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Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 |...

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Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com 1 Fo Fo o o o Fo Fo F F Fo Fo F F F F F F Fo Fo F F Fo o F F Fo o F Fo F F Fo o o F F Fo o o o o F F Fo o o F F Fo o o o F F Fo o F Fo o o F F F Fo o ood d d d d o o od o o o o o od o o o o o o od o o o od o o o od o o o o o od d d d o o o o o od o o o o o o o od o o o o od d o o od d M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M k k k ak k a a a ak a a a a a a a a a a a ak k a a a ak k a a a a a ak k a a a ak k a a ak ak a a ak k a a a a ak k a a a a a ak k k a a a a a a ak k a a a ake e e e er er e er r er e e er er er r e e e e er r r r r e e e e e e er r r r r e e er er r r r r e e er r r r r e e er e er r e er r e e e e e e e s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s Ba B B B B B B Ba B Ba Ba B B B Ba Ba B B B B Ba a a a Ba Ba a a a B B B Ba a Ba a a a B Ba a a a a B Ba Ba a a Ba a a B B Ba a a a Ba a a a a B B Ba a a a a a B Ba Ba a a B Ba ake ke ke ke ke e e e ke ke ke e e e k ke er r r r y y y y y y r r y y y y ry r y y y y y y y r y y y y y y y y y y ry y y y y E E E E E Equ q q q qu qu qu qu u qu u u q q q qu u u qu u q q q q qu qu u u qu u u q q q qu qu u u u u q q q q q q qu u u u q q q q q q q q q qu u u u u q qu u u u u q qu u u u u u q q qu u ip ip ip ip ip p p p p p p ip ip ip p ip p p ip p p ip p p ip p p p p p p p p ip p p ip p p p p ip p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p m me m me me me m m m me e e e e e me e m me m m m me e e e e m m m me e e e e e m m m m me e e e e e m m m m m m me e e e e e e e e e m m m m me e e e e e e m m m m m me e m m m m me e e m m m m me e ent nt n n nt n n n n n n n nt t n n n n nt t n n n n n n nt t n n n n n n n nt t t nt n nt t n n n nt t t n n nt t n n nt 62 62 62 62 62 2 62 62 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 62 2 62 62 62 62 2 2 6 6 6 62 2 2 62 62 2 2 6 6 62 2 2 2 2 2 6 62 2 2 2 6 6 62 2 26- 6- 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - - - 6 6 6 6 6 - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 35 35 35 3 3 3 3 3 35 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 35 3 3 35 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 35 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 35 5 5 3 3 35 3 35 35 5 58- 8 8- 8 8- 8- 8 8 - 8 1 13 13 3 3 13 3 3 13 13 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 34 4 4 4 43 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 43 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 43 3 4 4 43 4 4 43 4 43 3 43 4 4 4 43 4 4 4 4 4 43 4 43 3 4 4 43 3 3 3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | w w w w ww ww ww ww ww ww w w w w ww w w ww w w w w w w w w w w ww ww w w w w w w ww ww w w w w w w w w ww w w w w w w w w w w ww w w w w w w w w w w w ww w w w w w w w ww w ww w w w w w w w. w. w w w w w. w. w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w F FM FM M M M F F F FM M M F FM M F F F F F FM M F F F F FM M F F F F FM M FM F F F FM M M M M M M M F F F F F FM M F F F FM FM F BE BE BE B BE BE E E E E E B BE E E E E E B B B B B B BE BE E E B B B BE B B B B BE BE E B B B BE E B BE E E E E E E.c .c c c c c c c .c c c c c c c c c c . .c c c c c .c c c c .c c c c com o o om m om om o o o o o om m o o o o o om m m om o om o om m m m m m m om m m m om om om m m m m m o o o om m m m m o o o o o om m m 1
Page 1: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com 1FoFooooFoFoFFFoFoFFFFFFFoFoFFFooFFFooFFoFFFoooFFFoooooFFFoooFFFooooFFFooFFoooFFFFoooodddddooodoooooodooooooodoooodoooodooooooddddoooooodoooooooodoooooddooodd MMMMMMMMM MMMMMM M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM kkkakkaaaakaaaaaaaaaaaakkaaaakkaaaaaakkaaaakkaaakakaaakkaaaaakkaaaaaakkkaaaaaaakkaaaakeeeeerereerrereeerererreeeeerrrrreeeeeeerrrrreeererrrrreeerrrrreeereerreerreeeeeee sssssss sssss sssssss sssssssssssssssssssssss BaBBBBBBBaBBaBaBBBBaBaBBBBBaaaaBaBaaaaBBBBaaBaaaaBBaaaaaBBaBaaaBaaaBBBaaaaBaaaaaBBBaaaaaaBBaBaaaBBaakekekekekeeeekekekeeeekkeerrrrryyyyyyrrryyyyryrryyyyyyyrryyyyyyyyyyryyyyyy EEEEE Equqqqququququuquuuqqqquuuquuqqqqququuuquuuqqqququuuuuqqqqqqquuuuqqqqqqqqqquuuuuqquuuuuqquuuuuuqqquuqqqqqqq ipipipipipppppppipipippipppipppipppipppppppppipppipppppipppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppmmemmemememmmmeeeeeemeemmemmmmeeeeemmmmeeeeeemmmmmeeeeeemmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeemmmmmeeeeeeemmmmmmeemmmmmeeemmmmmeeentntnnntnnnnnnnnttnnnnnttnnnnnnnttnnnnnnnntttntnnttnnnntttnnnttnnnt 6262626262262622222666666622626262622266662226262226662222226622226662226-6-666666666---66666-6666666666666666666 3535353333335555555335333555555333335555533333555333533535558-88-88-8-88-8 11313331333131333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333344444333333344433333333444334443444344334344443444444344334443333 || | ||||||||||| | |||| wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.w.wwwww.w.wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww FFMFMMMMFFFFMMMFFMMFFFFFFMMFFFFFMMFFFFFMMFMFFFFMMMMMMMMFFFFFFMMFFFFMFMF BEBEBEBBEBEEEEEEBBEEEEEEBBBBBBBEBEEEBBBBEBBBBBEBEEBBBBEEBBEEEEEEE.c.ccccccc.cccccccccc..ccccc.cccc.cccccomooommomomoooooommoooooommmomoomoommmmmmmommmmomomommmmmmoooommmmmoooooommm 1

Page 2: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

Order our optional double welds on all slides for superior strength and we willguarantee these welds for life. Imagine…a rack with no broken welds…ever !

Lastly our industrial base plate design takes all the weight off the welds, making this a LIFETIME rack frame…no broken welds ever…nothing else compares.

The second installment in our HEAVY DUTY LINE OF RACKS is our industrial, oversized red casters. Our 5”x 2” cansupport 750 lbs. per Caster. It is this strength that keeps our rack rolling.

We believe in building a quality product that will outlast and out perform any other rolling stock on the market.

Our expertise in all aspects of the baking industry gives us special insight into your needs.

It’s the high standard and work ethic of our team members that have made our company an industry leader for over 30 years.

Located in the city of Irwindale in Los Angeles. Our 60,000 square foot plant offers a full range of services to meet the needs of today’s baker.

Make a smart investment in the company that knows this industry from the inside out.

Signs of a low quality rack:����� ������������� ����������� ������������������������������ ��������������������� ��������

JUST SAY NOto cheap frames and casters.

We Guarantee: ��������� ���������������������������������������

ality rack:�������� ��������

nd casters.

Page 3: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com 5

Shown HereSPE-203


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��)�����*�������������������+�� Aluminum Construction

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��*;��������(��< �������=����������>��� ���� Your Needs

10 Slides

15 Slides

20 Slides

$ 258

$ 291

$ 321

$ 232$ 262$ 289


10 Slides

15 Slides

20 Slides

$ 302

$ 347

$ 392

$ 272$ 312$ 352


AAllll SSttaannddaarrddd RRRaaaccckkksss IIInnncccllluuudddeee TTThhheessee EEExxcceepptttiiioonnaalll FFFeeaattuurreess::

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Industrial Red Casters,3000 lb. Load Capacity


626 358 1343 | www F



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Upgrade Option:Add These Options For Increased Durability*���>��"�:��;��+ �������������������

Double Welded14-Gauge SlideTray Guard

- Add $1.00 Per Set Of Slides- Add $2.00 Per Set Of Slides- Add $20.00

$ 272$$$ 22272


Shown HereSPE-203-HD

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��� ����/����+ ��9&:� ��;�#�(������ :����� Base Plate System

4” Spacing

5” Spacing

6” Spacing

$ 606

$ 573

$ 539

$ 545$ 515$ 485

Reg.Stainless$ 545$ 4545

50 Percent Thicker Tubing 3600 Lbs. Load Capacity


Page 4: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

6 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com 7

Shown HereDO-125-LBC



10 Slides

12 Slides

15 Slides

20 Slides

$ 472

$ 494

$ 529

$ 583

$ 425

$ 445

$ 475

$ 505


>� ������ ��������(������ :�����#��������Base Plate Foundation

'��������^�����[���9����Of Maintenance AND LESS NOISE!

�� *;��������������������[���>��<����G�� ����J������:�And Foreign Ovens – LBC, Revent, Lucks, Baxter, Bakers Aid And More

�� ]��>����+;���������������/��>��>��]���#�Long Life - Easy Maintenance

�� Heavy Duty Base Plate Design Makes This A Lifetime Frame

�� Call For Other Spacing, Special Needs Or Custom Designs

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Consider These Upgrades:For Increased Durability And To Receive + �������������������

Double Welded - Add $2.00 Per Set Of Slides14-Gauge Slide - Add $2.50 Per Set Of Slides

Food Makers Bakery Equipment



�������)����� :�����+�������������� Air-Flow Over Traditional Slides


��*;��������������������[���>��<����Popular Domestic And Foreign Ovens - LBC, Revent, Lucks, Baxter, Bakers Aid And More

��]��;��J ��������G�����J���� Makes This A Lifetime Frame

��]��>����+;���������������/��To The Heat, Long Life And Easy Maintenance

56 Pan Capacity

$ 875 $ 787Reg.

Shown HereDOW-28-B ���������������������������� !"��#�

A Type Lift* B Type Lift C Type Lift

Don’t See Your Lift Type?:Our Manufacturing Department Can Design And Duplicate Any Lifter Type Not Common In The (�� ����Z�W� �J�����(�#���`���<����(�Z�)����/�

$ 787$ 787

Page 5: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com 9

26” x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62Reg.

Shown HereWire Shelf 8S4355

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(Rolling Rack And PansNot Included)

Shown HereSOWE-36-RC

A Type Lift B Type Lift C Type Lift

Standard Or Custom Lifters Are No Problem For Our Manufacturing Team

Shown HereDO-154-B-1465DW

Shown HereDOE-25225-B-RF

Shown HereDO-154H-RADW

Shown HereSDOE-125-RC

Shown HereDO-6875TC

Shown HereDO-13425RC38TG2H

Shown HereSOE-134-A-MB



$ 62$ 622

Page 6: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

$� Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com 11

Shown HereSPDS-203TC

Shown HereSPS-24384TC

12 Slide - Double $ 476 $ 430Reg.SPDS-125TC


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12 SlidSPDS-SP

Shown HereSPDS-203ZB

Red Heavy Duty Casters Offer 3000 lbs. �����)���:����*����������>��������



CCCCaaaallllllll FFFFFoooorrrr PPPPPrrrriiiiicccciiiiinnnggg

CCCCaaaallllllll FFFFFoooorrrr PPPPPrrrriiiiicccciiiiinnngggCCCCaaaallllllll FFFFFoooorrrr PPPPPrrrriiiiicccciiiiinnnggg

Shown HereSPS-24384TCCCaallll FFFoorr PPPrriiicciiing







$ 430$ 4300

Page 7: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

Shown HereSPE-203N

15 Slides

20 Slides

$ 358$ 406

$ 322$ 365



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��(�:� ����*���>�����������Q���+��>�����������Nesting Rack

Shown HereAPEC-40N

36 Pan Capacity

40 Pan Capacity

$ 394

$ 422

$ 355

$ 380


Designed To Save YouValuable Floor Space

$ 355$ 35355

3222$ 3$ 33$$ 3 2222




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��'()�!�*�%(��%+: Powder Coat Finish Available In A Variety Of Colors To Match Your Décor

7 Slides

10 Slides

12 Slides

$ 224

$ 244

$ 270

$ 201$ 220$ 243


Shown HereAPSD-7 (Trays not included)

Shown HereSCR6-2472

�������)������"�:��9�� ����>���)������*���Flows Evenly Around Loaves

��]����������>���������+��>�������*���Prevents Over Baking

��9&���������"���(�� ������ Casters Ensure Smooth, Safe Transport



24” x 60” - 6 Shelves

24” x 72” - 6 Shelves$ 954

$ 998$ 709$ 749



Shown HeerereSCR6-2472



$ 709$ 7099$ 749$ 749749


$ 201$ 2011

$ 709$ 7099




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Page 8: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

14 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com 15

Shown HereAPEC-40

��)�������������]����>���G����9�:Z Doubling Your Pan Capacity In Less Space Up To 40 Pans In A Rack

��*���������#�>� �*� ��� ��[����

��(������ :�����������G�����(��� ����>���������� And Outlast Any Other Rack

��(�� �������]��;��J ���"���Casters Can Support Up To 3000 lbs. And Its Polyurethane���������G��;����*�������"����>������`� Damage Your Floors

36 Pan Capacity

40 Pan Capacity

$ 370

$ 458

$ 333

$ 412


Shown HereSWPE-20

20 Slides Aluminum Frame

20 Slides Stainless Frame

36 Slides Aluminum Frame

36 Slides Stainless Frame

$ 361

$ 390

$ 457

$ 482

$ 325$ 351$ 411$ 434


��Superior Performance For Cooling And Freezing

��������J����>������� ����$��[�����

�������)����� :�����+�������������� Air-Flow Over Traditional Slides

��� ������#�������������G�����*�� Industrial Casters Are Standard



$ 333$ 3333

$ 325$ 3225

Page 9: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

16 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com 17

Shown HereAPR-6

6 Shelves (Aluminum)

6 Shelves (Stainless)

$ 425

$ 525

$ 383

$ 473


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��/����:���)����� :�������/����$���<��� Metal Than Other Brands

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24 Pan Capacity

40 Pan Capacity

44 Pan Xtra Tall

$ 455

$ 583

$ 637

$ 410$ 525$ 573


Shown HereTC-44

Shown HereTC-24Shown Here


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��*;��������(������j�����+��) �����+�����>��Your Requirements

Shhowown Here Shown Here

Shown HereSPR6-05-NG



Page 10: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com 19

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Shown HereSSPD-48H

36” High Handle

48” High Handle

$ 265

$ 276

$ 249$ 259


48” High Handle $ 322 $ 289Reg.

Shown HereSSPD

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$ 200 $ 180Reg.

��� ����������[�&���]������[���9�����Maneuvering


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Shown HereSSPDBL-48H

(Trays not included.)

Shown HereSSPDBL-3036572H

Shown HereSSPD-192960H

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��9���������#�9&���������"���)������ Roll Effortlessly


��������������G�����[����� ��� Transportation

��) �����J������[���/��X ��G�� Shapes Available

60” High Handle

72” High Handle

$ 308$ 408

Shown HereSSPD-202948-GB

Shown HereSSPD-60-SB

�������������[���"������:��������)�;����������� Non-Nesting Pans Stacked

��� ����������[�&���]������[���9����Maneuvering

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48” High Handle

60” High Handle

$ 419$ 429$ 4 9$ 4 9

$ 180$ 181800

49$ 249$ 4942$$ 249

$ 308$ 308

$ 289$ 2899

Page 11: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com �$

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Shown HereSSPC

$ 288 $ 259Reg.

(Trays not included)

Shown HereSSC-1TCH-SE

Shown HereSTM-282820-15

��(�:�������9�Q:���:�����G��:���G��� :� On Pans Directly.

��[� ��������������G�����������9;������ Up On Top From Falling Over



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$ 277

$ 769

$ 664 $ 597Reg.

Shown HereSUC-2858-HD8 Bread Strap Cart / Flat Bed Utility Cart

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��]��;��J �������� ����All Stainless Steel Construction

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��(�:� ����>���[������ ����J ���"����� Casters And Two Rear Swivel Super Duty Plate Casters

��G����:��[���<�;���G���#�����+� Ingredients, Boxes And More

$ 805 $ 725Reg.

Shown HereSUCS-2858-HD8

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Shown HereSUCS-2858

$ 597$ 59977$ 259$ 2599

$ 277277$ 7777$ 2$ 277

$ 769$ 769

$ 725$ 725725

Page 12: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

�� Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com �,

Shown HereSIB-1

$ 481 $ 433Reg.

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��[������������������G���Z�)������<���Q��� To Fit Your Bread Pans

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��(�:� ����>���[������ ����J ���"����Casters And Two Rear Swivel Super Duty Plate Casters

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��[�����<������������\�%�>���Z�)����/��[�� Customized Options

Shown HSIB-1


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Shown HereSSPD-2228-SB $ 510 $ 459


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��%�����& 5” x 2” Industrial Heavy Duty Casters For Mobility

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Our Tube Their Tube

$ 433$ 433

$ 459$ 454599Reg.


$ 457

$ 411

$ 507

$ 456

Shown HereSDR-5-2460



Shown Here: 24” x 60” with Casters

Page 13: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

�- Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com �.

*Complete Unit Cart Bin(s) S/S Lid

$ 516$ 212$ 64$ 47

$ 465$ 190$ 58$ 42



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��J �������������[�����)����+� Smooth-Moving Casters

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Food Maker

Shown HereSIB-3-Complete CUSTOM SIZING


*Complete Unit Cart Tub

$ 430$ 225$ 205

$ 388$ 203$ 185


Shown HereSDC-3025-TUB

Shown HereSDC-3025-HDC

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AAAvvvaaaiiilllaaabbbllleee SSSeeepppaaarraattteelllyy OOOrrAAAss AAA CCCoommppllleetttee UUnniitt

Shown Here8S4356

Page 14: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

�/ Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com

Shown HereSTHSD-2496-2

Page 15: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com �0

DDDoouugghhh PPrreepp//TTrraannssiitt

Shown HereSTMTB-487234-M

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������#�G��� �������� ���:��]���� Up To Dough Cutting Abuse

��G�������#�"���(�� �������)������ Make Maneuvering Easy

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��"���;������ ����������)������ Soft Ciabatta-Type Doughs

Shown HereST-3672-2

��>��<����J ������>�����(��>��(�� ���� Made Tough For Daily Production

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CCCaaaallllllll FFFFoooorrr PPPPrrriiiiccciiiinnngggg

2” Tubing Makes Our Tables<����"��������{��������Over The Industry Standard Of 1” Inch Tubing Shown Here


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Shown HereWTSF-3672-2

SSStttaaiiinnllleessss SSSttteeeeeelll SSSlllliiiiddddiiinnggg DDDrraawweerr((((ss))))

Massive 2 Inch Tubing Makes This Table The Strongest, Most Durable Table Ever Made

�������#�J ������*���������)����� :����

��/�����>��>�����������+ ��J�����������Drawer Hidden And Unobtrusive


��+;��������j�������%������&����%�]��&�'\%�J��� Shown HereWTSFM2D-3072

�<���������[���]� + �� ��Production Areas

Shown HereSTM2D-3672

Pricing Available In Previous Chart

Page 16: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

Food Makers Bakery Equipment custom manufactures racks, dough bins, rolling stock, panning carts, tables, and many different types of conveyors.

����;���;����������������&������:����������������� ����������:���������� ����custom products out of stainless steel and aluminum to meet your custom needs.

� ���������������+ �Cooling RackSPE-675P/PI

Round TrayOven Rack


G��������Stainless Steel RackSSPWR-28325/3




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Custom: Request To Have This G��� :��*�������(��>������W� �����Z�]���#�����#��

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����������������������+ ��Products. Add The Double

�������+�����#����� ��������Our Rack For LIFE.

<����(��*����:������J��`��+ ��� �:��+ ������Z�9;����

Piece Of Equipment Displayed Is Made By Us.

Mobile Cutting Board TopPrep Table


Heavy Duty 2 Inch Shelving


Mobile MediumPrep Table


Our Rack For LIFE.

Heavy Duty 2 Inch���;�����������ASR-3-244866

3 Tier SlantedCart


Mini Stainless SteelTray Rack


Heavy Duty Stainless Steelw/ Over-shelfSTOS-3096

Stainless Steel Table w/ DrawerST25D-306035

� ��� ���� ����� + � Mini Stainless SteelTray Rack

Stainless Steel Table w/ DrawerST25D 306035

Page 17: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

Tough, Industrial, High~ ������)������[��������

{�G���Q�Z�*;��������(��Three Caster Plate Sizes

���������������j���Small, Medium, Large��$��%�]����\%�����

��'��������^�����*���*�� ���

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Part# 8P1330

Part# 8P1332





EEvveerryyytthhiinnggg YYoouu NNeeeeddTo Maintain Your Oven Casters

$ 5.95

$ 1.50$ 1.99 $ 9.50


SUPER DUTY"(�(J�)*�>9"






Part# 8P1310

Part# 8P1318

Part# 8P1307



$ 14.95 ea.

Industrial Strength Caster����������G��� ������������>������`��Damage Your Floors

������������������j��Large Only


������������^�����[�� Easy Maintenance

�����750 lbs. Load Capacity Per Caster

$ 14.95 ea.

Exclusive Design Stem Caster'��%������*����%�&���%��X ����[�����


���500 lbs. Load Capacity Per Caster

$ 12.95 ea.

$ 11.95 ea.

� ����[���<�������������)���:���'��%������*����%�&���%��X ����[�����


���250 lbs. Load Capacity Per Caster

$ 11.95 ea.


����������������j���(8P1318: Large) (8p1307: Small)


���250 lbs. Load Capacity Per Caster


Part# 8P1373 Part# 8P1374



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���1250 lbs. Load Capacity Per Caster


������ ��j�� � �% & \ �%

$ 36.95 ea.

� ������������)���:����)������[���9&�����������Z�������)������������]����G����:��Floors From Damage

Home To The Strongest, Durable, Most Well Built Casters


g , ,

Page 18: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

,- Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com ,.,- Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com

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We Have Over A 10,000 Parts Available Online

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Bread, Bagel, Pastry EquipmentAnd Much More!

Offering Only The Best!

Official Distributor

Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com ,.

All Our Machines Are Rebuilt>��}���<�:�������:�Q:�������

��*���}���G����� ��*���}���9��:���:����������������� ����� ���/��"������������ ��]����>��G��:��+��}��

Shown HereAMF 340 GlenSpiral MixerFMBE#13864

Test Bake Your Products In Our Baking Center Today

SShS own AMF 3Spiral FMBE#

Page 19: Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | … · 8 Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | 9 26”x 40” Shelf $ 69 $ 62 Reg. Shown

,/ Food Makers Bakery Equipment 626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com,/ FoFF od Maka ers BaBaakekeeeryryryy EE quipppmeeentnt 6626-3358-13343434 | || wwwwwwwww.FMBE.comom


626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com626-358-1343 | www.FMBE.com

See It All For YourselfVisit Our 60,000 sq. ft. Facility


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