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ijl I ALASKA Seattle, City NwUmNH^ Dyei. OF YUKON I...

Date post: 05-May-2018
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10 i "»\u25a0 !|! STEAMSHIP A I 1 At mrit*9Mr Dock, ijl 11 NwUmNH^ i | MOUTH OF THE YUKON Aad Boston * Alaska TraifporttftM Co/® Strip Y«rd»- i WM Sal Mariay. May 2. at 7 rdacfc P. RL iiwrifrrr ifcat Ike t;. S. fcaa lie 0. Srls- j [ kwi ftr th«lr mi»MM \u25a0?rtk. TW kmmi ?»» o»Hw>. ? oalr o iMltml mtmmmmt mt |bmiw» oml inrtakl saaee Wt. Baataa 6 Alaska Traassartatlao Co. 114 Jesses St., Seattle. l! I o. n. rUUBKK, 6m«ml H«Ma«r. j [ a. B. caORMWmT* tfMte Ummrnm*'. COLUMBIA NAVIGATION COMPANY Hus pspalsk the Magulflocatly Tijiilppai Steamship CUT OF COLUMBIA CUM Tens Register) For DAW SOS CITY aad all litarmdlatv polatsoa the Yukoa River ea May 18 oi every 90 daye thereafter, UasMliss aim aa» aseilslty ??Sitwlrt aIMMhMI attsaMta g. *.- If sat. SS. Satnaa aad W. K. Marwta, mt tha Ulssikis Savfr* pitiMC«*~ «ad Ms siaa?pr w. B Emm, at Ua igwis KU>SOikl CO. Far nrtaa at psiiwgr mmS Iratgkl aaMt stfear lafsnuUss apply at Iks sMa tfea asusaay, SSTVAI UW» SUtLDIXG. aarstr of Sealer war and Fir at ataasa. FOR ST. MICHAEL AND YUKON RIVER. S. S. M (GARONNE" Capacity l,«» passengers aad i. ?S ass U'iifht* Bliil Ml OP §bOttt JUNE 10. Connecting with the aew and powerful river ateamera City of Chicago, Paul Walters. Lulu Stewart and Maacott FRANK WATERHOUSE CO.. LMTD. K. w. M'OINNIS. Gen'l Freight aad Passenger Agt., 214 Burke Block. The All-Water Route to Dawson. INI COLUMBIA NAVIGATION ?O. WII! operate lb* ateam»hip« "RIVAL," "PROTECTION" and "LAKME" from Seattle to 0>« mouth of tho Tukwn River, connecting with our own river ateaimra. Sailing* wBl be made between the 10th and 30th of May. For freight and paesage apply to the ofllca of the Company, corner Tel- ler Way and Flrat Avenue R. CHILCOTT, Agent. PACIFIC CLIPPER LINE. \V» own our own wharv** and drays In Seattle, our own vessels and tugs, our own lighter* and team* In Alaska. Act as Steamship Agents and cover the entire fle'td of Alaaka Transportation by # »ny known route. ARLINGTON DOCK. Tel. Pike 74. City office 105 Ve*ler way, Tel. Main 577. MARINE INSURANCE. THE FIREMAN'S FUND INSURANCE CO.?the larg- est company west of New York?insures vessels, freights, car- goes, charters, etc, etc, at rates as low as those of any other safe company. Losses paid in Seattle immediately upon adjust- ment. BURNS & ATKINSON, Agents, Bo»to« B.OCK. y Ike Boot Mi Iml Cciwlcil Uftfct Draft Steamer la Existence. J | THE vt l can IRON WORKS CO., ?i Seattle, Hash. 4 : 9 FOR NEW YORK DIRECT. : ? The Clipper Ship WM. J. ROTCH ? ? Will be dtn'atched from ?c*t«.k« about May SX « ? For fre.gM and eiher Information apply to BAJtNESON * CHILCOTT. ? J tawment of Mutual Life Building. ? \ STIKINE * RIVER jj ROUTE £ TO THE KLONDIKE. \ The Fast and FoererfuJ Steaaert ; SKAGIT CHIEF and GLENORA \ Wr*a|fS May let and mry \ T*j Da>» thereafter. |V»r foMera. rate® and full la far- mama to FREI> P, M&YEIL \ m Y**.«r Way. V *«?. Mala m. Ml prepared to make con- tracts for the delivery of Coal a*, the acjth of the Yukoa river dur- ing tiie forthcoming eeaaon. Apply to BARNESO.V ft CHILCOTT. ? m ? A Urge number of grrUmsen lor- % ? 'ng their w-.vee purchaeed cornblM* ? t t-on ftxturee teat week at * J rtret A..SM, * J Roctkkoot Fixture Coapativ. J \u2666?iiiiiniiiiiMiiimiin ; pgjjic Cssit StounMp 6§> W. j mi «- I ALASKA JJ STEAMSHIP I cowan, ii Will Sell From Seattle j ; ! MM.il 2, ii ; At V A. M. \u25ba For Victoria. Mary Island, Ketchl- . , ? kaa, Lortng. Wrangel. Juneau, « ? ; Douglas Island. Skagway, Dyea. ; ; . Kiiilano and Sitka. , , I Elegant Excursioa Steamship ; n Will Sail Froai Settle ii iik®, n5, ii At i A. & ' For Victoria, Juneau. Douglas lai- ?* , and, Skaf«ay and Dyaa. j | i i tT- n, | WIU sail from Seattle i in®. KOI it. ii ' At W A. M. « » \ For Victoria. Mary Uland. Wran- «? , gel. Sum Dum, Juneau. Douglas J \ > Island. Skagway and Dyea. ~ » 4 , » FOR SAN FRANCISCO. ' The Company's elegant Steamers « . ? cmatillJl city of puebla .. and WALLA WALLA leave SB- « - , ATTLE. via Port Townsend and*«> . Victoria. B. C.. 8 a. m . Jan. 29. ' Feb. 3. S, 13. IS. 23. 2S. March 5. 10. ? \u25a0 ; 15. 20. 25, ». April «. f, 14. I*. 21, ». , SAN FRANCISCO for Seat- «\u25a0 , He. via Victoria, B. C-. and Port * ? . Fownsend. 10 a. m.. Jan. SI. Fab. K, *' . (0 18. SO. 25. March I 7. 12. 17, 22, W, *' . April 1, 6. 11. 1«. n. ?». " FOR ALASKA. ? The Steamers QUEEN. VICTO- « » ' RIAN, CITY OF TOPEKA, AL-KI. ? ? COTTAGE CITY and CURACOA, «? leave SEATTLE. 9 a. m., AprU 5, i. 10. 15. 17T 18. ». 25. », 39. 30. The « » , .ompany reserves right to changa \u25a0 » , without previous notice steamers. ? ? , failing dates and hours of sailing. , For further particulars procure * ? . company's folders « \u25ba . J. F. TROWBRIDGE. P. S. Supt.. ? ' . Ocean Dock. Seattle. City Ticket ' ' . Agt.. «06 First Ave., Beatt)e. Good- ' \u25a0 » ill. Perkina 4k Co., Gen. Agte., San " ' » Francisco. » *' THE SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER. FRIDAY, APRIL »? WASHINGTON & AUSKA STEAMSHIP CO. Steatner ROSALIE Sails from SawlaT, **T *? Steamer CITY OF SEATTLE Sails trmm SB tmß rr,W ' M ' r ®* r-FOR Wraagei, Jneai, Skaftway ni Dyei. For frrlKkl and paurnier rr«»rTa(lMs apply CHARLKS K- PEABOUV. eoraer of I'rtlrr Wajr aad First Awaif, Seattle* *art. ' Pacific Stean WlMltal Copper River! I I- Aa« CMk lalet. 1 _____ 1 VALENCIASails Slay 10 I "N And every flrteen days thereafter direct I steamer Valeaela. I steamer Excels!ar. ORCA, PORT VALDKS ASD I PORTAGE RAY. Thii comDany owns the only w banrss, lighters and other laproriWliU at sbovs points on Prince William sound. No lat-dlng h ; >'our ?tnatioti. Valencia and Excelsior ars ftist-elam In *\ ery "J,*? flttsd throucbou: with electric Ugh *? he *t * T s tars apply to 313 First At. Sovtn* swtfift ** AUSTIN CLAIBORNE. General A cent, Seattle. Wash. ill in li nil 11 it 11 nil 111111111 m i inl :I"I MI nin y Juneau, Dyea and Skagway jj TUB STEAMSHIP " =HERMOSA= i Salts Fran Seattle Nay 3 and Every Fifteen Days Thereafter. $ For Freight and Pa»sage apply. Hi James Street. Hotel Seattle Building. *j* rhe steamship Hermosa has elegant and commodious accommodation* T F. H. LOWE, General Agent. jj* sppuus HUMBOLDT New and Strictly First Class, tail. NRANGEI, JUNEAU. SKAGWAY ami DYEA Monday, May 1, at 1 P. M. Tickets on sale at 11)5 Yesler Way. Arlington Dock and Great North- ern Ticket Office. E. E. CAINE. Sole Agent Northern Coast Steamship Co. WILL DISPATCH. STEAMER TILLAMOOK, TO Copper River AM) COOK'S INLET DIRICCT. . April 29, T P. M. JOHNSON LOCKE MERCAN- TILE. 112 Tester way. llotfl Seattle building'. | Wrangel f Skag-way | Dyea t Steamship J SIGNAL J Sails May 1 and every j :S days thereafter, carry- + ing freight and passengers. J Sjucr (or live stock at X reasonable rates. t Carroll, Johnson 6 Co. \u25bc Gen. Agfr.!*, US West Yeeler Way. i-h.-r.ee. Use wire, batter. aa. teJwrrach inatrumfata and all cf r c --i .il eurp'.iea at Iftlft I jfnt Airnur TWE SOCTIWFST miuscovAinr All WATER ROUTE TO DAWSON CITY ON OCEAN SIEAKB "LAI®ADA" ro mouth of Yukon: thence to destination and intermediate points on river <i steamer KATIE 11EMR1CH 3 Sailing Date. May 16. 1898. <; For transportation and freight apace apply to F. H. CLARKE. Ticket <? Agent <U Bailey building. Seattle Washington. Telephone. Main stt. < Andrew Bemrfeh. president; John I'ul!?s. vice president: Hans D. K. « Hadenfeldt. secretary and treasurer. Reference by permission. National Bank « of Commerce and Puget Sound National Bank. <; 8 ftftttttflHiif #'# # iiiu | Cook Inlet and | | Copper River. | < g J SEATTLE AND ALASKA 0 | S. S. CD 'S STEAMER jj? {.NOYO.I I f £ Leaves Colman's Doc l ' *fl? | IIBW MAY 10, I i £ Land.ng Passengers t" & $ Sunrise City and Port i i Valdes. % i 5 Apply to A. CHILBERO. General * Steamship Agent, Scandinavian- f: American Bank Building, corner * i leeier Way and First Avenue. * £ ALASKA STEAMSHII' DISCOVERY SAILS APRIL 29 STEAMSHM' UTOPIA, SAILS MAY 7 At Noon. From Colman's dock, foot of Co- lumbia street, for Wrangel, Juneau, Skagway and Dye a. For information sppJy to Bell & Atkinson, (Francis A. Bell snd J. M. E. Atkin- son), General Agenta, Rooms IS and 14 Boston Block, opposite Post- offl -e. Telephone Main IS9. .VA'.'.VAW.VAVAVASSJ IC. F. Meyer & Co. Ship Chandlery, Naval Steresi Groceries and 6eneral Outfitting ?' 3UU FIRST AVE. SOtTB, t, fKITTLE. WASH. ALASKA. Seattle-Skagway Steamship Ca Str. "NAVARRO" Fitted with Electric Ugh is *nd Steam Heat. Two Alaaka Piloia on Loard. Leaves from Yesler D>ck direct for Skagway and Dyea. Splendid B*r orid-Class Acccmmo- fiauoca on top ceck. APRIL 27. For Freight ann passengers, ai>- piy to F. L. JACOnsoN Alaska Outfitter*. 812 First Avenj* A. Chtlbef*. General 8. 8 Agen* Scandinavian-American Bankcor- rer Yesler Way and First Avenue Band-rs & Haynes. N. p R R ticket office ? ' | Alaska Barge Co. ffi Will dispatch their MQO-toa barge 1 SKOOKUM I; FOR PYRAMID HARBOR, DYEA A AND SKAGWAY, I On or About May 20th. £ For freight apace and rates apply m *o Cook. Waldo A Co., G<-nerai fS Afcn'.s rooms St and 3 Safe De- s po»t Building- ST. MICHAEL NEW SCHOONER M LLDIi ED (TSO tonal will Mil afcaat MAY to. Par frelKbt and passage apply ta S. «. Carroll, Ageat, Sehwabaebcr Daek. Teleybaae Plica es. ne Future CMNQy Carry a line of direct connected en- sia'« ar.d dyoamoa for ttcamboat lighting, atao kett<4rtveo UyrasMta. motors and supplies lor cooiplata ta* ?taliationa. > ta /ReiGHT AXI) PIBSW6EBB FO* I 7 DYEA, SKAGWAT, ST- MICHAEL, Mala aa. circus city, dawso* city. - 5L B. W. PRICK. Prnllrat. I F* 1 COLE, Trntutr, A. R. GRAHAM, Vlee-Pw«W«t T. H. DEIPSBT, S»e»tU*r T. F. TOWXSLRY, NiM|tr. ** Seattle, St. Michael and Dawson City Transportation and Trading Co., Ko. 112 Columbia Street. ST. MICHAEL, HOOPER BAY, SCAMMON BAY AND DUTCH HARBOR. Two at the Finest Vessels tho Pacific Cent, Ship Occidental and Bark Highland Light Win SaD Horn Seattle for Above Points About Nay 10,1898. Special facilities for handling heavy freight and kno.-ked-dow* boat* chinery, etc. Lighterage guaranteed. For freight and pansensrer rates call on SEATTLE. BT. MICHAEL AND DAWSdN CITY TRANBPO*TAtK» AND TRADINO CO.. UI Columbia Street. Thla company in prepared to make towage contracts for towing beatn trua Seattle to St. Michael. For Alaska and the Sold Field* EMPIRE LINE. FCM SEATTLE TO ST. MICHAEL S. S. " OHIO," i*? June 15. S. S. "INDIANA," i? 4 r June 22. S. 9. "PENNSYLVANIA," June 29. These large steamers, formerly In the Transatlantic Service of the American Line, are specially fitted with steam heat, «iectrlc lights and an modern improvements. Equipped with cold storage, insuring, abundant supply of fresh meats and provisions, and the best table markets will afford. Sailing regularly from Seattle, will make close connection at ST. MICH- AEL, with Company's own fleet of eighteen NEW VESSELS ON THJi YUKON RIVER. THROUGH TO DAWSON and Intermediate points. S. 8. "CONEMAUGH"? This large, commodious and well-arranged* steam. er will remain anchored at St. Michael to house and feed flrat and second class passengers pending transfer of paswengc-rs, baggage and freight to and from our Yukon River Boats. The ALL-WATER ROUTE enable* passengers to reach the Oold Fields without the hardships, exposures and dangers of the overland routes. Apply EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION CO., 607 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash. Or to the INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY, or any of its Agents in the United States or Canada. ? We Will Dispatch the Clipper Whaler ? ! JANE GRAY I ? Direct to ? ! mm a, mm is, i ? Carrying Frlace Lnlgt'i Part? ? 0 Beaded, by f ! MAJOR E. S. INGRAHAM. I ? A Steam Launch Will Accompany the * « Expedition. « ? FAREJKIOO. J " The MacDeaiaU S SMthwtck C#,, ? ? TIT, TIP, Tai, TAA FIHST AVH- ? Z SEATTLE, WAS 11. J BLUE STAR LINE. Blue Star Navigation Company, k Seattle, St. Michael and Dawson City. \u25a0t JT The Blue Star Comjwny's river steam- era. built by Moran Bros. ft Co., of Seattf* are the fasteet and beat boats on the ltAn river * tnr Freight and passengers forwarded to sB m\ JBfc Intermediate points. %\ Freight Far warded Before Stay at KecSared Kate*. %T Bive Sur Express Company?New York, mV Seattle and Ban Francisco to atl Alaska points. lA For rates and particulars apply to office a* of Blue Star Line, 404 Washington Buil4« in f. First Avenue. i FIFTEEN DAYS TO DAWSO3. VIA DYEA PASS. *S This companv nwn* and opfrats th* only routlotioua mean* of transp^r- «« tatinn from i»v#*a »?\u25a0> L«« E rvitm n. <vu;."ls«Mntr of tf»* ontir wharf »t L> p*. fi »v,, iargHH ?:« 'k train in A.afka. th« oniv tram fn operation ovt ChKk «t fi i'«,v. I-*-, tt:. ;t t-<| F.i- \u25a0' :? \u25a0 tU>' f.v dHtvrv at T.ak. M-id'-rr.an or « |nt*-rm«"Ua?*- P>U>:-. A to K K CASSKI. A - n: fi Ho-ton ?4 liar.k I»>Kt.KUI*IIIKK THt\MMIHJ ATfO* tU. STEAMSHIP CENTENNIAL 2,075 toes register Fjssfr.t«i and Freight to DYEA. SKAGWAY, and ALASKAN PORTS, halting; From Victaraa. Vancouver. April, about..22 ApriJ, a 1 out \u25a0 Miy. abrf/ut ..15 May, about ..II May, about ..S about For St. Michael Ju&« U. Apply to JAMES GRIFFITHS & CO.. 11l Cbarrjr itntt I ALASKA & §* g West Coast Steaiti | Navigation Co. | STEAMER FARALLON, MAY 2, y Wtli Sal. tor 5 Jonroa, Ihaunur, Ojta aa< f' Way Forli. 3* I*a.«aengtr aec mmclatlTa am AL §. Ampim room tor fretgnt and sUKk. g '"n. ciftos: w 5, fhoM, Pik* <£? 5; Sthwabachrr'a Wharf, foot of L'aloa | SAXDER* * HATNTR aottthtaat m corn«r Y*»ifr way and first avaßsa * aoutta. Teiephooa. Main I*. BiMH I il i K I'tfWffff?


i "»\u25a0


A I 1 Atmrit*9Mr Dock,

ijl 11 NwUmNH^

i | MOUTH OF THE YUKONAad Boston * Alaska TraifporttftM Co/®

Strip Y«rd»-

i WM Sal Mariay. May 2. at 7 rdacfc P. RL

iiwrifrrr ifcat Ike t;. S. fcaa lie S» 0. Srls-

j [ kwi ftr th«lr mi»MM \u25a0?rtk. TW kmmi ?»» o»Hw>.? oalr o iMltml mtmmmmt mt |bmiw» oml inrtakl saaee Wt.

Baataa 6 Alaska Traassartatlao Co.114 Jesses St., Seattle.

l! I o. n. rUUBKK, 6m«ml H«Ma«r.j [ a. B. caORMWmT* tfMte Ummrnm*'.

COLUMBIA NAVIGATION COMPANYHus pspalsk the Magulflocatly Tijiilppai

Steamship CUT OF COLUMBIACUM Tens Register)

For DAW SOS CITY aad all litarmdlatv polatsoa the

Yukoa River ea May 18 oi every 90 daye thereafter,

UasMliss aim aa» aseilslty ??Sitwlrt aIMMhMI attsaMtag. *.- Ifsat. SS. Satnaa aad W. K. Marwta, mt tha Ulssikis Savfr*

pitiMC«*~ «ad Ms siaa?pr w. B Emm, at Ua igwis KU>SOiklCO. Far nrtaa at psiiwgr mmS Iratgkl aaMt stfear lafsnuUss apply

at Iks sMa ?« tfea asusaay, SSTVAI UW» SUtLDIXG. aarstr of

Sealer war and Firat ataasa.


S. S. M (GARONNE"Capacity l,«» passengers aad i. ?S ass U'iifht* Bliil Ml OP §bOttt

JUNE 10.Connecting with the aew and powerful river ateamera City of Chicago,

Paul Walters. Lulu Stewart and MaacottFRANK WATERHOUSE CO.. LMTD.

K. w. M'OINNIS. Gen'l Freight aad Passenger Agt., 214 Burke Block.

The All-Water Route to Dawson.INI COLUMBIA NAVIGATION ?O.

WII! operate lb* ateam»hip« "RIVAL," "PROTECTION" and "LAKME"from Seattle to 0>« mouth of tho Tukwn River, connecting with our ownriver ateaimra.

Sailing* wBl be made between the 10th and 30th of May.

For freight and paesage apply to the ofllca of the Company, corner Tel-ler Way and Flrat Avenue R. CHILCOTT, Agent.

PACIFIC CLIPPER LINE.\V» own our own wharv** and drays In Seattle, our own vessels and tugs, our

own lighter* and team* In Alaska. Act as Steamship Agents and cover the entirefle'td of Alaaka Transportation by# »ny known route.

ARLINGTON DOCK. Tel. Pike 74. City office 105 Ve*ler way, Tel. Main 577.


est company west of New York?insures vessels, freights, car-goes, charters, etc, etc, at rates as low as those of any othersafe company. Losses paid in Seattle immediately upon adjust-ment. BURNS & ATKINSON, Agents, Bo»to« B.OCK.

y Ike Boot Mi ImlCciwlcil Uftfct Draft Steamer la Existence. J| THE vt l can IRON WORKS CO., ?i Seattle, Hash. 4



FOR NEW YORK DIRECT. :? The Clipper Ship WM. J. ROTCH ?

? Will be dtn'atched from ?c*t«.k« about May SX «? For fre.gM and eiher Information apply to BAJtNESON * CHILCOTT. ?

J tawment of Mutual Life Building. ?



\ The Fast and FoererfuJ Steaaert


\ Wr*a|fS May let and mry\ T*j Da>» thereafter.

|V»r foMera. rate® and full la far-mama to FREI> P, M&YEIL\ m Y**.«r Way.V *«?. Mala m.

Mlprepared to make con-

tracts for the delivery of Coal a*,the acjth of the Yukoa river dur-ing tiie forthcoming eeaaon.

Apply to


? m? A Urge number of grrUmsen lor- %? 'ng their w-.vee purchaeed cornblM* ?

t t-on ftxturee teat week at *

J rtret A..SM, *

J Roctkkoot Fixture Coapativ. J

\u2666?iiiiiniiiiiMiiimiin; pgjjic Cssit StounMp 6§>

W. jmi «-


I cowan, iiWillSell From Seattle j ;

! MM.il 2, ii; At V A. M.

\u25ba For Victoria. Mary Island, Ketchl- . ,? kaa, Lortng. Wrangel. Juneau, « ?; Douglas Island. Skagway, Dyea. ; ;. Kiiilano and Sitka. , ,

I Elegant Excursioa Steamship ;

nWill Sail Froai Settle

ii iik®, n5, iiAt i A. &

' For Victoria, Juneau. Douglas lai- ?*

, and, Skaf«ay and Dyaa. j |

i i tT- n, |WIU sail from Seattle

i in®. KOI it. ii'

At W A. M. « »

\ For Victoria. Mary Uland. Wran- «?

, gel. Sum Dum, Juneau. Douglas J \> Island. Skagway and Dyea. ~

»4 ,

» FOR SAN FRANCISCO.' The Company's elegant Steamers « .? cmatillJl city of puebla ..

and WALLA WALLA leave SB- « -

, ATTLE. via Port Townsend and*«>. Victoria. B. C.. 8 a. m . Jan. 29. ?»


Feb. 3. S, 13. IS. 23. 2S. March 5. 10. ? \u25a0

; 15. 20. 25, ». April «. f, 14. I*. 21, ».

, SAN FRANCISCO for Seat- «\u25a0

, He. via Victoria, B. C-. and Port * ?

. Fownsend. 10 a. m.. Jan. SI. Fab. K, *'

. (0 18. SO. 25. March I 7. 12. 17, 22, W, *'

. April 1, 6. 11. 1«. n. ?»."


The Steamers QUEEN. VICTO- « »



leave SEATTLE. 9 a. m., AprU 5,i. 10. 15. 17T 18. ». 25. », 39. 30. The « »

,.ompany reserves right to changa \u25a0 »

, without previous notice steamers. ? ?

, failing dates and hours of sailing. ?»

, For further particulars procure * ?

.company's folders « \u25ba

. J. F. TROWBRIDGE. P. S. Supt.. ? '

. Ocean Dock. Seattle. City Ticket ' '

. Agt.. «06 First Ave., Beatt)e. Good- ' \u25a0

» ill. Perkina 4k Co., Gen. Agte., San " '

» Francisco. »*'



Steatner ROSALIESails from

SawlaT, **T *?

Steamer CITY OF SEATTLESails trmm SB tmß rr,W ' M'r ®*


Wraagei, Jneai, Skaftway ni Dyei.For frrlKkl and paurnier rr«»rTa(lMs apply *© CHARLKS K-

PEABOUV. eoraer of I'rtlrr Wajr aad First Awaif, Seattle* *art.

' Pacific Stean WlMltal

Copper River!I I- Aa« CMk lalet.


1 VALENCIASails Slay 10I "N And every flrteen days thereafter direct

I steamer Valeaela.I steamer Excels!ar. ORCA, PORT VALDKS ASD


Thii comDany owns the only w banrss, lighters and other laproriWliU

at sbovs points on Prince William sound. No lat-dlng h;


?tnatioti. Valencia and Excelsior ars ftist-elam In *\ery "J,*?flttsd throucbou: with electric Ugh *? he *t* T°T

stars apply to 313 First At. Sovtn* swtfift **

AUSTIN CLAIBORNE. General A cent, Seattle. Wash.

illin linil11 it 11 nil111111111 m i inl :I"IMInin y

Juneau, Dyea and Skagway jjTUB STEAMSHIP


=HERMOSA= iSalts Fran Seattle Nay 3 and Every Fifteen Days Thereafter. $

For Freight and Pa»sage apply. Hi James Street. Hotel Seattle Building. *j*rhe steamship Hermosa has elegant and commodious accommodation* T

F. H. LOWE, General Agent. jj*

sppuus HUMBOLDTNew and Strictly First Class,

tail. f» NRANGEI, JUNEAU. SKAGWAY ami DYEAMonday, May 1, at 1 P. M.

Tickets on sale at 11)5 Yesler Way. Arlington Dock and Great North-ern Ticket Office. E. E. CAINE. Sole Agent

Northern CoastSteamship Co.




Copper RiverAM)


. April 29,T P. M.

JOHNSON LOCKE MERCAN-TILE. 112 Tester way. llotflSeattlebuilding'.

| Wrangelf Skag-way| Dyeat Steamship

J SIGNALJ Sails May 1 and everyj :S days thereafter, carry-+ ing freight and passengers.J Sjucr (or live stock atX reasonable rates.

t Carroll, Johnson 6 Co.\u25bc Gen. Agfr.!*, US West Yeeler Way.

i-h.-r.ee. Use wire, batter. aa.teJwrrach inatrumfata and allcf r c --i .il eurp'.iea at

Iftlft I jfnt Airnur



ro mouth of Yukon: thence to destination and intermediate points on river <i

steamer KATIE 11EMR1CH 3Sailing Date. May 16. 1898. <;

For transportation and freight apace apply to F. H. CLARKE. Ticket <?

Agent <U Bailey building. Seattle Washington. Telephone. Main stt. <Andrew Bemrfeh. president; John I'ul!?s. vice president: Hans D. K. «

Hadenfeldt. secretary and treasurer. Reference by permission. National Bank «of Commerce and Puget Sound National Bank. <;

8 ftftttttflHiif#'# # iiiu

| Cook Inlet and || Copper River. |< gJ SEATTLE AND ALASKA 0| S. S. CD 'S STEAMER jj?

{.NOYO.II f£ Leaves Colman's Doc l' *fl?

| IIBW MAY 10, Ii£

Land.ng Passengers t" &

$ Sunrise City and Port ii Valdes.

% i5 Apply to A. CHILBERO. General *

Steamship Agent, Scandinavian-f: American Bank Building, corner *

i leeier Way and First Avenue.* £





At Noon.

From Colman's dock, foot of Co-lumbia street, for Wrangel, Juneau,Skagway and Dye a.

For information sppJy to

Bell & Atkinson,(Francis A. Bell snd J. M. E. Atkin-son), General Agenta, Rooms ISand 14 Boston Block, opposite Post-offl -e. Telephone Main IS9.


IC.F. Meyer

&Co.Ship Chandlery,Naval Steresi

Groceries and 6eneral Outfitting


ALASKA.Seattle-Skagway Steamship Ca

Str. "NAVARRO"Fitted with Electric Ugh is *ndSteam Heat. Two Alaaka Piloiaon Loard.

Leaves from Yesler D>ck directfor

Skagway and Dyea.Splendid B*rorid-Class Acccmmo-

fiauoca on top ceck.

APRIL 27.For Freight ann passengers, ai>-piy to

F. L. JACOnsoNAlaska Outfitter*. 812 First Avenj*

A. Chtlbef*. General 8. 8 Agen*Scandinavian-American Bankcor-rer Yesler Way and First Avenue

Band-rs & Haynes. N. p R Rticket office ? '

| Alaska Barge Co.ffi Will dispatch their MQO-toa barge


I On or About May 20th.£ For freight apace and rates applym *o Cook. Waldo A Co., G<-neraifS Afcn'.s rooms St and 3 Safe De-s po»t Building-


M LLDIiED(TSO tonal will Mil afcaat MAYto. Par frelKbt and passage

apply ta S. «. Carroll, Ageat,

Sehwabaebcr Daek. Teleybaae

Plica es.

ne Future CMNQyCarry a line of direct connected en-sia'« ar.d dyoamoa for ttcamboatlighting, atao kett<4rtveo UyrasMta.motors and supplies lor cooiplata ta*?taliationa.


I 7 DYEA, SKAGWAT, ST- MICHAEL, Malaaa. circus city, dawso* city. -


B. W. PRICK. Prnllrat. I F* 1 COLE, Trntutr,A. R. GRAHAM, Vlee-Pw«W«t T. H. DEIPSBT, S»e»tU*r

T. F. TOWXSLRY, NiM|tr.**

Seattle, St. Michael and Dawson CityTransportation and Trading Co.,

Ko. 112 Columbia Street.


Two at the Finest Vessels o« tho Pacific Cent,

Ship Occidental andBark Highland Light

Win SaD Horn Seattle for Above PointsAbout Nay 10,1898.

Special facilities for handling heavy freight and kno.-ked-dow* boat* n»chinery, etc. Lighterage guaranteed.

For freight and pansensrer rates call on


Thla company in prepared to make towage contracts for towing beatn truaSeattle to St. Michael.

For Alaska and the Sold Field*


S. S. " OHIO," i*? June 15.S. S. "INDIANA,"i? 4r June 22.

S. 9. "PENNSYLVANIA," June 29.These large steamers, formerly In the Transatlantic Service of the

American Line, are specially fitted with steam heat, «iectrlc lights and anmodern improvements.

Equipped with cold storage, insuring, abundant supply of fresh meatsand provisions, and the best table markets will afford.

Sailing regularly from Seattle, will make close connection at ST. MICH-AEL, with Company's own fleet of eighteen NEW VESSELS ON THJiYUKON RIVER. THROUGH TO DAWSON and Intermediate points.

S. 8. "CONEMAUGH"? This large, commodious and well-arranged* steam.er will remain anchored at St. Michael to house and feed flrat and secondclass passengers pending transfer of paswengc-rs, baggage and freight to andfrom our Yukon River Boats.

The ALL-WATER ROUTE enable* passengers to reach the Oold Fieldswithout the hardships, exposures and dangers of the overland routes.

Apply EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION CO.,607 First Avenue, Seattle, Wash.

Or to the INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY, or any of itsAgents in the United States or Canada.

? We Will Dispatch the Clipper Whaler ?

! JANE GRAY I? Direct to ?

! mma, mm is, i? Carrying Frlace Lnlgt'i Part? ?

0 Beaded, by f

! MAJOR E. S. INGRAHAM. I? A Steam Launch Will Accompany the *

« Expedition. «


The MacDeaiaU S SMthwtck C#,, ?? TIT, TIP, Tai, TAA FIHST AVH- ?


BLUE STAR LINE. Blue Star Navigation Company,

k Seattle, St. Michael and Dawson City.\u25a0t JT The Blue Star Comjwny's river steam-

era. built by Moran Bros. ft Co., of Seattf*are the fasteet and beat boats on theltAn river *

tnr Freight and passengers forwarded to sBm\ JBfc Intermediate points.%\ Freight Far warded Before Stay I®

at KecSared Kate*.%T Bive Sur Express Company?New York,

mV Seattle and Ban Francisco to atl AlaskaV» points.lA For rates and particulars apply to officea* of Blue Star Line, 404 Washington Buil4«

in f. First Avenue.

i FIFTEEN DAYS TO DAWSO3. VIA DYEA PASS.*S This companv nwn* and opfrats th* only routlotioua mean* of transp^r-«« tatinn from i»v#*a »?\u25a0> L«« E rvitm n. <vu;."ls«Mntr of tf»* ontir wharf »t L> p*.

fi »v,, iargHH ?:« 'k train in A.afka. th« oniv tram fn operation ovt ChKk «tfi i'«,v. I-*-, tt:. ;t t-<| F.i- \u25a0' :? \u25a0 tU>' f.v dHtvrv at T.ak. M-id'-rr.an or« |nt*-rm«"Ua?*- P>U>:-. A to K K CASSKI. A - n: fi Ho-ton?4 liar.k I»>Kt.KUI*IIIKKTHt\MMIHJ ATfO* tU.


CENTENNIAL2,075 toes register

Fjssfr.t«i and Freight to


halting; From

Victaraa. Vancouver.April, about..22 ApriJ, a 1 out \u25a0Miy. abrf/ut ..15 May, about ..IIMay, about ..S about

For St. Michael Ju&« U.


CO.. 11l Cbarrjr itntt



g West Coast Steaiti| Navigation Co.


y Wtli Sal. tor

5 Jonroa, Ihaunur, Ojta aa<f' Way Forli.

3* I*a.«aengtr aec mmclatlTa am AL§. Ampim room tor fretgnt and sUKk.

g '"n. ciftos: w5, fhoM, Pik* <£?

5; Sthwabachrr'a Wharf, foot of L'aloa

| SAXDER* * HATNTR aottthtaatm corn«r Y*»ifr way and first avaßsa* aoutta. Teiephooa. Main I*.

BiMH I il i K I'tfWffff?
