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for the 21 st Century ! - Langues Vivantes · – Learn about Apple and apply for a job – Write a...

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for the 21 st Century ! Challenges Sous la direction d’Yves COSTA Inspecteur de l’Éducation nationale Sophie SEBAH Professeure agrégée Lycée Audiberti, Antibes N I V E A U C E C R L B2 Teacher’s Book

for the 21st Century!Challenges

Sous la direction d’Yves COSTAInspecteur de l’Éducation nationale

Sophie SEBAHProfesseure agrégéeLycée Audiberti, Antibes



Teacher’s Book

Couverture et maquette : Courant d’idéesRéalisation : Courant d’idées


© Hachette Livre 2012, 43 quai de Grenelle, 75905 Paris Cedex 15ISBN : 978-2-01-180850-9

Tous droits de traduction, de reproduction et d’adaptation réservés pour tous pays.

Le Code de la propriété intellectuelle n’autorisant, aux termes des articles L. 122-4 et L. 122-5, d’une part, que les « copies ou reproductions strictement réser vées à l’usage privé du copiste et non destinées à une utilisation collective » et, d’autre part, que « les analyses et les courtes citations » dans un but d’exemple et d’illustration, « toute représen tation ou reproduction intégrale ou partielle, faite sans le consentement de l’auteur ou de ses ayants droit ou ayants cause, est illicite ».Cette représentation ou reproduction, par quelque procédé que ce soit, sans autorisation de l’éditeur ou du Centre français de l’exploitation du droit de copie (20, rue des Grands-Augustins, 75006 Paris), constituerait donc une contrefaçon sanctionnée par les articles 425 et suivants du Code pénal.



Challenges for the 21st Century (C21) propose une mise en œuvre des instructions officielles sur l’enseignement des langues vivantes pour les baccalauréats STD2A, STI2D et STL rénovés, basée sur les approches pédagogiques et organisationnelles de l’enseignement de l’anglais préconisées par le cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL). Il vise le niveau B2 du CECRL.Avec ce nouveau manuel, vous pourrez découvrir le monde et ses habitants, mais aussi les technologies et les sciences qui forment la base des études de vos élèves. Vous allez ainsi préparer le baccalauréat dans les meilleures conditions, mais aussi aider vos élèves à acquérir des données et des méthodes qui leur serviront pour la suite de leurs études et dans leur vie professionnelle.

Approches pédagogiques et méthodologiquesChallenges for the 21st Century vous permet de travailler par compétence. Chaque partie peut être travaillée séparément à l’oral (page gauche) et à l’écrit (page droite). Un parcours complet demande en moyenne sept séances de travail. Vous pouvez alterner les parcours avec un(e) collègue, ou mixer les parcours.Chaque parcours se divise en deux temps : l’acquisition de données (parties 1, 2, 3 et 4) et leur appro-priation dans un débat, un écrit et un projet à réaliser (parties 5,6 et 8).Chaque parcours permet ainsi un réel travail de développement des compétences, plus encadré d’abord, plus libre et ouvert par la suite.Les sept premiers Challenges sont tous orientés vers un domaine scientifique et/ou technologique et mettent en œuvre les quatre grandes notions inscrites au programme officiel.Vous pouvez associer les professeurs des disciplines correspondantes, notamment dans les pages Science & Technology et pour la réalisation du projet. Nous avons en effet voulu prendre en compte les instructions officielles et vous donner un support pour assurer l’heure prévue en équipe avec le professeur de spécialité.Enfin, le dernier Challenge est une réflexion sur l’utilisation des progrès que science et technologie permettent à l’homme d’accomplir.

Challenges for the 21st Century est un manuel qui vous propose :− la découverte par un groupe de copains fous de science et de technologie, installés aux quatre

coins du monde (C21, c’est leur référence), de pays et de villes du monde anglo-saxon et/ou anglo-phone (Destination). Votre élève (vos élèves), c’est, symboliquement, Frenchy, le surnom donné par les autres membres du groupe à leur ami Français. Ces amis correspondent via un réseau social (d’où le message initial On the wall qui rappelle Facebook aux initiés). Ils servent de déclencheurs et d’accompagnateurs de chaque visite. Ils servent aussi à donner la réplique à Frenchy dans de nombreuses interactions orales ;

− la pratique intensive d’une langue au quotidien pour comprendre et se faire comprendre en anglais partout et dans toutes les circonstances (Survival Kit) ;

− une approche sociétale de la science et de la technologie (People & Society) ;− une découverte pratique de la science et de la technologie à travers des thèmes d’actualité (Science

& Technology) ;− un entraînement systématique au débat et à l’écriture sur les points étudiés (The Debating Society

et The Writing Workshop) ;− un projet à développer dès le début de chaque Challenge (Taking up the Challenge).



Chaque Challenge comprend en outre :− un appui grammatical et lexical. Le glossaire est thématique. Il est introduit par une information sur la

technologie ou la science rencontrée dans le Challenge et accompagné d’exercices. Vous trouverez également à la rubrique Clevernet des adresses Internet très utiles pour un travail de recherche en autonomie ;

− un entraînement systématique guidé aux épreuves du baccalauréat ;− des sujets de bac blanc pour accompagner et évaluer la progression des élèves. Ces sujets sont

calibrés au format examen (épreuves orales et écrites en temps réel).

Enfin, au fil des pages, des renvois vers des Worksheets, supports de travail qui complètent et appro-fondissent le travail proposé dans le manuel. Dix-neuf Worksheets sont répartis sur l’ensemble du livre. À utiliser en collectif ou dans le cadre d’une pédagogie individualisée et à retrouver dans le Teacher’s Kit ainsi que dans le manuel numérique enrichi.

Un livre du professeur vous accompagne dans la construction de votre cours. Selon vos préférences pédagogiques et le temps dont vous disposez :− définissez votre approche personnelle à partir des documents et exercices proposés ;− suivez la progression qui vous est proposée. Elle a été étudiée pour que chaque activité et apprentis-

sage s’enchaînent logiquement ;− suivez une progression un peu différente que nous vous proposons pour varier les approches.Vous y trouverez aussi les scripts des ressources audio, les corrigés des exercices et des sujets de bac.

Certaines parties du cours n’ont pas donné lieu à des développements particuliers.Les consignes données dans le livre de l’élève sont suffisamment claires. Il s’agit de :− Your Survival Kit : deux pages destinées à l’acquisition et/ou à la pratique de l’anglais de tous les

jours dans des situations de la vie quotidienne. La mise en œuvre pédagogique s’effectue en quatre temps : 1. Mise en contexte (Get into the situation), 2. Observation (Listen and note/Observe and note), 3. Entraînement (Listen/Observe and practise), 4. Réalisation de la tâche (Your Turn).

− The Language Challenge. Ce complément comporte une partie orale et une partie plus tournée vers l’écrit. La partie orale constitue un entraînement à la prononciation. Elle est idéale pour l’utilisation en laboratoire de langue. Elle peut également être travaillée de façon individuelle. Tous les exercices de prononciation sont enregistrés.

− Your Passport to the Exam. C’est un entraînement guidé à l’examen : sujets, conseils, stratégies et exercices. Grâce à cet outil sur lequel vous apposerez, ou non, votre « visa », chaque élève pourra suivre ses progrès vers la réussite à l’épreuve d’anglais du baccalauréat.

Les auteursYves COSTA et Sophie SEBAH



CHALLENGE 1 7Destination 8YourSurvivalKit 10People&Society 11Science&Technology 14TheDebatingSociety 17TheWritingWorkshop 18TheLanguageChallenge 19TakinguptheChallenge 21YourPassporttotheExam 22

CHALLENGE 2 23Destination 24YourSurvivalKit 26People&Society 27Science&Technology 30TheDebatingSociety 33TheWritingWorkshop 34TheLanguageChallenge 35TakinguptheChallenge 36YourPassporttotheExam 37

CHALLENGE 3 39Destination 40YourSurvivalKit 42People&Society 43Science&Technology 46TheDebatingSociety 49TheWritingWorkshop 51TheLanguageChallenge 52TakinguptheChallenge 53YourPassporttotheExam 54

CHALLENGE 4 55Destination 56YourSurvivalKit 58People&Society 59Science&Technology 62TheDebatingSociety 65TheWritingWorkshop 67TheLanguageChallenge 68TakinguptheChallenge 69YourPassporttotheExam 70

CHALLENGE 5 71Destination 72YourSurvivalKit 74People&Society 76Science&Technology 79TheDebatingSociety 82TheWritingWorkshop 83TheLanguageChallenge 84TakinguptheChallenge 85YourPassporttotheExam 86

CHALLENGE 6 87Destination 88YourSurvivalKit 90People&Society 91Science&Technology 94TheDebatingSociety 97TheWritingWorkshop 98TheLanguageChallenge 99TakinguptheChallenge 101YourPassporttotheExam 102

CHALLENGE 7 103Destination 104YourSurvivalKit 106People&Society 108Science&Technology 111TheDebatingSociety 113TheWritingWorkshop 114TheLanguageChallenge 115TakinguptheChallenge 116YourPassporttotheExam 117

CHALLENGE 8 119Destination 120YourSurvivalKit 122People&Society 123Science&Technology 126TheDebatingSociety 129TheWritingWorkshop 131TheLanguageChallenge 132TakinguptheChallenge 133YourPassporttotheExam 133

Sujets Bac 135Word Skills 143

Bring The World Closer San Francisco




Bring the World Closer10-27

San Francisco,

USA 12-13

Information Technology

Devise a new application for smartphones


L’idée de progrès

Systèmes d’information et numériques Démarche créative

Oral course Written course

Everyday EnglishSurvival Kit 14-15 Asking the way Choosing and booking accommodation

TASKSPeople and Society 16-17Science and Technology 18-19

– Support a candidate– Learn about Apple and apply for a job

– Write a report– Write questions

RULES OF THE DEBATEDebating Society 20

– Conducting a debate– Developing an argument

WRITTEN GENREWriting Workshop 21

EssayStructuring an essay

STRATEGIES–The Language Challenge 22-23

–Your Passport to the Exam 25-27

– Understanding Americans speaking at high speed

– Understanding an argumentative speech

– Understanding unknown words– Finding the main topic of a text– Finding synonyms– Writing an introduction and a conclusion

to an essay

WORDS 22-23 Dates and numbers Dates and numbers

FAQGrammar files 23

– Articles and prepositions– Modals

La séquence en un clin d’œilCeChallengevouspermetdefairedécouvrirlestechnologies de la communication (IT)dansunedesvillesemblématiquesdesÉtats-Unisparlaconcentrationd’entreprisessursonterritoire,enparticulierdanslaSiliconValley.CommepourchacundesChallenges,vousaurezicilapossibilitédetravaillerl’oralseul,l’écritseuloudemixerlesdeuxcompétences.Chacuneestautonome,maischacunevientaussirenforcerl’autreparlacomplémentaritédesthèmes,desstructuresetduvocabulaire.DanscepremierChallenge,vousallezfairedécouvrirauxélèveslestechnologiesdelacommunication,àtraverslesoutilstechnologiqueslesplussophistiqués,maisaussilesréseauxsociaux.Vousallezrencon-trerlesplusgrands–deshérosmodernes ?–telsSteveJobs,vousconfronteràlaréalitédespécificationstechniques,débattredel’intérêtdessmartphonesetautrestablettesdanslessallesdeclasse,réfléchiretécriresurlerôledesréseauxsociauxdansnotresociétéetenfinmettretouscesélémentsauservicedelacréativitéetdel’innovationchezvosélèvesgrâceàlacréationd’uneapplicationpoursmartphone(Taking up the Challenge).Enmêmetemps,vousferezdécouvrirSanFranciscoetlesÉtats-Unisàvosélèvesetleurdonnerezlesmoyensdes’exprimerauquotidiendansunelangueanglaisedetouslesjours.

Lexique, définitions et Clevernet, p170-171



San Francisco 7




La séance en un clin d’œilCettepagevouspermetd’introduirelethèmetechnologiquedelaséquence,puisl’objettechnologique,lesmartphoneetsesutilisations.Tournéeversl’écrit,cetteleçonpeutcependantsetraitersurunmodemixte.

Objectifs de la séance–Découvrirlestechnologiesdel’informationenchiffres.–Prendreconnaissanceduprojetàréaliser.–Entraîneràlacompréhensiondedonnéesstatistiquesetchiffrées. WORDS P. 22-23

Construire le cours–Faiteslequiz(exercice9)etutilisezlacorrectionpouréchangeroralementaveclesélèvessurlessmartphones

(quienpossèdeun,quelsavantagesparrapportàuntéléphoneclassique…?).–Introduisezlemotapplicationetdemandezauxélèvescequ’ilsontsurleurtéléphone.–FaiteslirelacitationdeSteveJobs.Assurez-vousqu’elleestbiencomprise.–FaitesécrireauxélèvestouteslesITqu’ilsconnaissent(software et hardware).


–Vouspourrezensuitereveniràl’affirmationdeStevejobs“Things don’t have to change the world”,endébattreaveceuxàpartird’exemplesettraiterl’exercice8enmêmetemps.

–Faiteslireàhautevoixl’encadréFacts & Figures.Sibesoin,utilisezlarubriquepourrenforcerlapratique.

WORDS P. 22-23

La séance en un clin d’œilCetteséancevouspermetd’introduireSanFranciscosoussesaspectsculturels,ethniquesettechnolo-giques.Lecoursesttournéversl’entraînementàlacompréhensiondel’oraletladécouverteduthèmetechnologiquedelaséquencepuisl’objettechnologique,lesmartphone,etsesutilisations….

Objectifs de la séance–FairedécouvrirunevilledesÉtats-Unisàtraversquelques-unsdesessiteslesplusconnus.–Faireréfléchirlesélèvesauxidéesreçuessouventvéhiculéeslorsqu’onévoquelesAméricainsdelacôte


Construire le cours– RappelerquiestCharleyetfairelirelemessagesurFacebookàvoixbasse.– Demanderunerestitutionpersonnelledumessage.– Fairedécrirelesdifférentesphotosdefaçonprécise.Cetravailconstitueunepréparationàl’écouteetfavorise

lacompréhensionoralesurlesexercices3et5.–Avantd’aborderlesCulture Games,demandezauxélèvescequ’ilssaventouimaginentdesCaliforniens.


AlternativeCommencezparlacitationetdemandezauxélèvesdediretoutcequelenomSan Franciscoévoquepoureux.Notezleursapportssuccinctementautableau,puisdemandez-leurdelesclasserpargrandschamps(géographique,technologique,culturel…).




Smartphones : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smartphone


CD1, 2Steve Jobs was an extraordinary visionary and the guiding light of the Pixar family. When he bought Pixar in 1985, he saw the potential of what the studios could be before the rest of us, and beyond what anyone ever imagined. Jobs brought Pixar from a secondary company to one of the most valuable movie studios on the planet. The one thing he always said was to simply “make it great”. He is why Pixar turned out the way we did and his strength, his integrity and love of life has made us all better people. He will forever be a part of Pixar’s.

CD1, 1San Francisco is one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse cities in our nation. From the gold rush era to the present day, the City has been a meeting ground for immigrant communities from throughout the world. Just around the corner, you’ll find a Korean BBQ, a branch of the East Asia Bank, The Moscow/Tbilisi Bakery (along with a number of other Russian businesses) and Tommy’s The Best (a Yucatan Mexican restaurant). There are also Thai, Italian, and Chinese restaurants. The term Silicon Valley originally referred to the region’s large number of silicon chip innovators and manufacturers, but eventually came to refer to all the high-tech businesses in the area. Silicon Valley is leading the high-tech innovation and development market.


here, although parts of California get very little sunshine during the year.e. There are so many high tech industries in Silicon Valley that everybody’s addicted to technology! People here are just crazy about technology, whether it’s IT, fashion or game technology. Just look at the endless lines of customers waiting in front of the Apple Store to buy an iPad or the latest iPhone.f. Legislation regarding skateboarding is indeed very restrictive in San Francisco. For example, current law only permits skateboard use on residential sidewalks between dawn and dusk. But of course real usage is going on nearly around the clock, on sidewalks and streets, in both residential and busy business districts.

p13, A challenge to discover9 a. 2007 (Jobs unveiled the iPhone to the

public on January 9, 2007 in San Francisco. The iPhone went on sale in the U.S. on June 29, 2007).b. MultiTouchc. More than 10 billion (on July 7, 2011 Apple announced that over 15 billion apps had been downloaded).d. Games

p12, A place to discover3 What makes San Francisco unique: it is

one of the most culturally and ethnically diverse cities in the US.

5 Steve Jobs bought Pixar in 1985 and made it one of the most valuable movie studios on the planet.

Culture games6 a.  That’s partly true. There’re lots of

billionaires here and some people are very smartly dressed but there’re also lots of artists and they want to be fashionable and that might look exaggerated and eccentric sometimes.b. Actually most Americans are fat, not just San Franciscans. By the way, we do quite a lot of sports so we can’t be so fat. Hey, look at me, guys!c. California is famous for its raging fires and earthquakes. It’s true that there are often fires, floods, and earthquakes, but people get used to that and are prepared for the next emergency.d. At least you can’t complain about the weather. It’s hot and sunny all year long

San Francisco





CD1, 3Say the name of your destination. Say your current address.

CD1, 4

a. By car from Ghirardelli Square. Head east on North Point Street over 0.3 mile. Turn right on Larkin St. At the crossroads turn left on bay Street. At the junction turn right again on Columbus Ave over two miles. Destination is on the right. You’ll be there in 6 minutes by car.

b. Take the cable car at Beach and Hyde Street. Get off at Washington & Mason (near Cable Car Museum) or Powell & California. Walk down a few blocks and you will be in Chinatown. You’ll be there in 10 minutes.

c. On foot. From Ghirardelli Square, go straight ahead on Beach Street. At Beach and Hyde Street station, don’t turn right but carry on. Be careful it’s a busy street. Go past the Wax Museum. Go on up to the end of the street.

CD1, 5Woman: Excuse me; I’m afraid I’m lost. How can I go to the Aquarium of the Bay, please?man: Could you help me? I’d like to go to the Museum of Modern Art. Can you tell me the way?man: I’d like to go to the Wax Museum. I am on the right way?


p14, Listen and note1 Réponsedel’élève.

2 a. Directions: Head east, turn right, turn left. Distances: over 0.3 mile. Time needed: 6 minutes by car.b. Directions: take the cable car, get off, walk down.Distances: walk down a few blocks.Time needed: 10 minutes by cable car.c. Directions: go straight ahead, carry on, go past, go on up to the end. Time needed: 45 minutes on foot.

3 Carry on, get off, go past, go straight ahead, turn right, turn left, go on, walk down, blocks, junction, crossroads.

p15, Observe and note7 Names of the places: Studio Downtown Hip/Union Square Plaza B&B.

Locations: in the heart of the city/in the heart of downtown San Francisco.Types of rooms: 37 m² studio/small rooms.Facilities available: full kitchen, good sized bathroom, comfortable bed, TV, DVDs/modern amenities, no air conditioning.Surroundings: near shops/near shopping centers.Prices: $70/$50.

Observe and practise9 Email address of the customer and the hotel. Two double rooms, Sept. 13th-25th. Breakfast, lunch and

free Internet access included in the price. Total price: $1,560. Arrive at 16.00 on Sept. 13th. Greetings. Name of the customer.





A. Guess Who?Danscetteséance,lesélèvesvontfaireconnaissanceavecleshommesquiontfaitlatechnologiedel’informationquenousconnaissonsaujourd’hui.Cettedécouvertevasefaireuniquementàl’oral,àl’occasiond’unTVshowaucoursduquellepublic(lesélèves)choisirale“techno man of the year”.Letitreestévocateur.Vousallezentendredesinformationssurlesdeuxnominésetleursparcoursquivontpermettrontdeslesidentifierpuisdechoisirceluiquimériteletitre.LesnominéssontSteveJobs(Apple)etMarkZuckerberg(Facebook).

Tasks: Take part in a TV show and support your candidate.

Objectifs de la séance–Comprendredesinformationsàcaractèrepersonnel.–Classerethiérarchiserdesinformationsorales.–Faireunchoixàpartirdesinformationsreçues.–Argumenterunpointdevue,unchoix.

Construire le cours–Préparezundocumentcomportantlesinformationsdel’exercice1etdel’exercice3.Ilserviraànoterles

informationsentendues.Vérifiezquelesélèvescomprennentlesconsignes.–Installezlesélèvesdanslasituation.Passezl’introductionmusicaledushowpourcréerl’ambiance.–Écoutezl’introductiondelaprésentatrice(CD1, 6)jusqu’à1’18.

Erratum:Dansl’édition01,exercice1,ilfautlireher instructions etnon his instructions.Aprèscetteécoute,vouspouvezjouerlerôledeprésentateur/présentatriceettesterlesélèves.Quellesinformationsont-ilscomprises ?Peut-êtreont-ilsdéjàuneidéedesnominés ?



“Techno man of the year”



Steve Jobs : http://allaboutstevejobs.com/bio/bio.phpMark Zuckerberg : http://www.biography.com/people/


B. I’ve got friends!Lesréseauxsociauxsontl’undesphénomèneslesplusmarquantsdudéveloppementdestechnologiesdel’information.Danscetteséance,vousvouspenchezsurleplusrépandu,Facebook,lesraisonsdesonsuccès,maisaussisesdangersetlesproblèmestechniquesqueceréseauengendre.

Tasks: Write a report on your servicing to Facebook members.

San Francisco 11


Objectifs de la séance–Comprendredestextesspécifiques.–Apprendreàmanieràl’écritlevocabulairedesréseauxsociaux.

Construire le coursLaséanceneposepasdeproblèmesparticuliers.Suivezledéroulementprévu.Appuyez-voussurlacartepourfairerevoirlenomdescontinentsetdespays.

Exercice 5. Vouspouvezcommenceràl’oralendemandantauxélèvesquelssontlesrisquesencourusparceuxquiutilisentFacebook,notammentenmatièred’atteinteàlavieprivée.UtilisezleWorksheet 2pourfairel’exercice5.IlestimportantdebienlirelesquestionsetlesréponsespourpreparerleYour Turn.




CD1, 6a. Cooper (presenter): Ladies and gentlemen, this is a great moment. I’m going to introduce the two nominees. One of them is going to become “techno man of the year”. I want you to find out who they are. Let’s give them a big round of applause first.Here are some details about our first nominee. He was born on February 24, 1955 in the US. He studied at Reed College. He is mainly known for his position as CEO. In 2010 his company was worth $6.1 billion. He left us for good lately and we all cried. I’m sure you know who he is. Don’t you?Now let’s go on to the second nominee. He was born on May 14, 1984. He studied at Harvard College. He worked as a software developer. He is known for becoming the world’s youngest billionaire. He was worth US $6.9 billion in 2010.Surely you must have found who he is, who they both are. But let’s make sure. Let’s listen to our first guest. He knows a lot about our first nominee.S. Wozniak: It all started in 1972, when he graduated from Homestead High in Cupertino, California, and enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Oregon. One semester later he dropped out.This goes back to 1976, I was 26 then. We founded Apple Computer Co. in his family garage. By 1980, we had already released three improved versions of the personal computer. That was the beginning of our fortune. It made us both millionaires many times over.Meanwhile he also started Pixar Inc., which has gone on to produce animated movies such as Toy Story in 1995 or Finding Nemo in 2003. Then he went into the music industry. He introduced the iPod in 2003. Later he came up with iTunes, which was a digital jukebox, really. We sold a million and a half of them.a. Cooper: Thank you very much. Let’s listen to our second nominee now.m. zuCkerberg: After graduating from Exeter, I went to Harvard University in the fall of 2002. Some of my fellow students asked me to work on a social networking site called Harvard Connection.I didn’t do much with them. I soon dropped their project to work on my own social network, which, as you know, later became known as Facebook.I founded Facebook with University mates Dustin Moskovitz, Chris Hughes, and Eduardo Saverin. The site was made for students to post profiles and photos and communicate with other students. We ran the site out of a dorm room at Harvard until June 2004.By the end of 2004, Facebook had a million users.In 2005, we added high school and international schools. In December 2005 Facebook had more than 5.5 million users.Today, there are more than 500 million users on our network.a. Cooper: Well, thanks a lot. Let’s proceed to the vote now.


San Francisco

p16, Guess who?2 Nominee 1/Nominee 2

– Date of birth: February 24, 1955/May 14, 1984– Education: He studied at Reed College and graduated from Homestead High School in

Cupertino/He graduated from Exeter and studied at Harvard College– Why he is famous: Apple CEO/the world’s youngest billionaire.– Character: innovative, hard-working, devoted, pioneering/entrepreneurial, hard-working,

clever.– Net worth: $6.1 billion (2010)/$6.9 billion in 2010.– Career: he founded Apple, then he left Apple for the hardware industry, then he accepted

to go back to Apple. He went into the music industry/He worked on a social networking site called Harvard Connection and then created his own social network for which he has been working since then.

– Achievements: he founded Apple Computer Co, started Pixar Inc., introduced the iPod in 2003, came up with iTunes/He founded Facebook.

p17, I’ve got friends!4 Incitezlesélèvesàutiliserdesexpressionsdecapacité(it helps, it enables, it makes it possible, it contributes

to, can, be able to…) etdereproches(blame sb/sth for, reproach sb/sth with, accuse sb/sth of…).Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004. It is present in 100 countries. It helps people connect to each other. There are 8 million users in the US and 350 million around the world. On average 1/3 of the population of a country uses Facebook. However Facebook is blamed for its lack of confidentiality and privacy.

5 Steve: To secure your access on public computers…Jenna: To hide select posts, hover above the post until the X button appears…Amanda: If Facebook sees a login attempt from a device that you haven’t initially saved…





A. Wonder peopleIcilesélèvessontplongésdansl’universd’unegrandeentreprisedeIT,Apple.Ilsvontdécouvrirlaréalitédel’exigencedecetteentreprisevis-à-visdesesemployésparlesmembresdel’entreprise,puisdécriteparuncandidatàl’embauchequiafinalementrenoncé.Cettepagevouspermettradetravaillerlacompréhensionetl’expressionoralesetdefairepercevoirauxélèveslarelationentretravail,exigencesetsuccès,àappliqueràsoi-mêmeautantqu’auxautres.Cette double-page pourra être utilisée pendant l’heure de technologie en anglais après préparation avec le professeur de spécialité.

Task: Learn more about working for Apple and apply for a job.

Objectifs de la séance–Comprendreunvocabulaireliéauxconditionsdetravailetqualitéspersonnelles



Construire le cours–Demandezauxélèvescequ’ilssaventd’Apple.Expliquezoufaitesexprimerd’abordladifférenceentreApple

CorporateetApple Retail storeenvousappuyantsurl’encadréetl’exercice1.Demandezauxélèvess’ilssontallésdansunretail storeetsilesemployésqu’ilsontrencontréscorrespondentauxslogansdel’encadré.


–Rapprochezleslogan“Leave your neckties…”delatenuetraditionnelledeSteveJobs(Jeansetcolroulé).–Analysezl’entréemarketingutiliséeparApplepourrecruterparl’écoutedespistes7et8duCD1.Montrez

commentestmiseenvaleurl’imagedeceuxquitravaillentpourcettesociété.–La piste 9 vous fait entendre l’interview d’un designer qui a envisagé de travailler pour Apple.



–TerminezparleYour Turn.Lesélèvesdevrontimpérativementréutiliserlevocabulaireetlesstructurestravaillés.

I’d like to work for Apple


Apple : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Inc.


B. Wonder machinesSéancedetravailtechnologique.Ils’agiticidesefamiliariseravecdestermestechniquesutiliséspourcaractériserlestéléphones.Pourceuxqui,commenous,ontbesoindequelquesexplications,voirci-dessouslarubrique INFO + .

Objectifs de la séance–Apprendreàutiliserlevocabulairetechniqueetàposerdesquestionstechniques.–Manierlesstructuresdecomparaison.


Construire le cours–CommencezparregarderlesphotosdesdeuxiPhones.Demandezauxélèvesdedirecequ’ilsvoientet

quellesdifférencesilyaentrelesdeuxappareils.FaitesutiliserlestermescontenusdansHow to compare.–Passezàl’exercice7.LesdifférencesentrelesdeuxiPhonesdoiventêtrenotéessurlemodecomparatif(The

iPhone 4S is more…, They are both…).–Demandezauxélèvesdedirecequesignifientlesabréviations(GB,IPS,AF,Mbps…)etlestermestechniques.–Faitesrédigerlescomparaisons,puisdemandezauxélèvesderédigerunparagrapheindiquantaugrand






San Francisco

CD1, 7Because whatever you do here, you play a part in creating some of the best-loved technology on the planet. And in helping people discover all the amazing things they can do with it. You could call it work, or you could call it a mission.

CD1, 8People who are smart, creative, up for any challenge, and incredibly excited about what they do. In other words, Apple people. You know, the kind of people you’d want to hang around with anyway.

CD1,9For years I’ve literally dreamed of working at Apple. Who hasn’t? For a designer, it’s the holy grail of aesthetic achievement. And what was the position for, you ask? I would have been managing the design of a certain place within their site where they showcase a lot of products.

Part 1: The InterviewsAfter a few successful phone conversations, I had interviews with several members of the team the next morning. The following morning I endured 6.5 hours — yes, I said 6.5 hours — of interviews. Straight through. The only breaks I enjoyed were spent in the men’s room. Needless to say, it was quite exhausting. But I thoroughly enjoyed it, and the team members were both fascinating and brilliant.

Part 2: Pros and consTwo factors weighed heavily on the decision we’d end up making: cost of living and flexibility of schedule. It came as no surprise that housing is ridiculously expensive. How about the intangible pros and cons? Flexibility of schedule? Time with family? Freedom to speak at conferences, write articles, and the like... Knowing I’d have to dedicate myself 100% at Apple...

Part 3: DecisionThe final decision? Well, it’s obvious at this point. You probably won’t see me gracing the streets of Cupertino tomorrow Funny thing is, I’m still not 100% certain I made the right decision by not making myself more available.




CD1, 10

a. I’m sure you would have loved the job at Apple, but I don’t think any one thing should consume too much of your life. You should live a balanced life.

b. Having Apple on your resume would ultimately bring you more credibility and therefore more money as a freelancer. I think you are thinking about it too permanently, as if you will always be working for Apple. I think you should try it out. You may have to put in some “extra” hours around here. Of course it would be hard on the family but then taking the job at Apple, you’d give yourself the best chance to support them later as a freelancer.


p18, Wonder people1 Incitezlesélèvesàpratiquerdifférentesstructures.

Mises en relief et expressions de la nécessité.What matters most to work for Apple Corporate is ideas. No matter what workers wear, they should be brainy people. They may be well-dressed but the most important thing is to bring fresh ideas. As far as working in Apple Retail Store is concerned, workers need to be helpful.ProbabilitésApple Corporate workers must try to look for new devices and applications. They may have to test different ideas. They might be paid to compete with rival companies. Sales people at the Apple Store may have to advise customers. They must teach them how to use Apple devices.

4 The ideal profile to work with Apple: workers need to be smart, creative, up for any challenge, and incredibly excited. They should contribute to the dynamism and family-like atmosphere of the company. They had better have original and innovative ideas. They should love their job and the company. A key quality may also be discretion as they are not supposed to reveal Apple’s secrets.

5 a. Part 1: The Interviews.Part 2: Pros and cons.Part 3: Decision.b.Faitespratiquerlesstructuresdeprobabilitévuesprécédemment.

6 Faitesutiliserlesstructuresdereprocheetdesexpressionsdecontraste:whereas, unlike, contrary to, on the other hand, more, less, not as… as…The first person thinks the most important is to have a balanced life between work and family whereas the second speaker reproaches the man with not giving it a try. The first person considers family life should be as important as professional life, unlike the second one for whom career should come first, especially when it means working for Apple.

p19, Wonder machines7 Insistezsurl’utilisationdesexpressionsdecomparaisonetcontraste.

The iPhone 4S is more expensive but the iPhone 4 has a smaller memory capacity. They are as big and as large. The iPhone 4S has a better camera. They have practically the same orientation sensing systems. Both have FaceTime video calling. On the other hand, the iPhone 4S is equipped with new devices, like Siri. So there are fewer functions in the iPhone 4. Contrary to the iPhone 4, the iPhone 4S has a faster data download speed: it is twice as fast. The iPhone 4 is slightly lighter than the iPhone 4S.





Task: For or against smartphones in the classroom?

Objectifs de la séanceMaîtriserlarèglen°1dudébat.

Construire le cours–Prenezletempsd’expliquercequ’estundébatausensbritanniqueduterme.Faiteslirelarèglen°1(sur5)et

assurez-vousquetoutestbiencompris.Nousavonsposédanscettepremièrerèglelesbasesgénéralesdelaconduited’undébat.N’oubliezpasdepréciserqu’ondébattoujourssurunemotionetquechacundoitsepositionnerparrapportàcelle-ci.Passezensuiteàl’encartHow to develop an argument,puisrevenezauPractise pourentraînerlesélèves.Vouspouvezleurdonnerd’autresarguments.Cetteanalyseméthodologiquepeutprendreuneheureentière.Ceseradutempsgagnéparlasuite.



Smartphones and pads do have their place in the classroom

CD1, 11mC Luhan: It’s not really too important if there is ever a TV set in each classroom across the country, since the sensory and attitudinal revolution has already taken place at home before the child ever reaches school. Book learning is no longer sufficient in any subject; the children all say now “Let’s talk Spanish,” or “Let’s listen to this or watch that” reflecting their rejection of the old sterile system where education begins and ends in a book. What we need now is educational crash programming in depth to first understand and then meet the new challenges. We have to ask what TV can do, in the instruction of English or physics or any other subject, that the classroom cannot do as presently constituted. The answer is that TV can deeply involve youth in the process of learning.

CD1, 12Student: Use the smartphone in class? Well, I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. You know, students are easily distracted by such gadgets. That’s just for fun and sending emails, but to work… Oh no, definitely no. I think it’s impossible to both listen to the teacher and focus on the phone apps… And how would we take notes to learn our lessons at

the end of the day? Books are the greatest source of knowledge. That’s the way I’ve been taught for years. I don’t see why we should change now… And, if we continue like that, soon teachers will be totally replaced by machines, or robots… There is absolutely no need for students to use smartphones in class.

CD1, 13teaCher: When I began teaching forty years ago I had no cell phone, no computer, no Internet to work with... Let me tell you one thing, smartphones are the greatest invention ever… It is amazing how things have changed since cell phones have been allowed in our classrooms. Most days I begin the class using Today In History. It is a free app that gives a historical event every day. The kids love it. Pupils can also use their smartphones to look for vocabulary, do some quick research, or play educational Games… In a word, they become active and involved in their education.Ours is an amazing time, if you want my opinion. The world is at our fingertips and my iPhone is assisting me in bringing that world to my students. By the way who said that we teachers were all archaic people?


San Francisco


Marshall MacLuhan : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_McLuhan


p20, Viewpoints1 A. Conventional scene with a teacher

helping pupils working with books. B. Students are working alone on computers; the teacher becomes secondary.

2 McLuhan thought that it was high time for teachers to stop using books and to start using modern means of information and education, like television.

5 The student is against using smartphones in class: easily distracted, hard to take notes to learn lessons. Books are the greatest source of knowledge. Teachers will be totally replaced by machines.The teacher is in favor of using smartphones in class: get access to data easily, look for vocabulary, do some quick research, or play educational Games. Pupils become active and involved.To introduce arguments and examples: I think it’s impossible…, And how would we …?, That’s the way…, I don’t see why…,

There is absolutely no need…, You can’t imagine how…, Let me tell you one thing…, It is amazing how…, In a word …

p21, Case study2 Introduction: describes the current

situation. Part 1: the uses and advantages of social networks. Part 2: the drawbacks and dangers. Conclusion: the possible impact of people’s dependence on social networks.

3 Argument 1: social networks help people express themselves, keep in touch and share their problems online example: Facebook.Argument 2: people may become too dependent and isolated example: 5,000 friends but no “real” friends.Link words: however, the biggest example of this is, but, indeed, all in all.



L’écritestsouventunproblèmepourlesélèves.Nousavonsvoululeurdonnerdesoutilsdestratégie,autantquedegrammairequ’ilstrouverontdansThe Language Challenge.L’écritured’essaiestunclassique.Nouscommençonsdoncaveclui.Nesoyezpastropambitieux.Faitesécriredemanièresimple,maisbienstructuréeetgrammaticalementcorrecte.

Task: In your opinion what are the ideal means to communicate today?

Objectifs de la séanceStructurerl’écritured’unessai.

Construire le cours–Commepourleparcoursoralci-dessus,ilestimportantdelirelaStrategy boxaveclesélèvesetdevousassurer



–Your Turn to Write:selonleniveaudelaclasseoudesélèves,faitesécrireparagrapheparparagrapheoul’essaid’uneseuletraite.Veillezàlaqualitédel’anglais.Demandezauxélèvesd’avoirlelivreouvertàlapagedeThe Language Challenge(p23)etdulexique(p170-171).



San Francisco



CD1, 14

• Californian English is a dialect of American English. It is mainly spoken by white Californian Americans.

• But, there are other notable dialects, including Chicano English, Valley Girl (or Valspeak) and surfer dude.

• Chicano English is essentially spoken in Los Angeles, but not only. It has many features that show the influence of Spanish. The use of double negatives is common too like I didn’t do nothing.

• Valspeak is spoken in southern California. It is characterized by rising intonation, high speed, and emphasizing phrases. They’ll say totally for very, duh for obviously, and like meaning nothing, really, on every occasion and things like that…

• Surfer dude is not very different from Valspeak. It is Southern California slang. It has more words to explain the size of a wave, a cool trick, and other things related to surfing. Some words that you will hear from surfers are gnarly, dude, stoked meaning excited and so on.

CD1, 15tiffany (valspeak): So like I’m sitting in the mall the other day and like my friend Buffy says to me “Hey, Tiff” (my name is Tiffany, but, like, my friends call me Tiff), “have you seen this mega-huge computer thingy called the Internet?” Helloooo, who does she think she’s talking to – Miss Uninformed?aLex (Chicano English): She didn’t tell me nothing about it but I knew it was love at first sight.JameS (surfer dude): I’m so stoked for the party tonight! It’s gonna be gnarly dude!heather (Californian English): I’ve got a wonderful boat. Wait a minute, I’ll show you around.

CD1, 16I thought a thought.But the thought I thought Wasn’t the thought I thought I thought.If the thought I thought I thought,Had been the thought I thought,I wouldn’t have thought I thought.

CD1, 17The best thing to do is to work on your listening skills and pronunciation skills. The better you are able to form and understand the sounds yourself, the easier you will find it to distinguish what others are saying.

Another important point is to try to go into the conversation with a sense of the context – knowing basi-cally what other people are talking about. That way you don’t need to catch every word.

Ok, let me test you. I’m gonna speak very fast. Do your best to follow and tell me what you understand.

There is definitely a San Francisco accent..., and I would say it’s only found in people who’ve lived here their whole lives, and much more so in lower/working class people, or people who spend a lot of time around them. One way to get a feeling for this accent I speak of is to listen to some rappers from San Francisco and how they pronounce things.

CD1, 18

Let’s go! Would you like some more? Can we get it? Hold on a second!



p22, Speech practice2 1. Californian English, spoken in California by white Californian Americans.

2. Chicano English, spoken in Los Angeles, influence of Spanish, use of double negatives.3. Valspeak, spoken in southern California, rising intonation, high speed, and emphasizing phrases, use totally for very, duh for obviously, like meaning nothing, really.4. Surfer dude, spoken in Southern California by surfers, more words to explain things related to surfing, use gnarly, dude, stoked.

3 Pattern 1: vibration, some flowers, the nation.Pattern 2: summertime.Pattern 3: in your hair, if you come.Pattern 4: all across, such a strange.Pattern 5: be sure, for those.Aucun : generation (accentsurra).

p23, Language useSay how it works

will must may or might

7 a. Apple staff and fans must have been very sad.b. People may have rushed to the stores.c. Some teachers might disagree.d. Teachers will be outraged.

Words8 The fifteenth of June nineteen ninety, the thirty first of April eighteen seventy, the first of

January two thousand.

9 Seventy-eight, two thousand eight hundred and nine, one hundred and four thousand five hundred and thirty-nine, twelve million thirty-three thousand one hundred and twenty-five, fifteenth, twenty first, forty fifth.

10 One fifth, two thirds, nine tenths.

11 Réponsedel’élève.


San Francisco

La séance en un clin d’œilAboutissementconcretdutravaileffectuédepuisledébutduChallenge,ilvapermettreauxélèvesdefairepreuvedecréativité.Ils’agitpoureuxdecréeruneapplicationàproposerensuiteàunopérateur.Faitesnoterlejeudemotsurletitre.Expliquez-lesibesoin.Cette page pourra être utilisée pendant l’heure de technologie en anglais après préparation avec le professeur de spécialité. Pour certains, elle pourra servir de support au projet technologique à présenter à l’épreuve correspondante du baccalauréat.

Task: Devise a new application for smartphones.

Objectifs de la séance−RéutiliserlesinformationsetcompétencesacquisespendantleChallenge.−Apprendreàconstruireunprojetetàleporter.

Construire le cours−Commencezparformerlesgroupesselonl’effectifdevotreclasse.Demandezauxélèvesdeconstituer

lesgroupesenfonctiondescompétencesnécessaires:technique,design,rédactionnel,marketingetcommercialisation…Legroupedoitformerunensembleoùchacunapporteselonsesqualitésetcompétencespropres.Demandezàchaquegroupedechoisirsonmodedeprésentationfinal :collectifouparunoudeuxreprésentants.Insistezsurlefaitquelaprésentationnedevrapasêtrelue,maispourraêtrefaitesousformenumérique(cf. instructionspourl’épreuveoraleenanglaisaubaccalauréat).



Pour la présentation (Perform)−Choisissezletypedejuryquevoussouhaitezmettreenplace.−Rappelezlescritèresdechoixdujuryenvousappuyantsurlescritèresproposés.−Prévoyezdefaireunegrillereprenantcescritèreset/oud’autres,defaçonàcequechaqueélèvedisposedu

mêmeoutilpourl’évaluation.−Demandezauxélèvesdedistribuerleurleaflet deprésentation(àdupliquerauparavant).−Laprésentationdevraêtrecourteetvivante.−Vouspourrezdissocierl’évaluationdelaprésentationorale,etécrite.Demême,vouspourrezfairevoterle



“App, App, App, Hurray !”




p25, Oral exam

CD1, 19teaCher: When I began teaching forty years ago I had no cell phone, no computer, no Internet to work with... Let me tell you one thing, smartphones are the greatest invention ever… It is amazing how things have changed since cell phones have been allowed in our classrooms. Most days I begin the class using Today In History. It is a free app that gives a historical event every day. The kids love it. Pupils can also use their smartphones to look for vocabulary, do some quick research, or play educational Games… In a word, they become active and involved in their education.Ours is an amazing time, if you want my opinion. The world is at our fingertips and my iPhone is assisting me in bringing that world to my students. By the way who said that we teachers were all archaic people?


p26-27, Written exam

2 Youth: lesjeunesMerely: simplementObsolescent: obsolèteLiterate: letter, quisaitlireetécrireOverload: surcharge,excèsGoals: butsInvolved: impliquéCrave: désirerIn depth: enprofondeurInvolvement: implicationPatterns: schémasProcess: processus

3 Lexical fields: education, technologies, young people.

4 Education: cultural aggression, obsolescent visual values, dying literate age.Technologies: revolutionary, new environments, past technologies, information overload.Young people: youth, child, young minds.

5 et 6 Old-fashioned: adjective obsolescentExcess: noun overloadAdapt: verb adjustObjectives: noun goalsWish: verb/noun craveCommitment: noun involvementStart new: verb start freshImplicate: verb involve

7 , 8 et 9 Réponsedel’élève.



Engineer Intelligent Machines London




Engineer Intelligent Machines


London, UK


Make a brain fitness program


L’idée de progrès

Santé Démarche créative

Oral course Written course

Everyday EnglishSurvival Kit 32-33

Applying for a student exchange program Writing a covering letter

TASKSPeople and Society 34-35Science and Technology 36-37

– Talk about your own life – Take a test about the brain

– Write an article for a magazine– Write captions for a picture

RULES OF THE DEBATEDebating Society 38 Starting a debate

WRITTEN GENREWriting Workshop 39

Medical reportIncluding elements

STRATEGIES–The Language Challenge 40-41–Your Passport to the Exam 43-45

– Predicting the contents of a talk– Understanding a scientific


– Anticipating and focusing on what is understood

– Finding the nature of a text– Filling in blanks in a summary– Describing an object

WORDS 40-41 Prefixes and suffixes Prefixes and suffixes

FAQGrammar files 41

– Using apostrophes– Doubling the final letter

La séquence en un clin d’œilDeuxdécouvertesimportantesaucoursdeceChallenge.LavilledeLondresd’abord.Certes,beaucoupdejeunesFrançaisconnaissentdéjàcettevillemagnifique.Maisici,nouslaprésentonsavecleregardd’unjeuneBritanniqueetpardeséchangesavecdesétudiants.Pourlesélèvesdeterminale,c’estuneplongéedansunmondequivas’ouvriràeuxdèsaprèslebaccalauréat:l’université,lavieétudiante,deplusenplussouventàl’étrangergrâceauprogrammeErasmus.Lasecondedécouverte,c’estcelleducerveauhumainquenousvousproposonsentantquepartiedenotrecorps,maisaussientantqu’objetd’étudepourlesscientifiquesenvuedelecopieretafind’améliorerlaqualitédenosrobots,qu’ilssoientdomestiquesouindustriels.Cetteétudenefaitquecommencer.Vouspourrezdoncdécouvriravecvosélèvescemondedesneurosciencestoutentraitantlanotiondeprogrèsinscriteauprogramme.Certainespagespourrontêtretravailléesaveclesprofesseursdetechnologie.CommedanstouslesChallenges,vouspourrezopterpourunparcourstoutoral,toutécrit,oubienencorepourunparcoursmixte.

Lexique, définitions et Clevernet, p172-173

London 23

La séance en un clin d’œilVousvoiciàLondresàl’invitationdeJames,unpassionnédesciences,plusparticulièrementintéresséparlarecherchesurlecerveau.C’estaussiunvraiLondonienquientraînelesélèvesàladécouvertedesaville.Cetteséanceestl’occasiondefaireunepromenadedansLondres,detordrelecou(oupas)àquelquesidéesreçuessurnosvoisinsbritanniquesetdedécouvrirleChallenge 2ainsiqueleprojetquil’accompagne.

Objectifs de la séance–DécouvrirlavilledeLondresetlevocabulaireassocié.–Découvrirlaproblématiqueducerveauetl’intelligenceartificielle.

Construire le coursVouspouveztraiterlesdeuxpagesenuneheureoudeux.Danslepremiercas,gardezunrythmesoutenusurladécouverteoraleetraccourcissezl’exerciceécritdelapage31(voirci-dessous).–CommencezparfairelirelemessageOn the Wall.Cecimettralesélèvesencontexte.Demandezàceuxqui


Parcours oral–Travaillezlalecturedescriptivedesphotos.Faites-lescommenter“àlafaçon”deJames,puisécoutez-leet

comparez.Répondezàlaquestiondel’exercice2.Répondezàlaquestiondel’exercice3.Sivousfaitesuniquementleparcoursoral,terminezparlesCulture Games.Sinon,poursuivezp31avecladécouvertedudéfin°2.

Parcours écrit–Letitre“Then, the eyes of the blind shall be opened”esttirédelaBible(Isaiah35:5).

Lacitationentièreseterminepar“and the ears of the deaf unstopped”.Dites-leoufaites-ledécouvrirparlesélèves.Demandez-leurensuitedelireletexteetderépondreauxquestionsdesexercices6à8.



–Pourfinirsurcepoint,demandezauxélèvesquelledifférenceilyaentreletitreetletexte(Quiest«l’opérateur»?).Terminezenfaisantlirel’encadréFacts & Figures,puisenfaisantlebrainquizpourdétendrelesesprits.Corrigezdefaçonludique(Quialemeilleurtauxdebonnesréponses ?).





Brick Lane : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brick_Lane


CD1, 21Have you ever heard of Bricklane? It’s extremely popular with London’s artistic crowd featuring galleries, restaurants, markets and festivals throughout the year. There are people coming from all over the world… You should see it on a Sunday when the market’s on… It’s really vibrant. And here is Covent Garden, the famous shopping and tourist site with its central square, its market hall and its street performers and musicians. Fifteen is my favorite restaurant; it was made famous by Jamie Oliver’s TV series in 2002. At Fifteen you can expect Jamie’s delicious seasonal food in a trendy, celebrity-filled setting. Money from your bill goes towards teaching the 15 trainee chefs from troubled backgrounds.

CD1, 20Hi folks. More and more people have brain problems nowadays. More and more suffer from Alzheimer disease here. What can we do? There are possibilities of doing courses at Imperial College in the department of Neuroscience. Professor Masud Husain is the principal investigator. He studies attention, cognition and decision-making in healthy people and patients with neurological troubles.Now guys, what do you think? Come along if you can. I’ll show you my London too, you won’t be sorry, believe me. Bye for now.



p30, On the wall1 a. Doing courses at Imperial College in the

department of Neuroscience.b. Help people who suffer from Alzheimer disease.c. The principal investigator in neurological troubles.d. He studies attention, cognition and decision-making in healthy people and patients with neurological troubles.e. He wants to show his friends around.

A place to discover3 C et D. Bricklane : galleries, restaurants,

markets and festivals, vibrant.A. Covent Garden : famous shopping and tourist site.B. Fifteen : his favorite restaurant, delicious seasonal food in a trendy, celebrity-filled setting.

Culture Games4 a. Of course not. Many people drink coffee

here too.b. Well, that’s true. Many people complain about noise, whether it comes from construction sites, roadworks, pubs, commercial places or plants. But don’t you have the same problems in your country? As for insecurity, I’d say I feel rather safe here.

c. Yes, London IS very expensive.d. Not true! We have many dry and sunny days, especially in summer. The only thing to remember about London when it rains is that it’s usually only drizzle; a light rain that can be persistent.e. Most people today have a small mid-day meal – usually sandwiches, and perhaps some crisps and some fruit. A typical British meal for dinner is “meat and two veg”. True, one of the vegetables is almost always potatoes. But the traditional meal is rarely eaten nowadays, apart perhaps on Sundays. A recent survey found that most people in Britain eat curry.f. We have always been at war with the French, historically I mean. But I’ve always felt welcome when I’ve visited France. I think the French have more pride in themselves and their heritage – we have let ours go. They are more politically involved and fight for their rights as French citizens. I wish we were a lot more like them.

p31, A challenge to discover9 a. 100 billion b. 3 pounds (1,300-1,400 gr.)

c. Left hemisphere: language, maths, logic. Right hemisphere: spatial abilities, face recognition, visual imagery, music d. 20 years old.




p32, Listen and note2 Advises: voirCD1,23.

Expressions: I would advise them to…, They should…, They had better…, If I had to do it again, I would…

3 Requirements: voirCD1,24.

Expressions: They need to…, They are required to…, They have to…, They must…, They are expected to…, They will have to...

p33, Observe and note6 You have to confirm your request and send

a covering letter.

CD1, 22And now on to Michael Woodbine on the air with Radio 4.JournaLiSt: A very good morning to you all. Every year, thousands of students go studying abroad, gaining experience and discovering a new country. British University Colleges offer varied programs and placements, thanks to Erasmus, a European mobility program for students.

CD1, 23JournaLiSt: Good morning and welcome Sally. Now, you come from Canada and you are studying Engineering and Natural Science at Imperial College on South Kensington campus. Are there things that potential interns should know before applying for an internship?SaLLy: Yes. I would advise them to make sure they complete the form online as precisely and correctly as possible. Then they should make sure they have a good command of English to be accepted. They also had better ask for recommendation letters to as many teachers as they can. If I had to do it again, I would look for accommodation before arriving. There are plenty of ads online. Ah, I would also advise them to save some money as living in London is quite expensive.

CD1, 24JournaLiSt: Mr Rae, you are the graduate course manager at Imperial College. Can you tell us more about what foreign students need to do to follow a course in your school?mr rae: First, they need to decide on the type of placement they want; then they are required to choose a topic, fill in a form online and get the agreement of the supervisor. They have to be hosted before coming. And most important of all, they must fill in their application form in time.Finally, they are expected to do an academic report that their tutor will supervise. And they will

have to submit a major written project to the tutor at the end of the course.

CD1, 25mr rae: Graduate internship office, Graham Rae speaking; what can I do for you?frenChy: I would like to know what I have to do to apply for a course at Imperial College.mr rae: Well, you need to fill in a form on the Internet. You need to give us some information. To begin with, what type of placement you would like and what topic you would like to study.frenChy: I would like to study engineering.mr rae: How long would you like to stay? And which term would you like to come? You must respect the deadlines.frenChy: I would like to stay one term, from October to December. When is the deadline?mr rae: You have to submit your application form before January the 15th. You also need to attach some documents.frenChy: What documents do I need to attach?mr rae: The most important documents are the application form, one reference, a covering letter, a CV and your academic references. We need to make sure you will be able to attend classes here. We have very strict entry requirements for students to respect too.frenChy: What are your entry requirements?mr rae: You need A-levels or the International baccalaureate. You must have a good command of the English language as we demand the IELTS or TOEFL qualifications. You will also have to pay tuition fees.frenChy: How much are the tuition fees?mr rae: They are £9,000 per year, not including accommodation.frenChy: Is it possible to get accomodation in your school? How much does it cost?mr rae: Yes, we have a wide range of accommodation which caters for different tastes and budgets. For more details I advise you to log on to our website.






A. It’s a hard life… or is it?

La séance en un clin d’œilDanscetteséance,lesélèvesvontdécouvriravecJamesetsesamislaviedejeunesétudiantssurlecampusd’unegrandeuniversitébritannique,Imperial College.Ilsviennentdepaysetd’horizonsdifférents,viventetétudientàLondres.Ilyauntempspourl’étude,untempspourlacultureetuntempspourladétente…àdesdegrésdifférents.Unevied’étudiantscommepourrontbientôtlavivrevosélèvesgrâceauprogrammeErasmus.Travaillezlacompréhensionorale.

Task: Tell your English friends about your life in your country.

Objectifs de la séance–Identifieretreconnaîtredifférentsaccents.–Manierlesadjectifspouraffinerlesdescriptions.Utiliserlestyleindirect.–DécouvrirlavieétudianteenAngleterre.

Construire le cours

Mise en route–Demandezauxélèvesdeparcourirlapageetd’identifierlesdifférentspersonnagesqu’ilsvontrencontrer.



Écoutes séparées–ÉcoutezJames(CD1,26)puisfaitesl’exercice1.Lacompréhensionestsimple.Demandezàunouplusieurs






Pour terminerAvantdepratiquerleYour Turn,revenezàl’exercice2quiconstitueraunebonnerépétition.Passezensuiteàlatâche.Constituezdesgroupes.Ceuxquiposentlesquestionsetceuxquiyrépondent.S’ilvousrestedutempsvouspouvezrevenirsurlesdifférentstémoignages,etdemanderauxélèvesavecquiilssesententleplusd’affinitésetcommentilsvivraientdesétudesàl’étranger.

A day in the life of a London student


Imperial College, London : –http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/–http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_College_London.

London 27



B. A brain driven society

La séance en un clin d’œilCetteséancepermetdemontrerquenoscomportementsnesontpasnécessairementdenotreseulfait.Quelleestlapartderesponsabilitéinnéedueànotrecerveauouànotresystèmenerveux?Auniveaudelalangue,ellevouspermetdeprésenterdeuxapprochesstylistiques:l’écriturejournalistiqueetunepremièreapprochedel’écriturescientifique,mêmesielleesticidevulgarisation.Cetteséancevouspermettrademontreretdefairepratiquerlesdeuxstyles.

Task: Write an article for the “letters to the editor” section in a newspaper.

Objectifs de la séance–Comprendredestextesàcaractèrescientifique.–Écrireenutilisantdestermesscientifiques.–S’informersurlecontenud’unproblème(l’impactducerveausurnoscomportements).

Construire le cours–Cecoursestrelativementsimple.Commencezparfaireidentifierlanaturedesquatretextesproposés





Pour terminer–PassezauYour Turn.Demandezauxélèvesuneécritureendeuxtemps:d’abordlalettredulecteur,ancien

«mauvais»élèvedansunedisciplineoutouteautreactivité(àchoisirparl’élève)quidécritsesdifficultés.Ensuite,uneréponsescientifiquedanslemêmestylequelesdeuxarticlesscientifiquesproposés.Cetexercicepourranécessiterunerechercheplusapprofondie.VoirdanslespagesWord Skillslesliensutiles.


CD1, 26Usually I’m up at 6:30 am –I get dressed, feed the cat, and sit at my computer to check my emails. Sometimes I watch Sky Sports News. I like to take my time. Starting in a rush gets me down. So this takes me around an hour until I have to go to a first lecture. But then I run to catch a bus to uni. At 9 am I’m ready to start.

CD1, 27My day begins at 6 with the alarm clock ringing loudly. At 7, I am in the bathroom, getting ready.At 8:30 I’m ready to leave, even though I am still sleepy. I often go through the university library before lectures. It is 2. I realize I’m hungry and

head out for a lunch break at the park on my own, as often. I am not a very talkative person but I must say I’m dying to meet someone, anyone I can talk to. At 4 at last, James usually walks in. While he tells me about his day at university, I put the kettle on to make a cup of tea. We sit down and talk about work and all sorts of things. He keeps asking me questions about my country. I almost forget that I’m far away from home, away from the din and noise of Kolkata.

CD1, 28My name’s Sue Cook. I’m studying Children’s nursing here at London South Bank University. A typical day at university in the third year is



9:30 am to 3 pm, three days a week. The course is split up into different units. Each unit has a variety of teaching methods. Seminar work often occurs in the afternoon.I enjoy going to the university gym three times a week. Usually at the end of the day we get together at the student union.

CD1, 29kate: Going to university is not all about the lecture room or the library. There’s a large variety of activities on the campus.pauL: You’re right, but I’d rather have fun outside the uni.kate: Yes, but university life is more than just studying. Social, cultural, political and sporting clubs are part of the students’ life. Besides, it doesn’t cost as much! We are poor students, remember?pauL: There are lots of cheap authentic pubs, great parks, Indian restaurants, markets, free

museums.kate: You mean MacDonald’s and Starbucks, I suppose.pauL: Rubbish! Visit the neighborhoods that aren’t touristy, and spend time at the markets, explore the alleyways; you’ll find great food and drinks in hidden places and get to know different people.

CD1, 30JameS: So Frenchy, what do you think of London students’ life? Do you find it stressful or rather relaxed? What do you find most surprising or unusual? What is a typical school day for you?pauL: How important is life outside school for you? Do you have activities? Do you go to clubs? How often?kate: Do you prefer “opening your mind” outside school or staying on the campus?kayLa: What problems do foreign students have when they try to integrate a French school? How do the other students behave?



p34, It’s a hard life… or is it?4 She is Indian. At 6 am she wakes up. At 7

she has a shower. At 8:30 she leaves home. At 2:00 pm she has lunch. At 4 James comes to see her and they have tea and talk a lot.

5 Her life in London is quite monotonous and sad as she complains about being lonely, whereas in her home town she is surrounded with noise and friends and family. She feels homesick.

6 Lectures and courses: lessons generally start at 9:30 am until 3 pm, three days a week. University gym: she is used to going there three times a week.Student union: this is a student club where she goes after each day.

7 Faitespratiquerlesstructures deprobabilitéetintroduisezdifférentesfaçonsd’exprimerdesproblèmes.She may have trouble adapting to the various teaching methods. She may find it hard to have many classes on three days only. She might have difficulty organizing herself the rest of the week. Contrary to Kayla, she doesn’t seem to have trouble integrating herself. She seems to have many friends, unlike Kayla.

8 Kayla seems to be more self-withdrawn and isolated than Sue who seems to be more outgoing and sociable.

9 Introduisezlesexpressionsdelapréférence :would rather, would prefer.Kate: she would rather make the most of the social, cultural, political and sporting clubs of the university as they are cheaper.Paul: he would prefer to have fun outside and enjoy cheap food and drinks in hidden places and know different people.

p35, A brain driven society10 Text 1: There is a high rate of obesity in

England, the US, Mexico and New Zealand.Key words: obesity rates, twice, diabetes, diseases, fatter populations.Text 2: A British trader had HBS bank lose $2 billion.Key words: UK trader, arrested, biggest trading loss, $2 billion, into the red.

12 Text 3: irrational exuberance and pessimism, competition and risk-taking physiological changes.Text 4: obesity gene mutations in the brain.

13 According to scientists, our emotional states, behavior and appetite deregulation are ruled by physiological changes occurring in our brain.




A. How it works? Scientific answers.

La séance en un clin d’œilAveccetteséance,onentredanslecœurdusujettechnologique.Vouspourrezl’utiliserenlienavecleprofesseurdetechnologie(classedeSTL,maisaussiSTI2D).Elleabordeeneffetnonseulementl’étudeducerveauhumain,maisaussicelledel’intelligenceartificielle.Progressivement,lesélèvessontamenésàcomprendrequel’étudedufonctionnementducerveau,etl’imitationqu’enfontleschercheurs(reverse engineering),contribuentàdévelopperl’intelligenceartificielleàtraverstoutessortesd’applicationstechnologiquesetmédicalesnouvelles :informatique,robots...Leniveaudelangueestrelativementélevénotammentencompréhension.

Task: Take a test about the human brain.

Objectifs de la séance–Comprendredifférentsdiscoursscientifiques.–Découvrirl’intelligenceartificielleetsesimplications.

Construire le cours–Commencezparmettrelesélèvesencontexteenlessensibilisantauxtermestechniquesliésaucerveau.

Faiteslirel’encartDid you know?,puisl’exercice1.–Letravaildecompréhensioncommenceparunelectureattentivedesphotos.Faites-leurdécrirepuispassezà


–Introduisezlanotiond’intelligence artificiellequiestlesujetquinousoccupe.Ainsipréparés,lesélèvesdevraientaborderlesexercices3à5avecplusdeconfianceetd’aisance.Ils’agitmaintenantd’anticiperlediscoursdesscientifiquesquivontparler,puisdecompareraveccequ’ilsvontréellementdire.Leschémaestlemêmepourlesexercices3et4.Avantdecommencerl’exercice4,demandezauxélèvesàquellephotoilsrelieraientl’interviewdeBernadineHealy.L’exercice5poursuitletravailsurlamaîtrisedelacompréhension,cettefoisenpassantpardesquestionspréalablesàposeràunspécialistedel’intelligenceartificielle.

–Nousvousproposonsdeuxapprochesdifférentes :•Soitvousrespectezstrictementlaconsigneetnotezautableaulesquestionsspontanéesdesélèves,puisvouscomparezaveclesquestions.Sidesquestionsdifférentesapparaissent,faitesrépondrelesélèves.•SoitvousfaitesentendrelesréponsesdeJ.McCarthyetvousdemandezauxélèvesderetrouverlesquestions.

Cesexercicesdemandentbeaucoupdeconcentration.Ménagezdecourtespausesentrechaque.L’exercice6estunevérificationdel’acquisitiondelanotiond’intelligenceartificielle.IlconstitueuneultimepréparationàlatâcheduYour Turn.Celle-ciprésenteuncaractèreludiquequevouspourrezencoreaccroîtreenconstituantdeséquipes,enlimitantlestempsderéponseeteninscrivantlesscoresautableaupourdésignerunvainqueur.

Quite a Unique Tool!



Artificial Intelligence (AI) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence

B. Technical answers: is this the bionic man?

La séance en un clin d’œilCetteséanceestplusparticulièrementdestinéeàlalectureetlacompréhensiondel’écrit.Ellemontrelesprogrèsscientifiquesettechnologiquesquipermettentàcequiétaitilyapeuencoredudomainedelafictiondedevenirréalité,enparticulierenmatièrederéparationducorpshumain.




Task: Write the missing texts to illustrate an article about brain research.

Objectifs de la séance–Rechercherdesinformationsdansdestextesàcaractèrescientifique.–Accroîtresonvocabulairescientifiqueettechnologiqueetsavoirl’utiliser.

Construire le cours–Nousvousproposonsdecommencerlecoursenannonçantl’objectiffinal,àsavoirlatâcheduYour Turn.


–Donnez-leurleWorksheet 6,laissez-leslirelesconsignestoutenapportantl’aidenécessairesibesoin.Soyezlerédacteurenchef.

–Apportezdel’informationcomplémentairesurladéfinitiondebionicetsurlasérieThe Six Million Dollar Man.Sivousdisposezd’unvidéoprojecteur,projetezlavidéod’introductionàlasérietéléviséedesannées1970.Elleestreprisedansledébutdel’article“Fiction or Reality?”.Encouragez-lesàposerdesquestionssurletexteetprévoyezd’avancelesréponses.Cetteapprocheestplusprofessionnelle,moinsscolaire,quelestraditionnellesquestionssurletexteposéesparleprofesseur.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HofoK_QQxGc



Bionics : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bionics



CD1, 31The human brain is incredibly complex. It controls everything our body does. It is made up of billions of nerve cells. Messages are passed along and between cells through tiny electrical impulses and chemical messages. It is made up of the cerebral hemispheres containing the grey matter, and the white matter which is like the wiring. The cerebral hemispheres can be split into four different lobes. The frontal lobe is responsible for our behaviour. The parietal lobe helps us with tasks like calculation and spelling. The temporal lobe is important for language, emotion and memory. And the occipital lobe is responsible for our vision.

CD1, 32Reverse engineering the brain is actually a brilliant challenge because we’re using our nature to understand exactly how this complex entity called the human brain works, how it functions in health, how it functions in illness. There are practical issues that are associated with reverse engineering the brain, whether it is Alzheimer’s or whether it is mental illnesses, understanding a whole range of illnesses as a template for building better drugs. But it also has a very practical application in terms of taking us to the whole next new level of computers. We’re identifying some pretty important clues and patterns that will probably have relevance to creating an artificial




intelligence that perhaps could be used in a very positive and constructive way.

CD1, 33QueStion: What is artificial intelligence?anSWer: It’s the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.QueStion: Isn’t A.I. about simulating human intelligence?anSWer: Well, it depends. On the one hand, we can learn something about how to make machines solve problems by observing our own methods. On the other hand, most work in A.I. involves studying the problems the world presents to intelligence rather than studying people or animals.QueStion: What about other comparisons between human and computer intelligence?anSWer: Computer programs have plenty of speed and memory but their abilities correspond to the

intellectual mechanisms that program designers understand well enough to put into programs.QueStion: Does A.I. aim at human-level intelligence?anSWer: Yes. The ultimate effort is to make computer programs that can solve problems and achieve goals in the world as well as humans.QueStion: Is A.I. really a good idea?anSWer: The philosopher John Searle says that the idea of a non-biological machine being intelligent is incoherent. I don’t ask the question this way.

CD1, 34What is the brain? What does the brain do? What are the different parts of the brain? What are the two hemispheres associated with? Why do some brains have problems? What is reverse engineering the brain? What can be the applications or interests of reverse engineering the brain? What is A.I.? What does it aim at? Is everybody unanimous about A.I.?

p36, How it works? Scientific answers.6 a. Right.

b. Right (“learn something about how to make machines solve problems by observing our own methods”) and wrong (“AI involves studying the problems the world presents to intelligence”).c. Wrong (“their abilities correspond to the intellectual mechanisms that program designers understand well enough to put into programs”).d. Right.e. Wrong (“incoherent”).

p37, Technical answers: is this the bionic man?7 Bionic: having electronically powered


8 a. In both the film and the text, it seems possible to rebuild a man with bionic implants controlled by the brain. However in the film the newly built man has enhanced powers and skills whereas in the text the aim is to give back ordinary body functions.b. The brain, motor cortex, hand, arm, legs, eye.d. §2: Phase 1: implant electrodes in the motor cortex. Phase 2: they record neural activity. Phase 3: they translate it into movement commands.




La séance en un clin d’œilUndébatpassionnantàprépareretàmenersurl’introductiondesrobotsdansnosvies,etuntravailspécifiquesurledémarraged’undébat.

Task: Choose your side and defend your position.

Objectifs de la séanceMaîtriserlaphased’ouvertured’undébat.

Construire le cours–Commencezpartravaillerlarèglen°2dudébat.Ils’agitd’apprendreetdes’entraîneràcommencerun

débat.UtilisezlePractisepourunentraînementpréalable.Sibesoin,recommencezavecunautresujetliéàlathématique.Soyezexigeant.FaitesutiliserlevocabulaireduWords You Need.


–Continuezàalimenterlaréflexiondesélèvesavecl’écoutede“Budding Whizz”(exercices3et4).Danslesdeuxexercices,demandezauxélèvesdereleverlesélémentsallantdansleursenspourenrichirleurargumentation,sansnégligerlesargumentscontrairespourmieuxyrépondreaucoursdudébat.



We want intelligent machines to help us in our lives.


CD1, 35Budding WhizzChiLd: How can robots think and act like men?SCientiSt: Robots are programmed to perform certain things and they have a memory integrated in their software. They need to observe man, analyze his actions and integrate the results into their program to be able to do the same on their own.ChiLd: What can they do?SCientiSt: Many things! Some can walk, carry things, use their hands, even talk, watch objects and grab them…ChiLd: Will they be able to do things that we can’t do? Can they be better than us?SCientiSt: Well, that’s the aim of our research. We would like robots to be able to perform things man doesn’t want or can’t do because they are dangerous, such as acting on minefields or after an earthquake, or even in outer planets. And yes they might be better than us at doing certain things.

ChiLd: Who can they help?SCientiSt: Lots of people. Elderly people who have trouble moving or can’t walk, people who have had an accident and whose spinal cords have been damaged, but also scientists, firefighters, and just people in their daily tasks. Can you imagine a robot doing your homework and the chores in your house?ChiLd: Well, that would be great. But can they be independent or do they have to be assisted by man?SCientiSt: We are working on teaching them to act and think by themselves according to their environment. They must learn to anticipate and use experience to change their actions.ChiLd: Can they rebel against man and attack him?SCientiSt: Well, I hope not! Otherwise they could become uncontrollable and dangerous!

London 33


p39, Case study1 The information required in a medical report is:

–the name of the patient; –his age; –the symptoms; –a physical exam; –laboratory tests; –a diagnosis; –a recommended treatment;–possible side effects.

La séance en un clin d’œilDeuxièmeatelierd’écrituredeChallenges for the 21st Century.Àtraverslerapportmédical,c’estl’ensembledeladémarchescientifiquequiestabordéeicietsurlaquellenousreviendronsaucoursdesChallenges.Ils’agiticidefaireprendreconscienceauxélèvesque,quellequesoitlalangue,lesrèglesdel’analyseetdel’écriturescientifiqueettechnologiques’appliquentdelamêmefaçon:observation,questionnement,conclusions,préconisations.Latâcheesticirelativementsimplepuisqu’ilnes’agitquedecompléterunrapportmédical.C’estdoncl’observationetlarestitutiondustyleetduvocabulairequiserontprivilégiées.Ils’agitdetransformerdesnotesenunrapportrédigé.

Task: Complete a medical report.

Objectifs de la séance–Mettreenœuvreunedémarchederédactionscientifique.–Aborderlarédactiond’unrapportmédical.

Construire le cours–CommencezparlirelaStrategy Boxaveclesélèves.Rappelezauxélèvesquelalanguedoitêtresimpleet



vuesprécédemment.Vouspourrezposerquelquesquestionsécritessurlessensautableau ;parexemple :–What symptoms have been observed? –How have these symptoms been detected? –What does the patient suffer from? –What conclusions have the doctors come to?…Danscecasfaitesécrirelesréponses.

2.PasserensuiteàlalecturetrèsattentivedurapportrédigéconcernantJamesHarley.Vouspourriezphotoco-pierletexteproposépourquelesélèvesnevoientpaslescouleursquicorrespondentauxétapesindiquéesdanslaStrategy Boxetleurdemanderderetrouverlesétapes,puisdecompareraveccellesindiquéesparlescouleursdanslelivre.

3.LirelerapportconcernantAnnaRichardsonetpasserauWorksheet 8pourcompléterlerapportcommedemandé.

Medical Report







CD1, 36–wires, devices, scientists, diseases, skills, brains, supervisors, watches, headaches, courses, finds,

exchanges–studies, tasks, abilities, neurons, progresses, applicants, laughs, laws, fields

CD1, 37Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

CD1, 33 QueStion: What is artificial intelligence?anSWer: It’s the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.QueStion: Isn’t A.I. about simulating human intelligence?anSWer: Well, it depends. On the one hand, we can learn something about how to make machines solve problems by observing our own methods. On the other hand, most work in A.I. involves studying the problems the world presents to intelligence rather than studying people or animals.QueStion: What about other comparisons between human and computer intelligence?anSWer: Computer programs have plenty of speed and memory but their abilities correspond to the intellectual mechanisms that program designers understand well enough to put into programs.QueStion: Does A.I. aim at human-level intelligence?anSWer: Yes. The ultimate effort is to make computer programs that can solve problems and achieve goals in the world as well as humans.QueStion: Is A.I. really a good idea?anSWer: The philosopher John Searle says that the idea of a non-biological machine being intelligent is incoherent. I don’t ask the question this way.


p40, The sound of words1 -s sound: wires, scientists, skills, brains,

supervisors, headaches, finds.-es sound: devices, diseases, watches, courses, exchanges.

p41, Language use, Say how it works

before, singular precise6 a. considerable, outstanding

b. A great number of c. considerable, crucial d. major

Words7 Prefixes: impossible, inadequate,

incorrect, unpleasant, irresponsible, illegal, misunderstand.Suffixes: researcher, illness, improvement, reliable, useful-useless, possibility.

8 a. restart b. impatient c. thoughtless d. oversleep e. comfortable




La séance en un clin d’œilNousavonschoisideconcrétiserleChallengesurlecerveauparunprojetdeprogrammed’entraînementetdestimulationducerveau(Fitness program).CetravailaurapuêtreengagédepuisledébutduChallengeettrouveradoncsaphaseultimependantcetteséance,àsavoirsaprésentation.Uneheuresuffira.Sivousentamezlaséanceàcestade,nousvousconseillonsd’yconsacrerdeuxheures.Cette page pourra être utilisée pendant l’heure de technologie en anglais après préparation avec le professeur de spécialité (STL). Pour certains, elle pourra servir de support au projet technologique à présenter à l’épreuve correspondante du baccalauréat.Ceprojet,commeleprécédent,devraitpermettredestimulerlacréativitédesélèves.Faitesnoterlejeudemotsurletitre.Expliquez-lesibesoin.

Task: Make a brain fitness program.

Objectifs de la séance–RéutiliserlesinformationsetcompétencesacquisespendantleChallenge.–Apprendreàconstruireunprojetetàleprésenter.

Construire le cours–Avantdecommencer,laissezlesélèveslirel’encadrésurlestravauxduDrKawashima.Demandezauxélèves


descompétencesnécessaires⁄:technique,design,rédactionnel,marketingetcommercialisation…Legroupedoitformerunensembleoùchacunapportesesqualitésetcompétencespropres.Demandezàchaquegroupedechoisirsonmodedeprésentationfinale :collectifouparunoudeuxreprésentants.Insistezsurlefaitquelaprésentationnedevrapasêtreluemaispourraêtrefaitesousformenumérique(cf.instructionspourl’épreuveoraleenanglaisaubaccalauréat).

–Leprojetseraaussiprésentésouslaformed’unleafletquiseraégalementévalué.–Unefoislesgroupesconstitués,laissez-lestravaillerenvérifiantquelecontexteetlesrequirements sont


Pour la présentation (Perform)–Choisissezletypedejuryquevoussouhaitezmettreenplace.–Rappelezlescritèresdechoixdujuryenvousappuyantsurlescritèresproposés.–Prévoyezdefaireunegrillereprenantcescritèreset/oud’autres,defaçonàcequechaqueélèvedisposedu



«Brain Sana in Corpore Sano»


The term brain fitness : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_fitness




p44-45, Written exam1 –The New York Times: daily paper;

–Lessons in Life and Business: autobiography;–The English Patient: novel;–Time: magazine;–news.bbc.uk: website.

2 an extract from a news magazine3 efficient, mail, boss, think, reason, working conditions, industrialists, domination.5 Definition

l.1, “an avian robot that can take off and fly”.Descriptionl.2-3, “a bit larger than the gull species, with a two-metre wingspan and a carbon-fiber ‘skeleton’ that weighs 450 grams”.Functions and qualitiesl.3-6, “Like livebirds, SmartBird’s ‘torso’ can flex, providing directional control. But unlike live birds, SmartBird’s movements can be radio-controlled and monitored from afar. But the mostinteresting thing (to my eyes) is how its wings move”.Interestsl.9, “learn how to maximize energy-efficiency and conservation of resources”.

6 Réponsedel’élève.


p43, Oral exam

CD1, 38QueStion: What is artificial intelligence?anSWer: It’s the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs.QueStion: Isn’t A.I. about simulating human intelligence?anSWer: Well, it depends. On the one hand, we can learn something about how to make machines solve problems by observing our own methods. On the other hand, most work in A.I. involves studying the problems the world presents to intelligence rather than studying people or animals.QueStion: What about other comparisons between human and computer intelligence?anSWer: Computer programs have plenty of speed and memory but their abilities correspond to the intellectual mechanisms that program designers understand well enough to put into programs.QueStion: Does A.I. aim at human-level intelligence?anSWer: Yes. The ultimate effort is to make computer programs that can solve problems and achieve goals in the world as well as humans.QueStion: Is A.I. really a good idea?anSWer: The philosopher John Searle says that the idea of a non-biological machine being intelligent is incoherent. I don’t ask the question this way.

London 37

Supply Worldwide Energy Sydney




Supply Worldwide

Energy 46-63

Sydney, Australia


Sustainable development

Take part in a competition


L’idée de progrès

Écologie et environnement Démarche créative

Oral course Written course

Everyday EnglishSurvival Kit 50-51 Shopping at the supermarket Reading recipes to cook

TASKSPeople and Society 52-53Science and Technology 54-55

– Answer questions about Aboriginal Australians

– Choose the best energy source

– Answer a survey about Sydney– Write a report about the best sources

of energy

RULES OF THE DEBATEDebating Society 56

Rebuttal (criticizing arguments from the other side)

WRITTEN GENREWriting Workshop 57

FictionReading and writing fiction

STRATEGIES–The Language Challenge 58-59–Your Passport to the Exam 61-63

– Listening for specific information– Understanding a presentation

– Understanding the general idea of a text– Understanding the goal of a text– Finding an equivalent sentence– Writing a story

WORDS 58-59 Achievement words Achievement words

FAQGrammar files 59

– “depuis”– As or like– Asking questions

La séquence en un clin d’œilBienvenueàSydney,Australie.Unnouveaumondepourunefaçonplusproprederegarderlavie.Aufildespages,vousallezdécouvrirlavilleetlesmesuresprisesparlamunicipalitépourlarendreplusverte.Emmenezvosélèvesàladécouverted’uneterredecontrastesoùl’unedesplusanciennescivilisationsdumondecôtoielesderniersarrivants,oùtraditionettechnologiefinissentparserejoindrepourfairedeSydneyunevillepropreetaccueillante.Découvrezlesénergiesrenouvelablesetcomparez-lesauxressourcesénergétiquesactuelles.Préparezlesélèvesàparticiperàunprojetdedéveloppementdurablepourleurpropreville.Danslemêmetemps,vouspourrezpoursuivrelapratiquedudébatettravaillerl’écrituregrâceàlalectured’undesplusbrillantsauteursbritanniquesdenotreépoque,IanMacEwan.CommepourlesautresChallenges,choisissezvotreparcours,oral,écritoumixte,enétantassuréquel’unviendratoujoursrenforcerl’autre.SivousprévoyezdetravaillerlespagesScience & Technologyaveclesprofesseursd’enseignementtech-nologique,pensezàleseninformerdèsledébutdevotreséquence.LapageTaking up the Challengeseprêteparticulièrementbienàuntravailtechnologiqueetpourraitmêmefairel’objetduprojetprévuaubaccalauréat.

Lexique, définitions et Clevernet, p174-175

Sydney 39

La séance en un clin d’œilCetteséancevouspermetdedécouvrirvotrenouvelledestinationetletroisièmeChallenge.VisitezSydneyencompagniedeJessy.Elleaimelecôtévertdelaville,sesparcs,sonfrontdemer,leseffortsfaitsparlavilleenmatièred’environnementetlacoexistencepacifiqueentrelesmultiplesethniesquilapeuplent.Découvrezaussilenouveaudéfiquiattendlesélèves:quelle(s)énergie(s)pourleXXIesiècle?Leprojetproposé,a competition about sustainable developmentpourraêtretravaillédèsledébutdelaséquenceetaveclesprofesseursdetechnologie.Vouspourrezaborderlaséancesoitparleparcoursoral,soitparleparcoursécrit.Danscecas,lalecturedesinformationsdonnéespage49seraunebonnebasepourletravailoral.

Objectifs de la séanceDécouvrirSydneyetledéfin°3.

Construire le cours





–PassezensuiteaumessageOn the walldeJessy,lacorrespondanteaustraliennedelabandedeC21.Jessyestuneécologisteconvaincue.Ellemilitepourledéveloppementdesénergiesrenouvelables.Faiteslirelemessageetrépondreauxquestionsdel’exercice1.


–ÉcoutezensuitelesdéclarationsdumaireetdudirecteurduSolar Thermal Site.Vérifiezlacompréhensionplutôtendemandantunerestitutiondesinterventionsaustyleindirectquepardesquestions.Procédezensuiteàuneanalysecomparativedesdeuxdiscours.Montrezl’écartentrelepolitiqueetlescientifique.Lemulticulturalismedécritdanslasecondeinterventiondumairen’estpasprésentédanslesphotos.VouspourrezyrevenirpluslonguementdanslarubriquePeople & Society(p52).Àcestade,introduisezl’informationsurlesAborigènesetmontrezcomment,deparsapositiongéographique,l’Australieestuneterred’accueilpourlesAsiatiques.

–TerminezparlesCulture Gamesquivouspermettrontdemettreàbasquelquesidéesreçues.Àchaquefoisquecelaestpossible,proposezunecomparaisonaveclesFrançais.



–VouspourrezensuiteécouterlecommentairedeGregBurgess(CD1,41)etcomparercequ’ilditavecleschiffresdugraphiquededroite(World Energy Consumption by Fuel Type, 1970-2020).



and varied artistic entertainments and unique architecture. The Sydney cultural calendar features multicultural festivals such as the Sydney Chinese New Year festival with its traditional Chinese spectacular parade.

CD1, 41

Renewable energy in Australia represents 5.2% of total energy consumption, but only 1.7% of total production.Australia has the potential for vast renewable energy capabilities. However this is not yet fully realised and the country’s abundant resources are currently under-utilized. The significant deployment of these technologies would substantially reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, as electricity generation accounts for the majority of the country’s carbon emissions.

CD1, 39

Cities have a critical role in addressing climate change. The City of Sydney wants to lead the way by taking immediate action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon pollution. In 2008, the City of Sydney became the first carbon neutral government in Australia. The City of Sydney is part of a national program to help improve office energy-efficiency. The City has 49 water re-use projects installed or scheduled for installation.We invest a lot in engineering research.

CD1, 40

Sydney also has a very rich culture, first through its Indigenous culture and support of its cultural diversity, but also through its rich



p48, On the wall1 Jessy is Australian and invites her friends

to come and see what Sydney does for the protection of the environment.

A place to discover3 Sydney has taken action to reduce greenhouse

gas emissions, including carbon pollution. It is strongly committed to improving energy use and water consumption.

4 Multiculturalism in Sydney consists in making different cultures coexist: Indigenous, Chinese… They are expressed through varied artistic entertainments and architecture, multicultural festivals and international parades.

5 Renewable energy in Australia represents 5.2% of total energy consumption, but only 1.7% of total production. Sydney has a lot of renewable energies at its disposal, but they are underused.

Culture games6 a. Well, Aussies are proud of their country

and easily hurt by any negative comments.b. No, you can’t generalise about any country like this. The Australians aren’t the rudest people in the world. They are the nicest

people you’ll ever meet! They are good mannered and very friendly!c. Yes, Australians are adventurers. This is partly due to the wilderness of the heart of the country, the Outback, and to its magnificent landscapes.d. We do love the kangaroo but we also love the emu. They represent the country’s progress because they are always moving forward and never move backwards.e. Of course not. We are not all surfers. We do many other sports! Like Australian football, rugby and cricket… Don’t forget we got 58 medals in the Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000.f. Well, most Australians grew up in a multi-cultural society. They are patriotic, for sure, but they are very tolerant with other cultures too.

p49, A challenge to discover

7 Veillezàcequelesélèvesutilisentdesmodauxpourparlerdesrisquesetdesbesoins.

8 a.The United States and China. b. China and the United States. c. Russia, Canada, Australia, Norway. d. Oil. e. Very limited place as compared to non-renewables. f. The prospects show that oil will continue to be the major source of energy consumption while renewable will keep growing but at a limited pace.

Sydney 41

p50, Listen and note1 Voir CD1, 42.

2 Voir CD1, 43.How to ask about prices: I can’t find the price of…, How much are they?How to ask about sizes: What size are they?Weights: How much does it weigh?Colors: What color are they?Locations: Could you tell me where I can find…? Where are they?Differences: What about this other pack?

Listen and practise3 a. biscuits and snacks. b. fish. c. frozen food. d. electrical e. bakery.

4 Sitedeconversiondemonnaie:www.xe.com/ucc/fr/.

p51, Observe and note6 1. Preheat, mix. 2. Unfold, cut, form, roll, pinch. 3. Cut, place, brush. 4. Place, bake, reduce,

bake. 5. cool, serve.

7 Pork sausage: 2 pounds = about 900 grams. 425°F = 220°C, 350°F = 175°C.

CD1, 42

Frenchy, I need you to do some shopping for me. Could you go to Woolworths and bring me back 1 bottle of dishwashing liquid, 1 pack of aluminium foil, a 200 gram yeast packet, 2 boxes of fresh organic garlic and mushrooms, a 30 cm frying pan, chicken breast fillets, one body wash gel and a pack of 9v batteries. I also need a pair of socks size 7.

CD1, 43man (1): Excuse me sir, could you tell me where I can find some aluminium foil please?empLoyee: You should go to the paper goods department, third row on the right.Woman (1): I beg your pardon sir. Where are the batteries?empLoyee: You can find them a bit everywhere in the shop but you’d better go to the electricity department.man (2): Excuse me. I can’t find the price of these rubber gloves. How much are they? What color are they?empLoyee: They are $3.75. They are dark green.Woman (2): Excuse me, I forgot my glasses and I can’t read the information on the label. How much does it weigh? What about this other pack?empLoyee: It’s 175 gr. whereas this one is 250 gr.Woman (2): Oh thank you young man! And what size are these slippers?empLoyee: They are size 8.

CD1, 44ChiLd: I’m looking for muesli bars.Woman: Where can I find smoked salmon?Woman: Where are sundae ice creams please?man: Could you tell me where to find flashlights?Woman: I can’t find the flour.






A. From first inhabitants to ethnic minorities

La séance en un clin d’œilSéanceessentiellementconsacréeàladécouvertedespremiershabitantsdel’Australie,del’impactdel’arrivéedesBritanniquessurcespopulations,delafaçondontilssesontadaptésetdeleursituationdansleSydneyduXXIesiècle.OnrapprocheraavecintérêtlaprésentationfaiteiciparunguideaborigènedecequiaétévudanslapageoraledeDestination(p48).Latâchefinaleétantunesortedequiz,demandezauxélèvesunegrandeconcentrationafindeprépareraumieuxcejeu(sixquestions).

Task: Answer questions about Aboriginal Australians’ history and current situation.

Objectifs de la séance–AcquérirdesconnaissancessurlesrelationsentrelesBritanniquesetlesAborigènes.–Développerlacompréhensiondel’oral.–Apprendreàrechercherdesinformationsspécifiquesdansundiscoursoral.

Construire le cours–Lesélèveslisentl’encadrésousletitre.Ilsentrentainsidanslecontextedelaséance.

Répondezauxdemandesdeprécisions,sibesoin,maissansplus.Ils’agitbiendemettrelesélèvesensituationdevisitedel’Australian Museum.Commedansunegalerie,ilsdécouvrentlesdocumentsenregardantlesimages.Celles-ciprésententunraccourcidel’histoiredesAborigènesentroistemps.Vouspouvezsoittravaillerlesimagesséparément,soit,commeaumusée,faireécouterlescommentairesduguideaufuretàmesuredelaprogressiondanslagalerie.Lesélèvesécoutentleguideetregardentenmêmetemps.Vouspouvezjouerl’assistantduguideetrépondreauxquestionscomplémentairesdesélèves,s’ilyena.Favorisezetencouragezainsileurcuriosité.


–PassezensuiteauquestionnaireoraldeYour Turn.Corrigez.Finissezparl’exercice3quiestunexercicedestypesdesépreuvesdubaccalauréat.

Australia, Old Land, New TechnologyPEOPLE AND SOCIETY P52-53


Indigenous Australians :www.aboriginalart.com.au/aboriginal_australia.html


B. Sustainable Sydney 2030: green, global and connected

La séance en un clin d’œilIls’agiticidefaireréfléchirlesélèvesàcequesontetpourrontêtrelesvillesdansunfuturrelativementproche.Pasdedébatsurlesujetdansceparcours ;plutôtl’acquisitiond’informations,dedonnéespouralimenteruneréflexionquitrouverasonaboutissementdansleprojet.Icic’estlecôtésocial,laqualitédeviedeshabitants,quiestétudié.

Task: Answer Sydney City Survey about “Sustainable Sydney 2030”.

Objectifs de la séance–Appréhenderlesenjeuxdesociétéquiprésidentàlaréflexiondespouvoirspublicsenmatière


Sydney 43




Construire le coursConstruisezvotrecoursselonlachronologieindiquéeousuiveznotrepropositionci-dessous.–Placezlesélèvesdanslapositiondemembresdelateamd’expertschargésdepréparerleprojet“Sustainable

Sydney 2030”.Indiquezquelapremièrephasedeleurtravailconsisteàserenseignersurlanaturedecequiestattenduparlamunicipalitéetlanaturedel’existant.IntégrezlatâcheduYour Turnauxconsignes.Demandez-leurdenoterlesquestionsquileurviennentaufuretàmesuredeleurlecture.Ainsi,lepassageàlaTaskseraplusnaturel.

–Lesélèveslisentlesquestionssurlesdeuxtextesproposésavantlalecture,puisnotentlesréponsesaufuretàmesuredelalecture.Circulezparmieuxentantquechefdeprojetetrépondezauxdemandesd’explication.L’objectifestdedévelopperl’autonomiedansletravail.Demandez-leuraussidenoterlevocabulairespécifiqueauthème (sustainable future, water efficient infrastructure, carbon neutral…).

–Pourpréparerlesquestionsdel’enquête,aiguillezlesélèvessibesoinsurlaGrammar filedansThe Language Challenge(p59),quiproposeuneremiseenmémoiredelaconstructiondesquestions.

–Pourfinir,demandezauxélèvesderépondreàleursquestionnaires.Corrigez.LeWorksheet 11vousproposeunexempledequestionnaire.Nousvoussuggéronsdemélangerlesquestionnairesetdelesdistribuerdefaçonaléatoireauxélèves.Corrigezcollectivementendégageantlesélémentsstructurantsquipourrontservirautravailsurleprojet.Variante : composezdeséquipesd’expertsdans lesdifférentsdomaines. Ils travaillerontà la foisindividuellementpourlarecherched’informationsetcollectivementpourlapréparationdesquestionnaires.

CD1, 45The Aboriginal Australians were the first Australian inhabitants. They probably settled here more than 40,000 years ago. They strongly believe in nature, land, storytelling, music, art and religion. Their paintings tell stories; they show their daily life and religious beliefs. Between 1788 and 1868 the English sent over 162,000 convicts to Australia in 806 ships. European settlement had a disastrous impact on the local Indigenous people. European settlers’ deliberate ill treatment of Indigenous people, the terrible impact of European diseases and the introduction of alcohol all contributed to a breakdown of Indigenous society. Local Indigenous people died in their thousands. They, or I should say we, now represent only 2.5% of the population (that’s 500,000 people). Those who still live in the remote areas of the Outback have tried to keep their tradition and history alive.

CD1, 46One of the reasons Indigenous cultures have survived for so long is our ability to adapt and change over time. In Australia, our communities

keep our cultural heritage alive by passing our knowledge, arts, rituals and performances from one generation to another, speaking and teaching languages, and protecting our cultural goods. Also, there are several programs aiming at helping our integration and survival. They promote tourism in regional and rural Australia and contribute to long term economic growth throughout Australia.

CD1, 4787% of Australians agree that there is racial prejudice in Australia and 86% agree that something should be done to fight racism here. Moreover Indigenous people don’t share the same opportunities and benefits as whites. A few years ago more than 9% of the Indigenous population in rural areas lived in “caravans, shacks and improvised accommodation” and 9% of Indigenous people’s rural homes did not have a toilet. They have trouble getting housing loans and finding work. However I do think things are changing. For one thing the City of Sydney is deeply committed to establishing a process of reconciliation in partnership with Indigenous people. Then, interest in Indigenous culture has risen significantly in recent years, partly driven



by better integration into the school curriculum. Students’ knowledge and self-confidence help contribute to the changing face of Australian people…

CD1, 48a. When did the first Aboriginal people settle in Australia? b. What happened in the late

18th century? c. Why were the consequences disastrous for Aboriginal people? d. Give two reasons explaining why Aboriginal people have managed to survive. e. What are Aboriginal people’s beliefs and values? f. What proportion of the population do they represent today? g. To what extent are they integrated or not today?

p52, From first inhabitants to ethnic minorities1 A. Aboriginal Australians at the beginning

of their history. B. The violence committed during the first settlements at the end of the 18th century. C. Aboriginal tourism in the present days. They show the ability of Aboriginal Australians to adapt and to preserve their traditions and identity by sharing their culture with other people.

2 VoirCD1, 45.

3 Réponsedel’élève.

4 First reason: their ability to adapt and change over time, and to transmit their culture and traditions. Second reason: programs aiming at helping their integration and economical survival.

5 Remaining problems are linked to racial prejudice, discrimination and inequality of opportunities. But things are changing for the better in so far as Sydney is acting in favour of a reconciliation process and more and more interest is given to Australian culture.

Your turna. The first Indigenous people settled in Australia 40,000 years ago.b. In the late 18th century the English sent over 162,000 convicts to Australia in 806 ships.c. European settlers’ deliberate ill treatment of Indigenous people, the terrible impact of European diseases and the introduction of alcohol all contributed to a breakdown of Indigenous society.d. Indigenous people have managed to survive thanks to their ability to adapt and change

over time, and to transmit their culture, but also thanks to official programs enforced by Sydney and aiming at helping their integration and economical survival.e. They strongly believe in the transmission of knowledge, languages, arts, rituals and performances from one generation to another.f. They now represent only 2.5% of the population (500,000 people).g. They are more integrated and accepted than a few years ago, but they are still victims of discrimination, prejudices and inequalities.

p53, Sustainable Sydney 2030: green, global and connected

6 Faitespratiquerlesstructuresdeprobabilité(must, may, might…).

7 Réponsedel’élève.Insistezsurlastructurationdesréponses(problems, causes, solutions).

8 Nature of the project: a partnership between different experts has been thinking about how to make Sydney more sustainable, attractive and dynamic, by improving its infrastructures, parks, workplaces, economy, public transport…

9 strategic, sustainable, energy and water efficient, secure, inspiring, great, vibrant, dynamic, desirable, high quality, clean, integrated

10 Sydney has already managed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and water consumption. It aims at decreasing pollution even more by getting companies and businesses to reduce their consumption and emissions. It also intends to reduce water demand and improve storm water quality.





A. Non-renewable resources

La séance en un clin d’œilCetteséancepermetd’aborderlathématiqueduChallengeparl’aspecttechnologique.Elleestsurtouttournéeversl’expressionorale.Ellepermetégalementd’alimenterlaréflexionsurlathématique.Lesdeuxgrandescatégoriesderessourcesénergétiquessontprésentées,maisdansceparcoursoralc’estsurlesénergiesnon-renouvelablesquedoitporterletravail.Lesénergiesrenouvelablessontdéveloppéesdansleparcoursécrit.

Task: Decide which traditional energy source is the most profitable.

Objectifs de la séance–Analyserdesdonnéesetfairedeschoix.–Acquérirduvocabulairetechniqueliéauxsourcesd’énergie.–Comprendreetexprimerdesdonnéestechniquessurlessourcesd’énergie.

Construire le coursLes deux parcours de Science & Technology pourront être travaillés en lien avec les professeurs des matières scientifiques ou technologiques.Construisezvotrecoursselonlachronologieindiquéeousuiveznotrepropositionci-dessous.–Commencezparinterroger,livresfermés,lesélèvessurlanotiond’énergie.Voyezcequ’ilsconnaissentet

saventexprimerenanglais.Intégrezcettenotiondanslaproblématiqueplusgénéraledel’écologieetdudéveloppementdurable(cf.lesdéfinitions,p174).Àpartirdesdeuxschémasdel’exercice2,demandezauxélèvesdedonnerunedéfinitiondutermeénergie non-renouvelable.Amenez-lesàcomparerlesdeuxgrandstypesd’énergieprésentés.


–RevenezrapidementsurleschémaRenewable energy.Demandezauxélèvesquellesphotosilsproposeraientpourillustrerlesénergiesprésentéesetcommentilsdécriraientlesconséquencessurl’environnement.Attention,lepaysageainsidépeintpourraitêtrepartropidyllique.S’ilsnelefontpasd’eux-mêmes,attirezleurattentionsurlesrisquesliésàlaconstructionetàl’exploitationdesystèmesénergétiquesrenouvelables(prenezl’exempledespanneauxsolairesoudesbatteriesdanslesvoituresélectriquesquiengendrentdesrisquesdepollutionpeut-êtresupérieursàceuxengendréspardesénergiesplustraditionnelles).


–Your Turnestunexercicedesynthèse.Assurez-vousquelescritèresdechoixdemandéssoientbienprésentsdanslaprésentationdesélèves.Avantdecommencer,précisezcequidoitêtrecomprisparprofitable(pourqui?pourquoi?...)Laformeàdonneràlaréalisationdelatâcheestimportante :elledoitêtreclaire,structuréeetcompréhensiblepourlesmembresdugroupeC21auxquelselleestdestinée.Au-delà,c’estunbonexercicedepréparationàl’épreuved’expressionoraleencontinudubaccalauréat.



Earth, Wind and Sun!


Fossil fuels :http://www.darvill.clara.net/altenerg/fossil.htm



B. Renewable resources: from nature to power

La séance en un clin d’œilCetteséancepermetuneanalysetechniqueetéconomiquedel’utilisationdesénergiesrenouvelables.Elleprésenteaussidesrecherchesettechniquesnouvelles,etparfoiscontestées,appliquéesaugazetausolaire.Elledemandeuntravailpersonneletunecertaineconcentration.Ellepeutêtreutilementenrichieparunerecherchepersonnelle(cf. Clevernet,p175).

Task: Advise the Mayor of Sydney about what source of energy to choose.

Objectifs de la séance–Développerlacompétencedelecturedetextesàcaractèretechnique.–Analyseretcomparerdesdonnées.–Rédigerunrapporttechniqueargumenté.

Construire le coursConstruisezvotrecoursselonlachronologieindiquéeousuiveznotrepropositionci-dessous.–Pourentrerdanslescénario,indiquezauxélèvesquelemaireattendlerapportdemandédanslatâche,





The scientific method (cf. p129)


CD1, 49Energy is required to run a large number of things, from homes to cars to electronics. Let me tell you about four well-established energy sources that are used the world over to make civilization run smoothly.Coal first, is a non-renewable fossil fuel that supplies electrical power to several power systems. Coal was created by fossilized dead plants millions of years ago. Power plants burn coal to make steam. The steam turns turbines that generate electricity. Coal is used to make plastic and steel.Natural gas then is a non-renewable fossil fuel widely used. Natural gas is moved by pipelines from the

Sydney 47


p54, Non-renewable resources2 There are several ways of producing energy depending on the resources used: solar, hydropower,

biomass, geothermal, and wind energy represents renewable energy whereas fossil fuel, nuclear, coal and natural gas are part of non-renewable energy sources.

3 Non-renewable energy sources cannot be replaced when they are extinguished.

4 A. petroleum. B. natural gas. C. nuclear. D. coal.

5 VoirCD1, 49.

6 Réponsedel’élève.

p55, Renewable resources7 Réponsedel’élève.Demandezauxélèvesd’utiliserdesexpressionsdecomparaisonetdecontrastepour

comparercesdifférentessources.Veillezàcequ’ilsvarientlesmoyensd’expliquer(remplacerbecause parin so far as, inasmuch as, indeed…)Voiciquelquesélémentsderéponses:


producing fields to consumers. When chilled to very cold temperatures, approximately -260°F, natural gas changes into a liquid and can be stored and transported. Natural gas can be used for heating and cooking in homes, for instance.Uranium is the main source of nuclear energy. During nuclear fission, a small particle called a neutron hits the uranium atom and splits it, releasing a great amount of energy as heat and radiation. The heat is used to boil water into steam, which turns large turbines, thus generating electricity.Finally, crude oil, or petroleum, is removed from the ground, and then sent to a refinery by pipeline, ship, or barge. There, different parts of the oil are separated into usable petroleum products. Gasoline for transportation is one use for petroleum. Others include tires, or bubble gum.

8 One of the methods consists in extracting natural gas whereas the other one consists in reproducing photosynthesis to produce energy.


advantages – free– no waste or pollution.– available in remote places

– free– no waste or pollution

– free + cheap maintenance– no pollution– reliable source of electricity– predictability of tides

drawbacks – doesn’t work at night.– very expensive to build solar

power stations– need sunny climate

– wind not always predictable

– suitable areas near the coast (expensive)

– unsightly– noisy

– initial installation cost– depend on the tide flowing in or out– only for 10 hours each day





CD1, 50The major advantages of non-renewable energy sources are low cost and ease of use. Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas are a relatively cheap fuel and readily available. So it’s hard to do without non-renewable energies today. Most of the energy-consuming products that run off of non-renewable energy sources have very little real competition from similar or comparable products that utilize renewable sources. They remain more expensive, less readily available, and more of an alternative rather than a viable competitor. Wind turbines are damaging picturesque landscapes and current solar-cell technology is expensive and inefficient. The direct conversion of sunlight to electricity in photovoltaic cells makes solar power a weather- and time-dependent energy, which decreases its utility and increases its price.


La séance en un clin d’œilLedébatporterasurl’intérêt(lanécessité?)desubstituerlessourcesd’énergierenouvelablesauxénergiestraditionnelles.Nousavonschoisid’orienterlamotionversleconservatisme,commeentémoigneletitredelaséance.Parenvied’unecertaineprovocationsansdoute,maisaussicarlarentabilitédesénergiesrenouvelablesestencoreàdémontrer.Ilvousfaudrapeut-êtrepoussercertainsélèvesàdéfendrelamotion.Maisleurscritiques(rebuttal)pousserontl’autrecampàaffinersesarguments.Celavouspermettraaussidetravaillercetaspectdudébat(règlen°3).

Task: Choose your side. For or against renewable energies?

Objectifs de la séance–Pratiquerlatechniquedurebuttaletl’argumentationcritique.–Développerlapratiquedudébatconstruitenanglais.

Construire le cours–AveccettetroisièmerencontredeThe Debating Society,c’estlarèglen°3del’artdudébatàlabritanniqueque







“A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”

Sydney 49


CD1, 51The disadvantages of non-renewable resources, of course, are that they are non-renewable, meaning that when they’re gone, they’re gone.Also, mining for these sources can have devastating environmental effects. Burning coal pollutes a lot and causes the greenhouse gases that lead to global warming.When nuclear energy is produced, there is radioactive waste also produced, which can be damaging to the environment and a danger to the health of humans. Just think about the Fukushima disaster.Refining oil and producing products using petroleum give off several different emissions, such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, which can cause acid rain. Not to mention pollution caused by oil slicks as with the Exxon Valdez catastrophe.Between 2015 and 2020, most renewable energy sources will become cheaper than coal. We must reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050 in order to avoid dangerous risks to the environment and to ourselves.

p56, Viewpoints1 Non-renewable energies are still predominantly used to produce energy whereas the use of

renewable energies is not widespread yet. This may be accounted for by the fact that renewable energies are costly to install and may depend on natural elements like the sun, the wind, tides…

2 She explains why it might be difficult to shift to renewable energies given they cost more than other sources, are less readily available and are weather- and time-dependent.

3 Réponsedel’élève.

4 This person emphasizes the dangers of non-renewable energies: they have devastating environmental effects and may endanger humans too. These seem to be valid reasons to stop using them.

5 Renewable energies present some drawbacks: they are costly and the author of the article wonders who is going to pay for them.




La séance en un clin d’œilNousvousproposonsunextraitd’unromanrécentdeIanMacEwan.Lehéros,ancienprixNobeldephysique,chercheàcommercialiserunprocédédecréationd’énergiesolaire.Letexteestàlireàplusieursniveaux.

Task: Write a piece of fiction.

Objectifs de la séance–Développerl’intérêtpourlalecture.–Favoriserl’écrituredefictionscientifique.

Construire le coursSuivezlachronologieproposée.Letexteestassezcomplexe.Demandezauxélèvesdelireletexteaumoinstroisfoisenprenantdesnotesenréponseauxquestionsposéesdansl’exercice2.Aprèsplusieurslectures,ilscommencerontàtraiterl’exercice3.


p57, Case study2 a. At the beginning of the excerpt we may imagine that Michael Beard is giving a conference

to make people aware of the dangers facing the planet and to convince his audience of the emergency of acting.b. The narrator is Michael Beard, a former Nobel-prize winning physicist trying to boost his career.c. It is based on an imaginary story and character.d. The other field described is the market field (how to make business and earn money by investing in new ways of producing energy and electricity).e. Objective science: all the references to figures, energy production capacity. Fiction: the narrator and his personal situation, his projects and conclusions.f. Not really. He mostly aims at convincing businessmen that they can make a profit by investing in new energies and make themselves rich at the same time. His conclusions cannot be proved scientifically.






b. There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through?

CD1, 55As a homeowner, this is one of the first questions that comes up when you are considering the use of solar energy for your home. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy doesn’t produce the harmful pollutants responsible for increasing the greenhouse effect which leads to global warming.By using solar energy, you will reduce your carbon footprint, and you will feel good about being a responsible global citizen.Another key factor for homeowners considering solar energy is the financial aspect.The financial benefits of solar energy can be seen in reduced utility payments as you use solar energy for electricity, heating, cooling, and lighting. In addition, by reducing your homes operating costs you are also increasing the value of your home. As you can see, taking advantage of solar economics will save you money now, and provide you with a sound investment for your future.

CD1, 52though, thick, throat, without, breath, breathe, think, thank, thisweather, everything, mother, methane, thermometer, other, health

CD1, 53

a. Energy is required to run a large number of things.b. It’s hard to do without non-renewable energies today.c. Traditional electricity supply costs will nearly double by 2020.d. We must reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050 in order to avoid dangerous risks to the environment and ourselves.

CD1, 54

a. Room Three Hundred Thirty-Three on the third floor rents for thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents every third Thursday.

p58, The sound of words1 Voiced: though, without, breathe, this.

Unvoiced: thick, throat, breath, think, thank.

Rhythm and intonation2 a. Energy is required to run a large number

of things. (montante)b. It’s hard to do without non-renewable energies today. (descendante)c. Traditional electricity supply costs will nearly double by 2020. (montante)d. We must reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050 in order to avoid dangerous risks to the environment and ourselves. (descendante)

p59, Language useSay how it works an auxiliary, a verb a verb, an auxiliary the end did + base form have +pp

6 a. When was the first tidal barrage built? b. Which solutions have scientists been looking for? c. For how long have electric cars existed? d. Why aren’t there more electric cars? e. When will polluting energies disappear?

7 a. How long does it take to install solar panels? b. How much do they cost? c. How long can they provide energy for? d. What surface area do they cover? e. How big are they? f. How heavy are they? g. How much energy can they produce? h. What are the financial benefits?

Words8 a. He managed to reduce his energy

consumption. b. They don’t give up fighting against nuclear energy. c. They succeeded in having this nuclear energy plant closed.d. They have been successful in alerting people. e. They failed to get subsidies.






La séance en un clin d’œilCette page pourra être utilisée pendant l’heure de technologie en anglais après préparation avec le professeur de spécialité. Pour certains, elle pourra servir de support au projet technologique à présenter à l’épreuve correspondante du baccalauréat.Leprojetdemandeiciunemiseenœuvredesacquisdelaséquence.Lesélèvesvontpouvoirappliquerleurréflexionenmatièred’écologieàleurpropreville.Ilspourrontadopteruneapprochestrictementbaséesurlesconnaissancestechniquesetscientifiquesactuelles,oudévelopperuneapprocheplus«sciencefiction»,toutenrestantdansdeslimitesréalistes.

Task: Develop a project to make cities environmentally friendly in the 21st century.

Objectifs de la séance–RéutiliserlesinformationsetcompétencesacquisespendantleChallenge.–Apprendreàconstruireunprojetetàleprésenter.

Construire le cours–Aveccetroisièmeprojetlesélèvespoursuiventledéveloppementdeleurautonomie.Encouragez-les,laissez-


–Ensuite,laissez-lestravaillerdefaçonautonome,encommençantparunelectureattentiveducahierdescharges(exercice1).LacitationdeWesleyHarrisendébutdepagedevraêtreprésenteàleurespritpendanttouteladuréeduprojet.C’esteneffetladéfinitionmêmedudéveloppementdurable(sustainable development) :prévoirlerenouvellementdèslamiseenplace.


–Demandezàchaquegroupedechoisirsonmodedeprésentationfinale :collectifouparunoudeuxreprésentants.Insistezsurlefaitquelaprésentationnedevrapasêtrelue,maisdevraêtrefaitesousformenumérique(cf.instructionspourl’épreuveoraleenanglaisaubaccalauréat).Leprojetseraaussiprésentésousuneformeécritequiseraégalementévaluée.

Pour la présentation (Perform)–Constituezlejuryenyassociant,sipossible,desprofesseursdesdisciplinesscientifiquesettechnologiques



–Laprésentationdevraêtrecourteetvivante.–Demêmevouspourrezfairevoterlejurysurdifférentesentrées :projetleplusoriginal,leplusutile,leplus

aboutitechniquement.Faitesvoterlejuryàbulletinsecretetproclamezlaouleséquipesgagnantes.–Ramassezlewrite upetnotez-le.

Cities for the 21st centuryTAKING UP THE CHALLENGE P60



p62-63, Written exam2 What is done: superficial gestures and vague warnings.

What is not done: we are not asked to do essential and urgent things (l.7-11).

3 a. Right (l.2-3).b. Wrong (l.5: “The American way of life is thought to be sacrosanct”).c. Right (l.6-7).d. Wrong (l.15: “harder to see and fear long-term trends”).e. Right (l.21-22).

4 There is a tendency to ignore problems and to postpone dealing with them. Authorities tend to convey contradictory messages.

5 “Thought to be sacrosanct”, “profligate”, “seriously underestimated…”, “we tend to see things that are large and fast but not those that are small and slow”, “we are prone to deny uncomfortable realities”.

6 He condemns the hypocrisy of governmental messages and warnings and he wished consumers and citizens were treated as adults. He uses derogatory, critical and ironical terms; he makes innuendoes (“are thought to be”); he is straight-forward and doesn’t beat about the bush; he uses repetitive sentence patterns (“we are told…but not…”).

7 b. We are doing contradictory things.

8 Problems: sustainability is not considered a priority by governments; our natural systems are limited, soil erosion, disappearance of species.

Solutions: buy hybrid cars, buy compact light bulbs, buy green.

9 Aim of the narrator: make people aware that the governments are making fools of them by hiding the truth about the real situation and dangers of our consumption habits.

10 Faitespratiquerlesphrasesenifenveillantàlacorrectiondestemps.

p61, Oral exam

CD1, 5687 % of Australians agree that there is racial prejudice in Australia and 86 % agree that something should be done to fight racism here.Moreover Indigenous people don’t share the same opportunities and benefits as whites. A few years ago more than 9 % of the Indigenous population in rural areas lived in “caravans, shacks and improvised accommodation” and 9% of Indigenous people’s rural homes did not have a toilet. They have trouble getting housing loans and finding work.However I do think things are changing. For one thing the City of Sydney is deeply committed to establishing a process of reconciliation in partnership with Indigenous people. Then, interest in Indigenous culture has risen significantly in recent years, partly driven by better integration into the school curriculum. Students’ knowledge and self-confidence help contribute to the changing face of Australian people…




La séquence en un clin d’œilNousvoiciàNewYork,villemythique,villetentaculaire,maisaussivilleensouffrancedepuislesatten-tatsdu11septembre2001.Lestravauxdereconstructiondudowntown Manhattansepoursuiventetontengendréunevasteréflexionsurlavilledanssonensemble.Inscritesaujourd’huidansunelogiquedeville«intelligente»,lesreconstructionsetrénovationssontpenséesdanslecadredudéveloppementdurable(sustainable development).Vousdécouvrirezlesaspectsparadoxauxd’unevillequiallieunedensitédepopulationmaximumaveclaplusextrêmesolitude,oùl’onrencontretouteslesethniesdumonde,etoùtouts’achèteetsevend,ycomprisl’amitié.Techniquement,vosélèvesserontamenésàcomprendrecommentlesTwin Towersontpus’effondreraussiviteetsurquellesbasescettepartiedeManhattanestreconstruite.Cesapportssociologiquesettechniquesvousconduirontàuneréflexionsurlavillevslacampagneetàunprojetderénovationurbaineintégrantlanotiondedéveloppementdurabledanslarénovationetlaconstructiondevillesnouvelles.SivousprévoyezdetravaillerlespagesScience & Technologyaveclesprofesseursd’enseignementtechnolo-gique,pensezàleseninformerdèsledébutdevotreséquence.LapageTaking up the Challengeseprêtepar-ticulièrementbienàuntravailtechnologiqueetpourraitmêmefairel’objetduprojetprévuaubaccalauréat.

Lexique, définitions et Clevernet, p176-177

Smart Cities for Smart People New York City




Smart Cities for Smart People


New York, USA 66-67

Urban Infrastructure

Take part in a district

redevelopment project


Espaces et échanges

Architecture et construction Matériaux et structures

Oral course Written course

Everyday EnglishSurvival Kit 68-69

Learning how to use New York subway

Writing an email about your impressions on the subway

TASKSPeople and Society 70-71Science and Technology 72-73

– Describe your city– Understand why the World Trade

Center towers collapsed

– Write an article about life in New York– Study the World Trade Center

reconstruction project

RULES OF THE DEBATEDebating Society 74

Matter and method (what you say and how your organize it)

WRITTEN GENREWriting Workshop 75

Design briefWriting a construction brief

STRATEGIES–The Language Challenge 76-77–Your Passport to the Exam 79-81

– Understanding in a noisy environment

– Understanding a story

– Distinguishing objective from subjective information

– Identifying opinions– Proving statements– Writing a newspaper article

WORDS 76-77 Expressing strong feelings Expressing strong feelings

FAQGrammar files 77

– Say or tell– Talking about sizes– Passive form

New York City 55


Ground Zero : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ground_zeroSmart cities : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_city

La séance en un clin d’œilQuin’apasrêvédevoirNewYork?Jouezsurlemythequereprésentecettevilleetplacezvosélèvesensituationdes’imaginerpréparantleurvoyage.Découvrezplusieursfacettesdelavilleetledéfitechnologiquequ’ilvafalloirreleveraucoursdeceChallenge.LesélèvesdeSTI2Doptionarchitectureetéco-conceptionserontparticulièrementintéressésparcedéfi,maislesélèvesdesautresfilièresytrouverontégalementdequoialimenterleurcuriositéetpréparerlebaccalauréatavecefficacité.

Objectifs de la séanceDécouvrirunenouvelledestinationetledéfin°4:Take part in a redevelopment project of a district in your own town.

Construire le cours

Parcours oral–PlacezlesélèvesensituationdepréparationdeleurvoyageàNewYork.

CommencezparfairelirelemessagedeJingFongàFrenchysurOn the Wall.Quepouvons-nousendéduire?LaphotoquiaccompagnelemessagedeJingmontrelemémorialdeGround Zero.


–Faiteslesexercices3et4.–AvantdefaireleCulture Games,demandezauxélèveslesmotsouphrasesqu’ilsassocieraientspontanément


Parcours écrit–CommencezparfairelirelarubriqueTaking up the Challengeendemandantauxélèvesdenoterlespoints


élèvesdecompléterlespointsdéjànotésparceuxtrouvésdansletexteetlarubriqueFacts & Figures.CetravailseraconservéetenrichiaufuretàmesuredelaprogressiondansleChallengepourtrouversonpleindéveloppementlorsquevousarriverezàlaréalisationduprojetfinal.De façon générale, nous vous conseillons de faire acquérir aux élèves un carnet de projet. Ils pourront y consigner les éléments constitutifs de chaque projet.Pourchaquepoint,demandezauxélèvesdenoterlessolutionsprévuesouélémentsderéflexionannoncésdanslestextes.





p66, On the wall1 Veillezàlacorrectiondelastructure:remind sb of.

A place to discover2 A. The Empire State Building

B. Brooklyn brownstonesC. Chinatown

Culture Games5 a. Most people in America are either way too skinny or much too fat, there’s no “in between”.

It’s all the McDonalds and KFC and burger kings and pizza huts... It’s very worrying. More than one-third of adults and one-sixth of children in America are obese.b. Well, I must confess they are! We all seem to be concerned about the same things: making money!c. I am constantly arguing with people that Americans are no more or less ignorant, isolated, or stubborn about their own views than anyone else in any other country. But remember! The U.S. is relatively large and isolated, so Americans may be less aware of different cultures and languages than the average European, but no different than other large isolated countries.d. This is what people call New York “the city that never sleeps”. It is true that you can get out late at night, any night of the week and you will find streets filled with people and tons of stuff to do. And with neon signs lit up most of the time it becomes increasingly difficult to tell the difference between day and night.e. This is pure fantasy! But that’s true people here add all kinds of sauces on most of what they eat because nothing in America tastes that nice. So adding sauces on everything makes food taste a bit better.

p67, A challenge to discover6 Problems: ageing, failing, overused, not safe against attacks, accidents and disasters.

Requirements: deal with overpopulation, be sustainable, energy-efficient and aesthetic.

Facts and figures7 a. Asthma, concentrated pollution, greenhouse gas levels.

b. Cancer.c. Export, residential trash, trucks, landfills.

CD1, 57– Skyscrapers! This is what New York is all about. Huge ones, everywhere. Some show gothic inspiration, others are “art deco”, like the Empire State Building or the Chrysler building considered by many historians and architects to be one of New York’s finest. Can you see its distinctive ornamentation such as V-shaped lighting inserts capped by a steel spire at the tower’s crown?

– Brooklyn neighborhoods have their own unique architectural styles. If someone tells you they live in Fort Greene or Park Slope, imagine rows and rows of brownstones, the waterfront red brick industrial factories-turned-artist spaces and lofts.– In Chinatown, many buildings have Asian inspired facades, featuring pagodas and tiled roofs. Narrow tenement buildings create a bustling, slightly congested environment.


New York City



p68, Listen and note1 VoirCD1,58.

2 Réponsedel’élève.

Listen and practise4 Passenger 1: take three 7-Day Unlimited

Passes ($87 for three weeks).Passenger 2: take one 7-Day Unlimited Pass at $29 plus three Single Ride tickets at $2.50 each (total: $36.50).

p69, Observe and note6 1e, 2c, 3a, 4g, 5f, 6b, 7d.7 Expressions of rules and recommendations:

don’t + verb, please + verb, feel free to, you should, you must, make sure you, you must not, you had better.

Subway a bit different from other systems is the Uptown/Downtown/Queens/Brooklyn directional indicators. Entrances and platforms in Manhattan will say “Uptown and the Bronx/Queens” or “Downtown and Brooklyn”. Be sure to know whether you are traveling up or down before entering.

CD1, 59paSSenger 1: Excuse me, how can I go to the Museum of Natural history from Harlem?CLerk: You need to take line 3. Then take the B or C to 81st Street. Two blocks west of the Museum, the train stops at Broadway and West 79th Street. The main entrance is on 79th St. at Central Park West.paSSenger 2: How can I get to the Bronx Zoo from Central Park?CLerk: You should get on line 3, there will be a transfer and you’ll have to stay on line 3 up to East Tremont Ave/West Farms Square.

CD1, 60Jing: – So Frenchy, have you understood how to use the subway here? Let’s make sure you won’t get lost. First what do you need to do to take the subway?– What type of MetroCard can you choose? Where

can you buy one?– And how much will it cost you?– What do you have to pay attention to?– Well Frenchy I think you’ve passed the test.

You’re ready to face the New York subway jungle!

CD1, 58paSSenger: I’d like to buy a MetroCard.CLerk: There are several models depending on how often you need to take the subway. There is the Pay-Per-Ride MetroCard. You can buy as many rides as you want from $4.50 to $80.paSSenger: How much is a single ride ticket?CLerk: The cost of a Single Ride ticket is $2.50. Sold at vending machines only.paSSenger: What other types of cards do you have?CLerk: A good one is the Unlimited Ride MetroCard. It gives you unlimited access to subway and bus rides for a fixed price.paSSenger: How much is this card?CLerk: It goes from $29, for the 7-Day Unlimited Pass to $104 if you take the 30-Day card.paSSenger: I’ll take the7-Day Unlimited Pass. How does it work?CLerk: With the MetroCard name facing toward you, quickly swipe your MetroCard through the turnstile in one smooth move. Walk through when the turnstile screen says “GO.”paSSenger: Where can I buy a MetroCard?CLerk: At MetroCard vending machines, in subway station booths, in neighborhood merchants or from your employer.paSSenger: How can I know how much time or money is left on my MetroCard?CLerk: You can check whenever you like at a MetroCard Reader and at the turnstile in any station. It also tells you the card’s expiration date.paSSenger: How do you read directions?CLerk: Make sure you get the right number or letter. One thing that makes the New York







A. Multicultural, multi-ethnic New York City

La séance en un clin d’œilÀtraversdesphotosetdestémoignages,voilàuneséancetrèsvivantequipermettraauxélèvesdesefaireuneopinionsurlaviedanslavilleetsonmulticulturalisme.Au-delà,c’estuneséancetournéeversladescriptiondelieuxetlarestitutionduvocabulaireetdestournuresdephrasesapprispourquechaqueélèvepuissedécrireavecprécisionsonlieudevie.

Task: Describe your city.

Objectifs de la séance–Développerlacompréhensiondedescriptionsdequartiers.–Apprendreàdécriresonpropreenvironnementurbain.

Construire le coursNousvousrecommandonsdesuivrelaprogressionproposéedanslelivre.Sivouslepouvez,projetezunplandeNewYorkCity,affichantlescinqBoroughsquiformentlaville:Manhattan,Brooklyn,Harlem,leBronxetStatenIsland…(cf. Clevernet,p177).–Faitesl’exercice2d’abordsans,puisavecunecarte.–Letravaildel’exercice1constitueunepréparationefficaceàlacompréhensionoralequivasuivre.Allezplus





–L’exercice4vouspermetunzoomsuruneethnieparticulière,lesNew-Yorkaisd’origineitalienneetenélargissant,laquestiondumelting pot américainetdesonefficacitéactuelle.Lesélémentsdécouvertspourrontfairel’objetdecomparaisonsaveclaFranceetéventuellementd’unminidébat,maisl’objectifprincipalrestel’améliorationdelacompréhensionorale.

Living in the Big ApplePEOPLE AND SOCIETY P70-71

B. Lonely city

La séance en un clin d’œilLavilleesticiprésentéesousunjourplussombre.L’anonymatliéàlamultitude,lasolitudequipèseparadoxalementpourl’individuperdudanslafouledelagrandeville.Lethèmen’estcertespasnouveau,maisilesticitraitésousunjourplusoptimiste,mêmesi,commetoutàNewYork,lacompagniedesautrespeutêtreachetéecommeunserviceordinaire.Cetteséancepermetégalementd’enrichirlaréflexiondesélèves,etsoncontenupourraêtreutilisélorsdudébat.

Task: Write an article.

Objectif de la séance–Contribueràlaréflexionsurlaviesocialedansunegrandeville.–Améliorerlacompréhensiond’articlesjournalistiquesetl’expressionécritedansunstylesimilaire.

New York City


The melting pot :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melting_pot



Construire le coursPasdedifficultésparticulièrespourcetteséance.Nousvousconseillonsdelaisserlesélèvestravaillerenautonomie.Leuractivitédelectureetdeprisedenotesdoitlesconduireàuneréflexionetàl’écritured’untextepourunmagazinedanslequelilsexprimerontunvécu,uneimpressionouuneréflexionsurlethème.Ils’agitdelesameneràcomprendrelesdeuxpointsdevueexprimésdanslesdeuxarticlesproposés.Lamégalopolec’est,certes,lerisqued’unegrandesolitude,maisc’estaussiunmythequelaréalitécombatpartoutessortesdevoies.Enprincipe,cesdeuxaspectssontfacilementidentifiables.–Laissezlesélèvesfairelesexercicesdansl’ordrechronologique,toutenvérifiantqu’ilsnepartentpassur


l’indicationRememberdonnéedanslaconsigneetquiestunrappeldesrèglesdonnéesdansThe Writing WorkshopduChallenge 1(Essay,p21).

–Silepremierarticleestunconstat,lesecondouvredesperspectives.Nousvousconseillonsdelefairelireetdefairelesexercices10et11avantdefaireladeuxièmepartiedel’exercice9(broadening point or question).

–TerminezparlaTask 2.Soyezexigeantsurlaformeetlalanguesivousnotez.


CD1, 61– Before moving here, I thought just the name of the place equated to the word “ghetto.” Hood, slums, the land of hard knocks… Whatever you want to call it. I thought it. That was before I fell in love with the fact that I lived in an area untouched by money and could support the local ma-and-pa culture and economy; and that I could get anything I wanted for at least 30 percent less. And of course, I learned how to handle the nuances of living as a minority while beginning to understand that cultural difference does not separate us, it is openness to difference that does. Now, instead of crossing the street to avoid walking by male “groups” – as my mother would have wanted me to do – I smile and greet them with a “hello.”– If you’re young, do yourself a favor. Come and move here. There’s so much to do as compared to other boroughs. Don’t get me wrong, I love them all, but I’m 23 years old, and here I can go shopping, there are far more bars, restaurants, nightlife, things to do, nice apartments and so on... And life is so sweet away from noise, smells and skyscrapers, but of course it isn’t the borough you should move into if you want the city life experience.– It’s a beautiful area, I have a view of the light house and it has a small old town feel. My husband and I are a young couple in our early thirties, we like it here as it is away from some of the more congested areas. This borough is better

than the other NYC boroughs but it’s no longer what it used to be. People move in all the time and the traffic may get insane at times.– For years you’d think of this borough in terms of gutted out tenements, drugs, violent crimes, murders, etc. Everything negative. But as a whole, it’s become safer. What used to be gutted tenements have now been replaced by newly built family homes. An area in the South is now the new “hip” place for artists and antiques now called “SoBro”. It is known for education, learning, and research. It has one of the finest zoological parks in the world. And musically, it is noted as the “birthplace of hip-hop.”

CD1, 62anChorman: Welcome to our talk show. Today we’re talking about immigrants in New York. Italians have always felt rejected in America. Is it still true today? Mrs Scorcese, do you get this feeling in your daily life?Woman: Well there still seems to be this strange contempt for Italian people. The word wop for example is being used rather frequently I note... It stands for “without papers” as many of the Italian immigrants did not have identification or visas. Or we keep on hearing references to the mafia, spaghetti and Mussolini...anChorman: How do you account for this attitude?Woman: It’s hard to say. I suppose we are not really appreciated here because we represent a very large community and WASPs still reject us. There may be another reason which goes back to when



the Italians sided with the Germans during the Second World War.anChorman: What would you say to make people change their minds about Italo-Americans and Italians?Woman: We have many things we can be proud of: Ferrari, Lamborghini, Armani, Gucci, etc. Millions of Italian restaurants, cookbooks, ice-cream, mocha along with many other Italian icons. And, we ARE Americans, not Italians!anChorman: Mr Jacobs, you belong to the Manhattan Institute and you’ve just published a book called “reinventing the melting pot”. Does the melting pot still work? What does it mean to become an American in an era of globalization, the Internet and identity politics?What conclusions have you come to?mr JaCobS: Well, yes, immigrant absorption still works.

One in nine Americans is an immigrant. Nearly one-fifth of U.S. residents speak a language other than English at home. The number of foreign-born Americans—33 million and growing—now exceeds the entire population of Canada. But that doesn’t mean assimilation has to look or feel like a 1950s stereotype. It need not be incompatible with ethnic identity—and we as a nation need to find new ways to talk about and encourage becoming American. Although ethnicity plays a more important role now than ever before, today’s newcomers can and will become Americans and enrich our national life—reinventing the melting pot and reminding us all just what it is we have in common.anChorman: Well, thank you for participating in this talk show.

p70, Multicultural, multi-ethnic New York City1 A. Italy. B. India. C. Mexico. D. China.2 The five boroughs: Harlem, Brooklyn,

Staten Island, the Bronx, Queens.The demographics of the Bronx are characterized by a Hispanic majority (unique among New York City’s boroughs) and by the lowest percentage of Whites among all boroughs.According to the 2010 Census, 64.0% of the population of Staten Island was non-Hispanic White.In Queens, no racial or ethnic group holds a majority. According to the 2010 Census, 27.6% of the population was non-Hispanic White, 17.7% non-Hispanic Black or African American, 22.8% non-Hispanic Asian.The demographics of Brooklyn are very diverse, with the borough being a melting pot for many cultures. According to the 2010 Census, 35.7% of the population was non-Hispanic White, 31.9% non-Hispanic Black or African American, 10.4% non-Hispanic Asian.Manhattan (Harlem) has the second highest percentage of non-Hispanic Whites (48%) of New York City’s boroughs, after Staten Island. According to the 2010 Census, 48.0% of the

population was non-Hispanic White, 12.9% non-Hispanic Black or African American, and 11.2% non-Hispanic Asian. 25.4% of Manhattan’s population was of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin.

3 Voir CD1, 61.

p71, Lonely city6 , 7 et 9 Réponsedel’élève.

8 Many people live alone in New York and yet there is a sense of community, so they don’t feel lonely.

10 New Yorkers are described as solitary, cold-hearted, distant people (“they stay to themselves”). So it is a real “challenge to meet new people”. But there are lots of “opportunities” to make friends.

11 The problem is that New Yorkers don’t open up to strangers. However they like resorting to services of all kinds and this might be the occasion to create a service to manage their social lives. For example they could find somebody who would organize outings, meetings, parties… for them so that they don’t lose time and can still go out, invite friends.


New York City 61


A. Why did they collapse?

La séance en un clin d’œilSéanceasseztechnique.Vouspouvezenvisagerd’associerétroitementleprofesseurdespécialitépourlafilièreSTI2D.Ils’agiticid’analyserlesraisonstechniquesdel’effondrementrapidedestoursjumellesaprèsl’impactdesavionslorsdesattentatsdu11septembre2001,grâceauxtémoignagesdedeuxspécialistesdelaconstructiondegratte-ciel.Untroisièmetémoignage,quidéveloppel’hypothèsed’uneactionterroristeausol,vientapporterunautreéclairage.Àvousdejugeretauxélèvesdesefaireunpointdevuetechniqueetdel’exprimer.

Task: Understand why the New York City Twin Towers collapsed so quickly.

Objectifs de la séance–Comprendredestermesetdescriptionstechniques.–Analyserdesprocessustechnologiques.–Exprimerdeshypothèses.

Construire le coursLetitreestunecitationdelaBible.Faites-leremarquerauxélèvesetdemandez-leurpourquoicetitres’appliquebienauxpagesdeScience & Technology.–Commencezparmettrelesélèvesencontexteenleurfaisantdirecequ’ilsvoientet,pourceuxquilesavent,


–Avantdefaireécouterlapremièreinterview,attirezl’attentiondesélèvessurlaqualitédel’interviewé.Demandez-leurcequ’ilsattendentdutémoignaged’unpompier.Celapermettrad’anticipercertainsélémentsetdoncdefaciliterlacompréhension.Lestémoignagessontassezcomplexesdufaitdeleurtechnicité.Demandezauxélèvesdefocaliserleurécoutesurdespointsprécisquevousaurezchoisispréalablement.Parexemplefire, high rise construction, steel, concrete.Spécialisezlesécoutesautourdecestermes.Puisfaitestrouverlastructuredel’interventionduChiefDunn.Sibesoin,donnez-la.(1.Hypothèseclassique.2.Questions:Why these structures…?3. ÉvolutiondesconstructionsàNewYork.4.Lesrésultatsdecetteévolution.)Montrezauxélèvesqu’unepensée,construitepourconvaincre,sous-tendtoutdiscours.Unedesméthodespourdévelopperlacompréhensionestderetrouverlapenséederrièrelesmots.Faitesbiendégagerl’hypothèsetechniqueproposéeparlepompier.


–Passezàlatroisièmeinterview.Aprèsuneécoute,demandez-leurquelsmotsnouveauxapparaissentici,nonentendusdanslesautresinterviews(explosives, explosion).Concentrezl’écoutedesélèvessurlesmotsexplosivesetexplosionetlesmotsquilesaccompagnent.Demandezauxélèvesquellesinterprétationsilspeuventdonnerdecesmots.Ilsdevraientainsicomprendrelatroisièmethéorieexprimée.Unefoiscecicompris,reprenezl’écouteetfaitestrouverla«chair»quivacompléterlenoyaudurdelacompréhension.


“A time to break down and a time to build up”



September 11, 2001 :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_11_attacks



B. Reconstructing the World Trade Center

La séance en un clin d’œilAprèsladestruction,lareconstruction.Vousallezdécouvrirdanscetteséance,commentlavilledeNewYorkaconçulareconstructiondesTwin Towers,surunsitedevenuunmémorial,maisaussisymboledelagrandeurdel’Amérique,desaforceetdesoncouragedansl’adversité.Parallèlement,lareconstructiondecesiteestaussiunexempledetechnologieetd’architectured’avant-gardequitransformelavillepourenfaireunesmart citypenséedanslecadredudéveloppementdurable.

Task: Study the World Trade Center reconstruction project.

Objectifs de la séance–Développerlaconnaissanceduvocabulairetechniqueappliquéàlaconstruction.–Nourrirlaconnaissanced’undomainetechnologiqueenanglais.–Développerlapratiquedelalecturesélective.

Construire le coursPlacezlesélèvesdanslecontexteenleurrappelantquecetteséancevaleurpermettrederecueillirdesinformationspourleurpropreprojet.Mettez-lesensituationdebureaud’étudequicherchedesinformations.Vouspouvezlesdiviserengroupesdetravail,chacundéveloppantunsecteurderechercheauseindugroupe.UtilisezInternetpourlesrecherchesdanslesdomainesdesréseauxurbains,destransports,descollectesd’ordures.Voyezcommentlesarchitectestravaillent.Ilserautileetintéressantd’associerlesprofesseursdeSTI2Dàcetteséance.

Àtitred’exemple,voicicommentungroupepourraitfonctionner.–LireensembleleGeneral Project Planetlesarticlesspécialisés.–Legroupesedistribueensuitelesspécialités :projetculturel(quipourraêtreautrequ’unmémorial),réseau


Ilrecherchelesmots-cléquivontstructurersalectureetsarecherche(parexemplehubouretail andoffice space).

–Legrouperépondparécritauxexercices4,5et6.CetteréponseconstituelapremièrepartiedutravaildemandédansYour Turn.Aprèslectureattentiveetrecherchescomplémentaires(lesrecherchessontlaisséesenattente)legroupecomplètesondocumentécritenaccomplissantladeuxièmepartiedelatâche.


CD1, 63A. You can say the reason they collapsed was they were struck with a 185 ton jet airliner and the 24,000 gallons of jet fuel caused a fire of 1,500 to 2,000 degrees F which weakened the steel and caused the collapse. But you can ask yourself why these structures collapsed so fast and so completely. The answer can be found by examining high-rise construction in New York City over the past 50 years. The Twin Towers are

radically different from conventional skyscrapers in structural design as the exterior wall is used as the load-bearing wall instead of a skeleton of interior supporting columns that supports the structure. The trend over the past half-century is to create lightweight high buildings. To do this you eliminate as much concrete from the structure as you can and replace it with steel. Unfortunately unprotected steel warps, melts, sags and collapses when heated to normal fire temperatures about 1,100 to 1,200 degrees F.

New York City


Quelques sites intéressants sur le thème des Smart cities :–http://www.smartcities.info/–http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_city–http://www.ibm.com/smarterplanet/us/en/smarter_cities/






B. Structural integrity of the World Trade Center depends on the closely spaced columns around the perimeter. After the initial plane impacts, it appeared to most observers that the structures had been severely damaged, but not necessarily fatally. It appears likely that the impact of the plane crash destroyed a significant number of perimeter columns on several floors of the building, severely weakening the entire system. Initially this was not enough to cause collapse. However, as the fire raged in the upper floors, the heat would have been gradually affecting the behavior of the remaining material. Modern structures are designed to resist fire for a specific length of time. It is possible that the fire, started by jet fuel and then engulfing the contents of the offices, in a highly confined area, generated fire conditions significantly more severe than those anticipated in a typical office fire. It is likely that the water pipes that supplied the fire sprinklers were severed by the plane impact, and much of the fire protection material, designed to stop the steel from being heated and losing strength, was blown off by the blast at impact.

C. I call for a serious investigation of the hypothesis that the Twin Towers were brought down, not just by damage and fires, but through the use of pre-positioned explosives. The Towers collapsed rapidly and symmetrically — even though fires were randomly scattered in the building. A symmetrical collapse, as observed, evidently requires the simultaneous “pulling” of most or all of the support columns. In this case, asymmetrical failure is so much more likely. Moreover government reports admit that the building fires were insufficient to melt steel beams — So where did the molten metal come from?Lastly, multiple loud explosions in rapid sequence were heard and reported by numerous observers in and near the World Trade Center Towers, consistent with explosive demolition. Firemen and others described flashes and explosions in upper floors near where the plane entered and in lower floors of the World Trade Center 2 building just prior to its collapse.

p72, Why did they collapse?1 a. High-rise construction, different from

conventional skyscrapers in structural design, the exterior wall is used as the load-bearing wall instead of a skeleton of interior supporting columns, eliminate concrete from the structure and replace it with steel.b. The heat would have been gradually affecting the behavior of the remaining material, generated fire conditions significantly more severe, the fire protective material was blown off.c. The use of pre-positioned explosives, multiple loud explosions, explosive demolition, flashes and explosions in upper floors.

3 Réponsedel’élève.Veillezàcequelesréponsescontiennentdesmotsdeliaisonpourmontrerl’enchaînementdesétapes(first, secondly, thirdly, then, next,

afterwards, lastly).Vouspouvezleurmontrerlesvidéosdel’événementetleurdemanderde s’appuyer dessus pour reconstituer ledéroulement.

p73, Reconstructing the World Trade Center4 Make a strong and vibrant community, honor

the victims, develop a commercial office space, retail space, hotel and conference facilities… The new place should be welcoming, convenient, multifunctional, aesthetic and solemn.

5 Commitment to the value of human life, respect of the environment, priority to community life, quietness, relaxation and exchanges, importance of elegance, hymn to liberty and strength.

6 There will be state-of-the-art safety and communication systems, lots of retail and office space, green spaces, sports amenities and a doorman service.




Let’s turn cities into countryside!THE DEBATING SOCIETY P74

La séance en un clin d’œilCequatrièmedébatestconsacréaucontenu(matter)etàlaméthodeàutiliserpourundébatenrichissant.C’estlàl’enjeumajeurdecetteséance.Au-delàdesopinions,quel’onaoupas,souventéphémères,cequinoussembleleplusimportantestdeformerlesélèvesàuneméthode,enutilisantlaformepoursoutenirlesarguments,eux-mêmesillustréspardesexemples.

Task: Are you “city” or “country”? Discuss the topic.

Objectifs de la séanceApprendreàtrouverdesargumentsetàlesprésenterdefaçonclaireaucoursd’undébat.

Construire le cours–Commencezpartravaillerlarèglen°4enutilisantlePractise,maisaussid’autresthèmes.








CD1, 64Once upon a time, there were two mice – cousins. One lived in the town and the other in the country. One day, the town mouse invited his country cousin to stay with him in his town house. They sat down to a meal, which, to the country mouse, was a feast. Suddenly, there was a loud noise at the door. “Don’t worry,” said the town mouse, “that’s just my neighbor – the dog, he wants to join us for dinner.” The country mouse ate a little faster. Another noise was heard outside, even louder this time. “Oh dear” said the town mouse, “the cat who lives next door wants to join us too.” Quickly eating the last of his meal, the country mouse said, “thank you, but I think I will return to the peace and quiet of my own house after all!”This simple tale shows that what may be a good place to live for one person, may not be good for another. A modern version of this story might look like this:Maria lives in a big city surrounded by the speed and convenience of urban life. She works in an office with 1,000 other employees, and travels to and from there on a crowded Metro. Her home is a flat overlooking a busy city-street, which is always alive with the sound of traffic and people passing by. After work she meets with friends in a bar before going on to a disco or nightclub. Weekends are spent in the shopping mall with its numerous shops, multi-screen cinemas, fast food and entertainment complexes.

New York City 65



Alex, however, lives in a small village in the countryside. He cycles to work every morning, the sound of tractors, birds and animals in his ears. In the evening, he relaxes at home in front of the fire with a good book to read. At weekends, he goes for long walks in the fields with his dog.Unfortunately, life is not as simple as stories make it. Many modern cities have very large populations and can be crowded, dirty and dangerous places to live. Conversely, a modern country existence is not without its problems: poor transport, lack of access to hospitals and education, and services found in towns such as large shops, banks and entertainment. Now are you a town mouse or a country mouse?

p74, Viewpoints1 a.Réponse de l’élève.

b. Part 1: from the beginning to “after all” the fable. Part 2: from “This simple tale” to “with his dog” the human adaptation of the fable. Part 3: the last paragraph the reality of city and country life.c. Life in the country Advantages: peace and quiet, relaxing. Drawbacks: poor transport, lack of access to hospitals and education, and lack of services.Life in the city Advantages: speed and convenience of urban life, numerous shops and facilities. Drawbacks: crowded transport and streets, noise, pollution, long distance between home and workplace, dirty, dangerous.d. The morale of the fable is double: what may suit somebody may not suit another person, and one place is never totally perfect.e. There is a tendency for cities to be more and more stressful, crowded, polluted, dangerous and exhausting. Therefore there may be more and more people interested in settling in the country.f. Internet may avoid transportation and movement. Indeed some transactions can be done on the web instead of moving, for example trade and shopping, bank transactions, exchanges with the workplace and customers…g. The country offers the possibility to relax and take a bit of fresh air to busy and stressed city-dwellers while the city offers professional, cultural, entertaining, medical and educational possibilities.





La séance en un clin d’œilIls’agitd’untravailsurl’écritured’undocumenttechnique,dansunelanguesimpleetdirecte.Nousproposonslatranspositiond’unelecturecommentéeversuneécrituresimilairebaséesurdesdonnéesdifférentes.Riendedifficile,maiscetteséancedemandeuneattentionsoutenueetuntravaild’acquisitiond’uneméthodeetd’unvocabulairespécifique,parailleurspartiellementvudanslespagesprécédentes.

Task: Write a construction design brief.

Objectifs de la séanceApprendreàlireetàécrireundesign brief(directivesduconcepteur).

Construire le cours–Expliquezcequ’estundesign briefenutilisantladéfinitiondonnée.–LaissezletempsauxélèvesdelireetrelireleCase Studyquiestunvraibriefadaptépoureux.

Lacolonnededroiteindiquelastructurationdubriefetcequ’onestcensétrouverdanschaquepartie(Business background, project objectives…).

–Demandez-leurdedonnerdesexemplesdanslebriefdecequiestcensés’ytrouver(Business background, objectives…).Parexemple,Constraints of the design: “the building must feature entrances on all four sides”.Cetravailserafaitpourchaquesous-partiedubrief.


Design Brief

p75, Case study1 A brief should show:

–the business background (location of the new building, objectives and main aspects) ;–the project objectives (what makes it unique and different from other projects) ;–the constraints on the design (security, environmental and social norms…) ;–the creative directions (the material, design…) ;–the project management (deadlines, budgets…).

2 Réponsedel’élève.Veillezàcequelesélèvesrespectentl’ordredeprésentationdesinformations,qu’ilsutilisentunregistredelangueadaptéàcegenrededocument,etqu’ilsrestenttrèsprécisettechniques.


New York City


Keppel Bay project : http://www.reflectionsatkeppelbay.com.sg/home.asp



CD1, 65

a. brought, eight, tighten, freightb. cough, laughc. height, light, enough, fight, tough, bright, rough, draught

CD1, 66

Erratum:dansl’édition01,ilfautlireCD1, 66etnonCD1,67.Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.Spread it thick, say it quick!Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.Spread it thicker, say it quicker!Yellow butter, purple jelly, red jam, black bread.Don’t eat with your mouth full!

CD1, 67

Erratum:dansl’édition01,ilfautlireCD1, 66etnonCD1,67.It’s a beautiful area, I have a view of the light house and it has a small old town feel. The schools are great. My husband and I are a young couple in our early thirties, we like it here as it is away from some of the more congested areas. This borough is better than the other NYC boroughs but it’s no longer what it used to be. People move in all the time and the traffic may get insane at times.


p76, The sound of words1 Certain letters may not be pronounced.

Rhythm and intonation2 There are different rhythmic patterns

according to which syllables are stressed. Ex. The iamb (two syllables, only the second accented), the trochee (two syllables, only the first accented), the anapest (three syllables, with only the third stressed). In this poem, there are both anapests and iambs.

p77, Language UseSay how it works

auxiliary be, past participle the subject which undergoes the action who does the action by use again the preposition that goes with the

verb and place it after the verb.

5 a. Hundreds of people were saved by firefighters.

b. Thousands of people were killed by the terrorist attacks.c. Many people have been traumatized by the attack.d. A call for tender has been issued by the Mayor.e. The assets of the projects will be put forward by all the project managers.

Words6 a. New York City is so paradoxical a city!

b. There are such high buildings!c. What an individualistic city!d. People feel so lonely!e. There is such a high crime rate!

7 a. We were deeply disappointed.b. People were terrified/frightened.c. The master plan establishes an entirely new city quarter.d. The scope of the task was huge.




Le cours en un clin d’œilCette page pourra être utilisée pendant l’heure de technologie en anglais après préparation avec le professeur de spécialité. Pour certains, elle pourra servir de support au projet technologique à présenter à l’épreuve correspondante du baccalauréat.Leprojetdemandeiciunemiseenœuvredesacquisdelaséquence.Lesélèvesvontpouvoirappliquerleurréflexionenmatièred’urbanismeàpartird’unlieuqu’ilsconnaissent,leurpropreville.OnretrouveiciladémarcheproposéeettravailléedansThe Writing Workshop.

Task: Take part in the redevelopment project of a district in your own town.

Objectifs de la séance–RéutiliserlesinformationsetcompétencesacquisespendantleChallenge.–Apprendreàdonnerdesinstructionsetàyrépondre.

Construire le coursAveccequatrièmeprojet,lesélèvespoursuiventledéveloppementdeleurautonomie.Encouragez-les,laissez-less’organiseretfaitesseulementrespecterlesrèglesdonnéesdansGet Ready.Nousvousconseillonsdeconstituerplusieursgroupesdedeuxéquipes,surtoutsivousavezuneclassenombreuse.Chacundesgroupesétantclairementpositionné(team Aouteam B).Lesdeuxgroupesprendrontconnaissanceséparémentdesdirectivesetdel’environnementduprojet.

Indiquez clairement ce qu’est un master plan :The plan is prepared using the information gathered during the data collection and goal setting stages. A typical comprehensive plan begins by giving a brief background of the current and future conditions found in the data collection step. Following the background information are the community goals and the plans that will be used in order to implement those goals into the community. Plans may also contain separate sections for important issues such as transportation or housing which follow the same standard format.–Lesgroupesdebrief writersdevraientêtremoinsnombreuxquelesgroupesdedesigners.

Aprèsécriture,ledesign briefesttransmisauxdesigners.Pendantl’écriturelesdesignersaurontanalysélemasterplan.


–Demandezàchaquegroupedechoisirsonmodedeprésentationfinale:collectifouparunoudeuxreprésentants.Insistezsurlefaitquelaprésentationnedevrapasêtreluemaisdevraêtrefaitesousformenumérique(cf. instructionspourl’épreuveoraleenanglaisaubaccalauréat).Leprojetpourraaussiêtreprésentésousuneformeécritequiseraégalementévaluée.

Pour la présentation (Perform)–Constituezlejuryenyassociant,sipossible,desprofesseursdesdisciplinesscientifiquesettechnologiques






New York City 69

p79, Oral exam

CD1, 68Erratum:dansl’édition01,ilfautlireCD1, 68etnonCD1,69.Maria lives in a big city surrounded by the speed and convenience of urban life. She works in an office with 1,000 other employees, and travels to and from there on a crowded Metro. Her home is a flat overlooking a busy city-street, which is always alive with the sound of traffic and people passing by. After work she meets with friends in a bar before going on to a disco or nightclub. Weekends are spent in the shopping mall with its numerous shops, multi-screen cinemas, fast food and entertainment complexes.Alex, however, lives in a small village in the countryside. He cycles to work every morning, the sound of tractors, birds and animals in his ears. In the evening, he relaxes at home in front of the fire with a good book to read. At weekends, he goes for long walks in the fields with his dog.Unfortunately, life is not as simple as stories make it. Many modern cities have very large populations and can be crowded, dirty and dangerous places to live. Conversely, a modern country existence is not without its problems; poor transport, lack of access to hospitals and education, and services found in towns such as large shops, banks and entertainment.



p80-81, Written exam2 Objective data: a database with 218,000 names, 2,000 people pay to subscribe, website: rentafriend.

com, plans to develop the service in Great Britain.Subjective data: alarming innovation.

3 The author seems to condemn this new service as he describes it as alarming. He probably regrets the evolution of friendship into a business and may consider it pitiful to have to resort to a fee-paying service to be able to make friends, as this should be natural and free. As for Andy, he seems to consider the double convenient side of the service: to make money and to meet people more easily when you arrive in a new country.

4 a. “purchase friendship” (l.7).b. “not so long ago, friendship belonged to the things that money couldn’t buy” (l.5).c. “218,000 names […] 2,000 people pay” (l.9).d. “he found socializing difficult” (l.13).e. “alarming” (l.11).f. “Sam eyes Andy with suspicion” (l.19).

5 Nature: a social service in which people pay to make new friends. Where: England. Causes: difficulty to socialize when you arrive in a new country. People concerned: anybody, in particular new immigrants and lonely people. Interests: find people to go out with, to play or do sport with, to take to dinner, to talk to. Drawbacks: fee-paying, artificial, not natural, not real friends.

6 et 7 Réponsesdel’élève.



Living forever? Edinburgh




Living forever?


Edinburgh, UK


Write a science fiction movie

scene 96

Mythes et héros

Santé Technologies

Oral course Written course

Everyday EnglishSurvival Kit 86-87 Dealing with car problems Filling in a car accident form

TASKSPeople and Society 88-89Science and Technology 90-91

– Prepare a quiz on famous Scottish people and inventions

– Explain how to clone sheep

– Conceive a leaflet about the independence of Scotland

– Write a report on the evolution of cloning techniques

RULES OF THE DEBATEDebating Society 92

Ending a debate (the role of the chairperson)

WRITTEN GENREWriting Workshop 93

Science FictionTranscribing a movie extract into screenplay

STRATEGIES–The Language Challenge 94-95–Your Passport to the Exam 97-99

– Distinguishing English and Scottish accents

– Understanding a story

– Distinguishing main from secondary information

– Giving specific information– Doing a right or wrong exercise– Writing a dialogue

WORDS 94-95 Phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs

FAQGrammar files 95

– The French pronoun “on”– Used to or be used to– The future

La séquence en un clin d’œilCenouveauvoyagevousentraîneàladécouverted’Edimbourg,capitaledel’Écosse,paysdupremieranimalcloné,labrebisDolly.Allezàlarencontred’unevilleetd’unpaysmagnifique,quiontgardédeslienshistoriquesfortsaveclaFrance,oùlesvillessontàtaillehumaineetdébordantesdevitalité,oùlesmontagnescôtoientleslacsetoùlamerentreprofondémentdanslesterres.Faitesdécouvriràvosélèveslacôteouestetsesîlesinnombrables.Partezàlarencontredesgrandsnomsquiontfaitlarenomméedecepeuple:scientifiques,ingénieurs,économistes,romanciers,poètes,quedetalents,qued’imagination,maisaussideréalismeconcentréenÉcosse.Préparezvosélèvesàdécouvrirlestechniques,maisaussilesenjeuxduclonageetdelabiomédecinepourleXXIesiècle.ÉtudiezaveceuxcequiestpassédustatutdesciencefictionavecBrave New Worldd’AldousHuxley,àlaréalité,appliquéeaujourd’huiaumondeanimaletsansdoutedemaingénéraliséauxêtreshumains.Vousdécouvrirezquelatechniqueduclonagenesertpasqu’àreproduiredesêtresvivants,maisaussidestissusetdesorganesducorpshumain.Ledébatporterasurl’accèsàlavieéternelledontcertainsscientifiquesestimentdéjàqu’elleestpossible!Enfin,autermedelaséance,leprojetproposeraauxélèvesdejouerlesAldousHuxleyduXXIesiècleenimaginantledevenirdel’hommed’icià500ans.

Lexique, définitions et Clevernet, p178-179

Edinburgh 71

La séance en un clin d’œilC’estd’abordunedécouvertedel’ÉcosseàlaquellenousconvieJulian,unjeuneÉcossaismembredugroupeC21,grandamateurdesciencesmarquéparlepremierclonageanimalréaliséen1996paruneéquipedechercheursécossais.Doubledestinationdonc,quivousfaitentrevoirlabeautéetladiversitédupays,desîlesdel’ouestauxlochsenpassantparlatraditiondesfantômesetlemuséedessciencesd’Edimbourg,rénovérécemment.Ledéfiestautantlittérairequescientifique,puisqu’ilconduiralesélèvesàécrireunscénariodesciencefictiondontondécouvreicilespremierséléments.L’enjeufinal?L’allongementdeladuréedelavie,grâceauclonage,ouàlareproductiond’organeshumains.Maisjusqu’où?

Objectifs de la séanceDécouvrirunenouvelledestinationetledéfin°5

Construire le cours

Parcours oralIls’agitd’uneséancedemiseentrainetdedécouverte.–LisezensemblelemessagedeJulianetdemandezauxélèvesdedirecequ’ilsconnaissentdel’Écosse.


–LisezensemblecequedisaitR.L.StevensondesÉcossaisetdemandezauxélèvesquiilétaitetquelssontsesromanslesplusconnus.DemandezauxélèvesquelsautresÉcossaiscélèbresilsconnaissent(sanstropvousattardercarvousyreviendrezdansPeople & Society)etplusgénéralementcequiseditdesÉcossais.AbordezainsilarubriqueCulture Gamesetfaites-enunjeu.Donnezlesréponsesàungrouped’élèvesquijouerontlerôledeJulian.Laissezlesélèvesréagirauxaffirmationspuisdemandezà«Julian»derépondre.

–SivoustraitezleparcoursécritterminezaveclecommentairesurlaphotodeDolly the sheep.Demandezauxélèvescequ’ilsensavent,ensuiteécoutezcequ’enditJulian(CD2,1).Passezduclonagedesanimauxàceluidesorganeshumains.Introduisezlevocabulairedelagreffe(transplant)puisdelacréationd’organesàpartirdecellulessouches(stem cells).Ceseraunebonnetransitionversleparcoursécrit.

Parcours écrit–Faiteslireletexte.Demandezderetrouverlelienaveccequiaétéditsurlescellulessouches.Faites


–Faitesensuitelirel’encartFacts & Figuresetfaitesfairel’exercice8.–LisezensemblelarubriqueTaking up the Challengeetdemandezauxélèvesdeconsignerdansleurcarnetà





− Dolly : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolly_(sheep)

− Robert Louis Stevenson : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Louis_Stevenson

− Haggis : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haggis


is a haven of peace and relaxation away from the cares and pressures of modern life.The most haunted place in the Scottish capital is Mary King’s Close, with dark and spooky lanes leading off. The spirit of a young girl has often been seen.If you go to the Science Museum you’ll discover the story of Scotland from prehistory to the present day, and see the advances that have shaped our lives. You’ll be able to see a reproduction of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal.You have certainly heard about our lochs. Did you know that there are world-known fly fishing competitions there? This is almost a national sport for local and visiting anglers.

CD2, 1Hi folks, come to Scotland… I’ll show you my country. I want you to discover Edinburgh, our splendid Capital city and its great Science Museum! We’ll go to the University Roslin Institute where “Dolly the sheep” was the first mammal to be cloned. And I’ll take you to the west coast with its lovely isles. Mull is my favorite!Start enjoying Scotland now! Have a look at the photos I put on the Wall for you.

CD2, 2On the west coast, my favorite place is the isle of Mull. There are 250 different bird species and impressive burial cairns and standing stones. This


p84, On the wall1 He wants to show Edinburgh and its great

Science Museum, the University Roslin Institute, the west coast with its isles (Mull).

A place to discover4 et 5 A. Mary King’s Close: the most

haunted place in the Scottish capital; dark and spooky lanes; spirit of a young girl. B. The isle of Mull: there are 250 different bird species and impressive burial cairns and standing stones; a haven of peace and relaxation. C. A loch: fly fishing competition. D. The Science Museum: story of Scotland from prehistory to the present day; a reproduction of Dolly the sheep.

Culture games6 a. Scots enjoy the freedom, comfort,

pleasure, and masculine appearance of kilts, and reject the notion that males must always be confined to trousers! It used to be the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century. Although the kilt is most often worn on formal occasions and at Highland Games and sports events, it has also been adapted as an item of fashionable informal male clothing in recent years.b. Oh you’re speaking of Nessie? It was brought to the world’s attention in 1933. Scientists

regard it a myth but many people believe in its existence. It has been detected by sonar and it has even been pictured. You won’t believe me but Nessie has a site on Internet!c. Our castles have actually witnessed some tragic deeds, murders in particular. This is probably the origin of those tales of ghosts and tortured spirits still to be seen walking (or floating) around.d. Haggis is a very popular dish in Scotland, that’s true. It contains sheep’s heart, liver and lungs, minced with onion, spices, and salt. It may not sound very appealing, but haggis is widely available in supermarkets and fast food restaurants in Scotland and other parts of the world. Try it, you’ll love it.e. No! There is absolutely no truth in the idea that Scots are miserly. When you visit real Scotland, you will soon discover an incredibly generous and kind people.

p85, A challenge to discover7 a. Right (l.1-2). b. Wrong:“it might be possible

in 20 years” (l.3). c. Right: “have the tools they need to cure ageing”, “extending life indefinitely” (l.5-6). d. Wrong (last paragraph).

8 a. a rock. b. less than 10%. c. true (Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. This means that every single bit of DNA is the same between the two.)




CD2, 3agent: Good afternoon.man: Hello, I’m Mr. Bucketful. I’ve booked a car on the Internet.agent: Hello, Mr. Bucketful. You’re from London, right? Let’s check the details of your reservation. You’ve rented a car for 10 days, until the 29th included. Is that right?man : Yes, it is.agent: Let’s check the car type. You have selected a standard class Golf 2.0. Is that correct?man: Yes, that’s it.agent: The cost is £127 per day.man : Hum, I’m afraid this is not the price I had on the Internet. It was £117 per day.agent: Let me check… You’re right, it was a special offer. Sorry about that Sir.man: That’s fine.agent: Well then, that will be £1170. Plus a £500 deposit.man: That’s alright.

CD2, 4man: Is insurance included in the price?agent: Yes sir, our regular one, but I would advise our special zero risk option.man: What’s that?agent: Well it offers unlimited guarantee, whatever happens to the car.man: Really, that’s great!agent: it covers cracks in the windscreen, dents in the body, leaks… Anything.In case of serious trouble, your car will be towed away and you’ll be provided with a new car wherever you are.man: What’s the extra cost?agent: It’s only £10 a day.man: All right I’ll take it.agent: That’s wise. Just sign here sir.

CD2, 5agent: Good afternoon.frenChy: Hello. I’ve booked a car on the Internet.agent: What’s your name?frenChy:agent: OK, you’re from Italy, right?frenChy: No, I’m from France.agent: Sorry about that. Now let’s see. You’ve rented a car for 10 days, starting today until the 27th included.frenChy: No, I’ve rented it for 7 days.agent: Let’s see… You’re right… I’m really sorry. Now let’s check the car type. You have selected an Economy Class… It will be a Nissan Micra.frenChy: I wanted a Vauxhall Corsa.agent: Sorry it’s not available. The Micra is quite nice and it’s the same price, anyway.frenChy: Ok then.agent: The cost is £69 per day.frenChy: Er…, I’m afraid this is not the price I had on the Internet. It was £61 per day.agent: Let me check… You’re right again… Special offer… Awfully sorry… So that will be £427. Plus a £300 deposit. Now about insurance…frenChy: Is insurance included in the price?agent: Yes sir, our regular insurance but I would advise our special Zero risk option.frenChy: What’s that?agent: Well it offers unlimited guarantee, whatever happens to the car. In case of serious trouble, we provide a new car wherever you are.




p86, Listen and note1 I’ve booked; rented a car for 10 days, until,

car type, a standard class, the cost is £127, £1170, £500 deposit.

2 Two types of insurance coverage: the “regular one” including insurance, the “special zero risk option” offering unlimited guarantee (cracks in the windscreen, dents in the body, leaks…, towing away, a new car, £10 a day).

Listen and practise4 VoirCD2, 5 :lapisteoffreunedeuxièmeversion


p87, Observe and note7 Driver 1 stopped waiting to enter High Street

but Driver 2 thought he was moving forward and struck vehicle 1.

8 VoirleWorksheet 13.

frenChy: What do I have to do if I have a problem?agent: Don’t worry, just call Coolcar assistance at this number (208-196-9510) and we will tell you what to do.frenChy: All right, I’ll have it.agent: Good. Just sign here sir.frenChy: OK. Thank you, goodbye.

CD2, 6frenChy: 208-196-9510agent: Coolcar assistance, can I help you?frenChy: Yes, I have a problem with the car I have rented.agent: – What’s your name, please?– What’s the problem?– Is there personal or third person body damage?– Can you tell me what happened exactly?– Do you need the car to be towed?– Do you need an intervention on the spot?– Are you able to drive?






A. The print of Scots

La séance en un clin d’œilCetteséancevousproposeunevisiteaumuséedessciences,àladécouverted’Écossaiscélèbres,deleurstravauxetdel’empreintequ’ilsontlaisséedansl’histoiredel’humanité.Letravaildemandéesttournéverslacompréhensiondel’oral,enparticulierlelexiquedelabiographieetdesproductionslittéraires,scientifiquesettechnologiques.

Task: Prepare a quiz on famous Scots and Scottish inventions or works.

Objectifs de la séance–Comprendreàl’oraldesprésentationsbiographiques.–Interrogersurlabiographie.–DécouvrirlaplacedesÉcossaisdanslessciences,lestechniquesetlalittérature.

Construire le coursConstruisezlecourscommeunevisiteaumusée :unephasedepréparation,unephasedevisite,unephased’exploitation.–Préparation :livrefermé,demandezauxélèvesdeciterlesnomsd’Écossaiscélèbresetdeleurstravaux


–Visite :àl’entréedumusée,lisezensemblel’inscription“Great people, Wondrous achievement”.Répondezauxquestionssibesoin.Danslagalerieprincipale,découvrezquelquespersonnagescélèbres:faitesl’exercice1.L’interventionduguide(CD2,7)vapermettreauxélèvesdevérifierlajustessedeleursréponses.Faitestravaillerlacompréhension:divisezlaclasseendeuxgroupes,lesélèvesetleguide.Lesélèvesposentdesquestionsauguidequandilsn’ontpasbiencompris(When was he born? Where…?).Ceciconstitueunexercicedevérificationetd’approfondissementdelacompréhensionetunepréparationpourYour Turn.Poursuivezlavisiteaveclesecondguide(CD2,8)quidéveloppelanaturedestravauxetinventionsdespersonnagesprésentés.Conservezlamêmeméthode.Selonleniveauetl’intérêtdelaclasse,approfondissezlesquestions.

–Exploitation : deretourdumusée,vouspréparezunquizpourvérifierlesacquis.Toutelaclassepréparelesquestions,puisdeuxcandidatssontsoumisaufeudecesquestions.Changezlescandidatstouteslescinqquestions.Lesvainqueursseretrouventendemi-finaleetainsidesuite,jusqu’àlafinale.

Fame and FreedomPEOPLE AND SOCIETY P88-89


B. Fighting for freedom

La séance en un clin d’œilLeparcoursécritexplorel’histoirepolitiquedel’Écosse,aveclesdeuxtendancesquis’opposentfaceaupuissantvoisinanglais.Indépendanceounon?Unbrefrappelhistoriquepuisl’examendesargumentspouretcontresontproposésici.L’Écosseest-elleunclonedel’Angleterre?Enfin,vousconclurezendemandantauxélèvesdeseprononcersurunedespositionsetd’enfaireressortirlespointsfortsparécrit.

Task: Conceive a leaflet to promote your position about the independence of Scotland.

Objectifs de la séance–Élargirsaconnaissancedusystèmepolitiqueécossaisetdelarelationavecl’Angleterre.–Retrouverdansuntextelespointscléspourdéfendreunargumentetlesutiliser.



CD2, 7Adam Smith was born in Kirkcaldy Scotland in 1723 and died in 1790 in Edinburgh. When he was 17 years old he went to Oxford and in 1751 he became a professor of Logic at Glasgow University. In 1776 he published his masterpiece, the Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith is often described as the “founding father of economics and capitalism”.Robert Louis Stevenson was born in 1850 and died in 1894. He was a Scottish novelist, essayist, and poet, who contributed several classics to the world of children’s literature.He studied engineering and then law at the University of Edinburgh. Since childhood, however, Stevenson’s natural inclination had been toward literature.Stevenson suffered from tuberculosis and often traveled abroad in search of more healthy climates. Treasure Island, his most famous adventure novel published in 1883 relates the story of a search for buried gold.He also excelled in the horror story genre with his second best known novel published in 1886, in which a physician discovers a drug that changes him, first at will and later involuntarily, into a monster. Can you remember the title?Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1859 and died in 1930. He entered the University of Edinburgh Medical School in 1881. One of his professors at university was Dr Joseph Bell, who became the model for his hero, Sherlock Holmes. It was Bell who put into Doyle’s head the importance of using his innate powers of observation to help him deduce the nature of a patient’s affliction.

CD2, 8Penicillin (sometimes abbreviated PCN or pen) is a group of antibiotics derived from Penicillium fungi. Penicillin antibiotics are historically significant because they are the first drugs that were effective against many previously serious diseases such as syphilis and infections caused by staphylococci and streptococci. Penicillins are still widely used today, though many types of bacteria are now resistant. The inventor of Penicillin, Alexander Fleming, won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1945.The invention of the telephone has been claimed by many. But Graham Bell’s experiments with electromagnetic devices in 1876 were the first to be successful. His success with the telephone came as a direct result of his attempts to improve the telegraph.The steam engine invented by James Watt was the first type of steam engine to make use of steam at a pressure just above atmospheric. It used about 75% less fuel than a similar machine. The new design replaced other engines in areas where coal was expensive.


Construire le coursDanslamêmelogiquequecelledumuséeduparcoursoral,placezlesélèvesenpositionderecherchedansunebibliothèque.–Indiquezd’embléelatâcheàaccomplir(Your Turn),puislaissezlesélèvestravailler.Leplussimpleetleplus





Scottish political life :–http://www.everyculture.com/Sa-Th/Scotland.html–http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotland_Act_1998



p88, The print of Scots1 aD, bF, cB, dC, eA, fE.

2 VoirCD2, 7.

3 Penicillin has cured serious diseases and is still used today although some bacteria are more efficient.The telephone was invented in 1876.The steam engine has replaced coal to produce power.

p89, Fighting for freedom4 Faitespratiquerlesstructures:it is the first time + present perfect, It was the first time + past perfect.

a. 1707: The original Parliament of Scotland existed until the Kingdom of Scotland merged with the Kingdom of England under the Acts of Union 1707. On 1 May 1707, it was the first time the Scottish Parliament and the English Parliament had united to form the Parliament of Great Britain, based in the Palace of Westminster in London, the home of the English Parliament.b. 1952: Queen Elizabeth began to reign.c. 1998: The Scotland Act was established (an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It is the Act which established the devolved Scottish Parliament).d. 1999: a new devolved Scottish Parliament, with tax-varying powers, was established in Edinburgh in 1998. An election was held on 6 May 1999, and on 1 July of that year power was transferred from Westminster to the new Parliament.

5 The Scottish Parliament and government deal with health, education, and local government. They have respectively legislative and executive powers. On the other hand, the government in London remains responsible for taxes, social security, international relations, foreign policy, defense and national security.

6 Against independence: Great Britain is a great power and Scotland benefits from its influence and prestige. Scots also benefit from English taxes. Independence would force Scotland to raise taxes and do cuts in public services.For independence: Scotland is already independent (it has legislative and executive powers). Relations with England are deteriorating.




A. Cloning for dummies! (titre anglais de la série “… pour les nuls”)

La séance en un clin d’œilMéthodesetimpactduclonageanimal,c’estcequecetteséancevousproposededécouvrir,defaçonsimpleetclaire.Aveclesélèves,suivezleprocessusscientifique,comprenez-leet,avecl’aided’untémoignage,poursuivezvotreréflexionsurleclonage.

Task: Explain how to clone sheep to a farmer.

Objectifs de la séance–S’approprierunlangagescientifiqueàunniveausimple.–Découvrirunprocessusscientifiqueettechnologique.

Construire le coursSuivezlaprogressionproposéeparlelivreouchoisissezlapropositionci-dessous.Divisezlecoursendeuxtemps.

1. L’analyse scientifique du phénomène–Nousvousproposonsdecommencerendemandantauxélèvesdedécrirespontanémentleprocessusdu



2. L’analyse sociologique–Préparezlesélèvesautémoignagequ’ilsvontentendre.Vouspouvezleurdonnerdesindicationsquine



leWorksheet 15.Sivousavezletempsouentravailcomplémentaire,demandezauxélèvesd’imaginerlaréactiondufermier,àlamanièredeJuliaAndrews,aprèsleclonageréussid’undesesmoutons.

Same or Different?SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY P90-91


Cloning : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloning


B. You’ve come a long way, Dolly!

La séance en un clin d’œilLaséanceestcentréesurlacompréhensiondel’écrit,enparticulierdestermestechniquesliésauthème.Une lectureattentiveetorganiséeestdemandée.L’utilisationet lemaniementduvocabulaireestunenrichissementpourlasuitedelaséance.Àfairemanipulersansmodération!

Edinburgh 79

Task: Write a report on the evolution of cloning techniques.

Objectifs de la séance–Développerlacompréhensionetl’utilisationduvocabulairetechniqueàl’écrit.–Utiliserlepassé.

Construire le cours–Suivezlaprogressionproposéeparlelivre.Nousvousconseillonsdetracerlatimelineautableauetde


lesélèvesauvocabulaireWords You Needetp178.Pourtravaillerlacompréhension,nousvoussuggéronsdedemanderauxélèvesdedessinerdesschémascorrespondantàcequ’ilslisent,surlemodèleduschémadelap90.


–Terminezcetravaildecompréhensionparl’exercice7etinscrivezlesnumérosd’ordresurvotreschéma.Ceschémaserviraderéférencepourletravaild’écrituredemandédansYour Turn,àceuxquienontbesoin.Pourcettedernièretâche,demandezauxélèvesdenepasrecopierdesmorceauxdestextes.Ils’agitbiendecréeruntextenouveauenutilisantdesréférenceshistoriquesetduvocabulairespécialisé.Veillezàl’utilisationcorrectedestempsemployés.


CD2, 10JournaLiSt: Julia Andrews of Miami, Florida, has nine dogs, eight children, and thirteen grandchildren. On New Year’s Eve day 2007, one of her favourite dogs, a yellow Labrador retriever named Lancelot, succumbed to a battle with nose cancer. She tells us her story.JuLia andreWS: In 2009, Lancelot returned from over the rainbow bridge. He flew in first class to Miami International. The airport was full of people, but he ran right to us.JournaLiSt: Lancey, as this incarnation of the dog is called, is a clone. He was made at the Sooam Biotech Research Foundation in South Korea. Lancey is not really the same dog; he’s a genetic duplicate, like an identical twin.JuLia andreWS: But Lancey crosses his front paws when he lies down. So did Lancelot! He also likes to sit by a bush that his predecessor enjoyed. Most importantly, he looks exactly the same. His head is the same head. Labs have very distinctive heads. They can be small or big, but his is the same. I don’t miss Lancelot now because in essence, he is the same dog.JournaLiSt: The Andrews family paid $155,000 to clone Lancelot. The cost has since come down to about $100,000.

CD2, 9ChiLd: Can you tell me what cloning is?dr damiani: Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another.ChiLd: How does it work?dr damiani: Cloning occurs in nature with the creation of identical twins. Natural embryo twinning occurs when the cells of a very early embryo are separated so that each cell becomes an individual.First we need to remove genetic information from a donor cell, then, that genetic information is inserted into an egg cell. The egg cell is stimulated to divide until it becomes an embryo. Lastly the embryo is implanted into a substitute mother.ChiLd: Are clones always exactly identical to one another?dr damiani: While genetically identical, there may be some differences in the physical and behavioural features of cloned organisms. Many of these differences are due to environmental factors.ChiLd: What are the risks of cloning?dr damiani: Well, first there is a high rate of failure. Then cloned animals that do survive tend to be much bigger at birth than their natural counterparts. And they are likely to develop diseases.



p90, Cloning for dummies!2 Stages: a. Genetic information is removed from a donor cell.

b. It is inserted into an egg cell. c. The egg cell is stimulated to divide until it becomes an embryo. d. The embryo is implanted into a substitute mother.Cloning techniques: manipulate the genetic material taken from a donor cell to insert it into an egg cell which is stimulated with electricity.Risks: failure, big clones, diseases.

3 f, c, g, b, e, d, h, a.

4 Her favorite dog died of nose cancer. She had another dog cloned at the Sooam Biotech Research Foundation in South Korea. She paid $155,000. She was totally satisfied with the result.

P91, You’ve come a long way, Dolly!5 et 6

– 1885, group 3, Seeing Double? Sea Urchins Cloned!– 1902, group 6, Salamander cloned by using a noose to separate the cells in an early embryo.– 1952, group 5, Frogs Galore! Nuclear Transfer Becomes a Reality.– 1996, group 1, Hello, Dolly! Sheep cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer.– 2001, group 2, Human cloning might also be used to create stem cells for new medical

treatments.– 2005-2007, group 4, Since the birth of Dolly, a dozen other mammal species have been cloned.

7 Réponsedel’élève.

Your turnVoiciquelquesdatesclésdansl’évolutionduclonage.1885 Sea urchins cloned by shaking one embryo into two separate cells.1902 Salamander cloned by using a noose to separate cells from an early embryo.1928 The nucleus of cells controls the development of a salamander embryo.1952 Frog cloned by nuclear transfer from a tadpole embryo.1968 Frog cloned by nuclear transfer from a differentiated tadpole cell.1975 Rabbit cloned by embryonic cell nuclear transfer.1986 Sheep cloned by embryonic cell nuclear transfer.1987 Cow cloned by embryonic cell nuclear transfer.1995 U.S. President Clinton requested legislation to protect human research subjects.1996 Sheep cloned by nuclear transfer from cells grown in the laboratory. Sheep cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer.1997 U.S. President Clinton blocked federal funding on human cloning research. Monkeys cloned by embryonic cell nuclear transfer. Transgenic sheep clones can produce treatments for human medical disease.1998 Perspectives on cloning humans and human cloning research. Female mouse cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer.1999 Male mouse cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer.2001 Human cloning might solve problems of couples having difficulty in becoming pregnant. Human cloning might also be used to create stem cells for new medical treatments. U.S. President Bush bans federal funding of all human cloning research.2002 Different perspectives on human cloning and its possibility. Human cloning bill passed in the U.S. House of Representatives.





CD2, 11– Society would not accept clones that would share

the same rights as natural human beings.– The clone would feel as if it had been created out

of science rather than out of love.– Therapeutic cloning could cure individuals

suffering from cancer by correcting the faulty stem cells or replacing them.

– We have no idea as to the outcome of human cloning. Would the clone live well, physically and

psychologically? No one knows!– Consider the victim of a car accident who loses

a limb. Through therapeutic cloning a new body part could be grown, such as a leg for instance, and the person would become normal again.

– It could be a cure for infertility.– A black market could be created using the

genetic make-up of sports stars or geniuses for commercial reasons.

– It would create a lower class of human beings


We want to live forever!

La séance en un clin d’œilCinquièmeetdernièrerèglepourapprendreàgérerlafind’undébat.Desargumentsàtravailleretexploiterpouroucontrelamotion.Unbeaudébatenperspective.

Task: Are you for or against eternal life? Choose your side and discuss the topic.

Objectif de la séanceApprendreàterminerundébat.

Construire le cours–Commencezparunelecturedelarèglen°5.Soulignezl’importanceduprésident(chairman)etlerespectqui

doitluiêtretémoigné.Indiquezaussil’importancepourlesparticipantsd’avoirentêteleurobjectiffinaldèsledébutdudébat.C’estlameilleurefaçondefairevaloirleurpointdevue.Rappelezenfinl’importancedufair playtantdansladéfaitequedanslavictoire.EnmettantenœuvrelesrèglesdudébatquenousvousavonsindiquéesdepuislepremierChallenge,vousapprendrezauxélèvesunaspectimportantdelaviedémocratique.


atravailléScience & Technology.Vérifiezquandmêmequ’ilssontplacésdanslabonnecolonne.Aubesoin,inscrivezsurdeuxcolonneslesréponsesautableaupourêtresûrquelesargumentssontcompris.Ceseral’occasiond’échangeraveclesélèves.

–Passezensuiteàl’exercice3quidevraitpermettreauxélèvesdepréparerleursargumentspourledébat.Erratum:dansl’édition01,ilfautlire“classify the arguments”etnon“classify the arguments below”.







Brave New World : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brave_New_World


p92, Viewpoints2 For cloning: – It could be a cure for infertility.

– Consider the victim of a car accident who loses a limb. Through therapeutic cloning a new body part could be grown, such as a leg for instance, and the person would become normal again.

– Furthermore, therapeutic cloning could cure individuals suffering from cancer by correcting the faulty stem cells or replacing them.

Against cloning: – We have no idea as to the outcome of human cloning. Would the clone live well, physically and psychologically? No one knows!

– Society would not accept clones that would share the same rights as natural human beings.

– It would create a lower class of human beings.– A black market could be created using the

genetic make-up of sports stars or geniuses for commercial reasons.

– The clone would feel as if it had been created out of science rather than out of love.

3 Potential benefits: cure infertility, replace a damaged body part, correct faulty stem cells and cure diseases.Impact: no idea as to the outcome of human cloning.Ethics: the clone could feel as if it had been created out of science.Cost: a black market could be created.Danger: physical and psychological condition.Consequent risks: create a lower class of human beings; not accept clones as any other human.

4 It is a safer way to have children, they are not considered as the parents’ possessions, freedom, no crime, no disease, no war, no ageing, no suffering, specific place in society, happiness.

La séance en un clin d’œilUntravailquipourrasefaireseulouengroupespourtransformerunextraitderomanenscénariodefilmdesciencefiction.Ils’agitd’unepréparationauprojet,maisaussid’unelectured’unnouvelextraitduromandéjàvudansThe Debating Society.

Task: Transcribe an extract of BraveNewWorld into a movie screenplay.

Objectif d’apprentissageLireuntextedefictionenprofondeurpourendéduiredesindicationsscéniques.

Construire le cours–Rappelezauxélèveslesensexactdumotscreenplay (n):the script of a movie, including acting instructions and

scene directions.Ilfautqu’ilscomprennentbiencequiestattendud’eux.Travaillezpargroupededeux.–LisezensembleStrategy BoxetCase Study.Illeurestdonné,dansl’exercice1,unextraitdescénarioetles

indicationsquel’ondoittrouverdanscegenredelittérature.Faiteslirelesindications(Head setting…)etlepassageàl’écriture(Interior, White House…).

–Passezensuiteàl’exercice2,quiestuneadaptationd’unpassageduromanpourunescènedefilm.L’exercicedemandeunetrèsbonnelectureetcompréhensiondutexte,etéventuellementsuffisammentd’imaginationpourdonnerdesindicationsscéniquesàpartird’uneextrapolationdetexte.Laphrase« a film is all about images »prendtoutsonsensici.






p93, Case study2 Incitez les élèves à faire preuve d’imagination

concernant les informations manquantes (location, time, characterization, background information…) et à respecter les normes de présentation d’un script.




p94, The sound of words1 Ledeuxièmeo,l,k,p,gh,p,k,b,t,c,l.

Rhythm and intonation

2 VoirCD2,13 Falling intonation: a, c, e. Rising intonation: b,d,f.

3 Yes/No questions: d, f (rising intonation)Wh-questions: c, e (falling intonation)Tags: a, b (rising and falling intonations: rising intonation to sound like a real question, falling intonation to sound like a statement).

Listening and Speaking Strategies

5 Faitescomparerlaversionécossaisedelachanson(cf. Music Online)etcelle-ci:http://www.bollyexclusive.com/watch.php?vid=pne3-AqZ9XE&featur

p95, Language useSay how it works

be going to will present be + V-ing present, present perfect, future.

1 a. dies, will. b. leaves. c. will see/are seeing. d. are, will be. e. are going to fall. f. will see. g. are going to hire.

Words7 a. broken down. b. took off. c. get over. d. pick up/drop off.

e. bring about. f. give up. g. switch off/turn off


CD2, 12– laboratory, calm, knowledge, psychiatrist, Edinburgh, pneumonia, knife, climb, castle, science, talk– psychology, pneumatic, pseudonym, dumb, knot, salmon, scientist, sign, people, school

CD2, 13

a. You are from Scotland, aren’t you?b. You like football, don’t you?c. Why did you choose to clone your pet?d. Were you afraid of the results?e. When did you decide to have your dog cloned?f. Was it expensive?

CD2, 14Rumbling in the chimneys, rattling at the doors,Round the roofs and round the roads the rude wind roars,Raging through the darkness, raving through the trees,Racing off again across the great, grey seas.




My own science fiction film!

Le cours en un clin d’œilUnprojetpluslittérairepourceChallenge.L’accentestmissurl’imaginationetl’écriture.Unepagedeprojettrèscomplètepoursatisfairetouslesgoûts,avecdesdocumentsd’appuiquinesontplusvraimentdelasciencefiction.Lefuturestdéjàlà.Vosélèvesentémoignent!

Task: Write a scene for the scenario of a science fiction film.

Objectifs de la séance–Imaginerlefuturdansunelangueétrangère.–Écrireunscénario.–Convaincre.

Construire le cours–Faiteslirel’ensembledesinformationsdeGet Readyd’abord,pourmettrelesélèvesencontexte.Ilsdevront

choisiruntypedehéros/héroïne :heureuxoupasheureuxdesonsorten2661.Lisezensuitel’article“life 500 years into the future”quiestuneprojectiondeceàquoil’humanitépeutêtreconfrontéedanslessièclesquiviennent.Vousaurezainsicréélebackgroundnécessaireàtoutecréationdefiction.





Pour la présentation (Perform)–Constituezlejuryenyassociant,sipossible,desprofesseursdesdisciplinesscientifiquesettechnologiques






Edinburgh 85

p97, Oral exam

CD2, 15JournaLiSt: Julia Andrews of Miami, Florida, has nine dogs, eight children, and thirteen grandchildren. On New Year’s Eve day 2007, one of her favourite dogs, a yellow Labrador retriever named Lancelot, succumbed to a battle with nose cancer. She tells us her story.JuLia andreWS: In 2009, Lancelot returned from over the rainbow bridge: He flew in first class to Miami International. The airport was full of people, but he ran right to us.JournaLiSt: Lancey, as this incarnation of the dog is called, is a clone. He was made at the Sooam Biotech Research Foundation in South Korea. Lancey is not really the same dog; he’s a genetic duplicate, like an identical twin.JuLia andreWS: But Lancey crosses his front paws when he lies down. So did Lancelot! He also likes to sit by a bush that his predecessor enjoyed. Most importantly, he looks exactly the same. His head is the same head. Labs have very distinctive heads. They can be small or big, but his is the same. I don’t miss Lancelot now because in essence, he is the same dog.JournaLiSt: The Andrews family paid $155,000 to clone Lancelot. The cost has since come down to about $100,000.



p98-99, Written exam2 l.3: “a red circular spot on the forehead”, l.7: “happiest”, l.9-10: “their minds free and disengaged…


3 Immortality is viewed by the narrator as bliss. It provides immortals with freedom, wisdom, knowledge, and happiness. They don’t have to care about death and have endless opportunities of discovery. On the other hand, it is considered a burden by immortals. It presents only the disadvantage of old age, disease, and tiredness (“pass a perpetual life under all the usual disadvantages which old age brings along with it”).

4 a. Wrong (l.2: “very rarely”)b. Right (l.3: “an infallible mark”)c. Wrong (l.4: “struck with inexpressible delight”)d. Right (l.10: “wonderful discoveries”)e. Right (l.14: “old age”)

5 a. l. 4-11: “delight, cried out, rapture, happy nation, happy people, enjoy, happiest, excellent, wonderful”b. l.9-11c. l.12-14

6 The narrator finds it advantageous; therefore you should use an enthusiastic and optimistic tone. The immortals are not totally satisfied with their condition, as a result you should be reserved, blasé, critical and pessimistic.

7 Élémentsderéponses.Initial situation: why and how the narrator meets an immortal, his feelings and questions. Climax: contrast with the immortal’s vision. Outcome: acceptation or not of each other’s view.

8 a. He shouted irritated. b. He whispered softly. c. He blurted. d. He asserted straightforward. e. He contended bluntly.



La séquence en un clin d’œilLesixièmeChallengeesttournéversl’espaceetlesdéfisquinousyattendent.C’estdoncàCapCanaveralquenousallonspasserunepartiedelaséquenceetdanslastationspatialeinternationale(ISS),quitourneau-dessusdenostêtesdepuis1998.Entraînezlesélèvesdansunfabuleuxvoyageàladécouvertedel’espace,desespromessesetdesescontraintes.Découvrezlastation,échangezaveclesastronautesàbord.Surleplanscientifiqueettechnologique,examinezdansquellesconditionslavieestpossibledanscesimmensesstationsetquelestleuravenir.Enfin,prenezpartauconcoursannuelorganiséparlaNasaetélaborezunprojetdecolonisationdel’es-paceavecvosélèves.C’estparMiamietlaFloridequevousaborderezcenouveaudéfipourleXXIesiècle.LeprénomcompletdeJo,lemembreduC21,estJosé.Cen’estpasunhasard.

Lexique, définitions et Clevernet, p180-181

Conquer New Frontiers Miami and Cape Canaveral



Conquer New Frontiers


Miami, USA


Outer Space Travel

Take part in the Space Settlement


Mythes et héros

Arts, techniques et civilisations Architecture et construction

Oral course Written course

Everyday EnglishSurvival Kit 104-105 Checking in

Eating out– Selecting a place where to eat

TASKSPeople and Society 106-107Science and Technology 108-109

– Inquire about life in the International Space Station

– Summarize a talk about the condi-tions to live in space

– Discover the ISS and write about conference workshops

– Write an article about life in space

RULES OF THE DEBATEDebating Society 110 Asking yourself questions

WRITTEN GENREWriting Workshop 111

MemoWriting a memo to partners

STRATEGIES–The Language Challenge 112-113–Your Passport to the Exam 115-117

– Listening for specific information and inferring meaning

– Understanding an interview

– Understanding compounds– Matching paragraphs with titles– Choosing the right adjectives– Answering a personal question

WORDS 112-113 American and English words American and English words

FAQGrammar files 113

“Faire faire”– Place of adverbs– If- clauses



The International Space Station (ISS) :

– http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html– http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Space_Station

Miami and Cape Canaveral 87


La séance en un clin d’œilDécouvrezMiami,villevivanteetconnuepoursaqualitédevie,sonmodernisme,sacommunautécubaineetlesstéréotypesattribuésàseshabitants.DécouvrezégalementleChallenge6,l’explorationdel’espaceàdesfinsd’implantationhumainepermanentedanslesannéesàvenir.

Objectifs de la séanceDécouvrirunenouvelledestinationetlaproblèmatiqueduprojetn°6.

Construire le cours

Parcours oral–CommencezparlalecturedumessagedeJosurle«mur»etdemandezauxélèvesdedévelopperlaphrase

“Miami is the real place to be”.Poursuivezaveclesexercices1et2,l’ensembleconstituantunebonnemiseenrouteversladécouvertedelavilleetduthèmetechnologique:l’explorationetlepeuplementdel’espace.Profitez-enpourintroduirelevocabulairenécessaireàlacompréhensiondel’interventiondeJo(cf.scriptCD2,16).Projetezunecartesivousdisposezd’unvidéoprojecteur.



–Demandezauxélèvesd’êtretrèsattentifsetdeseprépareràrestituerlemessage,depréférenceaustyleindirect.Neleslaissezpasprendredenoteslorsdel’écoute.Neposezdesquestionsquepourfaireprécisercertainspointsdelarestitutiondumessage.Parexemple,faitespréciser“helped to reclaim some American pride on January 31”.


–AvantdepasserauxCulture Games,demandezlesensdelacitationdeVincentDeMarco.PourlesCulture Games,procédezcommepourlesautresdestinations.

Parcours écrit–Letexte“After Earth: we might leave our home planet”résumebienlaproblématiqueduChallenge.Demandez



–LesdonnéesdeFacts & Figuresviendrontcompléterl’informationdesélèvessurlesastronautesetl’ISS.Àgarderenmémoire.

–TerminezparlalecturedelarubriqueTaking up the Challenge. Indiquezauxélèvesqueceprojetestpartiellementtiréd’unevraiecompétitionorganiséeparlaNasatouslesansetouverteàtouslesscolairesdumonde.Pourquoipaseux?




− Miami : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami

− Little Havana : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Havana


CD2, 16Miami is far from being just beaches, sun and surf. We are proud to have Cape Canaveral, which is the most famous American rocket launch site. It is the place where America’s first satellite attempt, Vanguard 1, crumpled and exploded on December 6, 1957. It is where Explorer I was launched and helped to reclaim some American pride on January 31, 1958. It is where Alan Shepard and John Glenn first flew into space and where the mighty Saturn V pushed Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins to the Moon.But Florida is also gorgeous islands. Key West is my favorite. The islands offer a tropical blend of azure waters, tropical foliage, and fresh seafood. I love the laid back lifestyle, southern charm and Caribbean flavor of Key West.


p102, On the wallFaitespratiquerlesstructuresdeprobabilitéetdequestionnement(Isn’t it…, Isn’t there…?).

A place to discover3 A. Key West. B. Cape Canaveral.5 C. Little Havana is a neighborhood of Miami, home to many Cuban immigrant residents.

Culture games6 a. Saying that Cuban Americans are associated with the Cuban mafia in Miami is like saying

all Italian-Americans are part of the Sicilian mafia. Most Cuban-Americans live peacefully and work hard to achieve the American dream.b. Miami’s reputation is incredibly frustrating. Sure, some of it is based on truth, but on a campus with 15,000 undergraduates, you can certainly find non-preppy people. The students are dressed pretty much the way we dress – jeans or comparable, and a university logo T-Shirt/Sweatshirt.c. That’s partly true. Miami is reputed a dangerous city but, as you know, many Americans have guns. Self protection has always been a tricky issue in the States.d. South Beach, surf capital of Miami is the place to enjoy yourself of course. So no surprise if you come across many surfers. But many people prefer to take a stroll around the art deco buildings on South Beach or visit the Design District.e. That’s right! In Miami, you can spot celebrities shopping for designer gear. You’re likely to meet rappers like P. Diddy and Usher, Janet Jackson and Beyoncé.

p103, A challenge to discover7 We may have to leave the Earth for several reasons:

–our planet may become too hot for us to keep on living on it (“boil away our oceans”) ; –there might not be enough resources left given how fast we over-consume them ; –natural disasters are likely to be more numerous ; –famine, water shortage, and submerged coasts will make it harder to live on Earth ; –lastly, leaving the Earth might be necessary if we want to enable it to survive.


Miami and Cape Canaveral 89

SCRIPT DES RESSOURCES AUDIOreCeptioniSt: So that’s room 308; it is on the third floor, fourth door on the right out of the elevator.

CD2, 18– What type of room would you like? Single or

double?– When do you want to book the room for?– How long would you like to stay?– Would you mind having a room overlooking

the street?– How would you like to pay?– Can I have your name sir?– Sorry, could you spell it?

CD2, 19a. 6:30 am. b. $45.90. c. room 601. d. third floor. e. from 1st to 6th.

CD2, 20– Good morning. Can I help you?– Certainly. How long would you like to stay?– Would you like full board or half board?– Do you have a preference for the view?– So, that’ll be 110 dollars.– If you want something cheaper we have another

room but it’s overlooking the street.– You’ll have to pay when you check out.– Can you give me your name?

CD2, 17CuStomer: Excuse me miss. Do you have a spare room, please? Could I possibly have a double room with a bathroom?reCeptioniSt: Certainly sir. How long would you like to stay?CuStomer: A couple of nights starting on the 23rd.reCeptioniSt: Would you like full board or half board?CuStomer: Well, could you tell me how much it is?reCeptioniSt: That’s 80 dollars for a double room full board. You will pay 10 dollars less for half board.CuStomer: Hum! Do you think I could get a cheaper room?reCeptioniSt: Would you mind taking a single room then? It’s 35 dollars, so you save 50% of the price.CuStomer: Oh… Alright. Shall I pay when I check in or when I check out?reCeptioniSt: When you check out, sir. That will be 70 dollars. You must leave the room before 11.30 or you’ll have to pay a 10% supplement.CuStomer: Would you mind if I paid cash?reCeptioniSt: No we accept all means of payment.CuStomer: What is the room equipped with?reCeptioniSt: Every room is equipped with a TV with over 120 channels, air-conditioning, and you have a WI-FI access too.CuStomer: Could you tell me how to get to the room?


p104, Listen and note1 a. Could I possibly have…? b. Would you like

full board or half board? c. How long would you like to stay? d. Could you tell me how much it is? e. Shall I pay when I check in or when I check out? f. What is the room equipped with? g. Could you tell me how to get to the room?

2 Could I possibly, Could you, Do you think I could, Would you mind taking, Would you mind if I paid.

3 A couple of, 23rd, 80, 10, 35, 50%, 70, 11.30, 10%, 120, 308, third, fourth.

Listen and practise4 et 5 Réponsesdel’élève.Veillezàcequeles


6 a. Half past six/six thirty. b. forty-five dollars ninety. c. six o one/six hundred and one. d. third. e. first, sixth.

p105, Observe and note8 Jo enjoys spicy dishes. He likes lively

places. He gives a lot of importance to the atmosphere and setting. He is fond of steaks. On the other hand, he doesn’t really like fast-food restaurants. He hates noisy and crowded places. He is not very willing to pay too much.Expressions: be keen on, like, what matters most, enjoy, hate, fancy.

Observe and practise9 11th Street Diner: good American specialties,

fun atmosphere, friendly staff, open 24 round the clock, ideally placed. Shorty’s: low prices, famous for its specialties (ribs, chicken, sauce, corn…). Bongos: Cuban food, vivid colors, festive atmosphere (Latin music), roasted chicken, exotic drinks, dance floor. The one which might best correspond to Jo’s tastes is Shorty’s.






A. Living inside the Space Station

La séance en un clin d’œilCetteséancevavouspermettredefairedécouvrirlavieàborddelastationspatialeparlabouchedesastronautesquiyvivent.Elleestégalementl’occasiondetravaillerlaformeinterrogativeetl’hypothèseenvuedelatâchefinalequiconsisteraàposerdesquestionsauxaustronautessurleurviequotidiennedansl’ISS.

Task: Inquire about life inside the International Space Station (ISS).

Objectifs de la séance–Questionnementgénéralettechnique.–Compréhensiondetémoignagesviaunetransmissionradio.–Exprimerdeshypothèses.

Construire le cours–Mettezlesélèvesdanslecontexte.IlssontauKennedySpaceCenteretvontassisteràuneconférencesur




–Passezàladeuxièmeinterventiondesastronautes(CD2,22)quirépondentcettefoisàdesquestionsdelasalle.Vouspouvezsoitfaireécouterquestionsetréponses,soitd’abordlesquestionsendemandantalorsauxélèvesd’anticiperlaréponse.Passezensuitelaréponsedel’astronauteetfaitescomparerdefaçonconstruite :Ithought they… but he said that they…, I was right, they…

–PassezàlaréalisationdelatâcheselonlaformeproposéedansYour Turn.Vouspouveztravaillerenpetitsgroupesoudiviserlaclasseendeux:lasallequiposelesquestions;lesastronautesquirépondent.

Planet Earth is Blue (Letitreesttiréd’unechansondeDavidBowie,“Space Odissey”)


La séance en un clin d’œilLesélèvesdécouvrentleprogrammegénéraldelaconférence.Ilsvontavoiràchoisirparmicinqateliersceluiauquelilsveulentassister,maisaussiécrireunebrèveintroductiondecequelepublictrouveradanschacundescinqateliers.Untextedétailléleurdonneraplusd’informationsurlastationspatiale.Cetteséancemetenœuvredescompétencesdelectureetd’écritureàdesfinsd’information.

Miami and Cape Canaveral 91


Task: Write about conference workshops.

Objectifs de la séance–Lirepourchoisirets’informer.–Écrirepourinformerlegrandpublic.

Construire le coursSuivezlaprogressionproposéeparlelivreouessayezl’approcheci-dessous.–Commencezparfaireunerapidelectureduprogrammedelamatinée.Nevousattardezpas.Lesélèves

doiventvoirqu’ilyatroistempsdifférentspendantlamatinée.Lecréneaude10à11heuresestréservéàdesateliersparticulierssurlathématiquegénérale.Lesinformationspermettantdedonnerducorpsauxatelierssontcontenuesdansletexte“What is the ISS?”.Ilimportedoncquelesélèveslelisenttrèsattentivement,ensuivantleschémadelectureproposéparl’exercice6.Ils’agitbiendelirepours’informer.Attention,lesélèvesnenotentpasdephrasesentières,seulementdeskey words.VouspouvezdemanderunerechercheapprofondiesurInternetsivousenavezletempsouentravailcomplémentaire.CecipermettraderépondreplusprécisémentàlatâcheduYour Turn.

–L’exercice7serafaitlivreferméaveclaseuleressourcedeskey wordsnotés,quiconstituentunetramedefond,laissantl’élèvecréersapropreexpression.Pourlamiseenformedelatâche,demandezuneprésentationsoignéecorrespondantàl’attentedupublic.

CD2, 21A typical day for the crew begins with a wake-up at 06:00 followed by an inspection of the station. We then eat breakfast and take part in a daily planning conference with Mission Control before starting work at around 08:10. At one time in the morning we take our first physical exercise after which we continue work until 1. Following a one-hour lunch break, the afternoon consists of more exercise and work before we carry out our pre-sleep activities beginning at 19:30, including dinner and a crew conference. The scheduled sleep period begins at 21:30. We usually work 10 hours a day on a weekday, and 5 hours on Saturdays, with the rest of the time left for relaxation, Games or work catch-up.

CD2, 22Student: Is it easy to sleep in the station?SCott keLLy: Well, we can sleep in sleeping bags, in bunks, or by simply tethering ourselves to the orbiter walls. In microgravity there is no “up”, so we can sleep as comfortably in the vertical position as the horizontal.Student: Don’t you feel bored sometimes?S.K.: I wouldn’t say that! We have a very busy and strict schedule to respect every day: What with experiments, training exercises and catch-up work, we hardly find any time to rest. Of course we do play some Games together.Student: What would you do if you had no food left?S.K.: Well, cargo ships bring food supplies. Of course we can’t eat fresh food, but we do have a great variety of food. But we can’t eat things like powder, salt, pepper, and we must have a tray strapped to us.Student: Is there any special preparation necessary before leaving the Earth?S.K.: Of course. We have to train for every possible emergency. We also need to become familiar with the spacecraft and instruments that we will be using and the tasks that we expect to perform before we go into space. We spend 8 hours a day training in simulators. We have a very hard physical conditioning too. We need at least 6 months of training before we are ready to fly.




p106, Living inside the Space Station1 A. sports in the ISS

B. eating C. workingD. sleeping

2 Rappelezlastructure : if + prétérit, sujet + would + V etcelledesquestions.

3 Demandezauxélèvesd’utiliserdesmotsdeliaisonpourenchaînerlesmomentsdelajournée.

Puis,faitespratiquerdifférentesstructuresdecomparaison(more, less, not as much…, whereas, like, unlike…)pourcompareravecleurpropreroutine.First, the life of astronauts on board the ISS starts at 6 am, with an inspection of the station. Then they have breakfast and have a conference. Next they start work at 8:10. After that they do exercises. After lunch they work and do physical exercises again. Next they have dinner and a conference again. Lastly they go to sleep at 9:30 pm.

p107, Discover the International Space Station6 a. The project started in the early 1980s.

b. 16 countriesc. 100,000 peopled. Perform complex experiments, find new frontiers, study the effects of weightlessness, create cures, and understand the Earth and the universe.e. Live and work off planet.f. Check what can enable man to live outside the Earth and what could prevent him from doing so.

Miami and Cape Canaveral 93



A. Things you have to work on: what does science say?

La séance en un clin d’œilQuelsélémentsàprendreencomptepourenvisagerlaviehorsdelaTerre ?Cetteséancerelativementtechniquevapermettreauxélèvesdes’enfaireuneidéeplusprécisegrâceàl’interventiond’unspecialistedelaquestion.Ils’agiticid’écouterpourbiencomprendre,enanglais,lesatoutsetcontraintesquiattendentl’hommedanssaconquêtedel’espace.Lesdeuxséances(oraletécrit)deScience & Technologypeuventfairel’objetd’untravailcommunaveclesprofesseursdesdisciplinesscientifiquesettechnologiques.

Task: Make an oral summary of the themes studied.

Objectif de la séanceComprendreuneinformationscientifiquedétaillée.

Construire le coursLecoursvapermettrededégagerlesrèglesincontournablesdelaviepermanentedansunestationspatiale:commentgérerl’apesanteur ?Quelleatmosphèrepourvivre ?Quellenourriture ?Quelcadredevie ?Cesquatreélémentsfontl’objetderecommandationsparlesscientifiquesquenousallonsécouter.Ilsvontutiliserdestermestechniquesetdesconceptsquipeuventêtreabstraits.Laséancedoitconduirelesélèvesàcomprendrecestermesetconceptsetàlesréutiliser.Ilfautdoncunebonnepréparationàlacompréhensiondel’oral.Nousvousconseillonsdetravailleràpartirdesphotospourcréerlecontexteetintroduirelesthèmesetlelexique.Lesphotossontdesprojectionsdesélémentsàprendreencompte.Utilisez-lespourpréparerl’écoutedesscientifiques(exercice1).Puispassezàl’écoute.Nousvousconseillonsunepremièreécouteglobale,sansquestions,unedeuxièmesibesoin.Ensuite,procédezàuneécouteparparagrapheenfaisantlesexercicescorrespondants(lesexercices3à7correspondentauxcinqparagraphesduscript).TerminezparlatâcheproposéedansYour Turn.

B. Physical properties of Space

La séance en un clin d’œilIls’agitd’uneséancecentréesurlacompréhensiondel’écrit.Lestextesproposésmontrentlesdifficultésàprendreencomptedansl’espace.Pournepasajouteràladifficulté,nousavonschoisiunexercice“àtrou”denatureàrassurerlesélèves.

Objectifs de la séance–Lireetcomprendredesinformationsscientifiques.–Écrireunarticledevulgarisationscientifique.

Construire le cours–Faiteslirelestextessanstenircomptedescollocations,aumoinsdeuxoutroisfois.Puisfaiteslireles


Ground control to Major Tom (LetitreestreprisdelachansondeDavidBowiecitéeprécédemment.)




–TerminezparlatâchedeYour Turn,enrappelantauxélèvesqu’ilsécriventunarticlepourdesenfants.Ildevradoncêtreclair,simpleetimagé.



CD2, 23– Well…air, water, food, and even the sensation of weight have to be provided to the space colony. Engineers must assure physiological safety and comfort, but it is equally important to provide for psychological and esthetic needs of the colonists.– There are four elements to consider when living in outer space. The first one is weightlessness. Up there there is no sensation of weight. In vessels moving freely in orbit objects are said to be in “free fall,” or subject to “zero gravity” or “zero g.” Weightlessness is a major potential resource of space, for it means humans can perform tasks impossible on Earth.But, on the other hand, possible physiological consequences are a bit worrying. The residents should live with the same sensation of weight that they would have on the Earth’s surface, namely 1 g.This means that they must reside in a rotating environment which is the most feasible way to generate artificial gravity. However, in a rotating system we also have to deal with the Coriolis force. At low velocities or low rotation rates the effects of the Coriolis force are negligible, as on Earth, but in a habitat rotating at several rotations per minute, there can be disconcerting effects.– The second element is atmosphere. The human organism needs an atmosphere of acceptable composition and pressure. The atmosphere of the space habitat must contain a partial pressure of oxygen sufficient to provide for good respiration. The presence of an inert gas in the colony’s atmosphere is desirable since it would prevent an unusual form of decompression from affecting the body’s chambers and sinuses. Nitrogen appears the most reasonable candidate gas for the colony.– Next, humans living in space must have an adequate diet; and food must be nutritious, sufficiently abundant, and attractive. A diet adequate for a reasonable environmental stress and a heavy workload requires about 3000 Cal/day, part of it being water. The variety and types of food should reflect the cultural background and preferences of the colonists.– The fourth point to consider is environmental design in habitat. The extreme novelty of the surroundings or the sense of isolation of living in space may be stressful. So, it is the task of the architectural and environmental designer to reduce such stresses. There should be at least 40 square meters of projected area per inhabitant.

p108, Things you have to work on: what does science say?1 Rappelezauxélèvescommentsituerlesélémentsdansuneimage:in the foreground, in the background,

at the top, in the right-hand corner…3 He mentions weightlessness, atmosphere, food and eating, and environmental design in habitat.4 The effects of the Coriolis force could be disturbing as colonists would veer; their motions would not

correspond to their intentions. As a result they would have to adapt to rotation.5 Nitrogen (colorless, odorless, tasteless and mostly inert gas, very common in the universe). The air

we breathe is composed of oxygen (21%), nitrogen (= azote) (78%), and rare gases.6 3000 Cal/day7 The design in habitat contributes to helping humans get used to their new living conditions, and

avoids them feeling too stressed.


Miami and Cape Canaveral 95


p109, Physical properties of Space8 Text 1: resources of energy, fluxes of radiation, opportunities for life.

Text 2: Earth’s atmosphere, 1390 W of sunlight, for half of each day, square meter.Text 3: be protected from, primary resources, solar energy, colonization of space.

9 a. the intensity of sunlight wavelengthsb. valuable resources of energy and matterc. Solar energy as it can produce electrical power.Pourlasecondepartiedel’exercice9,voirnotammenthttp://thedartmouth.com/2010/05/07/news/space




La séance en un clin d’œilLesrèglesessentiellesdudébatontétévuesettravaillées.Cetteséanceetcellequisuiventsontdesmisesenpratiquecomplètes.

Task: Ready for emigration or stuck to planet Earth? Discuss the topic.

Objectifs de la séance–Échangeraucoursderéunionsformelles.–Pratiquerledébatavectoutessescomposantes.

Construire le cours–Faitesprendreconnaissanceindividuellementdetouslesdocumentsettémoignagesproposés,pouret



–TerminezlapréparationaudébataveclasynthèseproposéeparlapremièrepartiedeYour Turn.Sibesoin,rappelezoufaitesrappelerbrièvementlesrèglesdudébat.



No to Space colonization! Let’s fight for sustainable development on Earth!



CD2, 24There are three reasons, apart from scientific considerations, why mankind needs to travel in space. The first is garbage disposal; we need to transfer industrial processes into space so that the Earth may remain a green and pleasant place for our grandchildren to live in. The second is to escape material impoverishment: the resources of this planet are finite, and we shall not have forever the abundance of solar energy and minerals and living space that are spread out all around us. The third reason is our spiritual need for an open frontier.

CD2, 25Our planet is not eternal. We all know this. Resources are limited and cannot meet the requirements of billions of people forever. We must anticipate a shortage of raw materials and

conserve them for future generations. How can we achieve this? Simply by living differently. If we don’t, conflicts of all kinds may break out for the possession of the remaining energy and metal deposits. This could happen in less than one generation! If we want to avoid the worst, let’s roll up our sleeves! A new civilization is yet to be invented, here and now, cleaner, more efficient, more respectful and whose primary objective is really happiness for everyone.

Miami and Cape Canaveral 97


p111, Case studyLe mémo doit informer Jo et Charly de l’intention de l’élève de participer à la compétition visant à élaborer un projet de colonie dans l’espace. Dans ce mémo, l’élève doit clairement présenter l’objectif du mémo, ses motivations, ses raisons de participer, ses attentes vis-à-vis de ses amis et les bénéfices attendus.

La séance en un clin d’œilLemémoestunoutildecommunicationtrèsutiliséauseind’équipesdetravail.Ilpermetdecommuniquersimplementetrapidementauseindugroupe.Ils’agiticid’apprendreàrédigerunmémodirectifpourcommuniquerdesintentionsprécises.

Objectifs de la séanceDonnerdesinstructionsetindicationsprécisesdansunespacerestreint.

Construire le coursVousdisposezdetroisoutilsdistinctspourpréparerlesélèvesàcetobjectif.–LaStrategy Boxquipermetdecomprendrecequ’estunmémoetd’avoirunaperçudesdifférentstypesde

mémo.–Untextederéférence“We can do it!”quicontientdesinformationsquiconstituerontlesélémentsdumémo.–Lesétapesdel’écrituredumémo(2 steps).CommencezparunelecturedelaStrategy Boxpuissuivezl’ordreproposéparlelivre.LeYour TurnserasoitappuyésurletextedeCase Study,soitunmémopluspersonnel.Danscecas,l’exercice2servirad’entraînement.



p110, Viewpoints1 Invitez les élèves à comparer/opposer les

photos et à imaginer l’avenir sur Terre etailleurs. Faites utiliser des expressions deprobabilité (may, might, must, be likely to, be unlikely to…).

2 “The power to fill outer space with life”, “We can build giant orbiting spaceships”, “wonderful places to live”, “weightless recreation, fantastic views, freedom and great wealth”.

3 Invitez les élèves à envisager différentstypesderaisons:cellesliéesàlanécessitévitale de quitter laTerre et celles liées aubesoinintrinsèquedel’hommedeconquérirdesespaces inexplorés.Demandez-leurdes’interrogersurlanotiondefrontière.

The reasons why man needs to travel in space: to deal with garbage disposal, escape material impoverishment, and have an open frontier.

4 Faitesensortequelesélèvesutilisentlestyleindirect et des expressions d’accord et dedésaccord:I agree, I approve of what he says, I think he’s right, He may well be right, He’s got a point, It seems to me that, I wouldn’t say that, I don’t quite agree with him, This seems unlikely, I don’t totally share his views, I think he is wrong, I find it hard to believe.

6 The speaker puts forward the need to preserve our resources on Earth by living differently instead of wanting to emigrate to another planet.







CD2, 26a. by, bye, buy. b. cell, sell. c. crews, cruise.d. feat, feet. e. here, hear. f. meet, meat. g. no, know. h. principal, principle. i. write, right.j. threw, through. k. ate, eight. l. there, their.

CD2, 27

a. Their new house is over there.b. The kid ate eight pancakes!c. He threw the ball and it rolled through the mud.d. Did you hear that she wants to move here? e. Please write your name. Are you right handed?

CD2, 28Finally, if we are to win the battle that is now going on around the world between freedom and tyranny, the dramatic achievements in space which occurred in recent weeks should have made clear to us all, as did the Sputnik in 1957, the impact of this adventure on the minds of men everywhere, who are attempting to make a determination of which road they should take. Since early in my term, our efforts in space have been under review. With the advice of the Vice President, who is Chairman of the National Space Council, we have examined where we are strong and where we are not, where we may succeed and where we may not. Now it is time to take longer strides–time for a great new American enterprise–time for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement, which in many ways may hold the key to our future on Earth.

CD2, 29Ned Nott was shot and Sam Shott was not.So it is better to be Shott than Nott.Some say Nott was not shot.But Shott says he shot Nott.Either the shot Shott shot at Nott was not shot,Or Nott was shot.If the shot Shott shot shot Nott, Nott was shot.But if the shot Shott shot shot Shott,Then Shott was shot, not Nott.However, the shot Shott shot shot not Shott, but Nott.

CD2, 30Jo: Shall we go for a pizza?Sara: I don’t feel like a pizza.Jo: Why don’t we go to a French restaurant?Sara: I don’t like French food.Jo: How about going out for a Chinese meal?Sara: What a wonderful idea!

Miami and Cape Canaveral 99

p112, The sound of words2 VoirCD2, 26.

Rhythm and intonation3 Kennedy wants to insist on the national and international stakes of space conquest. He starts by

presenting the context (“the dramatic achievements in space which occurred in recent weeks”: he refers to the beginning of the space race with the launch of Sputniks and Explorer 1) to justify the need for the United States to launch the conquest of the moon. He stresses the mastery of space as a fight for freedom against tyranny. He highlights the strengths of the US and its ambitions.

5 Les deux premières répliques de Sara ont une intonation descendante indiquant un refus. La troisième a une intonation montante indiquant une acceptation.

p113, Language useSay how it works

if + present, will + V if + preterit, would + V if + past perfect, would have + pp

6 a. knew, would beb. had not got, would never have comec. overuse, will haved. is not, will fighte. didn’t love, couldn’t

Words7 American English: a, b, c, f, g, h.

British English: d, e.



− Sputnik 1 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_1− Sputnik 2 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_2− Explorer 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explorer_1




The future of space settlement

La séance en un clin d’œilCette page pourra être utilisée pendant l’heure de technologie en anglais après préparation avec le professeur de spécialité. Pour certains, elle pourra servir de support au projet technologique à présenter à l’épreuve correspondante du baccalauréat.Leprojetdemandeunemiseenœuvredesacquisdelaséquence.Lesélèvesvontpouvoirappliquercequ’ilsontapprisetleurréflexionenmatièredecolonisationdel’espace.Rappelez-leurquecettecompétitionestbienréelleetqu’ilsentrouverontlerèglementcompletsurlesitedelaNasa(cf. Clevernet,p181).

Task: Take part in the NASA annual Space Settlement Contest.

Objectifs de la séance–RéutiliserlesinformationsetcompétencesacquisespendantleChallenge.–Développersacréativitéetsonautonomieenanglais.

Construire le coursAveccesixièmeprojet,lesélèvespoursuiventledéveloppementdeleurautonomie.Encouragez-les,laissez-less’organiseretfaitesseulementrespecterlesrèglesdonnéesdansGet Ready.

–Nousvousconseillonsdeconstituerplusieursgroupescomportantdesspécialistesdesdifférentsdomainesàtravaillerpourleprojet:ingénieurs,physiciens,nutritionnistes,designers,architectes…C’estunevéritableentreprisequelesélèvesvontcréeravantdecommencerletravail.Laissez-less’organiserentenantcompteducahierdescharges(Get Ready et Restrictions and special considerations)qu’ilsdevrontlireattentivementetrespecterscrupuleusement.Ilestimportantqu’ilscomprennentquepourfuturistequesoitleprojet,ilnepeutêtrefantaisiste(voirlapremièreconsidérationsur“the technology”).Ilimportequelesélèvessereportentàcequ’ilsontvu,luetentendudanslespagesprécédentesnotammentenmatièredepropriétésdel’espaceetd’obligationsphysiquesàrespecterpourpouvoiryvivre.Ensuite,laissez-lestravaillerdefaçonautonome.Demandezàchaquegroupedechoisirsonmodedeprésentationfinale:collectifouparunoudeuxreprésentants.Insistezsurlefaitquelaprésentationnedevrapasêtreluemaisdevraêtrefaitesousformenumérique(cf.instructionspourl’épreuveoraleenanglaisaubaccalauréat).Leprojetdevraaussifairel’objetd’uneprésentationécritequiseraégalementévaluée.

Pour la présentation (Perform)–Constituezlejuryenyassociantdesprofesseursdesdisciplinesscientifiquesettechnologiquesetpourquoi







Miami and Cape Canaveral 101


p115, Oral exam

CD2, 31A typical day for the crew begins with a wake-up at 06:00 followed by an inspection of the station. We then eat breakfast and take part in a daily planning conference with Mission Control before starting work at around 08:10. At one time in the morning we take our first physical exercise after which we continue work until 1. Following a one-hour lunch break, the afternoon consists of more exercise and work before we carry out our pre-sleep activities beginning at 19:30, including dinner and a crew conference. The scheduled sleep period begins at 21:30. We usually work 10 hours a day on a weekday, and 5 hours on Saturdays, with the rest of the time left for relaxation, Games or work catch-up.


p116-117, Written exam2 – The Cady Coleman/ who greets me/ at the door of her 200-year-old farmhouse/ deep in the woods

of New England/ is smaller than I had expected. This is a woman/ who walked/ into an American air force centrifuge programme/ as a volunteer/

and walked out/ with a world record/ for endurance. Compound words: her 200-year-old farmhouse (200-year-old qualifie farmhouse), an American

air force centrifuge programme (American portesur air force, air portesur force,et centrifuge portesur programme).

– Part of NASA’s extreme environment training. Compound word: extreme environment training (extreme portesur environment quiportesur

training). – Two previous short-duration shuttle missions.


3 Paragraph 1: b. Paragraph 2: d. Paragraph 3: c. Paragraph 4: a.

4 Enthusiastic, courageous, motivated.

5 a. Give a personal opinion.b. Talk about personal choices.c. Talk about a personal experience.d. Talk about personal activities.e. Give a personal opinion.

6 Réponsesdel’élève.



La séquence en un clin d’œilNousvoicisurlecontinentafricain,oùnousallonsdécouvrirlesdifférentesfacettesd’uneAfriquemoderne,maisaussiaffectéeparlesbouleversementsclimatiquesquitouchentlaTerre.LecontrasteestfrappantentrelavilledeNairobi,connuesouslenomde“Green City in the Sun”etlapartiesuddelaCornedel’Afriquequiesttoutsaufverteetquiaccueilledesmilliersderéfugiés.Cetteséquencevouspermettrademesurerlesenjeuxdeschangementsclimatiquesetd’examinerlessolutionsenvisageablesauproblèmedelasécheresseetdumanqued’eauqui,àterme,risquedetoucherdenombreusesrégionsdelaplanète.C’estenfinuneséquencequidevraitfavoriserunespritdesolidaritéchezlesélèves,solidaritéqu’illeurserademandéed’exprimerdansleprojetfinal.

Définitions, lexiques et Clevernet, p182-183



Provide Safe Food for All


Kenya and the Horn of

Africa 120-121


a solidarity day 132

Lieux et formes de


Production Écologie et environnement

Oral course Written course

Everyday EnglishSurvival Kit 122-123 Reporting lost luggage Complaining and asking for damages

TASKSPeople and Society 124-125Science and Technology 126-127

– Answer questions about refugees at Dadaab Camp

– Help farmers– Write a letter to ask for help– Write a technical report

RULES OF THE DEBATEDebating Society 128 Arguing about GMOs

WRITTEN GENREWriting Workshop 129

Scientific reportWriting a scientific report about the risks and benefits of GMOs

STRATEGIES–The Language Challenge 130-131–Your Passport to the Exam 133-135

– Conveying feelings when talking– Understanding instruction

– Finding word units– Finding locations in a text– Identifying a chronological order– Writing a diary

WORDS 130-131 Compound words Compound words

FAQGrammar files 131

– Order of adjectives– Make or Do– Probabilities, reproaches and regrets

in the past

Provide Safe Food for All Kenya and the Horn of Africa



Kenya : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenya

Kenya and the Horn of Africa 103

La séance en un clin d’œilAveccettepremièreséancevousallezdécouvrirunpaysd’Afrique,leKenya,etsacapitale,Nairobi.Vousallezégalementprendreconnaissanceduseptièmedéfiàrelever,lasécheressequifrappecertainespartiesdel’Afriqueaveclesproblèmesqu’elleengendre:exode,faim,violence...C’estunsujetgravequelesélèvesdeterminaleconnaissentoudoiventconnaître.Ilestprésentéàdesfinspositivesquevousdécouvrirezdansleprojet.

Objectifs de la séance–Découvrirunpaysanglophoned’Afrique.–Comprendredesenregistrements.–Découvrirundomainescientifiqueettechnologique.

Construire le coursSuivezledéroulementchronologiqueproposéparlelivreoul’approcheproposéeci-dessous.–Demandezauxélèvesdeprendreconnaissancedel’ensembledesinformationscontenuesdanslapage,ou





–Prévoyezégalementungroupe(plusrestreint)représentant«Makena»quirépondraauxquestionsetapporteradescomplémentsd’information.Àceteffet,vouspouvezprévoirunerecherchepréalableparcegroupeouapporterdesélémentsvous-mêmes.Vouspourrezincorporerlesélémentsduparcoursécritàcetravail.FaitesaussileCulture Gamessurcemode,lesréponsesétantdonnéesaugroupeMakena.Sivousavezlaissédecôtélapartieécritependantlaphaseorale,revenezsurlethèmedelasécheresseetdesesconséquencesquiadûêtreabordéàpartirdelaphotodesréfugiésenvoyéeparMakena.

–Faiteslireletexteetl’encartFacts & Figures,puispassezauquiz.LesquestionséventuellesserontposéesaugroupeMakena(quin’estpasdispensédefairelemêmetravailquelesautresgroupes).








p120, On the wall1 et 2 The photo represents the Dadaab camp in Somalia. It emblematizes the thousands of families

waiting to get water and food that Makena mentions.

A place to discover3 The Horn of Africa covers approximately 2,000,000 km² (770,000 sq. m.) and is inhabited by roughly

100 million people (Ethiopia: 85 million, Somalia: 9.3 million, Eritrea: 5.2 million, and Djibouti: 0.86 million).

4 It represents Lucy, the common name of AL 288-1, several hundred pieces of bone representing about 40% of the skeleton of an individual Australopithecus afarensis. The specimen was discovered in 1974 at Hadar, Ethiopia in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia’s Afar Depression. Lucy is estimated to have lived 3.2 million years ago.

5 East Africa is racked by terrible famine. Thousands of Somalis are fleeing their country to reach the Dadaab refugee camp.

6 The picture sent by Makena in her post.7 It gives the picture of a very attaching, unique country.

Culture games8 a.Yes, East Africa is blessed with an assortment of wildlife that remain in their natural habitat.

Modern Nairobi is still the safari capital of Africa, but the modern world has quickly caught up with the city. Nairobi has become one of Africa’s largest and most cosmopolitan cities.East Africans are shy and reserved at first but then they are naturally more tactile than Europeans! Kenyans are a friendly and hospitable people, regardless of ethnic affiliation.b. Kenyan roads are disastrous. For example the roads from Nairobi to Maasai Mara are 270 kms long but it will take you 4 to 6 hours by car.c. In spite of Nairobi’s reputation, I should say that I have never had a problem with criminality there.d. Nights and mornings can be chilly in East Africa. A great part of the region is in altitude. In July and August it is quite cold as it is winter here.e. No, Kenya’s most popular sport is soccer; however, it’s true that Kenyan runners are famous worldwide.

p121, A challenge to discover9 Incitezlesélèvesàutiliserlastructure:the – superlatif + sujet + has ever + pp.

Millions of people are affected by the current crisis, among whom 500,000 malnourished children. Many people are threatened to die. This is the worst crisis Somalia has ever come across. This is the highest rate of malnutrition the country has ever reached.

10 a. all these causesb. 11.3 millionc. more than 2 per 10,000

Kenya and the Horn of Africa



CD2, 32paSSenger: I’m afraid I can’t find my wallet. You must absolutely find it.agent: What is it like? Was there much money in it?paSSenger: Well, it’s a small-sized brown leather wallet. It is rather thin and old. Of course there was quite a lot of money! There was about 200 dollars! That’s a fortune for an old woman like me!agent: Well, I’m afraid it’s going to be a hard job finding it! When did you realize you had lost it?paSSenger: Just a few minutes ago. What can we do? Please help me.agent: You should check all your bags and pockets. You may have misplaced it.paSSenger: I know what I’m doing young man. I’m not that old you know! I can tell you, I’ve lost it. Now do what you have to do!agent: Oh, but… What’s that thing in your pocket?

CD2, 33paSSenger: I’m sorry but I think my suitcase has been stolen.agent: When did you realize you didn’t have it?paSSenger: Well, I think I had it when I got out of the taxi, and then I scrambled my way through the airport. And when I got to the check in well, no more suitcase.agent: You can’t have left it in the cab since the driver must have given it to you. Did you have it on entering the airport? You may have left it on the trolley outside.paSSenger: No, I remember I took out a magazine when I was in the waiting lounge area, but I can’t have lost it there.agent: Well, then you need to go to the Lost and Found.paSSenger: I’ve just been there but to no avail.agent: Then you had better contact the police to know what you should do. You’ll have to say what’s in your case. You should be as precise as possible.

CD2, 34– Hello. Can I help you?– When did you notice you no longer had your luggage?– You may have left it in the taxi?– Are you sure you didn’t forget to take it on the conveyor belt?– Could you describe it? What is it like? What’s in it?– I’m afraid it will be impossible to find it, unless somebody brings it back to the Lost and Found. I can’t

do anything else for you, I’m sorry.– You don’t need to speak up and criticize me. It’s not my fault.


p122, Listen and note1 She can’t find her wallet. It is a rather thin and old small-sized brown leather wallet. There was

about 200 dollars.2 Absolutely, of course, quite a lot of, that’s a fortune, please help me, I can tell you.3 You can’t have left it (impossibility), the driver must have given it (strong possibility), You may have

left it (simple possibility).4 Expressions of advice: you need to, you had better, you’ll have to, you should.




Listen and practise6 RenvoyezlesélèvesàlapartieGrammar File (p130)pourfairetravaillerlesstructuresdureproche.Vérifiez


p123, Observe and note8 d. The addressee’s references in the top left-hand corner.

b. the sender’s references in the top right-hand corner. a. the object of the letter (information à déduire à la lecture de la lettre). f. the description of the situation. e. the details of the problem. c. the sender’s request.– Anger: we are really angry, I really condemn, this really was too much, it was simply

outrageous.– Reproaches: he couldn’t care less, what a mess.– Disappointment: we were quite disappointed.– Request: we would like you to take, I ask for.

9 Demandezauxélèvesderevoirlesstructuresdereproche(p130)sibesoin.a. I reproach your company with not offering enough security. It was such a dangerous trip. b. Your agents should have been able to inform us. c. It was too stifling in the plane. There could have been air-conditioning. d. It was rather stuffy inside the plane. e. It was too crowded a place. f. The noise was simply unbearable g. What a dusty plane! h. There was so much delay! i. There were too many repeated breakdowns.j. We wish there had been a stop.

10 Voiciquelquesexpressionsderequête:I want you to, I expect you to, I would like you to, I wish you, I ask you to, I need you to, I demand you to…

Kenya and the Horn of Africa



A Lost Society



A. Impressions from Dadaab

La séance en un clin d’œilAucoursdecetteséance,faitesdécouvrirladrôledeviedesréfugiésarrivantdespaysdelaCornedel’AfriqueetledifficileparcourspourrejoindrelecampdeDadaabauKenya.Vousentendrezletémoignaged’unresponsableducampetceluid’unréfugiéarrivantdeSomalie.L’histoiredeviesbouleverséesparleschangementsclimatiquesquiaffectentnotreplanète.

Task: Answer questions about the situation of refugees.

Objectif de la séanceComprendreunrécit.

Construire le cours–Suivezlaprogressionproposéeparlelivre.Ilestimportantdebiencomprendrecommentfonctionneuncamp



–Passezensuiteàl’écoute(exercice4)etcomparezlerécitimaginaireetlerécitréel.Cecidoitdonnerlieuàunvraitravailsurlalangue(We thought… but, as a matter of fact…).Montrezaussiauxélèvesquelacompréhensionestfacilitéeparl’anticipation.

–TerminezparlatâcheduYour Turn.Utilisezlapiste37.Makenaposelesquestionsetlesélèvesrépondent.Essayezdenepas(trop)ralentirletempsderéponse.Ilfautarriveràcequeledialoguesonnevrai.Faitescetravailindividuellement,ouenlabo.AccepteztouteslesréponsesdeFrenchy,àpartirdumomentoùellessontcompréhensibles.


Dadaab refugee camp : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dadaab

B. Ordinary heroes

La séance en un clin d’œilCetteséance,largementconsacréeàlalecture,estfondéesurlanotiondehérosappliquéeauxindividusquitravaillentàaméliorerlesortdesréfugiésetpluslargementdetousceuxquisouffrentdelafaimetdelasoif.OnyretrouvedeshérosanonymesoupluscélèbrescommeMattDamon,l’acteurdecinéma.C’estl’occasiond’uneréflexionsurcettenotion.Letitredelaséanceparticipedecetteréflexion.

Task: Write a letter to ask for help.




CD2, 35Emergency Media Officer describes the situation in Dadaab refugee camp, northern Kenya, where nearly 1,500 people are arriving each day.When a family arrives they find crowds of people waiting. The United Nations have set up a structure that is open on all sides, but has a roof for shade as it gets really hot. It is still not big enough for all the people. People are quiet; they are exhausted and in what seems like shock.Once they are called, they go to one of the three reception centers being run by U.N. staff. They first go through an electronic finger printing screening which registers them and their family. They get colored bracelets based on which camp they are being received in. Then they move to receive non-food items (plastic mats to sleep or sit on, blankets, jerry cans). At that point they move to food tents, and receive two weeks’ worth of food.Because the camps are full, people are setting-up their places to live where they can find land. Deforestation has taken place. This is a real source of tension with the host community- this is the land that typically Kenyan-Somalis use as nomadic feeding and living grounds. So, when the wind blows, the wind blows red dusty dirt all around. The sandy-ground is hot, and many refugees have no shoes. Not to mention attacks…

CD2, 36This is the story of Osman Sheikh Hussein, who fled drought and conflict in Somalia to arrive at the Dadaab Refugee Camp in northeastern Kenya.My family and I have come from Somalia – from Baidera in the Upper Juba Valley. I took the decision to leave with my family because of drought and violence. The situation had become very bad. There had been no rain for months and everybody was starving.We walked by foot all of the way. It took us 32 days and every night we stayed under the sky. When we reached the border with Kenya some of the women and children were very tired and sick. It was a difficult journey.We have been here 29 nights now but still haven’t been able to register to get permanent food aid. When we first arrived, we went to a place with other new arrivals and we got some food and other basic things.Here we only have this shelter that we have made from plastic sheeting and wood. But at least we can get food and water. There is a health center too and for the first time in many years I feel safe and don’t go to sleep worrying my children may die.

CD2, 37– Hi Frenchy! Thank you so much for trying to help refugees. What is the situation like now in the camps?

Have you seen refugees? How are they?– Oh, it’s really heart-breaking, isn’t it? Do new refugees get food when they arrive in the camp?

Objectifs de la séance–Découvrirlerôleetlefonctionnementdesassociationshumanitaires.–Lirepours’informeretécrire.–Développeruneréflexionsurlanotiondehéros.

Construire le coursFaitesfaireunelectureattentive,avecprisedenotessurlespointsmentionnésdansl’exercice5etd’autresquevousaurezchoisis.Attirezl’attentionsurlestyledesdifférentsarticles.Sivousdisposezd’assezdetemps,faitesécrireunarticle«àlafaçonde…»l’unet/oul’autredesarticlesproposés.PassezensuiteàlatâcheduYour Turn.Letextedelalettredevramontrerunebonneconnaissancedelasituationdanslecampetdesobjectifsdel’associationfondéeparMattDamon.


CARE : http://www.care.org/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CARE_(relief_agency)

Kenya and the Horn of Africa 109

p124, Impressions from Dadaab1 a. quiet, exhausted, shocked.

b. They queue up for their turn, they are called, they go to the reception center, they go through a finger printing screening, they get bracelets, they get non-food items, they move to food tents, they receive foodc. They don’t have much space. There is tension with the local inhabitants, there is a lot of dust and dirt, the ground is quite hot, they may be attacked.

2 Insistez sur l’utilisation de connecteurs pour montrer l’enchaînement des étapes (first of all…), d’expressions de la difficulté (they have trouble +V-ing, they find it hard to, they can hardly, they may, they are likely to…)etd’intensifieurs(cf.p123).

3 Demandezauxélèvesd’utiliserdesexpressionsdeprobabilité(they must have, they may/might have…).

p125, Ordinary heroes5 “Heroic associations?”: CARE association helps people get water and food. They have to work

hard as the conditions are quite straining for helpers and they have trouble getting enough funds. They support and reassure people too who are grateful to them for their efforts and commitment.“Medical heroes?”: doctors help cure refugees but they have to face too great numbers of people and they may not have enough means, nurses, and drugs to do their job correctly.“Media Heroes?”: Matt Damon uses his fame and popularity to draw the media’s, institutional funders’ and the public’s attention to suffering people so that they should make donations. He works for warter.org.

6 Demandezauxélèvesd’utiliserdesexpressionsd’opinion personnelle(to my mind, in my opinion, as for me, in my view, as far as I am concerned…).Invitez-lesàcomparerdifférentstypesdehérosmodernes(expressiondelacomparaisonetducontraste).




– Well, that’s better than nothing I suppose. What stages do they have to go through on arriving?– Hum, that sounds a bit complicated actually. But is it easy for them to cohabit with so many other

refugees? Aren’t there any kinds of problems?– Oh, that’s so sad! But did you meet or talk with refugees? Did they tell you anything about how they

left Somalia and came to the camp?


The Best Way to Fight Drought?SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY P126-127


A. Technological answers

La séance en un clin d’œilApprochetechniqueduproblèmedanscetteséance.Leparcoursoralprésentedeuxsolutionsparmilespluscourantespourluttercontrelasécheresseetl’absenced’eau:lespuitsetladésalinisationdel’eaudemer.Cette séance, comme la suivante, est l’occasion de travailler avec les professeurs de spécialité technologiques et scientifiques. Associez-les au travail en anglais.

Task: Present the most adequate way to help farmers in the Horn of Africa.

Objectifs de la séance–Comprendredesinformationstechniques.–Écouterdefaçonsélective.–Échangerdesinformationsdefaçoninformelle.

Construire le cours–Pourrentrerdanslesujetetcréerlecontexte,demandezauxélèvesquelsmoyensexistentaujourd’huipour




quiluisontpropres.–Faitesl’exercice2defaçonglobale.Vérifiezquechaquegrouperépondbienauxaffirmationsquileconcernent.–Faitesl’exercice3,quiestunsimplerésumédel’écoute.–TerminezparlatâcheduYour Turn.Aucontrairedel’exercice3, latâchedemandedeprésenterun



B. Scientific answers

La séance en un clin d’œilL’approchescientifiquepermetd’examinerlesmoyensproposésparlasciencepourcombattrelafaim,conséquenceimmédiatedelasécheresse:cesontlesOGMquisontmisenavantetcomparésauxproduitsalimentairesorganiques.L’artificielvslenaturel?

Task: Write a technical report.

Objectifs de la séance–Découvriruneméthodedeculture.–Lirepours’informeretcomparer.–Écrireunrapporttechnique.

Construire le coursLaséanceviseavanttoutàdonnerauxélèveslesmoyensd’unepremièreinformationdescriptiveetcomparativesurdestechniquesdeculture,pasàfaireprendreunepositionsurlesujet.CeciviendradansThe Debating Society.

Kenya and the Horn of Africa 111


–LerapportdemandédanslatâcheduYour Turndevraindiqueruneorientationpréciseetargumentée.Vouspourrezéventuellementattendred’avoirtravaillélerapportscientifiquedansThe Writing Workshoppourfairerédigercerapport.



GM foods : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetically_modified_food


CD2, 38After a drive of about three and a half hours –110 km journey– our driver points out a rig. It feels like we are in the middle of nowhere, but according to Abdirahman Issack, UNICEF specialist for water, hygiene and water purification, some 20,000 pastoralists will benefit from the borehole once it is completed. Deciding on the location for the borehole took four months of exhaustive consultations.The drilling itself has not been easy. It took us two months to reach where we are today but we’ve finally hit the water and, we should be pumping by next week.On average a water project can be completed for around $6,500. But when the water is very deep the cost can go up to $30,000 or more.A water project costs more than just the well. We need to pay for supplies, well pumps, drill bits, fuel, and wages for the drill crews.

CD2, 39One solution for many water-poor countries is the conversion of saline water to potable water through desalination. Desalination is a process that removes salt from seawater to make it potable.There are two major methods for removal of salt from seawater–distillation and reverse osmosis.In the distillation technique, saltwater is heated to evaporate the water while the salt residues remain behind. Reverse osmosis uses high pressure to extract salts and contaminants from purified potable water.But one of the primary drawbacks to desalination at present is its cost.

p126, Technological answers2 a. Wrong: 20,000 people.

b. Wrong: it took four months to choose the location.c. Right: it took two months to drill up to where they are today.d. Wrong: between $6,500 and $30,000.e. Wrong: it consists in taking the salt out of the water.f. Wrong: with distillation saltwater is heated to evaporate the water.g. Right: high pressure extracts salt from purified potable water.h. Wrong: it is rather costly.

3 Veillezàcequelesélèvesmettentenévidencelesbénéficesetlesdifficultésdesdeuxsys-tèmesprésentés(on the one hand…on the other hand…, however, yet, still…).

p127, Scientific answers5 Insistezsurl’utilisationdecomparaisonset

contrastes,dusuperlatif,determesvariéspourdonnerdesexplicationsetjustifications(indeed, in so far as, in as much as, as, for…).



Kenya and the Horn of Africa



GM crops and food should be banned.

La séance en un clin d’œilNoussommesàl’avant-dernierChallenge.Àcestade,lesélèvesdoiventpouvoiraccéderleplusrapidementpossibleaudébat.

Task: Discuss the topic. Are GMOs one solution to solve the problem of famine in the world, or should they be banned?

Objectifs de la séance–Menerundébatproductifselondesrèglesétablies.–Comprendreetdonnerdesinformationsetdesargumentsdansunediscussionformelle.

Construire le cours–Aprèsavoirprisconnaissancedelamotionendiscussionetvousêtreassuréqu’elleestbiencomprise,

demandezauxélèvesdeconsulterlesdocumentsproposésenuntempslimité(20mnmaximum).Ils’agitdanscettepremièrephasedeprendreconnaissancededocumentsquiviennentcompléterletravaildesséancesprécédentesquidoitêtreencoredanslesesprits.Troisdocumentsvoussontproposés:•undoubledocumenticonographique(photosAetB)àinterpréter,plutôtcontrelesOGM;•unextraitd’unechanson,résolumentcontrelesOGM.LachansonestfacilementaccessiblesurYou Tube ;•unécritémanantd’unscientifiquekenyanenfaveurdel’utilisationdesOGM.




p128, Viewpoints2 The writer associates GMOs with dangerous

poison that companies want us to take without our knowing it and to make profits.

3 The professor is favorable to GMOs in so far as he stresses their safety and he highlights the widespread use of GMOs in the world.


Kenya and the Horn of Africa 113

Scientific Report


La séance en un clin d’œilLesélèvesontacquissuffisammentdematière,dematuritéetdetechnicitépourpouvoirprofiterpleinementdecetavant-dernieratelier.Lapratiquedurapportscientifique(outechnologique)leurdonnerauneplus-valuepouraborderdesétudessupérieuresetlavieactiveultérieurement.Onsaitqu’aujourd’huilamajoritédescommunicationssefaitenanglais.Rappelez-leauxélèves.

Objectifs de la séance–Lirepourapprendre.–Rédigerunrapportconstruitselondesrèglesprécises.

Construire le cours–CommencezparlirelaStrategy Boxquidonneauxélèveslesinformationsessentiellespourl’organisation

durapportscientifique/technologique.–PassezensuiteàlalecturedurapportproposédansCase Study.Lescouleursrenvoientauxannotations(tips)


–Unefoisquelaméthodeestbiencomprise,passezauYour Turn.Lesargumentssontdonnés,ilnerestequ’àappliquerlaméthodeetàécrirelerapport.Sivouslenotez,accordezunelargepartdelanoteàlamiseenœuvredelaméthode.


p129, Case study1 Observe 1: “the project aims at exploring…”

Observe 2: “three years”, “400 leading experts”, “35 countries”Observe 3: “new technologies should not be excluded” (general opinion), “such as the genetic modification…” (example).Observe 4: “critical importance of interconnected policy-making” (synthesis), “achieving closer coordination… major challenge” (new challenge).

2 Demandezauxélèvesdeclasserlesargumentspouretcontreparordred’importanceavantdecommencerleurrapport.



Kenya and the Horn of Africa


CD2, 42I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.

CD2, 43I love you (hostility, indifference, interest, boredom, pride, warmth).

CD2, 40determined, tried, realized, liked, wanted, watched, decided, rushed, slipped

CD2, 41Every morning Seyru Togushi rises at 6 and exercises in the front yard of his home in Okinawa. He prepares a breakfast of rice and miso soup with spinach and egg. Then he tends his nearby farm, where he grows vegetables. At 5p.m., he takes a hot bath and cooks home-grown radish with pork for supper. He reads newspapers, does his own laundry and takes the bus to the nearest town when he needs to. It’s nothing out of the ordinary, until you consider that Togushi is nearly 102 years old.

P130, The sound of wordsSay how it works

t, d k, ch, sh, p, s n, z, b, y, f, v

Rhythm and intonation3 Every morning/ Seyru Togushi rises at 6/

and exercises/ in the front yard of his home/ in Okinawa./ He prepares a breakfast of rice and miso soup/ with spinach and egg./ Then he tends his nearby farm,/ where he grows vegetables./ At 5 p.m.,/ he takes a hot bath/ and cooks home-grown radish with pork/ for supper./ He reads newspapers,/ does his own laundry/ and takes the bus/ to the nearest town/ when he needs to. It’s nothing out of the ordinary,/ until you consider/ that Togushi is nearly 102 years old.


p131, Language useSay how it works

must have + pp may have + pp might have + pp can’t have + pp

9 a. must have leftb. must have fallenc. might have doned. can’t have chosene. may have brought back

10 Réponsesdel’élève.

11 a. They should have dug more boreholes.b. Why didn’t they collect funds in developing countries?c. UNO could have sent soldiers.d. If only water experts had found a cheaper solution.e. Refugees wish organizations had set up more refugee camps.


+ noun + verb + preposition

Nounwater sourcesseawaterdesalination plant

cost-saving check-in

Verb purified water

Adjective potable waterlong-term


Kenya and the Horn of Africa 115


Solidarity Day

La séance en un clin d’œilUnprojetmoinstechnologique,plusassociatifethumanitairepourconclurecetteséance.C’estàl’espritdesolidaritéetàlacapacitédemobilisationpourdegrandescausesqueceprojetfaitappel.

Task: Plan the program of a solidarity day to help people suffering from hunger in the Horn of Africa.

Objectifs de la séance–RéutiliserlesinformationsetcompétencesacquisespendantleChallenge.–Développersacréativitéetsonautonomieenanglais.

Construire le cours–LisezensemblelacitationdeSirJohnBeddington(Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government and Professor

of Applied Population Biology at Imperial College London).Elledonnedespistesintéressantessurlanaturedel’aideàapporterpourluttercontrelesproblèmesdemalnutritionetdefamine.


–Demandezàchaquegroupedechoisirsonmodedeprésentationfinale :collectifouparunoudeuxreprésentants.Insistezsurlefaitquelaprésentationnedevrapasêtrelue,maisdevraêtrefaitesousformenumérique(cf. instructionspourl’épreuveoraleenanglaisaubaccalauréat).Leprogrammedelajournéeseraprésentéoralementetparécritsurunflyerréaliséparchaquegroupeàceteffet.

Pour la présentation (Perform)–Constituezlejuryenyassociantd’autresprofesseursoumembresdel’équipededirectiondulycée.






Kenya and the Horn of Africa


It was a difficult journey.We have been here 29 nights now but still haven’t been able to register to get permanent food aid. When we first arrived, we went to a place with other new arrivals and we got some food and other basic things.Here we only have this shelter that we have made from plastic sheeting and wood. But at least we can get food and water. There is a health center too and for the first time in many years I feel safe and don’t go to sleep worrying my children may die.

p133, Oral exam

CD2, 44This is the story of Osman Sheikh Hussein, who fled drought and conflict in Somalia to arrive at the Dadaab Refugee Camp in northeastern Kenya.My family and I have come from Somalia – from Baidera in the Upper Juba Valley. I took the decision to leave with my family because of drought and violence. The situation had become very bad. There had been no rain for months and everybody was starving.We walked by foot all of the way. It took us 32 days and every night we stayed under the sky. When we reached the border with Kenya some of the women and children were very tired and sick.


p134-135, Written exam1 Main sentences:

a. “the Earth is flat”b. “he need not care who made the laws”

2 Word units:

a. Whenever he heard the question/ the old man/ who lived/ in that house/ answered that/ the Earth is flat.b. I knew a man/ who believed that/ if a man were permitted/ to make the ballads/ he need not care/ who made/ the laws of the nation.

3 a. Early on/ in her research/ about Kenya,/ Fi had discovered that/ the country’s annual death toll/ from malaria/ was/ in the tens of thousands.b. Chris,/ at the door/ of the bedroom,/ waved/ in the air/ the paper/ on which he’d written/ a list of all the items/ he thought/ she should bring/ and might forget.c. Not to mention that/ it’s more dangerous,/ which/ somehow/ makes it appealing/ to Fi.d. Though he spoke lightly,/ his words/ echoed/ those of Fi’s brother and two sisters-/especially her brother.

4 Kenya, in this country (l.24), Garissa, Nairobi, New York City. They are in New York.

5 a. l.15-17b. l.26c. l.30-32d. l.1-3e. l.11-12f. l.3, 9-10, 30-32g. l.27-29, 38-39, 43-44

6 e,b,g,d,f,a,c(chronologiedel’histoire)oud,f,e,a,b,c,g(chronologiedutexte)


Kenya and the Horn of Africa 117

La séquence en un clin d’œilAutermed’unvoyageautourdumonde,nousarrivonsàMumbai,villemythiquedel’Indedusudoùvasejouerledernier,etsansdouteledéfilepluscomplexeetleplusduràrelever :«Vivreensemble».PourcedernierChallenge,nousvousproposonsuntravailsurunethématiqueétroitementliéeàlanotionde«lieuxetformesdepouvoir»inscritedanslestextesofficiels.Pouvoirdes«natives»surlesderniersarrivés,deshommessurlesfemmes,delascienceetdelatechnologiesurleshommes…Aprèsladécou-vertedelavilleetdesesmultiplesfacettesetpopulations,nousétudieronssuccessivementlanotiondu«vivreensemble»appliquéeauxdifférentesethnies,auxrelationsentreleshommesetlesfemmes,auxdangersquiguettentlaplanèteetaurôledesjeunesgénérationsquenousdevonsformerpourcetavenir.Quelmondevoulons-nouspourdemainetcommentl’exprimer ?Nousleverronsdansledernierdébat,ledernieratelierd’écritureetdansleprojetfinal.Autantdirequenousnouséloignonsunpeudelascienceetdelatechnologietellesquenouslesavonsétudiéesjusqu’àprésentpourconclurecetteannéedetravailsuruneréflexionsurlessciencessocialesetuneinterrogationsurledéfipremier«Vivreensemble/Living Together»

Lexique, définitions et Clevernet, p184-185

Living Together Mumbai




Living Together136-153

Mumbai, India


Social Anthropology

Write a letter to the youth of the 21st century


Lieux et formes de


Techniques et civilisation Écologie

Oral course Written course

Everyday EnglishSurvival Kit 140-141 Applying for a job Writing a CV

TASKSPeople and Society 142-143Science and Technology 144-145

– Cover a conference about integration– Exchanging about dangers for


– Writing an article about the condition of women

– Writing prompt cards to prepare an oral presentation

RULES OF THE DEBATEDebating Society 146 Defend a position

WRITTEN GENREWriting Workshop 147

Open letterWriting an open letter about Indian girls’ situation

STRATEGIES– The Language Challenge 148-149– Your Passport to the Exam 151-153

– Choosing the right style– Understanding an interview

– Understanding the implicit– Summarizing arguments– Identifying pronouns– Writing a letter

WORDS 148-149 Boosting your vocabulary Boosting your vocabulary

FAQGrammar files 149

– “Ce qui, ce que”/-ed or -ing– Concession and opposition


Living together : http://book.coe.int/ftp/3667.pdf

Mumbai 119

La séance en un clin d’œilRendez-vousàMumbai(ex-Bombay)àl’invitationdeSujaya,jeuneIndiennemembredugroupe.Découvrezunevillede15millionsd’habitantsoùsecôtoientdemultiplesethniesdanslaplusgranderichesseetlaplusextrêmepauvreté.Découvrezaussiunevilleetunesociétéoùlestraditionsinégalitairessontcriantes,notammententreleshommesetlesfemmes,maisquiestaussilavilledeGandhi.Ledéfiestposéentermesd’accroissementdelapopulationmondiale:commentconcilierlescontraintesdeladémographieavecunecoexistencepacifiqueetharmonieuseentreleshumains?

Objectifs de la séanceDécouvrirlavilledeMumbaietledéfin°8.

Construire le coursSuivezledéroulementchronologiqueproposéparlelivreoul’approcheproposéeci-dessous.CedernierChallengeestaussiceluiauquelvontêtreconfrontéslesélèvesjusteavantlesépreuvesdubaccalauréat.Ilsdoiventmaintenantvérifierqueletravaildel’annéeaportésesfruitsetqu’ilssontcapablesd’autonomielangagièretantàl’oralqu’àl’écrit.Votrecourspourralesyaider.−Livrefermé,indiquez-leurqu’ilsontreçuuneinvitationpouralleràMumbai.Quesavent-ilsdecettevilleet


cequilespousseraitàrendrevisiteàSujayaouaucontraireànepasyaller.−Demandez-leurdejustifierleursréponsesendonnantdesexemplesprécisdecequilesattireoulesrepousse.−FaitesensuiteleCulture GamesselonlamêmeméthodequedanslesautresChallenges.Ceseraunmoment

dedétenteavantdepasseràl’analysedesdonnéesécritesdeA challenge to discover.−Demandezauxélèvesdepréparerunefichedelecturecritiqueprésentant:

•laproblématiquegénéraleduchallenge(défidémographique);•uneanalysecritiquedesdonnéeschiffrées(tableauxprésentésenexercice10etencartFacts & Figures ;•uneconclusiontiréedelalecturedutexte“A global response for a demographic challenge”.


−TerminezensuiteparlalecturedelarubriqueTaking upthe Challenge.Mettezenplaceledispositifderéflexionpermanente(carnetdeprojet)envuedelaphasefinaleduprojet.



The amazing thing about Mumbai is how you can cram so many people into such a small space and not have them continually kill one another.But of course everything is not perfect in human relationships. Women in particular are victims of rape and violence, even if things are getting better. Child marriage is still a common practice today. Women’s mortality rate is very high. Yet some high positions are held by women. Another paradox as you can see.There is another one yet: although India is turning into a modern global economy, the country remains strongly tied to the traditions of its caste system. This system largely governs where Indians work and in what jobs.

CD2, 45Mumbai is a city of contrasts. It’s ancient and modern, poor and repulsive and rich and appealing (there are countless millionaires and Bollywood). It parties till dawn yet still prays at daybreak. It has nightclubs and temples, traditional street market places and luxury hotels, socialites and mystics.Mumbai has always played a major role in India. In the 1940s, Mahatma Gandhi launched the Quit India Movement from here. He lived in Mani Bhavan, a building on Laburnum Road, for many years. You should visit it; today it’s a museum.



p138, On the wall1 Sujaya means that the greatest challenge of all will be living together, avoiding wars and conflicts,

respecting each other’s differences, and balancing wealth and resources.

2 Both highlight the diversity and contrasts that characterize India and Mumbai in particular: it is both a land of multibillionaires, luxury and magic, and a land of poverty, famine and inequalities.

A place to discover3 A. a market in Mumbai (abundance, variety).

B. slum, poverty (mud). C. glamour, luxury, entertainment, splendor.

4 The most realistic: B. The most appealing: C.

5 The name Bollywood is derived from Bombay (the former name for Mumbai) and Hollywood, the center of the American film industry. It refers to the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai although there has been a growing presence of Indian English in dialogue and songs. It is the largest film producer in India and one of the largest centers of film production in the world.

6 She stresses several contrasts: poor vs rich, ancient vs modern, nightclubs vs temples.

Culture games7 a. That’s true! In India even the average man will have a considerable knowledge of the subject.

The average Indians’ maths skills are good or better than other countries.b. It depends on where you eat. Never eat on the streets or in open stalls. The food may be tasty but eating in open places is a total no. When it comes to eating in India, mind spicy food which can often cause an upset stomach in people who are not used to such hot food.c. It’s often said that Indians see themselves as “above” others but I think this is more of a stereotype than a reality. Indians are just very hard-working people and they are very demanding with themselves and with others.d. If you go to Indian villages you’d see that they are simple but not dirty. Maybe they don’t have all the modern facilities but they have a unique freshness about them. It’s just the modern cities of India that are a bit messy.e. Don’t be ridiculous! Indian girls aren’t like that anymore. They’re beautiful and smart. Many are sociable and outgoing.

p139, A challenge to discover8 Problems: demographic pressure, fewer resources.

Tendencies: demographic growth in emerging countries is exploding.Solutions: rich and poor countries must work together and implement changes at different levels (give priority to education, health, economy and work).Role of technologies: by improving health, sciences, information technologies, materials and working conditions, they will increase productivity and help solve the problems of the scarcity of resources and famine.

9 Two major problems will face the 21st century: how to limit the impact of demographic growth on resources and how to work together.

10 The most densified countries are also the poorest (India, China): the more people, the less work and the fewer revenues.




p140, Listen and note1 a, d.

You had better stress the benefits for the company, look at the staff manager straight in the eye, never say anything negative, and be decently dressed.

Listen and practise2 Requirements of the job:

− have a degree or experience in the field of robotics;

− know how to produce plans, present projects and solve problems;

− be creative and independent, daring, curious, open-minded, fast (respect deadlines), hard-working.

p141, Observe and note6 1f, 2b, 3d, 4c, 5e, 6a.

7 Demandezauxélèvesd’identifierlanaturedutravail,lescompétences,qualitésetdiplômesrequis.

CD2, 46If you have reached the interview stage, your CV and letter of application must have been impressive!But there is still more work to do if you want to get that job!Make sure you have studied the company as thoroughly as possible − use the Internet, company reports, recruitment literature, etc.Remind yourself of why you applied in this company. Make a list of the skills, experience, and interests you can offer the organization.During the interview, always be positive about your previous experiences. Never give negative information! Instead, look at the interviewer straight in the eyes and sell yourself using active, positive words.Finally, try to foresee the questions you will be expected to answer - imagine you are the interviewer!Don’t forget that the way you look and behave can be even more important than what you say.

CD2, 47a. I have already worked in…b. So I can say I have good knowledge and concrete experience in…c. I have already presented…d. I have already achieved…e. I’m able to meet … and…f. I am quite good at taking…g. I can say I am…

CD2, 48− Alright, you are here for the position as a technician in robotics. Can you tell me more about you?− Well. Why did you choose to apply for Evolution Robotics?− Have you already got experience in the field of robotics?− Have you achieved something you’re really proud of?− Why do you think you are the right person for the job?− What are your qualities and weaknesses?− How do you behave as a team member?− When could you start?− Alright, we’ll let you know…






A. Integration: the British way

La séance en un clin d’œilC’estàtraversuneétudedelaBBCsurl’intégrationenGrande-Bretagnequenousvousproposonsd’aborderlathématique.Lesrésultatsdedeuxsondageseffectuésdanscecadreserontintéressantsàanalyser.Demême,lestémoignagessurl’intégrationfaçonbritanniquepermettrontauxélèvesderéfléchirsurcettenotiontoutendéveloppantleurscapacitésdecompréhensionorale.

Task: Cover the first international conference about integration.

Objectifs de la séance−Comprendredestémoignagesàcaractèresocial.−Analyserdesdonnéeschiffrées.−Utiliserlescomparatifsetsuperlatifs.

Construire le cours−Demandezauxélèvesdediredequoilecoursvatraiteraprèsuneobservationdel’ensembledelapage142.−Rappelez-leurqu’ils«couvrent»l’événementaunomdugroupeC21etqu’ilsdoiventenconséquencese


−Cecifait,faiteslire,analyseretcommenterlesrésultatsdusondagesurlesdeuxpointsproposés.Commencezpardemanderundéveloppementdeschiffres(21 percent of… think that… more white people than…),puisfaitestirerlesconclusionsdecessondages.VouspouvezcomparerlecurryaveclecouscousenFrance.Ya-t-ilunedifférenceaveclapizza ?



−Faitestirerlesconclusionsdel’écoutedestémoinsquantàl’intégrationenGrande-Bretagne.−FaitesécouterletémoignagedelajeuneIndienne.QuellesdifférencesaveclasituationenGrande-Bretagne.−TerminezparlatâcheduYour Turn.Travaillezendivisantlaclasseendeuxgroupes:les«rapporteurs»et


Hand in HandPEOPLE AND SOCIETY P142-143


B. A question of power

La séance en un clin d’œilCettepagedelectureapprofondiesurlanotiondepouvoirdoitdonnerlieu,parune lecture approfondiedesarticlesproposés,àune réflexion surlesconséquencesdela violence exercéesurlesjeunesfillesetlesfemmesindiennes.LatâcheàeffectuerdansleYour Turndevraittémoignerdecetteréflexion.

Task: Write an article about the condition of women in India.

Objectifs de la séance−Rechercherdesinformationsetenfairelasynthèseécrite.−Adaptersonstyled’écrituresurlefondetlaforme.

Mumbai 123


p142, Integration: the British way2 The first graph shows the percentages of people who think that being British means being white:

very few of those interviewed agree with that point (between 14 and 21%), which means that most British people consider the various nationalities as being part of British identity.The second graph shows British people’s opinion about foreign food as whether it is part of British culture or not. It took the case of Indian curry. A slight majority of people think that it can be considered as part of Britain’s national dishes, which shows that they have well integrated Indian culture into their own culture.

3 a. They live in England. The first one has parents coming from Kolkata, but he doesn’t really say where he was born. The second was born in London but his parents are Portuguese. The third one was born in London too but has roots in Hong Kong.b. They must have been asked if they have ever experienced or seen racism in England.

Construire le cours−Faitesprocédezàunelecturesilencieuseattentivedesquatredocumentsproposésensuivantlaconsigne



CD2, 49tahir Sufi: At least here in Britain there is a concern among the people if their society is a racist one and how racist they are. No other country cares about all those issues. My parents were from Kolkata and I have lived in many countries, and I am sure that Britain is the best country for the immigrants. This is the country where people can preserve their own culture. I have not faced any racist incident personally.tony: As a 36-year-old Londoner born of Portuguese parents, I have always felt most comfortable in areas with an ethnic mix. However, over the past 10 years I feel like a stranger in my own city. London has become saturated with so many different ethnic groups that English is no longer the dominant culture. I think this pleases no one and will lead to problems in the future. g. fong: Having been born and bred in Britain for 22 years of my life, hand on heart, I think it’s a brilliant place to live. I have experienced racism in Britain, but it is only a small minority of the population. Nevertheless, I think all minorities should make an effort to ‘blend in’ more and make a real effort to know their neighbours. For the last 5 years I have gone back to my roots in Hong Kong. The small country has a very cosmopolitan mix. Unfortunately I see more racism here in Hong Kong than during all my years in Britain.

CD2, 50India is always a mystery. All these differences made people fairly suspicious of those who were not like them. Yet, in pre-colonial times, India was a haven for persecuted people. As migration takes place across state borders within India, a kind of xenophobia begins.In Bangalore there are rumblings of resentment over North Indian techies who have flooded the city with their loud, noisy, in-your-face manners. South Indians are relatively quiet, stand in queues and can’t understand the chaos of a northern railway station, a bit like Sicilians versus North Italians.




4 Tahir Sufi thinks England is very welcoming for immigrants who can preserve their own culture. Tony thinks that England mixes too many different ethnic cultures and is losing its own identity. For G. Fong, racism is very limited in England (as compared to Hong Kong), but ethnic minorities don’t make much effort to blend in.

5 The Indian woman stresses the differences and mixity typical of India. At the origin India was a refuge for persecuted foreigners, which explains why there are so many different ethnic minorities there. But these differences have made people more and more distrustful and xenophobic. There might be a desire among ethnic minorities to keep to themselves instead of trying to blend in.

p143, A question of power6 “Gender inequality”: Women’s submission to men is part of Indian tradition.

“Child marriage”: Children are married very young, sometimes at the expense of their health or life.“Where have India’s baby girls gone?”: Indian girls and women are not valued at all. They are endangered.“New Delhi”: Many couples decide to abort when they learn they are expecting a second baby girl (cost of the dowries).

Your turnQuelquesélémentspourcompléterl’article.− Trafficking and kidnapping of girls and women increase dramatically.− Cases of rape and molestation go up.− Women and girls from regions where the sex ratio is normal (and where the status of women is

higher) are “imported” as brides and often live unhappy lives as they find it hard to adjust to a male dominated, restrictive atmosphere. And these are the luckier women! In many cases the women are treated like slave labour.

− In India there are reports of wives who are abandoned or passed on to someone else as they come from different cultural background. This happens either because they cannot adjust, cannot give birth to sons or are simply disliked.

− Cases of polygamy (without the woman’s consent) increase.− Suicide rates of young women go up.− Fewer women go out to work.− Very young girls are pushed into marriage… There is an increase in child marriages. This leads to less

women being educated and health problems as children are born to very young girls.− There is a bad effect on men… but mostly the poorer men. They are the ones who have to often do

without wives.− Crime rates go up as it is young males who commit the maximum crimes. In fact the only crime that

women commit as often as men is when it comes to filicide that of murder of children by parents.

Mumbai 125



A. Hopes and fears

La séance en un clin d’œilToujoursprésentsàlaconférenceinternationale,nousabordonsicilaquestiondupouvoiretdesdangersdelascienceetdelatechnologiesurl’humanitédanssonensemble,àtraversletémoignaged’unscientifiquequirevientsurlacatastrophedeTchernobyl.Laparoleestensuitelaisséeàlasallequiinterrogelesscientifiquesprésentssurdifférentssujetsdepréoccupationpourl’avenirdelaplanèteetdeseshabitants.

Task: Ask and answer questions about the future.

Objectifs de la séance−Comprendredesopinionsdivergentes.−Poserdesquestionsàdesscientifiques.−Seforgersapropreopinionetl’exprimerenanglais.

Construire le cours−Créezlecontexteenrappelantauxélèvesqu’ilsassistentàlasuitedelaconférence.Annoncez-leurle






−C’estmaintenantautourdevosélèvesdeposerdesquestionsaupaneldescientifiquesduYour Turn.Suivezlesconsignesdonnées.Demandezauxélèvesdetrouverd’autresquestions,sipossibleenlienaveclesChallengestravaillésdanslelivre.

Our Future is in Our HandsSCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY P144-145

B. Young people on the future of science and technology

La séance en un clin d’œilCetteséanceestassezcomplexe.Eneffet,elleviseundoubleobjectif:lireetprépareruneinterventiondevantunpublicdespécialistessurunthèmescientifiqueoutechnologique,soitexactementcequiestdemandépourunepartiedel’examen.


Pourpréparercetteintervention,quelquesconseilssurlapréparationdesupports(prompt cards)sontdonnés.Cesconseilsetlamiseenœuvrequ’ilsenferontleurserontutilespourlasuitedeleurparcoursscolaireetprofessionnel.

Task: Prepare an oral presentation.

Objectifs de la séance−Lirepourchercherdesinformations.−Préparerdessupportsécritsd’interventionorale.

Construire le cours−Commencezparexpliquerl’objectiffinal,puispassezàlalecturedel’encart Writing prompt cards. Expliquez

cequesontces cardsetàquoiellesservent.ProcédezdemêmepourleHandout.−Passezensuiteàlamiseenpratiqueenrevenantsurl’exercice4.Letexteproposéestuneamorce.Ilsera


−Aprèscetentraînement,passezàlaréalisationgrandeurnatureaveclatâcheduYour Turn.Pourunefois,cetteséanceconsacréeàl’écritpourraêtreterminéepardesinterventionsorales.Sivouslefaites,vérifiezbienlacorrespondanceentrelesprompt cardsetl’interventionoraleetbannissezlalecturedesnotes.


CD2, 51Just after midnight on April 26, 1986 – almost exactly 20 years ago − reactor No. 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located on the Prypiat River some 130 kilometers north of Kiev, exploded. The meltdown and ensuing fire spewed vast quantities of deadly radiation into the atmosphere -- and it spread swiftly. Nearby forests quickly died, fields and orchards became unusable. The invisible cloud of radiation eventually spread across the Soviet Union, Central Europe, Scandinavia and beyond.Research by scientists in Eastern Europe estimated that by now close to 1 million people have died of causes linked to the Chernobyl disaster. The Fukushima Daiichi reactors suffering meltdowns in March, is another evidence that nuclear power is a threat to millions.True green, clean, nearly emission-free solutions exist for providing energy. They lie in a combination of conservation and renewable energy sources, mainly wind, solar and geothermal, hydropower plants, and biomass from algae.There are some signs of change. Germany will phase out nuclear power by 2022. Italy and Switzerland have decided against it. In India, there are 19 nuclear power plants and the government envisages a significant growth of its nuclear power industry in the near future…Let’s use this extraordinary moment to convince governments and others to move toward a nuclear-free world. Let’s prove that informed democracies will behave in a responsible way.

CD2, 52− With 12 billion people on Earth estimated by 2050, how do you see the future of the planet?− Hopefully, we will have managed to stabilize global population and even to nudge it back toward the

5 billion level. This will make a key response to climate change and help us with the huge problem of technological unemployment that will come with the continuing development of super automation.

On the other hand due to over population, we will start on a path to global heating of the Earth’s environment, plus massive levels of unemployment and conflicts, due to climate change as well as super automation via self aware and increasingly smart machines.

− Do you think we’ll get over the climatic changes we can already feel?− Human civilization will evolve a system of international governance that will allow our species to live

on. We will bring carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere back down to safe levels. It may be feared that each country will want to maintain or raise its economic competitiveness.

Mumbai 127



Emissions will continue to rise, and wealthy nations will use their wealth and technology to achieve a degree of short term adaptation to the deteriorating climate, allowing the developing world to take its chances.

− Will there be food for all in the future?− We will have changed to a fully sustainable agriculture that regenerates the soil, uses a large number

of diverse crops and animals, is based on family farms growing food for the local communities, and keeps the farmers on the farms by providing good income.

A more pessimistic view is that industrial agriculture will continue to mine the Earth to profit a few and leave the majority of people hungry and in search of water.

p144, Hopes and fears1 The photos show the evolution of the Chernobyl disaster, with the explosion of the nuclear power

plant, the search in the radioactive rambles and the impact on the environment.

2 a. Nuclear power is a threat to millions of people. We should move toward a nuclear-free world.b. The Chernobyl disaster and the Fukushima Daiichi explosion.c. In India, there are 19 nuclear power plants and it envisages a significant growth of its nuclear power industry in the recent future.d. True green, clean, nearly emission-free solutions using renewable energy sources.e. governments

3 a. Question 1: global population will stabilize; it will limit climate change and unemployment/global heating, conflicts due to unemployment and super automation.Question 2: reduce carbon dioxide concentrations, raise economic competitiveness and increase CO2 emissions.Question 3: fully sustainable agriculture, industrial agriculture will keep exhausting the soils and (food and water) resources and create more inequalities.b.Demandezauxélèvesd’utiliserdesexpressionsdecontraste(however, on the one hand… on the other hand…, yet, still, nevertheless…)

p145, Young people on the future of science and technology5 Television is presented as an obstacle to social interaction as it takes too much of people’s free time.

Moreover television incites people to violence and pessimism as they consider it safer to stay at home watching TV than to venture into the outside world.



What world do we want?THE DEBATING SOCIETY P146

La séance en un clin d’œilDernierdébatetprojectiondansl’avenirpourchoisirlemondededemain.

Task: Discuss the topic: What world do we want?

Objectifs de la séance−Menerundébatproductifselondesrèglesétablies.−Comprendreetdonnerdesinformationsetdesargumentsdansunediscussionformelle.

Construire le coursUnegrandepartestdonnéeàl’apportd’informationssurlestroisscenariosenvisagésparleprogramme.−Faitesunepremièreécouteglobaleetl’exercice1.Puisunesecondeécoute,détaillée,scénarioparscénario,

enutilisantletableaudel’exercice2ouleWorksheet 19.Cetravailpermetdemettreàjourlestroismodèlesdesociétéenvisagésparl’étude.Ilconstituelefonddudébat.Attention,lesdescriptifsdestroismodèlesdesociétéenvisagéssontassezlongsetunpeucomplexes.Assurez-vousquetouslesélémentssontbiencompris.Cecijustifieuntravailsuruneséancecomplète.



Scenario 1Trust Yourself

Scenario 2Loyalty points

Scenario 3Only connect

General line − Individual comes first.− People take charge of their

own lives.

− Relationships between people, employers and the state are more and more regulated by contracts.

− Your personal reputation and what people think of you is vital and must be carefully managed.

− Guidelines cover what you have to do and what others will do for you.

People see themselves as members of a wider com-munity first and individuals second.

Role of state − People rely on the state for as little as possible.

− The role of the state has changed.

− Much of what used to be organized nationally is now done locally under contracts, whose general lines are set by the state.

− Maintain civil society through creating a strong civic culture of active enga-gement in public life.

− Legitimacy for the state is also gained through devol-ving aspects of governance to local authorities and town halls on the principle of subsidiarity.







Family − The family unit in this world is central, being in effect the first and last resort outside the individual.

− Family members provide support for each other across generations.

Families remain important, but who is in the family can vary a lot…

− Family is as much negotia-ted as given.

− The “traditional” model of couple caring for their own children still exists, but is only one option among many.

Work − Individual qualifications and accreditation are vital to gaining employment.

− Employers increasingly ac-cept the chance to examine an individual’s personal life stream…

− Work is more likely to be on contract, often to more than one organization at a time.

− Groups form and re-form around particular projects, and are often managed online.

− Work is still important, but it is not the only thing and not just about money.

− People care more about “quality of life” and em-ployers support this in lots of ways.

− There is also a less clear cut distinction about work and leisure due to access to the Internet everywhere all the time.

Downsides If you do not look after yourself, no one else will.

Reputation is vital. Everyone is judging everyone else’s actions all the time.

Not mentioned.

Upsides The up-side is that you can create your own opportunities and solve your own problems, with little need to depend on others.

Everyone can get more involved in what really matters to them.

Not mentioned.

3 Invitezlesélèvesàdonnerdesexemplestirésdeleurpropreexpérienceoudeleursobservations.


CD2, 53A. This is a world where the individual comes first. People take charge of their own lives and rely on the state for as little as possible. The downside is that if you do not look after yourself, no one else will. The upside is that you can create your own opportunities and solve your own problems, with little need to depend on others.At the same time, pressure on resources – principally water and energy – and the measures put in place to mitigate the effects of climate warming have constrained people’s lives, and led to an increased sense among society that it is better to live within one’s means than to be any kind of burden. The only group to which this attitude does not apply is the family. The family unit in this world is central, being in effect the first and last resort outside the individual. Family members provide support for each other across generations. Individual qualifications and accreditation are vital to gaining employment: for those that lack appropriate qualifications, employers increasingly accept the chance to examine an individual’s personal life stream.

B. This is a world where relationships between people, employers and the state are more and more regulated by contracts. Your personal reputation and what people think of you is vital and must be carefully managed. Guidelines cover what you have to do and what others will do for you. This means that you have to get really good at negotiations and keep track of all agreements. In this world the role of the state has changed.Much of what used to be organized nationally is now done locally under contracts, whose general outlines are set by the state.Work is more likely to be on contract, often to more than one organization at a time. Groups form and re-form around particular projects, and are often managed online. Families remain important, but who is in the family can vary a lot…C. This is a world where people see themselves as members of a wider community first and individuals second. People believe that risks facing one group are faced by everybody and that people depend on each other to tackle them.An attraction of this world is that everyone can get more involved in what really matters to them. On the downside, reputation is vital. Everyone



is judging everyone else’s actions all the time. Citizens keep an eye on their local and national representatives, get involved in democratic discussion and are ready to take action.The main role of the state is to maintain civil society, through creating a strong civic culture of active engagement in public life. Legitimacy for the state is also gained through devolving aspects of governance to local authorities and town halls on the principle of subsidiarity. This ensures that services, such as child care or rubbish collection, are provided at the most appropriate level.

Work is still important, but it is not the only thing and not just about money. People care more about “quality of life” and employers support this in lots of ways. There is also a less clear cut distinction about work and leisure due to access to the Internet everywhere all the time.Family is as much negotiated as given. The “traditional” model of couples caring for their own children still exists, but is only one option among many made possible by changes in law and technology.

La séance en un clin d’œilPourterminercetteséried’ateliersd’écriture,nousvousproposonsuntravailsurlalettreouverte.Ceseraunepréparationpourledernierprojet.

Task: Write an open letter.

Objectif de la séanceÉcrireunelettredestinéeàdéfendreunecause.

Construire le coursSuivezlaprogressionproposéedanslelivre.−Demandezauxélèvescequ’ilssaventdeMartinLutherKingetrestituezcettelettredanssoncontexte







p147, Case study2 Addressee: Facebook users. Topic sentence:

§2. Initial situation: find a better way to improve privacy. Decision: a simpler model for privacy control where you can choose who may have access to content.

3 a. §1 et 4 b. §2 c. §3-4 d. §5-6

e. §5-6 f. §7 g. §4 et 8


Open Letter




La lettre ouverte de Martin Luther King : http://www.stanford.edu/group/King/frequentdocs/birmingham.pdf



CD2, 54a. present, presentb. export,exportc. import, importd. contract, contracte. object, objectf. decrease, decreaseg. progress, progressh. record, record

CD2, 55address, conflict, frequent, perfect, transport, rebel

CD2, 56The land of dreams and romance, of splendor and rags, of palaces and hovels, of famine and pestilence, the country of a hundred nations and a hundred tongues, mother of history.

CD2, 57Mary Mac’s mother’s making Mary Mac marry me.My mother’s making me marry Mary Mac.Will I always be so merry when Mary’s taking care of me?Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac?

p148, The sound of words1 et 2 Lesmotsaccentuéssurlapremièresyllabesontdesnoms,lesmotsaccentuéssurladeuxième


Listening and speaking strategies5 a. descriptive and informative style

b. narrative stylec. argumentative style

p149, Language use6 Concession: a, c, d, f, h.

Opposition: b, e, g.7 a. Although

b. Instead of c. Howeverd. In spite of/Despite e. while

Words8 a. major

b. hugec. appallingd. impressivee. reckonf. fascinating




La séance en un clin d’œilUnprojetquifaitlapartbelleàlasensibilitédesélèves.L’écrituredelalettrepourrasefaireàtitreindividuelouenpetitsgroupes.

Task: Write an open letter to the youth of the world.

Objectifs de la séance−RéutiliserlesinformationsetcompétencesacquisespendantleChallenge.−Écrireàunlargepublicpoursensibiliseràunecause.

Construire le cours−Rappelezauxélèvesqu’ilsvontécrireentantquemilitantsd’unegrandecause, la luttecontre les


Lisezensuiteensembleladéclarationdel’Unescosurlaresponsabilitéentregénérations.−LisezensemblelesindicationsduGet Readypuislaissez-lesécrireenpetitsgroupesouindividuellement.

Pour la présentation (Perform)Leslettresserontluesdevantlaclasse.Lalectureestunexercicedifficile.−Faitesrépéterceuxoucelui/cellequiserachargé(e)delalecture.−Éliminezlesfautesd’anglais,maisnecorrigezpaslastructurationdeslettres.−Constituezlejuryenyassociantd’autresprofesseursoumembresdel’équipededirectiondulycée.





Write a letter to the youth of the 21st century




p151, Oral exam

CD2, 50India is always a mystery, a country which is so huge that practices from Kashmir to Kanyakumari are as different from each other as Scotland is from Greece or Russia.All these differences made people fairly suspicious of those who were not like them. Yet, in pre-colonial times, India was a haven for persecuted people. We gave refuge to Jewish people, Armenians and later Chinese who ran away from the Revolution. These people kept their distinct, separate identities but they prospered and loved India.




p152-153, Written exam2 a. Nonviolence can lead to social justice: demonstrations, strikes, marches may be more efficient

to stand up for one’s rights.b. You must not do anything to get what you want, especially if it is dishonest or dangerous for others.c. There is no use using violence to solve conflicts or problems because it will lead to more violence and it might never end.d. People who recommend changes and give advice should apply them to themselves first and foremost.

3 The author thinks that nonviolence might not be the best solution. Armed violence may be the only way to get respect, freedom and peace. He shows that nonviolence fails to restore justice, that violence can lead to submission and power but also to liberation and freedom, and that it isn’t because you resort to violence that you become a criminal.

4 He criticizes all the ideas claiming that nonviolence is better than violence.

5 a. it (l.10): violenceb. They (l.11): pacifistsc. they (l.14): exploitersd. It (l.15): the clichée. her (l.16): a woman who kills a rapistf. it (l.22): say that violence never accomplishes anything

6 et 7 Voirlesréponsesauxexercices2,3et4.

As migration takes place, across state borders within India, a kind of xenophobia begins. In Mumbai in the 1960s, Maharashtrians were incited by politicians to drive out South Indians, Madrasis, they called them, who were stealing their jobs, claimed the rabble rousers.In Bangalore there are rumblings of resentment over North Indian techies who have flooded the city with their loud, noisy, in-your-face manners. South Indians are relatively quiet, stand in queues and can’t understand the chaos of a northern railway station, a bit like Sicilians versus North Italians.




SUJET BAC N°1 P154-155


long term, it will be very good for kids,” says Carol Jago, a spokeswoman for the National Council of Teachers of English. “It builds fluency in their writing.”By conversing with their peers in the blogosphere, “they’re getting more authentic feedback than teachers writing ‘awkward’ or ‘incorrect’ in red,” Jago says. “School is an artificial thing for many students, and now they’re writing for real at a very young age. That’s tremendously powerful.”

CD2, 58Today’s teens may not be talking, but they’re writing regularly and eloquently.If you’re a teenager today, you live your life in words, tapped out into text and instant messages and onto blogs and MySpace pages. There’s no more precious divide between how they live their lives and writing as a formal, school-assignment kind of thing.Educators also see the benefits of an extracurricular life lived largely online. “In the


4 Exemples de questions de l’examinateur.a. Can you quote some modern information and communication technologies?b. To what extent do they favor exchanges?c. Can you explain why they could also prevent real communication?d. What part could I.T. play in the school of the future?

General comprehension1 c2 technology, mobile, pinpoint, location, chips.

concept, controversy, misuse.

Detailed comprehension3 a2, b1, c2, d34 a. Wrong: “Your boss can pinpoint your exact

location” (l.4).b. Right: “The concept has already been warmly embraced by a number of firms” (l.12).c. Right: “It’s a very worrying development” (l.17).d. Wrong: “People have to sign up to have the information shared” (l.22).

5 a, d, f, g6 a. She: your boss. b. It: the concept. c. their:

fleet and logistics firms. d. They: network operators.

7 a. attending b. slumbers c. to lie d. embraced e. issue


8 a.Attentionàlaprésentationd’unelettre.Rap-pelezlesformulesdesalutationsàutiliserdansunelettre.Lesélèvesdoiventcommencerparrappelerenquoiconsistelenouveausystèmeetprésenteraumoinstroisinconvénientsetdan-gers.Ilsdoiventdonnerleursraisonsetillustrerleurscraintesd’exemplesprécis.b. Location-based tracking allows employers to locate their employees; as such I think it is a threat to our privacy in so far as employers can know what you do and where you are. On the other hand, I imagine this system could be useful in certain circumstances: it could be easier to find a mobile that has been stolen and enable the police to watch criminals. It could also help them locate people who have been kidnapped or victims of a natural disaster.All in all, as with everything, a technological device is neither good nor bad in itself. It depends on how it is used.

PARTIE ÉCRITE “Never alone”



SUJET BAC N°2 P156-157


CD2, 59Human identity, the idea that defines each and every one of us, could be facing an unprecedented crisis. It is a crisis that threatens long-held notions of who we are, what we do and how we behave.This crisis could reshape how we interact with each other, alter what makes us happy, and modify our capacity for reaching our full potential as individuals. And it’s caused by one simple fact: the human brain is under threat from the modern world. Technology blurs the line between living and non-living machines, and between our bodies and the outside world. We might be living in a world where such devices could enhance our muscle power, or our senses, beyond the norm, and where we all take a daily cocktail of drugs to control our


4 Exemples de questions de l’examinateur.a. Could you give examples of progress in medical technologies?b. What benefits have they brought?c. Why can medical technologies sometimes be considered dangerous?d. What daily use can be made of medical progress?

Comprehension1 a. Great Britain b. April 1 c. six weeks d. to

learn to live with the control phones e. Parents and children who fit the designers’ profile f. Orange g. People who work away from home h. more time and more freedom i. Bring people together, disperse them into their own rooms.

2 a. trial = experiment b. gadgets = devices c. turn up ≠ switch on d. if = whether.

3 designers, mobile telephone, guinea-pigs, experiment, inhabitants, computers, organisers, automation.

4 a. the company b. the phone c. the bath d. technology e. the project.

5 a. Right: “run the bath” (l.21).b. Right: “can set the temperature and depth” (l.21-22).c. Wrong: “and it never overflows” (l.22).d. Right: “they can open up the house remotely” (l.23).

6 a. Wrong: “Families are queuing up” (l.1).b. Right: “The designers had an imaginary family in mind” (l.9).

c. Right: “fit the designers’ profile” (l.14).d. Right: “find them from among its staff” (l.15).e. Wrong: “all these […] could be routine fixtures in millions of homes in a few years” (l.26).f. Right: “you’re in control and it’s easy” (l.36).g. Wrong: “the organisers were unsure of the outcome” (l.38).h. Right: “this experiment is sociological as well as technological” (l.42).

Expression7 a.Veillezàcequelesélèvesrespectentlapré-

sentationcorrected’unelettre(adresses,for-mulesdesalutationdedébutetdefin,ton,objetdelalettre…).b. Assurez-vousquelesélèvesdonnentdesargumentspouretcontrelarobotique(make life easier, help handicapped people, save time and energy, avoid risks and dangerous actions…/risk of dependence, inactivity, obesity, replace human workers and increase unemployment…).

Veillezàcequ’ilsdonnentunexempleàchaqueargument nouveau et qu’ils concluent enprenantposition.

PARTIE ÉCRITE “The remote control house”


moods and performance. Our brains are under the influence of an ever- expanding world of new technology: multichannel television, video Games, MP3 players, the internet, wireless networks, Bluetooth links, but also of pharmaceutical drugs, like cocaine.This Games-driven generation interprets the world through screen-shaped eyes. It’s sometimes difficult to know where the boundaries of our individuality actually lie. Only one thing is certain: those boundaries are weakening. And they could weaken further still if, and when, neurochip technology becomes more widely available, as it may change the way we think and behave. As my Alzheimer’s research has shown me, when it comes to higher brain function, it’s clear that there is some truth in the adage “use it or lose it”.


SUJET BAC N°3 P158-159


and 50 percent by pedestrian movement. By 2030, every resident in the City of Sydney will be within a three minute walk (that’s 250 meters) of green spaces.We plan to reduce 100 percent of greenhouse gas emissions from Council operations and services by 2012 through energy saving measures. 25 percent of electricity used in our local government area will come from renewable energy by 2020. 25 percent of water used by Council and across the local government area will be recycled by 2015.There will be 24 square meters of public open space per resident.

CD2, 60The City of Sydney has endorsed environmental targets for its own operations and the local government area. These targets have been developed in consultation with the community and are based on best practice, science and policy. By 2030, the City will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent compared to 1990 levels.By 2030 the City will have capacity to meet up to 100 percent of electricity demand by local electricity generation and 10 percent of water supply by local water captures. By 2030, at least 10 percent of City trips will be made by bicycle


4 Exemples de questions de l’examinateur.a. What are the most recent environmental technologies that you have heard of?b. Why and how could they benefit our environment?c. What drawbacks do they present?d. Could you give your own description of what houses and cities will be like in the future?

General comprehension1 a§3, b§2, c§1.2 a. emissions b. high-speed, sustainable.

Detailed comprehension3 a. Right: “Development […] clusters” (l.7-8).

b. Wrong: “The preservation […] air quality” (l.23).c. Wrong: “The infrastructure […] available” (l.12).d. Right: “Flexible […] value” (l.27).

4 a. Declining resources b. Climate change c. Growing urban populations.

5 a. “A network of decentralised mixed-use settlements, or «clusters» connected by high speed public transport and broadband communications” b. “Introducing walking and cycle routes” c. “Preservation of green spaces” d. “Flexible building design for multiple uses”

6 a. “Questions arise […] settlements” (l.5-7).b. “Instead,[…] sustainable solution” (l.7-9).c. “Greater investment in energy efficiency”d. “A greater focus on walking and cycle routes”

7 a. significant b. clusters c. facilities d. enhance e. retrofitting f. dramatically g. heat.

8 “Building […] biodiversity”9 “Planning […] city’s survival”


10 a. Faites-leurmentionneràquellesoccasionsilssetrouventencontactaveclanature,leurssensationsetleuractionécologique.

b. Rappelezauxélèveslesconsignesdeprésen-tationd’unelettreetlanaturedesinformationsàdonner(raisondelalettre,s’identifier,descriptiondesavilleidéale,lesréalitésactuelles,lescondi-tionspourréalisercetteville,salutations…).

PARTIE ÉCRITE «Green cities of the future»



SUJET BAC N°4 P160-161


but not always an easy place to live in. And now, in the last 10 or 15 years, New York seems to have been rejuvenated. It’s become, again, a very wealthy city, which has its advantages and disadvantages, its good points and bad points.I think I mourn the passing of places, the disappearance of things that were touchstones for me for many years and then you turn around, and suddenly, the place is gone. So things are changing in New York all the time, and I must say, I’ve become a little wistful for things that have disappeared.

Video 1pauL auSter: The New York of my childhood was a very gracious place, I thought, unthreatening and comfortable. It was the old New York, the New York of middle class people. And then by the late ‘50’s, things started to disintegrate. Businesses closed up, the middle class fled to the suburbs, New York became poorer and poorer and more and more dangerous. And there was a period, I would say from the, say, mid ‘60’s into the ‘80’s, when New York was a threatening city to be in. Still with its charms and its great advantages over just about any other place in the United States,

4 Exemples de questions de l’examinateur.a. How do people exchange today?b. Would you say that our daily lives facilitate exchanges?c. Do modern means of communication help bringing people together?d. Could you describe the way people live together in your own town?

General comprehension1 c2 b

Detailed comprehension3 underground railway (l.9)4 You don’t have to park when you use the

subway. Moreover as it is impossible to move by cars in the streets of New York, the subway appears as the best alternative. Lastly public transport is badly-planned contrary to the subway which is faster and cheaper.

5 “Foul-seeming” (l.10), “frightening” (l.12), “easy to get lost” (l.12), “it has the look of an old prison” (l.21), “subway directions are a special language” (l.23), “complexities” (l.25), “a nightmare, complete with rats and mice” (l.31-32).

6 “a lot of people say that” (l.3), “I did not believe it […] I still didn’t” (l.3-4), “this is the story that most people tell” (l.31), “ it has been a private horror” (l.34).

7 a. The tourists and strangers on the one hand and regular users on the other hand.b. people waiting at a bus stop and strangers

c. strangers, tourists and regular users8 a. 1 et 2, b. 1 et 3.9 a. “how amazed they would be” (l.10).

b. “they are not being silly or irrational” (l.11), “It is completely understandable” (l.33).c. “reinforced, burglar proof, bulletproof” (l.22-23).d. “seldom have a crime to report” (l.32-33).

10 a. amazed b. silly c. sidewalk d. gaze e. bewilderment f. pit g. dampness

11 a. The people who own and use their cars. b. The businessmen who created the subway. c. the subway d. people waiting at a bus stop e. the station f. People in general using the subway. g. the regular passenger

Expression12 a. Indiquezà l’élèvequ’ildevranuancerson

proposaprèsavoirdémontré lavéracitédel’affirmation.Ilestaussiinvitéàproposerunesolutionintermédiairedansuntroisièmetemps.b. Veillezàcequelesélèvesutilisentlestempsdupassé,des indicateursspatio-temporels,etqu’ils respectentunecertainestructure :commencerpardécrirelescirconstances,puisl’événementetenfinsesconséquences.

PARTIE ÉCRITE «Best hope or jungle path?»




SUJET BAC N°5 P162-163


for transplantations and treatment in diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and spinal injury. One source is from embryos. A pioneer in this field welcomes the new guidance.“Virtually every tissue in the body could be altered and benefited by this sort of work so I would say to you that this is one of the biggest advances in medicine in my medical lifetime”.But echoes of Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal, raise fears about the ethical issues involved.“What is being recommended here is the very brisk form of cloning, which is cloning so as to kill the clone for the sake of its stem cells. What we’ll be doing is deliberately creating human lives so as to destroy them.”This controversial issue is still for Parliament to decide. Regulations will be brought forward in the autumn on a free vote and specific legislation will outlaw the cloning of a human being. Concerned skeptics just hope these controls will be adequate.Sue Savill, ITN, central London.

Video 2After months of consultation, the announcement came this morning that the government will give the go-ahead for the cloning of specialist cells known as stem cells to help treat a range of human diseases.“Stem cell research opens up a new medical frontier. It offers enormous potential for new treatment for chronic diseases and injuries and the relief of human suffering”.Diana Brockways suffers from the neurological condition Parkinson’s disease, one illness that might benefit from research using cloned cells.“I think that it’s the first positive move other than the medication side of things. I don’t really know whether it will help the medication but the actual surgical side of things I feel holds out a real hope”.Stem cells are unspecialized cells that can be grown in laboratory and develop into various kinds of tissue, potentially providing a new source


General comprehension1 a1, b2, c1, d3.

Detailed comprehension2 a. Right: “build lifelike avatars” (l.6).

b. Wrong: “looks like you, talks like you … to describe key events” (l.9), “share my workload”( l.10-11).c. Wrong: “laborious process” (l.18).d. Right: “require […] research” (l.31-32).

3 a. “avoiding death” (l.6)b. “I have often […] longer” (l.10-11)c. “diary entries, […] keywords” (l.21-22), “my views, likes and dislikes” (l.25)d. “some kind […] develop” (l.26-27)

4 c5 a. it: the avatar b. they: the 480 statements

c. this: rating 480 statements d. we: everybody e. its: a conscious entity.

6 a. back up (title) b. lifelike (l.3) c. repelled (l.16) d. accurately (l.20).

7 “exceed human intelligence” (l.33-34)8 “its responses to questions […] were

nonsense” (l.36), “I’m younger than I really am” (l.36-37), “depressed” (l.38).


9 a.Invitezlesélèvesànotercequileurparaîtleplusexcitantdanscenouveausystèmeetàchoisirdesadjectifspourledécrire(revolu-tionary, exciting, thrilling, fun…).Demandez-leurd’imaginerquelsproblèmesceservicepeutposerentermesd’éthique,decoût,d’utilité,d’impactpersonnel,professionneletsocial…b. Demandezauxélèvesderelire l’extraitde Gulliver’s Travels (p98) et de noter lesarguments favorables et défavorables àl’immortalité.Vérifiezqu’ilsenvisagentlesdeuxaspectsdelaquestion.

PARTIE ÉCRITE “Immortal Avatars: back up your brain, never die”


4 Exemples de questions de l’examinateur.a. What technological evolutions may help us become immortal?b. Is immortality something that makes you dream or rather frightens you?c. Could you give concrete examples of drawbacks of immortality?


SUJET BAC N°6 P164-165


decades of neglect, we will increase investment -- right away -- in other groundbreaking technologies that will allow astronauts to reach space sooner and more often, to travel farther and faster for less cost, and to live and work in space for longer periods of time more safely. Now, I’ll close by saying this. I know that some Americans have asked a question that’s particularly apt on Tax Day: Why spend money on NASA at all? Why spend money solving problems in space when we don’t lack for problems to solve here on the ground? But you and I know this is a false choice. For pennies on the dollar, the space program has improved our lives, advanced our society, strengthened our economy, and inspired generations of Americans. And I have no doubt that NASA can continue to fulfill this role.

CD2, 61obama: All that has to change. And with the strategy I’m outlining today, it will. We start by increasing NASA’s budget by $6 billion over the next five years.We will increase Earth-based observation to improve our understanding of our climate and our world- science that will garner tangible benefits, helping us to protect our environment for future generations. And we will extend the life of the International Space Station likely by more than five years, while actually using it for its intended purpose: conducting advanced research that can help improve the daily lives of people here on Earth, as well as testing and improving upon our capabilities in space. At the same time, after

4 Exemples de questions de l’examinateur.a. Have you ever dreamt of going into space?b. We may have to go and live in space one day. Can you think of reasons why?c. What obstacles to living permanently in space do we still have to overcome?d. Imagine you are offered a trip in the International Space Station? What would you find

difficult? What would you find exciting?

General comprehension1 a2, b3, c1, d2.

Detailed comprehension2 a. Wrong: “the membership list is harder to

join than ever”(text 1, l.2).b. Right: “the simple daring of it […] go where no man has gone before” (text 1, l.13-14).c. Right: “focus on tougher and more ambitious goals” (text 2, l.8-9).d. Wrong: “what plans exist are extremely tentative” (text 2, l.12-13).e. Wrong: “years of work to achieve its grander goals” (text 2, l.20).

3 “expensive and unreliable effort to send human beings into low Earth orbit” (text 1, l.8)

4 “NASA’s budget will be cut by $1.64bn” (text 2, l.16)

5 b6 a. manned (text 1, l.4) b. unreliable (text 1, l.8)

c. skilled (text 1, l.10) d. in disarray (text 2, l.1) e. yawning (text 2, title) f. achievements (text 2, l.3) g. tentative (text 2, l.13).

7 a. sending people into space b. the space shuttle c. the human passengers of the shuttle d. sending people into space


8 a. Invitezlesélèvesàsedemandercequiadéjàétéfaitenmatièredeconquêtedel’espace,d’avancéestechnologiques,deprogrèsmédical…etdansquellesconditionscesprogrèsontpuêtreréalisés.b. DemandezauxélèvesderésumerladécisiondelaNasaetsesraisons.Faitesuntourdetablesibesoinpourmettreencommunlesintérêtsdelaconquêtedel’espace,aujourd’hui,notammentenmatièredevieextraterrestre,deprotectiondelaTerre,etd’exploitationdenouvellesressources.Invitez-lesàproposerdenouvellesvoiesderecherche.Vérifiezqueleslettressontprésentéescorrectement.

PARTIE ÉCRITE “Unthinkable? Stopping space travel” – “Space shuttle retirement leaves ‘yawning gap’ in human spaceflight”




SUJET BAC N°7 P166-167


don’t have access to food, water, shelter and other basic necessities. More than 13.3 million people in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia remain in urgent need of humanitarian assistance amid the worst drought the region has seen in 60 years, President Obama told reporters on Thursday.According to USAID, the U.S. government has already provided $830 million worth of aid to the region of over 13 million people. As lives and livelihoods are threatened, USAID and its partners are working to increase awareness of the crisis and urge people to act and support relief efforts.

CD2, 62President Barack Obama announced this week a new aid package worth $113 million for the famine and drought ravaged Horn of Africa. The funding announcement comes as a Famine War Drought campaign by the USAID organization through videos showing stars and athletes asking viewers to forward the humanitarian message to as many people as possible.The target of these initiatives is a growing humanitarian crisis in Africa’s Horn – Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia. Thousands of communities


4 Exemples de questions de l’examinateur.a. What problems are affecting the Horn of Africa?b. How can technology help them be solved?c. What technologies are there to produce more food and water in poor countries?d. Which ones are the most efficient in your opinion?

1 a1, b3, c4, d5, e2.2 Noise refers to the voices of the children.3 b and d, «several hundred voices chanting […]

sweating» (l.7-9).4 The learning conditions are terrible: the

pupils are thirsty and hungry. They don’t have books nor pencils. Their teachers are young and inexperienced. The floors are covered with dust.

5 The story must take place in a hot and dry country, probably in Africa.

6 They want him to give them some books and pencils.

7 a. the children. b, c. Mr Mandizi. d. the urban schools Mr Phiri usually inspected.

8 a. Right: “It had been three years” (l.18-19).b. Right: “There was no help for it” (l.21).c. Wrong: “it is hard without any books” (l.23).d. Wrong: “The Comrade Inspector felt trapped.” (l.24).e. Wrong: “He rarely went out of the towns” (l.25).

9 “The Comrade Inspector felt trapped.” (l.24),

“Flashpoint: he exploded into rage.” (l.27-28), “Speak up.” (l.30), “Stand up when you speak to me.” (l.32).

10 Mr Phiri might be held responsible for the poor quality of the material in the classroom given that he is the representative of the government. Therefore, not to lose face and hide his embarrassment he blames the pupils and the teacher for not cleaning the floors and not greeting him correctly.


11 a.Veillezàcequelesélèvesutilisentlestempsdupassé,donnentdesfaitsconcrets,exprimentlesréactionsetsentimentsdesenfants(surprise,espérance,déception,joie,gratitude…).b. Ilestimportantdenuancerlesréponses:montrercomment l’éducationpeutapporterdesconnaissancesindispensablespoursortirdelapauvreté,avoiruntravail,gravirl’échellesociale,maismontreraussileslimitesdanslecasdespayspauvresoùlesbesoinsurgentssontailleurs (nourriture,eau,médicaments,maison…).Conclureenmontrantlesbénéficesdel’éducationsurdumoyenetlongterme.

PARTIE ÉCRITE “The sweetest dream”



SUJET BAC N°8 P168-169


it, it is the message of compassion.And yet we all today are inflicted with one sentiment. That is the sentiment of fear. It is this lack of trust that also leads to experimentation with atomic bombs. Why do we talk about terror? We are forgetting the terror of everyday violence in people’s lives. So, the sentiment of fear is of course encircling the whole world.

Video 3tara gandhi bhattaCharya: It is probably the first time in the history of humanity that people all over the world are celebrating the abstract concepts of truth, love, non-violence. These are great topics in all the great books and religious books of the world. But Gandhi took them out of the books and practiced them in the dailyness of his life. So, his message is, for me – I haven’t read very much– I think the message, if one sentence I have to say

4 Exemples de questions de l’examinateur.a. What do you know about the place and status of women in the Indian society?b. What is the system of castes in India?c. How do you see the evolution of the world’s leadership in the next 30 years?d. What role may new technologies play in the shifts of power?

Global comprehension1 a. She is not English but American (l.16).

b. Their lives are not just a bit difficult but extremely so (l.7-12).c. Indian women don’t think things can improve (l.13-14).d. They think they had better not think about the future (l.19-20) and the narrator finally understands that (l.24).

Detailed comprehension2 a. Right: “I talked with these women as I shot

them” (l.3).b. Wrong: “I always try to form some kind of relationship with people before I take their pictures” (l.3-4).c. Wrong: “I had translators” (l.5).

3 a. Right: “looked hungry and tired” (l.2).b. Wrong: “all the responsibility and no power” (l.7).c. Wrong: “no time during the day for anything but their work” (l.11).d. Wrong: “they have nothing to say about how the money they earn is spent” (l.12).

4 a. Give birth and raise children, cook, rise early, go to sleep late.

b. Fetch water and fodder, care for animals, work in the fields.

5 l.14-166 More than once: “whenever” (l.13).7 a8 a9 b10 a


11 a.Conseillezauxélèvesd’envisagerunpointdevuenuancés’appuyantsurlasituationpropreàcesfemmesetdeproposerdesmoyensd’agirefficaces.

Veillezàcequ’ilsneformulentpasdecondam-nationarbitrairedeces femmesetqu’ilsyapportentdesjustifications(poidsdestradi-tions,conditionséconomiques,manqued’édu-cation,imagedelafemme…).b. Demandezauxélèvesde justifiercetteopinion,voirenquoiellepeutêtrevraieetenmontrerleslimites.


PARTIE ÉCRITE “A woman’s life in India”



CHALLENGE 1 p170-1711 download, process, software. back up, glitch. hacked.2 1. load, 2. data, 3. update, 4. glitch, 5. store, 6. computerize, 7. laptop.3 a. useless, useful, user, utility, misuse (+ abuse…)

b. addicted, addictive, addiction c. safe, save, safety, safeguard, time-saving

4 a. build relationships, cut off from. b. addicted, world of fantasy. c. useful, enjoyable, threatens, safeguard privacy, prevent, phishing, misuse.

CHALLENGE 2 p172-1731 a2, b4, c5, d3, e1.2 promising, worn-out, genetic engineering, breakthrough, cure, stave off, therapeutic prospects,

robotics, improve, robot-assisted, devices.3 a. improve, cure

b. impractical c. beneficial, (harmless, safe) d. unpromising, unfavorable.

CHALLENGE 3 p174-175 1 a1, a5, b6, c2, d4, e7, f3.

Erratum. Corrigé pour l’édition 01 : 1a, 1e, 2f, 3b, 4d, 5g, 6c.2 Improvements: aware, ban, benefit, biodiversity, campaigner, energy efficiency, environment-

friendly, environmentalist, sort household waste, sustainable.Problems and dangers: carbon footprint, global warming, greenhouse effect, harmful, oil slick, ozone layer, pollute, release toxic gases, sea level rise, water shortage.

3 a. ozone layer b. pollute, oil slicks c. sort household waste d. Global warming, the sea level rise e. campaigners, biodiversity.

CHALLENGE 4 P176-1771 1. design, 2. generate, 3. waste, 4. grid, 5. borough, 6. city, 7. Energy.2 The city: city dweller, commute, congestion, cosmopolitan, cost of living, crime rate, crowded,

dehumanized, downtown, entertainment, excitement, get to know, get together, get on well, job opportunities, lively, megacity, nightlife, pace of life, polluted, public amenities, rush hour, suburb, town-wearied, urban sprawl.The country: on a farm, fresh air, get on well, move out of town, pace of life, peace and quiet, urban sprawl.

3 Réponsesdel’élève.




CHALLENGE 5 p 178-1791 1. clone, 2. enucleate, 3. copy, 4. implant, 5. cell, 6. fuse, 7. insert, 8. nucleus.2 extend the lifespan, ethical question, cure a disease, tamper with nature, regenerative medicine,

designer baby, pass on a genetic illness, impose rules, go wrong, extinct species.3 a. infertility

b. extend the lifespan, bring back extinct species, c. playing the sorcerer’s apprentices, devalue children, commodities.

CHALLENGE 6 P180-1811 spacesuit, spaceship, space travel, space tourism, spacecraft, spaceman, spacewoman, space

conquest, space program, space-based, space research.2 a. astronauts, fly a mission, space tourism.

b. spacesuit. c. shuttle, launched, launching pad. spacecraft, orbits. d. roving robot, remote controlled. e. weightlessness.

3 carry out, invest in, triumph over, look for, provide for (ou with), spend on, hedge against, drain on.4 Réponsedel’élève.

CHALLENGE 7 P182-1831 a. yield, farmers, GMOs, pesticides.

b. biotech crop, yield, effective. c. starve to death, malnutrition. d. running water, well. e. depletion, drought.

2 a. yield. b. dehydrated.3 Helpers: donate money, donor, emergency assistance, fair trade, food bank, foreign investment,

grant debt relief, NGO, non-profit organization, raise public awareness, redistribution of wealth, relief, stingy, generous, stop delivering/supplying weapons.Sufferers: achieve (political stability), devastated by war, distress, foreign dependency, inequalities, placate (rebel groups), profit from, push an issue, put an end to ethnic strife, skinny.

4 a. poverty. b. donate. c. generous. d. drop the debt.

CHALLENGE 8 P184-1851 Gender discrimination: voirlesmotsdelaliste Men vs Women2 Association helping poor people: voirlesmotsdelaliste Rich vs Poor3 Difficulties met by foreigners: voirlesmotsdelaliste Natives vs Foreigners4 bridge the gap, equal opportunity, equal pay, climb up the corporate ladder, breach the glass ceiling,

acknowledge proven abilities, rewarded.



