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Faith Geloof



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Do you have faith? Lees: 1Pet 1:6-9

Heb 11:6

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes

to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who

seek Him.

Paul defines faith in Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not


The principle of faith:

(The Spiritual Law)

*To have a strong, unshakeable belief and expectation from God the Creator

and Sustaining Force of everything. *To continually draw from what the Holy Spirit reveals from within the

realm where God dwells and connecting it to earthly matters.

Voordeel :By habitually practicing this Law, you reap

the benefit of the Law.

1) Verwagting en hoop.. 2)Optimisties

3)Jy weet wie jy is en waarheen jy oppad is4) Elke situasie word beskou as `n

geleentheid waar God `n wonderwerk kan doen

5)Geloof kweek volharding James 1:3

because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance

Nadeel van `n lewe sonder geloof:Violate the principle and you will

have...Geen verwagting..

Geen Hoop..Als is negatief..Twyfel in als..

Kan nie God loof nie..Jy staan alleen/eensaam..

Jy sal rondval..

Hoe versterk jy jou geloof?1) Verstaan hoe God dink oor jou!

2)Verstaan God se logika 3) Be led by the Spirit

4) Praat reg5)Word and Worship

6)Fellowship7)Put in on paper!

8)Tell someone what you faith for(Put it out there!)

9)Tell someone what God has done!

Jou verwagting word geskep deur die WOORD, jou aanslag kom ook deur


Proverbs 18:21

Death and life [are] in the power of the

tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit


Jak 3:6Die tong is ook ‚n vuur, die wereld van ongeregtigheid. Net so `n plek

neem die tong onder ons lede in:dit besmet die hele liggaam en steek die hele lewensloop aan die

brand en word uit die hel aangesteek!

Ephesians 6:16In addition to all this, take up the

shield of faith, with which you can

extinguish all the flaming arrows of

the evil one.

Ask God to help your unbelief!

Mark 9:23

James 2:14


Its time to pull New Life into a

new realm!

Faith for New Life:100 New Membersby the end of 2014

New Life Faith:“100 new members

2014 andnew venue”
