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Probabilistic and discriminative group-wise feature selection methods for credit risk analysis Gülefs ßan Bozkurt Gönen a,, Mehmet Gönen b , Fikret Gürgen a a Department of Computer Engineering, Bog ˘aziçi University, TR-34342 Bebek, _ Istanbul, Turkey b Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Department of Information and Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science, FI-00076 Aalto, Espoo, Finland article info Keywords: Credit risk analysis Feature selection Probit classifier Multiple kernel learning Sparsity abstract Many financial organizations such as banks and retailers use computational credit risk analysis (CRA) tools heavily due to recent financial crises and more strict regulations. This strategy enables them to manage their financial and operational risks within the pool of financial institutes. Machine learning algorithms especially binary classifiers are very popular for that purpose. In real-life applications such as CRA, feature selection algorithms are used to decrease data acquisition cost and to increase interpret- ability of the decision process. Using feature selection methods directly on CRA data sets may not help due to categorical variables such as marital status. Such features are usually are converted into binary features using 1-of-k encoding and eliminating a subset of features from a group does not help in terms of data collection cost or interpretability. In this study, we propose to use the probit classifier with a proper prior structure and multiple kernel learning with a proper kernel construction procedure to per- form group-wise feature selection (i.e., eliminating a group of features together if they are not helpful). Experiments on two standard CRA data sets show the validity and effectiveness of the proposed binary classification algorithm variants. Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Credit risk is the loss of capital in case of the credit borrower’s failure for refunding the total amount of debt to recover the liabil- ity. Credit risk analysis (CRA) is an important topic in the financial management field and used by many financial organizations such as banks and retailers. Due to recent financial crises and more strict regulations, CRA becomes the major focus point of financial and banking industry since accurate estimation of credit risks enables a more efficient funding for world economy (Basel, 1988). Banks are required to manage financial and operational risks for providing a safer environment for them within the pool of all international banks (Basel, 2004). A safer financial environment facilitates the transmission of money for convenient use in the economy. If a bank or financial organization wants to accomplish a long term success, it should follow an exhaustive and powerful strategy for CRA (Basel, 2011). Measuring the credit risk accurately also allows banks to organize upcoming lending transactions to achieve targeted return/risk characteristics. Nowadays, financial organizations are building their own software solutions to analyze their gathered data. Another benefit of CRA is for accounting com- panies. If an accounting company monitors a potentially troubled company and forgets to notify the credit borrower with a warning signal then the company can face with a costly lawsuit. Therefore, as the credit industry expands, CRA methods become comprehen- sively used to evaluate the credit applications (Thomas, 2000). Up to now, many computational methods are proposed for CRA (Atiya, 2001). CRA methods generally aims to classify credit appli- cants into two groups, namely, approved and disapproved, accord- ing to properties of the applicants such as income, profession, possession, marital status, the number of people liable to look after, previous credit history, and age. Credit suppliers want to in- crease the volume of credit supply without increasing the failure ratio extremely (Huang, Chen, & Wang, 2007) and developing reli- able computational models is the key to successful credit opera- tions. CRA methods also ensure better examination of existing accounts, faster results in decision processing, and better prece- dence assignments for credit collections (Brill, 1998). The main motivation of computational CRA methods is to have a robust binary classification algorithm for classifying credit appli- cants or a robust clustering algorithm for assigning them into pre- defined applicant categories. Most of the existing solutions in the literature formulates the problem as a binary classification prob- lem and applies the standard classification algorithms such as deci- sion trees (DTs), neural networks (NNs), and support vector 0957-4174/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2012.04.050 Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G. Bozkurt Gönen), mehmet. gonen@aalto.fi (M. Gönen), [email protected] (F. Gürgen). Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 11709–11717 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Expert Systems with Applications journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/eswa
Page 1: Expert Systems with Applications - Aalto · (Atiya, 2001). CRA methods generally aims to classify credit appli-cants into two groups, namely, approved and disapproved, accord-ing

Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 11709–11717

Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect

Expert Systems with Applications

journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/locate /eswa

Probabilistic and discriminative group-wise feature selection methods for creditrisk analysis

Gülefs�an Bozkurt Gönen a,⇑, Mehmet Gönen b, Fikret Gürgen a

a Department of Computer Engineering, Bogaziçi University, TR-34342 Bebek, _Istanbul, Turkeyb Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Department of Information and Computer Science, Aalto University School of Science, FI-00076 Aalto, Espoo, Finland

a r t i c l e i n f o

Keywords:Credit risk analysisFeature selectionProbit classifierMultiple kernel learningSparsity

0957-4174/$ - see front matter � 2012 Elsevier Ltd. Ahttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2012.04.050

⇑ Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G

[email protected] (M. Gönen), [email protected] (F. G

a b s t r a c t

Many financial organizations such as banks and retailers use computational credit risk analysis (CRA)tools heavily due to recent financial crises and more strict regulations. This strategy enables them tomanage their financial and operational risks within the pool of financial institutes. Machine learningalgorithms especially binary classifiers are very popular for that purpose. In real-life applications suchas CRA, feature selection algorithms are used to decrease data acquisition cost and to increase interpret-ability of the decision process. Using feature selection methods directly on CRA data sets may not helpdue to categorical variables such as marital status. Such features are usually are converted into binaryfeatures using 1-of-k encoding and eliminating a subset of features from a group does not help in termsof data collection cost or interpretability. In this study, we propose to use the probit classifier with aproper prior structure and multiple kernel learning with a proper kernel construction procedure to per-form group-wise feature selection (i.e., eliminating a group of features together if they are not helpful).Experiments on two standard CRA data sets show the validity and effectiveness of the proposed binaryclassification algorithm variants.

� 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Credit risk is the loss of capital in case of the credit borrower’sfailure for refunding the total amount of debt to recover the liabil-ity. Credit risk analysis (CRA) is an important topic in the financialmanagement field and used by many financial organizations suchas banks and retailers. Due to recent financial crises and more strictregulations, CRA becomes the major focus point of financial andbanking industry since accurate estimation of credit risks enablesa more efficient funding for world economy (Basel, 1988).

Banks are required to manage financial and operational risks forproviding a safer environment for them within the pool of allinternational banks (Basel, 2004). A safer financial environmentfacilitates the transmission of money for convenient use in theeconomy. If a bank or financial organization wants to accomplisha long term success, it should follow an exhaustive and powerfulstrategy for CRA (Basel, 2011). Measuring the credit risk accuratelyalso allows banks to organize upcoming lending transactions toachieve targeted return/risk characteristics. Nowadays, financialorganizations are building their own software solutions to analyze

ll rights reserved.

. Bozkurt Gönen), mehmet.ürgen).

their gathered data. Another benefit of CRA is for accounting com-panies. If an accounting company monitors a potentially troubledcompany and forgets to notify the credit borrower with a warningsignal then the company can face with a costly lawsuit. Therefore,as the credit industry expands, CRA methods become comprehen-sively used to evaluate the credit applications (Thomas, 2000).

Up to now, many computational methods are proposed for CRA(Atiya, 2001). CRA methods generally aims to classify credit appli-cants into two groups, namely, approved and disapproved, accord-ing to properties of the applicants such as income, profession,possession, marital status, the number of people liable to lookafter, previous credit history, and age. Credit suppliers want to in-crease the volume of credit supply without increasing the failureratio extremely (Huang, Chen, & Wang, 2007) and developing reli-able computational models is the key to successful credit opera-tions. CRA methods also ensure better examination of existingaccounts, faster results in decision processing, and better prece-dence assignments for credit collections (Brill, 1998).

The main motivation of computational CRA methods is to havea robust binary classification algorithm for classifying credit appli-cants or a robust clustering algorithm for assigning them into pre-defined applicant categories. Most of the existing solutions in theliterature formulates the problem as a binary classification prob-lem and applies the standard classification algorithms such as deci-sion trees (DTs), neural networks (NNs), and support vector

Page 2: Expert Systems with Applications - Aalto · (Atiya, 2001). CRA methods generally aims to classify credit appli-cants into two groups, namely, approved and disapproved, accord-ing

11710 G. Bozkurt Gönen et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 11709–11717

machines (SVMs). The complexity of such learning algorithmsmostly depends on the number of input features. Feature selectionalgorithms are proposed to reduce the number of features used forprediction. It is not necessary to use all of the input features sinceredundant features do not provide any useful information for clas-sification. When we are able to explain the data with fewer fea-tures, we acquire better knowledge about the process thatgenerates this data (Alpaydın, 2010). In this study, we also followthese lines of research using probabilistic and discriminative clas-sification algorithms, namely, the probit classifier and multiplekernel learning (MKL), coupled with feature selection capabilityfor lower data acquisition cost, better interpretability of the deci-sion process, and lower test time complexity.

CRA problems usually contain categorical variables (e.g., maritalstatus) and these variables are converted into binary features using1-of-k encoding. When we have grouped features such as these,performing feature selection at the feature level does not producesparse results because not eliminating a single feature from agroup requires to collect data about the corresponding variablefor test data points (i.e., new credit applicants in our case). We pro-pose to use the probit classifier with a proper prior structure andMKL with a proper kernel construction procedure to perform fea-ture selection in a group-wise manner. By doing these, we can de-cide whether we need to include a categorical variable into thefinal decision function or not.

In Section 2, we give an overview of the related work by consid-ering existing machine learning solutions for CRA. Section 3 intro-duces the probit classifier and its inference mechanism with adeterministic variational approximation, and explains the detailsof our proposed extension towards group-wise feature selection.Section 4 introduces MKL and shows how we can perform group-wise feature selection with suitable kernel calculations and spar-sity on the kernel-level. In Section 5, we evaluate the performancesof our proposed group-wise feature selection methods on twowell-known CRA data sets. In Section 6, we summarize our contri-butions and conclude the paper.

2. Related work

There are two main categories for CRA methods: (a) structuralapproaches and (b) statistical approaches. Structural approachesdirectly depend on some financial measures of the credit applicantsuch as total asses, yearly profit/loss rate, and growth rate. Thecredit interest rate is decided by looking at these measures (Kot-siantis, Tzelepis, Koumanakos, & Tampakas, 2005). The most obvi-ous problem of such approaches is the lack of proper mathematicalor statistical tools. Statistical approaches depend on empiricaltools that use the credit history to build a predictor used fornew credit applicants. Different machine learning algorithms suchas NNs and SVMs are applied to CRA problems. In this study, weare focusing on the second approach by considering two differentclassification schemes for CRA. We first give a structured review ofthe recent machine learning studies by considering commonlyused methods.

NNs are frequently used for credit risk estimation due to thefact that most of the existing statistical softwares include themas standard computational tools (Atiya, 2001). For example, Ange-lini, Di Tollo, and Roli (2008) give a successful application scenariofor Italian small businesses using two different NN strategies. Ab-dou, Pointon, and El-Masry (2008) compare NNs with other stan-dard methods for CRA of Egyptian banks and obtain the bestresults using NNs. Yao, Wu, and Yang (2009) propose a CRA meth-od using fuzzy NNs for Chinese commercial banks. Khashman(2010) compare different learning algorithms for supervised NNson German credit data set. Derelioglu and Gürgen (2011) propose

a rule extraction system using a NN-based approach for CRA ofsmall medium enterprises in Turkey.

SVMs are also excessively used for CRA applications due totheir good empirical performance. Huang, Chen, Hsu, Chen, andWu (2004) show that SVMs slightly outperform NNs for CRA ontwo data sets from Taiwanese financial institutes and USA com-mercial banks. Chen and Shih (2006) also report a very similar re-sult on a Taiwan banking data set. Yongqiao, Shouyang, and Lai(2005) propose a new fuzzy SVM algorithm for classifying creditapplicants. Van Gestel et al. (2006) develop a Bayesian leastsquares SVM classifier and test the classifier on a commercialcredit data set based on Belgian and Dutch firms. Li, Chen, andXu (2006) formulates a least squares SVM classifier for joint clas-sification and feature selection to provide interpretability usingMKL framework. Huang et al. (2007) show that SVMs outperformNNs and DTs on two standard credit risk data sets and propose ahybrid method that performs feature selection for SVMs using ge-netic algorithms (GAs). Yoon and Kwon (2010) propose a CRAmethod built on credit card sales information using SVMs to solvethe missing financial data problem. Kim and Sohn (2010) build acredit risk estimation method for Korean small-and-mediumenterprises using SVMs.

Inspired from SVMs, multiple criteria programing framework isproposed for classification and applied to CRA problems (Shi,2010). Peng, Kou, Shi, and Chen (2008) introduce a multiple criteriaconvex quadratic programing model that tries to maximize the in-tra-class distance between classes and to minimize the within-class distance, and test the proposed algorithm on four differentCRA data sets. Li, Wei, Li, and Xu (2011) extend the same idea witha combination of GAs and MKL towards coupled classification andfeature selection.

No single classification algorithm can produce the best resultsfor all classification problems. There are two standard approachesto solve this issue: (a) classifier selection and (b) classifier combi-nation. In classifier selection, different classifiers are trained andevaluated using a cross-validation approach. At the end, the bestperforming classifier is used for testing the system. Instead of rely-ing on a single classifier, we can construct a meta-classifier thatcombines the predictions of multiple classifiers, known as classifiercombination or classifier ensemble. This combination strategy isalso applied to CRA extensively. Lai, Yu, Wang, and Zhou (2006a)propose to use an NN ensemble by training a diverse set of net-works and combining uncorrelated ones to obtain a reliable predic-tion scheme. Lai, Yu, Wang, and Zhou (2006b) also formulate an NNensemble method by training different NNs on different subsets ofthe training data (known as bagging) and combining the predic-tions of these networks with another NN to get the final prediction.Huang, Hung, and Jiau (2006) examine various classification algo-rithms and construct classifier ensembles using random committeeand voted perceptron techniques to evaluate the customers of aChinese bank. Hsieh and Hung (2010) present a CRA method thatuses NNs, SVMs, and Bayesian networks as the base classifiers ofthe ensemble. Zhou, Lai, and Yu (2010) offer an ensemble methodthat uses least squares SVMs with different kernels for the combi-nation. Twala (2010) compares different ensemble strategies andshows that using a classifier ensemble outperforms single classifi-ers on four different CRA data sets. Peng, Wang, Kou, and Shi (2011)propose three different methods to compare and to combine baseclassifiers using their predictions as inputs.

In addition to such machine learning methods, there are alsoevolutionary algorithms such as GAs proposed for CRA. Finlay(2009) applies a GA approach to optimize business measures in-stead of a statistical model objective as in machine learning algo-rithms. Min and Jeong (2009) propose a binary classifier using aGA-based formulation and obtain comparable results to statisticalapproaches.

Page 3: Expert Systems with Applications - Aalto · (Atiya, 2001). CRA methods generally aims to classify credit appli-cants into two groups, namely, approved and disapproved, accord-ing

Fig. 1. Probit classifier.

G. Bozkurt Gönen et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 11709–11717 11711

3. Probit classifier

We use the probit classifier, which is a generalized linear model,as our probabilistic classification method (Albert & Chib, 1993). Weuse a fully Bayesian formulation to give the classifier feature selec-tion capability using suitable hyper-parameters for the prior distri-butions. We first describe the details of our probabilistic model andthen explain how this model can be used for coupled feature selec-tion and classification. Fig. 1 illustrates the probit classifier with agraphical model and its distributional assumptions.

The notation we use for the probit classifier is as follows: The Nis the number of training instances. The D shows the dimensional-ity of the input space. The D � N data matrix is denoted by X,where the D � 1-dimensional columns of X by xi. The D � 1 vectorof weight parameters wf is denoted by w. The D � 1 vector of priorswf is denoted by w. The bias parameter is denoted by b and its prioris denoted by k. The N � 1 vector of auxiliary variables ti is repre-sented as t. The N � 1 vector of associated target values is repre-sented as y, where each element yi 2 {�1,+1}. As short-handnotations, all priors in the model are denoted by N = {k,w}, wherethe remaining variables by H = {b,t,w} and the hyper-parametersby f = {ak,bk,aw,bw}. Dependence on f is omitted for claritythroughout the rest. Nð�; l;RÞ denotes the normal distributionwith the mean vector l and the covariance matrix R. Gð�;a; bÞ de-notes the gamma distribution with the shape parameter a and thescale parameter b. d(�) denotes the Kronecker delta function thatreturns 1 if its argument is true and 0 otherwise.

The auxiliary variables between the class labels and the traininginstances are introduced to make the inference procedures effi-cient (Albert & Chib, 1993). Exact inference for this probabilisticmodel is intractable and using a Gibbs sampling approach is com-putationally expensive (Gelfand & Smith, 1990). We instead for-mulate a deterministic variational approximation procedure forefficient inference.

The variational methods use a lower bound on the marginallikelihood using an ensemble of factored posteriors to find the jointparameter distribution (Beal, 2003). Assuming independence be-tween the approximate posteriors in the factorable ensemble canbe justified because there is not a strong coupling between themodel parameters. We can write the factorable ensemble approx-imation of the required posterior as

pðH;NjX; yÞ � qðH;NÞ ¼ qðkÞqðwÞqðb;wÞqðtÞ

and define each factor in the ensemble just like its full conditionaldistribution:

qðkÞ ¼Gðk;aðkÞ;bðkÞÞ

qðwÞ ¼YD

f¼1Gðwf ;aðwf Þ; bðwf ÞÞ

qðb;wÞ ¼Nb


" #;lðb;wÞ;Rðb;wÞ


qðtÞ ¼YN

i¼1T N ðti; lðtiÞ;RðtiÞ;qðtiÞÞ

where a(�), b(�), l(�), and R(�) denote the shape parameter, the scaleparameter, the mean vector, and the covariance matrix for theirarguments, respectively. T N ð�; l;R;qð�ÞÞ denotes the truncated nor-mal distribution with the mean vector l, the covariance matrix R,and the truncation rule q(�) such that T N ð�;l;R;qð�ÞÞ / N ð�;l;RÞif q(�) is true and T N ð�;l;R;qð�ÞÞ ¼ 0 otherwise.

We can bound the marginal likelihood using Jensen’sinequality:

log pðyjXÞP EqðH;NÞ½log pðy;H;NjXÞ� � EqðH;NÞ½log qðH;NÞ� ð1Þ

and optimize this bound by optimizing with respect to each factorseparately until convergence. The approximate posterior distribu-tion of a specific factor s can be found as

qðsÞ / expðEqðfH;NgnsÞ½log pðy;H;NjXÞ�Þ:

For the probit classifier, thanks to the conjugacy, the resultingapproximate posterior distribution of each factor follows the samedistribution as the corresponding factor.

3.1. Inference details

The approximate posterior distributions of the priors on thebias and the weight vector can be found in terms of gammadistributions:

qðkÞ ¼ G k;ak þ12;




0@ 1A�10B@

1CAqðwÞ ¼



G wf ; aw þ12;





0@ 1A�10B@

1CAwhere the tilde notation denotes the posterior expectations asusual, i.e., ghðsÞ ¼ EqðsÞ½hðsÞ�. The approximate posterior distributionof the classification parameters is a product of multivariate normaldistributions:

qðb;wÞ ¼ Nb


� �; Rðb;wÞ 1>~t


" #;

~kþ N 1>X>

X1 diagð~wÞ þ XX>

" #�10@ 1A:

The approximate posterior distribution of the auxiliary variables is aproduct of truncated normal distributions:

qðtÞ ¼YNi¼1

T N ðti;gw>xi þ ~b;1; tiyi > 0Þ

where we need to find the posterior expectations in order to updatethe approximate posterior distributions of the projected instancesand the classification parameters. Fortunately, the truncated normaldistribution has a closed-form formula for its expectation.

The inference mechanism sequentially updates the approxi-mate posterior distributions of the model parameters and the la-tent variables until convergence, which can be checked bycalculating the lower bound in (1). The first term of the lowerbound corresponds to the sum of exponential form expectationsof the distributions in the joint likelihood. The second term is thesum of negative entropies of the approximate posteriors in theensemble. The only nonstandard distribution in the second termis the truncated normal distributions of the auxiliary variables;nevertheless, the truncated normal distribution has a closed-formformula also for its entropy.

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11712 G. Bozkurt Gönen et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 11709–11717

3.2. Prediction

The predictive distribution of the auxiliary variable tw can alsobe found by replacing p(b,wjX,y) with its approximate posteriordistribution q(b,w):

pðtHjxH;X; yÞ ¼ N tH;lðb;wÞ>1


� �;1þ 1 xH½ �Rðb;wÞ


� �� �and the predictive distribution of the class label yw can be formu-lated using the auxiliary variable distribution:

pðyH¼ þ1jxH;X; yÞ ¼ U


� �where U(�) is the standardized normal cumulative distributionfunction.

3.3. Feature selection with probit classifier

We can give the probit classifier feature selection capabilityusing suitable hyper-parameters for the prior distributions on theweight vector precisions. Hyper-parameter values are usually se-lected as (aw,bw) = (1,1). In this case, there will be no explicit fea-ture selection mechanism and most of the features will be used inthe final decision function with nonzero weights. In order to per-form feature selection, we can use sparsity-inducing hyper-param-eters such as (aw,bw) = (10�10,10+10). In this case, some of theweights are forced to become zero and the corresponding featureswill be eliminated leading to feature selection.

Suppose that the features are categorized into P distinct groupsand g(f) gives the group of feature f. The precision priors of theprobabilistic model become

wm � Gðwm;aw;bwÞ 8m

and the corresponding factor in the factorable ensemble approxi-mation is given as

qðwÞ ¼YP


Gðwm;aðwmÞ; bðwmÞÞ:

The approximate posterior distributions of the priors on the weightvector can again be found in terms of gamma distributions:

qðwÞ ¼YG


G wm;aw þ12



dðgðf Þ ¼mÞ; 1bw

þ 12



dðgðf Þ ¼mÞfw2f

!�10@ 1A

and the approximate posterior distribution of the classificationparameters is a product of multivariate normal distributions:

qðb;wÞ ¼ Nb


� �; Rðb;wÞ 1>~t


" #;

~kþ N 1>X>

X1 diag gwgð1Þ . . . gwgðDÞ

h i>� �þ XX>

24 35�11CA:

4. Multiple kernel learning

SVM is a discriminative classifier proposed for binary classifica-tion problems and is based on the theory of structural risk minimi-zation (Vapnik, 1998). Given a sample of N independent andidentically distributed training instances fðxi; yiÞg

Ni¼1 where xi is

the D-dimensional input vector and yi 2 {�1,+1} is its class label,SVM basically finds the linear discriminant with the maximummargin in the feature space induced by the mapping functionU : RD ! RS. The resulting discriminant function is

f ðxÞ ¼ hw;UðxÞi þ b:

The classifier can be trained by solving the following quadratic opti-mization problem:


2 þ CXN



with respect to w 2 RS; n 2 RNþ; b 2 R

subject to yiðhw;UðxiÞi þ bÞP 1� ni 8i

where w is the vector of weight coefficients, C is a predefined posi-tive trade-off parameter between model simplicity and classifica-tion error, n is the vector of slack variables, and b is the bias termof the separating hyperplane. Instead of solving this optimizationproblem directly, the Lagrangian dual function enables us to obtainthe following dual formulation:



ai �12





aiajyiyjhUðxiÞ;UðxjÞi|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}kðxi ;xjÞ

with respect to a 2 RNþ

subject toXN


aiyi ¼ 0

C P ai P 0 8i

where k : RD � RD ! R is named the kernel function and a is the vec-tor of dual variables corresponding to each separation constraint.Solving this, we get w ¼

PNi¼1aiyiUðxiÞ and the discriminant func-

tion can be rewritten as

f ðxÞ ¼XN


aiyikðxi; xÞ þ b:

There are several kernel functions successfully used in the litera-ture, such as the linear kernel (kLIN), the polynomial kernel (kPOL),and the Gaussian kernel (kGAU):

kLINðxi; xjÞ ¼ hxi; xjikPOLðxi; xjÞ ¼ ðhxi; xji þ 1Þq; q 2 N

kGAUðxi; xjÞ ¼ exp �kxi � xjk22=s2

� �; s 2 Rþþ:

There are also kernel functions proposed for particular applications,such as natural language processing (Lodhi, Saunders, Shawe-Tay-lor, Cristianini, & Watkins, 2002) and bioinformatics (Schölkopf,Tsuda, & Vert, 2004).

Selecting the kernel function k(�, �) and its parameters (e.g., q ors) is an important issue in training. Generally, a cross-validationprocedure is used to choose the best performing kernel functionamong a set of kernel functions on a separate validation set differ-ent from the training set. In recent years, MKL methods have beenproposed, where we use multiple kernels instead of selecting onespecific kernel function and its corresponding parameters:

kgðxi; xjÞ ¼ fg km xmi ; x


� �n oP


� �where the combination function, fg : RP ! R, can be a linear or anonlinear function. Kernel functions, fkm : RDm � RDm ! RgP

m¼1, takeP feature representations (not necessarily different) of data in-stances: xi ¼ fxm

i gPm¼1 where xm

i 2 RDm , and Dm is the dimensionalityof the corresponding feature representation. g parameterizes thecombination function and the more common implementation is:

kgðxi; xjÞ ¼ fg km xmi ; x


� �n oP


g !

where the parameters are used to combine a set of predefined ker-nels (i.e., we know the kernel functions and corresponding kernelparameters before training). It is also possible to view this as

Page 5: Expert Systems with Applications - Aalto · (Atiya, 2001). CRA methods generally aims to classify credit appli-cants into two groups, namely, approved and disapproved, accord-ing

G. Bozkurt Gönen et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 11709–11717 11713

kgðxi; xjÞ ¼ fg km xmi ; x

mj jg

� �n oP


� �where the parameters integrated into the kernel functions are opti-mized during training. Most of the existing MKL algorithms fall intothe first category and try to combine predefined kernels in an opti-mal way.

The reasoning is similar to combining different classifiers: In-stead of choosing a single kernel function, it is better to have aset and let an algorithm do the picking or combination. Therecan be two uses of MKL: (a) Different kernels correspond to differ-ent notions of similarity and instead of trying to find which worksbest, a learning method does the picking for us, or may use a com-bination of them. Using a specific kernel may be a source of bias,and in allowing a learner to choose among a set of kernels, a bettersolution can be found. (b) Different kernels may be using inputscoming from different representations possibly from differentsources or modalities. Since these are different representations,they have different measures of similarity corresponding to differ-ent kernels. In such a case, combining kernels is one possible wayto combine multiple information sources. Noble (2004) calls thismethod of combining kernels intermediate combination and con-trasts this with early combination (where features from differentsources are concatenated and fed to a single learner) and late com-bination (where different features are fed to different classifierswhose decisions are then combined by a fixed or trainedcombiner).

There are many MKL algorithms proposed in the literature (seeGönen & Alpaydın (2011) for a recent survey). Linear combinationmethods are the most popular and have two basic categories: un-weighted sum (i.e., using sum or mean of the kernels as the com-bined kernel) and weighted sum. In the weighted sum case, wecan linearly parameterize the combination function:

kgðxi; xjÞ ¼ fg km xmi ; x


� �n oP


� �¼XP


gmkm xmi ; x


� �ð2Þ

where g denotes the kernel weights. Different versions of this ap-proach differ in the way they put restrictions on g: the linear sum(i.e., g 2 RP), the conic sum (i.e., g 2 RP

þ), or the convex sum (i.e.,g 2 RP

þ andPP

m¼1gm ¼ 1).

4.1. Training details

We pick a specific MKL formulation, which enables us to tunekernel-level sparsity and to perform feature selection by choosinga model parameter suitably. Xu, Jin, Yang, King, and Lyu (2010) andKloft, Brefeld, Sonnenburg, and Zien (2011) propose an efficientoptimization method for arbitrary ‘p-norms with p P 1. Althoughthey approach the problem from different perspectives, they findthe same closed-form solution for updating the kernel weights ateach iteration. In order to derive the update equation, Xu et al.(2010) use the equivalence between group Lasso and MKL, asshown by Bach (2008), whereas Kloft et al. (2011) use a block coor-dinate-descent method. Both studies formulate an alternating opti-mization method that solves an SVM at each iteration and updatethe kernel weights as follows:

gm ¼kwmk




� �1=p 8m ð3Þ

where kwmk22 ¼ g2



PNj¼1aiajyiyjkm xm

i ; xmj

� �from the duality

conditions. After convergence, we obtain the optimal support vectorcoefficients and kernel weights.

4.2. Prediction

Using the optimal support vector coefficients and kernelweights, the discriminant function for a test data point can befound as

f ðxÞ ¼XN





gmkm xmi ; x

m � !

þ b:

In addition to sample-level sparsity (i.e., having zero support vectorcoefficients for some of the training data points) like in SVMs, MKLcan also have kernel-level sparsity by having zero weights for someof the input kernels. We do not need to evaluate a kernel functionand to collect data for that particular kernel if its weight is zero.

4.3. Feature selection with multiple kernel learning

We can give MKL feature selection capability by calculating sep-arate kernels for each feature and using a sparsity-inducing normon the kernel weights. When p = 2, there will be no explicit kernelselection mechanism and most of the kernels will be used in thecombined kernel with nonzero weights. In order to perform kernelselection, we can use a sparsity-inducing norm such as p = 1. In thiscase, some of the kernel weights are forced to become zero and thecorresponding kernel will be eliminated leading to featureselection.

We can also perform group-wise feature selection by definingseparate kernels for each feature group. Like in the previous sec-tion, suppose that the features are categorized into P distinctgroups and Im gives the feature indices of group m. The input rep-resentation used for kernel m is defined as xm ¼ x½Im�where [ � ] in-dexes the elements of a vector.

5. Experiments

We test probit classifier (PROBIT) and ‘p-norm MKL (‘p-MKL)algorithms on two different CRA data sets. The data sets and exper-imental procedure that we use are explained in the followingsections.

5.1. Data sets

We use two widely used benchmark CRA data sets, namely,German Credit and Australian Credit, to test the algorithms.

5.1.1. Australian credit data setAustralian Credit data set contains 690 data points

represented with 14 variables (10 continuous and 4 categorical).When we encode categorical variables as binary features using 1-of-k encoding, there are 38 features in total. This data set isavailable at http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+(Austra-lian+Credit+Approval)/.

5.1.2. German credit data setGerman Credit data set contains 1,000 data points represented

with 20 variables (9 continuous and 11 categorical). When we en-code categorical variables as binary features using 1-of-k encoding,there are 59 features in total. This data set is available at http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Statlog+(German+Credit+Data)/.

5.2. Experimental setup

We implement variational approximation method for PROBITand alternating optimization procedure for ‘p-MKL in Matlab. Wetake 500 iterations for PROBIT and run ‘p-MKL algorithm until

Page 6: Expert Systems with Applications - Aalto · (Atiya, 2001). CRA methods generally aims to classify credit appli-cants into two groups, namely, approved and disapproved, accord-ing

Table 1Parameter values for different scenarios.

non-sparse sparse grouped non-sparse grouped sparse

PROBIT(ak,bk) (1,1) (1,1) (1,1) (1,1)(aw,bw) (1,1) (10�10,10+10) (1,1) (10�10,10+10)

‘p-MKLp 2 1 2 1C {10�2 , . . . ,102} {10�2 , . . . ,102} {10�2 , . . . ,102} {10�2 , . . . ,102}

Table 2Classification results on Australian Credit data set.


Accuracy AUC Accuracy AUC

Non-sparse 0.855 ± 0.024 0.923 ± 0.017 0.848 ± 0.020 0.916 ± 0.019Sparse 0.854 ± 0.022 0.927 ± 0.019 0.852 ± 0.022 0.912 ± 0.021

Grouped non-sparse 0.856 ± 0.025 0.925 ± 0.016 0.850 ± 0.021 0.916 ± 0.018Grouped sparse 0.854 ± 0.022 0.923 ± 0.020 0.851 ± 0.023 0.912 ± 0.019

Table 3Variables selected by PROBIT on Australian Credit data set.

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14



Grouped non-sparse

Grouped sparse

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40−0.5





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40−0.5





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40−0.5




1.5grouped non−sparse

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40−0.5




1.5grouped sparse

Fig. 2. Feature weights obtained by PROBIT on Australian Credit data set.

Table 4Variables selected by ‘p-MKL on Australian Credit data set.

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14



Grouped non-sparse

Grouped sparse

11714 G. Bozkurt Gönen et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 11709–11717

the objective function does not improve at least 0.1 per cent be-tween successive iterations.

For both algorithms, we try four possible scenarios: (a) non-sparse, (b) sparse, (c) grouped non-sparse, and (d) groupedsparse. Table 1 summarizes the parameter values used for thesefour scenarios. For grouped scenarios, the binary features that

are obtained from the categorial variables using 1-of-k encodingare defined as feature groups, whereas each continuous variableis used as a separate feature group.

For both data sets, we take 50 replications, where we randomlyselect 80 per cent of the data set as the training set and use theremaining as the test set. After constructing the binary features

Page 7: Expert Systems with Applications - Aalto · (Atiya, 2001). CRA methods generally aims to classify credit appli-cants into two groups, namely, approved and disapproved, accord-ing

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400




0.8grouped non−sparse

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 400




0.8grouped sparse

Fig. 3. Feature weights obtained by ‘p-MKL on Australian Credit data set.

Table 5Classification results on German Credit data set.


Accuracy AUC Accuracy AUC

Non-sparse 0.752 ± 0.031 0.782 ± 0.030 0.752 ± 0.026 0.778 ± 0.029Sparse 0.746 ± 0.032 0.776 ± 0.033 0.750 ± 0.026 0.776 ± 0.029

Grouped non-sparse 0.752 ± 0.031 0.782 ± 0.030 0.754 ± 0.026 0.780 ± 0.030Grouped sparse 0.750 ± 0.030 0.776 ± 0.035 0.752 ± 0.029 0.780 ± 0.031

Table 6Variables selected by PROBIT on German Credit data set.

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



Grouped non-sparse

Grouped sparse

0 10 20 30 40 50 60−0.4





0 10 20 30 40 50 60−0.4





0 10 20 30 40 50 60−0.4




0.4grouped non−sparse

0 10 20 30 40 50 60−0.4




0.4grouped sparse

Fig. 4. Feature weights obtained by PROBIT on German Credit data set.

G. Bozkurt Gönen et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 11709–11717 11715

from the categorical variables, the training set is normalized tohave zero mean and unit standard deviation, and the test set isthen normalized using the mean and the standard deviation ofthe training set. We use 5-fold cross-validation on the trainingset to pick the regularization parameter C from the candidate set.We report generalization performances in terms of mean classifica-tion accuracy and mean area under ROC curve (AUC) over 50replications.

5.3. Results

Table 2 gives the classification results obtained by PROBIT and‘p-MKL on Australian Credit data set. PROBIT obtains the samelevel of performance (�0.855 accuracy and �0.925 AUC) with dif-ferent scenarios. We see that enforcing sparsity does not harm theclassification performance at all. However, ‘p-MKL achieves slightlylower performance values (�0.850 accuracy and �0.915 AUC).

Page 8: Expert Systems with Applications - Aalto · (Atiya, 2001). CRA methods generally aims to classify credit appli-cants into two groups, namely, approved and disapproved, accord-ing

Table 7Variables selected by ‘p-MKL on German Credit data set.

Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



Grouped non-sparse

Grouped sparse

0 10 20 30 40 50 600





0 10 20 30 40 50 600





0 10 20 30 40 50 600




0.4grouped non−sparse

0 10 20 30 40 50 600




0.2grouped sparse

Fig. 5. Feature weights obtained by ‘p-MKL on German Credit data set.

11716 G. Bozkurt Gönen et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 39 (2012) 11709–11717

There is again no significant difference between the scenarios interms of classification performance.

We report the selected variables by PROBIT for each scenario onAustralian Credit data set in Table 3. If we do not enforce fea-ture selection as in non-sparse and grouped non-sparse sce-narios, PROBIT uses 11 variables in its decision function.However, when we enforce feature selection as in sparse andgrouped sparse scenarios, it only uses nine and seven variables,respectively. PROBIT with grouped sparse scenario achieves thesame level of classification performance as other scenarios usingonly 50 per cent of the input variables. Fig. 2 shows the featureweights obtained by PROBIT for each scenario on Australian

Credit data set. PROBIT can eliminate some of the input featuresor feature groups by assigning them zero weights. The effect ofsparsity or group sparsity can clearly be seen from the featureweights of sparse and grouped sparse scenarios.

We report the selected variables by ‘p-MKL for each scenario onAustralian Credit data set in Table 4. For non-sparse andgrouped non-sparse scenarios, ‘p-MKL uses 12 variables in itsdecision function. However, it only uses nine variables for sparseand grouped sparse scenarios. Different from PROBIT, ‘p-MKLcan only eliminate three out of 12 variables. Fig. 3 shows the fea-ture weights obtained by ‘p-MKL for each scenario on Australian

Credit data set. ‘p-MKL can eliminate some of the input featuresor feature groups by assigning corresponding kernels zero weights.For sparse and grouped sparse scenarios, ‘p-MKL eliminatesmore of the input kernels, leading to tighter feature and featuregroup selection.

Table 5 gives the classification results obtained by PROBIT and‘p-MKL on German Credit data set. PROBIT obtains the same levelof performance (�0.750 accuracy and �0.780 AUC) with differentscenarios. We again see that enforcing sparsity does not harmthe classification performance at all. Different from Australian

Credit data set, ‘p-MKL also achieves the same level of classifica-tion performance. There is again no significant difference betweenthe scenarios in terms of classification performance.

We report the selected variables by PROBIT for each scenario onGerman Credit data set in Table 6. If we do not enforce feature

selection as in non-sparse and grouped non-sparse scenarios,PROBIT uses 18 variables in its decision function. However, whenwe enforce feature selection as in sparse and grouped sparse

scenarios, it only uses 15 and 13 variables, respectively. PROBITwith grouped sparse scenario achieves the same level of classifi-cation performance as other scenarios using only 70 per cent of theinput variables. Fig. 4 shows the feature weights obtained by PRO-

BIT for each scenario on German Credit data set. The effect ofsparsity or group sparsity can clearly be seen from the featureweights of sparse and grouped sparse scenarios.

We report the selected variables by ‘p-MKL for each scenario onGerman Credit data set in Table 7. For non-sparse and grouped

non-sparse scenarios, ‘p-MKL uses 18 and 16 variables, respec-tively, in its decision function. However, it only uses 16 and 13variables for sparse and grouped sparse scenarios, respectively.Fig. 5 shows the feature weights obtained by ‘p-MKL for each sce-nario on German Credit data set. For sparse and grouped

sparse scenarios, ‘p-MKL eliminates more of the input kernels,leading to tighter feature and feature group selection.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we introduce two different binary classificationalgorithm variants with group-wise feature selection capability.These variants are derived from the probit classifier using a specificprior structure and from multiple kernel learning using a specifickernel calculation strategy. These two formulations allows us toperform group-wise selection on feature groups of CRA (i.e., fea-tures obtained from categorial variables using 1-of-k encoding).

Experimental results on two benchmark CRA data sets show thevalidity and effectiveness of the proposed binary classificationalgorithm variants. Our methods use fewer features compared tonon-sparse alternatives without sacrificing classification perfor-mance in terms of both classification accuracy and AUC. Eventhough the proposed algorithms are tested on CRA data sets only,they can be used for any data set that has a natural grouping overinput features.

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