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Final product phase2_group2

Date post: 15-Aug-2015
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CEAD JOSE ACEVEDO Y GÓMEZ DEVELOPMENT OF COLOMBIAN EDUCATION IN THE 21st CENTURY Linda Yiseth Paredes Peralta Antonio Ordoñez Álvaro Rodríguez Colombian Education Collaborative Work - Phase 2 Bogotá, D.C. July - 2015
  1. 1. CEAD JOSE ACEVEDO Y GMEZ DEVELOPMENT OF COLOMBIAN EDUCATION IN THE 21st CENTURY Linda Yiseth Paredes Peralta Antonio Ordoez lvaro Rodrguez Colombian Education Collaborative Work - Phase 2 Bogot, D.C. July - 2015
  2. 2. Major reforms and changes made in the education system at the beginning of the 21st century.
  3. 3. 1.1 Legal Framework Of Education 1The Political Constitution Of 1991 2General Law Of Education 115 Of 1994 3Law 30 Of 1992 For Higher Education It states that education is a right of the individual and a public service, which has a social function, and whose responsibility relies on the State, society and family. In Colombia, education is compulsory for ages from 5 to 15, (preschool and basic education) The Statutory Law (based on the principles of the Constitution related to the right to education) is the one that points the general rules to regulate the public service of education which includes the set of legal norms, curricula, formal education, non-formal and informal, educational institutions, social institutions with educational, cultural and recreational functions, human resources, technology, methodology, materials, administrative and financial, articulated in processes and structures for achieving the outcomes of education. It organizes the public service of higher education, ensuring university autonomy and the financing for delivering educational services and provides mechanisms for regulation, control and monitoring directed to ensure the quality of service.
  4. 4. The supplementary decrees of the General Law of Education regulate pedagogical and organizational aspects: the delivery of educational services, organization of formal education, the Institutional Educational Project, school governance and the institutional organization, curricular guidelines, evaluation and promotion, academic calendar, and the exercise of inspection and monitoring of education. These rules are applied to: the public service of formal education provided by the State, private, community character, supportive, cooperative or nonprofit educational institutions. The General Law of Education defines three types of education: *Formal -organized by levels, cycles and degrees- (Pre-school, Basic education, Mean education, Higher education) *Non-formal complements, updates and delivers knowledge and train, in academic or workable aspects. *Informal is all knowledge freely and spontaneously acquired. 1.2 Structure, organization and management of the education system.
  5. 5. Education Decennial Plan: A planning tool for the organization of service delivery. The Ministry of National Education, in coordination with territorial entities, will prepare at least every ten years an educational plan which will have an indicative character, it will be evaluated, reviewed permanently and considered in the national and territorial development plans. The first Decennial Plan (1996 2005) considered as the main purpose the peaceful coexistence and interaction with the world. The current 2006-2016 Ten-Year Education National Plan is defined as a social pact for the right to education and its purpose is to become the route and horizon for the education development of the country. 1.2 Structure, organization and management of the education system.
  6. 6. 1.3.1 REFORMS IN CURRICULUM, EVALUATION AND PROMOTION OF LEARNERS AND INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT. According to analysis of the quality of education on the organization, equity, coverage, the curriculum, and promoting students Decree 230 of 2002 provides guidelines for educational institutions meet certain parameters in favor of education, such as: inspection and monitoring, criteria establishment for assessing school performance of students and to promote them to higher levels, and the Law 715 of 2001 about Resources and Competencies, curricular and pedagogical standards, without affecting the autonomy of the schools. FI-GQ-GCMU-004-015 V. 001-17-04-2013
  7. 7. 1.3.2 EVALUATION OF INSTITUTIONS, STUDENTS, TEACHERS AND MANAGEMENT TEACHERS In the evaluation of Institutions It seeks to analyze compliance with the institutional Educational Project, to thereby power by analyzing the results during a school year, to design and implement the improvement plan, about the evaluation of students, teachers and principals, this are very important, since this allow verify that all these are fulfilling their functions, that these are suitable, and that everyone is working together towards meeting the needs of students. 1.4.1 OCCUPATIONAL COMPETENCIES IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS OF MEAN EDUCATION. The Ministry of Education through joint policies of educational programs, seek that the education have the basic competencies, that can meet the needs of an entire country, and that the job skills formation should be consistent with the development plans and the demand of the productive sector just as it does the SENA. FI-GQ-GCMU-004-015 V. 001-17-04-2013
  8. 8. 1.4.2 INSTITUTIONAL MODERNIZATION OF THE EDUCATION SECTOR, 1.4.3 REFORM FOR THE ALLOCATION OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF STATE EDUCATION AS AN INSTRUMENT OF EQUITY The nation is making efforts to overcome various limitations of education and obtain better results in terms of quality and coverage, among them we are: Institutional modernization of the Ministry, in 2003 two vice ministries were created; one for the pre-school, basic and mean education, and the other for higher education. ICFES, which became the evaluator entity of quality of education in general. It was then created CONACES, as the body responsible for assessing compliance with the requirements and the creation of academic programs. To improve the quality of education since 2004 the allocation of financial resources per student is, according to the distribution of the population by rural and urban areas, the costs of teachers, enrollment by level and basic needs, this aid management and managerial autonomy of local authorities towards providing a better education. FI-GQ-GCMU-004-015 V. 001-17-04-2013
  9. 9. Quantitative and qualitative main achievements of Colombian educational system.
  10. 10. Demographics Illiteracy Access to education and equity In the last three decades the Colombian population has had two fundamental changes: the decline of their growth and the urbanization. The demographic transition has been rapid, although the growth rate declined from 20 per thousand in the period 1985 to 1990 to 17 per thousand in the period 2000 to 2005 and is estimated at 13.8 per thousand in 2015. According to 1993 census, illiteracy over 15 in Colombia was 9.9%, with significant differences between urban and rural areas. The rural rate reached 20.3% and the urban 5.7%, so that illiteracy is mainly a rural phenomenon and for people over forty. In 1985 the illiteracy rate among women was 12.8% and 12% for men, while in the year 2001 was 7.5% in both males and women; currently there are no gender differences in literacy. The Sector Plan "The Educational Revolution 2002-2006," notes that in 2002, about 10 million students attended preschool, elementary, secondary and mean school. In terms of basic and mean education, gross coverage in 2002 reached 82%, while net coverage was 78%. Only 18% of students are enrolled in University, technical and technological education. In terms of administrative structure, it is clear that the system of quality assurance of higher education is fragmented. There is a lack of coordination between the component entities, duplication of functions is presented, and there is no comprehensive information system.
  11. 11. Quality of higher education
  12. 12. FI-GQ-GCMU-004-015 V. 001-17-04-2013 3.1 Mandatory Accreditation The system has as its starting point a mandatory accreditation through of compliance with minimum quality, established through regulations. 3.2 Voluntary Accreditation It is temporary accreditation that higher education institutions voluntarily request. They require a rigorous revision process and open their doors to outside professionals to check if they meet quality requirements and carry out their objective. 3.3 Testing quality of higher education SABER PRO The test of all students in their final year of higher education, which will serve to guide institutions in upgrading their educational projects.
  13. 13. FI-GQ-GCMU-004-015 V. 001-17-04-2013 3.4 Labor market observatory The observatory allows tracking graduates of higher education institutions and analysis of relevant labor market. This system allows to assess the relevance of higher education to meet the needs of development of the country. 3.5 Political dialogue, networks of association and civil society participation in the process of educational change With the Constitution of 1991, the country is committed to a process of decentralization, which opens new possibilities to democracy, participation and full citizenship. By bringing decision making to citizens, this can impact on the quality and timeliness of social services.
  14. 14. Education in our country is a right and that the government has been implementing strategies to expand coverage consider that further effort is required, but I see right now access to higher education: undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral is limited therefore requires more management, financing and opportunities for those who belong to the middle and low socioeconomic status, due to private universities are most students attend, displayed otherwise in public institutions, in addition, they have drawbacks of public order and strikes that reach the semester studies loss. On the other hand, teachers who assume this arduous and commendable work, knowledge mediators, are poorly recognized and respected, labeling on most occasions as caregivers or babysitters, so it is urgent awareness and change of interpretation especially by the parents and / or guardians because education is a process that requires the support and supervision from them with the assistance of professionals in education. CRITICAL REFLECTION
  15. 15. Gutirrez Jairo, Moreno Liliana (2015) Didactic Material School of Education. Retrieved June 24, 2015 from http://campus07.unad.edu.co/ecedu01/mod/url/view.php?id=5543 REFERENCES
