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FFICIAL GAZETTE · 2020. 8. 24. · moeten in de taal, in welke zij verschijnen zullen,...

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0 FFICIAL GAZETTE Of South West ftfrica Published by Ruthority. OFFICIELE KOERANT van Zuidwes.t Uitgegeven op Rfrik_a. gezag. 6d. friday, 15th August 192- ~ WINDHOEK Vrijdag, 15 Augustus J 924 No.141 General Notict:. (No. 11 of 1924.) P ur suan t to Section 97 of the "Actrnir,ist rat io n of E,t;ites A.ct 19 13" as applied to South West Afri,:a. List of a mounts s tan ding in the Books of the Cmardian' s fu nd \Yhich arc clai mable and unclaimed. AU ,Perso ns in te rested a re invited to . ~ 'ibmit th eir claims to t his Office, q uot in g th e Folio, as i,- gi v~n here, supported by t he requ is it e proof of kind.red or owntcrship, as the case may be. S. H. DU IJLESSIS, Ma~ter's Offi ce, Master of the H ig h Co urt of S.W.A. \l ;tindhoek , 29th Ju ly, 1924. Fo lio. Bladzijde. A. F . I'.< U. 6 13 20 ,, " " ., " " " " " ,, " 20 23 24 34 31 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 36 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 40 40 A. AB§ENT, FOREIGN Af'\X- ' EZJGE·, U!TLANDSE EN Na me of Estate. \'aam Yan Roedel. Keraitisch, E<l nard Ferreira, Ch arles tii ndre Kna pp, · H e rmann EHiil Ro bertson, Daniel j!Jnos Sch· o-lz, J osef Rich al'J Stre mme r, Frieda [ mma W. (born Oehrhaus) · P ete rs, Joh a nn H eifirich Louis Wetzig, Paul Max Roder, Gusta v Go ebel, Alfred Otto, Albert Al exander Oauwerky, R:ichar <i Hubert, Wilhelm j {!ha nn es Jost-f N ot tke, Max Ahr ends, David Ludtke, Hugo Schmidt, F ritz Dorndorf, O tto Krie g-er, Franz Re inhardt, Hedwig Wall, Robert O abri tl Ne umarkel, Arthur C rayt {)n, Fred Lehrmann, Paul Mll \ Artur Wilhelm O chs, Arnold Algemene Kennis-geving. . (No. 11 van 192-t) Kennisgcving ingcvo lge Artikct 97 va n de ''.Bocdelwet 191 3", z oals toegep ast op Zuidwest Afrika. Lijst van Bedragen ttitst aande in de Boe ken van het Voog- dijfonds die oprn rde rbaar en niet op g ev raagd zijn·. Alic b eiangh ebbende pe rsonen word-en uitgen odigd hun eisen a an di! Kant oo r voor ie legg-en, aanhalende Blad zijde, zoals lueronder a angdoond, en gcs taaft d oo r al de nodige he\\·iizen van \'Crw: intschap of eige ndom, zoals het gevaf mag wezen. . S. H. DU PLESSIS, ,Vl ccster van he t Hooggerechtshof van Z.W. A. Mccste r's Kantoo r, Windh oek, 29ste Jul ie, 192-t AND UNKNOWN HEIRS. ONBEKEN DE ERFGENA MEN. I To. whom due. Aan wie sch ul dig. Unkn o;, ·n heirs Unkno wn heirs U nkn own heirs Unknown he irs U nkno wn heirs Unknown heirs U nkno•wn hei rs Menzel, Gertrud Unknown heirs Unkno wn he ir s Unk nown he ir s Oauwe rky, Friedrich Unkn own heirs Unknown h eirs Unknown heirs Unkn o wn heirs Unknown heirs Unknown heirs Unknown heirs Unkno wn he irs Unknown he irs Undetermine d' c reditors Unkno wn heirs U nknown h eirs Unkno wn heirs Amoun t. Bedra g. £, 78.19. 4 52. 5. 7 85, 7. 4 ss. 2.- 50. 8.- 71. 4. 6 812, 17. 5 50.-.- 9. 6. 9 2. 9. 3 344, 2. 2 2. 7.10 6. 3. 9 1. 8.10 1. 2. 6 6 3. -. 2 13.15. 5 18. 6. 6 135.13. 6 84. 7. 6 1. 5. 4 14.12. 3 4. 3. 3 57. 6. 5 58.-.-
Page 1: FFICIAL GAZETTE · 2020. 8. 24. · moeten in de taal, in welke zij verschijnen zullen, ingehand'igd worden ten kantore van de Sekretaris voor Zuidwest Afrika (Kamer 46, Regerings-Gebouwen,

0 FFICIAL GAZETTE Of South West ftfrica

Published by Ruthority.

OFFICIELE KOERANT van Zuidwes.t Uitgegeven op

Rfrik_a. gezag.

6d. friday, 15th August 192-~ WINDHOEK • Vrijdag, 15 Augustus J 924 No.141

General Notict:. (No. 11 of 1924.)

Pursuant to Section 97 of the "Actrnir,istratio n of E,t;ites A.ct 1913" as applied to South West Afri,:a.

List of amounts standing in the Books of the Cmardian's f u nd \Yhich arc claimable and unclaimed.

AU ,Persons interested are invited to . ~'ibmit th eir claims to this Office, quoting the Folio, as i,- giv~n here, supported by the requisite proof of kind.red o r owntcrship, as the case may be.


Ma~ter's Office, Master o f the H igh Court of S.W.A.

\l;tindhoek, 29th July, 1924.

Folio. Bladzijde.

A. F . I'.< U. 6


20 ,,




" "



" ,,






31 34





36 36 36 37 38 38








Name of Estate. \'aam Yan Roedel.

Keraitisch, E<lnard

Ferreira, Charles tiindre

Knapp, · H ermann EHiil

Robertson, Daniel j!Jnos

Sch·o-lz, Josef Rich al'J

Stremmer, F rieda [ mma W . (born Oehrhaus) ·

Peters, Johann H eifirich Louis

W etzig , Paul Max

Roder, Gustav

Go ebel, Alfred

Otto, Albert Alexander

Oauwerky, R:ichar<i

Hubert, Wilhe lm j{!hannes Jost-f

N ottke, Max

Ahrends, David

Ludtke, Hugo

Schmidt, F ritz

Dorndorf, Otto Krieg-er, Franz

Reinhardt, Hedwig

Wall, Robert O abrit l

Neumarkel, Arthur

Crayt{)n, Fred

Lehrmann, Paul Mll \ Artur Wilhelm

Ochs, Arnold

Algemene Kennis-geving.

. (No. 11 van 192-t)

Ken nisgcving ingcvolge Artikct 97 van de ''.Bocdelwet 191 3", zoals toegepast op Zuidwest Afrika.

Lijst van Bedragen ttitstaande in de Boeken van het Voog­d ijfonds die oprnrderbaar en niet opg evraagd zijn·.

Alic beiangh ebbende personen word-en uitgenodigd hun eisen aan di! Kantoor voor ie legg-en, aanhalende Bladzijde, zoals lueronder aangdoond, en gcs taaft d oo r al de nodige he\\·iizen van \'Crw:intschap of eigendom, zoals het gevaf mag wezen.

. S. H. DU PLESSIS, ,Vlccster van het Hooggerechtsho f van Z.W.A.

Mccster's Kantoor, W indhoek, 29ste Julie, 192-t


I To. whom due. Aan wie sch uldig.

Unkno;,·n heirs

Unkno wn heirs

Unknown heirs

Unknown heirs

U nknown heirs

Unknown heirs

U nkno•wn heirs

Menzel, Gertrud

Unknown h eirs

Unkno wn heirs

Unknown h eirs

Oauwerky, Friedrich Unknown heirs

Unknown heirs

Unknown heirs

Unknown heirs

Unknown heirs

Unknown heirs

Unknown heirs

Unkno wn heirs

Unknown heirs

Undete rmined' creditors

Unkno wn hei rs

Unknown heirs

Unknown heirs

Amount. Bedrag.

£, 78.19. 4

52. 5. 7 85, 7. 4

ss. 2.-

50. 8.-

71. 4. 6

812,17. 5


9. 6. 9

2. 9. 3

344, 2. 2

2. 7.10

6. 3. 9

1. 8.10 1. 2. 6

63.-. 2 13.15. 5

18. 6. 6

135.13. 6

84. 7. 6

1. 5. 4

14.12. 3

4. 3. 3

57. 6. 5 58.-.-

Page 2: FFICIAL GAZETTE · 2020. 8. 24. · moeten in de taal, in welke zij verschijnen zullen, ingehand'igd worden ten kantore van de Sekretaris voor Zuidwest Afrika (Kamer 46, Regerings-Gebouwen,

1715 Officiele Koerant, 15 Augustus 1924.


A. F. & U. l Sledz, Julius The Absentee or h is Representatives 277.19. 3

" 2 Leischkc, Waldemar The Absentee or his Representatih:s 113. 6. 6

31 Schulze, Albert Undetermined creditors I 3.12.--- l


A. F. & U.56 Stoermer, Curt Besser, C. 5. 8

" 56 Casper, Willj John, Walter 21.16.-

" 56 Hook, Joseph Arthur Sydney J0ubert, G. 1.14. S

56 Thiele, Otto C. A. Bolus & Co. 4.13. 3

(The Products Corporation Lid I

" 56 Thiele, Otto Hirsch, R11dolph 14. 6

56 Kuhfeldt, Aug ust F. W. Franc, F. 6.--

D. UNCLAIMED 'v\ONEYS DEPOSITED IN THE GUARDIAN'S FUND in terms of Section 1J::i of Act No. 24 of 1913, as :_ipplied to South West Africa, and Section 194-, (4) ·of the Companies Act (Trans\·aal) 19()1),. as applied to S.W.A.

by the Companies Proclamation 1920. ONOPGEVRAAGDE GELDEN GEDEPONEERD l N HET VOOG DIJFON DS in tcrmen van A_t ti kel 92 van W e t No. 24 van 1913, zoals toegcpast op Zuidwcst Afrika, en Artikel 194 (4) van d e J"\\aatschappij \i/ et (Transvaal) 1909,

ZCi,11S tocgepast op Zuidwest Afrika, d-oor de Maatschappij Prok1amatic _1920.

Folio. Bladzijde_

A. F. & U.50

" " .

" 54


Name of Es tate. [ To w hom due. · · I Naam van Roedel. Aan wie schuldig. I

Landwirtschaftsbank fuer D.S. W. A. (in Liquidation)

Deutsche Afrika Bank (in Liquidation)

Von Quit zow, H. U.

Vcreinigte Diamantminen Aktien-gescllschaft (i/L). (Unclaimed cli\' i­<lends on 1000 Mk. shares);--· Nos. 54, 55- 64, 79~88, 90-92, 163, 168---174, 137, 293-295, 296--300 :, 760 to 780, 1338---1342, 1493-1498, l 538~1544, 1557 to 1561, 1627, 1672, 1690, 1691 to 1709, 1717--173(), 1834, 2042, 2058, 2082, 2108, 2l09, 2158, 2159, 21 83, 2189, 2190, 21()9, 3065, 3081, 3083, 3084

Diamanten Akiie ngesellschaft (in Li-q11idatiou). (Unclaimed dividends on 1000 i\1k. sh ares): -Nos. 006, 057, 076, 155, 1 72, 173, 208, 209, 210, 2{9, 255, 256, 258, 259, 318, 319, :no, 321, 322, 32-t, 340, 341, 342, 343, 349, 352, 360 364, 404, 412, 413, 41-1, 421, 466,

Fic:det, Johannes

Andeisen, Anton Undetermined credito rs. (Aii"n unt

no\r claimed by Georg Julius nes­sehnann-R 11 l e n i s i granted by H ig h Court S.W.A. on 10. i\ 24. returnable 3. 11. 24.)

Unknown sha rehold ers

U nkno,\·n shareholders

____________ .:_ __ 4_6~9,:.,._4_7~3,,_47'1, 481, 487.

Amount. Bedrag.

t 68. 5. 2

53. 9. 6

556. 9. l

506. 1. 1.


Mis,cellaneou~ Notices,. Gemengde Kennlsgevingen.


The following statements to South West Africa_

are published in terms of Section forty-one of Act No. 18 of 1912, as amended and applied J. T. TAYLOR,

Manager. Windhoek, 6th Augus!, 1924. STATEMENT OF LIABILITIES




liquidation) Unrealised assets per contra INTEREST RECEIVED SUNDRY CREDITORS

Undrawn balances in respect of bonds passed etc. £ 3573. 2. ti

OTHER SUNDRIES £ 16854. 6. 5

£ 462335 18. 5

153165. 3. 3 15786- 7. 4

20427. 8.11

£ 651714.17.11

LOANS under Act 18 of 1912 LOANS under Act 20 of 1911 LOANS under Proc. N o. 57 of 1921 LOANS under Proc. No. 36 of 1923 LANDWIRTSCHAFTSBANK in LiqlHdat ion


£ 421448. 1.11 206. 4. 4


153165. 3. 3 5640.19.10 9280.16. l 6995. 1. 6 74:16.19. l

690. 5.11 35079.10. 3

2727.15. 9

.t 651714.17.11

Page 3: FFICIAL GAZETTE · 2020. 8. 24. · moeten in de taal, in welke zij verschijnen zullen, ingehand'igd worden ten kantore van de Sekretaris voor Zuidwest Afrika (Kamer 46, Regerings-Gebouwen,

OIJicial Gazette, 15th August 1924. i 716

DE LAND- EN LANDflOUWBANK VAN ZUIDWEST AFRIKA. De volgende staten WX>rden ter algemf ne informatie gep ubliceerd overeenkomstig artikel een-en-veertig van Wet

No. 18 van 1912 zoals gewijzigd en toegefast op Zuidwest Afrika. J. T. TAYLOR,


3le Julie, 192-t BATEN LASTEN.


· likwidatie) Niet te gelde gemaakte baten per contra


Krediet saldos ten opzichte van verbanden reeds ge­passeerd £



£ 4ti2335.l8. 5

153165. 3. 3 15786. 7, 4

20427. 8.11

£ 651714.17.11

LENINGEN ender Wet No. 18 van 1912 LENINGEN ender Wet No. 20 van 1911 LENINGEN onder Prok. 57 van 1921 LENINGEN ond er Prok. 36 van 1923 LANDWIRTSCHAFTSBANK in Likwidatie

Niet te gelde gemaakte baten per contra BENTE BETAALD RENTE VEREFFENINGS REKENJNG RENTE BET AALBAAR, doch nog niet ver-


£ 421448. 1.11 206. 4. 4


1531H5. 3. 3 :;640.19.10 9280.16. 1

6995. 1. 6 7416.19. 1 690. 5.11

35079.10. 3 2727.15. 9

-·--·-- - ·----£ 651714.17.11


DE LAND- EN LA..NDBOUWBANK VAN ZUIDWEST AFRIKA. list of mortgages and securities completed during the m onth ·o f Jnly, 1924. Lijs t van verbanden e1, sekuriteiten voltooid gedurende de maand' van Julie, 1924.

====~=========;'-.. ~- ="'"--~--=,-, .. ==========~========= Number, Name and District. Nummer, Naam en Distrikt.

Property Mortgaged. Eigendom Verbonden.

Area. flr ootte.

Amount. Bedrag.

ha a sqm £

375. Ooertert, Paul, Okahandja Okaharu i No. 81 6.J79.74.46 1900

376. Zondagh, Cornelius Johannes, ancl Zondagh, Mathys Petrus, Keetmanshooy Arus No. 72 1':1163.21.88 1000



1. The Official Gazette will be published ; \n the 1st and 15th day of each month; in the event of either · ot those days falhng on a Sunday or Public Holiday, the qazette will be published on the next succeeding working da/.

2. Advertisements for insertion in the Ua;,:e tte must be delivered at the office of the Secretary for South West Atrica (Room 46, Government Buildings, Windhoek) in/he languages in which they are to be published, at not later than 4.30 p. rn. on the n i n th day before the date ot publi::ation ot the Gazette in which they are to be inserted.

3. Advertisements will be inserted in the Uazette after the official matter or in a supplement to the Uazette at the discretion· of the Secretary. ·

4. Advertisements will be published in the c:ifficial Gazette in the English, Uutch or German languages; the necessary translations must be furnished by the advertiser or his agent. It should be borne in mind however, that the Ui:rman version of the Gazette is a transfation only and not i'he authorised issue.

5. Only legal advertisements are accepted for publication in the Officiar Oazette, and are subject to th;~ approval ol the Secretary for South West Africa, who can reiuse to accept or decline furthe r publication of any advertiser1!ent.

6. Advertisements should as far as possible lj ~ typewritten. Manuscript of advertisements should be writteH on one side of the paper only, and all pr.oper names plaif?fy inscribed; in the .event of any name being incorrectly pn'nted as a result ot indistinct writing, the advertisement can only be repubhshed 0n payment of the cost ot another insertion.

7. The s ubscription for the Offic1a( Oazetie is 12/- pet annum, post free in this Territory and the Ur,iion ot ~outh Africa, payable in advance. Postage must be prepaid by Overseas subscribers. Single copies of the Gijzette may be obtainea at the price of sixpence per copy.



1. Ue Officiele Koerant zal op de 1st en 15Eie van elke ma and verschijnen; ingeval een van deze dagen op een Zondag op Publieke f eestdag valt, verschijnt de Offic1e1e Koeranc op de eerstvolgende werkdag.

2. Advertenties voor plaatsing in de Officiele Koerant moeten in de taal, in welke zij verschijnen zullen, ingehand'igd worden ten kantore van de Sekretaris voor Zuidwest Afrika (Kamer 46, Regerings-Gebouwen, Windhoek), niet Iater dan 4.30 n. m. op de negende dag voor het datum· van verschijnen van de Officiele Koerant in welke de advertentie moet geplaatst warden.

3. Advertenties worden in de Officiefe Koerant geplaatst achter het officiele gedeeltc of in een extra blad v;rn de kocrant, zoals de Sekretaris mocfit goedvinden.

4. Advertenties worden in de Offic1e1e Koerant g epubliceerd in de Engelse, Hol!andse en Duitse talen; de nodige ver• talingen moeten door de adverteerder of zijn agei,t gelevetd warden. Men moet bedenken dat de Uuitse tekst van de Officiele Koerant slechts een vertaling is en niet de ge• autonseerde uitgave is.

5. Slechts wetsadvertenties worden aangenomen voot publikatie in de Officiefe Koerant, en zijn onderworpen aan de goedlceuring van de _Sekretaris voor Zuidwest Afrika, die de verdere publikatie van een advertentie mag we1geren.

6. Advertenties moeten, voor zoverre mogelik, op de machine gcschreven zijn. Bij geschreven advertenties moet alleen op een kant van bet papier geschreven worden, en alle namen moeten duidelik zijn; ingevaf een naam ingevolge onduidelike handschrift foutiev wordt gedrukt, kan de adver•. tentie slechts dan weer gedrukt worden ars de k0sten van een meuw plaatsen betaald worden.

7. Het jaarlikse intekengeld voo, de Officiefe Koeran1 is 12/ -, postvrij in dit Gebied en de Unie van Zuid-Afrika, en in het vooruit betaalbaar. Postgeld moet in het · vooruit betaald worden door overzeese intekenaren. Enkele nummers van de Offi4:iele Koerant zijn verkrijgbaar tegen de prijs van zes pennies per nummer.

Page 4: FFICIAL GAZETTE · 2020. 8. 24. · moeten in de taal, in welke zij verschijnen zullen, ingehand'igd worden ten kantore van de Sekretaris voor Zuidwest Afrika (Kamer 46, Regerings-Gebouwen,

1717 Officiele. Koerant, 15 Au'gustus 192+.

8. The charge for the insertion of advertisements othe1 than the notices mentioned in the succeeding paragraph 1s at the rate of 6/· per inch single cofumn and 12/- per inch double column, repeats half price. (f r act i o n s o t a n In c h t o b e r e c k o n e d a n i n c h.)

9. Notices to creditors and debtors in the estates ol deceased pt!rsons and notices by executors concerning !iqtacta• tion accounts fying fur inspection, are published tn scfiedu[e form at 9/- per estate.

10. No advertisement will be inserted unless the charge is prepaid. Cheques, drafts, postal ordNs or money orders must be made payabk to the Secretary for South Wesl Africa.

8. !Je kosten H!'Jf de opname van advertenties andere dan de kennisgevingi'.'n in de vofgende paragraaf genoemd, zijn tegen de prijs v.:.li 6/- per duim enkele kolom, en 12/- per duim dubbele kolom, herhalingen tegen de halve .prijs. (Ga· d e e l t e n v a n e c !I d u i m m o e t e n a I s e e n v o C ( e du i m w o rd en b ·" re k e n d.)

9. Kennisgeving,ti1 aan krediteuren en deb.iteuren in de b0edels van overlCLien personen, en kcnnisgevingen van eksekuteurs betreffeil:1e 1ikwidatie rekeningen voor in~pektie, worden in schedule ,;orm gepubliceerd tegen 9/ - per boedel.

10. Geen advert::.-1he zal gepfaatst worden tenzij de kosteo vooruitbetaa!d zijn. Cheques, wissels, post• of geldorders moetcn betaalbaar ,, ~maakt word en aan ·de Sekretaris voor Zuidwest Afrika. ·

NOTICE BY EXECUTORS CONCERNING LIQUIDATION ACCOUNTS LYfr,IU FOR INSPECTION: Section 68 Act No. 24 of i913, as applied to South West :•. frica.

NOTICE is hereby given that copies of the Administration and Oistributiiin Accounts in the Estates specified in the attached Schedule will be open for the inspection ot all persons interested thirdn for a period of 21 days (or long-er if specially stated) from the dates specified, or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be later, and at the Offices of the Master and Magistrate as stated. Should no objection thereto be ii,dged with the i\>laster during the period of inspection the Executors concerned will p.roceed to make payments in accordanc~ therewith.


KENNIS geschiedt m.its deze dat duplikaten van de Administratie- en Distributie-rckcningen in de 11oedels vermeld in de navolgende Bijlage ter inzage van alle personen die daarin belang hebben wllen liggeil ten Kantore van de Meester en Magistraat, zoals gerneld, gedurende een tijdperk van drie weken (of !anger i,,dien speciaal vermeld) van af gemelde datums, of van af datum van publikatie derns, welke oak de !aatste moge zijn. indien geen bezwaar daartegen ingediend wordt bij de Meester binnen het tijdperk vermeld zu!len de betrokken Eksekuteu, en overgaan tot de uitbetaling in termen van gemelde rekeningen.


DeBcription Date Offic>:\ of the Name & Address of Exe-

. Estate No . E8TATE LATE of Account Period KanlG:•1· van de cmor or authorized Agent

Boedel No. BOEDEL VAN WI,TLEN Beschrijving Datum

I :-iaaru en ,\dres van Ekse-

:Master 1fai:ristrate k uLeur of gemachtigde van Rekening Tijdperk 1foester Magistraat Agent

134 Gustav Thomas Supplementary Li- 16/8. 24 Windhoek Dr. F ritz~che q.q. quidation

195 Hans Geiger.berger First and Final

228 Paul Ernst Vorwald First and final Li-quidation and Dis-tribution A~count

TN Anna Schenk born Gdfken first and Final Li-quidation and Dis· tribution Account

33g Gcmge la Croix First Liquidation and Distribution Acccunt

400 Hermann Theodor Adc,!p:h First and Final Udersladt

6016/32 Paul Berg~~ Final Liqnidalion and Distribution Account

34:3 ,Johann Heinrich Raupe1t First anrl. Final


Notice is hereby given that the notice of intention to surrender the estate of HULBERT CHARLES, Hotel Proprietor and General Dealei· of Kiriis West, District of Keetmanslwop, as insolvent as published in the Gazette of 15. 7. 24 and the Windhoek Advertiser of 16. 7. 2,1 is hereby withdra\\n.

LARDNER BURKE & MORTPv\ER, Applicant's Attonieys,

Kaiser Street, Windhoek.


WHEREAS it has been made to appear that the above­mentioned notice published in the Gazette of 15. 7. 24 and the Windhoek Advertiser of 16. 7. 24 was published in good faith and that there is good cause for its withdrawal, I hereby certify .in terms of section 7 (2) of Act No. 32 of 1916, as applied to South West Africa, my consent to such withdrawal.

S. H. DU PLESSIS, Master of t'1e High Court of S. W. A.

Master's Office, Windhoek,

8th August, 1924.


15,'S 24 Win<lhoctc Groot· H. P!-eitz, Fartr.1 I-:aijas, tontein P.O. Otavi.

15i8/24 Windhoek Dr. Albert Sbrk, Kaiser Strei!t, \\?indhoek.

15 18/24 Windhoci, Okahandja Dr_. \Vilhelm Zersch, exec. teshun.

1s,1s,r24 Win<lhoct•' i O,1tjo \Y/. B. Riesk,. c•o Mes'.,rs

! Lorentz & Bone, Oka handja.


15.8124 Windhot:1' ! Groot- A. Udcrstadt, Box 232

i fontcit! Windhoek. I L. J. H aasbroek, P.O

15.,8/24 "lt,' i ndhouk I Okahandja Box 3'' -'.)kahandja I J, ! q.q. Executor.

i Auguste \Y11helmine

1518/24 'Nindhod: Rau pert, P. 0. Box2J0 i \Vindhoek



Applications ar.- invited for the dual position of:-1. District Surgeoi; for the magisterial district of OMARURU,

at a salary -of 'S 300 per annum, plus supplementary fees and an allowaniioe for t ravelling; and of

2. Railway Medical Officer for the section ONGUATI (in· elusive) to OTj !W ARONOO (exclusive), with headquarters at Omaruru, at a salary of £ 200 per annum plus the fees and allowances prescribed by the Railway and Harbour

Sick Fund Reg-t<lations.

Private Priictise is not precluded .

Separate appli,[atidbs furnishing particu!ats as to age, professional and i,i!!gHage qualifications experience, whether married or single, should reach the Secretary for South West Africa, A<lministrab) r' s Office, Windhoek, and the District Secreiary, South African Railways and Harbours Sick Fund, Windhoek, not lat1fr than the 30th August, 1924.

Testimonials may be submitted but canvassing by public petition or otherwise should not be resorted to.

Tht: successful ~pplicant to assume duty ou the 1st October, 1924. .

Page 5: FFICIAL GAZETTE · 2020. 8. 24. · moeten in de taal, in welke zij verschijnen zullen, ingehand'igd worden ten kantore van de Sekretaris voor Zuidwest Afrika (Kamer 46, Regerings-Gebouwen,

Official Gazette, 15th August l924. 1718

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS. ESTATES OF DECEASED PERSONS: Section 46, Act No. 24 of 1913, as applied to South West Africa.

Creditors and Debters in the Estates specified in the annexed Schedule are called upon to lodge their claims with and pay their debts 1\9 the Exe~!1tors concerned within the stated periods calculated from the date of publication hereot.

KENNISGEVI01'} AAN KR€DITEUREN EN DEBITEUREN. BOEDELS VAN OVERLEDENE PERSONEN: Artik'el 46, Wet No. 24 van 1913, zoals toegepast op Zuidwest Afrika.

Krediteuren efi Debiteuren in de Boedels vermeld in bijgaande Bijlage worden verzocht hun vorderingen in h: leveren en hun schuld~n te betale:n teti kantore van de betrokkene · Eksekuteuren binnen gemelde tijdperken van af datum \'an publikati~ dezes.


EstateNo. Boedel




Withl.n a period of

Binnen een tijdperk van

Name and Address of Executor or authorized Agent.

Na.am en Adres van Eksekuteur of irema('.htigd.e Agent.


Christina, (~!,ouwdina Steenkamp (geborcn Ros­souw) di~ te " Farm Christiania", Distrikt ,'\1altahoh.::; or de 24de '\faart overleed

Cornelius fle rnard us Jacobus Grobler of Klein Okarumu,, .' Ucd, in the dis trict of Otjiwarongo

30 dagen

30 days

I. B. Steenkamp, Farm Christiania, · Distrikt MaHa:hohe.

Edw. Ecker,. P.O. Box 131, Otji­warong-o, Executor Dative.

MASTER':, NOTICES Pursuant to Section sixteen, Sub-section (3), of the Insolvency Act, 1916, as applied to South West Africa.

NOTICE is . hereby given that the Estates mentioned in the subjoined Schedule have been placed Ullder se­questration provisionai11· by O rder of the H igh Court oJ South West Africa.

S. H. DU PLESSIS, Master of th.e High Court of S. W. Africa.

KENNISOEVINGEN \, i\N DE M.EESTER. Ingevolge artikel zcstien, subsektie (3}, van de lnsol,·entie Wet, 1916, zoals toegepast op Zuid-West Afrika.

H iermede w'i)rdt kennis gegeven, dat de in de hieronder volgende Bijlage vermelde Boedels provisioneel zijn gesekwestreerd bij Ot<!er van het Hooggerechtshof van Zuid-West Afrika.

S. H. DU PLESSIS, Meester va.n het Hooggerechtshof van Zuidwest Afrika.

Form. No. 1. - formuii;~f No, 1. SCHEDULE.

No. of Estate N.i.me aurl Description of Estate.

~:i. Nas•!n en Beschrijving van Boedel , van Roedel

13:i H ans ·wul{f. -of Stauch's Lager, near Kolmanskop, district t, i,deritz

136 Anton Stif{l itz o f Windhoek


Appli.::ation ha\·ing .!ieen made hy PHJUPPUS LODE­WICUS VAN SCHALKW'YK and MATTHEUS GERHARDUS STEYN for the issue f•nd registration of a CERTIF)CA TE OF REGISTERED TITisE in respect of certain farm . " KAN• NENBERO" No. 57, situ.He in the District of Aroab, measuring T welve Thousand Sc\·ei;; Hundred and Thirty four (12,734) Hectares, Eighty Nine . (89) Ares, Forty flve (45) Square Metres, •originally held J.\y the firm of LE RICHE 8- CO. under and by virtue or CERTIFICATE Of OWNERSHIP i ranted in its f_avour il( the late German Government of South West Afnca datt!iJ 29th December 1900, taken over hv CHRISTOFFEL FRANCOIS LE RICHE on 18th March 1909 upon dissolution of .the partnership in the aforesaid fi rm and lastly acquired by the Applicants under and by virtue of DEED Of SALE behl'een the said CHRISTOFFEL FRAN· COIS LE RICH E and ihe Appli•cants dated 29th June 1914, all pe~sons claiming to have ~ny right o~ title ii:i o r ?:Ver the said land arc hereby required to notify me 1n wntmg of such claim within thre t? months from the date of publication .if this Notice.

Should any objectio ~ be taken it shall be the dnty of the person objecting, in t•ie absence of any agreement between the parties to apply to t-1\e High Court of South West Africa within a period of one lnonth from the date on which the objecti-on is lodged for an Order restraining the issue of the Certificate in questioii, failing which such Certificate \\ill be issued.

Deeds Registry, Windhoek,

19th July, 1924.

A. N. ROWAN, Registrar of Deeds.


Date of Order

Datum van Order

29/7/ 24


Upon the .Application of

Op de Applikati.e van

Arthur M. L. Staunton.

Cecil Louis Short and W ilhelm Nues­sel, in their capacity as Liquidators of the Commercial Bank o f S.Oufu Africa, Uinited (in Liquidation).


Pursuant to Section 169 of the Companies Act, 1909, as applied to South West Africa.

In the matter of tl-,c LUEDER!TZBUCHTER ELEKTRIZI­T AETS OESELLSCHAFT mit beschraenkter Haftung (in voluntary Liquidation).

NOTICE is hereby i iven, in pursuance of Section 169 (2) of the Companies Act 1Y09, as applied to South West Africa, that a General Meeting of the abovenamed Company will be held at Windhoek o n the sixteenth day of September t924, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of having laid before it an account showing the manner in which the winding­up has been conducted and the property of the Company disposed ,of, and of hearing ~my explanation which may be given by the Liquidator; and also of determining , b_v extra­ordinary resolution, the manner in which the books and papers of the Company and of the Liquidator shall be disposed of.

A further General Meeting will be held at Windhoek on the firs,t day of October 1924, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon for the p1!rp-ose of confirming extra-ordinary resolution passed on the General Meeting held on the sixteenth day of Sep• tember 1924.

Dated at Windhoek, on this the 29th day of July, 1924.


A. Neuhaus, Alt. Liquidator.

Page 6: FFICIAL GAZETTE · 2020. 8. 24. · moeten in de taal, in welke zij verschijnen zullen, ingehand'igd worden ten kantore van de Sekretaris voor Zuidwest Afrika (Kamer 46, Regerings-Gebouwen,

Official Gazette, 15th August 192•1. 1720

,,:;T!C ES OF TRUSTEES AND ,\1;:SIONEES. Pursuant to Section ninety-nine, Sub-section (2), of the Insolvency Act, 1916, as applied to South West Africa.

The liquidation accounts anµ plans of distribution or/ and contribution in the Assigned or Sequestrated Estates =:::1tioned in the subjoined Sched~"fo having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned, notice is hereby given that ., dividend is in course of payme:nt t, r/and a contribution in course of collection in the said Estates as in the Schedule is ~: forth, and that every credttor tiable to contribute is required to pay the trustee or assignee the amount foi: whicb i:~ ;s liable at the address mentmnefj in the Scheiittle.

:,;::-.;~ fSOEVINGEN VAN KURATqH.S EN BOEUELREUDERS. lngevolge artikel negen .en negentig, sub-sektie (2), van de ln~,,lventie Wet, 191b, zoals toegepast op Zuidwest Afrika.

Nademaal de likwidatie-rek~hjngen en plannen van distributie of/en kontributie in de afgestane of gesekwesteerde :•::edels vermeld in ~e. hieronder volge·nde _bijlage zijn bekrachtigd OI? .d<; daarin genoe~de datums,. wonlt hiermede kennis itg even, dat een d1v1dend zal won11i n mtgekeerd of/en een kontnbutie zaf worden mgezameld m d e gezegde boedels, ioals uiteengezet in de bijlage en ,fat iedere kontributieplichtige schuldeiser aan de kurator of boedelredder bij het in de ~inage genoemde adres bet door ~e1n verschuldigde bedrag moet betalen. :'crm. No. 7.- Formulier No. 7. SCHEDULE.'-BIJLAGE.

~ •~. •)f :=: ,tate

Name and I>escription of Estate

Date when Accrmnt


Whether a Dividend is being paid or Contri­bution being collected, Name of Trustee or l:<"ull Address of Trustee

Assignee ·or Assignee or both

~ :. ·can 3 ,:-ed;,l

Naam en Besehijving van Boedcl

Datum waaropRe­

kening werd bekrachtigd

Of een Dividend wordt uitgekeerd of eenkontri­butie wordt ing-evor<lel'd

Naam van Kurator of Boedelredder

Yolledig Adres van Kurator of Boedelredder

of beide

F ram: · Bcuchel, a ;;peculahrr of Luderitz

22/ 7/24 Diddend hcing paid Dr. Johan Joris,en P.O. Box 24, Luderitz.

August F ick of M:1dental District of Oibeon

8/ 7/24 Dividend is being paid C. P. <lu Plessis Tiran P.O. Box 3, Giheo.n.

Lewis Davis of Kimberley 11/8.,24 Diddenrl is being paid ,Joseph J. T. King aud Both of Kimberle,v Jl'rank .J. Perkins


Application haYing been. made by THE COUNCIL Of THE MUNICIPALITY OF W INDHOf1< fo r the issue and registration of a Certificate of Registere(!· Title in respect o f:-, i) Port i o n "C" of E RF N o. l i! ! , (fo rme rly ? arzelle

9S of Sheet 3 ,of the General Plan), measuring Eight (8) Arcs and Fifty (50) Square Metres :

i.?) Po rtion "D" of ER F No. 1 \! (), (forme rly Par1.elle 101 of Sheet 3 of the G eneral Plan}, measuring T hree (3) Ares and Se,-c.nty-Eight (,S) Squa ~,: Metres ;

d) Po rt i o n "C" of E RF N o. 2; l , (formerly Parzclli 100 of Sheet 3 of the O eneral Pla nt measuring F our (4) Ares and F o rty-Two (42) Square M~tres;

<-l) Po rt i {) n " B" of ER F :-.: o. 2 S ·2 , (formerly Parzelle 66, 59 of Shet 4 of the General Pl,11!), measuring T wo (2) :\re~ a nd Eighty (80) Square Met;;;:,'- ;

(5) E R F N o. 2 SSA, (formerly ~art.cHr-n 90 and 150.156 of Sheet 4 ,of the General P lan), mea~hring Three (3) Ares ;:nd Eighty-Two (82) Square Metres :

(6) P o rt i o n "C" o f E RF No. 2 8 ti, (formerly Parzelle ':>S •of Sheet 4 of the General Plan\, measuring One (1) Arc and Ninety-Fin (95) Square i\letres; ·

an situate in the Township of Win~1po ek, in .the district ·of Windhoek, held by the COUNCf! , OF THE MUNI­CIPALITY OF W INDHOEK hy vir\11e of a n agreement, <lated at Windhoek the 3rd day of }l'lay 1911, confirmed on the 28th d ay o f November 191_~, and: described in the said agreement as "\Xl atenvays and Cuh'erts" (Ri­vierbauten u nd Durchlasse). . .\11 persons claiming to haYe a ny rig:11~ or (itte in o r over

ihe said pieces o f land are h ereby requ1red to notify me in, writing of such claim within three mor.~j;s from the date of pubE<:ation of this notice:

Should any objection be taken, it shall be the duty of the person objecting, in the absence of any agreement between the p arties, to apply to the fih;h Court of South West Africa, within a period of one mo11f11 from the date on which the objection is lodg ed for an Order restraining the issue of the Certificate in question, failing which such Certificate will be issued.


Actg. Asst. i\ .egistrar of Deeds.

Dated at Windhoek, on this the 16th d ay of July, 1924.

POMONA · DIAMANTEN GESELLSCHAFT (in voluntary •Jiquidation).

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a n Extraordinarv Meei­in~ ·of the Company will b e held .at No. 9 Supreme Cou;rt Chamhers (ihird floor), Keerom Street, Cape Town on FRI­DAY 19th SEPTEMBER, 1924, at 3 o'clock in the aiternool1', in terms oi Section 168 (2) of the Co mpanies Act 1909 (Trans~ raal) (as applied to the Protectorate o.f South West Africa) fo r the pttrpose of receiving from the Liquidators an account of their acts and dealing·s and of t he conduct of winding up since the last S tatutory M.eeting; also a report o f t he result of the claim •of t11e Executors o i the late Daniel de Pass, and to cons ider the propriety of awarding some further re­nrnneration to the Liquidators for spcciai services rendered.

Sharth·oi<lers who have n:cei•;ed the loan of I.: 3.-.• per Share in terms of the Resolution passed at the l'vteeting ot Shareholders held on the 10th Februarv ·1923 and who desire to attend this meeting may do so, o·thcr Shareholders wn,i::, wish to b e present must deposit their sha res agaiust \\"ritte'a acknowledgment of receipt uot later than the third day be• fo re the date of the said Mcctin6· with the u ndersigned; or with the Berline r H andelsgese!lschaft, gerlin, Behren,;trasse 32·-33; or with the National Bank o f South Africa ltd. ir. l.uede ritzbucht, Jo hannesburg or C ape Town; or w ith any Notary Public, to he held in deposit u nt il afte r the conclusion of the Meeting. '

Deposit receipts for Shares by the Reichsbank, hy a Notary Public •Or P ublic Authodty, may be deposited in the place cf shares, provided that the release o f the shares from deposit is dependent upon the production of the said deposit n:ce ipts .

All p ersons, incorporated bodies, firms, etc. may be re­presented a t this Meeting by their tegal representatives, and representation by proxy is also permitted. ·

All Powers of Attorney, proxies etc. must b e handed to the Liquidators of the Company for examination at least one day before the date ,of the said ~l\eeting .

Eve ry share entitles the holder b one ,·.otc. The voiing will be carried out according to the number$ of Shares held' by each shareholder.

Shareholders ar e r equested to hand in duplicate lists s h-0w• ing the numbers of their s hares w hen depositing same.

PO:V\ONA DlAMANTEN G ESELLSCHAFT (in \'Oluntary liquidation).

Cap e . T own, 4th Augw,t, 1924.



Page 7: FFICIAL GAZETTE · 2020. 8. 24. · moeten in de taal, in welke zij verschijnen zullen, ingehand'igd worden ten kantore van de Sekretaris voor Zuidwest Afrika (Kamer 46, Regerings-Gebouwen,

Official Gazette, 15th Auo-ust 1924. 1720

SOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND A§HGNEES. Pursuant to Section ninety-nine, Sub-section (2), of the Insolvency Act, 1916, as applied to South West Africa.

The liquidation accounts aqd plans of distribution or/and contribution in the Assigned or Sequestrated Estates mentioned in the subjoined SchedlJI@ ha:ving been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned, notice is hereby given that a dividend is in course of payme'nt €!'/and a contribution in course of collection in the said Estates as in the Schedule is set forth •. and that every credttof bible to contribute is required to pay the trustee or assignee the amount for: which lte is liable at the address mentmn@!l in the Scheiiufe. ·

KENNISOEVINGEN VAN KURATQ~ EN BOEDELREDDERS. lngevolge artikel negen _en negentig, sub-sektie (2), van de ltl§fJventie Wet 1916, zoals toegepast op Zuidwest Afrika.

Nademaal de likwidatie-rektmtigen en p(annen van distributi'e of/en kontributie in de afgestane of gesekwesteerite boedels vermeld in de hieronder v9!,~de bijlage zijn bekrachtigd op _de daarin genoemde datums, wordt hiermede kennis gegeven, dat een dividend zal WOf @1 uitgekeerd of/en een kontributie zal worden ingezameld in de gezegde boedels, -zoaJs uiteengezet in de bi'jlage en ~i iedere kontributieplichtige schuldeiser aan de kurator of boedelredder bij het in de bijlage genoemde adres bet door !'l@f1 verschuldigde bedrag moet betalen. · form. No. 7.-Formulier No. 7. SCHEDULE.'-BlJLAGE.

No. of Estate

Name and Description of EstatE!

Date when Account


Whether a Dividend is being paid or Contri­bution being collected, Name of Trustee or

Assignee l•'ull Address of Trustee

'·or Assignee or both ~ e. van Boedel

Naam en Beschijving van Boede\

Datum waaropRe­

kening werd bekrachtigd

Of eeu Dividend wordt uitgekeerd of een kontri­butie wordt ingevorderd

Naam van Kurator of Boedelredder

Volled.ig Adres van Kurator of .Boedelredder

of beide

65 Franz ' Beuchel, a speculatgf 22/7/24 Diddend being paid Dr. Johan Jori;;sen P.O. Box 24, Luderitz. of Luderitz

71 Atiust Fick of Mariental 8i7/24 Dividend is being paid C. P. du Plessis Tiran P.O. Box 3, Gibeon. istrict of Oibeon

Si Lewis Davis of Kimberley 11/8/24 Dividend is being- paid Joseph J. T. King and Both of Kimberley

NOTICE. Application having been made by '' HE COUNCIL OF

THE MUNICIPALITY OF WINDHOEK for the issue and registration of a Certificate of Register~€! Title in respect of:-(1) Portion "C" of ERF No. l!H, (formerly Parzelle ·

98 of Sheet '3 of the General Plaf!J, measuring Eight (8) Ares and fifty (50) Square Metre~ j

(2) Portion "D" of ER F N -o. U) L (formerly Parzelle 101. of Sheet 3 of th~ General Plaq)1 measuring Three (3) Ares and Sen.nty-Eight (78) Squim Metres;

(3) Po r tio n "C" of E R. F No. 2 7 i, (formerly Parzelli 100 of Sheet 3 of the General Plan}1 measuring Four (4) Ares and Forty-Two (42) Square Me:res;

(4) Po rt i-o n "B" of ER F No. 2 § ~, (formerly Parzelle 66i59 of Shet 4 of the Generat Plan); measuring Two (2) Ares and Eighty (80) Square Metr-ei;

(5) ER F No. 2 8 8 A_, (formerly ~arz~lhn 90 and 150/56 of Sheet 4 of the General Plan), mCl!§l!iing Three (3) Ares and Eighty-Two (82) Square Mett~§i

(6) Po r tion ''C" of ER F No. 2 § g, (formerly Parzelle· :>S of Sheet 4 of the General Plan)- measuring One (1) Are and Ninety-Five (95) Square Jl,.etres; · all situate in the Township of Wi11

11toek, in .the district

·of Windhoek, held by the COUNg l: OF THE MUNI­CIPALITY OF WINDHOEK by vi\'Jt of an agreement, <lated at Windhoek the 3rd day of N.ay 1911, confirmed on the 28th day of November 19H and des-cribed in the said agreement as "\Vaterwarn and Culverts" (Ri­vierbauten und Our,chliisse). All persons claiming to have any r i&'hl or title in or over

the ;:aid pieces of land are hereby reqHif:d to notify me in writing of such claim within three moiJtn; from the date of publication of this notice, ·

Should any objection be taken, it §fHII be the duty of the person objecting, in the absence >f any agreement between the parties, to apply to the fiith Court of South West Africa, within a period of one ma.nil from the date on which the objection is lodged for an t;jfier restraining the issue of the Certificate in question, f1iling which sucb Certificate will be issued.

L. P. ~0RCHERS, Actg. Asst. ~;tgistrar of Deeds.

Dated at Windhoek, on this the 16th day of July, 1924.

Prank .J. Perkins

POMONA · DIAMANTEN OESELLSCHAFT (in voluntary ·Jiquidation).

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Extraordinarv Meet• ing of the Company will be held at No. 9 Supreme Cm1,rt Chambers {third floar), Keerom Street, Cape Town on FRl·· DAY-19th SEPTEMBER, 1924, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, in terms of Section 168 (2) of the Companies Act 1909 (Trans• ,·aal) (as applied to the Protectorate of South West Africa) for the purpose of receiving from the Liquidat-0rs an account of their acts and dealings and of fhe conduct of winding up since the last Statutory Nleeting; also a report of tbe result of the claim 'Of the Executors of the late Daniel de Pass, and to consider the propriety of awarding some further re­muneration to the Liqui<lators for special services rendered~

Shareholders who have recei•.,ed the loan of £ .3.-.- per Share in terms of the Resolution passed at the Meeting of Shareholders held on the 10th Februarv 1923 and who desire to_ attend this meeting may dt: ;;_o, _other Shareh:o1ders .whp wish to be- present must deposit their shares agamst written· ackno-wledgment of receipt not later than the third day be• fore the <late -of the said Meeting with the undersigned; or with the Berliner Handelsgesel!schaft, Berlin, Behrenstrasse 32-33; or with the National Bank of South Africa Ud. i11 Luederitzbucht, Johannesburg or Cape Town; or with any Notary Public, to_ be held in deposit ·until after the conclusion of the Meeting. '

Deposit receipts for Shares by the Reichsbank, by a Notary Public or Public Authority, may be deposited in, t'he place of shares, provided that the release of fhe shares from deposit is dependent upon the production of the said deposit receipts. ·

All persons, incorporated bodies, firms, etc. may be re­presented at this Meeting by their legal representatives, and representati·on by proxy is also permitted. ·

All · Powers -0f Attorney, pr-oxies etc. must be handed to the Liquidators of the Company for examination at least one day before the date of the said Meeting.

E,·ery share entitles the holder to one rnte. The voting will be carried out according to the numbers of Shares held: by -each s'hareholder. .

Shareholders are requested to ·hand in duplicate lists show• ing the numbers of their shares when depositing same.

POMONA DIAMANTEN OESELLSCH.AFT (in voluntary liquidation).

Cape .. T own, 4th August, 1924.



Page 8: FFICIAL GAZETTE · 2020. 8. 24. · moeten in de taal, in welke zij verschijnen zullen, ingehand'igd worden ten kantore van de Sekretaris voor Zuidwest Afrika (Kamer 46, Regerings-Gebouwen,

1721 Officie:e Koerant. 1S Aligustus 1924.


in terms of Section 44 of foe l\\ining Ordinance of SotJth West Africa o-f the 8th August 1905, as amended, it is hereby notified that the NAMAQUA DIAI\IONDS LIMITED, of Cape Town, have lodged an application in terms of Section 37 of the amended Mining Ordinance for THE CONVERSION OF A CERTAIN PRECIOUS MINERAL PROSPECTING CLAIM registered in their name, and situated at WATERHOLES CONCEPTION BAY, in DIAMOND AREA NO. 2, DISTRICT OF LUDERITZ, as more particularly described in the SCHE­DULE ANNEXED HERETO.

publicati-on of this notice in ihr: OFFICIAL GAZET TE. .,_, after the expiry of the sai<l pen ~,d no further objections ·.,.-::: be accepted or considered.

The surveyed plan of the rroposed MINING AREA ~, open for inspection at this ofrii,, :md may be seen dur::: ::-­the official office hours. "'

J. F. SCHRODER, Officer in Cha,f~

Any •objections against the conversion must be lodged 111 writing at this office withia a period of one month from the

Mines Office, Lu<leritz,

23rd July, 1924.

Proposed Registered Name of ,Owner

Mining Area

"Namaqua Namaqua Dia-99" monds Limited,.

Cape Town

Ordinal Registered Area Number !~umber Hectares

of Claim f Claim o. Shape Situation.

252 L. 3842 1,6121 tri:rng!e At Wal;crholes, Conception Bav ,.~-join;;-,,:· Charlottenfeld 6( Hfi~ 169 ,, ;id 171.

NOTICE. The undersigned has this day been appointed by the

Master -0f the High Court as Executor Dative of the Estate <1f the late (Dr.) ERNST MELCHIOR ADELBERT \1f.YER (No. 3232,'9) -·-· an Attorney of Windhoek, who died at Karib;b <Jn 2nd Aprii 1917 •··· ·· in the place of Hans Vollbaum who has been removed from the office of Executor Testamentarv by Order of the High Court dated 1st July 1924. ·

In te rested parties arc therefore referred to- the 1mder­signed in connection with ali future transactions relating to the aforesaid Estate.

Windhoek, 28th July, 192-l.



NOTICE is hereby given that LIDA LUDWIG (born Blohm), widow, in her capacity as a partner in the firm of John Ludwigs Erben, of which the other partners are Hans Ludwig, Margarethe Eleonore LlJdwig, Angela _Else Ludwig, and the said Lida Ludwig, in her capacity as the mother and natural guardian of the minors Ulrich E:rnst Ludwig, Norbert Rolf Ludwig, Herbert Ludwtg, liiidegard Elisabeth Ludwig. and Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig, has made a:1 Assign­ment ot the property of John Ludwigs Erben in favour of ERICH WORMS in t rust for the creditors of the said JOriN LUDWIGS ERBEN, if they accept the same, and that the Schedules of the said John Ludwigs Erben will lie ior in­spection and the Deed of Assignment for inspection and signature by all creditors entitled" to sign at the Office of the Master of the High Court of South West Africa, for a JJeriod of fourteen days from the 18th day of August 1924-to the 3rd day of September 1924. -

It is further notified that if the said Assignment shall bt: d eclined, application will be made to the High Court of South West Africa, at Windhoek, on Tuesday the 16th day of Sep• tember 1924, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon there­after as Counsel can be heard, for the surrender of the Estate of the said JOHN LUDWIGS ERBEN as Insolvent.


LIDA LUDWIG. for herself and as the mother and

natural guardian of the minors.

this 14th <lay of August, 1924.

Printed by John Mei'nert Ltd., Windhoek.
