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Florida Trunk f tufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/08/66/14/00102/00151.pdfquot was served EZETAS ARMY...

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THE TIMESHERALD NOVEMBER 1895 i I t r KIKO JOHS TALKS Correspondence TliaMHeralO- KHUKA October 23- KlnR John not believe in fraud or misrepresentation under any curaatances Is compelled confess ashamed to confess that mis- representation sometimes productive of good and perhaps after all the misrepresentation is tuo mult of mistake he should not feel very much ashamed of it Tho other day King John was ro turning from Chicago and long ho found himself speedm through good old Kentucky lie anxious to make connection at n cor tarn crossroads whore would take sleeper for Atlanta nnd to miss It to remain a whole In a little town that has but little more enter priso than to soil hot coffee and sand wichcs the former with the grounds all In nnd the latter with ham than mustard The porter like most of the service had such wretched pronunciation that the names of the towns in such outlandish accents that King John was fearful that ho would pass his changing point without knowing It porter just out Barl the train culled in the sign revealed the name Bardwek This was continued until John was as nervous as a Jacksonville girl at approached with tho dignity of a peacock flow shall I know when I to Wo alters call out the replied the conductor in a toneBut insisted King John Your faithful has such an accent that I cant understand him I know that ho is highly colored and I say black pronunciation leads me to in quire if or German sah lies a South Korleanlan- I am surprised you do not understand Ah replied King John You have become to him familiar If Mr Hanson your genial ticket agent was to down in a and listen to your porter he would conduce that was on some other line as the names card Are you acquainted with Mr Han- son be Wo have met by chanao replied John Please give me yo card sah and Ill tell yo Bah when I eee the conductor a and one to conductor who immediately removed his hat and said yo are one of u startled re- mark and glancing quickly at tho card he saw a and instead a card of the su- perintendents of a Southern railroad met on the un and exchanged cards Before lung John had sufficiently to ex- plain the conductor was off collecting tickets In n little while the town where John was to make LIs change was announced in clear tones ing nn ho discovered the conductor lunch and started out the the tracks and boarded tho Bald tendeni Glad to have met you and he was in the If could have explained- the mistake he would havo but it was in the rush But the circumstance brings the fact that there are some men bigger than other men A dozen of Johns cards would have had no more effect on the conductor than drops of rain on a ducks back If a so much civility so much kindness would it not be a scheme when we go from homo to adopt some title for our cards such Superintendent UlitBoid or Boss of the Tramway or Capt of Btcamcr Mayflower Of course such titles would havo little effect in Florida where all kind of tubs are so common yet away from home they would be Taldug of titles King John was once time told a blind man could a stick on corner and hit six lie a brave Confederate soldier while thertf were so many officers In the Confed- erate There was not a soldier In tho Southern array who did not kflow to be a captain and when the war was over every man vow take of it and no ono can ob joel it KINO JOHN Two Ute Sated Mrs Phoebe Thomas of Junction City III was told by her doctoTs she had there was no hope for herJbut two bottles of Dr Kings Now DUqoVery completely life Mr Tho 189 Florid St San Franeisoo suffered from a dreadful cold approaching lion tried without everything- else then oue bottle Kings New Discovery and m two weeks was cured Ho is naturally thankful It is such results these are samples that the won derful efficacy this medicine in at Stewarts Drug Store Regular size roc and The main of the university of Virginia was destroyed by lire 90 Sunday lost dOM cir aull yet he to when after- noon was he a was old on her wedding trip lIe crooked who II pIecrust him with his tongue But Mr called outhavo no r08em anee to thoso on the time I King John fumbled In his card pocket tM ono of w Y who grabbed Johns grip aO1 waiting train Be soon reappeared d II I a seat Good- bye goodbye JOliN immense Mora no once was promoted to This Is a to to tl1llt says It Inv 1r Conaum Coughs and Free trial bottles Ackerman auw- a j Kin 1 i s of as- KING 1 throw her C j 0 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A rRATKlUTAX LETTER The folowlnu letter ha been received by Adjutant Joseph Price ol the Assoola tlon which will be of interest to of our readers DAMAKI6COTTA 11B Sept 10 To Joe Price Adjutant Vete- ran Fin DEAn COMRADE Your esteemed fa vor of the 28th ult and in which you so courteously caused to be pub the resolutions by our Post on the death of Comrade Baker came duly to hand and as soon there- after as I was able to attend a regular meeting of our Post by the request ol the Post I read your letter am pleased to assure you it was with the utmost pleasure satisfaction You may well feel of your or- ganization The fraternization of the Blue and the as one organization is an which should cause the heart of every citizen of this to honest pride and bound with gratification and triumph al Louisville may cause to pause wonder reflect and admire it on many a many sanguinary fought each now afterposslng through the war wo are now more fltmly cemented together by love of our common coun institutions than ever be fore Alt honor to the heroes and all who participated in that glorious vic- tory peace comrade it was your privilege to be one of the number was there but body was forced to abide at pleased at all times to hoar from you your organization Sincerely wish- ing you remain yours in V L II HISCOCK Old People Old people who require medicine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy in Elcclrls Bitters This not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxi cant but acts as a tonic and alterative els adding strength and giving tone to In the performance of tho functions Electric an excellent appe- tizer and aids digestion Old find it Just they need Price CO per bottlo at Stewart Every Day Experience of a Delivery Clerk We were amused while In the post office a day or two peer the between our popular old who had curaifurtle mall and apparently Any mall hdrei No Jobannah Washington No there Is nothing for anyone by the name of Washington Jacob No Wilson Nothing for Tony or any other There to be a letter hero for Bill Johnson is not Anything for Bill Johnsons wife and if you dont vet away from this window Ill fix so that all the Drowns Jones and else will be required to take GUI The negro with saddened face did as ho stepped from the office into the open air was heard to remark Golly I forgot to abk for Mary Jane FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR MRS SOOTHINO SYRUP has been used for over million of mothers for their children while Ing with perfect success It cures wind collo best remedy- for It will relieve poor little sufferer Immediately Sold J In every part Twenty cents a Be sure and Mrs Winslow Soothing Bvrnp and take no other Dr Cream Baking Powder Perfect Made l PalI1LkaVet ran many or received and ol men who for the right as they saw the vlelolt In acts of hospitality and good to express each for the and the joy that t It acs on the stomach and bow ago to 1 n 1 rrYI nit away ot rite I a t9r VIBb- l fZton l f Sam ft home ost II I too 11 BOO hC8 tho- r gums nil Prices DUKE CIGARETTES araeter come pro fol- lowing delivery clorkDpriL nantkai t was 1fh a lector tot Sarah Washington 4 ton everybody drug- gists i Mast UK gi1i Wia lG TT S- W ubeen a- nsawtsc t act4- OUttn nauLA- MADI rfl0U High Grad Tobacco AE80LUTELY PUI E ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < FOR THEIR RIGHTS lll ttl of Alaska Bay Wilt JTliM- SZATTLB Wash Oat 8L The gene of Alaska are greatly exeptssd over tho boundary line question They do not want what they term the richest portion of the United States annexed to Columbia and say will fight before they wilt It taken The paramount reason for renewed aoHvit line question- is the brilliant outlook of the along the Yukon and in the vicinity of Promoters ar ar in Juneau almost with news of rich finds and gold runs riot Every one is unite In saying that the rich- est country on the face of the globe and for reason desire to arouse sentiment on tho boundary line ques- tion It is not uncommon to hear the ex Give ns ten or we will Ther argue that England knows tall well the rat and will leave atone nn turned to accomplish her desires QUNBOATS LAUNCHED 0tmenlM at Iht Ohrltttnlitai f Kulitllln nod Wllmlaitaa NEWPORT NEWS V Oat 10 Six thousand people witnessed the launoh Jug of tho gunboats here The Nash villa went off the ways at 887 oclock Miss Emma of Nashville champagne over it The Wilmington WM at 1188 B the of Senator christening it There Was the everything going era to the Wilmington struck the water after going over 280 feet coarse on the stays her WAS esti- mated at 11 In both instances Secretary of young ladles christening the vessels B of the Newport News Shipbuilding and Company on side After the a magnificent ban quot was served EZETAS ARMY Tit Ort lllaellee to see dealing and la o the the no Herbert toad one side eitt see ore ertles Alsaka ¬ ¬ ¬ Oinaral Oed to Oomph lollooary ArraD m ati SAt FBAKCISCO Oot 19 General Manuel COlin who departed with Gen- eral Ezeta to conquer Salvador has re- turned to town He says he will one Paolflo Mall company for damages- for putting him off steamer at Culn says he has returned tore to organisation of Ezotai army and that M Now Orleans at once to oharter ship to take troops to Salvador k I to Cast the Bnmerlo Ba- Mo hu bean chartered and li al- WaruJoa Be believes that the prod dent ot Salvador will capitulate u soon M he realizes that agalnithim ne 8y Enf land Is With 0- Loirootr Oct Weitminstef Gazette upon A diipatoh New York deol r wit that a joint refusal of the European powers to accept the Monroe doctrine u to the Marquis ot Sal nosuoh The Monroe doctrine U a mat ter entirely between the old country and the States and it time ever comes for Groat Britain to take sides on the we shall stand with the Americans and not against them EAKBAS CITY Oct 3L Thegrand jury of Ray county at Richmond hen returned four Indictments against Dr W Fraker who If accused of swindling life insurance companies Three ol the Indictments an at- tempt to obtain money under false pro tenses The an attempt fraudulent representations and defraud Tb lUporl DtoUd ST PACT Oct 19 A P Plough vice president and general manager of tho St Paul and Dalnth railroad was seen by the Associated Press represen- tative to the had been appointed general of the of Georgia and denied It flatly Vtl Dol With Stators DEliVER Oct 81 Chailei Rose la dead and James Girard is dying at Watkins 91 mUes out of Denver as a result of a duel with razors Both men wore employed as section hands on the Union There had ben a feud of tong standing between them Want to lllnrn tb Stag LodySholto Douglass the variety actress who mar- ried son of the Marquis wants to return to She has written a letter to a local theatrical manager asking an en gagement as a Variety actress Foitmuttri AppolnUd- WASnwOTOM Oct 91 Tko president has appointed the following postmas- ters South Carolina Anderson MP Trlbble llllnoU 7 King Wil- liam K Taller Three Oaks Maggie Brcece- n Tf Sly Lou la N w OrUmn Oct 19 Fire Juts de- stroyed the National Rice mill on Ely- sian Field street had four buildings The low U estimated at 200000 fully covered insurance The IOM Included W000 worth of rice Cnbuni Otitray Tow NEW YORK Oct 19 A special to Tke Herald from Key Wet Flo says Information has been received In Ha- vana mat Cubans kayo completely destroyed Guantanamo WisninoTOK a E 0 Oct banks wfiloh Saturday Trill reorganize resume In f w j Shores Duo the th a Meanwhile Aooord are all 10The commenting to Times from bbarra Ind riter Jodltecr C ntr t BaN FniNolaco Oat NEW whit lteIII The VO and I t I 1 a not idle steamer G The Falls a bastau 11 Peoples A < < ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ° + I Vritltis UK A XETTEK Write me a dear old friend Say that you love me yet- I w you are true but Would that never forget The springs all budding scent The summers blossoming rhyme The orchard talks walks In the golden autumn time Write me a letter my dear old friend Leave out tho between enough- Which twixt us intervene Sing mo a of tho ago En I knew the world could cheat That were so divinely sweet Write mo a letter dear old friend- I lovo moro and As further apart we drift dear heart And nearer other shore The dear old loves and tho dear old days Are a balm to Ufos It is easy to bear the worry and caru If the old friends loye Death of Mr Joseph Mlnton Joseph D Mlnton died at his resi- dence at Harlem October 15th Pre- vious to his death Mr Mlnton had afternoon about 4 oclock Mr was standing near where another saw bad a tree and was cutting a near the tree when it flow over in a way to strike Mr Minton on the head Thus in the twinkling of an eye without a moments he received a dead blow He lived lour but never recovered consciousness A sor- rowing family of six children and a arc to mourn their great loss while a number of and friends feel an Inexpressible sor tho loss of and The funeral services wore held at tho Baptist Church conducted- by tho nastor Con way after which body was interred in the Harlem cemetery at Providence Church A FIUEND tltnt YQU mid wo nd The ways have rough and thorny Of moonlight gleams and fond nay been sawing logs for the flriu Friday been oro Exchange friend ¬ ¬ ¬ Tho state Boatd of Agriculture In Kansas takes a of the people once every ten years midway between tho years of tho Federal census Tho count of the inhabitants for 1805 shows that the State has lost heavily during thfl peat five years In 1800 the num- ber of pooplo was 1427000 now It is only 1334608 Qnlte nnumber of Palaika night I 1 A Card H E Dickons As I bays asked how much In taking olo fujniii- Ing you lheMwBra s fjom aj latka to Atlanta and return are no higher than via any other and dives choice of three follies from Jacksonville viz F C P and Southern leave Jack- sonville 730 a m ar 545 a m Day train carries through coaches Second routo and TIfton loaves Jacksonville on m and arrives Atlanta 8015 m and 745 a m through sleepers on night train route via Jackionvlllo and Savannah Tickets sold at 1080 rate via Savannah Below are rates via above routes Sell Tuesdays and Thursdays good for ten days 8805 sell J T K W trains leave at 445 a m and 4 p m connecting With above trains Yours H E DICKENS Ticket Agent Union Depot Dr Prices Cream Baking Powder World Hlghcit and DIploma FLORA PAD DAOK has removed her business to 110 JULIA STREET Jacksonville Fla where she hopes to Increase her stock All mall orders promptly executed PALATKA ExpositionR- ATES FLORIDA G S F RAILWAYS 1680 Ti kctti pembcr 6 and 12 and dally fromBepteWber 15 to Decem- ber 1C inclusive limited td Jan- uary 71890 1230 Tickets on sole dally from 1C to December 10 Inoluslve limited for return twenty dart from dale of tale 895 Tickets on sale Tuesdays and Thurs days of earth week beRlnlng September 10 and until December 241605 inclu- sive limited for return to ten days from G A MACDONALD Passenger Agent W E ROJIBIH8 Ticket k E OTKWABT City Ticket Agent took In lJ402 at Monday rom I e I II St th r 1t and 620 m rlvo Atlllnw 880 m and train through sleepers 620 m for round sell felT day good unlil January 18U5 trip Pair VIA September date of Agent- H It census been iA Iju- ndJnckso gfle fita1Ce S days 81230 8th t Medal Q MISS on e sale ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + < > TKt Hil MnS Mn MMS M tow 6 rvm WHITE WHITE IkOe fr Mu e HIM to MJft HARRY E STEWART Druggist PAL6TKA FLORIDA FLORIDA CENTRAL PENINSULAR RR New Florida Northern Air Line AM Florida LIE TIME TABLE IN EFFECT OCTOBER KOHTHKKN rOlKTI Stop 430p 820p 730 LvJ ckionTlll8Ar ItSOa 9Wp 8I2 LV Yule Ja tVM ArJ m riliiuLY 9Sa Slop OOOa B20n a- esoa AT Augusta Q stop Iit2a 325p nm I TOO Stop Charlotte 840a- 847H BallsliurjrNO 7BO Richmond Atop 7421k WMliington 11 SOSa I D41d a 2B alOaca miladelphU 720a liMp oaOttWJSa J 18 320p Elegant Through Day Coaches JackionvllU to Waililnitton on 37 sad 38 CINCINNATIJAOKBONVILLE Toledo LouUrille flash yule and Indian apolls 730a 0MomLT JackionTllleArlO80am eta SUpm ArBv ett LT 743am loop 545am ArAtlantaLY norm I 945am LTAtlanta I oopm Ar Chattanooga I 200pm LvAtlanta AT I 7 20am Ar Cincinnati SOOnml I HOLLY SWINGS ROUTE To Bt Lcmlt Chicago SloufCltr No 38- OMpra IT JMktonvllle At 10 JOann Lv Atlanta Lv aopn- xHOOnnlv Birmingham LY 730pm LV Lv 720am m LT St Louis LT 730pn Dubaque Lv 730um rullman Louis and Jacksonville Sleepers or Sioux but change KANSAS CITY LINE Jicluonrlllt to Holly Springs Springs to Kantai City DAY COACH on No 88 IBEOUOII TO ATLANTA No 8S and 86tc anoctlon loaves Atlanta fttll OSOpmlL- Tll V Chattanooga antrlh at Chat j JackwnVIUd At 1030am- Ererett XT 743am Atlanta JT osopnt- I lOWamLY- 1000amr r 10 60pm 10 85am Af- 1113am 1201pm- 1088am tISBam iMpm- 830pm 132am pm a 09am 308am 389pm- 4ibttn iMpm- 609am 7 am 900am 618pm- 060pm 830am 429pm 84 ara e08am 728am 811pm 900am 710pm 00pm 960am LV 1186am At- 1316am 13 200am 134pm 42tam 830am 432pm Through OOpm to New Orleans 738am Ifomandlna CalUhnn- OaluttTlllo Cedar Key Cltra Bllror Springs Tavarti Orlando Winter Park Bt Catherine Lacooche DadeClty Tampa JacuonTille Oak Madison Monti wllo- Tallahasste Junction Pensacola Mobile NewOrleans Ar AT M 380pm- Ar 645am Lr eooam 300pm 4 Ham JOtm 128pm 1188am 615am loam sooum 745am 720atn- 1118pm 982am 1043pm 910am 9 lepml 710am 930am Bllam 340am 434am 140am 1243am 139pm- 1201am 818pm- 31tpm 04Jam except Sunday Connection at Tampa for BU Manatee Hirer and Key West and steamen At Waldo for Melrose Connects Tallahassee for Bt Marks Carabelle and Apalachlcola Connects at UlT r Junctlonfor Cuattahoocheo KlrSr team en Connect at or All bargain will be chocked from Union Depot 203 ai well a at the Union office J E MARSHALL Ticket 20 West Bay ttreet corner Jacluonrille Fla- N 8 rENNINOTON Traffic tanager X0 Gen raw Agent DlBesa commonly comett on with slight symptoms which when neglected increase in gradually grow dangerous w Take RIPANS TABULES Take RIPANS TABULES I Me RIPAHS B lTffi 1T Take RIPANS TABDLES- Hi iw- M Rlpans Tabulos act gently but promptly upon the liver stomach jji nod intestines system effectually cure dyspepsia constipation offensive breath One TABBLK taken M at of indigestion bIJIoUsness dizziness distress after j ffl eating or depression of spirits will surely and intckly remojra the El whola difficulty m Tabulea are prepared from prescription widely used by il the and presented In the form most approved bVJ- U modern science It glVe a fair trial Rjpana Tabnlcs are an Infalllbtt cure boy eon r 1 lain nothing Injurious and are un economical remedy H- ONE GIVES RELIEF H A quarter gross box will be sont postage paid on r c lptdf CO cents by W v- I Ripans Chemical Q 10 Street NWyo Ti They aro Easy to Take DOQt rVyBilL II II t f 7 1805 i 1 f Rf of t l120p HOp 742a 20 o- 1t BavannahSir m li5oa S40a jolt Htp AtFalrfaxB O SIIO1 a32p s tOOp 1801 131Ca II OOUB DAnyllleVa Slop 1II rI II Va 01 LfnchburVa alga 338a 227p 1a3a Ii I i- g II II II cIJi No i I J j j M lIIIM 86 I I No- d I 2 73 m 2 Mam Ar Macon Lv 10 10nt 730pm TOOam loopn II h one II C only 111 Ka India r C3 n er NO35 tot rn Sleepers to and from Irm1ng 1000pm J2Oant AretrillCeld Mo 610pm br r 7 r r g 19l fw z 9 If Starke i III d o C- iC m lMam11IDam i1 700am III l1 1pml012lm 1110pm 11 I E lit 748am o 700am I tj t4 W 210401 o- fQ tM pm ii I Tickets wilt be ao14AtthoCIt ticket oEco Alt nt I I I extentand you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE DYS PEPSIA or INDIGESTION I BILLIOUS have A DISORDERED LIVER It von COXltSXroIf IS ULOf or 0 T AnKle RUIN ALl ns I cleanse the i Rlp ne beet 1 N rywhr6 wUbup Qqlek to dot ands Save 1 r 1 aehrwar1- Mrlliw wMVAala aa mM two M e sou wrpaeaarer ra L MIA Mhtl ml ln NCR as aw ad- e S N p0 N IM- awaawNMw aa haawMraiA- NMM IaMMMN N11NN wIIN 1 Trunk f S ie Hi Gp II44p T35a 5OOi- p 1843p 955A BruuswickLv g lO5lp iI44a 55a Up Lr Savanna Ar 0230a tl BO I s via 14 boo 255a u- o u8partanbutg S 0 1000a limp b 4- a F II4Oa12OOP b 14ap i Ma t o o u t I Clings a fl b t4 Ble trough Cl Ca 1 sm earl tune rltory 55 to y- t JaotuOn T 4aam p 12OOnaAr idle Lv ham t i sam Jv 09 South aodayeskrlorlda anti y ann Uy Oileanr Daft nalq A pedam 5 m- I a 9 4 a Slim 12 2apm fro oeasa J 938am aL t 11 u d 849Sn- W 5M 0 td m toy 830 e Rifer k Pullman 4 MAODONI LL RipansTabulesM I y EDor 9TRLSS T BU Si OBA011 sad r habi- tual physicians ti f r Spritco k1 Iaoal druggtata jhalTabalealf requ atedudao unsay a e ° = = < ° = °



    Correspondence TliaMHeralO-KHUKA October 23-

    KlnR John not believe in fraudor misrepresentation under anycuraatances Is compelledconfess ashamed to confess that mis-representation sometimes productiveof good and perhaps after allthe misrepresentation is tuo mult ofmistake he should not feel very muchashamed of it

    Tho other day King John was roturning from Chicago and long

    ho found himself speedmthrough good old Kentucky lieanxious to make connection at n cortarn crossroads whore would takesleeper for Atlanta nnd to miss Itto remain a whole In a littletown that has but little more enterpriso than to soil hot coffee and sandwichcs the former with the groundsall In nnd the latter withham than mustard The porter likemost of the servicehad such wretched pronunciation thatthe names of the towns insuch outlandish accents that KingJohn was fearful that ho would passhis changing point without knowing It

    porter just outBarl the train culled in the

    sign revealed the name BardwekThis was continued until Johnwas as nervous as a Jacksonville girl

    at approachedwith tho dignity of apeacock flow shall I know when I

    toWo alters call out the

    replied the conductor in atoneBut insisted King John Yourfaithful has such an accent that I cantunderstand him I know that ho ishighly colored and I say black

    pronunciation leads me to inquire if or German

    sah lies a South Korleanlan-I am surprised you do not understand

    Ah replied King John Youhave become to him familiar

    If Mr Hanson your genial ticketagent was to down in a

    and listen to your porter hewould conduce that was on someother line as the names

    cardAre you acquainted with Mr Han-

    son beWo have met by chanao replied

    JohnPlease give me yo card sah and

    Ill tell yo Bah when Ieee the conductor

    a and one toconductor who immediately removedhis hat and said yo are one ofu

    startled re-mark and glancing quickly at tho cardhe saw a and

    instead a card of the su-perintendents of a Southern railroad

    met on the unand exchanged cards Before lungJohn had sufficiently to ex-plain the conductor was off collectingtickets

    In n little while the town whereJohn was to make LIs change was

    announced in clear tonesing nn ho discovered the conductor

    lunch and started out thethe tracks and boarded tho

    Baldtendeni Glad to have met you

    and he was in the

    If could have explained-the mistake he would havobut it was in therush But the circumstance bringsthe fact that there are some men biggerthan other men A dozen ofJohns cards would have had no moreeffect on the conductor than drops ofrain on a ducks back If aso much civility so much kindness

    would it not be a schemewhen we go from homo to adopt sometitle for our cards such

    Superintendent UlitBoid

    or Boss of the Tramway or Captof Btcamcr Mayflower Of coursesuch titles would havo little effectin Florida where all kind of tubs areso common yet away from home theywould be

    Taldug of titles King John wasonce time told a blind mancould a stick on cornerand hit six lie abrave Confederate soldier while thertfwere so many officers In the Confed-erate There wasnot a soldier In tho Southern array whodid not kflow to be a captainand when the war was over every man

    vow take of it and no ono can objoel it KINO JOHN

    Two Ute SatedMrs Phoebe Thomas of Junction

    City III was told by her doctoTs shehad there wasno hope for herJbut two bottles of DrKings Now DUqoVery completely

    life Mr Tho 189 FloridSt San Franeisoo suffered from adreadful cold approachinglion tried without everything-else then oue bottleKings New Discovery and m twoweeks was cured Ho is naturallythankful It is such resultsthese are samples that the wonderful efficacy this medicine in

    at Stewarts Drug StoreRegular size roc and

    The main of the university

    of Virginia was destroyed by lire 90Sunday lost


    ciraull yet he to




    he awasold

    on her wedding trip lIe crookedwho




    with his tongue But Mr

    called outhavono r08em anee to thoso on the time


    King John fumbled In his card pocket


    ono of

    w Y

    who grabbed Johns grip aO1

    waiting train Be soon reappeared dII I a seat

    Good-bye goodbye



    Mora noonce

    was promoted toThis Is a



    says It Inv 1r


    Coughs and Free trial bottlesAckerman























    The folowlnu letter habeen received by Adjutant JosephPrice ol the Assoolatlon which will be of interest toof our readers

    DAMAKI6COTTA 11B Sept 10To Joe Price Adjutant Vete-

    ran FinDEAn COMRADE Your esteemed fa

    vor of the 28th ult and in whichyou so courteously caused to be pub

    the resolutions by ourPost on the death of Comrade Bakercame duly to hand and as soon there-after as I was able to attend a regularmeeting of our Post by the request olthe Post I read your letter ampleased to assure you it was

    with the utmost pleasuresatisfaction

    You may well feel of your or-ganization The fraternization of theBlue and the as one organizationis an which should cause theheart of every citizen of thisto honest pride and boundwith gratification and triumph alLouisville may cause topause wonder reflect and admire

    it on many amany sanguinary

    fought each now

    afterposslng through thewar wo are now more fltmly cementedtogether by love of our common coun

    institutions than ever before Alt honor to the heroes and allwho participated in that glorious vic-tory peace

    comrade it was yourprivilege to be one of the number

    was there but bodywas forced to abide atpleased at all times to hoar from you

    your organization Sincerely wish-ing you

    remain yours in V LII HISCOCK

    Old People

    Old people who require medicine toregulate the bowels and kidneys willfind the true remedy in Elcclrls BittersThis not stimulate andcontains no whiskey nor other intoxicant but acts as a tonic and alterative

    els adding strength and giving tonetoIn the performance of tho functionsElectric an excellent appe-tizer and aids digestion Oldfind it Just they needPrice CO per bottlo at


    Every Day Experience of a DeliveryClerk

    We were amused while In the postoffice a day or two peer the

    between our popular

    old who had curaifurtle malland apparently

    Any mall hdrei

    NoJobannah Washington

    No there Is nothing for anyone bythe name of Washington


    WilsonNothing for Tony or any other

    There to be a letter hero forBill Johnson

    is notAnything for Bill Johnsons wife

    and if you dont vet away fromthis window Ill fix so that all the

    Drowns Jonesand else will be required totake GUI

    The negro with saddened face didas ho stepped from the

    office into the open air was heard toremark Golly I forgot to abk forMary Jane

    FOR OVER FIFTY YEARMRS SOOTHINO SYRUP hasbeen used for over millionof mothers for their children whileIng with perfect success It

    cures wind collo best remedy-for It will relieve poorlittle sufferer Immediately Sold J

    In every part Twentycents a Be sure and

    Mrs Winslow Soothing Bvrnp andtake no other

    Dr Cream Baking PowderPerfect Made


    PalI1LkaVet ranmany



    ol men who for theright as they saw the

    vlelolt In acts of hospitality and goodto express

    each for the and the joy that


    It acs on the stomach and bow

    ago to


    n 1 rrYI nitaway ot rite I a

    t9r VIBb-l fZton

    l fSam




    II I

    too 11BOO hC8 tho-

    r gums nil







    lowingdelivery clorkDpriL nantkai

    twas 1fh

    a lector tot








    UK gi1iWia

    lG TT S-

    W ubeen a-nsawtsc t act4-OUttn nauLA-

    MADI rfl0U

    High Grad TobaccoAE80LUTELY PUI E










    FOR THEIR RIGHTSlll ttl of Alaska Bay Wilt JTliM-

    SZATTLB Wash Oat 8L Thegene of Alaska are greatly exeptssdover tho boundary line question Theydo not want what they term therichest portion of the United Statesannexed to Columbia and say

    will fight before they wilt Ittaken

    The paramount reason for renewedaoHvit line question-is the brilliant outlook of the

    along the Yukon and in thevicinity of Promoters ar ar

    in Juneau almost withnews of rich finds and goldruns riot Every one isunite In saying that the rich-est country on the face of the globeand for reason desire to arousesentiment on tho boundary line ques-tion

    It is not uncommon to hear the exGive ns ten or we

    will Ther argue that Englandknows tall well the rat

    and will leave atone nnturned to accomplish her desires


    0tmenlM at Iht Ohrltttnlitai fKulitllln nod Wllmlaitaa

    NEWPORT NEWS V Oat 10 Sixthousand people witnessed the launohJug of tho gunboats here The Nashvilla went off the ways at 887 oclockMiss Emma of Nashville

    champagne over it TheWilmington WM at 1188

    B the ofSenator christening it ThereWas the everythinggoing era to

    the Wilmington struck thewater after going over 280 feetcoarse on the stays her WAS esti-mated at 11 In both instancesSecretaryof young ladles christening thevessels B ofthe Newport News Shipbuilding and

    Company on sideAfter the a magnificent banquot was served


    TitOrt lllaellee

    to see







    Herbert toad one side



    ore ertles





    Oinaral Oed to Oomphlollooary ArraD m ati

    SAt FBAKCISCO Oot 19 GeneralManuel COlin who departed with Gen-eral Ezeta to conquer Salvador has re-turned to town He says he will one

    Paolflo Mall company for damages-for putting him off steamer at

    Culn says he has returnedtore to organisation ofEzotai army and that MNow Orleans at once to oharter shipto take troops to Salvador

    k I

    to Cast the Bnmerlo Ba-Mo hu bean chartered and li al-

    WaruJoa Be believes that the proddent ot Salvador will capitulate u soonM he realizes thatagalnithim ne

    8 y Enf land Is With 0-Loirootr Oct Weitminstef

    Gazette upon A diipatohNew York deol r

    wit that a joint refusal of the Europeanpowers to accept the Monroe doctrineu to the Marquis ot Sal

    nosuohThe Monroe doctrine U a mat

    ter entirely between the old countryand the States and it timeever comes for Groat Britain to takesides on the we shall stand withthe Americans and not against them

    EAKBAS CITY Oct 3L Thegrandjury of Ray county at Richmond henreturned four Indictments against Dr

    W Fraker who If accused ofswindling life insurance companiesThree ol the Indictments an at-tempt to obtain money under false protenses The an attempt

    fraudulent representationsand defraud

    Tb lUporl DtoUdST PACT Oct 19 A P Plough

    vice president and general manager oftho St Paul and Dalnth railroad wasseen by the Associated Press represen-tative to thehad been appointed general ofthe of Georgia anddenied It flatly

    Vtl Dol With StatorsDEliVER Oct 81 Chailei Rose la

    dead and James Girard is dying atWatkins 91 mUes out of Denver as aresult of a duel with razors Both menwore employed as section hands on theUnion There had bena feud of tong standing between them

    Want to lllnrn tb StagLodySholto

    Douglass the variety actress who mar-ried son of the Marquis

    wants to return toShe has written a letter to a

    local theatrical manager asking an engagement as a Variety actress

    Foitmuttri AppolnUd-WASnwOTOM Oct 91 Tko president

    has appointed the following postmas-ters South Carolina Anderson MPTrlbble llllnoU 7King Wil-liam K Taller Three Oaks MaggieBrcece-

    n Tf Sly Lou la N w OrUmnOct 19 Fire Juts de-

    stroyed the National Rice mill on Ely-sian Field street had fourbuildings The low U estimated at

    200000 fully covered insuranceThe IOM Included W000 worth of rice

    Cnbuni Otitray TowNEW YORK Oct 19 A special to

    Tke Herald from Key Wet Flo saysInformation has been received In Ha-vana mat Cubans kayo completelydestroyed Guantanamo

    WisninoTOK a E 0 Octbanks wfiloh

    Saturday Trill reorganizeresume In f w j

    Shores Duo



    Meanwhile Aooord

    are all


    to Times from

    bbarra Ind

    riter Jodltecr

    C ntr


    BaN FniNolaco Oat


    whit lteIII

    The VO





    not idlesteamer








    < <









    I Vritltis UK A XETTEKWrite me a dear old friend

    Say that you love me yet-I w you are true but

    Would that never forgetThe springs all budding scent

    The summers blossoming rhymeThe orchard talks

    walksIn the golden autumn time

    Write me a letter my dear old friendLeave out tho between

    enough-Which twixt us intervene

    Sing mo a of tho agoEn I knew the world could cheat

    That were so divinely sweet

    Write mo a letter dear old friend-I lovo moro and

    As further apart we drift dear heartAnd nearer other shore

    The dear old loves and tho dear old daysAre a balm to Ufos

    It is easy to bear the worry and caruIf the old friends loye

    Death of Mr Joseph MlntonJoseph D Mlnton died at his resi-

    dence at Harlem October 15th Pre-vious to his death Mr Mlnton had

    afternoon about 4oclock Mr was standing nearwhere another saw bad a treeand was cutting a near thetree when it flow over in a way tostrike Mr Minton on the head Thusin the twinkling of an eye without amoments he received a dead

    blow He lived lour but neverrecovered consciousness A sor-rowing family of six children and a

    arc to mourn their great losswhile a number ofand friends feel an Inexpressible sor

    tho loss of andThe funeral services wore

    held at tho Baptist Church conducted-by tho nastor Con way after which

    body was interred in the Harlemcemetery at Providence Church


    tltnt YQU


    wo nd

    The ways have rough and thorny

    Of moonlight gleams and fond nay

    been sawing logs for theflriu Friday








    Tho state Boatd of Agriculture InKansas takes a of the peopleonce every ten years midway betweentho years of tho Federal census Thocount of the inhabitants for 1805 showsthat the State has lost heavily duringthfl peat five years In 1800 the num-ber of pooplo was 1427000 now It isonly 1334608

    Qnlte nnumber of Palaika

    night I1

    A Card H E DickonsAs I bays asked how much

    In taking olo fujniii-Ing you lheMwBra s fjom ajlatka to Atlanta and return areno higher than via any otherand dives choice of three folliesfrom Jacksonville viz

    F C P and Southern leave Jack-sonville 730 a m ar

    545 a mDay train carries through coaches

    Second routo andTIfton loaves Jacksonville o n m and

    arrives Atlanta 8015 mand 745 a m through sleepers onnight train

    route via Jackionvlllo andSavannah Tickets sold at 1080 rate

    via Savannah Below are ratesvia above routes

    Sell Tuesdays and Thursdays goodfor ten days 8805 sell

    J T K W trains leaveat 445 a m and 4 p m connectingWith above trains

    Yours H E DICKENSTicket Agent Union Depot

    Dr Prices Cream Baking PowderWorld Hlghcit and DIploma

    FLORA PAD DAOK hasremoved her business to 110 JULIASTREET Jacksonville Fla where shehopes to Increase her stock All mallorders promptly executed





    1680Ti kctti pembcr 6 and 12

    and dally fromBepteWber 15 to Decem-ber 1C inclusive limited td Jan-uary 71890

    1230Tickets on sole dally from

    1C to December 10 Inoluslve limitedfor return twenty dart from dale oftale

    895Tickets on sale Tuesdays and Thurs

    days of earth week beRlnlng September10 and until December 241605 inclu-sive limited for return to ten days from

    G A MACDONALDPassenger Agent

    W E ROJIBIH8 Ticketk

    E OTKWABTCity Ticket Agent

    took In lJ402 at Monday



    e I II Stth

    r 1t

    and 620 mrlvo Atlllnw 880 m and

    train through sleepers

    620 m

    forround sell felT day good unlilJanuary 18U5 trip




    date of




    beeniA Iju-

    ndJnckso gfle fita1Ce


    days 81230



    Q MISS

    on e











    TKt Hil MnS Mn MMS M

    tow 6 rvm


    IkOe fr Mu e HIM to MJft



    New Florida Northern Air Line



    Stop 430p 820p 730 LvJ ckionTlll8Ar ItSOa 9Wp8I2 LV Yule Ja tVMArJ m riliiuLY 9Sa SlopOOOa B20na-

    esoa AT Augusta Q stopIit2a 325p nm I

    TOO Stop Charlotte 840a-847H BallsliurjrNO 7BO


    Atop 7421k WMliington11 SOSa I D41d

    a 2B alOaca miladelphU 720a liMpoaOttWJSa J 18 320p

    Elegant Through Day Coaches JackionvllU to Waililnitton on 37 sad 38



    LouUrille flashyule and Indianapolls

    730a 0MomLT JackionTllleArlO80ameta SUpm ArBv ett LT 743amloop 545am ArAtlantaLY normI 945am LTAtlanta

    I oopm Ar Chattanooga I

    200pm LvAtlantaAT

    I 7 20am Ar Cincinnati SOOnml

    I HOLLY SWINGS ROUTETo Bt Lcmlt Chicago SloufCltr

    No 38-

    OMpra IT JMktonvllle At 10 JOannLv Atlanta Lv aopn-

    xHOOnnlv Birmingham LY730pm LV Lv 720am

    m LT St Louis LT 730pnDubaque Lv 730um

    rullman Louis andJacksonville Sleepers orSioux butchange

    KANSAS CITY LINEJicluonrlllt to Holly Springs

    Springs to Kantai CityDAY COACH on No 88 IBEOUOII TO ATLANTA

    No 8S and 86tc anoctlon loaves Atlanta fttll OSOpmlL-Tll V Chattanooga antrlh at Chat j

    JackwnVIUd At 1030am-Ererett XT 743amAtlanta JT osopnt-

    I lOWamLY-1000amr r

    10 60pm 10 85am Af-1113am 1201pm-1088amtISBam iMpm-

    830pm132am pma 09am

    308am 389pm-

    4ibttn iMpm-609am7 am900am 618pm-

    060pm830am 429pm84 arae08am728am 811pm900am 710pm

    00pm 960am LV1186am At-

    1316am 13200am 134pm42tam830am


    Through OOpm

    to New Orleans 738am


    OaluttTllloCedar Key

    CltraBllror Springs


    Winter ParkBt Catherine





    Monti wllo-Tallahasste



    ArAT M 380pm-Ar 645amLr eooam 300pm

    4 HamJOtm 128pm


    loamsooum 745am

    720atn-1118pm 982am1043pm 910am

    9 lepml

    710am 930amBllam 340am434am

    140am1243am 139pm-1201am


    except Sunday Connection at Tampa for BU Manatee Hirer and KeyWest and steamen At Waldo for Melrose Connects Tallahassee for BtMarks Carabelle and Apalachlcola Connects at UlT r Junctlonfor Cuattahoocheo KlrSr teamen Connect at or

    All bargain will be chocked from Union Depot203 ai well a at the Union office

    J E MARSHALLTicket 20 West Bay ttreet corner Jacluonrille Fla-

    N 8 rENNINOTON Traffic tanager X 0 Gen raw Agent

    DlBesa commonly comett on with slight symptoms which whenneglected increase in gradually grow dangerousw Take RIPANS TABULES



    lTffi 1T Take RIPANS TABDLES-Hi iw-

    M Rlpans Tabulos act gently but promptly upon the liver stomachjji nod intestines system effectually cure dyspepsia

    constipation offensive breath One TABBLK takenM at of indigestion bIJIoUsness dizziness distress after jffl eating or depression of spirits will surely and intckly remojra theEl whola difficultym Tabulea are prepared from prescription widely used by il

    the and presented In the form most approved bVJ-U modern science

    It glVe a fair trial Rjpana Tabnlcs are an Infalllbtt cure boy eon r1 lain nothing Injurious and are un economical remedy H-

    ONE GIVES RELIEFH A quarter gross box will be sont postage paid on r c lptdf CO

    cents by Wv-

    I Ripans Chemical Q10 Street NWyo Ti

    They aro Easy to Take DOQt rVyBilL




    f7 1805

    i 1 f Rf of tl120pHOp



    1tBavannahSir mli5oa S40a jolt

    Htp AtFalrfaxB O SIIO1 a32p stOOp 1801 131Ca


    OOUBDAnyllleVa Slop 1IIrI II Va

    01 LfnchburVa alga338a 227p 1a3aIi I i-

    g IIII II



    i IJ j j

    M lIIIM 86 I I No-d




    2 Mam Ar Macon Lv 10 10nt 730pmTOOam loopnIIh


    II C

    only111 Ka India rC3 n er NO35

    totrn Sleepers to and from Irm1ng

    1000pm J2OantAretrillCeld Mo 610pm

    br r 7r r g19l

    fw z 9


    Starke iIII do C-iC m


    i1700amIII l1 1pml012lm1110pm



    748amo 700am I



    210401 o-

    fQ tMpm



    Tickets wilt be ao14AtthoCIt ticket oEco

    Alt nt





    It von COXltSXroIf IS ULOf or 0 TAnKle RUIN

    ALl nsI

    cleanse the i

    Rlp nebeet



    rywhr6 wUbupQqlek to dot ands Save


    r 1

    aehrwar1-Mrlliw wMVAalaa a mM two M

    e sou wrpaeaarer ra LMIA Mhtl ml ln

    NCR as aw ad-e S N p0 N IM-

    awaawNMw aa haawMraiA-




    f S ie Hi GpII44p T35a 5OOi-

    p 1843p 955ABruuswickLv glO5lp iI44a 55a Up

    Lr Savanna Ar0230atl B O I s via 14

    boo 255a u-o u8partanbutg S 0


    b 4-a FII4Oa12OOPb14ap i Ma


    oo u t


    Clings afl


    Ble trough ClCa 1


    earl tunerltory

    55 to y-t JaotuOn

    T 4aamp 12OOnaAridle Lv

    ham t isam Jv

    09 South aodayeskrlorlda antiy annUy Oileanr Daft nalqA

    pedam 5 m-I a9


    a Slim 12 2apm

    fro oeasa J938am








    m toy830

    e Rifer kPullman 4



    I y EDor









    r Spritco k1

    Iaoal druggtata jhalTabalealf requ atedudaounsay a e







