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Facebook Analytics Report

Date post: 23-Jan-2017
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Team 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter/Executive Summary……………………………………........Section 1 Report II (Edited)...………………………………………………...Section 2 Data collection procedure …………………………………………Section 3 Statistics of sampling………………………………………………Section 4 Results...……………………………………………………………Section 5 Managerial implications…………………………………………...Section 6 Appendix…………………………………………………………..Section 7 Discussion & conclusion…………………………………………..Section 8 1
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Letter/Executive Summary……………………………………........Section 1Report II (Edited)...………………………………………………...Section 2Data collection procedure …………………………………………Section 3Statistics of sampling………………………………………………Section 4Results...……………………………………………………………Section 5Managerial implications…………………………………………...Section 6Appendix…………………………………………………………..Section 7Discussion & conclusion…………………………………………..Section 8


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Letter/Executive summary (Section 1):

Personality traits are usually split into two main categories that defines a person:

extroverts and introverts; of course other traits can come into play, but to keep things

simple certain traits are most frequently used at times to show a person’s personality

type. So considering our group decided to carry out a research on personality traits on

how both extroverts and introverts react when using social media; we decided to choose

Facebook as our main option. As we know in person extroverts most of the time are more

outgoing and introverts usually are reserved in a public scene. We wanted to tackle the

question that could it be possible both types react differently when using a social media

site such as Facebook. The question our team asked wanted was that: could it be possible

for introverts tend to showcase their outgoing personalities when it came to Facebook? In

addition, could it be possible that extroverts tend to ignore social media sites and engage

rather in in person activities where they normally portray their outgoing personalities?

Ultimately, we wanted to know answers to these questions based on research and findings

through the survey.


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Prateek Munikuntla                                                                                               Amit Patel

Umang Shah   Alexander Ambroise




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They say every person’s DNA is like a snowflake. Every man, woman and child

is unique in their own way according to science. Psychology has changed the game. Ever

since the finding of extroverted and introverted personalities, people have been

categorized. Psychology has set out to prove that, although every person varies in habits,

likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, there are common traits most introverts and

extroverts share. For example, introverts are known to enjoy time spent alone as opposed

to being with other people constantly. Extroverts are noted for enjoying the company of

other people frequently and focus their energies on the external world. However, social

media is very different from human interaction. Introverts can be whoever they want to

be on the internet. Furthermore, they can spend a lot of time on the internet and view

people’s social media pages, social media content, and advertisements whenever they

want privately. Moreover, they can tweak their social media settings to make their social

media pages, activity, pictures, and so forth completely private. Google even has a

feature for this type of browsing. It is called “incognito.” Introverts can browse social

media incognito. Therefore, the objective of this research is to find out how introverts and

extroverts (on average) use social media. By how, we mean, do they mainly spend their

time observing other people’s activities, developing relationships online, view

videos/photos, contribute by sharing their opinions/thoughts or think about what they are

going to post next? Furthermore, how much time do they spend on average per week?

Considering the personality of introverts, doesn’t exploring social media by themselves

for hours at a time attract them? Extroverts are known to become energized by interacting

with others so wouldn’t spending time with people virtually bore them?


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Research Questions:

(1) Which personality type is most likely to make a purchase off an advertisement

on Facebook?

   A. Independent- Personality type

   B. Dependent- Number of purchases

In this research project we are trying to determine if one’s personality type has

any impact on how they respond to advertisements on social media platforms such as

Facebook.  There are two personality types: introverts and extroverts. Introverts are

thought to have the tendency to recharge by spending time alone. They lose energy from

being around people for long periods of time, particularly large crowds. While Extroverts

tend to gain energy from being around people. Extroverts like being social and interacting

in big crowds and groups. Marketers use advertisements as a way to lure customers into

buying a certain product. They use many tactics such as running advertisements on social

media platforms. On Facebook, a user can scroll through their news feed and see

sponsored advertisements. Furthermore, if the user googled or was searching the internet

for a product, Facebook reminds users with ads luring them to click and purchase. The

research question is important because we want to determine if there’s a difference in

purchasing behavior between personalities types. If one type is more likely to buy

products from advertisements than the other, advertisers can focus more on advertising to

that group. Unfortunately, that would require marketers to know the consumer's

personality type. However, it is not beyond the scope of their abilities. Furthermore,

marketing researchers can better understand the buying patterns of each personality type.


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They can decide how to better allocate their resources in a more efficient way of any

clear cut conclusion is determined.

(2) What is the difference in frequency use of Facebook between introverts and extroverts?


     A. Independent- Personality type

     B. Dependent- Frequency of Facebook use

When it comes to introverts and extroverts, many people know that introverts tend

to be more reserved when it comes to in person social interaction. On the other hand,

extroverts are known to be more outgoing when it comes to in person social interaction.

But do these assumptions still hold true for both personalities when the frequency of

social media is involved; Facebook being the main social media in this case? Lett’s say if

we were to carry on and start the research on this topic. What if after gathering our first

data, we find out that introverts actually tend to use Facebook just as frequently as

extroverts. If this turns out to be the case, then there would be more research to be done

on this besides just basic observations being made. We would have to dig deeper and go

more into depth; this is exactly what marketing research is about. This is similar to what a

Marketing research does; analyze the data gathered and come up with a final presentation

on the conclusion to the research. What if after doing the research we find out that

introverts actually tend to use Facebook more than extroverts? This while throw a wrench

in the whole assumption that extroverts probably use Facebook more than introverts.

Picking this topic, we thought our research would seem pretty easy. But as we continue

learning in class and looking at our topic, we’ve realized that more in depth marketing


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research needs to be done to pull the most accurate data possible. And we definitely look

forward to tackling this tough question as our research begins.

(3) Which personality type post statuses more frequently?


     A. Independent- Personality Type

     B. Dependent- Frequency of status posting

If we tend to look at extroverts and introverts in real life in person situations, we

clearly know that extroverts tend to go out to places more and even have more friends

than introverts. I guess you can say extroverts are the ones who basically get the party

started. Introverts usually tend to stay at home and engage in other activities. Let’s say

for example extroverts go out to party with their friends. They will obviously have more

friends to hang out with compared to the introverts who go out. The real question though

is, after hanging out with their friends, do extroverts tend to post status updates the next

day on Facebook about what they engaged in before? What if surprisingly it’s the

introverts who post status updates, after engaging in an in house activity the day before.

Would an extrovert who partied the night before with his or her friends, post status

updates the next day on Facebook? Or could it be that the introvert who stayed at home

and watched the political debate was quick to post a status update on Facebook as soon as

the debate was over on television.

(4) Which personality type is more likely to like pictures & videos? 

 A. Independent- Personality Type

 B. Dependent- Amount of times consumer likes a picture or video


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Facebook is one of the largest influencers of social media when it comes to liking

pictures and videos. Both introverts and extroverts like certain pictures and videos based

on their experiences, interests, preferences and hobbies. Ultimately, regarding this

question, the dependent variable is the personality type and the independent variable is

the amount of times a consumer pays more attention to a picture or video by clicking the

like button.

Why is this question important? The reason this question is significant to our research is because introverts and

extroverts are assumed to be two different types of people. Therefore, it is assumed that

they will both be attracted to different stimuli on Facebook. However, there might or

might not be a reason why they are attracted to certain pictures or video streams online.

As a result, the main purpose of this research is what personality type likes which

pictures or videos more. The findings of this research could assist marketing researchers

in figuring out if there is a particular way in differentiating introverted and extroverted


(5) Which personality type is more likely to get more likes on the pictures and statuses they post on Facebook? A. Independent- Personality Type 

B. Dependent- Amount of likes they receive on average per photo/status

C. Control- Frequency of posting pictures and statuses every two weeks

Extroverts and introverts are two different personalities. Introverts are known to

spend more time alone therefore; it can be assumed introverts might be more active

online or they might just not be active at all. Extroverts are known to be more outgoing

but they might not be as expressive on Facebook. However, there is a possibility


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Extroverts might be even more expressive online than their current personas in the real

world. The purpose of this research question is to find out whether or not a personality

type can really influence the amount of likes they get on pictures & statuses. Regarding

this question, the independent variable is the personality type, dependent variable is the

amount of likes they receive on average per photo or status, and lastly the control variable

is the frequency of posting pictures and statuses every two weeks. 

Why is this question significant? The reason this question serves great

importance to our research is because these two personalities are portrayed to be two

different kinds of people on Facebook. Therefore, it is assumed one personality type will

have the most amounts of likes and the other personality will have fewer amounts of likes

depending on the statuses. The main purpose is to differentiate both personality types and

observe which personality type is more dominant when it comes to accumulating more


(6) Which personality type is more likely to comment on their friend’s activities on

Facebook? For example, commenting on their friend’s statuses, pictures,

conversations, notes?

    A. Independent- Personality Type

    B. Dependent- Amount of times they comment

Extroverts are known for their social engagement. Introverts are believed to be less

socially inclined. However, these are all assumptions based off of psychological

descriptions. The purpose of this question is to find out the behavioral patterns between

both groups. Is there a difference in each group’s frequency of expression on Facebook?

The reason this question is important is because, the answer can help marketing


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researchers better understand the patterns of each personality type. Although the answers

will not describe why each group may do a particular action on Facebook more than the

other, it can still give a glimpse as to whether there is a difference. It is possible that each

type has similar tendencies. From a business standpoint, a business can better understand

introverts & extroverts. This better understanding based on the results can possibly lead

to improved marketing strategies. For example, if the findings reveal that introverts are

70% more likely compared to extroverts to post on their friend’s statuses, pictures, etc, it

can also possibly mean that they pay more attention to their newsfeed. The newsfeed is a

hub for advertisements.


(1) We are making the assumption that both personality types equally make the same

amount of purchases off of advertising from Facebook.  Advertisement is based on what

a user searches on their free time then Facebook shows ads on the user’s news feed.  Ads

on Facebook cater to the user by gathering history from their internet browser and posting

once they login. Even though one personality type may interact with people more, that

does not have an impact on their purchasing via ads. Therefore, marketing researchers

can use the information to better advertise to consumers based on their personality type.

Furthermore, if our hypothesis is true, it should come as a relief to marketers. It would

mean that there is no difference in buying patterns for each type. Marketers can continue

to advertise to their target markets in a general way with no emphasis on personality type.

(2) When it comes to the hypothesis for frequency of usage concerning Facebook, we are

making the assumption that both introverts and extroverts use Facebook on an equal

level. The reason we come up with hypotheses is because we have to realize that social


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media is different than interacting in person. People tend to behave differently on social

media than they do in person at times; I’m sure many of us have experienced this. This

leads to the hypothesis that maybe social media allows introverts to open up more and

express their feeling in a more outgoing way for people to see. Introverts tend to be more

reserved. But social media allows them to break this barrier and allows them to test their

more outgoing personality; a great example of this is the Facebook creator himself Mark

Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg a shy introverted straight A student never really was the

outgoing type, but once he got the plan to develop Facebook and use it, he became a

completely different person. Using this great example from the man himself who created

Facebook, we can make the assumption that both introverts and extroverts most likely use

Facebook on an equal level.

(3) Our next hypothesis that we need to tackle is which personality type posts statuses

more frequently? This can go either way, but we assume the extrovert in this case is the

one who posts more status on Facebook. The reason we made this assumption is pretty

simple; extroverts are just flat out outgoing who love engaging with other people. Status

updates on Facebook are all about what you have done, what you are doing, or what

you’re going to be doing. Extroverts being outgoing tend to go out more and hangout

with others. After having these hangouts or meetups with their friends, they will tend to

post updates about what went down the next day on Facebook assuming that is their main

source of social media in this case. Introverts usually tend to stay indoors, and dwell on

other things they find more particularly important. Introverts on the other hand also have

more fascinating things to say, maybe even more fascinating than the extroverts. But

most are not always into the hype of following the popular trend going on and hence a lot


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of people on social media don’t analyze too much on their status updates. This is one of

the major reasons why we make an assumption that extroverts tend to update their status

more often on Facebook compared to introverts.

(4) We are assuming that introverts are less outwardly expressive in terms of vocalizing

their thoughts and emotions. However, with that being said, we still believe introverts

will like pictures and videos more often. We feel that introverts are more likely to like

videos and pictures online because we are also assuming they spend more time online.

However, we do not know the psychological reasoning for their behavior. We are just

making assumptions.

(5) Since we are making the assumption extroverts have more social interaction outside

of social media, we are assuming they have more friends and more social interaction

online. Therefore, we feel extroverts are more expressive about their thoughts, opinions,

and statuses when it comes to social media. We feel that an extrovert might be the most

involved when it comes to updating their statuses. Therefore, we feel extroverts might be

the most likely to obtain likes on Facebook. 

(6) Introverts and Extroverts are completely different individuals. They both process

information differently and react to external stimuli in a different way. Based on the

given information about introverts, our research team has mutually agreed that introverts

probably spend more time on Facebook and also are more active on Facebook. However,

with that being said, our research team’s hypothesis is that we still believe that extroverts

are more likely to comment on their friend’s Facebook activities. The reason being is that

extroverts are more inclined to enjoy social engagement. Introversion is defined as paying

more attention to one’s inner thoughts, feelings, etc. Extroversion is defined as paying


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attention to how one relates to the outer world. Therefore, extroverts will most likely

receive and give attention more. The logic is simple: extroverts are more involved with

other people’s lives and enjoy social connections/contact. It does NOT mean that

extroverts will spend more time viewing what their friends are up to on Facebook. It just

means that extroverts will most likely comment on their friend’s activities more often.

Introverts might spend more time viewing other people’s activities but might not make

attract attention to themselves by commenting on statuses, pictures, videos.

Demographic Variables:

(1) Age: 18-24 is our Target – The reason we choose this demographic variable is due to

the fact that the people carrying out this research fall into this age category. We tend to

understand individuals in this age category better.

(2) Level of education – The difference in level of education allows to make

assumptions and gather data on whether higher education vs lower education plays a part

in using social media. Could there be a difference on how people with more education

use Facebook differently than those with a lower education?

(3) Major – Major is also an important variable to consider. Do certain majors use

Facebook less frequently? For example, do pre-med and medical students use Facebook

less often because of their tight schedules?

(4) Race – When it comes to personalities and race, is there factors involved where one

specific race tends to be more introvert and the other more of an extrovert? Could races

who are more culturally disciplined tend to be more of introverts and keep to themselves

even with the use of Facebook? Or are they just as likely to use it the same as extroverts?


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Could race be involved when it comes to introvert and extrovert personalities using

Facebook? Or is it just biased assumptions?

(5) Gender – Back in the day females used to be more shy and reserved; they kept to

themselves. But times have changed, and they’re just as outgoing now as their male

counterparts. If we do look around on Facebook, you will clearly see females using

Facebook at the same frequency as males. Which gender is more likely to be an introvert

or extrovert when it comes to Facebook usage?

(6) Frequency of usage of other Social Media: In this day in age, social media consists

of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and snapchat. Every social media platform takes up a

portion of each consumer’s day. The amount of time they spend on other social media

platforms has a huge impact on their usage of Facebook.

Research Method Design:

The research method design is casual research. We will be conducting online surveys

using Google Forms. For research method design we will be using qualitative data, which

is any data collection technique or data analysis procedure that generates or uses non -

numerical data. We will be selecting individuals to survey from 60-80 individuals. This

research isn’t about quantity of individuals; it’s more about the quality of those

individuals being surveyed and the accurate data we will be able to gather. If we choose

to target individuals who seem to actually be interested in the survey, then that will lead

to more accurate data for our research. If were to just follow the quantity method and

selected as many as possible, there’s a high probability that half could be individuals who

don’t take the survey seriously. Quality is definitely more important than Quantity; but if


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you can tackle both at the same time which we are determined to do, then there’s no

looking back for this research.

Sampling method:

A. Our sample size is 60-80 individuals.

B. Our sample size group we are targeting is between 18-24 years old. They will most

likely be undergraduate/graduate students.

C. The target location of our sample is NJIT & North Jersey. We will be allocating

surveys to our friends, families, co-workers, students and associates.

D. We are planning to use Google Forms and Facebook as platforms where our sample

targets can respond to our online survey.

E. The reason we are targeting the above stated sample is because we feel that those

individuals are highly active on Facebook.

G. With the previous sampling methods highlighted above, we have decided to use

Probability Sampling with Convenience Sampling. According to what we have learned

in class and examining the textbook the definition for this specific sampling method is

simple. Using this method, the samples/subjects are selected because they are accessible

to the researcher or easy to recruit. It’s not only about simplicity, but also about the

quality rather than the quantity. Targeting 18-24 year olds who are

undergraduate/graduate students allows us to examine a group of individuals that are

highly active on Facebook.


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Welcome to (Company Name) customer satisfaction survey!

Thank you for agreeing to take part of this important survey measuring the effect

of a person’s personality and Facebook usage. Today, we will be gaining your thoughts,

insights, and opinions in order to serve you better in the near future. This survey should

take briefly about 4-5 minutes to complete. Be assured that all answers provided will be

kept in the strictest confidentiality and anonym.

Data collection procedure (Section 3):

The procedure that our team utilized was to gather, analyze and collect data was

through Google forums. As a matter of fact, we analyzed our research even further by

collecting data, understanding results, charts, and making conclusions by using the

computer software called Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). In addition,

we sent the link on Google forums to several potential respondents. Therefore, we used

convenience sampling because we sent each survey to our friends and colleagues. We

used qualitative and quantitative data to gather our research data.

Statistics of sampling (Section 4):

Total number of responses: 49 responses

350 surveys were allocated.

14% responses rate/ non response bias

Non-sampling method was used along with convenience sampling.

Out of 350 surveys we only had 49 responses. The response rate was conducted

by dividing the number of responses by the sample size gave us a response rate of


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14 percent. We collected our data by sending the surveys to our friends and

classmates. This method leaves out a large portion of the general populace, and

only reflects the opinions and trends of people of that age group.

According to the survey 34 males and 14 females responded to the survey.  What

best defines you helped us determine the participants’ personality. 8.2 percent

believe they are a private 20.4 percent meaning they are outgoing, a combination

of social and private was 61.2 % and 10.2% thought they were not socially


Non-Response Bias: out of 49 responses we had 1 outliner. Due to the response

from that person we were not able to use it in our sample survey.

Results (Section 5) Research Questions:


(1) Which personality type is most likely to make a purchase off an advertisement on Facebook?   A. Independent- Personality type    B. Dependent- Number of purchases

Hypothesis: We assumed that both personality types equally made the same amount of

purchases off of advertisements from Facebook

Result: However, due to the significance level of 1.000; we found that there is no

relationship between personality type and purchases made off of Facebook.

(2) What is the difference in frequency use of Facebook between introverts and extroverts?            A. Independent- Personality type


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     B. Dependent- Frequency of Facebook use

Hypothesis: We assumed that both introverts and extroverts utilize Facebook on an equal

amount of time.

Results: Based on the results, the significant level is .673. Therefore, our hypothesis was

correct. There is no relationship between personality type and frequency usage of


(3) Which personality type post statuses more frequently?           A. Independent- Personality Type      B. Dependent- Frequency of status posting

Hypothesis; we assumed that the extroverted personality would post more statuses on Facebook.

The reason for that was because extroverts are perhaps more outgoing.

Results: However, due to the significance level of .494, we have concluded that there is no

relationship between the variables.

(4) Which personality type is more likely to like pictures & videos? 

 A. Independent- Personality Type B. Dependent- Amount of times consumer likes a picture or video

Hypothesis: We presumed that introverts are more likely to like videos and pictures

online because we are also assuming they spend more time online.

Results: However, due to the significance level of .822, we have concluded that there is

no relationship amongst the variables.

(5) Which personality type is more likely to get more likes on the pictures and statuses they post on Facebook? A. Independent- Personality Type 


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B. Dependent- Amount of likes they receive on average per photo/statusC. Control- Frequency of posting pictures and statuses every two weeks

Hypothesis: We expected that since extroverts are more expressive about their thoughts,

opinions, and statuses, they would probably receive more likes on their pictures and

statuses. Furthermore, we felt that extrovert might be the most involved when it comes to

updating their statuses based on their interests.

Result: However, based on the significance level of .759, there is no relationship between

the variables.

(6) Which personality type is more likely to comment on their friend’s activities on Facebook? For example, commenting on their friend’s statuses, pictures, conversations, notes?

    A. Independent- Personality Type    B. Dependent- Amount of times they comment

We were NOT able to run the test on SPSS. We used several different methods.

However, we were still unsuccessful. Therefore, we have omitted the results for this

question from our conclusion. We cannot make a conclusion about whether or not

personality type affects how often one comments on their friend’s activities. However, in

the presentation, we did state the frequency of each answer based on the survey results.

Results Chart:

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of


t-test for

Equality of


F Sig. t

How often do you login to


Equal variances assumed .180 .673 .890

Equal variances not


How often do you like other's Equal variances assumed .051 .822 .407


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post on Facebook? Equal variances not


On average how many

likes/comments does your

post receive?

Equal variances assumed .095 .759 .286

Equal variances not


How often do you update

your status / post on


Equal variances assumed .477 .494 -.539

Equal variances not


In the past year how many

purchases have you made

from an influential Facebook


Equal variances assumed .000 1.000 .000

Equal variances not

assumed .000

Independent variable: What best defines you?

Dependent variable: (1) How often do you logon to Facebook?

(2) How often do you like other’s posts on Facebook?

(3) On average, how many likes/comments does your post receive?

(4) How often do you update your status/ post on Facebook?

(5) In the past year, how many purchases have you made from an influential

Facebook ad?

Managerial/ Marketing implications Section 6:

When carrying out our research one of the main questions we kept an eye out on

when doing the research was the following: “In the past year how many purchases have

you made from an influential Facebook Ad?”. We were surprised by the results that came

back. A sum of 44 people total said they have made no purchases at all, which is around

89.8% out of the total survey. Only 5 people said they have made 1 – 3 purchases in the

past year, which equals around 10.2%. So after analyzing these results we decided to use

these statistics to give out our advice when it comes to managerial marketing

implications. The major marketing implication is that there is no relationship between

personality type and their engagement of Facebook. Therefore, a business does not have


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to alter their marketing based on the personality of the target consumer. Our advice has to

deal with improving users on Facebook both Introverts and Extroverts in engaging in

buying products when they see an advertisement on Facebook. Our best recommendation

to the whole Facebook team is to work together with the company that’s advertising their

products on their social media site. Facebook and the corporations advertising their

product should work together to include sweepstakes when thinking about buying

products. Sweepstakes are usually promotional scheme in which prizes are given to

winners selected only by chance (at random) from the entries received. Sweepstakes do

not usually require a purchase (consideration) otherwise they would become a lottery

(which requires a license to operate). If users on Facebook have a chance of winning

sweepstakes even without purchasing the product advertised on the site by a company,

then more people will feel intrigued to actually purchase the product. The advertisements

of the products can have quick surveys about the products which the winner of the

sweepstake is award a prize without having to make a purchase. This is a great

promotional strategy included with advertising where both the company and Facebook

can team up to increase the percentage of positive answers for this main question.

Appendix Section 7:

This is the survey we conducted towards our research findings and data


Which of the following social networking websites do you currently have an account with? (Check all that apply)






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 Other In a typical week, which of the following social networking websites do you use most






 OtherHow often do you login to Facebook?





 NeverWhat best defines you?



 A combination of social and private

 Not socially inclinedHow often do you comment on other people’s (your friends, associates, random) activities (status posts, videos, comments) on Facebook?


 Once every 2-3 months

 Once per month

 2-5 times per month

 2-3 times per week

 DailyHow often do you like other's post on Facebook?





 NeverOn average how many likes/comments does your post receive?



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 Leaving comments/likes privateI believe that I'm better off not trusting anyone

 Exactly like me

 A lot like me

 Somewhat like me

 A little like me

 Not at all like meHow often do you comment on your friend's Facebook activity? (Status, comments, links, conversations)


 Almost never



 Most of the timeHow often do you update your status / post on Facebook?





 NeverAt Parties I:

 Almost always leave as soon as I can

 Usually leave as soon as I can

 Usually stay as late as I can

 Almost always stays as late as I canIn the past year how many purchases have you made from an influential Facebook ad ?

 None at all




 12-15I enjoy spending time alone


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 Most of the time




 Almost neverIt is important for me to have an active social life

 Completely true

 Mostly true

 Doesn't matter

 Mostly false

 Completely falseWhat is your age group?



 31-37What is your gender?



 Do not want to answerEthnicity origin (or Race): Please specify your ethnicity.


 Black or African American

 Native American or American Indian

 Asian/Pacific Islander


 OtherWhat is the highest level of education you have completed?

 Some high school

 High school graduate

 Some level of college

 Trade/technical/vocational training

 College graduate

 Prefer not to answer


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What is your current employment status?

 Self employed

 A college student



 Working full time


Discussion & Conclusion Section 8:

This research was exciting, tedious and required a lot of hard work. We set out to

find whether or not there is a relationship between personality types and “how” each type

uses Facebook. The question intrigued our team from the beginning. Our personality type

affects our life deeply according to psychology. Therefore, we wanted to know how each

type interacts on Facebook. We felt that the answer to the question would lead us to be

able to contribute substantial information to any business that is interested in advertising

on Facebook. However, the results we have found are slightly discouraging to businesses

and marketing firms. Based on the significance levels of the tests we ran based on our

research questions, we have found that there is literally no relationship between

personality type and how they use Facebook. Furthermore, the most important finding of

our research is that we found that only five out of 48 respondents made purchases of

products from ads they saw on Facebook. That is a slightly low 9.6%. Furthermore, the

finding may also paint a picture of the buying patterns of our sample respondents. The

respondents we surveyed were between the ages of 18-34. Therefore, this study may have

found that approximately only 10% of Facebook users in that age group make purchases

off of Facebook. This information may be positive or negative to a business. It all

depends on their expectations of return on investment from advertising on Facebook.


Page 26: Facebook Analytics Report

Team 5

In conclusion, to reiterate the previous point, there is no relationship between

personality type and their use of Facebook. Furthermore, only 10% of Facebook users

between the ages of 18-34 purchase products off of ads from Face

