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eVGNING; i i Evening Paper Published Hawaiian Islands ...Stato and-. ..'. . . $-Co.-! '-&-'. .-$...

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.4 iVfir J u. . . inr f :' if ' T"i . f)nln Pirlif Tlfitr.i ' ' ,iv tr ,6. i , x "C. w Zo7 ?crt( the Bulletin eVGNING; BULL i- - i i ry Evening Paper Published i you Dmit Get ALL the Navs. on the Hawaiian Islands. I It Readies ALL live Tcople. vOLULtf- - Subscription j$c. a month. $mmommo04 W44-y- . - o annitefai Vol. 1. No. 332, SS0CK HONOLULU, -- H. L, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1896. Price 5 Cents. THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day except Sunday at 609 King Street, Honolulu, IL I. SUIlSCIUimON KAtTES. Per Month, any where in the Hn- - wailan Islands.... ..... 3 75 Por Year. 8 CO Per Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico .. ., 10 00 Per Yoar, postpaid, other Foreign Countries 13 00 Pnynblo Invariably In Advance Telephono 2&3 V. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. tronize Home fndusira WHY? .BECAUSE You want a good Direc- tory. BECAUSE You .want a reliable au- thentic book that contains all the Names. BECAUSE You DON'T want a re- hash of the edition of two years ago. BECAUSE You ought to patronize Homo Industry. BECAUSE Tho only people author- ized to canvass for tho NEW HAWAIIAN DIRECTORY now be- ing compiled by mo aro men who earn and spend their money in Hawaii. NAMES: A. V. Gear, A. C. Steele, Geo. Ottorson, V. Fernan- dez, O. H. White, F. Wilburton, H. P. King, Antono Seabury, J. B. Daniels and myself, aro the only mon authorized to collect Names and In- formation for the above work. B. L FINNEY. BST N. B. See Daniels and Finney for advertis-- , ing space and Books. COLDS, COUGHS, INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Will roliovo tho most dis tressing OOUgl), BOOtllO tho Inflamed membrano, looson tho phlegm, ami induco refreshing sleep. Por tho euro of Croup, Whooping Cough, Soro Throat, mid all tho pul- monary troubles to which tho young arc so liable, thcro'is no other remedy so effect- ive as 33 Cherry Pectoral A Record of nearly 60 years Cold Medals at the World's Chlsl Expositions. UtT- - Tho nsmp. AcrM rhnrrv l'pctnrnl. 1h promliiiiit on tliu r.ipi' i mid U blow n lii.tlioulnss u( c.icli bottle. Tiiko no cheap Imitation. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Solo Agents for the Republic ot Hawaii Important Notice Having been informed by reli- able parties that Mr. Hnsted or his employes are circulating the report that I am simply in the Directory business to compel him to buy mo off, I wish it to go on record that I will not sell my data or work to. Mr. Hustod or any other man. B. L.. FINNEY. Honolulu, Juno 5, 189G. 323-t- f TURKE- Y- nafXte't7Sft;&'S&i . ..AND TUB. Armenian Atrocities! J'rqfUuly Illustrated A RECORD OF BARBARISM DARKER THAN DARKEST AFRICA. . . . (By Itov. Edwin M. Bliss.) Prospectus and subscription lists ai t mi J ') Morohunt Streot, Inono vol. cloth, S 2 00 In ono vol. cloth fiilt, 2 DO In one vol. Ilnlf-KiiBsi- gilt, 3 50 City Feed Store, Old Armory, Borotnnia Sts. Dee & J uen, - Prop's. IMPORTER OF- - Hay, Grain df Feed Stuffs Fresh liny nnd Gmin by every lncoroiug vessel; Goods invoiced direct to City reed Storo. - New Stock Just Arrived per ' Aloha" LUXURIES Fdr tho Equiuo Table in tho way of all lands First Glass HAY, GRAIN 0 FEED Aro on sale by tho WASHINGTON FEED (iOM'Y 51 Port St. Tol. 422. ''r- -. LATEST FOREIGN. NEWS IEMAN1 X,TOX Sl'AIN TOIt OUT- - itA;ra OX AM Kill CAN'S. Spanish Wnr Vetucl ClintcH n FIUbuM- - erlti Ilrltlili Wnfer Amorlenn niul Tiirovcnu Items. tiik cunw Titorm.i:. AMERICAN DEMANDS ON SPAIN. New York, Juno' 9. Tho Herald's Washington special says: Spain lias boon called upon lo pay for tho injuries her soldiors inflicted upon two Americans resting temporarily in Cuba. The Americans aro Dr. Jose Uelgado who was badly maltreated on his estate by n Spanish forco, and Podro Casanova, who also suffer- ed ill treatment nt the hands of the Sytlulah troops. As soon as their condition permitted both of these gentlemen filed claims with tho State Dopaitmont for personal injuries as well as for damages sustained hy their estates. Tho department, however, has decided only to ijress tho claims for per- sonal injuries at this time, and claims ot this oharactor on behalf of Dolgado and Casanova have been presented. Dr. Delgado's claim is for $100,-00- 0, and is said to bo a porfootly just one by tho Stato Department officials. Tho claims for indom nity on account of injuries in both "Delgado's and Casanova's cases will ho pressed energetical- ly by the State Department. It is tho expectation of the officials that Spain will not hurry herself to make reply to tho representa- tions which havo boon made .Un- less an answer is recoived within a certain time there is reason to believe that an intimation will Do given to the Madrid Government that the United States is waiting for Spain's side of thg caso and for an indication of what her in- tentions aro with regard to tho settlement of .tho. claims. NAVAL DUEL IN BRITISH WATERS. New York, Juno 9. Corres- pondence to tho Sun dated King- ston, Jamaica, Juno 3d, says: Saturday ,Mny 30th, a largo stoam-e- r appeared off Port Antonio making for tho harbor under a full head of steam with her pilot signal flying. Before the port pilots could got under way tho vossol turned swiftly and made seaward. At tho Bamo time tho mystery of this action was explained by tho appearance of a Spanish gunboat around tho headlands underttoam, and which had evidently been racing along inBhorowith the pur- pose of heading off tho steamer, although tho British waters, be- ing then within a milo of shore. Tho steamer was ovidontly much swifter than, tho gunboat, although tho lattor made the harbor mouth first. Ab tho steamer drew away tho gunboat fired a round of shot, which passed to tho leeward of tho chaso. For a minute or two tho latter was observed to sworvo. Tho spectators on shoro supposed she liad been hit or intended to lay to, hut this was not tho case. As tho gunboat ranged nearer a jot of smoke und ilarao broke from tho Bteamor's side, accompauiod by tho rattle of rapid-fir- o guns. It could not be seen whether tho fir.o took effect on tho guuboat or not, for almost in an instant sho also vomited a cloud of smoke, and there was a crash of at least throo guns. There was ono othor dischargo from tho stoamor and then tho two vossols sped away rapidly seaward, Tho war ship continued firing, but tho steamer bore away rapid- ly, flying tho Cuban flag. AVJiou last seen she was still uninjured as far ns her going was concerned, and sho was thou out of range. Monday morning H. M. S. Policau was dispn,tched from Port Boyal to look up tho Spanish gunboat. Presumably tho Spanish Government will bo called upon to answer for having attackod a vessel in British waters, although tho vessel attacked showed a flag that is not recognized by interna- tional law. Tho steamer firod'upon by tho Spaniard . was tho filibuster Lau-rad- a. Sho had discharged a car- go of ammunition on tho Cuban const and was onronto to an American port when 0ip sought shelter in Jamaica from the pur- suing Spaniards. A dispatch to tho Heiald from Kingston, Jamaica, hays: Tho steamship Laurada is reported at Port Antonio, whore sho is wait- ing for a cargo of fruit. Sho has Ivi'iint Port Antonio since May 30th. Tho authorities here havo soarched her with a viow to find- ing out whether or not sho car- ried arms orwns eucanedin a fili bustering expedition in aid of tho revolutionists in Cuba. Nothing of a contraband nature was found on board of the vessel. It is that several of the Spanish giiuboats are watching tho coast with the idea of intercepting tho Laurada when sho shall go to son. SrjjU'OUTEP.rU BY SPANIARDS. New York, Juno 9. Tho World's correspondent at Maria-na- o, Cuba, sonds the following: Eoportshavo just reached hero of tho killing of seventeen pencea-bi- o persons in Santa Cruz, on tho nortn coast, east of. Havana. A Spanish columu entered tho town, and tho half drunken Major in command became enraged at the lack of enthusiasm shown by tho inhabitants and had fifty of thera seized. Those ho ordered to bo shot. The slaughter had begun when a cool-heade- d Lieutenant had ' to horse" sounded on tho bugle. Tips had tho effect of cooling down the excited mon, and tho killing ceased when sovon-tee- n had been put to death. No information comes from Spanish sources. DISCORD IN CUBAN RANKS. Havana, Juno 9. Trustworthy intelligence from Eastern Cuba unnouuees serious dissensions in tho robol ranks owing to the re- fusal of Joso Macoo to recognize Garcia's superior authority. Joso Maceo attempted, to maroli west- ward to joint 'his brother in Pihar dol BJol but was intercept- ed by Gomez in Puerto Principo provinco and ordered back to stand trial before tho robol Gen- eral for insubordination. New York, Juno 9, A dis-pitc- ji to tho World from Havana baysT'p"Oalixto Gaicia, with a largo force, is said to be intronoh-e- d at Duaba, on the north coast, between Maica and Baracoa. Gen-or- al Linares, with troops and two gunboats, has loft Baracoa to dis- lodge him. Washington, June 9. Word has reached this city that Haunis Taylor, .United States Minister to Spain, has been taken ill in Paris. Ho was on his retui'n tp Madrid from England after sonding his tamily homo. vmti:d states. Tho Houso Territories Commit- tee has reported favorably on the proposed admission of Now Mox-Ic- o as a Stato. Tho Houso passed tho naval ap- propriation bill, providing for throo battleships. A roport has been made by tho Houso Ways and Means Commit-te- o on tho mouaco to Amorican manufacturers from Japanese competition. It rocognizeB dan- ger in that regard from Japan. Tho Chronicle has started in to exposo corruption in the govern- ment of San Francisco. It talks of a million dollars having boon dissipated, and of a quarter of a million stolon the past yoar. Captain M. A. Hoaly of the rov-onu- o cutter Bear has boon placed at tho foot of tho list of captains, suspended from rank and duty on waiting orders for four years and publicly reprimanded by tho pub- lication of Scorotary Carlisle's or- der on all revenue cutters. His offenso was intoxication and con- duct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, and tho examining board recommended him to favor- able consideration in viow qf long and efficient sorvico. Dunham, tho murderer of six persons at San Jouo, is not yot caught. Continued on Sth Page. PUNCTURED A SENSATION. HitouuiiT rno.ii Hawaii nV iah-sr.xHEi- is ox rin: alajiiix, A N'mnl Clntti Allrerd to llnvo Itoon Imminent Over tho Cane of Colonel Axhlorrt. A sonsational report was brought to this City by passongors who arrived from Honolulu on tho steamer Alameda yesterdaj', says The Call of tho 5th. It was asserted that England was endeavoring to coerce Presi- dent Dolo into allowing Colonel Volnoy Ashford, who had been doportcd from the island on con- viction of misprision of treason, to return to Hawaii. Tho reports wont so far as to intimate that President Dolo had appealed to AVashington to prevent tho ex- pected coorcion on tho part of Great' Britain, and that in conso-quonc- o a clash between British and Amorican naval forces was threatened at Honolulu. The utter absurdity ot these stories was shown by the fact that Colonel Ashford has been con fined for nearly niuo months iul tho French Hospital of this City, suffering from a variety of ills, which culminated in a paralytic stroke, and for six weeks past his nourishment has been givon by moans of a tube. At tho present timo ho is undergoing some slight improvement, but was not in condition to bo interviewed. His brother Claronco,- - however, is thoroughly familiar with tho colonel's affairs. Speaking of them yesterday ho said: "My brother having boen con- victed by tho military court of tho offenso of misprision of treason (failuro to disclose his alleged knowledge of treason committed by others), tho British Govern- ment, to whom he appealed, rep- resented to tho Hawaiian Govern- ment that tho conviction was rendered upon insufficient aud illegal ovidonco and requested that the conviction bo set aside and tho Bontonce founded thoroon Lfluuulled. 1 umlorstand that that request has not been finally an- swered by tho Hawaiian Govern- ment, though negotiations have boon proceeding between the two Governments upon tho topic for sonio months. Tho claim that my brother has repeatedly or at all asked permission to land in Ha- waii is absolutely fal60. Ho has nevor asked permission and never will ask, and would not accept it." Clarence Ashford declined to discuss tho threatened naval inci- dent, saying that whan his brother was ready to roturn to Honolulu ho would do so. At prosont, how- ever, tho probability of his early return was very romoto. OLNEV. UNINFORMED. Washington, D. 0., Juno 4. Thd Call correspondent asked Secretary Olnoy tonight if tho Stato Dopartmont had recoived any notification from Honolulu concerning Volnoy Ashford, who was oxpatriatod from tho Hawai- ian Islands .for complicity in tho Hawaiian revolution of 1895. It was reported that Ashford had boon refused landing on tho isl- and, and being a British subject, had appealed to his Government, aud that tho English Premier had demanded that President Dole pormit Ashford to land. Secretary Olney replied: "I havo heard nothing of tho mat- - tor." Another Stato Dopartmont off- icial was moro communioativo. Ho did not wish to bo quoted, but said to tho Call correspondent: "I saw a press dispatch intimat- ing that Great Britain would send a man-of-w- ar to Honolulu to on-for- co tho demand that Ashford bo allowed to land, and also tho statement that tho Hawaiian Gov- ernment in that ovout would ap- peal to tho United States for aid. 1 think thoro is no foundation for oithor sonsation. I do not think that Groat Britain would tako this much interest in tho caso of & participant in tho Hawaiian revo- lution, nor do I believe that tho United States would interfere in bohalf of President Dolo's Gov- ernment. ThiH is only my in- dividual opiuion. Up to tho clos- ing of tho department at i o'clock wo had recoived no ndvices from Honolulu." HAN IX TO A OltVISMC. The Sclionnor .11 try Sotljro Collldce Willi ilic riillndcliitilH. Tho schooner Mary Dodge from Kahului with a cargo of pugar collided with tho cruiser Pliiln-dclnh- ia on Mondnv.Tunn Rtli. lint escaped serious injury. She got in from Kahului. II. I., the Sun day night, with a load of sugar. ami on ino lonowmg uoy wneu a broozo sprang up she attempted to sail to tho sucrar rofinerv. Tho captain would not accept a tow, anu wiien tno tiao began to set him down on tho cruiser ho was powerless to avort a collision. By tho timo tho vessels came together tho man-of-w- ar had launched her Btoam cuttor, and tho Bchooner Was BOOn towed out of hnr dntirtnr- - ous predicamont. The wind fell ngur anu suo camo to an anchor, but at onco began to drag. She brought up on tho cable, and tho telegraph pooplo at onco hired the tug Annie and had tho sugar ves- sel moved ngaiu. Thon tho cau-tai- n accepted a tow, aud his schooner was moved to tho sugar refinory. Tho schoonor was dam- aged about her top hampor, but the cruiser was only scraped a little. Ily tho Morplilno Ilontn A fair but frail woman who went bythonanioof Flossio Hamilton committed suicide in Sau Francis- co on tho night of May pist by swallowing tho contonts of a bottlo of morphine. Tho dead girl was also known as Ellon Furroll, and sho arrived in San Francisco on May 9th from this city, whore sho is said to havo a husband living. Inquiry at tho Marshal's office shows that nothing is known of the woman hero, although it is said sho answers the descrip- tion of a woman who lived hero a few months and was known as "Kawaiahao Mary." 'lliu Illciulo Trutlu. A propose of tho bicycle craza Mr. Ed. L. Lowis, of Lewis Bros., recoived a lotter from a frioud in tho Eastern States, in which tho writer states that Macey & Co. ol Now York havo purchased, at ono lot, a million bicycles of the "Vic- tor" make. They bought at S24 and sell at S25, makiug 1,000,000 on tho deal. John Wanamaker, tho great Philadelphia morchant, bought 10;000 Crescent. All va- rieties of businoss houses aro handling bicycles. Byo and by wo'll all buy bicycles. r Nliarkey nml Corbet t. Articles of agreomont for a four-roun- d contest bofwoon Cor-bo- tt aud Sharkoy woro signod on Juno 9th. Tho mill takes placa boforo tho National Athletio Club at Sau Francisco on Juno 21th, Corbott will rocoivo 50 por cent oE tho gross receipts. If Sharkoy lasts out tho four rounds ho is to rocoivo 35 por cont of tho not re- ceipts and in caso of a draw 23 por cent. Notice. NOTICE 13 1IERUI1Y GIVEN TIUT I have bought tbo entire Grocery nml Drr Goods uunlucss, from Koo Hint; Fit of KcIju Koua, Hawaii, aud tluit alt debts hereto fore contracted by (aid biitlncsa will bo jiakl hy Foo Sluj; Fat, a:i3-- at YEE WAK. Club Hotel, (Mrs. D'Arcy, Proprietress.), First-clas- s in Every Respect. Terms Reasonable T Beretamn, near Fort Street as VS $ ti V t ' H .. M ,?
Page 1: eVGNING; i i Evening Paper Published Hawaiian Islands ...Stato and-. ..'. . . $-Co.-! '-&-'. .-$ $--..,? ...



J u. . .






T"i. f)nln Pirlif Tlfitr.i' ' ,iv tr ,6. i , x"C.

w Zo7 ?crt( the Bulletin eVGNING; BULL i-- i i ry Evening Paper Published iyou Dmit Get ALL the Navs. on the Hawaiian Islands.

I It Readies ALL live Tcople. vOLULtf- -Subscription j$c. a month.

$mmommo04 W44-y- . - o

annitefaiVol. 1. No. 332, SS0CK HONOLULU, --H. L, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 1896. Price 5 Cents.


Published every day except Sunday at609 King Street, Honolulu, IL I.


Per Month, anywhere in the Hn--

wailan Islands.... ..... 3 75Por Year. 8 CO

Per Year, postpaid to America,Canada, or Mexico . . ., 10 00

Per Yoar, postpaid, other ForeignCountries 13 00

Pnynblo Invariably In AdvanceTelephono 2&3 V. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.





You want a good Direc-



You .want a reliable au-

thentic book that containsall the Names.


You DON'T want a re-

hash of the edition of twoyears ago.


You ought to patronizeHomo Industry.


Tho only people author-ized to canvass for thoNEW HAWAIIANDIRECTORY now be-

ing compiled by mo aromen who earn and spendtheir money in Hawaii.

NAMES:A. V. Gear, A. C. Steele,Geo. Ottorson, V. Fernan-dez, O. H. White, F.Wilburton, H. P. King,Antono Seabury, J. B.Daniels and myself, arothe only mon authorizedto collect Names and In-

formation for the abovework.


BST N. B. See Danielsand Finney for advertis-- ,

ing space and Books.



Ayer's Cherry PectoralWill roliovo tho most distressing OOUgl), BOOtllO

tho Inflamed membrano,looson tho phlegm, amiinduco refreshing sleep.Por tho euro of Croup,Whooping Cough, SoroThroat, mid all tho pul-

monary troubles to whichtho young arc so liable,

thcro'is no other remedy so effect-ive as


Cherry Pectoral

A Record of nearly 60 years

Cold Medals at the World's Chlsl Expositions.

UtT- - Tho nsmp. AcrM rhnrrv l'pctnrnl.1h promliiiiit on tliu r.ipi' i mid U blow nlii.tlioulnss u( c.icli bottle. Tiiko no cheapImitation.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Solo Agents for the Republic ot Hawaii

Important Notice

Having been informed by reli-

able parties that Mr. Hnsted or

his employes are circulating thereport that I am simply in theDirectory business to compel himto buy mo off, I wish it to go on

record that I will not sell my data

or work to. Mr. Hustod or any

other man.B. L.. FINNEY.

Honolulu, Juno 5, 189G.

323-t- f

TURKE-Y- nafXte't7Sft;&'S&i

. ..AND TUB.

Armenian Atrocities!J'rqfUuly Illustrated


(By Itov. Edwin M. Bliss.)

Prospectus and subscription listsai t

mi J

')Morohunt Streot,

Inono vol. cloth, S 2 00In ono vol. cloth fiilt, 2 DO

In one vol. Ilnlf-KiiBsi- gilt, 3 50

City Feed Store,Old Armory, Borotnnia Sts.

Dee & J uen, - Prop's.IMPORTER OF- -

Hay, Grain df Feed StuffsFresh liny nnd Gmin by every lncoroiug

vessel; Goods invoiced direct to City reedStoro. -

New Stock Just Arrived per ' Aloha"


Fdr tho Equiuo Table in thoway of all lands First Glass


Aro on sale by tho


51 Port St. Tol. 422.

''r- -.



itA;ra OX AM Kill CAN'S.

Spanish Wnr Vetucl ClintcH n FIUbuM- -

erlti Ilrltlili Wnfer Amorlennniul Tiirovcnu Items.

tiik cunw Titorm.i:.AMERICAN DEMANDS ON SPAIN.New York, Juno' 9. Tho

Herald's Washington special says:Spain lias boon called upon lopay for tho injuries her soldiorsinflicted upon two Americansresting temporarily in Cuba. TheAmericans aro Dr. Jose Uelgadowho was badly maltreated on hisestate by n Spanish forco, andPodro Casanova, who also suffer-ed ill treatment nt the hands ofthe Sytlulah troops. As soon astheir condition permitted both ofthese gentlemen filed claims withtho State Dopaitmont for personalinjuries as well as for damagessustained hy their estates. Thodepartment, however, has decidedonly to ijress tho claims for per-sonal injuries at this time, andclaims ot this oharactor on behalfof Dolgado and Casanova havebeen presented.

Dr. Delgado's claim is for $100,-00- 0,

and is said to bo a porfootlyjust one by tho Stato Departmentofficials. Tho claims for indomnity on account of injuries inboth "Delgado's and Casanova'scases will ho pressed energetical-ly by the State Department. Itis tho expectation of the officialsthat Spain will not hurry herselfto make reply to tho representa-tions which havo boon made .Un-less an answer is recoived withina certain time there is reason tobelieve that an intimation will Dogiven to the Madrid Governmentthat the United States is waitingfor Spain's side of thg caso andfor an indication of what her in-

tentions aro with regard to thosettlement of .tho. claims.NAVAL DUEL IN BRITISH WATERS.

New York, Juno 9. Corres-pondence to tho Sun dated King-ston, Jamaica, Juno 3d, says:Saturday ,Mny 30th, a largo stoam-e- r

appeared off Port Antoniomaking for tho harbor under afull head of steam with her pilotsignal flying. Before the port pilotscould got under way tho vossolturned swiftly and made seaward.At tho Bamo time tho mystery ofthis action was explained by thoappearance of a Spanish gunboataround tho headlands underttoam,and which had evidently beenracing along inBhorowith the pur-pose of heading off tho steamer,although tho British waters, be-

ing then within a milo of shore.Tho steamer was ovidontly muchswifter than, tho gunboat, althoughtho lattor made the harbor mouthfirst.

Ab tho steamer drew away thogunboat fired a round of shot,which passed to tho leeward of thochaso. For a minute or two tholatter was observed to sworvo.Tho spectators on shoro supposedshe liad been hit or intended tolay to, hut this was not tho case.As tho gunboat ranged nearer ajot of smoke und ilarao broke fromtho Bteamor's side, accompauiodby tho rattle of rapid-fir- o guns.It could not be seen whether thofir.o took effect on tho guuboat ornot, for almost in an instant shoalso vomited a cloud of smoke,and there was a crash of at leastthroo guns. There was ono othordischargo from tho stoamor andthen tho two vossols sped awayrapidly seaward,

Tho war ship continued firing,but tho steamer bore away rapid-ly, flying tho Cuban flag. AVJioulast seen she was still uninjuredas far ns her going was concerned,and sho was thou out of range.

Monday morning H. M. S.Policau was dispn,tched from PortBoyal to look up tho Spanishgunboat. Presumably tho SpanishGovernment will bo called uponto answer for having attackod avessel in British waters, althoughtho vessel attacked showed a flagthat is not recognized by interna-tional law.

Tho steamer firod'upon by thoSpaniard . was tho filibuster Lau-rad- a.

Sho had discharged a car-go of ammunition on tho Cubanconst and was onronto to anAmerican port when 0ip soughtshelter in Jamaica from the pur-suing Spaniards.

A dispatch to tho Heiald fromKingston, Jamaica, hays: Thosteamship Laurada is reported atPort Antonio, whore sho is wait-ing for a cargo of fruit. Sho hasIvi'iint Port Antonio since May30th. Tho authorities here havosoarched her with a viow to find-ing out whether or not sho car-ried arms orwns eucanedin a filibustering expedition in aid of thorevolutionists in Cuba. Nothingof a contraband nature was foundon board of the vessel. It is

that several of the Spanishgiiuboats are watching tho coastwith the idea of intercepting thoLaurada when sho shall go toson.

SrjjU'OUTEP.rU BY SPANIARDS.New York, Juno 9. Tho

World's correspondent at Maria-na- o,

Cuba, sonds the following:Eoportshavo just reached hero oftho killing of seventeen pencea-bi- o

persons in Santa Cruz, on thonortn coast, east of. Havana. ASpanish columu entered tho town,and tho half drunken Major incommand became enraged at thelack of enthusiasm shown by thoinhabitants and had fifty of theraseized. Those ho ordered to boshot. The slaughter had begunwhen a cool-heade- d Lieutenanthad ' to horse" sounded on thobugle. Tips had tho effect ofcooling down the excited mon,and tho killing ceased when sovon-tee- n

had been put to death. Noinformation comes from Spanishsources.


Havana, Juno 9. Trustworthyintelligence from Eastern Cubaunnouuees serious dissensions intho robol ranks owing to the re-fusal of Joso Macoo to recognizeGarcia's superior authority. JosoMaceo attempted, to maroli west-ward to joint 'his brother inPihar dol BJol but was intercept-ed by Gomez in Puerto Principoprovinco and ordered back tostand trial before tho robol Gen-eral for insubordination.

New York, Juno 9, A dis-pitc- ji

to tho World from HavanabaysT'p"Oalixto Gaicia, with alargo force, is said to be intronoh-e- d

at Duaba, on the north coast,between Maica and Baracoa. Gen-or- al

Linares, with troops and twogunboats, has loft Baracoa to dis-lodge him.

Washington, June 9. Wordhas reached this city that HaunisTaylor, .United States Minister toSpain, has been taken ill in Paris.Ho was on his retui'n tp Madridfrom England after sonding histamily homo.

vmti:d states.Tho Houso Territories Commit-

tee has reported favorably on theproposed admission of Now Mox-Ic- o

as a Stato.Tho Houso passed tho naval ap-

propriation bill, providing forthroo battleships.

A roport has been made by thoHouso Ways and Means Commit-te- o

on tho mouaco to Amoricanmanufacturers from Japanesecompetition. It rocognizeB dan-ger in that regard from Japan.

Tho Chronicle has started in toexposo corruption in the govern-ment of San Francisco. It talksof a million dollars having boondissipated, and of a quarter of amillion stolon the past yoar.

Captain M. A. Hoaly of the rov-onu-o

cutter Bear has boon placedat tho foot of tho list of captains,suspended from rank and duty onwaiting orders for four years andpublicly reprimanded by tho pub-lication of Scorotary Carlisle's or-

der on all revenue cutters. Hisoffenso was intoxication and con-

duct unbecoming an officer and agentleman, and tho examiningboard recommended him to favor-able consideration in viow qf longand efficient sorvico.

Dunham, tho murderer of sixpersons at San Jouo, is not yotcaught.

Continued on Sth Page.


HitouuiiT rno.ii Hawaii nV iah-sr.xHEi- is

ox rin: alajiiix,

A N'mnl Clntti Allrerd to llnvo ItoonImminent Over tho Cane of

Colonel Axhlorrt.

A sonsational report was broughtto this City by passongors whoarrived from Honolulu on thosteamer Alameda yesterdaj', saysThe Call of tho 5th.

It was asserted that Englandwas endeavoring to coerce Presi-dent Dolo into allowing ColonelVolnoy Ashford, who had beendoportcd from the island on con-

viction of misprision of treason, toreturn to Hawaii. Tho reportswont so far as to intimate thatPresident Dolo had appealed toAVashington to prevent tho ex-

pected coorcion on tho part ofGreat' Britain, and that in conso-quonc- o

a clash between Britishand Amorican naval forces wasthreatened at Honolulu.

The utter absurdity ot thesestories was shown by the fact thatColonel Ashford has been confined for nearly niuo months iultho French Hospital of this City,suffering from a variety of ills,which culminated in a paralyticstroke, and for six weeks past hisnourishment has been givon bymoans of a tube. At tho presenttimo ho is undergoing someslight improvement, but was notin condition to bo interviewed.His brother Claronco,- - however, isthoroughly familiar with thocolonel's affairs. Speaking ofthem yesterday ho said:

"My brother having boen con-victed by tho military court of thooffenso of misprision of treason(failuro to disclose his allegedknowledge of treason committedby others), tho British Govern-ment, to whom he appealed, rep-resented to tho Hawaiian Govern-ment that tho conviction wasrendered upon insufficient audillegal ovidonco and requestedthat the conviction bo set asideand tho Bontonce founded thoroon

Lfluuulled. 1 umlorstand that thatrequest has not been finally an-

swered by tho Hawaiian Govern-ment, though negotiations haveboon proceeding between the twoGovernments upon tho topic forsonio months. Tho claim that mybrother has repeatedly or at allasked permission to land in Ha-waii is absolutely fal60. Ho hasnevor asked permission and neverwill ask, and would not accept it."

Clarence Ashford declined todiscuss tho threatened naval inci-dent, saying that whan his brotherwas ready to roturn to Honoluluho would do so. At prosont, how-

ever, tho probability of his earlyreturn was very romoto.


Washington, D. 0., Juno 4.Thd Call correspondent asked

Secretary Olnoy tonight if thoStato Dopartmont had recoivedany notification from Honoluluconcerning Volnoy Ashford, whowas oxpatriatod from tho Hawai-ian Islands .for complicity in thoHawaiian revolution of 1895. Itwas reported that Ashford hadboon refused landing on tho isl-

and, and being a British subject,had appealed to his Government,aud that tho English Premier haddemanded that President Dolepormit Ashford to land.

Secretary Olney replied: "Ihavo heard nothing of tho mat- -

tor."Another Stato Dopartmont off-

icial was moro communioativo. Hodid not wish to bo quoted, butsaid to tho Call correspondent:

"I saw a press dispatch intimat-ing that Great Britain would senda man-of-w- ar to Honolulu to on-for- co

tho demand that Ashford boallowed to land, and also thostatement that tho Hawaiian Gov-

ernment in that ovout would ap-peal to tho United States for aid.1 think thoro is no foundation foroithor sonsation. I do not thinkthat Groat Britain would tako this

much interest in tho caso of &

participant in tho Hawaiian revo-lution, nor do I believe that thoUnited States would interfere inbohalf of President Dolo's Gov-ernment. ThiH is only my in-

dividual opiuion. Up to tho clos-ing of tho department at i o'clockwo had recoived no ndvices fromHonolulu."


The Sclionnor .11 try Sotljro CollldceWilli ilic riillndcliitilH.

Tho schooner Mary Dodge fromKahului with a cargo of pugarcollided with tho cruiser Pliiln-dclnh- ia

on Mondnv.Tunn Rtli. lintescaped serious injury. She gotin from Kahului. II. I., the Sunday night, with a load of sugar.ami on ino lonowmg uoy wneu abroozo sprang up she attempted tosail to tho sucrar rofinerv. Thocaptain would not accept a tow,anu wiien tno tiao began to sethim down on tho cruiser ho waspowerless to avort a collision. Bytho timo tho vessels came togethertho man-of-w- ar had launched herBtoam cuttor, and tho BchoonerWas BOOn towed out of hnr dntirtnr--ous predicamont. The wind fellngur anu suo camo to an anchor,but at onco began to drag. Shebrought up on tho cable, and thotelegraph pooplo at onco hired thetug Annie and had tho sugar ves-sel moved ngaiu. Thon tho cau-tai- n

accepted a tow, aud hisschooner was moved to tho sugarrefinory. Tho schoonor was dam-aged about her top hampor, butthe cruiser was only scraped alittle.

Ily tho Morplilno IlontnA fair but frail woman who went

bythonanioof Flossio Hamiltoncommitted suicide in Sau Francis-co on tho night of May pist byswallowing tho contonts of a bottloof morphine. Tho dead girl wasalso known as Ellon Furroll, andsho arrived in San Francisco onMay 9th from this city, whore shois said to havo a husband living.

Inquiry at tho Marshal's officeshows that nothing is knownof the woman hero, although itis said sho answers the descrip-tion of a woman who lived hero afew months and was known as"Kawaiahao Mary."

'lliu Illciulo Trutlu.A propose of tho bicycle craza

Mr. Ed. L. Lowis, of Lewis Bros.,recoived a lotter from a frioud intho Eastern States, in which thowriter states that Macey & Co. olNow York havo purchased, at onolot, a million bicycles of the "Vic-tor" make. They bought at S24 andsell at S25, makiug 1,000,000 ontho deal. John Wanamaker, thogreat Philadelphia morchant,bought 10;000 Crescent. All va-rieties of businoss houses arohandling bicycles. Byo and bywo'll all buy bicycles.r

Nliarkey nml Corbet t.

Articles of agreomont for afour-roun- d contest bofwoon Cor-bo-tt

aud Sharkoy woro signod onJuno 9th. Tho mill takes placaboforo tho National Athletio Clubat Sau Francisco on Juno 21th,Corbott will rocoivo 50 por cent oEtho gross receipts. If Sharkoylasts out tho four rounds ho is torocoivo 35 por cont of tho not re-ceipts and in caso of a draw 23por cent.


NOTICE 13 1IERUI1Y GIVEN TIUT Ihave bought tbo entire Grocery nml DrrGoods uunlucss, from Koo Hint; Fit of KcIjuKoua, Hawaii, aud tluit alt debts heretofore contracted by (aid biitlncsa will bo jiaklhy Foo Sluj; Fat,a:i3-- at YEE WAK.

Club Hotel,(Mrs. D'Arcy, Proprietress.),

First-clas- s inEvery Respect.

Terms Reasonable T

Beretamn, near Fort Street








.. M


Page 2: eVGNING; i i Evening Paper Published Hawaiian Islands ...Stato and-. ..'. . . $-Co.-! '-&-'. .-$ $--..,? ...

w ft !i'V 'vy. Hf&


rttJMf.lJT 1WMW1W





r'h- -


p.-- r







ANI,IC.V rllVltl'H iritis.

V. SIi C. A. CoiiMirod I'or GlvliiHT

HoNpltnllty to I'ncoiiUin.

In bis Honolulu DiocesanMagoxiuo for tim quarter, Bishop"WiIHb censures tlio Y. M. 0. A.,

as "nn institution founded on thobasis of the Christian faith," forallowing its platform to bo usedfor tho "advocacy of doctrinesdirectly subversive of Christian-ity." lloforonco is made to thonadreBBof Countess Waobtmoistqr,the priestess of Theosophy, inY. M. 0. A, hall. Other articlesaro given to confute tho theoriesof Theosophy.

An article on Temporancodenies that tho moderate uso ofwine a product of the naturalprocess of fermentation is wrong,but holds that tho drinking ofardent bpirits produced artificial-ly by distillation is not sanction-ed by either the Book of Natureor tin Bible.

Tho following church news isgivoii by tho magazine:

In consoquenco oE tho with-drawal of Government nid fromlolnni School which up to the endof 1S75 hid been assisted withtwelve scholarships for Ilawaiianboys of SoO ('ach,aggregatiugSGOO,tho Socioty for Promoting Chris-tian Knowledge at its March meet-ing made a grant for throo yearsto this school of eight scholarshipsof XG ii year for Hawaiian Chris-tian boys.

At tho same lime the Sociotyvoted a giant of .COG for tho pro-vision of eight studentships (fourfor boys and four for girls) -- forthroo years, of tho value of 1 ayear, for Chinese Christians at thoschool nt Alakopalu, Ivohalu.

It is the intention of Mr. Theo.H. Davies to put iuto tho Cath-odal a couplet of stained glasswindows to the memory of Capt.H. T. Mist,E'.-N-. Tho coupletciiosen is on tho south side of thoNnve next to tho vestry door.Messrs. Clayton and Boll havebean instructed to put tho execu-tion in hand. The subjects ofthese two lights are incidents inthe lives of David and Solomon,and conclude a series of historicalscenes from tho Old Testament,which will have its beginning uttho west end of tho Navo whencompleted, and proceed eastwardsin chronological order.

At the monthly general meetingof tho Society for PromotingChristian Knowledge, in Aprillast, it was agreed, on the recom-mendation of tho Standing Com-mittpe,,- to

grant publications fromtho Society's Catalogue to thoamount of $20 to the Itov. KongYin Tet as a present to him on hisoulitiution.

During May threo Chineso men,who have for somo time boondrawing towards Christianity,wore formally admitted catechu-mens in St. Peter's Church.

Seattlo beer goodly cheer.A portrait enlarged from small

photo to life size, aud framed hand-somely in latest stylo moulding,is what King Bros, aro now offer-ing for $10.

Tor sale by J. N. "Wright, atLittle Britain, Houolulu, threenice young and jjoutlo milch jcowsthat "will calvo within next two orthreo weeks.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hotoland Nuunnu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Tonus: 25and CO contH per night $1, and$1 2G,Doif weuk.

Stirling, tho painter, is pre-pared to qupto prices on roofpainting. He vibes a composition' ofcoal tar and ceniont. Cheapestand best roof preparation in Ho-

nolulu."Must you go out again to-

night?" asked the sand flat. "Yes,I must," unsworn! the tido," andwhen 1 come in I'll bo full. See?""High sea," wns the sad reply,"why don't you till up on Seattloboor, the stuff that don't ine-briate ?"

Singers lead tljo world. Over13,000,000 mado nud sold. High-est Awards at the World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollonco ofconstruction, legulnrity of motion,ease of motion, great speed, ad-

justability, durability, oaso oflearning and convenience of ar-

rangement. B. Borgeisen, agent,Kiug and Bothol streets.

FEETomUnirorlnu with Tbroit. Lnneor V aFtlnjr DImmmKowacbCtrrH,BcrofnU, Aflhnu, or Itrrvnni Petit-Jr- .

etc., will b.i itlren miiiiiIs bottle of lilt. On It.VltiV flHOUULATK KMULtJlON (or trial. CM aitionot lloixmTrit Drug . Honolulu, U. I. "ItUfuruitea u J'aliteUa ai UlUt or lluatj.



1800, Twenty-Tw- o Pounds.

& W3

When You Buy a.Wheel

Buy ono with a Deputa-tion ono that won't breakdown whou you're tenmiles from homo. Don'tlean to " fads;" thoy arenot substantial. ThoSterling has been on thomarket five years. ThoSickling costs 8110. Ifyou want to know moreabout it, send for our ArtCataloguo, mailed freo toaily address, and you willbuy




, Terms: $10.00 down, balance,$2.50 a weok or a liboral discountfor cash.

Watt, Nichols CoAGENTS.


Iron WorksQueen Sroct, Ilonolulu:


FurnlMicd Tor Building All Classes otMachinery Kcpalr Work, and,

lteconstructlun or Remodel- -

Imf Old Plants.

Iron, Brass, Phosphor-Bronz- Zinc, Ala-niiuu-

and Lead Castings. Oruaniontaluud plain Cast Iron and Steel Columns,Iron and Steel Girders and Trusses,Gratings, Doors aud Shutters, and n goner,nl line of Iron audBraRsWork for buildingsof all classes. Ships' Blacksmith Work donewith neatness and dispatch. All workmanhhip uuuruutecd first cLus, and ttt pricesthat Luvo been hitherto unknown on theHawaiian Islands.

IsUnd Orders will receive prompt atten-tion.

C. R. MCVEIGH,Manager and Proprietor,

P. O. Box 457.Telephones: Offlcc, 578; Works 013.

PIMM-- Baaea&SSE2$BB!iL,

For Family Use!

Just Received, ex "C. O. Funk," o cargo of

Wellington, DBpantune Baj, doal

Which is offered in quantities to suit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVEBY FREE,





Also White and Black Sandat tho vory lowest market

, ' rates. Tolphono No. 414.

, S3. ZEZixioT Street.G. J. WALLEn ... Manaqkb.



NaW jContractors.Refrigerated Poultry


Fresh Salmon


Mefeopoffian ffjeat (Jo.

Telephone 45.

Central MarketNutTANU STltEET.

The Very finestOF

TenderSweet andWholesome.

Como and boo our


Westfcrook '& Gares,Proprietors.

Telephone - - - - 104.

City MarketEstablished 1883.)

jTasaph. Tinker, ;-- - Prop',

Beef, !? Mutton,BS&?

Pork, 3Vflrw Veal,01 the Finest Varieties.

Makers or the Celebrated Pork Sausage.Nuuanu street, opp. Chaplain lane.

Telephone 289.The Boers inSouth Africa says:

Nics for nics

Bonna moi for Kelt,

Which means in English

Nothing for nothing

Bnt plenty for money.

B$3i Buy your Eatables at tho

Palama Groceryaud you will rojoico that youread this advertisement. . .Goods delivered free. . . .

Give us a jinglo TEL. 755.

Oppsito Railway Depot, Palama.320-2-

POI! POI!Van Doom & Co., Fort Street

Next Lucas' planing Mill, will havefresh every duy


EALIHI POI FACTORY,Which will lie sold to fnmilios in large or

small quantities. No Contain- -


311tt Proprietor KalihiPoi Factory.Btore open nveulDps.

Henry Davis & So.Has received tho usual consign-

ment ot

Standard . .

roaeviesAi well ns some Dolicacles by tho


.0. KLEMME & CO.,

Cash. -:- - Grocersm-- NOW OPEN jes

Fort StrHBt & Chaplain LanHi

. R. WVf CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

98 Fort Streot, HonoluluTelephouer 22 P.O. Box 470

Castle & Cooke,(X-il32Q.it-


. . . .Soil tho World Famed. . . .

Slack and

BrownlowJj 11181 uKsassra '


of dissolved lead nndalIj iMi-uniri- aro removed. The foulestwater rendered pure.

A. HELIA DBL13Filter at a low price.


The British, Russian,American, Italian,Swedish, Chinese andJapanese Governments.

For Sale by .

Castle & CookeHenry Gehring

& Company,


IPlumbiiifr and G-as- -

flttingSanitary Work a Speoialty

fft& JoWiitiR promptlv nttonril toTelephone 7.'t5. 23'i-t- f

Importers and Deulers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


130 tf King Street.


My S10.00 llath Tubs, lined with bestquality, No. 10 zino, 0 in. Pipe, Ohnln andl'lug, with wood liin nil complote. Otheidealers aro diimfoundod, and to allmanner of Tricks and Excuses.

Be not deceived, the6e Bath Tubs havebeen sold for $14 until I reduced the price.

I am proparod to do , all work in my Hueand guarantee satisfaction'. Estimates furnished.

If you want a good Job ohenp for Cash,ring up Telephoue 844, and I am yourman.

JAS. NOTT Jn,Tinsmith & Plumber

STANDARD LINESof Groceries ore moro palatnulu us wellus healthier thuu the otlir Mud.

VOELLER & CO.(WorlnBIocK, lleretanla Street).

Handle nothing hut the best. Llbhy &McNeill's Canned Mints. King-Mor- se

Table Fruits, Glilrardclll's Chocolate,'Milkmaid llrand Milk, Paragon Pure Lardand

'EXCELLENT FLOUR'B Telephone G80 "fl

Subscribe for tlif Evknixo Bul- -

leiin, 75 ooutB per month.i


ihiih-&i- fci mi . Am-'- i A .-- '.' ',., MM i ju:'4tMd' i. u n



Cuury Powder as mnrde-b- y us is propurccli after,UioOriginal

Recipe from the Purest Ingredients.

ssr TRY IT OISTO & .-- sa



-:- - LIVE -:- - STOCK -:- - REMEDIES- -



Tho marvelous hair remedy which prevents

laz-uii- s xr,u-xJiL.i3iT-a- otto:.

a. T7s7".FQR SALK BY

boio Agent, tlouolulu.t3J Neat pamphlet free on application. V. 0. llox S93, Telephone 2(1.- hqnolult; April fli, 18M:Mr. G. W. Mactarlani:: It nlTordH mo ploasnro to rocommond, to uny ono wliono hair

is falling oat, the use of 1)11. I'OTTIE'S IIUK UIIj. My hair was coming ont at sucha rate aiiled mo tolelieothntl would soon becomo bald. After using tho oil for five weekstlris ctnsod entirely; none whntover is now falling out. I con-ide- r it tho best and onlyworthy remedy for this trouble and also recommend it as u stitnulant to new growth. ,

Itw-t- f Yours

LED. A. WILLIAMS,(Successor to C. E. Williams, H. H. "Williams &Co.

and Williams Bros.

Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,Established 1850

Pianos for Sale, Hire and Moved. Chairs for Rent

Undertaker and EmMmer,Tombstones and Monuments. .

Residence and Night Tel. 815. 611 KING STREET,. Tel. 179.

truly, J. IS, UANIKOjy.


H. HACKFELD & CO.Importers and Dealers in


Plantation Supplies.


DID YOUEat BACON that was good as Turkey ? That's

the kind we have. Also,.

"CHOICE HAMS, OREGON POTATOES,Yellow Turnips, Smoked Beef,Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fresh Dates, Cereals,

And a General Assortment of Standard Goods at LowestPrices.

QU Try Our OyBter Gem Crackers, Just the Thing for Soup. -- Q

Chas, Hustace,Kino Stuect;

'N- -

Page 3: eVGNING; i i Evening Paper Published Hawaiian Islands ...Stato and-. ..'. . . $-Co.-! '-&-'. .-$ $--..,? ...

y (Wf .'

EVENING BULLETIN, JUNE 17, 1896. 4wwwrjwirifiwjFin'j iff"w nn i 'rraiMiwiri.''LU'ju.'gtEMBieuwtfj"!i.TT'riwai"iii''ul i .uijiiwi."jti m iui n."i'wi''mnjii"nuTn-pi'W'wwiiqfyf- mrwucra i'jup'jiw tun juajgnsyLAST MfUIT'N CONCKRT.

M W. W. Ahana.PanalitFnnlilatinbloIlnll I'llletl nttli

Audience.n fiartronud mn 'JKESSEasata-isjii.ft'- v ? imuY&'


I'i . .

The concort arranged .for thodedication of tho iGaotlo raomorialprgan in Patmhi hall took placelast evening in tho presence of alarge audience, who testified thoirappreciation of tho nierits of thoontortainmont prorided by longand frequent applause.

Tho program opened with twosolos on tho organ by Wray Tay-lor. Tho first was entitled "InMomorinm " and was written bythe organist ospocinlly for thisdedication. It vn follmv1 byThomaB' Concort FunUsiu. Uulupieces woro excellently, well ren-dered and brought out alike thomusical skill of tho performer andIho beauties of tho grandest of allinstruments.

Tho friends of Mrs- - MontaguTurner woro out hi forco, as they

' always oro. and that artist wasgreeted with tho usual heaity re-

ception from her admirers. Herrondition of ToBti's "Good-bye- "

brought forth a spontaneous en-

core from tho uudienco to whichtho lady responded with her usualgood nature. Lalor on in tho pro-gram Mrs. Tumor Bang "ThoLost Oliord."

Other boIos by Miss Axtcll andProfessor Wood were rendered intho finished stylo for which theyhave become noted and were en-

cored. A violin solo by RobertE. Bond, ono of the students of

. tho college, and the playing of thenow Ilawaiiau orchestra led byProfesnor Borgor bIbo added totho pleasure of thoso present.

The concert was a grand suc-cess and it is hoped that it will boonly the precursor of othors.

'onan:xcnpir r i:xi:iteisns

To bo Hi Id nt 1'niinlil Ilnll on riuirk.tiny El en inc.

Following is tho program of thocommoucement exorcises of Oahucollege, to bo hold on Thursdoyevening next:Voluntary..-- . Prof A II Inj;allsImocatlan Itcv 0 M Hide, 1) D

Wo Meet Again Tonlgui"College ClLcClub

Address II S Townsund, A M"Oaliu College Marph"..., II L'ergcr

College Orchestra.Valedictory M E RiceSerenade (with violin obllgato)...,8ehubort

Miss J R Axtell.Presentation of Diplomas.

ltcncdlctlon EevD P Blrnlo

When dther FullHood's Sarsaparil'n build up the weakenedshattered system by given vigorons notion Jotho digestivo organs creating nu appetite nndpurifying tho blood. It is prepared bymodern methods possosscs tho greatest cur-ntiv- o

powers nnd has tho most wonderfulrocor.l of actual cures of uny medicine,Try it.

Hoou's Pills cures unnsea, sick headache,indigestion, biliousness, told by all drug-gists.

m m

Oil paintings to bo proporlycared for, should havo'au occa-sional coat of varnish which willbrighten and preserve the picture.King, Bros, do this sort of thing toperfection. .

Germany is entitled , to thecredit of tho discovery of the con-version of barley into malt. Everyago has seen an improvement inboor munufacturo, the latest andbest example being tho celebratedSeattlo beer sold at the CriterionBaloon. ,

Honolulu's warm climate isconducive of thirst to a greaterdegree than that of a colder zono.Tho average business man losesoIbo, to a degree, the amount ofenergy and nervous forco commonenough in tho bracing air ofAmerican cities. These two phasesof our climate make it moronecessary than oltowhoro to stim-ulate tho system with an invigor-an- t.

No more healthful or purerstimulus, or ono moro delightfulto tho palat, can bo found, thanPabst Milwaukee beer. It is adoliciouB drink and is constantlyon draught at tho Cosmopolitan,Pacific and tho Royal.

FREESTosllsnirertng wllh Throat, Lnngor Wasting HImim'iBtoinacbt'atrrh,8crotuls, AtUiiu, or Nerfona Iielil.liy, etc.. will bo given a Mmnte bottln o( Hit. GOlt.lllN'S CIIOC'OLATK EMULSION tor trial. Call (attore of HoLLinTrn Krns Ilonololn, U. I, "itiu

guaranteed u l'alatallo aa llllk or Honej-- .


1 Large Bay Mare,1 Surrey, nearly now;

1 Set Harjaess.t

For sale by32uiw f. j. Loyi:Y.

KILLERWill cure a cola before It settlesor after It settles. The rightiimc to tnte it is tvlicu you

icci uic com coming on.Prepared only ty

Perry Davis & SoahXIVYIUBWX, U. U

BRUISEScoma v.'itliout warn- -uny previous..... , .'I'll. lt rt J. 1. n..-- t

he prepared. Kc:p a bottle ofrcrry Davis' tain Kir.LKRbyyou.

It relieves nt once.It it uUo itire cure for Cramiu, Collo nnd

biiu hii imernui jiain.

might fail where one dose of PainKiller would succeed. If you hat ea cough or cold or any other wintercomplaint, try Pain Killer at once.It nccr fails to give Instant relief.rnKKY Davis tie sow, 1'rovidenct. R. I.

Hollister -:- - Drug. Company,

136-t- t Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

The Union Express Co.87 KIG STHI-KT-


Not a Trust, but orgmized for the publiegood.

Office King strcot, opposlto tho Hawai-ian Uazotto Co.

Impress wagons aud drays always readyfor tho purpos9 of removing baggago andfurniture

Cheeking of baggago to depot or wharves,from hotels or residences promptly andcarefully attended to. by competent men.Wagons meet all btcumors and bapgago

in our charge Will bo stored or doIvored as requested.

Charges, tho lowest in the, city.Telephone 80.

WILLIAM LARSEN,319-- tf Manager.

J. J. Sullivan, J. BUCXZJtY,President, Seo'r.

FasliflnStaMesCo.)LIHonolulu, II. I.


in tho City, with (jorapetont and Cnro-f- ul


Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort aud Hotel Streets.

TeLEPHONB:Hnw'n Hotel Stables, 82.Panlhoon Stables, 84,Fashion Stnbles, 148.

nTeper's express.BAGGAGE delivered and chock-

ed to uny Steamer. FurnituroandPJnnos carefully moved atEoasonable Hates.

SatisfactionFort and Qileen. Sts.

Day Tel. 912, Residence Tel. G43..a--

n i vKirdf rvv'rt.

S3T My Hook dpea not tip In this man-pe- r,

no matter how weighty the loud.


Hack No. 14B- - TELEPHONE 17030

Staad: Bethd and Kinp; Rlreots.


EglflMB-wmj- cnSpoons


I--T. G--. BIART,Kort. Street.

By tho S. S. "Toyo Mnru" wo received animmense lino of - - --


fSillf carf ie Funiisliing Qoods, jSWeatersAnd many other varioticB of Dpy py 00fa

eSF" "Wo need nionoy and will sell everything cheap to get it.

K. FUEUYA,Hotel Street, Itoblnsou Block. Next door to Ordwny & Porter.

LO f -New Japanese Jilyipjs, .Parlor Screens,

Bamboo Blinds, .Silk Goods,Crepe Bliirts, all sizeb;


MTTKA-TA- . & CO.,Comer ilotol Nuuanu Streots.

The ...Hawaiian Electric


Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-

trical Goodsj

Constantly on hand,4

Estimates given for house wir-ing and Electrical plants.

Murine Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN",32'tl Manager.


noxt to Lucas Mill

Ships' Bfacksmithing,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building





Fitted up with all tho ModernAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

of Every Description.

Blacksmithing and Horso Shoeing.


DTelepliorL 572HONOLULU

Carriage Manufactory128 & 100 FORT STREET.

Carriage Kuld.orAND nCFAIIUSll.

Slacksmitbing in All H-- Branches..

W. IV. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. West)

TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47, ... Nuuanu street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I use tho bestmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well. 143- -

FOOK ON . & CO., .

Nuuanu Street.

Just opened uew Bupplyofjust rocorved.

Ladies' & Gonts1 Shoos Mado to OrderITiom Amorlcau and Froucb. Leathers.

!- LOOK !




I havo boon stopped from offer-ing premiums, but as a roward foryour patronage, aud to tho personholding tho greatest number ofTickets, July 1st, I will mnko aprosont of two Silk Dross Patterns,15 yards qach, or ono fiuo Silk-Shi- rt

and ono dozen Silk Hand-kerchiefs. Thoso tickets will bohanded you with every ono dollarcash purchase Thoro will bo nogambling or guessing of any nuni-borsj-a- ll

that you havo to do is tokeep tho tickets and present thornat my store, Julylst, and if youhavo the largest number tho pre-sent is yours.

Bobinson Block, notol Stroot.

Hats! -:- - Hats!nfttmnmnti

ySRJpfififi --iA4tJW v

JJade To OfdEH Ag gfcijle

Ladles and Gents.Now Stylw Every MONDAY nnd

Best Straw Hats,From 25o. Up.

T. MTJEATA.No. 325 Nuannu Street. ?32-t- t

TJe Yokohama Specie BankLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Dp Capital Yen 4.500,000KoBorvo Fund You 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, Now York,

San Francisco, .Shanghai,Bombay, Ilong Koug.

Transacts a Qenoral Banking and Ex-change Business.

Agonoy Yokohama Spetie Bank

M HtpnMIc Belldlng. Honolnln, 0. I.

S. KI3VIURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors nnl Provisions, Sakl a specialty,

Allen Stiieet. Telephone 703.

PALACE BESTAUEANTFormerly the Bay Ilorso Saloon

Comer Bethel and Hotel Streets, Honolulu.

SPECIAL EATINa nousE:Trivate Rooms for Ladles and Gentlemen.

Open from C a. in. to 1 in morning.Prico of Tickets, $4.50. Siuglo Meal, 25o.

JN"ev Restaurant,Bothol street aboia Fost Office

NICE AND CLEAN.Chlokon on Tuesdays, Thnmdays and

Saturdays. Ico Cream on Sundays. FiuoSalads with dinner each day.

Meals, 25c 22 Tiokets, $4.50.

ASTOR HOUSE,(All CHOCK, l'ropr.)

Meals 25 Cents. gJ,",0. ,Private Itoom for Ladleri.



410 Hotel street, near Knuann.

ImportersOf All Kinds of Provisions,


Chinese Tea andGHLngei

GROCERIES, -:- - RICE,All kinds of Canned Trnlt, Cigars,nnd a large assortmeutof goods toonumerous to mention at tho very




JSZA.M TAX'S,Opposlto Pantheon Barber Shop, at Lowest

Prices. Try my

Flor Fina, La Pcrla Del Oricnlc,La Pucrata Del Sol and

La Evipcratriz.The Stnolcor'rt Favorites.

Sm.gr Hljse Co..B02 KING STREET,

FRKSX--I :- -: imu LTSBy every California stcauier.

Importers of all kinds of Croccrlcs, Fruits.Canned Goods, Cigars nnd Tobaccos,

at Lowest Prices.Fresh Vegetables Jlnnys on Hnnil.

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nimann street.

Importers and Dcalors in3cuurI -:- - SBri-clunnllN-

Fino JIanila Cignrs, Chincso and Japa-nos- o

Crockeryware, Jlattincd, Vases of allkinds. Oamphorwood Trunks, IlattanClmiiu. A lino Assortment of Dress Bilks.Choicest brands of Cliinoso and JapanosoTeas of latnst importation.

j- g- fievr Q00(a y evcry stcamor.llutunl Tel. 2CG . F. o. Box 158

SING WO,Corner Kins and Bethel streets,

Dealer in Cigars and TobaccosDcst brands of Manilla Cigarsand finest Clgartttes. . .

At lowest prices. 421- -

AH PING,Dealer in Chinese Tea, Cigars,

Peanut Oil, Sugor, Soap,Candles, etc., at lowestmarket pneo. . i . .

Cornor Nuuanu and I'nnalil streets. 143.

HOP HING & COMPANY,Wholesale Dealers In

Chinese 811k, Tea, and fattlng,Liquors and Manila Cigars, English and

American Groceries.402 Hotel street. - . . . Telephone 147.

QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise,145-t- f Cornor King and Mannnkea SU.

HO YEN KEE & CO.,Plumbers


Water Pipes, laid and repaired,"aud plumbing neatly executed.

14- 3- No 41, Nuuanu street

FOR . . .Boat Imported Chlnoso Tea,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC,At lowest prices, go to

WING TAI LUNG14- 1- 331 Nuuanu street

LAJL SLLSTG KEE.i iiVinur.it.

ALL KINDS OF TINWARE, CROCKERY,etc., at tho very lowest prices. King streetmakal and Eh a of Maunakca.


All kinds of tinware, crookery,)to, at lowest prices, , , ,

Ml Nnuann and Hotol Btreeti

LIN SING KEE,Plumber Jb Tinsmith

Dotldr In Tin and Agate Ware.All hinds of Plumbing done In a Satisfactory

Manner at Lowest Hates.P. O. Box 274, 213 4C3 Hotol St.


: AND : DEAL-ER, t IN ....

Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.Contractor nnd Builder.

No. 89, Nnuann street,lias on hand Coffins, Camphor Trunks,

Matting, WardrolwjB, Desks, Matresses, eto.W Call iu and inspect goods.

Orient Planing Mill,VING EAT & CO.,

CONDUCTORS AND HUII.DERS,Tiimltnrn nf nil V1nla nn.l.. n...l ...,. j

Bulldini' houses und tuakluR rko tullli a epc- -

Biuuy. r. u. hoi iir,, corner muk ami uotliestreets, 1181

'.JAkm. . a. . kiH.itr,L' .wiM.j-.jJ- i .

Makes Clothing to OKDElt of thevery best mutorials and lu tho yorylatest k yie. ....

.A. IJorieot Fit '



Cleaning and Rtpairitg a Specially


To Whom It

frlay Concern.

This is to cortify that O. Akimalins mndo Beveral suits of clothesfor mo nnd tho workmanship hnsboon of tho boat. I take pleasurein recommending him and Mbwork.


Tl&L KJSEJ,MERCHANT TAILORSnits to order. I'it Guaranteed. Vino DnckSuit, $5np; rinb Tweed Pants, St.GOupi

ino hnit. SIS mi. nimlmv i.i...,,i n.ipaired. oqq k1vq

P. O. Box 144.

Chock Chec & Co., Merchant Tallorr,

Clothes Cleaned and Eopaijed.No. 322 Nuuumi Street.

2lc'1y r. O. Pk)x 233.


If yon want your Clothe Dyed and, madoto look new, call aronnd at

CHOCK LOOK'S,Mercha.nt :- -: Tailor.

43 Nuuann street, P O lto;c 153.


No. 324, Nnuann street.

MERCHANT TAILOR, vFine feultlngs made to order at lowest prlcca,145 Clothes cleaned and repaired.

W. A.hiu & Co.,.".20 Nnuann Street.


Fino Suitings from Best American an

Clothes Cleaned and Repaired.

Y. MA.3ST SING-,- ,

FasnlmialilB Dress Maker,


DreBSOS mada tn nnlnr Rntr.. .ranteed. If tho btitches break I wilf re-pair without extra chargo. 307-2- m


Conti'actors, Buildoi'SiFurniture Dealers and Pointers.


Fort Street, opposite Club Slablos.

CHIN WO & CO.Young Ah In, Mgr.

Corner Ileretanla and Nuuanu sts., Honolulu.BICE PLANTE9-Alwo- ys have for salo thebest quality of rice. Our rice marked WOOlsguurantecd to be Al.

Agents mr tnc lolloping rice plantations:Palnmu, llalawa. Moaualua. WalklM, Wolplo.Kalawao, KawalUapa and ya!oll, Oabu, n!IlAnalcI, Kauai

1M Tel. 218. PO Hot 242.

YEE ON CO.,817 Nuuann 8t. P. O, Box 143.

Watchmakers and Manufactur-ing Jewelers.

impairing of Watches and Jewelry. ALLWORK GUARANTEED.Importers ot Watches and Clocks of Finest14U Grades,

L. AHLO,No. 408, Nuuanu street.

Has just reccivodn new lino ofDRY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTS


Agent for tho following rice plantationsWaipio, Walawa, Waimalu, Waialua,Kaneoho and Kapalama,

CtF" My rico from Kaneoho is markedL A and Is guaranteed Al.P, O, Uox 114, .... Telephone 199,


,iM'Of 3 Jv























Page 4: eVGNING; i i Evening Paper Published Hawaiian Islands ...Stato and-. ..'. . . $-Co.-! '-&-'. .-$ $--..,? ...


.i r






Water Notioo.

.In accordance with Section 1, of CUaptcrXXVI ol the Laus of I8s(5:

AH pcrnons holding water privileges orthose paying water rates, nro hereby notifiedHint the water rates for tho term ending Dec.SI, 1890, will ho due nnd pnjnble at tho olllceol the Honolulu Water Works, on the 1st day

'of July, lbUO.

AH rates leinatnlng unpaid for fifteen da'isalter thuy nro due will he subject to an addltlonallu percent.

Hate are payable at tho ofllco of the WaterWorks In the Kapualwa Building.


Supt. Honolulu Water Works.Honolulu, H. 1 , Jtlne IS, 1M0. 14t

5f) Evsi)ii) Bulletin,




WhtMi President Dolo vetoedtho bill relating to land titles, hogave reasons that tho Legislaturecould soe at a glanco were sound.Therefore both Iiousob sustainedHits veto unanimously. It wnsdifferent in tho case of tho Pres-ident's veto of tho bill " toincronsotho duty on spirituous liquors,still wines and other ' beveragesmade from materials other thanyrnpo jutcp." This has boonknown as " the sake bill," althoughthe name of tho Japanese liquoris not given in it. .In vetoing thistill tho Presidont gave reasonsfor his action which wbro simplyarguments against tho measuro ongrounds of policy. Ho pointedout no radical defects in tho struc-ture of tho bill, as in tho case oftho other bill mentioned, whichwould roiioVr it inoperative Itivneriu no spirit of rosontmont attho President' exorciso of hisprerogative that tho House andiho Senate lcfusod to sustain theToto." They had passed tho billaftor maturo deliberation anda full examination of evoryphase of the quostion, and theiraction in overriding tho vetowas based on tho conviction thatIho bill was in the line of soundpublic policy. Tho speakers inboth houses who discussed thoToto gave convincing facta andfigures to show that tho princi-ples of the measure wore both po-

litic and just. In brief tho ob-

jects of tho bill aro to put a cortainclass of liquor on a duty-payin- g

TjasiB iu proportion to its alcoholicstrength, and incidentally to favorthe mild grape wines of Califor-nia as against that class of liquor.It was shown iu debate that thoJapanese liquor ljnown as sakelmd,fl great advantago in the tariff,its importers enjoying roally alieavy discrimination against thoimporters of grapo wines andsnalt liquors.

As there is an impression onIho minds of. somo people, whichTras slightly shared by this paperlwforo the bill yasscd in tho firstinstance, that tho bill goes a littleloo far in romodying tho inequali-ty of the tariff, somo of tho figureswaed in tho debnto on tho veto aroUioro given. They show that thereia no tin just discrimination againstIho Japanese, but that their prin-cipal stimulant is simply onsomething near an equal footing,ior the payment of 'duly, withether liquors. Alcoholic strengthis in general tho basis of duties

n liquors, but spirits pay thohigh specific duty of $3.u0 a gallon,liml thoro does not appear to boany reason why sake, an alcoholioproduct of grain, should bo

favoied with exemption from thatbasis. As a matter of fact, sakelias all along been coming in un-

der the category of wines, andpaying only 15 cents per gallonduty upon an averago of 15'do-gjroe-


alcoholip strength. This isonly equal to ono cont per degree,

wliilo whiskoy from all countriespays equal to sovon conts por de-

gree Lager beor of throo to fivo

por cent, alcoholic strongth pays15 conts a gallon, or threo to five

conts per degree Alo and stout,running from six to seven anda half por cent, of alcoholioBtrongth, pay 15 cents a gallon,or two to two and a half conts perdegree. AYinos of over 21 porcont., almost ontiroly importedfrom Europo, pay S2 a gallonduty, or sovon to nino cents foreach degree of strength. It isthus seen that Japaneso sake,paying at tho rate of only onecont por degree, enjoys discrimin-ation with a vongeauco, and it washigh timo that such should havoboon abolished. Even under thoamended tariff tho J apaueso liquorij not unduly taxed, or in anywisediscriminated ngainst upon thorecognized basis, scoing that onan alcoholic strength of fromtwolvo to fourteen per cont. it isonly to pay (50 cents a gallon, orfour to fivo conts a dogreo, and ifover fourteen and not more than21 por cont. it will pay but SI agallon, an equivalent of fivo toseven cents a degree In propor-tion to strength sake will stillhavo an advantago over all otheralcoholic beverages in our tariff.Besides tho groat favor that hasbeen shown to sako at this end oftho line, its importers have thobonofit of a virtual export bountyin Japan, in tho form of a rebateof internal x,oveuno dues upon ox-por- ts

'of.' tho ntticlc, which isequivalent to 1G to 20 por cent oftho original cost of sako freo on-- j

board vessol at port of shipment.Why sake should bo favored iu

our tariff above other liquorswould bo oxtremoly hard to makeappear. Its cheapness combinedwith not only its comparativestrength, but cortain nurcolicqualities that havo a spociallydeleterious effect on races not in-

ured to its influence as the Japa-nese aro supposed to bo, has con-

stituted it a fresh bane to the na-

tive Hawaiians. Sake is nothingloss than a grain liquid of dilutedstrength which has beon comingin hero as a wine, and for tho pastthreo years should have paid aspirit duty if tho tariff had beonproperly revised according to agraduated scalo of alcoholicstrongth. Tho griovance of thoCalifornia wino producers, whoclaim that they are discriminatedngainst-i- favor of sako, is provedby the figures herein given to boa real ono. When, in addition totho low duty, ono tukos into con-

sideration tho cheap labor inJapan, as well as tho re-

bate ' above - mentioned onsako exports, also a great advan-tage in tho mattor of exchange,it will bo seen that tho Americannrticlo suffers tho keouost kind ofcompetition from this source. Itwas nono too soon for tho preser-vation of California's favor for thoreciprocity treaty that our Legis-lature took tho action it did inthis mattor. Tho wino interest isthe leading one of tho PacificCoast and tho recent threateningmovomont of tho wino producersagainst tho treaty was endorsedby tho California Protective As-

sociation, composed of tho whole-

sale, jobbing and retail dealers iuwine, beor and liquors, with amembership vast in numberswhoso political influenco must notbo underestimated. That ac-

tion of tho kind over thoro wusnot, taken long ago is iudood sur-

prising.Tho action of tho ' Japaneso

dealers, in soliciting tho executivoveto' of the bill, was a most ex-

traordinary proceeding. Theyhad failed to go boforo any com-

mittee of tho Legislature for thothirty days in which tho bill wasponding and undor almost unin-tdrmitte- nt

consideration by com-

mittees of tho Houso nnd Sonato.Then, to approach tho Presidentby tho back stairs, with a viow to

i i

EVENING BULLETIN, JUNE 17, 181)0.iawvunrtiijiMWniiiii mmm

circumvent' tho will of tho peoplo'sropicsentatives, was roally anaffront to tho Legislature Thoremarks of members of ' bothhouses, to tho effect that if Japanwas goiug to attempt tho dictationof our laws the sooner tho situa-

tion was realized tho bettor, willfind an ech6 in tho mind of everycitizon. A contemporary pub-

lishes tho extraordinary BUggos- -

tion that tho. Council of Statomay bo called upon to roviow thoaction of tho Legislature. Sucha thing would bo altogether out oftho province of tho Council of

Stato, and make tho Constitutionof tho Republic a laughing stockto tho world.

Ever Binco Professor Koobelo,whoso services Hawaii is now en-

joying through tho wisdom of thoGovernment, vanquished thoorchard pest of California withhis army of ladybirds from Aus-

tralia, difforont countries havohad exports on tho huut for simi-

lar enoinies of insect blights andplaut pests. Professor John 13.

Smith of tho experimental stationof Now Brunswick, New Jersey,has lately been in Californiastudying tho San Joso scalo,which is doing a great deal ofdamage' in tho Eastern States.

Ono of tho latest schemes offakirs in San Francisco is to per-soua- to

hoolth inspectors andto extort money for leav-

ing broad, meat, etc, uncondemnn-

ed. In ono case a woman whokept afowl ranch saved hexchick-en- s

from being killed for havingtuberculosis by giving tho fakiran old overcoat in default ofmoney. -

In San Francisco tho S.P. C.A.took action to provont tho feedingof livo rats and mice to snakes ina drugstore window. Thereforetho snakeB had to put up with coldrat.

The Most Beautiful Women . . .'. . . Also the Homeliest


Atk Your Oroctr For It.


There is no doubt in yourmind as to the proper placeto get a Good Watch;

if tho number we havesold during the pnsfc we-:- k

is an indication of tho waythe. wind blows.

You havo sometimesbeen undecided, whenswayed by the woll inten-tioned(- ?)

comment of inter-ested ones, that "he's toohigh" and you invariablyfound that it was just thoopposite. That for a reallyhigh grado article you paidmuch less than you sup-posed was necessary, thatgoods wore just a shadebettor, and gave you threoshades better satisfaction.

Our Railroad tfime Piece

for $2.00 $

is a marvel of watch con-

struction for so low a price.Several engineers now ownthem, and roporfc absolute-ly porfect results. Theyaro strongly mndo, andwith proper caro will lasta lifetime. For those need-

ing a strong reliable watchat a low price, we know ofno watcjh mado at thoprice which can equal itin any way. Our two hun-dred dollar watch guaran-tee covers every point on it.

H. F.WicnmantfsiajajaiaafeisisEiarajaiaaisiaiafaffisiaiaiaM

:r.'tl K!

fimely Jopie$Over the purple profile, of

the Waianae range the irides-

cent gjeam of the variegatedafter glow suffuses the west-

ern sky. A soft breeze blowsover the town, rustling thefoliage embowering thousandsof vefandas. y Marsden's batsgo forth in quest of beetles,their uncanny wings fanningthe whiskers of the "free andindependent," as they sit en-

joying thejr post-prand- ial cigarand meditating on the Regis-

tration Act. Bill Williams putshis number tens on the ladderand mounts to his eyrie at themouth of the peaceful harbor,where, with a Japanese safetymatch he lights the lanternthat warns the mariner againsttaking the Aiowera's 'overlandroute into the desired haven."Let fall the curtain, wheel thesofa round, and so let peacefulevening in."

What a pretty introductionto a novel could be made outof a Honolulu evening 1 Thepicture is incomplete, how-ever.with- out

ringing in a hand-

some parlor lamp. We haveyour choice of many varieties,of hanging .lamps in the mostartistic styles silver. bambdo,black iron, porcelain, etc., withelegant shades. If it's "lighton the subject" you want, youmay just, as well have it instyle. The prices will not bein your way, you ca'nnot getlower foreqUal value elsewhere.Don't bother any more withthat worndut lamp, but treatyour household to a "thingof beauty" that will shed a

nightly glory over your do-

mestic happiness and pleasures.Some people may have tried

to convince you that the mon-

archy of the oil stove has beenabrogated in favor of other in-

ventions. Don't give anycountenance to such a notion.The oil stove has 'kept rightahead with the march of pro-gress, until its improvementhas culminated in the BlueFlame Oil Stove that we sell.If we have told any of youthat our stock was exhaustedand would not be replenishedfor some little time, we musttake it back as we do nowgladly. The Monowai agree-ably surprised us with a Ireshlot, and they are now openedout. None who saw the ex-

periments in cookery perform-ed on this stove, in our storerecently will need to be in-

formed of its superior merits.Any who did not have that op-

portunity are welcome to en-

joy satisfactory demonstrationsof the stove's qualities on ap-

plication. One thing about usis tjiat we never try to sellgqods orthe chance that theymay give 'satisfaction. Wewant our customers to be thor-oughly convinced that they are

Setting value for their moneythey part with it. With

the full consciousness that ourbusiness reputation is at stake,in regard to this as well as toother standard articles that weadvertise, we unhesitatingly re-

commend to you the BlueFlame Oil Stove. -


'Hawaiian Hardware Co.LIMITED,

Opposite- - Sprockets' Bank,


yI V 7W"

! jjriMWWJR-ui"tf"Wfmwi- ii i'"'';

Jslewr Arrivals ii. Ouv Linen

Whito Linen Tablo Damask, good quality."Whito Linen Table Covers with Napkins t' match.'Whito Linen Bed Sheeting, 90 inch, at $1.50 por yardL

Whito Linen for Pillow Cases, 45 inch, GOc pur yard.Fino Whito Linen, 36 inch, 60c per yard."Red Table Damask, 60c and 70c per yard.Whito Damask Table Covers with Bed Borders, 1.50

and 1.75 a piece.White Damask Doilies, 1.50 a dozen. '

Whito Damask Doilies with Bed Bordtir 75c and 1.25 adozen.

B. P. Ehlers & Co., Fort

ft- - $W yPI Wmm M

LEADERS:That Speak for Themselves, Don't Need Any Backing Up

THE SECRET. Get tho bestWHERE? From us.WHY 1 Because wo can do it.HOW'? By buying for cush in largo quantities.YOU, of course, can get along without us, but we think Jyou'll

fi.id ucifu-ahitanc- with us profitable.

The Manufacturers' 'Co.,EXCLUSIVELY

Store.33ig: Shoe



FOll A


Corded MuslinsA Large Assortment

A Novelty

33edHandsome and Durable

Satin & DresdenBeautiful and- - of BestQuality '

. .

A.rt Denim,A.rt Drapery



Take an Outinj'Sf V..ipttv r if n


AND- -


Trains will leave at 9:15 a.m.and 1:45 p. M., arriving in Hono-lulu at 3:11 and 5:55 p. M.


Pearl Oity $ 75 $ 50Ewa Plantation... 1 00 75Wniauae 1 50 1 25




Striped Zephyrs



for'the least money.(

V Mt- - w


Fort Street.aOZ-DIMON-


Interest never flugs whenthe goods and prices aro right.In May we passed all records inmerchandising! Helping morepeople to goods at less expensethan ever that's the secret!Great movements in merchandise reduce expenses in all directions, freights on carloadlots arc less than by tho piece,buying at tho factory means abig saving to us. And you arotho gainors.

Tho Success Filter, as soldby us, means good health toyou and money in your purse.The money comes in this way:We bought at the factory acar load of tho goods; every-thing was cheaper and wo cansell you a six-gall- on filter for

5.50.The filter stone in a Success

filter is made of tripoli stone,mined in Georgia, IJ. S. A.It is fitted in tho upper cham-

ber of tho filter and water pass-

es through it, all impurities intho water remaining on thooutside. It may bo clpaned in amoment and will last for yearsas it is six inches in thickness,instead of ono as in ordinarystone filters.

Tho quality is tho best and5.50 for a six gallon filter is

lower than you ever paid bo-for- e.

!W-J- LVon Holt Building.

Assignment Notice.IIVM11V nVlQ.t. rn m linxrni in it

UII. ImvhiL- - miulu an nsstcmnent to mo of elltlnVlr property for tlio oenctit of their cred-itor, nil persons having claim against BaldJMnrj-naUst- t Co. are hereby requcited topieVcnt the same to mo at tliu olllcuof JIWMcC'Jieancy & Sons, nonolulq, within threomonlia (rom date or they will be foreverbarreU. .

Y V McCHESNEY,Assignee of 11 Dals t Co.

Honolul June 13th, 1890, 3.?D-3- t

Page 5: eVGNING; i i Evening Paper Published Hawaiian Islands ...Stato and-. ..'. . . $-Co.-! '-&-'. .-$ $--..,? ...



EVENING BULLETIN, JUNE 17, 189G.wjfiwwMinmupmiimwfinMi'ui'iiY




nm mi


y s


Tho registration ofllco haB boonclosed.

First Regiment vs. Honolulu onSaturday afternoon.

This is tho annivorsnry of P. 0.Jo Bunker Hill.

Officors of tho.. military are toform an association.

Murata & Co. havo somotbingto look at in tbis issue.

This is LadioB' day at tho Paci-fi- o

TonniB Olub grounds.Tho Board of Health will hold

its usual weekly session tbis af tor-noo- n.

Immenso mounds of coal ,nrerising in tho neighborhood of thenow market.

TJie race botwoou Billy Buttonand Judah will como oir at 2o'clock tomorrow.

Tho annual mooting of tho Ha-waiian Socioty, Sous of tho Revo-lution, takes placo this afternoon.

Tho relay bicycle raco whichwas to havo como off on Saturdayis now set for tho morning of July5th.

Prosidont Cleveland has nomi-nated William Churchill of NowYork as Consul-gener- al at Apia,Samoa.

Major-cenora- l W. H,i accompanied by ins sonlinn rrmin in V.iirnnn fnr. ...... . .t. rc' months' trip.

Dimond,Harry,a four

v ' Tho Toyo Maru .will tako back?', '

. about 300 Japanese, most of thomboing laborers whoso contractshavo expired.

D. G. Camarinos' Sparta res-taurant in San Francisco has beenclosed up by tho sheriff! for non-payment of ront.

Lieutenant Shoemaker of thePhiladelphia was marriod. to MiesJennie Cheesoman at San Fran-cisco on Juno 2d. '

George Warflold, son of Gon-er- al

R. H. Warfield, was marriedto Miss Harriet Scawell of Healds-bur- g

on tho 9th.Louis Kenako is off on a two-wcok- s'

vacation on Kauai and thoother postoflico officials are lone-som- o

in consequence.Tho Kinau did not got away

fr until 3:30 yesterday afternoon.There was a very largo crowd attho wharf to sco her off.

Tho Wall Nichols Co. will botho distributing agents, for thoHawaiian Directory now bpingcompiled by B. L. Finney.

The Princo ' of Wales' Persim-mon won tho English Derby by aneck from Baron Leopold doRothschild's St. Frus-quin- .

Ono of tho loading physiciansis authority for tho statement thattho peculiar weathor is causing alarge amount of rheumatism.

Tho Australia and tho Copticaro both duo from tho coast onMonday, but tho latter is likely tobo a day or two lato in starting.

Tho opium bill is not dead. Ithas only gono to sloop for acouple of years. So say somowho protend to know all aboutit.

Tho old sewor which crossedAllon street at Kokuanaoa wasfilled in yesterday by a forco ofworkmen undor tho superinton- -'

' donco of George Lahilahi.Tho graduating class of Oahu

College is commposed of A. F.Afong, T. H. Bartow, W. R. Cas-tl- o,

Jr., 0. E. Hapai, 0. N. Tracyand tho Misses A. I. Forbes andM. E. Rice.

J. N. K. Koola, socrotary of thoHouso of Representatives, has thosympathy of many friends for thodeath of his young son and sec--ond child, aged sixtoon months,

' of cholera infantum. Tho childtwas buriod today.

Fifty-seve- n out of tho soventy-oig- ht

speoies of Hawaiian birdsand 700 out of the 1000 species ofinsects do not oxist in any otherportion of tho globo. This ac-

counts for tho number of natural-ists who visit theso islands.

Sharkey, tho pugilist, is nowafter Corbott. Ho is offoring tobet that " Pompadour Jim " can-

not put him to sloop in fourrounds. Sharkey won a ton-roun- d

contest with Wiliiams of Salt


Lake in San Francisco on tho3rd, finishing him up in sevenrounds.


Makes Heller Bread and rastry thanAny Other A'noum Brand.

Atk Your Grocer For It. '


See card of Club Hotel. I

fctiga is 3 13-lGt- hs, a drop of

W. L. Hopper came down ontho Peru.

There woro no arrests today upto 2 p. m.

Tho Peru will soil for tho Ori-o- nt

at 3 o'clock.Yeo Wok has a notico of his

purchase of a grocory business inKona.

Ah Chong wob fined $25 andv;uoio nils muruiug tor peuuiingohefa tickets.

Mrs. M. E. Logan arrived ontho Peru to tako tho Morning Starfor her homo at Ruk.

W. C.Weodon has boon appoint-ed administrator of tho estato oftho lato O. R. McVeigh.

Only five return pormits wofoissued to Ohiuoso leaving by thoPoru, but a goodly number ofpassports were taken out.Thoombozzlomentchargo against

J. H. Barunaba was nolle pros.'dtoday, as was tho clmrgo of. for-gery agaiust Nakooko.

A native- hackman's horso ranaway on tho waterfront today,smashing a wheol of tho hackagainst Wilder's lumber pile.

Investigation by tho Marshal'somployos makes it almost certainthat the Japanoso who was founddead on Sunday committed sui-cide

Tho two Chineso nrrostod forvagrancy in peddling obscono pic-tures pleaded not guilty thismorning and Judge do la Vorgnefixed thoir trial for tho 20th.

Mrs. J. Lightfdot rocoivod thosaa nows by tuo roru oC tlie doathin England ok her aunt, Mrs.Taylor, who visited her last yearand made many frionds in Hono-lulu,

Tho Supreme Court is hearingstho appeals of tho widow and thotrustees in tho matter of tho es-tato of J. G. Haysoldon. Robert-son for tho widow; Kinney &Ballon for the hue tees.

S. Asam of Tokio, who is at thohead of a new Japanese syndicatewith 85,000,000 capital to start anow lino of steamers botwoen. thoprincipal ports of Japan andPortland, is in San Francisco ne-

gotiating with tho Union IronWorks for vossels.

James F. Morgan will soil atauction on July 8 twenty-tw- o

horaeBtoadB on the Waikiki road,toingta subdivision of tho proper-ty formerly ocoupiod by OlaroncoMacfarlano, also fourteen lots ad-

jacent thereto. Soo notico withterms in this paper.

Mr. Gohring, tho plumber intho Waring Block, received wordby tho Peru of tho death of htsfather, Win. Gehrinjj, of Seattle.Mr. Gohring was driving a teamof horses attached to a wagon,when tho vohiolo ran over somekind of an obstruction in theroad, throwing him out and kill-ing him instantly.

Auction Sales by Jas. F. Morgan




At my Salesroom, Quoon Street, I will soilat l'ublio Auotiou

22 HOMESTEAD SITESOu tbo Wolklki Koad,

Being a Subdivision of tho Property f for-merly ocoupied by O W Maofarlnne, Esq.Also

14 Siles, Ajacent to the Above,

And facing on the Waikiki Itoad andJohn Una Itoad Tho John Emi Itoad Isnow being wldoncd to 60 foot.

TERMS!The purchaser has tho optiou of tlirea

plans:First Cash.Second One-T'lii- ul Cash balanco on

mortgago at 8 per cent.Third Payments on the Installment

plan as agreed, say $50 Cash, and balance910 por month.

tit" Maps at mv Salesroom, whore allpaitlculars' cuu bo obtainod. '

JAS. J?. MORGAN",332.18t Auttioneer.





Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.


N9sl PcTi&Dr.





is a roliable specific for soroor iuflame'd eyes.

Xlllti cjro-wu- lur llUL'o mrrothou cleanso; it destroys thopoison and soothes tho oyo.By doing all this it cpntrolstho inilammation. Prico 25cents por bottle. Bookletgiving full directions witheach bottle.



P. O. 480. -- a


To My Patrs;It gives mo much pleasuro

to announce that MR. M. R.COUNTER, ono of tho moatskilled wutchmikors ever intheso Islands, is now managingmy repairing department. Nowatch is so complex in itsmechanism but wo can givo por-

ted satisfaction in correctingtho evils to watohes arohoir. Watches aro delicatethings to handlo. Wo gunrnnteoMmf fh'ey will no injur'at our and will lenvoour ptoro in porfect repair.



Poundmaster's Notice.

June 14, 1 bay horse, branded "GQ" onleft bind Ice, whlto spot on forehead and lefthind leg wliltq.

Juiu 14, I bay horse, branded "D" on lefthind k-f- whlto spot on forehead and bothhind legs whlto.

June J4, 1 bay branded "XI" on righthind leg. '

All persons owning thoaulmals aro hereby uutlticd to present theirclaims within the time specified by law, fall-In- i;

they will bo sold at public auctionat the Government ut Maklhl, on Sat-urday the 18th day of June, 1890, at 13o'clock noon.

HENRY KUAL11,8Mit Pandnter.

I . 1h

f THE I. X. L. IHas just received ex W. H. Dimond a largo invoice of


2 a Balloons, American and Hawaiian Flags, Decorating Bunt- -rT3 31 OI.il.l 1 il.jugs, oiuuiuB, uic, lor mo

4TH OF JUE.Y!311 80" coode aro now and frosh of tho best nualitv.2 and will bo sold at tho low.ost cash prices.

JJ6T" Island orders promptly attended to

TVi.c T "Y-- T.

51 Box






Wiflnrnnr Nnnnnii nnrl TTinnr ofrnftfa

BfST Telephone 478.


,' ' U?y syS --v '-- t3T- -

fCr' I SSCff.Jy, if) -

W. i5rA VwV '


BLUSTER and BLUFFCut no Ice with sonsiblo people. Wo mako noblull" and otter no bluBter. Our SHOES arojust as represented. Established upon the fund-amental principles of construction, namely: Fit,comfort, durability and style. They stand alonoand wo behind them.

Melnerny's Shoe Store,.

' ' '405 Fort Street, Honolulu.



N. ' S. SACHS'520 lorfc Street.

L LNBHST JLiA-OEl'ljIISrE- LA.CJE!The very article for trimming Underwear, 4 incheswido; 10c a yard or SI for a dozen yards


Just tho Lnco for Trimming Wash Dresses, 5 incheswido, for 25c a yard, 7 inches wide for 30c a yard. . '.

COTTON MAXTJiCSJi) LA.CES!At 20c a yard.

EMBROIDERIES! EMBROIDERIES!Pretty Narrow Edgings, 15 yards for.?l. ,

Great : Seduction : Sale !

Commencing Thursday, May 27th,WE WILL PLAGE ON SALE AN IMMENSE LINE OF

Muslins reduced to

15 Yards for $1.00.Brown Cottons reduced from

10 to 16 Yards for- - $1.O0.White Cottons reduced from

14 to &0 Yards for $LOO. !

. llJ'tl ,lf ..



Waterhonse Great Bargainp-SAL-E

To close out tho Full Lino of Goods placed in Our Salo a stillFurther Reduction is made in all Classes of Goods.

HATS and GAPS, from a Tam O'Shantor to a SILK BEAVER.

lUbfons, Laces and Embroideries still a Great Variety I.

BEAUTIFUL TERIiY QUILTS MarvolouBly Cheap.LADIES' nud MEN'S HOSE in Black StripoB and Balbriggan.

Men's Drawers and Undershirts.COSTUMES AND JACKETS.A Largo Selection of. FLOWERS, 10c a Bunch.

JUST" This Salo must soon closo. Now iB your opportunity.



Among tho thousand and ono use-

ful articles handled by us, wo do-Bi- ro

to mako special mention of tho

SecretaryDisc Plow

which liaswon bo flat-teri- ng

an a ruo foritself


tho United States and Canada andis now boine introduced hero.

This plow is tho plow "par oxcollonco" for breaking and cultivatingground. It will do tho work of throo ordinary plows.

Another specialty is our iminnnso variety of fino PICTUREMOULDINGS of which wo havcf just received a.now lot. We FiumePictures at Eastern pricos. Planters should boar in mind that ourVACUUM OILS aro tho host made and aro winning their way intotho graces of ovory engineer who uses thom. SLACK & BROWN-LOW'- S'

FILTERS, the improvod household filters, havo met with sokind a reception that, although in use for twenty years, there hasnever been a complaint made by tho purchastir.

Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd,FOItT STltEET,

iano Tor Sale.



TEL. 10.

For Rent.

PREMISES ON LILIIIA STREET, DI.Hub fin excellent tone ami jh in lino condU xeclly opiKisilo, School Btrcct., Ront $12tiou. Will ho Hold cheap (or cash. per month. Apply to

Addreea u. T. J. m. muhhaiuiat,195--tf . Ofllco.


Cartwrtght Blook, Merohant street.







' it




. t.( ,






ii i 1 "K'J:

.H 'it'miMm L,-- t

S. ..UbUki itammmr r "wmwiumi ! im mm m i in i i

Page 6: eVGNING; i i Evening Paper Published Hawaiian Islands ...Stato and-. ..'. . . $-Co.-! '-&-'. .-$ $--..,? ...


'i v ,







' '.?'V







Aro Horn of Time iumI l'rngrci, nmlOld Imiick rerlnli.

It may bo safely stated thatwlmtovor timo tho Methodist gon-or- al

conforonco nt Clevelandtho proBcribod amusomont

quostion will bo wasted, meaningthoroby that no substantial olmngowilljbo effcotod in tho nctunl dis-cipli-

of tho churchy whatevermay bo put into tho pnntod codo.Tho discussion o tho questionwill crcato considorablo irritation,and tho foclinga of tuo brethronwlio dosiro a return to tho old

'paths will bo hurt by tho declara-tions of tho younger and more lib-or- al

brethren, who do not boliovonn immortal bouI is imperilled bywitnessing tho representation of

Tni, j:i. j t iJkUU J.UKUU) 1U II JJI111UUI11. Ui" Tho Old Homestead." or oven" Hazol Kirko," within tho wallsof a thoator.

Conferences, may formally do-cla- ro

against tho proscribednmuBomonts and provido addi-tional penalties for indulgence inthem on tho part of church mora-bor- s,

but suuh action will notprove effectual, because it is notto bo undertaken with sincorityand nniuiiniity. Tho "anti to-

bacco" resolution has boon adopt-ed by uumborle.ss conferences,but has novcr'nbolished tho uso ofthe "vecd" with tho Methodistclorgy. Thero is nn old story ofn bishop, greatly venerated in hisday, who, at tho very solemn iu-- ,staut whon a conforenco was con-demning' tobacco, remarked to afollow bishop on tho bench that,as for him, ho believed with thoapostle who snid that some menato strong meat and others herbs;that for his own uso ho preferred"herbs," aud proceeded to takeanother chew of tho Nicotianatabacum in tho prepared form of"plug." It would bo of no uso todeny that thoro aro Methodistministers in good and regularstanding, 'preaching jjvitb. greatpower and to great acceptance,who tako enjoyment in a goodcigar, and who oven masticate"lino cut," and sudh examples donot loud oncourngomont to boliofin tho success of strenuous legis-lation concerning proscribedamusomont.

It will bo found that now timesdomauduow laws", not tho renewalor revival of old ones. The regu-lations imposed by John "Wesleyupon his now-forme- classes andcongregations, while pouerallydictated by wisdom and indeed bycommon sense, may not bo appro-pritvt- o

' or applicablo in our lay,any moro than churches in ourtimo would caro to conform to thoprac'ices of a timo when a mem-ber of a church might withoutoffense own a substantial interestin an African slaver.

What is desired by thoso whowould furthor limit tho amuso-mon- ts

alroady designated as "pro-scribed," viz., a return .to rigorous,

aolf-donyin- g, ascotio religion whichmortifies tho ilesh and humblostho natural man, is not to "bo

brought about by tho regulationsof any conference or gonorul

or other gatherings of thoclorgy aud laity. All that comesfrom great movomonts, which arono more to be forestalled in theirbeginnings than tho enrthqurtkoor tho tornado, movements likeChristianity itself in its first day,a" forco that camo to lay down anow law to tho form-worshipin- g

Pharisees and unbelieving Saddu-cee- s

and a heathen world aunkonin Bwiuish wickedness. Such amovement was Protestantism,and, for that mattor, originnlWesloynnisiu. It Was this voice,"Come yo out nrui boyo separate,"that in a very old church has ledmen to loavo a world of pride andpleasure and fame and indulgenceand livo in fasting, prayer andvigils long and cold. It waB thisvoice that apako to tho crippledsoldier, Lojoln, at Pumpoluna.

Pictures having soiled marginscan Do made look as good as .now,by putting in a now mat. Thocost ia rriiliug 'it taken toB"ros., Hotel St.


Oit'y Uiirringo Co., J. S. And.rado, trmn'ig'.-r- . If yon want aLaok with good horno and euro-- ,ful chivor ring tip lVlophono 113,corner of Fort and Merchantstrftp. Rack nfc all h on r.

FREETosltsufferlnff Hh Throiit, I.niw or WIItiR niwaffsblinMch Uatarrh.gcruln, AMIima. or Ncnnm Detil.Itv, Hi, will h) ki en a Mlunla liolllo .f II1L 0(111.HIN'H l:.MUI,rilON for trial.lUMiVIliKtaroof Ilpitt'TFH Drug Co , llnnnluln, 11, I,

I.Vff '''"' u '''"ljl' u U1JC or llouey.

Call atlt

v . -r.o:"mBurning Pain

Erysipelas In Faoo and EyosInflammation Subduod and Tor

turoB Ended by Hood's."I am io glad to be relloTcdof mj torture

that I am willing to tell tho benefit I hare de-tir-

from Hood's BarsaparllLi. la April andMay, I wai afflicted with cryilpelas In my faceand eyes, which spread to my throat and neck.I tried (liters ointments and altcrattrti. butthere was no permanent abatement of tho burn-In- e,

torturing pain, peculiar to this complaintI began to tako Hood's sarsaparllla and

Felt Marked Rollerbefore I had finished the first bottle. I con-tinued to ImproTo until, when I had taken foui


bottles, I was completely cured, and folt that allstfrns. marks and symptoms of that dire complaint had foccTOr vanished." Mlis. Z. E.Ottawa, Illlltboro, Wisconsin.

Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yeteasy In action. Sold by all drusslsts. 25c.

Hobron Drug Co., L'd,Solo Aconta for tbo Itopnblio of Hnwnii.

Seaside ResortWright's Villa,

A Short Distance from tho Bridge,Wnikikh

Ton rists andcdvnutngo to

) ?- -2

others will find it to theirvisit- - tho nhovo resort', as

thej will meet with every accommodationthat comfort veciuirts.

MBS. TH03. WRIGHT,325 tf I'roprlptrcsE.

CENTRAL,Kona Sanatoritim.Bltnatod on n Beautiful Uillsldo Overlook

ing tho Ocean, mid 1S00 feetnbtve 8eii I.tnol.

Only 24 hour ' mill from Honolulu.Climato mild, oe.ir iry nlijiosphoro, freofrom fogs nud mnlnri.i, iwpoclnl provisionfor quiet and tmt na well as for nmuuo-men- t

nnd outdoor life.137 AbdreFB

Dlt. H. A. L1XPLKY, Prop.,325 tf Kona, Hawaii.


No. 117 Btthel st., between King mid Ilote

Clothing- - Made to OrderIN THE LATEtfT 8TVLE.

Satisfaction Gunrentooil. for Good Fit.Only Wiiitk TiUion Iiplovkij. '

Jicpuiriiiff and UIchh1ii a Sjicclnltr.

213-t- f


FROM S5.00 UP.

J. B0DR1CUES,Fort Street, oppolto llackfdd's.

AM XffX $

Fffl If fn 1

hW il)

1 11it i f

' tA Npw Lot



-- OK-


Make Yod



of Goods Jtistnnd Re--

Ypn ;

'-- ANT

PYau toQj

ANTIn this hot

not only looksbut ia uncomfortnblo to wenr.

In ordor to ensuroand comfortable suits, tbo

and mako of which aroguaranteed, call around at

Medeirosfe Decker'sand you'll get you want.

Telephone Gdl. P. O. Box 298.


Hartford Fire Insurance Company., Hartford,Ahs,cts, $0,220,213.09. Income, $7,000,103.08.






Want Them

climnto ill-fitti-

clothing sloven-ly




Lonaon inr Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, (U. S.tuiuiiunj, Mveipuui, tingiana.

Auects, Incomo,

'Palatine Insurance Company, (U. S. 'Branch), Manches-ter, England.

Astets, 2,830,230.23. Income, $3,015,084.00.I'liHt-elns- s Mcicantlle and MnnninctnrinR IIIhId und DweUhiR Pro.Iioity in tho above n CompuuicB on the moid fuvoroblo terms. ,

Hn, ZDoweett.ItKnCIIAST

CLUB STABLES,Street, --- --- iel.

-:- - SALE -- : ANT) -:- - LIVERY.

TO--- :-. A.2STD -

A specialty.










Tho li(Jnt6fMlttentlau iriven fo Hiiimn13 Irft w!Hi na rwnfi .1.1. .. .'..i..inttomlanfc, iiroinptnciw. Ji.o),s, SnnleB, Dmlion. UiiKd?,rimctoo8, WugouettCB.




$2,700,870. 51,810,000.


Clavs SriincKEt.s. Wm. 0. IltWlN.



San Francisco Agentu Tub Nevada Bank opBan Francisco.


San FkAncisco The Nevada Hank of SanFrancisco.

London The I'nlon Bnnk of Loinlon. Ltd.New Yokk American Exchange National

Bnk .Chicago Merchant Natlnnnl Bank.1'Aliis Coinptolr National il'Escompt do

l'arls.Beiilin Dcsdner Bank.Honokono and Yokohama Hongkong &

Shanghai Dniiklne Corporation,New Zai.ani and Avstuama Bank of Now

Zealand.Victoiua and Vancocvek Bank of Mont-

real.Transact a General Banking an! Eichange Business

Term and Ordinary Dcpolsts Received.Loans mndo on Appiocd Security. Com-mercial and Traclers Cicdlta Issued. Billsof Exchanpo bought and sold.Collections 1'iiompii.t Accounted Fon.

p. o. JONES.



The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOR SALE

A Few Shares of

Pain Stifjar Stock,Hawaiian Su(rar Go. Stock.


Hawaiian Government nud 1stMortgage Sugar Planta-

tion .Bonds.

EST For particulars apply to

Tho Htiwuiian Safo Deposit &Investment Company,

08 Fort Street ... Honolulu

Established 1858


', Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.4 Commercinl arid Traveler'sLetters of Credit issuedavail-able in all tho principal citiesof tho world.

MRS. L. A.

" One tho divinest benefits that hashuman race." TThomas Carlylc.







Corner Fort ant Merchant Sts.

of a!



Mrs, Brentner

Every Month with Nervous


for the.

That Cured Her.

Thousands of women are today blessingPaine' s Celery Compound for the great good ithas done them, and scores have written letterssimilar to that of Mrs. L. A. Brentner.

San Jacinto, Cal.Dear Sirs: I have suffered severely vith

nervous sick headaches, with which I wastroubled every month. The pain was so severethat it completely prostratod me and itseemed to mc thab-- I bhould go crazv. I hadtried all kinds of remedies without obtaining J

s &V fA.i.'-

over to--

Pipes, Tobacco, .

and-Smokers- '

Articles- -

import' tho Princi-

pal Factories of tho WorlvL

1 Fine Cigars Specialty


Wire Fence!


cqmo Hie

Wo from


CO.,"Wholesale and Botail

wire Fence I

Special Sale Pence Wire.Exceptional Low Kates

--witla Fain.

Completely Prostrated


Heart-fe- lt Medicine

Galvanized Fence Wire. Nos. A, 5 and & -- -'

'Annealed and Yariiishcei.do. Mos, --h'Si(ud'&

Bard Wire, A points, 7 inches apart.

&F-- For terras, apply to



any rfcrmancnt relief until I used Paine' s Celery-Compou- nd

which completely cared met



The Medicine TM

lakes People Well!

Why suffer longer with liver and stomachtrouble? Paine' s Celery Compound will makoyou well. Read how it cured Mr. J. M,Buchner.

Kettle Falls, Wash., Dec. 9, 1894.Gentlemen .I have taken only two bottles

of Paine s Celery Compound for rheumatism,and liver and stomach troubles, and will k

in baying that I am well pleased with thoresults. I used one bottle and was 'so muchbetter that I abandoned its uso for atime, but my old stomach trouble made its ap-

pearance 'again. I procured another bottle inSeptember and. after using that I felt well.




Co.,"Wholesale Agents for the Hawaiian Islands




e il


Page 7: eVGNING; i i Evening Paper Published Hawaiian Islands ...Stato and-. ..'. . . $-Co.-! '-&-'. .-$ $--..,? ...


t rixrawmnMrs. NtnnTord'H Ociicroftlty.

Mra, Jnno L. Stanford's dovo-tio- n

to tbo univorsity which boarsIior son'B uauio and to tbo noblnfdoft wbioh it represents has boonshown in a way so uncommon nsCo attract flpooial attention,

wai ' receiving underxa ordor of oourt, an allownnou of$10,000 n. month'" ponding thoswtfcling' up Of tho esta'to, bug

tbo noods of the universityas. boitig paramount to hor,pwn,and voluntarily asked tho, courtto rodaco bor allowanco to $2,600a month, in ordor Unit tho unive-rsity might havo tho rest. Possiblytrader this arrungoment Bomo offtlio minor bonofnotions wbiob shofexstors will snffor a slight ourtnil-mo- nt

of thoir rovonucs, but thogreater likolibood is that sho linsprovided for .thorn and has loft,Eterself but n meager inoomo. Horwants nro eeconfliiry in hor esti-mation to thoso of many withwhom febo bus established u claimrapon her bounty. With it ruroaalf saorilico slio is living ovidont-B- y

for tho good Unit sho can do;ud ns this is done on a splond'd

Ticulo, both its to munificotico andwisdom, and is laying tho surestjfoundntion of California's futuregroat nose, it is tho sinooro wiah'ofall that bor strongtb and poacomay enduro for many years tocome. Examinor.

Not Willi and Woolly.

Arizona will compare more thanEtvorably with many of tho.Eastern States in point of borideational advantages and 'Hieprogress mado in her publioschoolu. Racont Statistics takonshow tho uvcrjtgo intolligonco ofour boys and girls, of school agois higher tban thoso of somo ofih No,w England, States, and yetArizona ii doniod Statohood, andficrco of tboso who dony thislanlicnblo right deolaro they doso cn account of the ignoranco ofour people. These pqoplo whoanaeft this only show tbeir ownSack of information. ArizonaStar,

m m mi

A.. J. Dorbv, D.JD.S., Dentalaffic( Cottage Nq. 100, AlakoaRlloe;, telephone 10.615. Oflioehours 9 a.m. to 4 P.M.

v Goto tbo Washington Peod.Co.'Ebc fresh bay, grain and feed.No. il, Fort street. Tolophono422. P. O. Box 463. Promptdal ivory.


NOTICE.No persons are authorized

to contract for advertisementsor solbit for tho sale of thoaew Hawaiian Directory inHonolulu, except myself andJ". B. Daniels. Furthermore, IRave nc connection whateverwith aiy San Francisco firm.

B. L. FINNEY.323-t- f

Hawaiian FertilizingCOMPA.TSTY

la f ropnrod to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerT order for 1800.


lb. Quantities to Suit:1EW Orders solicited for a future de-fo- rj

.A. K. COOKE, Manager.

A Penny Savedfs aPenny Earned!XDo "STcl "TTsTarLtYour Hooks Written Up, Your Bills MadoOut, Your HuRiuosa Letters Written, YourBad Debts Collocted, nil for the small sumf$5 per week. W?rk performed regular

ly, faithfully and mtisfactprily. Engage-uian- ts

mado by tho day, weok or month,EST Address n poutal to "Coubespon.

assT," Honolulu l'ost Office, or ring upTelephone 02. 322- - lm

Por Sale or To Let.

HOUSE AND LOT AT TUNAIIOUrwar car line. Front and Ilaok Parlor,Siniug-room- , 3 Bedroous, Largo Bathroomurilh Patent Closet, Kitchen and Fantry,SorvAWts1 Rooms, Chiken and WashHouhos. Eleotiio LighU flrcntcr part ofthe) Ijuildiugs belug new. To n purohascr

, reasonable amount in cash and easypaymonts. Lo( contains about

Jt5,000 snuare feet.A. W. KEEOH,

330 tf I.I.8. N. Co.

FREETo fttlsnflfertnf uh TbroiL Lunff or Wanting I'1wlBtoniachCtUrrh, Scrotal!, Ahni, or Keron lebltKt,tf.t,lll t ln lumpl bottlo of DM. OOIl.

CIIOCOLATI! KMULWON for trill fell'ikrof IIounTiR Iirof. OMlIonololo, 11. I,' "Itu'i" '!'.

;bruce cartwright,Gonoral Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of tho United Stolon for the HawaiianIslands.

OnroM Merchant stroot, Honolulu.



Assets, - - - $10,000,000.


Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

Dr. W. L. Moore

STJLXgreon..Hllo, Hawaii.

Special attention given to diseases of thecyo nuclear.

'omcohour.jgfc'f;Waianuenuo Ave. near Court House. iG3tf

:-- Dr. Russel, -- :

Office, Masonic Building.Hours: : 0--11 am, 3--5 pra. : Telephone 184.

Residence. Telcphono 67(5.163-l-

Geo. H. Huddy.D.DJ3.

DENTIST.Fot STftxrr, orr. Cathouo Mbsioju

Hours from 9 a.m. to 4 p jt .

A. C. WALL, D: D. S.,

DENTIST.Hotel' Streot, ' Arlington Cottage.



TELEPHONE 023.Office: Corner of Fort and Borotania


Office Hours: Otoll a. m., 1 to 4 p.m.Sundays,." to.10 a. m.

I. MORI, M. D.,Office, Fort Street, near Borotania.

Eosidonco, Arlington Hotel.Hours: 7 to 8:30 a m; 4 to 8:30 p m; Sat-urda- y

and Sunday, 1 to S p m. Tel. G30.


Honolulu, II. 1.

tST Office : 111 Merchant street.




A. V. GEAR."

Telephone 358, : : : : No. 609, King St.



Office: Druco Waring & Co., I?ortstrret.

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car lino nnd on A

KOAD near FertilizingPlant.-

These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms,

Deairnble Acre Tracts near tho city andother Properties for sale.

BRUCE, WAKING & CO.,Doalors in, Lota and Lands,

G03 Fort Street, near King.Telephone C07. P. O. Box 821.

G. R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tuner,

Can Furnish tho BestFactory Reference.

Office, Fort street, opposite Catholic School.

Telephone 2,11, (12 and 100.

B" Orders promptly attended to. I

M SW"'"',;, V ",



Oastle & Cooke(LlMITKU)


.' mid .CommissionMorchahts,

GeneralItH 1 (111 I


Wm. G. Srwin &.Co.(limited).

Wm. O. Irwin, - President nnd.MnnngorGlaus Sprcckels, ... nt

W. M. OilTnrd. Secretory and TroasntorThco. O. Porter, -- , - - Auditor

Sugar 3actorsAND

Commission Agents.AOKNTS OF TUB



The Club HotelLato MOHELIEU.l

"Will opori under, .tho manage-ment of Mrs. E. D'Aroy, former-ly proprietor of tho Club Hotol,Kobe, Japan,

On June 10th.Excellent Table !

Service Unequaled!

Rich fittings for Dining andTiffin Booms, imported directfrom the Orient. JPrivato Din-ner Parties a specialty.

A limited number of personsmay bo accommodated withrooms, single or on suite.

322-t- f.

Beaver Saloon,II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Coffeeat AiiL nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND. ,

Eagle -:- - House(Jno. MoLean, Prop.)

Nuuanu Ave., between" Derutanla nnd Schoostreets.

ROOM AND BOARD:Per Day, $1.50Per Week,.. .... 9.50

Booms to lot without board If preferred)

PtTDanoInc evory Saturday withQloo Club in attondanco.



1". ICroiise. Xrop.Per .Day 3 2.00Per Week 12.00

E3pclal AfoxrtlHsr ZiatosITho Best of Attendance, the Best Situa-tion nnd the Fluent Jloala in this City

E HOBNB --A- ZEC S3 15 "ST I

Hotel atreet, near Fort.

BREAD, PIES and CAKESOf all kinds.

3fiT"The Finest Imported and Home-made Confectionery.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

219 neadquurters for Island Curios,

. v v



Cow M i iGal Novels

tub ronucii aCikitkd asthb

Dy tbe leading Colleges and most noted Statesmen and Wrltcts

Of the World.Tho latter as tho

MOST INTERESTINGHistory of America

Ever Written.Cr- - READ A FEW OPINIONS! --Wfr

Tho Dictionary!lrnf. SluilRrnf Ilnrvnnl nnynl

"It will remain un 6mluring monumentto tbo labor of its editors."I'rof. Snycoof OxforilUntvornlty ny I

"It will desorvo all of the encomia passedupon it."l'ror. WlieolcrnrVntomiy;

"Clear, conciso, accurate, comprehenslvo."

The Historical Novels.By Professor John 1. rvIUstolcWin. MoKlnlpy, Oovornor of Ohio, uny.i

"O no of tbo most beautiful productionsof tbo American press I have over seon."

Tlioum nuivmnii, I.I-- i I.L.D., IIUli-o- p

ofilio itl. K, Cliurcli, irilaHoiirl. nyi:"I bavo read 'Tbo Columbian Historical

Novels' witb croat ploasnro. Any ono, Ihink, can read tbeso books witb plcasuro

and profit."II. I.. AVliHinnll. D.D., T.I..D., l'rcl.dent of Colby Unkvernltr. lUnlue. Maym" 'Tbo Cblumbian Historical Kovels'

bavo a welcome place in' my homo. Tboyhave quiekened interest in tbo study of ournational lifo. I know of no moro valuablehelps to lx placed in tho bomo."

B. B. POSS,Soliciting Af;ent.

CJv, Address T.,0. Box'307i Honolulu,or call at tho I. X. L. Store, corner KingAnd Nuutmu streets. .



Importers andLIquor Merchants.No. 5, Drnmin Street, - San Francisco.

' FOlt SALE IN BDLK.American BocnnoN Whiskies in Bond por

barrel containing about 40 gallons eachat various prices according to age andquality.

California Qrafk Bundv in Bond perbarrol of about 40 to CO gallons.

CASE Q001J8..lAholht celebrated Cate )Vhithet:

"Extra Tony" Bourbon Wbisky, 12 bottles3 gallons por oaso.

"Boargrass" llonrbou Wbisky, 12 bottles, 22-- 6 gallons per case.

"Old l,ioncor"l(jiirlon Whisky, 12 bottloa,2 2-- 5 gallons por enso.

"TenueHseo AVblte Ityo" Wbisky, 12 boltlos-- '

2 2-- gallons per cuso.OALIKOHNIA I'ORT WINES, BnEllItlES,


Send orders by .mail. Satisfaction gua-ranteed,

Braunsclrweiger & Co.,Hl-l- No. 5, Drummstroet.

Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Ales and




Aro of tho finest and coma to uidirect from Enropo. .

OUR MCBRAYER WHISKEYImported straight from Louisvilfo, Ky.


COMMERCIAL SAL0QNCor. Nuuniiu tnd Heretnula fit:

T. KKVEN, IMniinccr.

COOL FRESH BEER!On Draught and tbe Standard Brands of

Bottlo Beer.





Tho celebrated ENTEiti'itiSE

Beek on Draught and inBottles. .

PURIFINE' Is tho disinfectant-that- , the worldIs talking about'lfi tho United,States its merits are becomingknown.. Tho peoplq, aro using, It.Purlflno posBesses many points InIts favor over other prerkrations.It is odorless, and In employing Itas a disinfecting agent, does notcreate another odor as offensive asthat which It subdues. us

too. That's, nn advan-tage children will meddloj' ser-

vants misunderstand; then there'strouble. Somo ono is poisoned.

Thoso who use it speak its pralsoIn tonvlnclos l.npiu.. H.rf. .,.

"Wo uso Puriflno nnd find it verygood for deodorizing sinks andboxes, etc., nnd for wnsbing spongesused nbout subjects for dissec-tion. W. A, OAMPD13LL.

Demonstrator of Anatomy."

upon you and explain merits "Purifuie" and "Au-

tomatic Distributors."

HOLLISTER DRUG. CO.,Eorfc Street. Exclusive Agents Islands.

New Ms!

I'm a Dandy but I'm no Jhldi,

Telephone 240. ' 111 Fort



03- -



,'v IgS


the of tho

523 for tho

,.T-T- ,19.

sa!o by

25c, bOc, 75c. and $L.50 bot-

tles. The "AUTOMATIC


rental. Our Agents will call

Fresh Goods!

LEWIS & GO.,:jiiii:

Are having, a big rushtheir

Hams & Bacon.1

Catch on or you will

get left. - - -

Street. P. O. Box 147?


assortment of J

--1. O. IIOX 14S




Booms 12 BPREOKELS BLOCK Honoluln, H. j'.

r--: AT THE -,

Citv Furniture Store,(Comer of Fort and Dcretania streets.)

roootved Ex. Bk. Albert sn







BEED FURNITUAE. "JH.H. WILLIAMS, (Manager)Undortnker and Embalmcr



Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods lloooivod by Evory Fackot from tbo Eastern States and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER;All Orders faitbfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Part of tho City FREE,Islast) Onoms Bolicitkd, Batistaotion QuiBiKrmi


Telephone 53. ,a BST P. O. Box 222.

Oaliu Lumber Building Co.,King Street, near Oabu Railway & Land Co.'s Depot.

Lumber Merchants, Contractors and Builders.IMPORTERS AND DEAIiEltS IN

Doors, Sash, 331inds, Paints, Oil,Builders' Hardware, Etc., Etc.


- 3





, .,j

, s

'fi':' v.



v.l.-.- b


- .'.,.


Page 8: eVGNING; i i Evening Paper Published Hawaiian Islands ...Stato and-. ..'. . . $-Co.-! '-&-'. .-$ $--..,? ...

fc- -


, r

'M -

i rSJ1


f' .



If-- "


V i

,v. .4

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tfE'' -







Other NUIppluff ki ricked Dp T- -

4y IMiena;era Arrived PmPiiPfOrn Ippnrted.

S 8 Peru enlls fur Japan and China at 5p ra. !

Tho Kluau will return on Wednesday next,Instead of Tuesday.

Forty-fiv-e Chinese return to the FloweryKingdom In tlic 8 8 Peru todiy.

On May 29, the bark Edward May for.Honolulu, sailed from New York.

The barkcntlno Kllkltat arrived from Ho-nolulu at 1'ort (Jamblo on June fl.

The ship Commodore hauled buck toOceanic wharftoday to continue loading.

Sit hundred packages of treasure comprisea part of the carijo for tho Orient In the 8 STern.

The U V mtliet has been loading Ewasugar at the Hallroad wharf during the lasttwo da) s

A few hundred baes of Dana sugar wororeceived by the W II Dlruond at I.lkcllkcwharf this morning.

The I" ,M 8 S Peru arrived this morning,about 0 days and a half fiom San Francisco,hit lug sailed on Juno 10.

Toitomtow High tide large, 0.45 p nvhlch tide small, 10.33 a m; low tide large, 3.40am; low tide small, 4:90 p ni.

'I ho barkentlno 8 U llder Irom theCoast on June 7, for Honolulu, and the brigJ I) SprccKcls on the 01 li for Mahukona.

A large spare anchor wa taken aboard theKluau jesterday Just heforp hur departure,to leplucc the otic lost on her l.nt trip.

It Is polble the Morning Star wilt sailthis week. Several arrived bytho I'crn today nho will be passenger to theSouth Seas.

The bark Highland Mglit sailed from New.castle for this port on Apr 7 1 he barkColusa, the Drllhh uhlp King David, and theltiltlsh liaikcntlne Hunter were loadlug onMay 11 for Honolulu.

Arrlxals at Siu rrnni'lstu fiom Hnnnllnnports lately were an Jiillouit: June 4 3Alameda, 0 daytt 11 lira from Honolulu. June5 Ilrlg J D SprciUl. 2 days from Mahu-kona. June 6 Hrlg ConrtM'j Ford, 17 daysfrom Kahulul; schr 1Ilc Cool.e, SI daysfrom Knhnlul; schr John I) Tullant, 20 diijsfrom Kahulnt. June 7 Il.irk Doom. IS duSfrom TToniilulu; sihr Mniy Dotlu 18'j daysfrom Kahulul


WniNE9DAr, June IT.

8tmr Kaena, Cnlway, from Oahu ports.I' M H S Peru, Frlele, from San Fran- -



Wkdmckuat, June 17.

Hk KPIlltbct, Morrison, for San Tram !t.co.

I M S S Peru, Frlelc, for Japan and Chi-na.

Stmr James Makee, Peterson, forKapaa,Kauai. ,


From San Francisco, per P M S 3 Peru,June 17-- Mrs W II Ellert, Miss Kllert, Mrs BA Towe, V L Hopper, Mrs M E Logan, MrsC 1) Lane, Mlijs M ulinnn, Dr Byron Harris,T)r I 1) Arnold, Miss Arnold, Master Arnold,Mrs A Bailer. Miss J Cason, and 5 Europeanetceiage passengers.


For Kauai, per stmr Walaleale, June 1C

Geo Huddy, Judge Kapunlal, J A Aklna,Mrs Akl, Miss Knout, Mr Wuid, AUtundwife, and .1 deck passengers.

l'or Kauai, pi'r mini MlUnlinla June 10Ml Dinip-le- r. J.uuU K inke H'llmli, ASKeu, Miss Julia Smith, PT Phillips, Yarna-sakl- ,

K Egueht, and 1)1 deck passengers.


Ek stmr Kaena SO.) bigs sugar.


Continued from Jul Page.

Joliu D. SprcckolB thrnsbod oueMarshall who came to hiru witha proposition to sell tho A. P. A.'siniluonco in politics to him.

CoruoliiiB Ynuderbilt, Jr., is I

to murry Miss Grace AVilsou.Secretary Carlislo bus replied

to the sub coramitteoof tho SenateFinance Gomniiltoe, justifying thobond issue.


TliO third congress of thoOlminbcitt of Commerce of thoUritish Eni)iio opened ou UioOthwith Jo'ppb Glinmbuiluin, theSecrotury of Stato for tho Coloniesand honorary president ol thecongi'tsJ. iu the ohnir. Tho hallwas lilled with delegates from allparts' of tho ompiro, thoBO of eachcolony grouped under their ownbanner. Canada had two tablesand tho othoie had one. ThoCanadian delegation wa3 headedby .Sir Mackenzie Uowoll andSanfoid Fleming. The gullerywas tilled with ladies. Mr. Cham-borlai- n

in his address discussedan Imperial Zollvorein, or freetrado within the Empire.

May Gore, a young Scotch-actress- ,

is prosecuting BaronRussoll of Kilon'ou for $00,000damages for broaoh of promise ofraarriago. r'

Vert ii us lie mi.

Major Burn Murdoeh'sEgyptmncavalry has 'captured tho ontiroDervish camp of Suarda, and SirHerbert Kitchener hns sent a

of infantry to hold theplace, it being a valuable posi-


EVENING BULLETIN, JUNE 17, 189G.xwwjffwwigjtiaijisyFiTirTiPii wmHwmeAimwtmm 'auwiU'imnMiTijjXtvn.AV'jfiiM.niin)njrituiittKjjALMj.Jun tUIPli)liWWJMjy

Real Instate

BV-j- r Sale.l-- Soid.

2 Sold.3 Two Stores on Nuuanu street,4 Four Lots on Magazine Hill, 75x120.

From 150 to fSOOeacli.5 Lot on HacklUd strict, 80x100.0 -- A Choice Itcsldcnco on Lunalllo street,

mi iuuuitu iuijiiuiuiuviiis.Iuuiu A Desirable Kcsldcnce at Maklkl.Grounds well laid out. Easy terms.

8 Four Houses and Lots on Tuncbbowlstreet, all rented at a monthly rental of HD5.This property Is 240 feet on Punchbowl strce,with a depth of 'iii feet running to the drillgrounds or armory, with a frontago on samefor 4 or 5 more cottages. Tho central loca-tion of tho property makes It most available.

tf House and Lot on Klnau street. Lot70x100 ft. This property will be sold at costand Is an excellent bargain for a home seeker,Tho houso Is clegintly llnlshed and of thebest workmanship and mutcrltls There Is acarriago house and barn on the premises andthe yard Is well laid out with fruit aud orna-mental trees.

10 A Fluo Residence centrally located,containing i5 roonif. Lot 120x200 ft. Twosmall cottages on the lot bringing In goodrental.

1139 Acres of Land In Kallhl valley, (Wal-klk- iside). A strum of water Hows along

this laud. A bargain1250 Acres of Best Coffee Land in Puna.

Hawaii, ticn miles from Itep. ItjcrniVsLarge Colfee 1'Iuututlun. Tho nboo landIs held In feu simple. Also, 30 years lease on11(1 acres adjoining above with a prhlhgeoflSjcarsmorc. Price ?2,000.

13 An Elegant Hesldencc on Lunalllostreet, containing It) rooms, with electriclight fixtures and all modern toilet convenien-ces. There are sen ants' rooms, stables, etc,etc, on Hie premles. Lot continuing 100,000square tect nicely laid out and plautidwlthfruit aud shade trees.

14 A Corcmodlous Residence on Hasslngerstreet, titled with all modern conveniences. Orwill trade tor suburban property.


V House and Lot on Bcrctanla street.House contains U rooms, and all modern

Lot $3x145.17 Kino Itesldcncc on Bcrctanla street.

For further particulars Inquire at'my oillcc.. 18 A House and Lot on Youug street.

10 House and Lot corner Victoria andBcrctanla streets, opposite Thomas square,house contains 0 rooms. Size of lot 1UO2UO.

20 Sold.21 Houso and Lot on Young street near

thu resldcnco ot the Hev. Mr. Hyde. Lot110x110. House contains eight rooms.

22 Small Houso aud Lot on Kcautnokustreet. Lot 60x100.

2J Pearl City Property.24 Desirable TrirU of Coffeo Land on Ha-

waii.25 Tao Stores on Nuuanu st, opposite Kit-k-

lane, also three lodglug houses In therear of sulci stores containing 2u rooms In all.The nbove pajs 10 per cent, and Is leased toresponsible parties for a terms of jcars.

21! A uiost Desirublo Homo on Thurstonnvenue, Lurge grounds and beautiful flow-er garden; liouso furnished throughout inhaul wood with nil latest improvement!.Excellent view of tho city anil .ocean, andone which cuunot be cut off.

27 V Large Lot and Commodious Dwel-ling on Green Street, commanding nn

view of the city iiud harbor. Nochoicer rcaiuenco id to ln had iu tho cityeven by the most fostidiotiH.

28 -- A New Hone ol seen rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent WC, tenant quarters and stables. One blockfrom car lino at Punuhou.

20 Sixteen Lots at Kallhl, Just above Ka-mi hamctia school, on King and ileekleybtleels, Irom SJSO.up.

301 wo House's and Lots on Llllha street.31 An It Acre liacl of Lund at Kullhl

suitable for dividing up Into building lots..12 A Hi iim ami Lot on MikeM Heit..U A U.jiuitiil Buililiiu Lit ui Kallhl,

10.1x200, cleared, lciicod and water laid on.34 A Gently Sloping Lot on Thurston

auntie, 210x11, Invlng ii frontngo on (ireenstreet of 105 lect, and commanding ablrd's-cj- u

view of tho city and harbor.31 Lot on Alexander street, adjoining

residence of Clam Sprcckels.(I Elegant Beach Projicrly at Walklkl.

Notick: I can Negotiate Loans on any ofthe ubove property lor purchaicrs dcslrlugsame at from 50 to 75 per cent of the value.

For Kent.I Eentcd.2 Keutid.3 Hinted.4 Store on King etieet near Fort street.J Oillcc Room ou King street near Fort

streit.11 warehouse on Esplanade,7 A Collage ou Young stiect, containing

5 rooms, pantry and bath. Itcnt f 15 permonth.

8 ltentcd.U llenlcd.10 A Store on Fort street next to Club


Wanted.1 Four or Five Houses for good tenants.2 To rent a ilousu ceutrall located, hav-

ing three or four bedroom?.purchase Kesldi nee convenient to

ear Hues In vicinity of 'lhotm bquaie orLunalllo 6t. Must contain nine or ten rooms,

A To buy n Lot In the klultjt, Maklkl,121 by 200 feet or more.

buy a Lot cmtiallj located, 75 by121 feet or more.

(I To buy 10 or 1.1 acres of Codec Landplanted with two) car old Coffee trees Ingood condition,

7 To trade a good pa) lug business for aHoubC au'd Lot allied ut about 2500.

A. V. GEAR,27-- tf 000 King stieet.


Italian Bees or QueensIS- - Apply to

E. W. JORDAN,322-l- Fort street.


"Westermayer''' Upright1J T A JNT O !

It. Rest Condition. Iunnlro of

aiq-t- f iiorrsotiii.vEGHR Acco.'s.

J A., ' 1

m 1f

t, t -




Canadian-Australia- n

MlSteamers ot tho nbovo Lino running in connection with tho

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, U. O., nnd Sydney, N. S. W and calling at Victoria, B. O.

Honolulu and Suva (Fiji),

On or about the dates below stated, viz.:

Prom Sydney nnd Suva, for Victoria nndVancouver. It. C.t

Stmr "MIOWERA" Juno 21Stmr "WARR1MOO" July 24Stmr "MIOWERA" August 21Stmr "WAIUUMOO" September 21

TliroiiKh Tickets tanned from Honolulu to Caiuulu,United States iiikI Guropc.


D. MoNiooll, Montreal, Canada.ItonmiT Kbhii, Winnipeg, Canada,

M. M. Stkiij?, Snu Frnucisco, Onl.G. MoL. Bkown, Vancouver, B. O.

Oceanic Steamsliiii Go.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:Tho New and Fino Al Steel Steamship

" "MariposaOt tho Occnnio Steamship Company willbo duo at Honolulu from Sydnoy andAuckland on or about

June 2b, 189G.And will lenvo for tho abovo port withMails and Fnssengors ou or alxiut thatdate. ;

For Sydney and Auckland:

The New and Fino Al Steo Steamship

"Alameda"Of tho Ocennio Stenmship "Company willbo duo at Honolulu from Sau Franciscoou or about ,

July 2, 3 896.And will have prompt despatch withMails and Fussengers for tho abovo ports.

Tho uudorsigned aro now preparedtoissno.

Through Tickets to All 1'olntsin tho United States.

tSTFor furthor particulars regardingFreight or PassngoTspply to

WM. G.IRWIN &C0., L'd,General Agents.

Oceanic SteamsMp Co.


S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Ilonolulu Loavo Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.Juno 22, 1890 Jnno 20, 1890July 17,1890 ..July 20, 1890

THROUGH LINEFrom San Franoisco From Sydnoy for

for Sydney. San Franoisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Alameda, July 2, '90 I Mariposa June25'0QMariposa, Jnly30,'90 Monowai,July23,00


PortraitFramed Complete


One Pqsqh Photos of the SitterTOR- -

Only SBlo.OOEfTIs tho LATEST OFFEK wo have

to wnko.

J.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and LauclscapqFotographer.TTCRT 8TRTDET.


Shaving ParlorsFort St. Opp. Pantheon Stables.

Our Scissors nro sharp; ourRazors nro bright; wo Shaveequally well by day or bynight r--.


Steamship Line

From Vletorln nnd VneoUTr, It. O., loSuva nnd Sydney!

Stmr "MIOWERA" July 10

Stmr "WARRIMOO" August 10

Stmr "MIOWEKA" September 10Stmr"WARRlMOC".... October 10

IS" For Freight nnd Tnssngo and allGcnornl Information, apply to

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

Pasino Mail Siailiji kAND THE

Occiftental & Oriental Steamship Co.

For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONGSteamers of tho nbovo Companies will

call at Ilonolulu on their way to thoabovo portH on or about tho followingdates:

Stmr Coplip Jnno 22, 1800Stmr Onolio July 0, 1890Stmr Oily of 1'oking July 18, 1890

For SAN FBANCISCO:Steamers of tho above Companies will

call nt Ilonolulu on their way fromHougkong nnd Yokohnmato tho nbovoort ou or about tho following dates:Stmr City of Peking Juno 28, 1890StmrDono July'G, 18U0

fctmr llelgio July 24, 18D0

Hates of Passage are as follows:i


Cnbin 81D0.00 8175.00Cabin, round trip, &

months 225.00 202.50Cnbin, round trip, 12

months 2G2.50 810.25European Stoorago.... 85.00 100.00

ESTPasBOUgors paying full faro will boallowed 10 percent off return faro if re-

turning within twelve months.

C2rFor Freight and Passago apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,Agents.

Wilder's Steamship Cos


O. L. WIGHT, Pres. S. B. ROSE, See.Cnpt. J. A. KING, Port Sunt.

Stmr. KEJTATJ,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leavo Ilonolulu at 10 a. m., touohing atLahnina, Mnnlnoa Bay and Mukcna thesame day: Mahukona, Kawnlhuo nnd

the following day, urriiug atIIllo the samo evening.


"Friday.... Jnne 20 Tuesday,.. .Juno 23Tuosdoy, July 7 Friday July 3Friday July 17 Tuesday,. ...July 14-- Tuesday,.,. July 28 Friday July 21

Iteturning, will leavo Ililo at 1 o'clockp. M., touching at Laupahoehoo, Mahu-kona and Kawaihae buujo day; Makena,Maiilnea Bay nnd Lahaina tho followingday; arriving at Ilonolulu the afternoonsof 'luesday nnd Fridays.

Will call nt Pohoiki, Puna.JfjfiP'No Freight will bo received after

12 noon on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu Tuesday nt 5 r. m.touching at Knhului, liana, Ilnmoa andKipahulu, Maui. Iteturning arrives ntHouolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call nt Nuu, Kaupo, on second tripof each month.

X?No Freight will be received afterp. m. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves tho right tomnko changes in the tituo of departure andarrival of its steameis without notice andit will not bo responsible for any conse-quences nrising therefrom.

CouBignnos must be at tho Landings toreceive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been lauded.

Live Stook only at owner's risk.This Company will not bo responsible

for Mouoy or Valuables of passengersunless plaocd in tho care of Pursors.

Passongers aro requested to purchasetiokets before embarking. Thoso failing todo so will bo subject to on additionalchnrgo of twenty.live per cent.


ono mil? from postoflice. Largo Iioubo withfnrnituro. Four bed rooms, purlor, largodining room, pantry, kitchen, bath rooms,hot and cold water, with patent closets,servant houses, stnbles, horse paddock,garden nnd trees. A charming location.

Apply to J ALFItliD MAGOON.tf Merchant st next 1'ostolUto.



For Cash'


Table Ware,Silver Butter Knives.

Silver Knives,

Silver Spoons,

Silver Porks,

Sliver Laddies,

Etc., Etc., Etc.

Brown & KubeyArlington Block, Hotel Street.

Commissioner of DeedsFOU TIIK

tate of California.Having been appointed anil commissioned

n Commlsslonerof Deeds for tlio fjtato of Cal-ifornia, I am prepared

To administer and certify oatlis.To take and certify depositions and nfild.v.

Tits.To tako nnd certify tho acknowledgment or

proof of powers of attorney, mortgages,transfers, grants, deeds or other lns'trumtntsor record.

A. V. GEAR,Telcphono 2S0. C09 King Street

David Dayton,42 Nlorcliunt Streot.

Lands For Sale situatedat ICaneohe, Oahu.

Lot near Lunalilo Home-Lot- s

at Pearl City.Furnished, Rooms To Let.

David Dayton.42 Merchant streot.


Custom, House Broker,

JN"otarv -- :- 3?ublic,General Business Agent.

Collections carefully attended to.

"Offlco with II. E. Walker, Cum-mins Block, Moichaut Bireot. 238-t- f




Old Bulletin Building.

Collections Promptly At-tended to.

Money Delivered the Day of Collection.

W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill attend to Convoyanclng in

nil its Brunches, Collectingfind nil Business Matters

' of trust.

All Business entrusted to hirawill recoivo Prompt" nnd CnrofulAttention. Oflico:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in the Abstract Business, Iam proparod to mnko Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, accurntennd complete manner,-- and onshort notice.

F. "W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Oilico, 818

Fort Streot. 215-t-f

J araos Ij. I-Io-lt,

Geneual Business Agent, Ac-


Oftick: No. 11 Kaoh'nmann Strout. Tolo-phon- e

No. 0H0. Prompt nttoutlonguaranteed, 217 tf


Qbnuiai, Commission Aobnts.

Oor. Fort nnd Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Ikfobtrus and JKAi,Kns in LdhoebAXD Ail, m Ot OF EUTLDIXO

Fort Streot, - - Honolulu..


WINE MERCHANTS.225 Quoon Btroot, Honolulu, H, I.


Book and Job PrinterMoroknnt Street, Honolulu, H. I.

.Over Hawaiian Nows Company'sBook Store. my 18.


Dealers in Lumber and Coalund Building Materials of nilkinds.

Queen Rtroot, Honolulu. .


PLUMBER,Hotel St.. near Fort. Tel. 802.


No. 45 Qttccn Street.

Expert Apprnisemont ot Real'Estato nnd Furniture.

M. PHILLIPS & CO.,Vlolesn-- 0 Impoxtors nnd Joubcrs of

European and American Dry Goods.

Tort and Queen Strocts.

M. S GRINBAUM & CO.,Limited

Qncon atreot, Ilonolulu, nnd 215 Frontstreot, San Fraucisco, Cal. '


IMl'OI.TEKS or ,1

General Mercliandise and . . I. . Commission Merchanls.

, ,

A. HARRISON,ICIng St., bet. Fort and Alakca.

Conti'aotor : and : Builder,XTflvrflf rvTa ivr. fmtrtaifwa

W Finest Grade DLUE STONE frlm,

Funahou Quorrioa. 2"S- - j


' inorist, 'Nuuauu Vulloy, nbovo tho Mausoleun.

All orders tfvon prompt nnd falthfu nttention. No extra chnrge for dchvtingFlowers to nny part of tho city. LcU,Mniuitnin Oreeus und Curnatiom iibpo'oialty jjiitt


TaxidermistHawaiian and Foreign DIrds and Animals

mounted Iu tuo best manrcr, nslnir the latestmethods only. Hotel Stntar DrJUGrew.

327-t- f


JEfcjpltixiacle,Corner Allen & Fort Sis., Honolulu.


C. 33. DWIGHT,Docs oil kinds of Work in

Cement & Stone Sidewalks CurbingHo hns on lmnd n Inrfjo supply of

Ohineso Qranito Curb nnd uhvnvs kcopaHawaiian Curbing Stone. I'stimntcsgiven nnd lowos prices assured. Telo-olio-



Instrument -:- - Maker,Bioye.e repairing nnd nickel plating aspecialty, also

Gold, Silver and Bronze Electroplating,

130FO11TST. : : : T1.L. C07.


'0. BREWER & COMPANY, LIMITED,Queen street, Ilonolulu, H.I.

AGENTS 'FORHawaiian AErlcnlturnl Comprny, Onotnta SucarCompany, Honomu Sugar Company, Wailuku

naiPackets, Clias. Urewer & Co. '8 Line o Bostonrackets. Huston Iloanl of Underwriters.Agents Phlladelplila Board ofUnderwtlters.

LIST OK omcEus:'P O .Totidrt, Presidout; George II llobortson,JIannger; IJ F Bishop, Twasuior and Sec-retary; Col, V FAllnii, Ar.ditor; OJI Cooke,II Watfjrhouso, A V Carter, Directors,

151 tf








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