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  • 8/12/2019 Final Report to Submit


  • 8/12/2019 Final Report to Submit



    Created by:

    Brandon Fagnano 1

    Caitlin Gibbons 2

    Kunal Patel3

    Pavara Ranatunga4

    3 May 2013


    The objective of this project was to reduce the student water usage with a technology or

    process that is non-intrusive to make the University Park campus of The Penn State University more

    sustainable. The largest area in need of improvement was the water used by dorms on campus.

    Conducting research showed that most water is used by the students when showering. The design

    team worked to find the most efficient shower heads, which will reduce the water intake, to be

    installed on campus bathrooms.

    The ideal shower head on the market is the Niagara Earth Massage - 1.25 gallons per minute

    (GPM). The group then obtained the shower head and installed it on one of the shower booths to

    conduct customer satisfaction tests. During the testing process, 100% of the customers (samplesize of sixteen students) preferred the Niagara to the standard shower head used on campus.

    After calculating the water usage from showers at current flow rates and the proposed flow

    rates, it can be calculated that if these showers were installed on campus, the installation costs

    would be met after six months. Furthermore, it can be deduced that over 46 million gallons of

    water and over $182,000.00 would be conserved as well.


    Sustainability balances the rate at which resources are used and renewed. Sustainability

    is the conscious and conservative use of resources. It ensures cost effectiveness while actively

    engaging society in the process. Solutions should promote accountability and global stewardship.



  • 8/12/2019 Final Report to Submit


    The implications of the solutions must be economically justifiable while considering present and

    future societal needs. Employing these standards will enable future generations to have the same

    or increased opportunities with less environmental impact.


    The Pennsylvania State University is actively working to create a more sustainable campus.

    As stated in the definition of sustainability, conserving what resources are available may be the

    best way to increase the sustainability at Penn State. Although it ranks among the most sustainable

    universities in the country, there is always room for improving. One particular area to improve

    is water conservation. Too much water is being used and wasted here on campus, especially at

    the dining and residence halls.Office of Physical Plant (OPP) at Penn State reported that over 184

    million gallons of water are being used annually in residence halls alone. This statistic accounts

    for approximately twenty-eight-percent of water usage of the entire university. 5 The design team

    hopes to reduce and standardize the flow rate of showers to 1.25 GPM in all of the residence halls

    by the conclusion of this project.


    By considering the University Park campus of The Pennsylvania State University as a

    small city, the purpose of the project is to develop a way to create a more sustainable campus.

    In order to do so, the design should demonstrate how technology, paired with human behavior,

    can be used to achieve a more sustainable campus. The systems to consider can involve sus-

    tainability in housing, energy sources, transportation, food and water systems, recycling, manag-

    ing human waste, technologies, and sustainable living. Key deliverables for this design includethe technical report and a model or prototype of the system of design. Furthermore, the report

    must include a definition of sustainability, description of alternate concepts and their evaluations,

    equipment/installation/maintenance cost estimates, economic return on investment analysis and an

    implementation plan.


    Two surveys were conducted - one via Facebook and the other face to face - to understand

    water usage at the University Park campus. The Facebook survey gathered data on the frequency,duration and the temperature preference of showers. These questions were sent out to individuals

    through personal chat boxes to ensure receiving responses; there was not a single survey posted on

    a board to a particular group. The face to face survey gathered data on the location of a student

    on campus, perception on age of showers, and duration/frequency of showers. Data were collected

    from various showers around campus; one shower on two separate floors for at least one dorm in



  • 8/12/2019 Final Report to Submit


    each part of campus. (See figure 1). The following steps illustrate how data were found and used:

    1. Measure flow rate in half gallons per second (GPS)

    2. Convert to gallons per minute (GPM)

    3. Measure water temperature (Degrees Celsius)

    4. Find average across the campus, which would be the base line.

    Figure 1: A correlation between flow rates and shower water usage per day on University Park

    Campus, found by experimental data.

    Research was conducted on the state of the art, low-flow shower heads and their specific

    design structure (Table 1 - below). Pricing out current low-flow shower head rates helped to for-

    mulate a projected financial analysis. Behavioral research behind showering demonstrated that

    consciousness of water conservation positively changed behavior.

    1. The Waterpik shower head cost the most compared to the other low flow shower heads, and

    it has the worst consumer reviews from Amazon. The reviews stated the flow rate was too

    low, and an extra five minutes just to make sure you are completely rinsed sort of defeats the

    purpose (Waterpik ECO 563).


  • 8/12/2019 Final Report to Submit


    Table 1: This table compares the low-flow of shower heads currently on the market.

    Model Cost/Unit ($) Flow Rate (GPM)

    Waterpik ECO 563 29.98 0.5

    Spray Clean Chrome 11.99 1.5

    Shower Pro Massage 18.99 2.0

    Niagara Earth Massage 8.40 1.25

    2. The Spray Clean shower has a more modest price and a flow rate, but only three out five stars

    on Amazon. Consumers liked the shower head, although one of the consumers never got the

    shower head they ordered (Spray Clean Chrome Shower Head).

    3. The Shower Pro Massage had a price in the middle, but no reviews at all on Amazon (Shower

    Pro Massage).

    4. Niagara Earth Massage had the lowest price on Amazon, as well as the most consumer

    reviews. The flow rate of 1.25GPM is low but not too low to hinder pressure too much. The

    Niagara Earth Massage has a consumer rating of four and a half out five stars, the highest of

    all the low flow shower heads (Niagara Earth Massage).


    The primary objective of identifying needs is to find out how the shower heads in dormi-

    tories can be improved, as it is an essential part of the concept development phase in the Product

    Development Plan. Doing so allows for the group to have a general idea of what the customers want

    in a certain product. Generating product concepts and finally selectingtheconcept that will lead tosuccess is the ultimate goal. The design team identified what the customers need in a shower head

    with the use of social media by posting a survey asking the audience about their shower habits.

    1. Flow rate less than 1.6 GPM - The current flow rate of installed shower heads on campus is

    roughly 2.2 GPM. This average excluding one outlying rate of 5.3 GPM, if it were included

    the average would be about 2.5 GPM. The group wishes to reduce the flow rate to below 1.6

    GPM, as 1.6 GPM is considered to be the eco-friendly limit (Choosing the Right Low-Flow

    Shower Head).

    2. Hit 9 sq. ft. (3x3) - he standard shower in the dorms is roughly three feet by three feet, andthe head is placed 6.5 ft. up from the floor. Current showers cover this area well, so even

    after implementing a new shower head, the water needs to hit this area of at least a circle

    with diameter of three feet.

    3. 10-Year Lifetime - Need to have a relative long time till the shower head requires a replace-

    ment in order to reduce project implementation cost. Therefore, the ideal lifetime of the

    shower head needs to be approximately ten years.


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    4. Cost - This need governs each individual metric. The cost of reducing flow, durability, and

    the materials used will all run up the price of the item. Therefore, the price needs to be kept

    at a minimum.


    Product specifications were determined by customer (the students) responses to the surveys

    and taking measurements of the current showers around campus. Responses of students on campus

    were used to gather data about which residence halls and floors they live on, how long their average

    showers are, how often they shower and their opinion on the shower pressure. Gathering firsthand

    data gave the group an opportunity to develop a matrix that organized necessary qualitative and

    quantitative information. The design team deduced that the new shower heads must have a flow

    rate less than 1.6 GPM, maintain the same pressure, maximize area of impact, be durable for at

    least a 10-year lifespan, maintain a comfortable temperature, and be cost efficient in materials

    used/unit cost.

    Calculating Metrics

    To clearly obtain the target specifications and to give the proper metrics to those specifi-

    cations, the group evaluated the different options for each component for the shower head. These

    implementations were both qualitative and quantitative. Table 2 below demonstrates the Needs

    Metrics Matrix that was created in response to the target specifications of the shower head.

    Table 2: The Needs-Metrics Matrix relates the qualitative needs to the quantitative metrics.Keep Maximize Area Reduce Flow Durability Materials

    Same Pressure of Impact Rate UsedFlow Rate (

  • 8/12/2019 Final Report to Submit



    Figure 2: This shows the process of using the Idea Trigger method as a way of Concept Generation.

    Concepts were developed using the Gallery Method. Each individual on the design team

    drew a design that the group discussed to better visualize different shower head design ideas. Five

    designs were drawn up and posted to a wall for discussion on how to develop each one. The

    designs produced were the Multi-Nozzle / UFO, Moon Crater, Brush, Full-Body Jets, and the Jelly

    Fish (see Appendix A). The main criteria that these designs revolved around were that they needed

    to maximize the area of flow. After the formal Gallery Method session had taken place, anotherdesign similar to the current shower heads, called the Single-Nozzle, was proposed for prototype



    Concept Screening Matrix

    In addition to the six designs proposed for development, the group decided to include a

    shower head that they found through conducting market research. These concepts were evaluated

    and assessed through producing a Concept Screening Matrix (Table 3). Selection criteria and

    requirements for the shower heads were determined by the customer needs and what the group

    thought was necessary to convince OPP to switch to a new shower head. Evaluating the screening

    matrix narrowed the number of designs to two: the Niagara Earth Massage 1.25 GPM (the product

    from market research) and the Multi-Nozzle shower head. These two designs advanced to the next

    stage for additional development.


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    Table 3: The Concept Screening Matrix displays the top two designs that were most applicable in

    solving the problem of minimizing flow rate.Maintain Maximize Easy Durability Materials Aesthetically Cost Total

    Pressure Area Prototype of Product Used Pleasing Efficient Sum

    Niagara + + + + - + + +5

    Single Nozzle + - + - + + - +1

    Multi-nozzle / UFO + + + + - + + +5

    Moon Crator + + + + - - - +1

    Brush - + + - - - - -3

    Full Body Jets - + - - - - - -5

    Jelly Fish - + + - - - - -3

    Concept Scoring Matrix

    The two concepts were then evaluated in a Concept Scoring Matrix (Table 4), with Flow

    Rate and the Coverage Area being weighed heaviest as these were the most important to imple-

    menting a more sustainable design. From the Concept Scoring Matrix, the Niagara ranked thehigher than the Multi-Nozzle. The group chose to focus primarily on this design because it incor-

    porated and improved upon the concepts from the Multi-Nozzle design. The Niagara model was

    also a pre-manufactured showerhead that the design team could purchase and conduct comparison

    tests to the current shower heads.

    Table 4: The Concept Scoring Matrix evaluates the top two designs on a scale according to speci-

    fications.Criteria Niagara Multi-Nozzle


    Flow Rate 5 4 2

    Maintain Pressure 4 4 1

    Cost to Replace 2 2 0

    Durability 4 4 2

    Coverage Area 5 4 3

    Total 20 18 8


    Before deciding on one design over another, both needed to undergo additional devel-

    opment through prototyping. The design team chose to prototype the Single-Nozzle alongside

    of the Multi-Nozzle and Niagara to experimentally compare the designs. The Niagara is a pre-manufactured model currently available on the market; so the design team purchased one unit for

    $8.40 from Amazon. The design team received permission from the head of housing to test in the

    Globe bathroom shower stalls. The Niagara was tested for a period of about five days in which

    eight women and eight men volunteered to take a shower with the new model. All sixteen partici-

    pants thought that the Niagara was better than the current shower heads used in dorms. One student

    named Aaron Dennis stated that he would absolutely prefer the eco-showerhead over the old one.

    Other students said that they hope to see this new model outfitted across the whole campus.


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    The other two concepts were brought to life through scrap materials in the shop. The Multi-

    Nozzle was developed from recycled water bottles (see Appendix B). The holes for the nozzles are

    punched through at multiple-splaying angles to maximize the area that model could cover. Near

    the bottom of the model, close to the holes, the design team made a pie cutter-looking aerator.

    Aerators help spread the stream of water in little droplets, which helps save water and increase the

    perceived water pressure. From research of current shower head models the design team knew thatflow restriction was crucial to increasing internal water pressure. Therefore, a curved cone-like

    structure was inserted near where the mouth of the shower head would be connected to act as a

    flow restricting device. Because the model was made out of a water bottle, the mouth was not

    big enough to attach to the shower spigots for testing. The model was held up to sink faucets to

    demonstrate its functionality.

    The Single-Nozzle was made from two wooden parts held strongly together with wood

    glue. The upper part was milled out to fit around a shower mouth, and the other was milled to have

    a very small hole/nozzle to increase output water pressure (see Appendix B). This model was also

    tested under a sink faucet, where it did not show very good pressure or area coverage.


    A prototype of the shower head was designed in SolidWorks. The design followed standard

    shower head features such as the half inch threaded connection. The water would flow through the

    central opening which gradually became narrower to increase the water velocity. The water would

    then fill a shallow pocket before leaving the shower head. The design team sent the file to the

    RepRap team, who created a 3D prototype. To see a detailed view of the CAD model, refer to

    Appendix C.


    From the concept scoring matrix, it was found that the Niagara shower was the best design.

    Designed with nine turbo jets that are adjustable from a gentle needle spray to a forceful jet with

    a flick of a wrist, this shower head uses a maximum of 1.2 GPM at 80 psi. As the group went

    onto conduct further research on this shower head, it was found that this shower head does not

    have an aerator. This reduces the amount of temperature lost and increases the energy savings. It

    maximizes water and energy conservation. (See Figure 3) Furthermore, it is easy to adjust, courtesy

    of the ball bearing (similar to the Dyson Ball vacuum cleaner) located near the joint connector. It

    is easy to install in about five minutes because it hand tightens onto the shower head mouth.


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    Figure 3: Shows estimated water usage from showers at the current flow rate and the proposed

    flow rate per month due to the Niagara.


    Financial Analysis

    Thorough financial analysis was made based on the final concept selected to increase water

    sustainability at Penn State, the Niagara Earth Massage 1.25 GPM shower head. The integration

    of the Niagara shower head was analyzed for its effectiveness in reducing water and heating usage,

    while at the same time being economically justifiable. Two areas are being considered for the

    prospective cost savings of this project: Firstly, there are the costs incurred by extracting water

    from the well fields and treating it. Secondly, it takes energy to heat water for use in showers. This

    is accounted for in terms of the cost of coal, currently almost 100% of the heating needs of the

    university are supplied by coal. It should first be noted that several assumptions were made when

    estimating the savings generated by the proposed shower head replacement on campus. Some

    variable values on efficiencies, prices, and times were approximated made in order to get a handle

    on the costs and savings associated with the proposed shower head replacement project (depicted

    in Table 5). Such assumptions were made with moderation in mind when estimating savings, and

    generosity in mind when predicting costs.

    The steam used for almost all heating purposes on campus is generated by four boilers in the

    West Campus Steam Plant. Pennsylvania bituminous coal is burned to generate steam needed for


  • 8/12/2019 Final Report to Submit


    Table 5: List of variables and assumed values associated with each that were used in subsequent

    calculations involved in the financial analysis.Variable Assumed Value

    Thermal Efficiency 80%

    Cost of Water (dollars/gallon) 0.00395

    Cost of Energy (dollars / million BTU) 0.000004

    Number of Showers on Campus 2649

    OPP Labor Rate (dollars / hour) 16.83

    Shower Head Unit Cost (dollars) 8.40

    Replacement Time (hours) 0.12

    heating buildings, heating water, sterilization in some labs, and driving emergency power supply

    turbine generators. The current installation dates to the early 1960s. Eighty percent is a reasonable

    estimate for efficiency of the boilers of the day, but factoring in transmission and heat exchange in

    water heaters, the system level efficiency is probably much lower. A high efficiency value allows

    for a conservative means of predicting cost savings on heating water. The cost of water is an exact

    value drawn from the State College Water Authority. It is the best estimate accessible, and wepropose that the costs associated with treating and preparing potable water by the borough are

    similar to the costs incurred by the Penn State water works. A price of $3.95 per 1,000 gallons was

    used in our calculations (Billing Information). The cost of energy is quite reliable. Provided by an

    OPP report, the cost of coal was reported to be four dollars per million BTU (Steam Services). The

    number of shower heads on campus was calculated utilizing an observed ratio of about one shower

    for every seven people living on campus. The number of people living on campus is about 13,000

    students according to a 2009 edition of Penn State AlumnInsider(Penn State by the Numbers).

    The labor rate is derived from an OPP salary for the maintenance position is $35,000 per year.

    Working a 40 hour workweek, this translates to 16.83 dollars per hour. The unit cost of shower

    head is is $8.40 dollars for sufficiently large contracts. A university wide conversion project would

    more than reach this threshold. The replacement time was derived from repeated replacement ofactual shower heads by a member of the research group. Start to finish, the process came out to 7

    minutes, or approximately. This was a maximum, and full scale integration may be more efficient.

    This provides for an overestimation of labor costs involved in shower head replacement. On the

    subject of efficiency, it should be noted that savings will not be fixed. Given the wide range of

    system level efficiency, it seemed appropriate to illustrate tradeoffs between this efficiency and

    savings. Savings here includes both water expenditures and energy expenditures. Note that as

    boiler efficiency decreases, savings increase. Our main model centers on an efficiency of 80%. It

    is very likely lower, which introduces the prospect for additional savings.

    The design team ultimately had to decide whether it would be economically feasible to putthe shower head replacement regiment into practice. In order to do this, we had to make some

    accounting measure of savings and costs.


  • 8/12/2019 Final Report to Submit


    Figure 4: The graph shows the per-year savings vs. boiler efficiency trade off curve.


    Monetary accounting of the savings of the project was conservatively computed on two

    points. The first point was on the usage of water. According to the Water Authority of State

    College, the price of water in the area is the equivalent of $0.0035 per gallon. Penn State does not

    receive its water from the mains of the city, however. The water on campus is drawn from well

    fields near the Arboretum and is treated and stored on campus. Realizing that the pricing may not

    be equal, it is still reasonable to assume that the costs associated with treating and distributing waterare roughly reflected in this amount. The flow rates are the results of utilizing an average shower

    time and an average number of showers per day, both derived from surveys. This is extrapolated

    to the number of students on campus, reported most recently by the university as being 13,229.

    Prices of water used are then calculated.

    The other cost is associated with the expense of heating the water used in the showers. The

    flow rates for the campus showers. According to observations, a large portion of the water used in

    showers is indeed hot water. The average temperature for water coming in from the well fields is

    around 10 degrees Celsius. Measured temperatures of water at the showerheads averaged to 47.2

    degrees Celsius. The thermal efficiency of the boiler and steam transmission systems are assumed

    to be 80%, reducing savings on water. The efficiency is likely lower, so savings on fuel could behigher than projected. The price on the fuel is 4 per million BTU. Using amounts of water used in

    calculating expenditures on the water, it is then possible to estimate the cost of heating the water.

    In order to assess the economic feasibility of implementing the proposed shower head con-

    version, it was appropriate to consider what the cost curves associated with shower water usage

    would look like with and without a replacement of shower heads.


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  • 8/12/2019 Final Report to Submit


    and other mining related impacts. It would also reduce the need to replace the bag-house filter

    elements, further reducing impact.


    In hindsight, all of the goals of this project were met. The task was to design a project

    on the sustainability for use on the campus of The Pennsylvania State University. The solution

    was to reduce ecological impact through the use of low flow showerheads. The key feature of the

    solution was the reduction in water usage through the use of low flow heads. The reduction in

    water usage corresponds to a decrease in heating needs. The Niagara shower head fulfills these

    functions impeccably well. In order for this project to be implemented, it needed to be financially

    sound. Saving significant amounts of water and energy initiated savings in the areas of water

    treatment and coal expenses. Even the most pessimistic estimates put breakeven at 3 months from

    a January implementation. The proposed shower head switch to the Niagara head design exceeds

    in these categories. Reductions in environmental impact are directly related to reductions in costs

    associated with showering on campus. In light of this information, it is recommended that the

    university consider a shower overhaul involving the installation of Niagara 1.25 gallon per minute

    shower heads.


  • 8/12/2019 Final Report to Submit



    Billing Information. State College Borough Water Authority. State College Borough Water


    2013. Web. April 14, 2013 .

    "Choosing the Right Low-Flow Shower Head." Evolve. ShowerStart: Water Saving Shower

    Head Technology, n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2013.


    "Niagara Earth Massage 1.25GPM Low-flow Showerhead." Amazon.com. N.p., 4 July 2010.

    Web. 10 Apr. 2013. .

    Penn State by the Numbers: 50 Fun Facts. IMakeNews. Penn State Alumni Association. 2009.

    Web. April 13, 2012 .

    "Shower Pro Massage ON/OFF Showerhead with pressure compensating flow controller, low

    flow 2.0gpm."Amazon.com. N.p., 18 May 2009. Web. 10 Apr. 2013.


    "Spray Clean Chrome Shower Head 1.5 with pressure compensating flow

    controller." Amazon.com. N.p., 18 May 2009. Web. 10 Apr. 2013..

    Steam Services. FactSheet_Moser_2010. Office of Physical Plant. 2010. Web. April 14, 2013.

    "Waterpik ECO 563 EcoFlow 5-Mode Water Saving Handheld Shower."Amazon.com. N.p., 11June 2008. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. .

  • 8/12/2019 Final Report to Submit


    l/ I f \ ~

    u o / Mu h nozt..l eFigure A1 shows an ordinary shower head that has multiple

    holes for water output over a given area, as opposed to thecurrent shower head, which has one hole to output the water.

    Appendix A: Concept Generations

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    Figure A2 shows yet another shower head that has multipleholes for water output over a given area. The only differencebeing that this is shaped more like a bush as opposed to theprevious concept's curved shape.

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    Figure A3 shows a similar design to design 1, but in thisscenario, the tubes would be made adjustable to the person'spreference, so that his/her entire body would be coveredsimultaneously.

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    ~ rp a

    ? < :J

    Figure A4 shows a rather luxury approach, where shower jetsare attached to the walls and would be aimed at the personshowering. These would be adjustable so that height does notbecome a factor in showering.

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    fJ oon c a rvr ets

    Figure A5 displays a very similar approach to concept 1, withthe only minor adjustment being that the water outputs comeout of the actual shower head itself.

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    Appendix B : Prototypes

    Figure A6 (top, left) shows the Niagara Shower Head obtained to install at the showers on


    Figure A7 (top, right) shows a model shower head made out of a plastic bottle. This allowed for

    the group to get an understanding of how a shower head functions, especially what happens if the

    water input is greater than that of the output.

    Figure A8 (top, left) shows the rapid prototype developed at Penn States engineering facilities

    after submitting a CAD model of what the group thought would most resemble a shower head.

    Figure A9 (top, right) shows another prototype developed in class.

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    75 1



    Shower Head 1

    DWG NO














    Q A





    Appendix C- CAD Drawing
