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Flintshire Business Week Flexibility 151009

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FLEXIBILITY Presentation to Flintshire Business Week By Tom Stokes MD Evans Easyspace Chairman Business Centre Association
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FLEXIBILITY Pres entation to Flints hire Bus ines s Week

By Tom Stokes MD Evans Eas ys pace

Chairman Bus ines s Centre As s oc iation

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Wh o is E v a n s?E a s y s p a c e

Evans Easyspace is the UK’s leading provider of

new small offices and small workshops specifically

for the SME market and let on fully flexible easy in,

easy out terms.

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Wh o is E v a n s?E a s y s p a c e

Formed in February 2000 Based in Leeds Business centres in 54 locations 2.5m sq ft nationwide Rent roll over £10m Capital value in excess of £150m 1,500 businesses occupying our space 7,500 people working in units Acknowledged market leader

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E x a m p le s

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Lo c a t io n

Type of location

City or Town centre

Business Park

Industrial Estate

Business Centre

Good transport and road links

Proximity to other services, ie. retail and leisure

Client and staff live locally

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P r ic e

Price to accommodate budget

Non inclusive or inclusive rents

Monthly invoicing which aids cash flow

What is included – compare like with like

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S u it a b ilit y f o rp u r p o s e

Suitable planning consent

Units ready to move in – no fit out required

Telecoms and broadband

Range of sizes which can accommodate expansion

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Problem Areas

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Price which suits budget

Right location

Size which fits current operation

Quality of premises

Sufficient size for future plans

Terms of lease

Time to find accommodation

Inability to move at short notice

Lack of sufficient facilities


Reason for choosing Evans Easyspace

Flexible terms17%

Immediate access




of space13%



Wh a t d o S M E s lo o k?f o r



Suitability for purpose



Source: Spacia Small Business Property Monitor 2004

Reason(s) for choosing business centre accommodation

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Ability to vacate

Short term commitment

Speed of occupation

Support services

Flexibility with space

Access to quality address

Access to other offices


Source: Dr. Virginia Gibson, Real Estate and Planning School of Business, University of Reading

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?Wh a t is f le x ib il it y

It is not demountable partitions

This is not it

Nor is this

Flexibility is the entry route – and the exit route

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Wh y F le x ib il it y

Because it allows companies to change the space they need to reflect market conditions

This is even more important today due to the uncertainty in the current economic climate

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Wh y a Lic e n c e?Ag r e e m e n t

Licence to occupy Personal to the occupier Licensor has the right to move the space Offers flexibility Licence could be regarded as a lease

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Le a s e v L ic e n c e

Time taken to occupy v Speed of entry

Extra costs v Fully inclusive or costs

Legal document v User friendly contract

Legal & professional fees v No legal fees

Fixed rent reviews v Annual reviews

Dilapidations v Bond

Security of tenure v Not short term

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To m o v e o r n o t t o?m o v e

Better choice in the market

Landlords are generally keen to keep existing tenants

Strong bargaining position

Competitive rentals

Rent free

Capital contribution

In the current economic climate what should an occupier do when a lease expires or a break clause can be exercised?

Dilapidation costs Costs of new agreement Removal costs Business interruption Other admin costs

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E v a n s B u s in e s s C e n t r e s

Key Information

–Easy in – Easy out terms

–No legal costs

–Inclusive terms

–A range of services on offer

–Offices can be furnished or unfurnished

–Immediate entry

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S u m m a r y

Many small businesses are aware of space being occupied on a flexible basis but are not familiar with how it works or its advantages.

Our belief is quite simply that property decisions should be dictated by the needs of a business and not by the constraints of a lease or size of a building.

We deliver space the way our clients want it.

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The UK’s leading provider of quality new small space specifically for the SME market
