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FIT ON THE FLY Your on the go exercise guide

fit onthe fly

Your on the go exercise guide

Just because you’re traveling, that doesn’t mean you have to put your health and fitness goals on hold. Your Fit on the Fly Travel Kit can help you stay on track and perform at your best no matter where you may be. Inside you’ll find the equipment, exercises, and direction you need to gain strength and regenerate from the comfort and convenience of your hotel room. From full strength workouts prepared by your EXOS performance team to single movements to help you recover after a long day, you choose what fits your schedule. Please use the provided wipes to clean this booklet and all equipment before returning the kit to the shuttle terminal.

Thanks for checking ouT your fiT on The fly Travel kiT.










your equipmenTresistance band


mini band

trigger point roller

foam roll


Your pillar - which consists of your hips, torso, and shoulders - is the foundation for all movement. Pillar prep primes critical muscles to prepare your body for a workout, decrease your risk of injury, and boost your performance.

Place one foot flat on the ground in front of you with opposite knee on a soft surface behind you.

Lean torso slightly forward, tighten stomach, and squeeze the glute of your back leg as you reach that same side arm to the sky. Hold position for two seconds.

Relax and return to starting position.

Complete full set on one side before repeating with opposite foot forward.

quad/hip flexor sTreTch - ½ kneeling

Where you feel it: You will get a deep stretch on your kneeling leg which starts at your hip and goes down the front of your quad.

1 set of 6 reps each side

Start in kneeling position with hips sitting back on heels, shoulders pulled back and down, stomach tight.

Place foam roll in front of knees, hands palm side up on foam roll.

Inhale and reach forward, allowing foam roll to roll and guide arms in front of you. Reach out as far as possible, keeping hips on heels, arms straight, chin tucked. Exhale and come back to starting position. Complete remaining reps.

reach and roll - foam roll

Where you feel it: Deepen your breathing as you stretch your back, chest, and shoulders.

1 set of 6 reps











Place the mini band above your knees. Maintain tension throughout the movement.

Lie on your back and bend your legs, bringing your heels directly under your knees.

Squeeze your glutes to raise your hips off the floor while driving your heels through the ground. Aim to have a straight line from heels to head.

Pause, then gently lower your hips to the ground and repeat.

gluTe bridge - mini band

Where you feel it: Keeping tension on the mini band will allow for a strong muscle contraction in your glutes. Keep them tight.

1 set of 10 reps





Place the mini band above your knees, feet shoulder-width apart, toes forward, hips back, chest up.

exTernal roTaTion - mini band

Where you feel it: Keeping the mini band tight and rotating only at the hip will activate your glutes.

1 set of 6 reps each side





Keeping your chest up, feet flat on the floor, move your right knee inward then outward. Feel your hip activate.

Maintain tension in the band by continuously pressing the opposite knee away from your body.

Complete ten reps, then switch sides.


Now it’s time to prepare your body for movement. These dynamic stretches will increase your core temperature, prepare your nervous system for activity, and lengthen, strengthen, and stabilize your body. These movements are great to do any time of day.

Drive the foot of bent leg into the ground to come back tall into starting position. Keep a wide stance as you continue reps.

Sit hips-back and shift weight to one side. Keep toes forward and knee tracking over toe of the bent leg side. Opposite leg remains straight.

Relax and return to starting position.

Stand tall with arms at your side.

knee hug

Where you feel it: Opening up your hips and a slight stretch in the glute.

1 set of 6 repslaTeral squaT

Where you feel it: As you sit into the squat, a deep stretch in your adductor will take place – stay shallow if too extreme.

1 set of 6 reps each side










Lift one foot off the ground and squat back and down a few inches with stance leg.

Squeezing glute of standing leg, grab below lifted knee with your hands and pull knee to chest while straightening other leg. Hold one to two seconds.

Repeat movement on same leg. Once reps are complete, move to the other leg.

Finish reps on one side before switching sides.

Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Toes facing forward.

Open palms - and leading with your thumbs - keep arms straight as you reach out to your sides. Stop once your arms are in line with your shoulders. Feel stretch in chest and shoulders.

With your palms together, reach for the ground.

Pull belly button in and tuck your chin.

Complete set on one side before repeating with opposite leg.

Once you feel stretch in thigh, return to starting position by contracting the glute and hamstring of your planted leg.

Raise arms out to your sides with your thumbs up

T’s - benT over

Where you feel it: Practicing this table top position will give a slight stretch to the back. The main stretch will be felt in the chest as you open your arms.

1 set of 10 reps



Stand tall with your chest up, shoulder blades back and down.

inverTed hamsTring

Where you feel it: This stretch not only helps with balance and focus, but also gives you a nice stretch in your hamstring.

1 set of 6 reps each side






Keeping straight line between your ear and ankle, bend forward at the waist and lift leg straight behind you.

Hinging at your hips, put your back into a table top position.



5 Relax out of the positon before starting your next rep.

Strengthworkout 1

Complete one set at a time. For example, you will do lateral lunges, rows, push-ups, burpees, and the pillar bridge all for the recommended repetitions. Then, take a two to three minute break. Start back at lateral lunges for your second set. Repeat this cycle three to four times.

Facing the door, drop into a quarter squat position – toes forward, hips back, tight stomach, flat back, shoulder pulled back and down.

Holding on to the band handles, walk away from door until you are at a comfortable and challenging resistance.

Using door handle, place resistance band in the door at waist level.

Keep your leg which is on the slide straight throughout the movement.

Return to starting position by pushing up with your stance leg.

Sit your hips back and down toward your stance leg as you move the leg that is on the slide away from your body.

Standing tall, place one foot on the slide and shift weight to stance leg.

laTeral lunge - slidez3 - 4 sets of 12 reps each side

row - horizonTal - resisTance band

Where you feel it: This exercise is designed to activate your lats and back. You’ll feel it all throughout your mid back.

3 - 4 sets of 12 reps









4Where you feel it: As you push through the ground to come tall, you will feel your adductor, glute, and quad all contract.

Complete all reps on one side before switching over.

Facing the door, drop into a quarter squat position – toes forward, hips back, tight stomach, flat back, shoulders pulled back and down.

Repeat at a continuous and challenging pace for the recommended reps.

Jump your feet into your chest and jump back up reaching your arms to the ceiling.

Without touching the ground with your torso or knees, push yourself back up.

Keeping your torso stable and hips square to the ground, bend your elbows to lower your body toward the ground.

Start in the classic push-up position, with your hands beneath your shoulders and your legs straight behind you.

push-up3 - 4 sets of 12 reps

Standing tall - jump, reaching for the ceiling with your arms and allowing your feet to leave the ground.


Where you feel it: This cardio-based movement is going to get your heart pumping and lungs working overtime.

3 - 4 sets of 10 reps








4Where you feel it: Push-ups really are full body. Keep everything tight to stay engaged - most stress will happen in your arms and chest.

Continue for recommended reps.

As you start coming back down jump your feet back so that you land in a classic push-up position.

Hold tight for the allotted time. Switch sides.

Challenge yourself to keep a straight line¬ from your ear all the way down to your ankle. Keep your hips stacked and push away from the ground.

All in one motion, push yourself up and away from the ground.

Starting in a side-lying position, stack your feet and place your elbow so that it is directly under your shoulder.

pillar bridge laTeral

Where you feel it: This pillar-dominant movement will activate your entire body, with emphasis on your lateral abdominal muscles and shoulder strength. Think about pushing the ground away from you.

3 - 4 sets holding for 20-40 seconds





Strengthworkout 2

Complete one set at a time. For example, you will do squats, leg curls, overhead presses, plank runners, and pillar bridges all for the recommended repetitions. Then take a two to three minute break. Start back at squats for the beginning of your second set. Repeat this cycle three to four times.

Pull the Slidez toward your glutes with your heels while keeping hips tall.

Lift hips off the ground while keeping a straight line from your ankles to shoulders.

Keep tension on the band at all times.

Place mini band around your legs, just above your knees. Start with your feet about hip-width apart. Heels and toes aligned and pointed forward.

squaT - mini band

Where you feel it: Be sure to keep your feet hip-width apart and drive your knees out (right over your toes) to keep constant tension on the band. This is going to help activate your glutes and quads.

3 - 4 sets of 12 reps





Lie face up on floor with arms at your sides, legs straight, and heels on a pair of Slidez.

leg curl - slidez

Where you feel it: Holding the glute bridge position nice and strong is going to activate your glutes. Once you start with the leg curl motion, your hamstrings are going to be working full time.

2 - 4 sets of 12 reps






Keep your chest up and push your hips back, as if sitting in a chair.

Return to the starting position.

Return to the starting position by slowly extending your legs and pushing the slides away from you.

Continue for the remainder of reps.

Find a quick, challenging pace from which you can maintain good posture and form for the recommended reps. Keep this position as

you push your hands up to the ceiling until your arms are straight. Control them back down to shoulder height. Repeat.

Keep forward foot facing forward, knee at 90 degrees, tight stomach, shoulders back, and glute of the bent leg engaged.

In a kneeling position, loop resistance band so that the halfway point is anchored under your back knee.

overhead press - ½ kneeling - resisTance band

Where you feel it: On this movement be sure to keep your core tight so you stay tall. The pressing movement is going to activate your shoulders.

2- 4 sets of 12 reps





Start in a push-up position with your toes on your Slidez. Keep your glutes tight, stomach engaged, and continuously push the ground away from you.

plank runners - slidez

Where you feel it: Much like the push-up, this movement has total body activation. Adding in the running motion, you get a great mix of cardio and increased core activation.

3 - 4 sets As many reps as possible in 30 seconds




Hold handles with a tight grip, palms facing forward. Alternate driving one

knee at a time to your chest as though you were running.

Stay engaged and hold for allotted time.

Maintain a straight line from head to heels and even weight on both forearms.

Starting position - much like a push up but on your forearms rather than your palms. Keep your glutes tight, stomach engaged, continuously driving the ground away from you.

pillar bridge

Where you feel it: This pillar specific movement is going to challenge your core strength, along with your shoulder. Just like in the lateral version, think about pushing the ground away and keeping everything tight.

3 - 4 sets holding for 20-40 seconds




regeneration++++A critical component to any lifestyle. Regeneration relieves tension, alleviates aches and pains, reduces stress, and helps your body to recover faster from training. These movements are great to add into your everyday routine.

Continue on that side for the prescribed time before moving to the opposite side.

Roll along your side to your lower back and back up to your armpit, spending more time rolling over any sore spots.

Repeat with the opposite leg.

Continue to take deep breaths as you roll over any sore spots that you find.

Lie face-down on the ground supported on your forearms with a foam roll under your quad.

foam roll - quads

Where you feel it: This movement helps to increase blood flow in your legs and alleviate any soreness from your strength workout or everyday movements. If it’s too uncomfortable for you, try to put less weight on the foam roll.

60 - 90 seconds each side





Lie on your side with a foam roll under your armpit.

foam roll - laTs

Where you feel it: This is a great way to help stretch and loosen your back. Although focusing on the lats, many of our daily movements pull us into a shortened posture. This movements helps to reverse that.

60 - 90 seconds each side




Roll along the entire length of your upper leg and slightly outside towards your IT band.

Continue for remainder of the sets before repeating on the opposite side.

Sit with dual point massager under the outside of one of your glutes, both knees slightly bent.

Trigger poinT - gluTes

Where you feel it: Right where you put the dual point massager. We spend a large portion of our day sitting. Reverse this by loosening up the muscles in your glutes. Remember to take deep breaths and relax.

60 - 90 seconds each side






Lie on your back with hips and knees bent with the dual point massager just below the base of your shoulders between shoulder blades.

Trigger poinT - Thoracic spine

Where you feel it: This therapeutic exercise relieves tension and stress through your upper back, neck, and shoulder. Spend a little extra time if you need it and do your very best to take deep breaths and relax.

60 - 90 seconds each side






Adjust position of ball until you find a sore spot.

Holding pressure on this spot, slowly bend your hip up and down to release tension.

Readjust position on the ball and repeat the movement on any other sore spots.

Adjust position on ball until you find a sore spot.

Hold the spot and slowly bring arms around your chest, allowing shoulder blades to spread.

Gently rock back and forth to relieve tension.

Adjust the position of the ball until you find another sore spot. Repeat.

All equipment is the property of Intel. Do not use any equipment if you are unaware of proper exercise technique(s) and apparatus functionality. Intel employees assume responsibility for any injuries that occur while using equipment. Injuries sustained will not be covered by Workman’s Compensation insurance, but by your own personal insurance. If you have any additional feedback, questions, or comments, please contact [email protected], CS Fitness Program.

scan The qr code or visiT our websiTe To download your own digiTal versionwww.coreperformance.com/intel
