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FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - EPA WA

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FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd Yogi Magnetite Project Air Quality Impact Assessment April 2020

FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd

Yogi Magnetite Project

Air Quality Impact Assessment

April 2020

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | i

Table of contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Project description ........................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Purpose of report............................................................................................................. 1

1.3 Scope of works ................................................................................................................ 1

1.4 Approach......................................................................................................................... 1

1.5 Limitations ....................................................................................................................... 2

1.6 Assumptions.................................................................................................................... 2

2. Project overview ........................................................................................................................ 4

2.1 Project outline ................................................................................................................. 4

2.2 Key project components .................................................................................................. 4

3. Legal framework and standards................................................................................................. 7

3.1 WA Environmental Protection Authority ........................................................................... 7

3.2 National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure ...................................... 7

3.3 EPA Victoria design criteria ............................................................................................. 8

3.4 Dust deposition ............................................................................................................... 9

3.5 Adopted assessment criteria............................................................................................ 9

4. Existing environment ............................................................................................................... 11

4.1 Topography and geology ............................................................................................... 11

4.2 Surrounding land use .................................................................................................... 11

4.3 Meteorology .................................................................................................................. 11

4.4 Existing ambient air quality ............................................................................................ 13

4.5 Sensitive receptors ........................................................................................................ 13

5. Construction assessment ........................................................................................................ 15

5.1 Heavy machinery and plant ........................................................................................... 15

5.2 Construction dust .......................................................................................................... 15

6. Meteorological modelling ......................................................................................................... 17

6.1 TAPM meteorological model .......................................................................................... 17

6.2 Model configuration ....................................................................................................... 17

6.3 Predicted meteorological data ....................................................................................... 19

6.4 Validation of predicted meteorological data .................................................................... 22

7. Operational assessment .......................................................................................................... 26

7.1 Mining operations .......................................................................................................... 26

7.2 Power station ................................................................................................................ 30

8. Dispersion modelling ............................................................................................................... 34

8.1 Model configuration ....................................................................................................... 34

8.2 Source characteristics ................................................................................................... 34

8.3 Grid system ................................................................................................................... 37

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8.4 Background concentrations ........................................................................................... 37

8.5 Dust deposition modelling .............................................................................................. 37

8.6 VOCs ............................................................................................................................ 38

8.7 Adjusting averaging periods for 3-minute average.......................................................... 38

9. Results .................................................................................................................................... 39

9.1 Mining operations .......................................................................................................... 39

9.2 Power station ................................................................................................................ 45

10. Dust management framework .................................................................................................. 51

10.1 Construction dust management plan .............................................................................. 51

10.2 Operational dust management plan ............................................................................... 51

11. Greenhouse gas assessment .................................................................................................. 57

11.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 57

11.2 Legal framework and standards ..................................................................................... 57

11.3 Emission scope ............................................................................................................. 57

11.4 Assessment boundary ................................................................................................... 57

11.5 GHG study year ............................................................................................................ 58

11.6 Calculation of GHG emissions ....................................................................................... 58

11.7 Total GHG emissions .................................................................................................... 60

11.8 Management of GHG emissions .................................................................................... 60

12. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 61

13. References ............................................................................................................................. 62

Table index

Table 3-1 Kwinana EPP standards and limits for TSP...................................................................... 7

Table 3-2 Air NEPM standards ........................................................................................................ 8

Table 3-3 EPA Victoria design criteria, Class 1 substances ............................................................. 8

Table 3-4 EPA Victoria design criteria, Class 2 substances ............................................................. 9

Table 3-5 Assessment criteria ....................................................................................................... 10

Table 4-1 Sensitive receptors ........................................................................................................ 13

Table 7-1 Design parameters used for emissions inventory development ...................................... 26

Table 7-2 Potential dust sources from mine operations .................................................................. 27

Table 7-3 Mine vehicle equipment fleet ......................................................................................... 27

Table 7-4 Emission factors for mine operations ............................................................................. 28

Table 7-5 Dust control measures used in model ............................................................................ 29

Table 7-6 Estimated dust emission rates ....................................................................................... 30

Table 7-7 Power station source characteristics and emission rates – Standard operating

conditions ...................................................................................................................... 32

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Table 8-1 Model configuration ....................................................................................................... 34

Table 8-2 Source characteristic parameters .................................................................................. 35

Table 8-3 Character particle source emissions .............................................................................. 38

Table 8-4 Adopted proportions of VOCs in unburnt hydrocarbons .................................................. 38

Table 9-1 Predicted TSP concentrations ....................................................................................... 39

Table 9-2 Prediction PM10 concentrations ...................................................................................... 39

Table 9-3 Predicted PM2.5 concentrations ...................................................................................... 40

Table 9-4 Predicted dust deposition .............................................................................................. 40

Table 9-5 Predicted NO2 concentrations – Standard operating conditions ...................................... 45

Table 9-6 Predicted NO2 concentrations – Start-up conditions ....................................................... 45

Table 9-7 Predicted CO concentrations – Standard operating conditions ....................................... 47

Table 9-8 Predicted VOC concentrations – Standard operating conditions ......................................... 49

Table 10-1 Dust management measures ......................................................................................... 53

Table 10-2 Dust monitoring practices .............................................................................................. 53

Table 10-3 Dust deposition gauges ................................................................................................... 54

Table 10-4 Trigger action – list of potential responses ..................................................................... 56

Table 11-1 GHG sources ................................................................................................................ 58

Table 11-2 Vehicle movements ....................................................................................................... 59

Table 11-3 Summary of total emissions – Normal operations........................................................... 60

Figure index

Figure 2-1 Yogi Mine Project location ............................................................................................... 4

Figure 2-2 Project site layout ............................................................................................................ 6

Figure 4-1 Annual monthly rainfall for Yalgoo, 1896 to 2014 ........................................................... 12

Figure 4-2 Monthly rainfall for Yalgoo, 1896 to 2014 ....................................................................... 12

Figure 4-3 Monthly climate statistics for Yalgoo, 1897 to 2014 ........................................................ 13

Figure 4-4 Sensitive receptor locations ........................................................................................... 14

Figure 6-1 Edited topography for each nested meteorological grid .................................................. 19

Figure 6-2 Annual and seasonal wind roses for TAPM synthesised meteorological data at

the Project site .............................................................................................................. 21

Figure 6-3 Average TAPM predicted and observed air temperature at Mt Magnet AWS (1

July 2017 to 30 June 2018) ........................................................................................... 22

Figure 6-4 Annual and seasonal wind roses for TAPM predicted meteorological data at Mt

Magnet AWS ................................................................................................................. 24

Figure 6-5 Annual and seasonal wind roses for observed meteorological data at BoM Mt

Magnet AWS ................................................................................................................. 25

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Figure 8-1 AERMOD source layout................................................................................................. 36

Figure 8-2 Receptor network used in AERMOD .............................................................................. 37

Figure 9-1 Predicted maximum 24-hour TSP concentrations........................................................... 41

Figure 9-2 Predicted 99.9th percentile 1-hour PM10 concentrations .................................................. 42

Figure 9-3 Predicted maximum 24-hour PM2.5 concentrations ......................................................... 43

Figure 9-4 Predicted monthly dust deposition ................................................................................. 44

Figure 9-5 Predicted maximum 1-hour NO2 concentrations ............................................................. 46

Figure 9-6 Predicted 99.9th percentile 1-hour CO concentrations .................................................... 48

Figure 9-7 Predicted 99.9th percentile 3-minute total VOC concentrations ....................................... 50

Figure 10-1 Recommended dust deposition gauge locations ............................................................ 55


Appendix A – Sample AERMOD output file

Appendix B – Greenhouse Gas Calculations

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | v

Abbreviated terms

Acronym Description

Air NEPM National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure

AWS Automatic weather station

BoM Bureau of Meteorology

CH4 Methane

CO Carbon monoxide

CO2 Carbon dioxide

CO2-e Carbon dioxide equivalent

CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

DMP Dust Management Plan

EPA WA Environmental Protection Authority

FIJV FI Joint Venture

GHG Greenhouse gas

GJ Gigajoule

GLC Ground level concentration

Kwinana EPP Environmental Protection (Kwinana) (Atmospheric Wastes) Policy 1999

LAPS Limited Area Prediction System

NEPM National Environment Protection Measure

NGER Act National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007

NO2 Nitrogen dioxide

N2O Nitrous oxide

NOx Oxides of nitrogen

NPI National Pollution Inventory

NSW DEC NSW Department of Environment and Conservation

O3 Ozone

Pb Lead

PM10 Particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10 microns or less

PM2.5 Particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 microns or less

SEPP (AQM) State Environment Protection Policy (Air Quality Management)

SO2 Sulphur dioxide

t CO2-e Tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent

TAPM The Air Pollution Model

TEOM Tapered element oscillating microbalance

TJ Terajoule

TSP Total suspended particulates

US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

Vic EPA Victoria Environmental Protection Authority

VKT Vehicle kilometres travelled

VOC Volatile organic compound

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 1

1. Introduction

1.1 Project description

FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd (FIJV) have proposed to construct and operate an open-cut magnetite

iron ore project (Yogi Mine Project) with mining, processing and associated infrastructure

located approximately 225 km east-north-east of Geraldton and 15 km north-east of Yalgoo in

mid-west Western Australia (Figure 2-1).

FIJV have commissioned GHD to undertake an air quality assessment for the Yogi Mine Project

as part of the technical investigations to inform the Environmental Review Document to be

submitted to the Environmental Protection Authority and as input to the Public Environmental


1.2 Purpose of report

The purpose of this report is to present results from an air quality assessment for the Yogi Mine

Project to determine the likely impacts from dust and other pollutants generated at the site as a

results of the project.

1.3 Scope of works

The scope of works for this assessment includes the following:

Review existing ambient air quality and meteorological conditions at the Yogi Mine Project


Derive site representative meteorological data for use with the modelling assessment.

Identify dust and other pollutant generating activities for construction and operation

activities at the mine and power station. Derive emissions for construction and key mine

operational staging and power station development.

Using approved dispersion modelling methodologies, predict the increment of dust impact

over the derived baseline from mining and compare with ambient air quality goals and dust

deposition levels. Predict pollutant ground level concentrations using AERMOD dispersion

model for two operational sources:

– Dust dispersion and deposition from mine operations

– Emission dispersion from gas turbine generators (power station)

Derive a Dust Management Framework for the adopted abatement mitigation such that any

incremental levels at the sensitive receptors are minimised with respect to a reasonable

industry standard.

Carry out a quantitative greenhouse gas assessment.

Prepare a report outlining methodology and results (this document).

1.4 Approach

The approach adopted for this air quality assessment is summarised in the following points.

Each point is described in detail in the subsequent sections of this report.

Outline proposed Yogi Mine Project, including layout and equipment (Section 2).

Identify the appropriate air quality standards and criteria applicable to this assessment

(Section 3).

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Describe the existing environment including in terms of topography, land use, meteorology,

background air quality and sensitive receptors (Section 4).

Carry out a construction phase assessment to identify likely impacts of construction dust to

the surrounding environment. Describe a Dust Management Framework for construction

dust (Section 5).

Describe meteorological modelling processes used to generate meteorological data to be

used in air dispersion modelling (Section 6).

Identify the air emission sources and mitigation measures for operation of the Yogi Mine

Project, and calculate emission rates for operation of the proposed Yogi Mine Project.

These are to be used in the air dispersion model (Section 7).

Carry out dispersion modelling for the assessment of predicted air quality impacts from

operation of the proposed Yogi Mine Project (Section 8) and present results of dispersion

modelling (Section 9).

Include a Dust Management Framework for mitigation measures (Section 10).

Describe methods used to estimate greenhouse gas emissions associated with the Project

and present results along with suggested management measures for reducing greenhouse

gas emissions (Section 11).

Describe the conclusions drawn from the above assessments (Section 12), subject to the

Scope (Section 1.3) and Limitations (Section 1.5).

1.5 Limitations

This report has been prepared by GHD for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd and may only be used and

relied on by FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd for the purpose agreed between GHD and the FI Joint

Venture Pty Ltd as set out in Section 1.3 of this report.

GHD otherwise disclaims responsibility to any person other than FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd arising

in connection with this report. GHD also excludes implied warranties and conditions, to the

extent legally permissible.

The services undertaken by GHD in connection with preparing this report were limited to those

specifically detailed in the report and are subject to the scope limitations set out in the report.

The opinions, conclusions and any recommendations in this report are based on conditions

encountered and information reviewed at the date of preparation of the report. GHD has no

responsibility or obligation to update this report to account for events or changes occurring

subsequent to the date that the report was prepared.

The opinions, conclusions and any recommendations in this report are based on assumptions

made by GHD described in this report (refer Section 1.6). GHD disclaims liability arising from

any of the assumptions being incorrect.

GHD has prepared this report on the basis of information provided by FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd

and others who provided information to GHD (including Government authorities), which GHD

has not independently verified or checked beyond the agreed scope of work. GHD does not

accept liability in connection with such unverified information, including errors and omissions in

the report which were caused by errors or omissions in that information.

1.6 Assumptions

This assessment assumes the following:

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 3

All information provided by FIJV, including operational parameters and project site layout is


All parameters used in the model and other relevant data are based on best estimates

using information provided by FIJV.

The meteorological data used and derived in this assessment is representative of the

meteorology at the Project site.

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 4

2. Project overview

The proposed Yogi Mine Project was in its preliminary phases at the time of writing this report.

However, the project description provided in this document is considered sufficient for the

purposes of the air quality assessment and provides the basis of this report.

2.1 Project outline

Situated in rural Western Australia, north-east of the township of Yalgoo, the Yogi Mine Project

is anticipated to cover an area of approximately 3,100 hectares within an 8,230 hectare Mine

Development Envelope. The location of the site is shown in Figure 2-1.

Mining of magnetite will occur below groundwater and will include open cut mine operation. The

operation will involve clearing topsoil and stockpiling, overburden drilling and blasting, followed

by removal of material by truck. The mine will include construction of all relevant mining


The life of mine is anticipated to be 21 years with an average annual throughput of ore of

approximately 18.5 mtpa (million-tonnes per annum). The mine is expected to operate with

three 8-hour working shifts for 350 days of the year.

Figure 2-1 Yogi Mine Project location

2.2 Key project components

The layout of the site is shown in Figure 2-2 and will comprise:

Mining of magnetite ore through an open-pit truck and shovel operation

Processing of ore to produce a magnetite concentrate

Pumping of the magnetite slurry via pipeline to Geraldton Port

The Yogi Mine Project will include the following components within the mining tenement area:

Open cute mine

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 5

Waste rock facility

Run of mine pad/ ore stockpile

Overburden facility

Process plant


Dry processing waste facility

Bore field and associated water pipeline

Drainage water pond

Access roads

Gas fired power station

Administrative buildings, workshops, laboratory and warehouses,

Water treatment and sewage treatment plant

Explosive and detonator magazines


The town of Yalgoo is expected to be the location of administrative operations and

accommodation for staff.

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Figure 2-2 Project site layout

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3. Legal framework and standards

The predicted ground level concentrations (GLCs) emitted from the Project will be compared to

relevant air quality criteria. This section describes the relevant air quality criteria and associated

pollutant limits. The following criteria were reviewed for relevance to the Yogi Mine Project:

WA Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) guidance statements

National Environment Protection Measure (NEPM)

Victorian Environment Protection Authority (EPA Victoria) design criteria

3.1 WA Environmental Protection Authority

3.1.1 Kwinana Environmental Protection Policy

There are no specific state-wide criteria for total suspended particulates (TSP). Historically, EPA

have applied the standard and limits for TSP from the Environmental Protection (Kwinana)

(Atmospheric Wastes) Policy 1999 (Kwinana EPP). The Kwinana EPP defines limits

(concentrations of atmospheric waste that shall not be exceeded) and standards

(concentrations of atmospheric wast should desirably not be exceeded) for TSP. The Kwinana

EPP is divided into three defined areas namely:

Area A – Core industrial area

Area B – Buffer area

Area C – Rural residential area beyond the buffer area (Environmental Protection Authority


The standards and limits for TSP in each of the buffer zones is presented in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Kwinana EPP standards and limits for TSP

Area Averaging period

TSP standard (µg/m3)

(no exceedances allowable)

TSP limit (µg/m3)

(desirable limits)

Policy area 15-minute - 1000

A 24-hour 150 260

B 24-hour 90 260

C 24-hour 90 150

3.2 National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality)


The National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure (called the Air NEPM) was

developed to provide benchmark standards for ambient air quality to allow for the adequate

protection of human health and well-being of the general population. Air NEPM standards have

been developed for carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), photochemical oxidants (as

Ozone; O3), sulphur dioxide (SO2), lead and particulates with an aerodynamic diameter of 10

microns or less (PM10) and 2.5 microns or less (PM2.5). There is a goal to further reduce the

maximum concentration for PM2.5 by 2025 to 20 µg/m3 and 7 µg/m3 for a daily and annual

averaging time respectively. Air NEPM standards are provided in Table 3-2.

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 8

Table 3-2 Air NEPM standards

Pollutant Averaging period Max. concentration standard


CO 8-hour 11,254

NO2 1-hour 247

Annual 62

Photochemical oxidants (as O3) 1-hour 214

4-hour 172


1-hour 572

24-hour 229

Annual 57

Pb Annual 0.5


24-hour 50

Annual 25

PM2.5 24-hour 25

Annual 8

1 Gaseous pollutants converted from ppm to µg/m3 at 0 °C and 1 atm

3.3 EPA Victoria design criteria

The State environment protection policy (Air Quality Management) (known as the SEPP (AQM))

establishes design criteria for a number of substances in order to manage emissions to the air

environment so that beneficial uses of the air environment are protected. The SEPP (AQM)

defines included substances as one of the following:

Class 1 indicator – a substance which is common or widely distributed and is established

as an environmental indicator in the State Environment Protection Policy (Ambient Air

Quality), and may threaten the beneficial uses of both local and regional air environments.

Class 2 indicator – a waste which is a hazardous substance that may threaten the

beneficial uses of the environment by virtue of its toxicity, bio-accumulation or odorous


Class 3 indicator – a waste which is an extremely hazardous substance that may threaten

the beneficial uses of the air environment due to its carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic,

highly toxic or highly persistent characteristics.

Unclassified indicators - indicators of the beneficial uses of local amenity and aesthetic

enjoyment, namely odour and total suspended particles (nuisance dust).

The pollutants of interest in this assessment are defined as Class 1 and Class 2 indicators.

These substances and their design criteria are listed in and respectively. SEPP (AQM) design

criteria are taken at the 99.9th percentile using an averaging time of 1 hour or less, which

corresponds to the 9th highest hourly concentration when using one year of meteorological data

(Victorian Government Gazette 2001). SEPP (AQM) criteria were used for this assessment

where NEPM standards were not available.

Table 3-3 EPA Victoria design criteria, Class 1 substances

Substance Averaging period Design criteria (µg/m3)[1]

CO 99.9th percentile, 1-hour 29,000

NO2 99.9th percentile, 1-hour 190

SO2 99.9th percentile, 1-hour 450

PM10 99.9th percentile, 1-hour 80

Pb 99.9th percentile, 1-hour 3

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 9

1 Pollutants converted from mg/m3 to µg/m3

Table 3-4 EPA Victoria design criteria, Class 2 substances

Substance Averaging period Design criteria (µg/m3)

Hexane 99.9th percentile, 3-minute 5900

Toluene 99.9th percentile, 3-minute 650

Xylenes 99.9th percentile, 3-minute 350

Phenol 99.9th percentile, 3-minute 369

Formaldehyde 99.9th percentile, 3-minute 40

Acetaldehyde 99.9th percentile, 3-minute 76

Acetone 99.9th percentile, 3-minute 40,000

Pollutants converted from mg/m3 to µg/m3

3.4 Dust deposition

There are no specific state-wide criteria for dust deposition. The NSW EPA apply the dust

deposition standard provided in the Approved Methods for the Modelling and Assessment of Air

Pollutants in NSW (Approved Methods) (NSW EPA, 2017). NSW Approved Methods impact

assessment goals for dust deposition on an annual average basis such that nuisance dust

impacts could be avoided are:

Maximum increase in deposited dust of 2 g/m2/ month

Maximum total deposited dust level of 4 g/m2/month

These apply for insoluble solids over an annual averaging period.

3.5 Adopted assessment criteria

Based on a review of the relevant standards and criteria described above, the following limits

were adopted as assessment criteria for the purpose of this assessment. Table 3-5 lists the

relevant assessment criteria that is used as a comparison to predicted concentrations in the

dispersion modelling.

Consistent with the draft State Environmental (Ambient Air) Policy 2009 (Government of

Western Australia 2009), the NEPM standards (and other criteria) have not been applied within

the Yogi Mine Project area, but have been applied at the nearest sensitive receptors (Town of


GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 10

Table 3-5 Assessment criteria

Pollutant Averaging time Legislation Criteria (µg/m3)

Mine operations

TSP 24-hour[1] Kwinana EPP 90


99.9th percentile, 1-hour SEPP (AQM) 80

24-hour Air NEPM 50

Annual Air NEPM 25


24-hour Air NEPM 25

Annual Air NEPM 8

Dust deposition

Annual NSW Approved Methods

2 g/m2/month (increase)

4 g/m2/month (overall)

Power station


1-hour Air NEPM 247

Annual Air NEPM 62

CO 99.9th percentile, 1-hour SEPP (AQM) 29,000

8-hour Air NEPM 11,254

Hexane 99.9th percentile, 3-minute SEPP (AQM) 5900

Toluene 99.9th percentile, 3-minute SEPP (AQM) 650

Xylenes 99.9th percentile, 3-minute SEPP (AQM) 350

Phenol 99.9th percentile, 3-minute SEPP (AQM) 36

Formaldehyde 99.9th percentile, 3-minute SEPP (AQM) 40

Acetaldehyde 99.9th percentile, 3-minute SEPP (AQM) 76

Acetone 99.9th percentile, 3-minute SEPP (AQM) 40,000

1 Area C standard (rural residential area beyond the buffer area)

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4. Existing environment

4.1 Topography and geology

The region surrounding the Yogi Mine Project is characterised by relatively flat land with

drainage in the form of salt flats, braided channels and playas. The development envelope of

the project generally lies downstream of the surrounding hills, with the northern and western

portions located within relatively hilly areas. The central and south-eastern portions of the

development envelope are relatively flat. The elevation of the Yogi Mine Project site lies

between 324 to 410 m Australian Height Datum.

The site is located within the Murchison Province of the Yilgarn Craton.

4.2 Surrounding land use

The area surrounding the proposed Yogi Mine Project is mostly bare, undeveloped land. The

closest developed area is the Yalgoo township located 15 km to the south-west. Yalgoo is

historically a pastoral town (1870s) but is recorded as being officially settled by gold prospectors

in the early 1890s. Today a shire office administers nearly 3.5 million hectares of country where

sheep farming and mining (gold, tantalite and bauxite) are the major industries.

4.3 Meteorology

The climate of the proposed Yogi Mine Project site is classified as warm and temperate in the

‘hot dry summer, cold winter’ climate zone (BoM, 2006). An arid annual average rainfall of 258

mm (Bureau of Meteorology 2019) is recorded at the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) station

007091 in Yalgoo, which is located approximately 15 km south-west of the Yogi Mine Project

site. Annual rainfall is highly variable as shown in Figure 4-1. Rainfall is also highly seasonal

with the majority of rainfall occurring in winter, the driest months being October and November

(Figure 4-2).

Monthly rainfall and temperature statistics from Yalgoo are shown in Figure 4-3. Then mean

monthly maximum temperature ranges from 37.2 °C in January to 18.2 °C in July. The mean

minimum temperature ranges from 20.7 °C in January and February to 6.2 °C in July.

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Figure 4-1 Annual monthly rainfall for Yalgoo, 1896 to 2014

Figure 4-2 Monthly rainfall for Yalgoo, 1896 to 2014

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Figure 4-3 Monthly climate statistics for Yalgoo, 1897 to 2014

4.4 Existing ambient air quality

Due to the isolated location of the Project, there is no existing surrounding sources of pollution

data. Therefore background concentrations will not be included.

4.5 Sensitive receptors

The closest sensitive receptors to the proposed Yogi Mine Project reside in Yalgoo Township,

with a population of approximately 120. Three locations at the north-east edge of the Yalgoo

Township (closest to the project site) have been selected as sensitive receptors for the purpose

of this assessment. These are listed in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Sensitive receptors

ID Easting Northing m AGL Distance from project boundary (km)

SR1 468836 6865284 320 15.3

SR2 469057 6865145 321 15.3

SR3 469173 6865023 320 15.3

Sensitive receptorYogi Mine Project boundary



470000 475000 480000 485000 490000






GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 15

5. Construction assessment

This section outlines assessment of air emissions likely to result during construction of the Yogi

Mine Project.

Potential air quality impacts during construction and site establishment for the Project will be

emission from heavy vehicle exhausts, dust generation from heavy equipment during

earthworks and wind erosion from disturbed soil surfaces.

5.1 Heavy machinery and plant

Emissions from heavy vehicles and diesel powered equipment would consist of products of

combustion, including oxides of nitrogen (NOx), SO2, PM10 and volatile organic compounds

(VOCs). Emissions from heavy equipment will be minimised by ensuring all vehicles on-site are

well maintained and operated in an efficient manner.

Emissions from vehicles on-site are not considered to represent a significant source of


5.2 Construction dust

The impacts of dust emissions fall under two distinct categories, being health and amenity.

Potential health impacts are attributable to the concentration of respirable particles in ambient

air. Respirable particles of dust (PM10 or less), would have maximum impact under light winds

and stable atmospheric conditions. These conditions most frequently occur overnight and very

early in the morning, and therefore, become more significant only if construction operations

extend outside typical operating hours.

The presence of TSP greater than 35 microns is likely to affect amenity by way of reducing

visibility (whilst suspended in the air column) and by soiling of materials via dust deposition.

Amenity impacts are most marked in high wind conditions, when large particles may be

displaced and transported a significant distance before being deposited and soiling surfaces.

Mitigation of amenity related dust impacts would in turn act to reduce health impacts due to dust


The extent to which these emissions may impact on the surrounding sensitive land uses would

depend upon a number of site-specific factors.

Dust emissions will arise during construction of the Yogi Mine Project. The following

construction activities involve the movement and placement of soil, rock etc. and can be a

source of dust emission:

Mechanical disturbance: dust emissions resulting from the operation of construction

equipment and vehicles.

Wind erosion: dust emissions from exposed and disturbed soil surfaces under high wind

speeds during construction.

Extensive inventories (Australian Government 2012; US EPA 2001) for PM10 and TSP

emissions from earth moving machinery are commonly used to characterise the source dust

emission rates from activities on-site during the construction phase. At this stage, the reference

design has not specified the schedule of operations and the exact type and number of dozers,

scrapers, trucks and other earthmoving equipment, and therefore it is not possible to

characterise these sources.

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 16

Dust emissions during construction are not considered to represent a significant source of

emissions. For the construction phase of the Project, a framework which includes a

comprehensive range of mitigation measures for the management of dust emissions will be

developed as a part of construction dust management measures (refer to Section 10.1).

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 17

6. Meteorological modelling

The simulation of emission dispersion from the Yogi Mine Project requires the use of

meteorological data containing hourly data for a minimum of one year. Ideally, much of these

data would be obtained from on-site observations to provide a site-specific dataset. Such

observations, however are not available for the project site. As an alternative, observed data

from other representative locations may be used. Data are considered site-representative if the

meteorological trends, surrounding land uses and topographic features for the site of interest

are similar to, or are expected to be similar to, those of the site at which the data were recorded.

The nearest available meteorological observations to the project site are recorded on an hourly

basis at the BoM Mt Magnet Aero automatic weather station (AWS) (ID: 007600). The Mt

Magnet AWS is located approximately 116 km east of the project site and records air

temperature and wind speed and direction.

Meteorological data available from the Mt Magnet AWS is considered generally representative

of the project site. However, there is a lack of representative cloud observation data that is

required to calculate stability classes. The nearest station that collects suitable cloud

observation data is Geraldton AWS which is located approximately 200 km to the east along the

coast and therefore is not considered representative.

Where site representative data are not available, the alternative is to synthesise meteorological

data for the site using diagnostic or prognostic 3D meteorological modelling. CSIRO’s TAPM

(The Air Pollution Model) was used to produce site-representative hourly surface meteorological

data for input to the pre-processor AERMET. The output from the AERMET meteorological

model is input to the AERMOD dispersion model.

6.1 TAPM meteorological model

TAPM (v4.0.4) was developed at Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organisation’s (CSIRO) Division of Atmospheric Research. TAPM is a PC based prognostic

modelling system consisting of coupled prognostic meteorological and air pollution dispersion

model components. It is suitable for use with complex geographic sites and/or for situations

when the available site representative meteorological data are not adequate.

The prognostic meteorological model predicts the meteorological conditions across the model

domain based on synoptic scale meteorology, local topography and land surface characteristics

(i.e. soil type and vegetation cover). The CSIRO’s dataset of synoptic meteorological data was

used as input into TAPM, along with terrain elevation and land surface characterisation data to

generate a site representative meteorological dataset. The synoptic meteorological data were

derived from a global re-analysis dataset provided by CSIRO. The model then provides the link

between the synoptic large scale flows and local climatology, such as downslope drainage flows

(katabatic winds), sea breeze influences and regional/local scale wind channeling around terrain

features (Hurley 2008).

6.2 Model configuration

TAPM was configured with a nested model grid coverage designed to capture:

Broad scale synoptic flows.

Regional and local wind channeling around terrain features.

Regional to local scale katabatic (downslope night time drainage flow) and any sea breeze

flows that may penetrate inland.

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 18

The influence of local land use.

Nested grids were configured with the surface characteristics, such as terrain elevation; surface

roughness/vegetation type; soil type and monthly varying deep soil moisture content. The

synoptic analyses (derived from NCEP Re-analysis) from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 were

used, which represents a drier than average year. TAPM specific model settings were as


Five nested meteorological grids with grid spacing of 30, 10, 5, 2 and 1 km.

41 x 41 grid points in the east west and north south direction respectively.

Grids centered at 28º19’ S and 116.58º’ E at a local grid centered of 483581 E and

6873313 N (MGA94).

Topography generated from the AUSLIG 9-second (250 m resolution) terrain elevation

datasets provided with the model, and then manually adjusted. Figure 6-1 shows

topography for the five nested meteorological grids.

Characterised vegetation and land use was determined from the datasets provided with the


Soil type information was initially derived from the US geological datasets provided with the


25 vertical levels.

Surface vegetation and precipitation processes included, (snow processes and non-

hydrostatic processes were excluded).

After the TAPM was run, hourly wind direction and wind speed were extracted for the:

– Project site to meteorological model to be used in AERMOD model runs.

– For the Mt Magnet AWS location to allow for validation against observed data.

30 km domain

10 km domain

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 19

5 km domain

2 km domain

1 km domain

Figure 6-1 Edited topography for each nested meteorological grid

6.3 Predicted meteorological data

A site representative meteorological data set containing hourly data spanning a year is essential

to conduct dispersion modelling of emissions to air and to determine the general wind climate at

the site.

Meteorological data has been extracted from the TAPM output for 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018.

Specifically, the required hourly meteorological data includes: air temperature (ºC), wind speed

(m/s), wind direction (degrees) and net radiation.

This section describes the trends exhibited by each of the predicted meteorological parameters.

6.3.1 TAPM wind distribution

The predicted annual average wind speed for the project site is 2.4 m/s, with summer being the

windiest (2.9 m/s) season and autumn (2.4 m/s) the calmest.

The predicted annual and seasonal wind roses for the Project site are shown in Figure 6-2.

Wind roses provide a graphical representation of the frequency distribution of winds of varying

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 20

strength, from varying compass points. Figure 6-2 shows a strong seasonal cycle in wind

direction, namely:

Easterly winds present throughout all seasons.

West, south-west, east and south-east winds during spring, with the westerly winds

subsiding and easterly winds predominating during summer.

Variable winds during autumn with increasing easterly winds.

Increased frequency and strength of winds in the north-west quadrant during winter.

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 21






Average wind speeds Calms






2.4 m/s

2.6 m/s

2.9 m/s

2.4 m/s

2.5 m/s


Figure 6-2 Annual and seasonal wind roses for TAPM synthesised meteorological data at the Project site

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 22

6.4 Validation of predicted meteorological data

In order to validate hourly varying predictions, key parameters can be compared with observed

data where available. Such comparisons typically include temperature and wind speed and

direction. As previously mentioned, data from the BoM Mt Magnet AWS meteorological site was

available for comparison with predictions.

Key parameters were extracted from the relevant three dimensional simulations for the Mt Magnet

location and compared with observed data. This section provides comparison of the air

temperature and wind speed and direction at Mt Magnet.

6.4.1 Air temperature

Figure 6-3 shows the mean monthly temperature, as predicted by TAPM and observed at Mt

Magnet AWS. The comparison between the predicted and observed data demonstrates TAPM

under predicts temperature by approximately 2°C, but still follows the seasonal temperature

patterns (correlation 95%). Typically, TAPM overestimates temperatures overnight and

underestimates temperatures during the day but the all hours average is close and follows the

same seasonal pattern.

On this monthly basis, colder overall temperatures suggest TAPM will be somewhat conservative

(in a dispersion outcome) in predicting temperature inversions and the cooler daytime

temperatures lower the overall wind speed and mixing height (due to underdevelopment of

convection) and hence daytime dispersion.

The strong correlation between predicted and recorded temperature indicates that the model is

adequately calculating the surface energy balance, which, in turn, adds confidence to the

predictions made for atmospheric stability.

Figure 6-3 Average TAPM predicted and observed air temperature at Mt Magnet

AWS (1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018)

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 23

6.4.2 Wind distribution

For the purpose of comparison, Figure 6-4 shows the annual and seasonal predicted wind

distribution at Mt Magnet AWS, and Figure 6-5 shows the annual and seasonal BoM Mt Magnet

AWS observed wind distribution for the same period.

Comparison of the wind roses shows the following:

Lower average annual wind speed (2.7 m/s) is predicted than observed (4.6 m/s). Predicted

westerly wind speeds during spring and summer and east during winter and autumn are lower

than observed.

Both Mt Magnet and TAPM predicted wind directions reflect the pattern of those observed

during each season, although lower in wind speed.

Both Mt Magnet and TAPM predicted wind speeds have south-westerly and easterly

component winds that dominate during both spring and summer.

Both Mt Magnet and TAPM autumn winds are mostly out of the east sector.

Winds most evenly distributed in direction during winter.

In view of the foregoing, it is considered that the predictions generally represent the wind climate

of observed winds but tends to under predict wind speeds.

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Wind speed (m/s) Average wind speeds Calms






2.7 m/s

2.9 m/s

3.2 m/s

2.7 m/s

1.9 m/s


Figure 6-4 Annual and seasonal wind roses for TAPM predicted meteorological data at Mt Magnet AWS

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 25






Wind speed (m/s) Average wind speeds Calms






4.6 m/s

5.0 m/s

5.6 m/s

4.4 m/s

3.7 m/s


Figure 6-5 Annual and seasonal wind roses for observed meteorological data at BoM Mt Magnet AWS

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 26

7. Operational assessment

This section outlines the emission estimation process used to develop the emission inventory

for both operational sources: dust dispersion and deposition from mine operations and emission

dispersion from the power station.

7.1 Mining operations

7.1.1 Mine operation parameters and mining equipment

Table 7-1 summarises the parameters used to develop the air dispersion model for air

emissions associated with operations at the Yogi Mine Project. As the Yogi Mine Project was in

preliminary phases at the time of writing this report, several assumptions were made regarding

design parameters.

Table 7-1 Design parameters used for emissions inventory development

Design parameter Value

Mining rate

Ore 18.5 Mt

Waste rock 17.0 Mt

Total 35.5 Mt

Estimated area

Overburden facility 52 ha

Waste rock facility 210 ha

Mine pit 145 ha

Ore stockpile 14 ha

Ore haul road area 45 ha

Waste haul road area 21 ha


Drilling[1] 250 holes per blast

Blasting[1] 1 per day, 5 pm

Load and haul[1] Continuous

Crushing plant[1] Continuous

1 Information not available due to preliminary phase of the Yogi Mine Project. Value based on assumption.

Potential air quality impacts from operations of the Yogi Mine include dust emissions from mine

operations and products of combustion from the power station. The most likely causes of dust

emissions during operations from the Yogi Mine Project include:

Loading and unloading of ore and waste rock into dump trucks and stockpiles

Processing of material by crushing and screening processes

Wind erosion of uncovered stockpiles and pit and waste rock dump open areas

Wheel generated dust from movement of vehicles along unpaved areas of unconsolidated


The activities in Table 7-2 were used to define emission sources to be input into the dispersion


GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 27

Table 7-2 Potential dust sources from mine operations

Source type Source location

Drilling of ore and waste rock Mine pit

Blasting of ore and waste rock Mine pit

Loading ore and waste rock into haul trucks using excavators/shovels or front end loaders

Mine pit

Hauling ore and waste rock Haul roads from mine pit to the crushing plant and waste rock facility

Unloading ore and waste rock from haul trucks Crushing plant and waste rock facility

Dozing of waste rock and tailings Waste rock dumps

Ancillary vehicle movement Mine roads

Grading haul roads Haul roads

Primary, secondary and tertiary crusher Crushing plant

Ore handling and transfer Crushed ore stockpile to processing plant, conveyor

Wind erosion Ore stockpile, overburden facility, waste rock facility, mine pit and haul roads

Gas generators Power station

Preliminary mine vehicle equipment is summarised in Table 7-3. Number of vehicles were

based on design year 14 as this had the largest anticipated number of mine vehicle equipment

out of the 21 year mine life. The specific equipment requirements need to be confirmed

following development of detailed haul profiles and equipment scheduling. The preliminary

mining equipment fleet listed in Table 7-3 provides the basis for the dust emissions inventory for

mining operations.

Table 7-3 Mine vehicle equipment fleet

Description Model Number

Dump truck Komatsu HD 325 11

Dump truck Komatsu HD 1500 12

Loader Komatsu WA 470 4

Truck Water truck 20,000 litres 2

Truck Explosive truck 2

Drill wagon 8 inch and 10 inch 7

Excavator Komatsu PC 800 2

Shovel Komatsu PC 3000-6 7

Bulldozer Komatsu D 155 1

Bulldozer Komatsu D 375 2

Grader CAT 16G 2

7.1.2 Emission factors

Emission rates for dust emissions (TSP, PM10 and PM2.5) for the above activities have been

estimated from emission factors derived from the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) Emission

Estimation Technique Manual for Mining – Version 3.1 (Department of Sustainability,

Environment, Water, Population and Communities, 2012).

Emission factors for dust (TSP and PM10) used for developing an emissions inventory are

provided in Table 7-4 for the above listed activities, based on an annual throughput 35.5 Mt (ore

and waste rock). Emission factors for PM2.5 are not included in Table 7-4 as PM2.5 was

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 28

assessed as an estimate of 30% PM10, based on an average PM10:PM2.5 ratio provided by

Chatten et al. (2006).

Table 7-4 Emission factors for mine operations

Activity Emission factor

TSP PM₁₀ Unit

Load overburden/ore to trucks 0.03 0.01 kg/hr

Drilling[1] 0.59 0.31 kg/hole

Blasting[2] 6.23 3.24 kg/blast

Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads)[3]

4.23 1.25 Vehicle km travelled (VKT)

Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads)[3]

4.23 1.25 VKT

Dozer (ore stockpile)[4][5] 9.58 2.13 kg/ha

Dozer (WR dump)[4][5] 9.58 2.13 kg/ha

Grader (ore haul roads)[6] 0.19 0.1 VKT

Grader (waste haul roads)[6] 0.19 0.1 VKT

Ore stockpile wind erosion 0.4 0.2 kg/hour

Overburden facility wind erosion 0.4 0.2 kg/hour

Waste rock facility wind erosion 0.4 0.2 kg/hour

Mine pit wind erosion 0.4 0.2 kg/hour

Unloading (ore) 0.004 0.0017 kg/hour

Unloading (waste rock) 0.012 0.0043 kg/hour

Primary crushing 0.01 0.004 kg/hour

Secondary crushing 0.03 0.012 kg/hour

Tertiary crushing 0.03 0.01 kg/hour

Ore handling and transfer 0.005 0.002 kg/hour

Screening 0.08 0.06 kg/hour

1 250 drill holes assumed per blast

2 One blast assumed per day occurring at 5:00 pm

3 Payload of trucks assumed to be 200 t

4 Silt content assumed to be 8%; moisture content assumed to be 2.5%

5 Dozers assumed to move 1000 t/hr

6 Grader speed assumed to be 10 km/hr

7.1.3 Assumed dust control measures

Mining dust control measures have been assumed based on typical operating conditions for

magnetite mines in Australia. Although the exact type and effectiveness of dust control

measures were not defined at the time of writing this report, the assumed measures used in the

modelling are considered reasonable and represent likely dust control effectiveness. The

specific dust control measures need to be confirmed following development of detailed mining

processes and specific equipment used. The preliminary dust control measures assumed for

this assessment are listed in Table 7-5.

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 29

Table 7-5 Dust control measures used in model

Activity Dust control Effectiveness

Drilling Water sprays 70%

Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) Level 2 watering (L/m2/h) 50%

Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) Level 2 watering (L/m2/h) 50%

Unloading (ore) Water sprays 50%

Unloading (waste rock) Water sprays 30%

Primary crushing Use of fabric filters 99%

Secondary crushing Use of fabric filters 99%

Tertiary crushing Use of fabric filters 99%

Ore handling and transfer Enclosure 70%

Screening Enclosure and use of fabric filters


Wind erosion

Overburden facility Water spray / wet down 50%

Waste rock facility Primary rehabilitation

Rock armour



Mine pit Pit retention 50% (TSP)

5% (PM10)

7.1.4 Emission inventory

An emission inventory has been developed for mine operations based on:

Design parameters (Table 7-1)

Emission factors (Table 7-4)

Dust control measures (Table 7-5)

Table 7-6 provides estimated dust emission rates (TSP, PM10, PM2.5) from mining activities for

the Yogi Mine Project for one operating scenario considered to represent operating conditions

at full production.

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 30

Table 7-6 Estimated dust emission rates

Activity TSP (g/s) PM10 (g/s) PM2.5 (g/s)[1]

Load overburden/ore to trucks 2.26 1.08 0.33

Drilling 0.51 0.27 0.08

Blasting[2] 1.73 0.90 0.27

Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads)

3.49 1.03 0.31

Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads)

1.63 0.48 0.14

Dozer (ore stockpile) 0.16 0.16 0.09

Dozer (WR dump) 0.16 0.16 0.18

Grader (ore haul roads) 0.53 0.24 0.07

Grader (waste haul roads) 0.53 0.24 0.07

Ore stockpile wind erosion 0.19 0.10 0.03

Overburden facility wind erosion 0.72 0.69 0.21

Waste rock facility wind erosion 2.86 1.43 0.43

Mine pit wind erosion 2.01 1.91 0.57

Unloading (ore) 0.61 0.26 0.08

Unloading (waste rock) 1.69 0.60 0.18

Primary crushing 0.06 0.02 0.01

Secondary crushing 0.18 0.07 0.02

Tertiary crushing 0.18 0.06 0.02

Ore handling and transfer 0.92 0.37 0.11

Screening 0.35 0.26 0.08

1 PM2.5 assessed as 30% PM10

2 Blasting assumed to occur between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm daily

7.2 Power station

The primary pollutants from gas turbines are NOx and CO formed by high temperatures

generated in the combustor and VOCs which are released predominantly due to the incomplete

combustion of fuel. PM10 and SO2 are emitted in trace amounts as the gas turbines will be fired

using natural gas. Emission factors used to calculate emission rates for NOx, CO and VOC were

extract from Table 51: Emission factors (kg/kWh) for uncontrolled gas turbines natural gas

engines in the NPI Emission estimation technique manual for combustion engines Version 3.0

(Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, 2008).

Due to the preliminary phase of the Yogi Mine Project at the time of writing this report, the

parameters of the power station were not yet defined and therefore for the purpose of this

assessment have been assumed based used for a similar project in previous air quality study.

The following information was assumed for the Yogi Mine Project power station:

100 MW power station comprised of 10 x 10 MW natural gas turbines at the site. Gas

turbines were assumed to be Siemen’s SGT800

The power station will deliver 100 MW of electrical power at an ambient temperature of

45°C. A 100 MW power station is considered an overly conservative amount of power

usage; and this has been assumed to assess for worst-case impacts associated with the

power station.

VOCs modelled in this assessment include hexane, toluene, xylene, phenol, formaldehyde,

acetaldehyde and acetone.

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 31

Emissions from the power station were split into two operating scenarios: standard

operating conditions and start-up conditions. All three operating scenarios were modelled

as part of this assessment and are explained below.

7.2.1 Standard operating conditions

The assumed emission rates are considered to represent normal operations of the power

station. As discussed in Section 7.2, assumptions for operations of power station have been

based on a previous air quality study. Source characteristics and pollutant mass emission rates

for standard operating conditions are provided in Table 7-7.

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 32

Table 7-7 Power station source characteristics and emission rates – Standard operating conditions

Stack characteristic GT1 GT2 GT3 GT4 GT5 GT6 GT7 GT8 GT9 GT10

Easting (m UTM) 483131 483141 483151 483161 483171 483131 483141 483151 483161 483171

Northing (m UTM) 6881103 6881103 6881103 6881103 6881103 6881098 6881098 6881098 6881098 6881098

Stack height (m) 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9 32.9

Stack diameter (m) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

Exhaust temperature (°C)

105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105

Exit velocity (m/s) 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3

Emission rates – Standard conditions (g/s)

NOx 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4

CO 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

Unburnt hydrocarbons as a marker for VOCs[1]

0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

1 Refer to Section 8.6 for proportions used to scale concentrations of VOCs present in unburnt hydrocarbons

GHD | Report for FI Joint Venture Pty Ltd - Yogi Magnetite Project, 6137117 | 33

7.2.2 Start-up conditions

During start-up of an individual gas turbine, the emissions to air typically have a high proportion

of NO2 within NOx and this may last for as much as 30 minutes. Multiple turbines would not be

started simultaneously. Whilst start-up of an individual turbine is expected to be an infrequent

event, this may be assessed conservatively by assuming that a single turbine operates with

100% of its NOx emissions as NO2 for all hours of the year.

For this assessment, one generator was modelled with NO2 assessed as 100% NOx and the

remaining nine generators modelled with NO2 assessed as 30% NOx is it is assumed the

remaining generators would be operating normally.

7.2.3 Upset conditions

The impacts for upset conditions have been qualitatively addressed due to the short-term time

period for elevated pollutant conditions, and thus are not considered to be representative to

compare against the Regulatory criteria.

Possible upset conditions for the power station were identified to be pipe or duct rupturing in the

gas turbine. In this instance, the power station would quickly shut down and there would be no

gas supply. Therefore VOC emissions would increase briefly, and then decrease rapidly

8. Dispersion modelling

This section describes the model used to predict GLCs associated with operations at the Yogi

Mine Project based on meteorological data (Section 6) and derived emission rates

(Section 7.1.4).

This section provides further information on the model parameters selected for the dispersion

model AERMOD.

AERMOD is a steady state model and assumes that over time, the average concentrations

distribution within a plume, is Gaussian. AERMOD was used to predict the dispersion of TSP,

PM10, PM2.5, dust deposition, NO2, CO and VOCs at three receptors within the region (see

Figure 4-4). A sample AERMOD output file typical of those used in this assessment is presented

in Appendix A. The main model options and assumptions used are listed below.

AERMOD was run individually for each pollutant with their corresponding emission rates. The

TSP model run was also configured to output dust deposition at the sensitive receptors.

8.1 Model configuration

Model configuration is summarised in Table 8-1.

Table 8-1 Model configuration

Parameter Setting

Averaging times 1-hour, 8-hour 24-hour or annual

Model grid centre coordinates (m UTM) 483653.19 E, 6874578.11 N

Emission rate Constant[1]

Topography Default AERMAP databases used

Surrounding land use Rural with land use as per the AERMET definition

1 Blasting was configured to occur between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm daily

8.2 Source characteristics

A total of 56 volume sources were used to represent emissions: 33 sources to represent

operational emissions including wind erosion and 23 sources to represent emissions of wheel

generated dust. Sources were modelled as shown in Figure 8-1. Modelling source characteristic

parameters are shown in Table 8-2.

Table 8-2 Source characteristic parameters

Source Modelled source type

Number of sources included

Release height (m)

Length of side (m)

Initial lateral dimension (m)

Load overburden/ore to trucks

Volume 13 1 2 0.47

Drilling Volume 1 1 2 0.47

Blasting Volume 1 1 20 4.65

Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads)

Volume 12 1 2 0.47

Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads)

Volume 11 1 2 0.47

Dozer (ore stockpile)

Volume 2 1 2 0.47

Dozer (WR dump)

Volume 1 2 1 0.23

Grader (ore haul roads)

Volume 1 1 2 0.47

Grader (waste haul roads)

Volume 1 1 2 0.47

Ore stockpile wind erosion

Volume 1 3 500 81.40

Overburden facility wind erosion

Volume 1 1 700 162.79

Waste rock facility wind erosion

Volume 1 1 1000 232.56

Mine pit wind erosion

Volume 1 1 1000 232.56

Unloading (ore) Volume 2 1 2 0.47

Unloading (waste rock)

Volume 2 1 2 0.47

Primary crushing Volume 1 1 2 0.47

Secondary crushing

Volume 1 1 2 0.47

Tertiary crushing Volume 1 1 2 0.47

Ore handling and transfer

Volume 1 1 2 0.47

Screening Volume 1 1 2 0.47

Figure 8-1 AERMOD source layout

8.3 Grid system

AERMOD has the capability to calculate concentrations on both a uniform grid (gridded

receptors) and at specified individual locations (discrete receptors, or ‘sensitive receptors’). The

model was configured to predict the ground-level concentrations on a 20 km square grid. The

model domain centre coordinate was located at 483653.19 m E, 6874578.11 m N (Zone 50 J

UTM) with a grid resolution of 200 m.

Figure 8-2 Receptor network used in AERMOD

8.4 Background concentrations

No background concentrations were available for this assessment, therefore modelling results

have been assessed incrementally.

8.5 Dust deposition modelling

The TSP model run was configured to output dry deposition. One emission file was generated

for each particle size category for TSP with the corresponding particle size distributions. The

AERMOD default method (one) was used with particle size distribution taken from AP-42

Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors – Volume 1: Stationary, Point and Area Sources,

Appendix B.2. (US EPA 2001) as no dust data from the project site was available. Particle

density was assumed to be 1 g/cm3. The particle source emissions to calculate deposited dust

from TSP are shown in Table 8-3 .

Table 8-3 Character particle source emissions

Particle diameter (µ) Mass fraction (%) Particle density (g/cm3)

2.5 15 1

6 34 1

10 51 1

8.6 VOCs

For assessment of VOCs present in unburnt hydrocarbons, proportions of VOCs were obtained

for gas fired stationary combustion sources (California Air Research Board 1995). As the VOCs

present were provided as a proportion, of a unit volume of unburnt hydrocarbons was modelled.

The resultant predicted GLCs of unburnt hydrocarbons was used to scale GLCs of VOCs

present in the unburnt hydrocarbons. The VOC proportions are displayed in Table 8-4.

Table 8-4 Adopted proportions of VOCs in unburnt hydrocarbons

Pollutant Proportion (%)

Methane[1] 50.7

Hexane 20.3

Toluene 7.2

Xylenes 4.2

Phenol 12.7

Formaldehyde 1.0

Acetaldehyde 0.5

Acetone 3.4

1 Not assessed

8.7 Adjusting averaging periods for 3-minute average

AERMOD is not capable of calculating averaging periods of less than one hour. To overcome

this limitation, pollutants that were assessed at averaging periods of 3 minutes were modelled

with 1-hour averaging and post-processed to achieve the required averaging. Post-processing

was carried out using a time-averaging peak-to-mean adjustment consistent with the Guidance

notes for using the regulatory air pollution model AERMOD in Victoria (Environmental Protection

Authority Victoria 2013). The formula used to carry out this adjustment was:

𝑐(𝑡) = 𝑐𝑡0(𝑡0


Where: c is the predicted concentration

t is the average time (minutes) of interest (3 minutes)

t0 is the averaging time consistent with the dispersion rates (60 minutes)

9. Results

9.1 Mining operations

This section presents model results for emissions associated with the operation of the proposed

Yogi Mine. Predicted GLCs for both operational segments (dust dispersion and deposition from

mine operations and emission dispersion from the power station) are included.

Whilst air dispersion modelling has been conducted using an appropriate model AERMOD, any

dispersion model cannot consider all aspects of what is a highly complex atmospheric

environment within which dispersion occurs. Coupled with this is uncertainty with the estimation

of dust emissions from various sources across the proposed Yogi Mine Project due to the

preliminary phase of the project at the time of assessment. Model predictions are provided

based on the best available practices and information at the time of writing this report. It is

intended that the approach in this assessment provides conservative emission dispersion


Section 9.1.1 to Section 9.1.3 presents the results from predictive air dispersion modelling for

TSP (including deposited dust), PM10 and PM2.5 likely to result from mine operations. A

discussion of results is included within each section. Concentration contours are also provided

to visually display predicted dispersion patterns across the project site.

9.1.1 Total suspended particulates (TSP)

Table 9-1 shows predicted concentrations of TSP associated with operations at the proposed

Yogi Mine Project at each sensitive receptor. Concentrations are predicted to comply with the

assessment criteria at all three sensitive receptors, with a maximum of 65% of the Kwinana EPP

criteria at SR2. Figure 9-1 displays the predicted TSP contours.

Table 9-1 Predicted TSP concentrations

Sensitive receptor Max. 24-hour (µg/mᶟ) Percent of criteria

90 (Kwinana EPP)

SR1 53 59%

SR2 58 65%

SR3 47 52%

9.1.2 Particulate matter as PM10

Table 9-2 shows predicted concentrations of PM10 associated with operations at the proposed

Yogi Mine Project at each sensitive receptor. SR1 is predicted to experience the highest

concentrations with 70%, and 3.1% of the relevant 1-hour and annual criteria predicted

respectively. Figure 9-3 displays the predicted PM10 contours.

Table 9-2 Prediction PM10 concentrations

Sensitive receptor

99.9th %ile 1-hour (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria

Max. 24-hour


Percent of criteria

Annual (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria

80 SEPP (AQM) 50 (Air NEPM) 25 (Air NEPM)

SR1 56 70% 15 30% 0.78 3.1%

SR2 55 69% 23 47% 0.79 3.2%

SR3 55 69% 15 30% 0.75 3.0%

9.1.3 Particulate matter as PM2.5

Table 9-3 shows predicted concentrations of PM2.5 associated with operations at the proposed

Yogi Mine Project at each sensitive receptor. Concentrations are predicted to comply with the

assessment criteria at all three sensitive receptors. SR2 is predicted to experience the highest

concentrations with 28% and 3.0% of the relevant 24-hour and annual criteria predicted

respectively. Figure 9-4 displays the predicted PM2.5 contours.

Table 9-3 Predicted PM2.5 concentrations

Sensitive receptor

Max. 24-hour (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria Annual (µg/mᶟ) Percent of criteria

25 (Air NEPM) 8 (Air NEPM)

SR1 4.6 18% 0.23 2.9%

SR2 7.0 28% 0.24 3.0%

SR3 4.5 18% 0.23 2.8%

9.1.4 Dust deposition

Table 9-4 shows predicted monthly concentrations of dust deposition associated with operations

at the proposed Yogi Mine Project at each sensitive receptor. Concentrations are predicted to

comply with the assessment criteria at all three sensitive receptors, with a maximum of 31% of

the NSW DEC criteria. Figure 9-2 displays the predicted dust deposition contours.

Table 9-4 Predicted dust deposition

Sensitive receptor Dust deposition (g/m2/month) Percent of criteria

4 g/m2/month (NSW DEC)[1]

SR1 1.2 29%

SR2 1.2 31%

SR3 1.1 27%

1 . Maximum total deposited dust level.

Sensitive receptor

Yogi Mine Project boundary

Predicted TSP concentrationcontours


















470000 475000 480000 485000 490000






Assessment criteria(Kwinana EPP): 90 µg/mᶟ

Sensitive receptor

Yogi Mine Project boundary

Predicted PM10 concentration













470000 475000 480000 485000 490000






Assessment criteria(SEPP (AQM)): 80 µg/mᶟ

Sensitive receptor

Yogi Mine Project boundary

Predicted PM2.5 concentration

























470000 475000 480000 485000 490000






Assessment criteria(Air NEPM): 25 µg/mᶟ

Sensitive receptor

Yogi Mine Project boundary

Predicted dust depositionconcentration contours


















470000 475000 480000 485000 490000






Assessment criteria(NSW Approved Methods): 2 g/m2/month

9.2 Power station

This section presents the results from predictive air dispersion modelling for NO2, CO and VOCs

predicted to result from the power station for three operating scenarios:

Standard operating conditions

Start-up conditions

Concentrations include one generator with NO2 assessed as 100% NOx to represent start-up

emissions and the remaining nine generators with NO2 assessed as 30% NOx. It was assumed

that only one generator would be started at any one time.

A discussion of results is included within each section. Concentration contours are also provided

to visually display predicted dispersion patterns across the project site.

9.2.1 Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

Standard operating conditions

Table 9-3 shows predicted concentrations of NO2 associated with standard operating conditions

of the power station at the proposed Yogi Mine Project at each sensitive receptor.

Concentrations are predicted to comply with the assessment criteria at all three sensitive

receptors. SR3 is predicted to experience the highest 1-hr concentrations with 0.37 of the

relevant 1-hour criteria. SR1, SR2 and SR3 were all predicted to be 0.001% of the annual

criteria. Figure 9-5 displays the predicted NO2 contours.

Table 9-5 Predicted NO2 concentrations – Standard operating conditions

Sensitive receptor

Max. 1-hour (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria Annual (µg/mᶟ) Percent of criteria

247 (Air NEPM) 62 (Air NEPM)

SR1 0.88 0.36% 0.01 0.01%

SR2 0.87 0.35% 0.01 0.01%

SR3 0.92 0.37% 0.01 0.01%

Start-up conditions

Table 9-6 shows predicted concentrations of NO2 associated with start-up conditions of the

power station at the proposed Yogi Mine Project at each sensitive receptor. Concentrations are

predicted to comply with the assessment criteria at all three sensitive receptors. SR3 is

predicted to experience the highest concentrations with 0.46% of the relevant 1-hour criteria.

SR1, SR2 and SR3 were all predicted to be 0.05% of the annual criteria. Figure 9-5 displays the

predicted NO2 contours.

Table 9-6 Predicted NO2 concentrations – Start-up conditions

Sensitive receptor

Max. 1-hour (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria Annual (µg/mᶟ) Percent of criteria

247 (Air NEPM) 62 (Air NEPM)

SR1 1.09 0.44% 0.03 0.05%

SR2 1.07 0.43% 0.03 0.05%

SR3 1.13 0.46% 0.03 0.05%

Sensitive receptor

Yogi Mine Project boundary

Predicted NO2 concentration










1. 5












2. 5












470000 475000 480000 485000 490000











1.5 1.5







2. 5








9.2.2 Carbon monoxide (CO)

Standard operating conditions and start-up conditions

Table 9-7 shows predicted concentrations of CO associated with standard operating conditions

of the power station at the proposed Yogi Mine Project at each sensitive receptor.

Concentrations are predicted to comply with the assessment criteria at all three sensitive

receptors. SR1 and SR2 are predicted to experience the highest 99.9th 1-hour concentrations,

which are 0.002% of the 1-hour criteria. SR3 is predicted to have the highest 8-hour

concentration, and was predicted to be 0.004% of the 8-hour criteria. Figure 9-6 displays the

predicted CO contours.

Start-up conditions resulted in no change in emissions of CO. Therefore, the predicted CO

concentrations are unchanged from standard operating conditions presented in Table 9-7 and

Figure 9-6.

Table 9-7 Predicted CO concentrations – Standard operating conditions

Sensitive receptor

99.9th %ile 1-hour (µg/mᶟ) Percent of criteria

Max. 8-hour (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria


29,000 (Air NEPM) 11,254 (Air NEPM)

SR1 0.58 0.002% 0.39 0.003%

SR2 0.53 0.002% 0.34 0.003%

SR3 0.58 0.002% 0.43 0.004%

Sensitive receptor

Yogi Mine Project boundary

Predicted CO concentrationcontours

0 2500 5000 7500 10000

























9.2.3 Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Standard operating conditions and start-up conditions

Table 9-8 shows predicted concentrations of VOCs associated with standard operating

conditions of the power station at the proposed Yogi Mine Project at each sensitive receptor.

Concentrations for all pollutants are predicted to comply with the assessment criteria at all three

sensitive receptors.

Start-up conditions result in no change in emissions of VOCs. Therefore, the predicted VOC

concentrations are unchanged from standard operating conditions presented in Table 9-8.

Figure 9-7 displays the predicted combined VOC contours.

Table 9-8 Predicted VOC concentrations – Standard operating conditions

Sensitive receptor


99.9th %ile 3-min (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria


99.9th %ile 3-min (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria

5,900 (SEPP (AQM) 650 (SEPP (AQM)

SR1 0.0049 0.0001% 0.0018 0.0003%

SR2 0.0045 0.0001% 0.0016 0.0002%

SR3 0.0049 0.0001% 0.0018 0.0003%

Sensitive receptor


99.9th %ile 3-min (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria


99.9th %ile 3-min (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria

350 (SEPP (AQM) 36 (SEPP (AQM)

SR1 0.0010 0.0003% 0.0031 0.0086%

SR2 0.0009 0.0003% 0.0028 0.0078%

SR3 0.0010 0.0003% 0.0031 0.0086%

Sensitive receptor


99.9th %ile 3-min (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria


99.9th %ile 3-min (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria

40 (SEPP (AQM) 76 (SEPP (AQM)

SR1 0.0002 0.0006% 0.0001 0.0002%

SR2 0.0002 0.0006% 0.0001 0.0002%

SR3 0.0002 0.0006% 0.0001 0.0002%

Sensitive receptor


99.9th %ile 3-min (µg/mᶟ)

Percent of criteria

40,000 (SEPP (AQM)

SR1 0.0008 0.000002%

SR2 0.0008 0.000002%

SR3 0.0008 0.000002%

Sensitive receptor

Yogi Mine Project boundary

Predicted VOC concentrationcontours

0 2500 5000 7500 10000




10. Dust management framework

10.1 Construction dust management plan

Construction activities were not modelled as part of this assessment as dust emissions are

variable in nature and consistently change during the construction process. Furthermore, dust

emissions from construction are short-lived and are unlikely to have long-term impacts. A

construction dust management framework has been developed based on assumptions of

activities that will occur during construction. The framework is to be applied to ensure dust

emissions are managed as far as practicable and is discussed below.

10.1.1 Typical dust management and mitigation measures

Typical dust management measures are based on the principles found in the Environmental

Guidelines for Major Construction Sites (Environmental Protection Authority Victoria 1996).

From the identification of potential dust emission sources, appropriate dust management and

mitigation measures for a typical level of control would include:

All construction and maintenance equipment/vehicles to be operated and maintained to

manufacturers’ specifications in order to minimise exhaust emissions.

Defined haul routes to be used wherever it is necessary for vehicles to traverse unsealed

surfaces or unformed roads.

Vehicle speeds would be limited to 25 km/h on areas on unconsolidated or unsealed soil

associated with the project.

Prompt mitigation of excessive visible dust emissions, which may involve a combination of

– Stabilisation of surface silt content through application of localised water sprays, or the

use of appropriate chemical dust suppressants (suitable for access roads which are

traversed less frequently).

– Control of mechanically induced dust emissions (from clearing, excavation, loading,

dumping, filling and levelling activities) by application of water sprays.

– Awareness of operational areas more frequently exposed to higher winds and the

predominant wind directions in these areas at various times of the year. Temporary

wind barriers may be employed where necessary.

– Review of daily weather updates from BoM to give warning of likely strong winds to assist

with daily management of windblown dust from unconsolidated soil surfaces and

material stockpiles.

– All haulage vehicles are to have their loads covered while transporting material to or from

the work area through off-site routes that may have sensitive receptors.

10.2 Operational dust management plan

The purpose of this dust management frameworks is primarily to minimise the generation of

dust emissions (mitigation) as opposed to rectifying the effects after the event.

Dust impacts as a result of operations were identified in Section 7. Air dispersion modelling

results in Section 9.1 predicted that adverse impacts arising from the operation of the Yogi Mine

Project were unlikely as dust and gaseous air pollutant concentrations were below the

assessment criteria.

10.2.1 Roles and responsibilities

Site management

The site management is directly responsible for the following:

Ensuring the dust management plan (DMP) and measures are implemented across the


Ensuring immediate action is taken following an incident that excessive dust emissions.

Keeping a record of complaints and acting to address these complaints, however

complaints are unlikely considering the distance of the closest sensitive receptor (township

of Yagloo ,approximately 18 km west of the Project).

Monitoring, assessing and reporting dust emissions.

Reviewing and updating the DMP and implementing these changes to operations as

necessary to ensure the continual mitigation of dust emissions.

Staff and contractors

Staff and contractors are responsible for:

Knowing site procedures and dust mitigation measures and working in accordance with

procedures laid out in this DMP.

Taking all reasonable measures available to ensure the minimisation of dust emissions.

Stopping work that generates dust emissions with the potential to cause environmental

harm until such time as these emission can be minimised or avoided.

Reporting incidents to management.

10.2.2 Dust management measures

As the Yogi Mine Project was in preliminary phases at the time of writing this DMP, specific

information on type and number of equipment and mine development stages was unknown.

Therefore, the dust management measures put forth in this section represent actions for typical

dust control. These measures would be applied to ensure dust emissions are managed as far

as practicable. Table 10-1 lists the dust management measures to be employed at the Yogi

Mine Project.

Table 10-1 Dust management measures

Activity Mitigation method Person responsible

Blasting and drilling

Wet down ahead of blasting Allocated staff members

Mining operations

Operate water carts on haul roads and open areas during spring (i.e. driest months).

Cease non-essential mining activities during excessively windy conditions

Allocated staff members

Stockpiles Sprinklers on the fine ore stockpiles

Allocated staff members

Crushing and screening at the processing plant

Use of hooding with baghouse (or fabric filter) with a dust extraction system. Regular maintenance inspections and repairs on dust extraction ducting and baghouses

Site management to ensure equipment installed and functioning properly

Conveying Enclosure on conveyors Site management to ensure equipment installed and functioning properly

Haul/unsealed roads

Operate water carts during dry, windy conditions and spring (ie driest) months

Allocated staff members

Sealed roads Onsite road sweeper to clean roads, either weekly or as required

Allocated staff members

Light vehicles All site traffic is required to adhere to the site speed limit to minimise dust generated by vehicle movement (40 km/hr)

All staff

Education All employees are educated regarding dust management onsite in reference to licence conditions, including reporting and best dust management practices

For example, implement and educate loading and unloading procedures to ensure dust emissions from material handling by trucks is minimised

All staff

Meteorological conditions

Working in consideration with wind and weather forecasts and dust alerts from the Bureau of Meteorology or onsite meteorological monitoring if available

Site management

Complaints Register

Maintain a register of community complaints (which can potentially relate to dust). Complaints are investigated and mitigation undertaken where necessary.

Site management

10.2.3 Dust monitoring and reporting

Dust monitoring may be required on a continuous basis. This will be determined by the

Regulator. If required, recommended monitoring practices include those listed in Table 10-2.

Table 10-2 Dust monitoring practices

Monitoring Description

Meteorological forecasting Meteorological forecasts from the closest meteorological station (most likely Mt Magnet AWS) must be observed to avoid causing excessive dust generation during adverse meteorological

Monitoring Description

conditions (such as wind direction combined with excessive wind speeds) where possible.

Observations of forecasts will include rainfall, wind speed, wind direction, temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity.

Continuous particulate monitoring

Continuous particulate monitoring will be undertaken using a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) to measure real-time particulate concentrations. Configure the TEOM with an alarm system, which can be configured when trigger levels are exceeded (see Table 10-4). Recommended trigger levels are intended to trigger some form of mitigation or corrective action.

Dust deposition gauges Dust deposition monitoring will be undertaken through the operational phase. Samples will be analysed by an independent NATA accredited laboratory. Appropriately spaced dust deposition gauges will be installed around the project site boundary (in particular the south-western edge) to monitor dust deposition. A summary of the gauge locations and sample frequencies are provided in Table 10-3, and dust deposition gauges are shown in Figure 10-1.

Reporting Records of meteorological data and dust suppression activities (watering and sprinkler regimes) will be maintained.

As discussed in Table 10-2, dust deposition is advised to be undertaken during operations. A

summary of dust deposition gauges are sample frequencies are provided in Table 10-3 and

shown in Figure 10-1.

Table 10-3 Dust deposition gauges

ID Details Location (m UTM) Sampling frequency

DDG1 Downwind, situated to the southwest of waste rock dump

479239 m E

6876400 m S Monthly

DDG2 Upwind, situation north of the pit

479377 m E

6880643 m S Monthly

Sensitive receptorYogi Mine Project boundaryRecommended dust depostitiongauge location



470000 475000 480000 485000 490000








10.2.4 Trigger, action and response plan

Table 10-4 provides an outline of actions and responses to managing potential dust events.

Table 10-4 Trigger action – list of potential responses

Monitor Standard operations

Trigger level and response to alert Responsibility

Meteorological forecast

Continue work in accordance with dust management procedures

Ensure nominated site personnel notified.

Review site meteorological conditions to determine location wind conditions at the time of any high potential dust event

Review operations schedule (e.g. drilling and blasting) and cease or postpone if required until such time as meteorological conditions are permitting.

Site management

Visual inspection observing nuisance dust OR complaint

No nuisance dust

Implement additional dust mitigation measures including

Engage any additional water carts.

Review operations schedule (e.g. drilling and blasting) and cease or postpone if required until such time as meteorological conditions are permitting.

Continue or initiate sprinkler operation on stockpile area.

Record as the Complaints Form (to be advised within the EMP).

Site management

Dust deposition gauges

Monthly dust deposition below criteria

Monthly dust deposition gauge exceeds 4/m2/month OR one or more incremental monthly values (DDG value less background – the minimum of the monthly DDG) exceeds 2g/m2/month.

Review efficiency of dust mitigation measures, and implement additional dust mitigation measures.

Environmental Officer and/or site management

11. Greenhouse gas assessment

11.1 Introduction

A quantitative greenhouse gas (GHG) assessment has been undertaken to estimate potential

greenhouse gas emissions associated with the Project. The objective of the GHG assessment is


Estimate the GHG emissions during the Project’s operations.

Identify measures to manage and minimise GHG emissions.

11.2 Legal framework and standards

The key legislation that is relevant to GHG emissions is the National Greenhouse and Energy

Reporting Act 2007 (NGER Act). The NGER Act defines thresholds for facilities and corporate

groups to determine if GHG emissions are required to be annually reported. These two

thresholds are:

Facility thresholds:

– 25,000 tonnes or more of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-e) (Scope 1 and Scope 2


– production of 100 terajoule (TJ) or more of energy

– consumption of 100 TJ or more of energy

Corporate group thresholds:

– 50,000 tonnes or more of CO2-e (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions)

– production of 200 TJ or more of energy

– consumption of 200 TJ or more of energy

Under these thresholds, the Project will trigger both the facility and corporate thresholds.

11.3 Emission scope

GHG emissions are separated into Scopes 1 and 2 in accordance with the NGER Act:

Scope 1 emissions - created directly by a person or business from sources that are owned

or controlled by that person or business.

Scope 2 emissions - created from the generation of electricity, heating, cooling or steam

that is purchased and consumed by a person or business. These are indirect emissions as

they arise from sources not owned or controlled by the person or business who consumes

the electricity.

Scope 1 emissions are produced by the combustion of fuels such as diesel, and by vehicles,

plant and equipment that the client has operational control over. The Project will also combust

fuel (natural gas) for power generation. The direct combustion of these fuels is considered a

Scope 1 emission.

As the Project generates its own power and no electricity is purchased, no assessment for

Scope 2 emissions is required in the GHG assessment.

11.4 Assessment boundary

The following are the most significant emissions sources on site:

Vehicle movement (combustion of diesel)

Energy production from the power station (combustion of natural gas) for operation of


Other processes considered comparatively small and excluded from the study are considered to


Use of oils, greases and lubricants in workshops

Onsite waste management

Overall land use change. The environmental management and rehabilitation plan for the

clearing of native vegetation from the Project will offset carbon emissions. As such, the

process is considered to be carbon neutral.

The processes listed below are considered to be under the operational control and responsibility

of the contractors and has not been considered as a part of the GHG assessment:

Air transport of personnel to site

Delivery of goods to site and removal of wastes

11.5 GHG study year

Year 14 is anticipated to have the maximum number of operating equipment during the Project’s

21 year life cycle. Therefore Year 14 has been assessed as the worst-case scenario for annual

GHG emissions.

As discussed in above, activities associated with significant GHG emissions are vehicle

movements and electricity generation. Table 11-1 shows each activities’ emission sources and

the category by which GHG emissions were calculated by.

Table 11-1 GHG sources

Activity Emission Source Included in vehicle

movement calculation

Included in electricity generation calculation

Mining ore, transport and to processing plant

Excavators and front end loaders Yes

Use of power plant electricity (gas turbines) Yes

Loading of ore and waste rock Yes

Transport of materials to processing plant Yes

Processing plant Electricity required to power the processing plant


Stockpiles Front end loaders Yes

General transport Bus and light vehicle movement around site


Water carts Yes

Grading haul roads Yes

Water extraction and injection

Use of power plant electricity (extraction and reinjection bores)


Personnel Use of site electricity (workshops and site admin areas)


11.6 Calculation of GHG emissions

The calculation methodology for GHG emissions was adopted from the National Greenhouse

and Energy Reporting Scheme Measurement Technical Guidelines for the estimation of

emissions by facilities in Australia (Department of the Environment and Energy, 2017). The

Technical Guidelines provides calculations and emissions factors for various GHG emitting

activities. Emission estimations were based on the 2017-18 reporting year.

11.6.1 Calculation of GHG emissions from the combustion of diesel in


Emissions from combustion of diesel can be estimated using Equation 11-1:

Equation 11-1

𝐸𝑖 =𝑄 × 𝐸𝐹𝑗 × 𝐸𝐶𝑖



Ej is the combined emissions in tonnes of CO2-e, CH4 and N2O

Q is the quantity of material being burned in kL for transport purposes

EFj is the emission factor per tonne of material used measured in t CO2-e. The emission

factor for diesel is 69.9 (combined emissions of CO2, CH4 and N2O).

ECj is the energy content factor in GJ/kL for diesel. The energy factor for diesel oil is 38.6.

Table 11-2 Vehicle movements

Factor Unit Year 14

Total fuel used kL 25,364

Energy content factor for diesel GJ/kL 38.6

Emissions factor kg CO2-e/GJ 69.9

Emissions t CO2-e 68,435

Appendix B provides GHG calculations associated with vehicle movements.

11.6.2 Calculation of GHG emissions from gas consumption for electricity


Emissions from the combustion of natural gas at the power plant for electricity production can

be estimated using Equation 11-2:

Equation 11-2

𝐸𝑖 =𝑄 × 𝐸𝐹𝑗 × 𝐸𝐶𝑖



Ej is the combined emissions in tonnes of CO2-e, CH4 and N2O

Q is the quantity of material being burned in m3

EFj is the emission factor per tonne of material used measured in t CO2-e. The emission

factor for natural gas is 51.53 (combined emissions of CO2, CH4 and N2O).

ECj is the energy content factor in GJ/m3 for gas. The energy factor for natural gas is

39.3 x 10-3

It was assumed the natural gas combusted was distributed from a pipeline.

Two GHG emission scenarios for natural gas combustion were estimated. The scenarios were

based on the Air Quality Assessment (Section 9.2). Scenarios were:

Normal operations - assumes that all 10 gas turbines with a capacity of 10 MW each would

operate 24 hours a day, for 350 days per year. When operating the power plant would

deliver a total of 100 MW of electricity. The number of days operating is based on the

assumption used in the Air Quality Assessment (Section 2.1).

Appendix B provides GHG calculations associated with the power plant.

11.7 Total GHG emissions

Total GHG emissions is for Year 14, which is considered to be the year that has the maximum

amount of GHG emissions.

Table 11-3 shows the total GHG emissions for normal operations during Year 14.

Table 11-3 Summary of total emissions – Normal operations

Source Total Emissions (t CO2-e) Percentage of total

Total diesel fleet 68,435 30%

Total electricity 161,625 70%

All emissions 230,061 100%

11.8 Management of GHG emissions

11.8.1 GHG emissions reduction

The Australian Energy Efficiency Policy Handbook (Energy Efficiency Council, 2016) provides

sector specific recommendations for improving efficiency and thus reducing GHG emissions.

Based on this policy, the recommendations below could assist in the reduction of GHG

operations at the mine:

Vehicle emissions:

– Investigate use of diesel/electric hybrid off road vehicles where available (such as

dump trucks).

– Purchase fuel efficient/low CO2 light vehicles, including electric or hybrid vehicles

(where suitable).

Gas turbine generation:

– Consider combined cycle gas turbines. This will consist of two generator turbines that

feed waste to a heat recovery steam generator to power steam turbine, rather than 10

x 10 MW gas turbines. The heat recovery steam generator would comprise of 8 x 10

MW and 4 x 5 MW steam turbines from waste recovered heat.

– Consider a cogeneration turbine unit comprising combustion of both natural gas and

renewable fuel.

– Locating the gas turbines closer to the point of use so that less energy is lost in

transmission and distribution.

11.8.2 Reporting

Under the NGER Act, energy consumption and energy production associated with the Project’s

activities requires corporations to report annual GHG emissions, energy consumption and

energy production where activities fall under the overall control of the reporting entity.

12. Conclusion

This assessment focussed on dispersion modelling for the operation of the Yogi Mine Project.

The main sources of emissions were:

Dust dispersion and deposition from mine operations

Emission dispersion from the power station

Modelled pollutants included dust as TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and deposited dust from mine

operations, as well as NO2, CO and VOCs from the gas generators at the power station.

Concentrations were modelled at three sensitive receptors along the north-east limit of the town

of Yalgoo, located approximately 14 km from the project site boundary. Results showed that

none of the predicted concentrations at the sensitive receptors exceeded the relevant

assessment criteria. Therefore, the results in this assessment suggest it is unlikely that the Yogi

Mine Project will have an adverse impact on local ambient air quality.

Total GHG emissions for the worst-case operational year are estimated to be 230,061 t CO2-e

(normal operations). Management measures including improving fuel efficiency in vehicles and

implementing of cogeneration of renewable energy with natural gas at the power plant were


13. References

Australian Government 2007, National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007.

Bureau of Meteorology 2006, Climate classification maps, accessed 11 April 2019 from:



Bureau of Meteorology 2019, Climate statistics for Australian locations – Summary statistics

Yalgoo, accessed 11 Feb 2019 from


California Air Research Board 1995, NOx and VOC profiles for gas fired stationary combustion

sources – Volume 1 – Final report.

Cowherd C, Donaldson J and Hegarty (2006) Proposed Revisions to Fine Fraction Ratios Used

for AP-42 Fugitive Dust Emission Factors. Midwest Research Institute, Kansas City,


Department of the Environment and Energy 2011, National Environment Protection (Air Toxics)

Measure, Canberra.

Department of the Environment and Energy 2016, National Environment Protection (Ambient Air

Quality) Measure, Canberra.

Department of the Environment and Energy 2017, National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting

Scheme Measurement. Technical Guidelines for the estimation of emissions by facilities

in Australia Applies to the estimation of emissions in the 2017-18 reporting year.

October 2017. Department of the Environment and Energy

Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts 2008, National Pollutant Inventory

Emission Estimation Technique for Combustion Engines, Version 3.0, Canberra.

Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities 2012, National

Pollutant Inventory Emission Estimation Technique for Mining, Version 3.1, Canberra.

Energy Efficiency Council, 2016. Australian Energy Efficiency Policy Handbook. First Version

Environmental Protection Authority 1999, Environmental Protection (Kwinana) (Atmospheric

Wastes) Policy, Western Australia.

Environment Protection Authority Victoria 1996, Best Practice Environmental Management –

Environmental Guidelines for Major Construction sites, Melbourne.

Environment Protection Authority Victoria 2001, State Environment Protection Policy (Air Quality

Management), Victoria.

Environment Protection Authority Victoria 2013, Guidance notes for using the regulatory air

pollution model AERMOD in Victoria, Publication 1551, Victoria.

Government of Western Australia 2009, State Environmental (Ambient Air) Policy 2009- Draft

policy for public and stakeholder comment, Western Australia.

KAC, 2009, Tropicana Gold Project Greenhouse Gas Assessment for Tropicana Joint Venture

National Environment Protection Council 2011, National Environment Protection (Air Toxics)

Measure, Canberra.

NSW EPA 2017, Approved Methods for the Modelling and Assessment if Air Pollutants in New

South Wales, Sydney NSW.

US EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency), 2001. AP-42: Compilation of Air

Pollutant Emission Factors – Fifth Edition.

Appendix A – Sample AERMOD output file

PM10.ADO********************************************** AERMOD Input Produced by:** AERMOD View Ver. 9.5.0** Lakes Environmental Software Inc.** Date: 24/04/2019** File: F:\Yogi\Dispersion\Dust\24Apr\PM10\PM10.ADI**************************************************************************************** AERMOD Control Pathway********************************************CO STARTING TITLEONE G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc MODELOPT DFAULT CONC AVERTIME 1 24 ANNUAL POLLUTID PM_10 RUNORNOT RUN ERRORFIL PM10.errCO FINISHED******************************************** AERMOD Source Pathway********************************************SO STARTING** Source Location **** Source ID - Type - X Coord. - Y Coord. ** LOCATION LOAD VOLUME 480167.989 6877251.723 373.350** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD1 VOLUME 480258.462 6877391.686 373.760** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD2 VOLUME 480372.842 6877452.949 375.570** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD3 VOLUME 480328.465 6877166.469 370.040** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD4 VOLUME 480365.985 6877490.035 373.130** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD5 VOLUME 480322.411 6877484.800 373.630** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD6 VOLUME 480377.783 6877638.136 368.800** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD7 VOLUME 480062.541 6877330.135 379.830** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD8 VOLUME 480528.581 6877541.939 366.360** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD9 VOLUME 480343.055 6877450.148 375.290** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD10 VOLUME 480528.730 6877339.647 369.620** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD11 VOLUME 480051.909 6877802.809 376.180** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION LOAD12 VOLUME 480214.929 6877641.861 375.290** DESCRSRC Load overburden/ore to trucks LOCATION DRILL VOLUME 480293.790 6877665.413 371.510** DESCRSRC Drilling LOCATION BLAST VOLUME 480107.230 6877503.040 374.380** DESCRSRC Blasting LOCATION VKTORE VOLUME 479691.340 6878868.780 367.000** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) LOCATION VKTORE1 VOLUME 479623.137 6879058.050 365.960** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads)

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PM10.ADO LOCATION VKTORE2 VOLUME 479722.352 6878800.614 364.870** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) LOCATION VKTORE3 VOLUME 479644.470 6878981.431 365.850** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) LOCATION VKTORE4 VOLUME 479759.200 6878736.267 365.600** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) LOCATION VKTORE5 VOLUME 479597.083 6879325.348 368.570** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) LOCATION VKTORE6 VOLUME 479612.893 6879109.276 366.970** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) LOCATION VKTORE7 VOLUME 479842.140 6878408.359 367.630** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) LOCATION VKTORE8 VOLUME 479939.636 6878160.667 374.010** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) LOCATION VKTORE9 VOLUME 480039.767 6877947.230 373.150** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) LOCATION VKTORE10 VOLUME 480205.774 6877833.924 372.890** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) LOCATION VKTORE11 VOLUME 479786.805 6878569.095 367.000** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (ore haul roads) LOCATION VKTWASTE VOLUME 481021.060 6877461.070 364.010** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) LOCATION VKTWASTE1 VOLUME 480723.709 6877334.090 362.190** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) LOCATION VKTWASTE2 VOLUME 480903.352 6877371.313 364.710** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) LOCATION VKTWASTE3 VOLUME 481079.759 6877832.560 362.910** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) LOCATION VKTWASTE4 VOLUME 481094.324 6877986.309 366.520** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) LOCATION VKTWASTE5 VOLUME 481102.417 6878089.887 362.000** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) LOCATION VKTWASTE6 VOLUME 481112.127 6878174.044 364.000** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) LOCATION VKTWASTE7 VOLUME 481118.601 6878287.333 365.290** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) LOCATION VKTWASTE8 VOLUME 481129.929 6878494.489 364.810** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) LOCATION VKTWASTE9 VOLUME 481094.324 6877575.233 363.480** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) LOCATION VKTWASTE10 VOLUME 481074.904 6878680.606 366.460** DESCRSRC Wheel generated dust (waste haul roads) LOCATION DOZERORE VOLUME 479576.990 6879589.580 369.000** DESCRSRC Dozer (ore stockpile) LOCATION DOZERORE1 VOLUME 479520.617 6879612.755 367.030** DESCRSRC Dozer (ore stockpile) LOCATION DOZERWASTE VOLUME 480989.230 6878786.580 365.980** DESCRSRC Dozer (WR dump) LOCATION GRADERORE VOLUME 479771.230 6878699.810 368.000** DESCRSRC Grader (ore haul roads) LOCATION GRADERWASTE VOLUME 481050.560 6877694.590 368.480** DESCRSRC Grader (waste haul roads) LOCATION WE1 VOLUME 479576.990 6879589.580 369.000** DESCRSRC Ore stockpile LOCATION WE3 VOLUME 479466.260 6877200.870 378.820** DESCRSRC Overburden facility LOCATION WE4 VOLUME 481034.580 6878855.260 367.060** DESCRSRC Waste rock facility LOCATION WE5 VOLUME 480270.210 6877492.370 371.260** DESCRSRC Mine pit LOCATION UNLOADORE VOLUME 479590.014 6879480.232 367.680** DESCRSRC Unloading (ore) LOCATION UNLOADORE1 VOLUME 479608.986 6879697.651 368.010** DESCRSRC Unloading (ore) LOCATION UNLOADWASTE VOLUME 481044.174 6878802.536 366.810** DESCRSRC Unloading (waste rock) LOCATION UNLOADWASTE1 VOLUME 481005.667 6878809.513 365.690** DESCRSRC Unloading (waste rock)

Page 2

PM10.ADO LOCATION CRUSH1 VOLUME 479614.190 6879988.910 370.990** DESCRSRC Primary crushing LOCATION CRUSH2 VOLUME 479696.543 6880049.082 370.920** DESCRSRC Secondary crushing LOCATION CRUSH3 VOLUME 479658.270 6880184.590 371.010** DESCRSRC Tertiary crushing LOCATION CONVEY VOLUME 480871.540 6879960.580 369.900** DESCRSRC Ore handling and transfer LOCATION SCREEN VOLUME 482432.120 6881846.970 382.870** DESCRSRC Screening** Source Parameters ** SRCPARAM LOAD 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD1 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD2 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD3 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD4 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD5 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD6 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD7 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD8 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD9 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD10 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD11 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM LOAD12 1.084 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM DRILL 0.269 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM BLAST 0.901 1.000 4.651 1.163 SRCPARAM VKTORE 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTORE1 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTORE2 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTORE3 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTORE4 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTORE5 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTORE6 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTORE7 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTORE8 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTORE9 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTORE10 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTORE11 1.031 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTWASTE 0.482 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTWASTE1 0.482 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTWASTE2 0.482 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTWASTE3 0.482 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTWASTE4 0.482 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTWASTE5 0.482 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTWASTE6 0.482 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTWASTE7 0.482 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTWASTE8 0.482 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTWASTE9 0.482 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM VKTWASTE10 0.482 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM DOZERORE 0.296 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM DOZERORE1 0.296 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM DOZERWASTE 0.593 2.000 0.233 0.233 SRCPARAM GRADERORE 0.236 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM GRADERWASTE 0.236 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM WE1 0.097 3.000 81.395 0.698 SRCPARAM WE3 0.686 1.000 162.791 0.233 SRCPARAM WE4 1.429 1.000 232.558 0.233 SRCPARAM WE5 1.913 1.000 232.558 0.233 SRCPARAM UNLOADORE 0.26 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM UNLOADORE1 0.26 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM UNLOADWASTE 0.604 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM UNLOADWASTE1 0.604 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM CRUSH1 0.024 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM CRUSH2 0.073 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM CRUSH3 0.061 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM CONVEY 0.367 1.000 0.465 0.233 SRCPARAM SCREEN 0.26 1.000 0.465 0.233

Page 3

PM10.ADO** Variable Emissions Type: "By Hour-of-Day (HROFDY)"** Variable Emission Scenario: "Blast" EMISFACT BLAST HROFDY 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 EMISFACT BLAST HROFDY 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 EMISFACT BLAST HROFDY 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 EMISFACT BLAST HROFDY 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SRCGROUP Crush CRUSH1 CRUSH2 CRUSH3 SRCGROUP Dozer DOZERORE DOZERORE1 DOZERWASTE SRCGROUP Grader GRADERORE GRADERWASTE SRCGROUP Load LOAD LOAD1 LOAD2 LOAD3 LOAD4 LOAD5 LOAD6 LOAD7 LOAD8 SRCGROUP Load LOAD9 LOAD10 LOAD11 LOAD12 SRCGROUP Unload UNLOADORE UNLOADORE1 UNLOADWASTE UNLOADWASTE1 SRCGROUP VKT VKTORE VKTORE1 VKTORE2 VKTORE3 VKTORE4 VKTORE5 VKTORE6 SRCGROUP VKT VKTORE7 VKTORE8 VKTORE9 VKTORE10 VKTORE11 VKTWASTE SRCGROUP VKT VKTWASTE1 VKTWASTE2 VKTWASTE3 VKTWASTE4 VKTWASTE5 VKTWASTE6 SRCGROUP VKT VKTWASTE7 VKTWASTE8 VKTWASTE9 VKTWASTE10 SRCGROUP WE WE1 WE3 WE4 WE5 SRCGROUP ALLSO FINISHED******************************************** AERMOD Receptor Pathway********************************************RE STARTING INCLUDED PM10.rouRE FINISHED******************************************** AERMOD Meteorology Pathway********************************************ME STARTING SURFFILE yogi.sfc PROFFILE yogi.PFL SURFDATA 0 2017 UAIRDATA 12038 2017 SITEDATA 12038 2017 PROFBASE 10.0 METERSME FINISHED******************************************** AERMOD Output Pathway********************************************OU STARTING RECTABLE ALLAVE 1ST RECTABLE 1 1ST RECTABLE 24 1ST** 1-Hour Binary POSTFILE for the Percentile/Rolling Average Option POSTFILE 1 ALL UNFORM PM10.AD\1HGALLUN.POS 31 POSTFILE 1 Crush UNFORM PM10.AD\1HG001UN.POS 32 POSTFILE 1 Dozer UNFORM PM10.AD\1HG002UN.POS 33 POSTFILE 1 Grader UNFORM PM10.AD\1HG003UN.POS 34 POSTFILE 1 Load UNFORM PM10.AD\1HG004UN.POS 35 POSTFILE 1 Unload UNFORM PM10.AD\1HG005UN.POS 36 POSTFILE 1 VKT UNFORM PM10.AD\1HG006UN.POS 37 POSTFILE 1 WE UNFORM PM10.AD\1HG007UN.POS 38** Auto-Generated Plotfiles PLOTFILE 1 ALL 1ST PM10.AD\01H1GALL.PLT 39 PLOTFILE 24 ALL 1ST PM10.AD\24H1GALL.PLT 40 PLOTFILE 1 Crush 1ST PM10.AD\01H1G001.PLT 41 PLOTFILE 24 Crush 1ST PM10.AD\24H1G001.PLT 42 PLOTFILE 1 Dozer 1ST PM10.AD\01H1G002.PLT 43 PLOTFILE 24 Dozer 1ST PM10.AD\24H1G002.PLT 44

Page 4


*** Message Summary For AERMOD Model Setup ***

--------- Summary of Total Messages -------- A Total of 0 Fatal Error Message(s) A Total of 3 Warning Message(s) A Total of 0 Informational Message(s) ******** FATAL ERROR MESSAGES ******** *** NONE *** ******** WARNING MESSAGES ******** SO W320 193 VPARM: Input Parameter May Be Out-of-Range for Parameter SYINIT SO W320 194 VPARM: Input Parameter May Be Out-of-Range for Parameter SYINIT ME W187 246 MEOPEN: ADJ_U* Option for Low Winds used in AERMET

*********************************** *** SETUP Finishes Successfully *** ***********************************

� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 1 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*

*** MODEL SETUP OPTIONS SUMMARY *** - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

**Model Is Setup For Calculation of Average CONCentration Values. -- DEPOSITION LOGIC -- **NO GAS DEPOSITION Data Provided. **NO PARTICLE DEPOSITION Data Provided. **Model Uses NO DRY DEPLETION. DRYDPLT = F **Model Uses NO WET DEPLETION. WETDPLT = F

Page 5

PM10.ADO **Model Uses RURAL Dispersion Only. **Model Uses Regulatory DEFAULT Options: 1. Stack-tip Downwash. 2. Model Accounts for ELEVated Terrain Effects. 3. Use Calms Processing Routine. 4. Use Missing Data Processing Routine. 5. No Exponential Decay. **Other Options Specified: ADJ_U* - Use ADJ_U* BETA option for SBL in AERMET **Model Assumes No FLAGPOLE Receptor Heights. **The User Specified a Pollutant Type of: PM_10 **Model Calculates 2 Short Term Average(s) of: 1-HR 24-HR and Calculates ANNUAL Averages **This Run Includes: 56 Source(s); 8 Source Group(s); and 10204 Receptor(s)

with: 0 POINT(s), including 0 POINTCAP(s) and 0 POINTHOR(s) and: 56 VOLUME source(s) and: 0 AREA type source(s) and: 0 LINE source(s) and: 0 OPENPIT source(s) and: 0 BUOYANT LINE source(s) with 0 line(s)

**Model Set To Continue RUNning After the Setup Testing.

**The AERMET Input Meteorological Data Version Date: 15181 **Output Options Selected: Model Outputs Tables of ANNUAL Averages by Receptor Model Outputs Tables of Highest Short Term Values by Receptor (RECTABLE Keyword) Model Outputs External File(s) of Concurrent Values for Postprocessing(POSTFILE Keyword) Model Outputs External File(s) of High Values for Plotting (PLOTFILE Keyword) Model Outputs Separate Summary File of High Ranked Values (SUMMFILE Keyword) **NOTE: The Following Flags May Appear Following CONC Values: c for Calm Hours m for Missing Hours b for Both Calmand Missing Hours **Misc. Inputs: Base Elev. for Pot. Temp. Profile (m MSL) = 10.00 ; Decay Coef. = 0.000 ; Rot. Angle = 0.0 Emission Units = GRAMS/SEC ; Emission Rate Unit Factor = 0.10000E+07 Output Units = MICROGRAMS/M**3 **Approximate Storage Requirements of Model = 9.5 MB of RAM. **Detailed Error/Message File: PM10.err **File for Summary of Results: PM10.sum � *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** ***

Page 6



NUMBER EMISSION RATE BASE RELEASE INIT. INIT. URBAN EMISSION RATE SOURCE PART. (GRAMS/SEC) X Y ELEV. HEIGHT SY SZ SOURCE SCALAR VARY ID CATS. (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) (METERS)(METERS) BY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LOAD 0 0.10840E+01 480168.0 6877251.7 373.4 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD1 0 0.10840E+01 480258.5 6877391.7 373.8 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD2 0 0.10840E+01 480372.8 6877452.9 375.6 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD3 0 0.10840E+01 480328.5 6877166.5 370.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD4 0 0.10840E+01 480366.0 6877490.0 373.1 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD5 0 0.10840E+01 480322.4 6877484.8 373.6 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD6 0 0.10840E+01 480377.8 6877638.1 368.8 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD7 0 0.10840E+01 480062.5 6877330.1 379.8 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD8 0 0.10840E+01 480528.6 6877541.9 366.4 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD9 0 0.10840E+01 480343.1 6877450.1 375.3 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD10 0 0.10840E+01 480528.7 6877339.6 369.6 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD11 0 0.10840E+01 480051.9 6877802.8 376.2 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO LOAD12 0 0.10840E+01 480214.9 6877641.9 375.3 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO DRILL 0 0.26900E+00 480293.8 6877665.4 371.5 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO BLAST 0 0.90100E+00 480107.2 6877503.0 374.4 1.00 4.65 1.16 NO HROFDY VKTORE 0 0.10310E+01 479691.3 6878868.8 367.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTORE1 0 0.10310E+01 479623.1 6879058.0 366.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTORE2 0 0.10310E+01 479722.4 6878800.6 364.9 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTORE3 0 0.10310E+01 479644.5 6878981.4 365.9 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTORE4 0 0.10310E+01 479759.2 6878736.3 365.6 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTORE5 0 0.10310E+01 479597.1 6879325.3 368.6 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTORE6 0 0.10310E+01 479612.9 6879109.3 367.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTORE7 0 0.10310E+01 479842.1 6878408.4 367.6 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTORE8 0 0.10310E+01 479939.6 6878160.7 374.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTORE9 0 0.10310E+01 480039.8 6877947.2 373.2 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTORE10 0 0.10310E+01 480205.8 6877833.9 372.9 1.00 0.47

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PM10.ADO 0.23 NO VKTORE11 0 0.10310E+01 479786.8 6878569.1 367.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTWASTE 0 0.48200E+00 481021.1 6877461.1 364.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTWASTE1 0 0.48200E+00 480723.7 6877334.1 362.2 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTWASTE2 0 0.48200E+00 480903.4 6877371.3 364.7 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTWASTE3 0 0.48200E+00 481079.8 6877832.6 362.9 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTWASTE4 0 0.48200E+00 481094.3 6877986.3 366.5 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTWASTE5 0 0.48200E+00 481102.4 6878089.9 362.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTWASTE6 0 0.48200E+00 481112.1 6878174.0 364.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTWASTE7 0 0.48200E+00 481118.6 6878287.3 365.3 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTWASTE8 0 0.48200E+00 481129.9 6878494.5 364.8 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTWASTE9 0 0.48200E+00 481094.3 6877575.2 363.5 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO VKTWASTE10 0 0.48200E+00 481074.9 6878680.6 366.5 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO DOZERORE 0 0.29600E+00 479577.0 6879589.6 369.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO DOZERORE1 0 0.29600E+00 479520.6 6879612.8 367.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO � *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 3 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


NUMBER EMISSION RATE BASE RELEASE INIT. INIT. URBAN EMISSION RATE SOURCE PART. (GRAMS/SEC) X Y ELEV. HEIGHT SY SZ SOURCE SCALAR VARY ID CATS. (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) (METERS) (METERS)(METERS) BY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DOZERWASTE 0 0.59300E+00 480989.2 6878786.6 366.0 2.00 0.23 0.23 NO GRADERORE 0 0.23600E+00 479771.2 6878699.8 368.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO GRADERWASTE 0 0.23600E+00 481050.6 6877694.6 368.5 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO WE1 0 0.97000E-01 479577.0 6879589.6 369.0 3.00 81.39 0.70 NO WE3 0 0.68600E+00 479466.3 6877200.9 378.8 1.00 162.79 0.23 NO WE4 0 0.14290E+01 481034.6 6878855.3 367.1 1.00 232.56 0.23 NO WE5 0 0.19130E+01 480270.2 6877492.4 371.3 1.00 232.56 0.23 NO UNLOADORE 0 0.26000E+00 479590.0 6879480.2 367.7 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO UNLOADORE1 0 0.26000E+00 479609.0 6879697.7 368.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO UNLOADWASTE 0 0.60400E+00 481044.2 6878802.5 366.8 1.00 0.47

Page 8

PM10.ADO 0.23 NO UNLOADWASTE1 0 0.60400E+00 481005.7 6878809.5 365.7 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO CRUSH1 0 0.24000E-01 479614.2 6879988.9 371.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO CRUSH2 0 0.73000E-01 479696.5 6880049.1 370.9 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO CRUSH3 0 0.61000E-01 479658.3 6880184.6 371.0 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO CONVEY 0 0.36700E+00 480871.5 6879960.6 369.9 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO SCREEN 0 0.26000E+00 482432.1 6881847.0 382.9 1.00 0.47 0.23 NO � *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 4 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


SRCGROUP ID SOURCE IDs ----------- ----------





LOAD8 , LOAD9 , LOAD10 , LOAD11 , LOAD12 ,





WE WE1 , WE3 , WE4 , WE5 ,






Page 9



UNLOADORE1 , UNLOADWASTE , UNLOADWASTE1, CRUSH1 , CRUSH2 , CRUSH3 , CONVEY , SCREEN ,� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 5 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


HOUR SCALAR HOUR SCALAR HOUR SCALAR HOUR SCALAR HOUR SCALAR HOUR SCALAR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SOURCE ID = BLAST ; SOURCE TYPE = VOLUME : 1 .00000E+00 2 .00000E+00 3 .00000E+00 4 .00000E+00 5 .00000E+00 6 .00000E+00 7 .00000E+00 8 .00000E+00 9 .00000E+00 10 .00000E+00 11 .00000E+00 12 .00000E+00 13 .00000E+00 14 .00000E+00 15 .00000E+00 16 .10000E+01 17 .00000E+00 18 .00000E+00 19 .00000E+00 20 .00000E+00 21 .00000E+00 22 .00000E+00 23 .00000E+00 24 .00000E+00

� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 6 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*




473653.2, 473853.2, 474053.2, 474253.2, 474453.2, 474653.2, 474853.2, 475053.2, 475253.2, 475453.2, 475653.2, 475853.2, 476053.2, 476253.2, 476453.2, 476653.2, 476853.2, 477053.2, 477253.2, 477453.2, 477653.2, 477853.2, 478053.2, 478253.2, 478453.2, 478653.2, 478853.2, 479053.2, 479253.2, 479453.2, 479653.2, 479853.2, 480053.2, 480253.2, 480453.2, 480653.2, 480853.2, 481053.2, 481253.2, 481453.2, 481653.2, 481853.2, 482053.2, 482253.2, 482453.2, 482653.2, 482853.2, 483053.2, 483253.2, 483453.2, 483653.2, 483853.2, 484053.2, 484253.2, 484453.2, 484653.2, 484853.2, 485053.2, 485253.2, 485453.2, 485653.2, 485853.2, 486053.2, 486253.2, 486453.2, 486653.2, 486853.2, 487053.2, 487253.2, 487453.2, 487653.2, 487853.2, 488053.2, 488253.2, 488453.2, 488653.2, 488853.2, 489053.2, 489253.2, 489453.2, 489653.2, 489853.2, 490053.2, 490253.2, 490453.2, 490653.2, 490853.2, 491053.2, 491253.2, 491453.2, 491653.2, 491853.2, 492053.2, 492253.2, 492453.2, 492653.2,

Page 10

PM10.ADO492853.2, 493053.2, 493253.2, 493453.2, 493653.2,


6864578.1, 6864778.1, 6864978.1, 6865178.1, 6865378.1, 6865578.1, 6865778.1, 6865978.1, 6866178.1, 6866378.1, 6866578.1, 6866778.1, 6866978.1, 6867178.1, 6867378.1, 6867578.1, 6867778.1, 6867978.1, 6868178.1, 6868378.1, 6868578.1, 6868778.1, 6868978.1, 6869178.1, 6869378.1, 6869578.1, 6869778.1, 6869978.1, 6870178.1, 6870378.1, 6870578.1, 6870778.1, 6870978.1, 6871178.1, 6871378.1, 6871578.1, 6871778.1, 6871978.1, 6872178.1, 6872378.1, 6872578.1, 6872778.1, 6872978.1, 6873178.1, 6873378.1, 6873578.1, 6873778.1, 6873978.1, 6874178.1, 6874378.1, 6874578.1, 6874778.1, 6874978.1, 6875178.1, 6875378.1, 6875578.1, 6875778.1, 6875978.1, 6876178.1, 6876378.1, 6876578.1, 6876778.1, 6876978.1, 6877178.1, 6877378.1, 6877578.1, 6877778.1, 6877978.1, 6878178.1, 6878378.1, 6878578.1, 6878778.1, 6878978.1, 6879178.1, 6879378.1, 6879578.1, 6879778.1, 6879978.1, 6880178.1, 6880378.1, 6880578.1, 6880778.1, 6880978.1, 6881178.1, 6881378.1, 6881578.1, 6881778.1, 6881978.1, 6882178.1, 6882378.1, 6882578.1, 6882778.1, 6882978.1, 6883178.1, 6883378.1, 6883578.1, 6883778.1, 6883978.1, 6884178.1, 6884378.1, 6884578.1,� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 7 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 473653.19 473853.19 474053.19 474253.19 474453.19 474653.19 474853.19 475053.19 475253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 352.80 357.20 361.80 363.10 365.90 369.80 379.30 392.50 387.10 6884378.11 | 350.30 355.00 363.10 365.80 372.00 377.10 380.70 392.90 392.00 6884178.11 | 350.40 353.60 356.90 362.30 367.00 375.00 388.20 395.30 393.90 6883978.11 | 351.90 354.00 356.80 360.10 362.10 370.50 377.50 394.40 398.30 6883778.11 | 351.40 355.00 355.80 363.70 370.10 371.70 378.90 399.00 399.20 6883578.11 | 353.00 357.30 359.30 362.80 369.20 378.20 382.50 396.50 387.80 6883378.11 | 355.70 356.30 361.70 367.40 381.10 389.30 396.30 395.60 382.20 6883178.11 | 357.90 359.20 361.90 368.70 372.20 381.40 399.10 408.80 384.00 6882978.11 | 369.80 365.50 366.60 365.30 369.00 383.00 387.40 402.40 385.60 6882778.11 | 384.50 373.00 374.30 373.10 378.00 377.50 379.50 393.90 386.20 6882578.11 | 374.40 378.30 382.60 386.00 383.60 383.70 383.40 384.70 383.30

Page 11

PM10.ADO 6882378.11 | 369.00 385.70 383.00 391.60 394.80 397.50 391.60 385.40 384.60 6882178.11 | 367.40 380.20 398.30 408.00 412.20 402.20 395.00 388.80 385.80 6881978.11 | 366.80 377.50 391.00 386.40 391.80 400.70 398.20 389.90 387.00 6881778.11 | 364.00 367.80 376.00 379.70 393.60 396.60 388.60 388.50 386.10 6881578.11 | 366.00 370.90 369.00 371.50 378.00 385.40 383.00 386.00 385.00 6881378.11 | 363.70 373.10 376.20 378.00 383.90 386.40 386.60 392.20 389.00 6881178.11 | 368.10 371.30 373.80 375.70 384.10 387.40 396.90 402.50 401.90 6880978.11 | 372.30 387.10 374.60 374.60 379.90 387.30 398.40 406.10 401.30 6880778.11 | 372.20 380.70 384.00 377.00 386.50 391.30 406.50 397.60 393.80 6880578.11 | 373.60 385.70 383.30 380.20 389.20 396.90 393.00 389.60 385.80 6880378.11 | 368.40 372.80 380.50 391.60 385.90 389.80 385.00 382.90 381.20 6880178.11 | 372.60 376.50 377.00 392.00 391.20 388.30 381.90 380.30 379.30 6879978.11 | 374.30 375.00 376.50 383.20 385.00 383.60 379.20 374.80 378.90 6879778.11 | 376.90 381.00 382.90 378.50 386.90 380.50 378.10 376.00 379.10 6879578.11 | 383.50 386.10 378.80 380.70 382.10 388.90 391.70 374.90 373.80 6879378.11 | 379.00 381.50 379.10 375.40 378.10 382.40 385.00 372.30 371.60 6879178.11 | 373.50 388.90 381.50 375.00 376.70 373.00 382.80 373.00 370.10 6878978.11 | 368.20 371.50 373.00 375.20 375.90 374.20 373.30 373.80 368.10 6878778.11 | 385.30 372.40 375.00 381.70 379.50 373.00 370.70 367.90 365.40 6878578.11 | 395.70 380.80 388.40 386.90 383.70 376.10 370.50 367.90 367.00 6878378.11 | 394.70 396.10 396.30 396.30 380.60 373.40 369.60 368.50 365.60 6878178.11 | 386.40 395.20 392.00 391.50 381.60 374.70 369.80 370.00 364.50 6877978.11 | 381.50 385.90 383.80 385.40 379.80 378.10 375.20 368.70 361.00 6877778.11 | 380.30 392.00 379.70 376.80 377.20 387.60 385.00 366.90 360.20 6877578.11 | 402.20 397.30 386.10 373.40 378.10 384.90 374.50 363.40 361.50 6877378.11 | 386.20 390.10 377.60 366.90 382.10 379.80 365.90 361.90 359.80 6877178.11 | 432.20 423.80 401.40 375.40 366.50 369.40 361.70 356.30 357.20 6876978.11 | 411.20 421.60 399.60 383.50 370.70 363.00 359.70 357.00 358.20 6876778.11 | 378.90 381.80 380.10 366.90 363.80 361.00 359.90 355.20 357.70� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 8 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


Page 12



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 473653.19 473853.19 474053.19 474253.19 474453.19 474653.19 474853.19 475053.19 475253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 360.60 363.50 364.10 357.90 355.30 356.30 356.10 356.00 358.70 6876378.11 | 354.90 355.70 353.50 354.80 355.20 354.60 354.00 357.00 369.40 6876178.11 | 348.10 348.10 349.90 350.60 355.00 355.70 352.40 361.40 384.50 6875978.11 | 346.90 352.50 353.50 350.90 352.70 353.20 357.00 366.90 379.30 6875778.11 | 351.50 353.10 354.10 351.80 353.60 358.00 360.40 370.50 377.50 6875578.11 | 351.00 350.10 352.10 351.10 354.00 356.30 367.90 383.30 377.00 6875378.11 | 356.10 351.80 356.00 355.30 360.60 360.20 379.80 392.90 369.30 6875178.11 | 359.00 359.90 357.10 355.70 365.10 364.30 382.50 376.10 364.70 6874978.11 | 357.40 362.80 362.60 360.00 364.00 368.90 366.90 364.90 364.20 6874778.11 | 359.60 359.20 359.50 358.80 363.20 368.90 366.00 361.60 361.80 6874578.11 | 358.40 355.40 355.60 358.90 365.60 370.60 370.00 358.40 357.00 6874378.11 | 353.00 355.90 354.60 360.60 364.20 375.00 377.00 363.60 354.30 6874178.11 | 349.80 350.80 352.40 362.30 372.10 367.30 374.00 357.90 352.50 6873978.11 | 349.60 350.80 357.50 357.50 368.20 362.10 363.80 356.90 351.10 6873778.11 | 346.50 350.90 347.30 361.90 364.90 371.20 358.50 357.70 350.90 6873578.11 | 346.10 347.30 348.10 358.00 363.60 366.60 355.40 351.90 356.70 6873378.11 | 346.40 341.20 348.30 356.30 367.70 365.10 354.60 350.20 351.60 6873178.11 | 345.60 351.30 355.20 361.90 361.90 355.40 351.00 353.10 352.10 6872978.11 | 345.60 346.90 351.50 349.80 351.80 348.60 349.60 348.90 351.90 6872778.11 | 339.60 346.90 347.10 348.00 346.30 348.30 347.40 350.00 350.80 6872578.11 | 343.40 342.10 346.00 348.00 348.20 348.20 350.60 350.20 350.10 6872378.11 | 344.40 341.40 344.30 348.20 348.90 350.20 352.00 355.00 356.30 6872178.11 | 340.40 344.80 347.50 348.10 356.80 359.10 361.80 372.30 371.70 6871978.11 | 346.00 347.20 349.80 355.40 359.00 363.90 379.40 397.40 385.10 6871778.11 | 346.60 349.60 351.90 358.40 364.80 375.80 388.50 417.00 394.70 6871578.11 | 351.80 354.60 356.60 368.30 377.30 383.00 413.20 421.00 393.40 6871378.11 | 348.10 354.00 359.80 377.70 399.70 436.00 447.80 407.30 388.20 6871178.11 | 348.60 351.90 362.40 372.40 415.30 465.30 459.30 428.40 387.90 6870978.11 | 348.30 353.10 362.80 378.90 403.60 460.00 471.90 425.40 389.50 6870778.11 | 348.90 351.00 361.70 392.60 404.90

Page 13

PM10.ADO 441.40 447.30 396.80 379.50 6870578.11 | 345.60 353.20 366.00 395.30 394.00 446.40 435.30 390.40 377.20 6870378.11 | 348.20 355.10 363.30 372.60 388.30 429.30 402.40 386.80 374.80 6870178.11 | 346.90 355.00 359.50 371.30 413.50 434.40 396.40 378.50 368.30 6869978.11 | 346.00 351.40 360.40 373.10 406.50 403.90 378.70 365.20 361.60 6869778.11 | 344.90 350.60 356.90 376.10 410.20 385.20 366.50 361.10 363.10 6869578.11 | 343.00 350.00 359.40 387.10 399.40 368.80 361.00 356.10 370.30 6869378.11 | 344.60 354.10 363.70 383.60 393.20 365.60 356.20 358.10 366.50 6869178.11 | 345.10 355.10 373.70 408.50 392.40 361.80 353.20 355.80 361.20 6868978.11 | 347.40 364.80 402.40 424.50 376.60 359.70 352.40 349.00 355.20 6868778.11 | 348.50 375.50 408.30 401.20 371.20 356.10 347.50 352.50 358.50� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 9 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 473653.19 473853.19 474053.19 474253.19 474453.19 474653.19 474853.19 475053.19 475253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 355.50 363.80 381.40 388.20 359.00 350.60 344.90 350.50 346.80 6868378.11 | 354.80 366.40 393.60 379.00 355.70 345.40 343.60 345.10 343.20 6868178.11 | 352.80 368.30 397.00 376.20 355.00 345.50 341.60 342.30 338.30 6867978.11 | 356.70 377.40 400.00 373.10 352.80 341.90 341.10 343.00 337.20 6867778.11 | 353.30 366.40 388.40 378.10 354.80 341.50 337.00 335.50 337.10 6867578.11 | 345.30 357.40 380.30 372.90 354.30 338.70 336.60 336.20 331.40 6867378.11 | 343.60 362.50 380.90 363.80 347.90 336.10 337.00 333.50 333.60 6867178.11 | 345.40 360.20 378.70 357.70 343.80 337.10 336.40 332.10 332.30 6866978.11 | 344.50 364.70 375.20 352.00 342.90 337.10 336.40 333.00 330.20 6866778.11 | 346.40 361.20 372.60 356.20 345.20 341.00 338.10 335.40 330.10 6866578.11 | 346.60 356.40 365.40 359.60 340.90 334.20 339.00 331.20 330.30 6866378.11 | 353.70 365.40 365.20 344.60 339.90 331.70 337.60 329.70 328.90 6866178.11 | 364.90 381.30 367.60 345.10 334.90 329.10 331.10 328.50 327.50 6865978.11 | 357.10 370.70 352.40 340.10 332.00 330.40 325.50 323.30 331.00

Page 14

PM10.ADO 6865778.11 | 365.10 355.00 351.00 341.00 330.70 328.50 327.00 321.20 325.80 6865578.11 | 352.90 344.30 354.20 342.80 330.00 325.30 324.40 323.10 326.00 6865378.11 | 345.20 335.10 339.40 330.40 326.10 321.10 321.50 326.80 325.70 6865178.11 | 342.80 334.80 329.80 328.80 322.30 322.80 325.70 323.20 323.90 6864978.11 | 345.10 333.20 328.90 325.60 324.30 321.80 323.60 323.00 324.50 6864778.11 | 339.50 330.00 323.90 325.50 324.10 318.70 323.50 321.30 319.50 6864578.11 | 333.40 325.30 324.20 323.80 321.10 320.60 320.10 321.10 323.60� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 10 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 475453.19 475653.19 475853.19 476053.19 476253.19 476453.19 476653.19 476853.19 477053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 385.10 382.90 381.70 380.40 382.80 380.20 382.40 377.10 379.80 6884378.11 | 386.00 385.20 380.30 380.60 378.70 379.00 379.50 379.20 379.00 6884178.11 | 386.00 386.80 379.10 377.30 380.40 379.30 379.70 379.60 378.30 6883978.11 | 390.00 388.90 383.10 382.10 378.10 378.70 378.50 376.00 377.80 6883778.11 | 388.00 383.30 381.30 379.10 379.50 378.50 376.90 374.30 378.70 6883578.11 | 384.00 381.00 376.90 378.00 380.00 379.50 376.40 377.00 377.50 6883378.11 | 385.00 382.90 379.20 376.50 377.00 378.00 378.60 378.10 377.30 6883178.11 | 383.00 380.80 381.80 378.30 380.30 375.30 376.60 374.30 374.10 6882978.11 | 381.00 379.10 377.90 379.00 378.00 376.10 376.00 377.50 376.50 6882778.11 | 382.00 383.10 379.10 378.40 378.90 375.30 375.60 375.90 376.00 6882578.11 | 382.30 383.00 379.80 376.70 378.10 377.20 376.20 375.00 375.60 6882378.11 | 383.00 379.50 381.40 378.30 378.60 376.90 375.80 376.90 375.00 6882178.11 | 384.00 382.80 380.00 380.10 380.00 379.70 375.90 376.00 375.50 6881978.11 | 384.00 382.00 384.60 383.20 379.00 380.40 376.20 375.30 374.50 6881778.11 | 385.00 386.00 385.30 386.70 383.10 381.20 376.60 376.30 373.60 6881578.11 | 388.00 388.00 388.00 385.50 382.10 382.70 380.90 376.80 374.10 6881378.11 | 391.00 388.00 389.00 383.20 380.30 381.20 377.60 375.90 373.50 6881178.11 | 390.00 383.70 382.20 381.80 378.40

Page 15

PM10.ADO 376.30 375.20 376.40 373.80 6880978.11 | 391.00 385.90 381.20 381.00 378.90 377.00 375.00 375.00 374.00 6880778.11 | 388.00 383.60 380.90 380.30 379.70 377.70 374.70 376.00 374.90 6880578.11 | 381.60 382.00 380.50 380.00 378.50 377.20 375.30 375.20 376.00 6880378.11 | 381.90 382.20 381.80 379.50 377.00 376.70 375.00 374.80 373.80 6880178.11 | 380.30 384.00 382.00 381.60 380.90 378.80 377.10 374.10 373.00 6879978.11 | 380.20 385.00 386.00 382.80 379.60 376.40 375.10 374.10 372.10 6879778.11 | 379.90 381.10 380.20 382.40 377.90 378.60 376.70 374.20 373.10 6879578.11 | 377.30 384.90 377.70 379.60 377.80 376.60 375.70 375.00 371.70 6879378.11 | 372.60 373.00 374.80 376.80 373.50 375.60 376.40 374.80 373.00 6879178.11 | 370.90 375.00 382.00 376.50 370.30 375.80 374.90 372.00 373.80 6878978.11 | 370.30 384.50 380.20 374.20 370.70 371.80 373.80 373.90 374.70 6878778.11 | 371.60 377.20 367.20 367.40 369.50 369.60 377.30 376.50 376.00 6878578.11 | 366.00 366.90 367.80 370.00 369.00 372.70 377.00 378.00 379.80 6878378.11 | 364.50 361.70 371.20 373.60 370.50 373.50 379.70 379.00 377.20 6878178.11 | 361.00 364.50 365.00 370.80 367.60 371.50 375.30 376.30 377.50 6877978.11 | 362.60 360.10 364.50 367.00 366.20 368.70 372.40 372.80 373.50 6877778.11 | 360.20 360.90 360.70 363.30 364.10 365.80 367.30 368.90 371.10 6877578.11 | 357.80 359.50 360.90 363.40 363.50 363.10 367.40 366.60 368.20 6877378.11 | 357.90 361.90 362.50 363.90 362.20 363.80 366.60 370.10 370.20 6877178.11 | 362.20 359.70 360.30 362.80 363.20 366.80 369.00 369.30 369.20 6876978.11 | 362.90 362.00 361.10 363.80 364.00 367.30 368.60 371.00 376.30 6876778.11 | 357.10 358.00 358.60 364.00 367.00 368.90 370.40 373.10 374.20� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 11 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 475453.19 475653.19 475853.19 476053.19 476253.19 476453.19 476653.19 476853.19 477053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 358.60 358.70 360.70 362.60 364.50 367.80 371.30 373.00 376.30 6876378.11 | 360.70 358.60 361.10 362.40 369.80 372.30 374.40 376.90 381.10

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PM10.ADO 6876178.11 | 369.10 365.90 361.10 363.60 364.90 373.00 380.20 384.00 382.30 6875978.11 | 367.70 365.10 361.50 362.70 365.90 372.50 376.60 379.80 383.20 6875778.11 | 365.50 361.90 362.20 364.60 366.50 371.70 372.20 372.40 378.20 6875578.11 | 368.20 363.00 362.50 366.60 366.00 366.90 369.50 371.30 375.20 6875378.11 | 362.20 363.70 364.80 362.80 365.10 369.00 372.40 377.90 374.80 6875178.11 | 359.50 361.60 362.70 370.90 370.10 367.90 367.60 371.10 370.20 6874978.11 | 359.00 363.90 365.30 373.10 374.20 375.20 370.00 372.90 369.20 6874778.11 | 358.60 361.70 371.00 367.90 377.00 382.50 375.60 371.90 371.00 6874578.11 | 360.80 361.80 363.40 369.40 376.60 382.60 378.40 373.30 374.40 6874378.11 | 356.40 360.90 361.90 365.30 365.20 374.60 377.10 372.90 377.90 6874178.11 | 356.00 357.10 356.70 360.70 367.50 379.70 373.70 371.60 372.30 6873978.11 | 354.80 356.10 359.00 364.00 373.80 384.80 370.00 368.10 368.50 6873778.11 | 352.60 354.20 360.90 370.40 384.30 382.60 368.00 365.10 369.70 6873578.11 | 352.00 358.80 364.70 374.30 386.50 373.50 365.00 368.20 378.70 6873378.11 | 354.00 356.00 362.90 372.00 380.50 361.30 365.20 367.70 365.60 6873178.11 | 353.90 356.20 365.40 374.60 375.20 361.30 363.00 370.10 370.10 6872978.11 | 355.90 358.80 371.20 374.20 362.90 360.80 365.30 372.00 370.80 6872778.11 | 353.50 358.60 373.50 367.30 357.80 362.50 368.20 371.40 372.50 6872578.11 | 350.60 357.20 362.90 358.00 358.90 363.60 378.40 377.00 385.10 6872378.11 | 356.70 352.80 358.80 356.40 356.60 361.20 367.70 368.70 380.30 6872178.11 | 363.70 357.40 358.40 358.30 362.10 363.00 369.50 369.50 371.50 6871978.11 | 373.70 363.10 362.50 362.00 369.20 371.80 377.00 377.90 369.80 6871778.11 | 376.80 367.40 360.30 364.00 370.00 375.00 383.20 382.70 376.10 6871578.11 | 375.70 367.30 364.00 366.50 372.70 379.80 377.60 377.20 382.70 6871378.11 | 380.20 372.00 366.70 369.00 374.30 383.70 372.20 368.30 379.20 6871178.11 | 376.70 372.90 369.20 369.90 382.60 385.70 377.70 374.50 366.90 6870978.11 | 378.00 381.20 373.60 372.10 380.20 383.00 382.00 369.00 364.70 6870778.11 | 382.50 393.20 385.60 370.40 378.90 384.30 381.90 378.30 373.10 6870578.11 | 380.00 404.00 376.70 368.80 380.90 372.70 367.50 371.20 364.90 6870378.11 | 382.50 412.50 372.10 381.10 392.30 367.30 364.00 357.10 359.00 6870178.11 | 387.00 421.10 369.30 372.40 388.90 363.00 356.40 355.80 363.30 6869978.11 | 386.30 401.70 368.00 359.80 357.10 355.90 351.70 353.90 362.40 6869778.11 | 372.30 375.70 359.20 357.20 352.00 350.00 347.70 348.60 353.10 6869578.11 | 360.00 364.40 352.80 354.60 349.60 344.90 343.60 345.00 348.40

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PM10.ADO 6869378.11 | 351.40 353.40 350.80 349.00 343.70 344.90 345.40 344.20 353.80 6869178.11 | 350.50 347.20 345.50 344.30 342.60 346.80 344.00 343.10 353.70 6868978.11 | 348.00 345.00 349.20 343.50 342.10 344.20 342.00 342.20 351.30 6868778.11 | 350.00 343.80 344.00 343.60 337.70 338.10 338.20 345.40 350.40� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 12 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 475453.19 475653.19 475853.19 476053.19 476253.19 476453.19 476653.19 476853.19 477053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 347.00 346.20 340.50 337.50 338.10 337.50 339.50 346.90 352.60 6868378.11 | 338.80 337.80 339.00 336.50 336.80 339.10 339.50 355.10 360.30 6868178.11 | 335.00 335.40 337.80 336.40 337.20 335.30 337.80 358.20 357.40 6867978.11 | 337.10 336.50 334.30 334.20 333.70 337.70 341.20 359.20 351.70 6867778.11 | 331.60 334.30 332.80 333.50 338.20 339.60 342.90 356.70 346.20 6867578.11 | 334.30 337.30 331.50 336.10 342.20 340.80 350.40 352.60 340.70 6867378.11 | 332.00 331.70 330.50 333.30 331.80 337.80 354.90 356.10 340.80 6867178.11 | 332.10 331.90 332.70 332.50 332.70 337.60 355.30 342.80 338.40 6866978.11 | 331.10 327.70 330.00 331.00 330.00 343.20 348.10 335.80 333.00 6866778.11 | 330.60 328.50 334.00 330.30 328.90 347.80 347.20 335.30 333.50 6866578.11 | 330.50 329.00 327.90 328.70 330.20 343.20 342.40 333.70 333.00 6866378.11 | 329.60 325.10 327.30 332.30 328.50 332.80 335.10 328.90 331.70 6866178.11 | 325.80 327.30 327.30 326.50 328.60 328.10 330.90 329.40 331.90 6865978.11 | 329.30 324.00 329.50 327.40 329.70 330.70 326.00 330.10 328.20 6865778.11 | 325.70 323.90 329.00 329.30 325.20 328.60 328.50 329.40 327.80 6865578.11 | 326.90 327.10 325.30 328.80 326.40 326.20 328.30 328.80 327.00 6865378.11 | 323.00 326.00 326.70 323.00 326.10 328.00 326.40 325.00 329.50 6865178.11 | 326.30 323.60 326.50 323.40 326.80 323.40 326.20 324.50 328.00 6864978.11 | 323.20 320.60 327.90 325.20 324.60 326.30 327.90 327.10 329.70 6864778.11 | 323.00 321.10 324.50 323.10 325.90 321.50 325.50 325.40 327.10 6864578.11 | 321.90 324.10 324.70 322.80 322.50

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PM10.ADO 326.10 323.00 327.00 325.30� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 13 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 477253.19 477453.19 477653.19 477853.19 478053.19 478253.19 478453.19 478653.19 478853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 380.00 378.20 377.50 382.00 385.00 386.80 387.40 385.30 387.30 6884378.11 | 378.40 379.90 380.50 383.30 384.10 383.60 384.80 384.10 388.10 6884178.11 | 378.70 379.30 382.10 383.40 387.50 384.60 385.30 385.80 383.00 6883978.11 | 378.20 378.10 379.70 383.50 383.90 386.90 384.90 382.20 383.70 6883778.11 | 378.30 381.20 379.80 378.40 380.90 382.20 383.90 385.70 381.20 6883578.11 | 379.40 379.10 380.20 380.80 380.50 381.80 383.90 380.90 380.70 6883378.11 | 377.00 378.20 377.20 379.10 378.20 379.10 381.40 381.00 381.60 6883178.11 | 376.50 377.20 377.50 380.70 381.10 379.50 379.30 379.90 380.20 6882978.11 | 377.00 378.00 375.40 376.80 374.50 380.10 379.60 379.50 380.20 6882778.11 | 375.90 376.90 377.00 375.40 375.80 376.80 379.90 379.00 379.00 6882578.11 | 377.40 376.80 375.80 375.70 376.90 378.00 377.00 378.80 378.00 6882378.11 | 374.80 373.00 373.50 374.40 376.90 376.00 376.30 375.90 377.30 6882178.11 | 374.50 377.10 376.40 373.90 374.10 375.00 375.60 376.80 377.00 6881978.11 | 377.20 379.00 376.70 375.60 371.20 376.80 376.70 377.10 376.40 6881778.11 | 377.00 377.40 376.60 372.20 372.40 375.90 374.80 375.20 375.50 6881578.11 | 374.50 377.20 381.00 374.00 373.10 376.00 373.00 372.10 374.90 6881378.11 | 376.20 379.60 377.40 375.00 373.90 373.80 375.40 374.00 374.00 6881178.11 | 375.30 376.40 374.70 371.70 371.50 374.20 372.80 374.00 374.80 6880978.11 | 372.10 374.10 372.00 373.00 371.90 371.80 372.00 371.90 373.10 6880778.11 | 372.30 372.00 372.20 372.70 371.20 372.20 371.70 371.40 373.50 6880578.11 | 374.60 372.40 370.30 369.80 370.80 372.50 371.30 372.30 373.10 6880378.11 | 371.90 372.00 372.20 370.00 367.20 372.60 371.60 372.10 369.30 6880178.11 | 368.40 371.90 373.00 370.20 368.50 370.40 370.20 368.40 370.50 6879978.11 | 370.80 371.10 372.60 371.60 370.30 370.40 370.00 370.10 372.10

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PM10.ADO 6879778.11 | 374.60 368.90 368.20 370.70 374.00 372.00 371.10 369.20 365.20 6879578.11 | 371.20 371.70 372.00 374.10 374.10 376.10 374.40 370.40 369.40 6879378.11 | 373.00 375.00 373.30 378.20 378.60 376.50 375.30 375.90 368.80 6879178.11 | 372.00 372.20 376.80 384.50 385.10 381.20 375.10 373.00 372.10 6878978.11 | 374.80 377.90 380.60 386.40 388.50 390.80 382.60 375.90 379.00 6878778.11 | 376.40 379.10 383.60 385.00 386.60 384.40 381.60 376.90 375.80 6878578.11 | 378.50 380.10 383.80 383.50 384.90 379.40 379.50 375.80 372.00 6878378.11 | 380.60 384.00 383.70 379.00 380.00 378.50 375.70 375.20 371.40 6878178.11 | 385.00 382.80 381.30 381.80 380.80 377.00 376.40 374.00 373.40 6877978.11 | 374.30 377.80 381.90 384.60 381.00 378.30 379.50 374.00 378.80 6877778.11 | 372.20 375.20 382.00 388.70 381.00 379.70 376.90 375.30 378.70 6877578.11 | 372.00 375.40 380.80 387.80 382.00 380.50 379.70 378.40 381.20 6877378.11 | 370.00 373.90 378.80 384.60 382.10 382.80 382.00 379.00 383.20 6877178.11 | 372.70 372.30 376.60 381.90 384.20 384.70 383.40 383.60 382.70 6876978.11 | 378.30 372.10 374.10 382.70 382.10 384.90 380.90 385.60 383.50 6876778.11 | 382.40 385.10 384.30 382.00 379.20 385.80 380.30 379.10 384.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 14 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 477253.19 477453.19 477653.19 477853.19 478053.19 478253.19 478453.19 478653.19 478853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 382.10 387.20 382.20 379.50 378.20 380.30 376.60 382.00 380.80 6876378.11 | 387.00 384.90 382.10 380.00 382.70 375.40 379.60 384.00 380.50 6876178.11 | 384.00 386.70 382.40 378.90 377.00 376.70 374.60 377.10 380.00 6875978.11 | 381.70 380.30 381.00 379.50 375.70 376.80 372.40 372.20 374.00 6875778.11 | 377.10 379.50 375.90 374.20 375.10 375.00 375.60 371.60 372.40 6875578.11 | 374.40 376.00 373.20 373.60 371.10 373.40 375.30 371.80 373.10 6875378.11 | 371.70 372.90 371.80 374.70 373.30 373.30 372.40 373.10 373.20 6875178.11 | 375.60 372.50 373.60 373.20 374.10 372.50 375.00 370.60 373.20 6874978.11 | 374.00 375.20 375.00 376.00 371.20

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PM10.ADO 374.10 374.00 373.70 369.80 6874778.11 | 375.20 378.10 374.20 371.70 372.00 372.40 373.40 372.40 371.30 6874578.11 | 377.50 380.30 377.50 374.80 372.90 372.20 374.90 374.00 370.60 6874378.11 | 379.90 379.10 377.00 374.20 376.10 374.10 373.90 376.00 373.90 6874178.11 | 373.80 373.30 375.70 375.70 374.30 376.10 378.40 377.70 374.20 6873978.11 | 381.80 384.20 376.80 377.20 379.00 377.00 377.70 379.00 378.10 6873778.11 | 375.60 372.90 370.90 376.40 383.10 383.10 382.50 382.90 382.60 6873578.11 | 368.80 372.10 371.80 378.10 381.10 382.50 384.90 382.70 374.20 6873378.11 | 367.70 374.90 375.90 384.40 379.00 382.00 381.00 383.20 380.40 6873178.11 | 377.50 379.30 382.20 382.40 382.80 377.60 381.40 381.90 377.50 6872978.11 | 380.00 391.70 397.10 394.60 382.40 375.00 381.30 381.70 379.10 6872778.11 | 384.40 399.80 408.80 406.30 378.90 377.50 380.80 378.90 377.30 6872578.11 | 388.30 391.80 400.70 401.90 379.60 377.00 372.00 373.80 374.00 6872378.11 | 379.10 379.50 387.00 388.70 379.30 368.70 366.70 368.50 370.80 6872178.11 | 371.60 378.10 384.80 376.40 368.40 369.50 366.00 369.00 367.60 6871978.11 | 374.40 399.80 399.10 380.30 370.00 369.00 364.40 370.00 371.00 6871778.11 | 372.90 403.10 402.80 383.10 365.90 362.70 364.20 371.00 370.70 6871578.11 | 376.40 384.50 386.90 375.40 362.10 359.80 363.30 373.50 372.00 6871378.11 | 369.50 385.10 387.50 372.10 358.00 360.60 363.40 367.10 360.20 6871178.11 | 365.10 370.60 373.80 361.20 355.40 354.20 360.70 364.30 362.40 6870978.11 | 364.50 366.30 360.80 356.30 356.40 350.90 359.00 360.50 357.60 6870778.11 | 378.90 379.00 359.40 354.50 353.80 351.00 353.50 353.90 352.70 6870578.11 | 377.20 374.30 360.20 357.50 352.10 353.00 351.50 351.80 352.60 6870378.11 | 377.50 368.00 354.10 351.90 353.50 347.60 349.80 351.50 351.10 6870178.11 | 382.50 364.70 358.90 353.60 350.20 353.20 350.10 347.10 354.70 6869978.11 | 376.30 365.20 349.20 354.30 355.50 349.30 348.30 348.60 352.50 6869778.11 | 367.00 361.90 353.60 351.40 355.40 350.00 345.50 345.50 350.10 6869578.11 | 362.10 353.80 348.90 348.90 348.00 347.10 348.10 345.20 351.50 6869378.11 | 362.60 353.10 347.00 347.40 345.20 345.30 345.10 347.30 346.80 6869178.11 | 361.00 347.40 346.00 344.80 345.00 343.30 346.80 347.80 351.70 6868978.11 | 356.50 346.80 346.00 346.00 341.20 342.30 344.50 345.90 347.00 6868778.11 | 352.50 344.60 343.60 343.90 343.90 341.70 345.90 344.50 343.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44

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Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 477253.19 477453.19 477653.19 477853.19 478053.19 478253.19 478453.19 478653.19 478853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 349.70 346.20 345.10 341.30 343.30 343.80 343.20 344.40 345.60 6868378.11 | 347.80 345.80 347.60 341.60 338.10 341.50 342.50 343.00 345.90 6868178.11 | 344.00 343.40 345.30 342.00 341.00 343.60 339.70 342.10 344.20 6867978.11 | 341.50 343.00 342.30 342.90 337.80 339.20 337.80 340.40 342.30 6867778.11 | 337.30 338.10 345.00 341.60 339.90 337.80 340.50 338.30 343.90 6867578.11 | 334.00 340.00 338.30 339.60 334.90 337.30 340.30 340.80 342.00 6867378.11 | 336.00 337.20 335.60 338.60 338.00 336.50 337.90 337.10 340.80 6867178.11 | 333.30 334.60 335.00 337.50 338.00 336.00 336.60 337.80 341.00 6866978.11 | 335.30 336.00 332.60 338.20 339.10 334.90 334.70 335.70 335.00 6866778.11 | 328.30 335.00 332.40 335.50 332.00 336.60 334.80 338.00 339.70 6866578.11 | 334.50 332.80 335.80 333.80 333.80 333.40 339.40 339.10 339.70 6866378.11 | 331.50 331.00 333.00 334.50 336.50 333.00 339.30 342.10 339.70 6866178.11 | 327.30 333.10 333.50 331.60 332.10 337.60 339.30 337.20 336.10 6865978.11 | 334.40 334.80 333.90 333.10 331.90 338.60 341.10 340.10 336.80 6865778.11 | 328.40 332.20 331.80 330.20 328.40 337.10 341.90 338.80 333.20 6865578.11 | 329.30 328.60 329.40 332.60 332.50 334.40 339.20 334.10 334.50 6865378.11 | 329.90 329.90 330.40 330.50 327.80 330.20 334.50 330.20 332.70 6865178.11 | 327.90 330.30 329.40 326.30 328.70 327.30 327.30 331.50 330.50 6864978.11 | 327.80 328.60 329.90 326.80 326.40 328.50 327.20 326.10 328.30 6864778.11 | 326.10 327.00 328.70 325.50 328.10 331.50 326.50 325.90 327.00 6864578.11 | 325.40 324.30 326.40 326.10 327.00 325.30 325.40 326.30 329.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 16 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



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Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 479053.19 479253.19 479453.19 479653.19 479853.19 480053.19 480253.19 480453.19 480653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 386.10 386.90 390.00 388.60 391.10 391.00 389.60 390.00 392.20 6884378.11 | 388.00 386.10 389.10 388.30 388.90 389.40 391.80 392.70 390.00 6884178.11 | 386.60 385.60 386.70 387.90 384.50 387.00 392.00 390.60 389.80 6883978.11 | 383.00 383.30 387.70 385.00 386.90 388.40 387.50 389.10 391.10 6883778.11 | 380.70 384.00 384.40 387.80 386.70 388.20 385.40 389.00 390.30 6883578.11 | 382.00 384.40 383.40 386.20 385.00 385.70 386.20 387.10 389.60 6883378.11 | 383.20 383.80 384.30 382.40 381.20 384.80 387.00 387.90 388.00 6883178.11 | 382.90 380.80 380.70 382.80 381.90 383.60 386.40 385.00 386.00 6882978.11 | 379.20 379.10 380.10 381.90 382.70 385.40 380.90 382.30 386.40 6882778.11 | 377.40 381.10 381.90 382.00 383.90 380.70 382.60 384.70 382.70 6882578.11 | 377.30 381.70 380.30 379.70 379.30 382.70 384.40 384.30 382.50 6882378.11 | 381.00 378.30 378.90 378.70 379.00 380.60 382.30 381.10 379.80 6882178.11 | 377.80 380.00 379.00 380.60 379.90 379.20 380.90 381.00 383.00 6881978.11 | 377.90 376.00 377.40 381.30 379.40 379.30 381.40 379.60 379.00 6881778.11 | 376.20 376.90 376.80 376.80 378.40 377.20 380.00 381.00 378.60 6881578.11 | 378.00 374.90 375.90 376.00 379.00 376.80 376.70 378.80 378.70 6881378.11 | 377.40 375.40 375.80 377.10 375.30 378.00 378.00 377.30 377.60 6881178.11 | 374.40 373.40 376.10 378.20 377.70 374.50 376.30 374.90 376.80 6880978.11 | 373.00 373.10 373.90 375.50 375.20 376.60 374.00 375.00 374.20 6880778.11 | 371.30 374.90 374.40 372.60 374.00 373.80 376.00 374.00 373.20 6880578.11 | 373.60 373.40 373.00 373.60 372.70 373.50 373.70 374.90 371.90 6880378.11 | 370.10 372.90 371.80 373.80 372.20 373.40 372.50 373.90 370.30 6880178.11 | 371.60 369.40 372.80 371.30 373.70 370.40 369.90 368.30 370.20 6879978.11 | 370.30 369.10 369.60 371.20 369.60 371.20 372.60 369.80 369.80 6879778.11 | 369.00 369.00 368.20 367.00 368.20 370.00 367.00 369.90 367.00 6879578.11 | 370.70 369.00 368.60 369.10 365.00 367.00 368.70 367.30 368.70 6879378.11 | 367.60 369.00 367.10 367.20 367.00 366.90 369.00 368.80 369.40 6879178.11 | 368.00 369.00 365.00 367.40 366.90 367.20 363.60 366.90 365.30 6878978.11 | 373.40 368.00 365.70 365.60 367.70 366.30 368.70 367.20 364.80 6878778.11 | 372.10 369.00 367.70 367.60 366.80 366.20 366.40 366.20 364.90 6878578.11 | 371.10 369.00 367.20 366.00 364.00

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PM10.ADO 366.00 365.00 363.00 366.90 6878378.11 | 368.70 370.70 370.60 372.00 368.60 365.70 365.40 363.00 366.00 6878178.11 | 375.00 373.50 373.60 373.20 374.40 369.60 365.70 363.40 364.80 6877978.11 | 376.60 375.10 376.40 374.90 380.90 373.00 367.10 364.00 363.10 6877778.11 | 379.20 379.70 380.70 381.00 379.10 377.50 374.00 363.20 366.50 6877578.11 | 383.00 383.40 386.30 390.10 386.60 376.50 369.30 367.80 364.10 6877378.11 | 384.90 387.90 382.90 382.90 390.00 379.20 374.00 372.90 365.20 6877178.11 | 387.20 377.80 377.80 379.80 386.30 378.50 372.30 367.00 365.80 6876978.11 | 377.20 374.70 373.10 374.20 379.10 378.70 372.40 367.00 362.50 6876778.11 | 375.60 374.00 373.00 372.70 375.00 373.20 367.90 363.90 362.30� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 17 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 479053.19 479253.19 479453.19 479653.19 479853.19 480053.19 480253.19 480453.19 480653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 381.20 374.80 372.20 373.40 369.30 369.50 366.60 363.30 362.00 6876378.11 | 377.30 376.10 370.80 368.60 369.90 367.00 365.00 363.00 361.80 6876178.11 | 377.50 377.00 374.20 368.10 367.90 366.90 363.60 363.90 363.20 6875978.11 | 373.40 373.90 371.30 367.40 367.50 364.60 364.20 363.40 365.70 6875778.11 | 370.10 369.10 370.30 367.10 366.10 363.50 367.60 366.30 366.20 6875578.11 | 370.90 370.00 368.20 366.30 367.10 367.10 368.10 366.30 366.80 6875378.11 | 372.30 365.80 368.50 369.40 371.00 371.30 372.00 370.00 375.20 6875178.11 | 370.00 369.60 371.00 372.40 372.00 372.60 375.90 375.40 376.00 6874978.11 | 373.00 371.00 371.80 374.00 374.90 375.00 373.90 382.00 376.80 6874778.11 | 371.10 374.70 375.30 375.80 374.90 376.50 378.00 380.90 380.00 6874578.11 | 369.70 373.80 375.40 373.60 378.30 378.10 380.10 382.20 387.80 6874378.11 | 377.00 377.80 376.20 375.10 379.10 384.20 383.70 386.20 392.60 6874178.11 | 373.40 378.10 379.80 377.40 378.30 381.80 389.30 389.70 397.60 6873978.11 | 375.60 380.90 382.50 380.80 381.90 383.20 388.40 391.40 395.80 6873778.11 | 375.50 379.20 385.10 385.10 384.10 385.10 387.90 396.00 393.00

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PM10.ADO 6873578.11 | 373.80 375.80 386.30 387.70 387.30 387.90 389.30 391.30 388.80 6873378.11 | 375.00 370.80 378.50 389.80 389.90 385.90 384.50 389.90 382.50 6873178.11 | 377.60 371.70 373.00 390.40 386.80 382.30 384.80 386.80 381.50 6872978.11 | 380.20 374.20 370.30 384.30 380.50 379.40 378.00 382.30 380.60 6872778.11 | 382.30 382.90 364.50 369.60 372.10 379.00 376.30 381.70 378.20 6872578.11 | 374.40 377.90 365.00 366.00 373.00 376.40 374.50 371.00 373.60 6872378.11 | 365.90 364.80 364.10 369.40 383.70 380.00 376.30 373.70 371.30 6872178.11 | 363.80 362.30 363.50 368.30 369.70 379.80 380.60 375.50 373.10 6871978.11 | 364.90 364.70 364.70 364.50 374.20 375.70 383.10 380.00 376.70 6871778.11 | 359.40 357.20 361.30 362.00 370.30 373.50 389.30 380.80 383.10 6871578.11 | 359.90 358.10 360.80 362.50 366.10 369.70 378.30 386.90 385.40 6871378.11 | 357.30 357.00 361.20 362.50 364.90 371.90 372.50 389.20 390.20 6871178.11 | 352.30 355.30 359.40 363.10 363.50 371.80 376.40 393.20 389.70 6870978.11 | 354.60 353.90 357.60 356.80 361.10 369.30 376.70 383.90 394.70 6870778.11 | 353.40 353.10 355.10 361.40 362.20 368.50 375.00 382.30 389.20 6870578.11 | 353.20 353.40 355.30 359.90 361.00 364.70 373.90 383.60 387.70 6870378.11 | 352.70 352.40 355.10 358.80 361.00 366.40 371.80 375.20 380.70 6870178.11 | 354.60 354.10 354.40 362.00 360.90 364.80 370.40 381.10 381.90 6869978.11 | 352.40 355.20 355.90 364.60 362.80 365.60 371.70 382.20 378.80 6869778.11 | 352.30 351.50 354.20 359.10 362.30 363.00 373.20 387.10 380.20 6869578.11 | 352.50 350.90 356.80 355.30 357.90 360.50 372.20 382.60 378.80 6869378.11 | 351.20 353.10 355.20 356.30 357.00 357.70 363.80 367.70 380.30 6869178.11 | 349.50 349.60 349.70 353.20 355.40 354.30 362.80 366.60 372.10 6868978.11 | 348.90 349.90 355.60 354.10 349.90 353.60 364.30 378.00 365.50 6868778.11 | 349.90 351.60 360.20 353.70 351.80 358.30 368.70 379.90 364.80� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 18 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 479053.19 479253.19 479453.19 479653.19 479853.19 480053.19 480253.19 480453.19 480653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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6868578.11 | 348.40 354.80 353.90 351.70 350.60 355.80 361.90 380.70 362.50 6868378.11 | 350.30 350.80 346.10 346.30 348.20 352.80 356.30 366.90 367.50 6868178.11 | 350.40 347.00 347.60 346.20 346.50 348.00 352.40 363.50 355.50 6867978.11 | 353.00 345.70 345.80 347.40 347.00 350.70 349.80 357.60 354.10 6867778.11 | 352.90 343.90 343.20 343.50 345.90 348.00 345.90 352.00 353.80 6867578.11 | 346.30 343.00 341.30 341.70 342.30 343.50 344.40 345.60 351.90 6867378.11 | 345.10 342.40 342.10 339.30 338.40 342.00 343.70 351.00 353.70 6867178.11 | 346.50 341.10 339.80 339.40 342.10 343.40 346.00 351.20 351.40 6866978.11 | 341.40 340.80 339.30 338.30 339.80 340.70 343.00 349.00 348.90 6866778.11 | 340.70 339.80 339.30 337.20 338.50 338.10 341.60 343.50 346.60 6866578.11 | 337.00 336.90 337.90 339.80 337.00 337.50 339.00 342.80 346.00 6866378.11 | 336.70 337.00 336.30 336.20 333.80 336.70 335.80 336.10 341.30 6866178.11 | 335.20 333.80 334.90 334.80 335.10 334.80 336.80 337.70 341.30 6865978.11 | 336.40 333.00 333.60 332.60 333.20 334.00 336.30 335.20 339.90 6865778.11 | 331.30 333.00 332.70 333.80 330.60 337.50 336.10 337.30 335.90 6865578.11 | 332.00 331.10 331.50 331.20 331.10 334.50 334.80 336.60 337.90 6865378.11 | 330.50 331.90 331.00 332.60 330.00 334.80 333.30 335.10 335.90 6865178.11 | 332.90 333.00 329.60 330.50 330.50 333.90 336.60 336.00 334.20 6864978.11 | 331.30 329.80 332.80 330.90 334.90 331.50 333.60 334.50 332.40 6864778.11 | 328.90 327.10 327.00 330.50 332.80 330.20 331.00 332.10 332.00 6864578.11 | 326.70 326.80 328.80 328.70 327.00 331.00 330.60 330.20 333.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 19 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 480853.19 481053.19 481253.19 481453.19 481653.19 481853.19 482053.19 482253.19 482453.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 393.60 394.10 394.00 395.90 396.10 397.80 401.90 401.00 405.20 6884378.11 | 391.60 393.70 394.40 395.80 395.00 400.00 397.90 401.90 402.80 6884178.11 | 391.70 390.90 391.40 394.90 394.90 393.50 396.70 398.80 401.70

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PM10.ADO 6883978.11 | 392.10 393.00 391.40 393.00 394.70 393.80 396.40 399.20 403.80 6883778.11 | 391.70 393.70 390.70 390.30 392.10 395.60 398.00 404.00 405.50 6883578.11 | 390.10 390.10 390.50 391.00 391.60 390.60 397.30 397.20 402.10 6883378.11 | 386.00 387.90 388.90 389.00 390.00 388.00 392.00 395.10 401.80 6883178.11 | 386.00 388.20 387.50 389.30 390.20 389.20 389.00 393.10 396.20 6882978.11 | 385.70 388.00 387.10 385.10 386.50 390.60 389.20 394.00 393.00 6882778.11 | 385.50 385.10 386.10 384.00 383.90 387.00 389.80 386.00 389.00 6882578.11 | 382.40 383.20 385.70 386.50 384.00 382.50 383.70 384.30 388.30 6882378.11 | 384.00 382.50 382.50 383.60 384.80 383.40 383.30 383.00 383.60 6882178.11 | 380.70 381.10 382.80 381.50 379.70 382.00 383.00 382.90 383.70 6881978.11 | 382.60 381.20 380.20 377.60 380.20 381.80 380.00 383.00 381.80 6881778.11 | 379.80 381.70 381.70 379.40 379.90 379.30 382.20 380.40 381.90 6881578.11 | 378.40 380.00 378.70 378.40 379.90 378.00 379.10 380.10 379.70 6881378.11 | 378.30 379.00 377.80 378.80 377.10 378.80 377.30 378.80 378.00 6881178.11 | 378.50 377.20 378.00 377.20 378.00 374.60 379.20 375.80 375.30 6880978.11 | 374.60 376.90 376.00 375.60 372.90 376.20 376.00 374.90 376.00 6880778.11 | 372.80 375.00 373.30 374.30 374.30 374.00 372.60 374.70 376.00 6880578.11 | 369.40 370.80 374.90 373.80 376.50 372.50 373.80 371.50 373.50 6880378.11 | 373.00 371.10 371.70 372.30 372.10 372.20 373.40 370.10 372.10 6880178.11 | 371.90 373.50 369.30 370.80 369.20 372.00 372.40 373.50 371.70 6879978.11 | 369.70 370.20 372.00 370.40 370.30 370.70 368.70 366.60 373.20 6879778.11 | 367.40 369.10 369.00 371.10 373.90 368.00 368.90 370.10 371.20 6879578.11 | 368.00 366.60 367.60 369.70 369.60 369.80 370.30 371.20 369.30 6879378.11 | 371.50 371.50 368.90 367.90 370.60 370.20 372.30 370.10 369.10 6879178.11 | 368.50 369.80 367.00 367.00 365.90 368.20 366.50 371.10 368.80 6878978.11 | 365.70 366.70 366.30 368.10 368.40 367.00 363.90 365.50 368.10 6878778.11 | 365.60 367.00 366.30 368.90 368.50 365.80 363.80 368.10 366.60 6878578.11 | 366.10 364.10 366.80 365.60 366.00 366.40 364.90 367.90 366.20 6878378.11 | 366.10 364.90 366.20 364.20 365.80 366.50 365.60 367.00 365.70 6878178.11 | 364.30 365.00 365.00 366.70 364.20 366.50 363.70 367.30 364.50 6877978.11 | 362.70 366.90 367.40 367.50 366.00 363.40 363.40 364.80 365.00 6877778.11 | 365.90 365.00 362.90 362.50 364.00 365.90 363.00 363.30 363.80 6877578.11 | 363.20 361.80 361.90 361.80 361.50 365.60 364.40 364.90 364.00 6877378.11 | 362.90 363.00 365.90 364.10 364.90 363.00 364.00 362.90 366.00

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PM10.ADO 6877178.11 | 361.30 360.50 361.20 364.00 363.20 361.20 363.80 363.10 365.70 6876978.11 | 361.40 360.00 360.50 362.80 362.10 362.00 363.30 362.70 364.80 6876778.11 | 363.40 362.60 361.90 360.80 364.20 364.30 363.40 363.10 362.90� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 20 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 480853.19 481053.19 481253.19 481453.19 481653.19 481853.19 482053.19 482253.19 482453.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 364.10 362.80 362.60 363.20 362.20 361.20 361.80 361.70 363.10 6876378.11 | 362.70 361.90 364.40 360.20 360.80 361.00 361.50 363.00 361.90 6876178.11 | 363.00 360.20 363.00 361.50 361.20 358.00 359.50 359.30 361.20 6875978.11 | 362.60 361.00 361.60 361.20 360.20 358.90 360.70 361.00 362.30 6875778.11 | 366.20 362.40 363.10 364.30 360.30 356.90 356.60 360.40 361.60 6875578.11 | 368.10 365.10 364.20 365.00 362.90 359.90 357.10 358.00 359.00 6875378.11 | 371.70 367.10 366.70 370.00 368.40 361.20 357.60 359.30 357.90 6875178.11 | 372.70 369.30 370.40 368.60 371.50 365.10 358.20 357.20 357.90 6874978.11 | 379.10 376.00 381.00 378.60 372.80 371.10 365.60 360.10 358.00 6874778.11 | 385.60 382.50 389.30 379.60 370.20 370.00 368.60 364.20 357.60 6874578.11 | 394.50 391.70 387.60 374.50 368.30 366.30 368.30 360.90 358.50 6874378.11 | 394.50 387.80 383.60 374.10 368.90 364.20 362.00 360.00 359.80 6874178.11 | 385.60 381.70 379.70 373.10 369.20 367.00 363.60 365.50 361.30 6873978.11 | 395.20 390.40 381.50 373.10 369.00 365.90 366.30 364.80 357.60 6873778.11 | 394.00 386.00 380.20 373.50 371.90 371.30 364.00 361.10 360.20 6873578.11 | 392.20 390.10 384.20 377.90 376.60 378.20 367.40 358.90 362.00 6873378.11 | 386.20 383.50 386.30 382.00 380.00 376.20 365.00 361.50 356.80 6873178.11 | 383.30 383.90 378.40 376.60 370.00 371.90 360.00 360.90 358.80 6872978.11 | 377.80 378.30 374.30 374.30 366.90 364.90 362.40 361.00 360.80 6872778.11 | 373.00 376.50 372.70 369.20 367.40 364.60 361.70 360.00 357.50 6872578.11 | 371.10 370.90 368.90 369.50 366.60 363.00 363.00 361.90 360.90 6872378.11 | 369.40 371.30 367.80 368.90 368.60

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PM10.ADO 363.80 362.30 361.90 361.20 6872178.11 | 377.90 372.10 371.50 374.00 367.60 367.70 363.00 360.00 359.10 6871978.11 | 379.00 379.70 376.80 372.10 369.30 372.80 367.10 364.80 361.00 6871778.11 | 381.20 377.10 375.70 371.30 375.70 381.20 371.60 367.90 363.70 6871578.11 | 382.10 380.60 376.00 373.20 376.70 382.30 380.30 371.30 364.20 6871378.11 | 386.40 381.00 378.00 378.50 378.90 382.50 383.70 370.90 365.30 6871178.11 | 383.20 381.00 380.80 382.00 381.80 384.70 402.20 384.00 373.00 6870978.11 | 386.70 387.30 382.60 392.60 387.00 391.50 395.60 402.20 383.50 6870778.11 | 395.00 385.70 385.00 388.90 389.10 395.70 390.10 380.90 379.30 6870578.11 | 384.70 381.10 382.40 381.10 391.40 387.10 387.40 382.80 375.40 6870378.11 | 375.80 375.10 387.20 382.50 393.20 381.20 388.40 383.60 371.80 6870178.11 | 371.50 379.90 380.70 381.00 384.80 378.70 389.30 399.80 379.10 6869978.11 | 370.10 374.20 377.80 373.80 374.20 375.50 392.40 396.80 388.50 6869778.11 | 374.30 368.90 372.50 369.00 369.10 383.00 389.90 389.00 388.30 6869578.11 | 371.60 364.90 367.40 366.00 367.00 383.80 380.70 378.10 381.60 6869378.11 | 374.40 368.90 363.30 362.90 371.60 368.60 385.20 373.80 379.70 6869178.11 | 366.80 365.40 361.50 365.10 372.20 371.40 382.30 381.70 403.50 6868978.11 | 362.90 357.00 355.00 361.40 367.20 372.80 378.30 386.40 406.20 6868778.11 | 359.70 356.30 359.80 361.70 363.70 367.40 372.70 385.40 409.20� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 21 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 480853.19 481053.19 481253.19 481453.19 481653.19 481853.19 482053.19 482253.19 482453.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 357.90 355.70 361.30 360.30 363.60 369.10 380.80 384.30 402.70 6868378.11 | 356.50 354.00 355.80 357.40 361.90 370.80 380.70 374.40 394.80 6868178.11 | 355.40 354.50 353.70 356.30 360.10 366.30 369.10 375.30 387.80 6867978.11 | 351.30 350.50 351.30 354.70 358.10 364.90 371.60 379.10 364.50 6867778.11 | 351.00 349.00 351.50 353.40 356.30 360.70 368.40 375.90 364.40 6867578.11 | 350.70 348.40 350.30 350.80 360.20 367.30 368.70 383.10 367.20

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PM10.ADO 6867378.11 | 348.50 346.60 348.50 352.60 359.60 366.30 374.40 390.80 374.80 6867178.11 | 343.40 346.10 349.80 353.40 362.20 375.80 379.30 384.40 361.50 6866978.11 | 346.00 344.40 347.10 352.90 358.80 366.00 384.80 364.70 355.50 6866778.11 | 344.30 344.20 345.20 349.90 353.40 356.80 369.90 357.10 351.10 6866578.11 | 343.70 342.90 346.70 347.60 350.00 353.80 359.50 359.00 352.20 6866378.11 | 339.50 345.50 343.30 345.60 349.30 351.80 357.70 363.70 356.70 6866178.11 | 339.70 342.60 343.20 346.00 347.50 353.90 361.20 381.30 362.50 6865978.11 | 340.00 340.80 342.40 341.70 350.10 355.80 365.90 392.30 362.30 6865778.11 | 337.10 339.30 339.40 343.20 349.30 357.60 373.30 378.90 372.10 6865578.11 | 338.10 336.80 340.90 347.70 351.50 377.80 378.30 373.80 386.00 6865378.11 | 331.50 337.10 339.20 341.90 348.70 383.90 383.90 373.20 378.40 6865178.11 | 336.00 334.50 339.50 339.20 347.50 364.90 367.10 377.20 370.10 6864978.11 | 333.80 339.00 337.30 341.90 346.60 353.50 357.80 361.60 367.60 6864778.11 | 333.10 333.10 336.00 339.50 344.20 349.70 357.40 353.70 352.50 6864578.11 | 331.20 331.50 336.80 340.30 343.80 348.60 360.60 345.20 344.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 22 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 482653.19 482853.19 483053.19 483253.19 483453.19 483653.19 483853.19 484053.19 484253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 408.90 412.80 415.00 414.60 413.10 417.00 419.50 422.00 421.10 6884378.11 | 405.10 408.10 415.90 415.00 409.20 409.20 416.60 417.30 412.50 6884178.11 | 403.20 408.60 413.60 415.20 405.00 404.10 407.20 406.30 406.70 6883978.11 | 407.40 413.20 419.00 418.00 407.10 401.00 398.00 402.10 402.60 6883778.11 | 406.80 413.90 416.00 415.30 410.50 399.70 394.80 396.80 399.20 6883578.11 | 401.50 404.80 409.10 410.70 408.30 398.80 391.90 395.10 395.50 6883378.11 | 397.90 402.90 403.60 407.50 405.60 397.30 394.80 392.80 392.10 6883178.11 | 397.30 396.30 400.00 403.80 401.90 396.00 390.90 390.70 395.00 6882978.11 | 391.80 392.90 395.70 399.00 394.60 393.70 390.50 390.20 393.60 6882778.11 | 388.60 390.10 393.40 392.40 391.70

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PM10.ADO 387.80 387.50 387.90 391.80 6882578.11 | 386.40 389.90 393.10 385.70 384.80 387.00 387.40 390.50 391.80 6882378.11 | 388.50 388.00 392.10 387.80 385.10 382.80 388.40 389.20 391.20 6882178.11 | 385.50 386.80 388.00 387.00 381.90 382.90 384.40 387.90 388.50 6881978.11 | 383.40 384.40 384.00 385.60 384.20 382.90 383.00 385.00 386.80 6881778.11 | 381.00 380.90 381.10 381.80 380.80 381.20 381.90 386.50 387.20 6881578.11 | 378.60 378.20 379.00 378.00 378.70 383.70 384.40 386.10 391.50 6881378.11 | 377.30 378.00 378.20 374.70 378.50 379.40 382.90 389.00 390.30 6881178.11 | 374.60 375.80 378.10 377.20 380.30 378.70 380.60 384.40 384.70 6880978.11 | 375.60 373.10 375.90 378.50 376.00 376.80 379.40 381.80 381.00 6880778.11 | 373.60 377.00 375.20 376.30 375.70 377.00 379.10 378.90 379.00 6880578.11 | 376.00 374.10 374.10 371.80 373.90 374.00 377.20 375.80 375.40 6880378.11 | 373.50 372.10 373.10 374.60 374.00 373.70 374.00 374.80 374.20 6880178.11 | 369.80 371.80 374.00 376.60 374.00 372.60 372.80 373.30 374.40 6879978.11 | 373.30 371.50 368.20 372.10 372.90 372.80 374.00 375.20 372.70 6879778.11 | 373.00 369.80 369.00 370.00 370.80 371.30 372.60 374.70 368.30 6879578.11 | 370.00 371.50 371.50 369.50 371.10 371.90 372.30 372.90 373.60 6879378.11 | 367.40 369.10 372.00 372.90 372.70 372.50 371.80 376.10 377.00 6879178.11 | 367.50 368.30 367.30 370.40 369.90 366.60 370.50 372.00 370.50 6878978.11 | 366.00 368.70 368.60 367.80 369.40 369.90 371.10 372.30 371.10 6878778.11 | 370.40 365.60 366.40 366.60 369.80 370.10 370.00 370.60 369.40 6878578.11 | 366.50 366.00 369.80 364.60 368.10 369.70 369.00 371.00 368.30 6878378.11 | 363.30 365.90 367.20 369.70 369.00 371.20 366.00 368.20 368.80 6878178.11 | 366.10 366.30 365.80 367.20 368.80 367.00 370.20 369.50 373.00 6877978.11 | 367.50 367.90 366.00 364.30 367.90 367.80 370.00 367.90 368.00 6877778.11 | 366.30 365.80 367.00 367.40 367.20 365.10 370.50 368.10 371.10 6877578.11 | 360.80 366.90 366.10 367.40 367.10 366.80 365.90 366.80 370.20 6877378.11 | 367.50 365.90 364.90 369.50 366.10 367.80 367.40 367.90 368.00 6877178.11 | 365.60 364.80 363.20 364.90 366.70 367.00 367.20 366.20 366.90 6876978.11 | 365.20 367.00 364.50 365.20 365.60 368.60 366.10 367.10 366.90 6876778.11 | 359.60 364.00 364.60 364.00 363.10 363.90 362.10 363.20 366.70� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 23 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*

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Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 482653.19 482853.19 483053.19 483253.19 483453.19 483653.19 483853.19 484053.19 484253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 361.60 363.10 363.70 364.80 364.00 362.80 363.00 366.10 366.50 6876378.11 | 362.20 364.60 361.00 362.30 364.00 363.90 365.10 364.50 362.80 6876178.11 | 361.40 363.00 359.20 361.50 361.90 365.50 365.40 363.70 366.00 6875978.11 | 358.30 364.20 362.00 361.00 363.00 363.00 363.10 362.70 364.80 6875778.11 | 361.00 358.60 360.40 362.00 359.70 362.30 360.60 360.20 363.00 6875578.11 | 357.50 362.70 361.90 362.40 362.20 360.90 362.40 358.10 359.30 6875378.11 | 360.90 359.00 359.00 359.00 361.20 359.80 357.00 359.30 359.20 6875178.11 | 359.70 359.40 359.40 358.20 359.00 360.10 359.70 360.00 358.40 6874978.11 | 357.50 356.10 359.20 359.50 359.00 357.90 359.10 358.90 357.00 6874778.11 | 355.30 357.00 357.70 357.30 357.00 356.10 356.40 356.90 359.00 6874578.11 | 357.70 357.10 355.60 357.60 356.00 357.20 357.00 358.50 357.80 6874378.11 | 357.60 356.00 355.80 355.40 355.00 356.80 357.50 355.00 356.00 6874178.11 | 356.70 353.90 357.30 356.00 352.70 355.40 353.20 355.20 356.10 6873978.11 | 354.30 355.00 354.60 356.60 354.00 355.90 354.60 355.00 356.40 6873778.11 | 356.10 353.90 355.20 356.60 354.10 354.10 355.40 355.10 352.80 6873578.11 | 358.10 354.40 352.30 354.60 355.80 354.00 355.10 355.30 354.80 6873378.11 | 357.20 354.40 353.30 354.00 356.00 353.20 356.80 354.00 355.10 6873178.11 | 360.50 357.80 356.20 353.00 350.90 350.90 353.60 354.90 353.90 6872978.11 | 358.10 355.60 355.10 354.50 354.00 351.00 353.50 351.50 354.30 6872778.11 | 357.70 356.80 356.20 353.00 354.60 352.00 353.20 351.10 352.30 6872578.11 | 359.10 359.70 356.90 355.90 352.80 352.80 353.00 351.80 351.80 6872378.11 | 360.00 357.10 354.20 356.60 353.10 351.00 351.20 351.00 349.00 6872178.11 | 358.00 357.00 354.20 355.40 354.10 352.20 350.90 349.10 351.50 6871978.11 | 357.40 355.00 356.80 353.50 352.10 352.30 350.50 350.00 349.30 6871778.11 | 358.90 358.70 355.40 353.80 355.20 355.30 350.90 349.50 350.10 6871578.11 | 361.40 358.10 357.00 355.00 351.40 352.60 352.20 349.80 350.20 6871378.11 | 361.60 360.00 359.20 354.60 352.10 351.30 351.00 350.10 350.40 6871178.11 | 368.40 365.60 358.90 357.00 353.20 350.90 353.30 349.30 348.20

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PM10.ADO 6870978.11 | 374.80 365.70 360.50 357.10 355.10 352.80 353.60 351.10 349.40 6870778.11 | 368.60 364.90 361.70 358.00 357.90 354.00 354.00 349.10 352.20 6870578.11 | 371.80 366.60 366.70 360.60 357.80 359.70 356.10 355.30 351.80 6870378.11 | 369.60 372.40 366.00 365.20 363.00 362.30 359.80 354.00 349.00 6870178.11 | 373.70 372.90 367.10 370.20 360.70 358.90 354.50 352.80 347.30 6869978.11 | 381.40 378.60 379.60 386.70 357.20 352.10 351.20 347.20 345.00 6869778.11 | 391.70 384.20 385.60 373.50 355.50 351.00 349.00 346.60 347.60 6869578.11 | 388.30 380.40 377.20 368.00 356.10 353.20 347.40 344.90 346.20 6869378.11 | 391.30 377.20 385.40 360.70 355.50 353.00 345.70 343.60 346.30 6869178.11 | 401.30 372.20 376.00 360.20 356.30 351.20 348.40 346.50 345.90 6868978.11 | 415.00 372.90 361.90 357.00 355.80 352.70 352.10 347.80 345.20 6868778.11 | 390.20 369.60 364.30 355.50 352.60 347.80 348.20 345.20 342.70� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 24 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 482653.19 482853.19 483053.19 483253.19 483453.19 483653.19 483853.19 484053.19 484253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 383.70 364.40 356.10 361.70 355.50 352.00 346.40 345.40 344.30 6868378.11 | 367.80 358.70 351.20 352.30 351.10 351.10 343.60 344.10 340.50 6868178.11 | 365.90 355.10 350.80 349.00 345.60 347.00 344.30 342.90 341.00 6867978.11 | 358.50 354.00 347.70 349.20 344.20 342.90 344.00 342.60 339.70 6867778.11 | 355.00 352.90 356.10 350.60 347.90 346.10 341.60 342.00 342.20 6867578.11 | 357.50 358.80 364.80 355.30 352.50 344.70 340.70 339.50 339.80 6867378.11 | 363.70 369.40 371.70 358.20 350.50 344.00 339.00 337.40 339.60 6867178.11 | 356.40 367.90 356.70 351.00 344.90 344.00 338.60 339.90 339.20 6866978.11 | 350.80 358.40 351.30 347.50 344.90 340.70 340.10 339.20 339.00 6866778.11 | 348.20 347.60 345.00 342.90 342.60 341.20 340.60 339.90 339.10 6866578.11 | 352.10 353.90 350.80 347.60 343.60 342.00 340.40 336.20 337.00 6866378.11 | 361.90 355.50 353.20 345.00 341.70 341.00 339.30 338.00 338.80 6866178.11 | 363.80 355.70 350.10 344.60 339.70

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PM10.ADO 342.00 337.70 337.50 337.70 6865978.11 | 359.70 356.20 349.00 345.10 342.70 339.20 337.50 335.00 334.90 6865778.11 | 363.20 362.70 347.40 342.40 342.00 338.70 335.60 334.80 335.60 6865578.11 | 374.40 365.00 351.70 341.20 337.90 338.10 335.20 333.60 334.30 6865378.11 | 380.70 353.70 343.20 337.90 336.80 336.00 334.40 332.90 335.50 6865178.11 | 357.20 345.40 341.00 337.00 334.00 333.80 332.90 335.70 333.30 6864978.11 | 349.10 340.90 336.10 334.90 332.90 333.00 332.60 332.60 333.90 6864778.11 | 345.20 335.00 334.00 331.90 332.00 335.70 331.60 331.10 332.70 6864578.11 | 340.10 335.90 331.80 332.20 332.00 333.40 330.40 330.80 332.10� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 25 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 484453.19 484653.19 484853.19 485053.19 485253.19 485453.19 485653.19 485853.19 486053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 423.00 423.90 424.80 425.00 422.10 417.20 416.00 417.00 415.00 6884378.11 | 414.80 416.30 419.10 422.30 419.90 415.20 415.00 412.90 411.40 6884178.11 | 409.60 411.60 415.60 418.60 416.80 414.60 412.90 411.50 410.20 6883978.11 | 403.00 405.00 410.80 414.40 415.10 412.00 408.50 408.30 408.00 6883778.11 | 400.60 401.10 408.20 412.20 413.40 407.20 408.20 405.50 405.30 6883578.11 | 398.50 400.10 406.80 410.00 407.50 404.40 404.60 404.50 406.50 6883378.11 | 396.60 404.10 408.10 411.60 408.80 404.00 401.00 401.10 403.20 6883178.11 | 399.40 402.30 409.80 413.00 407.90 404.20 402.00 401.50 400.30 6882978.11 | 397.00 403.00 408.40 411.50 409.00 406.00 403.20 399.60 398.60 6882778.11 | 396.10 403.00 406.00 410.50 407.90 403.80 402.10 400.80 396.10 6882578.11 | 395.00 397.50 402.10 407.90 403.00 403.60 401.60 401.80 396.00 6882378.11 | 392.10 396.00 400.10 401.60 399.40 402.90 402.00 398.80 397.50 6882178.11 | 390.90 392.90 394.80 396.60 403.10 407.60 404.60 398.90 397.10 6881978.11 | 391.90 390.90 390.80 397.10 399.40 406.30 407.00 395.50 396.00 6881778.11 | 392.80 394.60 392.00 392.20 396.10 402.80 401.20 395.40 392.80 6881578.11 | 393.10 390.00 389.90 392.00 393.10 400.20 397.10 391.90 389.80

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PM10.ADO 6881378.11 | 390.20 389.20 385.30 391.30 395.30 394.80 393.40 390.50 387.70 6881178.11 | 383.50 384.20 385.00 384.60 388.00 395.00 390.60 386.00 384.10 6880978.11 | 381.40 381.00 383.80 385.00 385.00 391.80 388.40 385.90 385.00 6880778.11 | 378.00 380.90 381.40 381.40 384.10 391.20 388.90 383.90 386.30 6880578.11 | 377.40 377.40 379.70 380.60 388.00 388.10 388.20 382.10 382.40 6880378.11 | 375.70 376.00 376.20 377.40 383.20 386.30 384.10 382.20 382.90 6880178.11 | 376.00 378.10 373.90 379.00 378.10 382.00 380.10 382.30 377.20 6879978.11 | 379.00 373.40 373.50 378.80 378.10 376.90 374.50 380.80 381.10 6879778.11 | 370.50 374.90 377.20 380.00 377.80 376.50 377.80 380.90 383.70 6879578.11 | 378.40 373.10 376.50 376.10 375.00 377.50 378.00 379.00 377.20 6879378.11 | 375.00 377.50 372.80 373.20 372.50 379.70 379.00 380.50 377.60 6879178.11 | 371.40 375.70 376.00 376.40 377.00 376.60 376.30 376.20 377.00 6878978.11 | 370.60 377.20 372.60 372.80 373.30 375.00 372.90 378.50 382.80 6878778.11 | 368.70 369.60 371.70 375.30 375.70 374.80 372.40 374.50 377.80 6878578.11 | 373.60 369.10 372.70 375.00 374.00 375.60 375.90 375.20 375.30 6878378.11 | 372.90 370.80 367.20 373.00 371.90 375.70 378.90 378.00 376.30 6878178.11 | 370.90 372.10 370.00 373.00 370.70 371.90 373.00 375.60 374.10 6877978.11 | 366.90 371.20 370.20 371.10 371.00 372.10 370.10 371.90 375.20 6877778.11 | 369.90 370.30 373.10 369.30 371.20 371.80 370.30 369.80 369.70 6877578.11 | 371.50 369.00 367.70 369.30 370.40 370.20 372.60 369.00 367.70 6877378.11 | 369.00 368.20 367.30 367.10 368.20 369.00 370.40 367.20 370.20 6877178.11 | 366.30 369.00 368.80 368.60 365.30 367.50 366.70 370.40 372.30 6876978.11 | 366.10 366.30 366.80 367.00 368.20 365.20 367.60 367.00 370.60 6876778.11 | 364.50 367.80 367.00 365.10 366.10 367.90 365.10 366.10 371.20� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 26 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 484453.19 484653.19 484853.19 485053.19 485253.19 485453.19 485653.19 485853.19 486053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 367.90 365.00 366.60 364.30 365.10

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PM10.ADO 364.40 367.70 368.50 369.00 6876378.11 | 365.30 364.40 365.10 365.40 364.10 365.20 362.60 367.40 367.00 6876178.11 | 364.90 364.00 363.10 365.50 362.90 361.00 363.00 363.10 365.70 6875978.11 | 362.80 363.00 362.00 361.30 364.40 364.70 361.00 363.00 363.80 6875778.11 | 365.10 361.90 361.00 360.40 361.00 361.80 362.70 362.90 360.70 6875578.11 | 360.00 364.00 362.00 362.50 362.00 361.00 362.50 361.20 364.50 6875378.11 | 358.70 361.70 361.00 362.80 363.70 359.20 362.70 363.20 361.40 6875178.11 | 358.90 361.40 360.60 360.60 361.90 361.50 359.00 360.50 360.30 6874978.11 | 358.40 362.10 357.70 357.50 359.10 359.30 363.00 358.90 358.50 6874778.11 | 357.40 358.50 358.50 357.70 358.70 359.80 360.00 360.10 360.40 6874578.11 | 356.00 358.40 357.00 359.70 358.00 357.40 358.80 359.00 363.90 6874378.11 | 358.40 356.00 356.00 359.00 358.10 357.50 356.40 357.20 361.20 6874178.11 | 357.40 357.10 357.90 357.00 356.40 357.30 357.30 357.90 359.90 6873978.11 | 355.00 356.20 355.10 356.40 355.00 356.90 356.00 361.20 357.90 6873778.11 | 356.50 355.10 355.20 357.30 354.00 354.30 357.90 358.10 359.50 6873578.11 | 355.00 356.00 354.40 352.30 354.30 355.90 355.50 356.90 360.80 6873378.11 | 353.70 355.70 352.40 355.40 356.10 355.70 357.50 357.50 357.60 6873178.11 | 356.40 353.80 354.20 354.60 353.80 355.60 358.90 356.20 355.10 6872978.11 | 350.70 352.00 350.70 353.30 351.30 356.00 354.60 355.00 358.00 6872778.11 | 350.80 353.60 353.00 353.70 352.10 354.90 353.60 356.00 355.50 6872578.11 | 352.50 353.00 352.80 353.60 353.90 354.50 354.90 354.90 358.50 6872378.11 | 350.30 351.00 351.10 353.00 353.00 351.00 353.10 352.10 355.00 6872178.11 | 349.90 351.40 351.40 351.20 352.90 353.50 354.00 355.70 353.40 6871978.11 | 352.10 351.00 350.00 353.00 350.00 350.90 351.10 352.90 353.00 6871778.11 | 349.00 349.00 352.00 352.30 349.10 353.20 350.70 352.50 351.00 6871578.11 | 346.80 348.70 347.70 351.90 350.60 347.10 347.90 352.00 351.20 6871378.11 | 349.90 347.90 351.70 350.80 349.90 348.80 349.40 349.90 349.10 6871178.11 | 349.20 347.00 347.00 349.40 348.90 348.90 351.30 348.70 349.40 6870978.11 | 346.60 347.90 348.10 347.40 349.00 345.80 346.70 348.40 350.90 6870778.11 | 347.20 346.00 350.30 345.00 347.20 348.20 348.20 348.90 350.20 6870578.11 | 347.00 346.60 347.00 347.90 347.70 344.90 348.10 348.00 348.20 6870378.11 | 348.00 343.90 348.10 346.90 346.40 344.90 350.60 347.90 345.50 6870178.11 | 345.10 347.00 346.00 344.30 347.10 346.00 344.00 345.90 346.90 6869978.11 | 346.20 344.00 346.80 346.00 347.40 345.10 346.60 345.00 348.60 6869778.11 | 344.70 345.10 346.10 345.40 345.90

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PM10.ADO 346.50 344.80 346.90 347.80 6869578.11 | 345.00 345.90 343.60 345.40 345.90 344.10 344.60 344.20 346.20 6869378.11 | 341.90 346.30 342.70 341.30 344.80 343.90 343.50 344.70 344.00 6869178.11 | 342.90 346.10 345.70 342.30 344.40 343.00 341.60 344.90 344.90 6868978.11 | 342.90 343.10 343.90 344.50 343.10 342.00 342.00 342.20 343.90 6868778.11 | 344.70 342.30 343.70 342.60 343.10 342.70 343.00 343.00 343.70� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 27 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 484453.19 484653.19 484853.19 485053.19 485253.19 485453.19 485653.19 485853.19 486053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 341.40 342.00 343.20 342.80 341.20 343.20 342.80 340.50 343.40 6868378.11 | 341.00 342.20 342.20 341.10 342.70 340.70 345.00 340.20 342.70 6868178.11 | 341.20 341.60 343.30 339.20 343.30 342.60 342.60 342.20 339.10 6867978.11 | 339.00 340.60 339.60 341.60 339.50 339.90 342.50 343.10 340.10 6867778.11 | 338.40 341.90 340.90 342.40 341.10 342.90 342.00 342.90 341.20 6867578.11 | 341.00 340.20 337.50 339.20 342.90 340.40 341.70 341.10 341.80 6867378.11 | 339.30 339.00 339.10 343.00 341.00 338.90 341.10 340.00 340.90 6867178.11 | 339.40 340.80 340.70 339.50 337.90 337.80 337.40 338.10 340.00 6866978.11 | 337.90 337.10 341.20 338.40 338.00 339.60 337.80 335.70 337.40 6866778.11 | 337.70 339.20 337.30 339.50 338.20 340.10 339.60 335.70 338.10 6866578.11 | 336.10 336.80 337.80 338.00 337.90 336.70 336.60 338.90 337.10 6866378.11 | 337.70 336.20 337.20 337.80 338.10 336.50 336.10 337.30 338.80 6866178.11 | 339.30 338.30 335.50 336.20 337.40 334.80 336.40 336.40 337.80 6865978.11 | 335.60 338.00 336.80 335.00 338.00 337.20 337.00 338.70 336.70 6865778.11 | 332.10 335.60 334.90 335.40 337.00 336.90 335.60 336.20 334.10 6865578.11 | 334.40 334.60 334.60 336.40 336.00 331.80 336.60 334.80 336.80 6865378.11 | 333.90 338.10 334.90 336.50 335.80 333.40 333.00 337.90 336.00 6865178.11 | 334.70 332.80 332.00 334.10 336.20 335.00 333.10 336.70 333.40 6864978.11 | 334.00 331.90 334.90 335.00 334.70 333.90 330.00 332.10 333.00

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PM10.ADO 6864778.11 | 333.40 336.00 334.00 333.60 334.90 333.80 333.00 333.00 332.30 6864578.11 | 333.70 334.70 331.00 332.40 332.30 332.90 333.60 332.10 332.80� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 28 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 486253.19 486453.19 486653.19 486853.19 487053.19 487253.19 487453.19 487653.19 487853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 414.10 410.80 410.00 408.60 404.10 403.50 407.40 413.20 418.80 6884378.11 | 410.80 408.00 406.30 406.80 405.20 401.60 406.70 408.40 412.10 6884178.11 | 407.10 404.60 405.20 402.00 403.60 400.70 404.90 403.00 407.40 6883978.11 | 404.50 404.00 403.00 402.30 401.80 401.30 401.50 406.10 408.80 6883778.11 | 405.30 402.70 399.80 399.60 399.10 399.00 404.30 408.00 414.80 6883578.11 | 404.50 400.60 398.50 396.30 399.90 405.70 406.70 410.10 414.70 6883378.11 | 402.00 400.80 396.30 396.00 402.00 403.80 409.40 410.20 412.90 6883178.11 | 401.00 398.90 395.00 397.10 400.00 405.60 409.00 407.40 409.10 6882978.11 | 397.60 397.00 396.60 396.60 398.00 403.60 403.80 407.50 405.50 6882778.11 | 397.00 396.20 393.30 395.30 397.40 402.40 401.50 402.90 403.90 6882578.11 | 397.60 394.30 394.10 393.80 397.00 398.50 399.70 399.20 401.00 6882378.11 | 395.00 396.50 393.30 391.30 394.00 397.60 394.90 399.60 396.90 6882178.11 | 395.50 389.90 393.00 390.90 395.10 399.60 397.40 395.20 396.80 6881978.11 | 393.90 391.00 391.00 391.80 394.10 397.20 394.70 393.20 396.20 6881778.11 | 393.90 388.40 389.40 391.70 394.40 397.00 396.20 392.60 394.00 6881578.11 | 389.10 392.10 393.10 392.40 395.10 396.20 393.60 392.00 391.30 6881378.11 | 388.20 391.30 396.90 394.00 394.00 392.50 393.80 392.00 392.00 6881178.11 | 384.40 389.20 397.00 396.80 392.40 389.50 390.80 391.60 388.70 6880978.11 | 383.40 390.20 396.60 393.60 392.00 391.00 389.50 388.00 388.80 6880778.11 | 387.60 391.30 394.30 393.70 393.00 393.00 390.60 389.00 384.20 6880578.11 | 382.20 388.00 390.00 391.20 389.00 388.10 389.00 388.00 386.00 6880378.11 | 382.60 386.00 390.50 390.40 388.90 386.30 387.90 387.10 386.00 6880178.11 | 381.70 383.60 388.80 392.60 388.40

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PM10.ADO 388.10 385.70 384.90 384.90 6879978.11 | 380.30 382.10 384.40 391.00 391.10 387.40 387.20 382.40 383.50 6879778.11 | 380.60 382.90 387.60 393.50 392.80 388.50 386.00 382.10 380.90 6879578.11 | 377.70 383.50 387.80 391.70 390.40 385.70 384.50 384.00 380.80 6879378.11 | 375.80 383.60 386.70 393.00 388.50 384.20 381.80 382.50 380.80 6879178.11 | 379.00 383.10 385.80 390.00 387.20 385.10 383.10 379.20 382.20 6878978.11 | 379.30 382.30 383.20 386.60 391.80 387.20 384.50 382.20 379.00 6878778.11 | 380.60 381.40 385.60 386.90 393.10 389.90 386.60 380.00 378.80 6878578.11 | 378.40 383.80 386.20 389.00 393.70 385.60 381.00 380.20 382.30 6878378.11 | 377.10 376.10 385.80 391.40 388.40 384.20 380.40 378.30 379.90 6878178.11 | 376.60 375.90 381.50 389.00 388.90 388.50 382.60 378.10 377.60 6877978.11 | 374.40 374.10 379.70 384.40 386.00 386.00 382.10 379.90 376.70 6877778.11 | 372.30 376.70 375.20 381.60 381.50 380.00 379.70 377.20 374.30 6877578.11 | 367.70 374.40 376.20 378.30 377.60 373.30 375.50 372.60 376.90 6877378.11 | 368.50 374.80 373.80 372.20 373.90 375.00 371.40 373.00 373.90 6877178.11 | 372.60 373.90 372.00 372.30 372.30 372.50 373.00 372.90 371.70 6876978.11 | 375.30 375.00 374.40 371.20 372.50 370.20 373.00 372.40 372.30 6876778.11 | 374.90 377.90 376.20 371.00 370.00 367.80 368.50 373.00 371.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 29 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 486253.19 486453.19 486653.19 486853.19 487053.19 487253.19 487453.19 487653.19 487853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 372.70 379.30 379.50 374.50 374.00 369.20 371.80 369.10 370.40 6876378.11 | 373.70 382.70 380.60 376.40 372.90 370.20 368.00 368.00 370.00 6876178.11 | 370.40 372.20 379.80 376.00 373.90 369.00 367.50 369.10 369.60 6875978.11 | 365.00 370.30 380.00 376.00 369.20 368.30 365.90 369.30 371.00 6875778.11 | 363.60 367.80 372.60 372.60 366.60 366.10 366.40 369.60 367.20 6875578.11 | 361.60 362.00 369.70 366.50 365.80 366.10 369.10 366.90 367.60 6875378.11 | 361.40 360.90 363.30 365.90 366.40 366.90 368.70 366.20 364.80

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PM10.ADO 6875178.11 | 359.80 362.60 360.60 364.50 363.00 365.60 361.50 367.20 363.40 6874978.11 | 362.10 360.80 364.70 363.90 361.90 362.20 363.90 365.80 366.00 6874778.11 | 364.40 363.00 363.70 365.20 363.50 361.80 364.80 364.30 363.20 6874578.11 | 367.70 365.50 360.80 361.50 363.10 361.20 364.60 364.40 361.30 6874378.11 | 367.40 361.80 362.00 360.30 364.70 361.30 364.40 364.90 361.80 6874178.11 | 360.20 362.00 362.00 361.70 361.20 365.20 359.40 363.10 361.70 6873978.11 | 359.10 358.00 359.20 361.30 361.00 361.20 358.20 362.10 362.20 6873778.11 | 359.00 361.10 360.00 358.50 360.70 359.80 360.90 360.80 359.00 6873578.11 | 357.10 358.30 360.70 359.60 360.60 360.20 360.90 360.00 360.70 6873378.11 | 360.00 357.60 359.80 359.00 359.10 358.70 360.60 360.10 359.50 6873178.11 | 357.50 357.00 361.00 355.60 358.80 357.20 357.00 357.20 359.00 6872978.11 | 355.70 354.90 360.20 358.00 358.80 355.50 359.00 359.50 357.20 6872778.11 | 355.60 355.80 357.60 354.40 355.30 357.60 355.10 355.90 356.40 6872578.11 | 357.50 355.90 356.40 355.00 356.80 355.80 356.00 358.80 354.90 6872378.11 | 354.80 355.20 354.40 355.20 353.10 354.30 357.40 355.10 358.00 6872178.11 | 354.00 354.00 354.60 355.20 353.80 353.50 354.40 355.00 354.60 6871978.11 | 352.00 353.00 353.90 353.40 353.90 352.20 356.00 355.00 353.10 6871778.11 | 353.60 353.90 353.70 352.80 353.10 351.90 353.60 353.00 354.30 6871578.11 | 352.20 351.20 352.80 350.20 353.00 353.20 353.40 353.90 353.20 6871378.11 | 349.60 350.90 352.30 354.50 351.00 354.20 352.00 352.90 352.20 6871178.11 | 350.40 351.10 352.40 351.80 350.40 353.90 351.80 352.10 353.40 6870978.11 | 351.20 349.70 350.20 349.70 349.50 352.10 352.40 351.60 351.50 6870778.11 | 349.50 348.90 351.90 352.00 349.10 349.80 353.40 350.10 350.90 6870578.11 | 350.30 349.00 348.60 349.30 351.10 349.30 350.10 350.80 352.50 6870378.11 | 346.80 348.40 351.40 348.80 348.90 349.90 348.80 349.90 350.80 6870178.11 | 349.60 348.10 347.20 348.50 349.70 349.60 348.00 348.20 348.00 6869978.11 | 346.60 347.30 345.20 347.30 348.90 349.00 348.70 347.10 347.00 6869778.11 | 345.90 347.70 345.80 345.60 347.00 348.00 350.00 347.10 347.80 6869578.11 | 346.40 346.00 345.70 347.40 347.10 346.90 348.50 347.10 349.00 6869378.11 | 346.30 344.10 345.30 346.60 346.60 345.50 345.80 349.90 346.30 6869178.11 | 344.40 345.90 344.20 344.00 344.90 345.70 349.20 345.00 346.90 6868978.11 | 343.00 343.00 344.80 341.50 345.90 345.10 345.40 344.20 344.30 6868778.11 | 343.50 342.90 343.60 343.40 344.10 345.50 346.20 344.90 345.30� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19

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PM10.ADO *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 30 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 486253.19 486453.19 486653.19 486853.19 487053.19 487253.19 487453.19 487653.19 487853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 342.80 341.50 342.00 342.90 342.00 342.50 344.00 346.50 345.30 6868378.11 | 344.40 342.10 340.30 345.80 342.90 342.10 343.10 343.10 343.10 6868178.11 | 343.00 342.00 340.90 340.70 342.20 342.40 342.30 343.10 342.30 6867978.11 | 339.30 342.40 340.70 342.20 340.50 341.30 341.30 342.20 342.90 6867778.11 | 340.10 339.90 338.60 341.30 341.10 343.00 341.10 341.90 342.60 6867578.11 | 337.90 339.00 340.20 339.80 341.80 341.00 338.20 341.20 341.30 6867378.11 | 336.80 339.40 339.00 339.80 340.10 341.20 338.80 339.60 340.90 6867178.11 | 337.60 338.20 338.00 339.60 340.00 339.80 340.40 342.80 339.20 6866978.11 | 338.10 337.90 339.20 339.20 337.60 339.20 339.50 337.80 338.00 6866778.11 | 337.60 336.60 337.40 338.00 337.10 337.90 339.40 339.70 337.50 6866578.11 | 335.50 337.00 337.70 339.30 337.80 338.00 337.40 338.90 338.00 6866378.11 | 336.60 338.10 337.60 337.30 335.20 337.90 339.40 335.30 338.90 6866178.11 | 338.00 335.70 335.80 334.40 334.00 335.80 338.00 335.60 337.90 6865978.11 | 335.00 335.90 336.00 333.10 333.20 334.20 337.60 336.10 336.10 6865778.11 | 336.80 334.00 336.50 336.00 335.90 334.30 335.70 336.40 335.20 6865578.11 | 334.80 335.10 336.10 333.90 333.10 333.90 334.80 335.50 335.90 6865378.11 | 337.00 336.00 336.20 334.00 333.10 333.00 337.00 332.30 334.10 6865178.11 | 333.00 335.90 333.30 334.30 334.00 333.10 332.90 332.70 334.80 6864978.11 | 334.40 333.70 333.50 333.30 333.10 333.10 332.40 331.50 332.20 6864778.11 | 332.50 333.00 336.50 332.10 333.30 334.60 333.60 334.00 333.30 6864578.11 | 333.00 332.00 328.60 330.20 330.20 331.20 335.30 333.50 331.10� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 31 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


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Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 488053.19 488253.19 488453.19 488653.19 488853.19 489053.19 489253.19 489453.19 489653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 419.00 419.80 422.90 427.50 432.90 435.00 431.00 431.10 429.90 6884378.11 | 410.40 417.30 422.40 426.60 430.10 432.50 427.50 426.20 424.00 6884178.11 | 410.80 415.10 419.40 421.40 424.00 431.20 429.30 424.30 419.10 6883978.11 | 414.50 415.20 421.60 425.00 428.00 430.10 432.40 427.70 420.30 6883778.11 | 417.50 420.80 425.80 435.60 446.40 435.40 438.80 434.30 425.50 6883578.11 | 417.60 418.60 417.90 444.30 447.60 428.80 440.30 444.80 442.80 6883378.11 | 410.00 410.90 414.60 427.90 419.90 420.00 433.90 441.90 448.10 6883178.11 | 409.40 405.80 410.30 408.40 412.00 416.60 422.40 428.40 436.50 6882978.11 | 405.40 404.60 403.80 404.80 409.00 409.60 417.70 418.60 420.80 6882778.11 | 403.00 400.90 403.90 404.00 406.80 410.50 415.50 412.90 410.90 6882578.11 | 400.30 400.10 402.00 403.70 406.30 411.20 412.60 410.20 406.70 6882378.11 | 397.40 398.10 403.60 403.20 406.60 409.30 411.20 408.50 404.30 6882178.11 | 399.00 399.90 402.20 404.40 407.00 409.10 405.50 403.90 402.90 6881978.11 | 397.00 400.20 403.80 406.30 407.10 406.50 402.70 403.40 397.90 6881778.11 | 397.40 401.60 402.00 405.60 409.60 410.90 403.20 401.40 401.10 6881578.11 | 395.90 397.90 402.70 406.00 409.00 412.90 407.60 405.80 401.10 6881378.11 | 394.40 396.30 399.40 401.10 405.60 408.80 412.70 405.50 404.90 6881178.11 | 391.80 393.00 396.50 397.40 403.00 407.00 412.20 404.60 401.00 6880978.11 | 390.10 392.90 394.40 397.40 404.00 418.00 426.00 408.60 398.10 6880778.11 | 386.70 388.90 393.90 391.40 397.20 428.40 429.80 405.20 399.20 6880578.11 | 386.30 389.10 391.70 393.10 394.50 407.30 415.40 399.00 394.20 6880378.11 | 387.10 386.90 386.00 390.40 393.00 393.70 394.50 394.10 391.80 6880178.11 | 386.10 387.00 383.50 387.60 387.90 388.80 389.40 390.80 388.70 6879978.11 | 383.30 383.40 384.90 385.00 385.50 385.50 385.80 388.60 387.40 6879778.11 | 382.00 384.00 384.30 383.90 384.00 383.20 385.40 386.00 388.30 6879578.11 | 382.70 381.00 382.40 383.30 384.20 382.90 383.00 383.80 384.30 6879378.11 | 381.40 379.00 380.20 379.60 381.10 383.50 381.00 381.70 382.10 6879178.11 | 379.90 377.20 379.00 381.60 379.90 381.00 380.50 380.00 383.30 6878978.11 | 378.70 381.10 380.00 379.60 379.00 379.40 380.00 379.10 382.30

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PM10.ADO 6878778.11 | 377.00 378.60 378.10 377.20 375.00 376.50 377.00 378.30 382.10 6878578.11 | 374.40 378.10 373.60 377.40 377.80 377.00 377.60 378.10 380.10 6878378.11 | 376.30 377.10 375.00 375.40 375.80 377.00 378.90 379.60 378.20 6878178.11 | 375.80 376.90 375.00 374.40 375.00 375.90 375.20 379.00 377.20 6877978.11 | 375.10 376.10 374.30 373.60 373.00 373.00 372.50 373.10 378.00 6877778.11 | 376.40 374.70 374.20 375.90 372.10 372.30 374.70 372.80 373.80 6877578.11 | 376.40 374.50 373.00 370.70 374.10 372.00 374.20 373.00 375.00 6877378.11 | 371.00 371.20 372.00 371.40 369.10 370.10 371.00 372.10 373.20 6877178.11 | 370.40 372.80 373.00 372.40 371.70 368.30 372.60 373.70 373.20 6876978.11 | 370.20 370.90 371.40 371.00 369.70 369.30 371.40 372.00 374.20 6876778.11 | 370.90 369.90 369.00 368.50 370.00 370.00 371.90 369.90 368.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 32 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 488053.19 488253.19 488453.19 488653.19 488853.19 489053.19 489253.19 489453.19 489653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 369.70 370.20 368.80 369.90 370.10 370.80 366.40 369.80 367.70 6876378.11 | 366.90 367.60 370.10 366.40 367.60 367.50 368.60 370.60 369.60 6876178.11 | 365.50 368.80 369.00 366.30 365.10 367.20 367.10 370.90 370.20 6875978.11 | 366.80 362.90 367.60 365.80 366.40 367.00 365.30 365.00 368.10 6875778.11 | 366.30 365.00 365.10 362.60 365.60 367.10 366.20 367.30 363.50 6875578.11 | 367.60 366.00 365.40 364.40 365.10 365.90 366.60 365.90 367.30 6875378.11 | 363.40 367.00 365.30 363.90 366.50 364.90 366.00 366.90 369.60 6875178.11 | 363.70 363.60 362.40 364.10 365.70 363.80 363.80 364.40 363.80 6874978.11 | 362.50 360.10 361.00 362.60 365.10 363.90 362.60 363.00 363.90 6874778.11 | 362.80 360.10 359.70 360.70 362.50 363.20 364.00 363.40 364.20 6874578.11 | 361.10 360.70 361.50 362.20 358.90 359.60 361.00 362.90 363.70 6874378.11 | 360.70 361.20 360.00 362.70 360.80 360.40 361.00 362.80 362.20 6874178.11 | 358.40 357.10 359.30 358.70 364.30 358.30 360.60 362.20 360.20 6873978.11 | 362.20 359.40 360.30 359.70 358.10

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PM10.ADO 361.50 360.60 358.40 359.20 6873778.11 | 361.60 360.00 359.30 361.40 357.10 360.70 359.50 361.10 359.30 6873578.11 | 357.40 358.80 361.20 359.70 358.60 355.50 356.40 357.30 358.00 6873378.11 | 358.20 356.50 357.80 359.70 357.40 359.60 357.50 356.90 358.00 6873178.11 | 359.40 356.00 355.70 357.40 359.10 359.70 356.60 355.00 355.20 6872978.11 | 358.80 357.00 356.20 356.20 355.50 356.00 362.20 354.80 355.50 6872778.11 | 355.50 356.20 359.20 357.40 354.50 354.20 357.30 358.10 356.90 6872578.11 | 357.40 355.10 356.90 357.60 357.80 355.00 355.80 356.20 357.00 6872378.11 | 356.10 354.00 355.00 356.30 355.60 357.00 355.70 354.90 353.70 6872178.11 | 355.80 354.40 352.50 355.80 354.90 354.90 353.50 353.10 352.50 6871978.11 | 356.00 353.80 354.10 353.50 354.90 353.10 352.40 353.90 355.00 6871778.11 | 351.60 353.90 355.00 354.30 351.90 353.50 354.00 351.60 354.50 6871578.11 | 353.40 355.00 351.40 354.80 352.40 351.30 353.90 353.40 350.40 6871378.11 | 353.00 352.90 351.30 351.10 352.80 354.10 350.90 350.00 350.20 6871178.11 | 351.50 349.60 351.90 352.10 351.30 352.90 351.00 352.10 351.60 6870978.11 | 351.30 349.20 351.70 353.40 350.90 349.80 351.60 350.70 351.60 6870778.11 | 349.10 349.90 353.00 351.40 350.10 352.00 350.50 350.80 350.80 6870578.11 | 349.30 350.00 350.40 349.20 351.20 351.30 350.30 346.90 350.20 6870378.11 | 351.80 351.00 347.20 347.60 351.00 353.20 350.40 347.70 348.70 6870178.11 | 348.50 349.90 349.20 348.00 350.20 350.20 349.90 347.20 348.20 6869978.11 | 347.40 351.10 350.50 348.90 348.10 347.70 347.30 349.00 349.60 6869778.11 | 349.00 351.00 347.10 349.40 347.30 347.00 349.00 348.60 345.90 6869578.11 | 349.80 347.10 347.80 346.40 345.10 348.70 348.00 346.20 345.80 6869378.11 | 347.40 350.00 346.80 346.30 346.80 348.00 346.80 347.10 346.20 6869178.11 | 346.00 346.50 347.30 345.70 345.90 346.70 344.60 343.10 345.30 6868978.11 | 345.00 346.90 346.70 343.90 344.10 345.70 347.00 345.10 346.70 6868778.11 | 346.30 344.90 344.80 346.80 346.50 346.70 345.60 345.80 346.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 33 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 488053.19 488253.19 488453.19 488653.19 488853.19

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PM10.ADO 489053.19 489253.19 489453.19 489653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 345.00 345.40 344.40 345.20 346.00 345.90 343.10 347.00 345.80 6868378.11 | 344.00 344.90 344.20 344.10 342.00 344.20 341.50 343.90 345.10 6868178.11 | 341.00 342.30 344.30 341.90 343.10 344.10 341.30 345.10 347.00 6867978.11 | 341.60 342.50 345.00 342.30 342.50 342.70 342.50 343.00 342.90 6867778.11 | 341.50 340.00 343.00 343.80 344.00 342.90 345.30 344.00 344.10 6867578.11 | 342.10 341.20 341.00 342.50 340.40 342.70 344.40 338.70 340.30 6867378.11 | 341.30 340.90 341.30 341.60 341.10 341.50 341.00 340.50 343.10 6867178.11 | 340.00 342.00 339.00 339.40 342.90 339.70 342.00 340.80 343.20 6866978.11 | 337.70 338.10 337.70 339.00 340.00 341.50 341.30 339.20 339.50 6866778.11 | 337.80 338.80 338.90 338.00 340.10 339.90 338.30 339.90 337.60 6866578.11 | 338.50 339.00 341.00 339.50 340.80 337.90 338.50 340.80 339.10 6866378.11 | 337.00 340.70 339.40 338.70 338.20 339.00 340.10 339.80 340.00 6866178.11 | 335.00 337.00 339.30 339.60 339.40 340.00 338.80 339.50 337.00 6865978.11 | 338.80 335.00 336.20 338.00 337.00 339.00 338.60 339.90 336.00 6865778.11 | 335.60 335.90 338.00 335.20 338.80 336.50 336.30 338.80 337.30 6865578.11 | 335.70 335.30 337.00 334.40 337.60 336.00 335.30 336.00 337.10 6865378.11 | 337.50 334.20 334.90 336.00 338.80 333.20 337.50 333.00 335.00 6865178.11 | 334.90 335.90 333.70 335.80 334.20 335.40 334.60 335.40 334.20 6864978.11 | 335.80 334.60 334.00 333.80 334.60 334.70 333.40 336.50 333.40 6864778.11 | 333.10 334.00 333.30 335.00 334.10 333.10 334.00 334.20 334.80 6864578.11 | 334.90 334.10 333.30 335.10 332.30 333.40 333.90 335.10 334.30� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 34 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 489853.19 490053.19 490253.19 490453.19 490653.19 490853.19 491053.19 491253.19 491453.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 429.70 424.90 417.00 415.10 413.00 415.20 413.50 412.80 413.70 6884378.11 | 425.40 423.90 416.20 412.00 412.90

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PM10.ADO 413.10 410.70 411.20 409.80 6884178.11 | 418.60 418.20 415.10 410.80 410.00 409.90 408.30 408.10 406.90 6883978.11 | 412.50 413.10 413.00 409.50 406.90 408.70 405.00 406.90 405.30 6883778.11 | 416.80 412.00 408.50 408.20 406.80 406.70 404.30 406.50 406.80 6883578.11 | 420.60 416.20 408.80 407.40 408.90 405.90 403.70 402.50 404.20 6883378.11 | 421.10 415.10 415.70 408.10 403.90 402.80 401.60 402.00 404.40 6883178.11 | 421.80 418.00 413.80 408.50 404.20 401.20 399.00 400.00 403.90 6882978.11 | 425.00 415.20 410.10 405.90 402.90 401.80 399.80 401.70 403.50 6882778.11 | 406.50 408.00 408.00 405.00 401.70 401.20 401.40 400.90 402.80 6882578.11 | 407.20 403.30 403.50 402.60 400.30 398.80 399.00 402.30 398.50 6882378.11 | 403.60 402.50 401.40 400.80 399.00 398.70 400.00 400.00 400.90 6882178.11 | 401.60 400.10 399.70 398.00 397.90 398.50 397.40 397.90 399.70 6881978.11 | 397.00 397.00 395.80 397.00 395.30 395.60 398.00 397.10 400.80 6881778.11 | 397.00 396.60 396.10 394.60 395.70 396.20 397.00 396.90 399.00 6881578.11 | 400.60 395.00 394.90 393.50 395.00 396.20 397.60 395.90 395.80 6881378.11 | 399.70 396.30 397.00 391.40 395.80 395.30 394.30 395.20 394.40 6881178.11 | 396.90 394.30 395.50 392.60 393.10 394.90 394.00 395.80 396.50 6880978.11 | 395.10 391.80 392.00 395.50 391.90 392.00 391.50 396.10 394.90 6880778.11 | 395.20 393.30 390.70 391.30 391.00 394.10 391.90 393.10 394.80 6880578.11 | 393.40 390.80 390.50 387.70 390.10 391.20 391.20 394.40 393.90 6880378.11 | 391.00 391.10 390.70 389.10 388.90 390.80 390.00 392.00 391.20 6880178.11 | 389.40 389.30 389.20 391.00 388.70 386.80 388.60 391.70 390.40 6879978.11 | 388.50 387.50 388.10 387.60 388.90 387.90 387.00 390.00 389.60 6879778.11 | 386.00 388.10 387.60 387.00 388.80 387.70 386.10 387.10 388.00 6879578.11 | 383.70 386.30 386.70 384.10 386.20 385.50 385.80 385.90 386.80 6879378.11 | 383.20 386.10 386.40 386.60 384.50 383.80 384.70 385.00 387.00 6879178.11 | 384.50 384.80 384.20 383.60 384.20 383.00 382.90 384.10 385.90 6878978.11 | 384.60 383.90 384.00 384.60 382.00 385.50 385.00 383.00 385.00 6878778.11 | 381.70 381.00 383.70 383.70 381.60 384.30 381.60 381.50 381.50 6878578.11 | 378.90 380.90 381.10 381.50 382.00 380.10 382.40 383.00 382.00 6878378.11 | 380.70 380.40 381.80 381.00 378.20 379.20 380.30 381.00 380.80 6878178.11 | 380.00 380.00 377.10 379.60 380.40 378.30 378.30 378.60 377.40 6877978.11 | 378.10 378.00 379.00 379.00 377.90 380.50 381.80 379.70 377.80 6877778.11 | 378.70 378.70 377.60 378.20 377.30 380.20 378.60 379.00 377.80 6877578.11 | 376.00 376.60 378.40 377.30 374.50

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PM10.ADO 376.60 377.80 378.40 377.70 6877378.11 | 376.00 377.00 375.40 376.00 376.30 374.40 375.10 375.80 374.90 6877178.11 | 373.30 374.30 373.00 375.70 376.20 376.00 376.90 377.00 374.50 6876978.11 | 373.60 372.50 374.00 374.80 375.40 374.20 375.70 373.70 372.40 6876778.11 | 374.50 372.90 371.30 374.40 374.90 373.20 373.90 373.90 374.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 35 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 489853.19 490053.19 490253.19 490453.19 490653.19 490853.19 491053.19 491253.19 491453.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 370.30 372.70 372.80 373.70 373.10 370.60 371.70 373.00 373.10 6876378.11 | 369.20 369.50 370.80 372.60 371.70 374.50 371.70 370.60 369.80 6876178.11 | 370.00 367.30 369.70 368.80 371.10 370.90 373.40 368.80 370.80 6875978.11 | 365.40 367.80 369.50 369.60 369.60 370.20 371.30 370.30 369.70 6875778.11 | 367.00 368.90 369.20 369.00 367.60 366.00 368.80 368.30 371.50 6875578.11 | 367.40 364.90 367.90 364.50 369.80 368.90 367.00 367.00 368.00 6875378.11 | 367.60 363.00 365.00 365.70 365.30 367.00 366.40 366.00 364.80 6875178.11 | 365.70 366.50 364.50 364.60 363.80 366.10 366.80 367.00 367.80 6874978.11 | 361.60 369.90 364.00 362.70 364.80 362.20 363.40 365.10 365.90 6874778.11 | 363.20 365.60 367.20 362.10 361.10 361.00 363.80 364.10 366.30 6874578.11 | 364.80 365.10 364.20 365.10 364.00 363.90 362.00 361.50 362.50 6874378.11 | 363.40 366.00 365.40 367.50 365.70 364.30 362.40 362.00 362.00 6874178.11 | 359.80 363.70 364.80 364.30 364.80 362.20 362.00 360.60 361.70 6873978.11 | 359.80 361.20 364.90 365.20 364.90 360.90 362.20 360.00 360.50 6873778.11 | 357.00 359.00 358.80 361.90 366.20 365.30 362.60 359.10 356.70 6873578.11 | 357.70 356.00 356.90 358.00 365.70 366.90 364.10 360.70 356.70 6873378.11 | 357.30 358.70 357.90 359.30 367.80 369.80 365.60 359.50 357.50 6873178.11 | 356.90 359.10 356.90 358.00 364.00 363.90 365.00 362.80 357.80 6872978.11 | 354.80 357.50 359.80 355.10 359.30 361.20 357.50 359.10 358.00 6872778.11 | 356.60 352.40 353.70 356.00 357.60 356.10 357.70 354.60 355.20

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PM10.ADO 6872578.11 | 355.00 353.10 350.80 354.40 355.00 357.50 360.00 357.20 355.30 6872378.11 | 354.10 356.00 353.40 355.60 354.30 354.70 355.70 356.30 357.20 6872178.11 | 352.20 352.70 356.70 354.90 354.00 354.60 353.20 355.10 356.40 6871978.11 | 354.00 352.10 351.30 353.60 356.00 353.10 352.50 355.80 354.00 6871778.11 | 351.70 351.70 351.80 352.70 352.80 354.60 352.50 352.80 354.20 6871578.11 | 351.80 352.00 350.50 349.40 352.00 355.30 351.80 352.10 352.60 6871378.11 | 348.50 352.00 351.30 352.60 354.10 352.20 353.50 352.10 352.20 6871178.11 | 351.80 351.30 350.90 352.00 352.80 350.50 351.00 353.10 354.70 6870978.11 | 351.80 350.50 348.50 350.00 352.00 353.40 352.80 350.60 352.00 6870778.11 | 350.00 348.10 349.20 351.40 350.80 350.80 351.00 352.10 349.90 6870578.11 | 349.30 350.10 350.00 351.30 352.60 348.30 347.50 350.00 349.10 6870378.11 | 348.70 350.50 353.70 349.00 349.60 347.40 352.40 351.60 351.30 6870178.11 | 348.90 347.00 347.00 348.10 350.00 350.30 348.00 349.00 349.70 6869978.11 | 348.30 347.70 348.80 348.00 349.00 350.80 350.20 348.70 348.30 6869778.11 | 347.20 347.30 348.90 348.60 349.60 348.20 348.20 347.00 349.00 6869578.11 | 346.40 348.00 348.20 348.00 347.00 347.00 347.60 350.00 348.00 6869378.11 | 349.00 346.60 349.90 348.30 347.60 349.80 346.10 347.20 347.20 6869178.11 | 346.70 345.60 346.60 346.60 347.40 347.50 347.00 346.70 346.90 6868978.11 | 348.00 349.00 345.80 345.00 345.00 348.20 346.60 347.00 347.80 6868778.11 | 346.10 346.10 346.00 346.40 345.00 344.20 349.10 346.00 346.60� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 36 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 489853.19 490053.19 490253.19 490453.19 490653.19 490853.19 491053.19 491253.19 491453.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 345.40 346.40 343.80 344.00 345.10 344.40 344.80 346.00 345.40 6868378.11 | 343.00 345.80 345.10 344.50 346.90 344.10 345.50 344.90 346.00 6868178.11 | 342.30 344.70 342.50 344.20 343.30 344.00 343.70 344.10 343.50 6867978.11 | 343.40 342.40 343.00 342.60 342.50 344.30 341.70 343.50 342.50 6867778.11 | 342.90 343.00 341.40 340.20 343.90

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PM10.ADO 340.40 344.90 343.00 344.20 6867578.11 | 343.40 342.70 342.70 344.70 342.20 341.90 342.00 343.30 342.70 6867378.11 | 343.60 340.10 339.90 342.40 342.10 341.20 340.40 341.00 340.60 6867178.11 | 340.60 341.10 338.10 342.60 341.90 341.80 341.60 343.00 342.80 6866978.11 | 340.90 342.00 339.40 340.30 340.80 341.80 342.60 341.00 339.80 6866778.11 | 339.80 342.10 340.30 340.20 338.90 339.80 340.90 342.10 340.50 6866578.11 | 338.60 339.10 340.00 341.00 341.90 340.70 339.50 339.00 339.00 6866378.11 | 337.40 340.20 338.70 339.40 340.00 338.50 342.10 339.00 335.70 6866178.11 | 340.20 339.00 337.50 339.60 340.00 339.40 337.80 339.90 339.00 6865978.11 | 337.00 336.10 339.20 336.40 337.20 340.00 338.40 338.10 337.80 6865778.11 | 336.80 337.10 338.70 337.10 335.10 337.70 339.40 337.10 338.00 6865578.11 | 338.00 335.60 336.40 336.00 335.00 336.80 335.30 338.40 336.80 6865378.11 | 336.90 336.10 338.20 334.00 335.30 337.10 335.40 335.00 336.50 6865178.11 | 334.10 334.90 336.70 337.60 334.80 333.70 335.30 335.80 335.50 6864978.11 | 335.30 338.40 337.10 335.00 335.60 334.60 333.60 336.90 334.90 6864778.11 | 333.00 331.90 333.00 336.10 334.20 335.00 336.60 334.00 334.80 6864578.11 | 333.60 333.20 331.20 334.10 333.30 335.10 333.00 335.60 334.10� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 37 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 491653.19 491853.19 492053.19 492253.19 492453.19 492653.19 492853.19 493053.19 493253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 410.50 409.10 411.80 413.40 412.90 413.00 414.50 415.90 416.00 6884378.11 | 409.20 408.30 411.00 412.80 410.90 412.00 412.60 412.90 413.60 6884178.11 | 408.80 412.30 409.60 407.00 409.70 408.10 411.20 412.00 412.60 6883978.11 | 408.40 407.10 407.00 409.60 408.10 408.10 410.50 412.00 413.00 6883778.11 | 407.30 405.60 405.00 409.80 410.90 409.30 410.70 412.50 415.00 6883578.11 | 407.50 406.00 406.80 409.70 414.00 414.60 416.50 416.00 418.00 6883378.11 | 406.00 404.90 412.60 412.40 415.10 417.30 418.60 424.20 427.00 6883178.11 | 404.40 406.60 409.60 413.90 418.10 421.00 423.10 426.90 428.70

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PM10.ADO 6882978.11 | 405.20 405.90 407.90 411.20 415.00 420.00 421.60 422.10 421.90 6882778.11 | 402.90 404.90 405.80 409.40 412.10 417.00 416.60 417.80 418.70 6882578.11 | 400.10 404.00 406.90 405.90 412.10 411.80 412.10 413.10 418.40 6882378.11 | 399.50 402.40 404.60 405.10 406.00 410.30 410.00 415.30 418.00 6882178.11 | 401.00 401.10 404.50 406.50 405.90 409.00 409.60 411.90 411.70 6881978.11 | 400.40 403.30 401.70 404.70 404.40 406.30 406.70 407.00 411.90 6881778.11 | 399.60 398.70 403.00 402.00 403.00 402.90 405.80 407.10 412.90 6881578.11 | 398.90 398.20 401.00 399.00 401.10 404.40 408.00 409.90 417.80 6881378.11 | 396.40 400.20 398.30 401.60 403.60 405.70 410.90 410.50 417.90 6881178.11 | 397.40 397.30 396.80 401.00 400.70 405.10 412.20 413.30 418.60 6880978.11 | 396.50 397.00 396.90 398.00 403.00 407.00 411.40 418.00 421.10 6880778.11 | 395.40 396.00 398.40 397.30 401.40 406.80 411.40 418.50 422.60 6880578.11 | 396.30 393.60 397.60 396.40 402.30 404.40 408.60 412.60 421.10 6880378.11 | 392.00 393.10 394.20 396.40 399.90 403.00 405.00 408.00 413.60 6880178.11 | 392.60 391.30 392.20 394.70 395.90 399.00 402.40 403.00 409.30 6879978.11 | 388.90 390.40 391.40 392.40 396.00 396.10 398.40 401.30 403.30 6879778.11 | 388.10 391.80 390.80 390.50 394.00 394.00 394.90 394.90 397.90 6879578.11 | 386.60 386.00 388.20 388.40 390.90 390.30 392.50 394.80 395.20 6879378.11 | 385.60 386.50 388.50 388.40 388.30 391.00 391.00 391.40 390.40 6879178.11 | 386.40 384.00 385.00 386.00 387.00 390.20 390.90 391.00 389.80 6878978.11 | 383.00 383.00 385.80 384.30 386.20 387.50 389.30 387.90 387.10 6878778.11 | 381.60 381.00 386.70 386.20 386.00 386.00 385.20 386.50 386.80 6878578.11 | 378.60 381.10 380.80 382.10 383.20 384.00 383.00 384.20 385.00 6878378.11 | 380.80 379.10 381.10 379.10 379.50 382.60 384.20 384.10 382.20 6878178.11 | 380.10 379.00 379.50 379.90 377.40 381.50 380.20 381.50 382.10 6877978.11 | 377.00 378.10 378.90 378.90 378.90 379.10 380.90 379.90 381.00 6877778.11 | 377.80 376.30 375.30 376.10 377.00 378.30 376.80 375.10 379.20 6877578.11 | 375.70 374.60 374.50 375.20 377.00 378.30 376.00 376.60 380.50 6877378.11 | 375.50 375.10 374.80 375.50 373.90 374.00 374.90 377.20 381.00 6877178.11 | 374.40 374.30 372.50 374.00 374.20 374.30 378.80 378.90 382.00 6876978.11 | 372.30 373.60 373.40 375.60 374.40 376.00 374.20 375.90 380.00 6876778.11 | 371.00 371.00 371.40 371.40 375.00 376.20 376.10 378.00 379.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44

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Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 491653.19 491853.19 492053.19 492253.19 492453.19 492653.19 492853.19 493053.19 493253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 372.60 370.20 371.70 373.10 373.90 375.10 373.70 375.80 379.20 6876378.11 | 368.00 372.50 370.40 372.80 374.60 373.40 374.80 377.60 380.90 6876178.11 | 369.50 372.90 373.90 371.00 370.90 371.20 372.50 377.00 382.00 6875978.11 | 368.40 369.20 368.40 370.00 372.70 370.80 371.20 372.70 381.30 6875778.11 | 368.70 367.00 367.90 367.90 369.60 370.80 371.00 371.00 372.50 6875578.11 | 367.50 368.00 370.00 369.00 369.00 369.20 368.50 367.00 371.00 6875378.11 | 367.00 367.90 369.00 369.70 366.30 368.70 367.40 368.10 370.70 6875178.11 | 367.00 364.10 367.50 366.80 366.30 366.20 366.40 367.50 368.40 6874978.11 | 365.60 362.00 364.80 365.00 367.90 364.90 363.50 366.00 367.80 6874778.11 | 365.60 364.00 364.80 365.60 363.30 367.00 365.60 361.20 365.70 6874578.11 | 364.10 362.40 363.50 362.40 360.50 362.60 362.40 364.50 365.80 6874378.11 | 360.40 363.00 362.00 364.90 362.00 361.80 363.00 363.00 364.70 6874178.11 | 360.30 363.20 360.30 363.70 362.20 362.20 362.20 363.00 364.70 6873978.11 | 363.30 358.50 361.40 360.40 361.00 360.50 362.00 359.00 362.50 6873778.11 | 357.50 359.10 357.20 358.60 358.10 360.30 359.90 361.00 362.90 6873578.11 | 358.70 358.70 360.60 359.60 357.20 359.80 357.80 362.00 359.30 6873378.11 | 356.90 356.60 360.60 357.00 359.40 359.70 357.80 358.60 360.60 6873178.11 | 357.20 357.20 355.40 357.90 357.00 358.00 358.90 359.90 358.00 6872978.11 | 358.60 356.10 358.00 358.20 354.30 356.40 357.70 357.20 356.90 6872778.11 | 359.30 358.20 355.20 357.60 353.50 353.50 355.00 356.70 358.70 6872578.11 | 356.00 355.90 353.20 357.50 356.10 352.20 356.00 355.00 357.90 6872378.11 | 356.40 355.50 355.80 355.30 357.00 355.30 356.10 355.90 354.80 6872178.11 | 356.40 352.10 353.30 355.80 352.60 355.00 354.00 354.40 354.60 6871978.11 | 354.60 354.90 353.20 353.50 355.60 353.70 352.60 354.00 353.10 6871778.11 | 353.90 355.70 352.70 353.20 352.10 350.90 353.70 353.10 355.80 6871578.11 | 353.30 354.40 346.80 352.80 356.00 353.90 352.80 351.10 351.50 6871378.11 | 353.90 352.00 350.00 351.00 350.10

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PM10.ADO 352.40 353.60 350.80 350.20 6871178.11 | 350.10 351.40 350.80 351.70 349.90 349.40 351.40 349.60 349.20 6870978.11 | 351.00 351.60 352.10 351.20 350.50 350.10 351.40 351.10 351.40 6870778.11 | 352.00 348.90 351.00 349.40 347.00 349.90 348.50 349.00 349.30 6870578.11 | 350.40 350.00 351.20 350.50 348.80 350.70 347.10 346.90 349.20 6870378.11 | 350.50 349.80 349.30 348.00 349.40 349.30 348.80 348.10 347.20 6870178.11 | 349.90 348.10 348.80 347.70 349.80 346.20 347.40 348.90 348.20 6869978.11 | 348.40 347.50 350.80 347.40 348.40 345.00 345.70 345.80 350.60 6869778.11 | 349.20 346.70 347.80 345.60 348.60 346.80 343.00 343.00 346.80 6869578.11 | 346.40 348.10 347.70 346.00 348.00 347.80 348.10 347.00 344.30 6869378.11 | 349.00 346.10 345.80 345.90 346.20 349.00 347.10 347.70 345.40 6869178.11 | 345.80 346.40 344.70 344.40 344.10 345.30 346.70 347.10 344.80 6868978.11 | 345.70 345.70 346.20 344.90 342.90 345.00 346.10 345.80 345.70 6868778.11 | 344.40 342.90 344.70 346.30 344.70 345.30 344.90 344.20 342.30� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 39 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 491653.19 491853.19 492053.19 492253.19 492453.19 492653.19 492853.19 493053.19 493253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 345.30 344.00 344.50 345.40 344.20 343.90 344.70 343.10 342.50 6868378.11 | 344.40 345.90 344.00 345.00 344.80 342.00 343.40 344.00 343.20 6868178.11 | 343.10 345.30 343.60 345.30 343.90 343.10 342.20 342.90 344.50 6867978.11 | 345.80 342.60 343.20 344.60 343.40 342.80 343.90 341.20 341.40 6867778.11 | 344.40 342.00 341.20 342.40 343.00 342.00 341.10 339.90 341.00 6867578.11 | 342.90 341.80 340.50 343.30 342.70 342.80 341.10 341.70 342.90 6867378.11 | 340.40 339.10 342.30 342.50 340.40 342.40 340.80 343.20 340.50 6867178.11 | 341.90 341.90 340.00 339.50 340.90 340.80 340.10 340.90 340.90 6866978.11 | 340.30 339.80 339.70 338.00 338.50 341.40 340.00 339.20 342.20 6866778.11 | 343.20 341.90 339.30 337.40 341.50 337.40 340.40 337.10 339.40 6866578.11 | 340.50 340.20 336.10 339.10 339.20 340.80 341.10 337.00 338.90

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PM10.ADO 6866378.11 | 339.20 339.00 337.90 337.00 337.90 338.30 337.70 339.50 336.80 6866178.11 | 338.40 339.60 339.90 337.60 337.40 336.10 336.20 337.30 337.80 6865978.11 | 339.40 337.20 337.30 340.40 337.20 338.00 337.00 336.80 337.80 6865778.11 | 339.00 336.80 337.00 338.40 338.00 336.70 336.70 336.50 334.10 6865578.11 | 336.60 336.70 337.90 336.40 335.60 335.00 336.20 337.00 336.60 6865378.11 | 335.00 338.60 337.20 337.40 334.90 336.20 337.50 334.90 335.20 6865178.11 | 336.90 334.40 336.00 337.70 336.90 336.30 333.90 333.60 337.00 6864978.11 | 335.80 334.00 337.40 334.70 336.00 335.90 335.20 332.60 333.80 6864778.11 | 334.00 335.00 336.90 334.50 335.80 333.90 335.00 334.80 334.00 6864578.11 | 332.60 332.90 337.10 336.20 334.50 333.50 333.40 334.70 333.80� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 40 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 493453.19 493653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 414.40 417.10 6884378.11 | 415.60 416.10 6884178.11 | 413.40 415.10 6883978.11 | 415.00 416.20 6883778.11 | 416.40 418.60 6883578.11 | 419.40 419.50 6883378.11 | 424.00 425.20 6883178.11 | 429.20 430.80 6882978.11 | 426.80 429.60 6882778.11 | 422.90 423.10 6882578.11 | 421.40 423.30 6882378.11 | 420.10 420.70 6882178.11 | 414.40 417.90 6881978.11 | 416.00 423.10 6881778.11 | 421.40 427.40 6881578.11 | 423.90 430.20 6881378.11 | 423.10 433.40 6881178.11 | 428.20 437.00 6880978.11 | 428.80 443.10 6880778.11 | 429.60 439.30 6880578.11 | 429.00 431.20 6880378.11 | 420.90 421.90 6880178.11 | 413.30 418.50 6879978.11 | 404.40 409.80 6879778.11 | 400.40 404.80 6879578.11 | 396.40 402.10 6879378.11 | 393.00 396.50 6879178.11 | 391.00 389.10 6878978.11 | 389.40 387.90 6878778.11 | 386.40 385.70

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PM10.ADO 6878578.11 | 386.40 383.20 6878378.11 | 381.80 383.10 6878178.11 | 380.20 381.60 6877978.11 | 381.40 380.80 6877778.11 | 381.60 381.10 6877578.11 | 381.10 381.90 6877378.11 | 383.50 384.90 6877178.11 | 383.90 388.00 6876978.11 | 382.80 388.40 6876778.11 | 384.00 390.10� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 41 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 493453.19 493653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 382.10 389.30 6876378.11 | 380.30 384.90 6876178.11 | 385.50 387.90 6875978.11 | 380.70 383.70 6875778.11 | 377.00 379.90 6875578.11 | 371.40 372.90 6875378.11 | 369.70 371.20 6875178.11 | 370.00 369.90 6874978.11 | 367.40 368.30 6874778.11 | 367.30 366.50 6874578.11 | 366.00 364.30 6874378.11 | 365.60 364.80 6874178.11 | 363.60 366.00 6873978.11 | 362.40 366.00 6873778.11 | 362.10 361.00 6873578.11 | 360.40 360.70 6873378.11 | 359.80 359.10 6873178.11 | 357.90 360.90 6872978.11 | 356.10 357.80 6872778.11 | 355.40 357.40 6872578.11 | 355.00 355.00 6872378.11 | 355.30 358.00 6872178.11 | 354.60 356.50 6871978.11 | 353.50 354.10 6871778.11 | 353.30 354.20 6871578.11 | 354.20 351.80 6871378.11 | 349.10 350.00 6871178.11 | 349.70 348.90 6870978.11 | 349.60 347.60 6870778.11 | 351.40 346.20 6870578.11 | 346.70 348.80 6870378.11 | 348.30 347.20 6870178.11 | 346.60 346.20 6869978.11 | 344.30 345.10 6869778.11 | 345.70 349.60 6869578.11 | 345.00 346.00 6869378.11 | 344.10 344.50 6869178.11 | 343.80 341.70 6868978.11 | 343.00 343.90 6868778.11 | 346.10 345.00

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PM10.ADO� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 42 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 493453.19 493653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 344.00 341.90 6868378.11 | 342.10 343.80 6868178.11 | 341.20 340.60 6867978.11 | 341.60 343.90 6867778.11 | 340.60 340.80 6867578.11 | 339.70 342.00 6867378.11 | 337.00 341.90 6867178.11 | 341.00 340.80 6866978.11 | 339.00 339.50 6866778.11 | 338.00 339.40 6866578.11 | 337.90 337.10 6866378.11 | 335.60 337.00 6866178.11 | 337.70 337.10 6865978.11 | 337.60 337.30 6865778.11 | 335.00 336.30 6865578.11 | 336.20 335.00 6865378.11 | 338.10 335.00 6865178.11 | 336.30 335.20 6864978.11 | 335.00 337.90 6864778.11 | 333.00 335.90 6864578.11 | 334.80 335.80� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 43 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 473653.19 473853.19 474053.19 474253.19 474453.19 474653.19 474853.19 475053.19 475253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 352.80 357.20 361.80 363.10 365.90 369.80 400.00 400.00 387.10 6884378.11 | 350.30 355.00 363.10 365.80 372.00 377.10 398.00 394.00 392.00 6884178.11 | 350.40 353.60 356.90 362.30 367.00 375.00 388.20 400.00 393.90 6883978.11 | 351.90 354.00 356.80 360.10 362.10 370.50 402.00 399.00 398.30 6883778.11 | 351.40 355.00 355.80 363.70 370.10 371.70 403.00 399.00 399.20

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PM10.ADO 6883578.11 | 353.00 357.30 359.30 362.80 369.20 378.20 402.00 396.50 387.80 6883378.11 | 355.70 356.30 361.70 367.40 381.10 394.00 396.30 396.00 416.00 6883178.11 | 379.00 359.20 361.90 368.70 389.00 404.00 410.00 416.00 416.00 6882978.11 | 379.00 365.50 366.60 365.30 369.00 385.00 416.00 416.00 416.00 6882778.11 | 384.50 380.00 374.30 373.10 378.00 377.50 379.50 393.90 386.20 6882578.11 | 374.40 378.30 382.60 386.00 389.00 395.00 394.00 384.70 383.30 6882378.11 | 369.00 385.70 407.00 405.00 416.00 397.50 391.60 385.40 384.60 6882178.11 | 367.40 390.00 406.00 408.00 415.00 413.00 395.00 388.80 385.80 6881978.11 | 366.80 377.50 391.00 413.00 416.00 400.70 398.20 389.90 387.00 6881778.11 | 364.00 367.80 376.00 388.00 393.60 396.60 388.60 388.50 386.10 6881578.11 | 366.00 370.90 369.00 371.50 378.00 385.40 383.00 386.00 385.00 6881378.11 | 363.70 373.10 376.20 378.00 383.90 386.40 402.00 392.20 389.00 6881178.11 | 368.10 371.30 373.80 375.70 384.10 387.40 396.90 402.50 401.90 6880978.11 | 383.00 387.10 387.00 374.60 379.90 387.30 398.40 406.10 401.30 6880778.11 | 372.20 380.70 384.00 390.00 386.50 408.00 406.50 397.60 393.80 6880578.11 | 373.60 385.70 383.30 380.20 389.20 396.90 393.00 389.60 385.80 6880378.11 | 368.40 380.00 380.50 391.60 385.90 389.80 385.00 382.90 381.20 6880178.11 | 372.60 376.50 391.00 392.00 391.20 388.30 381.90 380.30 379.30 6879978.11 | 374.30 375.00 376.50 383.20 385.00 383.60 379.20 374.80 378.90 6879778.11 | 388.00 391.00 382.90 378.50 386.90 380.50 378.10 376.00 379.10 6879578.11 | 383.50 391.00 378.80 380.70 382.10 390.00 391.70 374.90 373.80 6879378.11 | 379.00 381.50 379.10 378.00 378.10 382.40 385.00 372.30 371.60 6879178.11 | 373.50 388.90 381.50 375.00 376.70 373.00 382.80 383.00 370.10 6878978.11 | 397.00 389.00 387.00 375.20 375.90 374.20 373.30 373.80 368.10 6878778.11 | 399.00 372.40 375.00 381.70 379.50 373.00 370.70 367.90 365.40 6878578.11 | 395.70 380.80 388.40 386.90 383.70 376.10 370.50 367.90 367.00 6878378.11 | 394.70 397.00 405.00 398.00 380.60 373.40 369.60 368.50 365.60 6878178.11 | 386.40 395.20 404.00 391.50 381.60 374.70 369.80 370.00 364.50 6877978.11 | 381.50 385.90 383.80 385.40 379.80 378.10 375.20 368.70 361.00 6877778.11 | 406.00 392.00 379.70 376.80 377.20 387.60 385.00 366.90 360.20 6877578.11 | 402.20 397.30 435.00 373.40 378.10 384.90 389.00 363.40 361.50 6877378.11 | 436.00 436.00 436.00 436.00 382.10 384.00 365.90 361.90 359.80 6877178.11 | 432.20 436.00 436.00 436.00 436.00 384.00 361.70 356.30 357.20 6876978.11 | 436.00 426.00 436.00 435.00 370.70 363.00 359.70 357.00 358.20

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PM10.ADO 6876778.11 | 436.00 436.00 436.00 436.00 363.80 361.00 359.90 355.20 357.70� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 44 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 473653.19 473853.19 474053.19 474253.19 474453.19 474653.19 474853.19 475053.19 475253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 436.00 436.00 436.00 436.00 355.30 356.30 356.10 356.00 358.70 6876378.11 | 436.00 436.00 427.00 354.80 355.20 354.60 354.00 388.00 375.00 6876178.11 | 348.10 348.10 349.90 350.60 355.00 355.70 352.40 388.00 388.00 6875978.11 | 346.90 352.50 357.00 350.90 352.70 353.20 357.00 379.00 379.30 6875778.11 | 351.50 353.10 354.10 355.00 353.60 358.00 360.40 383.00 377.50 6875578.11 | 351.00 350.10 352.10 351.10 354.00 398.00 398.00 394.00 377.00 6875378.11 | 356.10 351.80 356.00 355.30 360.60 398.00 398.00 397.00 397.00 6875178.11 | 359.00 359.90 357.10 355.70 365.10 398.00 382.50 398.00 398.00 6874978.11 | 357.40 362.80 367.00 360.00 364.00 368.90 383.00 374.00 365.00 6874778.11 | 359.60 359.20 359.50 358.80 363.20 368.90 366.00 361.60 361.80 6874578.11 | 358.40 355.40 355.60 358.90 365.60 373.00 370.00 358.40 357.00 6874378.11 | 353.00 355.90 354.60 360.60 364.20 375.00 377.00 364.00 354.30 6874178.11 | 349.80 350.80 352.40 362.30 372.10 373.00 374.00 369.00 352.50 6873978.11 | 349.60 350.80 357.50 357.50 368.20 362.10 363.80 356.90 351.10 6873778.11 | 346.50 350.90 347.30 361.90 364.90 371.20 358.50 357.70 350.90 6873578.11 | 346.10 347.30 348.10 358.00 363.60 366.60 355.40 351.90 356.70 6873378.11 | 351.00 341.20 348.30 359.00 367.70 365.10 354.60 350.20 351.60 6873178.11 | 345.60 351.30 355.20 361.90 361.90 355.40 351.00 353.10 352.10 6872978.11 | 345.60 346.90 351.50 349.80 351.80 348.60 349.60 348.90 351.90 6872778.11 | 347.00 346.90 347.10 348.00 346.30 348.30 347.40 350.00 350.80 6872578.11 | 343.40 342.10 346.00 348.00 348.20 349.00 350.60 350.20 350.10 6872378.11 | 344.40 345.00 352.00 348.20 348.90 475.00 459.00 426.00 413.00 6872178.11 | 340.40 344.80 477.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 427.00 424.00 6871978.11 | 346.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00

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PM10.ADO 481.00 481.00 425.00 427.00 6871778.11 | 478.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 424.00 481.00 6871578.11 | 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 6871378.11 | 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 6871178.11 | 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 476.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 6870978.11 | 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 6870778.11 | 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 6870578.11 | 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 454.00 463.00 481.00 481.00 6870378.11 | 478.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 454.00 481.00 481.00 481.00 6870178.11 | 346.90 478.00 481.00 481.00 438.00 437.00 463.00 481.00 481.00 6869978.11 | 346.00 438.00 454.00 454.00 438.00 438.00 457.00 481.00 481.00 6869778.11 | 344.90 437.00 438.00 438.00 410.20 438.00 455.00 455.00 435.00 6869578.11 | 427.00 427.00 427.00 406.00 403.00 438.00 438.00 438.00 370.30 6869378.11 | 427.00 427.00 427.00 427.00 410.00 427.00 423.00 358.10 366.50 6869178.11 | 427.00 427.00 427.00 423.00 427.00 427.00 427.00 355.80 361.20 6868978.11 | 427.00 427.00 427.00 426.00 427.00 427.00 427.00 349.00 355.20 6868778.11 | 427.00 427.00 419.00 427.00 427.00 427.00 427.00 352.50 361.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 45 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 473653.19 473853.19 474053.19 474253.19 474453.19 474653.19 474853.19 475053.19 475253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 427.00 427.00 427.00 426.00 427.00 427.00 427.00 350.50 350.00 6868378.11 | 418.00 418.00 393.60 398.00 427.00 427.00 343.60 345.10 343.20 6868178.11 | 401.00 401.00 397.00 401.00 401.00 345.50 341.60 342.30 338.30 6867978.11 | 401.00 401.00 400.00 401.00 401.00 401.00 341.10 343.00 342.00 6867778.11 | 401.00 401.00 388.40 389.00 401.00 341.50 337.00 343.00 337.10 6867578.11 | 400.00 400.00 387.00 384.00 389.00 338.70 336.60 336.20 331.40 6867378.11 | 380.00 381.00 380.90 382.00 379.00 336.10 337.00 333.50 333.60 6867178.11 | 375.00 382.00 378.70 382.00 382.00 337.10 336.40 332.10 332.30

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PM10.ADO 6866978.11 | 378.00 377.00 375.20 379.00 342.90 337.10 336.40 333.00 330.20 6866778.11 | 346.40 374.00 372.60 370.00 349.00 341.00 338.10 335.40 330.10 6866578.11 | 346.60 360.00 365.40 364.00 364.00 334.20 339.00 331.20 330.30 6866378.11 | 388.00 388.00 388.00 388.00 339.90 331.70 337.60 329.70 330.00 6866178.11 | 364.90 388.00 388.00 388.00 387.00 329.10 333.00 328.50 327.50 6865978.11 | 385.00 384.00 388.00 388.00 332.00 330.40 331.00 323.30 331.00 6865778.11 | 370.00 369.00 351.00 341.00 330.70 328.50 327.00 327.00 325.80 6865578.11 | 370.00 370.00 354.20 349.00 330.00 325.30 324.40 323.10 326.00 6865378.11 | 404.00 404.00 339.40 330.40 326.10 321.10 321.50 326.80 325.70 6865178.11 | 413.00 404.00 329.80 328.80 322.30 322.80 325.70 323.20 323.90 6864978.11 | 415.00 415.00 328.90 325.60 332.00 321.80 323.60 323.00 324.50 6864778.11 | 415.00 415.00 323.90 325.50 324.10 325.00 323.50 321.30 319.50 6864578.11 | 415.00 415.00 324.20 323.80 321.10 320.60 320.10 321.10 323.60� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 46 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 475453.19 475653.19 475853.19 476053.19 476253.19 476453.19 476653.19 476853.19 477053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 385.10 382.90 381.70 380.40 382.80 380.20 382.40 377.10 379.80 6884378.11 | 386.00 385.20 380.30 380.60 378.70 379.00 379.50 379.20 379.00 6884178.11 | 386.00 386.80 379.10 377.30 380.40 379.30 379.70 379.60 378.30 6883978.11 | 390.00 388.90 383.10 382.10 378.10 378.70 378.50 376.00 377.80 6883778.11 | 388.00 383.30 381.30 379.10 379.50 378.50 376.90 374.30 378.70 6883578.11 | 384.00 381.00 376.90 378.00 380.00 379.50 376.40 377.00 377.50 6883378.11 | 385.00 382.90 379.20 376.50 377.00 378.00 378.60 378.10 377.30 6883178.11 | 383.00 380.80 381.80 378.30 380.30 375.30 376.60 374.30 374.10 6882978.11 | 381.00 379.10 377.90 379.00 378.00 376.10 376.00 377.50 376.50 6882778.11 | 382.00 383.10 379.10 378.40 378.90 375.30 375.60 375.90 376.00 6882578.11 | 382.30 383.00 379.80 376.70 378.10 377.20 376.20 375.00 375.60 6882378.11 | 383.00 379.50 381.40 378.30 378.60

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PM10.ADO 376.90 375.80 376.90 375.00 6882178.11 | 384.00 382.80 380.00 380.10 380.00 379.70 375.90 376.00 375.50 6881978.11 | 384.00 382.00 384.60 383.20 379.00 380.40 376.20 375.30 374.50 6881778.11 | 385.00 386.00 385.30 386.70 383.10 381.20 376.60 376.30 373.60 6881578.11 | 388.00 388.00 388.00 385.50 382.10 382.70 380.90 376.80 374.10 6881378.11 | 391.00 388.00 389.00 383.20 380.30 381.20 377.60 375.90 373.50 6881178.11 | 390.00 383.70 382.20 381.80 378.40 376.30 375.20 376.40 373.80 6880978.11 | 391.00 385.90 381.20 381.00 378.90 377.00 375.00 375.00 374.00 6880778.11 | 388.00 383.60 380.90 380.30 379.70 377.70 374.70 376.00 374.90 6880578.11 | 381.60 382.00 380.50 380.00 378.50 377.20 375.30 375.20 376.00 6880378.11 | 381.90 382.20 381.80 379.50 377.00 376.70 375.00 374.80 373.80 6880178.11 | 380.30 384.00 382.00 381.60 380.90 378.80 377.10 374.10 373.00 6879978.11 | 380.20 385.00 386.00 382.80 379.60 376.40 375.10 374.10 372.10 6879778.11 | 379.90 381.10 380.20 382.40 377.90 378.60 376.70 374.20 373.10 6879578.11 | 377.30 384.90 377.70 379.60 377.80 376.60 375.70 375.00 371.70 6879378.11 | 375.00 373.00 374.80 376.80 373.50 375.60 376.40 374.80 373.00 6879178.11 | 370.90 375.00 382.00 376.50 370.30 375.80 374.90 372.00 373.80 6878978.11 | 370.30 384.50 380.20 374.20 370.70 371.80 373.80 373.90 374.70 6878778.11 | 381.00 385.00 387.00 367.40 369.50 369.60 377.30 376.50 376.00 6878578.11 | 366.00 366.90 367.80 370.00 369.00 372.70 377.00 378.00 379.80 6878378.11 | 364.50 361.70 371.20 373.60 370.50 373.50 379.70 379.00 377.20 6878178.11 | 361.00 364.50 365.00 370.80 367.60 371.50 375.30 376.30 377.50 6877978.11 | 362.60 360.10 364.50 367.00 366.20 368.70 372.40 372.80 373.50 6877778.11 | 360.20 360.90 360.70 363.30 364.10 365.80 367.30 368.90 371.10 6877578.11 | 357.80 359.50 360.90 363.40 363.50 363.10 367.40 366.60 368.20 6877378.11 | 357.90 361.90 362.50 363.90 362.20 363.80 366.60 370.10 370.20 6877178.11 | 362.20 359.70 360.30 362.80 363.20 366.80 369.00 369.30 369.20 6876978.11 | 362.90 362.00 361.10 363.80 364.00 367.30 368.60 371.00 376.30 6876778.11 | 357.10 358.00 358.60 364.00 367.00 368.90 370.40 373.10 374.20� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 47 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


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Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 475453.19 475653.19 475853.19 476053.19 476253.19 476453.19 476653.19 476853.19 477053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 358.60 358.70 360.70 362.60 364.50 367.80 371.30 373.00 376.30 6876378.11 | 360.70 358.60 361.10 362.40 369.80 372.30 374.40 382.00 381.10 6876178.11 | 388.00 365.90 361.10 363.60 364.90 373.00 380.20 384.00 390.00 6875978.11 | 367.70 365.10 361.50 362.70 365.90 372.50 376.60 379.80 383.20 6875778.11 | 376.00 361.90 362.20 364.60 366.50 371.70 372.20 372.40 378.20 6875578.11 | 373.00 363.00 362.50 366.60 366.00 366.90 369.50 371.30 375.20 6875378.11 | 362.20 363.70 364.80 362.80 365.10 369.00 372.40 377.90 374.80 6875178.11 | 359.50 361.60 362.70 370.90 370.10 367.90 367.60 371.10 370.20 6874978.11 | 359.00 363.90 365.30 379.00 374.20 375.20 370.00 372.90 369.20 6874778.11 | 358.60 372.00 371.00 371.00 377.00 382.50 375.60 371.90 371.00 6874578.11 | 360.80 361.80 363.40 375.00 376.60 382.60 378.40 373.30 374.40 6874378.11 | 356.40 360.90 361.90 365.30 365.20 378.00 377.10 372.90 377.90 6874178.11 | 356.00 357.10 356.70 360.70 367.50 379.70 373.70 371.60 372.30 6873978.11 | 354.80 356.10 359.00 364.00 387.00 384.80 384.00 368.10 368.50 6873778.11 | 356.00 354.20 360.90 380.00 384.30 385.00 368.00 365.10 379.00 6873578.11 | 352.00 358.80 364.70 374.30 386.50 390.00 365.00 368.20 378.70 6873378.11 | 354.00 356.00 362.90 385.00 380.50 377.00 365.20 367.70 382.00 6873178.11 | 353.90 356.20 365.40 374.60 376.00 361.30 363.00 370.10 370.10 6872978.11 | 355.90 358.80 371.20 374.20 362.90 360.80 365.30 372.00 370.80 6872778.11 | 353.50 371.00 373.50 367.30 357.80 362.50 368.20 371.40 381.00 6872578.11 | 350.60 357.20 362.90 358.00 358.90 363.60 378.40 377.00 385.10 6872378.11 | 356.70 352.80 358.80 356.40 356.60 361.20 367.70 368.70 389.00 6872178.11 | 415.00 357.40 358.40 358.30 362.10 363.00 369.50 369.50 371.50 6871978.11 | 424.00 363.10 362.50 362.00 369.20 371.80 377.00 377.90 369.80 6871778.11 | 481.00 481.00 360.30 364.00 370.00 375.00 383.20 382.70 383.00 6871578.11 | 481.00 481.00 481.00 366.50 372.70 379.80 377.60 377.20 382.70 6871378.11 | 481.00 481.00 481.00 369.00 374.30 383.70 387.00 385.00 379.20 6871178.11 | 481.00 481.00 481.00 369.90 382.60 385.70 377.70 374.50 366.90 6870978.11 | 481.00 481.00 481.00 372.10 380.20 383.00 382.00 369.00 364.70 6870778.11 | 481.00 479.00 405.00 370.40 378.90 385.00 381.90 378.30 373.10

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PM10.ADO 6870578.11 | 481.00 407.00 428.00 428.00 380.90 372.70 367.50 371.20 364.90 6870378.11 | 481.00 428.00 428.00 428.00 401.00 402.00 364.00 357.10 383.00 6870178.11 | 428.00 428.00 428.00 428.00 402.00 402.00 402.00 355.80 383.00 6869978.11 | 428.00 428.00 428.00 428.00 428.00 402.00 351.70 353.90 379.00 6869778.11 | 428.00 428.00 428.00 428.00 428.00 350.00 347.70 348.60 363.00 6869578.11 | 426.00 426.00 428.00 356.00 349.60 344.90 343.60 345.00 362.00 6869378.11 | 351.40 353.40 350.80 349.00 343.70 344.90 345.40 344.20 362.00 6869178.11 | 353.00 347.20 345.50 344.30 342.60 346.80 344.00 343.10 353.70 6868978.11 | 348.00 345.00 349.20 343.50 342.10 344.20 342.00 342.20 355.00 6868778.11 | 350.00 343.80 344.00 343.60 337.70 338.10 338.20 345.40 350.40� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 48 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 475453.19 475653.19 475853.19 476053.19 476253.19 476453.19 476653.19 476853.19 477053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 347.00 346.20 340.50 337.50 343.00 337.50 347.00 346.90 352.60 6868378.11 | 338.80 345.00 339.00 336.50 336.80 339.10 339.50 355.10 360.30 6868178.11 | 340.00 335.40 337.80 339.00 337.20 335.30 362.00 358.20 363.00 6867978.11 | 337.10 336.50 334.30 334.20 333.70 337.70 341.20 359.20 351.70 6867778.11 | 340.00 334.30 332.80 333.50 338.20 339.60 342.90 356.70 346.20 6867578.11 | 334.30 337.30 331.50 336.10 342.20 340.80 350.40 357.00 340.70 6867378.11 | 332.00 331.70 330.50 333.30 331.80 337.80 361.00 356.10 340.80 6867178.11 | 332.10 331.90 332.70 332.50 332.70 358.00 355.30 359.00 349.00 6866978.11 | 331.10 327.70 330.00 331.00 330.00 343.20 348.10 335.80 333.00 6866778.11 | 330.60 328.50 334.00 330.30 349.00 347.80 347.20 335.30 333.50 6866578.11 | 330.50 329.00 327.90 328.70 330.20 344.00 342.40 333.70 333.00 6866378.11 | 329.60 325.10 327.30 332.30 328.50 332.80 335.10 328.90 331.70 6866178.11 | 325.80 327.30 327.30 326.50 328.60 328.10 330.90 329.40 331.90 6865978.11 | 329.30 324.00 329.50 327.40 329.70 330.70 326.00 330.10 328.20 6865778.11 | 325.70 323.90 329.00 329.30 325.20

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PM10.ADO 328.60 328.50 329.40 327.80 6865578.11 | 326.90 327.10 325.30 328.80 326.40 326.20 328.30 328.80 327.00 6865378.11 | 323.00 326.00 326.70 323.00 326.10 328.00 326.40 325.00 329.50 6865178.11 | 326.30 323.60 326.50 323.40 326.80 323.40 326.20 324.50 328.00 6864978.11 | 323.20 320.60 327.90 325.20 324.60 326.30 327.90 327.10 329.70 6864778.11 | 323.00 321.10 324.50 323.10 325.90 321.50 325.50 325.40 327.10 6864578.11 | 321.90 324.10 324.70 322.80 322.50 326.10 323.00 327.00 325.30� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 49 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 477253.19 477453.19 477653.19 477853.19 478053.19 478253.19 478453.19 478653.19 478853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 380.00 378.20 377.50 382.00 385.00 386.80 387.40 385.30 387.30 6884378.11 | 378.40 379.90 380.50 383.30 384.10 383.60 384.80 384.10 388.10 6884178.11 | 378.70 379.30 382.10 383.40 387.50 384.60 385.30 385.80 383.00 6883978.11 | 378.20 378.10 379.70 383.50 383.90 386.90 384.90 382.20 383.70 6883778.11 | 378.30 381.20 379.80 378.40 380.90 382.20 383.90 385.70 381.20 6883578.11 | 379.40 379.10 380.20 380.80 380.50 381.80 383.90 380.90 380.70 6883378.11 | 377.00 378.20 377.20 379.10 378.20 379.10 381.40 381.00 381.60 6883178.11 | 376.50 377.20 377.50 380.70 381.10 379.50 379.30 379.90 380.20 6882978.11 | 377.00 378.00 375.40 376.80 374.50 380.10 379.60 379.50 380.20 6882778.11 | 375.90 376.90 377.00 375.40 375.80 376.80 379.90 379.00 379.00 6882578.11 | 377.40 376.80 375.80 375.70 376.90 378.00 377.00 378.80 378.00 6882378.11 | 374.80 373.00 373.50 374.40 376.90 376.00 376.30 375.90 377.30 6882178.11 | 374.50 377.10 376.40 373.90 374.10 375.00 375.60 376.80 377.00 6881978.11 | 377.20 379.00 376.70 375.60 371.20 376.80 376.70 377.10 376.40 6881778.11 | 377.00 377.40 376.60 372.20 372.40 375.90 374.80 375.20 375.50 6881578.11 | 374.50 377.20 381.00 374.00 373.10 376.00 373.00 372.10 374.90 6881378.11 | 376.20 379.60 377.40 375.00 373.90 373.80 375.40 374.00 374.00 6881178.11 | 375.30 376.40 374.70 371.70 371.50 374.20 372.80 374.00 374.80

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PM10.ADO 6880978.11 | 372.10 374.10 372.00 373.00 371.90 371.80 372.00 371.90 373.10 6880778.11 | 372.30 372.00 372.20 372.70 371.20 372.20 371.70 371.40 373.50 6880578.11 | 374.60 372.40 370.30 369.80 370.80 372.50 371.30 372.30 373.10 6880378.11 | 371.90 372.00 372.20 370.00 367.20 372.60 371.60 372.10 369.30 6880178.11 | 368.40 371.90 373.00 370.20 368.50 370.40 370.20 368.40 370.50 6879978.11 | 370.80 371.10 372.60 371.60 370.30 370.40 370.00 370.10 372.10 6879778.11 | 374.60 368.90 368.20 370.70 374.00 372.00 371.10 369.20 365.20 6879578.11 | 371.20 371.70 372.00 374.10 374.10 376.10 377.00 370.40 369.40 6879378.11 | 373.00 375.00 373.30 378.20 378.60 376.50 375.30 375.90 368.80 6879178.11 | 372.00 372.20 376.80 384.50 385.10 385.00 375.10 373.00 372.10 6878978.11 | 374.80 377.90 380.60 386.40 388.50 390.80 387.00 375.90 379.00 6878778.11 | 376.40 379.10 383.60 385.00 386.60 386.00 381.60 376.90 375.80 6878578.11 | 378.50 380.10 383.80 383.50 384.90 379.40 379.50 375.80 372.00 6878378.11 | 380.60 384.00 383.70 379.00 380.00 378.50 375.70 375.20 371.40 6878178.11 | 385.00 382.80 381.30 381.80 380.80 377.00 376.40 374.00 373.40 6877978.11 | 374.30 377.80 381.90 384.60 381.00 378.30 379.50 374.00 378.80 6877778.11 | 372.20 375.20 382.00 388.70 381.00 379.70 376.90 375.30 378.70 6877578.11 | 372.00 375.40 380.80 387.80 382.00 380.50 379.70 378.40 381.20 6877378.11 | 370.00 373.90 378.80 384.60 382.10 382.80 382.00 379.00 383.20 6877178.11 | 372.70 372.30 376.60 381.90 384.20 384.70 383.40 383.60 382.70 6876978.11 | 385.00 381.00 378.00 382.70 382.10 384.90 380.90 385.60 383.50 6876778.11 | 382.40 385.10 384.30 382.00 379.20 385.80 380.30 379.10 384.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 50 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 477253.19 477453.19 477653.19 477853.19 478053.19 478253.19 478453.19 478653.19 478853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 382.10 387.20 382.20 379.50 378.20 380.30 376.60 382.00 380.80 6876378.11 | 387.00 384.90 382.10 380.00 382.70 375.40 379.60 384.00 380.50 6876178.11 | 384.00 386.70 382.40 378.90 377.00

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PM10.ADO 376.70 374.60 377.10 380.00 6875978.11 | 381.70 380.30 381.00 379.50 375.70 376.80 372.40 372.20 374.00 6875778.11 | 377.10 379.50 375.90 374.20 375.10 375.00 375.60 371.60 372.40 6875578.11 | 374.40 376.00 373.20 373.60 371.10 373.40 375.30 371.80 373.10 6875378.11 | 371.70 372.90 371.80 374.70 373.30 373.30 372.40 373.10 373.20 6875178.11 | 375.60 372.50 373.60 373.20 374.10 372.50 375.00 370.60 373.20 6874978.11 | 374.00 375.20 375.00 376.00 371.20 374.10 374.00 373.70 369.80 6874778.11 | 375.20 378.10 374.20 371.70 372.00 372.40 373.40 372.40 371.30 6874578.11 | 377.50 380.30 377.50 374.80 372.90 372.20 374.90 374.00 370.60 6874378.11 | 379.90 379.10 377.00 374.20 376.10 374.10 373.90 376.00 373.90 6874178.11 | 373.80 373.30 375.70 375.70 374.30 376.10 378.40 377.70 374.20 6873978.11 | 381.80 384.20 376.80 377.20 379.00 377.00 377.70 379.00 378.10 6873778.11 | 375.60 372.90 370.90 376.40 383.10 383.10 382.50 382.90 385.00 6873578.11 | 368.80 372.10 371.80 378.10 381.10 382.50 384.90 382.70 377.00 6873378.11 | 367.70 374.90 375.90 384.40 379.00 382.00 381.00 383.20 380.40 6873178.11 | 377.50 379.30 398.00 382.40 382.80 377.60 381.40 381.90 377.50 6872978.11 | 380.00 391.70 397.10 394.60 382.40 375.00 381.30 381.70 379.10 6872778.11 | 399.00 399.80 408.80 406.30 411.00 377.50 380.80 378.90 377.30 6872578.11 | 388.30 391.80 411.00 401.90 409.00 377.00 374.00 373.80 374.00 6872378.11 | 379.10 379.50 387.00 398.00 399.00 368.70 366.70 368.50 370.80 6872178.11 | 416.00 416.00 416.00 376.40 390.00 369.50 366.00 369.00 367.60 6871978.11 | 416.00 416.00 416.00 416.00 370.00 369.00 364.40 370.00 371.00 6871778.11 | 416.00 416.00 414.00 416.00 413.00 362.70 364.20 371.00 370.70 6871578.11 | 415.00 416.00 415.00 414.00 362.10 359.80 363.30 373.50 372.00 6871378.11 | 373.00 397.00 397.00 383.00 358.00 360.60 363.40 367.10 360.20 6871178.11 | 365.10 397.00 397.00 397.00 363.00 354.20 360.70 364.30 362.40 6870978.11 | 364.50 366.30 366.00 356.30 356.40 350.90 359.00 360.50 357.60 6870778.11 | 378.90 379.00 381.00 354.50 353.80 351.00 353.50 353.90 352.70 6870578.11 | 377.20 381.00 373.00 357.50 352.10 353.00 351.50 351.80 352.60 6870378.11 | 377.50 372.00 361.00 351.90 353.50 347.60 349.80 351.50 351.10 6870178.11 | 382.50 384.00 358.90 353.60 350.20 353.20 350.10 347.10 354.70 6869978.11 | 376.30 378.00 349.20 354.30 355.50 349.30 348.30 348.60 352.50 6869778.11 | 367.00 361.90 353.60 351.40 355.40 350.00 345.50 345.50 350.10 6869578.11 | 362.10 353.80 348.90 348.90 348.00 347.10 348.10 345.20 351.50 6869378.11 | 362.60 353.10 347.00 350.00 345.20

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PM10.ADO 345.30 345.10 347.30 346.80 6869178.11 | 361.00 347.40 346.00 344.80 345.00 343.30 346.80 347.80 351.70 6868978.11 | 356.50 346.80 346.00 346.00 341.20 342.30 344.50 345.90 347.00 6868778.11 | 352.50 344.60 343.60 343.90 343.90 341.70 345.90 344.50 343.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 51 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 477253.19 477453.19 477653.19 477853.19 478053.19 478253.19 478453.19 478653.19 478853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 349.70 346.20 345.10 341.30 343.30 343.80 343.20 344.40 345.60 6868378.11 | 360.00 345.80 347.60 341.60 338.10 341.50 342.50 343.00 345.90 6868178.11 | 357.00 343.40 345.30 342.00 341.00 343.60 339.70 342.10 344.20 6867978.11 | 356.00 345.00 342.30 342.90 337.80 339.20 337.80 340.40 342.30 6867778.11 | 343.00 338.10 345.00 343.00 339.90 337.80 340.50 338.30 343.90 6867578.11 | 334.00 340.00 338.30 339.60 343.00 337.30 340.30 340.80 342.00 6867378.11 | 336.00 337.20 335.60 341.00 340.00 336.50 337.90 337.10 340.80 6867178.11 | 333.30 340.00 335.00 337.50 338.00 336.00 336.60 337.80 341.00 6866978.11 | 335.30 336.00 332.60 338.20 339.10 334.90 334.70 335.70 335.00 6866778.11 | 328.30 335.00 332.40 335.50 332.00 336.60 334.80 338.00 339.70 6866578.11 | 334.50 332.80 335.80 333.80 333.80 333.40 339.40 339.10 339.70 6866378.11 | 331.50 331.00 333.00 334.50 336.50 333.00 339.30 342.10 339.70 6866178.11 | 339.00 333.10 333.50 331.60 332.10 337.60 339.30 337.20 336.10 6865978.11 | 334.40 334.80 333.90 333.10 331.90 338.60 341.10 340.10 336.80 6865778.11 | 328.40 332.20 331.80 330.20 328.40 337.10 341.90 338.80 340.00 6865578.11 | 329.30 328.60 329.40 332.60 332.50 334.40 339.20 334.10 334.50 6865378.11 | 329.90 329.90 330.40 330.50 327.80 330.20 334.50 330.20 332.70 6865178.11 | 327.90 330.30 329.40 334.00 328.70 327.30 327.30 331.50 330.50 6864978.11 | 327.80 328.60 329.90 326.80 330.00 328.50 327.20 326.10 328.30 6864778.11 | 326.10 327.00 328.70 325.50 328.10 331.50 326.50 325.90 327.00 6864578.11 | 325.40 324.30 326.40 326.10 327.00 325.30 325.40 326.30 329.00

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PM10.ADO� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 52 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 479053.19 479253.19 479453.19 479653.19 479853.19 480053.19 480253.19 480453.19 480653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 386.10 386.90 390.00 388.60 391.10 391.00 389.60 390.00 392.20 6884378.11 | 388.00 386.10 389.10 388.30 388.90 389.40 391.80 392.70 390.00 6884178.11 | 386.60 385.60 386.70 387.90 384.50 387.00 392.00 390.60 389.80 6883978.11 | 383.00 383.30 387.70 385.00 386.90 388.40 387.50 389.10 391.10 6883778.11 | 380.70 384.00 384.40 387.80 386.70 388.20 385.40 389.00 390.30 6883578.11 | 382.00 384.40 383.40 386.20 385.00 385.70 386.20 387.10 389.60 6883378.11 | 383.20 383.80 384.30 382.40 381.20 384.80 387.00 387.90 388.00 6883178.11 | 382.90 380.80 380.70 382.80 381.90 383.60 386.40 385.00 386.00 6882978.11 | 379.20 379.10 380.10 381.90 382.70 385.40 380.90 382.30 386.40 6882778.11 | 377.40 381.10 381.90 382.00 383.90 380.70 382.60 384.70 382.70 6882578.11 | 377.30 381.70 380.30 379.70 379.30 382.70 384.40 384.30 382.50 6882378.11 | 381.00 378.30 378.90 378.70 379.00 380.60 382.30 381.10 379.80 6882178.11 | 377.80 380.00 379.00 380.60 379.90 379.20 380.90 381.00 383.00 6881978.11 | 377.90 376.00 377.40 381.30 379.40 379.30 381.40 379.60 379.00 6881778.11 | 376.20 376.90 376.80 376.80 378.40 377.20 380.00 381.00 378.60 6881578.11 | 378.00 374.90 375.90 376.00 379.00 376.80 376.70 378.80 378.70 6881378.11 | 377.40 375.40 375.80 377.10 375.30 378.00 378.00 377.30 377.60 6881178.11 | 374.40 373.40 376.10 378.20 377.70 374.50 376.30 374.90 376.80 6880978.11 | 373.00 373.10 373.90 375.50 375.20 376.60 374.00 375.00 374.20 6880778.11 | 371.30 374.90 374.40 372.60 374.00 373.80 376.00 374.00 373.20 6880578.11 | 373.60 373.40 373.00 373.60 372.70 373.50 373.70 374.90 371.90 6880378.11 | 370.10 372.90 371.80 373.80 372.20 373.40 372.50 373.90 370.30 6880178.11 | 371.60 369.40 372.80 371.30 373.70 370.40 369.90 368.30 370.20 6879978.11 | 370.30 369.10 369.60 371.20 369.60 371.20 372.60 369.80 369.80 6879778.11 | 369.00 369.00 368.20 367.00 368.20

Page 67

PM10.ADO 370.00 367.00 369.90 367.00 6879578.11 | 370.70 369.00 368.60 369.10 365.00 367.00 368.70 367.30 368.70 6879378.11 | 367.60 369.00 367.10 367.20 367.00 366.90 369.00 368.80 369.40 6879178.11 | 368.00 369.00 365.00 367.40 366.90 367.20 363.60 366.90 365.30 6878978.11 | 373.40 368.00 365.70 365.60 367.70 366.30 368.70 367.20 364.80 6878778.11 | 372.10 369.00 367.70 367.60 366.80 366.20 366.40 366.20 364.90 6878578.11 | 371.10 369.00 367.20 366.00 364.00 366.00 365.00 363.00 366.90 6878378.11 | 368.70 370.70 370.60 372.00 368.60 365.70 365.40 363.00 366.00 6878178.11 | 375.00 373.50 373.60 373.20 374.40 369.60 365.70 363.40 364.80 6877978.11 | 376.60 375.10 376.40 374.90 380.90 373.00 367.10 364.00 363.10 6877778.11 | 379.20 379.70 380.70 381.00 379.10 377.50 374.00 363.20 366.50 6877578.11 | 383.00 383.40 386.30 390.10 386.60 376.50 369.30 367.80 364.10 6877378.11 | 384.90 387.90 382.90 382.90 390.00 384.00 374.00 372.90 365.20 6877178.11 | 387.20 377.80 377.80 379.80 386.30 378.50 372.30 367.00 365.80 6876978.11 | 377.20 374.70 373.10 374.20 379.10 378.70 372.40 367.00 362.50 6876778.11 | 375.60 374.00 373.00 372.70 375.00 373.20 367.90 363.90 362.30� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 53 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 479053.19 479253.19 479453.19 479653.19 479853.19 480053.19 480253.19 480453.19 480653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 381.20 374.80 372.20 373.40 369.30 369.50 366.60 363.30 362.00 6876378.11 | 377.30 376.10 370.80 368.60 369.90 367.00 365.00 363.00 361.80 6876178.11 | 377.50 377.00 374.20 368.10 367.90 366.90 363.60 363.90 363.20 6875978.11 | 373.40 373.90 371.30 367.40 367.50 364.60 364.20 363.40 365.70 6875778.11 | 370.10 369.10 370.30 367.10 366.10 363.50 367.60 366.30 366.20 6875578.11 | 370.90 370.00 368.20 366.30 367.10 367.10 368.10 366.30 366.80 6875378.11 | 372.30 365.80 368.50 369.40 372.00 371.30 372.00 370.00 375.20 6875178.11 | 370.00 369.60 371.00 372.40 372.00 372.60 375.90 375.40 376.00 6874978.11 | 373.00 371.00 371.80 374.00 374.90 375.00 373.90 382.00 376.80

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PM10.ADO 6874778.11 | 371.10 374.70 375.30 375.80 374.90 376.50 378.00 380.90 380.00 6874578.11 | 369.70 373.80 375.40 373.60 378.30 378.10 380.10 382.20 387.80 6874378.11 | 377.00 377.80 376.20 375.10 379.10 384.20 383.70 386.20 392.60 6874178.11 | 373.40 378.10 379.80 377.40 378.30 381.80 389.30 389.70 397.60 6873978.11 | 375.60 380.90 382.50 380.80 381.90 383.20 388.40 391.40 395.80 6873778.11 | 375.50 379.20 385.10 385.10 384.10 385.10 387.90 396.00 393.00 6873578.11 | 373.80 375.80 386.30 387.70 387.30 387.90 389.30 391.30 388.80 6873378.11 | 375.00 370.80 378.50 389.80 389.90 385.90 384.50 389.90 382.50 6873178.11 | 377.60 371.70 386.00 390.40 386.80 382.30 384.80 386.80 381.50 6872978.11 | 380.20 382.00 387.00 384.30 380.50 379.40 378.00 382.30 380.60 6872778.11 | 382.30 382.90 383.00 384.00 372.10 379.00 376.30 383.00 378.20 6872578.11 | 374.40 377.90 365.00 366.00 373.00 376.40 374.50 371.00 373.60 6872378.11 | 365.90 371.00 364.10 369.40 383.70 380.00 376.30 373.70 371.30 6872178.11 | 363.80 362.30 363.50 368.30 369.70 379.80 380.60 375.50 373.10 6871978.11 | 364.90 364.70 364.70 364.50 374.20 375.70 383.10 380.00 376.70 6871778.11 | 368.00 357.20 361.30 362.00 370.30 373.50 389.30 380.80 383.10 6871578.11 | 371.00 358.10 360.80 362.50 366.10 369.70 378.30 386.90 385.40 6871378.11 | 357.30 357.00 361.20 362.50 364.90 371.90 395.00 389.20 390.20 6871178.11 | 352.30 355.30 359.40 363.10 363.50 371.80 395.00 393.20 389.70 6870978.11 | 354.60 357.00 357.60 356.80 361.10 369.30 376.70 383.90 394.70 6870778.11 | 353.40 353.10 355.10 361.40 362.20 368.50 375.00 382.30 389.20 6870578.11 | 353.20 353.40 355.30 359.90 361.00 364.70 373.90 383.60 394.00 6870378.11 | 355.00 358.00 355.10 358.80 361.00 366.40 371.80 375.20 380.70 6870178.11 | 354.60 354.10 354.40 362.00 360.90 364.80 370.40 381.10 381.90 6869978.11 | 352.40 355.20 357.00 368.00 362.80 365.60 371.70 382.20 389.00 6869778.11 | 352.30 351.50 354.20 359.10 362.30 363.00 390.00 387.10 380.20 6869578.11 | 352.50 350.90 356.80 355.30 357.90 389.00 390.00 390.00 378.80 6869378.11 | 351.20 353.10 355.20 356.30 357.00 357.70 390.00 367.70 380.30 6869178.11 | 349.50 349.60 349.70 353.20 355.40 354.30 362.80 366.60 372.10 6868978.11 | 348.90 349.90 355.60 354.10 349.90 353.60 383.00 378.00 365.50 6868778.11 | 349.90 351.60 360.20 353.70 351.80 358.30 383.00 379.90 364.80� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 54

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Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 479053.19 479253.19 479453.19 479653.19 479853.19 480053.19 480253.19 480453.19 480653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 348.40 354.80 353.90 351.70 350.60 355.80 382.00 380.70 378.00 6868378.11 | 350.30 350.80 346.10 346.30 348.20 352.80 356.30 366.90 370.00 6868178.11 | 350.40 347.00 347.60 346.20 346.50 348.00 352.40 363.50 355.50 6867978.11 | 353.00 345.70 345.80 347.40 347.00 350.70 349.80 357.60 354.10 6867778.11 | 352.90 343.90 343.20 343.50 345.90 348.00 345.90 352.00 353.80 6867578.11 | 346.30 343.00 341.30 341.70 342.30 343.50 344.40 345.60 351.90 6867378.11 | 345.10 346.00 342.10 339.30 338.40 342.00 343.70 351.00 353.70 6867178.11 | 346.50 341.10 339.80 339.40 342.10 343.40 346.00 351.20 351.40 6866978.11 | 341.40 345.00 339.30 338.30 339.80 340.70 343.00 349.00 348.90 6866778.11 | 340.70 339.80 339.30 337.20 338.50 338.10 341.60 343.50 346.60 6866578.11 | 337.00 336.90 337.90 339.80 337.00 337.50 339.00 342.80 346.00 6866378.11 | 336.70 337.00 336.30 336.20 333.80 336.70 335.80 336.10 341.30 6866178.11 | 335.20 333.80 334.90 334.80 335.10 334.80 336.80 337.70 341.30 6865978.11 | 336.40 333.00 333.60 332.60 333.20 334.00 336.30 335.20 339.90 6865778.11 | 331.30 333.00 332.70 333.80 330.60 337.50 336.10 337.30 335.90 6865578.11 | 332.00 331.10 331.50 331.20 331.10 334.50 334.80 336.60 337.90 6865378.11 | 330.50 331.90 331.00 332.60 330.00 334.80 333.30 335.10 335.90 6865178.11 | 332.90 333.00 329.60 330.50 330.50 333.90 336.60 336.00 334.20 6864978.11 | 331.30 329.80 332.80 330.90 334.90 331.50 333.60 334.50 332.40 6864778.11 | 328.90 327.10 327.00 330.50 332.80 330.20 331.00 332.10 332.00 6864578.11 | 326.70 326.80 328.80 328.70 327.00 331.00 330.60 330.20 333.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 55 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



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PM10.ADO Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 480853.19 481053.19 481253.19 481453.19 481653.19 481853.19 482053.19 482253.19 482453.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 393.60 394.10 394.00 395.90 396.10 397.80 401.90 401.00 405.20 6884378.11 | 391.60 393.70 394.40 395.80 398.00 400.00 397.90 401.90 402.80 6884178.11 | 391.70 390.90 391.40 394.90 394.90 393.50 396.70 398.80 401.70 6883978.11 | 392.10 393.00 391.40 393.00 394.70 393.80 396.40 399.20 403.80 6883778.11 | 391.70 393.70 390.70 390.30 392.10 395.60 398.00 404.00 405.50 6883578.11 | 390.10 390.10 390.50 391.00 391.60 390.60 397.30 397.20 402.10 6883378.11 | 386.00 387.90 388.90 389.00 390.00 388.00 392.00 395.10 401.80 6883178.11 | 386.00 388.20 387.50 389.30 390.20 389.20 389.00 393.10 396.20 6882978.11 | 385.70 388.00 387.10 385.10 386.50 390.60 389.20 394.00 393.00 6882778.11 | 385.50 385.10 386.10 384.00 383.90 387.00 389.80 386.00 389.00 6882578.11 | 382.40 383.20 385.70 386.50 384.00 382.50 383.70 384.30 388.30 6882378.11 | 384.00 382.50 382.50 383.60 384.80 383.40 383.30 383.00 383.60 6882178.11 | 380.70 381.10 382.80 381.50 379.70 382.00 383.00 382.90 383.70 6881978.11 | 382.60 381.20 380.20 377.60 380.20 381.80 380.00 383.00 381.80 6881778.11 | 379.80 381.70 381.70 379.40 379.90 379.30 382.20 380.40 381.90 6881578.11 | 378.40 380.00 378.70 378.40 379.90 378.00 379.10 380.10 379.70 6881378.11 | 378.30 379.00 377.80 378.80 377.10 378.80 377.30 378.80 378.00 6881178.11 | 378.50 377.20 378.00 377.20 378.00 374.60 379.20 375.80 375.30 6880978.11 | 374.60 376.90 376.00 375.60 372.90 376.20 376.00 374.90 376.00 6880778.11 | 372.80 375.00 373.30 374.30 374.30 374.00 372.60 374.70 376.00 6880578.11 | 369.40 370.80 374.90 373.80 376.50 372.50 373.80 371.50 373.50 6880378.11 | 373.00 371.10 371.70 372.30 372.10 372.20 373.40 370.10 372.10 6880178.11 | 371.90 373.50 369.30 370.80 369.20 372.00 372.40 373.50 371.70 6879978.11 | 369.70 370.20 372.00 370.40 370.30 370.70 368.70 366.60 373.20 6879778.11 | 367.40 369.10 369.00 371.10 373.90 368.00 368.90 370.10 371.20 6879578.11 | 368.00 371.00 367.60 369.70 369.60 369.80 370.30 371.20 369.30 6879378.11 | 371.50 371.50 368.90 367.90 370.60 370.20 372.30 370.10 369.10 6879178.11 | 368.50 369.80 367.00 367.00 365.90 368.20 366.50 371.10 368.80 6878978.11 | 365.70 366.70 366.30 368.10 368.40 367.00 363.90 365.50 368.10 6878778.11 | 365.60 367.00 366.30 368.90 368.50 365.80 363.80 368.10 366.60 6878578.11 | 366.10 364.10 366.80 365.60 366.00 366.40 364.90 367.90 366.20

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PM10.ADO 6878378.11 | 366.10 364.90 366.20 364.20 365.80 366.50 365.60 367.00 365.70 6878178.11 | 364.30 365.00 367.00 366.70 364.20 366.50 363.70 367.30 364.50 6877978.11 | 362.70 366.90 367.40 369.00 366.00 363.40 363.40 364.80 365.00 6877778.11 | 365.90 366.00 362.90 362.50 364.00 365.90 363.00 363.30 363.80 6877578.11 | 363.20 361.80 361.90 361.80 361.50 365.60 364.40 364.90 364.00 6877378.11 | 362.90 363.00 365.90 364.10 364.90 363.00 364.00 362.90 366.00 6877178.11 | 361.30 360.50 361.20 364.00 363.20 361.20 363.80 363.10 365.70 6876978.11 | 361.40 360.00 360.50 362.80 362.10 362.00 363.30 362.70 364.80 6876778.11 | 363.40 363.00 361.90 360.80 364.20 364.30 363.40 363.10 362.90� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 56 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 480853.19 481053.19 481253.19 481453.19 481653.19 481853.19 482053.19 482253.19 482453.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 364.10 362.80 362.60 363.20 362.20 361.20 361.80 361.70 363.10 6876378.11 | 362.70 361.90 364.40 360.20 360.80 361.00 361.50 363.00 361.90 6876178.11 | 363.00 360.20 363.00 361.50 361.20 358.00 359.50 359.30 361.20 6875978.11 | 362.60 361.00 361.60 361.20 360.20 358.90 360.70 361.00 362.30 6875778.11 | 366.20 362.40 363.10 364.30 360.30 360.00 356.60 360.40 361.60 6875578.11 | 368.10 365.10 364.20 365.00 362.90 359.90 357.10 358.00 359.00 6875378.11 | 371.70 367.10 366.70 370.00 368.40 361.20 357.60 359.30 357.90 6875178.11 | 372.70 369.30 370.40 368.60 371.50 365.10 358.20 357.20 357.90 6874978.11 | 379.10 376.00 381.00 378.60 372.80 371.10 365.60 360.10 358.00 6874778.11 | 385.60 382.50 389.30 379.60 370.20 370.00 368.60 364.20 357.60 6874578.11 | 394.50 400.00 387.60 374.50 368.30 366.30 368.30 360.90 358.50 6874378.11 | 399.00 404.00 383.60 374.10 368.90 364.20 362.00 360.00 359.80 6874178.11 | 385.60 381.70 379.70 373.10 369.20 367.00 363.60 365.50 361.30 6873978.11 | 398.00 390.40 381.50 373.10 369.00 365.90 366.30 364.80 357.60 6873778.11 | 394.00 386.00 380.20 373.50 371.90 371.30 364.00 361.10 360.20 6873578.11 | 392.20 390.10 384.20 377.90 376.60

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PM10.ADO 378.20 367.40 358.90 362.00 6873378.11 | 386.20 383.50 386.30 382.00 380.00 379.00 365.00 361.50 356.80 6873178.11 | 383.30 383.90 378.40 376.60 370.00 371.90 360.00 360.90 358.80 6872978.11 | 377.80 378.30 374.30 374.30 366.90 364.90 362.40 361.00 360.80 6872778.11 | 373.00 376.50 372.70 369.20 367.40 364.60 361.70 360.00 357.50 6872578.11 | 371.10 370.90 368.90 369.50 366.60 363.00 363.00 361.90 360.90 6872378.11 | 369.40 371.30 367.80 368.90 368.60 363.80 362.30 361.90 361.20 6872178.11 | 377.90 372.10 371.50 374.00 367.60 367.70 363.00 360.00 359.10 6871978.11 | 379.00 379.70 376.80 372.10 376.00 372.80 367.10 364.80 361.00 6871778.11 | 381.20 377.10 375.70 371.30 375.70 381.20 371.60 367.90 363.70 6871578.11 | 382.10 380.60 376.00 373.20 376.70 382.30 380.30 371.30 364.20 6871378.11 | 386.40 381.00 378.00 378.50 378.90 382.50 402.00 411.00 365.30 6871178.11 | 383.20 381.00 380.80 382.00 381.80 384.70 402.20 411.00 411.00 6870978.11 | 396.00 387.30 382.60 392.60 387.00 391.50 411.00 409.00 383.50 6870778.11 | 395.00 393.00 385.00 388.90 389.10 395.70 398.00 411.00 390.00 6870578.11 | 392.00 381.10 384.00 381.10 391.40 387.10 387.40 382.80 378.00 6870378.11 | 375.80 375.10 387.20 382.50 393.20 381.20 388.40 383.60 371.80 6870178.11 | 375.00 379.90 380.70 381.00 384.80 378.70 406.00 399.80 406.00 6869978.11 | 370.10 374.20 377.80 373.80 374.20 375.50 403.00 405.00 388.50 6869778.11 | 374.30 368.90 372.50 369.00 369.10 383.00 389.90 389.00 388.30 6869578.11 | 371.60 372.00 367.40 366.00 367.00 383.80 394.00 392.00 381.60 6869378.11 | 374.40 368.90 363.30 362.90 371.60 368.60 385.20 415.00 418.00 6869178.11 | 366.80 365.40 361.50 365.10 372.20 371.40 382.30 418.00 414.00 6868978.11 | 362.90 357.00 355.00 361.40 367.20 372.80 378.30 417.00 419.00 6868778.11 | 359.70 356.30 359.80 361.70 366.00 367.40 414.00 418.00 417.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 57 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 480853.19 481053.19 481253.19 481453.19 481653.19 481853.19 482053.19 482253.19 482453.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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PM10.ADO 6868578.11 | 357.90 355.70 361.30 360.30 363.60 369.10 389.00 417.00 416.00 6868378.11 | 356.50 354.00 355.80 357.40 361.90 370.80 380.70 417.00 394.80 6868178.11 | 355.40 354.50 353.70 356.30 360.10 366.30 369.10 382.00 387.80 6867978.11 | 351.30 352.00 351.30 354.70 358.10 364.90 371.60 379.10 391.00 6867778.11 | 351.00 349.00 351.50 353.40 356.30 360.70 368.40 375.90 379.00 6867578.11 | 350.70 348.40 350.30 350.80 360.20 367.30 368.70 383.10 367.20 6867378.11 | 348.50 346.60 348.50 352.60 359.60 366.30 393.00 390.80 390.00 6867178.11 | 343.40 346.10 349.80 353.40 368.00 375.80 387.00 394.00 394.00 6866978.11 | 346.00 344.40 347.10 352.90 358.80 383.00 384.80 394.00 394.00 6866778.11 | 344.30 344.20 345.20 349.90 353.40 386.00 384.00 386.00 351.10 6866578.11 | 343.70 342.90 346.70 347.60 350.00 370.00 370.00 359.00 352.20 6866378.11 | 339.50 345.50 343.30 345.60 349.30 351.80 364.00 363.70 356.70 6866178.11 | 339.70 342.60 343.20 346.00 347.50 353.90 400.00 381.30 400.00 6865978.11 | 340.00 340.80 342.40 341.70 350.10 355.80 400.00 399.00 400.00 6865778.11 | 337.10 339.30 339.40 343.20 396.00 396.00 380.00 400.00 400.00 6865578.11 | 338.10 340.00 340.90 396.00 396.00 396.00 396.00 393.00 393.00 6865378.11 | 331.50 337.10 339.20 396.00 396.00 396.00 392.00 384.00 393.00 6865178.11 | 336.00 334.50 339.50 396.00 396.00 396.00 392.00 377.20 377.00 6864978.11 | 333.80 339.00 337.30 341.90 346.60 390.00 373.00 378.00 376.00 6864778.11 | 333.10 333.10 336.00 339.50 344.20 349.70 357.40 353.70 356.00 6864578.11 | 331.20 331.50 336.80 340.30 343.80 360.00 364.00 362.00 344.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 58 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 482653.19 482853.19 483053.19 483253.19 483453.19 483653.19 483853.19 484053.19 484253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 408.90 412.80 415.00 414.60 413.10 417.00 419.50 422.00 421.10 6884378.11 | 405.10 408.10 415.90 415.00 409.20 409.20 416.60 417.30 412.50 6884178.11 | 403.20 408.60 413.60 415.20 405.00 404.10 407.20 406.30 406.70 6883978.11 | 407.40 413.20 419.00 418.00 407.10

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PM10.ADO 401.00 398.00 402.10 402.60 6883778.11 | 406.80 413.90 416.00 415.30 410.50 399.70 394.80 396.80 399.20 6883578.11 | 401.50 404.80 409.10 410.70 408.30 398.80 391.90 395.10 395.50 6883378.11 | 397.90 402.90 403.60 407.50 406.00 397.30 394.80 392.80 392.10 6883178.11 | 397.30 396.30 400.00 403.80 401.90 396.00 390.90 390.70 395.00 6882978.11 | 391.80 392.90 395.70 399.00 396.00 393.70 390.50 390.20 393.60 6882778.11 | 388.60 390.10 393.40 397.00 391.70 387.80 387.50 387.90 391.80 6882578.11 | 386.40 389.90 393.10 385.70 384.80 387.00 387.40 390.50 391.80 6882378.11 | 388.50 388.00 392.10 387.80 385.10 382.80 388.40 389.20 391.20 6882178.11 | 385.50 386.80 388.00 387.00 381.90 382.90 384.40 387.90 388.50 6881978.11 | 383.40 384.40 384.00 385.60 384.20 382.90 383.00 385.00 386.80 6881778.11 | 381.00 380.90 381.10 381.80 380.80 381.20 381.90 386.50 387.20 6881578.11 | 378.60 378.20 379.00 378.00 378.70 383.70 384.40 386.10 391.50 6881378.11 | 377.30 378.00 378.20 374.70 378.50 379.40 382.90 389.00 390.30 6881178.11 | 374.60 375.80 378.10 377.20 380.30 378.70 380.60 384.40 384.70 6880978.11 | 375.60 373.10 375.90 378.50 376.00 376.80 379.40 381.80 381.00 6880778.11 | 373.60 377.00 375.20 376.30 375.70 377.00 379.10 378.90 379.00 6880578.11 | 376.00 374.10 374.10 371.80 373.90 374.00 377.20 375.80 375.40 6880378.11 | 373.50 372.10 373.10 374.60 374.00 373.70 374.00 374.80 374.20 6880178.11 | 369.80 371.80 374.00 376.60 374.00 372.60 372.80 373.30 374.40 6879978.11 | 373.30 371.50 368.20 372.10 372.90 372.80 374.00 375.20 372.70 6879778.11 | 373.00 369.80 369.00 370.00 370.80 371.30 372.60 374.70 372.00 6879578.11 | 370.00 371.50 371.50 369.50 371.10 371.90 375.00 377.00 373.60 6879378.11 | 367.40 369.10 372.00 372.90 372.70 372.50 371.80 376.10 377.00 6879178.11 | 367.50 368.30 367.30 370.40 369.90 366.60 370.50 372.00 370.50 6878978.11 | 366.00 368.70 368.60 367.80 369.40 369.90 371.10 372.30 371.10 6878778.11 | 370.40 365.60 366.40 366.60 369.80 370.10 370.00 372.00 369.40 6878578.11 | 366.50 366.00 369.80 364.60 368.10 369.70 369.00 371.00 368.30 6878378.11 | 363.30 365.90 367.20 369.70 369.00 371.20 366.00 368.20 368.80 6878178.11 | 366.10 366.30 365.80 367.20 368.80 367.00 370.20 369.50 373.00 6877978.11 | 367.50 367.90 366.00 364.30 367.90 367.80 370.00 367.90 368.00 6877778.11 | 366.30 365.80 367.00 367.40 367.20 365.10 370.50 368.10 371.10 6877578.11 | 360.80 366.90 366.10 367.40 367.10 366.80 365.90 370.00 370.20 6877378.11 | 367.50 365.90 364.90 369.50 366.10 367.80 367.40 367.90 368.00 6877178.11 | 365.60 364.80 363.20 364.90 366.70

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PM10.ADO 367.00 367.20 366.20 366.90 6876978.11 | 365.20 367.00 364.50 365.20 365.60 368.60 366.10 367.10 366.90 6876778.11 | 359.60 364.00 364.60 364.00 363.10 363.90 362.10 363.20 366.70� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 59 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 482653.19 482853.19 483053.19 483253.19 483453.19 483653.19 483853.19 484053.19 484253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 361.60 363.10 363.70 364.80 364.00 362.80 363.00 366.10 366.50 6876378.11 | 362.20 364.60 361.00 362.30 364.00 363.90 365.10 364.50 362.80 6876178.11 | 361.40 363.00 359.20 361.50 361.90 365.50 365.40 363.70 366.00 6875978.11 | 358.30 364.20 362.00 361.00 363.00 363.00 363.10 362.70 364.80 6875778.11 | 361.00 358.60 360.40 362.00 359.70 362.30 360.60 360.20 363.00 6875578.11 | 357.50 362.70 361.90 362.40 362.20 360.90 362.40 358.10 359.30 6875378.11 | 360.90 359.00 359.00 359.00 361.20 359.80 357.00 359.30 359.20 6875178.11 | 359.70 359.40 359.40 358.20 359.00 360.10 359.70 360.00 358.40 6874978.11 | 357.50 356.10 359.20 359.50 359.00 357.90 359.10 358.90 357.00 6874778.11 | 355.30 357.00 357.70 357.30 357.00 356.10 356.40 356.90 359.00 6874578.11 | 357.70 357.10 355.60 357.60 356.00 357.20 357.00 358.50 357.80 6874378.11 | 357.60 356.00 355.80 355.40 355.00 356.80 357.50 355.00 356.00 6874178.11 | 356.70 353.90 357.30 356.00 352.70 355.40 353.20 355.20 356.10 6873978.11 | 354.30 355.00 354.60 356.60 354.00 355.90 354.60 355.00 356.40 6873778.11 | 356.10 353.90 355.20 356.60 354.10 354.10 355.40 355.10 352.80 6873578.11 | 358.10 354.40 352.30 354.60 355.80 354.00 355.10 355.30 354.80 6873378.11 | 357.20 354.40 353.30 354.00 356.00 353.20 356.80 354.00 355.10 6873178.11 | 360.50 357.80 356.20 353.00 350.90 350.90 353.60 354.90 353.90 6872978.11 | 358.10 355.60 355.10 354.50 354.00 351.00 353.50 351.50 354.30 6872778.11 | 357.70 356.80 356.20 353.00 354.60 352.00 353.20 351.10 352.30 6872578.11 | 359.10 359.70 356.90 355.90 352.80 352.80 353.00 351.80 351.80 6872378.11 | 360.00 357.10 354.20 356.60 353.10 351.00 351.20 351.00 349.00

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PM10.ADO 6872178.11 | 358.00 357.00 354.20 355.40 354.10 352.20 350.90 349.10 351.50 6871978.11 | 357.40 355.00 356.80 353.50 352.10 352.30 350.50 350.00 349.30 6871778.11 | 358.90 358.70 355.40 353.80 355.20 355.30 350.90 349.50 350.10 6871578.11 | 361.40 358.10 357.00 355.00 351.40 352.60 352.20 349.80 350.20 6871378.11 | 361.60 360.00 359.20 354.60 352.10 351.30 351.00 350.10 350.40 6871178.11 | 368.40 365.60 358.90 357.00 353.20 350.90 353.30 349.30 348.20 6870978.11 | 374.80 365.70 360.50 357.10 355.10 352.80 353.60 351.10 349.40 6870778.11 | 368.60 364.90 361.70 358.00 357.90 354.00 354.00 349.10 352.20 6870578.11 | 371.80 366.60 366.70 360.60 357.80 359.70 356.10 355.30 351.80 6870378.11 | 369.60 372.40 366.00 365.20 363.00 362.30 359.80 354.00 349.00 6870178.11 | 391.00 372.90 400.00 400.00 400.00 358.90 354.50 352.80 347.30 6869978.11 | 392.00 378.60 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 351.20 347.20 345.00 6869778.11 | 391.70 400.00 393.00 400.00 400.00 351.00 349.00 346.60 347.60 6869578.11 | 399.00 400.00 390.00 397.00 400.00 353.20 347.40 344.90 346.20 6869378.11 | 391.30 394.00 390.00 390.00 355.50 353.00 345.70 343.60 346.30 6869178.11 | 418.00 419.00 390.00 390.00 356.30 351.20 348.40 346.50 345.90 6868978.11 | 415.00 419.00 419.00 357.00 355.80 352.70 352.10 347.80 345.20 6868778.11 | 419.00 419.00 419.00 355.50 352.60 347.80 348.20 345.20 342.70� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 60 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 482653.19 482853.19 483053.19 483253.19 483453.19 483653.19 483853.19 484053.19 484253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 418.00 419.00 419.00 361.70 355.50 352.00 346.40 345.40 344.30 6868378.11 | 418.00 418.00 418.00 352.30 351.10 351.10 343.60 344.10 340.50 6868178.11 | 395.00 417.00 350.80 349.00 345.60 347.00 346.00 342.90 341.00 6867978.11 | 391.00 354.00 347.70 349.20 344.20 342.90 344.00 342.60 339.70 6867778.11 | 355.00 352.90 356.10 350.60 347.90 346.10 341.60 342.00 342.20 6867578.11 | 357.50 358.80 364.80 355.30 352.50 344.70 346.00 339.50 339.80 6867378.11 | 363.70 369.40 371.70 358.20 350.50

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PM10.ADO 344.00 339.00 337.40 339.60 6867178.11 | 356.40 367.90 374.00 351.00 344.90 344.00 338.60 339.90 339.20 6866978.11 | 350.80 358.40 351.30 347.50 344.90 340.70 340.10 339.20 339.00 6866778.11 | 348.20 347.60 345.00 342.90 342.60 341.20 340.60 339.90 339.10 6866578.11 | 352.10 353.90 350.80 347.60 344.00 342.00 340.40 336.20 337.00 6866378.11 | 364.00 366.00 353.20 345.00 341.70 341.00 339.30 338.00 338.80 6866178.11 | 363.80 357.00 350.10 344.60 339.70 342.00 337.70 337.50 337.70 6865978.11 | 400.00 356.20 349.00 345.10 342.70 339.20 337.50 335.00 334.90 6865778.11 | 399.00 362.70 353.00 342.40 342.00 338.70 335.60 334.80 335.60 6865578.11 | 394.00 393.00 351.70 341.20 337.90 338.10 335.20 333.60 334.30 6865378.11 | 394.00 394.00 394.00 337.90 336.80 336.00 334.40 332.90 335.50 6865178.11 | 394.00 394.00 393.00 337.00 334.00 333.80 332.90 335.70 333.30 6864978.11 | 377.00 391.00 336.10 334.90 332.90 333.00 332.60 332.60 333.90 6864778.11 | 362.00 335.00 334.00 331.90 332.00 335.70 331.60 331.10 332.70 6864578.11 | 340.10 335.90 331.80 332.20 332.00 333.40 336.00 330.80 332.10� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 61 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 484453.19 484653.19 484853.19 485053.19 485253.19 485453.19 485653.19 485853.19 486053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 423.00 423.90 424.80 425.00 422.10 417.20 416.00 417.00 415.00 6884378.11 | 414.80 416.30 419.10 422.30 419.90 415.20 415.00 412.90 411.40 6884178.11 | 409.60 411.60 415.60 418.60 418.00 414.60 412.90 411.50 410.20 6883978.11 | 403.00 405.00 410.80 414.40 415.10 412.00 408.50 408.30 408.00 6883778.11 | 400.60 401.10 408.20 412.20 413.40 407.20 408.20 405.50 405.30 6883578.11 | 398.50 400.10 406.80 410.00 407.50 404.40 404.60 404.50 406.50 6883378.11 | 400.00 404.10 408.10 411.60 408.80 404.00 401.00 401.10 403.20 6883178.11 | 399.40 402.30 409.80 413.00 407.90 404.20 402.00 401.50 400.30 6882978.11 | 397.00 403.00 408.40 411.50 409.00 406.00 403.20 399.60 398.60 6882778.11 | 396.10 403.00 406.00 410.50 407.90 403.80 402.10 400.80 396.10

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PM10.ADO 6882578.11 | 395.00 397.50 402.10 407.90 403.00 403.60 401.60 401.80 396.00 6882378.11 | 392.10 396.00 400.10 401.60 399.40 402.90 402.00 398.80 397.50 6882178.11 | 390.90 392.90 394.80 396.60 403.10 407.60 404.60 398.90 397.10 6881978.11 | 391.90 390.90 390.80 397.10 399.40 406.30 407.00 395.50 396.00 6881778.11 | 392.80 394.60 392.00 392.20 396.10 402.80 401.20 395.40 392.80 6881578.11 | 393.10 390.00 389.90 392.00 393.10 400.20 397.10 391.90 389.80 6881378.11 | 390.20 389.20 385.30 391.30 395.30 394.80 393.40 390.50 387.70 6881178.11 | 383.50 384.20 385.00 384.60 388.00 395.00 390.60 386.00 384.10 6880978.11 | 381.40 381.00 383.80 385.00 385.00 391.80 388.40 385.90 385.00 6880778.11 | 378.00 380.90 381.40 381.40 384.10 391.20 388.90 383.90 386.30 6880578.11 | 377.40 377.40 379.70 380.60 388.00 388.10 388.20 382.10 382.40 6880378.11 | 375.70 376.00 376.20 377.40 383.20 386.30 384.10 382.20 382.90 6880178.11 | 376.00 378.10 373.90 379.00 378.10 382.00 380.10 382.30 377.20 6879978.11 | 379.00 373.40 373.50 378.80 380.00 376.90 377.00 380.80 381.10 6879778.11 | 370.50 374.90 377.20 380.00 377.80 376.50 377.80 380.90 383.70 6879578.11 | 378.40 373.10 376.50 376.10 378.00 381.00 378.00 379.00 377.20 6879378.11 | 375.00 377.50 372.80 373.20 372.50 379.70 379.00 380.50 377.60 6879178.11 | 371.40 375.70 376.00 376.40 377.00 376.60 376.30 376.20 377.00 6878978.11 | 370.60 377.20 377.00 372.80 373.30 375.00 372.90 378.50 382.80 6878778.11 | 368.70 369.60 371.70 375.30 375.70 378.00 372.40 374.50 377.80 6878578.11 | 375.00 369.10 372.70 375.00 374.00 375.60 375.90 375.20 375.30 6878378.11 | 372.90 370.80 367.20 373.00 371.90 377.00 378.90 378.00 376.30 6878178.11 | 370.90 372.10 370.00 373.00 370.70 371.90 373.00 375.60 374.10 6877978.11 | 366.90 371.20 370.20 371.10 371.00 372.10 370.10 371.90 376.00 6877778.11 | 369.90 370.30 373.10 372.00 371.20 371.80 370.30 369.80 369.70 6877578.11 | 371.50 369.00 367.70 369.30 370.40 370.20 372.60 369.00 367.70 6877378.11 | 369.00 368.20 367.30 367.10 368.20 369.00 370.40 367.20 370.20 6877178.11 | 366.30 369.00 368.80 368.60 365.30 367.50 366.70 370.40 372.30 6876978.11 | 366.10 366.30 366.80 367.00 368.20 365.20 367.60 367.00 370.60 6876778.11 | 364.50 367.80 367.00 365.10 366.10 367.90 365.10 366.10 372.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 62 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*

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Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 484453.19 484653.19 484853.19 485053.19 485253.19 485453.19 485653.19 485853.19 486053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 367.90 365.00 366.60 364.30 365.10 364.40 367.70 368.50 369.00 6876378.11 | 365.30 364.40 365.10 365.40 364.10 365.20 362.60 367.40 367.00 6876178.11 | 364.90 364.00 363.10 365.50 362.90 361.00 363.00 363.10 365.70 6875978.11 | 362.80 363.00 362.00 361.30 364.40 364.70 361.00 363.00 363.80 6875778.11 | 365.10 361.90 361.00 360.40 361.00 361.80 362.70 362.90 360.70 6875578.11 | 360.00 364.00 362.00 362.50 362.00 361.00 362.50 361.20 364.50 6875378.11 | 358.70 361.70 361.00 362.80 363.70 359.20 362.70 363.20 361.40 6875178.11 | 358.90 361.40 360.60 360.60 361.90 361.50 359.00 360.50 360.30 6874978.11 | 358.40 362.10 357.70 357.50 359.10 359.30 363.00 358.90 358.50 6874778.11 | 357.40 358.50 358.50 357.70 358.70 359.80 360.00 360.10 360.40 6874578.11 | 356.00 358.40 357.00 359.70 358.00 357.40 358.80 359.00 363.90 6874378.11 | 358.40 356.00 356.00 359.00 358.10 357.50 356.40 357.20 361.20 6874178.11 | 357.40 357.10 357.90 357.00 356.40 357.30 357.30 357.90 359.90 6873978.11 | 355.00 356.20 355.10 356.40 355.00 356.90 356.00 361.20 357.90 6873778.11 | 356.50 355.10 355.20 357.30 354.00 354.30 357.90 358.10 359.50 6873578.11 | 355.00 356.00 354.40 352.30 354.30 355.90 355.50 356.90 360.80 6873378.11 | 353.70 355.70 352.40 355.40 356.10 355.70 357.50 357.50 357.60 6873178.11 | 356.40 353.80 354.20 354.60 353.80 355.60 358.90 356.20 355.10 6872978.11 | 350.70 352.00 350.70 353.30 351.30 356.00 354.60 355.00 358.00 6872778.11 | 350.80 353.60 353.00 353.70 352.10 354.90 353.60 356.00 355.50 6872578.11 | 352.50 353.00 352.80 353.60 353.90 354.50 354.90 354.90 358.50 6872378.11 | 350.30 351.00 351.10 353.00 353.00 351.00 353.10 352.10 355.00 6872178.11 | 349.90 351.40 351.40 351.20 352.90 353.50 354.00 355.70 353.40 6871978.11 | 352.10 351.00 350.00 353.00 350.00 350.90 351.10 352.90 353.00 6871778.11 | 349.00 349.00 352.00 352.30 349.10 353.20 350.70 352.50 351.00 6871578.11 | 346.80 348.70 347.70 351.90 350.60 347.10 347.90 352.00 351.20 6871378.11 | 349.90 347.90 351.70 350.80 349.90 348.80 349.40 349.90 354.00 6871178.11 | 349.20 347.00 347.00 349.40 348.90 348.90 351.30 348.70 349.40 6870978.11 | 346.60 347.90 348.10 347.40 349.00

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PM10.ADO 345.80 346.70 348.40 350.90 6870778.11 | 347.20 346.00 350.30 345.00 347.20 348.20 348.20 348.90 350.20 6870578.11 | 347.00 346.60 347.00 347.90 347.70 344.90 348.10 348.00 348.20 6870378.11 | 348.00 343.90 348.10 346.90 346.40 344.90 350.60 347.90 345.50 6870178.11 | 345.10 347.00 346.00 344.30 347.10 346.00 344.00 345.90 346.90 6869978.11 | 346.20 344.00 346.80 346.00 347.40 345.10 346.60 345.00 348.60 6869778.11 | 344.70 345.10 346.10 345.40 345.90 346.50 344.80 346.90 347.80 6869578.11 | 345.00 345.90 343.60 345.40 345.90 344.10 344.60 344.20 346.20 6869378.11 | 341.90 346.30 342.70 341.30 344.80 343.90 343.50 344.70 344.00 6869178.11 | 342.90 346.10 345.70 342.30 344.40 343.00 341.60 344.90 344.90 6868978.11 | 342.90 343.10 343.90 344.50 343.10 342.00 342.00 342.20 343.90 6868778.11 | 344.70 342.30 343.70 342.60 343.10 342.70 343.00 343.00 343.70� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 63 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 484453.19 484653.19 484853.19 485053.19 485253.19 485453.19 485653.19 485853.19 486053.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 341.40 342.00 343.20 342.80 341.20 343.20 342.80 340.50 343.40 6868378.11 | 341.00 342.20 342.20 341.10 342.70 340.70 345.00 340.20 342.70 6868178.11 | 341.20 341.60 343.30 339.20 343.30 342.60 342.60 342.20 339.10 6867978.11 | 339.00 340.60 339.60 341.60 342.00 339.90 342.50 343.10 340.10 6867778.11 | 338.40 341.90 340.90 342.40 341.10 342.90 342.00 342.90 341.20 6867578.11 | 341.00 340.20 337.50 339.20 342.90 340.40 341.70 341.10 341.80 6867378.11 | 339.30 339.00 339.10 343.00 341.00 338.90 341.10 340.00 340.90 6867178.11 | 339.40 340.80 340.70 339.50 337.90 337.80 337.40 338.10 340.00 6866978.11 | 337.90 337.10 341.20 338.40 338.00 339.60 337.80 335.70 337.40 6866778.11 | 337.70 339.20 337.30 339.50 338.20 340.10 339.60 335.70 338.10 6866578.11 | 336.10 336.80 337.80 338.00 337.90 336.70 336.60 338.90 337.10 6866378.11 | 337.70 336.20 337.20 337.80 338.10 336.50 336.10 337.30 338.80 6866178.11 | 339.30 338.30 335.50 336.20 337.40 334.80 336.40 336.40 337.80

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PM10.ADO 6865978.11 | 335.60 338.00 336.80 335.00 338.00 337.20 337.00 338.70 336.70 6865778.11 | 332.10 335.60 334.90 335.40 337.00 336.90 335.60 336.20 334.10 6865578.11 | 334.40 334.60 334.60 336.40 336.00 331.80 336.60 334.80 336.80 6865378.11 | 333.90 338.10 334.90 336.50 335.80 333.40 333.00 337.90 336.00 6865178.11 | 334.70 332.80 332.00 334.10 336.20 335.00 333.10 336.70 333.40 6864978.11 | 334.00 331.90 334.90 335.00 334.70 333.90 335.00 332.10 333.00 6864778.11 | 333.40 336.00 334.00 333.60 334.90 333.80 333.00 333.00 332.30 6864578.11 | 333.70 334.70 331.00 332.40 332.30 332.90 333.60 332.10 332.80� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 64 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 486253.19 486453.19 486653.19 486853.19 487053.19 487253.19 487453.19 487653.19 487853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 414.10 410.80 410.00 408.60 404.10 403.50 407.40 413.20 418.80 6884378.11 | 410.80 408.00 406.30 406.80 405.20 401.60 406.70 408.40 412.10 6884178.11 | 407.10 404.60 405.20 402.00 403.60 400.70 407.00 403.00 407.40 6883978.11 | 404.50 404.00 403.00 402.30 401.80 401.30 401.50 406.10 408.80 6883778.11 | 405.30 402.70 399.80 399.60 399.10 399.00 404.30 408.00 414.80 6883578.11 | 404.50 400.60 398.50 396.30 403.00 405.70 406.70 410.10 414.70 6883378.11 | 402.00 400.80 396.30 396.00 402.00 403.80 409.40 410.20 412.90 6883178.11 | 401.00 398.90 395.00 397.10 400.00 405.60 409.00 407.40 409.10 6882978.11 | 397.60 397.00 396.60 396.60 398.00 403.60 403.80 407.50 405.50 6882778.11 | 397.00 396.20 393.30 395.30 401.00 402.40 401.50 402.90 403.90 6882578.11 | 397.60 394.30 394.10 393.80 397.00 398.50 399.70 399.20 401.00 6882378.11 | 395.00 396.50 393.30 391.30 394.00 397.60 394.90 399.60 396.90 6882178.11 | 395.50 389.90 393.00 390.90 395.10 399.60 397.40 395.20 396.80 6881978.11 | 393.90 391.00 391.00 391.80 394.10 397.20 394.70 393.20 396.20 6881778.11 | 393.90 388.40 389.40 391.70 394.40 397.00 396.20 392.60 394.00 6881578.11 | 389.10 392.10 393.10 392.40 395.10 396.20 393.60 392.00 391.30 6881378.11 | 388.20 391.30 398.00 394.00 394.00

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PM10.ADO 392.50 393.80 392.00 392.00 6881178.11 | 384.40 389.20 397.00 396.80 392.40 389.50 390.80 391.60 388.70 6880978.11 | 383.40 390.20 396.60 393.60 392.00 391.00 389.50 388.00 388.80 6880778.11 | 387.60 391.30 394.30 393.70 393.00 393.00 390.60 389.00 384.20 6880578.11 | 382.20 388.00 390.00 391.20 389.00 388.10 389.00 388.00 386.00 6880378.11 | 384.00 386.00 390.50 390.40 388.90 386.30 387.90 387.10 386.00 6880178.11 | 381.70 383.60 388.80 392.60 388.40 388.10 385.70 384.90 384.90 6879978.11 | 380.30 382.10 384.40 391.00 391.10 387.40 387.20 382.40 383.50 6879778.11 | 380.60 382.90 387.60 393.50 392.80 388.50 386.00 382.10 380.90 6879578.11 | 377.70 383.50 387.80 391.70 390.40 385.70 384.50 384.00 380.80 6879378.11 | 375.80 383.60 386.70 393.00 388.50 384.20 381.80 382.50 380.80 6879178.11 | 379.00 383.10 385.80 390.00 387.20 385.10 383.10 379.20 382.20 6878978.11 | 379.30 382.30 383.20 386.60 391.80 387.20 384.50 382.20 379.00 6878778.11 | 383.00 381.40 385.60 386.90 393.10 389.90 386.60 380.00 378.80 6878578.11 | 378.40 383.80 386.20 389.00 393.70 385.60 381.00 380.20 382.30 6878378.11 | 377.10 376.10 385.80 391.40 388.40 384.20 380.40 378.30 379.90 6878178.11 | 376.60 375.90 381.50 389.00 388.90 388.50 382.60 378.10 377.60 6877978.11 | 374.40 374.10 379.70 384.40 386.00 386.00 382.10 379.90 376.70 6877778.11 | 372.30 376.70 375.20 381.60 381.50 380.00 379.70 377.20 374.30 6877578.11 | 367.70 374.40 376.20 378.30 377.60 373.30 375.50 372.60 376.90 6877378.11 | 368.50 374.80 373.80 372.20 373.90 375.00 371.40 373.00 373.90 6877178.11 | 372.60 373.90 372.00 372.30 372.30 372.50 373.00 372.90 371.70 6876978.11 | 375.30 375.00 374.40 371.20 372.50 370.20 373.00 372.40 372.30 6876778.11 | 374.90 377.90 376.20 371.00 370.00 367.80 368.50 373.00 371.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 65 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 486253.19 486453.19 486653.19 486853.19 487053.19 487253.19 487453.19 487653.19 487853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 372.70 379.30 379.50 374.50 374.00 369.20 371.80 369.10 370.40

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PM10.ADO 6876378.11 | 373.70 382.70 380.60 376.40 372.90 370.20 368.00 368.00 370.00 6876178.11 | 370.40 372.20 379.80 376.00 373.90 369.00 367.50 369.10 369.60 6875978.11 | 365.00 370.30 380.00 376.00 369.20 368.30 365.90 369.30 371.00 6875778.11 | 363.60 367.80 377.00 372.60 366.60 366.10 366.40 369.60 367.20 6875578.11 | 361.60 362.00 369.70 366.50 365.80 366.10 369.10 366.90 367.60 6875378.11 | 361.40 360.90 363.30 365.90 366.40 368.00 368.70 366.20 364.80 6875178.11 | 359.80 362.60 360.60 364.50 363.00 365.60 361.50 367.20 363.40 6874978.11 | 362.10 360.80 364.70 363.90 361.90 362.20 369.00 365.80 366.00 6874778.11 | 364.40 363.00 363.70 365.20 363.50 361.80 364.80 364.30 363.20 6874578.11 | 367.70 365.50 360.80 361.50 363.10 361.20 364.60 364.40 361.30 6874378.11 | 367.40 361.80 362.00 360.30 364.70 361.30 364.40 364.90 361.80 6874178.11 | 360.20 362.00 362.00 361.70 361.20 365.20 359.40 363.10 361.70 6873978.11 | 359.10 358.00 359.20 361.30 361.00 361.20 358.20 362.10 362.20 6873778.11 | 359.00 361.10 360.00 358.50 360.70 359.80 360.90 360.80 359.00 6873578.11 | 357.10 358.30 360.70 359.60 360.60 360.20 360.90 360.00 360.70 6873378.11 | 360.00 357.60 359.80 359.00 359.10 358.70 360.60 360.10 359.50 6873178.11 | 357.50 357.00 361.00 355.60 358.80 357.20 357.00 357.20 359.00 6872978.11 | 355.70 354.90 360.20 358.00 358.80 355.50 359.00 359.50 357.20 6872778.11 | 355.60 355.80 357.60 354.40 355.30 357.60 355.10 355.90 356.40 6872578.11 | 357.50 355.90 356.40 355.00 356.80 355.80 356.00 358.80 354.90 6872378.11 | 354.80 355.20 354.40 355.20 353.10 354.30 357.40 355.10 358.00 6872178.11 | 354.00 354.00 354.60 355.20 353.80 353.50 354.40 355.00 354.60 6871978.11 | 352.00 353.00 353.90 353.40 353.90 352.20 356.00 355.00 353.10 6871778.11 | 353.60 353.90 353.70 352.80 353.10 351.90 353.60 353.00 354.30 6871578.11 | 352.20 351.20 352.80 350.20 353.00 353.20 353.40 353.90 353.20 6871378.11 | 349.60 350.90 352.30 354.50 351.00 354.20 352.00 352.90 352.20 6871178.11 | 350.40 351.10 352.40 351.80 350.40 353.90 351.80 352.10 353.40 6870978.11 | 351.20 349.70 350.20 349.70 349.50 352.10 352.40 351.60 351.50 6870778.11 | 349.50 348.90 351.90 352.00 349.10 349.80 353.40 350.10 350.90 6870578.11 | 350.30 349.00 348.60 349.30 351.10 349.30 350.10 350.80 352.50 6870378.11 | 346.80 348.40 351.40 348.80 348.90 349.90 348.80 349.90 350.80 6870178.11 | 349.60 348.10 347.20 348.50 349.70 349.60 348.00 348.20 348.00 6869978.11 | 346.60 347.30 345.20 347.30 348.90 349.00 348.70 347.10 347.00 6869778.11 | 345.90 347.70 345.80 345.60 347.00 348.00 350.00 347.10 347.80

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PM10.ADO 6869578.11 | 346.40 346.00 345.70 347.40 347.10 346.90 348.50 347.10 349.00 6869378.11 | 346.30 344.10 345.30 346.60 346.60 345.50 345.80 349.90 346.30 6869178.11 | 344.40 345.90 344.20 344.00 344.90 345.70 349.20 345.00 346.90 6868978.11 | 343.00 343.00 344.80 341.50 345.90 345.10 345.40 344.20 344.30 6868778.11 | 343.50 342.90 343.60 343.40 344.10 345.50 346.20 344.90 345.30� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 66 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 486253.19 486453.19 486653.19 486853.19 487053.19 487253.19 487453.19 487653.19 487853.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 342.80 341.50 342.00 342.90 342.00 342.50 344.00 346.50 345.30 6868378.11 | 344.40 342.10 340.30 345.80 342.90 342.10 343.10 343.10 343.10 6868178.11 | 343.00 342.00 340.90 340.70 342.20 342.40 342.30 343.10 342.30 6867978.11 | 339.30 342.40 340.70 342.20 340.50 341.30 341.30 342.20 342.90 6867778.11 | 340.10 339.90 338.60 341.30 341.10 343.00 341.10 341.90 342.60 6867578.11 | 340.00 339.00 340.20 339.80 341.80 341.00 338.20 341.20 341.30 6867378.11 | 336.80 339.40 339.00 339.80 340.10 341.20 338.80 339.60 340.90 6867178.11 | 337.60 338.20 338.00 339.60 340.00 339.80 340.40 342.80 339.20 6866978.11 | 338.10 337.90 339.20 339.20 337.60 339.20 339.50 337.80 338.00 6866778.11 | 337.60 336.60 337.40 338.00 337.10 337.90 339.40 339.70 337.50 6866578.11 | 335.50 337.00 337.70 339.30 337.80 338.00 337.40 338.90 338.00 6866378.11 | 336.60 338.10 337.60 337.30 335.20 337.90 339.40 335.30 338.90 6866178.11 | 338.00 335.70 335.80 334.40 334.00 335.80 338.00 335.60 337.90 6865978.11 | 335.00 335.90 336.00 333.10 333.20 334.20 337.60 336.10 336.10 6865778.11 | 336.80 334.00 336.50 336.00 335.90 334.30 335.70 336.40 335.20 6865578.11 | 334.80 335.10 336.10 333.90 333.10 333.90 334.80 335.50 335.90 6865378.11 | 337.00 336.00 336.20 334.00 333.10 333.00 337.00 332.30 334.10 6865178.11 | 333.00 335.90 333.30 334.30 334.00 333.10 332.90 332.70 334.80 6864978.11 | 334.40 333.70 333.50 333.30 333.10 333.10 332.40 331.50 332.20 6864778.11 | 332.50 333.00 336.50 332.10 333.30

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PM10.ADO 334.60 333.60 334.00 333.30 6864578.11 | 333.00 332.00 328.60 330.20 330.20 331.20 335.30 333.50 331.10� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 67 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 488053.19 488253.19 488453.19 488653.19 488853.19 489053.19 489253.19 489453.19 489653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 419.00 423.00 422.90 427.50 432.90 435.00 431.00 431.10 429.90 6884378.11 | 410.40 417.30 422.40 426.60 430.10 432.50 427.50 426.20 424.00 6884178.11 | 410.80 415.10 419.40 421.40 424.00 431.20 429.30 424.30 419.10 6883978.11 | 414.50 415.20 421.60 425.00 453.00 430.10 432.40 427.70 420.30 6883778.11 | 417.50 420.80 425.80 435.60 453.00 452.00 438.80 434.30 444.00 6883578.11 | 417.60 418.60 454.00 447.00 453.00 453.00 440.30 444.80 442.80 6883378.11 | 410.00 410.90 454.00 454.00 454.00 454.00 433.90 441.90 461.00 6883178.11 | 411.00 405.80 410.30 454.00 454.00 416.60 422.40 461.00 461.00 6882978.11 | 405.40 404.60 403.80 404.80 409.00 409.60 417.70 418.60 461.00 6882778.11 | 403.00 400.90 403.90 404.00 406.80 410.50 415.50 412.90 410.90 6882578.11 | 400.30 400.10 402.00 403.70 406.30 411.20 412.60 410.20 406.70 6882378.11 | 397.40 398.10 403.60 403.20 406.60 409.30 411.20 408.50 404.30 6882178.11 | 399.00 399.90 402.20 404.40 407.00 409.10 405.50 403.90 402.90 6881978.11 | 397.00 400.20 403.80 406.30 407.10 406.50 402.70 403.40 397.90 6881778.11 | 397.40 401.60 402.00 405.60 409.60 410.90 403.20 401.40 401.10 6881578.11 | 395.90 397.90 402.70 406.00 409.00 412.90 407.60 405.80 401.10 6881378.11 | 394.40 396.30 399.40 401.10 405.60 408.80 412.70 405.50 404.90 6881178.11 | 391.80 393.00 396.50 397.40 403.00 407.00 412.20 404.60 401.00 6880978.11 | 390.10 392.90 394.40 397.40 436.00 437.00 434.00 435.00 434.00 6880778.11 | 386.70 388.90 393.90 391.40 437.00 436.00 435.00 437.00 399.20 6880578.11 | 386.30 389.10 391.70 393.10 437.00 437.00 436.00 437.00 394.20 6880378.11 | 387.10 386.90 386.00 390.40 393.00 437.00 437.00 394.10 391.80 6880178.11 | 386.10 387.00 383.50 387.60 387.90 388.80 389.40 390.80 388.70

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PM10.ADO 6879978.11 | 383.30 383.40 384.90 385.00 385.50 385.50 385.80 388.60 387.40 6879778.11 | 382.00 384.00 384.30 383.90 384.00 383.20 385.40 386.00 388.30 6879578.11 | 382.70 381.00 382.40 383.30 384.20 382.90 383.00 383.80 384.30 6879378.11 | 381.40 379.00 380.20 379.60 381.10 383.50 381.00 381.70 382.10 6879178.11 | 379.90 377.20 379.00 381.60 379.90 381.00 380.50 380.00 383.30 6878978.11 | 378.70 381.10 380.00 379.60 379.00 379.40 380.00 379.10 382.30 6878778.11 | 377.00 378.60 378.10 377.20 375.00 376.50 377.00 378.30 382.10 6878578.11 | 374.40 378.10 373.60 377.40 377.80 377.00 377.60 378.10 380.10 6878378.11 | 376.30 377.10 375.00 375.40 375.80 377.00 378.90 379.60 378.20 6878178.11 | 375.80 376.90 375.00 374.40 375.00 375.90 375.20 379.00 377.20 6877978.11 | 375.10 376.10 374.30 373.60 373.00 373.00 372.50 373.10 378.00 6877778.11 | 376.40 374.70 374.20 375.90 372.10 372.30 374.70 372.80 373.80 6877578.11 | 376.40 374.50 373.00 370.70 374.10 372.00 374.20 373.00 375.00 6877378.11 | 371.00 371.20 372.00 371.40 369.10 370.10 371.00 372.10 373.20 6877178.11 | 370.40 372.80 373.00 372.40 371.70 368.30 372.60 373.70 373.20 6876978.11 | 370.20 370.90 371.40 371.00 369.70 369.30 371.40 372.00 374.20 6876778.11 | 370.90 369.90 369.00 368.50 370.00 370.00 371.90 369.90 368.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 68 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 488053.19 488253.19 488453.19 488653.19 488853.19 489053.19 489253.19 489453.19 489653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 369.70 370.20 368.80 369.90 370.10 370.80 366.40 369.80 367.70 6876378.11 | 366.90 367.60 370.10 366.40 367.60 367.50 368.60 370.60 369.60 6876178.11 | 365.50 368.80 369.00 366.30 365.10 367.20 367.10 370.90 370.20 6875978.11 | 366.80 362.90 367.60 365.80 366.40 367.00 365.30 365.00 368.10 6875778.11 | 366.30 365.00 365.10 362.60 365.60 367.10 366.20 367.30 363.50 6875578.11 | 367.60 366.00 365.40 364.40 365.10 365.90 366.60 365.90 367.30 6875378.11 | 363.40 367.00 365.30 363.90 366.50 364.90 366.00 366.90 369.60 6875178.11 | 363.70 363.60 362.40 364.10 365.70

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PM10.ADO 363.80 363.80 364.40 363.80 6874978.11 | 362.50 360.10 361.00 362.60 365.10 363.90 362.60 363.00 363.90 6874778.11 | 362.80 360.10 359.70 360.70 362.50 363.20 364.00 363.40 364.20 6874578.11 | 361.10 360.70 361.50 362.20 358.90 359.60 361.00 362.90 363.70 6874378.11 | 360.70 361.20 360.00 362.70 360.80 360.40 361.00 362.80 362.20 6874178.11 | 358.40 357.10 359.30 358.70 364.30 358.30 360.60 362.20 360.20 6873978.11 | 362.20 359.40 360.30 359.70 358.10 361.50 360.60 358.40 359.20 6873778.11 | 361.60 360.00 359.30 361.40 357.10 360.70 359.50 361.10 359.30 6873578.11 | 357.40 358.80 361.20 359.70 358.60 355.50 356.40 357.30 358.00 6873378.11 | 358.20 356.50 357.80 359.70 357.40 359.60 357.50 356.90 358.00 6873178.11 | 359.40 356.00 355.70 357.40 359.10 359.70 356.60 355.00 355.20 6872978.11 | 358.80 357.00 356.20 356.20 355.50 356.00 362.20 354.80 355.50 6872778.11 | 355.50 356.20 359.20 357.40 354.50 354.20 357.30 358.10 356.90 6872578.11 | 357.40 355.10 356.90 357.60 357.80 355.00 355.80 356.20 357.00 6872378.11 | 356.10 354.00 355.00 356.30 355.60 357.00 355.70 354.90 353.70 6872178.11 | 355.80 354.40 352.50 355.80 354.90 354.90 353.50 353.10 352.50 6871978.11 | 356.00 353.80 354.10 353.50 354.90 353.10 352.40 353.90 355.00 6871778.11 | 351.60 353.90 355.00 354.30 351.90 353.50 354.00 351.60 354.50 6871578.11 | 353.40 355.00 351.40 354.80 352.40 351.30 353.90 353.40 350.40 6871378.11 | 353.00 352.90 351.30 351.10 352.80 354.10 350.90 350.00 350.20 6871178.11 | 351.50 349.60 351.90 352.10 351.30 352.90 351.00 352.10 351.60 6870978.11 | 351.30 349.20 351.70 353.40 350.90 349.80 351.60 350.70 351.60 6870778.11 | 349.10 349.90 353.00 351.40 350.10 352.00 350.50 350.80 350.80 6870578.11 | 349.30 350.00 350.40 349.20 351.20 351.30 350.30 346.90 350.20 6870378.11 | 351.80 351.00 347.20 347.60 351.00 353.20 350.40 347.70 348.70 6870178.11 | 348.50 349.90 349.20 348.00 350.20 350.20 349.90 347.20 348.20 6869978.11 | 347.40 351.10 350.50 348.90 348.10 347.70 347.30 349.00 349.60 6869778.11 | 349.00 351.00 347.10 349.40 347.30 347.00 349.00 348.60 345.90 6869578.11 | 349.80 347.10 347.80 346.40 345.10 348.70 348.00 346.20 345.80 6869378.11 | 347.40 350.00 346.80 346.30 346.80 348.00 346.80 347.10 346.20 6869178.11 | 346.00 346.50 347.30 345.70 345.90 346.70 344.60 343.10 345.30 6868978.11 | 345.00 346.90 346.70 343.90 344.10 345.70 347.00 345.10 346.70 6868778.11 | 346.30 344.90 344.80 346.80 346.50 346.70 345.60 345.80 346.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** ***

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Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 488053.19 488253.19 488453.19 488653.19 488853.19 489053.19 489253.19 489453.19 489653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 345.00 345.40 344.40 345.20 346.00 345.90 343.10 347.00 345.80 6868378.11 | 344.00 344.90 344.20 344.10 342.00 344.20 341.50 343.90 345.10 6868178.11 | 341.00 342.30 344.30 341.90 343.10 344.10 341.30 345.10 347.00 6867978.11 | 341.60 342.50 345.00 342.30 342.50 342.70 342.50 347.00 342.90 6867778.11 | 341.50 340.00 343.00 343.80 344.00 342.90 345.30 344.00 344.10 6867578.11 | 342.10 341.20 341.00 342.50 340.40 342.70 344.40 338.70 340.30 6867378.11 | 341.30 340.90 341.30 341.60 341.10 341.50 341.00 340.50 343.10 6867178.11 | 340.00 342.00 339.00 339.40 342.90 339.70 342.00 340.80 343.20 6866978.11 | 337.70 338.10 337.70 339.00 340.00 341.50 341.30 339.20 339.50 6866778.11 | 337.80 338.80 338.90 338.00 340.10 339.90 338.30 339.90 337.60 6866578.11 | 338.50 339.00 341.00 339.50 340.80 337.90 338.50 340.80 339.10 6866378.11 | 337.00 340.70 339.40 338.70 338.20 339.00 340.10 339.80 340.00 6866178.11 | 335.00 337.00 339.30 339.60 339.40 340.00 338.80 339.50 337.00 6865978.11 | 338.80 335.00 336.20 338.00 337.00 339.00 338.60 339.90 336.00 6865778.11 | 335.60 335.90 338.00 335.20 338.80 340.00 336.30 338.80 337.30 6865578.11 | 335.70 335.30 337.00 334.40 337.60 336.00 335.30 336.00 337.10 6865378.11 | 337.50 334.20 334.90 336.00 338.80 333.20 337.50 333.00 335.00 6865178.11 | 334.90 335.90 333.70 335.80 334.20 335.40 334.60 335.40 334.20 6864978.11 | 335.80 334.60 334.00 333.80 334.60 334.70 333.40 336.50 333.40 6864778.11 | 333.10 334.00 333.30 335.00 334.10 333.10 334.00 334.20 334.80 6864578.11 | 334.90 334.10 333.30 335.10 332.30 333.40 333.90 335.10 334.30� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 70 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


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Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 489853.19 490053.19 490253.19 490453.19 490653.19 490853.19 491053.19 491253.19 491453.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 429.70 424.90 417.00 415.10 413.00 415.20 413.50 412.80 413.70 6884378.11 | 425.40 423.90 416.20 412.00 412.90 413.10 410.70 411.20 409.80 6884178.11 | 418.60 418.20 415.10 410.80 410.00 409.90 408.30 408.10 406.90 6883978.11 | 412.50 413.10 413.00 409.50 406.90 408.70 405.00 406.90 405.30 6883778.11 | 444.00 412.00 408.50 408.20 406.80 406.70 404.30 406.50 406.80 6883578.11 | 461.00 461.00 408.80 407.40 408.90 405.90 403.70 402.50 404.20 6883378.11 | 461.00 461.00 415.70 408.10 403.90 402.80 401.60 402.00 404.40 6883178.11 | 461.00 461.00 413.80 408.50 404.20 401.20 399.00 400.00 403.90 6882978.11 | 425.00 415.20 410.10 405.90 402.90 401.80 399.80 401.70 403.50 6882778.11 | 425.00 408.00 408.00 405.00 401.70 401.20 401.40 400.90 402.80 6882578.11 | 407.20 403.30 403.50 402.60 400.30 398.80 399.00 402.30 398.50 6882378.11 | 403.60 402.50 401.40 400.80 399.00 398.70 400.00 400.00 400.90 6882178.11 | 401.60 400.10 399.70 398.00 397.90 398.50 397.40 397.90 399.70 6881978.11 | 397.00 397.00 395.80 397.00 395.30 395.60 398.00 397.10 400.80 6881778.11 | 397.00 396.60 396.10 394.60 395.70 396.20 397.00 396.90 399.00 6881578.11 | 400.60 395.00 394.90 393.50 395.00 396.20 397.60 395.90 395.80 6881378.11 | 399.70 396.30 397.00 391.40 395.80 395.30 394.30 395.20 394.40 6881178.11 | 396.90 394.30 395.50 392.60 393.10 394.90 394.00 395.80 396.50 6880978.11 | 395.10 391.80 392.00 395.50 391.90 392.00 391.50 396.10 394.90 6880778.11 | 395.20 393.30 390.70 391.30 391.00 394.10 391.90 393.10 394.80 6880578.11 | 393.40 390.80 390.50 387.70 390.10 391.20 391.20 394.40 393.90 6880378.11 | 391.00 391.10 390.70 389.10 388.90 390.80 390.00 392.00 391.20 6880178.11 | 389.40 389.30 389.20 391.00 388.70 386.80 388.60 391.70 390.40 6879978.11 | 388.50 387.50 388.10 387.60 388.90 387.90 387.00 390.00 389.60 6879778.11 | 386.00 388.10 387.60 387.00 388.80 387.70 386.10 387.10 388.00 6879578.11 | 383.70 386.30 386.70 384.10 386.20 385.50 385.80 385.90 386.80 6879378.11 | 383.20 386.10 386.40 386.60 384.50 383.80 384.70 385.00 387.00 6879178.11 | 384.50 384.80 384.20 383.60 384.20 383.00 382.90 384.10 385.90 6878978.11 | 384.60 383.90 384.00 384.60 382.00 385.50 385.00 383.00 385.00 6878778.11 | 381.70 381.00 383.70 383.70 381.60

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PM10.ADO 384.30 381.60 381.50 381.50 6878578.11 | 378.90 380.90 381.10 381.50 382.00 380.10 382.40 383.00 382.00 6878378.11 | 380.70 380.40 381.80 381.00 378.20 379.20 380.30 381.00 380.80 6878178.11 | 380.00 380.00 377.10 379.60 380.40 378.30 378.30 378.60 377.40 6877978.11 | 378.10 378.00 379.00 379.00 377.90 380.50 381.80 379.70 377.80 6877778.11 | 378.70 378.70 377.60 378.20 377.30 380.20 378.60 379.00 377.80 6877578.11 | 376.00 376.60 378.40 377.30 374.50 376.60 377.80 378.40 377.70 6877378.11 | 376.00 377.00 375.40 376.00 376.30 374.40 375.10 375.80 374.90 6877178.11 | 373.30 374.30 373.00 375.70 376.20 376.00 376.90 377.00 374.50 6876978.11 | 373.60 372.50 374.00 374.80 375.40 374.20 375.70 373.70 372.40 6876778.11 | 374.50 372.90 371.30 374.40 374.90 373.20 373.90 373.90 374.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 71 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 489853.19 490053.19 490253.19 490453.19 490653.19 490853.19 491053.19 491253.19 491453.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 370.30 372.70 372.80 373.70 373.10 370.60 371.70 373.00 373.10 6876378.11 | 369.20 369.50 370.80 372.60 373.00 374.50 371.70 370.60 369.80 6876178.11 | 370.00 367.30 369.70 368.80 371.10 370.90 373.40 368.80 370.80 6875978.11 | 365.40 367.80 369.50 369.60 369.60 370.20 371.30 370.30 369.70 6875778.11 | 367.00 368.90 369.20 369.00 367.60 366.00 368.80 368.30 371.50 6875578.11 | 367.40 364.90 367.90 364.50 369.80 368.90 367.00 367.00 368.00 6875378.11 | 367.60 363.00 365.00 365.70 365.30 367.00 366.40 366.00 364.80 6875178.11 | 365.70 366.50 364.50 364.60 363.80 366.10 366.80 367.00 367.80 6874978.11 | 361.60 369.90 364.00 362.70 364.80 362.20 363.40 365.10 365.90 6874778.11 | 363.20 365.60 367.20 362.10 361.10 361.00 363.80 364.10 366.30 6874578.11 | 364.80 365.10 364.20 365.10 364.00 363.90 362.00 361.50 362.50 6874378.11 | 363.40 366.00 365.40 367.50 365.70 364.30 362.40 362.00 362.00 6874178.11 | 363.00 363.70 364.80 364.30 364.80 362.20 362.00 360.60 361.70 6873978.11 | 359.80 361.20 364.90 365.20 364.90 360.90 362.20 360.00 360.50

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PM10.ADO 6873778.11 | 357.00 359.00 358.80 361.90 366.20 365.30 362.60 359.10 363.00 6873578.11 | 357.70 356.00 356.90 358.00 365.70 368.00 364.10 360.70 356.70 6873378.11 | 357.30 358.70 357.90 359.30 367.80 369.80 365.60 359.50 357.50 6873178.11 | 356.90 359.10 356.90 358.00 364.00 363.90 365.00 362.80 357.80 6872978.11 | 354.80 357.50 359.80 355.10 359.30 361.20 357.50 359.10 358.00 6872778.11 | 356.60 352.40 353.70 356.00 357.60 356.10 357.70 354.60 355.20 6872578.11 | 355.00 353.10 350.80 354.40 355.00 357.50 360.00 357.20 355.30 6872378.11 | 354.10 356.00 353.40 355.60 354.30 356.00 355.70 356.30 357.20 6872178.11 | 352.20 352.70 356.70 354.90 354.00 354.60 353.20 355.10 356.40 6871978.11 | 354.00 352.10 351.30 353.60 356.00 353.10 352.50 355.80 354.00 6871778.11 | 351.70 351.70 351.80 352.70 355.00 354.60 352.50 352.80 354.20 6871578.11 | 351.80 352.00 350.50 349.40 352.00 355.30 351.80 352.10 352.60 6871378.11 | 348.50 352.00 351.30 352.60 354.10 352.20 353.50 355.00 352.20 6871178.11 | 351.80 351.30 350.90 352.00 352.80 350.50 351.00 353.10 354.70 6870978.11 | 351.80 350.50 348.50 350.00 352.00 353.40 352.80 350.60 352.00 6870778.11 | 350.00 348.10 349.20 351.40 350.80 350.80 351.00 352.10 349.90 6870578.11 | 349.30 350.10 350.00 351.30 352.60 348.30 347.50 350.00 349.10 6870378.11 | 348.70 350.50 353.70 349.00 349.60 347.40 352.40 351.60 351.30 6870178.11 | 348.90 347.00 347.00 348.10 350.00 350.30 348.00 349.00 349.70 6869978.11 | 348.30 347.70 348.80 348.00 349.00 350.80 350.20 348.70 348.30 6869778.11 | 347.20 347.30 348.90 348.60 349.60 348.20 348.20 347.00 349.00 6869578.11 | 346.40 348.00 348.20 348.00 347.00 347.00 347.60 350.00 348.00 6869378.11 | 349.00 346.60 349.90 348.30 347.60 349.80 346.10 347.20 347.20 6869178.11 | 346.70 345.60 346.60 346.60 347.40 347.50 347.00 346.70 346.90 6868978.11 | 348.00 349.00 345.80 345.00 345.00 348.20 346.60 347.00 347.80 6868778.11 | 346.10 346.10 346.00 346.40 345.00 344.20 349.10 346.00 346.60� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 72 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 489853.19 490053.19 490253.19 490453.19 490653.19 490853.19 491053.19 491253.19 491453.19

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PM10.ADO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 345.40 346.40 343.80 344.00 345.10 344.40 344.80 346.00 345.40 6868378.11 | 343.00 345.80 345.10 344.50 346.90 344.10 345.50 344.90 346.00 6868178.11 | 342.30 344.70 342.50 344.20 343.30 344.00 343.70 344.10 343.50 6867978.11 | 343.40 342.40 343.00 342.60 342.50 344.30 341.70 343.50 342.50 6867778.11 | 342.90 343.00 341.40 340.20 343.90 340.40 344.90 343.00 344.20 6867578.11 | 343.40 342.70 342.70 344.70 342.20 341.90 342.00 343.30 342.70 6867378.11 | 343.60 340.10 339.90 342.40 342.10 341.20 340.40 341.00 340.60 6867178.11 | 340.60 341.10 338.10 342.60 341.90 341.80 341.60 343.00 342.80 6866978.11 | 340.90 342.00 339.40 340.30 340.80 341.80 342.60 341.00 339.80 6866778.11 | 339.80 342.10 340.30 340.20 338.90 343.00 340.90 342.10 340.50 6866578.11 | 338.60 339.10 340.00 341.00 341.90 340.70 339.50 339.00 339.00 6866378.11 | 337.40 340.20 338.70 339.40 340.00 338.50 342.10 339.00 335.70 6866178.11 | 340.20 339.00 337.50 339.60 340.00 339.40 337.80 339.90 339.00 6865978.11 | 337.00 336.10 339.20 336.40 337.20 340.00 338.40 338.10 337.80 6865778.11 | 336.80 337.10 338.70 337.10 335.10 337.70 339.40 337.10 338.00 6865578.11 | 338.00 335.60 336.40 336.00 335.00 336.80 335.30 338.40 336.80 6865378.11 | 336.90 336.10 338.20 334.00 335.30 337.10 335.40 335.00 336.50 6865178.11 | 334.10 334.90 336.70 337.60 334.80 333.70 335.30 335.80 335.50 6864978.11 | 335.30 338.40 337.10 335.00 335.60 334.60 333.60 336.90 334.90 6864778.11 | 333.00 331.90 333.00 336.10 334.20 335.00 336.60 334.00 334.80 6864578.11 | 333.60 333.20 331.20 334.10 333.30 335.10 333.00 335.60 334.10� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 73 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 491653.19 491853.19 492053.19 492253.19 492453.19 492653.19 492853.19 493053.19 493253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 410.50 409.10 411.80 413.40 412.90 413.00 414.50 415.90 416.00 6884378.11 | 409.20 408.30 411.00 412.80 410.90 412.00 412.60 412.90 413.60

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PM10.ADO 6884178.11 | 408.80 412.30 409.60 407.00 409.70 408.10 411.20 412.00 412.60 6883978.11 | 408.40 407.10 407.00 409.60 408.10 408.10 410.50 412.00 413.00 6883778.11 | 407.30 405.60 405.00 409.80 410.90 409.30 410.70 412.50 415.00 6883578.11 | 407.50 406.00 406.80 409.70 414.00 414.60 416.50 416.00 418.00 6883378.11 | 406.00 404.90 412.60 412.40 415.10 417.30 418.60 424.20 427.00 6883178.11 | 404.40 406.60 409.60 413.90 418.10 421.00 423.10 426.90 428.70 6882978.11 | 405.20 405.90 407.90 411.20 415.00 420.00 421.60 422.10 421.90 6882778.11 | 402.90 404.90 405.80 409.40 412.10 417.00 416.60 417.80 418.70 6882578.11 | 400.10 404.00 406.90 405.90 412.10 411.80 412.10 413.10 418.40 6882378.11 | 399.50 402.40 404.60 405.10 406.00 410.30 410.00 415.30 418.00 6882178.11 | 401.00 401.10 404.50 406.50 405.90 409.00 409.60 411.90 411.70 6881978.11 | 400.40 403.30 401.70 404.70 404.40 406.30 406.70 407.00 411.90 6881778.11 | 399.60 398.70 403.00 402.00 403.00 402.90 405.80 407.10 412.90 6881578.11 | 398.90 398.20 401.00 399.00 401.10 404.40 408.00 409.90 417.80 6881378.11 | 396.40 400.20 398.30 401.60 403.60 405.70 410.90 410.50 417.90 6881178.11 | 397.40 397.30 396.80 401.00 404.00 405.10 412.20 413.30 423.00 6880978.11 | 396.50 397.00 396.90 398.00 403.00 407.00 411.40 418.00 421.10 6880778.11 | 395.40 396.00 398.40 397.30 401.40 406.80 411.40 418.50 422.60 6880578.11 | 396.30 393.60 397.60 396.40 402.30 404.40 408.60 412.60 421.10 6880378.11 | 392.00 393.10 394.20 396.40 399.90 403.00 405.00 408.00 413.60 6880178.11 | 392.60 391.30 392.20 394.70 395.90 399.00 402.40 403.00 409.30 6879978.11 | 388.90 390.40 391.40 392.40 396.00 396.10 398.40 401.30 403.30 6879778.11 | 388.10 391.80 390.80 390.50 394.00 394.00 394.90 394.90 397.90 6879578.11 | 386.60 386.00 388.20 388.40 390.90 390.30 392.50 394.80 395.20 6879378.11 | 385.60 386.50 388.50 388.40 388.30 391.00 391.00 391.40 390.40 6879178.11 | 386.40 384.00 385.00 386.00 387.00 390.20 390.90 391.00 389.80 6878978.11 | 383.00 383.00 385.80 384.30 386.20 387.50 389.30 387.90 387.10 6878778.11 | 381.60 381.00 386.70 386.20 386.00 386.00 385.20 386.50 386.80 6878578.11 | 378.60 381.10 380.80 382.10 383.20 384.00 383.00 384.20 385.00 6878378.11 | 380.80 379.10 381.10 379.10 379.50 382.60 384.20 384.10 382.20 6878178.11 | 380.10 379.00 379.50 379.90 377.40 381.50 380.20 381.50 382.10 6877978.11 | 377.00 378.10 378.90 378.90 378.90 379.10 380.90 379.90 381.00 6877778.11 | 377.80 376.30 375.30 376.10 377.00 378.30 376.80 375.10 379.20 6877578.11 | 375.70 374.60 374.50 375.20 377.00 378.30 376.00 376.60 380.50

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PM10.ADO 6877378.11 | 375.50 375.10 374.80 375.50 373.90 374.00 374.90 377.20 381.00 6877178.11 | 374.40 374.30 372.50 374.00 374.20 374.30 378.80 378.90 382.00 6876978.11 | 372.30 373.60 373.40 375.60 374.40 376.00 374.20 375.90 380.00 6876778.11 | 371.00 371.00 371.40 371.40 375.00 376.20 376.10 378.00 379.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 74 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 491653.19 491853.19 492053.19 492253.19 492453.19 492653.19 492853.19 493053.19 493253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 372.60 370.20 371.70 373.10 373.90 375.10 373.70 375.80 379.20 6876378.11 | 368.00 372.50 370.40 372.80 374.60 373.40 374.80 377.60 380.90 6876178.11 | 369.50 372.90 373.90 371.00 370.90 371.20 372.50 377.00 382.00 6875978.11 | 368.40 369.20 368.40 370.00 372.70 370.80 371.20 372.70 381.30 6875778.11 | 368.70 367.00 367.90 367.90 369.60 370.80 371.00 371.00 372.50 6875578.11 | 367.50 368.00 370.00 369.00 369.00 369.20 368.50 367.00 371.00 6875378.11 | 367.00 367.90 369.00 369.70 366.30 368.70 367.40 368.10 370.70 6875178.11 | 367.00 364.10 367.50 366.80 366.30 366.20 366.40 367.50 368.40 6874978.11 | 367.00 362.00 364.80 365.00 367.90 364.90 363.50 366.00 367.80 6874778.11 | 365.60 364.00 364.80 365.60 363.30 367.00 365.60 361.20 365.70 6874578.11 | 364.10 362.40 363.50 362.40 360.50 362.60 362.40 364.50 365.80 6874378.11 | 360.40 363.00 362.00 364.90 362.00 361.80 363.00 363.00 364.70 6874178.11 | 360.30 363.20 360.30 363.70 362.20 362.20 362.20 363.00 364.70 6873978.11 | 363.30 358.50 361.40 360.40 361.00 360.50 362.00 359.00 362.50 6873778.11 | 357.50 359.10 357.20 358.60 358.10 360.30 359.90 361.00 362.90 6873578.11 | 358.70 358.70 360.60 359.60 357.20 359.80 357.80 362.00 359.30 6873378.11 | 356.90 356.60 360.60 357.00 359.40 359.70 357.80 358.60 360.60 6873178.11 | 357.20 357.20 355.40 357.90 357.00 358.00 358.90 359.90 358.00 6872978.11 | 358.60 356.10 358.00 358.20 354.30 356.40 357.70 357.20 356.90 6872778.11 | 359.30 358.20 355.20 357.60 353.50 353.50 355.00 356.70 358.70 6872578.11 | 356.00 355.90 360.00 357.50 356.10

Page 95

PM10.ADO 352.20 356.00 355.00 357.90 6872378.11 | 356.40 355.50 355.80 355.30 357.00 355.30 356.10 355.90 354.80 6872178.11 | 356.40 352.10 353.30 355.80 352.60 355.00 354.00 354.40 354.60 6871978.11 | 354.60 354.90 353.20 353.50 356.00 353.70 352.60 354.00 353.10 6871778.11 | 353.90 355.70 352.70 353.20 352.10 350.90 353.70 353.10 355.80 6871578.11 | 353.30 354.40 346.80 352.80 356.00 353.90 352.80 351.10 351.50 6871378.11 | 353.90 352.00 350.00 351.00 350.10 352.40 353.60 350.80 350.20 6871178.11 | 350.10 351.40 350.80 351.70 349.90 349.40 353.00 349.60 349.20 6870978.11 | 351.00 351.60 352.10 351.20 350.50 350.10 351.40 351.10 351.40 6870778.11 | 352.00 348.90 351.00 349.40 347.00 349.90 348.50 349.00 349.30 6870578.11 | 350.40 350.00 351.20 350.50 348.80 350.70 347.10 346.90 349.20 6870378.11 | 350.50 349.80 349.30 348.00 349.40 349.30 348.80 348.10 347.20 6870178.11 | 349.90 348.10 348.80 347.70 349.80 346.20 347.40 348.90 348.20 6869978.11 | 348.40 347.50 350.80 347.40 348.40 345.00 345.70 345.80 350.60 6869778.11 | 349.20 346.70 347.80 345.60 348.60 346.80 343.00 343.00 346.80 6869578.11 | 346.40 348.10 347.70 346.00 348.00 347.80 348.10 347.00 344.30 6869378.11 | 349.00 346.10 345.80 345.90 346.20 349.00 347.10 347.70 345.40 6869178.11 | 345.80 346.40 344.70 344.40 344.10 345.30 346.70 347.10 344.80 6868978.11 | 345.70 345.70 346.20 344.90 342.90 345.00 346.10 345.80 345.70 6868778.11 | 344.40 342.90 344.70 346.30 344.70 345.30 344.90 344.20 342.30� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 75 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 491653.19 491853.19 492053.19 492253.19 492453.19 492653.19 492853.19 493053.19 493253.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 345.30 344.00 344.50 345.40 344.20 343.90 344.70 343.10 342.50 6868378.11 | 344.40 345.90 344.00 345.00 344.80 342.00 343.40 344.00 343.20 6868178.11 | 343.10 345.30 343.60 345.30 343.90 343.10 342.20 342.90 344.50 6867978.11 | 345.80 342.60 343.20 344.60 343.40 342.80 343.90 341.20 341.40 6867778.11 | 344.40 342.00 341.20 342.40 343.00 342.00 341.10 339.90 341.00

Page 96

PM10.ADO 6867578.11 | 342.90 341.80 345.00 343.30 342.70

342.80 341.10 341.70 342.90 6867378.11 | 340.40 339.10 342.30 342.50 340.40

342.40 340.80 343.20 340.50 6867178.11 | 341.90 341.90 340.00 339.50 340.90

340.80 340.10 340.90 340.90 6866978.11 | 340.30 339.80 339.70 338.00 338.50

341.40 340.00 339.20 342.20 6866778.11 | 343.20 341.90 339.30 337.40 341.50

337.40 340.40 337.10 339.40 6866578.11 | 340.50 340.20 336.10 339.10 339.20

340.80 341.10 337.00 338.90 6866378.11 | 339.20 339.00 337.90 337.00 337.90

338.30 337.70 339.50 336.80 6866178.11 | 338.40 339.60 339.90 337.60 337.40

336.10 336.20 337.30 337.80 6865978.11 | 339.40 337.20 337.30 340.40 337.20

338.00 337.00 336.80 337.80 6865778.11 | 339.00 336.80 337.00 338.40 338.00

336.70 336.70 336.50 334.10 6865578.11 | 336.60 336.70 337.90 336.40 335.60

335.00 336.20 337.00 336.60 6865378.11 | 335.00 339.00 337.20 337.40 334.90

336.20 337.50 334.90 335.20 6865178.11 | 336.90 334.40 336.00 337.70 336.90

336.30 333.90 333.60 337.00 6864978.11 | 335.80 334.00 337.40 334.70 336.00

335.90 335.20 332.60 333.80 6864778.11 | 334.00 335.00 336.90 334.50 335.80

333.90 335.00 334.80 334.00 6864578.11 | 332.60 332.90 337.10 336.20 334.50

333.50 333.40 334.70 333.80� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** ***

*** 13:14:44




Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS)(METERS) | 493453.19 493653.19

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6884578.11 | 414.40 417.10 6884378.11 | 415.60 416.10 6884178.11 | 413.40 415.10 6883978.11 | 415.00 416.20 6883778.11 | 416.40 418.60 6883578.11 | 419.40 419.50 6883378.11 | 424.00 432.00 6883178.11 | 429.20 430.80 6882978.11 | 426.80 429.60 6882778.11 | 422.90 423.10 6882578.11 | 421.40 423.30 6882378.11 | 420.10 420.70 6882178.11 | 414.40 417.90 6881978.11 | 416.00 423.10 6881778.11 | 421.40 427.40 6881578.11 | 423.90 430.20 6881378.11 | 425.00 433.40 6881178.11 | 428.20 437.00

Page 97

PM10.ADO 6880978.11 | 437.00 443.10 6880778.11 | 429.60 439.30 6880578.11 | 429.00 431.20 6880378.11 | 420.90 421.90 6880178.11 | 413.30 418.50 6879978.11 | 404.40 409.80 6879778.11 | 400.40 404.80 6879578.11 | 396.40 402.10 6879378.11 | 393.00 396.50 6879178.11 | 391.00 389.10 6878978.11 | 389.40 387.90 6878778.11 | 386.40 385.70 6878578.11 | 386.40 383.20 6878378.11 | 381.80 383.10 6878178.11 | 380.20 381.60 6877978.11 | 381.40 380.80 6877778.11 | 381.60 381.10 6877578.11 | 381.10 385.00 6877378.11 | 383.50 384.90 6877178.11 | 383.90 388.00 6876978.11 | 382.80 388.40 6876778.11 | 384.00 390.10� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 77 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 493453.19 493653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6876578.11 | 382.10 389.30 6876378.11 | 380.30 384.90 6876178.11 | 385.50 387.90 6875978.11 | 380.70 383.70 6875778.11 | 377.00 379.90 6875578.11 | 371.40 372.90 6875378.11 | 369.70 371.20 6875178.11 | 370.00 369.90 6874978.11 | 367.40 368.30 6874778.11 | 367.30 366.50 6874578.11 | 366.00 364.30 6874378.11 | 365.60 364.80 6874178.11 | 363.60 366.00 6873978.11 | 362.40 366.00 6873778.11 | 362.10 361.00 6873578.11 | 360.40 360.70 6873378.11 | 359.80 359.10 6873178.11 | 357.90 360.90 6872978.11 | 356.10 357.80 6872778.11 | 355.40 357.40 6872578.11 | 355.00 355.00 6872378.11 | 355.30 358.00 6872178.11 | 354.60 356.50 6871978.11 | 353.50 354.10 6871778.11 | 353.30 354.20 6871578.11 | 354.20 351.80 6871378.11 | 349.10 350.00 6871178.11 | 349.70 348.90

Page 98

PM10.ADO 6870978.11 | 349.60 347.60 6870778.11 | 351.40 346.20 6870578.11 | 346.70 348.80 6870378.11 | 348.30 347.20 6870178.11 | 346.60 346.20 6869978.11 | 344.30 345.10 6869778.11 | 345.70 349.60 6869578.11 | 345.00 346.00 6869378.11 | 344.10 344.50 6869178.11 | 343.80 341.70 6868978.11 | 343.00 343.90 6868778.11 | 346.10 345.00� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 78 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*



Y-COORD | X-COORD (METERS) (METERS) | 493453.19 493653.19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6868578.11 | 344.00 345.00 6868378.11 | 342.10 343.80 6868178.11 | 341.20 340.60 6867978.11 | 341.60 343.90 6867778.11 | 340.60 340.80 6867578.11 | 339.70 342.00 6867378.11 | 337.00 341.90 6867178.11 | 341.00 340.80 6866978.11 | 339.00 339.50 6866778.11 | 338.00 339.40 6866578.11 | 337.90 337.10 6866378.11 | 335.60 337.00 6866178.11 | 337.70 337.10 6865978.11 | 337.60 337.30 6865778.11 | 335.00 336.30 6865578.11 | 336.20 335.00 6865378.11 | 338.10 335.00 6865178.11 | 336.30 335.20 6864978.11 | 335.00 337.90 6864778.11 | 333.00 335.90 6864578.11 | 334.80 335.80� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 79 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


( 469111.6, 6865304.9, 316.0, 316.0, 0.0); ( 469317.2, 6865035.9, 319.2, 319.2, 0.0); ( 468798.0, 6865354.8, 318.3, 318.3, 0.0);

Page 99

PM10.ADO � *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 80 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


SOURCE - - RECEPTOR LOCATION - - DISTANCE ID XR (METERS) YR (METERS) (METERS) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WE1 479453.2 6879578.1 -50.67 WE1 479653.2 6879578.1 -97.94 WE3 479253.2 6876978.1 -41.75 WE3 479453.2 6876978.1 -126.86 WE3 479653.2 6876978.1 -59.20 WE3 479253.2 6877178.1 -135.72 WE3 479453.2 6877178.1 -323.75 WE3 479653.2 6877178.1 -161.69 WE3 479253.2 6877378.1 -72.85 WE3 479453.2 6877378.1 -172.28 WE3 479653.2 6877378.1 -92.40 WE4 481053.2 6878378.1 -22.49 WE4 480653.2 6878578.1 -28.54 WE4 480853.2 6878578.1 -168.77 WE4 481053.2 6878578.1 -222.23 WE4 481253.2 6878578.1 -147.01 WE4 480653.2 6878778.1 -110.88 WE4 480853.2 6878778.1 -302.88 WE4 481053.2 6878778.1 -420.64 WE4 481253.2 6878778.1 -268.18 WE4 481453.2 6878778.1 -74.34 WE4 480653.2 6878978.1 -99.31 WE4 480853.2 6878978.1 -280.92

Page 100

PM10.ADO WE4 481053.2 6878978.1 -375.75 WE4 481253.2 6878978.1 -249.24 WE4 481453.2 6878978.1 -63.74 WE4 480653.2 6879178.1 -0.31 WE4 480853.2 6879178.1 -129.68 WE4 481053.2 6879178.1 -176.61 WE4 481253.2 6879178.1 -110.10 WE5 480053.2 6877178.1 -118.09 WE5 480253.2 6877178.1 -185.28 WE5 480453.2 6877178.1 -136.35 WE5 480653.2 6877178.1 -4.59 WE5 479853.2 6877378.1 -67.61 WE5 480053.2 6877378.1 -254.74 WE5 480253.2 6877378.1 -384.48 WE5 480453.2 6877378.1 -284.28 WE5 480653.2 6877378.1 -100.34 WE5 479853.2 6877578.1 -74.26� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 81 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


SOURCE - - RECEPTOR LOCATION - - DISTANCE ID XR (METERS) YR (METERS) (METERS) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WE5 480053.2 6877578.1 -266.66 WE5 480253.2 6877578.1 -412.59 WE5 480453.2 6877578.1 -297.93 WE5 480653.2 6877578.1 -107.54 WE5 480053.2 6877778.1 -141.19 WE5 480253.2 6877778.1 -213.75 WE5 480453.2 6877778.1

Page 101

PM10.ADO-160.69 WE5 480653.2 6877778.1 -22.17 WE5 480253.2 6877978.1 -13.96� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 82 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80,� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** *** *** 13:14:44 PAGE 83 *** MODELOPTs: RegDFAULT CONC ELEV RURAL ADJ_U*


Surface file: yogi.sfc Met Version: 15181 Profile file: yogi.PFL Surface format: FREE Profile format: FREE Surface station no.: 0 Upper air station no.: 12038 Name: UNKNOWN Name: UNKNOWN Year: 2017 Year: 2017

Page 102


First 24 hours of scalar data YR MO DY JDY HR H0 U* W* DT/DZ ZICNV ZIMCH M-O LEN Z0 BOWEN ALBEDO REF WS WD HT REF TA HT- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 07 01 182 01 -22.7 0.210 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 231. 48.5 0.15 4.82 1.00 1.30 308. 10.0 283.0 10.0 17 07 01 182 02 -21.6 0.200 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 215. 44.0 0.15 4.82 1.00 1.30 305. 10.0 282.8 10.0 17 07 01 182 03 -21.7 0.200 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 215. 44.0 0.15 4.82 1.00 1.30 306. 10.0 282.5 10.0 17 07 01 182 04 -21.7 0.200 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 215. 44.0 0.15 4.82 1.00 1.40 303. 10.0 282.2 10.0 17 07 01 182 05 -20.6 0.190 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 199. 39.7 0.15 4.82 1.00 1.30 288. 10.0 281.9 10.0 17 07 01 182 06 -21.7 0.200 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 215. 44.0 0.15 4.82 1.00 1.50 276. 10.0 281.6 10.0 17 07 01 182 07 -21.7 0.200 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 215. 44.0 0.15 4.82 1.00 1.50 298. 10.0 281.9 10.0 17 07 01 182 08 -19.5 0.180 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 183. 35.6 0.15 4.82 0.62 1.20 294. 10.0 282.1 10.0 17 07 01 182 09 130.1 0.190 0.573 0.005 50. 199. -4.6 0.15 4.82 0.36 1.40 300. 10.0 282.9 10.0 17 07 01 182 10 224.8 0.270 1.439 0.005 460. 337. -7.6 0.15 4.82 0.28 1.90 288. 10.0 284.4 10.0 17 07 01 182 11 173.4 0.340 1.505 0.005 683. 476. -19.6 0.15 4.82 0.25 2.60 267. 10.0 285.4 10.0 17 07 01 182 12 192.6 0.340 1.692 0.005 874. 476. -17.7 0.15 4.82 0.25 2.70 270. 10.0 285.6 10.0 17 07 01 182 13 223.9 0.400 1.910 0.005 1080. 607. -24.8 0.15 4.82 0.24 3.10 270. 10.0 286.2 10.0 17 07 01 182 14 188.3 0.390 1.905 0.005 1275. 585. -27.3 0.15 4.82 0.25 3.20 270. 10.0 286.5 10.0 17 07 01 182 15 85.9 0.400 1.547 0.005 1497. 607. -64.6 0.15 4.82 0.26 3.40 264. 10.0 286.5 10.0 17 07 01 182 16 100.4 0.350 1.685 0.005 1654. 499. -37.0 0.15 4.82 0.31 3.00 264. 10.0 286.4 10.0 17 07 01 182 17 -34.2 0.320 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 435. 112.6 0.15 4.82 0.45 2.70 264. 10.0 286.4 10.0 17 07 01 182 18 -26.8 0.250 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 302. 68.8 0.15 4.82 1.00 2.30 270. 10.0 285.9 10.0 17 07 01 182 19 -24.7 0.230 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 265. 58.2 0.15 4.82 1.00 2.10 274. 10.0 285.1 10.0 17 07 01 182 20 -25.8 0.240 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 282. 63.4 0.15 4.82 1.00 2.00 277. 10.0 284.4 10.0 17 07 01 182 21 -25.9 0.240 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 282. 63.4 0.15 4.82 1.00 2.00 276. 10.0 283.9 10.0 17 07 01 182 22 -25.9 0.240 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 282. 63.4 0.15 4.82 1.00 2.00 274. 10.0 283.5 10.0 17 07 01 182 23 -28.1 0.260 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 318. 74.4 0.15 4.82 1.00 2.10 268. 10.0 283.0 10.0 17 07 01 182 24 -30.3 0.280 -9.000 -9.000 -999. 356. 86.2 0.15 4.82 1.00 2.10 258. 10.0 282.5 10.0

First hour of profile data YR MO DY HR HEIGHT F WDIR WSPD AMB_TMP sigmaA sigmaW sigmaV 17 07 01 01 10.0 1 308. 1.30 283.1 99.0 -99.00 -99.00

F indicates top of profile (=1) or below (=0)� *** AERMOD - VERSION 16216r *** *** G:\61\37117\Tech\Air Quality\04. Dispersion\Yogi\Yogi.isc *** 04/24/19 *** AERMET - VERSION 15181 *** ***

*** 13:14:44


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************************************ *** AERMOD Finishes Successfully *** ************************************

Page 104

Appendix B – Greenhouse Gas Calculations

Greenhouse gas calculationsNumber fleet based on AQ assessment and emissions inventory

Power Plant Assumption from AQ report ‐ the mine is expected to operate with three 8‐hour working shifts for 350

Normal conditions Amount Unit Factor DescriptionCapacity gas turbine 10 MWh 350 Operational days p/yr

Number of gas turbines 10 8400 Operating hours p/yr

Total power delivered to the plant 100 MWh

Total kWh 840,000,000                                 kW p/yr Using equation from Haul truck fuel consumption and CO2 emission under various engine load conditioGJ 3,024,000                                     GJ p/yr Engine power (kwh)Modelm3 79,809,976                                   m3 p/yr 386 HD325‐7

Emissions factor 51.530 kg CO2‑e/GJ 1175 HD1500‐8

Energy content factor 0.0393 GJ/m3

Annual emissions during normal operations 161,625                                         tonnes CO2‐e

Upset conditions Amount Unit

Capacity gas turbine 10 MWh

Number of gas turbines 12

Total power delivered to the plant 120 MWh

Total kWh 1,008,000,000                              kW p/yr

GJ 3,628,800                                     GJ p/yr

m3 95,771,971                                   m3 p/yr

Emissions factor 51.530 kg CO2‑e/GJ

Energy content factor 0.0393 GJ/m3

Annual emissions during upset operations 193,951                                         tonnes CO2‐e

Yogi diesel emissions annual operations

Total fuel (L/yr)* Fuel consumption (L/km)Total number of km driven 

each day (all vehicles)Assumption

LV22,400                                           0.1                                                    

640                                               4 hours travel per day for provided fleet, average speed of 40 

km/hr (based on previous mine assessment. 4 cars total. HiLux in 

Bus (to/from Yalgoo) 16,380                                           0.4                                                     120                                                3 x 40 km return trips to Yalgoo for 3 x 8 hour shifts per day. 

Total fuel (L/yr)* Fuel per operational hour (L/h)

Total operational hours (h/day)


Haul (dump) trucks ‐ HD325‐6 5,349,960                                     57.9                                                   264                                               

Haul (dump) trucks ‐ HD1500‐8 17,766,000                                   176.3                                                288                                               

Excavator/Loader 1,201,200                                     11.0                                                   312                                                13 excavators & loaders in continuous operation

Dozer 504,000                                         30.0                                                   48                                                   2 dozers in continous operation

Water cart 168,000                                         20.0                                                   24                                                   1 cart in continous operation

Grader 336,000                                         20.0                                                   48                                                   1 grader in continuous operation

Total kL fuel used 25,364                                           kL

Energy content factor, diesel 39                                                  GJ/kL

Emissions factor 70                                                  kg CO2‐e/GJ

Emissions 68,435                                           tonnes CO2‐e

Summary ‐ Normal operations Total Emissions (tonnes CO2‐e)


Total diesel fleet 68,435                                           30%

Total electricty 161,625                                         70%

Total emissions 230,061                                         100%

Round trip to processing plant and waste rock dumps x number of 

trips required for given throughput



Total Emissions (tonnes CO2‐e)Normal operations

Total diesel fleet

Total electricty


Level 10 999 Hay Street T: 61 8 6222 8222 F: 61 8 6222 8555 E: [email protected]

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Rev 0 G Formentin A Sala Tenna

J Forrest B Cook

M Brook 06/04/2020

