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FPC News - Issue 1

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Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center updates and info
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FPC FIRST BIRTHS EARN WHILE YOU LEARN SPECIAL NEEDS • 3 news CALENDAR OF EVENTS • 2 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES STUDENT CHALLENGE • 4 We are so grateful for the 26 churches and organizations that partnered with us to raise over $23,500.00 for our 2013 Baby Bottle Campaign. That number is still growing as bottles continue to trickle in to the center. Many churches have shared some incredible stories about how they were able to raise money for the center with the bottles in a variety of creative ways. One story shared was about a young girl who used her own birthday money to contribute to the campaign to save the lives of babies. Another large donation was made in memory of a late grandmother who had a love for babies. One of our partner churches had a friendly competition within their youth group and the students were able to raise more funds than their congregation! Every penny collected goes toward serving our clients. The average cost to serve one client that walks through our doors is $400.00. Through your partnership with this Campaign, you enable us to continue to offer our clients ultrasound services, caring options counseling, resources and referrals, and the Good News of Jesus Christ. Thanks again for all your hard work and support, and please consider partnering with us for our 2014 Baby Bottle Campaign. There is still time. If you have a bottle, please fill it and return it to us. VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 • 2013 We are blessed to be able to bring to you, our partners in ministry, the very first hard copy newsletter publication! We trust you will be as blessed by receiving it as we are in bringing it to you. The outpouring of support from friends of FPC is a great encouragement to all who serve at the center, enabling us to effectively empower the women and families we serve. Since opening just 10 months ago, in October of 2012, FPC has already served 371 women facing unplanned pregnancies. In this first issue we are excited to bring to you a few testimonies and pictures of the little ones God has brought into this world and we have had the privilege to help. We rejoice in the ability to support the clients through pregnancy testing, ultrasound pregnancy confirmation, and education concerning abortion, healthy relationships, life style, and prenatal classes. This year we have been able to offer post abortion recovery Bible studies to facilitate healing and restoration to those women who have experienced abortion. These studies have already blessed the lives of many women. In this issue, you will read how God has inspired volunteers to give of their time and talents while working together to create a warm welcoming environment for FPC’s clients. Over the past number of months we have seen God build a sustainable medical clinic. We are grateful for His hand of protection as the pro-choice people continue to throw weightless attacks our way. May we not be surprised by the “fiery trial” (1Peter 4:12) as we continue to have a stronger voice and impact for life in our community. May you be inspired to action as you read this exciting very first newsletter. Thank you for supporting the work of FPC. – Denise Swett Executive Director, FPC OUR DIRECTOR’S CORNER HOW YOUR CHANGE IS CHANGING LIVES
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We are so grateful for the 26 churches and organizations that partnered with us to raise over $23,500.00 for our 2013 Baby Bottle Campaign. That number is still growing as bottles continue to trickle in to the center. Many churches have shared some incredible stories about how they were able to raise money for the center with the bottles in a variety of creative ways. One story shared was about a young girl who used her own birthday money to contribute to the campaign to save the lives of babies. Another large donation was made in

memory of a late grandmother who had a love for babies. One of our partner churches had a friendly competition within their youth group and the students were able to raise more funds than their congregation! Every penny collected goes toward serving our clients. The average cost to serve one client that walks through our doors is $400.00. Through your partnership with this Campaign, you enable us to continue to offer our clients ultrasound services, caring options counseling, resources and referrals, and the Good News of Jesus Christ. Thanks

again for all your hard work and support, and please consider partnering with us for our 2014 Baby Bottle Campaign.

There is still time. If you have a bottle, please fill it and return it to us.

VOLUME 1ISSUE 1 • 2013

We are blessed to be able to bring to you, our partners in ministry, the very

first hard copy newsletter publication! We trust you

will be as blessed by receiving it as we are

in bringing it to you.The outpouring of support from friends of FPC is a great encouragement to all who serve at the center, enabling

us to effectively empower the

women and families we serve. Since

opening just 10 months

ago, in October of 2012, FPC has already served 371 women facing unplanned pregnancies. In this first issue we are excited to bring to you a few testimonies and pictures of the little ones God has brought into this world and we have had the privilege to help.We rejoice in the ability to support the clients through pregnancy testing, ultrasound pregnancy confirmation, and education concerning abortion, healthy relationships, life style, and prenatal classes. This year we have been able to offer post abortion recovery Bible studies to facilitate healing and restoration to those women who have experienced abortion. These studies have already blessed the lives of many women.

In this issue, you will read how God has inspired volunteers to give of their time and talents while working together to create a warm welcoming environment for FPC’s clients. Over the past number of months we have seen God build a sustainable medical clinic. We are grateful for His hand of protection as the pro-choice people continue to throw weightless attacks our way. May we not be surprised by the “fiery trial” (1Peter 4:12) as we continue to have a stronger voice and impact for life in our community. May you be inspired to action as you read this exciting very first newsletter.Thank you for supporting the work of FPC. – Denise Swett Executive Director, FPC



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Please join us as we pray for a culture of life at University of Mary Washington. Abortion statistics for Fredericksburg indicate an unusually high rate of almost as many abortions as live births. We have first-hand knowledge that the UMW Health Center refers girls to abortion clinics.We must cry out for God’s supernatural impartation of truth and light. Specifics will include prayer for the new freshman class, our presence at Community Day on August 24th, the Health and Counseling Center staff, religious organizations, and those involved with Students for Life. Please contact Gloria at: 540.370.1800 or nursemanager@

fburgpregnancyctr.org if you plan to join us on-site.

The Battle is the Lord’sRecovery from an abortion can be a difficult and challenging process, but when one allows God to fight the battle and rest in His grace throughout the process, the result can be a healed heart. After having two abortions in my early life, I suffered from a tremendous amount of shame and guilt over my choices. We have an enemy

that wants nothing more than to steal our peace and joy. When we are not able to replace our guilt and shame with His forgiveness and grace, we are allowing him to literally take something from us that he has not “paid for.” Christ paid the penalty and through the Forgiven and Set Free post abortion Bible study, I was able to willingly hand over my pain and grief to the one who has rightfully “paid” for it. The confidentiality, warmth, and professionalism of the leaders enabled me to walk this road with honesty and confidence. More women than we may be aware of have experienced the hurt and pain that is associated with abortion. According to Planned Parenthood’s own research arm, The Alan Gutmacher Institute, 65% of women who received abortions in 2008 identified themselves as Protestant or Catholic. I would encourage any woman who has experienced an abortion in her life to allow the Lord to fight for her and receive the healing He offers by attending a Forgiven and Set Free Bible study. – Angela Donnell

Fall Post Abortion Bible Study Mondays, Sept. 23 • 9:30 AM-11:30 AMEvenings • 6:30 PM-8:30 PMFredericksburg Pregnancy CenterCall 540.370.1800 to register

University of Mary Washington Campus Prayer Monday, Aug. 19 • 9 AM-10 AMMeet at the Bell Tower-Main entrance on College Ave.

Walk/Run for LifeCome join us for our Walk/Run for Life 2013. Help us raise awareness in the community for FPC while fundraising. It will be a time of fun for the whole family. See enclosed registration form for details or register on online at: FredericksburgPregnancyCenter.org/Walk Please be in prayer for these upcoming

events and programs. You can also join us at the center for our “Prayer Power Hour” Mondays from 12-12:45 PM. •Walk/RunforLife2013 •EarnWhileYouLearnProgram •MaryWashingtonUniversityEvents •PostabortionFallBiblestudy






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BabyTrenton5•10•13“I heard about Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center through a friend of mine that had recommended the center to me. The nurse on staff was very friendly and prayed with me over my fears and concerns. I

was so excited to see the baby at an early stage on the ultrasound.

Everyone was very friendly and I loved it there.”– Danielle

BabyJuliaborn6•13•13 When Erin found out she was unexpectedly pregnant, she was unsure where to turn. After learning about FPC through her local church, she arrived at our center seeking guidance

and direction. Through the encouragement of the nurses

and staff at FPC, coupled with the support of her family, friends, and

home church, Erin was able to choose life for baby Julia.

BabyMackenzieborn6•11•13“When I came to Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center last year I was scared and unsure of what the future would hold for me. Being only 17, I knew that having a baby would change my life forever. Although I was uncertain about the procedure and the risks associated with the procedure, abortion was at the forefront of my mind. The counselor asked if I was thinking about abortion and I told her yes. She educated me on what abortion was and offered me a lot of information to read. I read every pamphlet she gave me. She also gave me a Bible and asked to pray with me. When she prayed, she prayed that God would help me to make the right choice. It was during this prayer that I felt in my heart that these people really cared for me. They encouraged me to choose life for my baby and they helped me to feel more confident in my ability to parent my baby. Before having Mackenzie, I did not attend church, but we have been attending church every weekend since I have had her. I am very grateful to the staff at FPC for believing in me and encouraging me to give life to Mackenzie.” – Majorie

The hearts of our staff and volunteers are filled with joy in being able to serve, however there is one program we still have to see come completely into fruition. Would you like to invest in making generational change? The Earn While You Learn (EWYL) program is an amazing curriculum program that has changed the lives of tens of thousands of men and women across the nation. EWYL has helped nearly 1,000 Pregnancy Resource Centers offer both hope and help to those mothers and mothers-to-be who need it most. The curriculum has increased abortion vulnerable visits to PRCs leading to many lives being saved. It helps those very same women who choose life for their babies to learn, grow, and understand how to parent children and improve their lives. Using EWYL, PRCs have made generational change in their communities that will save and change lives for many years to come.

The EWYL program material cost is on sale for $1,799.00. FPC is looking for interested financial donors who have a heart to see the lives of men, women, and children changed through the teaching and understanding they receive. Would you like to invest in making generational change? Please give us a call! Shed Needed – FPC needs a small storage shed – even though we have only been here less than one year, we are bursting at the seams! If you either have the talent to build or a heart to give toward the purchase of a shed (approximately $1,500.), please contact Denise Swett @ [email protected] or call 540.370.1800.



Ways You Could Serve at FPC:•MaterialResourceCoordinator •AdministrativeAssistants•CommitteeMembersforourWalk/RunforLife2013 •Church Liaison Coordinator



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FPC was so blessed to have the Riverside Men’s Group serve the center by painting our foyer and counseling room. Their leader, Jack Dills, explains his heart in serving FPC. “I have a men’s group that meets and we do three things together as men. We fellowship together (eat and we eat good), study the Word, and serve our fellow man. In our study, we are working through the 20 principles of leadership Paul laid out for Timothy and Titus. We take those principles and apply them in a practical ways by serving others. While serving, we are able to teach skills while modeling service. Often people become immobilized by all the needs surrounding them which often overwhelms them or causes desensitization. We are in the business of putting our faith into action, and our church’s motto is ‘Bringing People to Jesus and Jesus to people’. We live this through our service to our fellow man. Serving at FPC was an answer to our prayers as God opened the

door for us to paint their counseling room and foyer. We are blessed to be part of something so much bigger than any one of us could possibly accomplish on our own. Being able to serve at FPC will have a lasting impact greater than any of us will ever know. The project was a lot of fun and such a blessing.”

There are so many ways that one can serve at Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center. Sometimes it just requires “Thinking Outside the Box!” These volunteers have found

creative ways to use their gifts and abilities to serve FPC while saving lives!

The cause of the unborn is very dear to our hearts. God has made little ones in the womb His image bearers, and that moves us to serve, to preserve life, however we can. We want many people to discover God’s hope for the brokenness which often comes with unplanned pregnancy. So, helping at FPC is a privilege—even if it’s updating the decoration of the center’s public spaces. We trust that the building’s clean, updated appearance speaks Christ’s welcome and care for those who enter for help. We are so glad for the service FPC is to our community! Ted & Genean Vinatieri -serving from the Outreach Committee of New Life Community Church – Stafford

I desire that babies should be blessings and cherished and that the need for a place such as Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center would not exist, but until the Lord answers that prayer I try to use the gifts that He has given me to serve this ministry. I tend to be good with my hands and I have been able to help with making the center more welcoming by taking on the job of reupholstering chairs and making window treatments. I would like to give a big Thank You to Fabrics Unlimited for helping us with the cost.– Christine Jones


The 7th and 8th grade Sunday school girls at New Life in Christ Church challenged the 7th and 8th grade Sunday school boys to a contest to see which class could fill 3 baby bottles first.The boys, on the spot, raised the number to 4. The girls filled 4 bottles in 2 weeks.

HOW OUR STUDENTS MET THE CHALLENGE!Not to be outdone, the boys issued a challenge as to which class could fill the most bottles with the most money by Father’s Day. They were all winners and all enjoyed the donut party.Their enthusiasm was a blessing to all! – Krystal Dowell



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To Walk/Run, you must sign the Release Statement below:

In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I will waive all claims for myself and my heirs

against the Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center for any injury or illness that may result directly

from my participation in the 2013 Walk/Run for Life. I will follow trail guidelines as given by the

Event Marshal. I further state that I am in proper physical condition to participate in this event.

Signature _________________________________________________ Date __________________

Parent or Guardian must sign for participants under 18 years.

I authorize use of my photo or likeness in future FPC marketing materials. (Online and Print)

Our GOAL :

To raise $50,000.

If each participant

sets a personal

goal of $300,

together we can

make it happen.

Steps for Success

1. (Optional) PRE-register online at FredericksburgPregnancyCenter.org. Set up your own FundEasy page with MinistrySync. If you’re a part of a TEAM, be sure to register and select your TEAM’s name. From FundEasy contact friends and family to sponsor you by Email, Facebook or Twitter. Add sponsors of the cash/checks you’ve collected & watch your Fund-Meter go up.

2. Or use this form to enter your sponsors ’ donations. Just bring the completed form along with the cash/checks you’ve collected the day of the Walk/Run.

3. Sign the release below, fill in your Sponsored Walker info on the back, & bring all cash/checks to the event.

4. Hosted at: Old Mill Park 2410 Caroline St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401

5. T-Shirts will be given to all those that raise $300+.

Please indicate T-Shirt size: S M L XL

Event time-line

9:30 Registration

10:00 Short program

10:30 Runners leave

11:00 Walkers leave

12:00 Recognition and Appreciation

12:30 Picnic

HELP increase the scope of our

Walk/Run for Life.

Sign up as Liaison

Keep your church or organization informed.

Contact [email protected]

or call 540.370.1800


Old Mill Park

(Rain or Shine)


9:30 AM

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Email: ______________________________________

Church Name:________________________________

Adult Teen Child Youth Group

Please add me to your mailing list

Fredericksburg Pregnancy Center

Walk/Run for LIFE

Saturday, October 5, 2013 (Rain or Shine)

Please complete all information. All donations are tax deductible.

Total Fund Easy: $_______ Total this page: $_______ Total Overall: $_______ For additional forms feel free to photocopy this page

or download it from our ministry website at: FredericksburgPregnancyCenter.org /Walk

My W




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visit us online at:


See Inside For MoreInformation on our Walk/Run for Life 2013
