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Eventbrite - Getting Started

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Some notes on using Eventbrite based on the excellent tutorials on the Eventbrite website and my own tips and experience of setting up events using Eventbrite.Please use and re-use within the terms of the CC License.ThanksPaul
How to use Eventbrite (A Short Guide) - Paul Webster (Section 2 based on Eventbrite help page - http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/t/how-to-setup-charity-event) 1, Introduction Eventbrite is a really handy website for creating events, managing ticket sales and communicating with delegates both before and after the event. Use of the Eventbrite website is free, as long as the event you are adding to it is free. For events where there is a delegate or admission fee, Eventbrite will charge an administration / hosting fee of 2.5% of the ticket price (reduced to 2% for registered charities). Eventbrite does all these things and more • Instantly publish a customizable charity registration page to the web. • Upload and save your contact list. • Send customizable free email invitations. • Collect donations online from contributors. • Show who's attending on the event page. • Display a map of the location. • Optionally accept payment for tickets online. 2, How-to set up and register a charity event or workshop (From - http://www.eventbrite.com/t/how-to-setup-charity-event) Firstly sign-up for a free Eventbrite account at www.eventbrite.co.uk There are a number of standard questions and pieces of information to complete. They are all self-explanatory and help Eventbrite to pre-fill some details when you set up an event. Some are related to Invoicing and Payment, which is only relevant if you are to be running chargeable events. Then to get started, select the create event button on the home page or within your account. There is a quick event set-up option to easily create events or a step-by-step process as described here. On the Event Creation page, the event details you enter (Title, Tickets, Details, When, Where, etc.) appear on the page in the same place that they will appear on your live event registration page. Note: You can preview your work at any time by selecting the Preview button in the upper left hand corner. Page 1
Page 1: Eventbrite - Getting Started

How to use Eventbrite (A Short Guide) - Paul Webster

(Section 2 based on Eventbrite help page - http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/t/how-to-setup-charity-event)

1, Introduction Eventbrite is a really handy website for creating events, managing ticket sales and communicating with delegates both before and after the event.

Use of the Eventbrite website is free, as long as the event you are adding to it is free. For events where there is a delegate or admission fee, Eventbrite will charge an administration / hosting fee of 2.5% of the ticket price (reduced to 2% for registered charities).

Eventbrite does all these things and more

• Instantly publish a customizable charity registration page to the web.

• Upload and save your contact list.

• Send customizable free email invitations.

• Collect donations online from contributors.

• Show who's attending on the event page.

• Display a map of the location.

• Optionally accept payment for tickets online.

2, How-to set up and register a charity event or workshop

(From - http://www.eventbrite.com/t/how-to-setup-charity-event)

Firstly sign-up for a free Eventbrite account at www.eventbrite.co.uk

There are a number of standard questions and pieces of information to complete. They are all self-explanatory and help Eventbrite to pre-fill some details when you set up an event. Some are related to Invoicing and Payment, which is only relevant if you are to be running chargeable events.

Then to get started, select the create event button on the home page

or within your account.

There is a quick event set-up option to easily create events or a step-by-step process as described here. On the Event Creation page, the event details you enter (Title, Tickets, Details, When, Where, etc.) appear on the page in the same place that they will appear on your live event registration page.

Note: You can preview your work at any time by selecting the Preview button in the upper left hand corner.

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Here is more information about each section of the event creation page:hen to get started, select the create event button on the home page:

Charity Event Title - enter the name of your event.

Logo - upload a picture for your event page.

Ticket Information - Enter ticket types and numbers of tickets available for your charity event here. This is how contributors will pay to attend your event or conference. Or if it is free, they simply sign-up at no cost for you or them. In this section, you'll also indicate how you'd like to be paid (PayPal, Google Checkout, or offline). You can also accept contributions in addition to ticket sales. To learn more details about collecting donations, click here. Currently Eventbrite charges 2.5% of ticket prices plus 65p per ticket for administration. There is also a processing charge made by Paypal and Google Checkout.

For UK registered charities there is a discounted rate of 2%, you will need to call Eventbrite Client Services before setting up the event on 0800 6528399 to activate this rate.

For example.

Ticket price = £25.00

Eventbrite fee would be £0.50 (2%) + £0.65 = £1.10

PayPal payment charge would be £0.85 (3.4%) + £0.20 = £1.05

You would need to decide when setting the ticket price if you built these charges into the price or showed then as an extra cost to the purchaser.

e.g. Set your ticket price at £27.15 or show it as £25.00 + £2.15 handling fee

Event Details - describe your charity event and include any details you'd like your attendees to know. This section reads HTML and you can customize this section with the HTML toolbar.

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When - indicate when your event will take place (make sure to choose the correct time zone).

Where - indicate where your training event or conference will take place. You can include a Google Map to the event location on your event page.

Personalized URL - choose a personalized URL name for your event (e.g. http://myfundraiser.eventbrite.com).

Colours - choose from pre-set colour templates or customize your own colours for the event page.

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Additional Options - choose from a variety of optional features including password protecting your charity event page, showing how many tickets remain for your event andshowing the attendee list on the page. You can also choose to make the event public which means it gets listed on the main Eventbrite page so people can search for it.

Select the Publish button and your event registration page will be live! Click here to learn more about the other features you can use for your event!

Social Sharing – people viewing your event and booking a place can also let others knowabout it using the 'Share this!' buttons. They can 'Like' it on Facebook, send a Tweet about it on Twitter, share it on LinkedIn or generate an email to send. People can also choose to subscribe to a n RSS feed of your events. The social sharing buttons are shown just below the ticket details for all Live public events and are optional for password protected events.

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Attendee information management

Use the 'Collect Custom Information' sub-tab to gather a wide range of both basic and custom information about attendees. You may want to ask questions about learning expectations, workshop choices or to record access and dietary requirements. Any question on this page can be made either optional or compulsory.

If you've set the option on the Tickets screen so the buyer can request more than one ticket per order then here you can decide if you want to collect details about every person or not.

Instructions about how to complete the booking process and messages to be displayed during the process are set up here.

Message to be sent to attendees once booking is complete is controlled in the 'Edit Order Confirmations' sub-tab.

Set the indicator here to allow attendees to update booking information once submitted.

Attendees can be manually added by the event organiser from the attendees sub-tab.

3, How-to administer and manage an event you have created

Click on the 'Manage' tab in your Eventbrite account. Down the side of this screen there are also a number of 'sub-tabs', which are mentioned below.

This displays the 'Event Summary' page which provides an overall dashboard of your event.

The 'Event Summary' button is very useful and takes you back to the overview of your event at any time.

Remember, many of the setting changes also need the 'Save' button at the bottom of the screen to be clicked. Something I’ve learnt from experience!

Here you can see at a glance and maintain the five key elements of your event:

Event Status including page visits and target sales

Manual adding of attendees using the 'Add Attendees' sub-tab

Main list in centre of the page showing people booked to attend the event

◦ From the 'Recent Orders' tab and each order number you can see order details

◦ The drop down list of 'Quick Actions' on the 'Order details' screen allows you to contact the attendee or make changes to their booking.

◦ From the 'Recent Attendees' tab you can see full details of their registration and any supplementary questions you have asked.

◦ To see all orders or all attendees click on the 'View All' link at the bottom of the list

Control the country language settings from the 'Event page language' sub-tab

Event promotion is possible for live events through the 'Promote' tab. This can take the form of embeddable widgets, a full booking form, buttons, links and to Facebook. See example later.

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Ticket Types and sales

The 'Sales by Ticket Type' box shows an overall summary of ticket sales.

Clicking the name of the Ticket Type allows you to edit details of the ticket including 'Ticket Name', 'Quantity Available' and when sales start and end. If your event if attracting a lot of interest (and you have space) this is where you can increase the number of tickets available or add a new ticket type. Remember to also update the 'Event Capacity' box under the list of ticket types on the previous screen.

There is a link into the reporting system from the 'View Sales' link

The 'Waitlist' facility can also be switched on and off and controlled from this box (also from the 'Waitlist' sub-tab). This allows you to hold a list of potential attendees to release tickets for, should anyone cancel their booking

Tickets can be assigned a 'Discount Code', which you may want to give to certain groups of people booking for the event. The discount code that needs to be entered, the amount of discount attached to the code and the dates it is valid for are set in the 'Create Discount Codes' sub-tab.

Communication with attendees

Can be both before and after the event

If you don't want to email all attendees but need to announce a change to the event and don't want to change the original body of the event listing use the 'Add News and Updates' sub-tab. An 'updates' information box will then show in the bottom right corner of your event page. This can be useful if you have a special extra speaker or change in the programme.

Use the 'Email Attendees' sub-tab

◦ Standard format email message window

◦ Select all attendees or specific groups or individuals

◦ Re-send 'lost' tickets

Email sending to large numbers is 'smoothed' so that Spam filters are not activated

To resend a ticket to an attendee/s use the 'Email Attendees' option and include the tick in the 'Include print tickets link in email'

Attendees are automatically sent an email by the Eventbrite system 48 hours before the event to remind them the event is taking place and to bring their tickets (if required) to check-in.

Anyone using Eventbrite can download the free 'Eventbrite' app for their iphone and Android handsets which allows them to maintain their own ticket wallet of events they have booked to attend through Eventbrite. Each ticket has a bar code which can be presented to reception staff on arrival to be scanned and registered as present.

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Day of the Event tasks

Use the 'Day Of Event' sub-tab for a number of facilities available to use prior to, or on the big day.

Before the event:

◦ A fully customisable badge printing system can be found in the 'Print Name Badges' sub-tab. You can choose the font, size and information to be printed on each badge and the size and style of labels to print on.

◦ To have a list of the attendees printed ready for use on the signing-in desk print the 'Check-in List'. If you have the facility a bar-code can also be printed on this list.

◦ It is also possible to print a list of people attending the event for inclusion in a delegates pack. From the 'Event Summary > Analyse > Event Reports' tab, select 'More Options' alongside Report Type. Here you can select just the fields of information you want to show on a delegate list. When you have selected the required information click 'Save Report' and give it a new name.

▪ From Event Reports select 'Export' which will download the attendees and the information you have chosen into a Text file or a Spreadsheet to be cut and pasted onto headed paper or whatever house style of delegate list you'd normally print.

On the day◦ Check-in Attendees. If you have the provision of a computer on the signing-in desk

attendees can be electronically 'ticked off' from this screen as they arrive. ◦ The 'Easy Entry' mobile phone 'app' for iphone and Android can be used to help

reception desk and welcome staff to register attendees on arrival. On arrival attendees can be ticked as present on the list or the bar codes printed on tickets or held in their electronic ticket wallet (see below) can be scanned as they arrive. Synchronisation takes place immediately with your main event booking pages. The 'app' is a free download from the Android Market or iphone Store.

Reporting facilities for event host under the 'Analyse' sub-tab

There are a number of ways you can gather data and statistics about your event, these are in the form of Charts and Reports.

◦ Charts - plot the progress of sales and views of the event page over the lifetime of the ticket sales being open.

◦ Reports - are actually downloadable spreadsheets of selected fields of information about each attendee, either from a range of pre-defined 'reports' or by clicking on 'More options' be be customised to report on specific pieces of information about each attendee. Once in your spreadsheet program you can manipulate and sort the data for reporting in whatever style you choose.

◦ Cross Event reporting allows reporting against a series of events or tracking of attendees who may have been to more than one event.

Tracking via Google Analytics code is also possible with a valid Analytics UA Code.

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4, Other useful features of Eventbrite

Customisable Links and Buttons for the event can be created for use on other websites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Digg etc. to be a useful link back to your event.

If you are running a recurring event the basic structure and framework can be quickly replicated from the 'Copy' button on the main event management screen.

The event can also be 'Published to Facebook', again the option to do this is from the 'Promote' sub-tab.

Once your event has been created you can embed the booking page into your existing website if you wish, this means visitors to your site don't have to leave it to register but see a compact booking form instead. The embedding options can be found on the 'Promote' sub-tab of the main event management page.

This shows two styles of an embedded widget, in this case in a Blogspot website. The widget can be customised to show more or less information about the event. It is also possible to embed the complete Eventbrite booking page.

Eventbrite can be integrated with Mailchimp, the free e-mail newsletter and list management website. This makes it easy to contacting a large mailing list to inform them of your event. You will need to activate the link in Mailchimp and then choose the 'Eventbrite' email template, then a list of the events you are running will be brought up. You will need your Eventbrite 'API Key' found on the main 'My Account' tab at the top of the screen.

5 , Eventbrite UK's Top Tips for Successful Events

The Eventbrite system is just one part of your overall event. These points from Katie (@briteuk) cover some handy tips to think about before and after the event to make it a success.

Set Clear goalsWhat do you want to achieve – is your event to expand your network? Raise brand profile? Generate income? Showcase an idea – or source new ones? Setting clear objectives will help you achieve them.

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Take it onlineCreate an online event page through Eventbrite so you can manage all your events in one place; track your promotional efforts; manage attendee data; and communicate with guests. AND it’s free to use for free events. Here’s some info on getting started.

Get people talkingSet a Twitter hashtag for your event and include this on your event page. Whether or not you’re a big tweeter – some of your attendees are sure to be, so let them help you spread the word. #Bonus!

Who’s going?If you already have a core list of people you plan to invite – great! But what if you’re trying to reach a new audience?

LinkedIn and Twitter are handy for reaching people or organisations you’d love to invite but don’t yet. Or how about calling, to find out the relevant contact to invite? Asking local (relevant) businesses to feature your event in their newsletter is also a great way to get the word out. And don’t forget to create tracking links so you can track how people find out about your event!

Get to know your attendeesNeed to know meal requirements or tshirt size? Collect information from your attendees by customising your registration form and build a comprehensive database for future events.

Stay in touchThe event doesn’t end when guests leave. Use Eventbrite’s email feature to thank guests for attending and write follow up emails. And make use of newsletters, Twitter, and LinkedIn to stay in touch.

I hope this is a useful guide to planning, hosting and managing events using Eventbrite. May you hold and attend many successful events and build a community around those who attend.

Paul Webster www.watfordgapservices.org.uk @watfordgap

2nd Edition February 2013

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work and to make derivative works under the following conditions:

Attribution — You must give the original author credit. Non-Commercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes. Share Alike — If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a licence identical to this one. See - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/uk/

Some parts of this guide based on Eventbrite help pages - http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/t/how-to-setup-charity-event

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