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Martinsville - - Indiana



Residence: 140 SOUTH MAIN ST. Phone 81

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Church Calendar

Bib le Schoo l l\Iorning vVorship

hri stian Endeavor Eve ning vVorship

9:15 A. M. .............. 10 :30 A. M.

Societ ies

* * * *

6:30 P. M. 7:30 P. M.

Officia l Board Meets Second Monday Even ing of each Mont h, 7 :30 P. M.

B ible Sch ool Cou ncil Meets Second vVed nesday of each M. nth , 7 :30 P. M.

A id Soc iety Meets Every Thursday with Covered Dish Luncheon at loon .

A rt Society Mee ts eac11 T hursday Afternoon 111

hom es of mem bers at 2 :30.

Mi ssionary Society Meets F ir t Wednesday of each l\i on th a l 2:30 P. M .

Boy coul s Meet ve ry W edn esday Eve nin g in O ld Ch urch Basement, 7 :30.

History of Christian Church ~

(Rep rin ted from Dai ly Reporter of May 31. )

T HE Ma1·t in svill e Chri sti an Church was organi zed in Jun e, 1836. T he charter m embers were Mr. and Mrs. Apo las Hess a nd son ; 1Yfr. a nd Mrs. Benjamin

Swe.et ; Miss Harri et weet; M r. and Mrs. :E erry M . B lanken hip ; :Mr. a nd :Mrs. Jam es J ackson a nd Miss Pattie J ackso n. The fir st meeting wa held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blankenship. The member hip g rew rather rap idly a nd soon th ere were add ed Mrs. Permintcr M. Parks, Mrs. Patterson, M r. and Mrs. B. W. Mc oy and JV[ r s. Rober t McNaught. Rev. J oseph Faccett, of olu mbus, was the first mini ster.

The e ld ership was mad e up of Messrs. Sweet, J ackson a nd Bla nkenship. In 185 1 Noah J. Maj r was ordained as an .e ld er by J am es M. :tvfathes . T he late Mr. Major served as eld er and mini ster of thi s church, preachin g fu nera ls and lead in g in th e church work when th e church had no regul ar pastor. He probabl y did more for the church in marryin g the people of t he ch urch and community and co nducti ng fun era l services than any man who has ever served the church. T he church I ui ldin g was ded icated Ap ril 24, 1892. P rev ious to th is tim e the m emb ership m et in the building now occ upi ed by th e A rtes ian La undry. Z. T. Sweeney preached the dedicatory se rm on. \ Al. B. F. T reat was the pastor and a lso se rved as chairm an of the building com­m ittee. C. G. Renner, Wi lliam C. Mitchell, Dr. Charles Seaton, J ohn ·M. lark, ]. C. K iefer, amuel M. Mitchell, Samuel Tucker and A. M. Cunnin g constituted t he bui lding committee.

A li s t of th e pastor of the chu rch in clude J oseph l<accett, J . T. Edm on on, Thomas P. Conn elly , Jam es C. Mathes, W il so n Smith , Mad iso n Evans, L ev i Ha nson, Jonathan H. H enry, H. V-l. Ctffe, P. M. B lankenship , J ose ph I-I. Baxter, J am es F. Sloan, L. C. McGowen, W illiam H . Boles, A. ]. F rank, W. B. F. Treat, A. L. Grim, \ Al. 0. Moore, T . M. \Vil.es, I. N. Grisso. This brings the hi story clown to the present centtffy. L N. Gri sso and A. L. Grim are the only m en in this long list that are livi ng at th e prese nt t im e. Si nce th e beginning of the century, A. L. Wa rd, T heodore F reed, A. E. Cole, M. \ Al. Yocum, C. W. Cauble, E. R. Edwards, R1y Montgomery a nd Paul Boyer, the present pastor, have served this church . A ll of these men a re living to r ejoice in the splendid new building:

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Officials of the Christian Church


The officia ls of the Chri stian Church are e lected on Sep tem ber 1st and se r ve one yea r. The present comp lete Ii t of th e ch urch is as fo il ows :

Official Board-Rev. Pau l \N. Boyer, Pasto r and ex-officio memb er ; Charles E lli s. Chairman; harlcs You nge r \'ice-C hairman: Shelby Gr en , Clerk-Treas urer. '

Elder::.-C. 0. Abbot t, L. \V. Jenkin s, Chas. E lli s, Chas. Youn ge r. Roy I.'... T ilford, Lewis William s, J ohn W. Clark. A llen ll l oore.

Deacons-\V. A. Hanna, F. 0. Branch, S. A . Hickman, S helby Green, Harr y Cure. Ray Hadley, C. 0. Abbott, vValter Butler, Carr Haase . Eugene Herold, Gil es M. D ickso n, }'au ! Raw lin s, J ohn Riley, l'erry Kirk, H. A. Kirk , H. \IV. Tilford, Ora Abraham , Court Maxwe ll , H . L. 11 1 c (;i1111i s, llaudc Cohee, J.[. J\ . Blunk, C. F. Duncan , Guy Brown, Minor Troxel, L ew is Sartor.

Deaconesse:::-M.rs. E li Koo ns, Mrs. Vv'illiam Rob inso n. Trustee!:- \1\/alter Butler Cbairman· Lewis Sartor A ll en

Moore. ' ' ' COMMITTEES

Membership- I-I. A. Blu nk, Chairman; vValter Butler, L ewis S_artor, Harry Ha111ma 11 s, H. \N. T ilford. J\irrs. Harry Cure. 1111·s. A ll en Moore, Mr . Claud e Cohee.

Relief- R . E. Ti lford , Chai rm an; ll lrs. J ohn Beechem, Mrs. C. 0 . A bbott.

Fina12ce- . helby Gree n, H.. H .. Kinton, Dona ld K enn edy, Eugene H erold , Charl es T hacker.

Usher- \Vill .. I. J ames, Chairman; E m erso n Laug hner, \\/alter 1-lan na: Hary Cure , 1:3 . W. T ilford, Wm. Bailey, l'-ay Had ley, l• ra nk S tewart. Raym ond Reyn old s, Harley :ti! a rshall, Mrs. Emerso n Laugh ner, M rs. Ca rl Stewart, J\l abe l Farley, Faye 111 in ton.

Visiting-Charl es You nger. Cha irma n ; Dorothy Williams Mrs. J ra Enni s, Mrs. Cha s. Stewart. · '

Musi~-Ch as . 0 . A bbott , Chairm an; M rs. J ohn Na ug le, Mrs. l '_recl l 'r.es ton, M rs. Les ter \Natson, Mi ss Pau line Cramer.

Social-Charl es E lli s, Chairma n ; ·ourt Maxwe ll Mrs. No ra B lunk, Mrs. Emma Butler, Mrs. Ea rl Abbot't, Mrs. Ray Had ley.

Advertising-Rev. L'au l \ V. Boye r, Chairm an ; Al len Moore, Georg Dewey, \Nay nc :tllarsha ll .

Communion Service-] an! Ra wlin s. Chairman; Per ry Kirk. Communion Table Preparation- Mrs. E li K oons, Mrs.

Robinso n Organist and Choir Director- M is I sis Major.

Church Organizations


Mrs. Harry Cure Mrs. I-I. A. B lunk Mrs. S helby Green M r . Paul Boyer Mi ss I s is Major Mrs. H. L. McGinni s M rs. Ferd S icht in g Mrs. William Ba iley Mrs. J ohn Clark Mrs. Will J ames Mrs. Roy J ones Mrs . Walter Colli er

President . .. First Vice-President

Second Vice-President Secretary

Asst. Secretary . . . . . . Treasurer

. . . . . . . . . . . . Financial Secretary Treasurer of Flower Committee

Division Leader Division Leader Division Leader Division Leader

LADIES' AID J\frs. Robert H amm an . . . . President

Vice-President Secretary

Financial Secretary Treasurer

Mrs. Ora Abra ham Miss Minnie Tilford Mrs. Mary \ l\Tor ley .. Mrs. Laura Tilford

WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY Mrs. Ira Enn is . . . . . . . . . . . President Mrs. Harry Cure Vice-President Dorothy William s Secretary Mary Yage r Literary Secretary Mrs. L. \N. J enkin s . . . Treasurer Mrs. Lewis Williams World Call Secretary

J\lf rs. \l\Tilliam Howe ll , Mrs. Max Shirema n, Mrs. John Clark, l\1frs . v\lilliam .Rooker , Mrs. Walter Colli.e r , Mrs. R. L. Mann on. Mi ss Ruth Sco tt, M rs. Clarence Port r. Mrs. vVil liam Jam es, Mrs. Charl es Roberts, Mrs. Clyde H olsapp le, Mrs. Ralph Goss, a ll Group L eaders.

YOUNG PEOPLE'S vVilli am Enni s At ley Routier Gladys Ma r hall Emma Ruth William s


. . . . Vice-President . . . . Secretary-Treasurer

Literature Secretary Mc Cl m e .. Group Leaders

. . . . . . Circle Mother Mi ss Mary H owe ll , Miss Blanche Mrs. Lewis Vlilliam s

SENIOR TRIANGLE MISSION CLUB Wales Smith President H elen Raw lins . . . . . . . . . Vice-President F lorence Kemp Secretary Ruth Dale Treasurer 11fr .'Oscar Marshall ... Sponsor

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"HI" TRIANGLE MISSION CLUB A li ce Moore Tracey Had ley Marth a Moore Mi ldred Knoy Dorothy Co lli er Mrs. Ralph Goss


President Vice-President

Secretary Treasurer

Literature Secretary Sponsor


Nor ma Jam es S ta nl ey P oleckna Lo is Clark Dorothy Co lli er Irene F outch Mi ldred K noy !\ li ce M oore Mrs. Paul' Boyer


President Vice-President

Secretary Asst. Secretary

Treasurer Asst. Treasurer

Pianist Sponsor

SOCIETY President

Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Sponsors

Lois H owe ll Ivia ry Howe ll \!Va les Sm ith . Mrs. Osca r Marsha ll, M rs . Ira E nn is

JUNIOR CHURCH ASSEMBLY Dorothy E nni s President

Vice-President Treasurer S ecretary

Super intendent

J ea nacl e ll e Russe ll Ge nevieve Baker Katherin e R oberts Mrs. Shelby Green M rs. C l::i rcnce Po rter l M rs. Harry Cure I Assistants Mi ss Mae K ive tt J 1vlr. Lew is W illiams Elder

YOUNG MATRON'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY M rs. Ea rl Knoy . . . President Mrs. S~1c lby Green V ice-President l'vl iss Dorothy Wi lli ams S ec!'e tary Mrs. Clarence Porter Treasurer Mrs. Merril l Literature Secretary

BOY SCOUT ORGANIZATION Charles E lli s Cha irman ficout Comm'\ttee C. 0 . Abbott, Co ur t Maxwe ll . . . Members S cout Committee E 111111 erso n Laugh ner Scoutmaster \i\/al es Sm ith Asst. Scoutmaster

BIBLE Rev. Pau l W . Boyer C. 0. A bb ot t A llen Moore Lew is William s M iss Gladys Lew is M iss Dorot hy William s M rs. Ben T ilford Mi ss I sis Majo r Pau l Raw lin s Harry Hammans ........ .

SCHOOL Supt. R :;ligious Education

Supt. Adult Dept. Supt. Intermediate Dept.

Supt. Junior Dept. Supt. Primary Dept.

Supt. Beginners' Dept. Supt. Cradle Roll Dept.

General Pianist Secretary-Treasurer

..... . Librarian

The Church of Christ Stands For

A I ivi nc Chri st or no Savior. A n I nsp ' r ed Bible or no Sc riptures . A Scri ptural Bap ti sm or no Bapti sm. A United Church or 11 0 vVorl cl -Co nquest. A Religion of Servi cf or no Re li g io n.

The Church of the Twentieth Century Ought to be the Church of the First Century


No Book but the Bible (2 Tim. 3: 15-17). No Names but th e Divine (Acts 11 :26) . No Cree d but Chri st (Matt. 16 :15-19) . No P lea but th e Gospel (1 Cor. 15: 1-8) .


l\.1 ::t rt in L uth er: "I p ray you leave my name alone and cal l not vourse lves Lutherans. but Chri sti ::t ns ; Who is Lut her ? 'My doctrine is not mine ! I ha ve not been cr uci­fi ed fo r a nyone. S t. Pau l (1 Cor. 3) wou ld not that any one should ca ll them se lves of Pau l, nor of Peter , but of Chri s t. How, th e n, doc s it benefit me, a rniserab le bag o f du st a nd ashes, to g ive my nam e to the Children of Chri st ? Cease, my cl ea r fri end. to cling to these party names and distinc­tion s; away with them a ll; and let us ca ll ourse lves only Chri st i111s afte r Him from whom ou r doctrin e comes."- Life of Luther by Mitchelct, page 262 .

J ohn V/esley : "Would to Goel th a t a ll se::tar ia n names were forgo tt.e n, a n I that we, as humb le, lov in g di sc ipl es, mig ht sit down at tl1 e l\IJ'a ster' s feet, read Hi s Ho ly \!\lord , im bibe Hi s sp irit, a nd transcribe H is life into our ow n."

Robert S tuart MacArthur (Baptist). N cw York City : "Th e nam e of Presbyter ian, Co ng regationa li st, :Methodist and Bap ti st, however much we may love it and howeve r loyal we are to it now, is to g ive p lace to that w hi ch is above C' -:ery nam e. The clay w ill come w hen those clas hin g waves of t:me a nd ete rnity shal l st rip off every name but one. Not our name, but th e nam e of our Lord a nd Sav ior , our Prophet, P ri est a nd K ing, w ill ab id e. a nd am id the lig ht of ear th a nd the increas in g glory of eternity, that name alone s ha ll be r eJ ~l. J esus Christ."

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Membership ~

Ro 11

Tn regard to th e hurch Roll we wish to say that the Pastor and a id s have clone th eir be st to get a n accu rate li st of the memb ership. In a c ity lhe size of Martin sv ill e th ere is co nstant moving abou t. I f 1'1erc a re mi stakes in the li st o f members or omiss ions, it ha .; not been intentional, a nd if those findin g error s wi ll be rh :witable and i11fo r111 M r. Ben Tilford of any an d al l mi stake s and om issions, the con ect

hurch membership and propc · aclcl resses will be avai lable. Thi s will be g reat ly app reciated.

Aye rs. Robert. 1290 E. 11 organ St. Mrs. Robt.

Ab raham .Mr s. R. A. 31fi E. Pike St. J\ br:iham 0. 1\., -109 E. Pike St.

Mrs. 0. A. M'iss Anna A rnold

Abbott, C. 0 .. 560 E. H arri on St. Mrs. C. 0. D r. vVaync Lyman

/\ clki'l s, Je ss ie, 310 S. Lin co ln St. H:izcl

Avery, Kate. 790 E . \V alnut St. i\dl :in s. Mrs. \Villiam , 259 S. Grant St.

Raymond /\sher. l\llayo, 601 S. Oh io St.

M·r s. Mayo Jarvis

Ay ers. Ora, 490 S. Lincoln St. 1\l[rs. Ora

A l!e11. George , 139 E . Sum ner /\ve. Mrs. George

Aye rs, Ernest, \IV est Harri son St. A her, J obe, 490 ·. Marion St. /\ sher Mrs. hauncey, 159 VV. Sumn e1· Ave.

Mi ss Fern 13ranch, E . l ' ., 510 E. \Vashington St. Branch, iV[i ss O li ve, 359 E. Morgan St. Beard. S he lby , 890 E. Morgan St.

1f rs . She lby Miss Loui e

Baker, Derncy, 1040 E. P ike t. Mrs. Demey Miss Geraldine

Brown, R W .. 360 N . O hi o St. Mrs. R. Vv.

Baldwin, F. D .. 239 S. vVayne St. Mrs. r;-. D.

Ba iley, Will iam , 190 S. Ohio St. Mrs. V/ illi am

Membership ~

Ro 11

Burns , Mi ss Rulli, 5-10 E. Columbus St. Bass, Mrs. Lhar lcs, 610 E. Columbus S t. Burke, Harvey, 690 E. Columbu s S t.

Mrs. Harvey Boardman, Raymond. 660 \ V. \i\Tashi1~gton St. Byroad, Ray . 260 S. Grant · l. Bcssesi, ] oe, 140 W . Pike St.

Mrs. J e Vincent

Boyer, B.ev. Paul W., 140 · .Main St. Mrs. Paul James H.

B row n, :Marion, 259 S. Marion St. Mrs. Iv! arion

Butler, \!\fa lter, 640 S. Main St. Mr s. \!\fa lter

Branch, F. 0., 650 E. VVashing ton S t. Barnard. LcaEa, 135 N . Ohio St. Br wn, Ida l\11.. 959 E. P ike St.

·Bailey, Mrs. Emma, East Harri so n St. Bryant, Mollie, 939 E. Jackso n ' t. Busby, Will iam , 40 E . Harri son St.

Mrs. \ i\Til li am Bolin , Curti s. 160 S. Co lfax St.

Mrs. Curtis B lunk, H. A., 209 S. Ma in St.

Mrs. H. A. Deimos

Baker, Lemiel, 159 S . Ohio St. Mrs. L em iel Mrs. Rebecca

Daker, Nancy J., 639 S. Ohio St. Barton, l'd.rs. lurti s, 259 W . 'vVashin g ton Baker, Nora, 440 VV. \i\Tas hingto n Bass, Frank. 110 1/, N . Main St. Beecham. Mrs. :Mariah. 5-10 V\f . 11organ Beecham, Nel se n. 540 \!\T . .Pike St. Blair, O ra, 459 \IV. Harrison St. Ba il ey, J ohn. 580 \i\T. 1-l:irrison St. Brewer, Dolly, 140 S . Marion St. Baker. Mrs. H oward , 690 S. Mar ion St.

Genevieve Brown, Guy . 559 S. Marion St.

Mrs. Guy Bernice Hobert

Butler, Gil bert, 640 S. Main St. Breedlove, Thoma , 540 S. Cherry St. Hailey, Elizabeth , 1310 E. I ike St. B lu nk, Doll y, K. of 1,. F lat Bldg.

Mrs. Lama Mur i Lucille

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Membership lie

Bolin , A lta, 610 E. l\forgan S t. Brown , J osep hin e, 360 . O hio t.

Pau lin e Curlis, fr . Ray, Ba1·skin Apts. St. Cla ir , Lucille, 700 E. Washin gton St. Cra.n cr, E l111 ore, 259 N . Oh io St. Co ffey, Corria , 958 E. l\Iorga n St. Conn c n, Edwin, 959 E. Mo rga n St.

Madge Cohte, llaudc, 290 N . Sycam ore St.

J\f rs. laucle Major

Cra1, 1er , Ora n, 540 E. Harri so n St. Cla rk. Mildred. 509 N. Sycamore St. Cure, Harry, .J89 N . ·wayne , t.

1\11 rs. Harry I\ ill y

Cla rk, Pearl, 165 S. Main St. Cla rk. Way n , 159 S. Ohio S t. Cramer, Robe rt, 940 E. Co lumbus St. Cord t~ ll , No rri s, 559 S. Ohio t.

l\ I rs. No rri s

Ro 11

~ox, Mrs. Alf red, .190 W. Washington St. rcws, 0 . V., 565 . Mam S t.

l\lrs. 0 . V. rC\%, E lm er, 656 S. Main t.

Cha n1 p lin, Ora, 212 N . Mulbei"ry St. Cox, Mrs. Julia, 440 W. P ike St. Craw fo rd, E li za, 462 N . Cherry St. Co bb, W . A., 240 W. Harri son St.

J\I rs. W. A. Ca rter , George, 378 N. H enry S t.

]VJ rs. George ~r~wlcy . Mar~aret, 240 S. Mulberry St. Ca111, l\Jrs. \V tlli am. 59 S. Sycamore St.

alvin, Ke nn eth , 640 E. Morgan St. Edwin

Ca lli s, Mrs. Be sie. 171 N. Main St. Co llin s, W . A., 1070 E. Morgan S.t.

Mrs. W. A. Cra mer, My rtle, 209 N. J e fferso n S t. Cure, Mr s. W. A., 259 N . Wayne St. Carv er, Rena, South Side Sq uare Apt.

urc, ] cssic, 127 S. Main St. Cox. Frank, 459 E. Jackson St.

1\1 r s. Frank Cox, Mrs. lJcnry, 259 S. J ffcrson St.

Miss l\lary Cra mer, l\ I rs. John, 309 S. Jefferso n Co lli er , Walter, 400 S. Graham St.

Mrs. \Na iler Co lli er, D oro th y,440 S. Gra ham St.

Membership lie

Cram er, H e nry , GlO S. J efferson St. Mrs. Harry Pauline Ruby V irg ini a Dee

Carter, ] arncs F., 640 Vv. Harri son St. Mrs. J ames F.

Crone, Dr. W . I., 109 VII. Jackso n SL Mrs. W. I.

Cunnin g ham, 1-label. 260 S. l\Jarion S t. Clark, Martha , 239 'vV. Colum bus St.

lark so n, Coz, South Mulb erry St. l\lrs. Coz Mabel

Cram er, E lbert, R. R. No. 5 Cobb, M rs . B la nche, 640 Circle St.

Miss Agnes oilier , Ne lli e 1., 800 S. l\Iain St.

Ro 11

Cunnin g ham , M rs. Pat, 260 W . Sum ner Ave. Ilene

Cordell, John, R. R. Mrs. John

Dunnagan, G. W. , 170 N . J efferso n S t. Mrs. G. W .

Deat linc, harlo tle, 160 N . Lincoln L D enny, Ray mond, 550 S. L in co ln St. D ixo n, Erne l , 560 S. J efferson S t.

Mrs. Ernest D ickson, Giles M., 500 S. J efferson St.

Mr . Gi les Mary K.

Dewey. George, 2 10 S. Mulberry S t. Mrs . George Thomas

D unn agan . Ev rel, 380 E. Pike St. Mrs. Ever.ct

Duncan, C. F., 390 N . J effer so n St. Mrs. C. F. Charles H e nry Earl

D uckworth . Mrs. Charles, 240 N. Main Davis, Willia m , 369 W. P ike St.

Mrs. Wi lli am Elliott, Escoe, 489 . Cherry S t.

Mrs. Escoe E lli s, Mr . Margaret, 610 S. Wayne St. E lli s, harl cs, 640 S . \V ay ne SL

Mrs. Chas. Lulu

E dward s. Mrs. J ohn , 389 W. W as hin g to n Enni s, Mrs. Cliff, 378 V\T. J ackson S t.

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Membership ~

E rwin, Char lot te (Add ress U nkn ow n) E nni s, Ira, 590 S. Marion St.

Mrs. Ira VV illia m Flora Dorot hv

En ni s, Lona, 490 N. Linco ln St. Ely, Eva, 159 S. O hio St. E dwards, a rl , Fou ndry dd. Eggers, \ i\T alter, 660 S. Lin co ln St.

M rs. vVa lter Eva Lulu

I' ussl man, Mrs. Cla ra, K. r P. Blk. F reema n, Mrs. Agnes, 640 E. Pike St. F ischel, H erm an, 285 N . Gra nt St. F isher, J\11.rs. V iola, 159 E. Co lu mbu s St.

Lucill e

Ro I I

Far ley, Mrs. Ama nd a, 760 E. Columbus St. Mabel Nett ie

Fe rg uson, Mrs. J osie, R. R. No. -­Miss Mary Mi ·s Bess ie

Fu lford, Min or, 240 W . \ i\Ta lnut St. M rs. Minor

F in chum , Mary, 822 N . Main St. F letcher, Ma rgaret, R. R . No. 2 Fronfe lter . Merrill , 890 E. Washington St. F isher, vV illiam, R. R. No. 5 Fow ler. Mrs. B. F., 1239 E. Morgan St. F og leman, Mr . Wi lla, 640 E. P ike St. Fess ler, Mrs. Margaret, 260 E. Cunningh am

Madge Doroth y

Fa rr. A lbert, 690 N. Mai n S t. F ranklin. Mrs. Zo la, 479 V.l. Pike St.

Russe ll l=ow l r, Mrs. Dora . 378 N. Henry S t. l~ u l fo r d, A. L.. 340 \IV. Columbus St. F ulford, D orot hy, 36 \•V. Mitche ll Ave. Graham . M rs. Matilda. 59 N . \ i\Tayne St. Goss. Mrs. Myrtl e, Nor th J effe rso n S t

Richa rd · Robert Dudley

Gree n, Shelby, 509 S. Main St M rs. S helby ·

Goins, Wi ll is , 289 W. Walnut St. Givan, J erry, 610 S. Mu lberry S t.

Mrs. J erry Gree n, Mrs. M. C., 11 89 E . I ike St.

Membership ~

Ro 11

Garriso n, Miss Mary, 810 E. Harri son St. Groves, M rs. Evert, 465 S. Sycamor.e St. Griffin, M rs. Claude, 589 S. Oh io St. Gr iff in, Mrs. Myrt le, Foundry Add. Green, Ova l, 245 'vV. Washing ton St.

M rs. Oval Hamman , Cozz ie. 171 N. Ma in St. H oward, A lice, 140 N. Colfax S t.

Thelm a Ho lsapp le, Clyde, 389 E. P ike St.

Mrs. Clyde Hammans, Robert, 662 E. Pike St.

Mrs . Robt. Harry

Holsapp le, Eureka, 1039 E. Pike St. Mrs. Eu reka

Hohenberger, M rs. F rank. 389 N . Main Hewitt, M rs. Mira nda, 390 N . Main St. Hami lton, Mrs. Effie, 240 E. Cunnin g ham Hamm ans, A ncil, 240 S. Sycamore St.

M rs. A nci! Hayes, Pre ton. 769 E . Columbu St. Ha rt, Mrs. Cecil , 990 S . L inco ln St. H endrickso n, Mrs . Harry, 589 S. Main Harrison, M rs. Marga ret, 383 \ i\T . Morgan

Miss Blanche Henry . F . i'JI., 240 W. Harr iso n St.

M rs. F. M. Hickman, S. A., 290 S. Main St.

H ec tor H older, Mrs. Eel., 290 S. Mu lb erry St. Harvey, J . \ i\T .. 89 W. M itche ll Ave.

Mrs. J. W . F rances Fran k

H endri cks, \ l\T. E., 240 S . Main St. Mrs. W. E.

Haase, Harry, 409 E. Morgan t. H oote n, Frank, North Mai n and Morga n Sts.

Mrs. F ra nk Had ley, Ray, 239 N. Gra ham St.

Mrs. Ray H ooten, Mrs. Nora, 729 E. Pike St.

Teel H oward, Mrs . V in ce nt. 140 N. Co lfax S t. H erold , E. J .. 259 N . Main St.

Mrs. E. ]. Ne llie

Hanna, Sarah, 690 E. Har ri so n St. H owe ll , William , 659 E. Highland St.

Mrs. \ i\T illiam Lois-Mary

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Membership ~

Ro 11

Helton, Mrs. Sarah , 190 W . Was:1i ngton St. Hook, Mrs., 215 W. Mo1·gan St. H erold , Paul , 78 S. Shirl ey St.

M r&. Paul Holl oway, Idella, 740 N . Main St. Hawkin s, Ethel, 540 N . Ma1·ion St. Hatl ey, Clyde, 90 W . Columbus St .

Mrs. Clyde Howe, H ub ert , 789 E . Hi g hland St. Hockm an, M rs. E rnest, 690 S. Cherry St.

M ildred H ampton, E ve rett, 11 90 E. Morgan St. Hammond s, D oroth y, 690 N . Main St. J ackso n, E. H ., 260 E. P ike St.

Mrs. E. H . J ones, Roy, 310 S. O hi o St .

Mrs. Roy J enkins, L. W., 610 S. Main St.

Mrs. L. W. J ohn ston, Mrs. Eel. , 810 S. Mulberry

Jack, J r. J o:·dan , Ll oyd, R . R . No. 5 J c rclan, E i'. een . 1290 E. Morgan St. J oh nston, D. 0 .. 390 E . Columbus St.

Mrs. D. 0. J ames, L izz ie, 519 W. P ike St. J enkin s, ]. R., 139 W. Mitchell Ave. James, Will I. , 560 S. Mulb erry St.

M rs. Will I. Ne dra Norm a W alter

I~i n g, Mrs. Mike, 389 E . Washing ton St. h .. enn edy, 'vValter, 471 E . W ashin gton St.

Mrs. Walter D on Mary

K err, Mrs. Emeline, 740 E . Pike St. Kiph art, William, 11 90 E. Pike St.

Mrs. William Kinton, R. R., 490 N . J ~ffe rson St.

Mrs. R. R. T helma Everett

Keeling, William , 260 S. Ohio St. Mrs. Willi am

K noy, E arl , 689 S. Main S t. Mrs. Earl

K ive t t, S. C., 89 E dgewood Ave . Mrs. S. C. J oe

- Juni or

Membership ~

Ro 11

Kaufman, Rev. Howard , Indi an Spri ngs P l. , R.R. No. 5 M rs. Howard

Knoy, Mild red , 510 'vV. Morgan St. K innenran, D r. \V . L., 605 E. 'vVashington

Mrs. W. L. Robert Paul Mary

Ke nn edy, \ iVa ltcr, Jr. , 840 E . Ha rri son K rin e1·, J ennie, 110 S. Sycam ore St. K ivett, Mi ss Mae, 289 S. Main St. Kerr, M rs. G. T., 327 S. O hi o St. Kerr , W alt er, 389 S. O hi o St. Ke ll y, Da nie l, 340 N . M ulberry St. Kemp, F lorence, 359 S . L incoln St.

E mm a K rine1·, Oscar, 161 W . Co lumbu s St. Koo ns, Maxin e (Address U nkn own) Lockh art, Charl e , 59 S. W ay ne St.

Margaret Lewe ll en, A nna, 59 S. W ay ne St.

M rs. Minerva Lowder, H elen. 439 N . J efferson St. Lowe, Freel , 140 N . St. Clair St.

Mrs. Fred Ralph

L ew is, Ina, 160 S. J effer son St. Mae Mary Lucill e

L ewis . .3 . B ., 339 W . P ike St . Mrs. S. B.

Leach, William, 240 Vandalia Ave. L a F a ry, He nry, 560 S. O hio St.

Mrs. H enry Long , Florc11 ce, 689 E . W as hing ton St. L ew is, F rank, 690 E . Pike St.

Mrs. Mary Lewis, Ir win, 389 N . Main St. Lo F oo n, Sarah , 289 S. Ohio St. L aug hn er , E merson, 540 E . Cunning ham St.

Mrs. Emerso n Lu cas, Mrs. J essie, 640 S. W ayne St. L ockh art , Morton, 509 E. Columbus St.

R obert Lemons, Dorothy, 545 S. Sycamore St. Lloyd, Elinor, 479 W . P ike St. Long, V isie, 409 N. Maple St. Lew is, Gladys, 239 W . Columbus St. McGinni s. H. L. , 645 E . Washing ton St .

Mrs. H . L. A li ce

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Membership ~

McFarland, V era, South Mulberry St. Means, Dorothy, 59 W. Sumner Ave. Myers. R uth Ellen, 160 N. J effer son St.

Edna Fred

Ro 11

Messmer. Mrs. Mauri ce, 1209 E. Mo1·gan St. Kat herine Mary

Martin, Roy, East End of Morga n St. Mrs. Roy

McKown , A lex. 359 N. ·way ne St. McNeff, Lee, 439 E . Harri on St.

Mrs. Lee Marten, Ralph , 710 E . Harri so n St. Minton, Mrs. Faye, 239 N. 3rd Ave. l\i[ar shall , Lola, 290 E. Cunningh am St. l\lliller , Miss H elen, 210 S. J efferso n Mill er, John vV., 258 E. Co lumbus St.

Mrs. J ohn McClure, Blanche, 260 S. J effe rson St. McKee, J oh n, 489 S. Oh io St .. Mansell, Mrs. Lydia, 410 S. Lincoln St. Merriman , Reba. 489 E Gray St.

Veda Martz, Mrs. A nn a, 310 S. Mario n St. McGinni s, Miss Maggi.e , 90 Park Ave . Maxwel l, Dr. Frank, Office over Moores 5 and lOc Store Moore, All en, 690 E. 'vVashington St.

Mrs. A ll en A li ce Martha Eli zabeth

Me use r, William, 151 N . ·wayne St. Moline lli , M1·s. Ma rgaret, 1033 E. Morgan St.

Cecil Major, Mi ss Mary, 290 N. Sycamore St. McKa hn, Mrs. Don, 519 E. Pike St. Maxwell, Court, 840 E. P ike St.

Mrs. Court McKee. Austin . 1310 E. P ike St.

1ifrs. Austin Wil liam

Mannan, R obert, 490 E . Harri so n St. M1·s. Robt.

McCoy, A. J. , 709 E. Jackso n St. Mrs. A. ]. Mc Coy

Mu grav e, Mi ss Lu lu. 210 S. J eff erson Michaels, Mrs. Juli ette, 239 S. \ i\layne Mi le , Ne tti e, East \!Valnut St. Marshall, Georgia , Walnut and J effe rson Merideth, Cleo, 689 S. Graham St.

Mrs. Cleo

Men1bership ~

Musgrave, Mrs. J ohn , 565 S. Mai n St. Marshall , Oscar, 679 S. Sycamore t.

Mrs. Oscar Vlay ne Gladys

Montgomery, Fred, 1100 N. Main St. Mrs. Freel

Miles, Me lvina, 360 W. Morgan St.

Ro 11

Maj or, Mrs. Anna P., \!Vhiting Sanitarium Mc Cracken, Ben, 630 S. Marion S t.

Mrs. Ben L eon

Myers, Mrs. Walter, 659 S. l\!Ia ri on St. Mye rs, Mark, 440 E. Morgan t.

Mrs. Mark Mark, Jr.

Modlin, Sarah, 290 \ i\I. Morgan St. Marshall , Bernice (Address U nkn own) Marsha ll , Mr. H. E., 1309 E . Pike St.

Mrs. H . E. Aubrey

McKee, Edna, 240 N . 2nd Ave. Mosie1· , Emma, 326 \ i\I. Morgan St.

Geneva N ix, Fonz ie, 1009 E. Pike St.

Arv illa North ern , Mike, 210 E. Walnut St. Nutter, Mrs. K I., 60 W. Pike St.

Parks N utter, H ew itt , 90 W. Pike St. Nutter, I saac, 110 W. Pike St. Nea l, Flor.e nce, 241 W. Walnut S t. Neal, Mrs. Sus ie, 575 N . Sycamore St.

William Martha Mary

Parks, Fannie, 389 E. V-Tash ington St. Port r, larence, 40 N. Graham St.

Mrs. Clarence Pitman, Robert, 239 N. 3rd Ave.

M rs. Robt. Ed ith

Pau l, A lva, 60 E. Columbus t. Jv[rs. A lva

Plain, A lva, 340 S. ycamore St. Mrs. A lva Ruth M.

Pau ley, Lav in a, Foundry A dd. P earcy, Mrs. laucl e, 490 N . H enry St. Pike, ]. A., 387 W. Morgan S t.

Mrs . ]. A. .f eabocl y, Je nnie, 372 v-r. Pike St.

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1\1 e m b e r s h i p


Ro 11

Prather, Howard, 659 \"i\T. Pike St. Peters, 1linnie, 159 W. J ackson St. l'o llarcl , 1.lrs. 1aucl, 289 'vV. Colu mbu s t. Platt, Esther (Address Unknow n) P itman, ]Jcarl , R.R. No. 3 l:'cters, Mary, South Colfax St. Pringle, William, 809 E. Pike St. Po leckna , Stanley, 489 E. Harrison St. P itch er, Mrs. Otis, North Wayne St.

Hazel Lena

Prather, Miss Ida, Home Lawn Sanitarium Pr ing le, Cla rence, 809 E. Pike St.

Mrs. Clarence Pierce, Miss El la, 259 N . W ayne St. Parker, Margaret, 260 E . Cu nning ham t. I ierson, Ne llie, 460 E. Highland St. P res ton, Mrs. Harry, 2-10 S. Lincoln St.

L eotus Walter

Preston, !<red, 409 E. Ohio St. Mrs. Freel

Poling, Katherine, 190 W . Washington St. W ay ne Clarence

Preston, Thomas, 540 VI/. H arri son St. Mrs. Thomas

Quackenbush , Ne! on, 410 . Maple St. Robinson, D r. H. ., 260 E. Washington Riley, J ohn , 90 S. Wayne St.

Mrs. J ohn el lie

Robi nso n. 11 rs. 'vV . S., 660 E. Morgan St. Rollins, Dora, 489 N. O hi o S t. Rose, Bertha, 890 E . Harri so n St.

Grnce Robert

Rooker, William, -189 N. Graham St. Mrs. 'Wi lli am

Rankin , Mary IC, 340 S. J effe rso n St. Mrs. Charles Anna Louise

R ucli ce ll , Dorothy, 539 S. Main St. Russ, Lulu, 610 S. Sycamore St. Russ, Beecher, 58 Y, N . Main St. R usse ll , Meryl, 160 N. M ulberry St.

J ea nadel le Ratcliff, As her, 8-10 N. Main St.

Mrs. As her Row land , 'vVilliam , 90 W. Co lumbu St. Raw lin s, v\layne , R.R. No. 2 Rawlins, Marion, R.H .. No. 8

Men1bership ~

Read . Palmer J ., 939 E. Washin g ton St. Mrs. Palmer Ferran

Ro 11

Renner, 1.1 rs. J\Lelissa, 57 1 E. \ ;\!ashington Roberts, Mrs. Charles, 259 N . Graham

Katherine Rus , Earl, 389 N . S t. Clair t.

Mrs. Earl Rogers, Margaret, 209 E. Co lumbu s t. Roe, Ethel Leonard, 639 E. Columbus St. Raw lin s, Mrs. Mary, 259 . vVayne St. Rainwaters, R obert , 269 S. Grant S t.

Mrs . Robt. Rhorer, Hoyt, Foundry clcl. Rh orer, Clem, 215 W. Morgan St. Rey nolds, Lester, 360 W. P ike St.

Ra)I Mildred

Robinson, Mrs. Jan e, Sum ner and Che rry Richard , J oe, North Main St.

Mrs. J oe Sanel y, Ralph, SZ! E. Washington St.

Mrs. Ralph \ Scolt, Alvin, East Encl Washin g ton St.

Mrs. A lvin Schuler , D . K., 369 E. Morgan St.

Mr. D. K Smith , F reel. 759 E . Morgan St.

Mrs. F red Smith, W. J. , 790 E. P ike St. Schoo lcra ft, Erasmus, 1610 E. Pike St.

11Irs. Erasmus Stout, Mr . William , 739 E. Highland Steirwalt , Francis, 590 E. Co lumbus

Muncie Scott , Jam es, 310 S. J effe rson S t.

Mrs. J am e Mary Elizabeth L orin

Summ ers, W illi am, 390 S. Linco ln t. Mrs. Wi lliam

Si ain, J ohn , 90 S. Marion St. Mrs. John Royce Helen

Sad ler, Ruth, 515 W. Morgan St. Jennie Mrs. Fannie

Steep leto n, Clara, 370 W . Pike St. S tewart, Mrs. Charle s, 310 N. Ma in St.

H erm a n J ohnni e

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Men1 b ership ~

St. lair, Lucille, 700 E. \ \lash in glo n S t. Scott Ve rni e, 170 N. J efferso n St. Schofrie ld , Mana, 369 E. 1 Lorga n SL.

Margaret Scott Ruth, 459 E. i\lorga11 SL. Sm i t!~ \ t\I ales, 660 E. Morgan S t. S tin e,' Harry, 339 E . P ik e St.

Mrs. Harry Schuck M a rga re t 380 N . Sycam ore S t. S ha ne, 'Mrs. ' 1 ~ l o r~ 11 ce, 409 N. -ycam ore

Garn et S udd ith , :Mr s. Mi lton. 190 S. \ t\lay ne t. Stewart , Lari. East M.orga n St.

Mrs. Car l

Ro 11

South , Mrs. Lorena, 339 S. yca m or St. S loug h, Fannie, 290 S. Sycam ore S t. Scott, C larence, 510 S. Oh10 S t. Sc hoon v r , Mrs. J ac k, 609 . Gra ha m St. S tout, Mrs. Margare t , 140 V/ . \ Vashington Schoo lcraft , M rs. M ina, 539 E. Gray L. Sa r tor , L ewis, 510 \V . Washington St.

Mrs. Lewis S ti e rwalt, J. K., 609 W . Morga n S t. Sechres t, M r s. l"red, 676 VI/ . M orga n St. Smith , M iss A lb er ta, 140 'v\I . Pike S t. S ti e rwa lt, A nna, 190 W. lJike St. Schep p, Mrs . . Mabe l, 659 \ V. Pike t . Stoker, M . D., 240 W. Harri son .S L S ichtin g, Mrs. l. da . 440 W . I-l a rn son St. S hi reman. IJ er lh a, 459 \V. H a r ri so n l. S te\\·art , R. F. , 40 v\I . H a r rison St .

Mrs . R 17. Sert r , Griff, 640 J. :vrai n St. Se id ers, Mrs. Sadie, 140 S. Mulberry Staley, Sara h, 190 S. Marion St.

Harri so n ilvey, Will iam. 645 . O hi o St.

Smart , Luther, 610 S. Syca m ore St. Mrs. L uther

. im o ns, Ke ith , 440 S. Mulberry S t. tewart, June, 590 N. Sycamore St.

Schul er, Mrs. 0 . M., 610 \1V. 'vVash ingto n ti l s, E dw a rd, 376 V/. Harri so n S t.

M rs. Edwa rd t. J ohn, L ra n, 475 \V. Highland St.

Stout, Mary, 359 \ t\I . Jackso n St. Stoker , M rs. J oa nna, 89 \ .\T. V\lalnut St.

C ha rl es S il v.ey . George, 510 S. Lincoln S t.

M.rs. Ceo. p run ger . M.rs. Exie, 810 E. \\'ashington

Rand lph

Membership ~

Scott. I va 1·1 axine, R.R. No 5 I lett

Ro 11

Tow nse nd . ~.1 rs. J\ ndy, 510 E. J\Iorga n St. T il fo rd , Bt>n, 489 E. Pike St.

Mrs. Be n T ilford, An n::t, 139 S . Ohio St.

Mi n ni e Ti lford, h.oy, 409 S. J effe rso n St.

M r s. Roy E ther J oe .

Trumbull, Mrs. Margaret. 510 \ V. Harns n St. T hacker , A lbe rt , 610 N. Cherry St . Tackitt. Mrs. Mary, 569 ?\. E ll iott St. T row brid ge, Opa l: 259 \ V. Su nmer Ave. T homas, Opa l. 310 V•l. Jackson St. Tou ey, A lbert. 1060 E. C lu mb us S t .

M rs. A lbert Rawli ns Laura Frances

Townsend. Mrs. J a ne. 67 1 E . Morgan St. Thacker, M auricc, 539 E . H arri son St. Tow nsend , Catherin e, 209 S . \Vayne St. Town se nd. Mrs. Marg·1ret, 289 E . \ Valnu t S t.

Gay lord V icto r

Thacker, Cha rl es, 410 \ \ ·. Morgan St. l\[ r s. ' ha r lcs

Thoma s, Rav, 260 N. 'l\Julb erry St. Taylor, L ill ie , 440 N . ll l ulberry St. Troxel. Mi nor , 660 S. Mario n S t .

11 rs. Minor Undenvoocl. Laura. 590 E . Pi ke St. U nd erwood, \\Taller, 8.19 E. J ackson St.

Hrs . \!Val tc r U nversaw, Rose Mary, R .R. No. 6 Vori s. E mm a , 990 E. Morgan St. Varb le, F crclin a 11d , 189 E. Co lumbu s St.

Mrs. Frrclimrnd Verno n, ll lr s. C. G., Eclge 1Y 0ocl Ave . Wcmplcr, Mrs. Laura. 700 E . vVashington \i\Tiiliam s, 1Jn;. ,;obl e, H lai cl f\pts. Weclcl l(!, Tr v i , 122 0 E. Morgan St.

Mrs. T rovis B;, co m

\A/ampler , \ Vaync. 12 10 E. Morga n St. Mrs. \ iVay ne

Watson. 1Irs · Lest r. 389 N . Jefferso n Kenneth

Weaver, Mrs . E lm er, 640 E . Har ri son St. \ i\T il liam , In ez, 689 E. Jack son St.


Page 13: FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH - indgensoc.org

P hone 389

Reynolds Insurance Agency INSURE AND BE SURE

All Lines of Insurance

362 West Pike St. Marti nsv ille, Ind.


Electrical Contracting, Appliances and Fixtures

Frigidaire Sales and Service

Phone 539 4 3 SO. MAIN ST.

Hes. Phone 673 Store P hone 479

WILL CONWAY Wall Paper and Paints, Painting and Decorating·

Es tim ates Cheerfully Given on A ll Work

41 OUTH MAI N ST. Martinsville, Incl

Phone 427



Batteries, Tires, Welding, Windshield and Door Glass Installed-General Repairing

Membership ~

Ro I I

"Williams, Mrs. Otis, 689 E. Columbu s W orl ey, Mrs. J. ., 340 S . O hio St. Walker, Mrs. L oui sa, 340 S. O hi o St. 'W illiam s, H rac , 347 . L in coln St.

Mrs. Horace Richard

\iVh i na ncl , T homas, 90 Park Ave . Mrs. Thomas

Wil so n, Mrs. Bessie, 365 W. Morgan St. \iVatkin s, J hn S., 560 Vv. Morgan t.

Harry Mrs. Harry

Watson, :Mrs. Lucretia, 353 vV. Harri son Miss Eva

W est, A de lia, 465 S. Main St. \iVillan , Dr. Horace, 740 E . Washing ton

Mrs. Horace Watson, James, 60 S. Sycamore St.

Mrs. J ames Wil so n, Earl. 11 90 E. Morga n St.

Mrs. Earl Wi lli ams, Dorothy, 639 E . P ike St. William s, L ewi s, 540 E. P ike St.

Mrs. Lewis Emma R uth Hug h

Willi ams, Mi ss Ne ll , 540 E. H ighland \i\li lli ams, Austin , 510 E. Columbu s St. Wi lliam s, l\IJ" rs. Charl es, 745 E. Colum bus St.

Mrs. Sa rah \i\l ecl d le, Mrs. J ohn so n. 720 E . \ i\fa lnut St.

Dora \iVall s, Frank, 459 S. Lincoln St. \iVooden, Hugh, 165 \ i\f . \iVas hing ton St.

Mrs. HL1gh Ma uri ce J ohn Rob.ert

Wood , Rosa, 59 W . Pike St . W illi ams, Roy, 390 N. Mai le St. Wil liam s, Walter, 447 N . Map le St. Williams, :Mary, 359 N. H enry St. \iV estm orland, W. T., 239 W. V\la lnut St.

Mrs. \ i\I. T . Yager, J. T .. 656 E. Morgan St.

Miss Mary Yount, Miss Dessie. 1090 E. P ike St. Youn g, Oscar, 339 E. Co lurnb u St. Young , J oe, W est Morga n St. Younger, Charl es, 133 \iV. \ i\Tashin g ton St.

Page 14: FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH - indgensoc.org


Automobiles and Supplies

Pho ne 455

79 to S9 W2ST MORGAN ST. Marti n. v ill e, Tn cl .


Seeds, Poultry Supplies

Spray Materials

P hone 249 Mart in svill e, Incl .

~he De1ning Lumber & H ardware Co. [INCORPORATED]

Phone 575

Office: 384 'WEST l\lORGAN ST.

Mar ti nsvi ll e In diana

Courtesy of


Rural Membership ~


Asher, J ames, R. R. 4 Hamm ans, Roya l. R.R. 2 Avery, vV illiam, R.R. 5 Hamma ns, M rs. Ru by, R .R. 2 Ave ry, L il ah Bail ey, R. R. 5 Hann a, W alter , R. R . 5 Adams, 'Frank, Ge n. Del. Ha nn a, M rs. W aller, R. R. 5 Adams, M rs. Frank, Ge n. Del.Hanna, Mae A li ce, R. R. 5 Asher, Go ldie, R.R. 5 Hamm ans, Clau de. R.R. 7 As he1·, Glo ria. R.R. 5 Hess. Odessa. R.R. 1 As her, Grenda, R.R. 5 H amma ns, E el ., H. .. k . 7 Baker, hri sie, R.R. 3 Jo nes, fsis, R. R . 2 Buckl es, Henry, R. R. 2 K irk, Charles J ., R.R. 2 Buckles, Rayford, R.R. 2 K irk, Glenni e, R.R. 2 Bray. Berni ce, R.R. 4 K irk, Harvey, R .R . 2 Burn s, Mrs. Charl es . R.R. K irk, M rs. H arvey, R.R. 2 Cobb, H arri et, R. R . 3 K irk, Ha tti.e, R. R. 2 Clark, Jo hn W .. R.R. 2 Kirk, Matt ie. R.R. 2 Cla rk, M rs. J ohn W., R.R. 2 Ki rk, Cla ra, R. R. 2 Cla ri<. Lulu . R.R. 2 K irk, ·waite r , R.R. 2 Clark, Grace, R. R. 2 K irk, Cla rence, R.R. 2 Clark, Lois, R. R. 2 I irk , Lea fy, R. R . 2 Clark, He len, R.R. 2 Koons, Kate, R.R. 7 Clark. Gay len, R.R .. 2 Koo ns, I da, R .R. 7 Cure, \ i\Ta lte1·, R.R . 4 Koo ns, Cla rence, R.R. 7 D evo re, Amber , R.R. 1 Koo ns, Pauli e, R.R. 7 Dev re. M rs. Am ber, R.R. 1 Koo ns, Marlin. R .R. 7 D ickson, H ero ld, R.R. 4, K irk, Pe rry. R .l{. 3

Go port, Tuel . K irk, Kathleen, .R.R. 3 Dill ey, August, R.R. 2 L indley, Daisy, R.R. 2 D ill ey, Mrs. A ug ust. R. R. 2 L owder, E llen. R. R. 3 D illm an, Maude, R .R. 7 L ew is, J ohn W ., R .R. 2 Devore, Mar tha, R.R. 1 L ew is, S . H ., R.R. 2 Devor , Edward , R.R. 1 M ill er , A lberta. R.R. 1 Eubank. M rs. Fra nk, R .R 2 Major. E llen, R .R. 2 Fletcher, Zetta, R.R. 2 Moore, George , R.R. 5 F lee nor, M rs. Fred, Ith.. 1 Moore. Mrs. Geo rge. R.R. S Goss, R ichard, R.R. 1 Major . M rs. Sy l. , R.R. 2 Garri son, Robert, R.R. 3 M ajar, Miss I s is, R. R . 2 Ga rri so n. M rs . .Rob t .. R.R. ~ Major, Harri et, R.R. 2 Ga rri so n. Catherin e, R .R. 3 Mill er, 'ha rl es, R.R. 5 Grav is, D r. F. L., R.R. 1 Neal, Mary, R.R. 3 Gravis, M rs. F. L .. R.R. 1 Owen, Mam ie, R.R. 2 Grav is, Lew is, R.R. 1 Pearcy, Ray mond, R.R. I Grav is, Mari on, .R.R. 1 Pearcy, J ames G., R.R. 5 Goss, Roy, R .. R. I P rocto r, Lo ui se, R. R . 3 Godsey, 'NJin or. R.R. 3 P earcy, Josephin e. h..R. 7 Gri ff in , A li ce, R.R. 7 Raw lins, Cecil , R.R. 3 Hacker, Ma ry, R.R. 3 Raw lin s, Zora , R.R. 3 Haase, Carr , Ge n. Del. Raw lins, He len, R.R. 3 Haase. M rs. Ca rr . Gen. Del. R ichards. Roy. R.R. 2 Haase, \ i\Ti lli am, Ge n. De l. Routier, A tl ey, R.R. 4 Ham ma ns, M il dred, R.R. 2 Raw lin s, Paul , R .R. 2 Haase, Cora, R. R. 1 Raw lin s, M rs. Pa ul , R.R. 2

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Stoves Rugs

Hubbard Lumber Co.

Forty-seven years of earnest and careful service to the people of Martinsville and Morgan County.

Established 1881 "We Make Everything Right"

Rural Men1bership List

+ Raw lin s, Paul Kirk, R.R. 2 Robin son, J. M., R.R. 5 Robinson, Mrs . J. M., R.R. 5 Rose, Mr . Lavina, R.R. 2 Rose, Margaret, R.R. 2 Se lf, Crace, R.R. 3 Self, J ack, R.R. 3 St. J ohn, W ill iam, R.R. 4 St. J ohn, Eugene, R.R. 4

S tin e, Mar ie, R.R. 3 Teeters, Minor, R.R. 1 Teeters, Kate, R.R. 1 Teeters, Winnie, R.R. 1 Tincher, Grace, R.R. 6 U n versaw, Minor, R.R. 5 U nversaw, Rose, R.R. 5 Van A rsclall , Maude, R.R. 6 W ood , Mamie, R.R. 1

Non-Resident Men1bers

+ Abbott, Earl (Som e place in Kansas)

Mrs. Earl Bai ley. Maurice, Bedford, Ind.

Mrs. Maurice Breedlove, Mary, Centerton, Ind .

A li ce Clark, Adolp hu s (Som e p lace in New Mexico) Cant, Ma ry, Ce nterton, Incl. H aase, B la nche, Martin vill e, R ural Route, Ge n. Deli very

Harvey Frances

Beecham, Mar ion, P lainfi eld , Incl. Edwards, Gero ld , Indianapoli s, Ind. O'Hara, Mrs. harlcs, Indi anap olis, Incl. l~ u se ll , R. R. , Indianapo li s, Incl . Sartor-W atson, Luci lle, Co lumbu s, O hi o Stewart, Fannie, Eminence, Ind .
