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First regular session of Pyithu Hluttaw continues for ... · Established 1914 Volume XVIII, Number...

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Established 1914 Volume XVIII, Number 328 11 th Waxing of Tabaung 1372 ME Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round develop- ment of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural her- itage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education stand- ards of the entire nation * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitu- tion * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution Four economic objectives Four social objectives Four political objectives NAY PYI TAW, 14 March—The first regular session of Pyithu Hluttaw continued for the ninth day at Pyithu Hluttaw Hall of Hluttaw Building here at 10 am today. Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann declared that the attendance of 432 made up 99.77 percent of 433 Pyithu Hluttaw representatives and that the ninth-day session was therefore valid. Out of the ques- tions raised by Pyithu Hluttaw representa- tives, permitted ones were raised, and members of Union level organizations Minister for Electric Power No.2 U Khin Maung Myint, Election Commission Chairman U Thein Soe and Minister for Transport U Thein Swe replied to them. The questions were about whether or not there is any plan to distribute some of power supply from Myogyi Dam to Danu region and about whether or not there is any plan to extend power supply from Kinda Dam being distributed to Ywangan by U Aung Thein of Ywangan Con- First regular session of Pyithu Hluttaw continues for ninth day Proposal ‘upgrading of free compulsory primary education system into duty to educate children’ submitted stituency; about the electricity bills the people of Rakhine State have to pay by U Ye Tun of Thandwe Constituency; about how plans are made to hold by-elections by U Nelson (a) Sai Hsaung Hsi of Kyaukme Con- stituency; about preven- tion of Minbya of Rakhine State from be- ing eroded by Laymyo River by U Aung Sein Tha of Minbya Constitu- ency; and about the blockage of the waterway of Kaladan River 29 miles north from Paletwa of Chin State by U Paik Lin of Paletwa Constituency. Regarding the matters related to the proposals ‘granting permission to foreign guests and tourists to visit Chin State’ and ‘upgrading Haka, the capital of Chin State, into a city with the char- acteristics of the capital cities of other states’ presented by U Ngun Moung of Haka Constituency, Pyithu Hluttaw representatives made discussions, members of Union level (See Page 7) Pyithu Hluttaw representatives participate in first regular session of Pyithu Hluttaw for the ninth day.—MNA 15-3-2011 NL.pmd 3/15/2011, 7:26 AM 1

Established 1914

Volume XVIII, Number 328 11th Waxing of Tabaung 1372 ME Tuesday, 15 March, 2011

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round develop-ment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of

technical know-how and investments from sources inside thecountry and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in thehands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of the entirenation

* Uplift of national prestige and integrity andpreservation and safeguarding of cultural her-itage and national character

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education stand-

ards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peace andtranquillity, prevalence of law and order

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State Constitu-

tion* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the new State Constitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives

NAY PYI TAW, 14March—The firstregular session of PyithuHluttaw continued forthe ninth day at PyithuHluttaw Hall of HluttawBuilding here at 10 amtoday.

Speaker ofPyithu Hluttaw Thura UShwe Mann declaredthat the attendance of432 made up 99.77percent of 433 PyithuHluttaw representativesand that the ninth-daysession was thereforevalid.

Out of the ques-tions raised by PyithuHluttaw representa-tives, permitted oneswere raised, andmembers of Union levelorganizations Ministerfor Electric Power No.2U Khin Maung Myint,Election CommissionChairman U Thein Soeand Minister forTransport U Thein Swereplied to them. Thequestions were aboutwhether or not there isany plan to distributesome of power supplyfrom Myogyi Dam toDanu region and aboutwhether or not there isany plan to extend powersupply from Kinda Dambeing distributed toYwangan by U AungThein of Ywangan Con-

First regular session of Pyithu Hluttaw continues for ninth day

Proposal ‘upgrading of free compulsoryprimary education system into duty to

educate children’ submitted

stituency; about theelectricity bills the peopleof Rakhine State have topay by U Ye Tun ofThandwe Constituency;about how plans are madeto hold by-elections by UNelson (a) Sai Hsaung

Hsi of Kyaukme Con-stituency; about preven-tion of Minbya ofRakhine State from be-ing eroded by LaymyoRiver by U Aung SeinTha of Minbya Constitu-ency; and about the

blockage of thewaterway of KaladanRiver 29 miles north fromPaletwa of Chin State byU Paik Lin of PaletwaConstituency.

Regarding thematters related to the

proposals ‘grantingpermission to foreignguests and tourists tovisit Chin State’ and‘upgrading Haka, thecapital of Chin State,into a city with the char-acteristics of the capital

cities of other states’presented by U NgunMoung of HakaConstituency, PyithuHluttaw representativesmade discussions,members of Union level (See Page 7)

Pyithu Hluttaw representatives participate in first regular session of Pyithu Hluttaw for the ninth day.—MNA

15-3-2011 NL.pmd 3/15/2011, 7:26 AM1

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Easy access to cleanwater in rural areas

The government is constructing damsand river water pumping stations, sinkingtube-wells and artesian wells and carrying outtasks for supply of potable water in the regionswhere water is scarce.

It has been pursuing the 10-year plansince 2000-2001 to materialize two of the fiverural development programmes: smoothtransport and supply of clean water.

As a result of the water supply projects,all the villages in 82 townships of the three aridregions: 34 in Sagaing Region, 25 in MagwayRegion, and 23 in Mandalay Region have easyaccess to safe water. And all the villages in 19districts have got a tube-well each.

The plan also covers other Regions andStates whether water is hard to come by alongwith the Delta and coastal areas. According tothe ongoing programmes, each of the villagesin those regions will get one to three tube-wells.

So far, 23,225 villages have enjoyedsupply of sufficient clean water. At a timewhen government is making all-round effortsto improve the living conditions for rural folks,the people are urged to contribute towardsrural development tasks.

Tuesday, 15 March, 2011

YANGON, 14 March— The second-day session ofthe fifth Meeting of the 6th State Central WorkingCommittee of the Sangha of All Orders took place atMaha Pasana Cave on Kaba Aye Hill, here, thismorning.

Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha NayakaCommittee Agga Maha Pandita BhaddantaTejosarabhivamsa presided over the meeting, andJoint Secretary Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita BhaddantaVayama acted as MC.

Joint Secretaries Agga Maha PanditaManitasiribhivamsa and Agga Maha Pandita BhaddantaNimala responded to the suggestions of members of

State Central Working Committee of Sanghaholds second day session

the State Central Working Committee of the Sangha ofAll Orders.

Representative Sayadaws of Shwegyin Gana,Taninthayi and Sagaing Regions discussed theViniççhaya affairs from the report of SSMNC,representative Sayadaws of Mandalay Region, MahaDvara Gana and Kachin State the religious affairs, andrepresentative Sayadaws of Yangon and AyeyawadyRegions and Kayin State the education matters.

Today, U Kyaw Hsan-Thiha ThudhammaTheingi Daw Nyunt Nyunt Win (Pyawutyi Enterprise& Diamond Oil Mill family) offered meals to theSayadaws.—MNA

Sixth State Central Working Committee of the Sangha of All Orders holding fifth meeting.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 14 March— Adjutant-GeneralMaj-Gen Khin Zaw Oo of the Ministry of Defencehosted a dinner to a visiting Chinese delegation ledby Deputy Director Lieutenant-General Jia Tinganof General Political Department of the People’sLiberation Army of the People’s Republic of Chinaat Lake View Hall of Golden Palace Hotel in NayPyi Taw Hotel Zone, here, yesterday evening.

Adjutant-General hosts dinner to PLA delegation

It was also attended by Vice Adjutant-GeneralMaj-Gen Hla Shwe, Commander of Nay Pyi TawCommand Brig-Gen Maung Maung Aye, Maj-GenThan Soe and senior military officers of the Ministryof Defence.The Chinese delegation was accompaniedby Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China tothe Union of Myanmar Mr Li Junhua and MilitaryAttaché Senior Colonel Xiong Shaowei.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 14 March— The State Peace andDevelopment Council upholding Our Three MainNational Causes is striving for equitabledevelopment of all parts of the Union aftereffectively carrying out national reconsolidation.Realizing the correct acts and benevolent goodwillof the State, the armed groups exchange arms forpeace for returning to the embraces of the State, thepeople and the Tatmadaw individuals and in groupsafter understanding their wrong doing acts.

Zeyar Kyaw, Saw Kyaw Wi, Saw Tin andZeyar of KNU (Saw La Bwe) insurgent groupbringing along with two M-20 pistols, seven 9mmrounds of ammunition on 11 March, Aung NaingOo and Ye Naing Oo with one M-16, one M-79 and45 assorted rounds of ammunition on 13 March,Saw Win Aung with one .22 automatic rifle andeight rounds of ammunition on 1 January andAung Soe with one 9mm pistol with eight rounds ofammunition on 25 January exchanged arms forpeace in the area of South-East Command.

Officials of respective military camps warmlywelcomed eight persons who have exchangedarms for peace and provided them with necessaryassistance. From December 2010 to date, a total of51 persons from KNU (Saw La Bwe) haveexchanged arms for peace, and there are morepersons wishing to exchange arms for peace.


Eight armed group membersexchange arms for peace





Zaw Oo


dinner to





15-3-2011 NL.pmd 3/15/2011, 7:26 AM2

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 3

ISLAMABAD, 14March—Six people werekilled in the latest USdrone strike in northwestPakistan’s NorthWaziristan tribal area onMonday morning, localmedia reported.

According to theprivate TV channelExpress, US drones firedsix missiles on suspectedmilitants hideouts,leading to four killed andseveral others injured.

The identities of thekilled have not beenknown yet.

ISLAMABAD, 14 Mrch—Some unidentifiedmilitants blew up a school with explosives innorthwestern tribal area of Pakistan, local mediareported.

According to Urdu TV channel SAMAA, aprimary girls school was blown up in KhyberAgency, one of the seven semi-autonomousagencies of Pakistan.

The school building was reportedly razed to theground after the explosions. No casualty wasreported as the building was empty at the time ofexplosions.This is not the first time the militantstargeted school in Khyber agency, a total of 41schools have been destroyed by the miscreants inthe area so far, according to reports. —Xinhua

KABUL, 14 March—NATO air raids againstmilitants left fivemilitants dead inAfghanistan’s KunarProvince, some 185 kmeast of capital city ofKabul, a press releaseissued by NATO-ledInternational SecurityAssistance Force (ISAF)said on Monday.

“Coalition forceskilled five militants afterthey observed animminent threat fromarmed individuals at ahistoric militantsfighting position in

BAQUBA, 14 March—At least 11 Iraqi soldierswere killed and some 29people wounded in asuicide car bombing onlocal governmentcompound in a town inIraq’s eastern DiyalaProvince on Monday, aprovincial police sourcetold Xinhua.

The attack took placein the morning when asuicide bomber rammedhis explosive-ladenvehicle into the localgovernment compound

Drone strike kills six in NW Pakistan’stribal area

US Predator unmanned drone.—INTERNET

The US dronesregularly hit hideouts ofthe militants in thePakistani tribal region,which Washingtonconsiders as the centreof Taleban and al-Qaedaremnants. More than 80

11 soldiers killed in suicide carbomb in Iraq’s Diyala

of the Kan’an town, 20km east of the provincialcapital of Baquba, thesource said on conditionof anonymity.

“Our latest reportsaid that the deaths wereall soldiers, and we have14 others wounded bythe blast, along with 15government officials atthe compound were alsowounded,” the sourcesaid. Iraqi security forcessealed off the scene asambulances and civiliancars evacuated the

victims to the town’shospital and to the mainhospital in Baquba, 65km northeast ofBaghdad, the sourceadded. Diyala Province,which stretches fromeastern edges ofBaghdad to the Iranianborder, has long beenthe stronghold of al-Qaeda militant groupsand hotbed of insurgencyand sectarian violencesince the US-ledinvasion broke out in2003.—Xinhua

Fire rages from a NATO oil tanker following anattack in southwest Pakistan’s Kalat on 14

March, 2011. Suspected militants attacked andtorched two container trucks carrying supplies

for NATO forces in Afghanistan in Kalat onMonday morning.—XINHUA

5 militants killed in E AfghanistanGhazi Abad District,Kunar Province.” thepress release said.

Without giving theexact time for the attack,the press release addedthat coalition forces onthe ground monitored thefive militants for severalhours to ensure positiveidentification and intentof the individuals priorto requesting the closeair support to engage.

“The militants killedwere in possession ofautomatic weapons andwere digging to emplacea mortar tube,”

It said all roundshave been reported safeand on target, adding“There were no reportsof injuries or damagesto civilians in the area,”

Taleban militantshave not made commentyet.

The mountainousKunar and neighbouringNuristan Provincesbordering Pakistan’stribal areas have beenregarded as Talebanstronghold in eastAfghanistan.


Militants blow up girlsschool in NW Pakistan

Afghan policemenstand at the site of ablast in Arghandabdistrict of KandaharProvince recently.

Eight Afghancivilians and two

police were killed intwo roadside bomb

attacks in theArghandab district

of southernKandahar

Province, theInterior Ministry

said in a statement.Another 12 civiliansand five police were


people have been killedin such strikes since thebeginning of this year.

Pakistan opposes theUS strikes inside thecountry’s tribal regions.


KUNDUZ, (Afghani-stan) 14 March—A sui-cide attack on an armyrecruitment centre innorthern Afghanistankilled at least 37 peopleon Monday, the thirdmajor assault in the area

Suicide attack on Afghan armycentre kills at least 37

in less than a month, thedeputy governor said.

Hamdullah Danishi,deputy governor ofKunduz province, saidthe casualties were allcaused by a single sui-cide bomber.

‘‘The death toll in-cludes new recruits,army soldiers and civil-ians," Danishi said. Sev-eral children who earneda living as shoe polish-ers were also among thedead, he said.

Violence is spread-ing fast in the once rela-tively peaceful north,with Kunduz a focus forinsurgents.

Last year, vio-lence across Afghani-stan hit its worst levelssince the Taliban wereousted by U.S.-backedAfghan forces in late

2001, despite the pres-ence of about 150,000foreign troops.


Those killed in the

attack included four

children and recruits

for the Afghan na-

ional army.


15-3-2011 NL.pmd 3/15/2011, 7:26 AM3

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011

11 hurt, 7 missing in Japan’s N-plant blast

TOKYO, 14 March—At least 11 people wereinjured and seven otherswere missing in a secondhydrogen explosion at theFukushima nuclearpower plant in Japan,Xinhua reported onMonday.

The first explosionoccurred at the plantSaturday.

Plumes of whitesmoke were seen comingfrom the Fukushima plantMonday after a loudexplosion at its No 3reactor, the Nuclear and

Industrial Safety Agency(JNISA) said.

Tokyo ElectricPower Co said 11 peoplewere injured and sevenothers were missing afterthe blast. One of the wallsof the reactor buildingcollapsed.

The likelihood ofhigh levels of radiationin the area is low, theagency noted, butwarned the 600 peoplewho were still in the 20-km evacuation zone toleave immediately.

The agency saidlarge amounts ofhydrogen have amassedin the upper parts of thereactor building, wherethe pressure remainedunusually high, similarto that of the No1 reactorbuilding that explodedSaturday.—Internet

This file photo released by Kyodo News Agencyon 13 March, 2011 shows the No 3 nuclear

reactor of Japan’s Fukushima No 1 nuclearpower station.—XINHUA

Photo taken on 13March, 2011 shows a

nursing home atSanbontsuka ofWakabayashi in

Sendai City, MiyagiPrefecture, Japan.More than 200 oldpeople live in the

nursing home. Thehouse is now in goodcondition, so peoplelive there decided to


US pulls ships, aircraft fromJapan nuke plant

This aerial

shot shows a

pleasure boat

sitting on top

of a building

amid a sea of

debris in

Otsuchi town

in Iwate

Prefecture on

14 March,



TOKYO, 14 March—The US Seventh Fleet saidMonday it had moved its ships and aircraft awayfrom a quake-stricken Japanese nuclear powerplant after discovering low-level radioactivecontamination.

The fleet said that the radiation was from aplume of smoke and steam released from the crippledFukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant, wherethere have been two hydrogen explosions sinceFriday’s devastating earthquake and tsunami.

The aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan wasabout 100 miles (160 kilometres) offshore when itsinstruments detected the radiation. The fleet saidthe dose of radiation was about the same as onemonth’s normal exposure to natural backgroundradiation in the environment.—Internet

Airforce base in Miyagidamaged

BEIJING, 14 March—The deadly tsunami causeby Friday’s quake has devastated an air force basein Miyagi. The tsunami, covered buildings andequipment in thick layers of mud, and smashed upmore than 20 fighter jets.

Experts believe, the jets are unsalvageable,despite costing a 100 million US dollars each.


About 2,000 bodies found inJapan’s quake-hit Miyagi

PrefectureTOKYO, 14 March—About 2,000 bodies were

found Monday on two shores in Japan’s MiyagiPrefecture following last Friday’ s devastatingMagnitude 9.0 earthquake and massive tsunami,Kyodo News reported.

About 1,000 bodies were found coming ashoreon hardest-hit Miyagi’s Ojika Peninsula and another1,000 have been spotted in the town of Minamisanrikuwhere the prefectural government has been unableto contact about 10,000 people, or over half the localpopulation, the report said,

The findings will significantly increase the deathtoll from the powerful quake and ensuing tsunami.Japan’s police authorities have so far confirmed1,597 deaths and 1,481 people missing across theaffected areas in northeastern and eastern Japan.

The Miyagi prefectural government has decidedto ask for help from other prefectures as work tocremate bodies is falling behind, according to thereport.—Xinhua

6.2-magnitudeearthquake hits

off Japan’sHonshu

BEIJING, 14 March—An earthquake measur-ing 6.2 on the Richterscale on Monday joltednear the east coast ofHonshu, Japan at 2:12pm Beijing Time,according to the ChinaEarthquake NetworkCentre.

The epicentre, witha depth of 10 km, wasmonitored at 37.8degrees north latitudeand 142.7 degrees eastlongitude, the centre saidin a statement.


Photo taken on 14 March, 2011 shows the ruins in Ofunato City

of Japan’s northeastern Iwate Prefecture.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 5

Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Committee, PublicAccounts Committee, Amyotha Hluttaw

Rights Committee, Government’sGuarantees, Pledges and Undertakings

Vetting Committee hold meetingsNAY PYI TAW, 14

March—The FirstAmyotha Hluttaw BillCommittee, the PublicAccounts Committee, theAmyotha Hluttaw RightsCommittee and theGovernment’s Guara-

ntees, Pledges andUndertakings VettingCommittee held the firstmeetings at their officesat the Amyotha HluttawHall of Hluttaw Buildinghere this afternoon.

The meetings were

attended by chairmen,secretaries and membersof respective committees.

They participated indiscussions on workprogramme of the com-mittees, duties and rightsof the committees.—MNA

Pyithu Hluttaw Bill Committee, PublicAccounts Committee, Pyithu Hluttaw

Rights Committee, Government’sGuarantees, Pledges and Undertakings

Vetting Committee hold meetingsNAY PYI TAW, 14 March—The First

Pyithu Hluttaw Bill Committee, thePublic Accounts Committee, thePyithu Hluttaw Rights Committee andthe Government’s Guarantees,Pledges and Undertakings VettingCommittee held the first meetings attheir offices of Pyithu Hluttaw Hall of

Hluttaw Building here this afternoon.Chairmen, secretaries and

members of respective committeesattended the meetings.

They participated in discussionson work programme of thecommittees, duties and rights of thecommittees.—MNA

Hluttaw candidates, election agents declared as persons of distorted qualificationNAY PYI TAW, 14 March—The Union Election Commission issued Notification No.6/2011 today. The translation of the notification is as follows:-

The Union of MyanmarUnion Election Commission

Nay Pyi TawNotification No.6/2011

10th Waxing of Tabaung, 1372 ME(14 March, 2011)

Hluttaw candidates and their election agentsfailed to submit election expenses in theprescribed period declared as persons of

distorted qualification1. According to Section 55 of respective Hluttaw Election Laws, and Rulespara 77, Hluttaw candidates and their election agents who run for Multi-partyDemocracy General Election held on 7 November, 2010 are to submit electionexpenses to the respective sub-commissions in line with the laws during 60-day asof the date the name of representatives-elect are announced.2. To be able to decide whether those who fail to submit election expensesin accord with the law should be designated as persons of distorted qualification ornot, the Union Election Commission formed election tribunals and ordered them tocheck with them.3. The Election Tribunal found that the following Hluttaw candidates andtheir election agents failed to submit the election expenses during the prescribedperiod, and in accord with the respective Hluttaw Election Rules Paragraph 83 (a),designated them as persons of distorted qualification.

Sr Hluttaw candidate Election Agent Constituency

(a) U Tun Shwe U Win Hlaing Kantbalu Townshipconstituency No.1Region HluttawSagaing Region

(b) U Saw Miral U Nay Myo Kyaw Htantabin TownshipPyithu Hluttaw ConstituencyBago Region

(c) U Tin Soe - Phyu TowshipPyithu Hluttaw ConstituencyBago Region

(d) U Tin Oo U Thein Kyaw Thanatpin TownshipPyithu Hluttaw ConstituencyBago Region

(e) U Saw Sinbad - Shwegyin TownshipPyithu Hluttaw ConstituencyBago Region

(f) U Aung Thein - Amyotha HluttawConstituency No.3Bago Region

(g) U Win U Hla Win Amyotha HluttawConstituency No.11Bago Region

(h) U Saw Tun Tin U Saw Thomas Bago TownshipConstituency No.2Region HluttawBago Region

Sr Hluttaw candidate Election Agent Constituency(i) U Bo Win Shein U Salaing Nay Min Shein Okpo Township

Constituency No.1Region HluttawBago Region

(j) U Htay Win - Mindon TownshipPyithu Hluttaw ConstituencyMagway Region

(k) U Tin Wan - Myothit TownshipPyithu Hluttaw ConstituencyMagway Region

(l) U Thein Nyunt U Myint Zaw Nyunt Natmauk TownshipPyithu HluttawConstituencyMagway Region

(m)U Myo Myint - Myaing TownshipPyithu HluttawConstituencyMagway Region

(n)U Sein Tun - Gangaw TownshipConstituency No.1Region HluttawMagway Region

(o)U Aung Kyi Than - Gangaw TownshipConstituency No.2Region HluttawMagway Region

(p)U Sein Win - Myaing TownshipConstituency No.1Region HluttawMagway Region

(q)Dr Than Myint U Nyi Nyi Kyaw Amarapura TownshipConstituency No.1Region HluttawMandalay Region

(r) U Saw Ketnet - Kyaiklat TownshipWai Thaw Pyithu Hluttaw

ConstituencyAyeyawady Region

(s) U Ohn Lwin U Ye Naing Lin Amyotha HluttawConstituency No.11Ayeyawady Region

(t) U Chit Win Aye - Bogale TownshipConstituency No.1Region HluttawAyeyawady Region

4. The Union Election Commission announced that the above-mentionedHluttaw candidates and their election agents are persons of distorted qualificationaccording to para 84 of respective Hluttaw Election Rules after judging the decisionof Election Tribunal.5. It is hereby announced that Hluttaw candidates and the election agents whoare declared as persons of distorted qualifications, in accord with the Section 88 ofthe respective Hluttaw Election Law, shall not contest in the election as a Hluttawcandidate from the date of this declaration in the existing Hluttaw term and the nextHluttaw term.

Sd/ Thein SoeChairman

Union Election Commission

15-3-2011 NL.pmd 3/15/2011, 7:26 AM5

6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011

Supply of some electric powergenerated from Myogyi Dam to Danu

Region asked at Pyithu Hluttaw session

EP.2 Minister U Khin Maung Myintresponding to queries.—MNA

U Aung

Thein of







NAY PYI TAW, 14March—Pyithu Hluttawrepresentative U AungThein of Ywangan Con-stituency asked whetherthere is any plan forsupply of some electricpower generated fromMyogyi Dam to Danu Re-gion after comple-tion ofthe dam under construc-tion by the governmentin Ywangan Townshipof Myogyi Village.

Regarding thequestion, Minister forElectric Power No.2U Khin Maung Myintsaid that the dam withinstalled capacity of two15 megawatts turbineswith 33KV would gen-erate 30 megawatts ofelectricity; that generator

national power grids; thatnow, electric power isbeing supplied to Pindayaand Ywangan throughnational power grid; thatten transformers supply800 KW of electric powerto six villages ofPindaya’s environs; thattwo transformers inYwangan distribute 300KW of electric power totwo villages nearYwangan throughnational power grid; andthat Danu region is usingelectricity throughnational power grid be-fore the representativeasked.—MNA

would distribute electricpower to Taungtawgwinand Ingon main powerstations and connect

NAY PYI TAW, 14March—At the sessionheld today, Pyithu Hluttawrepresentative U Ye Tunfrom Thandwe Constitu-ency in his question saidthat the township electricpower supply committeewas formed in 2003; thatthen users are chargedfrom 450 to 1000 kyatsfor a unit, which meanslocals also have to sharecharges for the electricityused at the departmentalrate by governmental de-partments; and that hewondered whether thereis a plan to equalize

EP-2 Minister replies to question of PyithuHluttaw representative U Ye Tun from

Thandwe Constituency18 township offices, threesub-township offices, andtwo town offices totaling28 electrical engineer,soffices with 16 officers and307 other ranks have beenestablished to supply elec-tricity.

Twenty-eight town-ships in Rakhine Stateincluding state capitalSittway, and three districtlevel townships have 100generators for which thegovernment uses 29,590gallons of fuel a month or355,080 gallons a year;that the government alsospends 1776.72 million

townships that getelectricity two hours a day;that charge rates on a unitof electricity are variousaccording to own pro-grammes such as K 400in Sittway, Kyaukpyu,MraukU, Manaung andTaungup, K 500 inKyauktaw, Minbya andYanbye, K 550 in Gwa,and K 600 in Thandwe;that there is no townshipin Rakhine State whereelectricity users arecharged K 1000 a unit;that overall, K 400 a unitis a reasonable rate, but iffuel price goes up, thecharge rate will also goesup; that when ongoinghydropower projects inRakhine State are com-pleted, the rates will godown to K 25 a unit forhouseholds and K 50 forenterprises; that the profitthe ministry makes fromelectric power supply isvery low; and that the gov-ernment is carrying outnon-profit projects in thenational interests in thatregard.

The PyithuHluttaw speaker said thatU Ye Tun’s questioncarried a fact that RakhineState has to share chargesfor the electricity used atthe departmental rate bygovernmental depart-ments; and thatresponsible personsshould review thatpoint.—MNA

kyats in 2010-2011 fiscalyear for salaries of staffand generators, pylons,power stations, mainte-nance and other struc-tures; that the governmentfund shows a loss of 453.6million kayts a year tosupply electricity to thetownships in RakhineState including 13

NAY PYI TAW, 14March— In his question,Pyithu Hluttaw Repre-sentative U Aung Theinof Ywangan TownshipConstituency said that themain watershed area ofKinda Dam is in locatedin Ywangan Township ofDanu Self-Administeredzone. At today’s sessionof Pyithu Hluttaw, heasked whether the planwould be implemented tosupply more electricityfrom Kinda Dam toYwangan forconservation of the wa-

EP-2 Minister replies to plan to be

implemented to supply more electricity

from Kinda Dam to Ywangan

tershed area and effectivemanagement.

In his response,Minister for Electric PowerNo. 2 U Khin MaungMyint said that Ywanganis being suppliedelectricity from the 12-mile 11 KV power linefrom Kinda Dam. De-pending on demand ofirrigation water foragricultural purpose,Kinda Power Stationgenerates eight hours aday. The generator is notoperated in the remaininghours. At that time, the

national power grid sup-plies electricity toYwangan through KindaPower Station. At a timewhen Kinda Station isstopped, Ywangan will getelectricity. With regard toextended supply of elec-tricity, he replied that ar-rangements are beingmade for supply of elec-tricity form the nationalpower grid to Pindaya andYwangan via Aungbaninstead of installation ofpower line over the water-shed area of YwanganTownship.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 14March— Chairman ofMyanmar Board ofExaminations under theMinistry of EducationDirector General ofMyanmar EducationResearch Bureau U OhnMyint, together withDirector General U Bo Winof Education Planning and

NAY PYI TAW, 14 March—Meteorology and Hydrology Departmentannounced today that under the influenceof day temperatures were rising beforeSouthwest monsoon season,Cumulonimbus cloud would form duringafternoon or evening at everywhere inwhole Myanmar. Strong winds with

MBE Chairman, DGs inspect exam centers in Nay Pyi TawTraining Department andDeputy Director GeneralU Myint Shwe of No.2Basic EducationDepartment, this morninginspected Taung Nyo BasicEducation High School inOttarathiri Township, NayPyi Taw District, meetingwith supervisors andassistant supervisors of the

exam center.There, they

encouraged the studentssitting for PhysicsSubject of this year,smatriculation exam inrespective rooms.

They then proceededto another exam centres inNay Pyi Taw District.


Squally weather warning

U Ye

Tun of







thunder, lightning, hail and isolated rain orthundershowers might occur due tounderneath along the Cumulonimbusmoving. Surface wind speed in strongwinds might reach (35) mph.

People should be awareness of thoseweather conditions before monsoonseason.—MNA

electric power chargesbetween Rakhine Stateand other Regions andStates.

Minister for ElectricPower No-2 U Khin MaungMyint responded thatRakhine State has not gotelectricity from the nationalgrids yet; that but, a stateoffice, four district offices,

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 7

(from page 1)organizations Minister forHotels and Tourism U SoeNaing and Minister forProgress of Border Areasand National Races andDevelopment Affairs UThein Nyunt made reviewsand discussions and theapproval of Pyithu Hluttawwas sought.

Then, U TunMyint Oo of MongpanConstituency submittedthe proposal ‘nationwidetaking of censuses in

First regular session ofPyithu Hluttaw continues…

Myanmar and U KhinMaung Yi (a) KhaingMaung Yi of AhlonConstituency the motion‘upgrading of the freecompulsory primaryeducation system into a freecompulsory middle schooleducation system (duty toeducate children) with aview to achieving the goalof cent-per-cent literacy ratein Myanmar and makingsuitable policies in orderthat both the governmentand private sector can

engage in adopting schoolcurriculums and theeducation system in whichthe examinations that canhave links with internationaluniversities are included’.Then, the approval of PyithuHluttaw was sought todecide whether or not thesaid motions should bediscussed.

Later, the speakerof Pyithu Hluttaw an-nounced that the ninth-daysession ended and thetenth-day session wouldbe held at 10 am tomor-row. The session was ad-journed at 1.45 pm.


NAY PYI TAW, 14March — At the sessionof Amyotha Hluttaw heldtoday, U Maung Aye Tunof Rakhine State Con-stituency No-9 said that alarge number of bambooplants that can make pulpare naturally grown inmountainous region ofButhidaung Township. Ifa pulp factory was built,local people would enjoyjob opportunities, contrib-uting towards better liv-ing standards. Besides,

Industry-1 Minister replies to question“whether or not there is a plan to build

a pulp factory in Buthidaung Town-ship where a large number of bamboo

plants are naturally grown”

the nation can see greaterindustrial production. Sohe asked “whether or notthere is a plan to build apulp factory inButhidaung Townshipwhere a large number ofbamboo plants are natu-rally grown”.

Regarding thequestion, Minister for In-dustry-1 U Aung Thaungreplied that it was foundthat Saidin bamboo forestin Buthidaung andPonnagyun regions canbe used to produce rawmaterials for a factorywith the production ca-pacity from 200 to 500tons of pulp a day.

The establish-ment of a pulp factoryrequires chemical plant,

chlorine dioxide plant,generator and boilerplant, cooking anddigesting plant, pulpsheet making plant andrecovery plant.

Inputs to theplants are from about0.3 to 0.75 million tonsof bamboo per year,from 20 to 50 megawattsof electricity, from30,000 to 75,000 tonsof limestone, from90,000 to 300,000 tonsof salt and from 10 to 25million gallons of watera day.

Only if theseinputs are fulfilled can

Transport Minister responds toqueries on maintenance for blockage

of water course in Kaladan RiverNAY PYI TAW, 14

March—In his question,Pyithu Hluttaw Repre-sentative U Paik Lin ofPaletwa Constituencysaid that the water courseof Kaladan River wasblocked at 29 miles northof Paletwa of Chin Statedue to londslide in 1997.He asked whether thedepartment concernedwould resture the watercourse as soon as possi-ble, and he wanted toknow when the planwould be implemented.

In his response,Minister for Transport UThein Swe said that anofficial report onblockage of water coursein Kaladan River due tolandslide caused byearthquake in 1997 hadnot been submitted tothe ministry. KaladanRiver is shallow insummer and the currentof river is speedier in therainy season. So, anyship cannot run along it,but local motorboats runin it. An expert team willbe sent to conductfeasibility study at theplace where watercourse is blocked. Ifnecessary, the State levelauthorities will carry outmaintenance work de-pending on the report ofthe expert team. If it isconcerned with local au-thorities, they will carryout the task.

The Speaker ofPyithu Hluttaw said that

if Kaladan River haswater course limits,other ways and meansare to be sought andsubmitted for bettertransport of local

people. As blockage ofwater course in KaladanRiver due to landslidetriggered by earthquakein 1997 was not re-ported, the Union levelauthorities did not know

Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaunganswers the question.—MNA

U Maung Aye Tun ofRakhine State Con-stituency-9 raising


Minister for Transport U Thein Swe replying toqueries.—MNA

Pyithu HluttawRepresentativeU Paik Lin of

Paletwa Constituencyraising question.


NAY PYI TAW, 14 March —An Upper Myanmar physicians’ teamfrom Mandalay Region provided freetreatments for patients at Jivitadana

YANGON, 14 March —Myanmar Molecular & DiagnosticCentre (MMDC) and Molecular &Diagnostic Centre (LUDU) jointlyheld educative talks on health atTraders Hotel here yesterdayafternoon.

Professor Dr Rai Mra gave

MMDC, LUDU organize health educative talks

Physicians provide free treatments for patientsof Popa Jivitadana Sangha Hospital

Sangha Hospital on PopaMountaintop in KyaukpadaungTownship in Myingyan District on12 March and yesterday.—MNA

talks on “Genomics-Haematology,HIV” and Professor Dr Win Naing“Changing Concepts in HCVManagement with New Therapies”.

Those who want to contactMMDC may dial 01-374676 andLUDU, 01-220140.


it. In the future, the im-portant information andincidents are to besubmitted to officialsconcerned at differentlevels.

MNAthe pulp factory be built.Lack of sufficientelectricity supply at thepresent time, capital andtechnical problemshindered to build the fac-tory. Although five fieldtrips were made with theparticipation of foreigncompanies, progresscould not be made dueto electricity supply,energy and otherproblems.

With futureprospects of energysector in Rakhine State,there are good prospectsfor the establishment ofa pulp factory by localorganizations andforeign investors.


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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011

Representative of Yangon Region Constituency-4Dr Myat Nyana Soe raises questions

Rail Transportation Minister responds toquestion on arrangements for the

convenience of passengers on Mandalay-Shwebo-Myitkyina railroad in all seasons

NAY PYI TAW, 14 March— At today’s session ofAmyotha Hluttaw,Representative Dr MyatNyana Soe of YangonRegion Constituency-4 saidaccording to surveys,Yangon has a population ofmore than 7 million. Amongthem are over 3 millioncommuters. There are over200 bus lines, 8000 vehicles,240,000 private cars and130,000 circular train users.It is learned that in thecircular train system, thereare 21 railway coaches, 200daily railway schedules, 18diesel locomotives and threeRBEs. Train fares are lowenough for the convenienceof grassroots. However, itcan still be found that trainsare running on untimelyschedule with weaknessesin sanitary and maintenanceservices. So it is necessaryto upgrade the circularrailway system, the mostcommon publictransportation, in order tosolve the problem of trafficcongestion.

Then, Dr Myat NyanaSoe questioned whether ornot new circular railroadscan be built in thecommercial capital Yangonfor the convenience ofservice personnel, studentsand public commuters;whether or not new circularrailway schedules can beextended; whether or notenough locomotives andrailway coaches can beprovided; whether or notservices can be provided toimprove the standards ofrailway coaches in accordwith the characteristics of acommercial capital; andwhether or not departureand arrival time of trainscan be exact to meet theinternational standard.

In response to thequestions, Minister for RailTransportation said there aretwo systems – circular trainsand sub-urban trains runningto Hlawga, Thanlyin,Oakposu and Thilawa inconnection with circularrailways.

Before 1988, there wereabout 100 daily railwayschedules with nine coaches.But now there are about 200daily railway schedules with21 coaches to transport morethan 0.1 million railwaypassengers.

NAY PYI TAW, 14March —At the session ofAmyotha Hluttaw heldtoday, U Khet Htein Nan ofKachin State ConstituencyNo-1 said that running ofone-day trains onM a n d a l a y - S h w e b o -Myitkyina railway isconvenient for publictransportation. He wasdelighted to see and thankedthe government forconstruction of Katha-Bhamo and Myitkyina-Bhamo-Momeik-Namhsanrailroads. But the accidentsin which trains derailed andoverturned happen alongMeza-Bonchaung railroadsection on Mandalay-S h w e b o - M y i t k y i n arailroad in Indaw Townshipin Sagaing Region. So heasked about arrangementsmade for the con-venienceof passengers onManda lay -Shwebo-Myitkyina railroad in allseasons.

Regarding the question,Minister for RailTransportation U Aung Minsaid that about 200,000passengers are providedwith 400 rail services ofMyanmar Railways of the

ministry daily. Dependingon the maximum tran-sportation of passengers andgoods, Yangon-Mandalayrailroad stands first on thelist of priorities. Mandalay-Myitkyina railroad issecond, Yangon-Mawlamyine-Ye is thirdand Yangon-Pyay is fourth.

More emphasis wasplaced on Mandalay-Myitkyina railroad sectionas people heavily relied onthe railroad. In 2010-11,erosion of the banksbetween Namhkam andBonchaung destroyedrailroads after Nange creekwas eroded by rainwatercaused by heavy rains. Thefirst time lasted from 26 to29 September 2010 and thesecond time from 6 to 8October 2010. Railwayschedules were suspendedfor seven days.

According to theguidance given by the Headof State on cut of traveltime from 24 hours to 16hours on Mandalay-Myitkyina railroad,upgrading of railroad wascarried out on 12December, 2009.

60 pounds rail trackswere substituted with 75pounds ones on 357 mileslong Mandalay-Myitkyinarailroad. 33% or 291312out of 873936 woodensleepers laid alongMandalay-Myitkyinarailroad were substitutedwith concrete sleepers and

substitutions are underway.Repair works formaintenance of bridges werecarried out and 1577900

Transport Minister answers question ofPyithu Hluttaw Representative U Aung

Sein Tha from Minbya ConstituencyNAY PYI TAW, 14 March—At today’s regular

session of Pyithu Hluttaw, U Aung Sein Tha fromMinbya Constituency in his question said thatMinbya in Rakhine State is facing the erosion of itscostal areas yearly due to the Laymyo River; thatstrong current of the river causes damage to housesand buildings in riverside wards in the township;and asked if there is a plan to take preventivemeasures against bank erosions in the township.

Minister for Transport U Thein Swe relied thatpreventive measures against bank erosions have beentaken in Minbya from 1999-2000 to 2010-2011 asfollows: —

(a) 1999-2000 sand bed 1320 feet(b) 2000-2001 Geotube 2490 feet(c) 2004-2005 rock-filled 350 feet


Pyithu HluttawRepresentative U AungSein Tha of MinbyaConstituency raising question.—MNA

Amyotha HluttawRepresentative Dr

Myat Nyana Soe ofYangon Region

Constituency-4 raisingquestion.


Minister for Rail Transportation U Aung Minreplying to query.—MNA

Amyotha HluttawRepresentative

U Khet Htein Nan ofKachin State

Constituency-1raising question.


With the increasing areaof Yangon, survey work hasbeen carried out to build anew outer circular railroadfrom Toekyaunggalay,Dagon University and PaleMyothit to Hlawga.

In building a newcircular railroad, a pointshould be considered inorder not to cause trafficcongestion. The Yangoncircular railroad is 30 mileslong and there are 65 levelcrossings. When a road isblocked for a circular trainto pass, about 300 cars haveto stop. So to solve thisproblem, 24 overpasses havebeen built and plans areunder way to construct 41others. For transportationof more passengers,arrangements are beingmade for trains to run withmore carriages withoutnecessity to extend theexisting circular railwayschedules.

In order to manufacturequality locomotives and

cubic feet of paving stoneswere filled.

Watercourse of Nangecreek was changed in ordernot to occur erosion of thebanks of Nange creekbetween Namhkam andBonchaung. Retaining wallstotaling 245 feet long werebuilt in three places andwidening of the area on bothsides of railroads and heavymaintenance works arebeing carried out.

He said that upgradingof Mandalay-Myitkyinarailroad is gearing up for theconvenience of passen-gersin all seasons.


(d) 2005-2006 rock-filled 180 feetembankment

(e) 2007-2008 rock-filled 120 feetembankment

(f) 2008-2009 rock-filled 150 feetembankment

(g) 2009-2010 rock-filled 90 feetembankment

Rock-filled embankments are being built for 320feet in 2010-2011 fiscal year as follows: —

(a) No. 1 retaining wall 70 feet(mouth of Sambale Creek)

(b) No. 2 retaining wall 120 feet(downstream mouth of the creek)

(c) No. 3 retaining wall 130 feet(downstream mouth of the creek)

He said that the tasks will continue for prevention ofbank erosions in Laymyo.

The Pyithu Hluttaw speaker in his discussion saidthat if erosion of coastal areas persists in Laymyo despitepreventive measures, it should seek to know whetherthere are other technical requirements or not, and otherapproaches for durability of embankments.—MNA

coaches locally, plans areunder way to build alocomotive shed in Nay PyiTaw and a coach factory inMyitnge with the parts fromthe People’s Republic ofChina. Construction offactories has to take abouttwo years. Uponcompletion, locomotives

and coaches of highstandards can be provided.

Moreover, dieselmotorized units will beimported for improving thestandard of locomotives andcoaches, the ministeradded.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 9

(from page 16) Yangon Region constitu-ency No.4 raised a ques-tion on a plan for extend-ing community train serv-ices for public transporta-tion in Yangon. U KhetHtein Nan of Kachin Stateconstituency No.1 put aquestion about the planupgrading Mandalay-Shwebo-Myitkyina Rail-road to an all-weatherroad. Minister for Indus-try-1 U Aung Thaung,

First regular session ofAmyotha Hluttaw…

Minister for Hotels andTourism U Soe Naing andMinister for Rail Trans-portation U Aung Minanswered the respectivequestions.

Afterwards, Min-ister for Construction UKhin Maung Myint dis-cussed proposals of U PawHlyan Lwin of Chin StateNo.9 constituency aboutupgrading of the road be-tween Gangaw andRazwa to an all-weather

road and about upgradingof the suspension bridgebetween East Gangawand West Gangaw to abridge with a motor road.He also discussed propos-als of U Kyun Khan ofChin State constituencyNo.1 about building low-cost housing and lettinggovernment employees tobuy them in installments.

After seeking thedecision of the Hluttaw, theSpeaker announced theconclusion of the sessionand holding of the tenth-day session at 10 amtomorrow.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 14March — Pyithu HluttawRepresentative ofKyaukme ConstituencyU Nelson (a) Sai HsaungHsi asked about thepreparations for by-elections to fill the seats ofthe Hluttaw representa-tives who are going totake the executive dutiesincluding the president-elect and the vicepresidents-elect; when theelections will be held; andhow the elections will bemanaged to be free andfair.

Regarding thequestion, Chairman ofUnion Election Commis-sion U Thein Soe ex-plained that the PyithuHluttaw Speaker or theAmyotha HluttawSpeaker will inform theUnion Election Commis-sion to fill the vacant seatsin accord with PyithuHluttaw Rules andAmyotha Hluttaw Rules(86). The UEC in accordwith respective Hluttawelection Rule (16) will is-sue the following dates tofill the unoccupied seats:(a) Date of by-election in

vacant constituencies(b) Starting date to submit

the name list ofHluttaw candidate forvacant constituencies

(c) Last date to submit thename list of Hluttaw

UEC Chairman U Thein Soe responds toPyithu Hluttaw representative U Nelson (a)Sai Hsaung Hsi of Kyaukme Constituency

the name list ofHluttaw candidate

(e) Last date to withdrawsubmission of thename list of Hluttawcandidate if there isany wish

Based on originallist of eligible voters, thelist of eligible voters willbe compiled to be appro-priate with current situa-tion and preparedness forthe election includingpolling stations and ballotboxes will be made.

Expected periodfor interim elections isaround October and No-vember 2011. To be freeand fair, the interimelections will be held inaccord with respectiveHluttaw election Lawsand Rules.—MNA

candidate for vacantconstituencies

(d) Date of scrutinizing

NAY PYI TAW, 14March— At today’s ses-sion of Amyotha Hluttaw,Amyotha Hluttaw Repre-sentative U Paul ThangThaing of Chin State Con-stituency-3 said that thetourists are allowed to visitall 14 regions and statesexcept Chin State in thenation. In Chin State, thetourists are allowed to visitKanpetlet only. However,he requested to allow thetourists not only toKanpetlet but also to Hakaand other regions of ChinState on their visits. As ChinState has less developmentwith least income, the visitsof tourists will helpincrease income. He raiseda question whether the planwill be set to allow touriststo visit Chin State or not.

Minister forHotels and Tourism U SoeNaing responded thattourists visit Chin Statesimilar to other Regionsand States. The touristswishing to visit Myanmartook tourist visas fromMyanmar embassies andconsul general from theircountries. At present, theyare allowed to make tripsin Myanmar with 28-daytourist visa.

On their arrival atMyanmar, tourists canfreely tour Yangon, Man-dalay, Bagan, Inlay andbeaches. For some regionsand states with difficultiesfor far distance, limitationof duration, accommoda-tion and meals, restrictionof security, permissionsare issued under scrutinyof respective committees

Visit of tourists has beenallowed to Chin State

and superior departments.The organizer

travel agencies give serv-ices of package tours un-der the permissions withtour guides. Regarding thevisits to Chin State, touristsare allowed with thepermissions of respectivecommittees.

According to theordinance issued on 10April 1996 by the ministryconcerned, the visit of tour-ists to Chin State was re-stricted. After openingNatma Hill National Parkin 1997, tourists were al-lowed to make visits tothat area in 2002. Underthe permissions of the min-istry concerned, the touristswere allowed to visitKanpetlet, Natma Hill andMindat of Chin State in2007 and then AyeywaCamp, Ramsi Camp, 8th-Mile Camp, MountKennedy, Falam and Haka.At present, the touristsmake trips to there.

A total of 80 tour-ists visited Chin State in2008, 151 in 2009, and280 in 2010. The numberof tourists is increasing inChin State in 2011. InJanuary 2011, a total of112 tourists visited ChinState. As such, it is esti-mated that the number oftourists to Chin will in-crease this year.

The minister saidthat visit of tourists hasbeen allowed to Chin State.The number of tourists whovisited Chin State is in-creasing year by year. TheMinistry of Hotels andTourism will provide as-

sistance for improvementof tourism industry.


Amyotha HluttawRepresentative U

Paul Thang Thaingof Chin State Con-stituency-3 raising


Pyithu Hluttaw Repre-sentative U Nelson (a)Sai Hsaung Hsi rais-

ing question.MNA

Union Election Commission Chairman U Thein Soe replying to question.—MNA

Poor prospects for building cement factories in Nayputaungand Gutaung-Kantaung due to low quality limestone

NAY PYI TAW, 14 March — U Maung AyeTun, a representative of Amyotha Hluttaw fromRakhine State constituency No.9 asked questionwhether the State has a plan to implement cementprojects at limestone hills at Nayputaung andGutaung-Kantaung areas in Taungup Townshipduring today’s regular session of Amyotha Hluttaw.

In his question, he said that Taungup Town-ship has prospects for mass production of cementfrom 500 tons to 2000 tons a day as there are manylimestone hills in the township. He suggested theState build a cement factory in the township, pavingthe way for creating job opportunities for locals andboosting production of the country.

Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaungsaid the amount of limestone in the township is notenough to be supplied to a cement factory and thematerial in the area does not meet the standard formaking cement. Besides, it has been calculated thatthere are only about 18 million tons of the stone at

Gutaung-Kantaung limestone hill about 8 milesnorth-east of Kama Village, 20 miles south of Maei,Taungup, and the amount is just enough to producecement at a cement factory for a few years. Thequality of limestone in the township is same to theone of Nayputaung, meeting the standard forproducing ornaments.

As the quality of limestone in Nayputaungdoes not meet the required standard for makingcement, Ministry of Industry-1 used the limestonein the area to make ornaments. But, the productionwas not a commercial success and stopped in 2006.Rakhine State Union Solidarity and DevelopmentAssociation made proposal to build cement facto-ries in Nayputaung and Gutaung-Kantaung areas tocreate job opportunities for locals, Ministry of In-dustry-1 assessed prospects for producing cementin the areas in 2005-2006. It was found that thereare poor prospects for building cement factories inthe areas, the minister said.—MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011

Construction Minister replies toproposal of U Paul Hlyan Lwin of

Chin State Constituency-9NAY PYI TAW, 14

March— Minister forConstruction U KhinMaung Myint,responded to theproposal approved to bediscussed by previoussessions “to constructmotor road linkingPaletwa and Matupi assoon as possible, tabledby Amyotha HluttawRepresentative U PaulHlyan Lwin of Chin StateConstituency-9 atAmyotha Hluttawsession today.

The minister saidthat 135 miles and threefurlongs long Matupi-Paletwa Road comprisesthree furlongs long

asphalt section, twomiles and one furlonglong gravel section and132 miles and sevenfurlongs long earthensession. At present,Matupi-Paletwa Roadcannot be carried out dueto heavy work andregional situation. Thepeople from Paletwamay go to Matupi along33 miles and fivefurlongs long Paletwa-Kyauktaw section, 133miles long Kyauktaw-An section, 66 mileslong An-Padan section,121 miles long Padan-Pauk junction section, 50miles and two furlongslong Pauk junction-

Mindat, and 102 mileslong Mindat-Matupisection by car spendingone and a half days.Normally, it will be atwo-night trip.

As the route betweenPaletwa and Matupi hasbeen arranged, herequested to withdraw themotion to construct motorroad linking Paletwa andMatupi as soon aspossible.

U Paul Hlyan ofChin State Consti-tuency-9 submitted tochange his proposal tothe question.

The session followedaccording to the agenda.


PBANRDA Minister replies to questionof Pyithu Hluttaw representative U

Ngun Moung from Haka ConstituencyNAY PYI TAW, 14

March—At the sessionheld today, Pyithu Hluttawrepresentative DawZartalan from ThantlangConstituency secondedthe proposal “to upgradeHaka, the capital of ChinState to the level of otherstate capitals” submittedby U Ngun Moung fromHaka Constituency in hisquestion.

Minister for Progressof Border Areas andNational Races andDevelopment Affairs UThein Nyunt said that theState Law and Order

urbanize Haka; that in thatcase, the government isupgrading roads in Hakato fine ones andconstructing bridges andsupplying potable water;that in addition, it built120 feet long, 60 feet wideand 30 feet high city hall,Wamma ThumaungSports grounds,Khaingkam Gymnasium,Bo Taik ChunGymnasium and BoKywan Pi Gymnasium inHaka; that Chin State hasseen a park, nine youthstraining centres, sixvocation training centres,Haka General Hospital(200-bed), and manyother offices, revenuesand buildings; thataccording to Article 254of the constitution of theRepublic of the Union ofMyanmar, taxes andrevenues collected in ChinState are deposited in thestate fund; that thegovernment is urbanizingHaka to become a modern

capital, so there is no needto present a separateproposal.

The speaker said thata representative hasseconded the motion of UNgun Moung and theminister has madeclarification to thequestion, so all arebelieved to realize theprocess; that what theminister has presented issuch a thorough reply thatthe minister suggestedthat the motion should notbe under furtherdiscussion; and that so hewanted to know the stanceof U Ngun Moung.

U Ngun Moung ofHaka Constituencyexpressed thanks for theclarification, and said thathe no longer wanted tocontinue his proposal.

The hluttaw approvedU Ngun Moung’ssubmission and announcedthat there is no need tocontinue discussing hisproposal .—MNA

Restoration Councilissued Ordinance No 5/93 dated 1 April 1993 tokeep townships clean andbeautiful and ensuredevelopment of ruralareas; that taxes andrevenues levied in a yearfrom Haka Township arelow, so the governmenthas to provide funds to

Proposal to construct low-costhousing and sell them to staff in

monthly installments replied

NAY PYI TAW, 14 March—Minister forConstruction U KhinMaung Myint replied theproposal of U Zhun Kanof Chin StateConstituency-1 “toconstruct low-costhousings and sell them tostaff in monthlyinstallments” which wasapproved to discuss byrecent Hluttaw sessions attoday’s regular session ofAmyotha Hluttaw.

To construct low-costhousings and sell them tostaff in monthly installmentsis a matter for the Ministryof Construction, theMinistry of Finance andRevenue and other relatedministries as the salaryneeds to be balanced

against the price of thehousing and financialinvestment has to befunded in construction.

Currently in ChinState, three rental staffquarters have been built inHaka, Mindat and Fhlam.The staff quarters in Hakahas 103 rooms — 98 roomsof 48 two-room buildingsand five bungalows; thatin Mindat has 82 rooms —48 rooms of four-roombuildings and 43bungalows; and that inFalam has 74 rooms — 10rooms of five two-roombuildings and 64bungalows. The staff witha c c o m m o d a t i o ndifficulties were roomedin 259 apartments in ChinState.

There is no plan atpresent to build low-costhousings in Chin State andsell them in installment.Regarding the matterrelated to construct low-cost housings and sellthem to staff in monthlyinstallments proposed bythe MP, the representativewas requested to withdrawthe proposal as the Statehas arranged rental staffquarters, the ministerexplained.

U Zhun Kan of ChinState Constituency-1submitted the withdrawalof the proposal. TheHluttaw approved thewithdrawal of the proposalof U Zhun Kan of ChinState Constituency-1.


Minister for Hotels and Tourism replies to discussionof U Khin Maung Yi (a) Khaing Maung Yi of

Ahlon ConstituencyNAY PYI TAW, 14

March — U Khin MaungYi (a) Khaing Maung Yiof Ahlon Constituency

discussed the proposalof U Ngun Moung ofHaka Constituency “toallow foreign guests andtourists to visit ChinState” at today’s regularsession of PyithuHluttaw that Chin Stateis scenic and couldattract the attention oftourists; tourism industryis one of important

foreign currency earnersof the nation; it isheartening to learn theState is undertakingdevelopment tasks inChin State; to help ChinState develop in parallelwith the Union theblockage of tourist entryshould be cleared;the similar cases of that,

(See page 11)




tative U

Zhun Kan

of Chin



1 raising



Minister for PBANRDA U Thein Nyuntanswers question.—MNA

Pyithu HluttawRepresentative U KhinMaung Yi (a) KhaingMaung Yi of Ahlon

Constituencyparticipates in


Pyithu HluttawRepresentative Daw

Zar Talan ofHtantalan

Constituency raisingquestion.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 11

Minister for Hotels and

Tourism replies to discussion…(from page 10)

for example, an Americancitizen who was born inHaka and his family legallyarrived in Myanmar toattend 100th Anniversaryof Haka, was refused totravel to Haka and onlyreached Kalay should beaverted.

With the aim to applynew ideologies, new waysand new laws whichenvision peace anddevelopment in transitionto democracy inconformity with the newState Constitution, hesupported the proposalsubmitted by U NgunMoung, he discussed.

Minister for Hotels andTourism U Soe Naingexplained that foreignguests and visitors whowant to enter Myanmar forvarious purposes mayobtain visa at MyanmarEmbassy and Consul-General Office; they arepermitted to live for 28days in Myanmar; thenumber of foreign guestsand visitors enteredMyanmar throughYangon and Mandalay




tative U







International Airports in2010 was 310688including 201971 tourists.

The State had issuedMyanmar Hotels andTourism Law to enableprivate entrepreneurs torun hotels, rest houses,tour, transportation andtour guide services with

licenses to make tourismindustry systematicallydeveloped.

The number of hotelsand rest houses was 691;that of tourism companies,658; that of tour vehicles,215; and that of tour guides,4077.

The Ministry of Home

Affairs had issued rules,orders and directives fortourists and foreign guestswho visit Myanmar totravel with their tour planand to travel with thepermission of respectiveministries through theMinistry of Hotels andTourism. Tourists andforeign guests are travelingin Myanmar in accord withthis directive.

Although the directive

for tourists and foreignguests to travel in Myanmarissued in 1996 by theMinistry of Home Affairshad some limitations to travelin Chin State, NatmataungNational Park was openedin 1997 and tourists wereallowed to travel to thisregion and Chin State since

2002 with prior request.With improved number oftourists and increasedinterest in ecotourismindustry, the Home AffairsMinistry issued necessarydirectives for foreigncitizens for businesspurpose, tourists and otherforeigners for variouspurposes. Package tourgroups and foreignindependent travelers wereallowed to travel Kanpetlet,Natmataung, Mindat,Ayeywa station, Ramhsistation, 8th mile station,Kennedy hill, Falam andHaka in Chin State with thearrangement of tourcompanies.

Therefore, the numberof tourists who visited ChinState reached 80 in 2008,150 in 2009 and 280 in2010. The number oftourists who visited the statein January, 2011 alone,reached 112.

To allow tourists tovisit Chin State, Ministryof Hotels and Tourism andother ministries concernedhave to makearrangements for them asthe trip to the hilly state istough and not easilyaccessible by vehicles andthere is a limited numberof guest houses. Besides,

arrangements have to bemade to ensure safety andprevent accidents.

The number of foreignvisitors to Chin State wouldincrease in proportion to thenumber of visitors to thecountry.

Like other regions andstates, Chin State shouldattract not only foreigntourists but also local visitors,

Therefore, the touristshave been allowed to visitChin State since 2002,and the number of visitorsto the state has increasedyear after year. Ministerfor Hotels and Tourism USoe Naing promised toprovide necessaryassistance to the state and

the ministry has alreadytaken measures related tothe proposal submitted byU Ngun Moung of Hakaconstituency in ChinState.

Afterwards, theSpeaker sought approval ofthe representatives over thediscussion of the minister.

U Ngun Moungthanked the minister for hisclear clarification, saying itwas not necessary tocontinue to discuss theproposal.

After the approval ofHluttaw, the Speakerannounced that it is notnecessary to discuss theproposal separately.


Proposal to upgrade Gangaw-Yezwa road approvedNAY PYI TAW, 14 March

— In response to theproposal of U Paw LianLwin of Chin Stateconstituency 9 to upgradeGangaw-Yezwa road tobecome an all-weatherfacility and to upgrade asuspension bridge betweeneast and west Gangaw tobe usable by cars, Minister

for Construction U KhinMaung Myint said thedistance between Yezwain Chin State and Gangawis 104 miles and sixfurlongs. Eighty-threemiles and one furlong longsection of the road isearthen and the remaining21 miles five furlongs isgravel. Yearly plans areunder way to lay gravel onthe earthen section. The700-foot suspension bridgeis just for pedestrians. Thereis not any plan yet toupgrade it into a car-crossing bridge. The

government will upgradethe Gangaw-Yezwa roadportion by portion. As thereare no plans yet to upgradethe suspension bridge, theminister requested towithdraw the proposal.

U Paw Lian Lwinasked the hluttaw toapprove his first proposaland withdraw his second.The hluttaw approved theproposal to upgradeGangaw-Yezwa road andpermitted to withdraw theproposal to upgrade thesuspension bridge.


Gem merchants visit 48thMyanma Gems EmporiumNAY PYI TAW, 14

March—A total of 2542lots of jade were soldthrough tender system atthe 48th Myanma GemsEmporium at Mani YadanaJade Hall near the GemsMuseum, here, today.

Secretary of CentralCommittee for Organizingthe emporium ManagingDirector U Thein Swe andmembers supervised theemporium.

The jewellery shopswere crowded with gem

merchants.The emporium will

continue at Mani YadanaJade Hall till 22 March.

Subcommittees of thecentral committee havemade arrangements forconvenience of local andforeign gem merchants ina c c o m m o d a t i o n ,transport, communicationand health sectors.

A total of 4700 foreigngem merchants and 3948local merchants visited theemporium today.—MNA

Prize presentation of 33rd Region and StateGolf Tournament 2011 held

Local and foreigngem merchants viewjade lots displayed at

Myanma GemsEmporium.—MNA

Amyotha HluttawRepresentative U PaulHlyan Lwin of ChinState Constituency-9

participates indiscussion.—MNA

YANGON, 14March—The prizepresentation of the 33rdRegion and State GolfTournament 2011 washeld at Myanmar GolfClub at 9th Mile, here,on 12 March.

On behalf of theChairman of Myanmar

Olympic CommitteeMinister for Sports,General Secretary ofMOC Director-Generalof Sports and PhysicalEducation Department UThaung Htaik presentedthe trophy to first prizewinner Sagaing Region.

Next, the Myanmar

Golf Federationpresented K 1 million toMyanmar PGA.—MNA

Minister for Hotels and Tourism U Soe Naingdiscusses proposal.—MNA

15-3-2011 NL.pmd 3/15/2011, 7:26 AM11

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011

NAY PYI TAW, 14March—Adjutant-Gen-eral Maj-Gen Khin ZawOo of the Ministry of De-fence met a delegationled by Deputy DirectorLieutenant-General JiaTingan of General Politi-cal Department of the

Adjutant-General meets DeputyDirector of PLA

General Political Department

People’s Liberation Armyof the People’s Republicof China at the hall ofBayintnaung Yeiktha,here, at 1 pm yesterday.

Also present atthe call were Vice Adju-tant-General Maj-GenHla Shwe, Maj-Gen Than

Soe and senior militaryofficers of the Ministry ofDefence. The Chinesedelegation was accom-panied by MilitaryAttaché Senior ColonelXiong Shaowei of the Em-bassy of the People’s Re-public of China.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 14March — General MinAung Hlaing of the Min-istry of Defence receiveda visiting Chinese delega-tion led by Deputy Direc-tor Lieutenant-General JiaTingan of General Politi-cal Department of the Peo-ple’s Liberation Army ofthe People’s Republic ofChina at the hall ofZeyathiri Beikman of theMinistry of Defence, here,at 2 pm yesterday.

Also present atthe call were Adjutant-General Maj-Gen KhinZaw Oo, Maj-Gen ZawWin, Maj-Gen Than Soeand senior military offic-ers of the Ministry ofDefence.

The Chinese del-

General Min Aung Hlaing receives Deputy Director ofPLA General Political Department

egation was accompaniedby Ambassador of thePeople’s Republic ofChina to the Union of

Myanmar Mr Li Junhuaand Military Attaché Sen-ior Colonel XiongShaowei.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 14March— Today’s PyithuHluttaw session made de-cisions on whether newproposals submitted byHluttaw representativesshould be discussed or not.First, U Tun Myint Oo ofMongpan Constituencysubmitted the proposal ontaking census across thecountry.

Proposals submitted, approvals soughtat Pyithu Hluttaw session

It was secondedby U Sai Awan Sai Mai ofKehsi Constituency. Afterthat, the approval of PyithuHluttaw was sought to dis-cuss it in Hluttaw, and thenHluttaw accepted the ap-proval.

The proposal sub-mitted by U Tun Myint Ooof Mongpan Constituencywill be discussed at tenth-day Pyithu Hluttaw ses-sion held on 15 March,2011 (Tuesday). Hluttawannounced that those rep-resentatives who want todiscuss the above proposalare to register at DeputyDirector-General of PyithuHluttaw this evening.

Later on, U KhinMaung Yi (a) KhaingMaung Yi of Ahlon Con-stituency submitted a pro-posal to prescribe a com-pulsory education system“Duty to Educated Chil-dren” at the primary andmiddle school levels for

100% literacy and new syl-labuses and policies com-prising examination sys-tems for students to con-tinue education in interna-tional universities in whichthe government and pri-vate education centres canparticipate.

The proposal wasseconded by U Thein Aungof Thanbyuzayat Constitu-ency. After that, the ap-proval of Pyithu Hluttawwas sought to discuss it atHluttaw, and then Hluttawaccepted the approval.

The above-mentioned proposal willbe discussed at tenth-dayPyithu Hluttaw sessionheld on 15 March, 2011(Tuesday). Hluttaw an-nounced that those repre-sentatives who want todiscuss the above-men-tioned proposal are to reg-ister at Deputy Director-General of Pyithu Hluttawthis evening.—MNA

General Min Aung Hlaing of Ministry of Defence receives DeputyDirector Lieutenant-General Jia Tingan of General Political Depart-

ment and party of People’s Liberation Army of China.—MNA

Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Khin Zaw Oo of Ministry of Defence meets Deputy Director Lieutenant-General Jia Tingan of General Political Department and party of People’s

Liberation Army of China.—MNAPyithu Hluttaw


U Tun Myint

Oo submits a



NAY PYI TAW, 14 March— The third-round ofKenbo Trophy Golf Tournament will be held atHanthawady Golf Course in Bago on 20 March,2011.

Sponsored by Kenbo, the tournament will beheld to hail the Thingyan Festival.

Top-ten amateur golfers will be selected in thetournament and they will participate in final match

Kenbo Trophy Golf Tournament at HanthawadyGolf Course on April 7-8

at Shwemanntaung Golf Course on April 7 and 8.Any one who wins Hole-In-One prize will be

awarded with one Kenbo motorcycle.Those wishing to participate in the pre-

Thingyan golf tournament may phone 095177956; 09 2037671 and Hanthawady GolfClub Ph: 052 22254. participate in the tournament.


15-3-2011 NL.pmd 3/15/2011, 7:36 AM12

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 13


Consignees of cargo carried on MV CHANABHUM VOY NO (428) are hereby notified that thevessel arrived on 12.3.2011 and cargo will be dis-charged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lieat the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final dischargeof cargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV BUNGAMAS 12 VOY NO (139N) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 15.3.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lieat the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final discharge ofcargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV WEST SCENTVOY NO (11003S) are hereby notified that the vesselwill be arriving on 15.3.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final discharge ofcargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S T.S LINESPhone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTARUKUN VOY NO (575) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 15.3.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final discharge ofcargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797



1. Sealed Tenders are invited for supply of the following in MyanmarKyat, Euro;

Sr No Tender No Description Qty Closing Date

1. 12(T)5/MR(MC) Vacuum Brake Cylinder 100 Sets 11.4.2011

2010-2011(Kyat) 15" Combined E-Type (C&W) (12:00)Hr:

2. 12(T)6/MR(MC) Vacuum Brake Cylinder 100 Sets 13.5.2011

2010-2011(Euro) 21" F-Type Loco & (C&W) (12:00)Hr:2. Tender documents are available at our office starting from 14.3.2011

during office hours and for further detail please call Deputy General Manager

Supply Department, Myanma Railways, Corner of Theinbyu Street and Mer-chant Street, Botahtaung, Yangon. Phone: 95-1-291985, 291994.


Consignees of cargo carried on MV SEA WAYSVALOUR VOY NO (936) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 15.3.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797


As the wharves, warehouses and chellan Offices ofYangon Port will be closed on the 19th March 2011(Fullmoon Day of Tabaung) and 27th March 2011(Armed Forces Day) Goods Shipped or delivered onpayment will be received as Holiday Fees.

LONDON, 14 March —A Flatcoated Retrievercalled Jet has won Best inShow at Britain’s Cruftsfestival, the world’s larg-est annual dog show. Jet,from Edinburgh, Scot-land, earlier won the BestGundog category beforebeing crowned championahead of 21,000 other

China’s Chen Simingcompetes during thefinal of 2011 Amway

WPA (World Pool-Billiard Association)

Women’s World 9-BallOpen against Kim Ga-Yong of South Koreain Taoyuan, southeastChina’s Taipei, on 13March, 2011. Chenlost 9-11—XINHUA

Indian Navyintercepts pirate

vesselNEW DELHI, 14 March

— The Indian Navyintercepted a pirate mothervessel Monday, 600nautical miles west of theIndian coast in the ArabianSea, official sourcesrevealed.

In the process, the navysucceeded in rescuing 13hostages aboard the vessel.Besides, as many as 61pirates were also caught inthe operation. The rescuedsailors and pirates are beingbrought to Mumbai andKochi port in southernIndia.

Meanwhile, theCabinet Committee onSecurity (CCS), chaired byPrime Minister ManmohanSingh, has decided toformulate suitable StandardOperating Procedures(SOP) for the Navy and forits coordination with othernavies engaged in the anti-piracy operations in theIndian Ocean.—Xinhua

Jet wins Best in Show at Crufts

Jet, a FlatcoatedRetriever, from South

Queesferry, Edin-burgh, with the

trophy after winningBest in Show at the

120th Crufts competi-tion.— INTERNET

dogs at the NEC arena inBirmingham.

The nine-year-old’sbreeder, Jim Irvine said:“We’re delighted, abso-lutely delighted to win thisshow. “There’s been lotsof good dogs here overthe last four days, but hehas a very happy andoutgoing personality, and

it shows in the ring.” Theshow, which is organisedby The Kennel Club, cel-ebrates its 120th anniver-sary this year.


LOS ANGELES, 14March—Two peoplewere taken into custodySunday for allegedlyfighting onboard a LosAngeles-bound flight,authorities said.

The crew of anAlaska Airlines jetradioed the controllerthat three people wereacting suspiciously onthe plane as the jetapproached the LosAngeles InternationalAirport at 7.45 am.

Two people werelater arrested, officialssaid.

“They had a coupleof people on the planethat were rowdy,” firespokesman CecilManresa was quoted assaying by Xinhua.


Two arrestedover fight

onboard USplane

15-3-2011 NL.pmd 3/15/2011, 7:26 AM13

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011

Sevilla hold Barca to tightenLa Liga title race

Richards sends City through toface United in FA Cup

Bayer beat Mainz to trimDortmund’s lead

Rangers close on Celtic afterKillie comeback

Retired Lehmann could be setfor Arsenal comeback

Villa duo say sorry aftercoaching clash

Michael Bradley winsPuerto Rico Open

Leverkusen’s Chileanmidfielder Arturo Vidal (R)and Brazilian midfielderRenato Augusto celebratescoring during the Germanfirst division Bundesligafootball match FSV Mainz05 vs Bayer Leverkusen inthe southern German cityof Mainz. —INTERNET

Barcelona’s Argentinianforward Lionel Messi re-acts during their Spanish

league footballmatch.—INTERNET

PARIS, 14 March —Barcelona dropped twovital points in the La Ligatitle race as they couldonly draw 1-1 with Sevillain Sunday’s late match.

Second-placed RealMadrid, who beatHercules 2-0 on Saturday,are now just five pointsbehind with the two sidesgoing head-to-head nextmonth at the Bernabeu.

Barcelona com-pletely dominated thefirst half and took the leadon the half hour markthrough Bojan Krkic whocame on for the injuredPedro Rodriguez.

Andres Iniestafloated a pass to Diego

Alves who found Bojanand he was able to walkthe ball into the net.

After the break it wasa different looking Sevillawho pressed forward andgot their reward with Je-sus Navas heading in anAlvaro Negredo cross.


BERLIN, 14 March —Brazil midfielder RenatoAugusto trimmed BorussiaDortmund’s Bundesligalead to nine points with asuperb strike on Sunday togive second-place BayerLeverkusen a 1-0 win atMainz.

With the game headingtowards a goalless draw,Augusto robbed Mainz’sDanish defender BoSvensson of possession onthe edge of the penalty areaand drilled home his shoton 82 minutes to poachthree points for his team.

“We found things diffi-cult in the the first half, par-ticularly in midfield,” saidLeverkusen coach JuppHeynckes.

“In the second half, theteam showed passion,great morale and teamspirit, so that we took ourchances when theycame.”—Internet

MANCHESTER, 14 March— Micah Richards scoredthe only goal to earn Man-chester City a1-0 win over Reading inthe FA Cup quarter-finalson Sunday and set up asemi-final clash withManchester United.

City, who have notwon a major trophy since1976, discovered beforethe match at Eastlandsthat a win would takethem through to face SirAlex Ferguson’s side atWembley on the week-end of 16/17 April.

But for long periods itlooked like they might betaken to a replay by thestubborn Championshipside.

Having already takentwo games to get pastNotts County and Leices-

Roddick rolls over Blakeat Indian Wells

Manchester City’sIvorian midfielder YayaToure (L) vies with Read-ing’s Welsh midfielderHal Robson-Kanu (R)during the FA Cup quar-ter-final football matchbetween Manchester Cityand Reading at The Cityof Manchester Stadium,Manchester.—INTERNET

Former German inter-national goalkeeper

Jens Lehmann

BERLIN, 14 March —Former German interna-tional goalkeeper JensLehmann could be in linefor a shock short-termcomeback on the bench atArsenal, to help ease theirproblems in goal, it was re-ported Sunday.

The 41-year-old retiredfrom football in 2010, butis back in north Londonto work with the Gunners’young goalkeepers, just asthe Premier League titlechasers have a growingproblem in the NumberOne position.

Arsenal managerArsene Wenger has had torevert to former firstchoice Manuel Almunia asboth Lukasz Fabianskiand Wojciech Szczesnyare injured and Lehmannis spending six weeks atArsenal to complete hiscoaching badges.


Rangers’ Senegalesestriker El-Hadji Diouf

GLASGOW, 14 March —Rangers left it late to se-cure a 2-1 win overKilmarnock at Ibrox onSunday to move twopoints behind Celtic at thetop of the Scottish PremierLeague.

The home side took thelead in the 38th minutewhen El-Hadji Diouf firedhome his first league goal.

However Kilmarnockwere level on the hourmark when they were

awarded a controversialpenalty for a high-footedchallenge by Richard Fos-ter on Tim Glancy thatJamie Hamill converted.

With time running outsubstitute Vladimir Weisscame to the rescue forRangers when his crosswas knocked into his ownnet by Glancy when Killiewere temporarily down toten men as MohammadouSissoko was off receivingtreatment.

Taking advantage ofCeltic’s involvement in theScottish Cup the winmeans Walter Smith’s sidecould go top if they wintheir game in hand over theHoops.


Michael Bradley of theUnited States

RIO GRANDE, 14 March— Michael Bradley tookadvantage of TroyMatteson’s short par misson the first extra hole Sun-day to win the Puerto RicoOpen for the second timein three years.

The 44-year-oldBradley closed with hisfourth straight 4-under 68to match Matteson (72) at16-under 272 at TrumpInternational Golf Club,then parred the par-5 18th

in the playoff for hisfourth PGA Tour victory.

Matteson three-puttedin the playoff, missing a3-footer.—Internet

Aston Villa defendersRichard Dunne

LONDON, 14 March —Aston Villa defenders Ri-chard Dunne and JamesCollins have apologisedafter clashing with theclub’s coaching staff.

The News of the Worldreported on Sunday thatIreland defender Dunneand Collins were critical ofsome of Villa manager

Gerard Houllier’s coachesduring a team break at ahealth spa in Leicester-shire.

Reports earlier thisweeks claimed severalplayers had to be pulledapart in the restaurant at theChampneys Springs resortfollowing a row believedto be linked to thecoaching criticism.

Houllier was at the re-sort on Wednesday beforetravelling to White HartLane with assistant GaryMcAllister to watch theChampions League gamebetween Tottenham andAC Milan.—Internet

ter, it was the last thingthat City boss RobertoMancini, who has alreadycomplained of his squadbeing stretched by aheavy schedule, wouldhave wanted.

InternetS P O R T S

Andy Roddick of the USserves to James Blake ofthe US during the BNPParibas Open.—INTERNET

INDIAN WELLS, 14March—Former worldnumber one AndyRoddick got his IndianWells tournament off on asuccessful note Sunday bybeating fellow AmericanJames Blake 6-3, 7-5.

“It was tough, but thenumbers looked good af-terwards,” Roddick said.“I felt like I was hitting theball OK, so it worked out.”

The 28-year-oldRoddick hammered 13aces and won 94 percentof the first serve points ina second round match ofthe WTA and ATP Mas-

ters 1000 event.Roddick’s win on the

centre court stadiumboosted his record this sea-son to 15-2 as he tries tocapture his first IndianWells title. He lost to IvanLjubicic in last year’s fi-nal.—Internet

Petit- Arsenal have wrongmentality

LONDON, 14 March—Former Arsenalmidfielder EmmanuelPetit feels his old club arepaying the price for notplaying to their strengthsand not having enoughproven winners.

Saturday’s FACup defeat at ManchesterUnited means that unlessthe Gunners can wrestletheir rivals from the top ofthe Premier Leaguebetween now and the endof the campaign, they willhave gone six seasonswithout winning a trophy.And Petit, who won thePremier League and FACup double with Arsenalin 1998, thinks he knowswhy.

Emmanuel Petit

He told The Sun:“Since 2005, and thedepartures of (Patrick)Vieira, (Robert) Pires andcompany, you realisehe’s banking above allon a young, malleableteam where he can investin a sporting project.Arsenal’s game is atrademark on the pitchbut there aren’t really anyplayers with a winningmentality.”—Internet

15-3-2011 NL.pmd 3/15/2011, 7:26 AM14

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 15 March, 2011 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar.

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr. M.S.T.During the past 24 hours, rain or thoundershowers have beenfairly widespread in Taninthayi Region, scattered in Bago Region,isolated in Ayeyawady Region, Kachin, Kayin and Mon Statesand weather has been partly cloudy over the remaining Regionsand States. Day temperatures were (3°C) to (4°C) above Marchaverage temperatures in Mandalay Region, Chin and Mon States,(5°C) above March average temperature in Taninthayi Region,(3°C) to (4°C) below March average temperatures in YangonRegion and Rakhine State, (5°C) below March averagetemperature in Bago Region and Kayah State and about Marchaverage temperatures in the remaining Regions and States. Thesignificant day temperatures was Chauk (41°C). The noteworthyamounts of rainfall recorded were Yangon (Kaba-Aye) (1.42)inches, Launglon (0.87) inch, Yangon (Mingaladon) and Thaton(0.63) inch each and Dawei (0.47) inch.

Nay Pyi TawMaximum temperature on 13-3-2011 was 88°F. Minimum

temperature on 14-3-2011 was 69°F. Relative humidity at (09:30)hours MST on 14-3-2011 was (63%). Rainfall on 14-3-2011was (Nil).

Yangon (Kaba-Aye)Maximum temperature on 13-3-2011 was 95°F. Minimum

temperature on 14-3-2011 was 73°F. Relative humidity at (09:30)hours MST on 14-3-2011 was (84%). Total sunshine hours on13-3-2011 was (4.7) hours (Approx).

Rainfall on 12-3-2011 was (0.63) inch at Mingaladon, (1.42)inches at Kaba-Aye and (0.12) inch at Central Yangon. Total

WEATHERMonday, 14th March, 2011

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas rainfall since 1-1-2011 was (3.07) inches at Mingaladon, (3.94)inches at Kaba-Aye and (4.88) inches at Central Yangon.Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (10) mph fromEast at (13:50) hours MST on 13-3-2011.

Bay Inference: Weather is generally fair in the North Bayand partly cloudy to cloudy over the Andaman Sea and elsewhereover the Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of the 15th March 2011:Rain or thoundershowers are likely to be scattered in Bago,Yangon, Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Regions, Kayin and MonStates, isolated in Mandalay Region, Kachin, Shan, Rakhine andKayah States and weather will be partly cloudy over theremaining Regions and States. Degree of certainty is (60%).

State of the sea: Strong Easterly winds with moderate torough seas are likly at times Deltaic, Gulf of Mottama, off andalong Mon-Taninthayi Coast. Surface wind speed in strong windmay reach (35) mph. Seas will be moderate elsewhere Myanmarwaters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood ofcontinuation of isolated rain or thundershowers in the LowerMyanmar areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for15-3-2011: Likelihood of isolated rain or thundershowers.Degree of certainty is (60%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for15-3-2011: Likelihood of isolated rain or thundershowers.Degree of certainty is (60%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for15-3-2011: Possibility of isolated rain or thundershowers.Degree of certainty is (40%).

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MSTOversea Transmission - (15-3-11 09:30 am ~

16-3-11 09:30 am) MST

Local Transmission* Opening* News* Exceptional Monywa & Excellent Resort* News* Gift of Longevity to the Old (Episode-2)* News* The Art Festival for Valentine Month* Record Album* News* People Magazine Promotion Show* Ywama Floating Market: A Place of

MatchlessnessOversea Transmission* Opening* News* Exceptional Monywa & Excellent Resort* News* Gift of Longevity to the Old (Episode-2)* News* The Art Festival for Valentine Month* Record Album* News* People Magazine Promotion Show* News* The World’s Largest Book* News* Today’s Efficient Youths (ILBC)* Music Gallery* News* The Light of World Peace* News* Products of Aye Thar Yar Industrial Zone* Myanmar Movie

“Implicated Attachement”


Programme Schedule(15-3-2011) (Tuesday)

Tuesday,15 March

View on today1234567890112345678901

7:00 am

1. Paritta By Hilly

Region Missionary


7:15 am

2. Dhamma Puja Song

7:25 am

3. To Be Healthy


7:30 am

4. Morning News

7:40 am 5. Nice & Sweet Song

7:50 am 6. Health Programme

8:00 am 7. Songs Of Yester


8:10 am 8. Myanmar Traditional

Cultures Performing

Arts Competitions

8:20 am 9. Dance Of National


8:30 am10. Songs in honour of

(66)th Anniversary

Armed Forces Day

8:40 am11. International News

8:45 am12. Musical Programme

4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:10 pm 2. Musical Programme4:20 pm 3. Songs in honour of

(66)th Anniversary

Armed Forces Day

4:30 pm 4. University Of

Distance Education(TV Lecuters)-Third Year(Economic)

4:45 pm 5. Songs For

UpholdingNational Spirit

4:50 pm 6. The Mirror Images Of

The Musical Oldies

5:00 pm 7. Teleplay (Forest)

5:15 pm 8. Songs in honour of

(66)th AnniversaryArmed Forces Day

5:25 pm 9. Sweet Melody5:35 pm10. Documentary6:00 pm11. Evening News6:15 pm12. Weather Report6:20 pm13. Kyae Pwint Myaye

Yin Khone Than6:35 pm14. Sing A Song7:00 pm15. TV Drama Series8:00 pm16. News17. International News18. Weather Report19. Just for Laughs20. TV Drama Series

A womanholds the hood

of herovercoat inJinan City,

capital of eastChina’s

ShandongProvince, on14 March,

2011. Manyplaces in


temperaturedrop in recent

days due tocold wave.


Angry Birds” developers: bigfunding for brand growthBEIJING, 14 March — “Angry Birds” game

developers at Rovio have announced a funding of 42million US dollars to expand their “mean pigs, crankybirds” empire, according to foreign media reportSunday.The funding, announced Thursday, is the firstventure-capital money Rovio has secured. RichardWong with Accel Partners, who led the firm’sinvestment in Rovio, hailed “Angry Birds” as “anincredible consumer franchise beyond just being amobile game.”

With the newly raised funding, “Angry Birds”developers have made a strategic plan to achieve thebrand growth of “Angry Birds.” According todeveloper Peter “Mighty Eagle” Vesterbacka, Roviois going to expand the franchise of “Angry Birds” ina lot of directions such as movie, broadcast and TV.


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Only with stability and peace will the nation developOnly with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracyRiots beget riots, not democracyDemocracy can be introduced only through constitution

VOA, BBC-sowing hatredamong the peopleRFA, DVB-generating publicoutrageDo not allow ourselves to beswayed by killer broadcastsdesigned to cause troubles

People’s DesireWe favour peace and stabilityWe favour developmentWe oppose unrest and violenceWipe out those inciting unrestand violence

11th Waxing of Tabaung 1372 ME Tuesday, 15 March, 2011

First regular session of Amyotha Hluttaw inprogress for the ninth day.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 14 March — The first regular sessionof the Amyotha Hluttaw continued for the ninth day atAmyotha Hluttaw Hall of Hluttaw Building here at 10am today, attended by Speaker of Amyotha HluttawU Khin Aung Myint and Amyotha Hluttaw repre-sentatives.

The speaker announced that the ninth-day sessionwas valid as the attendance of 222 made up 99.55 percent of 223 Amyotha Hluttaw representatives.

During the session, questions asked by AmyothaHluttaw representatives were answered by therespective Union level organizations members.

U Maung Aye Tun of Rakhine State ConstituencyNo.9 asked whether there is any plan to construct a pulpfactory in Buthidaung Township as bamboo are abundantin the township and whether the State has a plan toimplement cement production projects at limestone hills atNayputaung and Gutaung-Kantaung areas in TaungupTownship. U Paul Thang Thaing of Chin State ConstituencyNo. 3 asked whether there is a plan for allowing touriststo visit Chin State. Dr. Myat Nyana Soe of

(See page 9)

First regular session of Amyotha Hluttaw continues for ninth day

Raising and replying to queries, submittingproposals, holding discussions and approval

sought at Amyotha Hluttaw

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