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T tSw l 2.- - -- ct VOU AAAlL yp. 7S. H. L: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2o, 1S9T.-SEMI-YV- WHOLE "NO. 1902. Skmmiran (Samite SEMI -- WEEKLY. ISsBED TUESDAYS AXB FRIDAYS. W. I. ArUHSTROSG. EDITOR. SrBSCRIFriON BATES: JC M3TK .$ S Jte. J4n. Fouxx. .S Bis. Yiax . 5 CO at. Yxac, Fbsks .. .. &.W FijiSfe bniiiSy feline. C C. BALLENTYXE. CARDS. LYLE A. DICKEY, Attorney at Law. P. O. Box Honolulu. H.I. WILLIAM C. PARKE. at Law- - and Aent to take AcXnowledsm-snts- . No. IS Ktnhumanu Streac Honolulu. H. t. W. R. CASTLE. Attomev at Law and Notary Pub a i Courts of th Repuoftc Honolulu. K. t. W. F. ALLEN, linM o sloased to transact any W bcislnsss entrusted to hl car. Office over Bishop's Sanlo WHITNEY & NICHOLS- - Dental Rooms on FcrtStreet-- In Brew ers BIock, cor. Fort and Hotel Sts; entrance. Hotal St. A. J. DERBT. D. D. S. Dentist, FORT AND HOTEL STREETS, Mott-Smlt-h Block. Heers: 5 to i. Telephone 615. W. C. ACHI & CO. Eisiss & Wafers m Seal State. We wffi bey cr sell Real Estate In all parts e the grcep. We wfil sell prop- erties on reasonable ccstmlsslciis. OSes: No 19 Wsst Xing- Street H. S. GMBAM &C0.,Lui Importers and Commission Merchants. " SurFsceco....As ...Hoawcrxr. 9SFzoscc. QeeenSt. ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., I' reporters and Commission Mer- chants. Kfev? and Bethel Streets. HcooFulu. K. I. II. HACKFELD & CO.. ie--at CammJsston Aents. Ceeo Streets Honolulu. H. I. F. A. SCHAEFER CO.. Tnaportera and Commission Mer- -' cuanis. Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl- ands. JOH" T. WATERHOCSE. liMorr and Dealer In General 1 Merchandise. Queen St. nono-kit- u. F.J.Lowrey. CM-Cook- e. LEWERS & COOKE, Sccc-oo- rs to Iwers Jt THcksoa. I mporten and Dealers In Lumber I and Bufldlnar Materials. Fcrt St. WILDER & CO., v umber. Paints. Oils. Nafta, Salt, -- A and BuHding Materials, alt Kinds. THE WESTERN h. HAWAIIAN Investment Company. ld. Money 3 or short period n approved seourcty. W. W. rtALL, Manager. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Machinery order. of every description H. E. JCeLVTYRE & BRO., rocery and Feed Store. Cotim KInar and Fort Stsu. Honolulu. HAWAIIANSWINE CO., rranJc Brown, Manager. 28 and 30 MerchantSt Honolulu. H.I. Edit 5c G&ix. IStus Focixrz. Members Stock and Bond Exchange EDWAUD POLLITZ & COMPANY COMMISSION BBOKKES AND DEALERS IS INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Partfcalir ttrestlec given to pur- chase and sale of Hawaiian, scgar slock. BefHan and ETffrarrge. Lcasa Ne- gotiated. Eastern, and Fcrsiga Stocks tad Bonds. 2 CwIIfcrsIa St. : E&s. YTRr.ciiea, CmL AT THE GAZETTE OJTICX. Read the Ratcaiian Gazette (Semi-Weeily- ). ' a' mi iuHwg'iwmiw ' 'w ''iWSHHWEBIPW HOXQLTJLTJ, BUSINESS SPAIN IS WARNED UlM Site ffl Iitabe Hi- - Ms far Ceases. SO SAYS AMERICAN MINISTER Spain Already Looking For -- Trouble. Populace In Madrid Seeklnsr Excu- ses for Insulting' the Am- erican Ftasr. PARIS, September 2. A dispatch from San Sebastian to the Temps of this citj- - says that is. his interrfew-yesterda- r sriti the Duke- - of Tetuan, the Spanish 3IInister for Foreign Affairs, the United States Minister to Spain, General SteTrart L. "Woodford, did not present any rtnfm for indemnity, but eocfined the intervieis" to a moderate phase in the statement of the great injaries commerce and industry had suffered in the United States through the prolongation, of the Cuban war. General Woodford is said to have ad- ded that Secretary Sherman had de- sired Mn to declare to the Spanish GoTercraent that It was evtdeatiy im- possible for Spain to end the rebellion in a. reasonable time, and farther, that if the -- rar iras continued Cuba would be devastated and of no utility to Spain or to the Cubans. In conclusion the United States Minister is reported to have insisted eoarteoasly but firmly upon, the necessity of terminating the war, declaring that if it was not by the end of October the United States would "feel justified in taking measures to secure the indepen dence of Cuba. The Dufce of Tetnan. according to the dispatch to the Temps, while protest ing against alleged American Tireten- stons." sate he would reply officially to the United States Minister when the Spanish eoort returns to Madrid. J - TVAII CLOCD DARKEN. MobLUzitlua or Britl-- k Forces on iBdiaa "FtoqUt. LONDON, September IS. The "fact that bo less than ten batteries of horse and SeH artillery hare been ordered to embark for India, during the months of September and October is mttch com mented- - upon in military circles. Under ordinary circumstances, the four bat teries now In India would have been re lieved this month. But these batteries have been ordered to remain in India, and therefore there will shortly be on the frontier fourteen batteries of artil lery, a full complement for an army corps. As the British force now assembled on the frontier is of ample strength to wipe oet all visible resistance, the only conclusion that can be reached In reUliion to the dispatch of for the artillery are that the authorities are possessed of informa- tion of a serious character. The infor- mation conveyed by the War Office Monday last to the London commercial ageac of the Ameer of Afghanistan that no war material or machinery for the manufacture thereof would be al- lowed to cross the frontier during the present crisis, indicates that the Brit- ish Government has by.no means en- tire confidence in the Ameer's fidelity, and It is hinted that the Government has learned that, while professing friendliness to Great Britain, he has been secretly preparing for war. Well-inform- ed circles are also dis cussing the story of secret correspond- ence between Rnssia and Afghanistan, whieh is said to have fallen into the hands of the British officials, and It Is further intimated that a widespread plot has been discovered. 1 GOjrEZ K ELECTED. Weyler Cables same Old story of Endlcs Cnban Rebellion. NEW YORK, September IS. The Herald's correspondent at Havana, ca- bles: News of the election of Dr. Do- mingo Mendez Capoe as Cuba's new President Is confirmed. I have it also on gayi authority that Banoleme Mas-s- o was ed president of the Con- gress, General Maximo Gomez has been made Minister of War and General Ca-lix- to Garcia was appointed Commander-in-- Chief. Captain-Gener- al Weyler cables to the Government saying that he is perfectly confident of being able to pacify Cuba n four months. PEART HAS RETURNED. Come Bade Erotn North Greenland for tbe Winter. SYDNEY, Cape- - Breton, September --' The steam sealing bark Hope, with Peary and party on board, retarning from North Greenland, arrived here this afternoon. AD on board are weH. The Hope came Into port bcmlng her last too of coal and with her bulwarks and decks giving evidence of the furl- - ous saas of unusually stormy "weather. She is nearly as deep in the water as when she left here in the latter part of July with her bunkers full of coal, for the huge Cape York meteorite, the largest ia the world, is in her hold, bedded in tons of ballast. Lieutenant Peary has oa board, also, six Cape York Esquimaux, who will go with him when he returns next year to attempt to reach the North Pole. The Esquimaux hare their teat, dogs, sledges and canoes. They are eager for the undertaking and all arrange- ments have been made. tYl- - IS TOfCUY. Prospects. oT War With United bt&test Itoa- - itltter rVwllucs. LONDON. September 19. There is no use denying that the situation ia Spain is rapidly going from bad to worse. It is perhaps because it is get- ting so desperate that antagonism to the United States is growing stronger, and is to some extent encouraged by the attitude of the Government. Un- favorable construction is put upon the most trifling acts of General Woodford. There is even unfavorable comment up- on the fact that he has decided to livs at a hotel for four months, on the pre- text that he requires time to select a house to suit his family. This is inter- preted to mean that he knows his in- structions are likely to lead to a rup- ture, and he wants to be able to depart without difficulty. Public insults to America are becom- ing very common. The Imparcial, tha principal journal of Madrid, printed a leader Thursday in the form of an apocryphal letter from the Sultan of Morocco to President McKInley, beg- ging him to communicate the secret of how he manages to escape the conse- quences of American outrages on Spain in Cuba, while he, the Sultan, is fre- quently compelled to, pay for outrages by the Riff pirates, MAT itETOIE WORK. Mine;. In v lattlmer About to Re- open Again. HAZLETON. Pa.. September 19. Absolute quiet prevailed in the entire strike district today. Vice-Preside- nt Maguire of the Federation of Labor left for Washington today to attend the meeting of the executive council, ' which is to consider the situation, and George Chance of the United La- - bor League went to Scranton for a sim ilar meeting of labor men there. The only movements among the mili- tary were the practice rides of the Gov- ernor's and city troops and the after- noon dress parade. Tomorrow is looked forward to as a decisive day. An attempt will be made to resume at Lattimer, where there will be L360 men. and at Audenreid. There are nearly 2,500 men at the latter place, and they were the first to go out. Many of them wanted to work, but bands of women have prevented them during the past few days. To insure protection a squadron of cavalry and the entire Eighth Regi ment will go to the scene. The men at Coxe's Drlfton mine are also to de- cide tomorrow upon staying out or continuing at work. 1 TO ESTACLI-I- T OUTPOST. Amerlcau MUltary Will Goarti Yn- - Jcon Frontier WASHINGTON, September 17. The report from Captain Ray, the army of ficer who was sent to Alaska to investi- gate the condition of affairs there, formed the basis of the Cabinet decis ion today to send a small force of sol diers to Sl Michael at the earliest mo- ment. Captain Ray's advices were dat ed August 27th. He was then at St MIchaeL about to take the steamer up the Yukon for Circle City. His report showed that without doubt great suffering must be expected in the Klondike region this winter, owing to the lack of food supplies. Further details on that point were promised at a later date. He regarded It as essential that some kind of force acting under lawful authority be placed at SL Michael to restrain the lawless elemenL Secretary Alger, late this afternoon, gave the necessary orders for the send- ing of troops. There will be only 25 infantrymen, and they will be sent from Fort D. A Russell, where Cap- tain Ray had made a selection of hardy soldiers to accompany him when he was about to go north before. TO ABANDON PROVINCES. Weyler Find-- , He Cannot Control Interior. NEW YORK, September 17. The Sun's Havana cable says: The begin- ning of the end of the Cuban war Is undoubtedly the decision forced upon General Werler bv th PTtranrrHnai-- r activity cf the insurgent army In six provinces ot tne island to abandon the inland provinces of Puerto Principe and Santiago de Cuba to the revolu- tionists and concentrate the Spanish forces at the seaports, where they can be supported by the Spanish navy. The Imoortant militarv station nf Pueralo, in Santiago de Cuba province. nas ceen aoanaonea by the Spanish troops. The Spanish residents of Bavamo and Holnnfn In thp same province, are greatly alarmed by tee Drosnect of aelnz left to ih mt-m of the Insurgents. In spite of orders he has received from iladrM ,inf tn abandon Bayamo the Captain-Gener- al has replied to the Spanish merchants of ioat town mat toe most ne can promise them Is to do his beat without guaran- teeing anything. KTNG OF DENMARK INJURED- - Falls Down Spiral staircase and la Badly IIrn!- -l LONDON. Seotember 17. fThrlrtian EC, the venerable King of Denmark, has been seriously inlured br a fall on a Euirai staircase In a Danish forrrp his mouth and chin being badly lacer-- 1 ated. and, considering that he Is in his eightieth year and for some time past has not been robust, his injury may have Christian, who is a very popular monarch, was declared King of Den- mark la 1S63. He married. In 1SI2. Princess Louse; of Hesse-Casse- l. and they have six children, all of whom occupy most prominent positions In the world of royalty In Europe. The eldest daughter Is the Princess of Wales, prospective Queen of England; the sec ond son Is King George I. of Greece. who secured that crown In 1S63. The second daughter, Dagmar, Is the widow of Czar Alexander III. of Russia. Prin- cess Thyra Is the wife of the English Duke of Cumberland, while Prince Waldemar. the youngest of the sons, married Princess Marie of Orleans, daughter of the Duke of Chartres. the French royalist. The Crown Prince married the Crown Princess Louise of Sweden. 1 NOW IIOI-- GRENADA. Rebel Meet Succeed In Uprising In NIcarusna. PANAMA. September 20. Nicara- - suan reDorts, via Salvador, state that la the uprlslns In Grenada Sunday night an attack was made on the bar racks, but owing to the strong resist ance- - and the Government's activity la sending forces to the scene tha revolu- tionists were defeated. Tha Government troops recaptured the town after some hours' struggle and hard fighting, and tha revolution ists fied toward Costa Rica, but It ia thought theyvlll ba captured soon. A dlspatchTrom Nacaragua says an Investigation into tha revolutionary movement here shows that the dis- turbances developed at Grenada and Jlntopec Generals Paez and Alfaro, commanding the revolutionists, are re ported to have passed Jintopec yester- day, collecting money, arms and am- munition. It is added that they had only about 20Q men and were going to the Pacific Ocean. Zelaya Is actively collecting soldiers in the various de- partments. TI1E PLAGUE 15 OX. Many Sew Victim- - Claimed by tbe Dreutl I) I east-- . NEW ORLEANS, La., September 19. The local fever situation has under- gone little change since yesterday. At 6 o'clock tonight the record-boo- k In the Board of Health office showed a to- tal of six new cases and two deaths. The first two cases are in the ex- treme upper portion of the city; one in the Fourth District; one is in the St. Claude-stre- et house, where the original six cases were reported, and one is In the Williams House, where two cases already existed. There are three cases unaex investigation. The report of Dr. Metr. City Chem ist, on the condition of the Italian quarter, moved the Board to prompt ac ceptance today of the offer to the city of the Marine Hospital as a refuge. Dr. Metx found as many as 60 people huddled tcgethrr in the Italian, quarter living In squalor and filth. In one of the rooms a goat was found sleeping nightly with the family who owned iL 1 KATESER'-s- NEW SUIP. largvt Vc- -I In Germany": Xa- - vy Now Ailoat. BERLIN, September IS. At the launching of the new German iron clad Kaiser Wilhelm der Zwelte at Wilhelmshaven, on Tuesday last. Prince Henry of Prussia emphasized in his conversation with the naval of ficers present that all misunderstand ings between Emperor William and himself have been arranged. The Kaiser Wilhelm der Zwelte i3 the first really large German Ironclad. She is wholly equipped with quick-firin- g guns, her main armament consist- ing of IS guns, with a score of guns of a smaller caliber and a number of machine guns. The guns are described as hav- ing marvelous penetrating power. The war ship will be completed In 1S99, at a cost or zu.uw.oou marics. 1 HAS CUT 1115 HAIR. Paderewskl Tempt Fate and Visits a Barber. PARIS, September 4. The women of Paris were shocked todav and thrw nf the world elsewhere will be almost equally startled, to learn that Pader-ewsk- i, the famous pianist, has had his hair cut short. The flowing locks which his enthusiastic admirers thought reflected his artfsHr ,pnlim have disappeared. How the artist ever permittea nimseu to De shorn of his bushy chrysanthemum, as his crop of hair has been termed, is beyond com- prehension. Paris has paused for a mo- ment in shouting over the dual alliance in order to discuss the fresh topic call- ed up by Paderewskl's visit to his bar- ber. WAR IS OVER. Pearco Declared and Sfcned by Tur- key and Grece. CONSTANTINOPLE, September 20. It was officially announced today that peace between Greece and Turkey has been signed, and the Ministers of War and Marine have so notified all the Turkish military and naval command ers. Most of the European sovereigns have congratulated the Sultan upon the conclusion of peace. Vandalla'g Ensljm Recovered, WASHINGTON PentPmhfr 0 Ti State Department is informed that the standard 21-fo- ot United States ensign, which went down with the Yandalia when that vessel was wrecked in ths tioai wave in the port of Apia, Samoa, the United States Consul-General- 's of- fice at Apia. It Is carried on the prop- erty returns of that Consulate, and is highly valued as a historic relic. MURDERWASDONE Br. J. I Smith Slot in His Doorway. NO CLUE TO MURDERER Rode Off On Horse After Firing the Shot. No Witnesses to the Crlmo-N- o Motlvo Assigned for tho Deed. News was received yesterday morn- ing of the murder of Dr. J. K. Smith of Koloa, in the doorway of his resi- dence, at 10 o'clock Friday night Up to the time of the departure of the Mlkahala from Kauai ports late Satur day afternoon no trace of the murderer had been obtained. From letters received It appears that the deceased and his sister had been THE LATE DR. J. K. SMITH. sitting in the parlor of their residence on Friday night until 9:30, when the sister retired to her room. The doctor remained in the parlor for a s longer, then went to his own room. removed his coat and began writing a letter. He had nearly finished it when at a quarter to 10 a knock was heard at the front door. The doctor answered with a "Who's there?" but there was no response until a minute afterward, when Miss Smith heard some one at the door cough and the doctor leave his room to see what it was. She heard the blind open, a pistol shot.and the fall of a heavy body. Rushing to the door, she found her brother lying prone upon the floor with his hands pressed against his chest In a second he was dead. Directly the shot was fired she heard a horse galloping up the road. There may have been two, but her anxiety for her brother's condition at the time prevented her paying close attention to the details of anything else. The neighbors were Immediately called and the Sheriff and deputies notified, but owing to tho darkness and absence of any good trailers it was Impossible to get on the track of the fugitives. The bullet entered the body on the left side, passing through the lung and heart and lodging midway through the right lung. Around the bullet hole in the shirt there were powder marks, but the ploth was not burned. Accord ing to expert testimony in a recent murder case in California the murderer could not have been more than three feet away, and it la supposed he was standing close to the house to the left of the door. It is possible he had been waiting there for an opportune moment in which to do his deadly work, and this came after Misa Smith had retired to her room to sleep. He apparently took no chances on detection by the lady in the event of his not reaching Ms horse promptly after committing the deed, for that reason he waited for some minutes after her light had been extinguished, and, supposing her to be asleep, knocked on the door. That he is some one whose voice is familiar to the family is evident from the fact that when the doctor called. In res- ponse-to tbe knock, tbe man merely coughed to let him know be waa still there, Instead of giving any Intelligible reply. The method of killing is that of a white man. It certainly shows none of tho handiwork of a native. The cough at the door even eeems too deep for a native, even though tho act Itself may have been Inspired by a whlto man. One of the theories advanced yester- day was that the doctor may havo had tho enmity ot some ot the Asiatics on tho plantation and tho murder was tho result But this Is hardly probable. When a Chinaman or a Japancso wants to get even for a wrong, real or Im- aginary, ho uses a cano knlfo or a bludgeon. So far as known, the de- ceased had no enemies on tho Island or anywhere else. Ho and his sister have used their private funds In tho maintenance ot the Kauai Industrial School, and In other ways havo dono much for the Hawallans. One rumor on the streets was that the murderer-wa- s a man, whoso wife, a leper, had been reported by Dr. Smith. Tho Government has a record ot all the firearms oa tho Island. The bullet taken from the body by Drs. Campbell and Watt was from a re revol- ver, and It Is the Intention ot the Sher- iff ot Kauai to ascertain, It possible, the whereabouts of persons carrylnjr re revolvers on the night of the murder. With the complete rec- ords In the possession ot the Sheriff, it is possible the murderer may be dis- covered In this way. About a year ago the engagement of Dr. Smith to Miss Brewer, formerly principal ot the Punahou Preparatory School, was announced, and the doc- tor had but finished a residence, which they were to occupy after the wedding, which was to shortly occur. It Is not probable that anything will be heard until the return ot the Ke Au Hou. which left for Koloa yesterday with Attorney-Gener- al Smith, General Hartwell, Marshal Brown and Detec- tive Kaapa as passengers. Stamp Duty One Dollar. The Supreme Court has decided that the assessment of the stamp duty by the Minister of Finance of $2,000, on the valuation of $400,000, should be ?1 on the valuation of five shillings. .Tho statute provide that the duty upon a bill of sale ot a ship shall be the same, as on a conveyance, and that the duty upon a bill ot conveyance shall be ?1 when the purchase or consideration money therein expressed shall not ex- ceed J500. The decision holds that the duty Is assessable, only upon the and then only upon such considerations as are mentioned In the statute. The only consideration mentioned in the statutes as affecting the stamp duty upon a bill of sale ot a ship under the circumstances of the present case is "the purchase or consid- eration money therein mentioned and the stamp duty assessable upon the only consideration mentioned in tho bill of sale In question is one dollar. The appeal is sustained and the stamp duty adjudged to be one dollar. Komi Roads. "The Kona road Is fast nearjng com- pletion," says a correspondent from that district "You can go In a car- riage from the Kallua landing to oo and from the former place to within one-ha- lf a mile from McGuIre's ranch, a distance of 12 or 13 miles. Work on a trail from McGuIre's to Eben Low's place In Walmea, has al- ready begun. The road down from oo to Honaunau will be finished and opened up within a very few days. The whole road will be completed at the end of the year. The road from Paris' to Cleghorn's plantation is very bad. No care has been given it" Death of Manley Hopkins. Manley Hopkins, for many years Consul-G- eneral in London, Is reported dead at the age of 88 years. Mr. Hopkins has been HI for some time, and on nr.-- count of his feeble condition, he had his son, Cyril Hopkins, commissioned Deputy Consul-Gener- al some months ago. The deceased was the uncle of Charles L. Hopkins, a well-know- n Ha- waiian of thla city. .Magnetic Observations. The ofllcers of the French man-of-w- ar Duguay Trouln will begin taking a series of magnetic observations at the Government buildings on Monday. The last were taken by the ofllcers of H. B. M. S. Penguin, and previous to that Professor Preston, about four years ago, made some for the United States Government II. B. .M. S. Co tmis Gone. H. B. M. S. Comua, Dyke Commander, sailed for Tahiti Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. She will proceed from that place to the Marauesas Inlands nd will then call at several South Ameri- can porta. The Comus ia bound home to pay on. it is planned that she will reach Enzland dnrlne the pnrlv m ri ot the month of February. Baniiay-Troui- n Thrown Open. Through the kindness of Commodore- - Fort, the French cruiser Daguay Trouln was thrown open for public Inspection between the hours of 1 and 5 p. m. yes terday. The large barge and the sail ing cutter were put Into use to trana- - The race for a dinner between the crews of tho Alice SL and Stranger, both of the Slyrtle Boat Club, will take place over the spar-bno- y course at 5:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Septem- ber 29.
Page 1: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...T tSw l 2.---- ct VOU AAAlL yp. 7S. H. L: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2o, 1S9T.-SEMI-YV- WHOLE "NO. 1902. Skmmiran (Samite SEMI --WEEKLY. …




2.- -

-- ct


Skmmiran (SamiteSEMI -- WEEKLY.



SrBSCRIFriON BATES:JC M3TK .$ SJte. J4n. Fouxx. .SBis. Yiax . 5 CO

at. Yxac, Fbsks .. .. &.W

FijiSfe bniiiSy feline.C C. BALLENTYXE.


LYLE A. DICKEY,Attorney at Law. P. O. Box

Honolulu. H.I.

WILLIAM C. PARKE.at Law-- and Aent totake AcXnowledsm-snts- . No. IS

Ktnhumanu Streac Honolulu. H. t.


Attomev at Law and Notary Puba i Courts of thRepuoftc Honolulu. K. t.


linM o sloased to transact anyW bcislnsss entrusted to hl car.Office over Bishop's Sanlo


Dental Rooms on FcrtStreet--In Brew ers BIock, cor. Fort

and Hotel Sts; entrance. Hotal St.

A. J. DERBT. D. D. S.


Mott-Smlt-h Block.Heers: 5 to i. Telephone 615.

W. C. ACHI & CO.Eisiss & Wafers m Seal State.

We wffi bey cr sell Real Estate In allparts e the grcep. We wfil sell prop-erties on reasonable ccstmlsslciis.

OSes: No 19 Wsst Xing- Street

H. S. GMBAM &C0.,Lui

Importers and CommissionMerchants." SurFsceco....As ...Hoawcrxr.

9SFzoscc. QeeenSt.

ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,I' reporters and Commission Mer-

chants. Kfev? and Bethel Streets.HcooFulu. K. I.

II. HACKFELD & CO..ie--at CammJsston Aents.Ceeo Streets Honolulu. H. I.

F. A. SCHAEFER CO..Tnaportera and Commission Mer- -'

cuanis. Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl-ands.

JOH" T. WATERHOCSE.liMorr and Dealer In General1 Merchandise. Queen St. nono-kit- u.

F.J.Lowrey. CM-Cook- e.

LEWERS & COOKE,Sccc-oo- rs to Iwers Jt THcksoa.

I mporten and Dealers In LumberI and Bufldlnar Materials. Fcrt St.

WILDER & CO.,v umber. Paints. Oils. Nafta, Salt,

-- A and BuHding Materials, alt Kinds.


Investment Company. ld. Money3 or short period

n approved seourcty.W. W. rtALL, Manager.


Machinery order.of every description

H. E. JCeLVTYRE & BRO.,rocery and Feed Store. CotimKInar and Fort Stsu. Honolulu.

HAWAIIANSWINE CO.,rranJc Brown, Manager. 28 and30 MerchantSt Honolulu. H.I.

Edit 5c G&ix. IStus Focixrz.Members Stock and Bond Exchange



SECURITIES.Partfcalir ttrestlec given to pur-

chase and sale of Hawaiian, scgar slock.BefHan and ETffrarrge. Lcasa Ne-

gotiated. Eastern, and FcrsigaStocks tad Bonds.

2 CwIIfcrsIa St. : E&s. YTRr.ciiea, CmL


Read the Ratcaiian Gazette(Semi-Weeily- ).

' a' mi iuHwg'iwmiw ' 'w ''iWSHHWEBIPW




UlM Site ffl Iitabe Hi- -

Ms far Ceases.


Spain Already LookingFor --Trouble.

Populace In Madrid Seeklnsr Excu-

ses for Insulting' the Am-

erican Ftasr.

PARIS, September 2. A dispatchfrom San Sebastian to the Temps ofthis citj-- says that is. his interrfew-yesterda- r

sriti the Duke- - of Tetuan, theSpanish 3IInister for Foreign Affairs,the United States Minister to Spain,General SteTrart L. "Woodford, did notpresent any rtnfm for indemnity, buteocfined the intervieis" to a moderatephase in the statement of the greatinjaries commerce and industry hadsuffered in the United States throughthe prolongation, of the Cuban war.

General Woodford is said to have ad-

ded that Secretary Sherman had de-

sired Mn to declare to the SpanishGoTercraent that It was evtdeatiy im-possible for Spain to end the rebellionin a. reasonable time, and farther, thatif the --rar iras continued Cuba wouldbe devastated and of no utility to Spainor to the Cubans. In conclusion theUnited States Minister is reported tohave insisted eoarteoasly but firmlyupon, the necessity of terminating thewar, declaring that if it was not

by the end of October theUnited States would "feel justified intaking measures to secure the independence of Cuba.

The Dufce of Tetnan. according to thedispatch to the Temps, while protesting against alleged American Tireten-stons." sate he would reply officiallyto the United States Minister when theSpanish eoort returns to Madrid.


MobLUzitlua or Britl-- k Forces oniBdiaa "FtoqUt.

LONDON, September IS. The "factthat bo less than ten batteries of horseand SeH artillery hare been ordered toembark for India, during the months ofSeptember and October is mttch commented- - upon in military circles. Underordinary circumstances, the four batteries now In India would have been relieved this month. But these batterieshave been ordered to remain in India,and therefore there will shortly be onthe frontier fourteen batteries of artillery, a full complement for an armycorps.

As the British force now assembledon the frontier is of ample strength towipe oet all visible resistance, theonly conclusion that can be reached InreUliion to the dispatch of

for the artillery are that theauthorities are possessed of informa-tion of a serious character. The infor-mation conveyed by the War OfficeMonday last to the London commercialageac of the Ameer of Afghanistanthat no war material or machinery forthe manufacture thereof would be al-lowed to cross the frontier during thepresent crisis, indicates that the Brit-ish Government has by.no means en-tire confidence in the Ameer's fidelity,and It is hinted that the Governmenthas learned that, while professingfriendliness to Great Britain, he hasbeen secretly preparing for war.

Well-inform- ed circles are also discussing the story of secret correspond-ence between Rnssia and Afghanistan,whieh is said to have fallen into thehands of the British officials, and It Isfurther intimated that a widespreadplot has been discovered.


GOjrEZ K ELECTED.Weyler Cables same Old story of

Endlcs Cnban Rebellion.NEW YORK, September IS. The

Herald's correspondent at Havana, ca-bles: News of the election of Dr. Do-mingo Mendez Capoe as Cuba's newPresident Is confirmed. I have it alsoon gayi authority that Banoleme Mas-s- o

was ed president of the Con-gress, General Maximo Gomez has beenmade Minister of War and General Ca-lix- to

Garcia was appointed Commander-in--


Captain-Gener- al Weyler cables to theGovernment saying that he is perfectlyconfident of being able to pacify Cuban four months.

PEART HAS RETURNED.Come Bade Erotn North Greenland

for tbe Winter.SYDNEY, Cape- - Breton, September

--' The steam sealing bark Hope, withPeary and party on board, retarningfrom North Greenland, arrived herethis afternoon. AD on board are weH.The Hope came Into port bcmlng herlast too of coal and with her bulwarksand decks giving evidence of the furl--

ous saas of unusually stormy "weather.She is nearly as deep in the water aswhen she left here in the latter part ofJuly with her bunkers full of coal, forthe huge Cape York meteorite, thelargest ia the world, is in her hold,bedded in tons of ballast.

Lieutenant Peary has oa board, also,six Cape York Esquimaux, who will gowith him when he returns next yearto attempt to reach the North Pole.The Esquimaux hare their teat, dogs,sledges and canoes. They are eagerfor the undertaking and all arrange-ments have been made.

tYl- - IS TOfCUY.Prospects. oT War With United bt&test

Itoa- - itltter rVwllucs.LONDON. September 19. There is

no use denying that the situation iaSpain is rapidly going from bad toworse. It is perhaps because it is get-ting so desperate that antagonism tothe United States is growing stronger,and is to some extent encouraged bythe attitude of the Government. Un-favorable construction is put upon themost trifling acts of General Woodford.There is even unfavorable comment up-on the fact that he has decided to livsat a hotel for four months, on the pre-text that he requires time to select ahouse to suit his family. This is inter-preted to mean that he knows his in-structions are likely to lead to a rup-ture, and he wants to be able to departwithout difficulty.

Public insults to America are becom-ing very common. The Imparcial, thaprincipal journal of Madrid, printed aleader Thursday in the form of anapocryphal letter from the Sultan ofMorocco to President McKInley, beg-ging him to communicate the secret ofhow he manages to escape the conse-quences of American outrages on Spainin Cuba, while he, the Sultan, is fre-quently compelled to, pay for outragesby the Riff pirates,

MAT itETOIE WORK.Mine;. In v lattlmer About to Re-

open Again.HAZLETON. Pa.. September 19.

Absolute quiet prevailed in the entirestrike district today. Vice-Preside-nt

Maguire of the Federation of Laborleft for Washington today to attendthe meeting of the executive council,

' which is to consider the situation,and George Chance of the United La- -bor League went to Scranton for a similar meeting of labor men there.

The only movements among the mili-tary were the practice rides of the Gov-ernor's and city troops and the after-noon dress parade.

Tomorrow is looked forward to as adecisive day. An attempt will be madeto resume at Lattimer, where there willbe L360 men. and at Audenreid. Thereare nearly 2,500 men at the latter place,and they were the first to go out. Manyof them wanted to work, but bands ofwomen have prevented them during thepast few days.

To insure protection a squadron ofcavalry and the entire Eighth Regiment will go to the scene. The menat Coxe's Drlfton mine are also to de-

cide tomorrow upon staying out orcontinuing at work.



Amerlcau MUltary Will Goarti Yn--Jcon Frontier

WASHINGTON, September 17. Thereport from Captain Ray, the army officer who was sent to Alaska to investi-gate the condition of affairs there,formed the basis of the Cabinet decision today to send a small force of soldiers to Sl Michael at the earliest mo-ment. Captain Ray's advices were dated August 27th. He was then at StMIchaeL about to take the steamer upthe Yukon for Circle City.

His report showed that withoutdoubt great suffering must be expectedin the Klondike region this winter,owing to the lack of food supplies.Further details on that point werepromised at a later date. He regardedIt as essential that some kind of forceacting under lawful authority be placedat SL Michael to restrain the lawlesselemenL

Secretary Alger, late this afternoon,gave the necessary orders for the send-ing of troops. There will be only 25infantrymen, and they will be sentfrom Fort D. A Russell, where Cap-tain Ray had made a selection of hardysoldiers to accompany him when hewas about to go north before.

TO ABANDON PROVINCES.Weyler Find-- , He Cannot Control

Interior.NEW YORK, September 17. The

Sun's Havana cable says: The begin-ning of the end of the Cuban war Isundoubtedly the decision forced uponGeneral Werler bv th PTtranrrHnai-- ractivity cf the insurgent army In sixprovinces ot tne island to abandon theinland provinces of Puerto Principeand Santiago de Cuba to the revolu-tionists and concentrate the Spanishforces at the seaports, where they canbe supported by the Spanish navy.

The Imoortant militarv station nfPueralo, in Santiago de Cuba province.nas ceen aoanaonea by the Spanishtroops. The Spanish residents of

Bavamo and Holnnfn In thpsame province, are greatly alarmed bytee Drosnect of aelnz left to ih mt-m

of the Insurgents. In spite of ordershe has received from iladrM ,inf tnabandon Bayamo the Captain-Gener- al

has replied to the Spanish merchants ofioat town mat toe most ne can promisethem Is to do his beat without guaran-teeing anything.


Falls Down Spiral staircase and laBadly IIrn!- -l

LONDON. Seotember 17. fThrlrtianEC, the venerable King of Denmark,has been seriously inlured br a fall ona Euirai staircase In a Danish forrrphis mouth and chin being badly lacer--1

ated. and, considering that he Is in hiseightieth year and for some time pasthas not been robust, his injury mayhave

Christian, who is a very popularmonarch, was declared King of Den-mark la 1S63. He married. In 1SI2.Princess Louse; of Hesse-Casse- l. andthey have six children, all of whomoccupy most prominent positions In theworld of royalty In Europe. The eldestdaughter Is the Princess of Wales,prospective Queen of England; the second son Is King George I. of Greece.who secured that crown In 1S63. Thesecond daughter, Dagmar, Is the widowof Czar Alexander III. of Russia. Prin-cess Thyra Is the wife of the EnglishDuke of Cumberland, while PrinceWaldemar. the youngest of the sons,married Princess Marie of Orleans,daughter of the Duke of Chartres. theFrench royalist. The Crown Princemarried the Crown Princess Louise ofSweden.



Rebel Meet Succeed In Uprising InNIcarusna.

PANAMA. September 20. Nicara- -suan reDorts, via Salvador, state thatla the uprlslns In Grenada Sundaynight an attack was made on the barracks, but owing to the strong resistance-- and the Government's activity lasending forces to the scene tha revolu-tionists were defeated.

Tha Government troops recapturedthe town after some hours' struggleand hard fighting, and tha revolutionists fied toward Costa Rica, but It iathought theyvlll ba captured soon.

A dlspatchTrom Nacaragua says anInvestigation into tha revolutionarymovement here shows that the dis-turbances developed at Grenada andJlntopec Generals Paez and Alfaro,commanding the revolutionists, are reported to have passed Jintopec yester-day, collecting money, arms and am-munition. It is added that they hadonly about 20Q men and were going tothe Pacific Ocean. Zelaya Is activelycollecting soldiers in the various de-partments.


Many Sew Victim- - Claimed by tbeDreutl I) I east-- .

NEW ORLEANS, La., September 19.The local fever situation has under-

gone little change since yesterday. At6 o'clock tonight the record-boo- k Inthe Board of Health office showed a to-tal of six new cases and two deaths.

The first two cases are in the ex-

treme upper portion of the city; one inthe Fourth District; one is in the St.Claude-stre- et house, where the originalsix cases were reported, and one is Inthe Williams House, where two casesalready existed. There are three casesunaex investigation.

The report of Dr. Metr. City Chemist, on the condition of the Italianquarter, moved the Board to prompt acceptance today of the offer to the cityof the Marine Hospital as a refuge.Dr. Metx found as many as 60 peoplehuddled tcgethrr in the Italian, quarterliving In squalor and filth. In one ofthe rooms a goat was found sleepingnightly with the family who owned iL



largvt Vc- -I In Germany": Xa- -

vy Now Ailoat.BERLIN, September IS. At the

launching of the new German ironclad Kaiser Wilhelm der Zwelte atWilhelmshaven, on Tuesday last.Prince Henry of Prussia emphasizedin his conversation with the naval officers present that all misunderstandings between Emperor William andhimself have been arranged.

The Kaiser Wilhelm der Zwelte i3the first really large German Ironclad.She is wholly equipped with quick-firin- g

guns, her main armament consist-ing of IS guns, with ascore of guns of a smaller caliber anda number of machine guns. The

guns are described as hav-ing marvelous penetrating power. Thewar ship will be completed In 1S99, ata cost or zu.uw.oou marics.


HAS CUT 1115 HAIR.Paderewskl Tempt Fate and Visits

a Barber.PARIS, September 4. The women of

Paris were shocked todav and thrw nfthe world elsewhere will be almostequally startled, to learn that Pader-ewsk- i,

the famous pianist, has had hishair cut short. The flowing lockswhich his enthusiastic admirersthought reflected his artfsHr ,pnlimhave disappeared. How the artist everpermittea nimseu to De shorn of hisbushy chrysanthemum, as his crop ofhair has been termed, is beyond com-prehension. Paris has paused for a mo-ment in shouting over the dual alliancein order to discuss the fresh topic call-ed up by Paderewskl's visit to his bar-ber.


Pearco Declared and Sfcned by Tur-key and Grece.

CONSTANTINOPLE, September 20.It was officially announced today that

peace between Greece and Turkey hasbeen signed, and the Ministers of Warand Marine have so notified all theTurkish military and naval commanders.

Most of the European sovereignshave congratulated the Sultan uponthe conclusion of peace.

Vandalla'g Ensljm Recovered,WASHINGTON PentPmhfr 0 Ti

State Department is informed that thestandard 21-fo- ot United States ensign,which went down with the Yandaliawhen that vessel was wrecked in thstioai wave in the port of Apia, Samoa,

the United States Consul-General- 's of-fice at Apia. It Is carried on the prop-erty returns of that Consulate, and ishighly valued as a historic relic.


Br. J. I Smith Slot in His



Rode Off On Horse AfterFiring the Shot.

No Witnesses to the Crlmo-N- o

Motlvo Assigned fortho Deed.

News was received yesterday morn-ing of the murder of Dr. J. K. Smithof Koloa, in the doorway of his resi-

dence, at 10 o'clock Friday night Upto the time of the departure of theMlkahala from Kauai ports late Saturday afternoon no trace of the murdererhad been obtained.

From letters received It appears thatthe deceased and his sister had been


sitting in the parlor of their residenceon Friday night until 9:30, when thesister retired to her room. The doctorremained in the parlor for a s

longer, then went to his own room.removed his coat and began writing aletter. He had nearly finished it whenat a quarter to 10 a knock was heardat the front door. The doctor answeredwith a "Who's there?" but there wasno response until a minute afterward,when Miss Smith heard some one atthe door cough and the doctor leave hisroom to see what it was. She heardthe blind open, a pistol shot.and thefall of a heavy body. Rushing to thedoor, she found her brother lying proneupon the floor with his hands pressedagainst his chest In a second he wasdead.

Directly the shot was fired she hearda horse galloping up the road. Theremay have been two, but her anxiety forher brother's condition at the timeprevented her paying close attention tothe details of anything else. Theneighbors were Immediately called andthe Sheriff and deputies notified, butowing to tho darkness and absence ofany good trailers it was Impossible toget on the track of the fugitives.

The bullet entered the body on theleft side, passing through the lung andheart and lodging midway through theright lung. Around the bullet hole inthe shirt there were powder marks,but the ploth was not burned. According to expert testimony in a recentmurder case in California the murderercould not have been more than threefeet away, and it la supposed he wasstanding close to the house to the leftof the door. It is possible he had beenwaiting there for an opportune momentin which to do his deadly work, andthis came after Misa Smith had retiredto her room to sleep. He apparentlytook no chances on detection by thelady in the event of his not reachingMs horse promptly after committingthe deed, for that reason he waited forsome minutes after her light had beenextinguished, and, supposing her to beasleep, knocked on the door. That heis some one whose voice is familiar tothe family is evident from the factthat when the doctor called. In res-

ponse-to tbe knock, tbe man merelycoughed to let him know be waa stillthere, Instead of giving any Intelligiblereply. The method of killing is that ofa white man. It certainly shows noneof tho handiwork of a native. Thecough at the door even eeems too deep

for a native, even though tho act Itselfmay have been Inspired by a whltoman.

One of the theories advanced yester-

day was that the doctor may havo hadtho enmity ot some ot the Asiatics ontho plantation and tho murder was thoresult But this Is hardly probable.When a Chinaman or a Japancso wantsto get even for a wrong, real or Im-

aginary, ho uses a cano knlfo or abludgeon. So far as known, the de-

ceased had no enemies on tho Islandor anywhere else. Ho and his sisterhave used their private funds In thomaintenance ot the Kauai IndustrialSchool, and In other ways havo donomuch for the Hawallans. One rumoron the streets was that the murderer-wa- s

a man, whoso wife, a leper, hadbeen reported by Dr. Smith.

Tho Government has a record ot allthe firearms oa tho Island. The bullettaken from the body by Drs. Campbelland Watt was from a re revol-ver, and It Is the Intention ot the Sher-iff ot Kauai to ascertain, It possible,the whereabouts of persons carrylnjr

re revolvers on the night ofthe murder. With the complete rec-

ords In the possession ot the Sheriff,it is possible the murderer may be dis-

covered In this way.About a year ago the engagement

of Dr. Smith to Miss Brewer, formerlyprincipal ot the Punahou PreparatorySchool, was announced, and the doc-

tor had but finished a residence, whichthey were to occupy after the wedding,which was to shortly occur.

It Is not probable that anything willbe heard until the return ot the Ke AuHou. which left for Koloa yesterdaywith Attorney-Gener- al Smith, GeneralHartwell, Marshal Brown and Detec-tive Kaapa as passengers.

Stamp Duty One Dollar.The Supreme Court has decided that

the assessment of the stamp duty bythe Minister of Finance of $2,000, onthe valuation of $400,000, should be ?1on the valuation of five shillings. .Thostatute provide that the duty upon abill of sale ot a ship shall be the same,as on a conveyance, and that the dutyupon a bill ot conveyance shall be ?1when the purchase or considerationmoney therein expressed shall not ex-

ceed J500. The decision holds that theduty Is assessable, only upon the

and then only uponsuch considerations as are mentionedIn the statute. The only considerationmentioned in the statutes as affectingthe stamp duty upon a bill of sale ota ship under the circumstances of thepresent case is "the purchase or consid-eration money therein mentioned andthe stamp duty assessable upon theonly consideration mentioned in thobill of sale In question is one dollar.The appeal is sustained and the stampduty adjudged to be one dollar.

Komi Roads."The Kona road Is fast nearjng com-

pletion," says a correspondent fromthat district "You can go In a car-riage from the Kallua landing to oo

and from the former place towithin one-ha- lf a mile from McGuIre'sranch, a distance of 12 or 13 miles.Work on a trail from McGuIre's toEben Low's place In Walmea, has al-ready begun. The road down from oo

to Honaunau will be finishedand opened up within a very few days.The whole road will be completed atthe end of the year. The road fromParis' to Cleghorn's plantation is verybad. No care has been given it"

Death of Manley Hopkins.Manley Hopkins, for many years Consul-G-

eneral in London, Is reported deadat the age of 88 years. Mr. Hopkinshas been HI for some time, and on nr.--count of his feeble condition, he hadhis son, Cyril Hopkins, commissionedDeputy Consul-Gener- al some monthsago. The deceased was the uncle ofCharles L. Hopkins, a well-know- n Ha-waiian of thla city.

.Magnetic Observations.The ofllcers of the French man-of-w- ar

Duguay Trouln will begin takinga series of magnetic observations atthe Government buildings on Monday.The last were taken by the ofllcers ofH. B. M. S. Penguin, and previous tothat Professor Preston, about fouryears ago, made some for the UnitedStates Government

II. B. .M. S. Co tmis Gone.H. B. M. S. Comua, Dyke Commander,

sailed for Tahiti Sunday morning at8 o'clock. She will proceed from thatplace to the Marauesas Inlands ndwill then call at several South Ameri-can porta. The Comus ia bound hometo pay on. it is planned that she willreach Enzland dnrlne the pnrlv m riot the month of February.

Baniiay-Troui- n Thrown Open.Through the kindness of Commodore- -

Fort, the French cruiser Daguay Troulnwas thrown open for public Inspectionbetween the hours of 1 and 5 p. m. yesterday. The large barge and the sailing cutter were put Into use to trana- -

The race for a dinner between thecrews of tho Alice SL and Stranger,both of the Slyrtle Boat Club, will takeplace over the spar-bno- y course at 5:30o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Septem-ber 29.

Page 2: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...T tSw l 2.---- ct VOU AAAlL yp. 7S. H. L: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2o, 1S9T.-SEMI-YV- WHOLE "NO. 1902. Skmmiran (Samite SEMI --WEEKLY. …





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gaOerfea. kacF stose koitowedaf ofioac. feet

farafaBes aasigeatioaaf X- -.

Tkatfeac af

areseat leocteat. We



at as


2? 1S&T.

ctatcBte 1"; ViaX. TtS-- a Kti BCf .sj.v ava u.w

3Bt s teoi wrr- - airjstet

groriteg-a- i see.attectfoc nfBSt iai

ind & rrcst ti-- s

ibsa Si vis&rr aai. Teu.Ki

ffimm Jfcmytes, ctrtKof b&aras;

trasMsifc, rarrreae; Cgata aMCsfcari -- f

sks vn.spjc-- s


wkjl t t--

i. (Knr mI. HT KCBTK' OgHBTSJ. r5E--

ato-gx-ta an? taealasir saaaB

sanee.taarwwtt fcTMBiwsii.- -!


a safe rf sepiarbb8s a tre

BUrtr rricami


hrr. tw





ilh? seriiprttj-o- f

say. tora


t- -

3 pSrsr "Tie


nau aaaix tfee-



toprf--a- n-

k it Vr-- k

a pa?M4






r- -

tkes r,

cker xrtiekss fc


, CkSte,

bk&rfe Xu. fct


the Sset.keoafekt If bOs

saw a.b TflBBat.





a mwtibti kooat tke less ifTr

tketr af







"i-- "e'


carlo sfcaag fossa

SJSfcwL t&AiaL

Ttbteritos. dees

--iiy-Siff. sts. rick;--arss.

Traasr araaawozsr ssec



saartteii akont a a e. tieEBui Tri sttci fatlons ssrecst;sa te- obis. afesife azafcst sir sasamJ &ca stess. Tke tt 6i&j tre ece- oe. t ttfee otrpfeeoa. Aad scared. Oe attiMse rarii star & ai strme tfeeitT 164. t&fagsii Toftjai

tk wllafcf rsgsoit akoLTreus: wre kfews ow, boraes vnz&tf

fenate bM tiwc: aSi r sw U9 kmsjfcsFaais.i-arMfe-eceQ- t af esoatrj-a- s s

Busre- te rtrer a feuce sis cakswHt Tfe- rtLni got

j fiBur feat sfer water- - Wkec srekaa gat wa.j- - te ,we were ncaed bae wttk tie nKssaratkat. t&jere- - gettiaz: Toijatsat We foarji tijt we coaki

tke Lais Ck aeaS aaretara te&ce tie. o'eioci er.

Tfee scdc ia sskei&ti secItas lase- - aad tbe was shis ia?seraslF tiflc?i &s& ko& asear e desofiitst, wroeat a fewJioess' dssatSsa of stoczi. No jra;

ktp- p Ses oe-- 'VjiWa "jieas r Se ajesatei arc

the i a ftaea c&iiy reset atlBcaBomi iff wica loc? karafceo sofcs.Te roai tie laie was passa&fe, fesr

a. sk k5r of OEwrfets had. eacie(Iowa fea tie ko i tfcere tecr waj-t-a

otfear pfae es. Eaefc $cdia acee cofef. o&e En tke ska its,

a raje goH fa taafeat style,ptfck. So we sfcurteii the eibt

aaite' We fioaa tke raerf for teSrst of tike way coaifarxrlTelysiaicuc tke ascrrt feetar tstj" 5TaLBat wfeea: we feft tie road tie Asir

flflerr Tfetf-- r we fisca tie readasj-- rntia roai weS

ia t Iaees was est oi tiesaiai rcc; tket tie foara itlaa kedw sare c"- tiB5i m.rraw.ocjs rf reawrsti tie feose staoes thatB faBec amiLtg tke stocn. tietns tkat kai ktows. aowa. aerass tie I

rscc te jrnTT-rynw- . eke ptagfir war ircrg' tae staes aa suientke Tai e wer tie faBes: treftf. adbest oe t? cekej wasioe iaa.

kK-w-ar ststiQG, wkere tier Tmltedfociz. kaif dra aad saaksdtkctr pife.

TBea we stzrte. ssafu weoaaiMffpWie tke valleykpcweea tke easaeei of tke Ffcfca-sa- -

aad. a. fearfm! ekasia tke oci-- rfsMe. a deaa eat tkroagk bed of grav-el. trjiW feet deep. Tke road xtsraggsdthronga tke eiay sail r a tie iageoaks. Tke leoee were skar? ia. theirtarae tke karrjfci feuyts the Kc-ks-la.

rixEmcd. aad pcofortioaaleiyskctr. Oee iarobxatarily held oa-- r skreati tke ceotfes tasraed tie sharpeor&jrs of tke zigzag; lGQ35a? oCtie fwtr-f- e raatdr ia tie gorge tetowNor & the road lcofc pertfcaferty

ersesed variESraie OEakts. propria? ap wattled

pfatfona wfth a feoc of earth to cakesracoti ridfcg; Occasionally we

euae pfeuej where tie nad nrasthave ke--a two foc deep dcriag: tiestocra. ket saSeBeatry dry tie eccl-l-es

peH tiroagh with sabdaedcries aad graats they tagged alongtoeatier. Tiey had aatitag; bat strawsotes tied their fe. aad two cfteas lost ia the rsad.

Ealf way w& they rested a teakoose that eoenaaaded ae view ofthe gorge- - beiow. aad showed dearlywist aa asceat we T aiade. Theflower half of tie vaffijy ap which wehad pg&d had Iiea pretty well de-aa- fed

of Its fscests: kg-- tke rtaaliwraera, whose ate we eoeld see sook-fe-g:

aaoKstala sides away telcwws. We eajored the rest fwtT Tnt ii mi J ii mi a r i.i x

nil bor stood aat aT iTT 1T - " wtB: " woes, saateg the


v - Tiii . i i- i i t-- iti- - , m

ei06si Tfc. 6E covered. WieTofpettiBtkeresJdcegtk'iBwr smSeed lo STjfarlLllr rw Tl-7rj-

-ir.t. tg a was sooa ertdeac that we' 'T!'!. -- 7t --- 1 were aeartsg use crest of the ridsre.

ta-- ..-T.- KT - L,-lr!l!!-?! f s5t grove oa" top.

3Bl tiBBte of tke TTfrTXS.r,!1 "'' . tt theiyy--- - kkf --r 1--

ZT .tT: "T -- ? B'e- - a ia an f- -. - - c - j . - -B-- 8. FrBK CtBkr IEB-5-C- .k,. -r- f- T , --., - ifc r--

vr- - sE3i tcgi e sheet..- - cr at alBi a iiaji irna nil i J

k-- j I- -. v -- - "i ". .


LtJlHE &Hdfcfr .c. , -



artu- - lj--

&- -vsr se




Iti; It f



tn-- t

r- - i

as te

i tk

a. s& tt

at mC

f sd

, ""si

toao at

wfar if to sfe ie rr

w no eff

j.as te tr to


it asaf It oc


fp ari &




wto oc

tr- -yf


--i as kit


ib a. ea

C aa.


asas on



ta vsas



oe je--irx ...



a-- rh elrf ts



nr-o- in

j-- um. it a

iii..j OBW






,of water tares nifct

wife eight ioag. at heigSt cf 4475feet above sea ferel. aad raeasared

j depth of feet. the rigSt Hoaat.2aa2E rises ta Errsri&iil

kaa: V jeraH. aB erased z--Uaa 3r?-'-f i , ro ta snasa, a height of SJ54

act, iks-- m Kftka b a. --Tb riiiBH tk iafcsri'r4,n fT8 l?C' WBOT F?3

tk-- a-a- aen earir - a --w 41 ," TJ'rr.'-- f ".T"8." z"cra- - "ia felt e6re4oyiBBr-r-t- -' 1--


ffr r1r fc corfe. Sfc Pk-- -r -; liltr-r- :' i r-:"t- "- e2 tte wsgpca

t- -- --er poBwtf-- . r. w IKSi!:l!Z?ZBJr.:fc.af i ora T- -.. fna - wfek , 2 ..ZS 5?-- .? ftT&- -to r-- 2T --er -- TOiBB af tfc- - . w - . , - ":- - kfssk to Be araass

--IS- "fSSJSLiS iiiJttirr'wJKEa-i--- -rkr --aei ?t Ke .t v f-t-op -- r. on - !- --

-- "lM

s awujji ajf ij- rgfjai jgr 2-- tg--- th y. ,

Jt rs--




fc'--i tfteour







ad eBEJBMf earved fe-i-








e Xa


kenr, tea










a? Oafra--rr




c- -ierS8a axspwsd of Japeaese aad

-- ir ate get ttg--' gth- e- eaioyed a half hoar's koat

""T1" "?f teaj tkebka Tfe late fe imsBlar tic?of esT tfcrw sa , S tafcT.? 5

tW-- b-










W --ad papalar .Meets ofvj, at wa7--l Zsl L 7?t ?fesfcnassaflMner Jaoa. Oat esrers t rises eps broad.kfe eyes w--h hfe haarf aaot-- - hfe dSdSeo tte ttarf his rrS, ayrahoiltfas toSaaps, te SehSafslall

a. AV.k

uiie-- "V teft tte kti at 4 p. bi. aaiar-1-4 at JJaio at o'efeci. tl Jist-t-ik

ia saea a fccwiiia? tiir trotferji tie telMnjr xtf till taeyc a&t as ftaek to tit XG3 Hetrf.

tr eas liovc ojk faster tb&akv-s- es aVJ trot arwtai saca skxrptc--:. asd. rte tfeaa&al ao to?tH ivtfcittil aRscaeoa '9- katf sjat.tr .ag as it &o ba to a 'arocaaa'Sas-r- sk yet K af gMspss ot fe4etytfci" aok s ra4r ?e fceBeve UatJJ iio-sa-e b ta atal poiat aad tbae- - zh. poiat T ti rsewafctia sweerrf as as of Its vaoderittt

leztpfe arvkltecttKv. H.


u.r w 3. OK JtEM


K r












--- -

osr is.

Tke perasiea gaulied b-- tie Xarr- -

I arc eat for tie deca? t tieA 5aa stsaner For itwi ia te Got--ersaaeat (feci; at Seattle briars to tiebl as at Tresar- - eiSeials a story cfE-c- i. laterest. says tie "WasiiaswaS ar. Tke Fortfciad Is aaw cae oi tieh: ast faaes ressefc ia tie worlti, bar-ir- ?

kttia ece af tie rt to ktia? liowae .ItQBs of deikuu iz. najjets frora tieETooialte- eoaatry aad maay tappye Tie aews wMci sie firstbnjokt Is iaui a sreat (teal to da wititi- eaefceaeet wfii kas siace kecoaeaaisersaL

la 1S9S tke F0ctkt4 was as wellknassa as ske fe teiay. kat tiea it wasr aaacker dtrnaoir. Sie tiea kecocse

a. --oriuiE as- a srosfcr- - of opfear iato"rtlaad. Her iistory is wortk read--1tag.

Tke Focrfrfn was dbQc at Bati. lie.. '

ta ISS&V fer use darias: a Haytiea re-vc- ia

Ske Is of US3 toas gross. Tie ,

Haytfessf tiSiat pay for her. Sie had.however, ieea c&risteaed tie HaytieaEeeekHev aad went soger tiis aaxaefor years. Sie was fically feosgit kya paciiss' eompasj" a gac. Fraaciscotor nrrmmg- to aa rroa tie coci- -paay"s caaaerfcs ia Afa.frn,. The aeattiJi?- ieard of aer sie was sold to tieJTerefeacts Traspoctatioa Coaipaayof Psrclaad, aad it was sappesed thatshe was still ecsaged ia legitiiate traf--tc la a sicrt tiaie tie GoTeraaieatSefab ascertaied that aa izsmease

aaaonat of opiaat was betas: saiagiiediato Partiaat It was aot Saawa howtkt was fceias doe. bat shrewd special agents were pat to work, aad the?- -

Jijraa te saspect tie Haytiea Kepab-U-cTie resale of their sasptcicas

w?re wiofesale arrests cf procLtaeat;eaple. orer heias iadleted. Aaioa?;ese were tie owaers of the steamer,'it- - CoQeetor of Cestsras aad aa

ageat. Tie conspiracy wasfoaad to be wholesale;, aad the arrestsreared profocad seasaoas oa the Pa-a- ae

Ccasx.It was ascertained before the trials

:f tie oCeaders had beea coacfeded'lt the oceratioas of the Haytiea Ee--pa&Iie had lest tie GoTeracieat overiSmm ia daties oa opiara. The Kay--

ea Eefeblfe was fitted ap with secretOBtpartseats and the opun was

saasJEed ia these. owaers of tievessel at tie tirae of the dbcorerrwed f&SWt oa her. They had boesht

her for ?42,ir aad had paid J32J30.Tke vessel was Hfceled by the Gav-eram- eat

aad sold at a raarshaTs sale.Ske was bid ia for ?IjW by hsr pres-e- at

owners, who have since kept her attkat ptenad iato T&rrtfma.t& work ia


Faa.-- UJ




tradTke owaers kaew that the reaeta--

f tloa of the vessel woald be preindicialto her, aad they apkatioa to

i tie TreasHry Departaieat to be allowedm cfeaaga her aaaxe. They stated ia

t their appticatloQ. which is oa file attke Treasary, that the flfccal acts oftke vessel had placed her ia srach badrepate that she woeid be looked apoawith saspjefgjT at every port. This sas-piao- E,

they said, wocid caase aaaoy-aac- eia searches aad delay aad ex-ge-

The Treasary fatty coaseatedto a eaaage of aaaie. aad the HaytieaKparij.c was cansteaed the Pcrtlaad.

She was repaired, refitted aadia basiaess ia TVvr- ?- waters.

Weakened VitalityIMPOVERISHED

EcadwfcatAyer'a Sarsaparilla didfor the EeT. Z. P. TTflgg, a well-faao- wa

city raissionarj in Xe w Torkasd brother of the late pmfTint

many afrom fcotls a T3 1lie natar'cansed 67 the impoyer--

isBal state raj McL My appe-tite was poor my system 3 gooddeal down. Knowing the yalae

AVer's Sarsaparilla, by obserra-ets- athe pi it had done otters

I tezzn taMng My

Appetite Improvedataisst from the first dose; thenmygsaral health iraproyed, raw itii exerHent. a hrtndrcd pexcess. sKoagEr, aad I zttribnte thi3zssalt la AVer's Sarsaparilla, wbichI rscoainiesd with ail confidence 22the teat bleed medicine eyerderised."

For disorders resulting frompcor or corropted bloodgfcbiBtT, t





Planters Hoe



This Hoe made specially- for the PAGDJIC HARD-lirAR- E

CO., and pronounced the best Planters' Hoe that haseyer been used in the country.

A large assortment of goods just receiyed by the

Pacific Hardware Co., Ld.


Tobacconists,Cor. Fort & Merchant Sts.



La Intimidad,La Espanola,

La Africana,. Henry Clay & Bock & Co.

California Fertilizer WorksOrncii 5J7 iierchant St.. San Francisco, CaL

fACTQEiis South Sas Francco and Berkeley, Cal.J. E. MILLER, MANAGER.



Fertilizer Materials IOF EVERY DESCRIPTION.

HaTeconsiaatiy oa haad the foIIoTrin? goods adapted to the Island trade:



tW Special Maanres Manufactured to Order- -The naaores manufactured the Cjujjoehjl Vzzmszts. Woees are made entirelrfrom eieaa tone treated with acid. Dry Rood and Flesh, Potasn and Magnesia Salts.o adolteraaon of any is ossd. and evry is sold nnder a guaranteed an-alysis. One or thousand ions are almost exactly ahke, and for excellenteocdjnon and analysis have no superior in the market.

- sppenonty of Pare Bone oTer any other Phosphatic Material for Fertilizsr usett so wil known tint it needs no explanation.Tfcelarzeand'coiistanilT-increiiinrfpTn.iTir- f fnr rh rrtnF,Bm , .ttn.ifTlTTT3'T' J' 7. the "CUTIIIZE best possible proof of their superior quality.

I was for years smxerer AS&xkef tte FerQners wfll te lent Ccastastly eaHisaaai for sale oa the nsnalterns.trand other ernptMms of v O T Jof


ofof to


andI feel

allaad general







kind tonten one




Write for Samples

And Compare Prices!

We have a country order department that trili attend to yoor wantaaad gaTe yon anywhere frora 25 to SO cents oa every dollar.

NEW GOODSAre eoralng fenrard by eTery steamer and arethe Wanda."

A tingle yard or article at srholeaale prices.

Queen 5treet,Honolulu.

being "Distributed all oyer

L-- E3. .KEIIi




K iV

Page 3: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...T tSw l 2.---- ct VOU AAAlL yp. 7S. H. L: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2o, 1S9T.-SEMI-YV- WHOLE "NO. 1902. Skmmiran (Samite SEMI --WEEKLY. …








W" V l i . 4WI,W W


ftp M' M It Sis?



JSt Louis Players HVere

at Their Best.

Ottt-tlede- rs Knew Ther Sustoess.A Splentlki Came With

Few Kteks.

Tke basabatt aae f Satarday,

tke Star ad St. Ia4s tes:. re-rt- ijt

kx a Tietocy for tie staeeats by

a scare of U to ft. Tke pteyta? at tieSt Loafe teas ?as aadi better thaatkat. ot tke Stars. Howerer. takea allfcx all. tke-gaa- ts a geod ooe aad

to vatch.Asia tkere as troabie fe settia? aaaatre, aad tke saae was deteyed

akfle Captaias Tkopsaa aad WilderlatEd over tke sadjeace to fiod a scit-xh- le

FiaaBy, Capld Kalaoiaaa- -fc ftv tke bases, aad W. H. Corawea.

Jr, foe bekfead tke bat, were prevailedoe. to aa. It seeas as e tae oocsiiaopirf ratkt seod oet socie oce toact ia case It is sot possible for hltata get oac Delay pats both the spec-

tators aad Ae players ia a bad honor.Tfce Stars woe. tke toss aad were first

aa bat. Tke teeas aad batrio? ordernese as SeDaws:

Stars P. TMh-v.- -, ss.; Z. Hart, p.;

H. Wer. c: S. akaka. : F-- Fa--kaa. Ik.: T. Frrte. Sh.: L. Jaeasoo, K.:S. Woos, ef.: D. ifelckoi. rf.; Bafe--

St Iad-- J. TbOBKoa. .: C. WII--s. lb.: P. Gkssoa, ss.; B. Leasoc. p.; f

T. Clark. 3k.: J. Haaaaa,, et; C. J.Halt. If.: D. Daytoa, e.: W. Siaer-FEtS- T


k& ta Gleasoa, who tkrewto first It was too low for

aad T.'"" was safe, la at--to xeaek seaaa. ke was

by aa assise fros Deytoe toEart kit to Tkoaapsoa, bat

BM&e first, wafer likewisemi at oa as assist fiaea Tkoeapsoeta WftKs.

Tteaaeoa aa to hat ArsxJor tkeseaieats. aad sat kis base on foerMUBfektbaBs. TkoapsoE tried to steal

aad stopped, aieway, whtiib;ttfet Hart bad sade a balk. Tke ss-- k

OKknd kbi (XL Hart was pitek- -

las; Teej- - wild. WBlfe kit a kiss yta aioEsr tke left foal Mae, aad it

above a ftot fasfde, jaaaaag- taesaiH-- A aasseid balL wsich

kantly be laid at wader's door.rave WIB&s seeoad. Gfeasoc ht oatta aiabaka. i kit easy to Hart,wko feBmai faabtod tke baB, gtriagtkn battur ffMMT intf -- tfniirinr WfTlf- -

Cbrk kit safe past Jdakeka, aadl csase ia. Cf&rk stole

west oat oa as asI

sist inam T.hwag to Pskaa; two ra&s.


Trrian was ptosis? a ttttfe wild attke besJaaiatg- - of ioaias- - 3fe&aa

; os. a kfei ay to Eoft. Faisaasto TkOBpsoE. was wefi

asMe aad seat ta WOfits t the rea-s- rs

sorrow. Pryee kit a slow oee toLesou for oat at first.

Holt cot his base oe balls. BaytoaHoiti

tmi zoae ts o'eorrf He aasaated toxec back, bat Jacksoa cde a fis--

tkrow to xrst, waicfe pet Hate oat. so

stroek oacTEES ISXING.

Jaefcses aacfp-- d kis bead, took off fitscap ta aoswer to repeated apafetasefroai tike s?aad staad, aad waited tosee wkat kis laei: woeld le. He seatas easy sraaoaer to Lsass, who tszL-kb- rd

it. Taoopsos: was oa watch aad: tke rviKBer at first. Weois took I

oa a dead baB. KeNickol seat a

!zTT j. . ,. - t.zzjm aa in ialL- - uoov mz? OICK. - -

ItTltfaafkrOa fiew oat to Jacksoa aad

at oa aa assist frooi iCs.--itofis3L Gfeasoe got base a baHs

aad T biiw kit to Tirtrmz, w&e&s ss-sa- t

toMskakz. caagkt GteasocFOCETH ECtDTG.

fndfed tke balL Hart safe cafirst. Stofe- - secoad. WOder fiew ot to


SfesKrsoa os a weB-Seld- ed baB. MabE-ka. zac first. The ball was hit w Gfea- -

or i

vsaag. --Hoese,' the foroaEr faOsii to1

uv. bb won SEjTrceare. iratid eiito wiofe sfco Trag off kfe base-- Hetksew koeae for Hart, bet tke ball wewfla. aad ooe raa scored op. Pa-k- ax

stole setomi. Pryce: seoc a tettssrax ose rfekt iato T&oapsoa's k?rf- -Tks wBy secoed bsseosaa thea starsfedtke imst oat of hie easkiea aad Pahaasaw has too: oae raa.

dirk eft to Hart. The baB hit theaftcksr's foot, aad the rzaaer wss safe.Fagx-- sit dose to first aad 3Ca--kafea was aaakie to field it ia tixte tcpat fee raaaer oat- - 2o error eaa bescaced ap oa for ihfe. Ewtwest oat oe a Msh fiy to vwBeyaat k to Pryce. Clark was there--by pat es ac tafed. Sfeaerssc hfe t&ifahaia, wko faakfed the ba. Haas--

oa thfcd. DsytBB ea secoad. Si- '

nierscs:. at first, Thotsasatt at the bat!,aad two Taeps:a Mt safe dowaithe fcft fodl Hoe, aad Harr-i- r: aadr


i IHysoa came la. "Willis sirac. out:fro runs.


i?rilc: aa uarabtasabi?strike, an. asxioas teoi. a dock of theheed. s. rxei ey. Two balls!"Ssrik frc! la Hstasasaa'S haais.A rj-- 'sKt ro fst "Woodskit to Gleasas. ho tkwt wiW to Srst.t"ote sal. iScXiclKa tut to Lwaoa,

araose assist to ssroed caojcht Woods.Ushat- t- --tea ay s eaasat by Gtea- -soa. vrfeo il ob his baei. bat held tiebaB k. It took to tie it. batGte&sas stayed rteat 1th it.

Gteasac treat oat oe s fine- assisttrai Fry Srst. LesMts pat a foalrigt iato WSders aaads aad tiecatcher rates to tike tke kiat. Lesi--ob aat tae Mil la Fakas's kaads forocx at Srst. Clark put a ball jast overPryos'fe head for oa ba. Haassaswe am os a eal kIL A passed bolladvanced th fro raaaers a ba? apiece.Holt's tkree-feas- er oat iato riktkrottzkt Haassaui aad Ckti is. Thekit was a beauty, aad Holt receivedatecite-- i ajtataas. A passed ballktoaat Holt ia. Daytoe Sew oat toJacksmc; tare rans.


Hart ftrn- - oat to TaoraptsoB. aadwaec kit Jar toward tke right foalttae for tw bass. aad aade third ona. ffcss5 ball, iliiaka alt a kot oae taTkoapsoa, 'srko made a pretty throwto koeae after Wilder. Tke aspire

Wilder oat, aad tker? trasa very hi? kick. Wilder

cteiaed Damon, did sot tooth aim. Ifit eras aa error is Jodaiest oa thepart of 3ir. GonreeU. ke certainly hadjke eoarage o his eo&vtetioas, for hedid aot ekaae kis decision, llahakastole secood. Paha.n went to oaballs. Pryce kit to Thoeapsoc trhostood oe. tke line and eaaght Fahan.

Siisersot kit iato Pakaa's hands forest and Tbocapsoa. got first oastraight balls. Willis seat one to Pryce.bet it 'sras very warn, and the raimervas safe. Then Gleasoa seat a prettyoae do-ex-

. the left lice, andTaompsoa caae hozie. Lecioa. put onetight over ilakaka"s head,brooght ia Willis aad Gleasoo, Clarkstraek oat aad Leawa tras advaacedtc third oa a passed balL HaosaaaHesr oat to Jacksoc; three rsos.

SEVENTH ECOXG.Jacksoa kaows it is the lacky sev-eat-

bet a aae assist from Gleasoato first settled kiis. Woods flew oat toSiasersca. iBabbitt bsgios to tram apto take Earrs place.) MeXichol cev?oet to Willis.

B&bbiK ia tke box. Holt hit to Pa- -kaa at first for oat. Daytoa outor aa assKt from r,Wiwn to nrst.Siaersos seata pretty oae iato rishtfor oae base, aad Tkotapsoa stroek out.Apalaase for Babbitt.

EIGHTH E"TXG.liskmaa's fool was cicely eaogkt by

Clark over aear tke ead of tke grandstaad. BabbKt kit to Willis at first foroat. Wilder weat oat oa aa assist freeClark to first.

Willis weat oat oa aa assist freczHhafra to first. Gleasao seat oae pasttkhiM for two boss. Tbea Ledoa west oat oa aa assist from Babbittta first. Cterk seat a slow fiy iato eater, aad Gleasoa emme Hacs- -mt seat a slow oae toward third aadzee first. Willis kit to Pakas at firstfor oat; ose rno.

NTSTH DvNTXG.T??" case oo. tke gaoe weat

aloss Tke bail was wet and Leraoaeosbi ooc kaadle it weB. Xakoks. seatome far dowa the left foal Use for threebases. Pahes kit iato right aad 3a-ka- ka

essae hoze. Pryce took base oabaBs. Jacksoa seat a kot ay iato ceater, aad Pakaa eaiae koae. Woods kitto third aad Pryce eaase ia. MeNieeol'sbizh fiy was aiaffed by Holt. Woodsasd. Jacksos caa&e is. UesksGia hitsafe iato eater for oae base. Babbitt'fiy was caagkt by TkoaspsoB. Wilderweat oat oe. aa assist frooi Lesoa tofirst.

FoBewiag- is tke score:


XB.B. H. O. A.Thoapsoa, Ik. . 2 1 I s 6WfDis, lb. 2 1 12Gleasoa, ss. ... 4 2 1 1Lersos, p. 5 1 1 t 5dark: 3. 5 1 4 1 1Haosxaos, ef. .. i 2 1 1 SKofc, K. i I 1 1Deytoc, c 4 1 t 1 1Siaersoe, rf. .. 4. ff 1 9

Total .,.31 11 1 27 KSTABS.

A3.E. H. o. A. E.TJsfrrfgrr, ss. ... 5 1 3 9Hari, p. . 3 1 1 1 X X

iBakbto, a. X 9Wilder, e. 5 t 1 3 1 9

txahaka, 2k, ... i 1 X a Z Zr

1 1 11 t X

1 I 41 f

McVicfcol rf. .. 4 t 1 9' r

...37 i 7 24 IS aSOUXART.

Earsed rsos: Stars. 2: Sc Loeis. X.f Two-ba- se hits: Thossasaa. Gleasoa

Wflaer. Three-bas- e hit: Mahakaaad Hok. Szoiiz. bases: Hart aad. ST- a-

asiSEted), Thoiapeaa aad WHBs, Jacksa 2sd PafeaB. Bases oa bulls: OffLeosoa, 2; off Hart, 4. Hit by pitchedbeB: HTTSr aad Weeds. SirBck

- tiy iiarL a. faascc oaiis: usr--I' Wilder, 3. Wad peek: Hart, X.

. - v, .- -iBac: uoeaoer aad a rstautes. Ccpires: Csptd Ealaoiaaaote and W. H.CorowelL Jr. Scorer: W. 1L Blackley.

Owia?- - to orer-crawdt- as' aad bzd Tea- -

tSatioa, the air ct 2. schcol rccai isoftes cfcse and fccre, aad teacher:aad pepfis freijBeaUy ssffer frcat laogzsa taraet troanes. To an soca wewocK soy, try Chastierata's CcmghEesdy. For coogka, colds, weailaags and broochial troobles co otherrecseey caa coapare with it. Says A.C. Fried. Seperiatesdent of Schcols,PrairM Dspot, Ohio: "Hzvfcig sooreksowledze of the eSeacy cf Coaoiher- -bio's Coagfc Based?; I fcaTe oe hesf ta--tSociareeKaaieadfogtttoaH who-saf- -

f&r frcai cocgas, Isaz trochlea, etc"For sale by aB drcsglsta aad dealers,Eeosao, Scath & Co, agents fcr Ha- -- TfaT

hot rroaader pass seeoad for "stS ?base. TlBBBpsoaaftdeafceaatifBlraa-,5- 1 "

bar catck of Lfcfeataa's fiy. XcJOefeoi ""

EsKseatah?roaBd-teGtei3K,tb,si2- - Doee pteys: Thoopsoa (aa--wko













v'' SUB

AIRrUKfe' )m?4v Wo Have Been Sfr Busy ot LateA.!k..H9 fi T. iH 1 . 111V ILT.l.rBaan&tt.'y "'asfPi- - -j- -iv ion. tv..

.sgssftgsiywibffw mn m .&&TO9 ttSSiiP...?,' Iv& tlTfl3tlCOSTUMES D

At th lift 5 tie nsUr eiMiaaw, aisWr the ciercaiy gwa dtnrn to 9J ds

a cooif arable.

Combination Tables.The handiest article introduced here this year. You can have

a set of good book shelves, or tilt them to any desired angle and usethem in your parlor for bric-a-bra-c, or in a moment you can makethem fntoa handy table. It also makes a fine piece of furniture toshow fancy-- goods in a window or store. Ths first lot we had wenton like hot cakes and our second order was promptly placed, and theAustralia brought a good assortment of sizes tram 2S to 36 incheswide. Call in and see them in use, at

E. 0. HALL & SON, Ld.


The Manufacturing Harness Co.Tekgfeese 225. FORT &

Large and


Stock of




Sponges, HSoaps

and Oils


KLONDIKE.th risfct tie twjdr nmmK

blow xero. Ia lammtt in tents



KING STS. P. 0. Box 322.


W Stock Saddles,




Watkhouse, Je.

fMw w,.fc-c- r wTt ujfjuririTtra. ii


piuiGlsK 4-Di-

sg Plow.

Sugar Company."Walnaku, Hflo, Hawaii, 3, 1837.

T. J. King, Agent, Spalding-Bobbl-ns TH-- a Plow, Honolnln:Sin I have used year Foar-Dfs-c Plow In plowing long ratoon

aad It did Its work very effectively, breaking up the land morethan tsar ordinary plows, and leaving it In better condition.

JOHN A. SCOTT,Manager.

Hzsar Wateehocjz. Ajwhte B.

THEattire. Ia


Wood. Heset


"Bearland, much

Henry Waterhouse & Co. .

Insurance Agents, g255s&Plantation Agents, Wfi"

Commission AND. .


BUSINESS AqENTS.iar-W- e represent nameroa uuli-ndnai- f who Hre in Honotola or on the other- " -. - "

jwe ctrirfe rejporocwe- - aeaw to kwi aiwrr loot i&iKTtau, and at a reasonableto tatem'cv yoa peooaUlj-- , or girc imraedlate replrtocor-ntsrajK- C

csa the. ati'kX.rt.

Iri&nry Waterhouse & Co.

iESAnd which we keep on selling, that the

following facts have been temporarily

thrown in the shade:

New Process



H li Kp Ica II

GWrMaeA KKgiiiawMaMlJ'&

Are Preferred by many on account of

Little Heat,Quick Work,


Perfect Safety,Being supplied by drop feed. There arenow in use on the Islands about ONEHUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIV- E ofthese Stoves, without a single reportof accident.


For the month of October, we will sellthis line

At CostIA good chance for a bargain.

Eli ftl IKammSmTmmYSmmmSrJiSmmK


The Fiaau Tourist Route of tit World,

la CststttiM Yrnn tie CasidUa-AustriSi- s

Steimfclg Use Tickets Are Isjoel

To IB PetaU la U United States asd

Casada, via. Victoria and



Banff, Glacier, Mount Stephenand Fraser Canon.

Esprs liaeof Stwmers timMmmTkfctU ts All PirfalJ fat Slita. CU, U4lt

tai Amil tb Wortx,

For tfetett aad leseri! iahnutha tufa U

THE0.H.DAYIES&C0.,LdAgtnts Canadian-Australia- n S.S. Lie

Canadian Pacific Railway.



Photographs,50c. and SI. 50 Each.

Mirrors,' Framed and Unframod.


Picture Wire, FurniturePolish, Tissue Paper,

Flower Materials.

KING BROS'Art Store.



MiFrank J. Krdger,




Watch Repairing a Specialty.

Prompt Attendance to All Orders.

FRANK KRUCER,Foet Stkeet. Hosoixlu.


ChlorodyneOritte tad Only Cesl.

OoubHb,Tj&fjH hotels,Asthma,Bronohltla.

Dr. J.Collis Browne's Chlorodynt,SIR W. FAOK WOOD lUt

pobliclT In court thitDK J.COLLIS BHOWNlim aodoabtedlr the INVENTOR of CDLORO-DTN- E.

that the wbol itoryof tbedefendsalVteentn ttu dellbmUlj cntme, end he ayrrttUA to uy it hid been iwom to. Bee TaeTiiei, July 1J, lMt.

Dr. J. CoHis Browne's ChlorodyMT, s liquid medicine which auuttrei PAIN e

EVERT CIND, effbrdi eelm. refruhinz tleeaWITIlOtTT IIKADCHK. and IKVIQOIlAT- -tthe serToni tyttrm when d ti tinCroat Specific for Cholera, Oyaantery, Dlarrhcea.

The General Board of Health. London, re-port, that It ACTS ae a CHABU; one dote fee- -erallj' ionlelent.

Dr. Gibbon. Anar Uedleal Staff. CalcnUa.slat. "Twn !nia rfimnlllT (Vird ma midlarrhcea.

Dr. J. Collis Browne's ChlcrodyaeIi the TR02 PALIJATIVE in

Neuralgia, Cout, Cancer,Toothache, Rhoumatlam.

Dr. J. Collis Browne's CblorodyMRapidly cuU ibort all attacks of

Epilepsy, Spasms, Colic,Palpitation, Hysteria,

IMPORTANT CAUTION. The I- -meme -- ale of this Remedy ha flreo rue temany Cn.crnpuloni Im.Utlona

MA Erery Eottle of Genuine Chlorodynebean on the Goremment Stamp the name ofthe inventor Dr. J. Collis Browne. 3ol4in bottle, li. 1J.4-- , 2s Ski. and K. M., by alcbemUta.

Sole Manufacturer.

J. T. DAVENPORT.a GezaT Bcuzrx St.. Lojcox, W.

CURKE'S B 41 PILLS jVSSKralnal the back:. and all klndKlmmr.ltlnljTree fioni Mercury Eetablltbed npwanla of 30jean. In boxes it. Cd. each, of all Chemitlsand Patent Medlcioe Vendors throu .bout theWorld. Proprietors, The Lincoln and MidlandCnontiet Drag Compinj, Uncoln, England.


Page 4: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...T tSw l 2.---- ct VOU AAAlL yp. 7S. H. L: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2o, 1S9T.-SEMI-YV- WHOLE "NO. 1902. Skmmiran (Samite SEMI --WEEKLY. …

5 1

alb-i- t

s a pereoaal exantinatna may bo

Sa52SSH&JtXt , Oadocnernand.uUw ......5BfM-WBBKL.- Y.



a aua. aariarj



by every- -

caM tatar

had Aaar ha? Aaty be has the Gov

iai iiina Dr. atm was

aaaa af case aanl Waalifal trails

m - - imbBBc ane wmn isca mv.'liiiai! ni iMm Fartais

aaa tae? Irawe on kadi tbeiraaal af tjaear amiwaje

laaa- - nan aw aao eacaay iaar rii aaafic ae was the

aaarainy. ia avnaae. ae a:

aaaa wcaae- mt aataasanaa, aeaw k orunwiv ii


m .. - -. - -- -.ii.- - oaoiBn ma

liWaL- - --Mraa.- aaaaaa wamar are at aav

y-- a in ia? iaph iaae-- A

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KaaaaLfMir- -

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fF- - aa TTewiiaae


af Dr. J. K. j

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i r Ita





7v"wml .t'

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i -


--T- -

tefal . j

W- -

vote $50,000 w mum a ulteriornfc, or draise a d road of Dojaocraey.

wakk can kardly be located on

W ana. S fc aac oppasMMn toniocfc does all bw.

la 53EKMMBU atmtssios: kh u

Tke aaeanest nasnre ia she pb- -

aeatkm in a local paper, oi a stete--

at rxliajpurm vtdbaat instant eantrahe- -

that Ht. Thaeaoa had msdo

oner set aa AmericanSenator on behalf safe Govern- -

. fe tbat it is a --To insult tofcr tan.r wraaDfr. Thnrston; in;elb"rwnce and






He is faskiy chargedofienfe? eneash already bv

ex-w- ar ww- - To saate. substaaaal- -

tbat stnifebedts a heaw blow oa tne

of one an auxkwslv carriesv burdens for sb cause.


It k believed tbatsacri- - areoess of maidoe kws is very

aot soleoia. ekbocaie. sad aUeadedsonedua ke fanerai cere--

ITe oaee thataaaylaKHs wwe specially prepared

jeiotBeE, aever persused jokes innor presence, read tae con- -

- ftaady ia order to iep Stan fromand created

thejaselves an environment of lofty"While all dns is sue in

tae ease many Lesisfctors. it is

an eaenlrj tree, as any one mayiww by rvadinr Mooraeld Storv'shwfc oa A Years Lerfifedoa" iuda Uamd Ssases. this, one

BaM infer dnt in some Suite?, theto sewi tbeir

' Baate" the lesiikaires in--

of aeir wie In manv: of a bovssiety would not suser

ta-aja- tm bodies.


aidi some of these

Even in American Senate.aelee2en&s prevails, ow- -

: to the hasw with which hwspassed, in me new aris bilL

iagened. while it was

dwty oasoods cominr mroo--h

iato Sates. It was asome at Canadian--;

raea ndhroad. The sabjeet wasnet debated )ia either branch of

' Gaaere. aad cans woaJd notfaw been admitted if all

of the ooafcuence eoauaineei had notaeed it Bat law is now

assaea, aad the deRntiniHanr dnvy'feinst be mad. Seaator Chandler

apoleenes w hfe foravi prinkdac. de chase be sKpped

- m. wknow knowicd--e.

fc ei? badTry aboat ft. aad Inj to be fepmi by y eoaett--

i - Ernests, I shall never torsive

- w. bvdttomksMaof threorfoarf wd mfaaiag. aad iatent of

c -.--

kwwfcnureh-oWwrr-. This

raveBet importance aad ofthese laws is not point. It ki


















that leekmtioB mostmatters cawiessiy


cipai man


xh case

Ifew jvo donbt the tow menvwhiM make better laws, but it ian abandonment of

past creek.









his He








The Oregonian (Portland) re--

fviews tlie statement made in theGasette. that there are less than2.700 registered voters .in this KepnlHic. It makes statement.however, which without exphum--j

juoH. is misleading, wben it savsthat there are 72,000 males in tlieIslands. This is true, but it is animportant fact, from a politicalstandpoint that out of this num--

not Deducting thei.-i-n mirinfw is riisabltnl i dpokdifference between the-numb- ofresistered voters and the numberof those capable of registrsition ismuch less than might be inferredfrom Oreconian's statement.

The Oregonian makes this comment on tlie situation:

As the Hoaotalc papers are desigaedprfca&rttr for the ere of the Harai!anresidents, vvao fcsow laacj- - things cn- -

ao-sr- ja tMs eoeatry, aad cot desiredaa tlae wbole to be Tsaotrn here, theeSorL ascertain the eiaci sitcaUon

is always a for soGsreue to discuss vears. Knr ir nnr

that C3tive ' " T

bet thfnhs it to saj- - thetrill aot register until the question ofannexation is settled." From arnicathe natural inference is that the nativeEavsiians still ding to of restor-ation of the native coaarGir, and willa aid tie Dole government or its ns

bj-- adding to the evidence ofch-i-c activity. As to the neglect of the

tre are also left in the darkand to similar inference. As ofs?nrVsy- - nation, ar not doing any.thing to further the acquisition of theIslands by the United States.

is just because the govern-ment is enable to cope anally with itsproblems that our of stepping iabecomes apparent. We are not goingafter Hawaii so much oa her accountas on oer own, just as we withstoodHngtead in Venezuela la self-defen-

aad nt philanthropic motives.Tet tie ase of the incident by oppo-aea- ts

of annexation may as well be&ntldpfttL It will bristle la this win-ter's congressional debates.

The comments of Oreconiando not indicate its opinion on thesabjeet of annexation, exceptingas it states that (the Americans) are not going after Hawaiiso much on account, as onoar own.5

The Advertiser believes tbatthe better plan is to state our ownase. in all of its bearings, so sim

ply aad that we all be?ivea credit for honesty, and

jalo for intelligence. And this isalso absoiately treT that no "par- -

tsaaw statement, ot "partisan"newspaper convinces an opponent.

AVe have, officially furnished inthe ceaas report, part of ourl

taccaaat with dvilUation. Woshould furnish the rest aad thebest part of case.


Prof. Ira M. Hollis of HarvardUlverity. formerly well kuowaengineer ia the American navy.

- w5 done witheat the Saaawrkdge of is the author of a valuable papermeaders of eaatmitM --en- w eptetaber Atlantic, on

- --eraSy. Bat n bad a dasxaajariae object of the strained rek- -

iattfved. Pple.wisdom


,V. v the


hi tae maTiacemeat 01 asxne gunnery, thev

the sole use of steam as motivepower has changed all fighting



-- .The between tue line

ami ilie sniff has been going on

for thirty years with great bitter-ness, he s;iys, and will seriouslyeffect tlie lighting efficiency of theships. It is pen-u- p cmter. Theooint in issue is the refusal of the saved all of misery. Theline to permit engineer5 officers to "seedlings. are nowhave any sbart in the lighting ofthe ship, or stand in the sameline of promotion: "the officers areall sraduates of the same school:yet if an accident happens adeck officer, an engineer cannottake his place., whatever be tlie

ber 36.371 are Asiatics, and on the other hand ifTOte. these,








officer would be at losswhat to do in his place.' Trof.Hollis believes that all of theofficers should be trained alike, sothat in an emergency, they maybecome "convertible terms," andthis been stronslv recommended by the Board of Visitors.

We state the butdo not discuss it. Congress willfinally settle it. The strangefeature of it is. that it should re- -

Iron thea cot successful- - main burning questionTae declines the,m:,nv wmil.Tcaeses prevent resdstratioa.








The the the





difficult explain this.In our own navy, consisting of

the Lehua. the Bonnie Dundee,the Hawaii, and other cruisers,no such question has arisen. Inthe case of the Kaimiloa. on hervoyage to Samoa, the fellowshiparising from the constant "splicing of the main brace," avoidedsuch delicate questions, and the;line and the staff "leaned" oneach other entirely during thatmemorable cruise.

Prof. Hollis criticises the failure of practical training at Annapolis: "the line is not properlvinstructed in the details of theships, aud pick up what they canabout boats, etc after they areput on sailless vessels."

A young- expert in the sailing ofcanoes and boats on the Chesapwike Bay, said to us, last June.

Annapolis, is very queertbat these cadets are not trainedin the sailing of boats in sale ofwind, or on lee shore, or iu a

! squall. The darkies on the Bay arebetter sailors.-- '

However, after annexation, thenaval cadets from Hawaii, mav setthe example of sailius boatthrough the breakers, and landins force of men.


Any oue who reads the evidencetaken before the Koyal Couunisslon in Detiierara on the industrialdopretsiou. and the distress of thesugar planters, sees the peril ofhanging the prosperity of na- -

tlou, or even small community.by single cord. Only fewyears ago. the sugar cane pro-

duced three-fourth- s of the sugarconsumed in the Western mar-kets. Now, out of mvou millionsof tons of sugar consumed, thebo)t supplies four millions. Therear iu then4 Islands several smallbrings of prosperity, rice tin the

--ipBt - vise ciBty a foods impartad ia Sato-- betwee the Hue, atid the hands of the Chinese), and coffee--,x wa ca juj vase, aa art which Ooagtsl4ia;,!r ww of the navy. It Un promlslug experimental

-- - f steadily refased to do hereto-ii-s iateresrfag to as, because the' stage), bat it is on the one sugar- tiie va, f, SefWTyBaaBasopeoeiAB,Jri,, wr U'- - officers cord, that our prosperity hangs,

"- - :- - uvv. eaaaly enact law which they!1 keu" kaown by oar peoplf. Everybody knows this, aud the-- .; - - Mtmllrn. it k't f amour per cent, of th peril we are in. Everyone admits

-- v


- r







are ;Aerieis:

nc internew,

f a
















a a

af- -


a. . . .

, that we are urntins the com- -

Prsif Hnllii tt.vc 1.. miu.,1' mula) ,.;.l .... .1... .v. .........i - ..- ...v ivuinit' wwni i.ijii'a, iiui 111c uiuiuiuirable growth of the navy. Hesax-s'it- T 5 somewhat like the Indianthat the battleship Massachusetts, who, when ho found himself iu

fcoeld alone destroy the whole the rapids, took in his paddle,tw 1 a mM &dw - . r - II .M,.l I. ? . A . .,-- .! . .

iA.A. Jw rt,!. -- -- ".' wimct wiiiw uis nj nuu wvk uie" ..dmnwn of going over.-- P e.: pre whmh e in Aaa--i dfJf ? ,

7 w



-.- ob.--. ucnvin.--u iuu-- i Kven.tn America tue cry xor

. wUri., A --.r- 81'

alMi t!Ven traordlnar.v .diversifit-- d industries is so great-- j r I relations





,,....officers Uhat Acricultural Stations and

Jof tb lin snil 5r-f- f tt T,!n ,. r , ,.- whh dae bovsi 7- - nners anstuuies nave oeenawnuMTO, tmr discontent is onlv a nsn .ifs r.t ...ui.v...i .-- .-- i n" "uvu ,u eiw-- v ssiaw anu acr--wao mao, the nJake. Urw.i V, 7'7 .

v A., .wl ' t..wUivm, au ,uuiwua oi r t0ry. Tlie farmers need 1 ghtThe l. ?uti savs tt. c.., . . . .. , .,!"-- j-- ". uicu 10 and knowledse. Individual ex- -!? ao tae tanas?n,ppie . .w1lh ne forees- - 0nr .M, mAam -- , k.ur;iiUit.4JtO, UUUCi UUlUIUiaUiC V"tneiwar sfeins; sav iv h:it i.mk. ! - . . . ...r k x LTKA.AA iuil Amrmm T i v? Tvo p Trn:ttv.t new Ciradiait-PaS- c railroad, oneht toiv """""

. - - - , . ..' on iacw.- - J-- "svy oatiie be-- ' station well equipped can do betar . Trac: : xirv. kr-o- . ? exetlient Jeswa-.rwee-n the nh!nv and Japanese ..

was a great victory in fleet fight-er- tf ignorant of the best methodsr- - .T", "

M r Z'f. V.n r. 1


-- :.


... ,'"J-- - - & " " y mn?m mat wood of experimendng. Wlien

assamest raaDy afeahsni- a- work, and inflammable material farmers of California rnl intoa lew Leasmrares. and sahstttatoKr in mHst not be nsed in construction. t,v ;cin cnm. ,

l iJS l i . i . . """ - ""- - " "b,- vKr-- .i -j-- ? saea-- ptaces. aeveiopment ot





ness. and made two blunders.First, they never studied tlieorange markets in tlie East. Sec-

ond, they planted seedlings. Theresult is, the loss of a vast amountof capital, a frightful amount ofsufferiug and poverty. An Agricultural Station well managed, ifestablished in time, would have

thisandoned in

California, because the farmersknow something; The cultivationof the olive and the grape hasbeen carried on the same hap-hazard way. Now Experi-mental Stations are protectingthe farmers, and avoiding blunders.

There is an appropriation foran Agricultural Station here, butiliuister Damon will handover any money for it We pre-

sume he has a reason for it, whichmust satisfy his mind and thetuinds of his colleagues. Perhapshe knows, that iu tlie event of an-

nexation, the Federal Govern-

ment will establisli a station here.Perhaps he does not take anystock in stations of this kind. Wehope he does.

Many years ago, we knew anentomologist in the East, wholived, iu poverty and usually bor-

rowed money with which to payhis rent. He called on ns, one day,and asked for a small loan. Inthe conversation, we said: 'Anew bug has just been found inHawaii." "What kiud! whatkind""! he asked. We gavename. "1 must have one," he said."But it will cost mouey to getone,- - we replied. "Oh, Pll find tliemoney for that, you bet.'-- ' If someone could touch Brother Damonjust on the right horticulturalspot, if he has one. he will find themoney for station.

When some one writes to us,askiug about the resources of theIslands, in the way of tropicalproductions, it is most depressingto send back a glowing account of"what we can do," aud close bysaying; "however, we importgrapes, apples, peaches, pears.limes, oranges, lemons, onionsand potatoes from San Francisco.' because our people have nottaken enough interest in the matter. An agricultural station"would, if properly conducted,-- giveevery immigrant the exact information he needed on the practicalcultivation of vegetables audfruits.

Would a week of absolute fast-ing aud prayer move the Govern-ment, during which the Government was made to fast, and theother part wis done by the peo-



As Senator Morgan is Invest!gating these Islands, wo have theright, on the other hand, to investlgate Alabama tthe interpretation of which Is "Here wo rest"!.In the history of that Slate therewere several interesting; events,which the school children should1h informed of, and which shouldInterest the older people.

The lower part of Alabama atthe close of the lxovolutlonaryWar, was a part of West Florida,which extended from the Appala- -

chicola to the Mississippi river.The treaties, at the cloe of thewar. ceded this land to Spain. ButEngland made a secret treatywith the United States by whichshe agreed to claim only a smallpart of this territory belonged toSpain. The Spaniards claimed alarge part of Alabama, and on thediscovery of this secret treaty,threatened to do all sorts of terri-ble things about it As Spainowned the lower Mississippi up toNatchez, she threatened to prevent the Americans from usingthe river at all, below that point.The Boston and New York mer-chants did not care at all whethertue Western traders could or

ter than five hundred farm-- 1 could not go down the river, at is







an illustration of the little interest one community takes in an-

other, though of the very samerace). These Eastern merchants

were greenhorns at the bnsi-- J wanted a commercial treaty at

once with Spain, and while thecorn and pork of the Wesbrntraders was being confiscated bythe Spaniards, they had no sym-

pathy for them. The people ofKentucky, however, threatened tosecede from the Confederation(the United States were not in ex-

istence then), if the NortheasternStates did not stand by them, andtlie Northeastern States said theywould secede, too, if the Westernpeople did not consent to the clos-

ing of the Mississippi river fortwenty-fiv- e years, so that they,could have a treaty with Spain,mid make some money out of it.Each section looked only at itsown interests, and tlie patriots ofthe Involution lost their tempers.

Washington watched the mat-ter with great interest and anx-iety. The treaty which NewEngland desired to have withSpain was delayed for a while.The State of Alabama was carvedout of Georgia. Spain finally ceded Florida, and Alabama got totlie sea at Mobile. The quarrelsover the affair set all men ofthinking, and this, with other dis-putes, brought about the conven-tion which created the presentwonderful Constitution.

Some of the natives have requested Seuator Morgan to address them on next Thursdavnight. It is purely an affair of thenatives. It is not the purpose oftlie Senator to advise them to aid,or consent to annexation, butsimply to tell them what the condition, or situation of the nativeswill be, should annexation takeplace. Words from the Senatoron this point, should be of thehighest value to them, at a timewhen their own ignorant friendsare intentionally misrepresentingthe nature of their relations tothe United .States, in the event ofannexation.

A Government may, like an Individ-ual, bo too conscientious. Lord Hough-ton used to tell the following anec-dote: An English gentleman, caughtIn Paris, during the terrible days ottheRevolution ot 1793, obtained from oneot the Revolutionary leaders a passwhich permitted him to leave Paris.An English lady, the authoress ot onoof the most devotional hymns In theEnglish language, was terrified at thecontusion and bloodshed In the city.She asked the English gentleman totake her out ot the place on his passas a member ofhls family. "What shallI call you?" he asked. "Call mo yourwife till the stage-coac- h reaches Uou-logne- ,"

she replied. "Madame," hesaid, "In these awful times I must beabove suspicion." Sho remained InParis.

Reception on l)uRMiiyTrmiln.Commodore Port and the omcers ot

the French cruiser UasunyTrouln willRlv a wcopilon and dance aboard hlpfrom S to 6 Wednesday, September29th. IIoau will b at the landing totaJco off the gueat.

SleepIndaosl by th ue ot w,oplmmrcotte compound l tad, decidedly tad.It undtrmlm the tul hllvr thcCrmtUution Md the pwnt U nlMdllyKiowlng Into a vore condUKw ottnmultlns in ttio tcttlble Uvry ndtubery ot the eocin nd optum hblt,81p tnduel ly the u ot RkkP SrMpAtUU wxy not cme m quickly, but itcoium mora smrclj, ruuneully nnd U

SweetAnd Ktrwhlnj; lcue it U milledthrough ruturu' Ktt rwtorlng and tuvnlius channtl purified, xlttlUed

uniltnftehcdWood. ThUfxdthenervwwith UfBlvinff energy nd build up thotyttm iid coiutltutlou from tha veryfoundation ot U liMtth nd lite thablood pore, rich, ml Wood.

Refreshing"I was gtnerslly run down last spring,

ppetlta wm poor nd I could not sleep.Hood' SarMparilU built me right up,pive good appetite and I wai toon able toset a good night's rest." G. P. WurrxuT,Merchant, Yeomans St., Ionia, Michigan,


Is the One True Riood IoriOer. Atl drapslsts. 1.

HOOtl S FlllS c&iy to operate. Sccou


Wboteaato Aswta.



QBiliH- -




Page 5: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...T tSw l 2.---- ct VOU AAAlL yp. 7S. H. L: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2o, 1S9T.-SEMI-YV- WHOLE "NO. 1902. Skmmiran (Samite SEMI --WEEKLY. …






S Cisi




Qoi. iMsciariane is aroaSsn 'CiSsen.


Hofc fefco'CNteecaf Ves?-- i c!

q..jiLiM.Mi "3h?V- - -

Mi Ughi rrfwhtr shaesta.,hHtet mm hF th SteaK Owtj

sa - S&Mm. The K

. Jf hxarf -


H x

A i- -

w-- jl




-lMMbM t BO i

a. A A dtfHfeBd BF IMPk

T 1. fc - - - .

WW' jk r". TT

ITiilii in in nimr. In hi 1 ir ir

Mttv MAMIhA hHV Ml H tt--

he fc Vfc T hefltl ahBrt--

k foacal th CamaBi Oofft ofad ht aatiJiilBfc. acs V oe--

6c sweoatanethehr a- rmtK x ;

It he '.fte 5WMt aa aaaos: ac- -

alt c xtswa com o! --h flam: aSopcoc of the

ifee OoasJrtot hi .

ac - "voc'c otV1sv V Vv

f v-s- a ts joes free sr

Ok "a $?k Oexsrts. vhvt ho!dtehe

- ohiieid thre aad ww- -

- - - vlhV thoe $tOf aad of-- v. -.-- Nfeer h ifee it b

v "55 '-- fX,, X;-.-

" v-- : oafof... --,- - x Mrtx tvww

v -- v. tv rte -

"v"" v iWjhatVB fc's'Cjr lr VMKe hfvy MaH k

hif . wh t t(h -

"0, of wa- - - c'oiamm'i

Mrintioc o, ihojhNtK- - iRaax wat ,

m te aa. ta ! aia yajatr ttAr to tJMa. tini. 'jo a V th e

o r ,a't., . A w e wt . " awioi, .'

.. v . vmmk. w tk" -- - - -t tr eja -

Wf "'" " afc "1. - jl v.

tf'ffrtsa.s ipwu, e tpatWjjuupy ueoa 1M e wft

h a h poaiior i? P mm iwhhhM tk- - pe,

a r(?fr. e Hr HpaH'

. Ox, toi. iartixwM aa

rO O

np? af hj L'miau - 'itK e


m,mMtm.'nfpirC " "PoATh'

w""''v . '(. - - .

t--- -w - 'w.. . -

m iiaLOLL "iTt, a-- f(JfhaffN. a'War'W'ihJH


I was 6ssre:isary aad coaldJaet he compelled hy the Osart. wasOat the respondeat had "not in Site re-a- n

contested himself with that po-,sM-a.

hat alleged two grossds. son-dtiseas-

of tie petitioner aad0? she vessel, lafer--

I Ttef fyw YfeACA BArtans 3,- - tVr- -


iheld agaiast the respasdeat oa thetpotats, the Ooort considers it aaaeces- -fatT le go iato tie h governing theoerJoc of xhecearts.

The decision coachsdes: "It nay besaid thai to order the regisier is e.nes- -I

ttae w issae vwK defeat the object !

af the senate is restrlctiag the privi- - J

leg of regfeuy to vesls wholly ;-.?WtWX U? SKKSBw UtfWSw M(

the ohject of the sM Not to pro- -

!e the saqmwnag tndstry. wehave aractfoagy aese. The ohject, soMr s w ess isearauE it. is to

Sag ha fareis se&s tsiswtctag 3f apoc tke xtae of tk$'xsstte. arkk is serd toy their be--tap uwiwc by Hfttniiax ssbjects.

The Oec&aoB of the Cirertt Oort isJssaaed ad the W2 dtsaaissei.'The Aecfeio of the Ctrealt Ctoort oni- -

re4 the vntt of aMteaas to issoe toaao)d the OoBecor-Gor-I to issoe

& welswc.


Consul Generalto sit Hawaii.

wn Escttatoe hneo XJOSfee Pros- -

ipeats"May "Sejort toGeverntneat.


cfrtthe jarts-'so- fc

htKeHettMre-stHOM- hs3-eaec- si mt 3"&9WBy, la


I sawr oat bt fciattrtimgreat

km ae logose sa aat

ffOTW. tt.v--.jliJ.""? "r " " 1



wrI r arto

c te hy



v--. w. Lk

1 wy M& ao. hav-- 1

tUt. eWlt

dw Mm owe oar. es55r. ttd all

i. waseeHH te e hest I wr :

At 3Mha I w tw- . iw ii rbk ?m '

h . rej took veto Sa ofM wor

kfe',',"'"' '

Th Ttefc w MUhaha os oaly pr- ---.. WO .Xtfatd Tfeto 1

hat: - oasoas the oe ph- -

k ISM0J1. c 1 Wtet has wt--

d to e rta hha oa a too? ot is- -

Ravtas ooowTrm na as we

caat ccowo. one e m aMWt nt- -I 'will m topon w my'

l shall o tr- -

av mmmNa rafted stmj--- ..; vk ?et troar rorlf Ktter





ot j aw










igwBoa p.c--tWactoiy



tt fad phHstkw rdpoec !w tt te the trows- - NHTte hiA 'wir. have ai -

c whether 5cftr taed ecv- -

huotuhjattna 'aad Has totttacad tha;

I w"?feia l potbno aovrtrtat hart la the lotted

yta r ante 'hctaht to

S&VhSnSXSWat wd hwr

tatai. a taotawat "6v oWte ofaar- -

2 . "t JfWhlMi hi twhtl d WatfrN ta l(?w

irm v mtfe jOj

ha t Tn h

. r; voi that tv

rv nw pwik ot vh Kat xnj(ikK vo. fr w ;

a ro oaae f m" tn "ii'' ,v - w Vw

. . m ynn ,vBe4 -- v. n. ,? 1awtr. vtj

.w iar

- a.a teaw rw. '. , so

f,! t 1 ;

to wp wmmt w w ,

oaK wv "M$

f. ? "1 nk eee i,,w,

," ' r M- -

i sklisWPe w IS caT. Mwot. Tkh v" ""'- t - KVKWr V- - " ,

Hm. ih a ReN-- at v

sat v.. hm r .!!fcaiMaK is- - 1WW a'n-:-


jmr .

-n -- - -mnii,

V lhW SieW "

is-li- k a iiiiicni a- -

VMfla TW! .

M'.rfha' ' VV4aix!yrtvja iMMiw --at. -

X. a.Nk 'Mh, . " TV --- ; " ,,"

Nt - Me . - r .

- - vx--. a

sJT . ?S 7r i'VSr" 3r"H- - tkl

fr g ' ilte-ifelpl- lhJllWh 'Wp sWNr. ? Hrt

resented to me, I hava no doaht willtake precedence over sugar within thenext decade.

"Understand that my Investigationwill he made with ttte purpose ofasct&laiat: eoSee is a goodthisg for Asjericaas to corae here aad 1

rafcxrk la. 1 have so axes to grind,aoSshtotry: ay Tisit tvIU he for busi- -aess. aa I h&M

"bo occupied all the ,



.j- -a t a

nerai ACUVliy in Lo

cal Stock Market.

L&rsre Sums of Money Made.Oa.hu Sugar Stock


It takts woaey or a mightylM w ae woney and

the people ia Honolulu witk apiethattt f wtbts have been buy-

ing igr Krtle stacks of money fortfe prwerbiai rainy day. duringifce past few wesks. And theatoaey has been amde in stockspecttkttMBs; sBe people are nn- -

cfcar&able aogk w ll k sm- -

J"bBar, "bw iwetc tfcut y "bel

ihe moaey kas wade sad isjfesrcr Tae !vefy day.

5e bMm afipeared witkiiwl8Bdar of Tbe Oaka Com- -

aay. The coasnaiadon of tkaxIrisaaric sckene at a thbo TxeaitheooainoB$ of tfce eoaatry wereabovt to soeel to rivean jaens to stock ueattag aad

oaasfers of scares havebeen wade vWwa the fast twoaMMk& vrnvaat taoopeaiae apof a tock staace. 2fea vvkoi

hi T il ntal A1,,. . -

Tfwiir-- h a .iBHiak. an.uuuvii .v. .

111 idKMlMtn SJBB WOtlC-- , w. cirachaver, ?statr iwly the nw

swfttfhcter ahwt JSeete oachtjitc eJae of cfcaace. Ie tav

OSnKsle.lSvL--; U. Ka.

aiw. rwr


aw ism









tsouo the olfter Whea

iwH assessaseiK


stock.- - rw '

t"15 1IQ "''w " " v

s1 took xs soW be hrst bowers at a loss 01 oae

soiaenaws two onars ashare. Rat it b well kaowttfact that this swok soW a fern

toovomvct t rrwraJ , . . "i .' two rW ia. an lotst&r iv t snv MW staw

- 'W ". arapa SS4hart tin last to K- - not oa the

t'ntsrket. oW at par. Shares ia theoa mhkh SS. has. . w .,,. j.,,--

- .-- - -- ,- -- -tb at s." itL ;KtitA vf takers

tia..,.,mc a

markvr sN-- s aa apwar

w lanhfr w fMhV, at


a o: awft fat ?nnwr h, c a2 WKJ uS 1JWrir kII


oaythias; ac



pw-a- wfr

tMwK H--


tv-t- ventWl w














w. an i1! oik M JW ma4e'a ?o wte ago at$ HoMers 1

'wsHler the stock aioa the troraraabV oa the warket an areMft Kther

!thar, for w-whtr-A potttht !? afc of wiks-w- i vas

rft e"?l '. iti i vtesS , Kvi ,viWI fa,J ""t L

ivaHjort raaet a n,11 a .

mr. hj at ?i tw tt ! tvw,e'a riMfi

-- -- ..-- ;'!J

V rti- - i ns a ev.?vS xNyXs my M lr

il,-- . i sSi fh,5.

Vv v, ' ,ri"... . i. .. .n iWWi. fwc ?''A.,NW e'

., k.. -T,VfJ J W(, T

- 'VV M. t(SVt!J -- .

- "Sh " v pTTiir.uMt4.,

tV - .ii ",

TXv Y Te. "1p.o -

B.. v hdk v wnn a Sk- 'IVM T'l in,. x -- . . a. ...T? .

K aa v (s " jmt ?'!nt, ,v . a .fr V, aMUMg . ain . - - "- - -

A V' 1r t e It MRrv . L. SwJ.

rf " 'T f ""' " t

Jr6,. . .'H TTS, V-- . e t !


Ai- - . aw. hojte. ImJirSK: vueiu.a"

say that 1 hare so Idea ot bidding onthe property at the sale on Theurice Is too hlch and it would reaulretoo much money to put it la shape tomake the place right.

It arranjrcmeats could he madevrith the other owners oa the lot thereraight be soaaethlag ia It, hut theyshqrv ao disposition to do anything.Only oae of those with whom I have

has shown a willingness toraake aay Itlnd ot an offer. I do notwant to go into the scheme aad be tiedup by the owners of the surroundingproperty. I am informed that a localman has mace an offer ot the upsetprlee of the lease for ten years but no-thing has been doao about it nor willaay action be taken until the Cabinetdisposes ot the proposition to malcea public school baildlng out of it. Thatwe want a first class hotel here, thereis ao doabt. but the terms ot lease orpurchase of the Hawaiian Hotel shouldbe saeh as wcwld warrant a reasonableexpenditure ot money.

ir. Macfariane has been so longKteatlSed with the hotel in Honoluluthat it really seems strange to have himdrop ort of it even if it is but temporary- - And those who know Mr. Mac-ntte-ae

best are inclined to the notionthat he is holding something up hissleeve

Was Only a Little Be

hind the Decision.

Macfarlane Pleased With the Re- -

sult-H- ls Stay Is Lim-ited.

Cat W. Macfarlane, owner otthe steaashtp OJna, was a passenger

OS fcHW . E . O. O. urac4. lac "'!.'"Who seoa te his cottage at the Ha-M- an

How, he wore a very satisfied

oxaressfoa. aad when asked as to hisseotfcaeats on the China case just end-

ed, he that he was most grati-Se- d

not awtters had ended so tavora-M-y.

Asked regarding the ramor thatlo omse of maaoxatioa the China woaW

taa Saa Franolsco and Ho-ao-

oaJy. he ranted Aat sueh a. ra--

axr had heoa sareai ta raadsco,bat as to there heteg aay foaadatlon toswoh a story he coaM say. Mr.ihwerlB theP. M. aa O. & O. S. S.

s. wooKL eotae Aroagh oa the Riojaaetro. hoaad oa a toar of laspee--

tloa of de varJoos agractes ot the twoannate Jn t inrari wl radoohted- -

ty he woold be able to aaeok oa the

t Aail he here ahoat a lattatsht.saw tr. Sdadartaaa. --I woaM h- -

o that ttate. hat I have sowhaahttx to tiaaaaet with Mr.

Sohwerla. aad annt ttaarta over aatQthe We e Jaaatea eatahs.'

hjfcod ta ot$rtfcta tJWaehaiMat. Mt--. Iheiartaa

ropHed- -

fcJast before t oatted apoathe Qtseea. aad darlas tao coarse otoer coavonattoa. rwaaihtd Aot Ihoped to sea her oa vy rotara troaaMemiobala. She that It wis horlateatk to raaala ta Saa rraaolscohat a week leacer. at tha aad of whlehthae she woaM prrved Bast,two or three nuas oa the war aaaeadt!t ap at Whshiagftoa. JollasPattrer was aot with the tiatea.

"Or the FYMay befora hartas the0!stor of the First rohctogsWoatltjaarea. or saa Fraaetsea scat aa nt

Toe Owofc accoMed tt hwas ashed to to ah. Iteoa atcr- -

isjc aad leavfac the ehareh ie HhwI-- 1

aatieaal aathete was htayhd Theeoa reMafaea ia tah charea alwr

rae laoraTaco swnca iwfe over saaian the pastor or the ehareh.

Tottew that irowaa ymwun arhot toawd TOetBaj htlflpRhhSiiefeat nflte to h

theaMe A hhowe tkh Vh

hjboat lWo hha twan tha ton.ftaltt wsotr imi car ore

thU IihdlMikt Ah1fcJW1- -

nwak aik. lkv - lk MU k Till)

'wSk Ym ia smam liimvUMiaa uhi ih aaa

hit (Ma.clSlk Awa a,kiM.im.

t Wtk 1ml w warn a.-- rH't tee Nkv al ae WkWl,

Tar . v$ At 9. $t tha GtU.h & Wfc PWMftlltKtw Wihh. w

htae tae Xlk nMBmna tvi m siil iwKw

n - Utl rfeta a Wapmak. liw VATWwt. a i h.hr the lcaaaa- . .,v oe?: ninnn ta .."-.-- " " v ixm "r' --tt, t.v.j v(Mia vn want, tm.,"- -' - J" --wMt, jHar.m mu a maa Kk. aau.

ff V& wt.aPT?- , - ,

fcs -.. . ,tlifc.fci.x c" W! fii-

- - a. 11"iar h

t. -- ea nwa tjvwai' mmiF

0 ' . tMMtL naifve nmfeJlte I'iwhjahtJlE

UfB jBba,. jHrt xm. k 'hbk lift

? " N3$S --t"-t'r

- ' " ,- tt. 3tti aivM'Wfe --ag

pru ot ?2Wi , vbs bm Thtsre arehyttaoa to the fjwww aa ht-- party tosj. ss Thst rr' The last atvtae awe






v. -- -, tv o v-- 44h&. --s:r






AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.



:aBBW53r TtaTawrc




" lWla aBiMOST PERFECT MADE Bacon.j We guarantee onr prices as low

," ' the lowest and quality the test. Isl- -

Cotry custom-Bakin- g

PowJer holds its snpremacy ers are assured of paying the same prices

"as those resident in the cltv of Honolulu.40 xcors the ' Intelligent and appreciative persons will

LEWIS & CO.,Agents. Honolulu. H. I.


Mr. and Mrs. F. W Glade wereamong the Gaelic's passengers. '

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Falk areed at the hotel They will leave againfor Hawaii on the Kinan Friday. j

The will ot Kaleipua Kanoa was pre-- 1

eented tor Probate yesterday. Real es-- j

tate S15.0e8; personal Sl,000.JUROCERSA correspondent from Kona writes

that Paris and Kamauoha will veryjprobahly carry the day at election ;

time.... .... ... . r..,it is rumorea mat, tton. n. 1. jom-- 1

win has several threatening!letters from some person at Xlakawell, ;

Kauai.Sport, a periodical published

in San Francisco, has a tall-pag- e half-tone pletare ot a group of

A young man of good appoaraace andfair income desires to make the

of a lady aot over 30. Ob-

ject: Matrimony.

Yesterday was the Jewish NewTear. The coHhraUon wHl be contin-ued today. The feast of Turn Klpurwill ocear 1 days hence.

Mr. G. A. Harker. who comes toto take charge of the science

department of the High School, arrivedoa the Gaelic last night

Ta ealealattae the tine in the wc--

4B7HaaATT auu af tar .iuuit a o-- v -

ond phwe. The Clytle eaaie ia second

urr. marke-Aaara- e, ot taeun? nf?v. rTwtriwi, ion -

la theJailersi"5 B

I SII9M FlfliB fir H Rma ijattHarhit hi m

a. a. raifaanoMUiuAtar. mm

















Wa lUIftr

saMfcy Morauc.shares


register- -







Dertar the of October, oa ac- -eoaat aa overttock of the New Process gcasotfoe stove Castle CookeLtd.. will sell them at cost price.chance tor a haraala.

Aaother competiUve drill Is looked,tor very soon, aad the vartoas can-tatas are becoiotnt aaxions. The litevat of the klad was The nex-oa- e

wHl be asore so.

WHBa ft. lncin. who has beenla Maria Ctrantv. Callforala,

;lhta ala recent Illness, has arrivedback la Saa Francisco, and i a meetwtlfc his tahHty at the Palace

Mr, Mrhead and left for WalaaiuUo 0 the 1. A Cnmmlns yester-fe- y

atofalht. They were met at thessaiaer hj a delegation of fronds andh towed In ahundance 'or a whilp

Crashes that are hrnshes hire justbm recelvHi hr the Hollistor DragOHhbahy fiatr, tooth, lather aadeMRhfe bnihe ot all forenalttx and cheapne n- -f "- - to )!'fo

Cbinhtteaer of Fraace, Mon VOs-ift-

coado-ta- d K rt of th'eruteer IaaWiay-TrouI- n to tha St

Coll yfwerdaj inm!- - Thek Afwn theoT4Jr te i h ttiSaw

M s. Ooraoaaer on h th"

Mas;WZi(um ! P'v.-.r- t win

btfth HelUKVu

MBOK.ljn 4&k YW. IMKMM.1. rkMte.


IMPJp ua Trifto WMmft h i

ot wh cgrti & mm hr'ed ae ? aunwwiittt, Pe. The hlfcee at '

? 'BtT',,!i hfnfteHtnNWafm

' WiwMale- - Wkrm tV9 W. ""fKfWSf r Hh)

V. tef ll-1- : ift m&A



mararwiMifcu- - fe w wmm


Tfcitihfcttlii rkA i Mim titi.4hMHWi Mth n IfHi nnflia !&mftdhA. Wtj e ffiir 1H1, iV mzm&mk V7,i KwkI

h w kmlliC Hwlm T' twt.--i , mi . b.

. .. .lA JUL otsm J qhef ntr?rati

ndHlciSLt ntMfKaTwimji.i!"i uvwrm' wwii Hak. re it m .iflMia aiia tto n irl&.K. ..1 M Mtb.

-- .




n i mbp vmtMit tmk ,m. intffcal1I







w f. --

""WyMffWm' "JDMWWg""

& CO.




l&W&'fi- -



Lewis &Have never haJ Rreater variety nor

better quality of fine foods for the everyday table and for dinner Riving than now.

The world pavs tribute to the aesthetictastes of the dwellers of Hawaii throughthis store.

The price of a thing Is ReneraJIy whatIt is worth, competition requires that; thahigher the price, the better the quality &s

a role; price doesn't always guaranteequality, the reputation of the seller counts

Send for onr catalogue and: seettiat vre can sell you.

refuse substitutes, when they can bay thtorisinaI.

HTppa is an article whlehls dailyw consumed by millions.

Success In tea brewing can only be assuredbv using Lewis Own importations ofCeyten-lndl-a. China and Japan Tens.

bend for our catalogue. Mailed FREEapplication.


TTMriOO O61? Ovs

Fort Street,Honolulu

H&2Si t ifwiwji ' im$&w8' 4 '


mi in mmPlays yonr own selection of tunes.

Over UN taaw to lt from


e B&ro jqm a aew invoiceWrite lor Cata- -

Mi Nichols Company




F'-- r fine tratrh trwHt l trifff-tpwtf- i;

hvt ire ffrA to im-prr- is

the for irflfr tfftty noftfrf he in tiw, mt Ike rttcf-i- fy

offenrHng tMfr titifJies.irhm 0t of ord? fa m

awi fiot fir& oftw r-rr- y

frnker to rwn fike iMfrh,nftrr frkirh, ' ? M tt frrproper

The Co ift ftrwyt rmre to 0,nfr meh trctf-m-- ; evermnrh hefter tn fti if rkthtffr M m fnr i mw

t'Tifowi frork'nff.

hr trh mr-- 40fhirfr.rt,

fa m (fem firmfm -

KfriimfMf.t in

can ass . . .wlti great success ntaaaeeaMat.ff ure "J 8iyws-e- f

the dress-amkta- g parlors ot prices.ACa, j















mm "ifir mtr mWlmWk

"rak Wm. aii'i jUMW

SK-fiNhJBS- fe?"TSJ5afc

adMuwRlMr' PutW JpMa lawWPf

tCBt . VJtt v. if awt'WIi 1 Mi nifltry "ffaattk.r.HBht.aea


4St w







i i

Page 6: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...T tSw l 2.---- ct VOU AAAlL yp. 7S. H. L: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2o, 1S9T.-SEMI-YV- WHOLE "NO. 1902. Skmmiran (Samite SEMI --WEEKLY. …








HE2K!i!?KBi-al EZ53HB't"



jttaN-- RAV.k'r.-R- ? iTjDjCYc SPTSMBES SS, 1?S7. SEMI-WEEK- LY

WiirmS! Your stodcjHew' Goodsaeeaaac at aae saaae aa reaatartag: load waea STaatt vere dra-vra- . A. !

"- - - v -- r ma do better oaunit, il 'j-- IT TTti-- " jt)RBaa-datln- iaa lacvsh. T. Lishmaa sad H. ATc FIKST-CL.VS- S FEED.

aWBBORAWr STA9F. tem had aaad. 4. 3S. 2 and II -- Tfbafc&aaaaVaeamaaaVaeSlQr a--. irr MM- ---- jw IWli f,r if- ,:kj-9'-c!:-? hayahdgraih TYann

aaaaaae ay tha aawaaaa OniiiaawaT. HONOfcGLT CSKSST CS5R. tf LT? . "T"1 ! a aLaahAtoaash.Lh.w.iatrg. g BOUGHT OF US VyATflAflJ8 aCHaahiv aa aaay he aaawd a aaateh-ws-h. h. Carrfagaea.. g fCtllIlClI

--Mi Hi ii "r - ' - aha te the pricaes of all A aTaasey. K Ijaasd 7 fa Mas ery best at the

H. 3erl fCaac), raa aaK..... 11i ji . iinajini aa tae rtaaaiiMT JJac aar-- Willie in van F'ranric-i- - W e- - - --i yj jj 0' TERI LOAVEST PRICES.

f T, . aPTr.! " a it Heett. h. Kean 5 j made extensive purchases of' F - l'. goods suitable for

ScCUfedin 1 nAimn.ni

'' "J SSefiTttate I""r""" SSMS. ZZt QlKIl StTKtS- -aaamaaaaaaaaac: j taae. 3DWE3NB ASaiZESE.a m at ihehaaafeali at the aaattoataaa. aad the ahssitaaamri ' aar Vr 1 rratanit ta 1 ta af ia asae. BalaRiBs.ilaas-"Wkts.A- v; TELEPHONE 121.

aaaaaaaaraaaEtaiaaaaaaaWaatarl BXHJaS KLTISKTS. Seas T.... Ii 4 t 2 2 f

aaaa they aay a ifaaasod aaffj j wai staH he fee to - "T T 1AaanS- -t . I. Tti. 9 --fir "Siaak. .ah m aaaaa --aa aaaaa aaaaaaaaV aaa., - - . f ... ... h. 3l x. s. oearos. ---.- - 1 r- a - M m.a ataad at ahaath. I te saaB he aare a per "-1- . t - S i 1 I i

. Baatd at 3aaaaar ahaB'. E. C. aaekkaash.... 1 V 1 lUU- - - iiaflai ihi5 . A Vright. e. Sewett: 3aefcteiosi. 4 AKTJ"" f - i 1. pattaws aecaayaag private . r --1,1,;, --a ,

--ssr;MT-.scaapadaaaaaat aad she anian 1 ,in, saaB he rhaigtd Ji-- per BaSDc-Haaatta- as, MaefcinaBsh 2

gut J. aT. a. Hatatd .: 7 1a "' L aaTaaaam waa . auaiMaataa,; ay be f-- t 3: - Wansey..... 4 I Q IQaaaB aaa he the iapuiaa " - ian rf iar J-- Wtoe- - a LtOi0'"TV E. Hataeld- - - HoBwway, a."Cl!i pajTii l

ataawma ahr wtare hBls the pteaa-- a 3,, t h. Maefeintesh; a.

aaaahmheaaaiaa. Be aaaB tax tafi Ml laaair m rh- - ln-prr- TT - n Tr T 1aaaaawaaaa at the aaaaoal rlM rf!tr ar saraeal at niaii' aaay J-- 1- - 3cHaray; not eat""" aa " aa--- ai. ahafi slu--v afi &. sat to esfieed far the fr3?es ........................ -w

wgMB"K m 'MM18, s"ma saeh fee ta toaatflac physxaaa. go Total V. J 4

mmTm'm',tm,!!'Te. haai. Prt-e- d. however, SOWUXG ANALYSIS.aaaaaa e-- at Xaaasers aay to aayaH aaaahar thy at a-a-ar hospital LjL - N-- Balls. Rs. Mans. Wkts.Av.

uImllkI - - . . Hat&eM .. S K 7 S 3!T !l!r ' - ""--S1 kmI atoefetoiasfe 4 IS 2 S S

ibaiii I aa waea --- .j oay, aad aat waasey .. 4 12 4 5--a- fw saeal opetatiaa. tat

aaiaraad tae Aaid aB araas .. g,, aeoessary Tatai ...1 4t IS H 4

- -- - ----- ' fe 11. aoate

aaaaadte the iaptri:1aa d a j-f- f- ,aM ,!- - nrf J "- -M-- - '! pgahiaa aad pg -- h --( ) aaautted ta the

a aaaaaaag payaaaam JaH5BDCaat

WMCV1- - te tf UMUtftflSt

staB be ap- - 1

UtteftaO. 3saittkttetaliitB I aad of psrticslarPrta-ah-K to the

rfyMxautfis- -wteh the aafes of the

ifabfcitt sad sh&M haver the hacks aeeaaats of

stall otter hat aB safeties of ercry Si

the aaedioal aaiilh ; stall havethe rs; stall ea- -

isetare aad otherwise haveat aB eaaployees C thethe atatroa, ars

ay bedbecOy by the Baard at Health.aaaetiateaoeat staH coostttote

C the Boat at Jtaaasers aadhare & 'voice to mil awes

to the aum-ia-e- m of the

S. The BaaaarcaoaM ay maza

haaat staH

taBrafte 1 the ctcax.


af Health andHe staH

ia basa- -

zdatiar to the hospitalto tea by thesaper- -

feaataabaaa p nftf .T33MBL jjl

Ihe IhBrtrirfr Aeeat staB eoastirBTe

aada staB haxe a -- fee la aB Batters


hi ajiiial i the Baaed of Healthaad staB Hre ia the district, wfchiaaasy at the hunpftil He staBanead tke haaifeaL at least, eace everyclay. visktag esery pwrtnwt assigaed totis case. He stall eaase eaeudete

caiel saws to he kept C SB.

treated tt the hospft.l, sad



he Sled aaay to order iarreferaaaa. Upoa irst risk aftertte arriial at aay ae paEfeat he staBcarataBy esaaaa? sacfc pattest,

the rebate at his exatatestioain the woard at the esse. He

E tetean haat hiasaK fe reaaV

ilj: ta ir'jaaf m ia ijptl;"nt t-- ;: irce liaai aa all i la. sa

wcaraiin- - sai fc sB othsrcases where he eaasUers caasataathsi

rmj he abas. If easaoereiocahie. ceS to riteaTh athsiysieiBE. dihs jrefcreace ta the1 j in liaai xbe Diufc'jSat haB alae he the atr of the

tiiHrrr1 aad hs mi iw nH The

farward a the Bunig aff 3eahh a. ae--

fieaZ part ac the sad C aeh apEnsr.The mi il i ill i shcat ss--

tr the Buaig o'anU:

". .. a-a- - ---a- new --arm tt!a .Tim 1 II Staate. h. Carrteaae. .,ti rrrrs weStnef and W5


jeaa-WON- S

The to- -aaTaaaa- -.

1h. 1

Hiihaaa h.

day h.aaa. CmrrtogtoB.

Kanlirat ihi nf

pihundepart- -



f:u(ialWmBT 2.4

Pattam saJletMic iraai







IS. Bf patieats oa eateriag thenntst deposit wai the saper- -

& sot saddest to pay forfrocs rwo weeks to aae taeath ia. ad-nac-e,

aeoardiKg to iheanee of theMcikaess. ar preseat & written gaarsa-nehrA- e

saaae, sigaed by sosaesersaE. Prtoted forms for

the panose win be famished by the

Isbefc-tisra- s


hasptts-3- y

order at the Beard at Beaki.rius WILCOX.

Seeretary.H-- 1, Sept. 22, 1SS7.


Japanese Will Embark as CoffeeGrowers.

A razaar is caireat aaas tie Jap-

anese that is. e ereat aaaexadoatheir ooatraets wh. Ae Ea-sraiia- Gov--

mmi ay iheia &ssigaed te tbeasar ahmtatioBS, vdll he aell

aatf Tate, aad they vrQl he at liberty to;o ''whither they Hstetk."

la coaaeetiOK with this nuaor it isako stated that a atajority of the la-

borers who "Rill reaaaia ia the eoaa-tr- y

will eatart to the ooeeaa Hawaii The saoeess srJiki has st--

ae teaoea the Japanese who leased toadfioat Mr. to the Olaa Btstncthas eaooarased other Jaaaaese ta joteto. There are targe tzacts of toad sett-ab- le

far eoee far back froot the roadto the 0aa. District, aad it is to thisBtoee the Japanese so. The toadis oversowm wfeh tree feras, which.wham decayed. laafee aa. etxetteztfardHsar.

There awy he apposition OB the pertof the people of HQo to aay torge aani-b- er

of Asiatics settling ia the vicinity.They realtoe the beaeSts to HQo if theeaOee bostoess is a ssecess. bat theyprefer ha have & white popelstioa thanta tare the sides of the hills coTeredwith Asiatics aad the bosiaess cob-dart- ed

by Chtoese in HOo iaereased.Jast sow HQo is &a the baoia. daresioeats invite fcaiaigrattoc. Theywaat the tows to be oeeapied byHfes disposed to baud attraettre hoaes,rather thas shacks.


Comes .Hen DefeatCricketers.



He aaal crickec natch berweeaH. M. S. Comas aad the Hooo-Wh- e.

C C wats piaytd at MakiMe Satarsr last aad resulted iaSI

a eaase vicsory for rke aaval men.Tia seared 45 raas as against 44

bv the hone team.Bocable fearores of the

were arsdx. ihat it seemedto fee more of a "fea-Rier- than a

tihariers dav. for althoarb some ofthe wieJoers of the HiUow offered j

pretrv srabfeara resistant, rheyjfaSed sdrajaee The m--itenalv; seoofidr. That tbertr asil

! decaaea Banreest m un--l

ef tSfBeidiBsrS soaae The Honolnln- -

!iws aad lhardly. that s rbe tat-iter- s

witiiaeefts- had been inIbme? jasaa. The wetrarae mighthave hees 4Besnt.

A -t- - naaas-- of spectators7 aaaaag! wwaawea oa? caaKsaag roraaaes t if

heTpaasMhsrhe cxne --with cvaaest tsrerest.mar e sszae-- Ldrfer refreshmefffs ? servedt sB aKTs. ir ai'trfrdar"- -. "ha-nk- s 3&s. TJ

Delecatcs From Hawaii RelateTheir Experiences.

The delegates frost Hawan to the T.?. S. C E. Cosvestsoa is. Saa. Frsat-eto- eo

aet to K&watohao Cherei fastateht relate, the beaeSt of thoseiaterested ia the work of the societytheir experiences while in tie csty.The c&orei was SBed wii people, tierajority heJag yocng aauves.

in froat at tie pulpit was a isrge iii--waitoa ii& Tie reataiacer vu. thechareh was sppropriateJy decorated.The yoeag ladies aad satlertea wiorepresented Hawaii so well arose ta

told somedirectly








fsa- -

to their raiads. At tie dose of thenteetiag tie Kawaiahso girls sans twososgs. The raeetiag was a very inter-esti- ag

ore aad pleased all wio attend-ed.

Homins; Pigeon Association.Secretary TV. C. "Weedoa of tie Hont--

iag Pigeon Association forwarded aaorder oa tie Boric for IS pairs morebirds. Fifteen pairs of tiese are fromstoefc that have been accastotaed talaarine flying; aad have been bred especially for the Honolulu assoctotisa;the other three pairs are to be oldbirds, la addition. Mr. TVeeden is toreceive a mate for his English trainednsale bird "Alhtoa. These are an ex-

pected by 'the next trip of the Aus-tralia, aad will give the hose society32 birds the foaadatian of theirbreediag lofts aad trailing birds. Tieyotmg birds will be let oat of left aboutthree weeks after their arrival, aadtheir haadttag- aad training will hecoauaeaeed iatstedtotely after their

with their aew scrroond- -togs.


RESOURCE. Screven Col. Ga. Ihave been sabject to attacks of biliouseoHc sereral yesrs. Chaiaberiain'sColic, Cholera aad Diarrhoea. Remedyis the only sare relief. It acts like acharm. dose of it gives reliefwhen an other remedies fafl. G. B.SHARP. For by all Or assists anddealers. Beasoa, 5V-- irh & Cx, agentsfor Hawaiian islsricis.

Among the arrivals from Haaiports oa the Ciaadine yesterday werethe foDowiag: Mrs. S. Bowsett. J. K.Saiyth. J. H. "Wodehoase, Jr, D. Conway. George Campbell, George Robin-so-

aad A Haaeberg.


JSTHEGreatest Ha3 Grier Hocse ia iia Wcrii


CttsCO Are.

treo BSHE S05-VTMi- T 7HH HOST COK- -



5sst5 SsirnfaciB . itmiE- -MBgaeiaecapnaitti.ia3twag


Z9 St5. ruLSOS. &X-i- catSllPF3rS CXEiiASiS. BOOTS &s SSOSS.(j7tfiIN. CIC HEiSSSS. 7TCIXS,GBOCS33ES. KiKWWXESL. OHSSJM6COCS. g-- T"" J RtTrjrss"sr?ma.

X cpeqg- m33g ttag ;cajicstoa'te bemffig

C? XS ,UI ill, M w . !

Montgomery Ward & Co.,CKICA.CO, U.S. Ai


Latest patterns fromthe best makers in theUnited States, flat orroll top in polishedoak and other hardwoods.

No other dealerssme assortment.

These goods came on thebarkentine W. G. Irwin onFridav.

Handsome furniturefor parlor or bedroom

received by the same vesseland offered at exceeding-ly low rrices.

We have chairs and tablesof good quality, to hire forballs, parties or entertain-ments.

J. HOPP & CO.Furniture Dealers.



Meat Company

Jo. 50? HKG ST.


Shipping and Family



G. J. WALLER, Manager.

Highest 3arket RatesElfiaa, SHs afi Tna ;

Parreycra to Oceanic sadilaH Steamship Companies.



them st low prkes. Some ofthese lines slready ar-

rived and we sre oneringthem at prices which shoulawin your pantmage to us ifwe have no already had it

Fancy Swiss,"Organdies

Ik Felhyses.


















Muslin DressGoods

From 10 cents to 90 centsper vard. Never sold herebefore at less than 25; percent, above this.

wiseii!The only garment which

keeps the" form perfect andthe health as nature ordained. These waists are nowworn by many of the bestdressed ladies of Honolulu.

Marseilles spreads, newdesign, from .r;o to $12.

New linings for organdiesjust receivea.


s9k i9$s


A Model Plant Is not complete withoat Electric Power, tins dlspensiniwith small --1ti

Why not generate your power rroaone CENTRAL Station? One generator can furnish power to your PumpCentrifugals, Elevators, Plows, Railways and Hoists; also furnish llgh-aa-

power for a radius of from 15 u20 miles.

Electric Power being used saves thlabor of hauling coal in your field, alscwater, and does away with high-pric- ec

engineers, and only have one engine tlook after In your milL

Where water power is available Icosts nothing to generate ElectriPowa.

THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC COMPANT Is now ready to furnish Elec-tric Plants and Generators of all de-scriptions at short notice, and also iaon hand a large stock of Wire, Chandeliers and Electrical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt at-tention, and estimates furnished forLighting and Power Plants; also at-tention is given to House and MarieWiring.






Car.F-- rt ASea&s- -


Wholesale and KetaH GrocerSIS SIVG "ST. TEL. IIS

3aCr. Ftatsrkjc zzi. SKs" Sascs SsOd 1

ITer rojxi sv -- vr e met. T" trosS: SSSCt TAiZi:- - tikr iaclj ittstessf AT THE GAZETTE OFFICE. I t our Isada t3hcBy ezessud.




Brusheshave jast received tie largest

importatioa of fine HAIR. TOOTH.LATHER and CLOTHES BRUSHESever brought to this conatry.

For the past century the finest bris-

tle brashes have been made ia Fraaee,aad today France turns out more first-cla- ss

brashes tian all otier countriestogether.

Gome TodayThe complaint about Tooth Brushes

looseing their bristles is a dailyand we have striven to over-

come that by purchasing a grade ofbrushes that will not wilt aad soften.We feel quite confident that we haveobtained a line of Brushes that willgive entire satisfaction.

and ExamineWhen a customer learns that the

dealer is anxious to give value for val-

ue, and that his interests are at alltimes considered in purchasing an art-icle, he has thought wisely; aad whynot go oae step farther aad allow yourdealer to advise you as to quality aadchoice? By doing so with us, yourcoafideaee will not be betrayed.

Our StockStandard goods in any line always

coxnmaad a good price. Bupont'sBrushes are Standard, and in price areas low as many goods much inferiorin quality.

In quality and cheapness, we have nohesitancy in saying that our goods willsuit you.

a a a a a


Sept. 24, 1897.

Red Velyet


Is the titlegiven the

latest and most satisfactorygarden hose manufactureda hose that can be usedwithout fear of damagethrough being dragged uponthe ground and so flexiblethat no "kinks" can everform in it, cracking the rub-

ber and producing those an-

noying leaks always foundin the ordinary hose.

Red Velvet is a corrugatedhose, manufactured from thefinest quality of rubber only,and is exceptionally strong.

We carry this quality in3- -4 inch size and the priceis no more than that of anordinary 3--

ply hose.We have also in stock

PlainRubber Hose



Steam Hose'

in various sizes.Call and inspect at the



' i

Page 7: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...T tSw l 2.---- ct VOU AAAlL yp. 7S. H. L: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2o, 1S9T.-SEMI-YV- WHOLE "NO. 1902. Skmmiran (Samite SEMI --WEEKLY. …

Sk5&s (cyzsa ?vx sfrx sjtf $ VtK$$t- nwimtimimn H:mmmm'mmmmmgmPmi&

mm peimes burin a itev-w-s e Sags. $fcu MMmmmm$&

Qa Vmirtt. Caa$. ajatg-- .

Py SSSC5 S Sagg: QgaB Ifacesas Sss aa at: haaw ?ifeygaK SwojojaJa.

Owt s&& 1MWftX uJ;tJse5SSMBbbbbhbV JaBaVBBBBBBiat- !w-??- i V9(fe

vip V "w .tee-iMf- yiMLgsst frgjitoR.la Baft fCwnti naiarf. WaawrrBs"Si IfSsraas "afc

KfcvnnbwA UhtVtASO. N?Scsw Ccto 1, La. aa 4fee 55ksx5s .4tjt4jv v V4tU.WlWV

SI K WJI aa anNan wwi,Jl tiiifc s fe f S. KS??$05U?S C

k wwfti )Of--t j y ! T jVw a v s'w3 Vknc ass s & at ic --w5, rmn aa a "ifcnr f ' " '3sar34rB3aaaBaaBa&ats iJc--- 5

BAaM!Y m maBi5 Bft n f ffaBaaBES ajc aap a50SQK . Brsai

- - - . Tats a twgj iJhsauA:.H Imm "J ate dfeeeE aaite laa. fc te cc Vk

"BBBlBBBt'B. aa aaar aaBr.. . l"Li. .. , aWv Uwtfh ilSaaa? SBb? at aVSESSEK Uk vaaaaaBG

" ."5 - . r- ajaiiML1-- . Jaiirla'T Aasat-aagga-al

Mot. mHBr m. Bab- - rs aaaacx

X6- -

te. 3C Tfc? (SIS xfmk Ha


riTfiliT ' ? tieiL. aOM- .. I - In,!! J Iks- -

ansoin pessB liw torsesf neosroica Tafcis.

--ocyu am tk aiiwr aanif if 34aka. --..wt t-- i.w aiiByii rrr-- -

IK ftteaae. am ixes-atta- i wobici

re9ve laa:i ISO tM. KakaaJe- -

n-- ica TTJ i m Pm--k aLvie ae : caagdcnt f JfeeTrpaaSaTs eecdea.

BKir ike 2tiL Port SarreTw

torse qaaaiiry of oeiaau 1W UHS.aaTW-srkiM- tr AlfefflT ilva-- . Thecsauafc-MisrddeT- Os feova

ftf rka- mw-hvxy- -ia a srcrvi. OTBiuuHnn "camatB s sateroaa. At xae TTKI

WailBfcK. OH the 23d. the Cbi- - fether's tosher, Rk&arfi the Hcuch-iw- p.

Mwk die Ydetiia&- - bo ereapKi possesskaJ1-- the threat Kin:; Richsrd faBiag--Jeaasea. swore xmx he uras The textie thoot lesrtcg any issue rasSflllr prtj. asd "was seniesctd isaceeededhyKiac Henry VII. who for- -t

sis BMBtW ifflptisoaiHeat and' tified his otto ciairas to the thronethe eldest touchier nd heir--to tt a aae oi Ofift. rf . ., n-

A week or more aso EnochJehHSOH. Esq-- of Hoaolela. sec--!

retarr of the "Aloha Aiaa Sod- -

...-.- ;-.. ; t-;i- i-...., - .r "?t,

circaratiuii ifctiuwus aauii u-- (negation. i

There was a ttur-of-w- recent--

It ih- v.;n- - rink.,

nnd seven nanve Jon-saore- Of

Kahalei palled acainst an equalnamher of sturdv Hawaiians ofWAee. After three hours of ;

steady JHlHinc. trom i to JJ. p. m.,'neither side had won and the con- -

test was declared a draw. Therink was arranged with a plat--

form with cleats. A larce audi- -

eace was present. An admission'of 25 cents was charged.

Today some gentlemen of Ma-kaw-

interested in polo willphty a game and organize a per-manent club.

Toung Hee of "Wailuku willhave on 27th for a visit toGhina.

!Hay TVodekouse of Honolulu isa guest of Louis von Tempsky ofPuuomalei. Makawao.

Miss Schweitzer of La Crossp,Wis., will take charge of the private school at Haiku next week.

Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Taylor ofHamakuapoko are heing congra-tulated upon the advent of a babygirl, born durinc the 21st.

"Billie"' iNawai has charge ofthe Wailuku railroad station.

It is stated that A. Enos and Co.;

will soon lay down about 7 miles j

pipe for the purpose of bringingwater from a spring some distance!

uiu uya.ua school , a

the 24th. the'

boy came from school '

badly lacerated andsad suffering pain,

Schali, Bros."Drag Laais. dressed

i asdfreely. jsia ceased, aad a

saart It healedmmL- - ieaxms a scar.ajaaiar. sweBisgs aad Ilirtaw laedicsae ereaaal I it a heaseheid ,

aeseBr seLft&Bw. . 7i 18.T


fsrhriWes teach-ii- m.

rs f s.nnlL

6fCc:ajf9t aaser Usaaiiiir'liraMii.-ri.i- i sas e aetr aaagxf








af foac: rsscr;5isr arstX 6saF. 1 "ic- - ivsr--

6er.sierf3Mflfe9S. 5ersee3i'Ornir Assjea. ca ecaae jMber f

?ilag5ag-g.a- e dKVswOi tiashara isae rsKSEs- - 'teese- rfSs?- -taaa. rs life sae cbe

el x. csrt sse etoe; ratas- -

"- - BURT S.U --.mrJC- wI ilil ii T fc ! ii W''kay

sisals sate fee. aaaliiseacsasiEiaB. sag as& Kiss Skisre" m i- - --- cr Iv.5bs NKis. gaetczaci s osie.

IV "ssas s&e of afGsaac cf Ijocastsr aa ioardi

5s Basri HI. aac itat aeeeaat rtssr 3T. Heair V aa

vrs or cas iEed arter 1

iati:eTrfsoaeratthelaateoTe'- .te?1 thife:

Sfcjead. Soke of Tork. ibeyoKscer sras i S3g: Eard HLrv- l

srui his yuaager Brother, iras maroered tie Tottht cf Ijosdoa by his

kins-KearvVI- however, bad rishtsat his own to the throne, indepeadeatly

ls Ve. bean? descended from JohnCanat, the foarth soa King Ed- -

Brard m. True, King Henry TITsgreat-graadrath- er, son ol John orGacnt, had had the misfortune to

k k wedlock several years priorto raarriage father andiaotier Bat BtUe Sita npoa hisesentcheon set right by a pateat

legitimacy ratified by act Parlia- -

Et coafirrned by the Pope. Kin

SSLWSaTot STSS was the

and married EdmundTudor, who thus became fatner ofKs HeiuT "TO--

? brought .what wasknown as the Tudor strain of blood into the reigning house of England.

King Henry VTI was followed by hisson. King Henry "VTH, and the later in

Trm "we cmfmrfcA f all Wr- - Vile?

King Edward T then by "Bloody"Slary and thereafter by Queen. Eliza-beth, who died unmarried. The maleTudor line having thus become extinct,the crown descended the heirs ofKing Henry YTI's daughter Margaret,who had married King James IV ofScotland, Queen Margaret of Scotlandbecame the grandmother of Mary Queenof Scots, and was consequently

the laters son. KingJames I of Scotland, who, the

of Queen Elizabeth, succeeded tothe throne of England under the titleof James I, the crowns England andScotland being for the first time united.

King James, who was the first of theStuart line the throne of England,was followed by his son Charles,lost head the scaffold, and afterthe death Oliver Cromwell, who gov

Ensland. Scotland and Irelandas a republic, the son of Charles Ibe- -'

came King, being followed at his death

James had son, who, however, at thehouse to their Makawao pasture, time of the deposition of his father, wasDuring Wednesdav. the 22d, debarred from succession to the throne

the brig Lurline, McLeod master,! ia consequence of his profession of theC110110 religion, and his two sons Inw-- is tonea to sea hv tue steamer tnrBj .ho .ere j the Y0ung

Glaudine. She took cargo enough' Pretender" and as Cardinal .of York,of sugar, molasses and bones to 'were excluded from the succession onserve ballast. Her passenger1 analosons sounds, both of them dying

list was Mrs. of Spreck- - ogtnand legitimateelsville, Mr. Kowland formerly descent the crown should have devolv-Station-ac-

Wailuku. and ed upon the of HenriettaMiss Bitchie. ' stuart Duchess of Orleans, daughter

During Eridav.







by his brother James. James, beingCnW?lj3 . , ite- -

Mary, who was married"William Orange, and secondly byhis Anne, who died withoutICCKlUn "" MUHllilS 1U& 1V1UK

ui .rung 1. isui, owing to tceirbeing members the Catholic Church,

tnrone Bavaria.Owing this exclusion, theGreai Britain fell a more remote

osboot the Stuart dynasty, namely,the Eliza-bet- a,

sister Kins Charles I Tvhomarried the Kins f Bohemia. t

snioa 1th Staart. TfhaThe Eopste, and who marriedErnest. E3ecK--

mher 01 George, srho succeeded

01 turnover, iung George trasson. Georce

the latter terHscrandson. GeanreT wr mc f v.- -

Gn -n m

schooner Albert Myer. they were excluded frommaster, sailed for San Francisco &e throne by what known as thewith a cargo of H. C. Co.'s sugarJ lSet?fnenV Peesi!ndani?this' the headless Kins?The is generally pleas-- j Charles I are todav b?ant with usual tradewinds and'Marie Theresa Modena, Archduchesslocal showers. Austria, and wife Ixrais, Prince

j Bavaria, heir presumptive the"My one day

with his handh!eeefeg, greatisays E. wiihMyer

Oo Sc "I theaanBea Chamberlain's Pain

lareaarkablT time with--


f prescrfetiBnit. csasiaer

ay ail erEggists.l2 Sj.... C

aswiaaismxre act emTtoved

ia Tooscstsrwn OJ --nriiiHc


att?- -




3- - sa JoanSae

sss af


e oae ofOn




the of

wasof of

legitimized, shethe


greatgrandmother of






at descendants


daughter ofof



01to crown

of tocf

Protestant descendants ofof


53irabeth borename of

of Hanover, becomingtue

Lcrone.saeceeded hx Ws HL and

Kins:tdb tv.

tt-- --rrrao, it

Marshal. succession tois


ofof of

.ca. of to









sfcf 96t. VevA$Sawe.

isoaxa. escsso. axxs--

!wa 3tea Ssj Kfcii ISM9&4aJbb- - A fCawcau

:SSW OSaS. Caaotaar tt.fKartrs; tasaaie sstaaait,

esse at tte- aai a&.ima.vkrasar ta aaEat aaaftt aas sa

fejsfee f ifcifciii T, sata3afc;jat!m.faaafcwg aaagacwg- - ,



- aaaaaoas as eai..rer caaaacaK saw ssbip resits qk &fHE:c ownyi-- j. K- - J!r- --

i . .. i J '3Bim;f K3K fuKr. k &aakTse safe aeeiS2g: tife as t&e'79sac af aaseso coaDt

h s Bsrafe aHs? tie jas; wjster.waez &e Ce Ssates SaraasaJatiasa.Ua;a? coaatatiae. af fee XSc- -t

aacaatr E3gaag. Fraaee aaie Gg-rar- y.

nes4 wit, atara tae-- geaseaaacs j

pcestK? e t&e tnnec states as tsesupporter af tae Scaraas ?ejecc.aad tbey isrfrrd to anste statist tiecccraoc aaagsr. aCoisg taat naxieawEiei was aost esaeeraed te aecaaseor a rate the aroarieier of tie Paae-as- a.

- Eagiaad. legicaQy. was tiertw-T- , te be selected.

The whole scheme is similar theeae by which England gained ceatretof the Saec caaaL excepc that la thisease the powers concede her right,which, before she was oaHged to steal.Maerice Trabert. Charge d'Affaires atthe French Embassy. TWtiriraiTre greatretxeace in discassiag the Panama affair. He emphatically asserts that hehas received no owcial notification ofsach a transfer. Nevertheless, it is be-lieved by other diplomats that there isyet mach to be learned regardiag thePanama canal, and k. is known that theState Department is quietly investigating at Colon and in the capitals ofEurope.



Cleanse your blood with AyersSarsaparilla the most thoroughlyreliable alterative ever compounded.For scrof uJa, boils, ulcers, sores, car-buncles, pimples, blotches, and alldisorders originating in vitiatedblood, this medicine is a specific.Ayer's Sarsaparilla is equally bene-ficial as a remedy for catarrh, rheu-matism, and rheumatic gout. As aTonic, it assists the process ofdigestion, stimulates the sluggishliver, strengthens the nerves, andbuilds up the body when debilitatedby excessive fatigue or wastingillness. Physicians everywhere con-

sider Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best Itis a skilfully-prepare- d combinationof the most powerful alteratives andtonics. Xo other blood-purifi- er givesequal satisfaction or is so universallyiu demand.



OR. J, a AYER & CO., Lowell, Hast, U. S. A.

GOLD MEDALS al to World's Chief Eipositicns.

Ayer's Pills cure biliousness





Blood MixtureffiffiUTsiaWFoam&Bsnm

Tor c esEfiBK led dearfi: the Hood Jrca aUJiFErfrie,itcjiiiOtbetoohiEtilyiecoEiaeEt!eJ.

For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema,Pimples, Skin and Blood Diseases.and Sores of all kinds, Its effects aremarvellous.

It Cere Old Sores.Cere TJleerited Sores on Tie Ucet.Ceres TJlcerated Sorr Legs.Ceres Eltrtrieads or Pimples os lie PacCares iccrry boies.Ceres Ccccsroc Ulcers.Ceres Blood sed Stic Diseases.Ceres Glsndeisr Sweatees.Cers the Blood trom Ul irapere vt--Prc- ra

vhclever c&csearislrr;isthii jntitcre isnicssect 10 the ! t.irrrsted tree frors cyth op Itjr-o- ss be

Del delicsle coxstiictHm of e t - sei jiePropnoor fohcit seSerersxo ' sir-- t 10testiu-nJee-


So1iiBottes2s.Si..zrjdtccEt-cort- t 'sir tna the ccrattar, lit. eeo seffir c: x

ra?HI7GEOrT TRE TWEIS. Propnjr--I81 iiscras ixr,toun Cocsii Drool""" "- -

Caution- - istiarCiaiteeBVidJ8irsETt.l? ewire of wortHess TraJtsaoas crmsti--


Whispering in Beantfs EarThe secret of preserving, purifying andbeautifying the sHn, scalp, and hair to befound only in Cuticura Soap, greatest ofskin purifying and beautifying soaps, aswell as purest and sweetest for toilet, bath,and nursery. The only preventive of un-

sightly blemishes, red, rough hands, andfalling hair, because the only preventive

of inflammation and clogging of the Pores

Lcsasa. mai.uv. -: tCi iZS; .- -. wr-- & ool: a tSnak..S-Se- oi ta Xxssxs. .JK5&2kl "i

ROBERT212 Queen Street. Honolulu.


WATSOX, LAIDLAW & COCentrifugals and Cream Separators.

JOHN FOWLER & CO. (Leeds), LdSteam Ploughs and Portable Railway.




On Mail orlabor 13 in of our

-- HILO.

G. N.E. and



Sugar Machinery.

General Engineering.



--feEXD TO- -

MARCUS MASON CO., Coffee and Rice Machinery.J.HARRISON CARTER Disintegrators.



the Islands. Telephone Orders receive prompt attention.Only skilled employed the manufacture goods.

RichardsWILCOX, President.BTJHB, Secretary Treasurer.


also cany the Most Complete line of

B ii


F. HACKFELD. Vice Pesident.T. Auditor.


We Are Prepared to Fill All Orders for



For Prices





SALTS, ETC.. ETC.Special attention given analysis of soils bv our agricnltnral chemist.All goods are GUARANTEED in every respect.ior runner particulars apply to

- m "v.'aajBKvl t

t. w., n. . -



facuic unaDo ana rfiruiizer wmpany.

m J""laaaaBwr .aW" W!cthc-- Tre&owttju



CRESOLETSE belns anjicierc Vjr mhaUtinr.V --e t- - saft and most effect o; rr-- n . f treatat rat and broncfcMJ tube, lmtfficveocr itVf o T TCrtifrliar.Oroop i wonderful lu&ntlit v rtaes reader it lc;nbte id eostactotui"R a Dtptotlieria. Saartat Flrrer ett. Dc-c- m

booUet wttli testlewctals free. SW hjdmgifutv ,miUllB EBUS CD., HoEslslD, B. !., ipnk.

Ha, aaJaicntatat twvat : ajtC

a avwa - inMea jp Skvt a?N

Sa bciia a4 Mchaatoncv goaagaavs jwj; tj aat

af E VHErSltCMSXAtt&- t-(ftace. rvC3cre'Svataa

Kawxr iSs-A- J asraor 3 ite&tatKia Haaau&. S?Sds aV aacirj$MKJGi - art aiaaKi a


OF BERLIN.The aN?ve fcsaraace OsspaaJeJ law

esabahcd a Gssesal Ajtary hers,aai tatCBs.ay.i. Gmeral Aps, are satfecriz--vi to tn nsks a--

. ? ths dajKsthssasattasEwst isscaabla eds aafcq tht most fxvsmb.? ss.





il ill ills S8


Eh Hie Iniie EoimOF HARTFORD.

TlfflBrKHOBOe Hie HBHTBllGi fSownff

OF HAMBURG.Capital of the company and re-

serve, reichsmarks fi,oee,eaCapital thdr icinsumse csar-panl-... - ioijoadTotal rekasaatks 107,630pa

m fus ComOF HAMBURG.

Capital of the company aad r- -serve, reichsmarfis --

Capital their reinsuraaei caat--panies - j

Total rekhsmarta :

The undersigned, General Agents of tMabove two companies for the Hawaii:Islands, are prepared to lasure BulIdlnjMFurniture, Merchandise and Produce. Maj-- hinery, etc, also Sugar and Rice MiHsnd Vessels m the harbor, against loas m

'.image by fire on the most favaraek tarsalH. HACKFELD & CO.

J. 5. WALKERUawal Aftat tts tUwtBu ft.

Rl mm. I'm.Alliance Aianraaoe OasMir,AlUuno Marina aad GeaaraJoow company.


tan Lite lusruet Oasaaaar ai- -Canada.Scottish Union and National Union.

Ma 12, Spreciels' Ml,





NortkernAssuraiKceiOf London for FIRE k LIFE

Established 1836.AccsBBlatti Funis. 43.975.Mt.



Capital - - 1,000,000,Rednctioa af Htlw.

IwKdUte Pjret f Oaim.

WlHIEUaLUMiavrvrxtttttrtorajmmrTirvrv 'varT&m

Page 8: evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu...T tSw l 2.---- ct VOU AAAlL yp. 7S. H. L: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2o, 1S9T.-SEMI-YV- WHOLE "NO. 1902. Skmmiran (Samite SEMI --WEEKLY. …

I ,

! I


.Zamc Jit" mill aatai2"; li 11 ! lm $- H, - K$

H aat sac 1 vvivr v V :s 4. Ahw.(2,-BtaCTsIas-MWi. JlaaaaM aqgfc. Bgfe. whs aacs r a-- Wai$


rmimr f' "ff f" "L- - ' m

-- FS6K..' SAX ratNCECQ. Cat. aii-Jag- t,

i ..;mbc iqm. s --wt'tte tuesc WKaKiR

lumjik. lAictat. Tafegg Saaes SSrsy.

Sbk. i iisas. itses c.LnBy,Swa-2S- . CI3 ht

a J " S issss? s3S9J?s t eS- - xss JSBt 3fae; xkiBe,B w 3 St m& a

3. Hw, TliWMj'lir, 3er rr2gferooos. x gaTfcy.Sntx, Mntwti, Be-a- e, fnxa 3fait--

TpirnrtrSbc CKaese. feas 3fti J-

- Trs--

xavEafeos, ii cs--?? m--

-...... i

mMuiiu feeaMKMML wMKttethlbfci

Mr Okscfe kft W hwi ii.

mmKmmmmbmas. pace, sOmmbc Ssiw. rtwiM timm

T tmamt K Iink kK Mi. MS! Soto rt krs ?? ae

jt the Btocc fc hk wfuTiT itiI.M.ntte fc iwlcJrii ml AMgs B- -'MMSiiTiTiBliiZi 1mmpen? am At. Ii UjL. scfll

a miIi'm m Mxhcr tommt iiinhT-- t fccafcs mm mmcsJ s--moot n Ommt. TVefe- - re--nw bms it;BLOKde as ben mm. ai

T the MetadMMfjnr 1 Ml

i art xnae mkHmc X895Hiuun tfialiui t

Hoary X scfco ed a.At eanar at this

B. Caetlc seas ato--ae swd at tfce arm of Casrte

OMtae; itUKMdkraiflHkSLMtitwt I years aai west

a. tk Saies,aOr a. fr years. He tes al--

akti ax aaterest ia. panties iaJaaas. ais fits actfre ?&rta lsSS. bIkb. tbe --unnnilij w

awerawawa. TSTea a. racaacr eearreiat Cftoa Hoase ae a.aafatciCWpmim Ciaual. a. positiOB sriikfe ae&aa arst of preseatTwaaia. i eoacrfmm4 iaieir tola aaaxatae wn aa a&ae nceancaacii visits to 'Wasaiagtea ia tieiaurest of tie onse.

e Iiard aar ae expected at

Aacaagi Iroa Vaaeover aa4 Ticto-r- a,

uaar.S. S. BaaiatOB aft oa & target

ptaettee enrfse yesteroay.The a C. Alten srffl sat take a. fall

aal of sagar to Sas Fraarfseo.The BCaaoncr Spokaae saHed frara

Part GaaWe Iloaohdc September

The Britfea iatrk WooUaira arrivedte Bareka, froa SeptemberJbtiu

The aclwiiiin- - Mary Dodge arrived iaPott ToMBsead from Ililo Seetesber

The Hawaiaa bark Saatiacs sailedina Saa Fraaeieoo tar EHe SeptemberJ9C&.

The schooaer Jeaaie "Wand sailedfroa Saa Francisco Kabalui Sep--teaaer itxa.

Anericaa-bai- lt steamships now holdthe speed record between Isew Torkand

Arrivals at San Francisco: Septem-ber Schr. Lfczie Vance, from Hilo.Seeteaber V. S. S. Marion. 24 daysfrom Honolulu; schr. C "Wright, 21days from Kahuloi.

The ship Keallworth has completedthe trip from New Tork to San Fran- -dseo, via Honolulu, and return, innine months. This is a remarkable record. Francisco Examiner.

The C.-- A. S. S. TVarrimoo, Hay com-aand- er,

arrired in port early yester-day morning, after a Tery tripfrom Vancouver and Victoria. She wasposted to leave for the Colonies at 3p. but an accident occurred and

delayed until nearly 6.The British bark Kosciusco, Hodd

raaster. arrived in port and hauledateagside the Fort street wharf atabout 11:36 o'clock Sunday morninsr.after a pleasant trip of 59 days fromXewoastle, X. S. "W. with a cargo ofS95 tans of coal for G. Irwin &Co.

The Maann. Loa returned from Mauland Hawaii ports yesterday with re-ports of fine weather along the coast.n ae votcaao is active. Aingale" brought down from Hoo-ke- aa

for Dr. Monsarrat. It wascorated with leis before departure fromthe steamer.

The American schooner Charles "R

Johnson master, arrived inpart at about S:4S o'clock Saturdaymorning. 21 days from Gray's Harbor,with a cargo of 313,464 feet of lumberlor the O. L. & B. Co. She left oa Sep- -temoer aa nan very pleasantweatner au way down.

The a & 0. S. S. Gaelic. Finchjaander. arrived port at about So'clock last night, jt days from SanFrandseo. areount of darkness,ffrprMa Fiach did aot deem it best to



k & ch. uw kMBc v. s.

"v W"' mi iiiiiiiiiiTrti; saft, i SHOT & Ol JCT x.m miii ae

Ca-- Cij

ITti-- r:- - K3B afeif

nifcM, As-- 'vessel otsk""he tewi as ae. ahi


heee swe sheirw Ste assess feHRi. asy


i&- - sssAm free fer ae?gaJerrf xad aac Sr

aMJ' 2.CkMise,

1T,cbk- - ti--






a tame





the mkwas

tae bsnai tae tieas











sl,she was






com- -




ami jtmwL marSeateafes- - 27.

Ger. ILIC Baaser, Hwwer. 3Ms?s traa Uveraaal;

HacfeaM Oa.O. Ol S. S. GaeSc. Fia, froa

3ajt Franct:caLAat. afets. IratgaM, ScaaaiaXIS aeys

tzttm Sax. Fiaaasce; pass, aad radse.to F. A. geaactar & Cs.

Staar. Baala, Eewlr. 2&&. Saa Fiaa-cWe- o,

vie Haaaipe.

Friday, Sept. 24.C-- A. S. S. "Warriaeo, Bird, for the

Ookdies- -Strar. Kaala, ilesher. for Lahaiaa.Scar. K?ten, Parker, for "Waialaa

ports.SKaday. September 25.

H. B. 3T. S. Comas, Dyke, for Tahiti.Snar. Ke Ab Hon, Thompson, for

Raaai, with Smith.Marshal Brawn, Hon. A. S. Hartwellaad Detective Kaapa.

Monday, September 27.Stmr. Kaena, Parker, for Oahu ports.U. S. S. Beaningtoa, Xichols, for

eratse.Star. J. A. Cummins, Searle, for

Oahu ports.Stmr. James Makee, Tullet, for Ka-pa-a,

Kauai.Sttar. Mekolii, Bennett, for Lahalna,

Moiokai and LanaL


Stmr. Manna Loa, Simerson, forMaui and Hawaii ports, at 10 m.

Stmr. Xoeau. Pederson, for Lahalna,HoBokaa and Kakuiebaele, at 10 m.

Stmr. Claudine, Cameron, for portson Maui, at p. m.

Stmr. Mikahate, Haglund, for portsoa Kauai at p. m.

O. O. S. S. Gaelic, Fjnch, for Chinaand Japan.

Arrivals.From Maui and Hawaii ports, per

stmr. Mauna Loa, September 24 A.Staler, "W. A. "Wall. Dr. "W. T. Monsarrat. wife and child. Miss Jones, P.Phillips, Mrs. J. W. McGulre. Miss H.McGuire, Dr. Guppy, T. a "Wills, MissWills. Dr. A. R. Rowat, John M.TCea,Mrs. Kaaeba, Lam Tol, "W. D. Jones,.masters uiark U), Miss Clark, D. Makainai and daughter, Mrs. E. Gomes.Miss Gomes, Mrs. Hiram and children (2), John Lohl and children (2), J.Groveria and 102 deck.

From Vancouver and Victoria, perC--A. S. S. "Warrimoo, September 24F. Philp. A. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs.J. "W. Ecker, Mr. Kusukabe, Mr. andMrs. Geo. Shannon, Mrs. J. Reekee,Mrs. C. Dow. Mrs. "W. C. "White, Chas.Taylor, Mrs. M. Powell.

From Kauai, per stmr. Makee, Sep-tember 25. Leong Kee and seven ondeck.

From Hawaii, per stmr. Helene, Sep-tember 25. L. de L. "Ward, a Falkand wife, and J. "Wilson.

From Kauai, per stmr. MIkahala,September 26. W. H. Rice, Mr. andMrs. "Wessels, Miss A. Blackstad, M.Luka, A. Foster, J. Kakina, C. Awai,

Kaiwi, Jr., Tee Chong, Miss H. R.XeaL

From Maui ports, per stmr. Claudine,September 26. Mrs. & Dowsett, Bro.Bertram. J. H. "Woodhouse, Jr J. K.Smyth, H. T. Hayselden, S. Taylor, D.Conway, George Campbell, S. Fukuda,C Ahu. wire and two children, L. Y.Aioca, Lee Get, S. P. Kanoa, a Amoo,C Achoy George Robinson, A. Hane-ber-g.

"Wdliam "White, C. A. Johnsonand 53 on deck.

From San Francisco, per O. O. S. S.Gaelic September 27. Mr. F. "W. Glade,Mrs. F. "W. Glade, CoL George Macfar-lan- e.

Mr. a S. Bradford, Mr. G. A.Harker, Mr. Charles Fink, Mr. 0. B.


gaTratX S&3S5IS: 1TXS1AT. HPiKiWSK --SSWSS; iiniiimmcrniiHiiiiiiiwTimrnnTimojTrTinfrTrnf- -

-- Piy9ty-

x.n.ffsvaiss-viax- s.

r. & stem ?aij.iaBt sasps,5a Fsawtfca- -i CJ.

a5&3SkCfeSreat Sk FsasSsas.sste warn" &xjg

? --sf" qg?.sa$?ssK fcr tte-- e3. ai 5ae.

. ..,8! tte- - Ntec Buck Sies sa

seflr AM-feMKE-t.

. .

Me sr? tskskj tesastrtn.2r r


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-- atBesL9t

Jwe -Mii5M!?- -



- !


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"nisht- -






Attorney-Gener- al















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t aas.




achat. aa he afti--


. s toar --K " . t.J 35 atuSKII " !J


i-i--I .a.4t &JE-a csr fu x i jus.smFtH

e ilsc l3 4.aassL5 aorsi titeai.. s.$.a. i.Tie tides sad jaoosi pfcases are sivi fase-- p t ts tfcae of sea aac

aa rssfcs d setter t5 Stvg?,1"all jorts is tns srocp are in iocs! tJe.to chict the respective correcticrs toStarsfiard te appacaUte to eaca ciiter-e- at

pan sbodd t isaiie.

Tr fca. es. teifialsiitX Greeawica tlase.waich is la. 33s. it ia. ot Hawaiian Sraa- -darii ttae.


"Will be received at the office of theMinister of the Interior till 12 o'clocknoon of MONDAY, October U, 1SS7.

for the construction of a three-roo-m

School House at Honokaa, Hamakua,HawaiL

Plans and specifications at the office

of the Superintendent of Public "Works,

and at the Post Office, Honokaa.Also for a Teacher's Cottage at Pu- -

koo, MolokaLPlans and specifications at the office

of the Superintendent of Public "Works.

The Minister does not bind himselfto accept the lowest or any bid.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, September 21, 1S97.1981-- St

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FIRST CIRCUIT of the Hawaiian Islands.In Probate.

In the Matter of the Estate of GodfreyRhodes, deceased.

The last will and testament of saiddeceased, having been presented tosaid Court together with a petition forthe Probate thereof, and for the issuance of Letters Testamentary to NancyRhodes having been filed, notice ishereby given, that Friday, October 29,A. D. 1S97, at 10 o'clock a. m., In theJudiciary Building, Honolulu, is appointed the time and place for provingsaid will and hearing said applicationwhen and where any person interestedmay appear and show cause if any theyhave why the prayer of said petitionshould not be granted.

By the Court:GEORGE LUCAS,

Clerk.Honolulu, Sept 24, 1S97.

1902-3t- T

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTHCircuit of the Hawaiian Islands.In Probate.

In the matter of the Estate of Alexan-der Gordon Hutcheon, of "Wainaku,Hilo, Hawaii, deceased.

On reading and filing the petition,and accounts of the Administratrix ofthe estate of said deceased, whereinshe asks that her accounts be examinedand approved and that a final ordermay be made of distribution of theproperty remaining in her hands to thepersons thereto entitled, and discharg-ing her from all further responsibilityas such administratrix.

It is ordered that Friday, the 29thday of October, A. D. 1S97, at 9 o'clocka. m., at Chambers, in the Court House,at Hilo, Hawaii, be aad the same hereby is appointed as the time and placefor hearing said petition and accounts,and all persons interested may thenand there appear and show cause, ifany they have, why the same shouldnot be granted.

Dated Hilo, Hawaii, this 10th dav ofSeptember, A. D. 1S97.

By the Court;DAND2L PORTER,

1900-Si- T clerk.

iseisirMsSSS:cacoi .BSLCiC ..

j . BS jKCSSES JSfv..

easBsc ...tvvita. ri--k-w "rkrapu, oiKVtMaivkm--- c .kii.v 4?WIC'" .Efefc.3$.

Tmc &3aK asss? sw siH


2X 5arsci:els ssd Aofeh B.3csxfc ts A. G. Eiwes sadGeacge Lycargas.

The Repahac J H&waH: To theXarshsl of the B&waUsa Isiaads, or

his Seaty, Greetiag;

Tee are coaraaaesc to ssanos A.G. 3awe; aad George tycsrgss de--j

feaaaatsaaswer wiihia 2 days siter servicehereo. to fee aad appear feefere the j

said Circak Court at the Nevember I

Term thereel, to he hohsea at Hoso- -late. Istea oJ Oshu, est Moaday. the

aja. to shew c&ase why the datia of ;

taTx Spreckefe --f Adolph R

f awlr aaaexed petttioa.Aad have yoa then there this Tvrit i

rfth fnB TtBrr- - nf tout- - nnvA(R- .--

thereon."Witaess: HGa. A. "W. Car--

trr Prrvt- Tnn. nf t,2S i"?

Oct ...Nov. . Stwtt

. ww . ... v.....eaLl Court of the First Circuit, j

at Eoaolulu. Oahu. thisJuaelS97.GEORGE LUCAS,

lsiS-Sn-a Clerk.


Fourth Circait ot the HawaiianIn

the matter the Estate HHo. gooi theOlaa. Puna,

deceased.The last will and of said

been presented to saidCourt with a for theProbate thereof, and for theof Letters to Katie Trow--bridge, been filed..

Notice is given that ,

the 29th day October. 1S97, at9 o clock a. m, the Court House atHilo, Hawaii, is appointed thetime and place for proving said will andhearing said when andwhere any person interested may ap-pear and show cause, if any they have,why the prayer of said petition shouldnot be granted.

Dated Hilo, Hawaii, 10,1S97.


1900-St- T Clerk.

IN THE CIRCUIT OOURT, FIRSTCircuit of the Hawaiian Islands.In

In the matter of the Estate of Alexander Moore of Honolulu,intestate.

been filed by J."Wayson, a of said intestate,praying that Letters ofupon said estate issued to DavidDayton, notice is given thatMonday, the ISth day of October,1S97, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Judi-ciary Building, Honolulu, is appointedthe time and place for hearing saidpetition, when and where all personsconcerned may appear and show cause,if any they have, why said petitionshould not granted.

Honolulu, 17, 1S97.By the Court:

P. JR.,1900-3t- T Clerk.


At the Annual Meeting of the MaulFisheries Company, Limited, held atWailuku, Maui, on September 6, 1S97,the following officers were elected forthe ensuing year:

Bailey PresidentSam Sing Treasurer and Secretary

SAM SING,Secretary.

"Wailuku, Maui, Sept 1S97.


The duly appointed executrix of the will of the lateSpencer, gives notice to all persons claims the estateof said deceased, to the sameduly at her place ofabode in South Kohala, Island of Hawaii, within six months fromdate, or they will be forever barred.And all persons owing said estate arerequested to make immediate paymentto MARTHAExecutrix of the Will of Spea

cer. Deceased.Dated Waimea, Hawaii, August, 6,

1S97. ISSS-t- d

BX?mtSI:ijwtof vcv $

staaiBKS9. wCMt.2SttfSIC . C5m $



SJCciC - ww


5a?g3 tawcawifcws. 5f4r $o





Variety of Saddles.Maieaa tae s iy: Maacirca, Ka-- ,,

asraficftc raOawtect EBa tie sarae aftscee

iAVKFriday Oct 1 Tuesday .Xct 23

.lSSS "53' -2- 0"--

ilL,?H s 5tt5sfi . ?a

T8 laio at S o'cJociiS:etttjc.Sitt Ld. rum Galvaaad. i rSlt3P-- T i .V- -

IIIU.OKX aac A.airataa saase cay; 31ft.keaa. Ifasiifti Bay aad T.-.t-- the l--

hrEtaS arrirtae at the"3 o-- aessirs 1C fliiays.

Tuesday ...Oct. 15Oct. Tuesday

Tuesday 9 Dec 31 i

ARRIVE aeepew.lSthiTaesday ...Sep. Friday .Xov.lS AK,?So?f5 --

dayof Friday STaesday 30 . Dnaosii m..V.-.- v.

COURT Sile oa lis Ka TJteii Tk ti .t

Islands. Probate. leJaS1 the xdcaao uIn of of ' A road

of Hawaii, USS" -- - !

testamentdeceased having .

together petitionissuance


hereby Friday.of A. D.





Petition having T.creditor


A. D.




E. H.

6.1902-4t- T


herebyhaving against



N. SPENCER,Francis




Urgt"S?fLf.- - tae



sy. Hoaotalu

Friday Decl0!Friday 25 ...Dec,2l!

...Nov. Friday

HONOLCi.xr. ..l?aad

Charles carriage






a vi uvuu t4A4 kjMiXi

i? iseiaoraiae ot tae Jay oS safflcr

v "" "" "IreaaaTJa

S. S. CLAUDINE,casieros. Coxxisotj.

wm leave Hoaolnlu Tuesdays at 5 o'cJock tv-- ke k Mnmm. Haaa. Ha--j

L.t Klpahulu. Maui. S5ta'wm call at Xuu. Kauri. onpTiT

raoath.Xo freicht wm be received arto. j

m. on day ot safllas. .This company reserves the right tomake chaases la the time of departure

and arrival ot Its steamers WITHOUTNOTICE, and It will not be responsiblefor any consequences arising therefrom.Consignees must be at the lanrttnrc mreceive their freight. This company willok noju useu respons:oie tor freightafter It has been landed.

live stock received only at owner'srisk.

This comnanv wm not be resnnnslMfor money or valuables of rasseneersunless placed In the care of pursers.

are requested to purchasetickets before embarking. Those fall-ing to do so will be subject to an addi-tional charge of twenty-fiv- e per cent.

u. Lk wight. PresidentS. B. ROSE. Secretarr.

CAPT. J A. KTNG. Port Superintendent


Steamships will leave for and arriverom San Francisco or Vancouver on.r about the following dates in 1897:

ARRIVE j LEAVErvm San FrancitcoFnr San Franciscoor Tancourer or Vancouver

Aorangi Sept2S Miowera ...Oct 1Gaelic ....Sept2S Belglc Oct 12Peking Oct 9 Alameda. ...Oct 14Australia ..Oct 12 Australia ..Oct 20Moana Oct 21 Peru Oct22Miowera. ...Oct 26 Aorangi Nov. 5China Oct2SJR. Janeiro.Nov. 9Belglc ....Nov. 6!MarIposa ..Nov. 11Australia .Nov. 9 Australia ..Nov. 17ilameda . .Nov. IS Gaelic Nov. 19Aorangi ..Nov. 23 Warrimoo .Nov. 26Coptic .Nov.25Moana .....Dec 9R. Janeiro.. Dec 4 Doric DeclOAustralia ..Dec 7 Australia ..Dec 15Mariposa ..Dec 16 China Dec. 19Warrimoo .Dec 21 Miowera ...Dec 24Peking Dec25!


New York Line.The Bark FOOHNG SUET will sail

from New Tork for HonoluluON OR ABOUT DECEMBER 1ST.

If suiScient Inducement offers. Ad-vances made on shipments on liberalterms. For further particulars, ad-dress Messrs. CHAS. BREWER &CO., 27 Kllby Street, Boston, ora BREWER & CO, Ltd,

Honolulu Assets.

SawaiSBl,ljtM:A'aHf.iaaaaahi 5k e2aii m" ami 9LavCW






SV .

s UPW snv--V tJ?4. S MK M a

w.4. W sTiyt,

CIotMBg, Dnaenrear, Shawls,

3fiH&v MwsltaT

SswrCaiV-T-. F?

-- ? WaMs Baaw.i l.3j?ma A $- - Fiaaos. I jwa

Ateenaa aad arwA 11- -i ecrka?wrsi1 Mfe.-a-i wiT

Sl" Kxa,JU-- Tae aadS, Twfc.ki??vA. rhridB,

..I hK rwK u a

Coraatd Irsa. Svrl R8s(IS and r,RaadBoJts.Spftsaad&iates

Salmon.Corad Ef. Ktc

- - aat ma

lie lOTest Prices fcj




We are celebrating thesuccessful introduction of"Jewel" Stoves and Rangesby giving purchasers out ofHonolulu a special benefit ofa Freight Rebate of 10 percent, off the regular price ofall our stoves: In additionto which you --get the usualr; per cent, cash discount.

Our complete stock of i c;o

stoves, ranging in price from$i i to $72 with another i jonow on the way, comprisesthe following:

Aerit jewel Range.1 size, 4 styles, with Water Coll.

OEmpire Jewel Range.

1 size, 3 styles, with Water Coll;1 size, 1 style, with or wlthout'Water


CtTY Jewel Range.2 sizes, 3 styles with or without Water

Coil, and with or without Hot WaterReservoir.


..2 sizes, with or without Reservoir.


3 sizes, with or without Reservoir.


2 sizes: No. 7 and No. 8.







