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Date post: 10-Jul-2018
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puismn. I, llkettte, Afrtl S. ML at the Seattle. Tacoma Sno- |Psrr' ?* clearing houeea today SL.. MUSIS IM#« BB:::::: BMB* SBB ~ aaatTU lUbabiL mieot taveked tlw Mghaat aotcb *«»? it baa Ma year oa. I Wm- S#ae quotable at W aad No. 1 Hat Wkr. Wheat and Savr at* eery S with a atrong tendency to rte* atlll L, Oata and barley an alao quite E. »od mill faad are dectdediy weaker jEiaat anotinpa. Tbe praaaat pteaeant 5 af waatbar baa fonerd feotdtng* to Boat Tba demand la rathar 11* n- Juat STand pricae mar drop a Httl*. llnni from C*n/orato announce an ad- Xa af >c par pooad On evaporated apri- ST obf-h will mean an advance la 9eat- paaatatlana. «£» ta an impartaat advance in prtcea \u25a0gcracbera and fancy cakaa. iSae <»«?- A eartoad gf fall eroam Wlaconaln ehoaaa 'cSw uoultnMa eehe'eearxse. Me a pound ( la no chance a* ipaatationa. Mia, If anytbtoc ara pttw ip a little weaker. are weaker, aaai" are very *low enie. only fancy pgpaaiaable. fb» following prtcea are beina offered to la arodorer by local dealer* far delivery MMPd lota on tb« dock or In the car at Mk-Poitt dour.J oata, larby, \u25a0Jfe Papal aound wheat chicken feed. EHmfc RktH: atoorto. tUM. corn. 113 iLyJhwt Sound. 11l per ton: Sa»t- timothy, 115. KSS'ib freah ranch. ISV \u25a0gTrridi ranch. IS#lic; creamery, live. Ur per lb. fjv«flMC«~-Choice beef cattle, cow#. 19 p; tteam choice aheep. MMWc; mi lis »W. 4W»%C, hop* dreaaad sc; ESm imad. larpe. Bc. amali. ftfcc; SKe*. are, larpe. Ic; calvee, live, amall. MM Mt* and Wool?Heavy aalted Ml a*ar m Iba. so; medium, par lb. nte; KM. under « It*, 7c; heavy cowa. s>«c; E(, Ue; aalted klpa «4c; calf, per lb. iTirw hldea. lc lean than aalted; dry M|m, par lb. K&Uc; cuila on above, one- ilf* leaa: dry efka. per lb. StflSc; dry deer Ea aummcr. per lb. IHSc; pood winter, mil; poor to thin winter, MHOc; aheap Stta, lona wool. Wwlern Waahlnpton. baited. Ue per b; dirty. HHlc per lb; doaa, Umber aulned. Jobbing kMiatiea*. quetatlona Saturday war* as p. ' Pagar. Fleer and Cef«e. daaar Oobbinp)-Oolden "C," In bbla. par rextra "C" In hWe. per lb. S%c; h granulated in bbla per lb. £%t; cuba. k; powdered, MfcC: apot caab prteea. Flaur. ate (jobLlnp) Fatent Excellent, til: ffwrtty A W Star (bikfivl SP; toe. 14.25. California branda. H.«M4.»; Candika. RS. Bl* Loaf. K»: Oold Drop. W; Le«al Tender. PW: buckwheat, per It. r»; per cwt. »T5; era ham per bbi, l~ or Mi eacka. IS oar cwt; rolled oata. Mr bbi. 2*toe. M.S: rolled oata. baiea. tt.«; paHay. par cwt. 0: Raked wheat. PS; \u25a0r eaae; whole wheat naur. per bbl. fit pr fwt. 01ft: pearl barley. Im-lb aacka. r. 8-lb bose* «*V*. apHt pcae. per MS-lb Mk 9\r; B-it» boxen. Vic: nea meal Vm. U>. 4Vc farina, to*. HOD: tracked MMat Ua, 12.A0: Ma. 0.73: oat meal, eteel- P. We 11. % 10a. PP corn me.l, yet- to. Kn II SO: S0». «\u2666» white. 10a o.«ft; PLJLSO. whole hominy hitU t3 7">; hale*. IK rye flour. o.7r> per bbi; 0.0 per bale; yafeMal. USA per bbl; 0 per bate. Cifee (jobblnaV- Green? Mocha, per lb. (Uva. per lb. HSHc: Coata Rica. RMto. per lb. He. Roaeted-Arbuckle'*. Rjpib naana. per cwt. 01. Uk «Mb caaea. Mttoi. 111.0; SUIb caaee. per cart. H1.0; Sea |a-ib tir.a. par lb Hn; a*aba, lie; Mto Mocha. OHc; far a cola 0r; Quate- tela. He; frmind coffee MfMc; Lion, Mia. BH; m. 01.0; Mn 01.0. Nm«. PravMm awl risk. Frsafc Meats (Jobktng)-- Cow be«f. ~Q TV Dtp lb. Mwr b*«f <e p*r lb: mutroa. par lb: port. > p«r lb; vsa!. Jar**. Mir. seal email dr. FmMonii (Jobbing)?Hama, Urge. W# IP»a: ham*. small MMHH4O: breakfast. 'JMM. He: «lrv salted glde* T^eTVbe. Frarfi FWh Oohblngi? Halibut M*7c: Ml- BML t*»r; sa'tnon trout. 16411 c: flfluti wn 3^04- \u25a0\u25a0 «a)*a *r. rock cod, Ic; black \u25a0M*. se: twrj-b. MtV. mountain trout. lf> par: shrimp* I<V . »me!r M|4c: tun cod, ?; herring >iW< : oysters, Olympl*. 11.5# m aack. sl.lO per cation clam*. 11.50 per lajk: thmgene** crabk. live. JSr; rooked, Siaoke<i Flah (JoUbtngv-Salmon. #tev>l- lt*d Mr; Chinook We; fall salmon. *!*?; fcakbut. .hunk* W»\ dde«, to: buckling*. 9a per boa herring ®c- Slfttd Ftah tUh Hall and herring keg* |HO#l.;5: Jmjpa Hmfcif. bbla. »: amokad sealed wtaf Xto. per bo* fto; spiced herring. H; macfcar*!. MO-11. VhWa. te»; rodfteh. Mb brick*. 7®to; wbole «?* MMb base*, to. .Oiwil Ft*h (Jobbing)?Clatn*. Mb Pk per do*. ». clams 1-lb ttna. p«»r teft# l-lb ttna. oer do* fc ?Wtaaliuotv Atoeka pink. f|- Alaska «it. >Ut; Puset eoued tl aardlne* rag. «nrwiN«.'« S5? Maata (JobbtngWDev'led ham. as jEPpwfrhlt-lw. IS% K«(« aari Pealiry. 15#tTr fa nee dalrv, tn nc*?* Washington creameries. flvL. *2t!j *°»* and Rtgfn. In labs a#x California 51tf£tc Kawern 12*,f|l:V: Cal- OfSlm. tfc?bin*V?Strict!* fresh rsneh lXc: *!**< Honey «:?«!*» ?*. : -! r ****d turkeys. Wir. F"?t (lobbing)^-AprVet*, bleach* ypaf lb *'\u2666s*. P<* California. p*r *h. ;H, white in eorlUk 5r ;lrj b>>ve« ' v *-or*ted tvr !b. SS« bW» he,! |h rrunea c"*atif/>ml». J«S<- ra'.- SLr _ C*' i" r bo* iooar J" ,r * »!;. »? Musoate'.iee Te. ri?"T gul » rl,> f< r th gmvrna Ic* SJI! 5 fanr) Wo; QoMtn ,V»Tr «Hed rear. nertarlnee in Fran, it*',;:';'> >s^ " Vim- n?»: K«r?v ay-' "tru.? - «~«i£ HlfclJKr,.. f»«i » >»r doa: V 'T;' a » w, _waa Ft'i««a *t>Sh <\u25a0.. <>, ' , It iVli M ? *v, / :v T ."r !* gy**- » . »./?\u25a0 ?. V-r- --«kaice t! ?>' * f,V" * '* " ' "maiv BS *££: feirirs,," 8 * -x-? * rl- - ms r p- *? \u2666** «»?*, t«r*t« «nu r«-rd. 2*. ®a»rr« ; ? , ?' ' J*» «>. t K.: ? 1 ... "#* «> m ft Javs* sw WHMMaaai, 2k* 5 sm£*u%r' Tobacco t3pbbljy>?pfup cbeniM WliSiS par M. a> 1. 1 C locMLM wat CJmw'BirS lbowetoht. %OHk 4 feeTkoT KKftmn s. W* per Ml lineal fopL Ptoketa, kitngrted. 0 la ilTue* «r Inn. Dray- K^TTJSrfS.rurSi pip*. Mb ptr foot. Cement (Jobbing)-Port land. K.&A&, \u25a0J; Aiaan. tUi. j Harbor. 0.10; San faster UobMnO-Ooldea Oat*, par MM. Ptnple CtMcrln. t&Hsem- &£."%\u25a0. v-5 Hou ten's. t-lb tins. «7c: Vfes. «c; fee, 91; Off Cream. Standard 15; Mmroe. up- sweatsoed. ®. Economy. 14.00; Rustle. |4. Challenge. MS. Sauces (Jobbing)? Worcestershire. small. JHfe jflffifiSi Jg drips, keg*, per keg. li.TS; drips gallon ti47py. *g». 100 XCUL Dtf CAM* WPIWI WMf. MK &"\u25a0« J*?* as 144#; Hill's. l-gallan cans. p«r dg* IlilQ; SM* a?»2i IS lbs eachTtl: "allfpfnla; i-tb cam. f do* In eass. per do*. C 30®fl 5d Crackers Cobbing)-Bodss X. tr par Jb: aoiia-* XXX. «Hc: sodas X. S buses. Kc per bo*: sodas XXX, Hi boxes, tfce per box: plcnlo <oy*TerV «V: Boston butter. »c; jumbles, assorted cakes, etc.. ll#l»r; gtn- ger and lemon snsps. 10c per Jb; pilot bread. Use; Oaletta. 7c. Pickles Uubblngt?MJ*sd. half gallons, per do*. »fo: quarts, per doc. 18.25; chaw- chow, quarts. per do*. 13.25; Ptoaitlll, pints, per dos. |2.tS: pickle* In weod kegs, mlxgi snd plain, tic each; H-bbls. plain snd mixed. No. J, gal. Mc; plain and mixed. Vlaegsr fjebbtng H-Barrets. St-gr. par gaL 11c: 40-gr, per gaT I2*4c; 4-bbls. »-gr. per gsl, UHc; 40-gr. ISc; 5-gal kegs. He. Beans (Jobbing4?Bms 11 white, per lb. 2c: pink, per lb, J*ie; Bayos. p*r lb, 4c; i.ima per lb. *Hc. Bice (jobbing!? Japan. 6H®M»c; China. MR; Island. SV>: Rangoon. 4*§c; I^outslana, lL>rted Peas (Jobbing)? Field, green, 3*4 c; per ton, SSMI9; American dairy. 50-lb sacks, per ton, 117: Cosi»t. haU-ground. IW-lb sacks, per ton. H: iO-lb sacks, per ton. fi; S-lb sscks. 77 in bale. $!; 5-lb sacks. W in bale. It: 10-tb sacks » in bale. «2. Lard (Jobbing)? Home-made, per lb. 7c; Wntte Star, l\c; Coin special. 7%e: lard, compound, tierces, 4H? Caaaed ISaada. Canned Veretablea (jobbing)? Tomato**, PC-lb, Mc#n!l»: tomatoea. gallons, ttlon IM: Silver Shield. *1 W: eugar pea*. Mrs Eli; string t>eana Lima bean a tl; Boston baked bean*, tl ttOIS mush- room*. C.2M13 56: French ixt.ia It 2!VW«.fd Canned Fruit*?Table tjobbmgV? Assort- ed. fI.SS; apric ots Vl t5: biackbrrr.efi, Ht|; Bartlett paars. tl n: white cberris* It 95; black cherries |>; peach*a. Cattfornla. tl iO 4|3; strawberries, tl.tt: currants F..M: grapes. tl.2StHl.tt'; pin ma tl.Jktgjti.S): goosr- berrtea. t! 91: rasaberrlos. 13; pineapples (Johnson's*. 13#9 Si. Pto?Assorted, gsllm ttna. tt«O«;.T3: tin*. ».U: pracka*. tl »; aprtcota. tI.JP. blaekberncs in tu-1b tins. 11.90: etirranta gstlan ttna. Min; plums, gallon tins. tL3«; IVi-lb ttna, fl.lt, grape*. JH-tb tin*. tl.lS Sail*. Tools aas tsnlagt. Nails <jobWngV~N*r» list, cut steal, MS to 10*. ti 40; to t»s wlr*. RS Tools (Jobbing i?aaws?Crosocat. Dl*»- ton a tuttio tootn. 3#wec per ft: Humboldt and 5Ac, Ty** crosscut saw. sAc per ft, Canadian racer *u«l raaur steel, tie |»cr ft: hand. Dia«ton"w. 30 per cant, off list Ax**? Single bit. I# prr doaea: doubt* Wt P per do* Shovels and till (>er dn»st H#.. i»«r d«a Hat< oats ?From 14 to IK p«»r do*. Matt<jcks?- « per do*. Pi as?Railroad, 1i.900t p«* doa. Forks?Hay >i and 10 per cent, off h*t Ortndston**- oer lb. Wedge* ?St#*!. ?#l!c per lb. Files?CS and 70 p*r cent, off list laiwti Mower* ?Oreat American. IB and W: I'httadelphia. 6) off; Buckeye, A) and IS per <H*nt. off Scythes and Snaths?tl per cent off Cr**m Frr«'»r»?White Mountain. Si* and Id per cent, off; lightning. SO per cent. Scale*?How* and Fairbanks platform. K I -Ml*) r cent off list. Buffai* «V«s i>er cent, off hst, counter, sit per c*nt oS list SpOfford *rale« fc prr off lis!. Uop*- tjotbin# l Manila -»d larger. TV per lb l!-thre.td. p*T IS; C and a-thrvMtl «*»<?; Sl«aJ. r-4-ineh and larger 7c. li-'f.rcad, ' : vc; « .ind Sr; tarred lath yarn. Sss4l. t**c per Jb. i!nw?rf Pi-ced 't» per r»nt. off; a*amn~d TS and W to it per cent. off. i«rani r aw*r*?SO and 1" :o ? p<r cent, off. Oakum?Per bale. Is SWH'O- t*v rtlack. pfaln. «,75; galvantred. barbed fer,. \u25a0». $.125. wir* cloth, ti l) l>-r >* tx Powder Cob.Mr.gV"Black b'aat'ng p*r keg. fciS; ;--er cent OUtii-H»rcuse» cr Jstdaon fT 51 per case of M pounds. 46 per r«nt Hercules or J adion dvnamns. or Triumpn stump. I* Improved J i.lson stump, 14.59; Oojdeit Sparting. 9t-fi» M; Ouport rifle spirting 25-ib keg a. |I. Bag!* -!b k»as, |U per case. Shot Oobblngt I'roj, |I a »er bag. buck* »«ot II # chl!;rJ shot. H.tk Fuse- Te- i dc-..» tape tH3>; trip)* tape. |7.lt. Heasy Hardware. Wit* Rope?l-is* R\r Iritis «tdW»n»«r- !'*<?* «»re*. }1 t-er cwt. Norway ir>* -a 4s? par lb. Iron PJpa Qubi>j»i>-Wro-gnt iron, up to black. per c«-- o.T V»t. larger *!*?»*. ?> and i# par cent gj?van!tad. !U «t<l tttdar. and S pe r »*ent off; larger «**\u25a0*. 4> and ? per c*n* off fiat. Sleet Z;n i*obblng^-7>sc jier lb. Tin ptfcte tjobbir#^*r-plates. VrvitM !>:. «i*». ?er > *. I\. ik.;^ c Jir, »l fU'.JA lix^ t 3H2* US. S'K"? lr i American. cnm> \u25a0?. - v ' V ;? r.»; * an 4tt ;<er ..-er.t. off list. »" irg---- i«^«t?ft-th-anisrdv %\ f per !b: t 'j. V iV par lb '?»>r ' c T'*»r»etw* ha?f-a"J-ha** l-c j-tr»l eat.-a wising. 15c otta and iarpratiac. WmOALLON. Peart or Astra) jPJ" ®U*" ... m la em ..... ~M § THE SEATTLE FOOT-DTTKLLIGEXCEk WKU«Btt>AT, APRIL t; INC. gjggte ... .. * j| j£Sj£» ">.'r".'..".v.".'.' sb a RttiM *a eaefla 99 IP .... g fi SJltt iSA^AvSBk* 9 ? 1 MAItUS WRR.IT RIRKRT. ? ff|w<t~Ka. | dob, T»jc; J*o. 1 Ua««1««. wkent. No! I dub. Tic; No. | TICMA WH4T KARKtT. TACOMA, Aprill I.?Wheat Rrm and tta* coaaeai, Mo. I dub. He; K& i Mxttm, WRTUJItt WRRAT liIKW. PORTLAND, April l-IWi* la etffi ???sh activity la tba local arbeat market, although thee* waa laaa aaSttap today than «? «ny day Car tba put week Pfieea are aUB mm. covertop a arid* ran*-, acconl- <M to tbe Mod* of tk* buyer There la Mk ehaape la quotattoaa; Walla Walla. 3*; valley and ptumteai, Ho per tvuahel. 9MW fiaCßOl IMRRTI «AN FRANCISCO April iL- Flour la vary fro end anbject to an advance any day. Wheat U eteady; apot Inactive. An aoaler feehme In barky. Oat* are Una at the recant advance. Spot quotation* were: Flour?Net cash for famiiv extra*. till fM.BS; bakers extra*. M-jMiN. Wh**t?Shipping. SO for No. 1. and 041% for cbaOce: mUHn*. o.o*p»i.*%. Barter?Feed. H.a%#lW4; brewlnp. nominal. Oate?Peor to fair. o.oS#t.». food to choice ».»0t.35: fancy feed. milling |l.Jl*t.3&; aurprtaa, R«ert*4a Floor. Quarter aacka. aW; do Oregon. AJ.&M; wheat, cent a la. 121.704; do Oreaon. S.SM: tau-ley. cental*. 440; do Oregon. 4.70; corn, contala. 410. beana Eastern. 400: no- tatoe*. aacka. 1.70; do Oreeon. ."<11; onlone aacka. 2S bran, aacka. 255: do Ore- gon. 4.101: middlinpa. aacka. SS>: do Ore- gon. Sia; bay. tona 01: wool, balea. 00; hldea. number. 4K.qutckallver. rtaaka. 01; wine. paDona. 41.10. Cleat a p tfetntleaa. Wheat?Easier: December. 0.41H: May. tj.ui. Easier; December. 11.21 V May. <\iirn?latrae yellow. Bra A?919.90(|0. Weal and Mapa. Wool?Fall: Southern coaat lam be. 7# Ic; San Joaquin lamb*. 700 c; Northern lamba. ll#Uc; San Joaquin plain*. 7©oc; Humboldt A Mendocino. 14#15c. Hoop-Old crop, nominal; new. MfcffVPxo per lb (or California. I»rad mm*. Pratt. Ktr. iciitmn <«#« Hay?Wheat. ttfo22 3®; wheat and oat. tti.Mftg.*: best berWy UTttW: alfalfa, SIS «14:cf©*er. SlliMlJ: (tool. tU#)S: com- wheat. HO0II; straw, per bale. iP«etablM»?Potatoes. Early Ro*«. 466u0c; River Burbanks I»#d0c: Orsgon Burbanks. MMk<; River Red* 4W|»c: *Wwt. ti W; onkmn. 4£.'<e®2.?s: Karitc. 4#sc: green pea* 2c: a*para*us. 11.75 per bo*; mm plant. 16®12Wc. Chile green pepper* 2MISW-: rhubarb. s©e#tl per bo*. Fruit?Annies, choice. W. 2ft* 13* aon. 3SQtOr; strawberries. 73<{»tl.tf: craiifM. navel*. tlfUl; Mexican limes, re- pack $4414.50: common California lemon*. soc®fl; choice California lemon*. t1.3Hf1.5d; bans ha*. IMK.tS per bunch: pineapples. t2 ©4 per down. ? Butter-'-Kamv creamery . <lo second* l7Ufilßc; fancy dairy. 17c; do !«ee- onds. IStntc Chee*«e-New SV&lOc: California cream Cheddar. Young: American. IOC 11c: Eastern. IWMSc. Store. ISH%t4c; fancy ranch. 14 Poultry?Turkev cobblers. MFUtyc ner lb: turkey hen*. WH2sc:old roofers. IBJW: vcun* roosters. f7.sou#iA broilers. large broiler* f&JWQCOO: fnrer*. H.:**?: hen*. n.SMM.3O. ducks, iceeae. fel.SOtff per pair: oW pigeons. tl.Xo I.»: young_ pigeon*. WT2.50. tS«ekan«r. M1 * Ptaaarlal. Stiver bars ..... IKVijDyfta? Sight ... J2'» Me* itola | Teleir»ph .. .. 15 MlaI Maalw. Alt* 1 Alpha Con ?l£ u,l!o *_-V.' ; A»dea iHP2 tu £[? C L OI V. 1 Welchrr W-J,h Con ' ii Bella I*l* (Maclean *7 Best A Bwlcher ..li'Mono Bodle Con !Mount DUblo Bullion .jNavaJo .. .. Bulwer Con (Occidental Co« ...2» Cnledonlw 2J!Ophlr « Chailens* Con ... * Overman .... v.... I <'lK>ltl«r «;Poto.<»i f < onP,der.cei W Savage 21 Con. Cel. & Va .. Tlijrorplon .. o fon. imperial .... 1 il*rra. Nevada ?1«-> <"o». New York .. .\u25a0 jSilver H'H Crown Point »Bllvor Kin* .. Exchequer Standard PrfJ (touid St Curry .. 21 t'nlon Con 42 Onwi Prlae ...... . tVlfh Con !'» Male A Norcnw.l2i Yellow Jacket .... 24 1,1 VK OTM'k SJtiKETS IMesgS. CHICAGO. April *-~T I LLi P^ at *Z*LJI the IMN»f cattl* aold at ********* were good buyers around M.TVtJW.w: "r<l sold anywhere from I 4 W to |5.P': stackers and feeders. 14 W#4.it: cannln# cows, trWtt.OP: t*t heifers. tS.a«4.». Hogs were alwut SVt#sc weaker. Sales were largely at the e*treme r.«n*»» being |3.T(SM W, while pigs sot J boife Sherp sret were fairly active. rtl>e*p. common to prime. t3 West- cm wooled. |4 ?*tf4w; vearUnga woo led lambf ff> «t»b shorn iambs. t4.W *ts ?«. Receipt*-tattle, 3 00*t; Ivsgs, 11,669 IT.UOo. Oasaka. OMAHA. April s.?Caitie?Receipt# 2.*.*) head. Market steady to strong Native be*f *?rer». |4 Mtt4.M: Western steers. t4.00 */4,Tt>- row< and heifers. t2.«ofe-4.J8: 'din- ners »! valf«» MMCf4 at H»cs? Receipts, 59», Market acthe ard i*c higher Heavy. 51.80*3.1t. mimed. SS.TS w.t.so; Ught, Sh«*ei>?Rr ceiits 3.THO. Market active and steady Fair to choir* natives 13*041 4<ft fair to choice Westerns tl.*>(MH; common and stock sheep U&fii tS; iamb*. HtOia SEH tONK HAHHKT*. Tlie «t*rk Kirhaage. NEW YORK. Apr!! S -TA.y d slock market *»» ilmw utterly stagnant, an J there were minute* mi a time during Ih# xtNftion of the evhange whew no qsiota- uon tot any stock »*i recorded. Most of The tnutaw was made up of trannactton* m * few at the atixkn, S;i|*r and th« Grangers *N«orbtng tht largest propor- tion. The duMneaa itaelf was ex;ite«*tve of the prevailing wri.m.nt of waiting «n«i «atrenke dotifct. Not uniy w»r» report* wr* conflicting *a to what woul.i be til* ?enor of tke preatdent'* n>- rorv- *re#». but opinion* as to how the *n.*aa*i' WJUM bo ncrtvwl and diapoaed of >tfffe**-d v.i*e<> Them was practically nothing left of y«*tt>nti)'» sanguine anticipations that a iMrCttment would grow in Waafcwtgion «t>-ain»l waiUk* mensur**. TTiere wett> la fa.-t strntlh~*nt reports that the orr»r<s**d pressure which ha* been exerted on am* during the ia*t few dav* »«.* n*t tmm- jtio measures haa rather defeated it* rut- bjr a wakering reaentment. Wail street counted its tfe# of tb*«e \imt«J repre*er!aiK*»# to congre**, Pru*s showed *mal! toone* throughout as a n«t r*»ult of tlx day a trading. The money nwflwt continue* to redeot t >e v.-ess ov*r the relations with Spain a* f rribio as la the stork mark*-:, Kurd* continue to tnw to tie Interior for !h» purpo#* of strengthening tho r»«rw of n terior bank*. The proportion of reserve# of alt the bank* ta tfco wmtry have been enormouahr Inttawd in the Last few wacka tad New York kaa made rood tha wMMtHMit drain agwn it» nwmi toy * Urga <raa«rartion en loans and by henry I?porta of said from Stmk Tke aw ne of neas an very laatk to pat 0 aot to iiiMto. Tbe pwafcar ratea ef iparent far time nmney and tbe vary, lap ratea foe caU loasa are mid to be iarpely eenttmeotal and bnaed on appre* benaton of war. QoM continues to come from Europe, the toVlirty '{mm ***** ******** T? taaacttopo la tends wero OR « very ?mail scale, but the market shared the de- pression with stocks. Total «alea. 11.1*1 9&. I*cited States new fours and old fours regular are 4 per cent, lower bM today. Mowey and Bsehaage. Money on coll, firm. 191 par cent.: last loans, 3 per cent ; prime mercantile paper. HK per cent, sterling exchange, weak. wHJt actual business in bankers' hill at SMIS4A% for demand, and at liMSO ; 4.«4 for sixty daya. posted rates. 94.KM9 4M aad 96.94*4-85 commercial MUa. H7»4 silver certificates, 55%f|314c; bar stiver. Mr; Mexican dollars. «c. Government bonds?Weak. State bond#?Du!L Railroad bond*-Weak. rj.new 4*. re*Hl INorth Car. to ...123% New to. coup.lS f Fours 199 Fours, reg ....MS* Nor. Pac. lata ..112 Four*, coup ..IBw IVimi ...SI Twos, reg .... «%l Pours W4 Fives, reg ...UIfiNY.C. A Bi.L4e.H#l Fives, coup . UIWNor. * Weal. to. 130 District t «to ...Ut iN. W. Consols .1414 Ala.?Class A ..l«4i Deb. Sa US Class B luS Or Nav. lsta ...115 Clam C * Fours « Currency .. .. li Or. 8. L to, i. r.U94 Atchison to fives, t. r Ml Ad], to Or. Ibi. Ists, t. r.Hff Can. So. kls ...1 Fives, t. r. .... tttt Can. Pac. Isu .. .. Pac. to of 16 ....Ml Chi. Terminal .. Reading to W4 I hes. A Ohio ae.IUVR. G. W. tots ... M C.. H. A D. 4***.l6t%jSt.L. A 1.M.C.3a. sC D. A R. G. Uts.m #t.L A 5.F.G.t0.117U Fours ? St. Paul oon ...,1«S East Tenn. lsts.toS ISt.P.C. A P.lsts.lU Erie Gen. to .... ?l Fives 11IM» F WAD i*ta.\.r. « S. C. Non-Fund. .. Gen. Elec. to ...Ml So. Railway Sa .IS G. H. AS. A. to.hK Stand. R. AT.to M Seconds MS Tenn. new set Is If HAT. On. to.llo IT. P. L. G. tots. tt% Coo. Is Mi Reg. Ms SI lowa C. Ists ?II Union Pac. l»ta ... K. P. Con.. L r.MI Preferred Stti K.P.lst D.D. I.r.m Fours la New Con 4s. tt U.P..D. A Q.lsts 51 L. AK. Col. to. M Wab. Ist Sa ....M*< Missouri to 101 Seconds 77*4 M . K. AT. Ids. U% West Shore 4 ~VK\ Fours II Va. Centuries ... « N. T. Cen. Ist* .11$ Deferred S N. J. Cen. Sa ...112 stock*?Rallraada. Atchison 11 Chi.. Ind. A L ? Preferrwi .. .. 2He Preferred SS Bait. A Ohio ... IS N. Y. Central ...HOS4 Canada Pac .... BMfc N. T. C. A St. L. 11% Canada South . 4«% Ist preferred .. IS Central Psc .... 15 M preferred ... 21 Ches. A Ohio ... 11% Nor. West U% Chi. A Alton ...ISm North Am. Co .. S% Chi.. B. A Q. ? M% Nor. Pac a% Chi. A E. 11l ... U Preferred «% C. C. C. * St. L. SSMilOnt. A West .... 14H Preferred .. .. 78%J0r. Rail A Nav. |S Del. A Hud ....MttitOr. Short Line . 27 Del.. L. A W....14S IPlttsburg 1«8 Den. AR. G. ... 19 Reading 1«4 Preferred .... 43 j Ist preferred .. V Erie (now) 124! Rock Inland 55% lot preferted « St. L. A 8. F. .. Fort Wayne -,..1« 1 Ist preferred .. 55 Gt. Nor. pre 147 I 2d preferred ... 25% Hocking Val ... *4l St. Paul M Illinois Cen II | Preferred 142 L. E. A West .. 13% St. Paul ft Ou« Preferred .. ..II ( Preferred 145 Lake Shore ... 179 |St. P.. M. A M..IM Louis. A Nash . 49%! So. Pacific 13K Manhattan L .. sd%tSo. Railway .... 7V» Met. St. Ry .... Preferred 36% Mich. Cen 154 JTex. A Pac 19 Minn. A St. 1.. . 24 (Cnion Pac 52% Ist preferred .. S9 jl*.P.. D. A G. .. 0% Missouri Pad ... 2R»'Wabash «»«. Mobile A Ohio . » I Preferred 18% Mo.. K- A T. ... 104 Wheel. A L. E . 1% Preferred .... Sl%! Preferred 9% N. J. Central .. 914! Exprews Companies. Adams 100 jl'nlted Stated ... SI American ISO I Wells Fargo ....111 Miacellaneoaa. Am. Cot. Oil ... l«i]Pullman Pai ....170 Preferred .... © Sliver Cer V5% Am. Spirits Rspe AT* Preferred .... »%ißimar ui% Am. Tobacco ...191%! Preferred WW Preferred .. .115 jTenn. Cool * I . 194 People's Gas ... 91 jt\ 8. Leather ... (% Con. Gas 1764; Preferred Sftfe Pom. Cal>l«* Co .130 'l*. 8. Rubber ... Col Fuel ft r. .. 19 1 Preferred 63 Preferred .. .. >9 tWest. l'n>on 864 Gen. Klectrtf .. M4!Chl. ft X. West.lU Illlnule CKde Q*% 40V» St. L. A 8. W. .. 4 Lead 29V Preferred I i Preferred . R- G. W 53 Nat. Lin. Oil ... 14 ! Preferred .. ... Or. Imp. Co .... 27 Gt. We.«» .. 10% Pacific Mall ... 534! Haw. Com. Co .. 23% Mlalsg Stocks. Bulwer Ontario SO<V Chollar \u2666»'; Ophlr f3 Crown Point .... 20! Plymouth t Con. Cal & Va . 80 sju|rk«tlver 109 Deadwochl 75 Preferred 209 GouiJ ft Curry . 90<SlriTd Nevada ... 180 llale ft Nonro*s 120 Standard ITS Mexican 40 Yellow Jacket ... 23 Iron Sliver 32 Total Sales. ! Total sales of stocks today were 157,100 shares, including. i llurllnaton 25,340 Louisville ft Nashville 9.219 Manhattan 15.715 Metropolitan Street Hallway New York Central Northern Pacific preferred 2.M0 Rock Inland 9.230 St. Paul 2S.SSO I'nion Paclft.- »tl? I\ P.Dft R Q 4.725 American Spirits 1V*«0 Tobacco 12.110 Consolidated Gas XTt3 Sugar 78.291 Will Keep Open Uood Friday. The board of governors of the stock ex- change today resctnded its action In the ! rksslng of the ezchange or tiood Friday I and decided to k«*p open for business on that day. Uraeral Qaatatiaaa. Flour-Receipts, J7.13S barrel*; export*, barrel* Market active an.l firm. Wheat?Receipt*. 2*1.r50 buahel*: esoorta. bueheia. Spot firm. No. J ml 11 f o. b. Option* opened a fraction eamier cwlr>sr to Liverpool weakness, but *ub*e- qqently recovered and taere «tronr a?l day on locat <*overin* »n.J active buying for outside account; Vlay cloved at ftfflV Wo9i?Uuiet. Hop*?<Juiet. Petroleum?Pull. Coffee?Op!ion# clewed strong l*u»i" point# ne* hteher. In the afternoon t;e*r mon:ha tumped up Suaif. polnta on covering and heavy consumption demand following ru- mor* of war tax. Males M ?*> hags, in- cluding: April. 5.11 c: llav. 5 TflQd lie Spot?ftto strong: No. 7 invotce. Tc: No 7 jobbing. TVc; mild, strong and h.jrtier- Cordova. s^ftllc. Su**r~Kaw. strong: fair refining. 3V; centrifugal, it-test, refined, strong. Mat*la. Pi* Iron?Warrants. M f*>. Copper?Lake. Ills® bid: frlMO asked Tin?fit >Xi 14.5T.. Bp#lttr~HJ»KS Lead?s3.t?Vk bhl. 13,..4 asked. The firm tliat ftaes the selling pure for miners and »mei:era quotes load at 18.20 at the clo«e. me wooi. aiiKKT. Haataa. KOiTO.V April 3 The condition of the »00l market thl# week i* vr-ry dul. and the saiee hav* fallen off to the lowest point tn recent years Manufa' t utera who ar*> n-H forevd to huy are keeping out cf the m»rket. and the frw **>* made are some !-*?<-iai hinds of woo: that must be had. cjuoratior.s: Territory wools?Montana fine and me- d um fine Mglftc: scoured. 44ta&r; stape I'tah. Wyoming, etc.. fir>« medium and fin*. stabile, 5&.-. scourod. 4Uf mSSZSfSSk See* Pfliaaa, Australian w<v»*s. scoured hasi#?Comb- ing sipwitw. 'Mi :tc: wimslni good. «>» «c: i»mb:ng average, Queensland combing. ®c. (kleaga Markets. CHICAGO April i-No markets: holi- day on atxount of efcwrkma \u25a0astsa Mark Market BOgTOW. April 1- Or. Short Line . U ißoa. St Butte ... TX% Mas. * Kak ....171 (Piuprott .... ..... 8 NMW OKUAWI Apea V-Cottoa steady: aMdling. SVtfr POtINX MIOKPTP NEW York. April k-TW Evening Pom s financial cablegram ny«: SPIES whOe the ' WmbAiM of the political situation Jupwiii quotation* out atthe mb« time H to felt t hat *ach ? *e*»y ineneaseo the tkeithood of a BpjtV*h-American w*r. Americans were better at mlddav on a somewhat ranted buying here. That to regretted because It *ll weaken th* po- sition If war ocean*. The continued raft In Braxil* excited attention. Oold is In strong demand for New Tork at T7s lid. and £3M.919 In Japanese yen were bougnt for export at 7*s» «4d- ftodag iMtttiwM. LONDON. April s.?Closing?Canadian Pacific, «V Oraad Trunk, 8, Bar silver jjtsady at 9%d Per ounce- Money, H»2U per cent. IreaiMaflk. LIVERPOOL, April i.?doslng-rom-- 8«>oi American mixed. now, steady at la 3d; future* uulet; April, 3s ISO. Tfct HaM Rwwn*. WASHINGTON. April l-Todgy, state- ment of tha condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance 155M2.219 Gold reserve 17a.W.1K MEAL ESTATE lii>*KKRS. TMaaaetlaas Ham iaaury t aai for Vwrtwiay, Real estate transaction* alnco January I, 189s. are 1*01.49115. Thar* wero S*.ed for record yaaterday nine deeds. aggregating IS. 161. Following ia a itat: ,a A ?P*w C ? Bc ? hu,t " to **sUto L. Finn, lot 1S - block SL South Park. April V M*. Harah Kyle to Mary ?axter. lota 1. t i and k block SI; 1 to H. block 5; 1 to 1 Mock 1. 2. a, 6. and «. block M. Greet North- ern ad to Ballard. April 4, M7A Mary A. Phlnney to V. H. Poison. I* ft off lot 5. block 74. A. A. Denny'a ax* tension 'of Terry's ad. March 1, if,!*. L. B. Wood to Rlgar B. Wea'arbrook. lot 5. block 9, Thumm A IfMMI aubd of tracts 9 and a of Maple Leaf ad to Green Lake Circle, November B, MMW. Marie E. Brown, admintotrntrix, to Charles H. Maaiey. und % Intarwt In Washington Central ImproveoNirt Conv psny's Knob HUI ad to Kent, marked r9- -aerved upon ptol of said ad, 5% tu-rea, Jan* uary 15. 1894. StBO. A. A. Denny et ux. |o George A. Hurd, lots 9 and 12. Mock 114, Denny's Broadway ad. April 2. M.300. Mount Pleasant Cemetery Company to Joanna Sullivan, lot 40, sec 1 of replat of Mount Pleusant cemeter>-. February 7. Co- Belle Hood to Mrs. E. J. Rsyl. north 4 lot K. Hood A Carfe First ad to West Seattle. January' fl. 51. David Jones to Michael Sender, lots 5 and 6, block 4, Monroe's Ist ad, April 5, MOO. Xaaiay'a Trauferi. Henry Kle«*m-eyer et u*. to Virgil L. and Ida M. Smith, 1 acre in nw corner of auc- tion 35. twp ». range «. Sept. 14. IMC. Marv E. Hellewell and huaband. X. 8., to P. 8. Woodard. #S nw*4 n*** section 2A. lirp 20. range «, W acres, March O. r.SOU. Charles a. Carpenter et »*. to M. C. Leach, lot 7. block 29, Lake I'nlon addi- tion. March 7. quit claim, fl- Alico H, Pay, bf George P. Fay, attor- ney. to Clarence M. Austin, lota 7 and I, block 16. Northern addition, March M, 1760. F. A. Robinson. aa executor of estate of Swell P. Brtnnon. deceased, to Swane H. Peline. lot 11 block 44. Bell's Hetra' Second addition. March 24. Kti. Ella P. Kennedy and husband. Wm. F., to Missouri Rean*, lot H. Cormode's S- acre Garden Tract#, April S, IW7. C Missouri Reana to Wm. p. Kennedy, un to lot H, ComodCa 5-acre Oarden Tracts. April S. 1«7. II Bell Markl* and husband. I. E.. to W. P. Kennedy, tract 2t Connode's &-a«*e Oar- den Tracta. Oct 1. 1*97. il» North American Savings. Loan 6 Build- ing Co. to Edward B. .Graves, receiver, lot 11. block 17; lot* 27 and S. block M. Brook- lyn addition. krt fl, block 12. latona addi- tion: lot «. block \u25a0£: lot 21 block M. Brook- lyn addition, March H quit .claim, |I. C. P. Jobnaon at lis. to Sarah K Arnott. "'\u25a0a ""V aectlon 27, twp 22. range 4, March 5. S2m. Oscar H. Fredertckson to Maris Thom- son. lots 17 and 15. block tft. South Park, April 2. to H. W. Mll|p et ug. to Emma Roberts, lots 5 and 6. block 3S, South Park addition, Aprti 1 135. Thomas H. Hackett et ux. to G. H. Gal- lant. lots SI to 94. block S, South Park. March 17. flO. Rasselas J. Miller et ux. to Martha A. Weir, lots 5 6, snd »w4 >w% section 15 twp 24. rsnge 4; lots 4 and 5, section 5, twp 23. range 4 (escept I*4 acres In tot 4 and acres In lot 5, section 121. April 4, M.'M. AX lYOßiten L CAM. Sellsb Ksssfh to Be SntlsSed Silk Melsg Very Mark la Her Oekl. "Yes." aald a. young man about town. "th*r* are a number of fallow* In good society who nnw think of making any return for the entertainment given them by their girj friends. Tott a?e. they don't have to. They are In demand becauae nice mx-W)' fellow* are *o decidedly ararce. A Ctrl ha* to cudgel her feraina to think up enough nice fellow* to fill out an even- in* party. That'* right. "You s*e the aame name* of young fel- low* in the society columns time After time. Well, It'a Juet becauae they are the only one* to be had. And that'* the rea- son they get carriee* ahout returning fa- vors. They think to theanaelvw. 'Oh. the g'rji ran t get along without im, and tny pre*ence la aufficient return for ail the favor* I get ' But they ran r*m assured that the girls don't think ao. "I know one young fellow who haa been ike Kueat of ? certain girl a great many time*: tea*, and parttea, and dinner*, and all that aert of thing. And one day I Jok- ingly mid to him: Thing* aeem to bo get- tag a tittle confidential for you at Mlas blank'*.' What do you *upp oat he an- swered? '* 'Nonsense,' he Mid. 'you hav# no chum to #uy so. ( neror took her anywhere.* "What do yo« thhifc of that?" Paul# la Urn. WaMilngion itar. "People" often ask me the meaning of the apparently crasy hieroglyphic* and figure* that are stamped on the Inner #4de of the upper# of ready-trade sho«« nowa- days." #ald an F afreet shoe dealer to a Star man. "As «*ory *hoe manufacturer has a secret atamp code of hia own and there la. therefore, no poaslMliry of the general j public leaning mare than that such <odes eslst. I may as well tell you that the vanity of modern mortal#, and especially to- men. la at the bottem of theae pee«. liar .tamned char.*rter» and flgurea, Tou'd he surprised to know, for instance, how many women there are who Imagine that they wear a Ne. a ahoe wham la reality »hnr sise 1* a coupls of rtg.urea larger A #hoe *a learnta n who understand# Ma tMwt- n»aa can tell prockwly the number of the shoa * woman customer wears at a glance. But aa often aa not a woaaan whose foot ia a No 3 calls for a shoe a - >«pie of *t»e# smaller, and the ssyat*- ' rlou* stamped hieroglyphic scheme waa do* vised for the purpasi of encouraging liar in the belief that her foot is a couple of *<*e* (.mailer than It raatty measures in ahoe leather. "When a woman calls for a No. S to fit a No. S foot, no shoe saiaanaaa of tnio%ra who cares anything for his Job ia gotag to >ay: Madam, your foot rrquiraa a K& 1* He simply brings out a ahoa In the *ty> she feouaata thai ho feels ewn%Jent win ct her comfortably tad law It go at dwi "A woman rarely thinks to +e» ia reattv at tk# ataa ako ?* for ahe taken ft for gsaaied that A* sntsa art* ku gteen her arhat A* l?wtil. But when « miM d«« uk. far m- seanre, k » UK s. to itr tc» tho buatnsan to onbtuahingty <Mpty: Ye»*ss. il'» t 1' Tho II !\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 cno» tWMnr might tuatta* the htori|tr»lil(« t»- «M* the uppers for a ««*l without (Mtnf out ««y different, soil wo it *? hoi tho key to mole It would oohr atk* hac h*T had. fO what would ho tho eser* »\u25a0*!\u25a0 Of louk WOltM. Aa Indiana man has invented an e>e« trtr Sahtag rod. which. If ho coold sot aportam«n to too it, would undoubtedly ptay havoc with the finny tr'bee. It I* M contrived with conducting wire* that whsn % tell take* the hook the prtmuw of a button in the hand sof tho an|l«r completes tho ctrcuit and death instantly follow#, the beauty of the whole thins WBf. aa tbe inventor describes It. that tho hah can thon be taken fiom the wiur without difficulty. MOTIL AUITAU. TMK NEW ENGLANC. B. Good. Berkeley, CaL R. W. Good. Berkeley. i C. Everett. Loa Ancelea 9 i* Nirkersoti. Loa Angeles, i L- Bod well. Los Angelee. T. W. Oouglsß. Los> Angetea. 1* H. Trout. San Francisco. Jaa. Rolls, California. Wm. Rolls. California. J. H. Yaaley, Winters. Cal. C. X. Colo. Winters. A A. Col Una. Oakland, Cal A. Barren, La Conner. W. K. Allen. City, W. E. Brown. City. Robert Alien. Wilt*son. orin Locktartdge. WHkeeon. Willlata Rlckettta. Taromu. J. I). Armllage. ton FVajtelaco. Frank Graham, ton Prandseo. Frank McCarthy, ton Pranriaed W. A. Patterson, ton Franclecok Davs Weeks, ton Pranclaco. J. E. Davis, ton Francisco. James Duppy. ton Francisco. Mrs. Stark and dtr. Black Diamond. H. H. Parker. New York. S. Goldswcrthy. Bremerton. Mrs. M. Gerhardt and dtr. McMurray R. G. Thompson. Portland. Me. H. M. Porter. Falrport. Ma. W, C. Anderson, Brunswick, Me. W. H. Ferguson. ('lty. F. H. Treat. City. iamao St rout, anoomlmie. !. T. Scholt, Michigan. James Green. City. W. H. WaMi. Vancouver. B. C. C. W. flatsben. Vancouver. B. C. John Kinney, Olyjnpl* Wm, Barnett, Olympia. THE DILLER. E. O. English, Mount Vernon. John Furneoa. Norman, tout Olson, Stanwood. W. H. Wright. Philadelphia. B. B. Henderson. Wichita. KaO. T. H. Graham. Wichita. Kan. Frank Xeater. Arlington. ChrtaUne Kldem. Minneapolis. R. B. McDonald. Toronto. Edw. Malaenaner, Chicago. C. B. Mrßriarty. WfangsL William Yfatee, Idaho. L. S. Kester, Idaho. E. Prat:, Palmer. D. J. McDaid. Sac City. U. Mrs. D. J. McDaid. Sac CUy. tm. Edwin Keller. Redmond. Joseph Mayktr. Oak Harbor. Mrs. 8. C. Chubb. Boatcn. W. K- Stevens, San M. u. Chase. San Frsnciaco. J. H. Blanchard. I'ortLuid. Me. W. M. Farwel). Portend. Ma. Henry Allen. Portland. Me. Henry Smith. Portland. Me. if. C. Johnson. Arlington. F. McMUlan. Arlington, rf. Dlerfca. Lincoln. Nel>. Mrs. H. Dlerlts. Lln<oli». N*h. Mra. J. P. Clayton. Ravenna. N'*k Martin GaUagner. Fair haven. C. L. Laury. Snohomish. Chas. Shaw. Butte. Mont. O. McDonald Mlchlaah. Thattas Bordeaux. Shelton. THE OCCIDENTAL* W. I. Hatrdman. Cleveland, O. L. P. Kappa. Portland. C. W. Whatton. Portland. J. W. Boyle. Portland. John Jacobs. Portland. Jamea Lewis. Portland. Jafliso A. Jans, New York. R. Martlndab . Bay City. Mrs. Qeerge Labbe, Seattle. F. C. Rogers. Spokane. Miss Msy Sefton. Portland. Mm A. Perkins. St. Paul Mrs. A. Clow. Duluth. Victor Maretti, Victoria. Mr. Howard. City. Robert Mat; is on. St. Paul Charles King. Spokane. FT W. Wood. Spokane. F. Connelly. New York Thomas Patterson. Dungeness. J. B. petterson. San Frandaco J. K. Clarke. New York. J, E. Johnston, ton Francisco. R. R Livingston. Victoria. Pat Russell. Salem Harry D, Hardmun, New Jersey, W. W. New York. Frank Samuels. Detroit. Sir. Ctiilergan, ton Francisco* Mr. Murphy. San Franeloco. Dr. R. E. Russell, New York. M. M. Mirom, Spokane. THK BRCNBW ICK. Hubberd Bampaon. fh. Pau# J. K. Waiab. Palrhaven. K. V. Walah. Falrhaven. H. P. Tborndyh*. Nrw York. C. M. Dlahong <?lty. Millar. Plttaburg. Pa. Frank Cummlnga, Plttaburg. Ed J. Klenan, Woreeater, Hmt. Franc U Bwry. Vic-tori*. B. C. M. W Hall, Everett. C. A. MrHrlortjr. Fort Wrangel. J. B. Mo*-. Poulebo. S. J. Yatea and party. lng1«woo4 John C. Leawre. Portland. John K. Johnaon. Portland. Charlee HoJcomb. City. J. H Kr*oe Minneapolla. Charte. H. Jon**. Telegraph Creek. B. C. Ed Kinney. New York. ¥7 M Barlow. Chicago. A. D. Roibatein, City. H. A. Hamblln. Chbage THE RAINIER-ORANU, K. O. Amee. Port Oa«nhie. Ruaeeli Cob-grove. Washington. D. C. John Rad berg. St. Paul. J«mm Campbell. Fort Blakefey. Felix B. Lippman. Raw York. K. B. Maatlck. Jr.. Junction City, Waah. L. Morrta. Ann Arbor, Mich. J. S. Davta, Rocheater. S. Y. Or. and Mrs. L B. Ingrena. Valley City. S. D. Arthur P. Ward. mgr. Maria Janam Co. W. O. Cuahlng Minneapolis. 8. L. Harria. Ban Franetacow Qua A. Clark. Portland. C, D. Joatyn. Montaaa. T. tt. Gey. Ban Franrtato. J. C Stein. Ban Francteo. Charlea Jone*. Philadelphia. A. Wade and wife. Alton. 111. Mr/. Wad«*. Alton. lit Mr*. E. P. Wade. Minneapolla W L. Tnompwon Ro«-hei»ter. «? ». Mr*. B. Bear. Chicago. R. J. Ruckor. Everett. C. l>. Frali. Everett, J antra Craig. Ban fcrantiaco. THE NORTHERN. John C. Portland. D. J. Hanne. Portland. J. C. Neville. Bey CjUT. Mich. K C. BtftcSeer. Ban Frandaeo. W. H. Ml!' hell. Portland. J W, Hume* Port Attfelea. C. E Stamp. Mlnnaapolla. T A. North. Sumner J." W, Durnen Monroe. Tboßian Iwnan, Monroe. J R. Doraey. L^ulaville. Frirk Li Bmltfc M»d wife. Janearill*. Mm. E LfOM. Portland. Frank B RaiUie Haker City. Jahn A. Potta. Pfl« Valdje M Barfard and wife W.T. A t5o««w«. Vletarta. Thomae Bmtth, Tagiah Lake N. W. T. Dktay Clark, Tacomo. Mr*. Maria E Haaaard, Txodu. Arthur S. Rdeenblatt. Ban Franc I .aco. Jamea I* Bchermer, Herkimar. N. Y. William Dennia I»ndo«. England. Wat. Carey and wife. Manrbaater, K. H. Mra. F. W Iceman. Mane heater. N. H. Hum Gilieapte, Mane heater. M. H Xing. Vancaovar. c. C. GMter. Whatcom. W. IL Belyea. LaCwnoa. iPPmipiVf* ' r *- . i is fIKiMJIRfHK RECORD. rORSCAST FOK WEDNESDAY. Poiiland. OR, April 5, UN. Raia cooler. 0. «. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICCL- -ITKE. WRATHKR UCRKAU. DAILT Bt'LLRTTN. Seattle. April S, VV ? t f 2l| !l a £ } I jt- 2) I I f I PLACa } ; |?J| I'M r I I M i' | Seattle 2S tV »< 0* S Lt> .00 ClouSf fu Ang*ie* ;».M. a* » .wijv'ioudaf Ft. Can by. ».«\u25a0 ** 4H SK 34 hfcßain Portland . 3«» M »NW Ltf oaOoudy Roe-burg . ».«, .">4! ;* SW| » T Cloudy Walla \V ...»,«? 7\, 7* S *f iVO',oiKly *¥Mkan«» .. »;r *a K Lt; .00. Cloudy Kur«*k» .... £».;4, j»» tc ». .Ji,Ka;n Red RlulT. ».> *vS Tjj 8K TV C^Ctoudy Mm-'m to ».T* M T.V »w 1»| *tTowrty San Fran S».W t SOs W, .*» Cloudy win'm'.-a .»*» «i» s *\u25ba .okfloHdy Baker City a* ;s «3; u sk iti OQCloudy SYNOPSIS Seattie? Maximum temperature, «#- mta* Miium, 41; mean. wi.it her cloudy; no rain. G. N. SALISBURY, Section lHrwtor Weather liuuau. KIRIU: OM*KRV%TU»*K Special Dispatcher ti> PasMntalUfenoer. XtiAM HAV. Aj.ril 3.?1 p. tn.-Cloudyi calm. CLALLAM HAY. April p m -U*ht rain; ca!m. In thr Btr.ilt!«, bound up. threo aehoon«r». PYBIIT. April 4 p m. ?Cloudy; calm. PORT CRKSi.' KNT, April 5.-4 p. m. - Cloudy; calm. PORT ANUKIJS& April 5.-4 p. m.-Ba- roaetcr. cloudy; calm. Tutf" \l|l* iant and Ra!nl«r. with iKK»ma. in bay. MAMI^HMKVtS. GRAYS HARROR. April 5,-Rii!. «l-Bchr Guide, from \u2666 *ORmouoll!» ftr San Frnncla- co; achr Jennie Thslin. from Aberdeen for' San rranclaco. Arrtv«d?Sunday, achr Sadla. from San Francisco for InHiuiam, and nailed. « hr Melancthon. frwn am for Baa Francisco. WATKR FNOVr M)TK». St#a#m*r Scoila is h«>dai#d to .-ail tt> aorton- for Dy#« and Skacway. Steam«m Vlctorisn. AI-KI. Prat set ion, pl«cc V «ry and Noyo are due from tho north. ?team freighter Caartna w,it over at West Seattle yesterday loading shipment cf r-ment. which ah* will take to Al.t«kAif porta. Sieaot scow Bonanaa. Capt. McPhcroon. waa alonsrtde the Centennial mill yeater- «lar ioadlna f«»rt\ tona of Hour, which aho wi;i tako to Victoria. Ste.im «-ollicr Proareswj arrived early yeo* tt<rday mornina frt»m San and 1s loadlna a return cargo of coal at tha Pacific fount bunkers. Uttumrr Humboldt #*p«>ot*d to Hrrtva tcdav from San F*rancl#eo with « tame orcwd of on board. Sht> *lll tiili* 1 on mor*> psi«wng» and freight h*ra and urorwd to Lynn canal. Th« Vatone I* it aVto itu»* from tan FramHseo. THROt'OH NINE STATES. Tha North-Wester® Line comprises oeet MM miles of perfectly equipped railway Si IlHao4a. lowa. Wlscokstn, Michigan, Minnesota. Notih Dakota, tooth Dakota. Nohraaka aad Wyoming. It oparotao tfeo Soaat trains Is tho wans. The to Chloago. Milwaukee and all tha prteatsol ottiaa ai tha Eaot aad Soothaaat SSS to suMHsi laatot ob hovlMg row uofes Vte '-fha North-Weetern." F. W. Psrkat. CmkmbW Agost. M rmt aveooo, toat> tlo. BEGINNING Wednesday. April Cth, trains from North Bend and Intermediate points <>n SnoMueimie branch of Saattla 4k International railway will leave North Bend at a. m.: arrive at Seattle 10:* a. m. Train for North Bend and inter- mediate points will leave Seattle 4:18 p, m., striving at North Band 7:20 p. m. COPPER RIVER AND COOK INLET. Fast and popular steamer Noyo ailta for Copper river and Cook Inlet via Dy« % and Skasway April «. Apply to A. Chli- berg. Soandinavlan- American bank, comer Yesler way and First avenue. ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION OOk A. A. Johnson. Albert Bryan. Removed |a tl4 Railroad avenue. Telephone. MainTi. Three of the crew of the fishing achoonar Araao Were drowned In Eagle harbor. Nge «u Wand Alaafca. while returning from ft wrddina dinner *lven cm boned the arhoongg Marv ami Ida In January The A raft ia now reported lo#t. with all hand*. in tb*> world. It la far better m to t* full of fir* than to have J iy« mu«h morn y. It hotter to J InBVB have vim than It (a to own Vy* arcwrly worth hundred* of df.:'«r». OrrMi and grand man* hooJ la a ihina to be admired the wofM over and by every one. Are you a man or itrti you pufijr? _ jmfI*TrEMPT to find out. If you ara TK afraid of being in other pe3*l#o ao<J«ty, if yov Wuah. if you haeo Ijffll drain*. if you hevr bad dreamo \u25a0 and night «weat»-you ran km 1 \u25a0 »»ire your ayotam la debilitated. There la a leak eomewhare; yea must atop it or you will noon be no man at all. You c-an atop ft. too! A WKVKR give up hope "Hudyg% M fJ tua great r*nM««llo-ireataaant of |%f the lludimian Inatlluta, win I mo * t certainiy make a full maa i(/sE nut of you and wilt give you ba« k all your fire, your vim. aad your ftne aanae af perfect man- hood. "Hudyan" la prompt In it* action atway* It la wonderful In U* power and atrengtb. /4 KI.P 1* an certain a* that t!k nf |(A| will rice tomorrow. 'Hudyad** tMjXM mak<*« it* rttm-tm felt at MM, It* cur** an* permanent AM \u25a0 \u25a0 thay ha»e b#*n m4e all Mtr ? thi* <-<mttnent *»d In Mtirae* aa «r*IL To And vouraaif *?*? OMTt a perfrrt man, and no fongrr tell a man, vuiar* and taaMmontola. «4t»ft« fre«. ©S!,Y write and a*k for free cir- culann and the mo*»t convfarlM leatknonkai* atuxatn* what It liu done for Other* Trie* will not < oft you on* atngi* cwnt. and will *<i vr you y««m of wlfortoc. Aak for free irwlit-al advice. too. and the >*t in the land i# voor# for the wh% Hut writ** or call today. ®?*TEN a man find# that hi* hair la aettln* thtn and that ho h*» ttnjr ulc#ra in hie mouth. And than again. «<- nnd* lump* in hM throat. The** ar* ail duo t* blood taint of *om* kind. If yow a*e either of the** aymptMM writ* at onca for Mood ewe etr- cuiara an dteotiflMHiiaia. Quit* fre* d BSPAIR never helped a cure, aa Hem y * a ..®L n * op# - "'H 4' «*o4 \u25a0vim cor* I* aure to «nah* you w*S \u25a0/ I and atror,* It doaa not uttir \u25a0A# wh*tb*r your ca*a ta in |ta pri> W mary. aacaadary ar tertiary ..... and faatlatonlel* at* ft** aa air to ym \u25a0Hllll 8 NHL IMB MINI fa, - Sail Fr*art«o, Cll. 1 . .. - - I .

puismn.I, llkettte, Afrtl S. ML

at the Seattle. Tacoma Sno-

|Psrr' ?* clearing houeea today


BB:::::: BMB* SBB~

aaatTU lUbabiL

mieot taveked tlw Mghaat aotcb *«»?

it baa Ma year oa. I Wm-S#ae quotable at W aad No. 1Hat Wkr. Wheat and Savr at* eeryS with a atrong tendency to rte* atlllL, Oata and barley an alao quite

E. »od mill faad are dectdediy weakerjEiaat anotinpa. Tbe praaaat pteaeant5 af waatbar baa fonerd feotdtng* toBoat Tba demand la rathar 11*n- JuatSTand pricae mar drop a Httl*.llnni from C*n/orato announce an ad-

Xa af >c par pooad On evaporated apri-ST obf-h will mean an advance la 9eat-paaatatlana.«£» ta an impartaat advance in prtcea\u25a0gcracbera and fancy cakaa. iSae <»«?-

A eartoad gf fall eroam Wlaconaln ehoaaa

'cSw uoultnMa eehe'eearxse. Me a pound(

la no chance a*

ipaatationa. Mia, If anytbtoc ara pttw

ip a little weaker.are weaker,

aaai" are very *low enie. only fancypgpaaiaable.

fb» following prtcea are beina offered tola arodorer by local dealer* far delivery

MMPd lota on tb« dock or In the car at

Mk-Poitt dour.J oata, larby,

\u25a0Jfe Papal aound wheat chicken feed.EHmfc RktH: atoorto. tUM. corn. 113iLyJhwt Sound. 11l per ton: Sa»t-

timothy, 115.

KSS'ib freah ranch. ISV\u25a0gTrridi ranch. IS#lic; creamery,

live. Ur per lb.fjv«flMC«~-Choice beef cattle, cow#. 19

p; tteam choice aheep. MMWc;

mi lis »W. 4W»%C, hop* dreaaad sc;ESm imad. larpe. Bc. amali. ftfcc;SKe*. are, larpe. Ic; calvee, live, amall.

MM Mt* and Wool?Heavy aaltedMl a*ar m Iba. so; medium, par lb. nte;KM. under « It*, 7c; heavy cowa. s>«c;E(, Ue; aalted klpa «4c; calf, per lb.iTirw hldea. lc lean than aalted; dryM|m, par lb. K&Uc; cuila on above, one-ilf*leaa: dry efka. per lb. StflSc; dry deerEa aummcr. per lb. IHSc; pood winter,mil; poor to thin winter, MHOc; aheapStta, lona wool. Wwlern Waahlnpton.baited. Ue per b; dirty. HHlc per lb;

doaa, Umber aulned.

Jobbing kMiatiea*.quetatlona Saturday war* as

p. ' Pagar. Fleer and Cef«e.daaar Oobbinp)-Oolden "C," In bbla. parrextra "C" In hWe. per lb. S%c;h granulated in bbla per lb. £%t; cuba.k; powdered, MfcC: apot caab prteea.Flaur. ate (jobLlnp) Fatent Excellent,til: ffwrtty A W Star (bikfivl SP;toe. 14.25. California branda. H.«M4.»;Candika. RS. Bl* Loaf. K»: Oold Drop.W; Le«al Tender. PW: buckwheat, perIt. r»; per cwt. »T5; era ham per bbi,l~ or Mi eacka. IS oar cwt; rolled oata.Mr bbi. 2*toe. M.S: rolled oata. baiea. tt.«;paHay. par cwt. 0: Raked wheat. PS;\u25a0r eaae; whole wheat naur. per bbl. fitpr fwt. 01ft: pearl barley. Im-lb aacka.r. 8-lb bose* «*V*. apHt pcae. per MS-lbMk 9\r; B-it» boxen. Vic: nea meal Vm.U>. M« 4Vc farina, to*. HOD: trackedMMat Ua, 12.A0: Ma. 0.73: oat meal, eteel-P. We 11. % 10a. PP corn me.l, yet-

to. Kn II SO: S0». «\u2666» white. 10a o.«ft;PLJLSO. whole hominy hitU t3 7">; hale*.IK rye flour. o.7r> per bbi; 0.0 per bale;yafeMal. USA per bbl; 0 per bate.Cifee (jobblnaV- Green? Mocha, per lb.

(Uva. per lb. HSHc: Coata Rica.RMto. per lb. He. Roaeted-Arbuckle'*.Rjpib naana. per cwt. 01. Uk «Mb caaea.Mttoi. 111.0; SUIb caaee. per cart. H1.0;Sea |a-ib tir.a. par lb Hn; a*aba, lie;Mto Mocha. OHc; far a cola 0r; Quate-tela. He; frmind coffee MfMc; Lion, Mia.BH; m. 01.0; Mn 01.0.

Nm«. PravMm awl risk.

Frsafc Meats (Jobktng)--Cow be«f. ~QTV Dtp lb. Mwr b*«f <e p*r lb: mutroa.K« par lb: port. > p«r lb; vsa!. Jar**.Mir. seal email dr.

FmMonii (Jobbing)?Hama, Urge. W#IP»a: ham*. small MMHH4O: breakfast.'JMM. He: «lrv salted glde* T^eTVbe.

Frarfi FWh Oohblngi? Halibut M*7c: Ml-BML t*»r; sa'tnon trout. 16411c: flflutiwn 3^04- \u25a0\u25a0 «a)*a *r. rock cod, Ic; black\u25a0M*. se: twrj-b. MtV. mountain trout. lf>par: shrimp* I<V . »me!r M|4c: tun cod,?; herring >iW< : oysters, Olympl*. 11.5#m aack. sl.lO per cation clam*. 11.50 perlajk: thmgene** crabk. live. JSr; rooked,

Siaoke<i Flah (JoUbtngv-Salmon. #tev>l-lt*d Mr; Chinook We; fall salmon. *!*?;fcakbut. .hunk* W»\ dde«, to: buckling*.9a per boa herring ®c-

Slfttd Ftah

tUh Hall and herring keg* |HO#l.;5:Jmjpa Hmfcif. bbla. »: amokad sealedwtaf Xto. per bo* fto; spiced herring.

H; macfcar*!. MO-11. VhWa.te»; rodfteh. Mb brick*. 7®to; wbole«?* MMb base*, to..Oiwil Ft*h (Jobbing)?Clatn*. MbPk per do*. ». clams 1-lb ttna. p«»rteft# l-lb ttna. oer do* fc ;»?Wtaaliuotv Atoeka pink. f|- Alaska «it.

>Ut; Puset eoued tl aardlne*

rag. «nrwiN«.'«S5? Maata (JobbtngWDev'led ham.as

jEPpwfrhlt-lw.IS%K«(« aari Pealiry.

15#tTr fa nee dalrv, tnnc*?* Washington creameries.flvL. *2t!j *°»* and Rtgfn. Inlabs a#x California 51tf£tc

Kawern 12*,f|l:V: Cal-

OfSlm. tfc?bin*V?Strict!* fresh rsneh lXc:

*!**<Honey «:?«!*»

?*. : -!r****d turkeys. Wir.F"?t (lobbing)^-AprVet*, bleach*

ypaf lb *'\u2666s*. P<* California. p*r *h.;H, white in eorlUk 5r ;lrj b>>ve«

' v*-or*ted tvr !b. SS«bW» he,! |h rruneac"*atif/>ml». J«S<- ra'.-


C*' i"r bo* iooarJ",r * »!;. »? Musoate'.iee Te.ri?"T gul »rl,>

f< r th gmvrna Ic*SJI! 5 .° fanr) Wo; QoMtn,V»Tr «Hed rear. nertarlnee

in Fran,

it*',;:';'>>s^ "Vim- n?»: K«r?v

ay-' "tru.?- «~«i£HlfclJKr,.. f»«i » >»r doa:

V 'T;'a »

w ,_waa Ft'i««a *t>Sh <\u25a0.. <>, ' ,

It iVli M ? *v,/ :v T ."r !*gy**- » . »./?\u25a0 ?. V-r---«kaice t! ?>'

* f,V" * '*"


"maivBS *££:feirirs,," 8 * -x-? *rl-


r p- *? \u2666**«»?*, t«r*t« «nu r«-rd.

2*. ®a»rr« ; ? , ?' '

J*» «>. t K.: ? 1 ... "#*

«> m

ft Javs* swWHMMaaai,


sm£*u%r'Tobacco t3pbbljy>?pfup cbeniM

WliSiSpar M. a>

N« 1. 1C

locMLMwat CJmw'BirSlbowetoht. %OHk 4 feeTkoT

KKftmns.W* per Ml lineal fopL Ptoketa,

kitngrted. 0 la ilTue*«r Inn. Dray-

K^TTJSrfS.rurSipip*. Mb ptr foot.

Cement (Jobbing)-Port land. K.&A&,\u25a0J; Aiaan. tUi.j Harbor. 0.10; San

faster UobMnO-Ooldea Oat*, par MM.

Ptnple CtMcrln.

t&Hsem- &£."%\u25a0. v-5Hou ten's. t-lb tins. «7c: Vfes. «c; fee, 91; Off

Cream. Standard 15; Mmroe. up-sweatsoed. ®. Economy. 14.00; Rustle. |4.Challenge. MS.

Sauces (Jobbing)? Worcestershire. small.

JHfe jflffifiSiJgdrips, keg*, per keg. li.TS; drips gallonti47py. *g».100 XCUL Dtf CAM* WPIWI WMf. MK

&"\u25a0« J*?* as144#; Hill's. l-gallan cans. p«r dg* IlilQ;

SM* a?»2iIS lbs eachTtl: "allfpfnla; i-tb cam. f do*In eass. per do*. C 30®fl 5d

Crackers Cobbing)-Bodss X. tr par Jb:aoiia-* XXX. «Hc: sodas X. S buses. Kcper bo*: sodas XXX, Hi boxes, tfce perbox: plcnlo <oy*TerV «V: Boston butter. »c;jumbles, assorted cakes, etc.. ll#l»r; gtn-ger and lemon snsps. 10c per Jb; pilotbread. Use; Oaletta. 7c.

Pickles Uubblngt?MJ*sd. half gallons,per do*. »fo: quarts, per doc. 18.25; chaw-chow, quarts. per do*. 13.25; Ptoaitlll, pints,per dos. |2.tS: pickle* In weod kegs, mlxgisnd plain, tic each; H-bbls. plain sndmixed. No. J, gal. Mc; plain and mixed.

Vlaegsr fjebbtng H-Barrets. St-gr. par gaL11c: 40-gr, per gaT I2*4c; 4-bbls. »-gr. pergsl, UHc; 40-gr. ISc; 5-gal kegs. He.

Beans (Jobbing4?Bms 11 white, per lb.2c: pink, per lb, J*ie; Bayos. p*r lb, 4c;i.ima per lb. *Hc.

Bice (jobbing!? Japan. 6H®M»c; China.MR; Island. SV>: Rangoon. 4*§c; I^outslana,

lL>rted Peas (Jobbing)? Field, green, 3*4c;

per ton, SSMI9; American dairy. 50-lbsacks, per ton, 117: Cosi»t. haU-ground.IW-lb sacks, per ton. H: iO-lb sacks, perton. fi; S-lb sscks. 77 in bale. $!; 5-lb sacks.W in bale. It: 10-tb sacks » in bale. «2.

Lard (Jobbing)? Home-made, per lb. 7c;Wntte Star, l\c; Coin special. 7%e: lard,compound, tierces, 4H?

Caaaed ISaada.Canned Veretablea (jobbing)? Tomato**,

PC-lb, Mc#n!l»: tomatoea. gallons, ttlonIM: Silver Shield. *1 W: eugar pea*. MrsEli; string t>eana Lima bean atl; Boston baked bean*, tl ttOIS mush-room*. C.2M13 56: French ixt.ia It 2!VW«.fd

Canned Fruit*?Table tjobbmgV? Assort-ed. fI.SS; apric ots Vl t5: biackbrrr.efi, Ht|;Bartlett paars. tl n: white cberris* It95;black cherries |>; peach*a. Cattfornla. tl iO4|3; strawberries, tl.tt: currants F..M:grapes. tl.2StHl.tt'; pin ma tl.Jktgjti.S): goosr-berrtea. t! 91: rasaberrlos. 13; pineapples(Johnson's*. 13#9 Si. Pto?Assorted, gsllmttna. tt«O«;.T3: tin*. ».U: pracka*.tl »; aprtcota. tI.JP. blaekberncs in tu-1btins. 11.90: etirranta gstlan ttna. Min;plums, gallon tins. tL3«; IVi-lb ttna, fl.lt,grape*. JH-tb tin*. tl.lS

Sail*. Tools aas tsnlagt.Nails <jobWngV~N*r» list, cut steal,

MS to 10*. ti 40; to t»s wlr*. RSTools (Jobbing i?aaws?Crosocat. Dl*»-

ton a tuttio tootn. 3#wec per ft: Humboldtand 5Ac, Ty**crosscut saw. sAc perft, Canadian racer *u«l raaur steel, tie |»crft: hand. Dia«ton"w. 30 per cant, off listAx**?Single bit. I# prr doaea: doubt* WtP per do* Shovels andtill (>er dn»st H#.. i»«r d«a Hat< oats?From 14 to IK p«»r do*. Matt<jcks?-« per do*. Pi as?Railroad, 1i.900t p«*doa. Forks?Hay >i and 10 per cent, offh*t Ortndston**- oer lb. Wedge*?St#*!. ?#l!c per lb. Files?CS and 70 p*rcent, off list

laiwti Mower*?Oreat American. IB andW: I'httadelphia. 6) off; Buckeye, A) and ISper <H*nt. off

Scythes and Snaths?tl per cent offCr**m Frr«'»r»?White Mountain.

Si* and Id per cent, off; lightning. SO percent.

Scale*?How* and Fairbanks platform.K I -Ml*) |» r cent off list. Buffai* «V«si>er cent, off hst, counter, sit per c*nt oSlist SpOfford *rale« fc prr off lis!.

Uop*- tjotbin# l Manila -»dlarger. TV per lb l!-thre.td. p*T IS;C and a-thrvMtl «*»<?; Sl«aJ. r-4-ineh andlarger 7c. li-'f.rcad,


:vc; « .indSr; tarred lath yarn. Sss4l. t**c per Jb.

i!nw?rf Pi-ced 't» per r»nt. off;a*amn~d TS and W to it per cent. off.

i«rani r aw*r*?SO and 1" :o ? p<r cent, off.Oakum?Per bale. Is SWH'O-

t*v rtlack. pfaln. «,75; galvantred.barbed fer,. \u25a0». $.125. wir* cloth, ti l)l>-r >* tx

Powder Cob.Mr.gV"Black b'aat'ng p*rkeg. fciS; *» ;--er cent OUtii-H»rcuse»cr Jstdaon fT 51 per case of Mpounds. 46 per r«nt Hercules or J adiondvnamns. or Triumpnstump. I* Improved J i.lson stump,14.59; Oojdeit Sparting. 9t-fi»M; Ouport rifle spirting 25-ib keg a.|I. Bag!* -!b k»as, |U per case.

Shot Oobblngt I'roj, |I a »er bag. buck*»«ot II # chl!;rJ shot. H.tk

Fuse- Te- i dc-..» tape tH3>; trip)*tape. |7.lt.

Heasy Hardware.Wit* Rope?l-is*R\r Iritis «tdW»n»«r- !'*<?* «»re*. }1

t-er cwt. Norway ir>*-a 4s? par lb.Iron PJpa Qubi>j»i>-Wro-gnt iron, up to

"« black. S» per c«-- o.T V»t. larger*!*?»*. ?> and i# par cent gj?van!tad. !U«t<l tttdar. and S pe r »*ent off; larger«**\u25a0*. 4> and ? per c*n* off fiat.

Sleet Z;n i*obblng^-7>sc jier lb.Tin ptfcte tjobbir#^*r-plates.

VrvitM !>:. «i*». ?er > *. I\. ik.;^c Jir, »l fU'.JA lix^.« t 3H2* US.

S'K"? lr i American. cnm>\u25a0?. - v' V ;? r.»; * an 4tt;<er ..-er.t. off list.

»" irg---- i«^«t?ft-th-anisrdv %\f per !b:t 'j. V iV par lb

S» '?»>r ' c T'*»r»etw* ha?f-a"J-ha**l-c j-tr»l eat.-a wising. 15c

otta and iarpratiac.

WmOALLON.Peart or Astra) jPJ" ®U*"

... mlaem ..... ~M §


gjggte ... .. * j|j£Sj£» ">.'r".'..".v.".'.' sb

a RttiM *a eaefla 99 IP.... g fi

SJltt iSA^AvSBk*9 ? 1


ff|w<t~Ka. | dob, T»jc; J*o. 1 Ua««1««.wkent. No! I dub. Tic; No. |


TACOMA, Aprill I.?Wheat Rrm and tta*coaaeai, Mo. I dub. He; K& i Mxttm,


PORTLAND, April l-IWi* la etffi???sh activity la tba local arbeat market,although thee* waa laaa aaSttap today than«? «ny day Car tba put week Pfieea areaUB mm. covertop a arid* ran*-, acconl-<M to tbe Mod* of tk* buyer There laMk ehaape la quotattoaa; Walla Walla.3*; valley and ptumteai, Ho per tvuahel.


«AN FRANCISCO April iL-Flour lavary fro end anbject to an advance anyday. Wheat U eteady; apot Inactive. Anaoaler feehme In barky. Oat* are Unaat the recant advance.

Spot quotation* were:Flour?Net cash for famiiv extra*. till

fM.BS; bakers extra*. M-jMiN.Wh**t?Shipping. SO for No. 1.

and 041% for cbaOce: mUHn*. o.o*p»i.*%.Barter?Feed. H.a%#lW4; brewlnp.

nominal.Oate?Peor to fair. o.oS#t.». food to

choice ».»0t.35: fancy feed.milling |l.Jl*t.3&; aurprtaa,

R«ert*4aFloor. Quarter aacka. aW; do Oregon.

AJ.&M; wheat, cent a la. 121.704; do Oreaon.S.SM: tau-ley. cental*. 440; do Oregon. 4.70;corn, contala. 410. beana Eastern. 400: no-tatoe*. aacka. 1.70; do Oreeon. ."<11;onlone aacka. 2S bran, aacka. 255: do Ore-gon. 4.101: middlinpa. aacka. SS>: do Ore-gon. Sia; bay. tona 01: wool, balea. 00;hldea. number. 4K.qutckallver. rtaaka. 01;wine. paDona. 41.10.

Cleat ap tfetntleaa.Wheat?Easier: December. 0.41H: May.tj.ui.

Easier; December. 11.21 V May.

<\iirn?latrae yellow.Bra A?919.90(|0.

Weal and Mapa.

Wool?Fall: Southern coaat lam be. 7#Ic; San Joaquin lamb*. 700c; Northernlamba. ll#Uc; San Joaquin plain*. 7©oc;Humboldt A Mendocino. 14#15c.

Hoop-Old crop, nominal; new. MfcffVPxoper lb (or California.I»rad mm*. Pratt. Ktr.

iciitmn <«#«Hay?Wheat. ttfo22 3®; wheat and oat.

tti.Mftg.*: best berWy UTttW: alfalfa, SIS«14:cf©*er. SlliMlJ: (tool. tU#)S: com-

wheat. HO0II; straw, per bale.

iP«etablM»?Potatoes. Early Ro*«. 466u0c;River Burbanks I»#d0c: Orsgon Burbanks.MMk<; River Red* 4W|»c: *Wwt. tiW;onkmn. 4£.'<e®2.?s: Karitc. 4#sc: green pea*2c: a*para*us. 11.75 per bo*;mm plant. 16®12Wc. Chile green pepper*2MISW-: rhubarb. s©e#tl per bo*.

Fruit?Annies, choice. W. 2ft*13*aon. 3SQtOr; strawberries. 73<{»tl.tf:craiifM. navel*. tlfUl; Mexican limes, re-pack $4414.50: common California lemon*.soc®fl; choice California lemon*. t1.3Hf1.5d;bans ha*. IMK.tS per bunch: pineapples. t2©4 per down. ?

Butter-'-Kamv creamery . <losecond* l7Ufilßc; fancy dairy. 17c; do !«ee-onds. IStntc

Chee*«e-New SV&lOc: California creamCheddar. Young: American. IOC11c: Eastern. IWMSc.

Store. ISH%t4c; fancy ranch. 14

Poultry?Turkev cobblers. MFUtyc ner lb:turkey hen*. WH2sc:old roofers. IBJW:vcun* roosters. f7.sou#iA broilers.

large broiler* f&JWQCOO: fnrer*.H.:**?: hen*. n.SMM.3O. ducks,

iceeae. fel.SOtff per pair: oW pigeons. tl.XoI.»: young_ pigeon*. WT2.50.

tS«ekan«r.M1 *

Ptaaarlal.Stiver bars ..... IKVijDyfta?Sight ... J2'»Me* itola | Teleir»ph .. .. 15

MlaI a« Maalw.

Alt* 1Alpha Con ?l£ u,l!o*_-V.' ;

A»dea iHP2 tu£[? CLOIV. 1Welchrr W-J,h Con ' iiBella I*l* (Maclean *7Best A Bwlcher ..li'MonoBodle Con !Mount DUbloBullion .jNavaJo .. ..

Bulwer Con (Occidental Co« ...2»Cnledonlw 2J!Ophlr «

Chailens* Con ... *Overman .... v.... I<'lK>ltl«r «;Poto.<»i f< onP,der.cei W Savage 21Con. Cel. & Va .. Tlijrorplon .. o

fon. imperial .... 1 il*rra. Nevada ?1«-><"o». New York .. .\u25a0 jSilver H'HCrown Point »Bllvor Kin* ..

Exchequer Standard PrfJ(touid St Curry .. 21 t'nlon Con 42Onwi Prlae ......

. tVlfh Con !'»

Male A Norcnw.l2i Yellow Jacket .... 24



CHICAGO. April *-~TILLiP^ at *Z*LJIthe IMN»f cattl* aold at *********

were good buyers around M.TVtJW.w: "r<lsold anywhere from I 4 W to |5.P':

stackers and feeders. 14 W#4.it: cannln#cows, trWtt.OP: t*t heifers. tS.a«4.».

Hogs were alwut SVt#sc weaker. Saleswere largely at the e*tremer.«n*»» being |3.T(SM W, while pigs sot JboifeSherp sret were fairly active.

rtl>e*p. common to prime. t3 West-cm wooled. |4 ?*tf4w; vearUngawoo led lambf ff> «t»b shorn iambs. t4.W*ts ?«.

Receipt*-tattle, 3 00*t; Ivsgs, 11,669IT.UOo.

Oasaka.OMAHA. April s.?Caitie?Receipt# 2.*.*)

head. Market steady to strong Nativebe*f *?rer». |4 Mtt4.M: Western steers. t4.00*/4,Tt>- row< and heifers. t2.«ofe-4.J8: 'din-ners »!

valf«» MMCf4atH»cs? Receipts, 59», Market acthe ard

i*c higher Heavy. 51.80*3.1t. mimed. SS.TSw.t.so; Ught,

Sh«*ei>?Rr ceiits 3.THO. Market activeand steady Fair to choir* natives 13*0414<ft fair to choice Westerns tl.*>(MH;common and stock sheep U&fiitS; iamb*.HtOia


Tlie «t*rk Kirhaage.

NEW YORK. Apr!! S -TA.y d slockmarket *»» ilmw utterly stagnant, an Jthere were minute* mi a time during Ih#xtNftion of the evhange whew no qsiota-uon tot any stock »*i recorded. Most ofThe tnutaw was made up of trannactton*m * few at the atixkn, S;i|*r andth« Grangers *N«orbtng tht largest propor-tion. The duMneaa itaelf was ex;ite«*tve ofthe prevailing wri.m.nt of waiting «n«i«atrenke dotifct. Not uniy w»r» report*wr* conflicting *a to what woul.i be til*?enor of tke preatdent'* n>- t» rorv-*re#». but opinion* as to how the *n.*aa*i'WJUM bo ncrtvwl and diapoaed of >tfffe**-dv.i*e<> Them was practically nothing leftof y«*tt>nti)'» sanguine anticipations thata iMrCttment would grow in Waafcwtgion«t>-ain»l waiUk* mensur**. TTiere wett> lafa.-t strntlh~*nt reports that the orr»r<s**dpressure which ha* been exerted on am*

during the ia*t few dav* »«.* n*t tmm-jtio measures haa rather defeated it* rut-

bjr a wakering reaentment. Wailstreet counted its tfe# of tb*«e\imt«J repre*er!aiK*»# to congre**, Pru*sshowed *mal! toone* throughout as a n«tr*»ult of tlx day a trading.

The money nwflwt continue* to redeott >e v.-ess ov*r the relations with Spain a*f rribio as la the stork mark*-:, Kurd*continue to tnw to tie Interior for !h»purpo#* of strengthening tho r»«rw ofn terior bank*. The proportion of reserve#of alt the bank* ta tfco wmtry have beenenormouahr Inttawd in the Last fewwacka tad New York kaa made rood thawMMtHMit drain agwn it» nwmi toy *Urga <raa«rartion en loans and by henryI?porta of said from Stmk

Tke awne of neas an very laatk topat 0 aot to iiiMto. Tbe pwafcar rateaef iparent far time nmney and tbe vary,lap ratea foe caU loasa are mid to beiarpely eenttmeotal and bnaed on appre*benaton of war.

QoM continues to come from Europe, thetoVlirty '{mm *************

T? taaacttopo la tends wero OR « very?mail scale, but the market shared the de-pression with stocks. Total «alea. 11.1*1 9&.

I*cited States new fours and old foursregular are 4 per cent, lower bM today.

Mowey and Bsehaage.Money on coll, firm. 191 par cent.: last

loans, 3 per cent ; prime mercantile paper.HK per cent, sterling exchange, weak.wHJt actual business in bankers' hill atSMIS4A% for demand, and at liMSO

; 4.«4 for sixty daya. posted rates. 94.KM94M aad 96.94*4-85 commercial MUa. H7»4silver certificates, 55%f|314c; bar stiver.Mr;Mexican dollars. «c.

Government bonds?Weak.State bond#?Du!LRailroad bond*-Weak.

rj.new 4*. re*Hl INorth Car. to ...123%New to. coup.lS f Fours 199Fours, reg ....MS* Nor. Pac. lata ..112Four*, coup ..IBw IVimi ...SITwos, reg .... «%l Pours W4Fives, reg ...UIfiNY.C. A Bi.L4e.H#lFives, coup . UIWNor. * Weal. to. 130

District t «to ...Ut iN. W. Consols .1414Ala.?Class A ..l«4i Deb. Sa US

Class B luS Or Nav. lsta ...115Clam C * Fours «

Currency .. .. li Or. 8. L to, i. r.U94Atchison to fives, t. r Ml

Ad], to Or. Ibi. Ists, t. r.HffCan. So. kls ...1 Fives, t. r. .... ttttCan. Pac. Isu ..

.. Pac. to of 16 ....MlChi. Terminal .. Reading to W4I hes. A Ohio ae.IUVR. G. W. tots ... MC.. H. A D. 4***.l6t%jSt.L. A 1.M.C.3a. sCD. A R. G. Uts.m #t.L A 5.F.G.t0.117U

Fours ? St. Paul oon ...,1«SEast Tenn. lsts.toS ISt.P.C. A P.lsts.lUErie Gen. to .... ?l Fives 11IM»F WAD i*ta.\.r. « S. C. Non-Fund. ..

Gen. Elec. to ...Ml So. Railway Sa .ISG. H. AS. A. to.hK Stand. R. AT.to M

Seconds MS Tenn. new set Is IfHAT. On. to.llo IT. P. L. G. tots. tt%

Coo. Is Mi Reg. Ms SIlowa C. Ists ?II Union Pac. l»ta ...

K. P. Con.. L r.MI Preferred SttiK.P.lst D.D. I.r.m Foursla New Con 4s. tt U.P..D. A Q.lsts 51L. AK. Col. to. M Wab. Ist Sa ....M*<Missouri to 101 Seconds 77*4M . K. AT. Ids. U% West Shore 4 ~VK\

Fours II Va. Centuries ...«

N. T. Cen. Ist* .11$ Deferred SN. J. Cen. Sa ...112

stock*?Rallraada.Atchison 11 Chi.. Ind. A L ?

Preferrwi .... 2He Preferred SS

Bait. A Ohio ... IS N. Y. Central ...HOS4Canada Pac .... BMfc N. T. C. A St. L. 11%Canada South . 4«% Ist preferred .. ISCentral Psc .... 15 M preferred

... 21Ches. A Ohio ... 11% Nor. West U%Chi. A Alton ...ISm North Am. Co .. S%Chi.. B. A Q. ? M% Nor. Pac a%Chi. A E. 11l ... U Preferred «%C. C. C. * St. L. SSMilOnt. A West .... 14H

Preferred .... 78%J0r. Rail A Nav. |S

Del. A Hud ....MttitOr. Short Line . 27Del.. L. A W....14S IPlttsburg 1«8Den. AR. G. ... 19 Reading 1«4

Preferred .... 43 j Ist preferred .. VErie (now) 124! Rock Inland 55%

lot preferted « St. L. A 8. F. ..

Fort Wayne -,..1« 1 Ist preferred .. 55Gt. Nor. pre 147 I 2d preferred

... 25%Hocking Val ... *4lSt. Paul MIllinois Cen II | Preferred 142L. E. A West .. 13% St. Paul ft Ou«

Preferred ....II ( Preferred 145

Lake Shore ... 179 |St. P.. M. A M..IMLouis. A Nash . 49%! So. Pacific 13KManhattan L .. sd%tSo. Railway .... 7V»Met. St. Ry .... Preferred 36%Mich. Cen 154 JTex. A Pac 19Minn. A St. 1.. . 24 (Cnion Pac 52%

Ist preferred .. S9 jl*.P.. D. A G. .. 0%Missouri Pad ... 2R»'Wabash «»«.

Mobile A Ohio . » I Preferred 18%Mo.. K- A T. ... 104 Wheel. A L. E . 1%Preferred .... Sl%! Preferred 9%N. J. Central .. 914!

Exprews Companies.

Adams 100 jl'nlted Stated ... SIAmerican ISO I Wells Fargo ....111


Am. Cot. Oil ... l«i]Pullman Pai ....170Preferred .... © Sliver Cer V5%

Am. Spirits Rspe AT*Preferred .... »%ißimar ui%

Am. Tobacco ...191%! Preferred WWPreferred .. .115 jTenn. Cool * I . 194

People's Gas ... 91 jt\ 8. Leather ... (%Con. Gas 1764; Preferred SftfePom. Cal>l«* Co .130 'l*. 8. Rubber ... l«Col Fuel ft r. .. 19 1 Preferred 63

Preferred .. .. >9 tWest. l'n>on 864Gen. Klectrtf .. M4!Chl. ft X. West.lUIlllnule

CKde Q*% 40V» St. L. A 8. W. .. 4Lead 29V Preferred I

i Preferred . R- G. W 53Nat. Lin. Oil ... 14 ! Preferred .. ... S«Or. Imp. Co .... 27 Gt. We.«» .. 10%Pacific Mall ... 534! Haw. Com. Co .. 23%

Mlalsg Stocks.

Bulwer Ontario SO<VChollar \u2666»'; Ophlr f3Crown Point .... 20! Plymouth tCon. Cal & Va . 80 sju|rk«tlver 109Deadwochl 75 Preferred 209GouiJ ft Curry . 90<SlriTd Nevada ... 180llale ft Nonro*s 120 Standard ITS

Mexican 40 Yellow Jacket ... 23Iron Sliver 32

Total Sales.

! Total sales of stocks today were 157,100shares, including.

i llurllnaton 25,340Louisville ft Nashville 9.219Manhattan 15.715Metropolitan Street HallwayNew York CentralNorthern Pacific preferred 2.M0Rock Inland 9.230St. Paul 2S.SSOI'nion Paclft.- »tl?I\ P.Dft R Q 4.725American Spirits 1V*«0Tobacco 12.110Consolidated Gas XTt3Sugar 78.291

Will Keep Open Uood Friday.

The board of governors of the stock ex-change today resctnded its action In the

! rksslng of the ezchange or tiood FridayI and decided to k«*p open for business on

that day.Uraeral Qaatatiaaa.

Flour-Receipts, J7.13S barrel*; export*,barrel* Market active an.l firm.

Wheat?Receipt*. 2*1.r50 buahel*: esoorta.bueheia. Spot firm. No. J ml 11

f o. b. Option* opened a fraction eamiercwlr>sr to Liverpool weakness, but *ub*e-qqently recovered and taere «tronr a?l dayon locat <*overin* »n.J active buying foroutside account; Vlay cloved at ftfflV

Wo9i?Uuiet.Hop*?<Juiet.Petroleum?Pull.Coffee?Op!ion# clewed strong l*u»i" point#

ne* hteher. In the afternoon t;e*r mon:hatumped up Suaif. polnta on covering andheavy consumption demand following ru-mor* of war tax. Males M ?*> hags, in-cluding: April. 5.11c: llav. 5 TflQd lieSpot?ftto strong: No. 7 invotce. Tc: No 7jobbing. TVc; mild, strong and h.jrtier-Cordova. s^ftllc.

Su**r~Kaw. strong: fair refining. 3V;centrifugal, it-test, refined, strong.

Mat*la.Pi* Iron?Warrants. M f*>.Copper?Lake. Ills® bid: frlMO askedTin?fit >Xi 14.5T..Bp#lttr~HJ»KSLead?s3.t?Vk bhl. 13,..4 asked. The firm

tliat ftaes the selling pure for miners and»mei:era quotes load at 18.20 at the clo«e.

me wooi. aiiKKT.

Haataa.KOiTO.V April 3 The condition of the

»00l market thl# week i* vr-ry dul. andthe saiee hav* fallen off to the lowestpoint tn recent years Manufa' tutera whoar*> n-H forevd to huy are keeping out cfthe m»rket. and the frw **>*made aresome !-*?<-iai hinds of woo: that must behad. cjuoratior.s:

Territory wools?Montana fine and me-d um fine Mglftc: scoured. 44ta&r; stape

I'tah. Wyoming, etc.. fir>« mediumand fin*. stabile, 5&.-. scourod. 4Uf

mSSZSfSSkSee* Pfliaaa,

Australian w<v»*s. scoured hasi#?Comb-ing sipwitw. 'Mi :tc: wimslni good. «>»«c: i»mb:ng average, Queenslandcombing. ®c.

(kleaga Markets.CHICAGO April i-No markets: holi-day on atxount of efcwrkma

\u25a0astsa Mark MarketBOgTOW. April 1-

Or. Short Line . U ißoa. St Butte ... TX%Mas. *Kak ....171 (Piuprott .... ..... 8

NMW OKUAWI Apea V-Cottoasteady: aMdling. SVtfr


NEW York. April k-TW EveningPom s financial cablegram ny«:

SPIESwhOe the ' WmbAiM of the

political situation Jupwiii quotation*out atthe mb« time H to felt t hat *ach

? *e*»y ineneaseo the tkeithood of aBpjtV*h-American w*r.

Americans were better at mlddav on asomewhat ranted buying here. That toregretted because It *ll weaken th* po-sition If war ocean*. The continued raftIn Braxil* excited attention. Oold is Instrong demand for New Tork at T7s lid.and £3M.919 In Japanese yen were bougntfor export at 7*s» «4d-

ftodag iMtttiwM.LONDON. April s.?Closing?Canadian

Pacific, «V Oraad Trunk, 8,Bar silver jjtsady at 9%d Per ounce-Money, H»2U per cent.

IreaiMaflk.LIVERPOOL, April i.?doslng-rom--

8«>oi American mixed. now, steady at la3d; future* uulet; April, 3s ISO.

Tfct HaM Rwwn*.WASHINGTON. April l-Todgy, state-

ment of tha condition of the treasuryshows:Available cash balance 155M2.219Gold reserve 17a.W.1K

MEAL ESTATE lii>*KKRS.TMaaaetlaas Ham iaaury t aai

for Vwrtwiay,Real estate transaction* alnco January

I, 189s. are 1*01.49115. Thar* wero S*.ed forrecord yaaterday nine deeds. aggregatingIS. 161. Following ia a itat:

,aA?P*w C



hu,t" to **sUto L. Finn, lot1S - block SL South Park. April VM*.

Harah Kyle to Mary ?axter. lota 1. t iand k block SI; 1 to H. block 5; 1 to 1 Mock

1. 2. a, 6. and «. block M. Greet North-ern ad to Ballard. April 4, M7AMary A. Phlnney to V. H. Poison. I*ft off lot 5. block 74. A. A. Denny'a ax*tension 'of Terry's ad. March 1, if,!*.

L. B. Wood to Rlgar B. Wea'arbrook.lot 5. block 9, Thumm A IfMMIaubdof tracts 9 and a of Maple Leaf ad toGreen Lake Circle, November B, MMW.

Marie E. Brown, admintotrntrix, toCharles H. Maaiey. und % Intarwt InWashington Central ImproveoNirt Convpsny's Knob HUI ad to Kent, marked r9--aerved upon ptol of said ad, 5% tu-rea, Jan*uary 15. 1894. StBO.

A. A. Denny et ux. |o George A. Hurd,lots 9 and 12. Mock 114, Denny's Broadwayad. April 2. M.300.

Mount Pleasant Cemetery Company toJoanna Sullivan, lot 40, sec 1 of replatof Mount Pleusant cemeter>-. February 7.Co-

Belle Hood to Mrs. E. J. Rsyl. north 4lot K. Hood A Carfe First ad to WestSeattle. January' fl. 51.

David Jones to Michael Sender, lots 5and 6, block 4, Monroe's Ist ad, April 5,MOO.

Xaaiay'a Trauferi.Henry Kle«*m-eyer et u*. to VirgilL. and

Ida M. Smith, 1 acre in nw corner of auc-tion 35. twp ». range «. Sept. 14. IMC.

Marv E. Hellewell and huaband. X. 8.,to P. 8. Woodard. #S nw*4 n*** section 2A.lirp 20. range «, W acres, March O. r.SOU.

Charles a. Carpenter et »*. to M. C.Leach, lot 7. block 29, Lake I'nlon addi-tion. March 7. quit claim, fl-

Alico H, Pay, bf George P. Fay, attor-ney. to Clarence M. Austin, lota 7 and I,block 16. Northern addition, March M,1760.

F. A. Robinson. aa executor of estate ofSwell P. Brtnnon. deceased, to Swane H.Peline. lot 11 block 44. Bell's Hetra'Second addition. March 24. Kti.

Ella P. Kennedy and husband. Wm. F.,to Missouri Rean*, lot H. Cormode's S-acre Garden Tract#, AprilS, IW7. C

Missouri Reana to Wm. p. Kennedy,un to lot H, ComodCa 5-acre OardenTracts. April S. 1«7. II

Bell Markl* and husband. I. E.. to W. P.Kennedy, tract 2t Connode's &-a«*e Oar-den Tracta. Oct 1. 1*97. il»

North American Savings. Loan 6 Build-ing Co. to Edward B. .Graves, receiver, lot11. block 17; lot* 27 and S. block M. Brook-lyn addition. krt fl, block 12. latona addi-tion: lot «. block \u25a0£: lot 21 block M. Brook-lyn addition, March H quit .claim, |I.

C. P. Jobnaon at lis. to Sarah K Arnott."'\u25a0a ""V aectlon 27, twp 22. range 4,March 5. S2m.

Oscar H. Fredertckson to Maris Thom-son. lots 17 and 15. block tft. South Park,April 2. to

H. W. Mll|p et ug. to Emma Roberts, lots5 and 6. block 3S, South Park addition,Aprti 1 135.

Thomas H. Hackett et ux. to G. H. Gal-lant. lots SI to 94. block S, South Park.March 17. flO.

Rasselas J. Miller et ux. to Martha A.Weir, lots 5 6, snd »w4 >w% section 15twp 24. rsnge 4; lots 4 and 5, section 5, twp23. range 4 (escept I*4 acres In tot 4 and

acres In lot 5, section 121. April 4, M.'M.AX lYOßiten L CAM.

Sellsb Ksssfh to Be SntlsSed SilkMelsg Very Mark la Her Oekl.

"Yes." aald a. young man about town."th*r* are a number of fallow* In goodsociety who nnw think of making anyreturn for the entertainment given themby their girj friends. Tott a?e. they don'thave to. They are In demand becauaenice mx-W)' fellow* are *o decidedly ararce.A Ctrl ha* to cudgel her feraina to thinkup enough nice fellow* to fill out an even-in* party. That'* right.

"You s*e the aame name* of young fel-low* in the society columns time Aftertime. Well, It'a Juet becauae they are theonly one* to be had. And that'* the rea-son they get carriee* ahout returning fa-vors. They think to theanaelvw. 'Oh. theg'rji ran t get along without im, and tnypre*ence la aufficient return for ail thefavor* I get ' But they ran r*m assuredthat the girls don't think ao.

"I know one young fellow who haa beenike Kueat of ? certain girl a great manytime*: tea*, and parttea, and dinner*, andall that aert of thing. And one day I Jok-ingly mid to him: Thing* aeem to bo get-tag a tittle confidential for you at Mlasblank'*.' What do you *uppoat he an-swered?

'* 'Nonsense,' he Mid. 'you hav# no chumto #uy so. ( neror took her anywhere.*

"What do yo« thhifc of that?"

Paul# la Urn.WaMilngion itar.

"People" often ask me the meaning ofthe apparently crasy hieroglyphic* andfigure* that are stamped on the Inner #4deof the upper# of ready-trade sho«« nowa-days." #ald an F afreet shoe dealer to aStar man. "As «*ory *hoe manufacturerhas a secret atamp code of hia own andthere la. therefore, no poaslMliry of thegeneral j public leaning mare thanthat such <odes eslst. I may aswell tell you that the vanity ofmodern mortal#, and especially to-men. la at the bottem of theae pee«.liar .tamned char.*rter» and flgurea, Tou'dhe surprised to know, for instance, howmany women there are who Imagine thatthey wear a Ne. a ahoe wham la reality»hnr sise 1* a coupls of rtg.urea larger A#hoe *alearnta n who understand# Ma tMwt-n»aa can tell prockwly the number of theshoa * woman customer wears at aglance. But aa often aa not a woaaanwhose foot ia a No 3 calls for a shoe a

- >«pie of *t»e# smaller, and the ssyat*-

' rlou* stamped hieroglyphic scheme waa do*vised for the purpasi of encouraging liarin the belief that her foot is a couple of*<*e* (.mailer than It raatty measures inahoe leather.

"When a woman calls for a No. S to fita No. S foot, no shoe saiaanaaa of tnio%rawho cares anything for his Job ia gotag to>ay: Madam, your foot rrquiraa a K&1* He simply brings out a ahoa In the*ty> she feouaata thai ho feels ewn%Jentwin ct her comfortably tad law It go atdwi

"A woman rarely thinks to+e» ia reattv at tk# ataa ako ?*

for ahe taken ft for gsaaied that A* sntsaart* ku gteen her arhat A* l?wtil.But when « miM d«« uk. far m-seanre, k » UK s. to itr tc» tho

buatnsan to onbtuahingty <Mpty:Ye»*ss. il'» t 1' Tho II !\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 cno»

tWMnr might tuatta* the htori|tr»lil(« t»-«M* the uppers for a ««*l without (Mtnfout ««y different, soil wo it *? hoi thokey to mole It would oohr atk* hach*T had. fO what would ho tho eser*

»\u25a0*!\u25a0 Of louk WOltM.Aa Indiana man has invented an e>e«

trtr Sahtag rod. which. If ho coold sotaportam«n to too it, would undoubtedlyptay havoc with the finny tr'bee. It I*M contrived with conducting wire* thatwhsn % tell take* the hook the prtmuwof a button in the hand sof tho an|l«rcompletes tho ctrcuit and death instantlyfollow#, the beauty of the whole thinsWBf. aa tbe inventor describes It. thattho hah can thon be taken fiom the wiurwithout difficulty.


TMK NEW ENGLANC.B. Good. Berkeley, CaLR. W. Good. Berkeley.i C. Everett. Loa Ancelea9 i* Nirkersoti. Loa Angeles,i L- Bod well. Los Angelee.T. W. Oouglsß. Los> Angetea.1* H. Trout. San Francisco.Jaa. Rolls, California.Wm. Rolls. California.J. H. Yaaley, Winters. Cal.C. X. Colo. Winters.A A. ColUna. Oakland, CalA. Barren, La Conner.W. K. Allen. City,W. E. Brown. City.Robert Alien. Wilt*son.orin Locktartdge. WHkeeon.Willlata Rlckettta. Taromu.J. I). Armllage. ton FVajtelaco.Frank Graham, ton Prandseo.Frank McCarthy, ton PranriaedW. A. Patterson, ton FranclecokDavs Weeks, ton Pranclaco.J. E. Davis, ton Francisco.James Duppy. ton Francisco.Mrs. Stark and dtr. Black Diamond.H. H. Parker. New York.S. Goldswcrthy. Bremerton.Mrs. M. Gerhardt and dtr. McMurrayR. G. Thompson. Portland. Me.H. M. Porter. Falrport. Ma.W, C. Anderson, Brunswick, Me.W. H. Ferguson. ('lty.F. H. Treat. City.

iamao St rout, anoomlmie.!. T. Scholt, Michigan.

James Green. City.W. H. WaMi. Vancouver. B. C.C. W. flatsben. Vancouver. B. C.John Kinney, Olyjnpl*Wm, Barnett, Olympia.

THE DILLER.E. O. English, Mount Vernon.John Furneoa. Norman,tout Olson, Stanwood.W. H. Wright. Philadelphia.B. B. Henderson. Wichita. KaO.T. H. Graham. Wichita. Kan.Frank Xeater. Arlington.ChrtaUne Kldem. Minneapolis.R. B. McDonald. Toronto.Edw. Malaenaner, Chicago.C. B. Mrßriarty. WfangsLWilliam Yfatee, Idaho.L. S. Kester, Idaho.E. Prat:, Palmer.D. J. McDaid. Sac City. U.Mrs. D. J. McDaid. Sac CUy. tm.Edwin Keller. Redmond.Joseph Mayktr. Oak Harbor.Mrs. 8. C. Chubb. Boatcn.W. K- Stevens, SanM. u. Chase. San Frsnciaco.J. H. Blanchard. I'ortLuid. Me.W. M. Farwel). Portend. Ma.Henry Allen. Portland. Me.Henry Smith. Portland. Me.if. C. Johnson. Arlington.F. McMUlan. Arlington,rf. Dlerfca. Lincoln. Nel>.Mrs. H. Dlerlts. Lln<oli». N*h.Mra. J. P. Clayton. Ravenna. N'*kMartin GaUagner. Fair haven.C. L. Laury. Snohomish.Chas. Shaw. Butte. Mont.O. McDonald Mlchlaah.Thattas Bordeaux. Shelton.

THE OCCIDENTAL*W. I. Hatrdman. Cleveland, O.L. P. Kappa. Portland.C. W. Whatton. Portland.J. W. Boyle. Portland.John Jacobs. Portland.Jamea Lewis. Portland.Jafliso A. Jans, New York.R. Martlndab . Bay City.Mrs. Qeerge Labbe, Seattle.F. C. Rogers. Spokane.Miss Msy Sefton. Portland.Mm A. Perkins. St. PaulMrs. A. Clow. Duluth.Victor Maretti, Victoria.Mr. Howard. City.Robert Mat; is on. St. PaulCharles King. Spokane.FT W. Wood. Spokane.F. Connelly. New YorkThomas Patterson. Dungeness.J. B. petterson. San FrandacoJ. K. Clarke. New York.J, E. Johnston, ton Francisco.R. R Livingston. Victoria.Pat Russell. SalemHarry D, Hardmun, New Jersey,W. W. New York.Frank Samuels. Detroit.Sir. Ctiilergan, ton Francisco*Mr. Murphy. San Franeloco.Dr. R. E. Russell, New York.M. M. Mirom, Spokane.

THK BRCNBW ICK.Hubberd Bampaon. fh. Pau#J. K. Waiab. Palrhaven.K. V. Walah. Falrhaven.H. P. Tborndyh*. Nrw York.C. M. Dlahong <?lty.

Millar. Plttaburg. Pa.Frank Cummlnga, Plttaburg.Ed J. Klenan, Woreeater, Hmt.Franc U Bwry. Vic-tori*. B. C.M. W Hall, Everett.C. A. MrHrlortjr. Fort Wrangel.J. B. Mo*-. Poulebo.S. J. Yatea and party. lng1«woo4John C. Leawre. Portland.John K. Johnaon. Portland.Charlee HoJcomb. City.J. H Kr*oe Minneapolla.Charte. H. Jon**. Telegraph Creek. B. C.Ed Kinney. New York.¥7 M Barlow. Chicago.A. D. Roibatein, City.H. A. Hamblln. Chbage

THE RAINIER-ORANU,K. O. Amee. Port Oa«nhie.Ruaeeli Cob-grove. Washington. D. C.John Rad berg. St. Paul.J«mm Campbell. Fort Blakefey.Felix B. Lippman. Raw York.K. B. Maatlck. Jr.. Junction City, Waah.L. Morrta. Ann Arbor, Mich.J. S. Davta, Rocheater. S. Y.Or. and Mrs. L B. Ingrena. Valley City.

S. D.Arthur P. Ward. mgr. Maria Janam Co.W. O. Cuahlng Minneapolis.8. L. Harria. Ban FranetacowQua A. Clark. Portland.C, D. Joatyn. Montaaa.T. tt. Gey. Ban Franrtato.J. C Stein. Ban Francteo.Charlea Jone*. Philadelphia.A. Wade and wife. Alton. 111.Mr/. Wad«*. Alton. litMr*. E. P. Wade. MinneapollaW L. Tnompwon Ro«-hei»ter. «? ».

Mr*. B. Bear. Chicago.R. J. Ruckor. Everett.C. l>. Frali. Everett,Jantra Craig. Ban fcrantiaco.

THE NORTHERN.John C. Portland.D. J. Hanne. Portland.J. C. Neville. Bey CjUT. Mich.K C. BtftcSeer. Ban Frandaeo.W. H. Ml!' hell. Portland.J W, Hume* Port Attfelea.C. E Stamp. Mlnnaapolla.T A. North. SumnerJ." W, Durnen Monroe.Tboßian Iwnan, Monroe.J R. Doraey. L^ulaville.Frirk Li Bmltfc M»d wife. Janearill*.Mm. E LfOM. Portland.Frank B RaiUie Haker City.Jahn A. Potta. Pfl« ValdjeM Barfard and wife W.T.A t5o««w«. Vletarta.Thomae Bmtth, Tagiah Lake N. W. T.Dktay Clark, Tacomo.Mr*. Maria E Haaaard, Txodu.Arthur S. Rdeenblatt. Ban Franc I.aco.Jamea I*Bchermer, Herkimar. N. Y.William Dennia I»ndo«. England.Wat. Carey and wife. Manrbaater, K. H.Mra. F. W Iceman. Mane heater. N. H.Hum Gilieapte, Mane heater. M. H

Xing. Vancaovar.c. C. GMter. Whatcom.W. IL Belyea. LaCwnoa.

iPPmipiVf* '

r *- . i



Poiiland. OR, April 5, UN.Raia cooler.


DAILT Bt'LLRTTN.Seattle. April S,

VV ? t f2l| !l a £

} I jt- 2) I I fI PLACa } ; |?J| I'M r I

I M i' |Seattle 2S tV »< 0* S Lt> .00 ClouSffu Ang*ie*;».M. a* » .wijv'ioudafFt. Can by. ».«\u25a0 ** 4H SK 34 hfcßainPortland . 3«» M »NW Ltf oaOoudyRoe-burg . ».«, .">4! ;*SW| » T CloudyWalla \V ...»,«? 7\, 7* S *f iVO',oiKly*¥Mkan«» ..

»;r *a K Lt; .00. CloudyKur«*k» .... £».;4, j»» tc ». .Ji,Ka;nRed RlulT. ».> *vS Tjj 8K TV C^CtoudyMm-'m to ».T* M T.V »w 1»| *tTowrtySan Fran S».W t SOs i» W, .*» Cloudywin'm'.-a .»*» «i» s *\u25ba .okfloHdyBaker City a* ;s «3; u sk iti OQCloudy

SYNOPSISSeattie? Maximum temperature, «#- mta*

Miium, 41; mean. wi.ither cloudy; norain.

G. N. SALISBURY,Section lHrwtor Weather liuuau.


Special Dispatcher ti> PasMntalUfenoer.XtiAM HAV. Aj.ril 3.?1 p. tn.-Cloudyi

calm.CLALLAM HAY. April p m -U*ht

rain; ca!m. In thr Btr.ilt!«, bound up. threoaehoon«r».

PYBIIT. April 4 p m. ?Cloudy; calm.PORT CRKSi.' KNT, April 5.-4 p. m. -

Cloudy; calm.PORT ANUKIJS& April 5.-4 p. m.-Ba-

roaetcr. cloudy; calm. Tutf" \l|l*iant and Ra!nl«r. with iKK»ma. in bay.


GRAYS HARROR. April 5,-Rii!. «l-BchrGuide, from \u2666 *ORmouoll!» ftr San Frnncla-co; achr Jennie Thslin. from Aberdeen for'San rranclaco. Arrtv«d?Sunday, achrSadla. from San Francisco for InHiuiam,and nailed. « hr Melancthon. frwnam for Baa Francisco.


St#a#m*r Scoila is s« h«>dai#d to .-ail tt>aorton- for Dy#« and Skacway.

Steam«m Vlctorisn. AI-KI. Prat set ion,pl«cc V «ry and Noyo are due from thonorth.

?team freighter Caartna w,it over atWest Seattle yesterday loading .» shipmentcf r-ment. which ah* will take to Al.t«kAifporta.

Sieaot scow Bonanaa. Capt. McPhcroon.waa alonsrtde the Centennial mill yeater-

«lar ioadlna f«»rt\ tona of Hour, which ahowi;i tako to Victoria.

Ste.im «-ollicr Proareswj arrived early yeo*tt<rday mornina frt»m San and1s loadlna a return cargo of coal at thaPacific fount bunkers.

Uttumrr Humboldt h» #*p«>ot*d to Hrrtvatcdav from San F*rancl#eo with « tameorcwd of on board. Sht> *llltiili*1 on mor*> psi«wng» r« and freight h*raand urorwd to Lynn canal. Th« Vatone I*it aVto itu»* from tan FramHseo.

THROt'OH NINE STATES.Tha North-Wester® Line comprises oeet

MM miles of perfectly equipped railwaySi IlHao4a. lowa. Wlscokstn, Michigan,Minnesota. Notih Dakota, tooth Dakota.Nohraaka aad Wyoming. It oparotao tfeoSoaat trains Is tho wans. The toChloago. Milwaukee and all tha prteatsolottiaa ai tha Eaot aad Soothaaat SSSto suMHsi laatot ob hovlMg row uofesVte '-fha North-Weetern." F. W. Psrkat.CmkmbW Agost. Mrmt aveooo, toat>tlo.

BEGINNING Wednesday. April Cth,trains from North Bend and Intermediatepoints <>n SnoMueimie branch of Saattla 4kInternational railway will leave NorthBend at a. m.: arrive at Seattle 10:*a. m. Train for North Bend and inter-mediate points will leave Seattle 4:18 p, m.,striving at North Band 7:20 p. m.

COPPER RIVER AND COOK INLET.Fast and popular steamer Noyo ailta

for Copper river and Cook Inlet via Dy« %

and Skasway April «. Apply to A. Chli-berg. Soandinavlan- American bank, comerYesler way and First avenue.

ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION OOkA. A. Johnson. Albert Bryan. Removed

|a tl4 Railroad avenue. Telephone. MainTi.

Three of the crew of the fishing achoonarAraao Were drowned In Eagle harbor. Nge

«u Wand Alaafca. while returning from ftwrddina dinner *lven cm boned the arhoonggMarv ami Ida In January The Araftia now reported lo#t. with all hand*.

in tb*> world. It la far betterf» m to t* full of fir* than to haveJ iy« mu«h morn y. It l» hotter toJ InBVB have vim than It (a to own

Vy*arcwrly worth hundred* ofdf.:'«r». OrrMi and grand man*

hooJ la a ihina to be admired the wofMover and by every one. Are you a man oritrti you pufijr?


jmfI*TrEMPT to find out. If you araTK afraid of being in other pe3*l#o

ao<J«ty, if yov Wuah. if you haeoIjffll drain*. if you hevr bad dreamo

\u25a0 and night «weat»-you ran km1 \u25a0 »»ire your ayotam la debilitated.

There la a leak eomewhare; yeamust atop it or you will noon be no man atall. You c-an atop ft. too!

A WKVKR give up hope "Hudyg% M

fJ tua great r*nM««llo-ireataaant of|%f the lludimian Inatlluta, winI mo*t certainiy make a full maai(/sE nut of you and wilt give you

ba« k all your fire, your vim. aadyour ftne aanae af perfect man-

hood. "Hudyan" la prompt In it* actionatway* It la wonderful In U* power andatrengtb.

/4 KI.P 1* an certain a* that t!k nf|(A| will rice tomorrow. 'Hudyad**

tMjXM mak<*« it* rttm-tm felt at MM,It* cur** an* permanent AM

\u25a0 \u25a0 thay ha»e b#*n m4e all Mtr? thi* <-<mttnent *»d In Mtirae* aa

«r*IL To And vouraaif *?*? OMTta perfrrt man, and no fongrr tell a man,vuiar* and taaMmontola. «4t»ft« fre«.

©S!,Ywrite and a*k for free cir-

culann and the mo*»t convfarlMleatknonkai* atuxatn* what It liudone for Other* Trie* will not

< oft you on* atngi* cwnt. and will*<ivr you y««m of wlfortoc. Aakfor free irwlit-al advice. too. and

the >*t in the land i# voor# for the wh%Hut writ**or call today.

®?*TENa man find# that hi* hair la

aettln* thtn and that ho h*» ttnjrulc#ra in hie mouth. And thanagain. «<- nnd* lump* in hMthroat. The** ar* ail duo t*blood taint of *om* kind. If yowa*e either of the** aymptMM

writ* at onca for Mood ewe etr-cuiara an dteotiflMHiiaia. Quit* fre*

d BSPAIR never helped a cure, aaHem y*a ..®Ln *op# - "'H4' «*o4\u25a0vim cor* I* aure to «nah* you w*S\u25a0/ I and atror,* It doaa not uttir\u25a0A# wh*tb*r your ca*a ta in |ta pri>W mary. aacaadary ar tertiary.....

and faatlatonlel* at* ft**aa air to ym

\u25a0Hllll8NHLIMBMINIfa, -

Sail Fr*art«o, Cll.1 . ..


- I .
