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February 2, 2020. 33rd Sunday after Pentecost/...

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1 February 2, 2020. 33rd Sunday after Pentecost/ Tone 8 / Venerable Euthymius the Great 2 февраля 2020 года. еделя -я о ядеяе ла - р вф я елого. VESPERS variables Sources: http://www.saintjonah.org/lit/ http://days.pravoslavie.ru/Days/ http://azbyka.ru/bogosluzhenie/oktoih/index.shtml http://azbyka.ru/days/ https://azbyka.ru/bogosluzhebnye-ukazaniya?date=2020-02-02 February 1, 2020 Saturday. Ven. Macarius the Great of Egypt. St Mark of Ephesus. 1 февраля 2020 года оа р аа ря ел ого г еого. а чаах – роарь реодоого Кода реодоого чаюя оереео Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. . Ven. Macarius. Troparion, Tone 1: Thou wast shown to be a desert-dweller, an angel in the body and a wonder-worker, O our God-bearing father Macarius. Having received heavenly gifts through fasting, vigil and prayer, thou dost heal the infirm and the souls of those who have recourse unto thee in faith. Glory to Him Who hath given thee strength! Glory to Him Who hath crowned thee! Glory to Him Who worketh healings for all through thee! Троарь реодоо аарю ело гео гла 1 ель во ло гел чдово ре яв ля е огоо е о че а аа ре оо де е ол вою ее ая дарова я р еля е ед я д ве рою рходя х ла ва а ве ее ре оь ла ва еча ве я ла ва е вюе оо ю ве еле я. Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. . Theotokion from the Horologion Kontakion, Tone 1 Having in life reached the end of a blessed life with the choirs of the martyrs, thou dwellest in the land of the meek, as is meet, O God-bearing Macarius; and having populated the desert as it were a city, thou hast received from God the grace of miracles. Wherefore, we honor thee. Кода реодоо аарю ело гео гла 1 лае ю ь оча в в чече л в ел ро х доо о водворя ея огоо е аа ре ю я ое град аел в лагода ь ря л е о о га чде е е я оча е. February 2, 2020. 33rd Sunday after Pentecost/ Tone 8 / 2 февраля 2020 года. еделя -я о ядеяе ла - р вф я
Page 1: February 2, 2020. 33rd Sunday after Pentecost/ …sergei.synology.me/text/readings-variables/33-after...лагода ь р yл е о ога ч де е е y оч а е . February 2,


February 2, 2020. 33rd Sunday after Pentecost/ Tone 8 / Venerable Euthymius the Great

2 февраля 2020 года. еделя -я о я де я е ла - р вф я ел ого.

VESPERS variables







February 1, 2020 Saturday. Ven. Macarius the Great of Egypt. St

Mark of Ephesus.

1 февраля 2020 года

о а р а а р я ел ого

г е ого.

а ча ах – ро арь ре одо ого Ко да

ре одо ого ч аю я о ере е о

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to

the Holy Spirit.


Ven. Macarius. Troparion, Tone 1:

Thou wast shown to be a desert-dweller, an

angel in the body and a wonder-worker, O

our God-bearing father Macarius. Having

received heavenly gifts through fasting,

vigil and prayer, thou dost heal the infirm

and the souls of those who have recourse

unto thee in faith. Glory to Him Who hath

given thee strength! Glory to Him Who

hath crowned thee! Glory to Him Who

worketh healings for all through thee!

Тро арь ре одо о а ар ю ел о

г е о гла 1

ель во ло гел

ч до во ре яв л я е ого о е о че а

а а р е о о де е ол вою

е е ая дарова я р еля е

ед я д ве рою р ходя х

ла ва а в е е е ре о ь ла ва

е ча в е я ла ва е в ю е

о о ю в е еле я.

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of

ages. Amen.


Theotokion from the Horologion

Kontakion, Tone 1

Having in life reached the end of a blessed life

with the choirs of the martyrs, thou dwellest in

the land of the meek, as is meet, O God-bearing

Macarius; and having populated the desert as it

were a city, thou hast received from God the

grace of miracles. Wherefore, we honor thee.

Ко да ре одо о а ар ю ел о

г е о гла 1

ла е ю ь о ча в в

че че л в е л ро х

до о о водворя е я ого о е

а а р е ю я о е град а ел в

лагода ь р я л е о о га ч де е е

я оч а е .

February 2, 2020.

33rd Sunday after Pentecost/ Tone 8 /

2 февраля 2020 года. еделя -я о

я де я е ла - р вф я

Page 2: February 2, 2020. 33rd Sunday after Pentecost/ …sergei.synology.me/text/readings-variables/33-after...лагода ь р yл е о ога ч де е е y оч а е . February 2,


Venerable Euthymius the Great ел ого

Vespers ечер я

Blessed is the man. « ла е » – аф а в я

Lord I have Cried, Tone 8, on 10: Octoechos 4; Saint 6

(O father Euthymius); G: Saint (Dedicated to God); N:

Sunday Dogmatic Theotokion in the tone of the week.

а « о од во вах» х р а 10: во ре е

гла - – ре одо ого гла 1- гла - –

« лава» – ре одо ого гла - : « вя е в

о г » « е» – дог а гла - : « арь

е е »

Lord, I Have Cried: о од во вах Л :

Reader: In the 8th

Tone: Lord, I have cried

unto Thee, hearken unto me.

Choir: Lord, I have cried unto Thee, hearken

unto me; hearken unto me, O Lord.

Lord, I have cried unto Thee, hearken unto me;

attend to the voice of my supplication, when I

cry unto Thee. Hearken unto me, O Lord.

Let my prayer be set forth as incense before

Thee, the lifting up of my hands as an evening

sacrifice. Hearken unto me, O Lord.

Л : о од , во ва х Те е , л я. /

л я, о од .

о од во ва х Те е л я: во

гла оле я оего в егда во ва

Те е . / л я, о од .

а ра в я ол ва оя , / я о ад ло

ред То о ю, / во дея е р ое ю / –

е р ва вече р яя. / л я, о од .

A The resurrectional Stichera, tone 8: х р во ре е гла :

Stichos: Bring my soul out of prison, / that I

may confess Thy name.


We offer unto Thee, O Christ, /

Evening hymnody and rational service; /

For it was Thy good pleasure to have mercy

upon us //

By Thy Resurrection.

ече р юю е ь, /

лове ю л , /

Те е р е р о , /

я о лаговол л е о лова а

о ре е е .

Stichos: The righteous shall wait patiently

for me, / until Thou shalt reward me.


O Lord, O Lord, turn us not away from Thy

face, /

But be Thou well-pleased to have mercy upon

us //

By Thy Resurrection.

о од о од , /

е о ве р а о Твоего л а , /

о лаговол о лова а о ре е е .

Stichos: Out of the depths have I cried unto

Thee, O Lord, / O Lord, hear my voice.


Rejoice, O holy Sion, /

Mother of Churches, thou dwelling-place of

God! /

For thou wast first to receive remission of

а д я, о е вя , /

а ер ве , о е л е, /

Т о р я л е е рв , /

о авле е грехо в, о ре е е .

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Through the Resurrection.

Stichos: Let Thine ears be attentive, / to the

voice of my supplication.


The Word, Who was begotten of God the

Father before the ages, /

And Who in latter times /

Of His own will became incarnate of her who

knew not wedlock, /

Endured death by crucifixion; /

And by His Resurrection //

He hath saved man who was slain of old.

е о о га а ло во, /

ре де ве о д ее я, /

в о ле д яя е вре е а , /

То е де о е о ра ч я во ло ее я

во лею, /

ра я е е р ое ре ер е : /

дре вле ер вле аго челове а а е /

во о ре е е .

of the venerable one:Tone 1 [Special Melody “O most

lauded martyrs”]: ре одо ого гла 1- гла - – 6.

Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, O

Lord, O Lord, who shall stand? / For with Thee

there is forgiveness.


O father Euthymius, / an angel of heaven was

sent to announce beforehand the birth of thee /

who like John didst spring forth from the

womb of a barren woman; / for thou didst

show thyself to be an emulator of him / and a

homeless one who spurned possessions, /

sharing his way of life, / and, like the Baptist,

sustaining thysef in the mountains, // and

shining forth with boundless miracles.

гла 1- : че вф е вое ро де во

редво ве о ла е е гел

я о ро я аго чре ва е ло д я

оа а ого о яв л я е рев ель

ед о ра ве е я а ель е до я о

Кре ель в гора х а я я ро я в

е е р ч де .

Stichos: For Thy name’s sake have I

patiently waited for Thee, O Lord; my soul

hath patiently waited for Thy word, / My

soul hath hoped in the Lord.

, ,

, /


O father Euthymius, / thou didst produce the

fruit of barrenness, / yet wast truly shown to

have many children; / for the desert, which

before was trackless, / became filled with

monastics, thy spiritual seed. / And now, make

thou supplication, // that our souls be granted

peace and great mercy.

че вф е лод ро я л е о

е ло д ва о яв л я е во

огоча де : о е е е о д хо в аго воего

о а е в ю х а о л я я я е

е рвее е рохо д а./ е ол дарова

д а а р ве л ю ло ь.

Stichos: From the morning watch until

night, from the morning watch, / Let Israel

hope in the Lord.


O father Euthymius, / thy life was excellent

and thy Faith truly Orthodox; / for through

activity thou didst attain unto the most exalted

vision, / becoming an abode of wisdom, /

worshipping Christ in two natures as One of

че вф е,/ вое е ре я о,/

ве ра во раво ла в а,/ о о дея я

в оча е ре ю до гл е ,/

ре дро в л е,/ во двою

е е в д аго че в я о Тро

Page 4: February 2, 2020. 33rd Sunday after Pentecost/ …sergei.synology.me/text/readings-variables/33-after...лагода ь р yл е о ога ч де е е y оч а е . February 2,


the Trinity. // Him do thou beseech in behalf of

our souls.

р а ./ го е ол о д а х а х.

Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,

and with Him is plenteous redemption; /

And He shall redeem Israel out of all his



й e .

O Father Euthymius, / sharing in the sufferings

of Him Who was stretched out upon the Cross,

/ through asceticism thou didst truly make

thyself conformable / to His resurrection and

glory. / Him do thou now entreat, // that He

grant to our souls peace and great mercy.

че вф е ра е о в а

Кре е а ро е р аго я о е е

во ре е ю е го ла ве оо ра е

во л е го е е ол

дарова д а а р ве л ю

ло ь.

Stichos: O praise the Lord, all ye nations; /

Praise Him all ye peoples.

, /


Tone [Special Melody “Called from on high”]: O thou who wast sanctified from thy mother’s

womb, / when the eye of Him Who seeth all

things / perceived thy purpose and inclination /

leading constantly toward those things which

are higher, / then, O most blessed one, /

declaring thee to be a God-given gift, / the

namesake of goodly courage, / He freed thy

parents from their sorrow. / Wherefore,

advancing from infancy, / thou didst please

God, our Benefactor. / Him do thou beseech, //

that He save and enlighten our souls.

гла 4- : е чре ва а ер я о вя е егда

ев дя ее о редло е е ло е е

л ч вед ее, ево вра о вое

ров де огда в е ла е е дар

огода е лагод я е о е

во ве в я род еле ра ре а е

е ова е Те е о ладе ва

ро веде лагоде елю о г лаго год л

е го е ол а ро ве д

а а.

Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to

prevail over us, / And the truth of the Lord

abideth forever.


Finding thee to be like a clear mirror of divine

revelations, / Christ illumined thee with the

radiant splendor of His light, / O father who art

full of gifts divine. / Wherefore, thou hast been

shown to be a wellspring overflowing with

healings / and a feeder of the hungry, /

watering with rains the desire of those who

thirst; / and, looking upon souls as pledges, O

wise one, / by thy discourse thou didst elevate

them unto God. / Him do thou beseech, // that

He save and enlighten our souls.

е дарова о е ве х о л е я

я о е ве р е о ер а ло о че о ре

р о о е ве х явле ве л

я е воего ве а е е о л а

о д е еле о ле яв л я е

о ч ре а ель е а лч х

а д х одо де ь а ая я ела е

д е в я е ало г ря ло во дре

л ч я о вор л е о г го е ол

а ро ве д а а.

Tone 3: « лава» – ре одо ого гла - :

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to

the Holy Spirit.


Dedicated to God, like another Samuel, / from

thy mother’s womb O father Euthymius

вя е в о г чре ва а ер я,/ я о

др г а л, о че вф е,/ е о е о

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thou wast the namesake of the goodly courage

for the faithful, / the staff and confirmation of

monastics, / and the pure habitation of the

Holy Spirit. // Ask thou great mercy for us who

honor thee.

л е лагод е ве р х,/

о а е в ю х е л вер де е,/

вя а го ха ч ое л е./ ро а

ч я ве л ю ло ь.

Tone 8: « е» – дог а гла - : « арь е е »

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.

Amen. .

B2 Dogmatic Theotokion:

In His love for mankind, The King of Heaven

appeared on earth and dwelt among men; /

For He Who recieved flesh from the pure

Virgin /

And came forth from her having received

human nature, /

Is the only Son of God, /

Two in nature but not hypostasis. /

Therefore, proclaiming Him to be truly perfect

God and perfect man, /

We confess Christ our God. /

Him do thou beseech, O Mother unwedded,//

That our souls find mercy!

огород че ог а :

арь е е /

а челове олю е а е л яв я, /

челове о ве : /

о е в о я ло ь р е ,/

ея ро е д во р я е . /

д е ь , г е е во , /

о е о а ю. /

Те е овер е а Того о га /

овер е а елове а во

ро ове даю е, /

ове д е р а о га а его: /

го е ол , а е еве ая, /

о лова я д а а .

Entrance, O Gladsome Light; Prokimenon of the day

The prokimenon for the Vespers:

On Saturday evenings, in tone 6:

The Lord is King, He is clothed with majesty.

Stichos: The Lord is clothed with strength and

He hath girt Himself.

Stichos: For He established the world which

shall not be shaken.

Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, O

Lord, unto length of days.

ро а вечер е:

вечеро гла :

о о дь во ар я в ле о о лече я.

х: лече я о о дь в л

ре оя а я.

х: о верд в еле ю я е е

одв я.

х: о Твое одо а е вя я

о од в долго д .

Deacon: Wisdom.

Reader: The Reading is from the Wisdom of


Deacon: Let us attend.

а о : ре дро ь.

е : ре дро оло о ч е е.

а о : о е .

The Reading from the Wisdom of Solomon

Reader: The souls of the righteous are in the

hand of God, and there shall no torment touch

them. In the sight of the unwise they seemed to

die: and their departure is taken for misery, and

( глав ):

е : ра вед х д в р е о е е

р о е я х а е ева а в

оче е х е х ре в е я

о ло ле е хо д х е е о а е в е

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their going from us to be utter destruction: but

they are in peace. For though they be punished

in the sight of men, yet is their hope full of

immortality. And having been a little chastised,

they shall be greatly rewarded: for God proved

them, and found them worthy for himself. As

gold in the furnace hath he tried them, and

received them as a burnt offering. And in the

time of their visitation they shall shine, and run

to and fro like sparks among the stubble. They

shall judge the nations, and have dominion

over the people, and their Lord shall reign for

ever. They that put their trust in him shall

understand the truth: and such as be faithful in

love shall abide with him: for grace and mercy

is to his saints, and he hath care for his elect.

о р е е о е ь в ре о ре д

л е челове че а е р

ова е х е е р я о л е о в а ле

а а а в е вел

лагоде ель вова д я о ог

я о ре е х до о е е о ла о в

гор ле х я о в е ло д е

ер ве ое р я я во вре я о е е я

х во я ю я о р о е л ю

о е дя я о о лада ю людь

во ар я о одь в х во ве

аде ю я а ь ра е ю

ве р в лю в ре д : я о

лагода ь ло ь в ре одо х го

о е е е во ра х го .

Deacon: Wisdom.

Reader: The Reading is from the Wisdom of


Deacon: Let us attend.

а о : ре дро ь.

е : ре дро оло о ч е е.

а о : о е .

Wisdom of Solomon 5:15-6:3

Reader: The righteous live for evermore; their

reward also is with the Lord, and the care of

them is with the Most High. Therefore shall

they receive a glorious kingdom, and a

beautiful crown from the Lord’s hand: for with

his right hand shall He cover them, and with

His arm shall He protect them. He shall take to

Him His jealousy for complete armor, and

make the creature His weapon for the revenge

of His enemies. He shall put on righteousness

as a breastplate, and true judgment for an

invincible shield. His severe wrath shall He

sharpen for a sword, and the world shall fight

with Him against the unwise. Then shall the

right-aiming thunderbolts go abroad; and from

the clouds, as from a well drawn bow, shall

they be cast as out of a stone bow, and the

water of the sea shall rage against them, and

the floods shall cruelly drown them. Yea, a

mighty wind shall stand up against them, and

like a storm shall blow them away: thus

iniquity shall lay waste the whole earth, and ill

dealing shall overthrow the thrones of the

mighty. Hear, therefore, O ye kings, and

understand; learn, ye that be judges of the ends

of the earth. Give ear, ye that rule the people,

and glory in the multitude of nations. For

power is given you by the Lord, and

sovereignty from the Most High.

( глав 5 ):

е : ра вед во ве в в

о оде да х: о ече е х

яго. его ра д р а р в е

лаголе я ве е до ро о р

о о д : а е де ею о р е я

ею а х р е в еор е

рве е вое воор варь в е ь

враго лече я в ро я ра вд

во ло ле д ел е е ре р е

е о ед ре одо е оо р е

а ра г ев во ор е: о о ре е

р а е я о д равол ч я

ре л о л я о о лаго р гла л а

о ла о в а а е ре е оле я о

а е о е я я ро о л ь ад гра д

о егод е а х вода ор а я ре е

о о я я а гло о ро в а е д х

л я о в хор ра ве е х о о

в ю е лю е а о е лоде во

ревра ре о л ль х л е о

а р е, ра е е ав е д о е в

е л е дер а о е ва

гордя я о аро дех я ов я о да а е ь

о о ода дер а ва ва ла о яго.

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Deacon: Wisdom.

Reader: The Reading is from the Wisdom of


Deacon: Let us attend.

а о : ре дро ь.

е : ре дро оло о ч е е.

а о : о е .

The Reading from the Wisdom of Solomon

Reader: Though the righteous be prevented

with death, yet shall he be in rest. For

honourable age is not that which standeth in

length of time, nor that is measured by number

of years. But wisdom is the grey hair unto men,

and an unspotted life is old age. He pleased

God, and was beloved of Him: so that living

among sinners he was translated. Yea, speedily

was he taken away, lest that wickedness should

alter his understanding, or deceit beguile his

soul. For the bewitching of naughtiness doth

obscure things that are honest; and the

wandering of concupiscence doth undermine

the simple mind. He, being made perfect in a

short time, fulfilled a long time: for his soul

pleased the Lord; therefore hastened He to take

him away from among the wicked. This the

people saw, and understood not, neither laid

they up this in their minds: that His grace and

mercy is with His saints, and that He hath

respect unto His chosen.

ре :7–15

е : ра вед а е о г е

о ча я в о о де : а ро ь о

че а е оголе а е в ч ле ле

ч а е я ед а е е ь дро ь

челове о во ра а ро е

е ве р о лаго го де о г в

во лю ле ь в о реде

гре ре а вле ь во х е

ь да е ло а е ра а его л

ле ь рель д его аче е о ло

о рача е до рая аре е о хо

ре е я е е ло в о ча в я в а ле

о л ле а до лга го д а о е о одев

д а его его ра д о а я о ред

л а в в я Лю д е е в дев е е

ра е в е е оло в е в о ле

а ово е я о лагода ь ло ь в

ре одо х го о е е е во

ра х го .

At Litia: Л я :

а л х ра хра а л е х р

ре одо ого гла 2- « лава» – ре одо ого гла - :

« ро я а до рая дела воя » « е» – огород че во ре о гла « лав »: « р р а оле я »

Of the temple: Protection of the Theotokos Tone 3: The all-radiant feast of thine honored protection / hath

dawned today, O all-pure Virgin! / Brightly thou dost

illumine more than the sun / the people who with faith

and a pure heart / confess thee to be the true Mother of

God, / and cry out to thy Son: / O Christ God, through

the supplications of the Ever-virgin / who gave birth to

Thee in purity and without corruption, / give not Thine

inheritance over to the enemies who wage war upon us,

// but in that thou art merciful save our souls in peace.

х ра хра а о ро ва огоро д , гла 3: а а д е ь ре ве л ра д , реч ая е во,

/ че а го Твоего о ро ва. / а че о л а

о ве а е лю д , / ве рою о ч а е рд а Те е

ю а ерь о ю ове даю я /

Твое во ю я: / р е о е, ол ва

р оде в , / ч о е ле я ро д я Тя, /

е реда дь враго ра ю Твое до оя е, / о

я о ло в а в ре д а а.

Tone 2: "Be ye of good courage!" the angel of the Lord

said to thy parents, "For a child shall be born to you of

the womb, the namesake of good courage!" And thou

wast conceived in the womb, fulfilling the promise to

them, and wast nourished with prayer from earliest

infancy, O father Euthymius.

гла 2- лагод в е – глаго ла е род еле

гел о о де ь - я о о роча чре л род я

ва лагод в я е о е о ача л я е е во

чре ве о я е о е ова е о еле ол вою

во а л я е о че вф е.

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Having strengthened thy mind with divine

understanding, O father Euthymius, thou didst traverse

impassable wastes, in nowise amazed by the things of

this earth. In tribulations thou didst show thyself to be

most valiant and great in wisdom, and humble and meek

in thine ascetic struggle and goodly courage. And thou

didst manifestly sail across the raging sea of this present

life, attaining unto the right tranquil haven. Entreat

Christ, that He have mercy on our souls.

ре в ра о о е ве о че вф е

реходя ая ре е л е а о е д в в я

е в о р ех о веле др яв в я

до ле ве е в о е е лагод

ре ро о р аго я е оя ю

ч я ве ре л л е лаго ое

р а е до г р а ол о лова д

а а.

Thou didst spurn the things of this life, O father

Euthymius, as one who desired the life on high; and

thou didst disdain riches, clothing thyself in humility.

Thou didst hate food and didst embrace abstinence; thou

didst reject unrighteousness and didst pursue

righteousness. Wherefore, O venerable father, in thy

holy prayers to the Lord be thou mindful of us.

я в ве ре ре л е о че вф е

я о яго я во ела в ога ва

во г а л я е оде яв я в ре е

во е ав дел е о ло а л е во дер а е

е ра вд о р л е ра вд ог а л е Те е

о че ре одо е о я а в ре одо х

ол вах во х о о од .

Glory... Tone 4: гла 4.

Thy good works shone forth like the sun on earth and in

heaven, O Euthymius, favorite of Christ; for in

Orthodox manner thou hast preached to us the true and

unadulterated Faith of Christ. Wherefore, pray thou, O

venerable and God-bearing father, that He grant us great

mercy on the day of thy commemoration.

ро я а до рая дела воя я о о л е а е л

а е е р о в го д че вф е

раво ла в о о ро ове дал е а ю

е оро ч ю ве р р о в ./ Те е ол я

ре одо е о че в а я вое ого о е

дарова а ве л ю ло ь.

Both now...

C2 Theotokion: Mercifully regard the supplications of

thy servants, O all-immaculate one, / Quelling the uprisings of the cruel demons against us, / Delivering us from every sorrow; / For thee alone have we as a steadfast and sure

confirmation, / And we have acquired Thine intercession; / Let not us that call upon thee be put to shame, O

Mistress. / Haste thou to answer the entreaty of them that cry out to

thee with faith: / Rejoice, thou help, joy and protection of all, / And salvation of our souls!

огород че : р р а оле я Тво х ра ,

е е оро ч ая, / оля ю лю ая а во а я, / в я я о р а е я ю . / Тя о, д , ве рдое ве ое вер де е

а , / Твое ред а ель во я а хо . / а е о д я, лад ч е, Тя р ва ю , / о я а оле е, Те е ве р о во ю х: / ра д я, лад ч е, в ех о о е, / а до е о ро ве, а е е д а х.

Aposticha х р а хов е

Aposticha: Tone 8 Octoechos; G: Saint (O venerable

father); N: Theotokion in Tone 5 (Thou art the temple

and portal).

а хов е х р во ре е гла - « лава» –

ре одо ого гла 5- : « ре одо е о че » «

е» – огород че во ре о гла « лав »:

« ра дверь е »

The Resurrection Aposticha, tone 8: а хов е х р о ре гла :

Having descended from heaven, O Jesus, /

Thou didst mount the Cross; /

Thou didst come to death; O Immortal Life. /

True Light for those in darkness; /

Resurrection for the fallen. /

о е л е а Кре е, /

е д е е е , /

р е л е а ер ь во е е е р ,


во ь е ве , /

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Or our Saviour, enlightenment of all, glory be

to Thee.

а д в ех о ре е е, /

ро ве е е а е а ла ва Те е .

Stichos: The Lord is King, He is clothed

with majesty.

х 1:


We glorify Christ Who rose from the dead; /

For, having assumed soul and flesh, /

He cut the passions off on either hand. /

Therefore, when His all-pure soul descended

into hades, /

He took it captive. //

And in the tomb the body of the Deliverer of

our souls did not see corruption.

р а лаво ло в , во ре аго о

е р в х: /

д о е ло р е , /

ра о о ою д о ече , /

реч е о д во ад о е д е , /

его е ле : /

во гро е е ле я е в де вя о е е ло, /

а в еля д а х.

Stichos: For He hath established the world

which shall not be shaken.

х 2:


With psalms and hymns, we glorify Thy

Resurrection from the dead. O Christ, /

Whereby Thou didst free us from the tyranny

of hades //

And, as God, didst grant us everlasting life and

great mercy.

ал е ь лаво ло в , р е , /

о е р в х Твое о ре е е: /

е а во од л е ч ель ва

а дова,/ я о ог дарова л е ь

ве ч ю,/

ве л ю ло ь.

Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, O

Lord, unto length of days.

х :


O Master of all, unapproachable Creator of

heaven and earth, /

Who suffered on the Cross, /

Thou didst pour forth dispassion upon me./

Having accepted burial and risen in glory, /

Thou didst raise up Adam with Thyself by

Thine almighty hand. /

Glory to Thy rising on the third day, /

Whereby Thou didst bestow upon us

everlasting life /

And cleansing of sins, //

In that Thou alone art compassionate.

лад о в ех е о е, /

Тво рче е е е е л , /

ре о о рада в , е е ра е

оч л е : /

огре е е е р е , во ре во ла ве, /

ово ре л е да а р о ю в е ль ою. /

ла ва Твое р д е в о во а ю, /

е дарова л е а ве ч ю ь, /

оч е е грехо в, /

я о д лаго ро е .

G: Saint , Tone 5 « лава» – ре одо ого гла 5- :

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to

the Holy Spirit.


O venerable father, / thou gavest no sleep to

thine eyes, / nor slumber to thine eyelids, /

until thou didst free soul and body from the

passions, / and didst prepare thyself as a

dwelling-place for the Spirit; / for Christ,

coming with the Father, made His abode

within thee. / In that thou art a favorite of the

ре одо е о че,/ е дал е а во

оче е ,/ е ве до во дре а я,/

до де е д е ло о ра е во од л

е / е е го о вал е ха л е:/

р е д о, р о о е / о ель в

е е о вор ./ д о Тро

го д в вел о ро ове д че о че а

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consubstantial Trinity, / O Euthymius our

father, thou great preacher, // pray in behalf of

our souls.

вф е ол я о д а х а х.

Same tone « е» – гла о е

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of

ages. Amen.


C2 Theotokion: Thou art the temple and portal, / The palace and throne of the King, / O most honored Virgin, / Through whom Christ the Lord, my Deliverer,

/ Who is the Sun of Righteousness, / Hath revealed Himself unto them that sleep in

darkness,/ Desiring to enlighten that which He fashioned

by His own hand in His image./ Wherefore, O most hymned one, / As thou hast acquired maternal boldness

before Him, / Entreat Him without ceasing, that our souls be


огород че : ра верь е , / ала а ре о л аре в, / е во ече а я, / ю е а в ель о , р о о о дь, / во ь е я яв я, / о л е ра вд , / ро ве хо я , я е о да о о ра

вое р о ю вое ю. / Те е, е е ая, / я о а ер е дер ове е е

я а в ая, / е ре а о ол / а я д а а .

(at Vigil) Troparia: O Theotokos and Virgin x2; Saint (Rejoice, O desert) x1. / о Тр вя о –

« огород е ево » (два д ) ро арь ре одо ого гла - (ед о д )

(at Great Vespers) Troparia: о Тр вя о –

- If it is one of the great feasts, we sing the Troparion of

the feast thrice.

- If it is a Sunday coinciding with some other feast, we

sing the resurrectional troparion once, then Glory to the

Father, then the troparion from the Menaion, then Both

now and ever, then the appointed Theotokion.

- л од вел х ра д ов ое ро арь

ра д а р д

- о вечера огда е ь др го ра д

ое во ре ро арь ед о д а е лава,

а е ро арь е далее е

огород че

E1 Resurrectional troparion, tone 8:

From on high didst Thou descend, O

Compassionate One. /

To burial of three days hast Thou submitted /

That Thou mightest free us from our passions. /

O our Life and Resurrection, O Lord, glory be to


Тро арь, гла 8:

в о е л е , лаго ро е, /

огре е е р я л е р д е в ое, /

да а во од ра е , /

во е о ре е е а е, о од ,

ла ва Те е !

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to

the Holy Spirit.


Tone 4:

Rejoice, O desert who hast not given birth! / Be

of good cheer, O thou who hast not felt the

ро арь ре одо ого гла :

е ел я я ера да ю ая

лагод в е оля ая я о о

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pangs of travail! / For the man of spiritual

desires hath multiplied children for thee, /

planting them with piety and nurturing them

with abstinence / unto the perfection of the

virtues. / Through his supplications, O Christ

God, // bring peace to our life.

е е ча да ела д хо в х

лагоче е а ад в во дер а е

во а в до роде еле в овер е во

Того ол ва р е о е р

во а .

Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.



E3 Theotokion, (once) same tone:

The mystery hidden from before the ages / And unknown even to the Angels, / Through thee, O Theotokos, hath been revealed

to those on earth: / God incarnate in unconfused union, / Who willingly accepting the Cross for our sake,

/ And, thereby, raising up the first-formed man, / Hath saved our souls from death.

огород че (од ра ) гла о е:

е о ве а ае ое / гело е ве до ое а во, / То о ю огоро д е а е л

яв я ог, / в е л о оед е во ло а е ь, / Кре во лею а ра д во р , / е во ре в ерво да аго, / а е о е р д а а.

Matins: God is the Lord, Tone 8; Troparia: Resurrection x2; G:

Saint (Rejoice, O desert); N: Resurrectional Theotokion in the 4th

tone (The mystery hidden).

After each Kathisma: Sessional hymns from the Octoechos.

Polyeleos and Magnification of the Saint: We bless thee, O

venerable father Euthymius, and we honor thy holy memory, O

instructor of monks and converser with the angels; The Evlogitaria (The assembly of angels was amazed).

Hypakoe of the Tone; all the Sessional hymns of the Saint.

Hymns of Ascents, and Prokimenon Tone 8.

Matins Gospel 11, John 21:15-25 (§67).

Having beheld the resurrection; Psalm 50; G: Through the

prayers of the apostles; N: Through the prayers of the

Theotokos; Have mercy on me, O God; Jesus having risen. Save,

O God, Thy people.


Resurrection 4 Glory to Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord.

Theotokos 2 O Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Saint (both canons) 8 Venerable father Euthymius, pray to God for us.

Irmos of the canon of the Resurrection, Tone 8.

Katavasia: The Sun once shone with its rays.

After Ode 3, Kontakion (Creation found joy), Ikos, and Sessional hymns of the Saint (Thou didst spiritually fill the lamp); G/N:

Theotokion (O Mistress, as is meet).

After Ode 6, Kontakion and Ikos of the Resurrection. At Ode 9, More Honorable.

Holy is the Lord, our God.

Exapostilaria: Resurrection; G: Saint (God sanctified thee from

thy mother’s womb); N: Resurrectional Theotokion

а « ог о одь» – ро арь во ре гла

8- (два д ) « лава» – ро арь ре одо ого гла -

« е» – огород че во ре о гла « лав »: « е о ве а »

Каф 2-я -я ал е е е едаль

во ре е1

ол еле ел ча е ре одо ого ра ало 1 « гель о ор » а о гла а

едале ре одо ого о 1- хо лов гла - :

« ве о я я » едале ре одо ого о 2-

хо лов гла 5- : « о ече я » « лава» – едале ре одо ого о ол елее гла - : « е

о » « е» – огород че е гла о

е: « о е в » е е ро е – гла а

ва гел е во ре ое 11-е « о ре е е р ово в дев е » о 50- ал е: « лава» – « ол ва

а о олов » х ра во ре ая гла - : « о ре

о гро а »

Ка о : во ре о р о о а ( р о ед о д )

огород ( о ха) а 2 ре одо ого (два а о а)


ле е е « ое о одев » Ка ава я « гл ород ель ю »

о - е – о да о ре одо ого гла -

едале ре одо ого гла о е (два д ) « лава е» – огород че е гла о е

о - е – о да о во ре е гла -

а 9- е ое « е е ю»

о 9- е – « вя о одь ог а » а о лар во ре 11- « лава» – ве ле

ре одо ого « е» – огород че во ре ого

е а о лар я

« я ое д ха е » хвал е ал

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Praises, Tone 8, on 8: Resurrection 4; Saint 4 (O venerable father

Euthymius – with the doxasticon (We honor thee, O Euthymius) and the final two psalm verses: Precious in the sight of the Lord

is the death of His saints. & Blessed is the man that feareth the

Lord; in His commandments shall he greatly delight); G: Gospel

Sticheron; N: Most blessed art thou. After the Great Doxology, the Troparion: Having risen; the two remaining Litanies and

Resurrectional dismissal; First Hour.

а хвал ех х р а : во ре е гла - –

ре одо ого гла о е – ( о лав о р ева во р ев в ее а хов е

вечера) « лава» – х ра ева гель ая 11-я « е»

– « ре лаго лове а е »

ел ое лаво лов е о Тр вя о – ро арь во ре : « о ре гро а »

Hours: Troparia: Resurrection, G: Saint; Kontakion: Saint and Resurrection, alternating.

– ро арь во ре « лава» – ро арь ре одо ого Ко да ре одо ого во ре

ч аю я о ере е о

Liturgy Beatitudes on 10 Octoechos 6; Saint 4, from Ode 3.

After the entrance: Troparia & Kontakia as in Appendix I, A.

Prokimenon, Tone 8: Make your vows. & Tone 7: Precious in the

sight of the Lord.

Epistle: I Tim. 4:9-15 (§285 mid.); Heb. 13:17-21 (§335).

Alleluia, Tone 8 & Tone 6.

Gospel: Luke 19:1-10 (§94); Luke 6:17-23 (§24).

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord in the heavens & In everlasting remembrance.

Resurrectional Dismissal.

Л ла е гла а – ре одо ого

е ь -я – 4.

о входе – ро ар о да :

хра е о од о – ро арь во ре ро арь ре одо ого « лава» – о да ре одо ого «

е» – о да во ре

хра е огород – ро арь во ре ро арь

хра а ро арь ре одо ого о да во ре « лава» – о да ре одо ого « е» – о да

хра а

хра е вя ого – ро арь во ре ро арь

ре одо ого о да во ре « лава» – о да ре одо ого « е» – « ред а ель во

хр а »

Примечание. Поскольку в честь преподобного совершалось

всенощное бдение, по входе на Литургии тропарь и кондак

храма святого не поется.

ро е алл л ар р ча е – во ре е

ре одо ого

о ол ва гел е – д я ре одо ого

р еча е е е год в еделю -ю о

я де я е (20 я варя) ч аю я во ре е ч е я

32- едел (о а хее)
