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FINESTYLE WINDOWS - St Maxentius Church

Date post: 22-Feb-2022
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16 FINESTYLE WINDOWS For Style and Elegance Bradshaw Brow, Bradshaw, Bolton BL2 3EZ Tel: 01204 592252 Fax: 01204 592330 Established 1961 Manufacturers and installers of High Quality UPVC Windows, Doors and Computer designed Conservatories. The Parish Magazine of Saint Maxentius Bradshaw within the Turton Moorland Team Ministry April 2021



For Style and Elegance

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Established 1961

Manufacturers and installers of High Quality UPVC Windows, Doors and

Computer designed Conservatories.

The Parish Magazine of Saint Maxentius Bradshaw

within the Turton Moorland Team Ministry

April 2021


St. Maxentius Church, Bradshaw, Bolton within the Turton Moorland Team Ministry.

Our aim is through worship, commitment and sharing, to bring others to a

greater love and understanding of God.


Team Rector: Rev. Canon Peter Reiss Tel: Bolton 853854 CHURCHWARDENS:

Joyce Armstrong Tel: Bolton 413055 Jan Bennett Tel: Bolton 244477 DEPUTY WARDENS

Bryan Goodall David Haslam Margaret Heaton Tom Heaton Ruth Scorah Don Taylor P.C.C. SECRETARY: Carol Carr Sunday Services:

9.30am Family Communion 11.00am Holy Communion (Occasional Services as announced) Little Church:

For 0-5 year olds in the Vestry during the 9.30am service Junior Church 9.15am in the Scout Hut and transferring to Church to join in the end of the service Holy Baptism: Second Sunday in the month at 12.15pm after prior arrangement through the Team Office—Tel: 07458 332893. Office hours are -Thursday & Friday 12pm—3pm email: [email protected] (emails are checked regularly out of office hours)

In case of sickness please notify the Clergy or Wardens without delay.




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Maundy Thursday Good Friday

Easter Saturday Easter Day

Alleluia – Christ is risen: He is risen indeed, Alleluia!

The four gospels have four different accounts of the Resurrection – four different ways of describing some of what happened would be a more accurate way to word it. Mark, which is almost certainly the ear-liest gospel, has a brief 8 verses, in which we learn that Jesus has been raised – the women are told this by a young man in a white robe. They are told to tell the disciples but, Mark says, they „fled from the tomb‟ and „said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid‟. For much of the gospel Jesus has forbidden people to say who he is and they did. Now the women are told to tell, and they are silent!

They were afraid, because this news is earth-shattering and mind-bending. Maybe we have heard it too often. Two things to note – Jesus was crucified (the women had seen this brutal execution) and was buried. And then we hear Jesus has been raised He didn’t get up himself, but the power of God raised him and now he is risen. He did not come back to life (as Lazarus did), but he was raised to new life, having not only passed through death but broken its hold on the world. He has broken the chains of death and opened the gate to life.

Continued over….


end in July is cancelled.

We send best wishes to all our sponsors, arrangers, bakers, stall

port the event and hope

In John’s gospel which is the alternative reading for today, John gives two whole chapters to the resurrection and further appearances of the risen Jesus. Again the women are the first to the tomb, but then John focuses on what Peter and John saw when they arrived. The word “saw” is used a lot. We are told what the evidence is. When they are gone Mary is left outside and she meets a man who she does not rec-ognise at first –she does not see clearly - is it the light and / or her tears which have clouded her vision, but then she sees more deeply still.

Mary is weeping as she thinks the body is taken, only to discover Je-sus is alive. John goes on to share other times when Jesus appeared to the disciples. In John‘s gospel, if we wish, we can put ourselves in the shoes of Mary, or John or Peter or Thomas; we can imagine how we would feel in these encounters. But we need to remind ourselves that resurrection, being raised to new life, is not something that they expected, nor something they knew would happen. Whether told through the pen of Mark or of John, this is a life-changing moment quite literally. And if it hasn’t changed our life, we have not “seen” it.

Matthew and Luke also expand on Mark’s short version, giving some other accounts of Jesus‟ appearing to the disciples. Each of the gospel writers takes the material they have and shapes it to help their read-ers and listeners make sense of who Jesus is, what he achieved and what the resurrection means and should mean, for them.

The deeper meaning is probably better gained through either fear or tears in the first instance, and time to reflect and be still in the sec-ond.

And for us, today, in a world which is still battered by a virus we did not even know existed 18 months ago, and unsettled in so many are-as by ongoing violence and disturbance, where too many are ruled by oppressive or self-seeking rulers, and, nearer to home, we try and make sense of the pains and difficulties, the opportunities, choices, and impacts we live with, what does the resurrection mean for us? Has it been lifechanging? Is it? Are we too fearful to speak about it, or maybe too familiar with the story to be moved by it? Is this good news for us and will we share this good news with others?

The church gives us seven Sundays to celebrate and reflect on the Resurrection, leading up to Pentecost- let’s use the time to rejoice, to ponder, to reflect, to proclaim, to discover and to know that God is with us, Jesus offers new life, and we are loved and saved. Alleluia!

Peter Reiss





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If you have anything you

would like to put in the mag-

azine please make sure that

I receive it by the 15th of

the month for insertion in

the following months maga-


You can either speak to me

at church or email it to—

[email protected]

or give me a ring on 413055.

Thank you,


Services for Holy Week across the Team

Monday 29th, Tuesday 30th, & Wednesday 31st March

7pm at Christ Church

Thursday 1st April—Maundy Thursday

10am at St. Maxentius

7pm Christ Church

7pm St Peter’s

7.30pm at St. Anne’s

Friday 2nd April—Good Friday

10am at St. Maxentius

10.30am Christ Church

10.30am St Peter’s

2.00pm St James’

Sunday 4th April—Easter Day

9.30am at St. Maxentius

9.30am Christ Church

9.45am St James’

10.30am St Peter’s

11am St Anne’s



A simple life is all I ask that God will grant this day

Just enough to meet my need and some to give away.

Just enough and some to share with those whose bowl is empty

Compared to many in this world I know that I have plenty

I’m grateful for the things I have, I have no need for more.

I pray my heart will ever be an ever open door,

to welcome friends and strangers that I meet along life’s way.

And as I do, I’m sure that I will meet with Christ each day.

For I am certain without doubt that I am rich indeed.

For Jesus gives me joy and peace and everything I need.

Margaret Shoemark Stafford St Paul’s Mothers’ Union UK.

From a ‘collection of prayers and poems from M U members across the world’.


From our Book of Remembrance

for April

2nd John Howard

9th George Maycraft

12th Thomas Albert Humphreys

13th Alison Davis

14th Philip Clift

19th Thomas Tony Carruthers

20th Joyce Ramsbottom

21st Kenneth Joseph Fay

22nd Ethel Berry

25th Arthur Bernarr Loynd

26th Joyce Dickenson

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Ormerod

27th Annie Entwistle

Ernest Arthur Kilner

Book of Remembrance

If you would like the name of a loved one to be included in the Book of Remembrance, please have a word with one of the Wardens.

Fabric Fund

People may wish to give a donation to this fund in memory of a loved one or on the occasion of a baptism, marriage or some other special

event to help with the upkeep of our beautiful Church building.

St. Anne’s with St. James’

It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that

the 42nd Annual Flower Festival, usually the last week-

end in July is cancelled.

We send best wishes to all our sponsors, arrangers, bak-

ers, stall holders, friends and helpers who usually sup-

port the event and hope they will support us again in the


Best wishes from The Flower Festival Committee



16th Rainbows—Mandy Tidy 01204 307670 or Emma Barlow 01706 228059 meet Tuesday 6pm—7pm in school—term time only. 16th Brownies—Emma Barlow 01706 228059 meet Thursday 6.30pm—8pm in school—term time only. 37th Brownies—Nicola Waring 01204 306280 meet Monday 6.15pm—7.45pm in school, term time only. Guides–Tracey Hamer 01204 304325 meet Monday 7pm—9pm in the Stable, Term time only. Beavers—Alison Ackers 07596 715334 meet Thursday 6pm– 7pm in the Scout Hut. Cubs—Heather Colley 01204 435135 meet Wednesday 7pm—8.30pm in the Scout Hut. Scouts—Craig Ackers 07912 320446 meet Friday 7.30pm—9.30pm in the Scout Hut. Junior Church— Andrew Cox 07825 321451 meet 9.15am in the Scout Hut. TYC— Jo Haslam 07872 993104 meetings as announced [email protected] Choir—Arthur Greaves 01204 527302 practice every Thursday 7pm in the Vestry. Mothers’ Union—Edna Bowers 01942 587409 meet second and fourth Tuesdays in the day School. Safeguarding Officer—Jan Bennett 01204 244477 Day School—Head Teacher—Clare Bennett 01204 333106 Flowers in church—Tracy Lawton 07803 208323 or 01204 595717 Magazine Editor—Joyce Armstrong—[email protected] 01204 413055 Church Website: https://stmaxentiuschurch.co.uk


A big thank you to Mrs. Haslam for coming in to school today to create these amazing eggs with some of our children. The pictures represent the journey to Easter and, next week, will be placed down the ginnel all the way to St. Maxentius Church. See if you can spot them and fol-low the Easter story in pictures.

The Crossroad

The road was hard, no turning back,

The way ordained by mighty God.

‘Your will, not mine’ was all He said,

As humbly down that path He trod.

The crowd that cheered Him once with palms

Began to shout for Him to die,

They chose Barabbas in his stead

And with one voice cried ‘Crucify!’

Between two thieves on either side

They put to death the Prince of Life.

One cried for help, the other cursed -

The first was promised Paradise.

This promise now is for us all:

Christ gave His life to set us free.

The Cross divides, it always will -

The question is: what side are we?

By Megan Carter


28th March Palm Sunday 9.30am Communion Service

1st April Maundy Thursday 10am Service

2nd April Good Friday 10am Service

4th April Easter Day 9.30am Communion Service

11th April Easter 2

9.30am Communion Service

18th April Easter 3 9.30am Communion Service


25th April Easter 4 9.30am Communion Service
