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. tp00Oltf CO0OCi 090Maoocoaooo 4 i Advertising Medium. The Oldest 8 Vane If you Don't Read the Bulletin eVGNING BULLGTIN Evening Paper Published you Don't Gel ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands. It Reaches ALL the "People. Subscription j$c. a month. 0OOOIOMWO$)OtOIOOHIOIOPOO MMIIMMIM Vol. III. No. 608. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12. 1897. Price S Cents, -- IV 7 I THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published every day except Sunday at 210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Per Month, anywhere In the Ha- waiian Islands 8 76 Per Year. 8 00 Per Year, postpaid to America, Caunun, or Mexico 10 00 Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign Countries 13 00 Pnynblo Invnrtablv In Advance Telephono 250. P. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. The Hit .. of the .. Laa aaaaaaaam Jw Season.... aauaaaaL Is made by Ayer's Sarsa-parill- a. At this season, wbon warm and de- bilitating days aro with us, thero la noth- ing liko Ayer's Sarsaparilla to put new lifo into tho slug, glsh system. It sweeps away tho dullness, lack of app- etite, languid-nes- s, and pain, as a broom sweeps away cobwebs. It does not brace up. It builds up. ItsbencQt is lasting. Do you feel run down? Take AYER'S Sarsaparilla. MtRPAXED BY DR. i. C. AVER ft CO., Uwell, Mu., U. S. A. Ayer' Pill, Mili but Effective. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Sole Agents for the Repnblio of Hawaii. p.tf.$cjjmidtJt$in0 Von Holt Block, King Street, Are Marking Down all Their Goods to Auction Trices, the lowest ever heard of. They are also opening New Goods ex (Australia. David Dayton, Real Estate Broker. 209 Y, Merchant Street. FOR SVLE. 1 Sumy in Gno order; price $200. Houhk Hiul Lot, 7(3x155 ft., im No. 71 Youuu Htiui; pallor. 3 buiiroom", kitolicu diulug-rcmin- , etc. Lot ou Wilder nvenne 100x300 ft., fenced. Lots on Kiuau aud Piikol stroetB. TO LET. House on Itobollo lane, Falama; 3 bed- - rooms, tuning room, Kitcneu, iwurooru, carriuiie Iiiiubk nml lurRe yitrtl. HouBe ou lierotiiniu street, near Piikoi street; 4 rooms, dining-room- , kitchen, bath- room and an empty lot to keep a horse. FRANCIS DUNN, Architect and Superintendent E& Office: 305 Fort street, Sprockols' Block, Boom 5. OTr SCHOOLS OF THE ISLANDS UKl'UKT or THE I.NSPECTOR MEN-I.KA- I, roB TUB TCAIt 1896. NiilonulllicN ol Tenrhcra nml 1iiiIN Urvnt Incrcimc in AUrndHiice for All School. Houry Schuler Town send, In- spector General of Schools, soino time ago presented bis report of the Bchools of the Hawaiian Isl- ands for the year 189G to the Minister of Public Instruction. Minister Cooper haying forward- ed tho report to President Dole kindly allowed a Bulletin rep- resentative access to the docu- ment with its accompanying statistics. The only printed re- ports issued aro biennial for sub- mission to the Legislature, but two years is a long time for the people to wait for an oxhibit of the rapid progress of education in Hawaii. Therefore the following abstract is laid before our readers. NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Mention is made of the many new Bcbool buildings put up dur- ing the year, including a four-roo- m bouse on tho High school ground and a two-roo- m houBO on the Boyal school ground for a practise school for Normal school students. It is shown that all the new buildings and additions were not provided before they bad been urgently needed. Besides, rooms formerly disused have come into use again at several places and rooms have been rented in about equal number. Buildings are urgently needed at Papaikou, Ka-huk- u, Makaweli, Honaunau, Pearl City, Kaiwiki, Piihonua, Pahoa, Fapaa, Ealaoa, Olaa, Mokuleia and Nihiku. In the new coffee and homestead settlements many children are deprived of schooling for want of accommodation. Tho Inspector General, on tho cognate subject, argues that "a teacher's cottago should bo a house such that a man of sufficient force and character to give digni- ty to tho school by his personali- ty will be willing to rear his family in it. THE TEAOIIINO FORCE. "The most important element in the organization of a school is the teacher," says Mr. Townaend. "As is the teaoher, bo is the school." And further along he observes: "It cives me pleasure to say that evidences are abundant that our teaching force has con tiuued to improve in efficiency during the past year, as during a number of preceding years. Ex aminations of teachers have shown nn unusual largo percentage of success, ana the time seems not far distant when it will be prao-ticab- lo to enforce the rule that none but certificated teachers shall be employed in the publio schools." Ho suggests, however, that a certificate at best represents only tho acceptable minimum of desirable qualifications, and tho real work of preparation for tho offico exteuds beyond tho re- quirements of a certificate. This work is voluntary, and tho fact that a largo number of teachers aro showing a commendable degree of enthusiasm therein is treated, with full details, under tho throe heads the National Teacher's Association, tho Summer School and tho Normal School. At the end of the year about 150 teachers were taking a special course of study under the aus- pices if the Association. Thero were 207 enrolled in tho Summer School at its first session, which was conducted by Prof. F. B. Dressier, Ph. D., of tho State Normal School of California. Tho crowing attendance at the Normul School compelled tho engagement of an assistant teacher, and a practise school has been provided. It is remarked with gratification that a number of teachers of con- siderable experience and good ability have become students in tho Normal School. INDUS rill AL EDUCATION. Under this head it is stated that the plain sowing which has been I gradually introduced into many of our scnoois is producing excellent results. Besidea its iutrinsic beuofite, it promotes interest and attendance. Tho sloyd work for boys has beon less eauatnotory, though excellent re-- ' suits have been attained in a few cases. Knife work seems better adapted to countries having long winter ovoning.o with darkness and cold interfering with outdoor work or amusemont. Thero is no such industry in this country aud probably there will bo none in tho near future Tho Inspector General therefore recommends bringing about the time when boys in our schools may be taught in a practical way the olemouts of agriculture. THE COURSE OF STUDY. Mr. Towusend says: "During tho year I have been giving most earnest attention to tho course of study in the public schools. That it is not ideal, or even satisfao tory, all concerned agree. It would bo an easy undertaking to prepare a course which would bo more nearly ideal as it would ap- pear on paper. But to prepare the best course of study that can oo introduced into our schools by our teaohors requires much careful thought. I shall probably present a now course of study during tho coming year, which iu my opinion will better meet our present requirements." THE STATISTICS. Upon the statistical tables ac- companying tho reports, some of the more important of which are reproduced below, Mr. Towusend makes a few remarks. He gives credit to lm deputy, J. F. Scott, for the chief work in preparing the tables. During the year there has been a gain iu attendance of 1407 or'11 per cent. Hawaiians of full blood have increased 273 or 5 per cent. Part Hawaiiauu, 245 or 11 per cent just the average gain. Portuguese have increased in number 414 or 13 per cout. Of tho entire attendance 56J per cent is Hitwaiiau and part Hawaiian and 25 per cent Portuguese. There is a significant increase in the uumbor of Chinese and Japanese, though the proportion of these nationali- ties is Btill small. It is also sigui-fica- that the uain in attendance is much greater, both absolutely and iu percentage, in Honolulu than in any other district. Of children under six years of age there has been a gain of 24G or 4G per cout. Of those ovor 15 years of ago there has been a guiu of 24G or 28 per cent. These facts suggest the Kindergartens and the High School, though the High School can only partially account for the increase of 24G. In Honolu lu only 4 per cent of tho children in tho public sohools aro pursuing high school studies, whereas iu cities of Birailar size in America tho average is about 10 per cent. "Of all teachers in tho country 4GJ per cent are Americans; in publio sohools 37J per cent, in schools 39.J per cout. This indicates the toudoucy of our civilization. The average salary paid publio school teachers at the end of the year was 8626 as against $012.50 a year earlier. This results from raisiug tho sala- ries of those iu tho lower positions. This was necessary and has been justified by the better class of teach- ers obtained for tlieHO positions. Yet tho average cost of tuition per pupil his fallen during the year from 818.06 to S17.20. Tho aver-a- go uumbor of pupils for one teacher iu the public schools throughout tho islands was 3G, and the avorago for one teacher in tho indepoudent schools was 19. PltODLEMS. In concluding his report Mr. Towusend' brioily indicates tho more sorious probloms confront- ing the Dopartment for solution. They inoludo inoreasod and im- proved accommodation and, which is regarded as the groatost of all, tho supply of teaohors for a d that is increasing and like- ly to coatiuao to iuoroaso.- - Following aro some of tho sta tistical tables preseutod in tho re port: nationalities pupils all schools Island of Hawaii: Mnl Female. Totnl. Hawaiian . . . 052 754 1706 Part Haw'n. 21G 273 48!) American.. . 22 20 42 British . . . 15 10 25 German 11 5 10 Portuguese.. 035 50(5 1141 Scandinavian. G 4 10 Japanese.. .. 70 45 115 Chinese 7G 74 150 South Sea IhIiuuI.. .. Other for- eign G 10 16 Grand totnl 2009 1702 3711 Island of Maui: Hawaiian ... GG7 572 1239 Part Haw'n . 205 225 430 American . .. 14 7 21 British 1 1 Gorman .... 1 3 4 Portuguese.. 302 278 G40 Scandinavian 3 7 10 Japanese. . 27 35 G2 Chinese .... 32 14 4 South Sea Island... . 12 Other for- eign 0 Grand total 1319 1151 2470 Island of Molokai: Hawaiian.. . 101 Gl 1G2 Part Haw'n . 12 2 14 British 1 1 2 Grand total 114 G4 178 Island of Oauu: Hawaiian... 1054 798 1852 Part Htiw'u. 010 711 1321 American... 183 170 353 British 82 133 215 Gorman 71 G4 135 Portuguese. 754 527 1281 Scandinavian 33 27 GO Japanese ... 90 41 137 Uhiuesu.i... 488 177 U5 South Sea Island.... 8 5 13 Other for- eign 45 17 62 Grand total 3124 2G70 G094 Island of Kauai : Hawaiian.. . 274 247 521 Part Haw'n. 101 85 189 American.... 0 1 1 British G G 12 Gorman .... G9 G4 133 Portuguese.. 315 223 538 Scandinavian 9 9 18 Japaueso. ... 49 34 83 Chinese 45 15 GO South Sea Island 0 Other for- eign 6 8 Grand total 877 G88 1565 The Whole Group: Mulo Female Total Hawaiian 3,048 2,432 5,480 Part Haw'n... 1,147 1,290 2,443 American 219 198 417 British 105 151 256 German 152 136 288 Portuguese.... 2,060 1,534 3,6l0 Scandinavian.. 51 47 98 Japanese 242 155 397 Ohinoso 641 280 921 South Soalsl.. 15 13 28 Other foreign.. 57 33 90 Grand total.. 7,743 G.275 14,018 This grand total is 5 short of the result iu the other tables, pro- bably owing to an error by the roportor in copying. Ed. government schools. No. of Souoola. Teachers. Pupils. To-ta- l; Fom t'U Male Fem Hawaii.. M) 37 47 84 1040 1401 3013 Muiii...28 23 CO 1130 S78 20f)8 Molokul. G 3 3 0 111 01 178 Oulm....3l 2.1 70 00 2100 1473 3573 Kiiuai.,,14 12 20 32 770 U17 1387 Grand Totals. 132 ill 169 L80 5754 4435 10,180 Of tho foregoing thoro are two uovorumont schools taught in Hawaiian by as many male teachers, having 22 malo and 26, fomalo pupils, a total of 48. Thero are 63 Independent schools taught in English, with 72 male aud 130 fomulo teaohors, a total of 202 teaohors; and 1994 malo and 1840 fomalo pupils, a total of 8834 pupils. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL PUPILS. Island: Male. Fom. Total. Hawaii .... 308 300 GG8 Mani 189 273 402 Oalm 1329 1197 2520 Kauai 108 70 178 Grand total.. 1994 1810 3834 GOVERNMENT SCHOOL TEACHERS. Island of Hawaii. Mule. Female. Total. Hawaiian 14 8 DO Part Hawaiian. 10 15 American 20 29 British 8 11 Freuch 0 1 Belgian 0 1 Portugueso . .. 1 5 Graud total .. 37 47 84 Island of Maui. Hawaiian 15 4 19 Part Hawaiian. 4 7 11 American 12 8 20 British 4 3 7 Portuguese. 1 1 o Grand total. . 3G 23 59 ISLAND OF MOLOKAI. Hawaiian 1 Part Hawaiian.. 1 American 0 British 1 Grand total .. 3 Island of Oahu: ' Hawaiian. 2 4 Part Hawaiian ... 3 18 21 American 9 31 43 Kritish.... 9 15 24 Scandinavian.. .. C 3 3 Portugueso 0 3 3 Chinese. 0 1 1 Grand total.. 23 76 99 Island of Kauai: Hawaiian 2 Part Hawaiian . , 3 American G Btitish 5 German 2 Scandinavian 2 Portuguese.. -- cc' Grand total... 12 w By nationalities tho teachers iu Government sohools number: 49 Hawaiian, 53 Part Hawaiian, 105 Americau, 52 British, 2 German, 1 trench, 1 uelgian, 5 Scandinavi- an, 11 Portuguese, 1 Chinese, total, 28. K ' INDEPENDENT SCHOOL TEACHERS. Island of Hawaii: ip Mile Female Total Hawaiian 3 0 3 Part Hawaiian.. 0 2 2 American 4 12 16 British 3 2 5 German 0 1 1 Fienou 1 0 1 Belgian 1 0 1 Chinese 1 2 3 Grand total. 13 19 32 Ibland of Maui: Hawaiian 13 4 American 3 10 13 Dutch 10 1 Japanese 10 1 Chinese 0 11 Grand total.... 6 14 20 Island of Oahu: Hawaiian 3 5 8 Part Hawaiian . . 2 G Americau. 35 55 90 British 5 12 17 German 0 2 2 Frouch 0 3 3 Bulgiau 0 5 ' 5 Scandinavian.... 0 1 1 Portuguese 0 1 1 Chinese 4 3 7 JunaueHU 0 1 1 Grand total... 49 91 143 Island of Kauai: American 0 2 2 British 112 German 3 0 3 Portugueso 1 0 1 Grand total... 5 3 8 By nationalities tho tcachors in Independent schools number: 15 Hawaiian, 10 part Hawaiian, 121 American, 24 British, G German, 4 French, 6 Uelgian, 1 Dutoh, 1 Scandinavian, 2 Portuguese, 2 11 ll- -: . Lin V1 jjapnaeuv, ajl vuooi vi w I VIEWS OF TWO VISITORS WIIO'VK I.4IIXV IJIIKN AHONM UN TAKIMJ NOTE. Arrltrd by Nlrmner from Portland Mild l.cfl !f Nulling Vc.rl for Nun Prnnrlicu. There dropped down iu Hono- lulu ou January 10 last by tho steamer Monmouthshire from Portland two young mon Fred. W. Wilson nnd Ed. Wingate who by their own account had a , good time, while keeping their eyes open for tho tree of know- ledge whose fruit ripens into "the main chance." Their visit is re mombered by many of our people who found their society agreeablo aud tho entertaining of them a-- , pleasant vent for tho hospitable -- feeling that belongs to every rightly constituted denizen of Hawaii. Our friends evidently aro well eBteemod where they be- long, as the press of that quarter gives their notes of travel a cordiali reception. They left Honolulu in the bark S. G. Allen on March 10 and, after a pleapant voyage of sixteen days, arrived at San Francisco. "The trip on the sail-i- n i; shin Mr. Wilson describes" says the Daily Cbrouiclo of Tha Dalles, Oregon "as being more pleasant thau that on the steamer, the motion being less disagreeable and tho interest on the voyage more intense." Mr. Wilson has a letter iu the issue of March 10 of that paper, dated Honolula, February 12, 1897, from which the following extracts will be in- teresting to all who would see ourselves as others seo us: "You will remember my pro- mise to write to you. I havo not forgotten, and if you were in this dreamland of rest you would re- quire no excuse or explanation from me. This is the country of 'Mahoppa,' Write "mahope" next time, Mr. Wilson. Ed. of put- ting oft till tomorrow everything that should be done today, ana that is why this letter has not gono to you before. "Anyone who would come to Hawaii and then attempt to give a description of its charms, must be born of a courage such as makes 'fools rush in where angels fear to tread.' The soft southern Bky and turquoise blue of the ocean can- not bo reproduced iu words, and I doubt if the painter's brush, though a master hand wield it, can give anything liko tho impres sion maun upon the traveler as he-Bail- s to Hawaiian shores. Bnt there are some things I may toll-yo- u about, such as the hospitality of the people, their customs, and the scenes and incidents which every strauger encounters. "It is a whole lot ploas-an- ter to talk of a storm at sea than to exporionco one, and a lit- tle goes a surprisingly long ways. For five days we were in the midst of a galo, 'blowing with Blight intermission. Tho decks were covered with water continual- - ly, and no one dared venture be- -8 vond the cabin door. As tho steamer forced southward tho skies cleared, tho waters rested, aud lifo ou tbo oceau clmugod from misery to dolight. Tho balmv air of the trouics acted as the finest kind of a restorative. and soon the nassoncorB were all on deck deolaring they had never Been water so blue nor Bky bo crystal clear. "Houolulu is a most beautiful city, with a splendid harbor. The shipping of tho world pays her bomago. The business part of tbo city preeonts a varied op- - poaranco, handsome three story bricks touching Ohinoso hovels. It is cosmopolitan iu tho extreme. Tho residence Btroots aro border- ed by beautiful homos, indicative of wealth and culturo, while tho-privat- e grounds aro liko publio parks iu our land. 'M. "No one can corifcTpio Hawaii. without taking a great fancy to & I f .,v&ujAtoitom


tp00Oltf CO0OCi090Maoocoaooo4 i Advertising Medium. The Oldest 8 Vane

Ifyou Don't Read the Bulletin eVGNING BULLGTIN Evening Paper Published

you Don't Gel ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands.

It Reaches ALL the "People. Subscription j$c. a month.


Vol. III. No. 608. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12. 1897. Price S Cents,

-- IV




Published every day except Sunday at210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I.


Per Month, anywhere In the Ha-

waiian Islands 8 76Per Year. 8 00Per Year, postpaid to America,

Caunun, or Mexico 10 00Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign

Countries 13 00

Pnynblo Invnrtablv In AdvanceTelephono 250. P. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

The Hit.. of the ..

Laa aaaaaaaam Jw

Season....aauaaaaL Is made by

Ayer's Sarsa-parill- a.

At thisseason, wbonwarm and de-bilitating daysaro with us,thero la noth-ing liko Ayer'sSarsaparilla toput new lifointo tho slug,glsh system.It sweeps awaytho dullness,lack of app-etite, languid-nes- s,

and pain,as a broomsweeps awaycobwebs. Itdoes not braceup. It buildsup. ItsbencQtis lasting. Doyou feel rundown? Take


Sarsaparilla.MtRPAXED BY

DR. i. C. AVER ft CO., Uwell, Mu., U. S. A.

Ayer' Pill, Mili but Effective.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Sole Agents for the Repnblio of Hawaii.


Von Holt Block, King Street,

Are Marking Down all

Their Goods to Auction

Trices, the lowest ever

heard of.

They are also opening

New Goods ex (Australia.

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Y, Merchant Street.

FOR SVLE.1 Sumy in Gno order; price $200.Houhk Hiul Lot, 7(3x155 ft., im No. 71

Youuu Htiui; pallor. 3 buiiroom", kitolicudiulug-rcmin- , etc.

Lot ou Wilder nvenne 100x300 ft., fenced.Lots on Kiuau aud Piikol stroetB.


House on Itobollo lane, Falama; 3 bed- -

rooms, tuning room, Kitcneu, iwurooru,carriuiie Iiiiubk nml lurRe yitrtl.

HouBe ou lierotiiniu street, near Piikoistreet; 4 rooms, dining-room- , kitchen, bath-room and an empty lot to keep a horse.

FRANCIS DUNN,Architect and Superintendent

E& Office: 305 Fort street,Sprockols' Block, Boom 5.




roB TUB TCAIt 1896.

NiilonulllicN ol Tenrhcra nml 1iiiINUrvnt Incrcimc in AUrndHiice

for All School.

Houry Schuler Town send, In-

spector General of Schools, soinotime ago presented bis report ofthe Bchools of the Hawaiian Isl-

ands for the year 189G to theMinister of Public Instruction.Minister Cooper haying forward-ed tho report to President Dolekindly allowed a Bulletin rep-

resentative access to the docu-

ment with its accompanyingstatistics. The only printed re-

ports issued aro biennial for sub-

mission to the Legislature, buttwo years is a long time for thepeople to wait for an oxhibit ofthe rapid progress of education inHawaii. Therefore the followingabstract is laid before our readers.


Mention is made of the manynew Bcbool buildings put up dur-ing the year, including a four-roo- m

bouse on tho High schoolground and a two-roo- m houBO onthe Boyal school ground for apractise school for Normal schoolstudents. It is shown that all thenew buildings and additions werenot provided before they bad beenurgently needed. Besides, roomsformerly disused have come intouse again at several places androoms have been rented in aboutequal number. Buildings areurgently needed at Papaikou, Ka-huk- u,

Makaweli, Honaunau, PearlCity, Kaiwiki, Piihonua, Pahoa,Fapaa, Ealaoa, Olaa, Mokuleiaand Nihiku. In the new coffeeand homestead settlements manychildren are deprived of schoolingfor want of accommodation.Tho Inspector General, on thocognate subject, argues that "ateacher's cottago should bo ahouse such that a man of sufficientforce and character to give digni-ty to tho school by his personali-ty will be willing to rear hisfamily in it.


"The most important element inthe organization of a school is theteacher," says Mr. Townaend."As is the teaoher, bo is theschool." And further along heobserves: "It cives me pleasure tosay that evidences are abundantthat our teaching force has contiuued to improve in efficiencyduring the past year, as during anumber of preceding years. Examinations of teachers have shownnn unusual largo percentage ofsuccess, ana the time seems notfar distant when it will be prao-ticab- lo

to enforce the rule thatnone but certificated teachers shallbe employed in the publioschools." Ho suggests, however,that a certificate at best representsonly tho acceptable minimum ofdesirable qualifications, and thoreal work of preparation for thooffico exteuds beyond tho re-

quirements of a certificate. Thiswork is voluntary, and tho factthat a largo number of teachersaro showing a commendabledegree of enthusiasm thereinis treated, with full details, undertho throe heads the NationalTeacher's Association, tho SummerSchool and tho Normal School.At the end of the year about 150teachers were taking a specialcourse of study under the aus-pices if the Association. Therowere 207 enrolled in tho SummerSchool at its first session, whichwas conducted by Prof. F. B.Dressier, Ph. D., of tho StateNormal School of California. Thocrowing attendance at the NormulSchool compelled tho engagementof an assistant teacher, and apractise school has been provided.It is remarked with gratificationthat a number of teachers of con-

siderable experience and goodability have become students intho Normal School.


Under this head it is stated thatthe plain sowing which has been I

gradually introduced into many ofour scnoois is producingexcellent results. Besideaits iutrinsic beuofite, it promotesinterest and attendance. Thosloyd work for boys has beon lesseauatnotory, though excellent re-- 'suits have been attained in a fewcases. Knife work seems betteradapted to countries having longwinter ovoning.o with darknessand cold interfering with outdoorwork or amusemont. Thero is nosuch industry in this country audprobably there will bo none intho near future Tho InspectorGeneral therefore recommendsbringing about the time whenboys in our schools may betaught in a practical way theolemouts of agriculture.


Mr. Towusend says: "Duringtho year I have been giving mostearnest attention to tho course ofstudy in the public schools. Thatit is not ideal, or even satisfaotory, all concerned agree. Itwould bo an easy undertaking toprepare a course which would bomore nearly ideal as it would ap-

pear on paper. But to preparethe best course of study thatcan oo introduced into ourschools by our teaohors requiresmuch careful thought. I shallprobably present a now course ofstudy during tho coming year,which iu my opinion will bettermeet our present requirements."


Upon the statistical tables ac-

companying tho reports, some ofthe more important of which arereproduced below, Mr. Towusendmakes a few remarks. He givescredit to lm deputy, J. F. Scott,for the chief work in preparingthe tables. During the year therehas been a gain iu attendance of1407 or'11 per cent. Hawaiiansof full blood have increased 273or 5 per cent. Part Hawaiiauu,245 or 11 per cent just theaverage gain. Portuguese haveincreased in number 414 or 13 percout. Of tho entire attendance56J per cent is Hitwaiiauand part Hawaiian and 25per cent Portuguese. There is asignificant increase in the uumborof Chinese and Japanese, thoughthe proportion of these nationali-ties is Btill small. It is also sigui-fica-

that the uain in attendanceis much greater, both absolutelyand iu percentage, in Honoluluthan in any other district. Ofchildren under six years of agethere has been a gain of 24G or 4G

per cout. Of those ovor 15 yearsof ago there has been a guiu of24G or 28 per cent. These factssuggest the Kindergartens and theHigh School, though the HighSchool can only partially accountfor the increase of 24G. In Honolulu only 4 per cent of tho childrenin tho public sohools aro pursuinghigh school studies, whereas iucities of Birailar size in Americatho average is about 10 per cent.

"Of all teachers in tho country4GJ per cent are Americans; inpublio sohools 37J per cent, in

schools 39.J per cout.This indicates the toudoucy of ourcivilization. The average salarypaid publio school teachers at theend of the year was 8626 asagainst $012.50 a year earlier.This results from raisiug tho sala-ries of those iu tho lower positions.This was necessary and has beenjustified by the better class of teach-ers obtained for tlieHO positions.Yet tho average cost of tuition perpupil his fallen during the yearfrom 818.06 to S17.20. Tho aver-a- go

uumbor of pupils for oneteacher iu the public schoolsthroughout tho islands was 3G,and the avorago for one teacher intho indepoudent schools was 19.


In concluding his report Mr.Towusend' brioily indicates thomore sorious probloms confront-ing the Dopartment for solution.They inoludo inoreasod and im-

proved accommodation and, whichis regarded as the groatost of all,tho supply of teaohors for a d

that is increasing and like-ly to coatiuao to iuoroaso.- -

Following aro some of tho statistical tables preseutod in tho report:nationalities pupils all schoolsIsland of Hawaii:

Mnl Female. Totnl.

Hawaiian . . . 052 754 1706Part Haw'n. 21G 273 48!)American.. . 22 20 42British . . . 15 10 25German 11 5 10Portuguese.. 035 50(5 1141Scandinavian. G 4 10Japanese.. .. 70 45 115Chinese 7G 74 150South Sea

IhIiuuI.. ..Other for-

eign G 10 16

Grand totnl 2009 1702 3711

Island of Maui:Hawaiian . . . GG7 572 1239Part Haw'n . 205 225 430American . .. 14 7 21British 1 1Gorman .... 1 3 4Portuguese.. 302 278 G40

Scandinavian 3 7 10Japanese. . 27 35 G2

Chinese .... 32 14 4South Sea

Island... . 12Other for-

eign 0

Grand total 1319 1151 2470Island of Molokai:

Hawaiian.. . 101 Gl 1G2

Part Haw'n . 12 2 14British 1 1 2

Grand total 114 G4 178

Island of Oauu:Hawaiian... 1054 798 1852Part Htiw'u. 010 711 1321American... 183 170 353British 82 133 215Gorman 71 G4 135Portuguese. 754 527 1281Scandinavian 33 27 GO

Japanese ... 90 41 137Uhiuesu.i... 488 177 U5South Sea

Island.... 8 5 13Other for-

eign 45 17 62

Grand total 3124 2G70 G094

Island of Kauai :

Hawaiian.. . 274 247 521Part Haw'n. 101 85 189American.... 0 1 1

British G G 12Gorman .... G9 G4 133Portuguese.. 315 223 538Scandinavian 9 9 18Japaueso. ... 49 34 83Chinese 45 15 GO

South SeaIsland 0

Other for-

eign 6 8

Grand total 877 G88 1565

The Whole Group:Mulo Female Total

Hawaiian 3,048 2,432 5,480Part Haw'n... 1,147 1,290 2,443American 219 198 417British 105 151 256German 152 136 288Portuguese.... 2,060 1,534 3,6l0Scandinavian.. 51 47 98Japanese 242 155 397Ohinoso 641 280 921South Soalsl.. 15 13 28Other foreign.. 57 33 90

Grand total.. 7,743 G.275 14,018This grand total is 5 short of

the result iu the other tables, pro-bably owing to an error by theroportor in copying. Ed.

government schools.No. of Souoola. Teachers. Pupils.

To-ta- l;

Fom t'U Male FemHawaii.. M) 37 47 84 1040 1401 3013Muiii...28 23 CO 1130 S78 20f)8

Molokul. G 3 3 0 111 01 178

Oulm....3l 2.1 70 00 2100 1473 3573Kiiuai.,,14 12 20 32 770 U17 1387

GrandTotals. 132 ill 169 L80 5754 4435 10,180

Of tho foregoing thoro are twouovorumont schools taught inHawaiian by as many maleteachers, having 22 malo and 26,fomalo pupils, a total of 48.Thero are 63 Independent schoolstaught in English, with 72 maleaud 130 fomulo teaohors, a total of202 teaohors; and 1994 malo and1840 fomalo pupils, a total of8834 pupils.


Island: Male. Fom. Total.Hawaii .... 308 300 GG8

Mani 189 273 402Oalm 1329 1197 2520Kauai 108 70 178

Grand total.. 1994 1810 3834


Mule. Female. Total.

Hawaiian 14 8 DO

Part Hawaiian. 10 15American 20 29British 8 11Freuch 0 1Belgian 0 1Portugueso . . . 1 5

Graud total .. 37 47 84

Island of Maui.Hawaiian 15 4 19Part Hawaiian. 4 7 11American 12 8 20British 4 3 7Portuguese. 1 1 o

Grand total. . 3G 23 59


Hawaiian 1Part Hawaiian.. 1American 0British 1

Grand total .. 3

Island of Oahu: 'Hawaiian. 2 4Part Hawaiian ... 3 18 21American 9 31 43Kritish.... 9 15 24Scandinavian.. .. C 3 3Portugueso 0 3 3Chinese. 0 1 1

Grand total.. 23 76 99

Island of Kauai:Hawaiian 2Part Hawaiian . , 3American G

Btitish 5German 2Scandinavian 2Portuguese..

-- cc'Grand total... 12 w

By nationalities tho teachers iuGovernment sohools number: 49Hawaiian, 53 Part Hawaiian, 105Americau, 52 British, 2 German, 1

trench, 1 uelgian, 5 Scandinavi-an, 11 Portuguese, 1 Chinese, total,28. K


Island of Hawaii: ip

Mile Female Total

Hawaiian 3 0 3Part Hawaiian.. 0 2 2American 4 12 16British 3 2 5German 0 1 1Fienou 1 0 1Belgian 1 0 1Chinese 1 2 3

Grand total. 13 19 32

Ibland of Maui:Hawaiian 13 4American 3 10 13Dutch 10 1Japanese 10 1

Chinese 0 11Grand total.... 6 14 20

Island of Oahu:Hawaiian 3 5 8Part Hawaiian . . 2 G

Americau. 35 55 90British 5 12 17

German 0 2 2

Frouch 0 3 3Bulgiau 0 5 ' 5

Scandinavian.... 0 1 1Portuguese 0 1 1

Chinese 4 3 7JunaueHU 0 1 1

Grand total... 49 91 143

Island of Kauai:American 0 2 2British 112German 3 0 3Portugueso 1 0 1

Grand total... 5 3 8

By nationalities tho tcachors inIndependent schools number: 15

Hawaiian, 10 part Hawaiian, 121American, 24 British, G German,4 French, 6 Uelgian, 1 Dutoh, 1Scandinavian, 2 Portuguese, 2

11 ll- -: . Lin V1jjapnaeuv, ajl vuooi vi wI




Arrltrd by Nlrmner from PortlandMild l.cfl !f Nulling Vc.rl for

Nun Prnnrlicu.

There dropped down iu Hono-

lulu ou January 10 last by thosteamer Monmouthshire fromPortland two young mon Fred.W. Wilson nnd Ed. Wingatewho by their own account had a ,

good time, while keeping theireyes open for tho tree of know-

ledge whose fruit ripens into "themain chance." Their visit is remombered by many of our peoplewho found their society agreeabloaud tho entertaining of them a-- ,

pleasant vent for tho hospitable --

feeling that belongs to everyrightly constituted denizen ofHawaii. Our friends evidentlyaro well eBteemod where they be-

long, as the press of that quartergives their notes of travel a cordialireception. They left Honolulu inthe bark S. G. Allen on March 10and, after a pleapant voyage ofsixteen days, arrived at SanFrancisco. "The trip on the sail-i- n

i; shin Mr. Wilson describes"says the Daily Cbrouiclo of ThaDalles, Oregon "as being morepleasant thau that on the steamer,the motion being less disagreeableand tho interest on the voyagemore intense." Mr. Wilson has aletter iu the issue of March 10 ofthat paper, dated Honolula,February 12, 1897, from which thefollowing extracts will be in-

teresting to all who would seeourselves as others seo us:

"You will remember my pro-mise to write to you. I havo notforgotten, and if you were in thisdreamland of rest you would re-quire no excuse or explanationfrom me. This is the country of'Mahoppa,' Write "mahope" nexttime, Mr. Wilson. Ed. of put-ting oft till tomorrow everythingthat should be done today, anathat is why this letter has notgono to you before.

"Anyone who would come toHawaii and then attempt to give adescription of its charms, must beborn of a courage such as makes'fools rush in where angels fear totread.' The soft southern Bky andturquoise blue of the ocean can-not bo reproduced iu words, and Idoubt if the painter's brush,though a master hand wield it,can give anything liko tho impression maun upon the traveler as he-Bail- s

to Hawaiian shores. Bntthere are some things I may toll-yo- u

about, such as the hospitalityof the people, their customs, andthe scenes and incidents whichevery strauger encounters.

"It is a whole lot ploas-an- ter

to talk of a storm at seathan to exporionco one, and a lit-tle goes a surprisingly long ways.For five days we were in themidst of a galo, 'blowing withBlight intermission. Tho deckswere covered with water continual- -ly, and no one dared venture be--8

vond the cabin door. As thosteamer forced southward thoskies cleared, tho waters rested,aud lifo ou tbo oceau clmugodfrom misery to dolight. Thobalmv air of the trouics acted asthe finest kind of a restorative.and soon the nassoncorB were allon deck deolaring they had neverBeen water so blue nor Bky bocrystal clear.

"Houolulu is a most beautifulcity, with a splendid harbor.The shipping of tho world paysher bomago. The business partof tbo city preeonts a varied op--poaranco, handsome three storybricks touching Ohinoso hovels.It is cosmopolitan iu tho extreme.Tho residence Btroots aro border-ed by beautiful homos, indicativeof wealth and culturo, while tho-privat- e

grounds aro liko publioparks iu our land.

'M."No one can corifcTpio Hawaii.

without taking a great fancy to






:' ' WMMWi


' " vW9BBQQIFr'WW,WJ& ""i ' Tr " r - ' " 'Wflfww frP"fVMT ... j .



The Manufacturing Harness

lWIll 8

I few

IOTA ooiplete raotng equipments.)Vdpeclal. We keep In stook ami sell only own Manufacture.

Chisholm & Coughlin.

()You wmNever MissA. Shot

if You Get Your Clothes


Madeirosfc Decker's

The Hotel Street Tailors.

A Perfect Fit Guaranteed.




London and Lancashire FireInsurance-- Company ofLiverpool, England,

(Stock Coropati), Incorporated 1S01.)


Notwalh Fire Insurance Com-

pany of Norwalk, Con-

necticut.(Stock Company, Incorporated M5U.)

' A policy written by the abovemany Is doubly secure. alt retire

sents two of the large-- t Fire InsuranceCompanies back of It.

Tho Hawaiian Safe Deposit &Investment Company,

Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.. .4C Fart ntri-i- l Tlnnnlnln!. ?

fc grig's. &n 3

lio C Si XT' o 2 i

5 ii S Si ? 5

?f , B - B- CD jx

a a c:





P. O. Box 322.

Our Hand Made



With Genuine

Hawaiian TreeLap llobes,Whips from 25c. to $10Leggitis (all sizes).



Bates' Autftmntle Steel NumlicrliiK Ma-chine, repeats duplicates and uumbi'rs con-s- .

cutlvely from I to luil.OUO. Heat In theworld.

8atety Document File, enameled metalrate, stong manllla pockets, lock and key,suitable for otllcu or home use.

VlcUr brand of Typewriter Kiblious forall make of machines. Acknowledged thesuperior of all others. Try them once, andyou wm use no omer.

Reclna Music Hoick, best in tlio woild,plays your own selection of music. Over1000 tunes to select from.

Olllco Flllnj; Devices I Agency for 8hannonand National Files of all kinds.

Symphony Organs; superior and Improvedover the old ft) le Aeolian. A ehlld can playIt. Am class of music, over 51)00 selectionsof music now ready

Wo manufacture all styles of RubberStamps, Dating Stamps, Paid and ReceivedStamps, No need to send out of tlio countryfor this class of work. Wb do it at Coastprleu

American Whist Lrairue, mnl TrophyWhist Playing Cards, licit make, try them.

Ulank Hooks, all styles and prices Patentflat opening books alwajs In stock. Largestvariety to select trom Prices lowest.

Itoyal Pianos, best low priced instrumentmade. Easy terms, &.1U down till month,fully guaranteed. Also ugeni. fur the cele-brated Vosu it dons and Kingsbury Planus.

Auciicy for tlio sale of thu Hammond Tvpowriters, Franklyn and llrook lypewrli'ers,Improved models, three of n kind, all lslblowriters. Why not buy an up to date ma-chine, and savii time.

Baseball ,ind Athletic goods, Tennis, Golfnnd Ojniim-lui- n Buppllen. Largest stockand lowest prices.

Books nnd Novell, over !MD Novels toselect from. Latest Issues received each mallfrom tho Coast.

Uultars, Banjos, Autoharps, Accordeons,Mandolines, Zithers, flutes Piccolos, Cor-nets, and Band Instruments of all kindsHeadquarters for Hawaiian Ukuleles and

Taro-patc- h Uultars. Sheet Music and MusicBooks.

Wo solicit out of town trade, correspond-ence United. Careful attention to tilling uudpacking country oiders.

Subscription received fur any Newspaperor Magnr.lim tmbllbei Authorized Agentsfor thu tian Francisco Dally Call, Chroniclenr Examiner. Only $1 per month, dcllu-nx- l

anywhere ou thu Islands,

(Sf Many lines of goods which we carry-ar- e

omitted 111 thli ailv, fur uiuit of space.Inspection ol goods and prices Invited.

Yours faithfully,


Mechanics and Teamsters.

Anyone needing tho ktvIco ofFlrct-clu- n Mei'liin'cx, flVuiiHtpr,Lliaus, i'io., can le iiili l by apply.Iij; lo J. AUrnl Miiconti, or to tbrll'iwallau IIuKfv I' MIIiiih, 'IVtf phone7(li V. UIMJURION,

of2 lm Manager.

The Honolulu Sanitarium1032 King Street.

A Quiet, Homelike Place, whero TrainedNames, Mumuicp, "Swedish Sloveuient,"Daths, Electricity uud Physical Trainingniuy bo obtninea.

V. H. KELLOao, M. D.,Telephouo ti.'l!). Bnporintondnnt.

To Let.

Cottage on Mugn.lne street In gonilonler. Liriru grounds well plantedwith fiiiltauil ornamental ttee-i- , Ex-cellent heiinerv, do Apply, telephono either 203 or 80S, to

5'Jl-- tf JAMES IA'LK.

tho nntivoH collectively at lenst.They tiro kiml-heiut- ed, ho9pitnblomid cotirtootiB tu n. munuor thathIiowh it comes from the heartit nil is tuoro than more form.Everyone of them is a niusioiau,and it is charming to Bit nnd lis-

ten to thoir plniutivo melodiesmo'tly lovo songs. A native'shouso is always open ton strnngorand when a fonst, or 'limn,' is go-

ing on, no invitation is needed."Wo were especially fortunate

in being hero when n largo Munu'was iu progress, nud wo woregivou nu opportunity to see manyinteresting 'sights. This 'Iimu'was at tlio homo of 11. W. Wilcox,a Hawaiian who had beou edu-cated in Italy at tho oxpeuso ofKing Kalaknua, ami who after-ward took ti prominent part inthe revolution of 1805, vhiob at-

tempted to overthrow the oxistinggovernment. Tor this ho wasconvicted of treason, but wasafterward pardoned. I am gladhe was, elso we would not havesoon this 'luau.' "Largo tableswere spread upon the lawn, cover-o- d

with tho various kinds of Ha-waiian dishes raw lish, taro-po- i

and tho ditToront dolioacieswhich delight a Hawaiian, aswoll as an Atnoricau, when helearns to like thorn. Nor wore thohula dunces lacking, it was ahcnuo long to bo remombured, nndthis luau is said to be tuu biggiulgiren her in many years.

"Notwithstanding all reports totho contrary, the government ofthe Hawaiian ropublic is on asettled basis. I nover saw a placowhore thore was greater coufi-donc- o

in those who aro adminis-tering public affairs. With us inAmerica wo elect u man to olllcoand then proceed to tell what arascal ho is. Here it is different.There is a feeling of trust inPresident Dole and his council-lors which is pleasing to see.Presidout Dolo has the respect ofoveryouo, even tho monarchists.Most of them at loast concede hishonesty. He is a fine appearingmuu, and looks us if he would boa match for anyone in tho arts ofdiplomacy."

Air. Wilson refers to tho diffi-

culties the Government has tofaco, in particular thatof tho Asiatic question, nud pays a hightributo to L. A. Thurston's ability,also mentioning President Dole,Chief Justice Judd uud nil thuhigher Government ofuciuls asworking for annexation.

"I know of no placo whore avisit can bo made moro delightfulthan to Hawaii," he says in con-clusion, "and no one who lm)mado the ttip is ever heard toexpress regret for having dooe ao.There is a song sung here towhich the musical accompanimentis beautiful, which says:

Tlio winds that blow over tho souSiug sweetly "AlohV to in. ;'I ho vMivrs that rjil o,or tlio sandBni " lotiu" aud bid iuo tu Uud.

Tho word 'Aloha' is a lovinggreeting aud menus unythiug youwant it to in tho lino of love. Thosong expresses a sentiment whichevery traveler to Hawuii willrecognize.

"Thoro is much moro that couldbo written about, tiomo of itmight bo interesting. 1 could tollyou how Ed. Wingate is develop-ing into a singer, and during hiswaking momeuts insists on hum-ming 'JuBt tho plain Hawaiiangirl is good enough for mo,' but Irealize there is a limit to the typoin Tho Chronicle ollico and also toyour patience."t jCome again, young fellows, nndstay lougor.

Uncertainties nnd n Certainty.

The attention of tho public isnow fully occupied aud divertedin tho roiihidt-tuHo- ami discus-sion of several important currentnnd prospective happoningB. An-

nexation, as yet unsecuro,threatened; tho coming

of the Nauiwn, and her missionafter arrival; tho outcome of thowar between Greece and Turkoyand, whether or no, ull Europewill ovoutually become involved;tho settlement of the quarantine)hquabblo aro all themes of muchcanjocturo aud uncertainty, andwhile opinions are freely offered,nouo can accurately foretell theoutcome of any of theso motters..Nevertheless, it is becomiug moroapparont, as oach day passes, thatBuffalo and Hoffbrau aro thofavorito brows, and it is gratify-ing that assurance is given thatregular shipmouts of these whole-Hom- o

and strengthening bever-ages can bo depended upon, audthat thay will, as heretofore, bodispensed at tho Itoyal, Pacificaud Cosmopolitan Saloons, andthat the intorchaugeablo checksystotn is au established fact.


listValuable Businoss Property on

Nuuanti streot, bringing a good


Suvornl Lots near Punchbowl

and at Makiki, tho Choicest Resi-

dence Property in tho city. A

porfeot view from Diamond Head

to Ewn, Honolulu and Harbor.

Four Houses and Lots on Punoh-bo-

streot, only fivo minutes

walk from tho Post Office

We nlso have Comfortable

Houses for sale on easy tormB si-

tuated on tho following strnots;

Lunalilo, Kinau, Kukui, Has-sing- er,

Borotnnia, Young, Vic-

toria, Green, Thurston Avonue,

Punahou, Liliha and Nuuanu.

Building Lots in all parts of tho

city on the instalment plan.

Several woll established Lodg-

ing Houses.

CoQ'oo Lands on Hawaii and a

Pineapple Bunch with limo and

other fruit trees uoar Honolulu.


& CO.,

210 King Street.

Notice to Creditors.

The undorHlgiml having been np.t xeuutors of the u ill of M.roluteil ilei'i'useil, notice Is hereby giv-

en to all cteilitors of the ileceasetl topresent their uluiinn, whether tenuredby inorlRujje or otherwise, duly au-thenticated, nuii with the propervnuehert, If tiny exist, to the under-signed, within fix months from thoditto hereof, or tlu-- . shall he foreverburred. And all perxin- - indebted toiIih suld deceased uto rt(iuettd toinnke Inunedlite pnvtneitf to the un-dersigned, ut their idllce, toi tier of Fottut id Merchant Btriets, ll'iuululu.

Honolulu, Anrll 20, 1807.K. A MolNKHSTY,

. J D M el N Kit NY,V. H MnINKRNY,

Executors of the Will ol M. Muluumy,Deceused. 609-t- f


Jfainior,Paper Hanger and DecoratorIsland OnlorH nttonded to with dispatch.

All work carefully ami promptly ex-


J" Officks Pmlth street, with BnmuolKulioloolcaliuii Pua. Itesideuco: l'alnum,


Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line

Btcamoro ot tho above lane running in oonnnction with the


Between Vancouver, B. O., nnd Sydney, N. ti. W nnd cnliiug nt Victoria, B. 0.Honolulu nnd Suva (Fiji), ff

On or about tho dntcs below Bttited,viz.:

Prom nyilney unit Suvn, for Victoria anil i From Vlctnrln nud Vsnfnurrr, It. O., toVnneouvor. It. O.I Hu nnd Syitneyl

Stmr"AORANai Mny 24Btuir "MIOWEltA" Juno 24Stmr "WARRIMOO".: July 24Strur'MIOWERA,, Augubt24

Through Tickets issued from Honolulu to Cumula,United States Ktirope.

rjtEtani and rAS8KNor.it agents:

D. MoNicoLL, Montreal, Cnnnda,KonnitT Kitmt, Winnipeg, Onnndn.

M. M. Steiin, Snn Francisco, Cnl.O. MoL. BnowN, Vancouver, B. O.

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fino Passengor Steamers of This Liue Will Arrivo at and

Leave This Port as Hereundot.


Stmr Mny


In connection with the sailing of the above steamers, tho Agenstaro prepared to issuo, to intending passougors, coupon throughtickets by any railroad from San Francisco, to nil points iu thoUnited States, and from New York by any steamship lino to allEuropean ports.

For further particulars apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & GO. Ltd.,General Agents Oceanic S. S. Go.

W. G. Irwin & Go.Limited.

Agents forWestern Sugar Refineries Co. of Snn

Francisco.Rnldwiu'B Locomotive Works of FhiU-delnhi- a,

IViiu.. U. S. A.Newell Universal Mill Co. (National

Caue Shredder), New York, U. S. A.N.UuIauiU & Uo's Chemical Fertilizers.Alex Cross it Sous, high grado fertil-

izers for Cane aud Coffee.Reeds Stenin Fipe Condensers


Offers for SaleFarafflno Paint Go's P & B Paints nnd

Papers Lucol; and liusoed oils rawand boiled.

Indurino. a .old water paint in whiteaud colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andBricks.


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. Q. Irwin, President nnd ManagerClans Spreckols, - - nt

W. M. OuTard, - Secretary and TreasurerThoo. O. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AOENTS of Tnn


Imported : JewelryPer "Australia" by

EL G. BIAET,404i Fort Streot.

Quality, Style and FinishGUARANTEED.

Repairing aepeoialty.



"MIOWE1IA" 16Htmr "Auiivwui" Juno ISStuir"MIOWEKA July 18Btmr "WARRIMOO" August 18

tS For Freight nnd Pnssngo nnd nilGeneral Information, npply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAtrentB for tho Hnwaunn Inlands.


Steamsh ip Go's


Capt. J. A. KING, FortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching atLnhaiun, Maalaca Bay and Mukeuu thesame day; Mnhukona, Knw nlhao uud Lau.pnlioehoe tho following day, arriving atllilo the same evening.


Tuesday May 18 Friday Mny 14Friday May 28 Tuesday.. ..Mny 25'Tuesday... .Juno 8 Friday. Jnue 4Friday Juno 18 Tuesday., .Juno 15

Returning, will leave Uilo at 1 o'clockP. M., touching at Lnupahoehoo, Mnhu.konu and Kuwaihao siu.o dayj llnkenn,Maalaea Bay and Lnhaiua tho followinguj uiriviuK ui uouoiuiu tue alternooniof Tuesday and Fridays.

Will call at Pohoiki, Puna., "No Freight will be received afteri. uuon ou uay oi sailing.


Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 5 r. m.itouching at Kuhului, Haua, HanioaaudKipahtilu, Maul. Returning arrives atHonolulu Snudny mornings.

Will call nt Ntiu, Kaupo, on second tripof each mouth.

WTNo Freight will bo received nftcip. m. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tomako ohanges Iu the tiuio of departuie andarrival of its steamers without notice undit will not bo responsible for any oouse-queuc-

aiislnj,' therefrom.Consignees must bo ut tho Landings to

receive their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been lauded.

Live Stool; only nt owner's risk.This Company will not ho lesponslhla

for Mouoy or Valuables of pasbcugorsunless placed iu the euro of Pursers.

Passengers aio requested to purchasetiokets bufoie embarkiug. Those failing todo so will be subject to an additionalcharge of tweuty-llv- o per couti

Cream ! Cream !

In Pint und Half PintCoutuluers



Lewis &, Co.'sWaT Tolephoue 210. C07- - tf

.L.IbA''., i jSu. LJ. j. i. . Ik J jiH... .. nU(Jf- -. MilM Jt-- i .'- f.-- i iu - i. .- '.


New GoodsMTJRA.TA. & CO.


Fine Japanese Matting, Rugs, &cFine Crepe Shirts Any Style!

g& Cheapest in the City. tf

MURATA & CO., 301




Sat Francisco .4 getitt The Nevada Bank ofBan Francisco.


San Fiiancisco The Nevada Bank of SanFrancUto.

London Tuu Union Bank of London, Ltd.New Voiik American Exchange National

Bank.Chicaoo Merchant National Bank.Paws Comptolr National d'Eacompt de

Paris.BEnMN Drcsdner Bank:HONOKONO AND YOKOHAMA Hongkong &

Shanghai Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Bank ef New

Zealand.Victoria and Vancouver Bank of British

North America.

Transact a General Banting and Eicte Business

Depofots Received. Loans made onSecurity. Commercial and Travelers

Credits Issued. Bills of Exchango boughtand sold.Collections Promptlt Accounted For.

Established 1853


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof the world.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekauwila Bts.

Has a large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on bund.Estimates given for house wir-

ing .uul Eluutrical plants.

Marine Wiring a spooialty.

v THEO. HOFFMANN,82-t- d Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car line and on

UOAD near FertilizingPlant,

These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms,

Desirable Acre Tracts near the city andother PropertieH for Bale.

BRUOI2, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots nnd Lands.

312 Fort Street, near King.Teleitionk t07. P. O. Box 821.

W. C. ACHI & CO.,x Brokers & Dealers

REALESTATEI3T We will Buy or Soil Deal Estate in

all parts of the group.I5T Wo will Hell Properties on Reason,

able- Commissions.

OFFICE, 10 West King Street

Consolidated Soda Water Co., L'fl

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

3DEISTTIST.New Love's Building, Fort Btroot,


Nuuauu & 2 Hotel Streets.

Robinson Block, Hotel Street.

Look at Our Bargain List

Fine Straw Hats, 25c. up.Crepe Pajamas, $1 a suit.Colored Bosom Shirts, 65c.Ladies Kimonos, $L up.Gents Sox, 4 pairs for 25c.Paper Napkins, 30c. a 100.Ladies Leather Purses, 25c.Silk Embroidered Pillow

Covers, 75c. a piece.

IWAKAMI,Rohlnson Block, Hotel Street.

Tjje Yokohama Specie BanLIMITED.

Snbsoribod Capital , . .Ten 12,000,000Paid Up Capital Ten 4.600,000Reserve Fund Ten 4,130,000


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobo, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Ex-change Business.

Agenoy Tokohama Spetie BankNew BmaMIe Building. Ill King St. Honolulu

W. W. AhanaHakes Clothing to ORDER of thvery best materials and in the verylatest style. , , ,

A. Perfect FitGuaranteed



I Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty



Just HeceivedCrockery and Ivoryware,Embroidered Fans,Shawls, Screens,Wicker and Steamer Chairs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nnnanq Street, Honolulu .

ST3XJ7ST LOY,623 Fort Street, Tee Slug Tol Building,

LadlBs Dress MakBr.VST Fine work a specialty. Also, very

fine Underwear made to order. All workguaranteed. 447-6- m

TOM CHUNG KEE,313 Nnnann Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Boots and Shoes to order. I nee the bestmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well. 143- -




14 Eaahnmann Streot.

Telephone No. 682. 403.6m

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMerohant Street, Honolulu, H. I,

Over Hnwiuiun News Company'sBonk Store. mv 18,


iPainter,Paper Hanging & Decoration

Neatly done. AH work promptly and care-fully attended to. .Telephone 81u Resi-dence, Kuakini streof. C38-6-


Just Like Gold Coin.

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood tho testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicato pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong tho medicines that areso essential to keep at hand intho home.

It is not a now fanglo remedynor do the proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revelation of tho ingredients that on- -ter into tho manufacture ofthis ever popular remedy.

It is perfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will certainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein tho house.

lour loreiathors used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

JM- 8- Tho new 35c. size coivtains over double tho quantity01 tlio 52oc. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for the Island.


Art -:- - Fotos

The Most Complete

and Artistio Seriesof Island Views EverExhibited.

The Latest Applicanoes for FineWork portaining to Photography.

52h Fort St. Tel. 151

Honolulu :. Coffee :. Mills

having F.STAni.TsnF.n a Mnnpniuplant for hulling, polishing and assorting

n are propxrtxi 10 Duy ana cleancoffee- in tho parchment.


Apply to



FRAMED,From $5 00 up. Sxraples to he seen

ar, my biuuio, ii uerelauia Street.B. LICHTIG-- .


We tako pleasure In announcingthat with Hie hint Australia we havereceived our full line of Mwi'b, Boys'anil Children' WiHlmlile Bultn.

CnnsMiin; of men's linen crash,$8fi0 Men's linen ornh, S7 GO. Boys'Bailor Bulls, fiom 2 00 ami up. Buvs'D. B Bulls, from -- .5() utul up. Boy'Long P,tnts ultH, size", 4 to 7,In whltH duck, the latest creation.Men's White Duck, extra pants, $1.25to $1.50.

TdeBo condu are the latent style and"THE KA8H" Is the only plaeewhere you can gel them at prices tosuit. A full lino of Bicycle Suits.

"The Kasli."9 Hotel Street : : Wayerloy BlOCi

We Make Shirts to Order.

O'Flalirrtr lipid Up.

AUCs i '.itfvtiyALWffiJSfWmrvr -- Wit im- - --yji

Mrs. O'Flaherty That's nil right,Tommy. You hold him up while I gonud fetch a policeman. Pick Mo Up.

A Warning.

Hoy, missus, run for yer Hfol Doro'sa copper roiuln, nn it's $fi fine for slidlnon dor sidewalks I Ally Slopcr.

Tho Right Thing.

Mother Didn't that young mau kissyon lost night?

Daughter I I believe he did, mamma.

Mother1 Well, what did you do torehuko him?

Daughter I I sat on him. NowYork Sunday Journal.

"On nil Upper."

.Brooklyn Llfo.

A Ilclcteil Warning.

w"Chorus From tho Bonk Hey, mister,yor kcu ho pinched fur BVtiiiuniu iu dispond I TJo to D.ito.

AMUSEMENTS.The Ooddird Lectures. Tho second

of tho Goddard lectures was given lastnight before an audience which wnathoroughly in accord with the lectur-er r.ud listened to his splendid descrip-tions of the art oi brewing "Rainier"beer. Be remarked that only the bestof hops end malt were usee1 thus In-

suring a healthful beverage. On tapor in bottlea at tho Criterion saloon.

Now suitings nnd punts patternsaro arriving by ovcry mail steam-- or

for L. li. Kerr. Ho sells a singleyard at wholosalo pricos.




Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after the OriginalRecipo from tho Purest Ingredients.

3? TJRY IT ONCJdl --ei


527 Fort Street, corner Hotel.

iVo. if. Dibs $ Co.;BID.


Commission . Agents!Dry Goods,

Hardware and

Groceries. '



run the cure or diseases or

Bonn, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Swine, ani Poultry.

Tho Marrelous Hair Remedy which prevents

C "TsT.


Solo Agent, Honolulu.ty Neat pamphlet free on application. P. O. Box 292, Telephone 26.

Honolulu, April 21, 1890.Mr. O. W. Macfarlane: It nffnrds me pleasure to recommend, to any one whoa htft

is falling ont, tliouxo ofDII. 1'OTTIK' IIMKOIL. My hair was coming out at innrate ax ted me toMievo tht I would soon become bald. After UBlng the oil for five weelpthis ceased ent rely; none hatcver is nuw fidling ont. I considtr It the beat and onlyworthy remedy for thU trouble and al-- o recommend it as a stimulant to new growth,

606 tf Yours truly, J. B. DANIELS.

H. HACKFELD & CO.-- Importers


TKl.KI'IIONK tti- i-


and Dealers in- -


--r. O. BOX


Plantation Supplies.

H. HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Streot.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Received by Every faoket from the Eastern BUtea aad Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PKODUOB BY EVERY BTEAMERJAH Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Fart oi the OityFBEEt

Island 0Ka Bouotied, Babistaoticx GoajuhtmEAHT OOBNEB fOBT AND EINQ STBEKT8,


i.,: !,!..


u: r


He .




DElWUTMKNr OF FlNAKOE,Honolulu, H. I., Mny 10, 1897.

Holders of Hawaiian Governraeut Uontls of tho followiuu; datesBud douominntiouH nro liorobynotified Hint on nud after mntmityof tho next coupon, during thoMonths of June nud July of 1897,interest will cense.

The principal of said bonds willbo paid ou presentation at thonext dato of tho coupon.

ACT OF AUGUST 5, 1882.

Stock A Howl No. 395, datedJuu. 27, 1881) for $1000.

Stock A Bond No. 39G, datedJan. 27, 1883 for S1000.

Stock A lioud No. 397, datedJan. 27, 1883 for 81000.

Stock A Houd No. 398, datedJan. 27, 1883 for 81000.

Stock A Bond No. 457, datedJuno 28, 1883 for $11)00.

Stock A Bond No. 458, datedJune 28, 1883 for $1000.

Stock A Bond No. 400, datedJon. 4, 1884 for 81000.

Stock E Bond No. 277, dated. Dae. 2, 1882 for $500.

'btojk E Bond No. 279, datedJan. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Bond No. 280, datedJou. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock IS Bond No. 281, datedJan. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Bond No. 282, datedJau. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Bond No. 283, datedJan. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E lioud No. 284, datedJau. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Bond No. 285, datedJau. 3. 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Horn! No. 28G, datedJan. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Bond No. 287, datedJau. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Bond No. 288, datedJau. 3, 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Bond No. 300, datedJune 19. 1883 for 8500.

Stock E Bond No. 301, datedJune 28, 1883 for S500.

Stock O Bond No. 307, datedJau. 8, 1883 for S100.

Stock O Bond No. 308, datedJan. 8, 1883 for 8100.

Stock O Bond No. 309, datedJan 1(5, 1883 for S100.

Stock O Bond No. 310, datedJan. 27, 1883 for 8100.

Stock O Hond No. 311, datedJun. 27, 1883 for 8100.

Stock O Bond No. 312, datedJon. 27, 1883 for 8100.

Stock O Boud No. 321, datedJuno 19, 1883 for S100.

Total 814,200.HEXllx E. COOPER,

Minister of Finance ml interim.000-Gt- s.




On Wednesday, July 28, 1897,at 12 o'clock noon, at the frontentrance of the Executive Build-ing, Honolulu, will be sold atPublic Auction, the HawaiianHotel Premises at Honolulu.

These premises are centrallylocated iu tho city, iu the centreof the block bounded by and withntrancn drives flora Hotel,

Itichards, Boretauia and Alnkenstreets, and ll.'i grounds containan area of 1 7-- 10 acies.

The Buildings consist of theHotel proper of two stories midbasemeut; built of brick nud con-orot- e

with broad verandas at frontami tear of ech story.

The Main Building covors nnroa of 10,800 mi. feet with Lnnair wing addition on one side,

40x21 feet, and woodou additionn oppobite wiug for Kitchen,

flOxlS teet.There nre also Four Cottogos

n the premifus with ample pio-Ti'sio- n

for bath looms and closets.1 no Main Building contnius a

spacious Pallor, Public and Pii-tftt- o

Dining Bouiun, Liuo Bil-lim- d

Hall and Bar Kooni, nndForty Stooping rooms. Tho Cot-tages contain about twenty addi-tional sleeping rooms.

A water tank with capacity of10,000 gallons is placed on atower at an elevation Biifiioicut togive a good water pressuio in asecond story of tho Maiu Build- -

'I'tiia Innlr la unttrtlia1 frrwmg I KtlJJV ID DU IJlJllt.ll J. J, Willau Artesian woll on adjoiningpremises, owned by Dr. J. S. Mc-Ur- ow.

Tho buildings nnd grounds arothoioughly lightod with ElectricLight.

Plans of the Buildings nudgrounds cau bo seou at the ollicoof tho Minister of tho Interior.

Terms of Solo aro Cash inUnited States Gold coin.

Upset prico: $00,000.00.In caeo there is no bidder to

purchase tho proporty at tho aboveupset prico, a loaso of tho samewill immediately bo offered forsalo at an upset prico of $4000 ayoar for n period of thirty joarsunder tho conditions sot out inAct 7, Laws of 189G and moreparticularly of Sections 2 and 4 ofsaid Act which reads as follows:

"Section 2. Every suon leaseBball contain a covenant ou thopart of tho lessee that ho shall,during tho first four years of theterm of tho lease, cause to boerected upon tho leased promisesa firo proof building of Brick,Stouo or Motal, iu u workmanlikemanner, satisfactory to tho Min-ister of tho Interior at not lessthan n Btated cost; andkeep the samo suitably

at not less than two-third- s

of its value for the benefitof the lessor; aud shall keop thebuilding iu good repair duringthe remainder of tho term of lease,reasonable use and woor thereofonly oxcoptod; and in case ofdamage or destruction of suchbuilding by fire, shall make goodsuch loss or damage by the necessary repairs or reconstruction orelse surrender tho insurance to tholessor.

"Section 4. Every such leasoshall also contain n covenant on thepart of tho lessor, that upon thorequest in writing by the lessee orhis representatives, beforo tho expiration thereof, tho premises withkite improvements, shall, if all oftho conditions to be performed bythe lessee have been satisfactorilyperformed, bo put up at auctionfor a lease for a term of not overtwenty years; unless said premisesshall be required for public uses,of which tno lessee shall receiveat least one year's notice. Suchauction sale shall bo hold notmore than six months nor lessthan one month beforo tho expiration of said tortn."

The cost of building to beerected in accordance with Section 2 as above quoted, is placedat 850,000.

J. A. KING,Minister of the luterior.

Interior Office, March 27, 1897.5G9-1- 2t

Battalion Orders "No. 15.

Headquarter Second Battalion FlrntRegiment, National Gnuiil 01Hawaii

Honolulu, H. I , May 8, 1697.In uccorilatiOB with Rexinii'iita1

OnleiH No 1, coiuiiixiiilfm nl O mpa let "C" "l," 'K" uml "II, "

ISuliullou, lt lleuiui illN. G. II, will mwemlil" tln-l- r coin.ihuiiiIh ut tin Drill Ulifil on THURS-DAY, Miiy 13, lb!)7, ui 7:30 . in , furIteuiineuUI Drill ami Paruiln

Kuuh company will p.r.i c 10 rilefront with the uectM-m- y guliliM audlilo closern.

Uniform : Fatigue, white trU8eriami legging''.

IJy tinier of lHlor .1 W. .Touch(SI: I 1SD T )v-n- ,

008 2t 1st. Lieut, and AtluUut.

Battalion Orders No. 5.

Id accordance with Re;imentlOrient No. 1, ('omumtiilern of Com-panies "A," "D," "U," and "F," otFirm, Ilattalion. Flrnt Regiment,N. G. H., will astemole their corniuiiiiiIm ut the Drill Shell ou THUltSDAY, May 13, lS97,at7:30..'olorkp. m.

CoiupiiultH will i u uile 10 file lionlwith iitce-siir- y itiiIiUm and II o closer-- .

Uniform: Fatigue, white trousersaii'l letigiogH.

By order Geo. McLoil, M jor Comumndliig lit Hit ltl II- - t. N. O H.

LOUIS T. ICENAKK008 2t 1st. Ll-u- t. uml Adj.

Irrigation Notice.

Hnlilir of wuter privilege, or thosepacing water rules, ure herehy uotl-lie- d

that the hours for irrigation pur-pose are from (I to 8 o'clock a. si. andfrom 4 to 0 o'clo.-- i: m.

ANDKUW BROWN,flu lit. Honolulu Wuter Workn.

Approved: J. A. Kino, Minister ofinterior.

Honolulu, II. I., April G, 1S07.r77-- rr

Printed ducks aro just as good,if not better than anything elsefor boys' shirt waists. Thoy washaud wear well, two very importantconsideralioiiH. Kerr has them in

largo variety of patterns utoightyards for one dollar.

Kroegor Pianos,swootost in tone,Jas.W. liorgstrorn, boIo agent, cashor installments. Warerooms atG. West's, Mnsonio Temple. Of-fic- o

at Thrum's 1'ook Storo. Tun-iii- g

and repairing. JW Tolo- -

phono 317.

p T1


r) Eveijii Bulletin


WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1897.

A largo portion of space is welltakon up in this issue with in-

formation of the progress of thoschools of this country last year.It will bo seou that tho expeusobus not increased iu proportionto tho amount of work performed.This fact ought to maketho next Legislature grautsupplies for national education alltho more cheerfully. The require-ments will of course bo muchgreater than ever, and, at the pres-

ent rate of growth of tho schoolsin number and size, there oughtto bo a goodly margin allowed toprevent embarrassment in thomiddle of the financial period.


HiilldliiK nud Oilier Improvements"Ulieu llokl Coiuu Ilark."

Building is going merrily on,on all sides of this fast growingtown. The Puueo section, latelyopened up, alroady eohoes withthe ring of hauuneiu and tho buzzof tho saw. Nearly all the exter-ior work on Hackfold's businessblock at the corner of XTi out andWaianuenuo streets is completed.The now hotel is also well underway. The hospital has got a "pi-in- ai

on" and prisoners aio layingout the grouuds. The rlilo Mercandle Co.'s new two-sto- ry blockis also going up. Theio nte aboutthirty private cottages going upin and about the towu.

Tho wideniug of Waiauueuuestreet has started in earnest sofar as tho moving of fences nndhouses is coucemed. Part of theextension of Pitman street is al-

ready opened.Villa Franca is the name of tho

Wuiakea addition to Hilo, thrownopen for settlement by O. S.Desky of Honolulu. It will without doubt become purely a Portu-guese villa and Air. Desky antici-pating this has named lu bt.ootonow being couoliucltd, Lisbon,Lusitana aud Fuuchul.

There has been great excitementiu shipping circles by what uu- -

pears to bean attomptat scuttlingthe Indiana now loaded for Newxork. Four bailors deserted, onebeing afterword cuptuied who ishold in tho local prison. There isstieot talk of a damage suit beingDrought against tut ciiutuin of theIndiana iu case thechaigo ngaiusttho sailor "jouugator" is notmoved.

O. S. Bradford is still hero andstill at it, i. e. biting tho Heraldpeoplo for money claimod to bedue him.

Baseball is to Btart in full swingnext Saturday. Fom clubs areorgauized but there is frictiou be-tween them as to what two bhouldfirst start tho ball running.

Judge Hitchcock nnd legallights have returned from Kouaaud are glad to get back to"Canaan." ,

Anyone calling this place"Kaiuy Hilo" will be tarred andfeathered at sight. This solemnwarning ib given f i tho hprcialbenefit of intending viaitoic, fromHonolulu. "Dry Hilo" can beused without daugor,oithor boforoor after meals.

It is said that with the comingof President Dole the wharf willtako material form. Hiloites nowsay, "when the whtuf will bobuilt," ns thu Kainnainas weiewont to Bay, "when lioki lomesback." The similaiity iu tho Bay-

ing is apparent. Boki hasn't comeback yet. Neither has tho wharfbeen built jet Hawaii.

Hilo, May ti, 1897.

Tlio C'uiiiic.11 (if Hliile.

At n meotini; of tho O mncil ofState this ult moon II. W.Whooler, M. Com woll, J.H. Brown, snilors off theopium schooner Henrietta, nndHo Wai, tho Ohiueso cook,serviugout soutouces for importingopium, wore unanimously recom-mended for full pardons oncondition of leaving the country.British Vice Consul Walker willsee that tho three white men leavewhou pardoned.

Supoiior breakfast sausage is aspeciulty at tho Central Market.Iting up 104.

-- ON-



Tribune Wh eels Wehave a few, a very few, of thesemachines left, received on thelast Australia. They are ab-

solutely the best and most ser-

viceable wheel in the market.We have them either in blackor maroon.

Stormer Wheels Theseare nice-looki- ng machines,with all the latest improve-ments in sprockets, chains,etc., good value for the priceasked, which is only $?$.

Columbus WheelsThese are a very pretty model,in olive green with gold strip-in- ?,

and have sold racidlv inthe United States, they gofor $75 each.

B. and H. Special WheelsThese have already been

tried here and have given goodsatisfaction. Tney are durableand neat-looki- ng and cannotbe excelled at the price, whichis onlv 60.

Zimmy Wheels We havetwo or three of these left andwill let them go at a bargainto close consignment.

In addition to the above wecarry a full line of boys' andgirls' wheels of different makes.We have also a few second-hand wheels at very low prices.

Our stock of bicycle sun-dries is second to none in thecity.

THEHawaiian Hardware Co.


NO. 307 FORT STREET,Opposite Sprcckels' Bank






Why, wo have as many callstoday for them as at any timosince they were first thought of.Aud we are constantly addingto their uumbor.

m tin Fifty

Meritorious Designs

Imvo been mtido by us, andeach succeeding otio is au

on theouo that wentboforo.

Our latest is a beauty mostpeople think it tho best wo haveever produced, and a tray fullhints just about tv day. Allhands are building them, how-

ever, and thero will bo ono foryon in time for this or any mailthnt may follow.

Wo lie awake ui"ht3 thinkingof now designs, aud each dayadds something now to ourstock of


H. P.Wioliman


Universal Stoves Ranges !

The Best and the Cheapest !

Dandy Cook, No. 7, 4- -7 inch Holes, Oven 15x17. Prico S 8 00AVebtkiin, No. 7, 4- -7 inoh Holes, Oven 10 xl7. " 15 00Pmzu ItANdi:, No. 7-- 18, 6- -7 inch Holes, Ovon 18x18 inches.

Prico 23 00Welcome Range, No. 7-- 18, 0- -7 inch Holes, Oven 18x18 iuches.

Prico 27 00Aitollo Kanoe, No. 7-- 18, 0- -7 inch Holes, Oven 18x18 inches.

Prico 30 00Sui'Eim Univeksal Eanoe, No. 7-- 18, 0- -7 inch Holes, Oven

18x18. Prico 35 00


Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd







Two vessels arriving withinpast ten clays brought slnthersof goods to our Grocery De-

partment und we now have all

lines complete. The deliciousDried Fruits you failed to se-

cure because tho demand waslarger than the supply are nowhero and will bo promptly delivered if vou order thorn:

Pears, Peeled Peaches, Apricots, Pigs, Apples and Cherries. Theso are tho choicestfruits ever brought to thismarket.

Another delicacy is RipoOlives, practically unknownhere and infinitely better thanthose you have been used tobuying.

Russian Caviare, elegantfor lunch sandwiches. Levi'scelebrated California Epicu-

rean Delicacies fresh by Australia. These aro the finest

'air tights" in the world. RedKidney Beans, Lunch Oysters,Lobsters, Shrimps with tomatosauce, Boston Baked Beanswith tomato catsup. Thesogoods aro recommended only tothose who enjoy good things.

Other people put up thesegoods but thoy will hardlystand comparison with the"Epicurean" lines.


Quoen Street.

mlm) CnEV

Where do I get my clothes made! Youare the tenth mun that has tho quos.tion. At J. P. Itoilrigut of course, and mydims sulta especially ploiibo me very much,

J. P, Kodrigues,i'uri btwot.




Have You

An Account?

This is a serious question,one at which fcomo finks takooii'on&o, yet salesmen are undertho necessity of asking it.Some folks deal near homo,settle infrequently, never in-

vestigate to see whether theypay more than they should andtoo often allow their accounts togo Jong over due. If you don'tcare wnat the tamily expensesare it's a poor way to do if youwant to leave your children inaffluent circumstances whenyou nro gone. Now it is quitoan advantage to have an openaccount at a well-know- n house,who can execute your orderpromptly. Often persons saythey don't want an account andwill pay in a few days. Butwo cannot keop memoranda ofcharges; it isn't jafe or goodbusiness. The stock found inordinary sti res is usually stale,uninviting and inferior, whilotho stock in our store is turnedso frequently and so cuofullywatched that it is at all time3fresh. Our stock in trade con-sists of the luxuries and deli-cacies from every civilized na-

tion. Send for our catalo uoand prices and note tho varietyoffered. Telephone us 240.We supply all nationalities.

LEWIS & CO , importersaud exporters of table luxuries,wholesalers nnd rotailcrs con-tractors to tho U. S. Navy,supplying U. S. and othur na-tions' Men-of-wa- r on the Paci-fic Station.


Nuiiunu Valley, Ktllhl ami Plains'"y 1(1:30 a h mill 2:30 1 x.Wallcilu Mouilajs uml Tnur-iliiy- a

- 30 1'. M.

JSGT Mail orders promptlyexecuted.

Lewis & Co.,GKUOOKHS.,

Kort St root. Honolulu,

For Kent.

luirnlshed House; Parlor, DiningRoom, two 11 UromiiH, Kltulieu, Butt!etc., ull In lift clnss condition, Stableroom ami uerviMilb' quartet; groundin eh-Ka- uiiidltlou. Loiutluu upperAllium Htiutii; piiHue-Hlo- Klven Jiuin 1.Apply atBnllBllii Olllne. GOJ-l-m


OmcKi 203 Morchnut Btreol, CampbellBlock rear ot J. O. Onrtort oBwl. f.(


i f



Sea card o J. P. Kodriguos thotailor.

E. A. Jncobaon has gold andsilver novelties at bis store.

Tho Board of Healths weeklysession takes place this afternoon.

Tbo Mauna Loa bad 83 bags ofcoffee among bor cargo yesterday.

Tbo Board of Registration issotting at Ewa courthouse today.

British Commissioner Huwesreturned from Kauai tbis morn-ing.

Tboo. Wolff, of M. Phillips &

Co.. loft for Muui on last night'ssteamer.

Jbb. F. Morgan will sell theRosalio's cargo of lumber at 10 o.m Saturday.

Chairman George "W. Smitbhas appointed bis !

tor tbe Fouithol July colobration.

Kato and Boni are tho names ofa couple of drunks who got finedby Judgo de la Vorgno tbis morn-ing.

Judge de la Vergno sentencedEaumai yesterday afternoon tosix months imprisonment for em-

bezzlement.Tbe Council of State is iu ses-

sion tbis afternoon to act on ap-

plications for pardons to be grant-ed on July 4.

Tho tennis tournament com-mences tbis afternoon, prelimina-ry games being played on allthree of tbe courts.

Torchon and Valenciennes lacesare still iu groat demand. L. B.Kerr has a choice lot, which be isselling at lowest possible rates.

Orders are olsowbero publishedfor tbe First and Second battali-ons, N. G. H,, to assemble forrpu'imeutal drill tomorrow over-ling.

There will be a moonlight con-cert at Mnkeo Island tbis uveniug,the program being made up of anumber of Professor Bergor's oldstuudbys.

A private letter from Olaa saystbe coffee in that vicinity neverlooked better and that coffee rais-ing in that district is no longer anexperiment.

Tbo verdict of those rentingBicycles is, that ThoCyclo & Manufacturing Co. havethe best win-el- s and keep tboni iuthe best order.

Sharkey will defeat Maber ifhe drinks the new O. P. S. Whis-key that is just put on tbe marketat the Anchor Saloon. Also,Half-aud-H- alf ami Seattlo Beer.

Itev. L. Liyrdo of Kohala willdeliver un address on Africa atthe St. Andrew's Sunday Schoolroom on Friday oveniug at 8o'clock. A general iuvitation isextouded.

Colonel Fisher has ordered aregimental drill for tomorrowniu'lit. He wauts tho Hawaiianarmy to compare fuvoiably withtbe United States navy on Deoo-ratio- u

day.Bicycle Suitliks. Christy

Saddles, Puuips,Lauip8,Stockiug3,'J uhe cement, Euainel (nil colors),Oil in bottles or tubes. 24, 2G

and 28 inch Tyres and WoodRims. Pucifio Cycle and Manu-facturing Co., Fort stroet.

Of the 4.6 men it. the employ oftbe Custom House 20 aro Hawui-ian- s,

14 Americans, 3 Germans, 1Scotch, 1 Swede, 1 Portuguese, 1British and 1 Canadian. Ninobelong to the militiu, 32 to tboCitizens' Guard, 4 to the Sharp-shooters and 2 to the MountedReserve, leaving 1 unattached.

Tho suoak thief who tried tosteal tbe hose from Georgo Mansou's garden on the Waikiki roadovidontly forgot that uowspaporrepoiters sleep with both ears andouo 0 a open, even at 3 o'clock inthe morning. The thief was toolicet of foot to bo captured, whichis probably no wonder when hisfoot prints measured 11 inches.

What's money for? Togegood things.

What's money-bac- ktea? bakfnr Dowdertco fieeT flavoring citracts?soda? and splctsf

Good Schilling's Best


A Japaneso circus is playing togood business at Pabala.

Manager Lowrie of Ewa planta-tion is in tbe oity today.

Cantab E. O. Wbito will remain with Company B and overy- -body is happy.

Tbo receipts last nigbt at tbeconcert wore $130.85 ami tbo ex-

penses were in tho neighborhoodof 180.00.

A stockholders meeting of tboAmusement Company is to boheld at tho Chamber of Commercerooms tomorrow morning at 10:30.

Tbo Hawaiian Cyclo & Manu-facturing Co. aro turning out tbofiuest bicyclo ropair work overseen bore. Telepbono 505 if youwant a first class job.

Ono of tbe Pallium bus driverswas arrested this morning forcruelty to animals. He was al'owed to go on Ins own recoguizance to appear for triul tomorrowmorning.

Hiu, who stolo a ring and somoshirt studs from George Allenand was arrested yesterday, plead-ed guilty of larceny in Judge dela Yergne's court this morning.Sentence was suspended.

Tbo time of Judgo de la "Vergnewu3 principally taken up thismorning with the trial of Kauwe-ne- ,

arrested on complaint of J.Fernandez for maliciously anddesignedly destroying the bedgo ofbis premises and driving thereincertaiu cuttle belonging to plain-tiff. At tho conclusion of tbo tes-

timony tho court concluded topersonally view t)io premises andtook a recess for that purpose.

hii.o irK.n.

Wlilrh nro NnnUod Trniii llio llllo Tri-

bune mid llcrrlij- - Orotlllvd.

Surveyor Baldwin's now housoat Puueo is a beauty, and sots thopaco of what may bo expected inthat interesting addition to Hilo.

Misb Avery, a young Englishtourist, has had mado to order, byRichards fc Schoen, a riding sad-dle, to bo used by herself, astride,in England. The Hawaiian coat-of-ar- ms

and Kalakaua's bust aresunk in the leather.

Dr. Hutchinson had removedat 'rent trouble, a rare palm froma site taken for a new Btore, onlyto find that tho laborers bad trans-planted it upon his neighbor'sside of tbe lino fence at Puueo.

Mr. Trowbridge and wife havegouo lu Koua. Mr. Trowbridgeis a very sick man, and bis friendshope-- tbo dry air of the west sideof tho island will help him.

A warrant was served on lawyerG. F. Little charging him withmalicious mischief. It seems thattho attorney interfered with work-men who wore removing tbo stonewall near tbo property of A. B.Loebeustein, kicked up tho survoystakea and oidored the mon off theluud. Mr. Loobeusteiu could notsee the thing that way aud budtbe luwyer arrested.


Sub.Comiulltven Appointed by Chair-man Ueortfo W. Slnllli.

Tho following sub committeesfor tho Fourth of July celebrationhave been appointed by GeorgeW. Smith, chairman of the Goner-- 'til Committee, who requests thorntoj fonuulato a program and es-

timate of oxpousos and report attho next meeting of tho GoueralCommittee, called for Thursday,iMuy 21 th, at 7:30 p.m.

finance Audrew Brown, J AMcUandleFB, W O Wilder Jr, J 13

Athorton, 11 F Dilliugham audAlexander I'ouug.

Parudo and Salutes Majaeorgo F MoLeod, Col J HFisher, Capt J W Pratt, MajGeorgo O Potter, dipt PaulSmith, Capt O J McCarthy, CaptT li M unity, Capt John Ken,Marshal A M Blown, Lieut L TKuuake, F J Lowrcy", John Euaand D. L. Nanno.

Docoiation of Exeoiitivo Duild-in- gGoorge 0 Stratomeyor, Capt

A Coy no and Capt J M Camara.Sports Maj J W Jones, Capt

C J McCarthy, F li MjStocker, GL Crabbe, Lieut Ed Towso, II AWilder, A G M Kouortsou, Gap-tai- n

Lotonzen and T M Starkey.Fireworks J A Kennedy, 0 13

Kipley, Capt W G Ashley, J SMartin. W II Hool-s-. Cant PaulSmith, William Jurrett, W 0 llooand W E llowoll.

Subporib' fr the Evening Bul-letin 75 onus pr month.

PwWf irjTy-VpKV-r-



&AKIN3POWDERAbsolutely Pure.

Celebrated (or Its great leavening strengthand ucaltlifuliietB. Assures tlio fond againstalum and all forms of adulteration commonto tho cheap brands. KorAL Dakinq Vow-ii-

Co , New York.

Auction Sales by Jus. F. Morgan.

irovui'rw SALE.

By order of Messrs. H. HACKFELD& CO., agents of the Board of MarineUudeiwrlterg of San Francisco, Cat.,I will sell at public auction (for ac-count of whom It mayconcern), at thewharf, Fort Street, opposite the Cus-tom House, Honolulu,

On Saturday, May 15,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., THE

Cargo of LumbertnnilPil er Hawaiian Bark Rosalie.Nlssen master, from Cbemalnus, B C.

Specifications of the Lurnbor oau heseeu attueofflceof H. Hackfeld &Coor at tbe ofllee of

JAS. F. MORGAN,603 3t Anctloneer.


Blouse Sets,Hat Pins,



At laakce Island.The Government band will give

tho monthly moonlight concert ntMitkeo Island this ovening, withthe following program.


March 'loneymonn Koai'j-Overture I.ltfUt Covulry !upiuIntermezzo Cioailerla ltiutlcana....

Muti'senlSelection Bohemian Girl Hallo


Cornet Solo Sea Flower ItolllutonMr. Cliarlca Kreuter.

Fantasia Hose of Sblras EllenbcrgWultz --Low's Old, Sweet Soul'....

llucaloBtiFlnalu-M- lll In tlie Forest Kilenbcrc

Hawaii l'onol.

Hard un t'!lerald.Says tho Hilo Tribune: "Labor

Commissioner Fitzgerald andsomo of tho Government officialsaro now engaged in trying to find'an appropriation' souiowhore intho Hawaiian treasury that couldhe drawn upon to pay for thotransportation of his big lahorsupply from California. It hasarrived 1 You cannot do businesswith a California politician vorylong before ho begins nosingurouud for 'un appropriation.'Air. L'itzgorald is a creation ofBoss ltaiuey, Ban Francisco, andthe boss would liko to huvo hislambs fed on tho Islands untilnext (flection at tho Islands' ox-po-

Conclude limy Aro JIlRtil.

"Almost, without exception, tho

interior press of tho Coast is

favorable to annexation of thoHawaiian Islauds. Ab tho largorporcoutago of a nation's intolli-you- co

is in tho country districtswo may coucludo that they aroright in thoir views."

City Carnage Co.. J. 8, And.rade, inanoger. If you want a

tiuok with good horse and earo-i- ul

driver ring up l.'oleplioiie 113,corner of Fort and Merchant

J jtreotp. Hack at all hours.



A natural aperient water, bottled attho Uj Hunyadl Spring, Hungary,stands toilay at the bead In popularityas a'u aperient water In the estimationof the medical proff union. The leadinghospitals In the United States andEngland prefer It to all other mineralwaters.


The Lancet, The British MedicalJournal, The'Eillnhurgh Journal, TheMedical Press and Circular all com-mend It with strong and forcible lan-guage to people who are suffering fromConstipation, Biliousness, Fatty De-

generation, and in all cases where anaperient is needed.


At tbla season of the year a mildaperient taken before breakfast, willassist nature to throw off the Impuri-ties In the system that tend to wreckour health and muke life miserable.

APENTA WATER Is a true springwater.

Agreeable to take.Exceptionally efficacious.Cheaper than mot waters.PRICES: 15 aud 25 cents per bottle.

Hollister Drug Co.,

Sole Agent.


& These troodsteed to bo voryprices suro to

TTH- -


This 18 very latest material forPortieres, Curtains, Pillows, etc.

Organdie Muslins, Printed Lawns,in new designs and colorings.

G-lac- e Linings for Organdies,in ail colors, snme effect as 'silk,and is very cheap.

Brocaded AJpnca md M'hnir.A New of

Ladies Swell Shirt Waists,The very Intent In

JKid Q-love- s aud Ladies Bolts.....A Simply Line of....

Children's Reefer Jackets,Only One of a Kind!


N. S. SACHS,oau b'ort Sr.reot : :

Since lYe Must Eat to Live, Let's Have tfte Hest.

Just Opened TJp anInvoice of . . .

SclrpLyjuq's Best Tes1CON8I8TINO OK

I Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Caylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKlilS POWDER.Gito them a trial. Hqney bick If you dau't liko than. Also, jtut rooelvod

Choice Block Butter, Kits Crearuory Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacm, Hums. Crickot'3 and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Baef,Choice Hinnboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc

Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to tho Arlington.

New European

Full Line Linen Damask and




(Fast Colors, Sanitary Dye)

SSST Theso Goods aro in tho Plain, Ribbod,Patterns' and are guaranteed first-clas- s.

thoaro Buit


Children's English

are nowly imported fromfinest on tho market both in




Table Napkins


Black Hose

and Lice

Europo and aro tiuara- n-

finish and qtnlity. Tho

Navy Blue Coating and Waterproof Sergss,

45-INC- H PILLOW LINEN (All Qualities),

Damask and Turkish Towels


Swiss Muslins, French Confection, Batiste,

Plain Black and Figured Moliair.

77". 3OTEl.TyjjyX9&


itr &i;, 1




Tho Sunlight is At tlto Opera. J. S. Walker,Glistening on Havana Cigars

THE Those " OrangeRims,"1 - Estate - Broker




AND- -



Scientific Remedy '

Thoroughly Tested by


Ujo Suffering During Treat-


&o Injurious After Effects.

&p Loss of Timejrom busi-


Improved pliyeichl condition,

absolute freedom from anydpsiro for Alcoholic stiiuu-lant- a.

Length of time required fortreatment Three weeks.

Fees charged $100 for Alco-


$40 for Tobacco.

Institnto located in Arling-ton Cottage, Hotel Street.Honolulu.

All communications or in-

terviews strictly confidential.

For further particulars, ad-


Socretary ITagoy Institute,Honolulu.

but unfortunately for us it ienot glieteuiugon them iu tbir-countr-

ns our shipment ofSTEARNS wheels was put outho"W. H.Dimond," so is notduo hero for n, weok. OurCOLUMBIAS also nre stillout of wheeling range, ns thegot to S. I)1. tho day beforetho b team or sailed, and nomore freight would bo re-

ceived, but they will comealong soon, ami iu tho menutime wo wnut you to knowthat wo received 97 HAMULEliS by yeatenrday'bBk'iwiH-r-, mid can n't you outwith either a "'JO or '1)7 wheel,and wo know wo can miit you.Tho 189G llAMULElt is thebargain of tho year and therhanco to buy a well kuownhigh grade wheel for 75 and$b0 will not Inst long, as weare informed by tho junkersthat this is the last lot of '90wboola thoy can furnish, for,as they write, "our sales havebeen phenomenal, and youtook the last '90 wheels wo hadiu stock."

B We bent bicycles by thohour, day, week or mouth, and werent high grado new wheels, suchas HAMBLliRS, STEARNS,and COLUMBIAS, so if youwant a short ride or a loug ride,want to ride singlo or want toridodouble, drop iu and seo how nicolywe can fit you out. You will gotjust as good a mount if you telephono us, and wo will Bond yourwheel to your door. Your chanceto buy a '9G RAMBLER cheapwill only last a few days, don'tmieB it.

E. 0. H9LL & SON,Corner Fort and King Sts.

Eagle -- :- HouseNDUANU AVENUE.

Mrs, Harry KlBmmB, - - Prop

New Management.Commodious Rooms


Palatable German Dishes.

Real Estate Transactions.I Subnetiters are furuiahed with from five

to nix liatH per week, giving an accuralrecord of nil detdti, tunrtgneH, leuBOH,

powcrit of tittomey, eto , eta, whichme placed on record. Alo a list of alldiutricl court judpnientH.

SuWrijitlon Price, ii.iiO per Mouth.

A V. GEAR,210KlnaSt, Tfonolnlr

C. B. DWIGHTTakes contracts for all kindn of 8TONF

WORK, monument work, cement andstono xldewalks unci curbing. I have onband the best Hawaiian alone, Chinenegranite, eto. Fine atone (or monumentalwork. EfltimnlcR Riven and lowest price?aasured. Tflcphonr 833.



3or. Fort nnd Queen Htreetw, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers ol

European and American Dry Goods

Fort and Quoen Btroota.


Dealors in Lumber and Ooalind Building Miitoriuls of allkinds.

Quoen Rtroot, TTonolnln,


Mercantile Agency210 King atreot.

difficult Collection a Specialty

iiAltmW I'lHiMnl'ii' )MlWlilmimirtw.

Mrs. Backroads Tlio brazen crea-tures! How daro they show themselveshi that (Ungraceful condition?

Mr. D. Hush, Mnrin! Don't bIiowyour iguornticol Thorn's tho liviu pic-tures wo'vo hcerd so much nbout Life,

Greenroom Amrnltleg.

"Ethel Is such a dear creature, butshohas ono fault Sho is terribly stuck onlior shape."

"I think most of tho shapo is stuck onhor. "

A Jut CriticUtu.

SjPatient But, doctor, didn't you

strictly order mo to avoid all excite-ment?

Doctor Certainly. In your stato theleast excitement is most injurious andmay load to tho worst consequences.

Patient Then why on earth did yousend in that long bill of yours yester-day? Ouco a Week.

llraiona Why.

There are two reasons whypeople are now paying car faroall tho way from Waikiki to thePallium Grocery and back. Reason1. It is tho only placo on thoIslands whore tho celebrated Sal-vation Army tea is sold. Reason2. After paying car faro bothways patrons find they are moneyin pocket by dealing at this "liveand let live" establishment. Woalno deliver goods between Dia-mond Hend nnd Moanalua free.

IIakhy Cannon,Palama Grocory.

Opposite Railway depot, Kincstreet. Tol. 7o5.

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular House, 154 Fort street,from 81.00 per wook up.

MfohaniOB1 Homo, corner Hoteland Ntinnnu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Terms: 26and fiO cents por night. $1, and$1 '5 npr wppje.

Wo don't expect you to give ustho preference if what we have tosell is inferior or our prices high-er than our rivals, but when wooffer a superior articln for lessmoney, you do yourself a wrongby not looking into tho matter.Call and seo our samples ofportrait work. King Ilros., 110Hotel streot.

Madam Yule, who lately ar-rived from tho Coast, is located attho Eaglo House, Nnuanu stroot,whore sho is propared to per-manently rninovn moles, warts andHupeilluous hair, by oloctrioity.She linn nlso for salo an excollontfaco bloach, warranted not to iu-ju-

the skin. Madam Yule makesa specialty of oloctrio troatmont.

Singers load tho world. Over18,000,000 niado aud sold. High-e- st

awardB at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for oxcollonoo ofconstruction, regularity of motion,easo of motion, groat spood, ad-

justability, durability, oaso oftoarning and convonionno of

R. Rorgorson, agent,lOJ Rothol atroota,



Dealer inReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Salo and Lease on

Liberal Terras.


1. Lot, Mkiki slroet, fenced, 228feet frontage,

2. Lot on Kinau street between Alnpaland Kapiolanl streets 140 feet frontage.

3. Lot on Lunalilo street between Alnpaland IJackfeld streets.

4. 3 largo Lots on Prospect street.6. House and Lot on Green street be-

tween Kapiolani and Victoria.6. TheBu.ldingknownasThomas'Block,

2 stories and embracing 5 (rented) Btorcson leased ground.

7. Lot corner of Kinau and Piikoi streets.8. Iiico Land at Wnlknno, Koolau.9. Lot on corner of Heuln and Keeau

moku street', between residence of W. A.Howen and lot of W. M. GifTnrd, havingfrontage on Henlu street 260 feet,

10. Lota 6 and 7 with House, Kalia,Waiklkl road.

11. Half Acre Lot in nilo Town.


1 . 3 Cottages on Queen street near Punch-bowl street.

2. 3 Cottages at Old Waikiki.3. Store and Dwelling, corner Wyllie

and Nnuanu, ready for occupancy.4. Lot corner Merchant and Ilichards


Properties Managed, Collec-tion of Bents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onReal Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Spreckels Block, Honolulu.P. O. Box. 339. Tel. 331.

John Nott,Importers and Dealers in

lSiPRSteel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Street.


My 910.00 Bath Tubs, lined with beatquality, No. 10 iluo, 6 in. Pijie, Chain andPlug, with wood rim all complete. Otheidealer are dunifounded, and resort to allmunner of Tricks and Excuses.

Bo not deceived, thoso Bath Tubs havebeen sold for $14 until I reduced the price.

I am prepared to do all work in my linrand guarantee satisfaction! Estimates

If you want a good Job cheap for Cash,ring np Telephone 844, and I am yourmam

JA8. NOTT Jn,Tinsmith .t Plumber


Carriage Manufactory613 to 021 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND ItEFAinEIU

BlaclcBmithing in All Its Branches.

W. W. WHIUHT, Proprietor.(Suooessor to G. Wont.)


Livery and Boarding StablesCorner Merchant and lltcliarils Sts,


VfT Carriage, Burrey. ami HucUa t allhours, , m,Kl'UONK 4W.


HOLLISTER & CO.From tho Factories of

Ija Intimidad,La Espanola,La .AJTricaria,Henry Olav & ."Bock & Co.

Corner Fort & Merchant Sts.

Patent - Shaft - Springs- ... ..j.. 1 iril IH

Invented and Patented by W. W. WRIGHT.

It Obliterates AM Horse MoThis device can bo attached to Any Brakewith Straight Shafts

E&. For full particulate, call on

W.556-t- f Proprietor Honolnln Carriage Fort street, above Hotel.

CLUB- - - -

-:- - -:- - -- :.

TO-:-- :




Eort Street, zcel. 17VBOARDING, SALE AND LIVERY.




The best of attention riven to animals left nr.ini j.iattendants, promptoew. tyjPW GOODS

i AT THE:- -,

Cil Furniture Store,(Corner of Fort and






Buretanhi streets.)






Ilntnl nonr Fort,

for tlm BorI.KT1N 7P oonta

Main Office Telephone No. 63. P. Box No. 222 Branch Office Telotaono No. 838.

Oahu Lumber Building Co.,Lumber Merchants, Contractors & Builders.


Doora, Snflhcs, Paints, Oils, Hurdwaro, "Wall Pnpors andKto. Mtttitifaatnru All Kinds o

Jlaln Office. Lelco, King Htreot. Brunch Office and Plaulnn Mill, Kinc andBethel ytreets. Luuiber YhiiIh, Leloo and Lot near It. Depot Private truok vonuvot-iu-with O. & Co. runs thronph our yards to wharf and any partfcwa nnd Vvnliiuae KtiitlniiB. 4811-- ti

Bulletin, 75c, der MonthJAS. F. MORGAN,


No, 45 Queen Street.

Export Appraisement of RealEatato and Fumituro,

The Evening 7?t(Jfe(fn, 76 cente

yer wonth,


-- r(Munuger)

Unrlertakflr F.mhnlo



flt Tol, HQ2.

BtibHorllio Kvkninopar mnuUi,


and Ld.

Buildors'Mnlting, IVlmildiiiR


It. h, It. It. It. It. of

tJUm iiiiii tJ.tl'fch. . . 'rH-ri- i'iSiii AyiuiwaHte' "j. 41 kt .



o3 BMBBCScSl tnnL!! 3

r a)- - B ,.. f i - ,. ..'NiUiA'Ali .

We are now prepareda Range or Cook Stove ever made.

They aro the world's best. Call and satis-

fy yourself os to quality, beituty und price.

Household Supply Dept.



G. J. Wallkb ... Manaqeb.



Naw Contractors.

Refrigerated PoultryAND

Fresh Salmon


Mefoopolifem fijeirt (J

Telephone 45.

Km UP 104!The Central Meat Market

214 Nouanu Street.

For Ycu.i ChoiceOrders

The .Finest-- OF

ReMgeMed .--. Meat?.

Always on Hand. Orderspromptly nnd carefully attend-ed to

HERBERT GARES,Solo Proprietor.

Fresh GroceriesBy Each Stoatnor.

Table .'. DelicaciesA specialty at

VOELLER & CO.'S,20 Boiotaulu atroot, Wurinu lllocU.

B" Telephone 080 iaPioneer Building and

Loan Association.Asset July, 180G, 106,645.16

Money Loaned on Approved Security,A Having Hank for Monthly DenoHiU,nouses llullt ou the Monthly Installment

Plan.Thirteenth Series of StooU now open.

ror further pellicular apply 10

A. V. GKAU, Rcoiotitry.(Ihiiinbxr of (Iniiimoioit ltnouiH,OOlco UoiiM, 12S0-lt:iO- P,M, 1173-l- f

Star i


to show you as fine

A. V. GEAR & CO,,

Olllce: 210 King Street.


general Business Agents

Loans Negotiated and CollectionsMade.

Stocks Bought and Sold.

Books Audited and Aeoounts Adjusted,

HlUa Bought andNatBsjJlEcauntaHi '

Fife and Life Insurance Ageijtyi

Commissioner of Deeds-- FOll TIIE--

Slats of California.

Having been appointed and commissioneda commissioner ot ueiua lortucmaieoi uaiiforulu, I am prepared

To administer and certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and affida-

vit!.To take and certify the acknowledgment or

proof ol lowers of attorney, mortices,transfers, (rants, deeds or other Instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAR,Telephone S5n. 210 King Street.

J. S. WALKER,Geneual Aoent rou Hawaiian Islands.

Itoyal Innuranco Company.Alliance Assurauco Company,Alllunco Marme and Ccuoral Assurance

Company.Sun Life Asinrauco Company of Canada.Wilhelma of Madgehurg Insurance- Com

pony.Scottish Union and National Insurance


Koom 12 Sprockets Block, Honolulu, II. I.

BRUCE OARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the Cuilcd Stiilon for the HawaiianIslands,

Ori'07i Merchant street, Hnnolnlni

H. WAY $ co.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

G15 & G17 Fort St., Honolulu

Tnlonhnner 22 P.O. Jinx 470

Uoforo niviiiK your ordor for nportrait, hoo what Kinjj. UroH.imvo to hIiow ill ornyon nnlnrK"-intui- ta

mid jmlijo for yoursnlfwlintlior thoy oim (jivo you tliolioHt vnluo for your monoy ornot.

iWTJ" "'Wiy jjRSJ . ? rt ww


Not Satisfied.

Myrtle McGraw Sny, Mrs. McQnlrk,wo wants our monoy back or a now book.Do beautiful uinidcu dies In do lastchapter instead of gittink married andllvink happy over after. Now YorkWorld. '

Tho Fart of VIdom.

"Woll, Tommy, havo yoa learnedanything at school?"

"Yes, sir; I've learned towearalungprotector in tho seat of my pouts. "Lifo.

More Dlndlnf. v

"The best thing to seal a proposali kiss, is it not?"

"No, dear, n witness."

Why Ho Married Hor.

Tho Giantess Why did you many1)10?

Tho Dwarf Oh, I wanted a wifothat I could look up to. Now YorkSunday Journal.

"TtirniiRh Thick and Thin."

itfy- -



I1Y POLICE AT CALLAO.Inquiry hero confirms tho sory com-in- jr

from Lima to tho effect that theState Department hns lodged a de-

mand with tho United States chargeof legation nt Lima for tho release ofthe mate of tho American bark "UncleJohn." Ho vns ashore on December19 laRt nt Cnllao, and was arrested be-

cause of his constant demand for "Rai-

nier lleer." On tap or in bottles at theCriterion Saloon.

Oity Carriage Co,, J. S, And.ratio, manngor. If you want ahack with good horso and care-ful drivor ring up Telephone 118,corn or of Fort and Merohnnt?trnts. Haok at all hourn.

Our work is bottor and ourpricos aro lower for enlargedportrait work than anyouo olso's.Wo aro not ranking much at it,but don't lot that worry you. Ifyou havo anything in this lino to1)0 (loilO HOO Olir RIMliploH flTHt,

and you won't rogrot it. KingUroa.,110 llotol Btroot.



Pen Pictures of the tilble fromGenesis to Kevi I ioii, .

152 Beautiful Illustrations.Topographical Map" nf Palestine

from recent nnil accurato nurvoysmade by The l'alextitio ExplorationFund of London, giving very Journeymado by the fcSuvlour from the flluhtInto Egpt to tho Ascension Thebest aid to Tilble study ever offeredthe public. For sale at tha


BAZAARW Wo are now prepared to do

all kinds ot

Copperplate EngravingWedding InvItatlouR in the verylatest und Culling Cards nspecialty. . . . .

J. M. WEBB,No. 316 Fort Street.A GOOD THING

4--- U S--- G

Ohia. Aleeroba and Pine Firewood

Cat and Split (ready for the Stove).Also,



At Lowest Price?, dolivered to any part olthe City.

telephone:HUSTACE & CO.

31 Queen Street.

latoaiian FertilizingCOMPA-IST-

Is prepared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1896.

In Quantities to Suit.Orders solicited for a future de.

tlverjA. V. COOKE, Manager.


Contractor and Builder.

Offices and Stores titled up andEstimates nlven on


ST Olllce and Sliop No. 010 Fort street.aajoininK w. n, Wrtulit's Carriage Shop.


General Business AgentWill attend to Convoyancing in

all its BranchcB, Collectingand all Business Matters

of trust.

All BusincsH entrusted to himwill recoivo Prompt and CarefulAttention, Ollico:

Hcnokaa, Hamakna, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in tho Abstract Business, 1

am prepared to make Abstracts ofTitlo in a most thorough, accurateand com pi o to manner, and onshort notice.

F. "W. Makinney.In "W. O. Smith's Office, 318

Fort Streot. 21fi-t- f

Like fine eihinet work, am only bo donoby the Hint Artists.

Tie CriterionBarber gIop


Best Tonsorlal ArtistsIN UONOLULU.

Paoheco & Fernandez.


Telephone 258 No, SIS King St







Paints, Oils and Glass

Wall Paper, Mattings,

Etc., Etc., Etc.


473 Fort Street, Telephone 20,



AG12NT3 FOR...

New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

tEtna Fire Insurance Company

. of Hartford.0. BREWER & COMPANY, LIMITED,

Queen street, Honolulu, ILL

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomca SuralCompany, lfonomu Sugar Company, WailukuSugar Company, Walhce Sugar Company, MakerSugar Company, Halcakal Ranch Company, Ka.papala Ranch. Planters' Line San FranciscoPackets, Chat. Brewer & Co.'s Line of BostonPackets. Agents Boston Boar J of UnderwritersAgents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

list or onriCF.ns:

P C Jones, President; George H Robertson,Manager) E F Bishop, Treasurer and See.retaryt Col. W P Allen, Auditor! O M Cooke,II Waterhonno. A W Carter. Director.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALL HOUIIS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWATH ON HAND.


FropPorDny 8 2.00Per Week 12.00

Tho Best ot Attundance, tho Best Hitun-tic-

nnd tho Fi'ntwt lfoalH in this Oit


Estahlishul 18i4.

King St. noir TliomnB Squarohome-Mad- e BREAD,

Cakes : and : PiesHS3"Sorved Fresh Evory Day.

IT F. S1NCJKR,Toloplmn.. 872. Solo I'rnp'r

Ovstc3in Cocktails


The Elite Ice Cream Parlors


B j. 1Z 1H3 SS "ST !Hotel street, noar Fort.

BREAD, PIES and CAKESOf all kinds.

(f.t7"Tho Fimt Itniortod und Houieimade Couleetioiiorj ,

Real Estatemlor Sale.

1 Two Stores on Nuuonu street.3 Lot on .Magazine Hill, 120x211 feet,

commanding an excellent view of the cityand harbor.

a Lot on Ilnckfc'U street, bOxlOO.4 A Choice Resilience on Lunalllo street,

havlnu nil modern lniroeiucnts.5 Four Houses and Lots on Punchbowl

itruct, all rented nt n monthly rental of flttt.his proper!) I'unclibowi stne,

wltli a depth of Hi tcet ruiiiiiiig to the driUgrounds orariaorr. with a (rontnKe on samelor 4 or ft more cottages. The central loca-tion of the proper!) makes It most avalluble,

il A fine Itesldence centrally located,coutalulim i.' HHinii. hot l'JJxSIW ft. Two

mall collate on llf lot I'rltllng In goodrental.

7 A Ootctnodlous Hisldcnco on Haselngerstreet, fitted ultli all modern conveniences. Orwill trade lor suburban property.

H. A lloust ana Lot on Young street.und Lot corner Victoria and

HeretuiiU rtnitr, o, poslie TboniaA euuare,bouse ionium, it ruuius.

ly House and Lot on Y'oung street newthe residence ot th.0 Hcv. Mr. H)de. Lotlldxltii. Hoiiu contains eight rooms.

II I'tarl City Proiwrtv.U Dclrr.hlu Tract of Codec Land on Ha-

waii.13 A most DcdnliK Homo on Thurston

iiTenue. Luigc cjiciuikIh and Iwautiful flow,er burden; bouse furnished throughout inhnnl wood with all lutcst iuiprovementa,Kxcellout view ot the city and ocean, andone which cannot be cut off.

14 Lxreo Lot nnd CommodlouB Dwelling on Green Street, commanding an nnobiitructeit view ol tne cttv ana naroor.choicer residence ii to fm hsd in the cityeven by thw most fastidious.

1j A ltuur... ui seven rooms wiueleetrlr It"! ut. bath, patent W(i, servants ipjurttib und stables. One blockfrom car line at I'anaboa.

U-- Only 4 of those hots left near

17 Two Qoupcj and Lots on I.lllba street19 A House und Lot on Alakca street.10 A lkautltul Huilding Lot nt Kallhl,

lUOliUtl, ckured, leund and water laid ou.SO A Ofiitly riloplng Lot ou 'Ihurston

aveuue, '.MUxl'5, lulugu lrontace on Orcenstreet of HCi feet, and commanding a bird's-ey- e

view of the city and harbor.'.'I Elegant Ueach Properly nt Walkikl.'22 House and Lot ou l'ctereon Luue, fj

lama. House contains ft rom. Lot 75x110i Dwellliiir House of rrwms, lilted wit

all modi. rn eouuukncia Lot l'.'SxlHSituated at 1'idainn.

2 Vacant Lot on WnlklKl Itnnd, lOOxllO.Ui House and Lot on .Nutmuu street.

Housu contains eluht furuisbed rooms.Very conveniently located near the businesscenter of the city.

!u Elegant Kesldencuot I'nnahou. Honseof 7 room wllli till modem convinlences.Lot loox'.'oo, nicely planted wltb fruit andornameutul trees.

27 1" Hulls of Furnilnre complete andthe rental of the most desirable and cen-trally located Lodging (louse in the city.

23 Pineapple Kuuch 26,000 fruitingplants, COO liuio trees, 60 Avocado peaitroeR, poach trees and Allalfa crop. TwoDwellings, bam, etc. Au Al investment.

211- -A Lodging House on Fort street con-sisting of tcuty furuisbed rooms, all occu-pied by lodgers. A bargain for the rightperson.

3d House nnd Lot, corner Wilder avenuennd Kewulo street, beautiful grounds, welllaid out, un ewlti ut vie uf the mountains.The lot U too Uet front on Wilder avenue byadeiitli ol Ijj lu.l on hc'Mulo nt'iel. Housecontains eight rooms and outbuilding.' .H tlonoe and Lit, slftttn a few feet oilKing street, just opj osltuLUlba street.

Notice: Can NVgntlutc Loans on any olthe ubiivi propert) lor purchasers desiringsttiuu at from 60 to 75 per cent of the value.

A. V. GEAK & CO.,310 King street.

TO LET!New Two Story House on Trospcct street.

Unmirpassed view of the harbor.

0 I loom Cottage, l.llllm street, near Schoolstreet. .Nely repalnd. Mosiiulto proofroom. Large jnrd.

II Hootii Cottage. MnMU street, fuelnj;Cricket ground In lirst-clas- condition.Ueautiful grounds.

II ltoom Collage, Llllha street near Kin;,Large bahenanl. Carriage house and stable.

7 ltoom Collage, Puuchbowl street. S KoomCottage tu yurd.

2 NiatCuttagcs.Chrlstluy placc.Fort street.

0 ltootu Cottatre, Iilver street near Bt. LoutsCottage. Neul) repaired tbrouhout.

0 ltoom Cottage, comer Alapat and Ilcrcta-ui- a


" Apply toJ. ALPRMDMAaOON,

5!W--tf Next to the Tost OUlce.


Li'or the Equine Tablo in theway of nil kinds First Class

HAY, GRAIN 0 PEEDAro on sitlo by tho


108 Fort St Tol.422.



The culebi-ato- MntkupuisbBkkii oh Draught and inBottles .



225 Quoun Blreot, Honolulu, II, I,

Sun- - &0k













Retiring From Business

Goods Must be SoldAlmost Given Away!

25 Cent Below Actual Gost

25 Cent Below Actual Cost

25 Cent Below Actual Cost!

All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.

All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.

50 Per Gent

50 Pwr




Cheaper Than Elsewhere!

Cent Cheaper Than Elsewhere!

Our Prices OthersOur Prices Others

Forget the Discount

25 Per Cent Below Actual Cost!Ek1

IT On Al! Goods

H a.t tt-itt-:


- -

MAY 1897.



Temple of Fashion,if. Port Street,

L.M. 6. SIEVA,








Am:muiN ship kkapkk fkohNEWCASTLE.

The Drediccr Again at Work NotesAbout Mhlps llrkd np Alone

thn Ioeka.

Tlio Bbip nonpar is anchored intho stream.

Tlio barkontiuo Newsboy Iibbbegun loadiug sugar.

Chas Gay arrived in the stoamorKauai today. Ho will take hisnew steamboat buck with him.

Tomorrow, high tide largo 2:0--

a in; high tide small 0:40 a in; lowtide lurgu 7:00 a in; low tide small8:20 p m.

A wholn planing mill outfit forthe O.iliu Lumber & Building Go,a Chinese firm, was brought fromthe Coast in tho W G Irwin.

Tho stoaraer Iwalani reportsTory dry weather in Hamakua. Afew showers of rain in that dis-trict would bo a great blessing.

Tho barkautine Irmgard is unloading freight at a lively gait.Camptain Schmidt expects to sotsail for tho Coast with a fullsugar cargo on Saturday.

Tho backing chain of tho Ma-

rine Railway broko today. Theschooner W H Talbot waB to behauled, but on account of themishap will have to wait.

The dredgor is again at work,aftor boiug laid up for soveralweeks for improvements and

is oporating nearPacificMail dock at tho entrance to thonow slips for ocoan steamships.

Reaper Arrive.The American ship Roapor, O

C Young master, arrived thismorning. Her cargo is 2073 tonsof coal, to order. Light windsand calms during the long pas-sag- o

of 77 days from Newcastle,N S W, wero experienced. TheReaper will tako sugar round theHora to New York.


From Kauai, per stmr Kauai,May 12 F Gay and wifo, C Guy,British Com AGS Hawes, OKaiser, Mrs F Mhyer, Mies MHart, Mrs Bromley and 10 deckpassengers.


For Maui, per stmr Olaudine,May 11 Mary Joseph, SisterAlbina, L L McCandless, TheoWolff, M Waldvogel, R T Wilbur,Jr, Mrs Long, Miss Widditield, SFukudn.



Wednesday, May 13.

Stmr Kauai, Bruhn, from Kauai.Stmr Iwalani, Gregory, from Hawaii.Stmr J A Cummins, 8eailc, lrom Oahu

ports.Stmr Kaena, Wilson, from ports on

Oaliu.Am ship Hcaper, Young, from New-



Wednesdat, May 12.

Stmr Mlkaliala, Thompson, for Nawlllwllland llanumaulu.

Stuir llelcnc, Freeman, for Olowalu,l'aauuau and Ookala.


Fx stmr Iwalani 5100 bans sugar.Ez stmr Kauai 7510 bags sugar, 80 bags

rice, 2.1 bags bran, if pkgs sundrlas.



U 8 8 Philadelphia, Cotton, San Diego, April

U 8 S Marlon. Greene, San Diego, March 13.11 1 J M 8 Naulwa Kan, Kurooka, Japan,

May 5.


(Coasters not Included in this list.)Am bktn Newsboy, Mollestad, Newcastle,

April III.Nor bk Kortuna, MlkkclBou, Newcastle,

April 1(1.

Gcr bk Paul leenberg, Wullman, Liverpool,April 25.

Am schr Oceania Vauce, Manson, Newcastle,Maya.

Am ship V II Macy, Amcsbury.S F.Aprll 30.Am bktn 8 N Castle, Hubbard 8 F, May I.Am nchr V II Tuluot.Muhin.We.tport.Mayt,Am ship Susquehanna, ocwall, Japan, May (I,Am bktn Irmgard, Schmidt, 8 F, .May 10.Am schr Itobcrt Lowers, Goodman, 8 F,

May 11.Am brgt W G Irwin, Williams, 8 F, May

Haw bk K P lllthet, Thompson. 8 F,MaylC.

Am ship Ilcapcr, Young, Newcastle, Maylw.

Evening Bulletin 75c per month.




An Administrator Appointed for thePaly Ealata-Petltt- on mid Other

Mnltere In Probate.

In tho Circuit Court W. J.Coelho potitious for a now trial.Various errors in the rulings oftho Court aro alleged during thotrial, probably tho most importantof which appears to bo the state-ment that J. W. Kcola Koiki, ouoof tho jurors who tried tho caso,was inoligiblo to sorvo on tho juryon the ground that ho has nevertaken tho oath of allegianceto tho Provisional Government ortho Ropublio of Hawaii. An aff-idavit by tho juror in question tothis effect acoompauioH the motion.Charles Creightou for defendant.

Jml go Carter has granted thopetition of Earnest A. Mott Smithfor letters of administration onthe estate of John H. Paty,deceived, with bond fixed a S1C00.

A. Frances Johnson, daughterof Mrs. Lois S. Johnson, late ofHonolulu, petitions for letters ofadministration on tho estate of hormother, which consist of a houseand lot on Fort street and $949 inthe Postal Savings Bank. W. O.Smith is attorney for the peti-tioner.

In tho estate of S. N. P. Hanaia,tho petition for final heuring ofaccounts and diBobarge of admin-istratrix has been set for hearingon June 14.

Judgo Carter and a jury are stillongaged with tho case of Kanoiivs. G. K. Kaioipahitt et al.

In Judge Perry's court thebreach of promise case of Boydvs. Gandall is still on.


Flret Public Appearance of the Hono-

lulu Choral Society.

Although tho houso was whatwould be called a good one, fortho initial concert of tho HonoluluChoral Society last night, therewero seats vacant in the maiu au-ditorium aud largo gaping voidsin the balcony and gullery.

The concert was such as toplease without making a Honoluluaudience enthusiastic. Althoughtho choruses did not produce bomuch volume as may have beenanticipated, they wero har-monious to a degreo thatsuggested most painstakinglabor by the instructor, Prof.Ynrndley, and the director, Prof,lierger. Tho Government baudorchestra gave pleasure only inplaces, tho execution beiug rightbut the selections evidently notjust what the people wanted.

Mrs. E. D. Teuney and Mrs. R.D. Walbridge delighted all earswith their respective solos, thoformer with violin obligato byProf. Yarndley. Mis9 Clymer aspiano accompanist loft nothing tobo desired in that regard. W.H. HoogR in the Trouba-dour's song from Robin Hoodearned an encore. B. L. Marxdrew the bow on tho violin withsuch effect as gained him a recall,while Charles Kreuter of thoorchestra gave onn of bis fine per-formances on the cornet.

Taken altogether it was a goodbeginning aud gavo promise offuturo triumphs of organizedlocul tulout.

Madam Yule, who lately ar-rived from tho Coast, is located attho Englo Houso, Nunauu street,whero alio is prepared to per-manently remove moles, warts audsupeiiluous hair, by electricity.She has also for Bale an excellentface bleach, warranted not to in-

jure the skin. Madam Yule makesa specialty of electric treatment.


Vessels Where trom DuoSchr I.ouls NewcastleSchr Novelty NewcastleBchr Goldeu Shore. ..Newcastle..Schr Kcho NewcastleHaw bk Iolanl New York .... May 31Bk Nuuanu New YorkAm bktn Amelia, Puget Sound8S AniArapiiora,....Puget Sound,Am likCeloi ,,1'uget SoundAm bk Fresno Pugct BoundOr ship II F Glade llremeu July 318 8 Mlowera Vancouver May 16B 8 Doric S F May 188 8 Peru Yokohama May 838 8 Warrlrano Sydney May 318 8 Australia SF May258 8 .Mariposa Colonies May27Ilk Colorado NewcastleIlk Mauna Ala Newcastlellktn Knseneda, , . . , .Newca ttlu, , , , .DuoIlk Helen Denny ...Newcastlo,,.,,Ship Loutlaua NewcastleBktn O O Funk NowcastleIlk ChuB Kenny.. .Nowautl

uttJiSinimmmmM ' r.Ki . yy.

;o. n.'s iiamidi:t.

Very I Event Attended byItrslnient OMcera.

Over two hundred members,,ox membors and friends of Com-pany B. gathered in tho DrillShed after the company's regulardrill last night. The occasionwas a banquet in honor of Cap-tain E. O. White, who has decidedto stay with his old company.

Tho partition between tho quar-ters of Co. B. and Co. O. had beenromoved. In this enlarged spacoa long table, loaded with all kindsof eatables and drinkables, hadbeen placed, aud prettily docorat-e- d,

by Caterer Chapman. Attho fioad of tho tablo satCaptain White, Colonel Fisher,Major McLeod, Major Jones, Cap-tni- ti

Schaofer and other officers ofthe N. G. H., Major MoLnod actitig as toaat master. On eitherside of the tablo wero seated thoCo. B boys aud thoir guests.When overyono had about hadthi-i- r fill of solids and liquids,speech making was started. Cap-tai- n

Wliitt said ho wouldstay with the company, aud hopedthn members of tho compauywould back him up in making arespectable showing of tho com-pauy ou all occasions in which ittook part.

Speeches by Col. Fishor andothors followed that of Capt.White, after which music, Bongsand recitations wore had. 'Twosa happy crowd which sang "AuldLang Syne," ond thon dispersedat midnight to go home amidream tho good time over ajjain.

A.V.GEAR&C0,,Olllce: 210 King Street.


general Business Agents

Lonna Negotiated and CollectionsMade.

Stocks Bought and Sold..

Hooka Audited aud Accounts Adjusted,

Bills Bought andNDtauDiscounts!, ' .

Fiie and Life Inswanc?. Aqeqltf

Commissioner of DeedsFOR THK

State of California.

Having been appointed and commissioneda Commissioner oi Deeds (or the State of Cal-

ifornia, I am preparedTo administer and certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and stllda-Tit-

To take and certify the acknowledgment orproof of powers of attorney, inorlirnL'C,transfers, i;rai.ts, deeds or other Instrumentsor record.

A. V. GEAR,Telephone 856. 21U King Street.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1896, $10GM5.16

Money Loaned on Approved Security.A Ravings liuuk for Monthly Deposits.Houses llnilt on the Monthly Installment

Plnu.Thirteenth Series of Stock now open

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR. Secretary.Chamber of Com merer. Rooms.Office hours, 12:30 1:30 P.M. 373-t- f .

J. S. WALKER,Oeneiui. Aoent rou Hawaiian Islands.

Royal Insurance CompanyAlliance Assurance Company.Alliance Marine and Qeueral Assurance

Company.Bun Life Assurance Company of Canada.Wilheluia of Madgeburg Insurance Com

pany.Scottish Union and National Insurance


Room 12 Spreckcls Hlock, Honolulu, 11. 1.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands,

Orr'OKi Merchant utroet, Honolulu i


3iTota,X3r 3P-u."tol- ic

TelephoB 2fl No. an King St.



