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Fashionista 3.2

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Chapter 3.2 of my legacy
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First off, no, I am not dead! I just took a really long time to rebuild my game which didn’t work since my computer was messed up, so I had to rebuild the laptop and then rebuild my game again…(And when I say “I” I really mean my dad rebuilt my laptop.) I know, I got problems! But seriously its all better now and I am frequently backing up my game so we should be good for a few chapters! Sorry for the delay but I am determined to finish this legacy even when I go to college next year!

Important notes: This chapter is not entirely in chronological order for a number of reasons. And occasionally some of the pictures will not be great quality since I didn’t turn on high quality in my picture settings until I had been playing for a little while. But I edited all the photos this time, so let me know if you like that or like the more traditional look better! Thanks for your patience! Let’s get started!

P.S – I will list the order of the children born in generation 4 and their stats at the end of the chapter to help with any confusion that may arise!

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Welcome to Terra Nova! A quiet and tranquil suburb located not far from Pleasantview. A rebuild means new opportunities, fresh starts, and a brand new neighborhood for the generations of my legacy to grow! I completely built everything in this neighborhood myself and so far am happy with the results! Pleasantview would have gotten much too crowded anyway if I hadn’t had to rebuild and move the legacy here! Lets pop into the Fashionista household to see how they are settling into their new environment!

Note – If you want to see layouts of all the homes I have built for the families or want me to upload them just let me know!

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Just a quick note, I redid all the portraits but the original Fashionista Legacy house remains the same! And I had to recreate Chanel, Wyatt, and Ralph just to kill them off again. It was really sad…and for some reason Wyatt’s and Ralph’s urns like to float…don’t ask me why. Alright let’s move on.

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No longer Sim State University, but NuTerra University is the location of the old Greek house, Oresha Fruhm which was originally founded by our favorite generation 2 girls, Pamela and Gela! Not much has changed…

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…Except I added a basement which is now a party room! Now my sims can get more distracted from studying! WOO!

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And this wonderful young woman has joined our little Greek house to stay as a placeholder! She is the former school cheerleader. Meet Jaiden Wong! She is a Cancer with stats of 1/5/6/2/8. Maybe I will marry her in to the next generation, who knows!

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Ugh I have had a surprising amount of burglars in this legacy! I rarely have any. And this guy got away too! Luckily I don’t think he made off with much, not that it matters because the Greek house has more money than it knows what to do with!

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While living the college life, George has become quite the gardener, and has made a prosperous garden for Oresha Fruhm!

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I also got my simmies some cellular devices…just thought I would let you know, plus doesn’t Vera look cute in this picture?!

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Both Vera and Zac graduated with 4.0s Summa Cumme Laude. Vera has a degree in Political Science since her LTW is to become a General. Zac received his in Mathematics since he wants to become the head of the Construction career like his Aunt Gela.

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Vera grew up wearing this…no words are needed to describe how ill fit this is for her family name.

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One by one the rest of them graduated, all with 4.0s (Except stupid George who got a 3.9 because he was a slacker one semester…probably too busy gardening!)

Jade earned a degree in Biology. Kelly received hers in Literature. And George got his Economics.

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They all grew up in atrocious outfits that really make me gag and said their farewells to Jaiden, leaving her behind until she would greet their children one day.

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Aren’t they cute with their smustle faces!? Luckily all the portraits were saved in the Greek house for some reason so I didn’t have to redo any!

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Meanwhile back at the ranch (and when I say “ranch” I really mean Edith and Christian’s residence) Things were going pretty normal for a legacy family!

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Christian and Edith hadn’t been married long before it was time for that baby bump to pop!

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One fine afternoon Edith gave birth to the 5th child of the 4th generation! Her name is Nina after Nina Ricci! She has her mom’s skin tone and eye color with her dad’s hair.

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And she grew up into a typical face 1 toddler, at least really close to face 1! She is adorable none the less!

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Somewhere not too far from the Hourvitz residence is the home of our newlyweds Celine and Blake Zhang in their brand new home!

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“OH MY GOD WHY AM I FAT!!!” Didn’t you hear the lullaby Celine? Someone's preggers!!! “WHAT? No, I am not fit to be a mother!”

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And just because Celine is one lucky duck and is the last person you would expect to reproduce, she had twins! Yay! The first twins of generation 4! Their names are Alice and Olivia after the brand called Alice and Olivia. (I know I am so creative!)

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This one is Alice, she was born first and has Blake’s skin tone, hair color, and eyes.

And the younger one is Olivia who has Celine’s skin tone but Blake’s eyes and hair color!

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Sometimes the twins seemed to get along pretty well…

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Other times they fought! I had never seen toddlers do this interaction before. I swear I find something new in this game everyday even after playing it all these years!

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And I figured we needed to introduce a new fury friend into the mix due to the absence of Ralph and the aging of Max and Balmain! This is Lulu, our first female dog and named after Lulu Lemon, which I am not sure if you could consider that “designer” but I think its cute!

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Now we will check in with our good pal and former placeholder, Mrs. Arcadia and her lovely family!

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Ben had aged into a surprisingly good looking kid! I really like his genes and he is definitely a possible option to marry into the main legacy!

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And soon after Ben had aged, this little one was born! Her name is Adrianna because it sounds pretty and I have no naming scheme with this family! She has her mom’s skin and eyes and brown hair like both parents!

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I think she made a pretty cute toddler too! This picture doesn’t do her much justice but I really like her unique little face, it’s refreshing after so many face 1 sims!

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Not much has changed with the Turner family! Just a new Spanish styled home! Collette aged into a super cute toddler and Tommy looks just like a child version of his dad! They also play very well together, it’s super cute!

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Chloe also has the difficult LTW of opening 5 top level businesses, which I personally have never achieved before! So the first business she bought was this little grocery store called Mimi’s Market, which is currently level 5 I believe.

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Not long after the first business had been opened, Collette aged into a cute little girl with features from both her parents.

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Over at Anna and Alvin Sartor’s modern-style abode, I present to you their first (white) child, Adam! He’s pretty darn cute and reminds me of his father besides the white part…awkward.

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But at least he matches his younger brother! This is Rick, the son that Anna was pregnant with in the previous chapter. Named after the designer/brand Rick Owens . He has green eyes, pale custom skin tone, and black hair. This is so unrealistic…I love it!

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While Kelly was finishing up her final days of Senior year, Alex was able to purchase a nice home for the two of them and enjoyed his last few days as a bachelor. He’s a babe isn’t he?

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And the first wedding of this chapter has finally arrived! May I just say that the clan has grown pretty dang big! Can’t imagine what it will be like in a few generations!

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Yes everyone, I do weddings too.

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And on that lovely morning our dearly beloved Alexander Custer wed the beautiful Kelly Creelman who became Mrs. Kelly Custer. They are one of my favorite couples so far!

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Kelly and Alexander

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And not long after graduation, George proposed to Vera after a lovely night out! She said yes without hesitation of course!

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And lastly, our beloved heir Zac proposed to Jade. (SHOCKER!) Man, I should really add some more drama and conflict to this plot. Things are getting too predictable. Anyway, they were married shortly after…

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Jade and Zac

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And a very pregnant Kelly Custer attended the wedding! Which means the 6th generation 4 child is on the way!

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Vera wed shortly after her twin brother. I even got her a Vera Wang dress for the occasion. Get it? Well anyways she looked gorgeous as all my brides do!

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Vera and George

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Kelly gave birth to a baby girl not long after Vera and George’s wedding. A black one…that figures, the one with the white parent. Legacies are so silly sometimes! Anyway her name is Jasmin after Jasmin Shokrian. She has her dad’s eyes and skin one and both parent’s hair color!

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Christian and Edith were also expecting, this would be their second child, and Nina would be getting a little sibling! Christian took over taking care of Nina while Edith took a load off. Nina became quite the daddy’s girl!

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Edith gave birth to a little girl, Elie! Like Elie Saab! And Nina grew up into a pretty typical little girl!

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Celine’s twins, Alice and Olivia also grew up. They took on many facial features from their father, especially his nose which is probably the worst outcome their genetics could have had. They are still pretty cute though!

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And back in the main house, Jade was giving birth to the first possible generation 4 heir! Quite exciting stuff!

“Dayum Brittany is hot! No wonder I have 3 bolts for her. Look at her in that sexy blue cardigan...my god – oh right baby being born…”

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Meet the first possible option for heir everyone! This is Charlotte Fashionista named after Charlotte Ronson. She has custom skin tone, blue eyes like her mom, and brown hair like her mom!

“Woo! I did my job! I made an heir! HEAR THAT EVERYONE, I MADE THAT!!!”

Oh Zac…

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And as you would predict, the first birthday of the first possible heir was a major event! And let me just say Charlotte is so cute! I am seriously excited to see how she ages, I am loving her so far though! She reminds me a bit of Chloe and Gela when they were younger but she definitely is unique!

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Jasmin aged looking a lot like Anna did when she was born! I wonder if Kelly’s unique genetics will play in (hopefully in the nose department as Alex inherited Wyatt’s and Pamela’s honker!)

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And I love how astonished these sims look when they get a baby bump…like they assume they are just gonna have one kid? Oh please…Yes, Kelly is expecting her 2nd child.

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And we can’t forget about the youngest family, the McCarthy’s! I am excited since I am sure Vera will be a wonderful mother!

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Soon enough, Vera gave birth to the first boy since the last chapter, Matthew, named after Matthew Williamson. He has his dad’s eyes and skin tone but his mom’s hair!

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Yay for ginger babies!!! Awww he is like a little mini ginger George! He reminds me a bit of Matthew McConaughey. I have no idea why…either way he is pretty dang adorable, even in yellow!

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Yes, let’s all pretend we are shocked by the fact that Vera is pregnant right after having Matthew. Seriously…I need to add a plot twist or something. Suggestions anyone? …anyone? …Beuller? …Beuller?

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Generation 4 Children

Generation 3 Parent
























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Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the next chapter…hope you are as well! I really appreciate suggestions so feel free to leave me some!
