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EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS PARISH …...... For the Lord most high is awesome, ... Praise the Lord...

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EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS PARISH UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 13753 - 108TH AVENUE, SURREY, BC V3T 2K6 PARISH ADMINISTERED BY: REV. ANDRII CHORNENKYI УКРАЇНСЬКА КАТОЛИЦЬКА ЦЕРКВА ПАРАФІЯ ВОЗДВИЖЕННЯ ЧЕСНОГО ХРЕСТА PARISH BULLETIN № 23. MAY 28, 2017 A.D. SUNDAY OF THE HOLY FATHERS OF THE FIRST ECUMENICAL COUNCIL The 7th Sunday after the Feast of Holy Pascha is observed by the Byzantine Church as the Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council. This day commemorates the 318 God-bearing Fathers who gathered in Nicaea in 325 at the request of the Emperor, Saint Constantine the Great, to address the heresy of Arianism together with other issues that concerned the unity of the Church. Today the Holy Church sings: "Let us ... celebrate today in prayerful memory the God-bearing Fathers from every part of the world who assembled in the brilliant city of the Nicaea. For these pious wise ones put down the godless teachings of the terrible Arius, and expelled him from the unity of the Catholic Church, and clearly taught everyone to profess their faith in the consubstantial and coeternal Son of God, existing before the ages, expressing this clearly in the symbol of faith". The heresy of Arius was one of the most destructive heresies. It concerned the teaching about the divinity of the Son of God, i.e. that main doctrine of Christianity, which makes it the unique basis for all hope of our salvation. If the Arian heresy, rejecting the divinity of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, had overcome the true teaching of the Church and was made dominant; then for a long time Christianity itself would no longer exist and the whole world would be plunged into its former darkness of unbelief and superstitions., “We do and we are!” Today, as we commemorate this event, let us pray that we may be illumined and strengthened like the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, against all errors that surround us, and that we may worship the one True God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit — the Trinity consubstantial and undivided. A WARM WELCOME TO ALL PARISHIONERS AND GUESTS WHO HAVE JOINED US TODAY COFFEE & FELLOWSHIP ARE IN OUR PARISH HALL IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING DIVINE LITURGY







The 7th Sunday after the Feast of Holy Pascha is observed by the Byzantine Church as the Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council. This day commemorates the 318 God-bearing Fathers who gathered in Nicaea in 325 at the request of the Emperor, Saint Constantine the Great, to address the heresy of Arianism together with other issues that concerned the unity of the Church. Today the Holy Church sings: "Let us ... celebrate today in prayerful memory the God-bearing Fathers from every part of the world who assembled in the brilliant city of the Nicaea. For these pious wise ones put down the godless teachings of the terrible Arius, and expelled him from the unity of the

Catholic Church, and clearly taught everyone to profess their faith in the consubstantial and coeternal Son of God, existing before the ages, expressing this clearly in the symbol of faith". The heresy of Arius was one of the most destructive heresies. It concerned the teaching about the divinity of the Son of God, i.e. that main doctrine of Christianity, which makes it the unique basis for all hope of our salvation. If the Arian heresy, rejecting the divinity of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, had overcome the true teaching of the Church and was made dominant; then for a long time Christianity itself would no longer exist and the whole world would be plunged into its former darkness of unbelief and superstitions., “We do and we are!” Today, as we commemorate this event, let us pray that we may be illumined and strengthened like the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, against all errors that surround us, and that we may worship the one True God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit —the Trinity consubstantial and undivided.



First Antiphon Verse 1: Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with the voice of joy (Ps 46:2). Refrain: Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us. Verse 2: For the Lord most high is awesome, a great king over all the earth (Ps 46:3). Refrain: Through the prayers of the Mother of God O Saviour, save us. Verse 3: He has subdued peoples to us, and nations under our feet (Ps 46:4). Refrain: Through the prayers of the Mother of God O Saviour, save us. Verse 4: God ascended amid shouts of joy; the Lord, at the sound of the trumpet (Ps 46:6). Refrain: Through the prayers of the Mother of God O Saviour, save us.

Third Antiphon We sing the usual Third Antiphon, but with the festal refrain: Son of God, who ascended in glory,* save us who sing to You: Alleluia.

Troparion (Tone 6): Angelic powers were upon Your tomb* and the guards became like dead men;* Mary stood before Your tomb* seeking Your most pure body.* You captured Hades without being overcome by it.* You met the Virgin and granted life.* O Lord, risen from the dead,* glory be to You! Troparion (Tone 4): You ascended in glory, O Christ our God,* giving joy to Your disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit,* and assuring them through your blessing* that You are the Son of God,* the Redeemer of the world. Troparion (Tone 8): Christ our God, You are glorified above all,* You established our fathers as beacons on earth* and through them guided all of us to the true faith.* Glory to You, most compassionate Lord. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit: The apostles' preaching and the Fathers' doctrine* confirmed the Church's one faith,* and wearing the garment of truth* woven from theology that descends on high,* she rightly imparts* the mystery of godliness* and sings its glory. Now and for ever and ever. Amen: When You had fulfilled Your plan for us* and united things on earth with those in heaven,* You ascended in glory, O Christ our God,* in no way distant, but remaining insep’rable,* You cried to those who love You:* I am with You and there is none against you.

Prokimenon (Tone 4): Blessed are You, Lord God of our fathers,* and praised and glorified is Your Name forever. verse: For You are righteous in everything that You have done to us (Dn 3:27).

A Reading of the Acts of the Apostles (20:16-18, 28-36): For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so that he might not have to spend time in Asia; he was eager to be in Jerusalem, if possible, on the day of Pentecost. From Miletus he sent a message to Ephesus, asking the elders of the church to meet him. When they came to him, he said to them: ‘You yourselves know how I lived among you the entire time from the first day that I set foot in Asia, Keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God that he obtained with the blood of his own Son. I know that after I have gone,

Антифон 1 Стих 1: Всі народи, заплещіте руками, воскликніть Богові голосом радости (Пс 46). Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас. Стих 2: Бо Господь Всевишній – страшний, цар великий по всій землі (Пс 46,3). Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас. Стих 3: Він покорив людей нам і народи під ноги наші (Пс 46,4). Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас. Стих 4: Зійшов Бог під оклики веселі, Господь – під голос сурми (Пс 46,6). Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.

Антифон 3 Співаємо звичайні третій антифон, але зі приспівom: Спаси нас, Сину Божий, що родився від Діви, співаємо тобі: Алилуя.

Тропар (глас 6): Ангельські сили на гробі Твоїм* і сторожі омертвіли;* Марія ж стояла при гробі,* шукаючи пречистого тіла Твого.* Полонив Ти ад і, не переможений від нього,* зустрів Ти Діву, даруючи життя.* Воскреслий з мертвих, Господи, слава Тобі! Тропар (глас 4): Вознісся ти у славі, Христе Боже наш,* радість сотворивши ученикам обітуванням Святого Духа,* утвердивши їх благословенням,* бо ти єси Син Божий,* ізбавитель світу. Тропар (глас 8): Препрославлений ти, Христе Боже наш,* світила на землі – отців наших оснував ти* і ними до істинної віри всіх нас направив ти.* Багатомилосердний, слава тобі. Слава Отцю і Сину і Святому Духу: (глас 8): Апостолів проповідування і отців догмати* єдину віру утвердили Церкві,* яка і, ризу істини з богословія вишнього носячи,* право править, і славить благочестя велике таїнство.

І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь. (глас 6): Сповнивши промисел щодо нас* і те, що на землі, з'єднавши з небесним,* вознісся ти у славі, Хрйсте Боже наш,* ніяк не відлучаючись, але невідступне перебуваючи,* ти кличеш до тих, що люблять тебе:* Я з вами і ніхто проти вас.

Прокімен (глас 4): Благословен єси, Господи, Боже отців наших,* і хвальне, і прославлене ім'я твоє на віки. Стих: Бо праведний єси в усьому, що сотворив ти нам (Дан 3,27).

Діянь Апостолів читання (20,16-18. 28-36): Тими днями Павло вирішив плисти попри Ефес, щоб не баритися в Азії; поспішав бо, щоб, по змозі, на день П'ятидесятниці бути в Єрусалимі. З Мілету він послав у Ефес і прикликав пресвітерів Церкви. Коли ж вони прийшли до нього, він до них промовив: «Ви знаєте, як з першого дня, коли я вступив у Азію, увесь час поводився я з вами. Зважайте на самих себе й на все стадо, над яким Дух Святий поставив вас єпископами, щоб пасли Церкву Божу, що її він придбав кров'ю власною. Я знаю, що по моїм відході ввійдуть поміж вас вовки хижі, які не щадитимуть

savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Some even from your own group will come distorting the truth in order to entice the disciples to follow them. Therefore be alert, remembering that for three years I did not cease night or day to warn everyone with tears. And now I commend you to God and to the message of his grace, a message that is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all who are sanctified. I coveted no one’s silver or gold or clothing. You know for yourselves that I worked with my own hands to support myself and my companions. In all this I have given you an example that by such work we must support the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, for he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” ’ When he had finished speaking, he knelt down with them all and prayed.

Alleluia (Tone 1): verse: The God of gods, the Lord, spoke and summoned the earth from the rising of the sun to its setting. verse: Gather to Him His devout ones, who with sacrifice make covenant with Him.

Gospel: (John 17:1-13)

Instead of “It is truly...”: O my soul, magnify the Lord who in glory ascended bodily into the heavens. Irmos (Tone 5): O Mother of God, you transcended both mind and word, and in time, ineffably bore the Timeless One: it is you who, with one accord, we, the faithful, magnify.

I Communion Verse: Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest. II Communion Verse: Rejoice in the Lord, O you just; praise befits the righteous. Alleluia! (3x)

Instead of “We have seen the true light…” we sing: Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; above all the earth be Your glory (1x), Instead of “May our mouths be filled…” we sing: Be exalted, O God, above the heavens;… (3x) Instead of “Blessed be the Name …” we sing: Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; …(3x)


CONGRATULATIONS to EVELYN SOROCHUK, NOURRAH ANNA MARKIW and ZACHARY JACOB MARKIW on their First Holy Confession and Solemn Holy Communion. Our parish community prays that the Lord Jesus will be your sole source of hope and salvation as you continue to walk in the faith.

TODAY IS LADIES APPRECIATION DAY – “LEAGUE DAY” – our sincerest congratulations to all memebers of Surrey branch. May our Lord, through the intercession of the Protectress, the Blessed Mother of God, bless you and your family!

PARISH PICNIC: Please, mark in your calender JUNE 25TH – a day of Parish Picnic. LOCATION: 5450 - 186 St. Surrey (McAuley's family home) BRING YOUR OWN CHAIR(S)

NO CHARGE: Each family requested to bring a salad (preferred) or dessert/fruit. SIGN-UP SHEET: please leave your family name and how many memebers of your family are coming. This will facilitate us in purchasing of food. (Burgers, hot dogs, buns, etc.) DRINKS: Punch will be provided. However, feel free to bring own drinks.

POOL: McAuley's will make pool available. So, don’t forget to bring own towels. In addition, Badminton/Volleyball net, Bocchi, and play field will be available.

стада. Та й з-поміж вас самих повстануть люди, що говоритимуть погубні речі, щоб потягнути за собою учнів. Тому чувайте, пригадуйте собі, що я три роки, ніч і день, не переставав кожного з вас із сльозами наводити на розум. А тепер передаю вас Богові і слову його благодаті, що може збудувати й дати вам спадщину між усіма освяченими. Ні срібла, ні золота, ані одежі я не вимагав ні від кого. Ви самі знаєте, що моїм потребам і тих, які зо мною, служили оці руки. У всьому я показав вам, що, так працюючи, треба допомагати слабосильним і пам'ятати слова Господа Ісуса, що сам сказав: «Більше щастя – давати, ніж брати.» Промовивши це, він упав на коліна і з усіма ними почав молитися. Алилуя (глас 1): Стих: Бог богів, Господь мовив, і призвав землю від сходу сонця до заходу (Пс 49,1). Стих: Зберіть йому преподобних його, що заповідують завіт його в жертвах (Пс 49,5).

Євангеліє: (Ів 17,1-13)

Замість Достойно…: Величай, душе моя, Господа, що з плоттю во славі вознісся на небеса. Ірмос (глас 5): Тебе, вище ума і слова Матір Божу, що в часі безлітнього несказанно родила, вірні однодумне величаємо.

І Причасний: Хваліте Господа з небес, хваліте його в вишніх (Пс 148,1). ІІ Причасний: Радуйтеся, праведні, у Господі, правим належить похвала. Алилуя (х3).

Замість “Ми бачили світло…” Співаємо: Вознесися на небеса, Боже, і по всій землі слава Твоя (x1) Замість “Нехай сповняться уста…” Ми співаємо: Вознесися на небеса, Боже, … Замість “Нехай буде ім’я…” Ми співаємо: Вознесися на небеса, Боже, …


LOCKS ARE BEING CHANGED. Anyone requiring a key to either the church or hall must give their request with a valid reason by Tuesday, 30th to Lawrence or Father.

PARISH COUNCIL MEETING is scheduled for THURSDAY, JUNE 22ND, 2017, at 7:30 pm. Minutes from January meeting will be sent out to the memebrs week prior to meeting.

SUNDAY DONATION: May 21th, 2017- $ 742.30 (Breakdown: 1st Liturgy $425.00 2nd Liturgy: $317.30)

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND: OCTOBER 12 - 24, 2017 Walk in the footsteps of Jesus; an unforgettable experience with Fr, Joe Ostapowich, Sr. Angelica SSMI, brother & sister pilgrims For details and price call Myrna Arychuk at 604 - 617 - 7200

CONGRATULATIONS! May the Almighty God bless in good health and salvation in Many Happy and Blessed Years of Life to IVANKA MAIK who celebrates her birthdays. Mnohaya and Blahaya Lita!

CONTACT INFO: Since Fr. Andrii and his family have moved to New Westmionster, the rectory phone number is not valid anymore. In order to contact Fr. Andrii, please call on his cellphone number: 778-387-7071.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MONTHLY MEETING – will take place on Tuesady, JUNE 13th, at the parish hall at 7:30 pm

PARISH CALENDAR OF BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES: If you would like to be included in our Parish Calendar of Birthday and Anniversary celebrations, please put date in our calendar located at the church vestibule. Each week, we will list the names in our parish bulletin so we can celebrate these happy occasions together!

“OLD” CHURCH BULLETINS BOX – since our Sunday bulletins contain scripture readings & icons, they need to be disposed of properly/respectfully after use. Please do not throw them into the garbage but recycle them after shredding if possible. In order to assist with this request, we have provided a special box for used bulletins in the church entrance. If you bring your old bulletins they will be shredded properly/respectfully.


50th PARISH ANNIVERSARY: Our parish will be holding the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Parish on Saturday, October 21 at 5:00 PM – Banquet (5 STAR CATERING SUNRISE

BANQUET & CONFERENCE CENTRE 5640 188 Str.); Sunday, October 22 - Divine Liturgy at 11:00 am. For tickets, please contact Mr. Lawrence Kotylak or Fr. Andrii If you would like to submit some photos or other materials for 50th Anniversary Celebration, please use the following e-mail address: [email protected]

CAMP SAINT VOLODYMYR 2017 - AUGUST 20-27. The purpose of camp is to provide an opportunity for youth to experience God through nature and the companionship of others. Children will experience Ukrainian language and culture during camp along with games, religious activities, hikes, sports, arts and crafts, camp fires, water activities and other summer camp activities. This marks the 34th year of our Ukrainian Catholic Summer Camp. Camp will take place in Kelowna at the OAC facility. Camp offers a wide range of activities for campers aged 7-15 (as of December 31, 2017). Registration will be available online via Eventbrite “Camp St. Volodymyr BC 2017.” Early bird registration Ends July 6, 2017. WAYS TO HELP: VOLUNTEER: Camp St. Volodymyr is a nonprofit camp, run on a volunteer basis. If you are interested in helping at this year’s camp as a counsellor, chef, arts & crafts or cultural coordinator please contact Jennifer. Applications forms for counsellors are due May 15, 2017. All volunteers will be subject to a criminal records check and must sign the camp code of conduct. For more information contact Jennifer Caldwell @ 604.220.0584 or [email protected]. Visit our webpage via www.nweparchy.ca

BEQUESTS AND WILLS: Leaving a bequest is a process of giving a donation through your will.

It is simply a distribution from your estate to a charitable organization through your last will and testament. It can be as small or as large a donation as you wish. It is important that you talk to your lawyer about the process. In your kindness please remember the Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Church in your bequests and wills. If anyone wishes to make such a bequest in their will,

the following clause may be included or added to a will: "I give ,devise, and bequeath to the Holy Cross Ukrainian Catholic Parish - 13753 108 Ave, Surrey, BC., the sum of $_ (or _% of my estate), to be used for the benefit of the parish and it's pastoral activities.”


Through our active participation in the spiritual eforts of these ten Mission Days, once again we are called upon to discover and understand anew that our parish communities and families (domestic churches) are missionary in nature. Such understanding ows from the gift of our Baptism, by virtue of which, and through the power of its mystery, we have committed ourselves to believe, live, serve, and share the experience of our faith in Christ; and not simply with our family members, but with everyone we meet in life. Thus, the mission of our parish community is to allow Christ to enter deeper into our lives, to carry the Good News beyond our own community and to support those who expand the bound- aries of the Kingdom of God with their missionary activity and chaplaincy ministry. From the feast of the Ascension to Pentecost, together with our entire parish community, let us pray that the Lord might renew our life in God by the grace and intercession of the Holy Spirit. If circumstances do not allow your parish to conduct Mission Days during the week or if you personally cannot participate in them, you are invited to observe Mission Days in your own home, setting aside at least ve minutes of family time in order to read the Guidebook together (Word of God, Meditation, Quotation-witness, Prayer), and then to discuss among yourselves the Missionary Tasks provided for each day. Another possibility is to observe Mission Days in a prayerful gathering together with other families, with your neighbors, for example. Prayer: Lord our God, spread the light of Your Holy Gospel, that it may shine through us who are baptized, as children of the Light. Grant that the Christian faith may spread in our society, that we may bear witness to Your living presence in our lives and in our parish community; O Lord, hear us and have mercy. O Holy Spirit, bestowing all: You send prophets, perfect priests, teach the uneducated wisdom, transform shermen into theologians, and unite the entire church community. Consubstantial and co-reigning with the Father and the Son, O Comforter, glory be to You!


4th Day - Monday, May 29: Branches that Bear Fruit – 9:15am - Divine Liturgy

5th Day - Tuesday, May 30: Where to Look for Truth? – 6:30pm - Moleben

6th Day - Wednesday, May 31: Personal Responsibility – 9:15am - Divine Liturgy

7th Day - Thursday, June 1: Community of Prayer – 6:30pm - Moleben

8th Day - Friday, June 2: Serving Those in Need – 9:15am - Divine Liturgy

9th Day - Saturday, June 3: “Tend my sheep!” – 5pm - Moleben

10th Day - Sunday, June 4: Our Mission: to Carry the Holy Spirit to Other – Divine Liturgies



By Information Department of the UGCC We again emphasize that our position stems from a desire to protect the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, which was built by Greek Catholics donating their money

around the world, from the negative impact and damage, the cause of which is the incompliance with the regulations in the construction business. This is claimed in an official statement of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church regarding the destruction of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection Church in Kyiv because of incompliance with the legal regulations by neighboring scandalous construction site and lack of proper control by the authorities. The resumption of the controversial construction in Mykilska Slobodka in Kyiv, near the Patriarchal Cathedral of the Resurrection was the reason to present this official position. In particular, the statement says that when resuming the construction work, the developer did not conduct negotiations with representatives of the UGCC to eliminate the possible damaging effects of the construction on the Patriarchal Cathedral: “State authorities controlling the building did not provide any assessments of the eventual impact of the construction on the cathedral. Even the city government statements that the developer reduced the number of storeys - also remained just words.” In the released position, the UGCC also notes that various criticisms of the agreements of the UGCC with the scandalous developer do not correspond to reality: “We once again declare that our Church does not act as a separate party to the conflict and consider themselves part of the community and therefore cannot be a separate subject of agreements. We strongly reject attempts to oppose the UGCC to the local community. In all our meetings with government authorities we have consistently advocated that any negotiations should be conducted with representatives of the entire community.” The official statement also announced that the land plot on which the improvements are carried out as part of preparation for Eurovision-2017, does not belong to the UGCC and is owned by the state bank "Oshchadbank". The UGCC also does not understand the situation how the scandalous developer conducts construction and landscape works on land that is owned by the said bank before having acquired the land plot beside the two houses. The Church further asserts the position according to which the purpose of land around the Patriarchal Cathedral should be saved in line with the requirements for the conservation of monuments of the landscape "Historical landscape of Kyiv hills and Dnipro valley,” taking into account the coastal protection strip of 100 meters. In addition, the statement expresses concern about the fact that in Ukraine, unfortunately, the law does not work the same for all, therefore a “hundred-meter coastal zone” instead of becoming an axiom becomes the point for discussions. It is also indicated that the UGCC would ask for protection the countries whose citizens and entities have invested their money in the construction of the Patriarchal Cathedral of the UGCC and are willing to protect their investments, protecting the cathedral from destruction.



No matter how many times we hear that we live in a secular society, faith keeps popping up. An

Angus Reid Institute Poll has found that a majority of Canadians don’t just have a faith, they use

it. Fifty-nine per cent of Canadians told Angus Reid their faith is either “very important” or “quite

important” to how they deal with major life challenges and problems. More than half, 52 per cent,

say they apply their faith when thinking about public issues. A solid majority of 55 per cent say

faith is important to how they conduct their day-to-day lives. A similar number, 54 per cent, say

their personal identity — how they see themselves— is formed by faith.

Women were the most likely to confess the importance of faith to the pollsters. And faith is more

important to Canadians as they get older. For women over the age of 55, more than two-thirds

(69 per cent) said their faith is either “very” or “quite” important in dealing with major challenges

and problems. For men between 18 and 34, 47 per cent said the same.

Fr. Murray Kuemper is not surprised and he is heartened by the idea that people know who they

are, what they think and how they will act because of faith.

“Faith and active engagement in faith certainly makes a difference in terms of the issues that are

then spoken about,” said the St. Peter’s Seminary lecturer in moral theology in London, Ont. “It

shows that faith still has a place in the public discourse. People of faith certainly have and need

to have an involvement in the public sphere.”

The Angus Reid measure of faith comes from an online poll of 2,006 adults from coast to coast

conducted between March 29 and April 3. The pollsters consider a sample this size accurate to

within plus or minus 2.2 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

Individual freedom, the freedom to choose, remains a strong value for Canadians when it comes

to the two issues most often associated with religious conviction — abortion and euthanasia.

Four out of five Canadians (79 per cent) chose “people’s freedom to choose” over “the value of

preserving life,” when asked which is the highest priority.

Only among the most religiously committed — one-fifth of Canadians — did a slim majority of 56

per cent choose life over the freedom to choose.

“They don’t want to tell other people what to do,” said Kuemper. “Very few of us want to tell

people what to do. I don’t want to tell people what to do.”

But day-to-day experience and other polling data tells Kuemper large numbers of Canadians

actually believe there should be some restrictions on abortion. A February 2016 poll by Ipsos

found 43 per cent of Canadians favoured some restriction on abortion, versus 57 per cent who

said it came down solely to a woman’s right to choose.

“If people could get the courage to actually speak from their convictions, we might be looking at

some different numbers,” he said. The poll also revealed Canadians want nuance in how they

speak about right and wrong. On the one hand, two-thirds of Canadians (68 per cent) say that

“what is right and wrong depends on the circumstances”versus just 32 per cent who think “things

are almost always either right or wrong.”

But that doesn’t mean Canadians are moral relativists who reject objective moral law. A similar

two-thirds choose the statement “there are universal rights and wrongs that apply to the whole

human race” over “answers to moral questions will be different for different cultures and people.”

“That’s really important —that there is a sense of common human nature,” said Kuemper.

CONFESSION: 30 min before Liturgy or by appointment HOLY COMMUNION: for the sick, by appointment, any time BAPTISM: by appointment MARRIAGES: six months notice should be given to the parish priest, and he should be contacted before any other arrangements are made FUNERALS: by appointment







Please note: parish members requesting the celebration of a Divine Liturgy for a special intention (such as: Thanksgiving, the Infirm, General Intentions, the Deceased, Help of the Holy

Spirit, for the Travelers, etc.), please see Fr. Andrii to arrange for it.

Big thanks to all our parishioners, guests, visitors and all people of the good will who by their

kindness, time, generous donations, look after and support our parish.

VIBRANT PARISH PRAYER O Lord Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd, as you once gathered lost sheep that they might hear Your voice and be your flock, so also today graciously look down from heaven upon our parish community, and send down on it your Holy Spirit, that it might be a place to receive the joy of Your Good News. Strengthen us with your presence, and always gather us together in prayer. Grant us the spirit of serving others, so that in our parish all might encounter You, the merciful God. Bless our spiritual leaders with Your wisdom, and inspire us to generously give of our time, talents and treasure for the building up of Your Kingdom. Unite us in peace and harmony, as befits Your community of love. Instill in us a missionary spirit, and let our parish community shine with the light of the Gospel, with prayer and good works, inviting all to share in the divine life, so that Your Name, O Savior, may be praised, together with Your Eternal Father, and your most-holy, good and life-giving Spirit. Amen.

CONTACT US Mailing address: 13753 - 108th Avenue, Surrey BC, V3T 2K6 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 778-387-7071(Fr. Andrii) 604-584-4421 (parish hall) Web: www.crossparish.wordpress.ca
