ,jH.. afternoon in honor ot her ho is e . t Mrs. Fisher of Boston. Miss Imogen" James a- r. irip-d f 'in a i- t fj i.-n an ! reia i\. in Raltimor. an .va- - ton Miss Annie M.-rrisv# t . r .- I urned to her hoim niar Waterfo: rom an extended visit to friends in Shreve- port. I.a. Miss S;«>Ua i'ao-r .a' i) li.-horolffl this county, is visiting relatives in Alex¬ andria and Was!iiik.t..i:. M.ss Via.a ell of Round Hill is visiting friends in Washington. Mrs. All c. i'. . ou Falls Chureii. va., ;et rntii Ir.iiu a \i.-it to iier da . iit»-r a 1 o in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Jo.--, Ijait.e-i iul- lon of i'nreelU ill.-- :.-> .- Ma ; i Mabel l'oulsen of Roan : tl'i; firind from a visit :¦> A -hint- Mi Itertha. I iowe 11 of R em.j Jf j - t urned from a si or; vi-it in Wa.-i .a non Miss Nannie C. Fred has returned home near Middleburg from a fortnight s x is it to relatives in V\ "ash ti.:'ori. .,r. i a- preaux and family, who have been \> nd- ing the Winter months t th. I ,,, Mr. fleorne Mullen, near 1 in oin, thi- ounty. returned .luring the pas't ' w. . o their horn at Sta .n Island, i Mrs. Herman Summ. s, who has he. p .¦siting her parents. M. an-: .\:r-. a Alexander Lynch of Round Hill, v.t Fri M H-H-I-M-M-H 4-H- . . . I . *.*«*** ? . t t t « « «*«».« . G Street's Mo t Fashionable Women's Outergarment Store The New Store, 1109 G St. N. W. The New Store Leads in Spring Styles. The nY-'tfh or variety. together zcith the character of the apparel shozwi* at Tie Xeze Store is an inspiration to the leomen of II \islam/ton. I'on must Visit ths store. if only to viezv the stun nun/ Sprhuj Styles, Our ability to quote loze prices /s provttuj one of the war-eels of local merclunulisttni. Smartest Spring Models in Suits. t/orded cloths, new whipcords. now 1 >ed t\ rd o«rds. new i\;i- >ian cords and novelties. Mark and white cheek- fanc\ <1ml, nal> men's wear serges. worsteds. the new changeable tatictas. and ;i!l lilt- desirable material-. The Prices. $25. $35. $50. F. la borate 'ported model¬ s' >n. Taffeta Silk Suits. creations in e\vr\ respect. I )ircct copies «m mi ( rcation- thai are far l\ \I)\ \\i. 1 of the -ea Spring Dresses in Exclusive Styles. An incomparable collection. The largest and best showing of Dresses in this city. Plain and ( h tngcable Taffetas. 1 lands- mc Series, C'hallio, 1 inen. Foulard and 1 a^'rie Dresses. The Prices, $15, $19.95 and $25 Evening and Dinner Gowns. The most advanced sty'c tendencies are clearly Gow ns that are exclusive in m< <1 tT and in fabric. -otnided. Spring Waists. In the originating1 of these models there i- noticeable a very radical departure from set modes of previous season-., imparting to each of the wide varietv of stvles a de'ightful newness Special Lines of Suits at $16.95, $19.95 I'nusual values that canim' b? duplicated. W e carry suits for the misses and also for stout women as larire as ;i. Alterations Free.Fit Guaranteed. The workrooms are one of the features of the New Store. They are the best equipped of their kin 1 in -his city. The most expert tailors and seamstresses are employed. ...I-, for . j- ho:.,.- in WllHamsbirg. Va. j It. i.mi Mis II Igiir Virgil '"opelind of 11 ill are spending some time in j Mew York. Mrs Ezra Carter of Gate j 1 n i - r sis er. ATi.-s l.oa- '!¦ i i iII. Mi.-s K i a S o. ' s r it- m .. . has <»n<- to *a-li¬ ke her home/ Anno '.ncement i <>f the marVia-o of M ss? ¦ t > ter of Mr. I inn! of I)ela :lane, M? i;a i.! .if! K I", rg son. j \i i \V. k Ferg s 11 of; ¦. mm v. is i. r. or me j ,.r-, Warr.jiton, Va., i .. i i r. Rev Edwin \A'a 1* .v.r. an ! Mrs : i- ai at ut the Kochelle j V. i;tigt T|t" T i. ( 1 '' > . V is of JjiK'ketls. ngton to in: is lief n ni !¦:. Ho- a li«' ant' Mi.-. Va., and < a i t< r mor. at a -lay, mail. is speeding some time i:i B ilti- M ~-s Helen PansbtK < iit. t iii» I prett.ly appointed luncheon S itnr- Ii«r gi'ests being Miss- Mary S <-r- M'ss i:iiza!'< tli Slid man Vi s On* ¦rt ;hv Freeman and Miss «' ar! .it.- V. . I. k- ner. < .<! a S. if ink-. !: i»r» ,»;iriinf!it VIENNA. .i .--iil i ..rr..i i . <»f Tli.' Star. VIENNA. V:i. M i. il 1J»12. Dr. and Mrs. George i'.. Corey and Mr i Mrs. A S. nil p. nt the week end w Mi n I Ah"-, Fred F. Detweller ¦ii Windovor n. i hts. Mrs. Lansing ' i!' - I ow .>r. . - v d n> Dow sp. u Saturday in Waahin ton. Mlse Doris rimln : .i o ;> a visit of se'-'- , al weeks to ; it, Mis. \V. A '" -i.. in W iri-.i l. Mi Kdwin .S Peth.-l s]it* t t 1 end wall 1 .-r s.s- . Ail- A'i e i a . in Washington. Mrs. James Hunter Cameron and Mrs. pin n I'iiura ! St;:!U2 v : memlnTS of ihi it i: ;; n \\ a:-.in ton Saturday. M ani Mrs. \ ai. i..-a!s visi;< .1 tli« ir Mrs. Arthur P. Hartin--»r v.as a Washington visitor Satunla Mr John Fergus-.n ami Miss Bertha Fer uvoti of I .oudoun wa re the guests last w.-ek of Dr and Mrs. Riehard lJiilanv ! eith Mrs. T. T. Poston an<l childr* n s;.en 'he ivcik ol d w tli friend- at Pnrcroft M.-s likidys Boston was a guesi for lis** neck end of her aunt, Mrs. Wicks, oil Maple aver uc. Miss Hattie M iloue <>f Wasl.ington is spending sonic time at tho home of Mrs." W. (Jarrett. nea i Oakton. Miss Winifred Smith i- r< . iv 'ring from her recent illness. Mr. an 1 'Irs. Klwyn X. l.ovewell aid sons were nrer gu» sts Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. ,I< hn Shipnian a" lSalHlon. Mr and Mrs 1 .eon L. Fieeman and little son spent Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs. Oliver F. It.nes in the city. Miss Kil.el i'a'k.jf s visiting at the home of Miss I^ot .th\ Fii-eman. Mi-s Oeor ie McKran is re- ov< rinp fro;r> h. rr M' v t r, a\ n ; n a v s t to !.'-r j'-' nt ; ?.!:. a ad Airs. I. AI. Si. ts last \\c. . Air .J t th«-:r farm near. ! M:1.t iais icturm ! from Iid-<'wat. r, and is visitiiig Mr aril Mrs. 1U>1>'r Alilo ". .Miss l'tarl <'or! of Dallas. Ti Pa., are visitiiu^_ Mr. and Mrs. I: Miller. O\\ n.u to i! .. Inclement w> iti:. '.ist week there \v-u< no me<-tjns o! ti .. < F'-.-nts t'lu'». Mrs. I M |)o. will <nteitain the e(luh n.-xt Wednt dav a* ¦ i.« m»- it oVioek. Mr. aad Mrs. Spraet bank and I ttie daughter ..t Wash¬ ington were -lie js Sunday of Mr aid Mrs. J. S S; r v rink at W«*dd«-rhtini Mrs Alma line md .Mrs. J<din War- noek F hols were luncheon nests Sat- urdav of Mrs. Uavtuoad Hartus i'i Wash in^ioii. Mr. and Mrs. Hay ISabeock of Williston, N'. I'.. \\er«- dinner quests Sun- day of Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace .%!..- I ane. Miss I illi iti I.ewis «>f V enna w i* m irr'. d today la Washln ton to Mr Hi'iniai'n. Miss Louise A ud of liernd'oit spent the week end with Mrs. Fd Harri¬ son at Hunter. .nt ii'In -?ri1 i \4 1 AI' Mi v f in !e. M i" dinner W tik. lev 1 < oll. ve a i l is a . n: it ' )al>.. >n e\.. is \ 1 ~ t tin .11 l! ng M'ss Eva \V. edon at F.l. el. i. Mrs Hart and son Harry of California were jniests this week of Mrs. .1. II. Trot a' ¦ akton. Mr. ohn Sae er of Pall Ru i intrj- if Air. spent sev< ral <i - tins Charles Miller. Mrs. AI. Sliest ti'is Week ot :i > Air and Airs. I.inv.o *. week with AI Kh >e lf- r i th Elsie Shoekey of I!aiii t ." ^ Scotchmen as Engineers. From ihc I.<ir«|en Chronic!". "Sev« ra I ensinee s were c,t led to pro\ the speed .¦{ th" Olympic's engines," saa' report. and it was noticeable that of the';., from the chief downward, Se ti'hmen." Wh ch reminds one t T>" to <1 .'f t'A'O !' I\ elctg.ail Ell: - a11 and a S >; iiaian.who wet« .iinir the «!. k ¦ >f an o> an liner, heii talk i *>i to lie about the .. > i > of S. tc ai it as ship engineer-, a iiy don't k w," reniaik.d the Scot, 'who the chief engineer on boaril thi- \essei is, hut III bet a bottle of ihiskv he's a countryman of mine !h tiiat lie went to ;he engine hold and sang down by way of a random shot. "1 a; AlacPona d!" To which a re-etitf 1 v ice repl;ed fr in the torrid >l>pth-: "There's nae Alaepona .is here; we're AlacFen^i-s'" is on <3 w M HP $ J h a A ikCl 01* IT Ok g ferTnp PICIDE One of the Essentials On your winter vacation you will most certainly want a bottle of Herpicide. This is doubly true if your trip contemplates a visit to a warmer climate. It is under conditions of warmth and hu¬ midity that the viciousness of the dandruff germ is particularly no¬ ticeable. As Important as Her Toothbrush "I lind Xcwiirii > llerpi< ide wry U neticial for <iandrnfl L would 110 nioro think ..!' K«>iiiif a journey without ;i !>.>ttl. of llerpic «!. than 1 would w thuul my tooth powder. Ity usiiifi it often and thoroughly, I t: 1;41 I <!<. not require a shann»o> as 11 and m> liair is much nicer." Middl.-i.ury, Vt. Mrs. M J. Wilts. An Opinion From the World's Greatest Lady Rifle Shot "Traveling as I do.almost continuously.1 have ln»en troubled ;i trn-ai ileal w.tli dandruff and tailing hair, ;unl until 1 tried llerj'i- eide 1 never found,a remedy that was satisfactory. "Herpicide is a delightful preparation and fuliills tlx .l;:iin.-» >011 make for it and 110 lady's tr»ilet is complete without it. "I heartily recommend it to my friend*." Nutley, N. J. Annie Oakley. The germ is always busy. There is no escape except in the use at regular intervals of Newbro's Herpicide. Herpicide carries sure and certain death to this germ and is the one really reliable remedy. An imitation or something just as good won't do. Insist on hav¬ ing genuine Herpicide. _ It Kills the Dandruff Germ==Stops Falling Hair One Dollar Bottle" sold and guaranteed by all Druggists. Applications obtained at the best Barber Shops. O'Donneil's Drug Stores Peop*e7s Pharmacy SEND FOR SAMPLE AND BOOK Send 10c in stamps for sample and book to The Herpicide Co., Dept-ttB., Detroit, Mich. Specisl Agents. 1
Page 1: Evening star (Washington, D.C.).(Washington, DC) 1912-03-03 ......guest of Air. and Mrs. Roland Hough ot Clar


Process of

SPECIALFrom Producer

10 youU»-: ntii m1. i:< -rvilai

$*.< ii Willow Ptu.n»i.vviili < ti. I . lis

flues Jin I br« ji <1

& st.«51 a i-it'. Ibgnlar

f7.50 French PioBies,with I ph <>'. I v


ReconstructionVnur old plumbs have intrinsic value.

HIT.the riMiilt of restoration dependsii|i«»n tin' i'iiik em who nndertnkes the work.Our process is different.so different, in

fa« t. that wi' have time and again under¬taken the work considered "impossible l»yothers, and met with remarkable success.We specialize in the reconstruction of

ostrich plumes, maintaining a departmentoccupying .">.i tii» .«t|iiar<' 1'. ..¦ t of tloor space.* '¦ 111 i l> {". with ! h . latest appliances and thehighest skilled feather workers known tothe plume industry.Hring in your old feathers, get oui esti¬

mate. and if you favor us with your or-der we will transform your old feathersinto beautiful French plumes, stick-up . t-l. -ts or fancy Parisian novelties at 1


i . sI of lit \\ nil «.

g gf l adies' Quality SIiom

S15 G St. N.W.

\i'n York, "V. \ .

1li>l llroiiil »\ n>.v 2tO w. 2Sth >«.I'h I liidel pl> in

"07 >11 ii t \rcmlellroiiil A I hmtniit

II rook I >11, \t .

.Mil I'u 11 on si reel<l>'\elunil. Ohio

I-.".- I'" Tie I III me.

We have not moved: we have no intention of mov-

mg! We emphasize this point because this impression-eo s to have g ne forth, no dcu'.t due to the extensive build¬ing, operations going on around us.


Rich 's "Smart"Colonial Ties

lh- for close followers of fashion.Correctly dressed women and mtsscs. this com-

mif sfin n<f .aid summer,ii'J! wear /ftesc "smartColon ill Tics.///1 / / is,

the distinctive stylesshown exclusively byus. The Liroc assort¬ment offers a widechoice. II e illustrate one.

( olonii I Tics of qun metal. black castor, blacksatni. tan castor and tan russia

At Six Dollars.II b<ic canvas at five dollars.

B. RICH'S SONS,TV.'.-one F Street. Corner Tenth.

PeroxideToilet Cream

The fair motorist fairly delights in using it, as itkeeps the face in such smooth and velvety condition.

\l Ml llrub mill Depart nu n I More*.

This Beautiful TiffanyDIAMOND RINGYcu cannot duplicate the value at the

price.$25. We fcund out long ago that youmust outdo competition if you w. >uld get re¬

sults from your advertising.This ring is guaranteed as represented.

just as we guarantee every other article ofjewelry wheh we sell.

And don't forget that you can

Have It'Charged


Presidents and Other Officers ofRailroads Who Started Low Down.

i !'.!!, Ill- P. ! I ~!«li ^'.1 Tin.1 >.

W. A. tlarrvit, i-huirman . tin- «Ien-. .riii M ui; -ei.- A>-o> iatiofi .»! * "hit ik*1.111., ami forna-r president of the SeaboardAir lane. has pr# pared a list, showing thebeginnings of una wlio today are r;.; I -...ad president . The li.-t includes 10. 1'.Uiph v «.!' the Santa 1Y, who was a ti< k« t

agerr of tia < lalvest on. Houston and;!¦¦nde:>oi <>hcar Murray, formerlyresident and now <bairuin ..1" t ,e llalti-iior» id «»hfo diricto at. ; Walter I.,floss, \ |!-I pre- 11, t! o; the A toll, V !t'i it:

Wa- all i--!i< e hov ill t!; 1 I'ip'ov oft- 1 W J. us; i: I \\ i- II I"' \\

and tin- I'hicago and Kastern IHinois,who tugan in a clerical capacity in tUe! rathe department of the Hannibal andSi Joseph in Pari us M li-r of ther.urlinyton. who in !s* » was a stenogra¬pher 111 the gem ral freight office of the.Michigan Central: Charles .M. Ha es ofih« (irand Trunk, who started as a chik111 tin- passenger department o! tiie odAtlantic and Pacific. I!. 1>. Caldwe 1, nowpresident of Wells Cargo: his immediatesuccessor. W Miam Sproule, who has :e-Celltly Income president of the Soinaerni'aiiie: l>aniel Willard of the Haiti in reand Ohio, who is a striking examp.e ofwhat the mechanical department can pro¬duce; W. <\ Brown of the New YorkCentral lines, who went through tliegrades of many departments before liereached the top of the ladder; W. 11.Xcwrnau whom Mr. Hrown succeeded,and who is still associated with the samesystem in a responsible thong's advisory


*-S| »1 Cop-ospollof "I'll,, stnr.WARRENTOX, Va. March 2, 1!>12.

Miss Elzabeth M- Intyre has returnedto lv-r home in Warrenton after a visit ofseveral weeks to friends in Charlottes-vi le. Va. Mrs. K. R. \V. Barker enter¬tained At a tea Monday afternoon at herhome on Culpeper street. Messrs. Thomasc. Thornton of Washington and WalterCook of Baltimore spent the past week'end with friends in Warrnnon. Bay-ii.aster Randolph Mason Ba.l, l*. S. X.,spent several days in town this week.Miss Jacobs of Philadelphia and Co'..Paxton of Leesburg, Va.. were the recentquests of Mrs. Rothwell at Mrs. \V. A.

j Garner's. Mr.' and Mrs. P. JasperSimms of N> \v York spent several daysin Warrenton this week with Mrs. MaudSpicer. Mi. W. H. (Curtis was amonn'tiiose that v sited Washington the pastweek. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Wortham ofSt. Stephens. Catlett, \'a., are tne questsof Mr. and Mrs. l>. II. Matian. Mrs. C.X. Beak- of Washington is visitingfriends in Warrent> n. Mr and Mrs. W.W. Finley and the Misses Finley arrivediu Warrenton Sa;uday last and wi I spendsome time at l.oreita on tin- Bethel road.wl%ich Mr. Pinley recently purtJiascrfitom Mr. John S. Gaines. Mr. and MrsW. 1!. Blythe haw rented the IJendaH:plaee on the Alexandria pike and have:tak -n possession of same. Mrs. -T. A. c.Groner. who visited Washington sevtral]days this week, has returned home. -MissE.izaboth Gaines. who has been spendngsome time in Philadelphia, is now theSliest of her sister. Mrs. Joseph A. Bell,in Richmond, Va. Dr. S. W. Maphis hasre urned to W arrenton from charlottes-\ ille, Va. Rev. E. B. Jackson of Blacks-bur.?. Va.. has accepted tne call to theBaptist Church here recent y tendered!Ii m. Mr. William V. Millington has re-;oentiy sold to Mrs. Mary P. M Oume ofWashington his farm on the Lees Ridge,road near Warrenton. Mr. and Mrs.Millington will niaKe their future homenear Annapoiis, M>i.Mrs. Jennie M. Payne left Warrenton

Friday for Atlanta, Ua.. where she willi spend everal weens with her daughter,Mrs. Howell M. Peep.es. Mrs. AtoertFletcher. ,1r.. . entertained Tuesday after¬noon at tea. Mrs. William C. Hayesvisited Washing 1 n W edm rf.lay of thisweek. Miss Mary Carter Randolph ofClarke connty. wtio iias been the guestof Mrs. Wnliam C. Whittle in Nor¬folk, is the guest of Mrs. E. AstleyCooper. at Waverly. near Warrenton.Miss (lizzie Smith has returned to herhi me n> ar Bro.nl linn after spendingS"ine tinn in Wasii.ngton wi h Mrs. F. A.Winter. Mrs. W. Ii. Smith and MissJuliette White . f" B'< ;oi Run are visitingi'.'-ikIs in Washington. Mrs. R. D.JDouglas lias n op i.ed i.e. orne on BeesRidge after sp> >;t;ing s vend months at [the home of Mr and Mrs. W. A. Garner.Mrs. Walter Roin-rtson is the guest offriends in New York. Miss Anna Stro h- jer who has re< cully returned from Char-ott» sville, is s, ei.iiing some time at Casa-nova. Va. The Misses Gasknts have as!their guest at heir home on Lee street!Miss Agnes I'laekwell.Wednesday a!ti noon Miss R* sa Xeal [

Tongue was hostess at a tea given inhonor of her guest. Miss Virginia l'riin-rose of HuLimoiv.. Assisting were MissEmily W. Fletcher, Georgie Xewby,Agnes Strother and Bouise Evans. Amongthose present w« :e Misses l.ouiseKincheb e, Frank Moore, Mildred Jef¬fries, >an « 'hainberla'ii. Janet Hamilton,Miss Shepherd of llerryvillt. RobertaCurtis. Mary Perkins. Mary Robinson.Ma> Strother, B.l :ii I.. i I:«11 i«¦ .". Virgin'a jVaughn. Genevive Fletcher, Helen Wal-raven, Agnes Payne, Hi<-ks, BessieHicks and Mrs. J. Donald Richards. M?sPaul Richards. Mrs. .Nina llinekin. Mrs< :iai es R. Dtar*. .Mis. .lunies Walden Jeffries Mrs. Alexander Hiimilton. Mrs. Edward Thornton. Mis. Rietuwd HiibaryMrs. Wilbur Si< :ie. Mrs. . ;<.< i ge Smi bMrs. C. E. Titfany. Mrs. .M. <;. I '* uglasMrs. Charles Owtns. Mrs. Samuel Britthand Mrs. Ford lb It.


:¦ c-i ii r.irri'H', i)i|Kii. ,.f ti,o sinr.

CLAREN*IK>X, Va., March 2, 1P12.Mr-. Richard Sutton of clarendon en-

lertaiiK d the members <1 the ClarendonEmbroidery Cjub at In r home Wednesday-.ft"inoon. Miss Ruth Garrison eiit» r-

U:!ned tin' Doiens Society Friday after¬noon Mrs. G II. Rt; ker entertained ttiemembers of the Missionary Society of theFirst Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon..Mrs. Wade Ball of Clarendon entertainedthe members of the St. George Guild sit

her home Tuesday after the businessmeeting. A luncheon was served by tht *

hostess. The hiilies spent the afternoonsewing. Mrs. s. p. Wrig'it of Bar soft ;was the week-end guest of Mrs. A. <1.r'o.\ i>t Washington, D. C., this week. A

han<i jet was given by the meinners of theMasons of Arlington Lodge at their Ma-sonie temple .-»t Clarendon Thursdaynight. Beside.- a deiightfu. musical pro¬gram thei e were several literary treats,.niss Wr-adon of Hamilton. \*a.. is theguest of Air. and Mrs. Roland Hough otClar< ndon. Va. Mrs W. T. Hna/es isvisiting in Florida, as the guest of her iaunt, Mrs. c. S. Churchill. Siie will be |ubsent several weeks. Mrs. M. Carpenterof Washington. 1 >. has returned toiier eity home after a v isit To her daugh-ter, Mrs. L. 11. Thomson of Wa nut street, iMr. itinl Mis. G. E (iiid have returned to jtheir clarendon hom< after a visit tothe home of Mrs. Mary E. Shepherd ot jWilnington. Del. Mrs. Adelaide Farrelland Aiiss Farrell of W asiiington, i>.were guests this week of Mr. and Mrs.Harry i<. Green of Chestnut street. Mrs.J. A. Loveless of Clarendon is visiting hermother, Mrs. E. B. Van Every of Arling¬ton. Air. and Mrs. J. R. Moore andfain:A' after ;i ten-flay vi.-it to Mrs. M.Heard of W asiiington. D. C. returned to

their Clarendon home Wednesday. .\lissKatharine Rea of Washington, D. <\. was |the guest of Mrs. Gioome Eareekson ot

Chestnut street. Clarendon, . this week. |Mi .viortinter Burke <d" Clarendon has as

I .- vilest his father, Mr. James Buri.e !ot Amissville Va. Master < urtis Cline.aft. r a visit to his grandfather, Mr. jMan is Sthr. shiy of l-"re<lfricK.-ourg, Va., |

! has ret u ned home. Mr. George II. Cm.

der b ft Saturday for several days' visit.'t«. ids father, Mr. .i. C. tjorder of Beaie-t'>n. Va.

Mi.-s Ethel Priest of Roekvilb-. Mil .

I was the guest this week of Miss AnniePriest of Clarendon. Mr. and Mrs. C.B Latimore of Ftica. X V., aye guests<¦1 Mr and Mrs. William It. Watts ofFort Myer. Mrs. Oliver Heat wold ofI larrisonburg. Va.. is the guest of Mrs.Leith Thompson of Chestnut street. MismAnnie Priest has returned after a \isitin her cousins, the Misses Mann, inWashington. Mrs. A. G. Fox of Bar-. roft is spending the remainder of thewmt i in Washington. 1). C. Mrs. W.W. Wright and chiblren. after several

i months in Mobile. Ala., and other south-e!*ii i ities, returned tf> Bareroft thisweek. Mrs. Thomas Gray entertainedthe m« mners of the Arlington Presby¬terian Missionary Society at tier Arling¬ton Imine Thursday. Mr. II Bruce Har-

I rison and wife ent- rtained the ineml»'i-sof the Five Hundred Club of CherrydaieSaturday evening. The Missionary Bandof the Presbyterian Church at Arling-ton met at the manse Saturday after-noun. Mrs VrMtur !!oii?h -inl I" or-

be11 of Washington. 1». C., wen week¬-end guests of Mrs. R. Hough. Rev. andMrs. Frederick Howden of Washingtonwill lie entertained at tea Sunday byRev. and Mrs W. Edward Callender «ifClarendon. Miss Annie Burke of Wash-ington is the goest of the Misses Co|-

' Iius uf Fort Myer Heb'lits. Va. MissDorothy llursey of Clarendon enter-ta'nod the members of the Go"d Sl'en.'.erd of St George's Church Txie-dny.?'tertmon. Mjs« Katherine Strother ofMarkbain. Va. Is the guest of Missesvav aid Marie Simpson, en Oak street.',M.. in. mhi-rs of the lJ-ira".*t i-lass of thel"irst Presbyterl-in Church of Ballst n

-ere en»er'aine<l nt the home of L (}.'^eiuirii-k of Bailston Wednesday even-'*ig.

.>| HERNDON. |'feir l Correspondence of The Star.

HERXDOX Va., March 2, 1012.Rev. George Thomas Waite and Mrs.

Waite have had vvith them for a visitdr. and Mrs Waite of Fredericksburg.M'- James CoekcriHo was hostess

I Tuesday afternoon at a delightful meet-j ing of the Corban Club, thos*» presentbeing Mrs. B. Harry Bread y, Mrs.Sehooley, Miss Mamie < rounse, Mrs.Krnest Robey, Mrs. William Robey,Miss Lizzie My res, Miss Belle Simmonds,Miss Amy Burton, Miss Maude Vount,Miss Ev;t Cummins, Mrs. E H. Mooney.Mrs. I fa rry Mitchell, Mrs Powell Sum-iners and Misses i',vuin,6.,i Sciioolcy andMargaret Robey. Mn*. E leu Bued ana-Mr. Thomas Btiell have returned from a

ten-day visit to Mr. and Mrs. Georgei Franklin Ruell of Washington. Mr. andMrs. J. B. Hurst gave a ilan.e at thenhome at Wax pool Friday ;n honor ofMisses Hazel and Lydia Bradsha \v. ,no.d-fashioned Virginia supper beingserved at midnight. -%irs. Will,am WaiterTaylor was hostess at a most pleasantparty Wednesday afternoon Mr. andAirs. B. Harry Bready and M.ss Cathe-rine Breads* have returned from a visitto Mr. and Mrs. F. S. AItemus ,n Wash¬ington. Miss Hope Summers has niurn-ed to her home in Sterl.ng, after a v.?,tto fr.ends in lxeshur._. Mrs. R hardMcM.llen was hostess at a most d .glu-ul meeting of the Congregational

Ladies' Aid So- ietv '1 .iur.-da_». ..n

tiei..g served at noon to the guests thosein attendance being Rev. R. C. Driskoand Mrs. Drisko, Mesdam s Saku. r,S.mmonds, Kenfield, Vount, Rit^g.cs,nuddieson, Hutchison, Webster, Mooneyami A A. Bready, E. A and A. H. Kirkand Miss Lula Hutchison.Miss Ilattie Robey has returned from

a visit to Mrs. Emma Arntstn t:g t

Philadelphia. Miss Maria Greshatn wonfirst prize at a "five hundred'' part}"given iiy Miss Mary Davis in W.ishine-ton Thursday. Walker s Hall was

| crowded to the doors Friday eveningto witness the production of ''The Dis¬

trict School." -given by faculty and {pupils of the High School, nearly fiftydollars being cleared, which will h iused on the purchase of a piano f< 1

the new high school building, which s

now rapidly approaching completionThe principal characters were ta^eabv Misses Walker, Stigall. Ri< har s

Bohrer, Williams, Gaver, CumminsCarter, Holsinger, Bicksler. Bitzer.Davis and Mrs. William White ; nMessrs. Beazley, Edgar Reed. Bradsha wJenkins, George Bread}', Bohrer, I.eon jard White. Idlis, Hanes, Aud. I andir jand Lawrence Dctweiler and Floyi i

Thompson.Mr. and Mrs. Ed Farnham. Mrs Lulu |

Tremaine and small daughter of Wash¬ington. formerly of llerndon, and M;David Farnham of Maryland are spen i-

ing some time in Florida. Miss Youniand Messrs. Maurice and Claude'Y un¬assisted by their gur-.st. Miss Houchtn jgave a delightful "George Washington Jpart}" Fridas* evening in honor of the jTriangle class. "The Boston Tea Party (was represented, a ship being loade I jwith candies in tea packages. In the 1

parlor stood an Indian wigwam, ai !which the guests exchanged their cornfor beautiful George Washingtonhatchets. A prize was given t<> theone naming the governors of the thir¬teen "original states, tiie prize goingto Mr. Amos C. Ciuunse. jr. in thedining room the colors of red, whit-and blue prevailed, the cloth placecards also being in these colorsStreamers suspended from the ohande- jlier bore amusing prophecies for . i

member of the (lass. Mrs. Ina ChaseSteele Colson of Washington spent theweek end with Mrs. Charles Steele on

spring street". Mr. and Mrs. Howard t

Peck, after spending some time t

Floris. have left fo> Iowa, where theywill make their home Mrs. L. ('. Madi¬son has returned, accompanied l»y MisMarian Williams, front a visit <d" sev¬

eral weeks to relatives Chicago.Airs. M. \ irgin a Woods Smith and Miss

Dorothy Russell Smith of I'urcellvil «. ai.

guests of Mrs. R. A. Lynn on Kldonstreet. Miss Virginia Wrenn spent theweek end with Mr. a ad Mrs. Washington'Wrenn. Miss L.vdia Biadsiiaw of ThePlains is the house guest of M ss NettieBradsha w. Mrs f.illhui Hyatt Garrett!and Master Edwin Garrett have returnedfrom a brief s;aj w'-th r. ! itives in Wasi-ington. Mrs. .Mattie S'.i wlnnson had withl er fiver the week end Mr. Claude G.Stephenson of Baltimore. Miss MabelMoffett iias returned to her home n

Vtcola after a visit to Miss Ruth Cham-blin. Mrs. George B.'ent has rerurn-d toher Floris home afu r a vis.t 10 ii LttVin Washington. Mrs. M Bride of Washiiigton is the house guest of Mr- BrMessrs. Robert and Ashburv Harrisonhave returned from Farfax. where theywere Cidled by the death <>f their uncle.Mr Frank Harrison. Mr. and Mis. T. E.Aud entertained at dinner Tuesday, theirguests being Misses Richards, Stign 1Walker and Crounse, and Mess.s. Aud,Barbour. Hutchison and J. H. I: -azley..Miss Louise Aud iias been the guest of,Mi> f i ;«r: 1* a- :nie -. Mi--herta Boston and Gohlic Wiehle of Wielileattended the production of "The Districti . uooi P'riday.Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Middleton of

Washington spent the week enil with Mrs.< o-orge Bready at Klwardstone. Mr.,Breadv returned Tuesday from a visit toNew York. Miss Ethyl Wil. on .!ley Springs W. Ya., is th< guest of Mrs.William H. Taylor. Mr and Mrs F. jj.Ji hn.son are at their suburban iiome after

an absence of fovphiI weeks in Washtng-t<>n. Mrs. Cas.sius 51. La wren<v ha- iturned from a brief vi -it WashingtonM I S. i * t iW ill || M»'t »lley wa SJ*] j.day ai :i . harming i:ii>ci < n. n-tary in her house guest. Mis |j;Schooley 'if Cleveland, cow rs . in [f->r ten. Monday afternoon Mrs. Schooleywas honor guest :it a stmTl p,-it\ it t".Ma pies. Mr. R. H Dutton has returned:r>>m Richmond, where he ws v.'led i.>the death of Mr. Ixra$head a brother ofAil-. lnitton. MNs I I.in.i Walk, iwith her over the Week end Mis- W ?Kc-i-<>f Vienna. M'ss Ruth Riclards spent a

few days rocntlv with Mr. an' Mr-.- WH. Riehards of Washington. Mrs W.t-t< il and Ml s Ouida Watt. 1 of \le\aniiiaspent til. week eni with Mrs Henr> \sa-ton and Miss Ann l'- yton. Mr and >ir-rthur Hyde Rut .1 entert iin« d at dit 11 * - r

Friday Capt. llenr\ daus < t" Sterling andMr. C. A. Hutchi nson. Mrs. B. . swiler and Miss Blanch Detwiler enter¬tained Saturday aft :i:.n>n aUout six:.. .

mend ers of the younger set and oil; in-zed a young ladles' society connectedwith St. Timothy' - Char.

LEESBURG.'.* Vi-pe^ud t'orr. spoi il ii. r <a i s -.

LBrESBrRG. Va., Math 1012.Miss Moselle Wwsley, who lias been

sPend ng the past -1\ ni'int!'- in Furo*was th> week end gues: >¦:' th M-- -

avis of tlijs town. !< avin* Mon k, f..ra.-r la.in.¦ in Coluiiiii;:. . (la. V - V. m< > spent th.- \\in( -!- iii'rnt : ; so },. i;

| Italy. Mr. Harry burr of Washington.1' 1 . spent the week end at i-''i-;nsuc Mi.the horn . near here of Mr. ar: I MiSamuel l.utz. Mrs. John S f im'n:an is ,h( guest of Mr Stephen Rn-iii I hiiadeiphia. Miss Mar\ Coma',aft r spending scvi ra' w> ,:.s ii m\ it ron (1. (/a t i ] rop .1 f W. I'n; n ;; . J.* visitins Miss Virginia Thon: -

Charlotte Hail, Md. Mr. Charles Coryellot Philadelphia spent the w . k end" a::von Farm, the home m-ar here o;' Ci; t.rt'iur M. Chichester Mrs. Iiieli.-ird C"ton of Orange. Va.. has r. urned

ome from a visit at the home o" <'.'1 tn i Mrs. James William Foster of this

town. Miss I .lian Yiers Whde return dt lie day l'rom an extended vi -it t.rt.nil--- in Chicago an 1 <" .arkston, W

\*a Miss Nancy Lee Janney has return¬ed from a six-week trip to the West in-!:. s, Brazil and I'anania. Sh. was tn>guest of Miss Lettlee Lee Woodward ofRichmond. Va. Mi-s Fhzah.-th Ho * alio is spend ng some time at .- >i iri_r-

yood. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sa ri'-7;S. Lutz, was the guest of friends at FortMyer. Va., during th.- past week. Mr.i:d Mrs Frank D. rani and children

have returned from an extended v sit torelatives in Washington, 1>. C. Miss

liian Janney is v . j!!ar relative- n. ni'ad Iphia. Mrs. Harry Tazew.- Har¬rison and daughter. Miss Lucy Gilletteitarrrson, are spending sonic ne atantie ( it... A!i. John S < asi'.-iiian a' ¦!-.'P. Charles, haw ,< turn- 1 - a. a v -tto relatives in Clarke county, V*a MissMary Met ahe has retuvned .!-* m an ex-eiuled visit to friends nil .aw.- >i

Uasliington, i >. Mi.-.- \ .: -.a ...

rett of t 'etitervilie, \ a . ,- \ i- t ng ..el-aunts. 1'e' Aiisse- Flgir, < townIi.-- Kthe' Rink, r 1. ,- ,, turn- i iron: a

visit to relative.- in Rai n ier. She wisiccompanied by Miss Kthel .Catzenbcr-er ot Baltimore. wt:.» -.v. it s;m i:,! soa:.

till! here.-Mr. and Mr. Waif r II. Burke and

children have returned from an . ad.visit to relafives in Hampton. Va. Mr.and Mrs. Burke also - i> nt se\cr l dain Ri-hmond. Mrs. Rot.; rt i'. irk MVirginia Johnson and Mast r Chester Ti¬tus of Washington. 1> - .n. i\. ,v.

en ! with lelitives in ;,e. h ;-.ir-nta Hoi'pt Rausch, who has !.... nng- some time at the home ..f h i parentMr. and Mrs. H. J. Houpt. left during

past week for Montana Vlrs I" AIsii i- \j-iting jl ti e home of Mr ar;.Mrs. Kdward T. Adams. Mis \- il-i.^nShieves of Paeonian Springs, this oou tv iwas hostess at a de'.- ' .! t, a I" ,jH..afternoon in honor ot her ho is e . tMrs. Fisher of Boston. Miss Imogen"James a- r. irip-d f 'in a i- t fj i.-nan ! reia i\. in Raltimor. an .va- -

ton Miss Annie M.-rrisv# t . r .-

I urned to her hoim niar Waterfo: roman extended visit to friends in Shreve-port. I.a. Miss S;«>Ua i'ao-r .a' i) li.-horolfflthis county, is visiting relatives in Alex¬andria and Was!iiik.t..i:. M.ss Via.aell of Round Hill is visiting friends inWashington. Mrs. All c. i'.. ouFalls Chureii. va., ;et rntiiIr.iiu a \i.-it to iier da . iit»-r a 1 o

in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Jo.--, Ijait.e-i iul-lon of i'nreelU ill.-- :.-> .- Ma ; -¦ iMabel l'oulsen of Roan : tl'i;firind from a visit :¦> A -hint- MiItertha. I iowe 11 of R em.j J f j -

t urned from a si or; vi-it in Wa.-i .a nonMiss Nannie C. Fred has returnedhome near Middleburg from a fortnight sx is it to relatives in V\"ash ti.:'ori. .,r. i a-

preaux and family, who have been \> nd-ing the Winter months t th. I ,,,

Mr. fleorne Mullen, near 1 in oin, thi-ounty. returned .luring the pas't


w. .

o their horn at Sta .n Island, i

Mrs. Herman Summ. s, who has he. p

.¦siting her parents. M. an-: .\:r-. a

Alexander Lynch of Round Hill, v.t Fri

M !¦ H-H-I-M-M-H4-H- . . . I . *.*«*** ? . t t t « « «*«».« .

G Street's Mo t FashionableWomen's Outergarment Store The New Store, 1109 G St. N. W.

The New Store Leads in Spring Styles.The nY-'tfh or variety. together zcith the character of the apparel shozwi*

at Tie Xeze Store is an inspiration to the leomen of II \islam/ton. I'on mustVisit ths store. if only to viezv the stun nun/ Sprhuj Styles, Our ability to

quote loze prices /s provttuj one of the war-eels of local merclunulisttni.Smartest Spring Models in Suits.

t/orded cloths, new whipcords. now 1 >ed t\ rd o«rds. new i\;i->ian cords and novelties. Mark and white cheek- fanc\ <1ml, nal>men's wear serges. worsteds. the new changeable tatictas. and ;i!llilt- desirable material-.

The Prices. $25. $35. $50.

F. laborate'ported model¬s' >n.

Taffeta Silk Suits.creations in e\vr\ respect. I )ircct copies «m mi

( rcation- thai are far l\ \I)\ \\i. 1 of the -ea

Spring Dresses in Exclusive Styles.An incomparable collection. The largest and best showing

of Dresses in this city. Plain and ( h tngcable Taffetas. 1 lands- mc

Series, C'hallio, 1 inen. Foulard and 1 a^'rie Dresses.The Prices, $15, $19.95 and $25Evening and Dinner Gowns.

The most advanced sty'c tendencies are clearlyGow ns that are exclusive in m< <1 tT and in fabric.


Spring Waists.In the originating1 of these models there i- noticeable a very

radical departure from set modes of previous season-., imparting to

each of the wide varietv of stvles a de'ightful newness

Special Lines of Suits at $16.95, $19.95I'nusual values that canim' b? duplicated.W e carry suits for the misses and also for stout women as

larire as ;i.

Alterations Free.Fit Guaranteed.The workrooms are one of the features of the New Store.

They are the best equipped of their kin 1 in -his city. Themost expert tailors and seamstresses are employed.

...I-, for . j- ho:.,.- in WllHamsbirg. Va. jIt. i.mi Mis II Igiir Virgil '"opelind of

11 ill are spending some time in jMew York. Mrs Ezra Carter of Gate j

1 n i - r sis er. ATi.-s l.oa-'!¦ i i iII. Mi.-s K i a S o. ' s

r it- m .. . has <»n<- to *a-li¬ke her home/ Anno '.ncement i

<>f the marVia-o of M ss?¦i¦ t > ter of Mr.I inn! of I)ela :lane,

M? i;a i.! .if! K I", rg son. j\i i \V. k Ferg s 11 of;

¦. mm v. is i. r. orme j:¦ ,.r-, Warr.jiton, Va.,

i .. i i r. Rev Edwin\A'a 1* .v.r. an ! Mrs :

i- ai at ut the Kochelle jV. i;tigt T|t" T i. (

1 '' > .V is

of JjiK'ketls.ngton to in:

!¦ is lief n ni!¦:. Ho- a li«'ant' Mi.-.Va., and

< a i t< rmor.at a


is speeding some time i:i B ilti-M ~-s Helen PansbtK < iit. t iii» I

prett.ly appointed luncheon S itnr-Ii«r gi'ests being Miss- Mary S <-r-

M'ss i:iiza!'< tli Slid man Vi s On*


;hv Freeman and Miss «' ar! .it.- V. . I. k-ner.

< .<! n« a

S. if ink-.!: i»r»



.--iil i ..rr..i i . <»f Tli.' Star.

VIENNA. V:i. M i. il 1J»12.Dr. and Mrs. George i'.. Corey and Mr

i Mrs. A S. nil p. nt the weekend w Mi n I Ah"-, Fred F. Detweller¦ii Windovor n. i hts. Mrs. Lansing' i!' - I ow .>r. . - v d n> Dow sp. u

Saturday in Waahin ton. Mlse Dorisrimln t» : .i o ;> a visit of se'-'-

, al weeks to ; it, Mis. \V. A'" -i.. in W iri-.i l. Mi Kdwin .SPeth.-l s]it* t t 1 end wall 1 .-r s.s-

. Ail- A'i e i a . in Washington.Mrs. James Hunter Cameron and Mrs.

pin n I'iiura ! St;:!U2 v : memlnTS ofihi it i: ;; n \\ a:-.in ton Saturday.

M ani Mrs. \ ai. i..-a!s visi;< .1 tli« ir

Mrs. Arthur P. Hartin--»r v.as a

Washington visitor Satunla Mr JohnFergus-.n ami Miss Bertha Fer uvoti ofI .oudoun wa re the guests last w.-ek ofDr and Mrs. Riehard lJiilanv ! eithMrs. T. T. Poston an<l childr* n s;.en'he ivcik ol d w tli friend- at PnrcroftM.-s likidys Boston was a guesi for lis**neck end of her aunt, Mrs. Wicks, oil

Maple aver uc. Miss Hattie M iloue <>fWasl.ington is spending sonic time attho home of Mrs." W. (Jarrett. nea i

Oakton. Miss Winifred Smith i- r< . iv

'ring from her recent illness. Mr. an 1'Irs. Klwyn X. l.ovewell aid sons werenrer gu» sts Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.

,I< hn Shipnian a" lSalHlon. Mr and Mrs1 .eon L. Fieeman and little son spentSunday with Mr. ami Mrs. Oliver F.It.nes in the city. Miss Kil.el i'a'k.jf s

visiting at the home of Miss I^ot .th\Fii-eman. Mi-s Oeor ie McKran is re-ov< rinp fro;r> h. r rM' v t r, a\ n ; na v s t to !.'-r j'-' nt ;

?.!:. a ad Airs. I. AI.Si. ts last \\c. . Air.J t th«-:r farm near. !M:1.t iais icturm ! fromIid-<'wat. r, and is visitiiigMr aril Mrs. 1U>1>'r Alilo "..Miss l'tarl <'or! of Dallas. Ti

Pa., are visitiiu^_ Mr. and Mrs. I:Miller. O\\ n.u to i! .. Inclement w> iti:.'.ist week there \v-u< no me<-tjns o! ti ..

< F'-.-nts t'lu'». Mrs. I M |)o.will <nteitain the e(luh n.-xt Wednt dava* ¦ i.« m»- it oVioek. Mr. aad Mrs.Spraet bank and I ttie daughter ..t Wash¬ington were -lie js Sunday of Mr aidMrs. J. S S; r v rink at W«*dd«-rhtiniMrs Alma l» line md .Mrs. J<din War-noek F hols were luncheon nests Sat-urdav of Mrs. Uavtuoad Hartus i'i Washin^ioii. Mr. and Mrs. Hay ISabeock ofWilliston, N'. I'.. \\er«- dinner quests Sun-day of Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace .%!..-I ane. Miss I illi iti I.ewis «>f V enna w i*m irr'. d today la Washln ton to MrHi'iniai'n. Miss Louise A ud of liernd'oitspent the week end with Mrs. Fd Harri¬son at Hunter.

.nt ii'In-?ri1 i

\4 1


Miv f in!e. M i"dinnerW tik.

lev 1< oll. ve a i

l is a . n:it ' )al>.. >n

e\.. is \ 1 ~ t



ng M'ss Eva \V. edon at F.l. el. i. MrsHart and son Harry of California werejniests this week of Mrs. .1. II. Trot a'¦ akton. Mr. ohn Sae er of Pall Ru i

intrj- if Air.

spent sev< ral <i - tinsCharles Miller. Mrs. AI.Sliest ti'is Week ot :i >

Air and Airs. I.inv.o *.

week with AIKh >e lf- r i thElsie Shoekeyof I!aiii t ." ^

Scotchmen as Engineers.From ihc I.<ir«|en Chronic!"."Sev« ra I ensinee s were c,t led to pro\ .»

the speed .¦{ th" Olympic's engines," saa'report. and it was noticeable thatof the';., from the chief downward,

Se ti'hmen." Wh ch reminds onet T>" to <1 .'f t'A'O !' I\ elctg.ail Ell: -

a11 and a S >; iiaian.who wet«.iinir the «!. k ¦ >f an o> an liner,

heii talk i *>i to lie about the.. > i > of S. tc ai it as ship engineer-,a i« iiy don't k w," reniaik.d theScot, 'who the chief engineer on boarilthi- \essei is, hut III bet a bottle ofihiskv he's a countryman of mine

!h tiiat lie went to ;he engine hold andsang down by way of a random shot. "1a; AlacPona d!" To which a re-etitf 1

v ice repl;ed fr in the torrid >l>pth-:"There's nae Alaepona .is here; we'reAlacFen^i-s'"

is on<3wM

HP $ Jh a A


01*ITOk g


PICIDEOne of the Essentials

On your winter vacation you will most certainly want a bottleof Herpicide. This is doubly true if your trip contemplates a visitto a warmer climate. It is under conditions of warmth and hu¬

midity that the viciousness of the dandruff germ is particularly no¬


As Important as Her Toothbrush"I lind Xcwiirii > llerpi< ide wry U neticial for <iandrnfl L would

110 nioro think ..!' K«>iiiif a journey without ;i !>.>ttl. of llerpic «!.than 1 would w thuul my tooth powder. Ity usiiifi it often andthoroughly, I t: 1;41 I <!<. not require a shann»o> as 11 and m>liair is much nicer."Middl.-i.ury, Vt. Mrs. M J. Wilts.

An Opinion From the World's Greatest Lady Rifle Shot"Traveling as I do.almost continuously.1 have ln»en troubled

;i trn-ai ileal w.tli dandruff and tailing hair, ;unl until 1 tried llerj'i-eide 1 never found,a remedy that was satisfactory.

"Herpicide is a delightful preparation and fuliills tlx .l;:iin.-» >011make for it and 110 lady's tr»ilet is complete without it.

"I heartily recommend it to my friend*."Nutley, N. J. Annie Oakley.

The germ is always busy. There is no escape except in the use

at regular intervals of Newbro's Herpicide. Herpicide carries sure

and certain death to this germ and is the one really reliable remedy.An imitation or something just as good won't do. Insist on hav¬

ing genuine Herpicide. _

It Kills the Dandruff Germ==Stops Falling Hair

One Dollar Bottle" sold and guaranteed byall Druggists. Applications obtained at

the best Barber Shops.

O'Donneil's Drug StoresPeop*e7s Pharmacy


Send 10c in stamps for sample and book toThe Herpicide Co., Dept-ttB., Detroit, Mich.

Specisl Agents.

