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Fall 2011 Parent Meeting

Date post: 26-May-2015
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The slide presentation that accompanied our fall parent meeting.
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Ensuring Your Student’s Success in Algebra Staying on Track
  • 1. Ensuring Your Students Success in Algebra

2. AcademicConsiderations This Is High School What does that mean?Lesson Process How We Teach Your StudentEnsuring Success What It Takes for a Successful Year Q&A Your Questions 3. Middle school math was essentially 50% review and 50% new Algebra is 10% review and 90% new material Part of your students permanent transcript. Everything is to a higher standard 4. Algebra is abstract concepts Algebra requires critical thinking skills 5. Algebra is a high school credit course Algebra students are held to a higher standard Pre-AP students are held to an even higher standard Algebra grades are included in their G.P.A. 6. There is NO math gene!It takes time, effort, and practice to do math well. 7. Algebraic thinking & symbolic reasoning Function concepts Relationships between equations & functions Tools for algebraic thinking Underlying mathematical processes 8. We will watch every student closely the firstmarking period. We do not want any student to have a grade ofless than 80. 9. At Second Progress A grade below 75 will result in an immediate move to 8th Grade G-T Math At The First Marking Period Any student with under an 80 average will be placed in 8th Grade G-T Math. 10. Read & NotesEvery lesson begins with a readingassignment.Students will read and take notesover one or two sections of the text.This prepares the students for thenext days lesson. 11. Class LessonThe days lesson is based on whatstudents read the previous evening.They already have begun their notesand only need to fill in the blankswhen taking class notes. 12. Home PracticeDaily practice assignments arebased on the days lesson.It will generally take about 45 to 60minutes.We encourage students use a 20minute rule when doing theirpractice. 13. ReviewAt the beginning of class we reviewand discuss selected problems withwhich students have had somedifficulties. 14. There are 3 levels of problems Level A Learn the concept; practice speed Level B What everyone should be able to do Level C Higher level stretch the skills Students choose which problems to do, BUTthey must do some from each level. 15. Assessment Every Friday Quiz, Quiz, Test You should have a graded paper every Monday. Ask for it! Quick-Quizzes Anytime 16. An end-of-course exam that covers theTexas-mandated curriculum The test will be timed 15% of final course grade No need to take a grade level assessment 17. Graphing calculators will be used extensively in class We have a class set of TI-84+ graphing calculators Your student will need one at home 18. Weekly Update Calendar Practice Sets Forms, Instruction sets, Graph paper, Information packets, etc. Other good stuff http://qvamath.net 19. Parents Student Teachers 20. Success! 21. When the gates are down and the lights are flashing;And the whistle is blowing in vain;If you sit on the tracks, ignoring the facts;Then you cant blame the wreck on the train.Don McLean 22. Dont Blame the Train 23. [email protected]@fortbendisd.com
