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Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I...

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Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com
Page 1: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant,


Page 2: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Introduction My Beautiful Sister-in-Christ,

This isn’t another one of those woe is me, how do I get over it devotionals. No indeed. This is a, “Girl – use your experiences to help someone else,” devotional. This is a devotion of empowerment, a devotion to inspire you to get off your seat of do nothing, and do something with all that heartache and pain you’ve experienced.

Why are you hoarding your life experiences? Don’t let all that knowledge go to waste, my Sister! Use it – all for the glory of the Lord. Why sit in the pit of despair rethinking all the hell you’ve gone through, playing it over and over again through your mind like a scratched LP? Who benefits from that? Absolutely no one. Let’s change that – shall we?

People go through life looking for that “thing” they were called or purposed to do. I should know about this because I did it for years, especially when I first came to Christ. Yet many times, life has been setting you up for your divine call since you were a little girl. God placed many attributes, gifts, and talents in that vessel that you see when you look in the mirror every morning. Those attributes, gifts, and talents have been there for a long time, untapped, waiting for you to get it. Not only have the attributes, gifts, and talents been there, but so have all your unique life experiences.

My Sister, don’t you realize that you went through the abuse, neglect, poverty, bankruptcy, death of loved ones, hurt, pregnancies, abortions, marriage, divorce, etc. for a reason? Let’s establish one thing right now – while those things may not have been God’s perfect will for your life, He can still use them for His glory and your benefit (Romans 8:28). Will you let him? Yes? Good! Let’s get to it.

In His Service, Aretha L. Grant

Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 3: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

If you really want to be used by God,

allow Him to heal you emotionally and psychologically of all the things you’ve experienced in your past. Many of the things you experienced left residue in your life. You may have some areas of shame, bitterness, and resentment, from which you need to be healed. If you don’t get healed first, you’ll spread the residue and infect the very ones you want to help.

Let’s say a man abused you. If you don’t ask the Lord to heal you of the abuse you’ve endured, you may advise some hurting woman to take revenge on the man who’s abusing her because it reminds you of the thing you experienced. It also prevents you from seeing the man as a soul, loved by God and needing salvation. You’ll view him as the enemy and, quite frankly, he isn’t.

Or, let’s say your husband cheated on you and a woman comes to you with a similar situation. You may speak to her out of hurt and anger convinced that her husband is cheating…when he isn’t! Can you imagine the devastation that could cause in their marriage, all because you weren’t healed from your past?

Today’s Challenge: Acknowledging your hurts is an important step to receiving healing. Journal some of the things that hurt you in the past.


Day 1

Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 4: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 2 So, how do you get healed? By forgiving the person or people who hurt you! Yes – it’s really that simple. Let’s make something abundantly clear here. I’m not saying to forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going to use the things you’ve experienced as an outreach tool, an evangelism tool to draw others to Christ!

We have a tendency to want people to pay for things they did to us. Forgiving those who hurt you says that the debt is paid and they no longer owe you anything (not that they really “owed” you anything anyway). You’ve cancelled their debt to you. You’re not going to require payment now or in the future. You’re not going to require them to pay you for what they did. They don’t have to say they’re sorry. They don’t have to feel guilty. They don’t have to tell the whole world that they were wrong and you were right. They don’t have to give you monetary compensation for the things they did. AND – you’re going to love them, honor them, respect them, pray for them, and bless them. It almost seems as though forgiving them requires more of you than of them, huh? But isn’t that exactly what God did for us?

Today’s Challenge: Who are the folks who hurt you? Got their names in your mind? Good, make a conscious effort to forgive them. Write their names along with the offenses below and wipe their slates clean.


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 5: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 3 Genesis 45:5, “Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.”

Yesterday we discussed how forgiving our offender releases them and us from bondage. Let’s move a little deeper into this thing called forgiveness because it’s important that we understand the importance of it.

God did it all. He came up with the plan of salvation, including sacrificing His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus told us He was going to prepare a place for us. He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and among us. He gave us power to live the Christian life. We’re simply enjoying the benefits of forgiveness. So, we need to stop expecting benefits when we forgive others and let them reap the benefits!

A good biblical example of this is the story of Joseph in Genesis. Joseph’s brothers abandoned him, sold him into slavery, and told their father that he was dead. Later in the story the brothers thought Joseph was going to get revenge on them for what they did to him. On the contrary, Joseph told his brothers that they didn’t do anything to him but that God allowed it. His brothers reaped the benefits of Joseph’s forgiveness.

So go ahead and forgive the folks who hurt you….let them reap the benefits of your forgiveness.

Today’s Challenge: Draft the same list as yesterday. Now, draw a huge X through the list, symbolically wiping their slates clean.


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 6: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 4 Another way to receive the healing you need is to acknowledge that you are not perfect and have hurt someone in the past. Can’t think of anyone you’ve hurt? Think about this: Jesus Christ died on the cross for the entire world. That includes you and your sins – past, present, and future.

One of the things I always remind myself after I’ve been hurt and am tempted to hold unforgiveness in my heart, is to remember that nothing anyone has done to me compares to the heinous crimes I’ve committed against a holy and perfect God. Jesus suffered a gruesome death on the cross for me. How dare I hold someone in bondage when God sent His perfect Son to die on the cross for me…for both of us (me and the person who hurt me)?

Today’s Challenge: Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” What does this verse say to you? Take a look at Ephesians 1:6. What does it mean to you to be “…accepted in the beloved…”?


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 7: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 5 A part of the Lord’s prayer is, “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.” The word forgive here means, “to let go, give up a debt, keep no longer, to leave, not to discuss now.” Jesus is instructing us through the Lord’s prayer to give up or forgive the debt we feel someone owes us. To serve as an illustration of this, think of a time you owed money to a creditor. Now imagine that creditor calling you and saying, “We know you owe us $30,000 but we’re cancelling your debt and you no longer owe us any money.” You would rejoice knowing that this person has shown favor to you. That’s exactly the response God desires to see from us.

Not only does God want us to cancel the debt, but He wants us to stop talking about it, so stop bringing it up. 1 Corinthians 13:5 reads, “It [love] is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged,” (NLT version). If you keep bringing up the offense, that’s proof that you have not forgiven the offender.

So, do yourself a favor and forgive, really forgive, your offender. Rehashing the offense over and over in your mind and to them really doesn’t benefit you at all. You deserve to be free.

Today’s Challenge: Read Matthew 6:9-13 and journal your thoughts on verse 12, “And forgive us our debts, AS we forgive our debtors.” What does the word “AS” mean in this verse? What happens to our own sins when we refuse to forgive someone else?











Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 8: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 6 Matthew 7:5 “…first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast our the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”

This scripture serves to remind us that we all have flaws, weaknesses, or shortcomings. It’s impossible to see someone else clearly when your vision is obstructed. Unforgiveness will hinder your spiritual vision, so it’s imperative that you learn to forgive others.

This reminds me of the story in Matthew 18:21-35. A servant owed the king a debt he would NEVER be able to repay. The servant asked for patience compelling the king to forgive him of ALL his debt.

That same servant went out and saw one of his peers who owed him a pittance compared to what he owed the king. He grabbed the man and demanded to be repaid. When the servant couldn’t repay him, he had him thrown in prison.

This story is reflective of us. We don’t really understand the wealth of the forgiveness that’s ours through Christ’s work on the cross. The first servant was wicked. He wouldn’t see his peer clearly. He couldn’t see through the lens of forgiveness, grace, and mercy. Are we like that? Of course we are. Our hearts harden toward our offenders because we don’t clearly see the forgiveness Christ gave us on the cross. It’s time for you to see clearly so that you can now use your experiences to help others.

Today’s Challenge: Read Matthew 7:1-5 and journal your thoughts on how you’ve been guilty of this.


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 9: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 7 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2)

Unforgiveness places us in a stagnant position. We feel as though we can’t move forward. We stay stuck in the place we were in when the offense occurred. It’s almost as though we have a scratched LP playing in our minds. We keep hearing the offensive words over and over again. We keep feeling the hurt and pain over and over. But I’m here to tell you that healing and deliverance are yours. The bible says to be “…transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Change (transformation) is only going to come through a renewed mind. This means we have to change our thinking.

For example, if the scratched LP in your mind keeps playing the words, “I want a divorce because I don’t love you the way a husband should love a wife,” you have to lift up the needle from the scratched LP and place it elsewhere on the record. As long as you keep thinking about the hurtful words that were spoken to you or the hurtful action that was done to you, you will NEVER experience healing and deliverance.

Today’s Challenge: Read Romans 12:1-2 and journal what a “transformed” you looks like.

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Page 10: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 8 Ok – so we’ve discussed the negative message that keeps replaying in your mind. The bible says that Satan is a liar and that he is the father of lies. So, if I tell you that the thing spoken to you, the action that happened to you was a lie, what would you say?

Using yesterday’s example about the husband telling the wife that he doesn’t love her the way a husband should love his wife can teach us a very important lesson: Stop owning someone else’s problem. See, when the husband speaks those words to his wife, she mistakenly owns them and believes that something is wrong with her. However, Ephesians 5:25 instructs husbands to “…love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it…” So if a husband is unable to love his wife, the problem is with him, not with her. Does this mean that you’re without problems? No! But don’t own his problem. His problem belongs to him.


Today’s Challenge: Journal about an issue for which you’ve taken ownership that doesn’t belong to you. What abuses have you endured and now subsequently believe are your fault?

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Page 11: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 9 Prayerfully, you’ve thought about some of the problems you’ve taken on as your own and now see that you need to release them. Some of the hurts from the past hitch rides on our backs into our future bringing with them negative impacts. We have difficulties in new relationships because of things that were said or done to us in the past. My desire is for you to be healthy and whole so let’s talk about changing the things that are in our minds (remember, we are transformed or changed by renewing of our minds). Again, using the example of the husband and wife from Day 8, let’s change his statement to, “You are beautiful woman of God and I don’t deserve you.” Perhaps we can change his previous statement to, “You deserve someone much better than me because I don’t know how to take care of one of God’s daughters.” See how these statements change how we feel about ourselves?

Today’s Challenge: Think about that hurtful statement that was made to you. Begin replacing it with something God would speak to you. Rewrite the negative statement and give it to God, asking Him to help heal you from the negative impacts from the hurtful statement(s).


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 12: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 10 “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30).

Today I want to discuss the situations that you do own. The things that you did that contributed to the hurt you’re feeling today. Again, it’s important that we acknowledge our role in our hurts. Perhaps you committed adultery, fornication, had an abortion, lied, cheated, or stole…..REPENT! Turn from that behavior and don’t do it again. Where possible, make restitution. This is where you may need to turn to a good Christian counselor for wise instruction. Without knowing your specific situation, I can’t offer you specific advice other than to seek wise counsel. Needless to say, forgiveness is yours.

Today’s Challenge: Journal to God a prayer of repentance for your role (if any) in the offense. Dig deep.


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 13: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 11 “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).

One of the enemy’s tricks is to isolate you. He doesn’t want you talking to anybody about your problem because then you’ll realize you are not alone. He also knows that when other people begin to tell you their testimonies, you will gain strength. So, he’s going to try to keep you by yourself – telling you that other people will make fun of you or judge you. My Sister, we draw strength from each other. Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to forsake “the assembling of ourselves together…” Unfortunately, we see Christians who stop coming to church when they’re going through trials. Don’t let the enemy trick you into disobeying this verse.

Go to church. If you are a member of a good church, start attending more services, Sunday school services, bible studies, or women’s fellowships. If you are not a member of a good church, find one. It’s important that you are rooted and grounded in a bible-believing, bible-teaching, bible-preaching church.

Today’s Challenge: Journal below the days and times of your church’s particular services/events. 

List the name and phone number of a wise, trusted minister or counselor in your church to whom you can express your hurts and disappointments without fear of judgment. Commit to calling that person once or twice each week.

If you don’t have a church, research a good church and use this space to gather information on the ones you want to visit.







________________________________________ Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 14: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 12 “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

I went through a lot of heartache very early in life and at first I allowed those things to make me bitter. Eventually I learned that each of the things I experienced was a ministry opportunity. I now use the things from my past as a footstool. I stand on those things and use them to bring glory to my Heavenly Father.

Romans 8:28 is my life’s motto. I refuse to give power to the enemy by saying he did something to me. NO! Everything that’s happened in my life was allowed by God. If they didn’t happen, I wouldn’t be who I am today, writing this devotional to you. So, I use my pain, setbacks, heartaches, and disappointments as opportunities to teach women about the Lord Jesus Christ. You can do it too! Transform your past into something wonderful that can be used for God’s glory.

Today’s Challenge: Journal about how something from your past wasn’t a setback but a set up from God to propel you into your destiny!

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Page 15: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 13 “But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” (Matthew 5:44).

You’ve encountered different types of people in your life: some good and some bad. You can’t change them, so what are you going to do?

Galatians 5:22 lists out the nine characteristics of someone who WALKS by God’s Spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance (self control). These nine characteristics are not contingent upon how someone treats you. We have to show them at all times, to everyone. Although our human nature is to respond in like to someone who treats us unkindly, we must be obedient to the Spirit of God and show the world His nature (not our human nature).

Your healing is tied to your obedience to the voice of God. When He tells you to love your enemies (Matthew 5:44), love them. You will begin to experience the healing and favor of God when you do.

Today’s Challenge: Read Matthew 5 and journal your feelings about applying Matthew 5:43-48 to your life.


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 16: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 14 Let’s talk a little more about Matthew 5:44. The instructions in Matthew 5:44 go against our natural instincts. They go against what our family and friends may tell us to do when we are hurt by someone: Seek revenge when that person on the job steals your idea and then gets promoted; when your best friend commits adultery with your husband; when your teenage daughter screams in your face that she hates you; when your son turns to drugs and begins to steal money from your purse.

It is VERY difficult to love, bless, do good, and pray for people who’ve hurt us, but the bible says you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13). The godly response is outlined in Matthew 5:44. For whom do you need to pray?

Today’s Challenge: Journal a prayer for the person or persons who recently hurt or disappointed you. Recite that prayer every day for the next week.


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 17: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 15 Can you bless the person who cursed you? Matthew 5:44 goes beyond asking God to bless them. Indeed, it instructs you to bless them yourself. How can you do that? Instead of speaking curses upon their life, speak life. Say “hello.” Buy them a small gift. Send them a card telling them how much you appreciate them. Let’s use the example of the person who steals your idea at work and then gets promoted. Why not send them a card congratulating them on their recent promotion and then telling them to let you know how you can be of help to them in their career? That’s a hard one, isn’t it? Yet – that’s the kind of outreach we need to do to honor God!

Today’s Challenge: Let’s move from simply reading this devotional and journaling our thoughts to actual implementation. Think of a practical way in which you can SHOW someone the love of Christ and actually do it. Journal about what you did, how you showed it.


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 18: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 16 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord,” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Another way to move from hurt to health is to stop focusing on self. As long as you keep focusing on what you’re going through, you’ll never help anybody else. Listen, we all have problems and we’ve all gone through hard times but that doesn’t give us the right to neglect our Christian duty to SERVE. Imagine what would happen if every Christian only focused on their issue. Ministry would stop. That is not God’s will for His children. Ministry doesn’t stop and neither should we.

Today’s Challenge: Pray and ask God to show you a hurting soul – someone you can help in a practical manner. Perhaps you can send a card to a grieving widow. Or maybe you can call that woman whose child is sick. Maybe you can give a hug to the woman who recently lost her child. There’s someone out there hurting just as much as you (maybe more). Take time out today to show compassion.







______________________________________________ Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 19: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 17 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

What would you say if I told you that you’ve been mad at and seeking revenge on, the wrong person? I know you only see the person who afflicted pain on you and caused you hurt. I know that person smiled in your face and stabbed you in the back. I know that person lied to you and lied on you, but that person isn’t the enemy. Indeed, that person is a soul that needs to be saved.

There’s a story in the bible about a soldier who came to arrest Jesus. Peter cut off his ear, but Jesus healed his ear. I know you want to cut the person who hurt you, but God is challenging us to bring healing to their lives. Don’t wrestle with people (physically or verbally). Leave them alone and let the Holy Spirit move on your behalf. You don’t have to fight this battle. Leave it up to God. Just do your duty: LOVE them!

Today’s Challenge: Read Ephesians 6:12 and journal your thoughts on practical ways you can live out this scripture. In what ways have you been “wrestling”? What’s been the result?













________________________________________ Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 20: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 18 Another aspect of your healing is in whom you perceive God to be. Is God a small insignificant god who doesn’t interfere in the matters of humanity? Do you even believe in God? Is your God big or small? Is He omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient? Can your God help you? Does He want to help you? Does He love and care for you?

I remember the day in my bedroom when He revealed the depth, breadth, and width of His love for me. I began crying like a baby and sprawled out on the floor. I was overwhelmed with His love for me. I’d never experienced anything like that before. His love engulfed me and I LOVED it. I finally viewed Him as He is – a loving, gentle, compassionate Father who loves me unconditionally and is concerned about every aspect of my life. My understanding of His love for me helped to heal the brokenness in my heart. I understood that He wept over me and wanted His absolute best for me. That love began to mend the scars and open sores in my heart regarding my own earthly father who wasn’t always there for my siblings and me. Do you see how a relationship with God benefits you?

Today’s Challenge: Study Psalm 34. What does this passage teach you about God? Journal your thoughts about God. Who is He? Describe His attributes










Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 21: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 19 Prayer changes things. Samuel 1 records the story of a hurting woman named Hannah. She was barren and simply desired to birth a child. Her husband had another wife named Peninnah who tormented her because she had a lot of children. Hannah did the only thing she knew to do: she prayed. She prayed so hard in the temple that Eli the priest thought she was drunk. Hannah eventually had a child named Samuel who she dedicated to the Lord.

Are you willing to pray so hard that folks think ill of you? Or are you more concerned with how you will look to others? Your hurt will never leave if you don’t pray about it. God is a Healer and He desires to heal your broken heart and your broken spirit, but you must pray.

Today’s Challenge: Stop what you’re doing right now and pray about your situation. Write out a prayer here.











Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 22: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 20 John 4 records the story of a Samaritan woman who encountered Jesus at a well. Jesus spoke life-changing words to her. He said, “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: but whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst…” (v13-14).

The pain you’re experiencing may be so hard that it has compelled you to turn to something to alleviate it. That “something” may be alcohol, recreational drugs, food, sex, or work. It could be shopping sprees, retaliation, exercise, or prescription drugs. However, none of these things will alleviate the pain that you’re experiencing. Sure – they may dull the pain, but the bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness will still be there, lurking in the dark confines of your heart. And unless they are dealt with in a godly way, they will eventually rise up and strike out.

The only recourse to alleviating your pain is God’s precious Holy Spirit. He desires to take up residence in your heart today and heal you of all your pain and misery. He’s knocking, will you let Him in?

Today’s Challenge: Read John 4:1-29. What do you think Jesus meant in verse 14 when He said, “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall NEVER thirst…” What if I tell you that Jesus’ water includes forgiveness. Now what does the verse mean to you in this context? Are you thirsty? Are you empty?










Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 23: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 21 Jesus says in Luke 4:18 that God sent him to “heal the brokenhearted…” See, only the Lord can heal you. Perhaps your heart is broken due to a divorce, an abortion, a job loss, a wayward child, or financial problems. Sure, some of the drugs available today can cure you of an illness, but only Jesus can heal a broken heart.

This same verse is also in Isaiah 61. However, in Isaiah, the Lord says He also gives us beauty for ashes, oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. God is in the healing business. Only He can bring beauty, joy, and praise to our lives in the midst of our pain.

Regardless the source of your broken heart, the answer remains the same. I encourage you to turn to your Source today. Jesus is waiting with open arms to help.

Today’s Challenge: Journal your feelings regarding Luke 4:18. What steps can you take today to receive the healing that God has for you?


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 24: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 22 “…but it’s not my fault.” That was my heart’s cry when I found myself in precarious situations through no fault of my own. I found myself becoming angry and bitter at the person who placed me in the situation. I wanted them to hurt as badly as I was hurting, but the Lord showed me that, while my feelings were normal, my response to the situation was ungodly and that I needed to change my mind. It is NEVER appropriate for a Christian woman to hope evil upon someone else. Indeed, we must pray for the person or persons involved. When we pray for them, it frees us.

Today’s Challenge: I keep asking you to journal prayers for your offender because I know prayer works. Cry out to God below with the pain in your heart and soul. And then pray for the offender. Set yourself free.

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Page 25: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 23 Let’s deal with jealousy and envy today. Perhaps someone tried to hurt you only because they were jealous or envious of you. Or maybe they tried to hold you back because of their own insecurities. Maybe you were overlooked for a promotion at work because of a co-worker. Maybe someone went to the boss and lied on you or someone went to the Pastor and painted you in a negative light. What should be your response?

Saul was jealous of David and tried to kill him. When presented with the opportunity to kill Saul, David rejected it. David continued to love King Saul. That needs to be our response as well. You don’t have to feed into the drama and emotions of it all and you certainly don’t want to provoke the person. The person needs to realize that what God has for you is for you and what He has for that person is for that person.

Today’s Challenge: Have you desired to see your offender suffer as much as you have? Be honest! Have you hoped someone’s marriage would fail because yours failed? Tell the truth. Journal those feelings below in confession to God and then repent.


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 26: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 24 Sometimes when we’ve been hurt, our response is to retreat. We may stop coming to church because we were hurt there. We may stop working diligently at work because we were overlooked on that promotion. We may start pulling away from our husbands because he said or did something that hurt our feelings. Pulling back is not God’s will for your life. Indeed, we need to press even harder into God. Don’t let someone else’s actions hinder you from receiving all that God has for you.

Today’s Challenge: Read Galatians 6:9 and keep going to church. Work even harder at your job. If possible, speak with your offender and let him know how much he hurt your feelings. *Please understand that it’s not necessary to speak with the offender to forgive him. Forgiveness frees you!

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Page 27: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 25 Genesis 50:20 quotes Joseph as saying, “But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” Joseph went through some things because of his brothers but in the end he was able to see the hand and move of God in the situation. There was a reason why he was sold into slavery in Egypt. God needed him there to save the world from a famine.

There’s a purpose for the things you’ve gone through. Your experiences aren’t coincidences. Our lives, including the mistakes we’ve made and the hurt we’ve experienced will be used by God for His glory and our benefit. The enemy had a plan of evil for you, but God means the same situations for your good. Do not become discouraged. Stay focused on God and let Him use you as He sees fit.

I remember when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I kept questioning God, “Why, me?” A few years later, God began to reveal the answer to me. Cancer was used by God for my good. My life is very different now and I’m a lot happier since my diagnosis. I’m a living testimony that what was meant for our harm, God will turn it around for our good.

Today’s Challenge: Read Genesis 50:20 and meditate on some of the things you’ve experienced. Jot down a few areas in which you see the purpose or hand of God. Can’t see it? Ask someone you trust for insight. Jot down what they say.

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Page 28: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 26 Romans 8:28 reads, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”

If you are a Believer and seeking to glorify God then regardless what you’ve experienced in life, God can make it work together for good. Even the most heinous acts performed by us can be used by God to further His kingdom and His purposes here on earth. The question is do we, and can we, trust Him?

Do you really trust God to bring good out of your situation? Do you really believe that He has your best interest in mind? Do you believe that you’re the apple of His eye and that He loves you unconditionally? If so, then trust your situation to His care.

Remember we discussed Joseph and his brothers a few days ago? In order for Joseph to get to the place of understanding that God used his brothers’ deception for good required faith and trust in God. It required a RELATIONSHIP with God. Our relationships with God are more important and hold more value than any other relationship we could ever have. Press into your relationship with God and believe that He will work this out for your good.

Today’s Challenge: Write Romans 8:28 here and meditate on it every day. Commit it to memory. Quote it, use it, believe it, live it.

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Page 29: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 27 There’s an old saying we sometimes hear people say, “It ain’t over until the fat lady sings.” Divorce, bankruptcy, and unplanned pregnancies can leave you feeling as though your world is over.

I remember feeling my world was over when I received the divorce papers from my lawyer. Those feelings hinder our ability to heal so it’s imperative that we put those feelings in check. Just because we “feel” a certain way doesn’t mean those feelings are factual.

A part of your healing is in KNOWING that you can move beyond this, that there is HOPE for a better tomorrow. I know what happened to you was very hurtful. I know it seems you’ll never recover…BUT you WILL! Stay hopeful. Your life is just beginning. It ain’t over until God says it’s over. I know it seems like the end is here, but it isn’t. You still have breath in your body and that means there’s still hope. Don’t give up.

Keep trusting God to work this thing out for your good!

Today’s Challenge: Write down the negative statement that’s been going through your mind; the statement that says it’s over. Draw a line through that statement and then write an optimistic, bible-based statement that speaks to God’s purpose for your life.


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 30: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 28 So now that you’ve gone through this particular situation, what are you going to do with the experience? Are you going to let it make you bitter or are you going to let it make you better? It’s a choice and the choice is yours. Have you ever seen an angry, bitter person? They don’t make good company do they? They’re pessimists who see the world through the lenses of hurt and pain. Make a commitment today that you will not be that angry, bitter person. Indeed, you will be a victorious person walking in the freedom and abundant life God has given to you.

You can show love, honor, and respect to those who’ve hurt you. You can pray for them, bless them, and do good to them (Matthew 5:44). You now realize you’re better than the anger and bitterness that were trying to consume you and you will NOT allow “any root of bitterness” to spring up and defile you (Hebrews 12:15). You are a child of the most high God and you are loving and forgiving just like your Father.

Today’s Challenge: Do you see any root of bitterness springing up in you? If yes, what steps can you take today to stop that root from continuing to grow?


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 31: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 29 Yesterday I asked if you’d let the situation make you bitter or better. Let’s concentrate on becoming better. Who are the people you can help because of your experiences? Who do you know in your circle of influence who can benefit from the knowledge you now have? Use your experiences to help someone else.

This is how this devotional was written. I decided a long time ago that the things I faced in life would make me a better person. I gave my circumstances over to God and asked Him to use it for His glory. Was it easy? No, but it was necessary. How can God get the glory out of your heartache and pain? How can God get the glory out of breast cancer? How can God get the glory out of sexual molestation? How can God get the glory out of all the negative things we’ve experienced? We can glorify God by showing love to one another despite our experiences (John 13:35). When we forgive and love, we show Christ to the world.

Today’s Challenge: You can show the love of Christ to others by growing through your hurt. A part of growing is transferring your knowledge and wisdom to others. What have you learned that you can now teach others? List them here:

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Page 32: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

Day 30 We’re at the end of our month together and I pray you’re seeing your situation through the eyes of God instead of through your own eyes. Your outlook, your prospects, your life are looking BRIGHT because you have God on your side. Go back through this book as often as necessary until you receive your breakthrough. Stay in your Word. Continue to pray. Seek godly counsel. Whatever you do – don’t give up on God! Keep the faith my Sister and know that God loves you unconditionally.

Today’s Challenge: Write out, “I am forgiven to forgive.”


Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com

Page 33: Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant ...€¦ · forget what the person did. I said “forgive” them. Actually, I don’t want you to forget because we’re going

About the Author Elder Aretha L. Grant

Believer, Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Ordained Elder and Evangelist, Preacher, Bible Teacher, Breast Cancer Survivor, Life Coach, Sister, and Friend…

Aretha was born and raised in Maryland where she experienced many of the temptations facing today’s youth. The death of her 22-month-old son, Anthony, and her mother’s death six months later, led a 19 year-old Aretha on a downward spiral into depression and bitterness. Aretha came to Christ in 1989 and has experienced first-hand the Lord’s transformative power. Aretha has been teaching the Word of God since 1998 and is an ordained Elder.

Aretha initially launched ReeINSPIRED as a simple blog to share her writings. Since its inception, the Lord has used ReeINSPIRED as an extension of Aretha’s biblical counseling/mentoring and bible study ministries and is now a platform for her Life Coaching business.

ReeINSPIRED exists simply to help women bounce back from the challenges life throws at them. Aretha is a firm believer in Romans 8:28 and urges women to find the “good” in every hardship, obstacle, and trial they face.

A breast cancer survivor, Aretha knows full well the importance of having a relationship with the Lord and trusting His word and enjoys teaching women how to apply the word of God to every day situations. She currently oversees Women at the Well, a monthly women’s group, at her local church where she teaches women on topics ranging from growing in Christ and nurturing godly marriages to how to let go of shame, regret, and unforgiveness. She also founded and oversees Breast Cancer Conquerors, a Christian Facebook group for current breast cancer patients and breast cancer survivors in which Aretha prays for the women and offers a judgment free zone for them to express their fears and hopes.

Aretha married her best friend, Andre Grant, in October 2002 and together have four children, Jamal, Joshua, Alex, and Charis; and two grandchildren, Bailey and Avani. They also have a spiritual daughter, Tiffany, and a spiritual granddaughter, Amiya.

Aretha holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies and is an aspiring author with a few projects in the works. She’s working diligently to self-publish “Mornings with God”, a devotional on the book of Psalm.

Forgiven to Forgive, Copyright © 2016 Aretha L. Grant, www.reeinspired.com
