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FREE! FREE! JT. OOOPEB.; GIVEN AWAY. Parlot Suite ta.Silt...

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•xxxxxxxxxxxxx* "X" OUR RflTES ON THE "Jr ARE THE CHEAPEST. ^ **XXXXXXXXXXXX* XXI. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1891. NO. 18 Offloeon,81adnrel! Street next-door TEHUB OJ eOTSCMPTIOH UJViBI- ABLT UT ADVAHOE. Orafll. ,. ., P.00 BIX Homps ,i ,.. /;,„, ,...1(19 THUClHoirras.,; .v . 60 UVBKTUIKO KATU, int. lm.lm.ru I. «•. Tt ii we moil 5 60 10 00 f 00 »oo •S75 SCO JJ15 6 60 900 1700 8 60 tot J50 <5 6 EH e & In. dOfSUOOi WOO icon HAB. A. WUNB0H, BASB8X, r\R. 1 3. BMTTH, O oiAurr 6ri>iBKUEs oricon AwTHBOAX 'Oman AT LAn DB.'J."l>. Kyttfa, DOVER, H J. 11-Om JT. OOOPEB.; ATTOEKKr-AT-lAW, An MUTE* iis SPUC1TOE IK OHANISHT, OSM 111 «>• A M BilMlsi, > t OTUJ.A.Ljon'.Slon, DOVKB.K.J. I . HUOH AND BUILDXB, Dona, H. J. O u t r u n UkJB ud mit.rl.ll 8100* KDd brick work, BluterlnRi prompur ttunded to. Orders left M mj »Doi So l a S Ik, our Ouul Butt, "ill f^" prowl MUaUrc. i^Kj o. mnainB, u. D,, _ ,.. OUnUlAlPiUCTlTIOBlU.' ' »«D BHCUinT II TIB TUITUSX ' ayrioi i T«riH*,H<rriu,BcnJ>uia< A*r p i o t i Lnriar I A I H I MIDIOIKKS, Parlot Suite ta.Silt TapeBtry only|76.° BARGAINS m FLOOR OIL CLOTH. »I 1,1 u Haiiug purchased 100 pieces of the H. B Cloflin Co. damaged by water ana tmoke onaccount of lire,1 wiU close it out at 26 per cent. below regular prices. Call at onpe lor bargains, ' Headquarters for FOIiDJNG BEDS, OHILDBEH'8 0ARBIAGE% eto., at extremely loir prices. *S"NrB.—The ouly furniture store on Market street withpai- •enger elevator. EUBVATOBTO EVXBYFLOOR.' -:- IBLXPHONE580, (CREDIT GIVEW IF DESIBED. j DELIVERED JSIt'oT CMARaE TOASTPAHIOf IBS STATE AMOS H. VAN BORN, , PE.J, 1. TiVlOB, ." '••'- Proprtiior. r T 'I. BACMW, DOY1K, ». *., * atkuknltto mioalukkw4M II tta kMt into « Ik. ImlsaM ' All irtw »J «>U will MM PMM> rt , ^ BOOMHo. J, DIKE »DII,DIBa,_ 'Otm km^i A-'"lt <o19 M. mrj S»ta- ' «w. .. ,. J»«. 0. Cooru, Bopt KHABB JTHintKBB»T,— HIDE BAKEB BUUiDIHO, ' '. DOTDl It. t. r l t)LBjm» AID »ABT«D(.<1HA«OI1I, ~ ' • J"4 ' p* . BtUEOn.H'1. Plants. OLIVER 3. FREEMAN ' Carsehter and Builder, jo»Wwruwinp»rtl<«a»rij«IK»OM>o. ur- Gk;BUOK; rumou 1 Painter, Decorator, Oralner and Papar Hanger, ^ ^ A«M l i ' t WAUnKEMJo ti Mixed Mattresses —AND— Bed. Springs GIVEN AWAY In brder to share my profits with my custo- mers*! will give a $4 Mixed Mattress and a $3 Bed Spring with every BedroomSui tintil further notioe. - , SEDUCTION IN OAEPETS. , 20 pieces of Velvet Carpet, regular price pet yard $1.25, will" close them out at $1.00. 20 pieoes of Body Brussels Carpet regular price/per yard $1,25, will close them out at $1.00. 20 pieces of Tapestry Brussels Carpet, reg- ular price per yard $1.OO, will olose them out at 75o, 20 pieoes of Tapestry Brussels Carpet, reg- ular price per yard 75c, will olose them, out at 600. 20 pieces,of 3-ply, Ingrain Garpnt, regular price per yard $1, will olose them out at 75c > * 20 pieces of All-wool Ingrain Carpet, regular price per yard 75o. t will olose them out at OOo. PARLOR SUITS. < Acknowledged bj all competitors that I bare tie largest line in I State, and, of course, the lowoat pncef Qood Parlor Suit, plush covering, ODIJ MO. Parlor Suits in coverings of Wilton Bugs i NEWARK, N. J, STREET.) Merchant Tailors iBiothiers, U n lawrf Uu lUn la tt« BILOOK, SUSSEX STREET, DOVER, IV. J. MERCHANT TAILORING ANDCLOTHING MTiBLISHMBNT, with oomplete ud «BUr»Ij Niw STOCK FOR THE SPRING THADB. <WiLT0S-nB0liEH8 T li.i« toil u upedrnn of' m n j jeui u B.rekinl Uuon ua clotblaml irs^irutlul iaiUn ua"m»fctfi or eutofli work, ind in able 10 ptunUt ooa> Plata •HUboUoa In IMr lint ottnais to Iba peopls of Donr udTidnltr. DOVER LVMBBR CO., BUCKWELL STREET,^ .'• ,-•_ ( n r ,-DEA£ERSIN- < ^-. -:- LUMBER OF ALL KINDS-:- Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c. ' BRACKET »N0 SCROLL H W I N C DONE TO ORDER.', - " - COiL. WOOD AND BUILDIIC1ATEBIAL <DEY AND SCREENED COAX.» ip Httim dfilriaifetI t t ^ k tttlf own Mai out hm U DR. ANDREW'S Rheumatic Specific '""-'' Ola IHtOMlIENDID K>B BHE0H1TH11 081Y.,, I E.B.An>uw,M.D.!. Afl«r t n l a l o j from SdiDc iUllMmr]rilV«> m,(hiu«wliUllMmr]r effwt. I««nheiioad on jonr w i r.w »«k., t.U.g 11 fr l bllw In ajrr »« JOHN J ECKHART. Slomior to (MIH * loilurt,) KASOS IBB BDILDEB. tntrutiUtuud wlarlAU ranlaMlor 8UALJ)I]!CB8, ; =BBUrGBB- »t.ther pf BBIOK or BIONE. atop oiMorrtj illtct, L«l toformer IIOJ tad HI woik In llcrlli ul Snalla **U mrk olthttutordoraDd priont nMoubte. ADVANTAGES, if there are any to customer?, can bo given by those Mho hare 1st—Made their branch of butines a J special study. 2d-Who hare made the want of their customers in this branch a careful study. * ' - 3d—Who hare the facilities in tbis branch to thor- oughly supply tuete wants; and * 4th—It Is of special advantage tocustomers to pat- ronize a firm who hare done business J17 a community for generations earning a reputation second to none for honorable dealing. •/ Our business erery one knows is ' * I and this carries with It erery auxiliary to tbis branch of trade, including Ties, Slippers and foot covering of all kinds, and we would sty that for Spring you would supply yourselves in feot wear elsewhere at a positive loss to yourselves. Our Ppring styles are being opened daily. Orergalters in all shades. HEAGAN & CO I.L.&OR. DOYSTlJ. FREE! FREE! GIVEN AWAY. ON SATURDAY, APRI^ 4th, 1891, TO OBLEBBATE OtJfi ' IIPIM; PAY will present to each purchaser of one pound of our beautiful flavored new 'crop Tea at 50c. per pound with $ pounds of the best Standard Granulated Sugar. 0VBB 8T0NE TALK. (urason rnox TIU, «VEB BXADT UKXBA Or CJJHDAL 0BSKHVA7IOB" While talking about snakoe the other eveu lag si friend told me ol a curiom blander thai oocun inthe final report of the Btate Geoli gist, which Is devoted to tha ecology of tbe Spooking of tho raltleuiaU, ths ro- port quotea Dr Chat. 0 Abbott, oafolloui 'Thisdreaded lerpent is found ouly ID tlio Southern couuttes oC tbe Stale, and Is not abundant except In a few limited h specimens have been taken north of Tren ton W New Brunswick during (be put fifty years (IBM)" Quoting the same authority in reference to thecopperhead, tbe report anys ' This venomous species Is rare within Btate limits, anil only to be met with In t i e North era mountainous district* riie author has seen A single speclmeu, which was killed near Newton, GIUBSX county, In November, 1801 Dr Abbott has a reputation as a naturalist, hut for all that he is entirely Incorrect and mudcadlnglnthesestateinonls H»f" are quite common in part* of Morria, Sussex and Warren counties, nnd the copperhead, or pilot, although more rare, Is ofUn aeeu. Not a year goes by but scores of the two veuoi snakes named aro Lilled la the throe comities mentioned, And it Is to be regretted tuat inch A blander has been made in a Htato document of such general worth and excellence The Calamity editor was passing along tho street tfce other day, when lie came upon & merchant who TTM putting a plate glaia front ID his store "Isuppose,"remarked Calamity, 1 that If It was not for the duty these tariff robbers have placed on plate glass you could put ID that window much cheaper than you cu now « •' On the contrary, replied the merchant," It is just Ute other way In 187! the Import price of unstained plate gloss was 49 cents a foot Under a tariff whlou has stimulated production in this country the lm port price in 1800 was f& cent Bo you see the tariff hu made thow Allows over the water reduce their price* besides providing a great deal oXUbo^ioU country, And we nior- touts, you know, are glad to teeplenty of labor provided, because It enables us to more goods," Oue would have thought that such a piece of good news would have made thsCtUmlty editor fool glad hut it didn't The idea of producing things cheaper in this country filled bis heart with grief V A friend kindly writes. « You might sug- gest to your Curb Stone man, In explanation of the Dlokeraon inlnedeedj,thatlnthose days tho year began about April 1st and e twelve months after, and that Jnna camo before February In tbe same jew." That la a fact that seems to have been quite over- looked, and may readily account for the peculiarity of datewhich Dr. Wolfe and others have noticed V With merchants advertising granulated •njar at five cents a pound one of tbe best frulta of tlmMcKInley till "has come to pass And tbe price of theworkingraansdlnuer pall ham b increased a penny, nor Is it Ukoly to 'When the Republican pirty promises a thing you can stake your life upon It that It will come true V The various benevolent orders of thU section have bad their good offices and their treomirloe •evenly taxed of late by the general preval- *I of Uw grippe and othor diseases In tills illty. But most of them badgoodly ac- cumulation! of sick benefit funds on band and were time prepared for the emergency, A better Illustration of tbe value of these socie- ties couti not be given, and In many a hotne Invaded by sickness and death their dWrarse- ment* have come like ministering angels to '""Bemembei our ney storo'bas been refitted in thatou Tmprovea afyfy pSff welfBlookoa with a"larpe vatietri cenee, l'eae, Coffees. Sugars, Spices. Fancy Patent Floor, Elgin Creamery Butter, Dried Fruits, Canned Goods and everything usually kept ni a firet-claia Grocery store. TO CELEBRATE OUS GRAND OPENING Ye Bliall, until farther notice, present each pnrohaser of one pound of anj of our Teas with BL poiuids of the best Granulated Sugar.'- , ' - *., TVE OFFEE MANY GRAND BAKGAINS IN THB QB00EBT LINE OF WHICH WE SHALIi ENUMERATE A FEW: _„ , Aud tho beauty of it all is that the redpiento do not receiveIt Ua^oharltj, but u aright They have borne their shire of tha burden In nlterlng others. have paid tor tots CANNED GOODS. Standard Tnuloea %.. rUUmoniltrliigBtiu. £i u £S I Sr"' B SMOKED MEATS. A HANDSOME^OITVENrR FREE TO EVERY CUSTOMER. Special Bargains 7 pounds bwl Crranolttsd Sugar 31 oenta.' '•' ' , 'A S pound pail of Kev Fruit Jelly only 35 cento. 3 tattles ol Fine HonBotaold Ammonia for 25 oents. , TiptopCondensed Mill 9 cents; 8 onus only 25 cents. Kone moh Minoo Meat 9 cents; 3 paokageB for 25 otnta. Colgate's Fore laundry Soap 8 bars only 25 cents.' _ J * Compare the above prioea Tfhicli are only a few ol the many btrnins to £e liad at onr store nith thoseiron pay elsewhere and it must conrinoe 70a ttat yonSAVE MONEY by buyino bom us. ORDERSPROMPTLY ATTENDED TO AND DE- , LIVERED FREE OF CHARQE. > L.LEHMAN & Co. BUCKWELL St,, NEXT DOOR TOTHE POST-OFFICE, DOVER, N: J. for Intents and Children. *TisiiTiiiirTiiminiiii|iiiiiiiinstiif"* IwewuiiWBdllMiaptrIcfti>»a7prcierlp*l«i Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, Bfiver-w*re and Musical Instruments, *o. ' WATCHES CLEANED FOR 75c. at M. D. HICKS', THOS. JOHNSON, Beiiiinn> Mutili, BUOKWSXL ffTRIlT,, ^DOTEB.B.J, have provided against the hour of their need Long live our benevolent societies. V By tbe prooeediogsof tbe last meeting of the Madison Common Council X notice that it was reported that cracked stone for roads could be bad from Dover at 85 cento per ton, delivered on the cans. I doubt verymuchUourcorpora- tlon cracks lUown stonefor aallttfo money as that, Infact I amrarethey do not, andIf the quality of atone is what It should be, the mat- ter is otw well worthy tbe attention of our city fatten. It Is Held in some quarters that the breaking 'MWgroaodU* cause for diphtheria, and tlMory seems to be quite often confirmed results. There was quite anepidemic of diphtheria In Dover when tho water works constructed, and an outtuvak of the dread disease folloived tho construction of the new water works la Madison V Quite number of the papers of tbe Btate have been commenting favorably upon my assertion that as we now elect all Uw Import- ant township officers for terms of. more than y p e u s r ) udoaiue uf nnneceasary strife to hold annual election In i Spring—that an election once ID two years would be sufficient.:. Let, the newspapers re- number tbis when Uw next Legislature meets anr> awiken a' public senblment tiiat wilt ••cure tl»passage of a Uw fixing Spring eleo- oubiennally -V As I.write this toe newt Is brought that my old frkod TV'm. F, Wiggins, of Buocasunna, U paastoj siway. JUny » pleasant hour haVe passed wftb turn In Instructive andioiferat- inechmt.aDdnjorethaoafflW.of ILeialMaf ths olden tirae that have contributed to'tho lnterert of tolsoolomn hare beea gleaned from the well filled itore house of fall "roteaUve memory.-Farewell, old friend, arji gmn be or memory, V 11 IToir many ribs are there In.the human body r mi a&ked of Dr, Elmer Itogars In a trial at Trenton the other • day. The doctor refused'to answernpon the groundthat It as' n technical qnestlon which he wai not obliged to answer, becanw he bad not n- ceked sfeeforexpertevldenco. lie Judge all the same decided that ho wa« : guilty of cdu- tompt of court, bat suEponded fine became ntempt was not Intended, In tho ordinary tua. The doctor was right In standing upon i dignity. If Courts wantexpert toctlmpny they jhould pay those who In ordertobecom' patent to g i n It hare been put to expense ol i and money. V Uany.are anxious to know what action tie TKE VIOILAKTB' EIOHTEEKTH. ONE OFTUB VKHV F1SE3T BALLS IN A LO.t .AND SUTAVIJC HKUIBH. The elglittxijilh norninl ball of Vigilant Engine Cam]winy, No. 2, wubblil in BackuHa Opom House, on Monday evening. As vtuus occasions of tills kiml tUe clerk of the ithemua very gracious U> tliL'U), utid tli faJm,t of skies smiled upon thiun, vhi] tuestanitivliibl«l brigbtly through a cle And the jieotilowuroasgracious as nature, for it la CODCIHIIAI that tbe attend- ancowas tho largest and fiutst of tho serlos, tho hall bsiue BOlargely filled during tho ilrst pai't of the night that them wag bcaru room for the dancers. HundmU of welt known townspeople were present, aud tlurc was goodly Blowing of guoit* froai othur placox— from Jorsoy City, llorrutown, Uoonton ond They wero all very nice too, Their drees, general demeaw unvarying cordliillty hetokeuod this, auJ In suob genial company even tbe atraiigor was •ory soon placed at ooise. Among tho ladj participants of the ball thoro wero to bo « many vary pretty costumea, and the costumos of tlio siwcUlon allowed that all desired to honor tbe occasion by duuumg " their l>c»t imil luuker." Tlio geiitloiuun nu well neatly attlrcil, and all these facts cumblnodto create a general upj>eurnnco of ruspucuiblllty and good breeding of. which the Vigilant* had good reason to be proud, as ludecd they were. Tue gtaud march began promptly at o'clock and waj led by ox-Foreman Frank Cox and wife, who were as commanding and graceful in presence as wlien they lad tbi grand march at the Inltlul ball of tbU com- pauy, soveuteen yenrs ngo, Following tliem came Chief Kngluuer Lambert and MM. Lynch d Foreman Mellclr and tils daughter, Miss Nettie, followed by a long train of couples, so completely filling tho flour that it was difficult to exocutv all tbe evolutions of the march In the •paco at command. Tbe IHUBIO vros by Maj. Weiuthol a orchestra, of New York city which bas now boon engngi-d because of ite excelloncoforsiiruo years iu Bucccudoii, and which on this oecasiou more Uinn juttlfletl tbe mfkionco which tho Vlgilatits bave in ito larlt Tha decorations wero never prettier. Flags, bunting, streamers, Japanese lanterns, mottoes andpictures- wore tastefully ar- ranged, almost coucoallng tho walli and cell- Ing, aud the strong glow of electric light* nffiuwd a accno of beauty and unalloyed eu- jyniont. Tholadles' favors were In hand- some designs of plush in various shades of colors, andwith tbo dancing programmea were the best compliment that could be paid to tho well equipped Job department of tbe ERA iBice. Under such conditions, and amid such a Bceuo of rare beauty, thoro could be ouly perfect happiness and number succeeded n her of the dancing programina, with all tbo sate well tilled, and a constantly gathering current of supreme pleasure. At midnight the daacora and man)* of Ibe spectators repaired to t i e Park Hotel for sup- peri uid if anything inore were needed tocom- ploto the fund of enjoyment, It was found iu the matt excellent repuBt provided for this occasion, The nawproprietor, Mr, L\ 0. Hoyt, demonstrated at once tiiat tali culinary department Is in most capable bands, and that possesses the faculty oCentertaining his gueeta post acceptably. Theoccasion made him many friends andestablished for him a good reputation In this community, After tbil intermission many of tho largo throng of spectators repaired to their homes, roaktog more room In tin hall forthe dancers, wbo availed themselves fully of the larger op- portunity' thus afforded, and thsfloorwas kept full of Uiemerry moving figures until tbe dawn'began to break In the. Eastern BITJ", was.not a single unpleasant Incident, uot a breach of deportmant to'cost a shadow upon the happy occasion, and great aa have been the previous successes'', scored by, the VigUanta at their Eaiter balla, It lsgeneralty CMCtdai tUt this wan tbo peor aid probably The variotui commlttew,towhose efforts this crowning success was largely due, were as fol- -w»i Couimitteo of Arraugements, 1 Win. oilarf, Frank F. Apgar, Pblllp J. H. Baisett; Floor Manager, Frank Cox; Floor Committee, BtevoJ, Colemnn, JohnO.Taylor; Reception I'oounlttee, Tbos. F. Johnson, Clifford Nixon, robn acolofl, J. H, Hedlsnd, J, H. Grimm. /• THE NEWABK OOHHBEBWOE.' The annual Newark M. E. Conference : wlii meet at WaBDiagton, Warren county, next Wednesday. There ore 227 members of this Conference, which will bepresided over by Blihop WUIard F, Uallalieti. The cabinet Is eompoucd of tbe following Prodding Elders'! Kov. Dr. A. L. Erico, ElliabotL District; Reir. Dr. D. It. Lowrle, Jersey City District! Rev. Dr. S. Van Ben- , Newark District; Rev. Dr. 8. P. Hamroond, Patonwn District. The business will be principally of tho usual rontlrie character, except a vote on the ques- tion-of admitting-women as lay delegates. There Is no compilation of tbevote taken In the various districts of this Btate or Confer- ence, with reference to the eligibility of woman ai Ky delegates. Tbo churchi* lie re expressed their opinions on the question, and •cut them to tbe Fresldlrg Elders of the respective districts, and the latter will report to tbe Annual Conference. Then the Confer- ence, which is composed of all tbe ministers and lay delegates elected by the churches, will take a vote upon It, Thus far ths voting will have been merely the expression of opin- ion. Tho General Conference, at Omaha, In 1802, composed of delegates elected from the ministers, and lay delegates of the Annual Conferences, respectively, will then listento the reports oCpopular expression, and take such action u-!s deemed wise, In view of the opinions thui obtained, It will require a two- thirds majority of the General Conference to admit the women. • - • Cut fow changM will bomade In pastorate. In Jersey City Rev. John Krantz, Jr., will remain at the Centenary If be declines a call extended to him by Trinity,- «hldi Rev, John Crawford has been obligedtoleave on account of obhealth. The latter will go to Pawa!*. ROT. James Boyd Brady, of tbelatter charge, IU received a call fromVWilkesbarre, Pa., nd another from Wichita, Kan. . Rev. P. 0.' Bascom, of Doihiel Memorial, Sewaik,. will goto'Cross Street, Patcrson, the present pastor of wblcb, Rev. Dr, Craig, will take a vacation.; Rev. Dr. F. C. Igle- bart, of. Central Church, goes to New Tort, and Central Church Is looking for a supply fora year, at the end of which, it Is under- stood, Rev, Henry Bpejlmeyer, who has one more year to stay at Calvary Church, East Orange, will return. Rev. Wm. Day,' of tbe R«dd|ATowMhlPCommittee will takfl re-/FlntCharch,aDdRev.jyed,I)looin,cf Gi gai-dlng the control of township rood*. I t Is - great responsibility to assume, but tho com- mittee should go to work" caretnlly and devfce the beat system for making roads. Any con- Untunes of the old system of "working out Uxes will be a flat failure, V JtetpeoUng thDstamp ooUectlng mania there a feature which yeryftwof those engaged laltprofaablrcoutder.-.Bven If it be true thatahuadnd dollancanbe'obtataed'forcol- lecting a million canceled stamps, It strikes i that ittoa pretty big job forthemoney o earn each dollar of this wnoiuit one will Jiave to collect tea .thousand:stamps, which would. require several dajs of work and b out of all proportion to Uu compensa- on received. V Gnat as was the season at Lake Hopateong lost year, I am satisfied that under- aunilarly favorable conditions of weather the coming season will considerably surpew it. Tbe ex- tmii?B>tel addltloni will greatly incrcaM accomxdadationa and from the opening ot tho season tha Lakewmtoemwithllfeandgayety, while the number of ootlagefl will bo greatly ncreaoed. V There were not to many moving In town Wednesday u one would nippose. BDUSOS ore so scares that Uww fortunate enough to bo Brattled do not c u e to tltk a change. Frank- lin sold t h a t " three removes ore as bad as a Ore, and I do not think this opinion of the pbllosoplier can be sueaaaf ully controverted A CDBB STOSX OBBsaVKB. Chnrcb, Dover, are both liki^ytobe returned. Pompton's Ctranibi A newcompany, the Pompton Granite Co., bai filed & certificate of Incorporation In tbe Clerk 1 * Office In Faesolo county. The capital stock is 1100,000, and tbo stockholders ore J. F. Morris, Fassalc; John Ahrens,., Paterson, and L, ^U, 'and S. O, Doremus,' of-Patarson. IU object is todevelop tbe granite quurfas at tbe base of tbo Pompton mountain.;. Recent geological examinations ehow that anInex- bausUble deposit of superior btillding gravel Hot awaiting the hands of workmen. Tlio quarries are so situated that tho wort of get- ting out the stone will comparatively light, and tbo Incorporate™ expect to place the granite In tbo Now York market at small coat, ThesteoeglvesaanotranBlucentpolish, A Twelve Par Otat Bodnotlon ibeenmada In domfcrtabba, Blankata and A Real Balsam in. Xeap's Balsam. Tbe dictionary says, "A balsam is a thick, pure, aromatic HubtttancQ flowing from trees.' Kemp's Balsam for tie'Throat and Lungs la tbe only cough inodJdno tiiat in a roolbahmm. Many thin, watery cough remedies are called btdSanis, but such are not. Look through a battle of Kemp's Balsam and notice what n pure, thick preparation It Is, If you cough HBO Kemp's Balsam. At oil druggists'. Large bott]es&Oo,and|l. ' Above Earth'* Oreat, The French philosopher said, " are those wbo eoek to remedy the dlseaees of others. 11 Alva'a Brazilian compound of cacti julceshaia wider field of usefuhioss than any remedy ever dls* covered, since Cactus. Blood Cure Infallibly neutralists and eliminates'the terrible poisons of scrofula and ipeciflo^diseaie, tlose hereto- fore Incurable sodargei of. tho human race EASTEE IK THE OHUECKEB. QIA.0 SEilVICKB IN COHMEJIOlUTiOPf Of TH1 UliEAT EVKNT Of CHIUSTKNDUM. Ea&lar Batibath uioruing was dimmed by douds, but the weather was fair and all tha cliurchos ot Dover were filled with wondilp- :uo COUIQ toIbe mrvlcoswitli devout oil thankful buarta to celebrnte tbe glu-1 ami ry of tho Saviour's conquest over daitL All the churches happened toterminate tli morning Eorvicca at tie eanio liour, uid thi stroetu at that time were completely flllod nil people, as If all the i»pul«tio« of thu tow won out. Iu tho afternoon tbe tuncame out ulccly andmade a beautiful Eiiflter day, At tho morulng Mawes of St. Mary's Church there was a large attendance of people, and the ulUir was beautifully decorated with lille* and other (lowers. Kuv. Father Funke, wbo lias beun quite ill, officiated, and altbougb be •tated that ho was not yet well, gavu an iu- ttmtlnglectureoutheBubJectofEaster. The itic wot excelleut and the annual Ea collcctlun for the rector was taken. Tbe view oC the day, usually of each a joyous iture after tire penancea of Lent, wero some- what saddened bytho funeral* of twopariaU- louers of tbis church. At Ht. John's Church tbe llorel decorutioi wero Indued beautiful, eurpaeelng all others, TbeCluuicol and all II* appointment* fairly Doomed with tbe choicest lilies of varJetiea aud with other rare exotics, making a scene of raro beauty and filling the church with their perfume. The music was partlci Isrly fine and at the second morning service tbe rector, Itev. W. H. Hckiilay, made an address of great Interest pertaining totbe glad occasion. In the afternoon a children's *er- vlcw of great Interest was held, at which tbe rite of baptism was admiiilutered to a number of tbo little folks. The children sang Easter carols, Jivtened to on address of special Inter- est totbom from the rector and received beau- tiful Eastor cards. The most maritorli duriug the year roceired special marks of favor. Thn annual Easter election of this oburch was held on Easter Ifouday, whan tho following wero elected: Warden, Chas. 11, Munsonaud C. It.Mulligan; Vestrymen, Oeo. Richards, E. E. Jackson, Wm. H. Lambert, Jobu V. Ball, Jacob P. Stickle aud Fb. J. II. Burnett; Delegates to Dlooese Convention John V. Ball, J, P, Stickle and Pb. J. U Bmsett, Ur.Baesettwasalsoelectedaiuem bor of the Archdeaconry of Kewark for this ptfbh. The Presbyterian Church was well QUed at all tho services, aud tbe floral decorations consisted of a Dimple but very effective dis- play of flowering plants grouped about tho pulpit plaUorm in a tasteful way. At tbe morning service thequartetto choir sang most effectively tbe anthems "Cnrlit, Our FOBS- over," No. S, byHoldeu, and Bachmon'B "At tbe BopulcLer." Tho compositions weropei tlcukrly good andtheir rendition equally pleating. The text of tbe sermon Ly Rev. Mr, Ualloway, the pastor, was from Mark xvi, 7, From ths special message given by the angivat the tomb for thecomfort of Fcfer, Air. ITaUoiray drew tha lesson of tbe Uesurroction for tlio comfort of those In trial and fow thoro were'present wbo did not fool that It had a special application. Inthe even- ing the Easter service of the children of the BabbathBchoolw&sbeld, The choir renilerod Trltb their usual good form the anthem "Why Seek ye the Living Among tho Dead V and tha othor mimic was contributed by the school, led by tho choir. The first address was by Mr. Geo, P. Colline, of Newark, who gave an interesting narrative of bis reformation, showed the value of seeking the pearl of great price, and told of bow oven children might do good service for the master.' Secretary Tay- lor, of tho Y. M. 0. A. epoke next He gave several affecting Incidents, illustrative of the work that may be done bythe young in tho cause of Christ, andurged all uj. to make .the resolution^that eaou>ould en- doavor to win aVftoul for him before ; another y^fl'ntflp 1 flhojild'»4wnifti n ' Affar HirttT^f *^r'ftrft clfs- triliiiWanioDiitiocliildrVt); who will culti- vate them and present the remits at the an- nual flower ehow tobe held In September. - The pulpit of tbe First Church was very neatly decorated with flowers and everything was done to make the day full of meaningin culubratlng the resurrection of the crucified Lord. The morning servlco was conducted by Rev. Win! Day. The text being taken from Phil., 8, 10, " The power of his resur- reoUoa » Be said that It li Infinitely proper that Easter Sunday should be celebrated with every possible joy, not only for the honor of Christ, to whom | honor and glory are due, but also for our ownpiBrsbnal interest, for we lUBtnave tha resurrection'or no atonement. In the owning a special order of service was hold. Afterifclnglng and prayer by Mr. I. a. Mover, tha choir rang for an anthem ." Chrlrt Arose, 1 ' The congregation then joined m reading respanBively tlio " "Wulk toEmmaus" found in I.nke, xsiv, Mlaea Bertha Moysr and BeUe Carhart sang very prettily a duet, Cbrlut la Risen," accompanied by Misa temma Moyer. Mr. Day then spoke of the origin of Eaiter Day. He thought that doubt- tbe dlsolpted remembered the time year by year hut an aucouut is gtmi uulil into the second century. At that time there wag a dlscueslon as to the proper period of the year holding tho celebration, but no definite time was fixed until the fifth century, and that remains until today. Miss Kitty Day sang very tastefully a solo entitled "Calvary," by Paul Rodney, after which Mr. George I). Meeker was called upon to address the meet- Ing. He was glad to know that tho church taking more notice of Enter Day. He Baid that while the day brings joy,. it also brings sadness, for the memories of Calvary are connected with It. He dosed frith tbe exhortation that all should be ready to meet Him at the great resurrection day. After the f a hymn, Ethelbert Ely read a poem suitable. to theoccasion. The pleasant and profitable services word brought to a close by singing tbe well known hymn, " All Hail the Power of Jesus - Name," and benediction by the pastor. The event of the Resurrection was typified at Grace It. E. Church bya very tasteful ar. rangement of flowering plants about tbe pul- pit, by Easter anthems very finely rendered by the choir, and by a sermon special ap- propriateness andInterest at the morniDg service by .tho pastor, Rev. Fred, Bloom, In the early evening a praiso service of an hour was held bythe young people oCtbe Epwortb. League, with recitations and music pertinent to the occasion, followed at the regular service wftb. an excellent sermon byRev. W. H, Lee. Presbytery of Morris and Orange. The Spring meeting of this Presbytery will be bold in ttie Central Cburch at Orange, Tuesday April 14tb, at 10 A. u. Keparta of Standing Committees will be inadeasfollowii: * >n Systematic Beneficence, Kov. T. F. White, D, ]).; on Toroporance, It«v. E. YV. Htoddnrd, D. D.; cm Sunday spools, Elder \V. W. Marsh; on Narratlvo of the Btate of Religion, HOT. R. 8. Green, D. D. Hpcriai Committees willreportorifollows: OiiOverturetoGeneral Axbcmbly, nuking a column la statistical re- ports for plfto for SynodinU Home Uiaslans, Kev. T. F. White, D. D.; on the Revision of Rules for tbo keeping of fenorde of sessions, Rev. It. H. Green, D. D.; on Overture from General Assembly concernI UR Ifettod of Amendment of {Standards, Rev. JoboMac- liaughton.D.D.; on diwalutlon of the pastoral reiatlou at Foinnount, Itev. Hugb Bmyth. Among miscellaneous businouitobe considered will bo tbe request of Rov. J.J. Crane for dis- ' mission to the Presbytery of North River; ro- »iue*t from Presbytery of Unclnmati for Over- ture toQeueral Assembly amcering formation and BU]»rviniou of Youug People's Societies; the dectlou of four members of tbe Htondlng Couimitteo on Bytiodlcal Home Uisslons, eXu. It iu expected that Rev. W. V. Eddy, D. D., and Rov, D. J, McMillan, D. D., will speak la tbo ovonlug. Eookaway Council, Boyal Arcanum. Rockaway Council No. llHO.Rojal Arcanum, ' 'as instituted &t Rookavray on liiursday evening of lait week, with sixteen members enrolled. A larxe delegation of LoanUka Council, Ruayl Arcanum, of MorrirtowB, accompanied l)y Professor Bchraudenbacb'i dram corps, together with other councils along tbe line of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, wore in attendance.' In the work of installation Deputy Grand Regent J, W. Clltt, of Madujon, was assisted by Supreme ReiirweutativeF.J.Grifflth and other State and local olllcers. The fallowing are the naw officers of Rockaway Council; Regent, Clarence Leslie Beach; Vice Regent, H.An»tt Strait; Part Regent, Chas. W. Blakeslee; Orator, liirani Nix; Secretary, David 0. Harry; Treasurer, 0, B. DeHartj Collector, ' EdwwdH.Tuttle; Chaplain, AbnunR, Taylor; Guide, Wm. McKiunon; Warden, C. R, illaucbord-, Sentry, F. J. RobiuKin; Trustees, 0 ,T. RoblusOD, Thomas II. Uoagland, D. U. lUghter; Representative totheGrond Council, Chas, W. Blakanlaej Alternate, C. L. Beach, Fire at Madiioa. At Hveti o'clock Monday night fire broke 1 out Iu tho bom of C. E. Cook, on dreen Ave.t Madison. Ovrlng to a brisk breeta it quickly spread to the adjoining barn on tbe property of Mr. Tompldna, which likewise sacqumbed> to the flames. Iutbo rear a large storehouse- belonging to Marcus B, Crane, grocer, of Uala fitreot, was also destroyed, besides three largo sections ot valuable greenhouse belonging to Mr, Cook, Madison Hook and Ladder Com* pany 1 and tbo hose company were sptedujy .'' on tha ground, but owing to the standpipe» being emptied of water failed to check the- spread of the flro. Under Chief Lariaon, how- ever, the nreinen with hooks and axes pulled duwnsoveralsectioniofgreetihouaaSfandtbtw . confined the'Hunts to their original limits. Ths total damage Is estimated at between ' K,000 and 10,000 fully covered by Ini ipon this Easter ud black baU . KarrledlntheWest. At Hannibal, Ma, on Feb. S5th, Edmund J Heirard, formarly of Morris county, to Mlnnie£.Barrell,ofHaiinlbal. Tbo wedding ceremony took plaice at 8 P. H. In ths home which bad been made ready by Mr. Howard for the reception of his bride, In the presence of a company of near relatives and friends, by Rer. J. H. Poland, of the Broadway M. E. Church. Among tho many presents received wero an* antique oak bedroom suite, hand' sotnely decorated English dinner andteaset, upholstered oaken rocker, silver teaspoons, full set of table lineu and many other articles, tending to show the high esteemIn which tbe young people were bold by their many friends. Mr. H, Bhows his regard for bis friends In tho East and his Idea of a well furnished homo by a^pibecripUou for tbe ERA. .. In Favor of the Complainant. Vice Chancellor Green has decided the case of Frank A. Hall.againstStafford fcKnowles, the proprietors of the HoUl Doriocmirt, a' ScbooIeyN Mountain,' in favor of tbs com- plainant. EaU Mid the defendants a Dumber of mattresses, which the Utter declared were flllod with moss lmtead of hair. SowrrryThU. It will cost you nothing and will surely di you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any troublo with Throat, Cheet or Lungs. Dr. King's' New * Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds Is guaranteed toRive relief, or money will be paid back,, Sufferers from La Grippe found It juit (he thing and under Its use bad a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a'sompla bottlb at our expense and learn for yourself just hawgood a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Robert KUlgore'a Drug Store, Dover, Oram, Bonce & Co's Drug Store, Fort Onun, and F. N. Jenkins'Drag Btsre, Chester, Larftslio.Wo. ud |UK Sbrn* of Spring. ••' % poetical proeB-rhymer has the following:- in Harper's Young People! "If you read , tbeeo loarned maxims and take note of each '•- small thing, you may come to be a propbo* and foretell thegUdtomeSpring. : When treatl v begin to blassom and the violets tobloom fV •' when thobullfrogs In the tnaodow warble- / boom-ab-boom-sh-booni; when docki) are fly- : ing Northward and bright butterflies are oat, : , and robins go housekeeping in the broken watenpout; when grassboppen are hopping, id black baU come out at night, and venture your bedroom attracted by the light; when . birdsflydown the chimney, and hens walk in - the door, and bwtfc. boH icdnventtduSn^O*?t oentre of tlie floor; when tb«mi«l Is e'er yoiir , ahoo topaos yon croas Umnew pkragbod l a » T —you mar count on li at certain : that swwC^ Spring la near at hand." -. "•. <•'••"•.•'••'}•$? ' .'• TheKewBailroad. •'"" ••": ' ''& A meeting in tbe interests of the proposed 1 . ew railroad by way of Hontolalr was held In Dover last Friday afternoon. Mr. Delos E. -V , Culver was present and there was an Informal' ; talk.' ^Vnlteoil the plans are not yet com-'." ' pletod It ii expected that thefollowing gentl»- ; men will compose the Board of Dtrectont ;< DelosE. Calverand Robert Dunlap, of Kew ;'; Tork, ropresantlng l*ke Hopatoonginterests;' - ' H. V. Marsh, Chas. E. Noble'and Oeo. E. ' rhees.ofMooristowniTV'm.R.WIlsoo.of " Whlppany, Qeo.B. Smith, of Troy Hills; ; Th H H l d f Rk MiSUb : ~l .oslft,o awar; MriSis of Boonton, and L. D. Bchwarx, of Dover. Morris county Isn't easily beaten m any- I thing. Aparagraph In'tbii paper kit week < copied from one of our exchanges, •cattogthat. the oldest twins In the State are •Sunoa' Waller and bis lister Retecca, ol Salem, wbo : an now latlioir ratli.year," 1 hat brought to/' light the fact that there are twlni In Morrla several . years older—Abner . and Aaron Biancbard, the first redding at Beach Olen ; and tho other at Denvtllo, who were M y e a n old last January. Abner Is the father ii oar fellow townsman, J, A. Blanchard.—Jersey* The Mad Do* Scare at Chester. ' . The mad dog killed at Chester on Thorsdtay . of last week came from Mendham and It trap*;/ spires that be created havoc all along the way. . Beddes the doga noticed in^ our lost aa bitten, be bit two belonging to Nathan Coopor, and one each belonging to Qeorga Ukldls, E. I. Bmltii, " Doc " Wheat, and fireman Tredway, of the Chester road. It wu reported" that the-. Cfaester Township Conunittea would inoet tola week and order the killing of all unmuzzled - dogs found running at large. A BuUdin* Saved. :. . . U, D. Kitchel and John A, Brlant, ot Rock- away, were driving to Donr lost Batunlay afternoon, when they discovered that a hay Btack adjoining the born of John Keroan, at tbe lower end of tho race track, was In tUpwfi '•' Mr. Kltcbcl has'Jly drovo to the foundry and ' obtained thealdof»memonwlthpalla. They pulled ths hay stack over and with water, drenched and nved the barn, which' had caugbtflre and bad begun to bumrapidly. Tbo flie was cftQBod by some children playing ' about the stack with matches. Beal Batata Transfers. John Rogers and Sarah his wife, to Jacob oglioo; property at Butler, . price 1250.' Abrian a. Van Houtou and Christlanna bis wife, to Harriet A. Zeliff, land in Peqaannoo township, for (1,000. James C. Yawger and Harriet bis wife, toMulfordS. Bamet. prop- . erty In Mandnam townahlp, price |800. Thos. ' ". Allen, executor to James Allen, deceased, - to Ellen J. Allen, property In Roibury town- - ship, pricetlOO. M ; -••• • • A Sudden Death, at Itadlson, . . IVflllam Denman, one of the best known : and most popular of Hadlson citizens, died ... suddenly on Saturday night of heart fallare. ' Mr. Denman had returned from work, and, not feeling well, commenced walking the floor, when suddenly, just after the arrival of hU physician, be expired without any warning. . Destiny and Deltjr.. Destiny gives us diseases, since wemay be born Into scrofula and spocino disease; but Deity supplies the remedies. Scrofula and specific diseases, with tbelr terrible army— -bcumatinn, gout, ulcers, boUt, carboiiclet, skin disease*, stomach, liver and kidney trou- bles, find a safe, infallible, rapid taut in tbe great Brazilian medicine, Cactus Blood Cure. No failures and ao relapses.; Sold at Robert KIllgoro'« Corner Dmg Store, Dover. i r i s s XafeyTOSlat,« penfafCMom, "Mm wUwa* » CkM, ska erisd tor Oataftk naasi*hs« LodlH* Ewraved VialtUxr Card* LatMt rtylei at the Ixon £uoOot,.
Page 1: FREE! FREE! JT. OOOPEB.; GIVEN AWAY. Parlot Suite ta.Silt ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1891/1891-04-03.… · ' Carsehter and Builder, jo»Wwruwinp»rtlo.

•xxxxxxxxxxxxx*"X" OUR RflTES ON THE "Jr




Offloeon,81adnrel! Street next-door


Oraf l l . , . . , P.00BIX Homps , i , . . / ; , „ , , . . . 1 ( 1 9THUClHoirras.,; .v . 60

UVBKTUIKO KATU,int. lm.lm.ru

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r \ R . 1 3. BMTTH,


oiAurr 6ri>iBKUEs or i con A w THBOAX

'Oman AT L A n DB.'J."l>. Kyttfa,

DOVER, H J. 11-Om



O S M 111 «>• A M BilMlsi, > t

OTUJ.A.Ljon' .Slon, DOVKB.K.J.

I .


Outrun UkJB u d mit.rl.ll8100* KDd brick work, BluterlnRiprompur ttunded to. Orders left M mj »DoiSo l a S Ik, our Ouul Butt, "ill f^"prowl MUaUrc.

i^Kj o. mnainB, u. D,, _, . . OUnUlAlPiUCTlTIOBlU.'


' ayrioi i T«riH*,H<rriu,BcnJ>uia<

A*rpio t i Lnriar I A I H I MIDIOIKKS,

Parlot Suite ta.Silt TapeBtry only |76.°


Haiiug purchased 100 pieces of the H. B Cloflin Co. damaged bywater ana tmoke on account of lire,1 wiU close it out at 26 per cent.below regular prices. Call at onpe lor bargains, '

Headquarters for FOIiDJNG BEDS, OHILDBEH'8 0ARBIAGE%eto., at extremely loir prices.

*S"NrB.—The ouly furniture store on Market street with pai-•enger elevator.





, PE.J, 1. TiVlOB, ." '••'- Proprtiior.

r T 'I. BACMW, DOY1K, ». *., *

atkuknlttomioalukkw4M IItta kMt into « Ik. ImlsaM

' • All irtw »J «>U will M M PMM>

r t

, ^ BOOM Ho. J, DIKE »DII,DIBa,_

• 'Otm k m ^ i A-'"lt <o 19 M. m r j S»ta-' «w. .. ,. J»«. 0. Cooru, C» Bopt



' '. DOTDl It. t.

• rl t)LBjm» AID »ABT«D(.<1HA«OI1I,

~ ' • J"4 ' p * . BtUEOn.H'1.


OLIVER 3. FREEMAN' Carsehter and Builder,

jo»Wwruwinp»rtl<«a»rij«IK»OM>o. ur-

Gk;BUOK;rumou1 Painter, Decorator, Oralner

and Papar Hanger, ^^ A «M l i ' t WAUnKEMJo

t i

Mixed Mattresses—AND—

Bed. SpringsGIVEN AWAY

In brder to share my profits with my custo-mers*! will give a $4 Mixed Mattress and a$3 Bed Spring with every Bedroom Suitintil further notioe. - ,

SEDUCTION IN OAEPETS., 20 pieces of Velvet Carpet, regular price

pet yard $1.25, will" close them out at $1.00.20 pieoes of Body Brussels Carpet regular

price/per yard $1,25, will close them out at$1.00.

20 pieces of Tapestry Brussels Carpet, reg-ular price per yard $1.OO, will olose them outat 75o,

20 pieoes of Tapestry Brussels Carpet, reg-ular price per yard 75c, will olose them, outat 600.

20 pieces,of 3-ply, Ingrain Garpnt, regularprice per yard $1, will olose them out at 75c> * 20 pieces of All-wool Ingrain Carpet, regularprice per yard 75o.t will olose them out at OOo.


Acknowledged bj all competitors that I bare tie largest line in IState, and, of course, the lowoat pncef

Qood Parlor Suit, plush covering, ODIJ MO.Parlor Suits in coverings of Wilton Bugs i



Merchant Tailors

iBiothiers,U n lawrf Uu lUn la tt«





< WiLT0S-nB0liEH8Tli.i« toil u upedrnn of' m n j j e u i u B.rekinl Uuon u a

clotblaml irs^irutlul iaiUn ua"m»fctfi or eutofli work, ind i n able 10 ptunUt ooa>

Plata •HUboUoa In IMr lint ottnais to Iba peopls of Donr u d Tidnltr.


. ' • , - • _ ( n r , - D E A £ E R S I N - < ^ - .


Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings, &c.' BRACKET »N0 SCROLL HWINC DONE TO ORDER.', - " -

COiL. WOOD AND BUILDIIC1ATEBIAL<DEY AND SCREENED COAX.»ip Httim dfilriai fet I t t ^ k tttlf own Mai out h m U


Rheumatic Specific'""-'' Ola IHtOMlIENDID K>B

BHE0H1TH11 081Y., ,


Afl«r • t nlaloj from SdiDciUllMmr]rilV«>m,(hiu«wliUllMmr]r

effwt. I««nheiioad on jonrw i r.w »«k., t.U.g 11 fr

l bllw In ajrr »«

JOHN J ECKHART.Slomior to (MIH * loilurt,)


tntrut iUtuud wlarlAU ranlaM lor


»t.ther pf BBIOK or BIONE.

atop oiMorrtj illtct, L«l to former IIOJ tad HI woik In llcrlli u l Snalla **U mrkolthttutordoraDd priont nMoubte .

ADVANTAGES,if there are any to customer?, can bo given by those

Mho hare1st—Made their branch of butines aJ special study.2d-Who hare made the want of their customers in

this branch a careful study. * ' -3d—Who hare the facilities in tbis branch to thor-

oughly supply tuete wants; and *4th—It Is of special advantage to customers to pat-

ronize a firm who hare done business J17 a communityfor generations earning a reputation second to nonefor honorable dealing. •/

Our business erery one knows is ' *

Iand this carries with It erery auxiliary to tbis branchof trade, including Ties, Slippers and foot covering ofall kinds, and we would sty that for Spring you wouldsupply yourselves in feot wear elsewhere at a positiveloss to yourselves.

Our Ppring styles are being opened daily.Orergalters in all shades.




IIPIM; PAYwill present to each purchaser of one

pound of our beautiful flavored new 'cropTea at 50c. per pound with $ pounds ofthe best Standard Granulated Sugar.



While talking about snakoe the other eveulag si friend told me ol a curiom blander thaioocun in the final report of the Btate Geoligist, which Is devoted to tha ecology of tbe

Spooking of tho raltleuiaU, ths ro-port quotea Dr Chat. 0 Abbott, oafolloui'Thisdreaded lerpent is found ouly ID tlio

Southern couuttes oC tbe Stale, and Is notabundant except In a few limited h

specimens have been taken north of Trenton W New Brunswick during (be p u t fiftyyears (IBM)" Quoting the same authority inreference to thecopperhead, tbe report anys' This venomous species Is rare within Btate

limits, anil only to be met with In t i e Northera mountainous district* riie author hasseen A single speclmeu, which was killed nearNewton, GIUBSX county, In November, 1801Dr Abbott has a reputation as a naturalist,hut for all that he is entirely Incorrect andmudcadlnglnthesestateinonls H»f"are quite common in part* of Morria, Sussexand Warren counties, nnd the copperhead, orpilot, although more rare, Is ofUn aeeu. Nota year goes by but scores of the two veuoisnakes named aro Lilled la the throe comitiesmentioned, And it Is to be regretted tuat inchA blander has been made in a Htato documentof such general worth and excellence

The Calamity editor was passing along thostreet tfce other day, when lie came upon &merchant who TTM putting a plate glaia frontID his store "Isuppose,"remarked Calamity,

1 that If It was not for the duty these tariffrobbers have placed on plate glass you couldput ID that window much cheaper than youc u now « •' On the contrary, • replied themerchant," It is just Ute other way In 187!the Import price of unstained plate gloss was49 cents a foot Under a tariff whlou hasstimulated production in this country the lmport price in 1800 was f& cent Bo you see thetariff h u made thow Allows over the waterreduce their price* besides providing a greatdeal o X U b o ^ i o U country, And we nior-t o u t s , you know, are glad to tee plenty oflabor provided, because It enables us tomore goods," Oue would have thought thatsuch a piece of good news would have madethsCtUmlty editor fool glad hut it didn'tThe idea of producing things cheaper in thiscountry filled bis heart with grief

VA friend kindly writes. « You might sug-

gest to your Curb Stone man, In explanationof the Dlokeraon inlnedeedj,thatlnthose daystho year began about April 1st and etwelve months after, and that Jnna camobefore February In tbe same j e w . " That laa fact that seems to have been quite over-looked, and may readily account for thepeculiarity of datewhich Dr. Wolfe and othershave noticed

VWith merchants advertising granulated

•njar at five cents a pound one of tbe bestfrulta of tlmMcKInley till "has come to passAnd tbe price of the workingraansdlnuer pallham b increased a penny, nor Is it Ukoly to'When the Republican pirty promises a thingyou can stake your life upon It that It willcome true

VThe various benevolent orders of thU section

have bad their good offices and their treomirloe•evenly taxed of late by the general preval-

*I of Uw grippe and othor diseases In tillsillty. But most of them bad goodly ac-

cumulation! of sick benefit funds on band andwere time prepared for the emergency, Abetter Illustration of tbe value of these socie-ties couti not be given, and In many a hotneInvaded by sickness and death their dWrarse-ment* have come like ministering angels to

'""Bemembei our ney storo'bas been refitted in thatouTmprovea afyfy pSff welfBlookoa with a"larpe vatietricenee, l'eae, Coffees. Sugars, Spices. Fancy Patent Floor, ElginCreamery Butter, Dried Fruits, Canned Goods and everything usuallykept ni a firet-claia Grocery store. TO CELEBRATE OUS GRANDOPENING Ye Bliall, until farther notice, present each pnrohaser ofone pound of anj of our Teas with BL poiuids of the best GranulatedSugar.'- , ' - ™ *.,


_ „ , Aud tho beautyof it all is that the redpiento do not receive ItUa^oharltj, but u aright They have bornetheir shire of tha burden In nlterlng others.have paid tor tots

CANNED GOODS.Standard Tnuloea % . .rUUmonil t r l i igBtiu.




Special Bargains7 pounds bwl Crranolttsd Sugar 31 oenta.' '•' ' ,

'A S pound pail of Kev Fruit Jelly only 35 cento.

3 tattles ol Fine HonBotaold Ammonia for 25 oents.

, Tip top Condensed Mill 9 cents; 8 onus only 25 cents.

Kone moh Minoo Meat 9 cents; 3 paokageB for 25 otnta.

Colgate's Fore laundry Soap 8 bars only 25 cents.'

_ J * Compare the above prioea Tfhicli are only a few ol the manybtrnins to £e liad at onr store nith thoseiron pay elsewhere and itmust conrinoe 70a ttat yon SAVE MONEY by buyino bom us.





for Intents and Children.*TisiiTiiiirTiiminiiii|iiiiiiiinstiif"*


Watches. Clocks, Jewelry,Bfiver-w*re and Musical Instruments, * o .




Beiiiinn> Mutili,


have provided against the hour of their needLong live our benevolent societies.

VBy tbe prooeediogsof tbe last meeting of the

Madison Common Council X notice that it wasreported that cracked stone for roads could bebad from Dover at 85 cento per ton, deliveredon the cans. I doubt verymuchUourcorpora-tlon cracks lU own stone for aallttfo money asthat, In fact I am rare they do not, and If thequality of atone is what It should be, the mat-ter is otw well worthy tbe attention of our cityfatten.

It Is Held in some quarters that the breaking'MWgroaodU* cause for diphtheria, and

tlMory seems to be quite often confirmedresults. There was quite an epidemic of

diphtheria In Dover when tho water worksconstructed, and an outtuvak of the

dread disease folloived tho construction of thenew water works la Madison

VQuite • number of the papers of tbe Btate

have been commenting favorably upon myassertion that as we now elect all Uw Import-ant township officers for terms of. more than

y p e u s r ) udoaiue ufnnneceasary strife to hold annual election In

i Spring—that an election once ID two yearswould be sufficient.:. Let, the newspapers re-number tbis when Uw next Legislature meetsanr> awiken a' public senblment tiiat wilt••cure tl» passage of a Uw fixing Spring eleo-


As I.write this toe newt Is brought that myold frkod TV'm. F, Wiggins, of Buocasunna,U paastoj siway. JUny » pleasant hour haVe

passed wftb turn In Instructive andioiferat-inechmt.aDdnjorethaoafflW.of ILeialMafths olden tirae that have contributed to'tholnterert of tolsoolomn hare beea gleaned fromthe well filled itore house of fall "roteaUvememory.-Farewell, old friend, arji g m n be

or memory,

V11 IToir many ribs are there In .the human

body r m i a&ked of Dr, Elmer Itogars In atrial a t Trenton the other • day. The doctorrefused'to answernpon the groundthat It

as' n technical qnestlon which he wai notobliged to answer, becanw he bad not n-ceked sfeeforexpertevldenco. l i e Judge allthe same decided that ho wa«: guilty of cdu-tompt of court, bat suEponded fine became

ntempt was not Intended, In tho ordinarytua. The doctor was right In standing uponi dignity. If Courts wantexpert toctlmpny

they jhould pay those who In order tobe com'patent to g i n It hare been put to expense ol

i and money.V

Uany.are anxious to know what action t i e

T K E V I O I L A K T B ' E I O H T E E K T H .


The elglittxijilh norninl ball of VigilantEngine Cam]winy, No. 2, wubblil in BackuHaOpom House, on Monday evening. As

vtuus occasions of tills kiml tUe clerk of thei themua very gracious U> tliL'U), utid tli

faJm,t of skies smiled upon thiun, vhi]tuestanitivliibl«l brigbtly through a cle

And the jieotilowuroasgraciousas nature, for it la CODCIHIIAI that tbe attend-ancowas tho largest and fiutst of tho serlos,tho hall bsiue BO largely filled during tho ilrstpai't of the night tha t them wag bcaru roomfor the dancers. HundmU of welt knowntownspeople were present, aud tlurc wasgoodly Blowing of guoit* froai othur placox—from Jorsoy City, l lorrutown, Uoonton ond

They wero all very nicetoo, Their drees, general demeawunvarying cordliillty hetokeuod this, auJ Insuob genial company even tbe atraiigor was•ory soon placed at ooise. Among tho ladj

participants of the ball thoro wero to bo «many vary pretty costumea, and the costumosof tlio siwcUlon allowed that all desired tohonor tbe occasion by duuumg " their l>c»t

imil luuker." Tlio geiitloiuun nu wellneatly attlrcil, and all these facts cumblnodtocreate a general upj>eurnnco of ruspucuibllltyand good breeding of. which the Vigilant* hadgood reason to be proud, as ludecd they were.

Tue gtaud march began promptly ato'clock and waj led by ox-Foreman FrankCox and wife, who were as commanding andgraceful in presence as wlien they lad tbigrand march at the Inltlul ball of tbU com-pauy, soveuteen yenrs ngo, Following tliemcame Chief Kngluuer Lambert and M M . Lynch

d Foreman Mellclr and tils daughter, MissNettie, followed by a long train of couples, socompletely filling tho flour that i t was difficultto exocutv all tbe evolutions of the march Inthe •paco a t command. Tbe IHUBIO vros byMaj. Weiuthol a orchestra, of New York citywhich bas now boon engngi-d because of iteexcelloncoforsiiruo years iu Bucccudoii, andwhich on this oecasiou more Uinn juttlfletl tbe

mfkionco which tho Vlgilatits bave in itolarlt Tha decorations wero never prettier.

Flags, bunting, streamers, Japanese lanterns,mottoes and pictures- wore tastefully ar-ranged, almost coucoallng tho walli and cell-Ing, aud the strong glow of electric light*

nffiuwd a accno of beauty and unalloyed eu-jyniont. Tho ladles' favors were In hand-

some designs of plush in various shades ofcolors, and with tbo dancing programmea werethe best compliment tha t could be paid to thowell equipped Job department of tbe E R AiBice. Under such conditions, and amid such

a Bceuo of rare beauty, thoro could be oulyperfect happiness and number succeeded nher of the dancing programina, with all tbosate well tilled, and a constantly gatheringcurrent of supreme pleasure.

A t midnight the daacora and man)* of Ibespectators repaired to t i e Park Hotel for sup-peri uid if anything inore were needed tocom-ploto the fund of enjoyment, It was found iuthe matt excellent repuBt provided for thisoccasion, The naw proprietor, Mr, L\ 0 .Hoyt, demonstrated a t once tiiat tali culinarydepartment Is in most capable bands, and that

possesses the faculty oC entertaining hisgueeta post acceptably. The occasion made himmany friends and established for him a goodreputation In this community,

After tbil intermission many of tho largothrong of spectators repaired to their homes,roaktog more room In t in hall for the dancers,wbo availed themselves fully of the larger op-portunity' thus afforded, and ths floor waskept full of Uiemerry moving figures until tbedawn'began to break In the. Eastern BITJ",

was.not a single unpleasant Incident,uot a breach of deportmant to'cost a shadowupon the happy occasion, and great aa havebeen the previous successes'', scored by, theVigUanta at their Eaiter balla, It lsgeneraltyCMCtdai tUt this wan tbo peor aid probably

The variotui commlttew, to whose efforts thiscrowning success was largely due, were as f ol-

-w»i Couimitteo of Arraugements,1 Win.oilarf, Frank F. Apgar, Pblllp J . H. Baisett;

Floor Manager, Frank Cox; Floor Committee,BtevoJ, Colemnn, JohnO.Taylor; ReceptionI'oounlttee, Tbos. F. Johnson, Clifford Nixon,robn acolofl, J. H, Hedlsnd, J, H. Grimm. /•

THE NEWABK OOHHBEBWOE.'The annual Newark M. E. Conference:wlii

meet at WaBDiagton, Warren county, nextWednesday. There ore 227 members of thisConference, which will be presided over byBlihop WUIard F, Uallalieti.

The cabinet Is eompoucd of tbe followingProdding Elders'! Kov. Dr. A. L. Erico,ElliabotL District; Reir. Dr. D. It. Lowrle,Jersey City District! Rev. Dr. S. Van Ben-

, Newark District; Rev. Dr. 8. P.Hamroond, Patonwn District.

The business will be principally of tho usualrontlrie character, except a vote on the ques-tion-of admitting-women as lay delegates.There Is no compilation of tbe vote taken Inthe various districts of this Btate or Confer-ence, with reference to the eligibility ofwoman ai Ky delegates. Tbo churchi* lie reexpressed their opinions on the question, and•cut them to tbe Fresldlrg Elders of therespective districts, and the latter will reportto tbe Annual Conference. Then the Confer-ence, which is composed of all tbe ministersand lay delegates elected by the churches,will take a vote upon It, Thus far ths votingwill have been merely the expression of opin-ion. Tho General Conference, at Omaha, In1802, composed of delegates elected from theministers, and lay delegates of the AnnualConferences, respectively, will then listen tothe reports oC popular expression, and takesuch action u-!s deemed wise, In view of theopinions thui obtained, It will require a two-thirds majority of the General Conference toadmit the women. • • - •

Cut fow changM will bo made In pastorate.In Jersey City Rev. John Krantz, Jr., willremain at the Centenary If be declines a callextended to him by Trinity,- «hldi Rev, JohnCrawford has been obliged to leave on accountof ob health. The latter will go to Pawa!*.ROT. James Boyd Brady, of tbe latter charge,I U received a call fromVWilkesbarre, Pa.,nd another from Wichita, Kan. .Rev. P. 0.' Bascom, of Doihiel Memorial,

Sewaik,. will go to' Cross Street, Patcrson,the present pastor of wblcb, Rev. Dr, Craig,will take a vacation.; Rev. Dr. F. C. Igle-bart, of. Central Church, goes to New Tort,and Central Church Is looking for a supplyfora year, at the end of which, it Is under-stood, Rev, Henry Bpejlmeyer, who has onemore year to stay at Calvary Church, EastOrange, will return. Rev. Wm. Day,' of tbe

R«dd|ATowMhlPCommittee will takfl re-/FlntCharch,aDdRev.jyed,I)looin,cf Gigai-dlng the control of township rood*. I t Is -

great responsibility to assume, but tho com-mittee should go to work" caretnlly and devfcethe beat system for making roads. Any con-Untunes of the old system of "working outUxes • will be a flat failure,

VJtetpeoUng thD stamp ooUectlng mania therea feature which yery ftw of those engaged

laltprofaablrcoutder.-.Bven If it be truethatahuadnd dollancanbe'obtataed'forcol-lecting a million canceled stamps, It strikes

i that it to a pretty big job forthemoneyo earn each dollar of this wnoiuit one will

Jiave to collect tea .thousand:stamps,which would. require several dajs of workand b out of all proportion to Uu compensa-

on received.V

Gnat as was the season at Lake Hopateonglost year, I am satisfied that under- aunilarlyfavorable conditions of weather the comingseason will considerably surpew it. Tbe ex-tmii?B>tel addltloni will greatly incrcaMaccomxdadationa and from the opening ot thoseason tha Lakewmtoemwithllfeandgayety,while the number of ootlagefl will bo greatlyncreaoed.

VThere were not to many moving In town

Wednesday u one would nippose. BDUSOSore so scares that Uww fortunate enough to boBrattled do not cue to tltk a change. Frank-lin sold tha t" three removes ore as bad as aOre, and I do not think this opinion of thepbllosoplier can be sueaaaf ully controverted


Chnrcb, Dover, are both liki^y to be returned.

Pompton's CtranibiA new company, the Pompton Granite Co.,

bai filed & certificate of Incorporation In tbeClerk1* Office In Faesolo county. The capitalstock is 1100,000, and tbo stockholders ore J.F. Morris, Fassalc; John Ahrens,., Paterson,and L, U, 'and S. O, Doremus,' of-Patarson.IU object is todevelop tbe granite quurfas attbe base of tbo Pompton mountain.;. Recentgeological examinations ehow that an Inex-bausUble deposit of superior btillding gravelHot awaiting the hands of workmen. Tlioquarries are so situated that tho wort of get-ting out the stone will 1» comparatively light,and tbo Incorporate™ expect to place thegranite In tbo Now York market at smallcoat, ThesteoeglvesaanotranBlucentpolish,

A Twelve Par Otat Bodnotlonibeenmada In domfcrtabba, Blankata and

A Real Balsam in. Xeap 's Balsam.Tbe dictionary says, " A balsam is a thick,

pure, aromatic HubtttancQ flowing from trees.'Kemp's Balsam for tie'Throat and Lungs latbe only cough inodJdno tiiat in a roolbahmm.Many thin, watery cough remedies are calledbtdSanis, but such are not. Look through abattle of Kemp's Balsam and notice what npure, thick preparation It Is, If you coughHBO Kemp's Balsam. At oil druggists'. Largebott]es&Oo,and|l.

' Above Ear th '* Oreat,The French philosopher said, " are those wboeoek to remedy the dlseaees of others.11 Alva'aBrazilian compound of cacti julceshaia widerfield of usefuhioss than any remedy ever dls*covered, since Cactus. Blood Cure Infalliblyneutralists and eliminates'the terrible poisonsof scrofula and ipeciflo^diseaie, tlose hereto-fore Incurable sodargei of. tho human race



Ea&lar Batibath uioruing was dimmed bydouds, but the weather was fair and all thacliurchos ot Dover were filled with wondilp-

:uo COUIQ to Ibe mrvlcoswitli devout oilthankful buarta to celebrnte tbe glu-1 ami

ry of tho Saviour's conquest over daitLAll the churches happened to terminate tlimorning Eorvicca at t i e eanio liour, uid thistroetu at that time were completely flllod nilpeople, as If all the i»pul«tio« of thu towwon out. Iu tho afternoon tbe tun came outulccly and made a beautiful Eiiflter day,

At tho morulng Mawes of St. Mary's Churchthere was a large attendance of people, andthe ulUir was beautifully decorated with lille*and other (lowers. Kuv. Father Funke, wbolias beun quite ill, officiated, and altbougb be•tated that ho was not yet well, gavu an iu-ttmtlnglectureoutheBubJectofEaster. The

itic wot excelleut and the annual Eacollcctlun for the rector was taken. Tbeview oC the day, usually of each a joyous

iture after tire penancea of Lent, wero some-what saddened by tho funeral* of two pariaU-louers of tbis church.

At Ht. John's Church tbe llorel decorutioiwero Indued beautiful, eurpaeelng all others,TbeCluuicol and all II* appointment* fairlyDoomed with tbe choicest lilies ofvarJetiea aud with other rare exotics, makinga scene of raro beauty and filling the churchwith their perfume. The music was partlciIsrly fine and at the second morning servicetbe rector, Itev. W. H. Hckiilay, made anaddress of great Interest pertaining to tbe gladoccasion. In the afternoon a children's *er-vlcw of great Interest was held, at which tberite of baptism was admiiilutered to a numberof tbo little folks. The children sang Eastercarols, Jivtened to on address of special Inter-est to tbom from the rector and received beau-tiful Eastor cards. The most maritorliduriug the year roceired special marks offavor. Thn annual Easter election of thisoburch was held on Easter Ifouday, whan thofollowing wero elected: Warden, Chas. 11,Munsonaud C. It.Mulligan; Vestrymen, Oeo.Richards, E. E. Jackson, Wm. H. Lambert,Jobu V. Ball, Jacob P. Stickle aud Fb. J . II.Burnett; Delegates to Dlooese ConventionJohn V. Ball, J, P, Stickle and Pb. J . UBmsett, Ur.Baesettwasalsoelectedaiuembor of the Archdeaconry of Kewark for thisptfbh.

The Presbyterian Church was well QUed atall tho services, aud tbe floral decorationsconsisted of a Dimple but very effective dis-play of flowering plants grouped about thopulpit plaUorm in a tasteful way. At tbemorning service thequartetto choir sang mosteffectively tbe anthems "Cnrlit, Our FOBS-over," No. S, by Holdeu, and Bachmon'B "Attbe BopulcLer." Tho compositions wero peitlcukrly good and their rendition equallypleating. The text of tbe sermon Ly Rev.Mr, Ualloway, the pastor, was from Markxvi, 7, From ths special message given bythe angivat the tomb for the comfort ofFcfer, Air. ITaUoiray drew tha lesson of tbeUesurroction for tlio comfort of those In trialand fow thoro were'present wbo did not foolthat It had a special application. In the even-ing the Easter service of the children of theBabbathBchoolw&sbeld, The choir renilerodTrltb their usual good form the anthem "WhySeek ye the Living Among tho Dead V andtha othor mimic was contributed by the school,led by tho choir. The first address was byMr. Geo, P. Colline, of Newark, who gave aninteresting narrative of bis reformation,showed the value of seeking the pearl of greatprice, and told of bow oven children might dogood service for the master.' Secretary Tay-lor, of tho Y. M. 0. A. epoke next He gaveseveral affecting Incidents, illustrative of thework that may be done by the young in thocause of Christ, and urged all uj.to make .the resolution^that eaou>ould en-doavor to win aVftoul for him before; anothery fl'ntflp1 flhojild '»4wniftin'' Affar HirttT f * r'ftrft clfs-triliiiWanioDiitiocliildrVt); who will culti-vate them and present the remits at the an-nual flower ehow to be held In September. -

The pulpit of tbe First Church was veryneatly decorated with flowers and everythingwas done to make the day full of meaning inculubratlng the resurrection of the crucifiedLord. The morning servlco was conductedby Rev. Win! Day. The text being takenfrom Phil., 8, 10, " The power of his resur-reoUoa » Be said that It li Infinitely properthat Easter Sunday should be celebrated withevery possible joy, not only for the honor ofChrist, to whom | honor and glory are due,but also for our own piBrsbnal interest, for we

lUBtnave tha resurrection'or no atonement.In the owning a special order of service washold. Afterifclnglng and prayer by Mr. I. a.Mover, tha choir rang for an anthem ." ChrlrtArose,1' The congregation then joined mreading respanBively tlio " "Wulk to Emmaus"found in I.nke, xsiv, Mlaea Bertha Moysrand BeUe Carhart sang very prettily a duet,

Cbrlut la Risen," accompanied by Misatemma Moyer. Mr. Day then spoke of theorigin of Eaiter Day. He thought that doubt-

tbe dlsolpted remembered the time yearby year hut an aucouut is gtmi uulil into thesecond century. At that time there wag adlscueslon as to the proper period of the year

holding tho celebration, but no definitetime was fixed until the fifth century, andthat remains until today. Miss Kitty Daysang very tastefully a solo entitled "Calvary,"by Paul Rodney, after which Mr. George I).Meeker was called upon to address the meet-Ing. He was glad to know that tho church

taking more notice of Enter Day. HeBaid that while the day brings joy,. it alsobrings sadness, for the memories of Calvaryare connected with It. He dosed frith tbeexhortation that all should be ready to meetHim at the great resurrection day. After the

f a hymn, Ethelbert Ely read a poemsuitable. to the occasion. The pleasant andprofitable services word brought to a close bysinging tbe well known hymn, " All Hail thePower of Jesus - Name," and benediction bythe pastor.

The event of the Resurrection was typifiedat Grace It . E. Church by a very tasteful ar.rangement of flowering plants about tbe pul-pit, by Easter anthems very finely renderedby the choir, and by a sermon b£ special ap-propriateness and Interest at the morniDgservice by .tho pastor, Rev. Fred, Bloom, Inthe early evening a praiso service of an hourwas held by the young people oC tbe Epwortb.League, with recitations and music pertinentto the occasion, followed at the regular servicewftb. an excellent sermon by Rev. W. H, Lee.

Presbytery of Morris and Orange.The Spring meeting of this Presbytery will

be bold in ttie Central Cburch at Orange,Tuesday April 14tb, at 10 A. u. Keparta ofStanding Committees will be inadeasfollowii:* >n Systematic Beneficence, Kov. T. F. White,D, ]).; on Toroporance, It«v. E. YV. Htoddnrd,D. D.; cm Sunday spools, Elder \V. W.Marsh; on Narratlvo of the Btate of Religion,HOT. R. 8. Green, D. D. Hpcriai Committeeswillreportorifollows: OiiOverturetoGeneralAxbcmbly, nuking a column la statistical re-ports for plfto for SynodinU Home Uiaslans,Kev. T. F. White, D. D.; on the Revision ofRules for tbo keeping of fenorde of sessions,Rev. It. H. Green, D. D.; on Overture fromGeneral Assembly concern I UR Ifettod ofAmendment of {Standards, Rev. Jobo Mac-liaughton.D.D.; on diwalutlon of the pastoralreiatlou at Foinnount, Itev. Hugb Bmyth.Among miscellaneous businoui to be consideredwill bo tbe request of Rov. J . J . Crane for dis- 'mission to the Presbytery of North River; ro-»iue*t from Presbytery of Unclnmati for Over-ture toQeueral Assembly amcering formationand BU]»rviniou of Youug People's Societies;the dectlou of four members of tbe HtondlngCouimitteo on Bytiodlcal Home Uisslons, eXu.It iu expected that Rev. W. V . Eddy, D. D.,and Rov, D. J, McMillan, D. D., will speak latbo ovonlug.

Eookaway Council, Boyal Arcanum.Rockaway Council No. llHO.Rojal Arcanum, ''as instituted &t Rookavray on liiursday

evening of lait week, with sixteen membersenrolled. A larxe delegation of LoanUkaCouncil, Ruayl Arcanum, of MorrirtowB,accompanied l)y Professor Bchraudenbacb'idram corps, together with other councilsalong tbe line of the Delaware, Lackawanna& Western Railroad, wore in attendance.' Inthe work of installation Deputy Grand RegentJ, W. Clltt, of Madujon, was assisted bySupreme ReiirweutativeF.J.Grifflth and otherState and local olllcers. The fallowing are thenaw officers of Rockaway Council; Regent,Clarence Leslie Beach; Vice Regent, H.An»ttStrait; Part Regent, Chas. W. Blakeslee;Orator, liirani Nix; Secretary, David 0.Harry; Treasurer, 0, B. DeHartj Collector, 'EdwwdH.Tuttle; Chaplain, AbnunR, Taylor;Guide, Wm. McKiunon; Warden, C. R,illaucbord-, Sentry, F. J. RobiuKin; Trustees,0 ,T. RoblusOD, Thomas II. Uoagland, D. U.lUghter; Representative totheGrond Council,Chas, W. Blakanlaej Alternate, C. L. Beach,

Fire at Madiioa.At Hveti o'clock Monday night fire broke1

out Iu tho bom of C. E. Cook, on dreen Ave.t

Madison. Ovrlng to a brisk breeta it quicklyspread to the adjoining barn on tbe propertyof Mr. Tompldna, which likewise sacqumbed>to the flames. Iu tbo rear a large storehouse-belonging to Marcus B, Crane, grocer, of Ualafitreot, was also destroyed, besides three largosections ot valuable greenhouse belonging toMr, Cook, Madison Hook and Ladder Com*pany 1 and tbo hose company were sptedujy .''on tha ground, but owing to the standpipe»being emptied of water failed to check the-spread of the flro. Under Chief Lariaon, how-ever, the nreinen with hooks and axes pulledduwnsoveralsectioniofgreetihouaaSfandtbtw .confined the'Hunts to their original limits.Ths total damage Is estimated at between 'K,000 and 10,000 fully covered by Ini

ipon this Easter u d black baU

. Karr ledln theWest .At Hannibal, Ma, on Feb. S5th, Edmund J

Heirard, formarly of Morris county, toMlnnie£.Barrell,ofHaiinlbal. Tbo weddingceremony took plaice at 8 P. H. In ths homewhich bad been made ready by Mr. Howardfor the reception of his bride, In the presenceof a company of near relatives and friends, byRer. J. H. Poland, of the Broadway M. E.Church. Among tho many presents receivedwero an* antique oak bedroom suite, hand'sotnely decorated English dinner and tea set,

upholstered oaken rocker, silver teaspoons,full set of table lineu and many otherarticles, tending to show the high esteem Inwhich tbe young people were bold by theirmany friends. Mr. H, Bhows his regard forbis friends In tho East and his Idea of a wellfurnished homo by a^pibecripUou for tbe ERA.

.. In Favor of the Complainant.Vice Chancellor Green has decided the case

of Frank A. Hall.againstStafford fcKnowles,the proprietors of the HoUl Doriocmirt, a'ScbooIeyN Mountain,' in favor of tbs com-plainant. EaU Mid the defendants a Dumberof mattresses, which the Utter declared wereflllod with moss lmtead of hair.

SowrrryThU.It will cost you nothing and will surely di

you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or anytroublo with Throat, Cheet or Lungs. Dr.King's' New * Discovery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds Is guaranteed to Rive relief,or money will be paid back,, Sufferers fromLa Grippe found It juit (he thing and underIts use bad a speedy and perfect recovery.Try a'sompla bottlb at our expense and learnfor yourself just haw good a thing it is. Trialbottles free at Robert KUlgore'a Drug Store,Dover, Oram, Bonce & Co's Drug Store, FortOnun, and F. N. Jenkins'Drag Btsre, Chester,Larftslio.Wo. u d | U K

Sbrn* of Spring. ••'% poetical proeB-rhymer has the following:-

in Harper 's Young People! " I f you r e a d ,tbeeo loarned maxims and take note of each '•-small thing, you m a y come to be a propbo*and foretell the gUdtomeSpr ing. : When t r e a t l vbegin to blassom and the violets t ob loom fV •'when tho bullfrogs In the tnaodow warble- /boom-ab-boom-sh-booni; when docki) are fly- :

ing Northward and bright butterflies a r e oat , : ,and robins go housekeeping in the brokenwatenpou t ; when grassboppen are hopping,

id black baU come out a t night, and ventureyour bedroom at t rac ted by the l ight ; when .

birds fly down the chimney, and hens walk in -the door, and bwtfc. boH icdnventtduSn^O*?toentre of tlie floor; when tb«mi«l Is e'er yoiir ,ahoo topaos yon croas Um new pkragbod la»T—you mar count on li at certain: that s w w C ^Spring la near at hand." -. "•. <•'••"•.•'••'}•$?

' .'• TheKewBailroad. •'"" ••": ' ''&A meeting in tbe interests of the proposed1 .ew railroad by way of Hontolalr was held In

Dover last Friday afternoon. Mr. Delos E. -V ,Culver was present and there was an Informal' ;talk.' ^Vnlteoil the plans are not yet com-'." 'pletod It ii expected that thefollowing gentl»- ;men will compose the Board of Dtrectont ;<DelosE. Calverand Robert Dunlap, of Kew ;';Tork, ropresantlng l*ke Hopatoonginterests;' - 'H. V. Marsh, Chas. E. Noble'and Oeo. E. '

rhees.ofMooristowniTV'm.R.WIlsoo.of "Whlppany, Qeo.B. Smith, of Troy Hills; ;Th H H l d f R k M i S U b :~l. o s l f t , o awar; MriSisof Boonton, and L. D. Bchwarx, of Dover.

Morris county Isn't easily beaten m any- Ithing. A paragraph In'tbii paper k i t week <copied from one of our exchanges, •cattogthat.

the oldest twins In the State are •Sunoa'Waller and bis lister Retecca, ol Salem, wbo :a n now latlioir ratli.year,"1 hat brought to/'light the fact that there are twlni In Morrlaseveral . years older—Abner . and AaronBiancbard, the first redding at Beach Olen ;

and tho other at Denvtllo, who were M yeanold last January. Abner Is the father ii oarfellow townsman, J, A. Blanchard.—Jersey*

The Mad Do* Scare at Chester. ' .The mad dog killed at Chester on Thorsdtay .

of last week came from Mendham and It trap*;/spires that be created havoc all along the way. .Beddes the doga noticed in our lost aa bitten,be bit two belonging to Nathan Coopor, andone each belonging to Qeorga Ukldls, E. I.Bmltii, " Doc " Wheat, and fireman Tredway,of the Chester road. It w u reported" that the-.Cfaester Township Conunittea would inoet tolaweek and order the killing of all unmuzzled -dogs found running at large.

A BuUdin* Saved. :. . .U, D. Kitchel and John A, Brlant, ot Rock-

away, were driving to Donr lost Batunlayafternoon, when they discovered that a hayBtack adjoining the born of John Keroan, attbe lower end of tho race track, was In tUpwfi '•'Mr. Kltcbcl has'Jly drovo to the foundry and 'obtained thealdof»memonwlthpalla. Theypulled ths hay stack over and with water,drenched and nved the barn, which' hadcaugbtflre and bad begun to bum rapidly.Tbo flie was cftQBod by some children playing 'about the stack with matches.

Beal Batata Transfers.John Rogers and Sarah his wife, to Jacoboglioo; property at Butler, . price 1250.'

Abrian a. Van Houtou and Christlanna biswife, to Harriet A. Zeliff, land in Peqaannootownship, for (1,000. James C. Yawger andHarriet bis wife, toMulfordS. Bamet. prop- .erty In Mandnam townahlp, price |800. Thos. '". Allen, executor to James Allen, deceased, -to Ellen J. Allen, property In Roibury town- -ship, pricetlOO. M

; -••• • •

A Sudden Death, a t Itadlson, . .IVflllam Denman, one of the best known :

and most popular of Hadlson citizens, died ...suddenly on Saturday night of heart fallare. 'Mr. Denman had returned from work, and,not feeling well, commenced walking the floor,when suddenly, just after the arrival of hUphysician, be expired without any warning. .

Destiny and Deltjr..Destiny gives us diseases, since we may be

born Into scrofula and spocino disease; butDeity supplies the remedies. Scrofula andspecific diseases, with tbelr terrible army—-bcumatinn, gout, ulcers, boUt, carboiiclet,skin disease*, stomach, liver and kidney trou-bles, find a safe, infallible, rapid taut in tbegreat Brazilian medicine, Cactus Blood Cure.No failures and ao relapses.; Sold at RobertKIllgoro'« Corner Dmg Store, Dover.

ir iss Xafey TO S la t , « pen faf CMom,"Mm wU wa* » CkM, ska erisd tor Oataftk


LodlH* Ewraved VialtUxr Card*LatMt rtylei at the Ixon £ u oOot,.

Page 2: FREE! FREE! JT. OOOPEB.; GIVEN AWAY. Parlot Suite ta.Silt ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1891/1891-04-03.… · ' Carsehter and Builder, jo»Wwruwinp»rtlo.

TEE iSiislg ESA,

The Dover Printing1 Company

AjiriliJ. 1S91.POET uuiuus.


not l«.t;u locaU-d yut.A- i'iic i.f (ho lull.i»v wim liuvt.

o liciri),', J runt " Hill'' MIKITIJOVJ

IK' t(. lh.il it llotl

ivun. ft1. iuf nil the

•Tft-nt'if ill! ti>i.!«•), -'.'i jn-r cent.<>f nit tliu wool

wunls It.uty mill ul

Im uliin tlw R

nature nil lul ]tn Uietnrltr of';"', 1!' juTivnln-onglit in freo ami .11 \*f i-t-Attfie oiu) of l.'i y.ot-M i>f il

Hslh.iifis Hint M-U them M I'.1 jHT.)-il,iy, nl liiL' <<ti(l iif -M yeatin- kmdi m-u ill i*r t i u l .giiius In niniual [u-oclt i d

ttl lU


ll. l-l-HUH-llt Willtin." duty j'i.i.1.uf iiiij^rt.- IIIL>t. are dutiable.. five (mile tk>

1-tvut.dUm of i-ru

t 10


[rlU vf

t(i-nt., wirjH'ts N '

it., Iro

« « - ! , ; .....rci'iit.,

rill) (wr ra i l . , nutmiul inllctiRi' V'~> y»-r emit.In lo vcni'M uf h w Irmlf inn- lni]Hirtsi'Xfw<liiJour I'tporlu t.y *i::i,:i.V.,.-Jl; in 1.1 j-i'ors <.fprcttx-lii'ii, frmii 1*7(1 to IS'.M, mir oximi-ln ps-cwlwi nur imixirls liy J?l,(^i!i,.|M,l'l"i." And

Wnrlil of N. V., for Jiietnnr.;, (jet uptim! jirnvoJ|l-Kiiilf.ynniui)iifitrtiin_-iM,f fuIBi'fHcU.' HereIs your clwui-o Iwve.

Tim i.rni-eolti nf I'mf. Jo*l ini*>ii'n ii'dnruon"TIii-l.nttl« of Kftt.voliurK" wore fid In-sU'nd uf #:K» as iviKirL*] last we**, IHMI tliu Y.1'. H. C. E . R O I f.'D liihtcntl nf .*]'.!. I ciiint'within ran- of )l, v.ltkli I, L-...>« L-U.-HEII for

ir Hu

(.•liu* jolioH tlii ]Iwk to Jjin-roiicti A: KingV «t

'Ami" now RoimOw-lr In tliu KiiBle iNYU-ong)wants Uistfk-l t.'l..ik E. O. Vnliiili.i» of tlmBtaiilioj* jiublir school U. ilcmi/u liiw ucwuiitOf #10, wblt'li IWIiiirgi's fw (.ervirt-.. nml sln-Uuirary. And, wiy. It-lore tin? tniJ.u-.-s i.m-|.ltlio DOiv tM'hool hoiiMJ from tlio dnilim'!'tliey liAtl tn>tlcr sen tlmt tl)udixu.iiiivliiiiiycording to law. It tUny wmv .wtsg ti(lt?r 1]>]>ii]s of ttm ttii-lllleut, limn tlio nrWilt.oiiK.it to U nmilu to jwy for luiviiij,' tliwn ivcrH.il.

Euglueisr l'nwik Mni* won't put MB liendu l(iC(iiivlivo'a moUi.i in a luirry .Igiiiii.triwl It tlie other ilny muj he aimu out uf Itwill, n bully HHTllnl ]ifnd nml n filnnrfjr ijrJIu wm filing his engine ut tlie eiiat t-iul of HIDynrd ou Tliurwlay »f In.st, wwlc anil Kot liiil.cflilinto MM wuero tujmt WIUKIOH nroumiHie Uultti—Frnnk in not i-xtrn tall nuytiaw—H'lji'U tlio JtiVi'T (inijjjxd, Hi mm lio IF, mill liocftuiv outsit* blnlvfl. It is not vory MTJIIIU,but it ml^-it Imvo ton if tin- U'nst find twlli.

Add one loUiopopulnlicn of AlleiiUiwn-ourAllentuvvu. It Is a. \i pound girt «nfi cmne tonwirga Ilurtfo on Tlnirwluy luomlii),' of Jnslveeli.

Tho fiiniaro cmiij auy's Burveynr was o\itlioixi for practivo the otlior day.

Oi» tlay last week tlio drill crow found "goodrontou tliooiulof it (,'0 in Join utid ouu <.tlicni COU«-1UIIM1 do »ouM tnko it liuino it n.niof tlio otlwr fulloviK wmilwl it. I t wmil.nutko a good jiair of \m\in tor liitt buy. Ho Intransferrel it to tin. rear of tho Install, tintBoiueljiiiv tvlion it camo time to go tiomo Iwforgot atKiut It. Tito ui£ht crvw cnino on andVlw tlrei.mngut h l icoat ; ho

BOONTOIf.Mr. Chnrlofi llux-'k, Treasurer of tho Booo-

t.ui Iron i Kiwi Co., Lao KOUG South OUiiii.siiiefts mid |'lea.-.urt' trip, Jie exp'-uta lo hvfiwiwaboirtumiaiih.

M. C'.iul^ iu fwiitut iiiurb M.oiTJ\.,.-Iay afuriiwii, IIL-


JI fan ."hurt di

vi.i WhiMii-wl.nf H V t H

ismnliJiJi-s.-yaiiv,1, oiriicd by Sir.

f:ir Irimi Mnrcli -'Mil. I-.1", Hi Milivb

f.niiiii tlml l.\"C ;;

Va., M"iiiliiyiifk-nii

t m » All-mi Works, and tti« t>!«eo Inl t l l l

liilil, Tmisuifr ; dt'o. l'urtorflrld, Sucretmy,1

trwtoU Hue lnr«« l»iikliuj;4 there for tlielf

IIIK room )i«).\17, hhijijiiu^ ili'jmrtjsiL'iit uiultilling liiwK. Tliey noiv fiiijilny 47 lintnla(mil In tiywir tb<>> Mj^ct to incmiM tbeir[»!'>'!> U> tow lniuilici\. Out tif this numb*'!- cffinjJuvw-a tij,'!it"iii ore IMMU lloonton uiulwlwiiilidi-fiuiiilios raich tln-ro fully thirtyll.wiituu jwtnik wl» tw iliwe. They hiuiMvii (ilioiit (;;T(MI uot'lh of iiiftdihirry towlmt tlcy titu) whirii hero. Knuiuel (iluvur iaforaimu of tLu wurks. Mr. Oroal Is w t!i.SIHIUKTII will-ilium fnr tliAll! (> l iv ingIIM', u'liiili is l1st. 'I'i

u c(irni«i>y< J ' r .R o Imllt for lib uiviiwl lo be tliH-iml by Jin

l b f l l di he

Tlierc •iTHlrnnj;*!i) In.ii \ St«>l Works

<V.(. tui

K-tunlly tl.-rj-lMly 1 tliu

IJjwniiiK at thom Mimtluy. A

iitill ltti.lt uu l«tu<ut ivu(or 1

in.) l > tool the ro.lH is Buppliw)liy ii liirgL-iiiaiii fnun tho pinil unii tliallimlii ilivMu* in lit,- vmUv nf tho mill, ouuItlylng tlvu lunittt-'L*, Vim ut.wr DID rot In.tliinilny thu wnter to lliw roIJis htopjiul rummill Ml" CIJIIIW tlio mill L-uimut Murk wttbntiftht' mils k'liig c-noM, w> liwy Imd Unitup, ni«luft.T uooK.ilnnihJo tnmblu a hirno froj; «•«»fouinl wwlg11'! t» tills brmicb main, which

ami ^luvenUtl tliu water I rum

ihU«l IhiHw tniyiliiy hut wixk,a tlifl- hin-iin 1-iK.iii furliiishranciidenialoIDocthure,

mil inn! will iirrtKififr xMl Hfn-ry IViiliiy.imluy owning Mr. Aiulnw Mulchter

'I has limi (II(N | r.ml fis,n i\n^le Holt wen imirrinl at tinDt-iaVitJi? i-nrsoiiiigt-. TJiwy went to Sew YorkKuitJny nioriiiin; irlivif they will Ifoard untilJinn-. Thi'ti thoy I'Xjuft toa-tiiru Lo llooiiton.Tho jnnrvtage wnx nrrnngetl vury (infetly; only(>im or tivo giiuj.lo th>i rrttiillics VL'i-OBuinHjwdtokiioir oflt. Hilt\<nm,ttvi UiUl ii uieiulwv ot th» Arl,»f;ton fiuV(uf i\liidi Atidniic i^ n JIIOIUUT) nbouID ulhGly luroniiMl tho utljLT nifiiiU'itvuru gulliuml in tliL'Jr room etijuyluR ft"Mtiuker" tlmt evening, Umiieijuontly agowi crowd « n a out. Tliey quickly decided

go in a body, mid fwranndc uud congrutubtcfin. Ai'nirJingly Kliitini nturtaj for tlco.itler'i. nt 1'uwvrvllle. On ivacWng tlm bouseo flrt.1. iiii|M)rtdtil thing Has (o Jt'airfjilnty ivlinrotliur hu was tht'in,sliiclolii tho fcliajxJ of u tuiiallTu Iwflf lmrifj Iho »«y. FJually sonio c(J U>lilir nieinlicrs <if tho i<nrty, fimring iinIs*, Hint in tlmynnlnii.l out went tliotlog,•OIL* tlm licliN to thv woodu half a mile awaj .l«r iwticutly bntwkiitg awl ftliVimt '

urouml tlio lioiisu lulf aii hour without

M O E S I S P L A I N S .31 r. liubortt tttid fmiiilr, v lio ltave Iwuu ol>

int fur tlio winter, liavo mturotd to tfaelihome.

Soil)*; of uur young mt-ti have niartci th<itniiiur pauii.'sby jiili:liiii[; (juolt*. O O R I

Inns, uiul M-'Iti't u K'>*<t gi'itiui) (tefortT tlio"""" " ".'Will thin);It i rasnlll-'M'lll.ll ISli

KJiiln-i- lin nufciiift big impnr

a iM'iiuLifi:] day lie re und luitliwell ottwiflwl. Hov. 11". W,

cliwl thru* siTinoim nn HunJuj

L-tit kfiuls of Jilliw, all in 1I1IK-.II. Tin

Mm. Vrnak Mill-T liun roluniwl after Inirk'* uWiico lit the bwMdu of ber Bitntljor, wlion mm- uu the mud to recover'Mr. T. N. Ki:;jlli is grt'iitly in nw<l of a got;nit*1 liw|]i.>r. Ho isli Ilsiu, iinlujitrlous uia.ii,isa^'iotliKLsitiou liiTi', uiul is worthy ufIMMI ni.inan tfi l * k iift»T tlit' n'elfuro of hi

motherless.Jrn. JnuiL'b Itluc tins uiuveti from licre to

J Cox's family i iving to Hurris-

good.ic Itiis winved to Morrlstowu lor

•awlMr .Cw. All the Asylw

IVB nlinll greatly inlw tlioni bure.Sir. ArtUur Joimstia, of I'riucetoa C

Witue of tlimi.ani.pTb were here on TuesdayMr. J. H. JJionn i-ailud mill'. Jolni Uuli'y

:,t Ihnvr, on Tut-Mliiy. Jlr. Uroivi. Ix one ojur jKipular youtiR men ut t t» Asylum.

Jlr. Ti.m-y !!i'riww und Mii* Jowie Himvhuve liwii visiting Sew York, enjtyluB tbemhi'tvt'S lit thu llii-iiliv niid oilier numwmeuis

Jlr. O'ltuiily hns liwii iu tlio city for a da;

Sir. Cookie also In tlipiuetropolifl cujoylnibiniM-'lf fi-rafou-tlayH.

Mrs. Wlihiusy, \vli« Una liteii away lor thiwinter inuiitliD, ling niturmtl tignlii.

Mrn. Uoivrlug, uf 1'alorsoji, i i tho guestMr*. L. Cluvur.

Hoiiutor l luws fv. Krcrctt has conmieueIlls ihitira us Wnnlen of tho Ajsyjuiii. Vwish lil in hucresa and li'n* for good luaiiofincut in tlm future Warden 31. U. MourUust«Utu|ulhlw(Ui

to wo connot Kbut wtiero

Tlioro its a big until'd l

y g£ fur tiny man, mid mi -IDJ* tlml

Mr. ICvemtt will treut tliu (itWtuiaiiW willrt'.s|n<rt. Thou tlioy "ill lion or ami ihim iw tlieir -ivortby anil coniputmt 'Warden

.Mr. McCiibc U iibwnt for ft U w day* in tlia'cityon i l l I

avo a ujwii bcur to every onen Timn-lny nlglit.nt to-iifglit a t tlm Morris 1'Iaifis

Mr. CloroiII thu J'MmJviUTtaluii

pulilic ecliool hutiite, to lut givcu ty thel«u-liers nml echoinnj for tlia htitiollt of tlio«hm)l. Tboro Is a lino tliuu ezpGftcd.

Thuic linvo kt-u a great number otdoling tlici - 'riomif ut tho Asyhimthie weekmilking n. greet btxnn lor the back men.

Miss Kdio Imi tuft lieru fur pai-U nnkimwti.

u, hut iOK wllti

nio ol thodny tmysbwl for-g o ; ould IJOUG It up inside tbocab for Uim BO ho could got It in the A. u. Hel i u n g i t U t ' i U Uuriuglhunight tliero KM a lull in tbo drill bitlio onglnwr took the coat iluivn, tnndu a jill-JmvofIt(indi«trelt!lialui»iwlf<!Ut f o r a imp.Pretty soon lie fult tiotwtliltig crawl nti liixneck and, fe*Ii«B for it, At>h«l tbo fireman lal l j ) lifui Hud outtviint It HUH. Alight

l lj i

vcalod wbiitDuriiB miw egulady'iib t d fbomiotnod to wliicli tho woilJ is indcUed (or

tlia verso;'*O wed some jiotrer tlie giftle gio us

. ."I.'uMH)nu)vl(,«si[lier«*O'j ustI t wad fmo iiwny a blumier [roe us

; ' An1 foolbli nntloit.. Au'raonyftnnir in golt wad lio uu,

Aut) e'en ilevntlon.: Tin ctut w u aIU'4 ami ready to crawl oil.- It tfot oir that cab in short cutler mid tlio boys

will be careful hereafter how they (ick ii|icoats wbJcll may, [Ki*iUilyv be cast iwUle V>y ntrani}).

Tt»South Orange BullpUn, roiiimcnUngonwlist I (aid or Mr. Cnee, tlio Collector of Py-rnui township, Immwl(nt«|y nft(tr town iue«t-ing, says -. '• Mr. Wo*ea 1*. Bmltb, ut that plnce,

- waaelectwi Collector In IW-3 mid at ILu cud, . thbiyear (SlarcJi Hint, Itffll,) will have served:: 20 year* as Uollector ami, tt \w lives to servo

his tomi out, will Imvo been Lit years Collector.• '. This In DIIW better thaii liy ram towxablp."

Tliat in ouo. Bring on your othonuTlio first boat \mamnl hero OD tlio ennn]

MaitUiWtb.; . Tlie cUureliej vied withench othor in floral

adornment* oa Raster Huudny—]rresbyteriau, Cntholk awl EpitcoimUftii. Ibo

.' 'lay wan n Ilttlu cool, but tti'Ilglilfnl.;" wmiijii iu thu rrenbyteriaii Chumb wnsntwut1 Job aud 111* hanging ou to his iwtk'C iu Ootl,

irhen oven his wlfo advlseil him to curw Uod:; atKl die. Ia i\» oveninB llic V. V. S. 0. E

•ervices wore mer inf lit tho cliunli tervlwsand IKROU at 7:iiO u'clnck. Tbo youiic pwijilos'

.' choir and the tvgular chu.vb «h».r ttero bloiirt-- . etl anil Uiti iio«liiE was (.Imply snuid, wliflo' most ot Ujootl)erexen:isui wore tluiso of tho' Eadoavor socloty. Tho turvtoeoxxruiiii.il just

•10 minutes and they mitwed a very gixxl thinj,-• -wliofvlaiil away. " I hail a good notion not to

. ; conie^BaliinnegcntJfinoiLwliofsatliXKlimtgt1

of music, "but I tell you tlmt ouo anthemthey eung tnons tUan ,»H mornrcotulng,"

TLo fmtnoof Ml»s lUm AUm'« limue at. Kotcong is up aud tlio wllur is dn^ for the unw

; house tol«occu(ii«l by Dr. Jwwtius.• ') Tho Netcong .owWillco lian guiio back to its

oW quartcti', only Wnrrua lioilmfo is tin*: . store keepvT ineUtad of Ci. II. I>unper.

Tho Kiglo in nioviuRacnMM tho nay ami liiuj ' . put a now J»lr ol slei* mi to bU now oil.;• They (ell nn tliero ore some parties In.- lo]x> nlm buy coal by tho liac (ii ront*i oncb)

1 from tho boys around town ami dun't ask any• questions About wliL-re tlie Iwya get it. Ttie'; Ix-ys bavo bt-eu BtolliifT coal f roifi luo 1'rchbj'-

•.'. t^Han Churcli ami tho imbllc scuwl lioiw,.'; nnil there is no telling how ninny [uiruto coal

bln», IUWI sell to tlios*-1 imrtiw. Some JKVIJIIO'--. always run a good thing in tlio ground. Does• - the Town Corumittoe'wju^dlur'ji tax npjily lo•" boys who peddlo coal by the bag!,; v . Unrry H. Xoldon, «>n of Dr. C. H. Xclilen,:.-: id Blatihojw, gradunUii fourth In nclnssof\ ; 163 at Bcll«vuo Uo^iiyil t i e olher day. TbU:. i entitles bfui to n jear and a heir* prnclico iur' tho Ucwpltol besiuning in October. He in not'.'.'•«* at t,t_, iVell done, Harry 1 Aevejit

i cny recognition, tliny dttonnlnoil to trywhit tiruct i-lnglug would have. Ko tlwyrmmnenro*! in their usual liorrililo lununer,svbit'li broti^lit a how) of a^ony from tho dogin thu Jlstnut wooile, and (.leorge to tlio door,when, without walling for an iuvitatiou, theywalked in. Aa bin iirfwuco tliere was deniedit bwainu utxetmry to usvertnla Jls trutliful-HIM. IUH hat aud aiat l«Itigfnund was jtroof[xxritlio liu was there for fair, ltcnlvlns nijulpt tij» ELS to niiervubout3 of stair iloor, aiid |his room a nmti won niado for same, but wasfound well gummed by Sirs, littler. After a1

h t l th d ] dg y

short giArloy the door wat h d t ' iU t l d

up wentj pR toluducc Dan to sligw UJ), )/

coaxing, ur thrwitu, they shortly followed Mrs.KsUer'n ndvhio to Icthor trj- tho same, by with-

, drawing datrn-tlain. Wbea BIIO ato> fftilodin tills tbo boys n>uld oo laagvr restrain ilioiigrentnnslety togrnnji him by tlio liaud, andeougntulato him. Soihttyngalnascctidedtlwlirn, and by jionuWou, gave him just flv

tea t o u w k f l h i a n r it th

THOY HrLLS.Miw ltmla Van Hoirtoa, of DMROIHIC AV

:«JIT1I,1OWII, utw here vWtlng liur coutflii.JUKittleO'Si'Jl, liifctlHiiijiIuy.

Ihs. T . II. 1'itllu.nl uutl duusbter UIDUIfrh'urflr cull liwt IVidutwIay on Jlrs. JohnDi'iimivst, orFoxHil l .

Mitg Eliwi Dnvlilxon, who lias bctu viHUiiigfrluudalu lloontou, bis returned lioino, wbosbo wt<» g n * l o i by a .urge circlo of frlouils,

Mnny of our young folks ottoijjfd tho tiattyat KIIOJ Hnydor'tt, LJld ilonntnti, liut week, 'all rojwrt a must tujojnblo tiino. Snlinw. furn[»lio.l tlm (imsfc aud dancing con-tinucHl until tho nco small lioutu iti 11 ju lnom-Ing.

Air. Jacob Itonmiuo, oC Nownrk, ia spoilft low ilaya with his uaiiglitur, Mrs. GeorwjCole, of Fox Hill,

Job ii Wilwii IIUH moved iii tho Jacob

JIIBH Jlollio Bartun, of Morris Plains, ]• viaitlnj,' filLiiclx at OakvJIlo,

Itennlly of having (Jio door forced in. Ik-forepxjilratiou of Unto given lie appeared and m utriuiti|ilnintly carrltd down %it\\n, vbere aluvee of con(irntillations wni 'it'Id. Aftorwhieb M « . SriUwkliiaiy served rolreshmenta,tho boys nearly cxbniuu-d iheir roiwrtoinj ofwrngn, and nitvi thoroughly enjoying tliem-wlvea tlioy left (w liwne, BhowHrluy their mosthearty wishes for their future hflpiiliiess outlio liappy couple.

Today (Tlmrsdcvyl Jehul t i i ls ter ,nl»ync«lt years, nttra

i b l i t

i|ito»i to climb (iver tho .„y\mo \\\Ma It «m in motion,

nhich l*iog too high fur lilm to reach over hiscknhlnj; cauulit Initt nu,l bu was cnrrkil nlonjrwith 11 u n t i l e n-nclird n jmlley wUore his legiwighlfn»tniid(i)urKL'iiie«ioffloshoiUiMdiinto the lione ivui torn oir UIB calt ot Uw 1«Kortuiintoly Air. Turner camo alonB a t ttlmunnil iLlensodIilui1«tln'rwbrtve lienn horribly crushul,

E I' I k M Jh Rrtve lE. I

iby cushul,eM John R. L\on spent EaiKortville ( J b l i H t t

i. Forker got Li* foot frmt in tho ralli','"' eoinebow, at he was turning his cn^ino o• ,Tuoaday. lio li going on crutches ns I writi

:' '• but the Soretieu will wear away after a loi•-•'• toy*.''.•' Our folks talk of liuiMlug a ecliool Louw

:';. fitter tbe plan of tbs t a t JFOUJIL Ilnpe.

ter Hmidny at Ko*aville, Charlie BwittNowmk, nml V. h. Uloihain n t Lyndhurut.

Knr tho past threa inoutlu a syudlcatoKngltwi CTphnllsLi rFnieseiUnl liy two centmen from fiiludelp&in bas had .undt-r «i

(lorallou tho itiitrfiass of thu entiit) Hor.otiii water power of the Lord estaUs. Tlicy

hnra Dxninliml the record* concerning tinIVUUT riRhta cs to whetlu-r tlic wrtate i>r lh«-L:(r>rrls{'iilitil Co, liulii the prior rlulit to it,utioLBL-toiily, and lu»e mnae Mr. Nlcoll anttter. which ia now lielng com-iderwl by hltiM\t ft* nuceptaueo is Umug.it to ho nit hidoubtful.

'tho drawing of BCAU for tho ilrttcntertali.ii'iit of thu Lyceum, iViirll (1th, took tilare iKltUO Mycri oflk-u laat evening, and wailconducted by A. Kl lar lwr . Utdyiirare left, ivhicli m n IMI bail by new milnt 11 aicli. Kigh-ty-wiven ]«.!(. UJ> Llinns wore rocelvwi, muldngitngreat auxeta.t o r tliefc fln,t j>m«iitnttt)n the liright andInuBlmhle couinly '• AIIXMI PJCIIIGS," fii threenew, will to given. A coat ot chnniL'tom of

-i-iit btreuKtu will 1M fteli-ctcd from tho bestiknt of tbo "KMUIIIID," " G i i U r t " and

" Aiuaraiitli" Lywum UompaiiJiw ot UrooUyrilr . \ernaui , ainnngur of tlm Ltiiuiuiny wasitowinVwIiiertlayttndimrtectwlwnMiswiieiiitFriday thoy toniii.Piieo to jiapor tliu OjwmilouMnuidget uwrytlmig iu wcellent hlwue.For t l idr Mtfoud entwrinijinient the wellknown war t . rnum; ' Held by the Koemy," by

Uilletto, uill bo given, nt which1 >vl|jl» •

V- • J l r , Grip IK around ftgniii. Von wnnt to;.*•" lank out ho don't grip you.A*.'';' I hear iliere KB place not a lliousanil mll<^'from LandlnE from which. UwlwjacoBioitflj,r^:geriDg honm SuEilayi. Bovrore of the fata of}/. that Italians I 'Would It not luo a good notion:"' to call all nur Americans homo front luUj nodJ'.'BBOA KJne iluwberfg Itollani homo to him I; If bo Is going to call homo W« minister we:•'•. MiRbt-a* well send his Malta «I»o. "Tho dl-;• 'Tlaitytbatdathhedgeft king" don't amount:, to as much, as It used to, &.S.

'/, .Morriitowti TiWlgo, 5To. 121, Knlgbt* of•', 'PJUJJM, wiifcritd thermit of Knight on two> «quire«jMt Friday evening. Ons of tba ew-t .qnlnaeotthobwtor tto goat, but tlie ether" eonH not matter him, nn OIIB of the hrotlien';-'init lome red pepper ou tbo tip of bis nose andi; he made it pretty warm for tlio ove poore*--' "quire, nho dU manago to get oat wjtb a whole';;*olto!ctotiie*. Boys look out for VhP thirdvnxik goat, for be i* a dandy. Ttw lodgo re-s <eired Utdr by-laws at tiefr last niootlujt.Y Tlwy are booudla stiff covers, with a eerUU-Ji'c&te in l ie front of each, and uialco a very

\vnaevflltt\y now _ w „.i l r . Melvin U Voung, ot UhatUuooga,

rL-i]ii.,iiaat>een vbitiuB Itli tutrelih, In townilut-ing the (Hist «•«*, iJu will nsturn totliis•-iitioni'r tlio country luulKiuCiijcaramlK'ttici I'aterwn, when ho w ill takw up the practice

Aliss JTsllio Snlmon Uuoiae f roia KortbfluldEaivS. '

Sir. Owirgo U. I'itijuitriclc is vlniting ltoriruuU a t iSuhmilfy's Aluuntaln. Mr. Fltz-

yatni* went up Saturday evuniug and smnt

U\v\t\g no doubt to tlie Into fiiiperabuudancefeutmaimiieutsUui lecture b j itolle Bujil,

thu KeUil H|iy, under ILB auniiioca of JohuHll lPoi t ,o l t t !c U. A. a , last BTcnlWE, wa»"i»t largely ntUrmled. HUB is an cutrJItobuker Biid gnvo a very inUTextiiiK lecture.Ada Omy gave n Un^closs ijertonnnnco of

MA Lyimo In tlie Ojwm House ilonday even-ing. Unly a small nudianco gatlmred io wlt-'•'— It, hut those that really wished to enjoy

"— preriuitnl and <U?guuled by louil„—..„ and tbo cracking ot peanuts, etc.,

Uiinug tlie hwrtcvnaiug wen*B, when the-u acting wiis hciug aono,

II r. Davenport Uaa tratttxl a Uain of liora-Bfor thoJIerrllt inaroaml colt, with CliarlcsI*oimnl.

Tlio auction salo of goods at fieeley klisplnw uns well attemliKl, thiugH bringing aflint-class price-.

Cunfltld JJsliinfutun) will tatie uplilshoniowith his brother, Henry, cf Jfuwnrk,

H'o ^Iiid occaHioii lnst week to visit ouruufcy l'oor House, and was hlndly aliownrougVi by Utewnnl Oil™ MIHer. AtU Iu

j to 9Ir. Mlllor would v»y we caniwcotnpr^licnd how lio cim ket>ji tbo inaUtntiiand Ita iw«att» BO clean and tidy. If some—r model bouwkefiiers would visit our Poor

auw they might learn a lewon there. VImW say tt b «ur opinion tliat this instillHI ban nuver IMHUI kept an t.oU bufoni aa

lias antfei' Ibi juwsont iilauHBenieut, and y,.can wifely say Hint Afr. Miller and wife lookwell after tho duties Imposed u\xm thorn.

AiiinvitatitKijmrty was hv\A last weolraltlio IiDiiso of Albert DuTjeu, Lower MonMth."\YB iild not learn how many Invitations wasout, but as for us -wo can leam ovory,tny«) themw'vea. Tbu CUHJIUIIIM conrtstedol F, H. Slarkny, a E. Duryon and K. JStartey.

Tho scliool nimllng lust Tuesday nlgbLelectwl Williani Benedict trutteo for 3 tearsnmlW.T.ll'eliltforayeara.

Cbos. O'iN'eil l u t wt-ek met with a Bcrlouiand imluf ul iccldoat by ruuniug tuo tines of ifork iu bis foot. Dr. Cooper wan iiromtithC l W p a at tliis writing CLnrlcy is elnwl]

flTAHEOFB.On the rood leading from Stanhope

Brooklyn, a t almost any point, numerous r ,tilts may be been at this time of tlie ywiwith their beads protruding from atone rowior stone fonctat. Tlicy teem to l»of tlie «a(pilot sjwios and hannldss. An average outkiller could tuslly dfejMilch a buodrud of thai lay. J nines Kinitli slint OHB nf onoruiihiw a few yt-am ago nmir hiii louse, i l ls triicillcd a largo rattlo&nako Just a few y&rnlmvo bf a lurgo rock tiUuut tbu Gome UnitMr. BiiilUi liven iu [ho huburls of Stanhojiju»t & iliort dbtanco Irani tlie newhome. Bo you see we have mates rlglnmong us, bcslile those that some "folkvarry fu their bouts.- No womler Dave 1!ford's caucus demanded a <iollar bounty

ittlukUaViii..Urn Wm. Wlluou, who lias been sulfor

from j>l.-iiro- iinuumunla, Is gottiug bettor.^i.i(«j n iimiaber went ti-out Oihlng A\..

Int. Uf course each one caught enough far"mew," iufiuding our local attorney, ^ 'walke.1 uV.Kit tlttco niiles fur tliBai. OarfricudiToliu Holwrl-s, of Uoonhin, iraaup&ui

jlit Home line OIHM iu tbe brook runaithrough lliu 31. I. U\ laiuk, Johu uwd to

ijwrt lUherman while living hore Innative Uiivn, and wxnis UQK to have loatlove fur M'aitou'8 art.

Easter sorvicn* were appro]!riatcly uUerviiu all the clitirckw it) this ]>lACe, accoinyianS

py.Tho tettimony In tlm JMtiwn divorce s\iill I l d d t ^ V i l l ' h l S

ywill In coiiuludod at ^ a hotel, Sou

k Filmima hotel, Sou

I , u Thursday of this week. On Fiilny, iid last., the boglnnlog of taking teal

uy in another coso will begin nt the son. e . 8utuhnpo uugbt to claim a Vico CUan-cetlur, a* numerous parties are clamoring ~a divorce, end It would be to the creditsomo of tliui] to havu one.

Most everybody that is t&k t t present Uaitbo pnounionid or la gripj«.

Tbcro is a bastardy trial ponding to tainjilac-o at Case's hotel in tills place on UftJ 1Btlmt is attracUui; mach ioKiwt. IU allegeputative father bulosgs to one of the befiuiilliL-u of Now Ion. Tbe girl lives near Palliur Lake In this (Byrani) township. CajVdti Llarcoui ia the c^unwl for the tlefetand snys fight itoutbeforoa jury and oroVna voiiiio thu miy boud was given for aupoaiance. Keltlier tbo girl or young man areuftbolrtctnayct.

Tho Itev. Keatly, of Port Morria, willdross tho gosjwl temiwronce meet log nHinHloy ofk-ruo<ju, Mrs. P. H. O'Nejl willitwder.

J. I). Lawrence auil A, J. Drako recol'tho title from Jlr. A. L. CJark for bis 8thope projiorty March 3t«t, and the tweetsst«|is for a land improvement and luildl,.auwciatlou Imve \vxa inaugurated, and build'ing, etc., will just boom no doubt ero long.


OHESTEH.Where do you live now, is generally the

Utiory when any of the mauy tenants matliore emus to bo n general move. Befamilies hnVR moved to town from UIB SUIrounding country, while others have coot'from otlitr tnwna, and yet tbere Is room.

Ar i l u t will bo h historical <Uy, b4)idito the HUccoodlng generations as tf

beginning of tha eiiforceuiont of tha "DiLaw " of Cheater township, Frequently du_ing tba day Ibo report of Mr. Brngg's guinuiiounced tnat anotber dog bad been diij l l toa[ilacttproparedforwortuloeacunYot Homo valuable dogs were seen at Inn

UaiJay without muzzles, 1'ortuuaithey cscajicd tlio officer's eye, but let tlio iveibo^uii work go on.

Anproiinata Easter Bervlce&vrerckeld In.Cougrogatioual and M. E. Churches Babballoruim; and In tbe evening the Af. E. Chinag well fillwi, there being no services

either of tlio otlior cliurtlioa, Tlio church wiKtitlfully decorated with llownrs.liov. Mr. England was BOitewIieat Indlspoaa

during tbfl i»»t tew Jaye, but it convalceclnias are most ot tho others who have been 'tbo nick llit.

M cflrponters liave beeu pot to work <tlio now J'ulJuian bulMlug In. order to coijiloto ft against too stated time end tlio skillmemter workmen is developing itfl grandeur.


MT. iThe work la rapidly iirofire»slnji on the nev

botel ot Mr. D. Senator. The collar walln ho-IiiB coinpleloi, Iho car [route re aro nt work.

Mm. J._JI. Von Nortivick spent last tfond

MasUr Diinnla Hchafor, who attends schoolat Fort Lee, K. Y,, Ia spending his vacationwith his parents at the AvUngton Houue

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Vati Kortirirk eut^jrtnlnod A lumber of f rfendson Friday evening.Among tlioKe present w r a several from Eos-tfln, Pa., Kenvll, Succusumia and Stanhope.All tiail n mu»l cnjoyeMe Unio, and (fet-lurotliat Mr. and Mrs. Van Nortwiclc kuow hawt« tato tlia parts of hwt and hostes.

Mr, Laytou, of I'luuilers, Bpent Walnesdaiwith Mr. V. a. Dnveninrt, of this plnco.

Mr. C. riBnon, of New York city, Mr. P.Correll, of China, aud Mr. G. JI. BeUer, ol

Sntunlay ot JlinnWni

Wins Knielle Werner, of Newark, uncut Hut>day with Mr. and Mrs. Jobn ll'enicr.

Mr. Tetsttjl llftwgnwa, of Japnn, nddrwsedIIB congregotloii of ibo M. E. Churcb «n Sun-

day afternoon, Wr. liasegowa Bliowed bowChristianity had lulrancitt witlilng the lasttliirty years in Japan. After he bad concludedW» rcninrltn a iiilsK'onary collection was taken.

eaaBihlcfwcolltctinBtbo most money among the girla, end TommyLwJOl th«bOJS. OiLAVANT.

Spring camo out this morning dressed iiiiMv white.Tho young girls of Lake'Hojiatcone wlmnre

taking dnndug Itswons, a n to ha HvnijiathluxlIth. Thoy have no vouug geutionicn to douce'itli


it \\x-lnughh

BTJDD'3 LAKE.Ur. Win. Man nud family cania out to tho

Lako ou Tliur«lny nud returned to UIB city

'1th."Onlavaiit"f.lio«ld ha cattdi'

Dr. Adaitln Dr. Tajlor's shoeaWhich wll) it ho, »., L. & \V., 0

ft Lulo Honotoong llailhiatl I' Weuultal, whlcboror gives Uie bent accommoda-

that Mr. King tito Ibo D., L. & \V. Ratlrofld

Comnauy waking any imjiroTenitait that wll]boneilt our through. Rox.

, cbror givetions to our borough.

It ]• -whispered arounuch n K d t Ib D

ioniiay.Ur. 11. Hanlin u dek, but v

basbcgim to liiijin) aro glad lo

Win. lloouey has reuk'd air. WUDLQIHI'Sfurm and hoa uiovwl upon it.

MatUiIns GoUe.of Aniluvor. wno pur:ba»?dthe Williams houmi ami lot, moved Uiore thiiIVIKII, and is already imjirovlng it.

Theodora Luuger, of Kutcnng, baa ro_the (tore here and will Uko cliarge this week,HflinovDd Into Mrs. EUa llooney'B house.

Mn, Stephen Vouugs has moved lata U, II,Wolfe's house, ivjnro she lived many years ofher life BbeiB one ot our old ladlea.

A. D. Drafca is repairing hia home and get-ting ready for l>oanlerB. Hia ion Charles, ofNewark, spent Easier fttloine."Win. Ueiiuott and lVm. McDougall, of Sew-

nrk, alno sK l

ugall, of Sat Easter with thoir parenb.our young men are ia Newa

Itow about thenewroadlaiF t I understandt i t l Jj

o t n r o ait is not coiupulaory on t

l t h t h dmlttoes,p o y on tonaJijp cutumlttoes,

untl that they can adopt tbe old ijztem otw r H l d l t l U t l b

., yBelle Boyd'i Ilelwl Bpjr Company will ehowqa t this place on ITondfly oreuing, April Oth.A:^?Ju». Bora Morgan, -wbowM vlsltlns friends'J'kiihts place for, a lev dayn, hoi returnedijhome to Jfairark in com pony -with hEreoiudn,SBIta Maty TVflaoii, mho alto has boca 7,B1 tingVfrWiandnlaUresbers, X. T. Z.

g g o T e n e o r s .OPO. H. Boyre is home fromschool, upending

tlm Ea*tcr vncntion.ol^s Alanile Sotifteld ii also howo from

bchool on a Tacntlnn. . J

Sfaaon & HamUn Orsuia aatt Pisnoa.. fi. Jcnlclut, .Agent, Cheater, N. J .

'KABnVed-VUltisff Oarda.Utost ftrlea *t tha Iaos E a i offioe.

STIRLING.The divelllug house on Mr. Dnnne II. Natb'a

Btock .arm, one lalf mile from his rwldesoeuuder " Tho 0«t ( )" nt MllUttgbu, van burnedtotheRropnd on Friday iMth ult., at noon.A freight train viMcu'wasposslng immediatelystopped and all lands rushed to twist saxetho flnmwu who remained nfth tha trainand Itept the whirtle slirieiing iratU the wholeneighborhood « B I aroused. The boys fromtho tmin ami many others worked bravely and".wd wlwt tbej could. Bloody hands ta^

— "wirandraceBwitncswdtotbelrlierolMnveMtttn. The Inrgo stock barns were

nil raved-and [holtuported Lanws, pouleg ludcatUo were unscathed, though, in ra doing,a t l e r unscathed,Sir. CroMcy, « l » Is ish i

g,to neglecttthe saving of bis otm meat valuable treasures.,

Mr. Iseiiu is to be cangratuliit«d in haring gofaithful a manager, who Is not a hireling but'whoflretsBWthnt tho roluabla horns weresafee'TiliD rutbod into the iiurniQE house tosavo what ho could of hit own. All glory tosuch mon 1

Stirling U ell filled up. There arc noemptyand, to far as we know, no empty

Tim factory la jirosiwtns well under the1

able management of Manager 8jtoor.Thefiitttfl.iveelilysci-v.csw of Iho .-

terlan Church ore all well attended, ami thereIs an iacttvuiiig Interest in thmo Enntingt,Special Easter routic, tram Handel, Uayderand Hourt, Sabbath morning and a children1!srviro.Tho »oir liousQ next to Ur.

D»per'#h,nearly coiaploted, and Ia a veryprclty ntJudnxv.

Tlio blue binls are Hitting tbroneh Lovar'ilane so vrn know that Spring is nigh.

J in . KctxteUlms rttiimwl Iran ibo city;and we ore glad to bear illss Liule KettenringIt oomlag toon. Cosorsis.

T?hen joar dealer wndi you somethingjaet u good" wbrai Hirtt' Boot Beer is asked

for, tho proper thing is to tend i t back. H«delight* in Mlllnff rub.titutw, becmon ttujreflti* large. " ••": ' . ,' ', \

KTJHTIO,WIBS Ada Pulls, of Warwick, N. T., Is visil

ing Mrs. a G, Baker,Nt% (,'liu. Ball, of Londlcg, w u the guest

at her mother, Mrs Smith, ou Wednesday,Pr. H. C. Wiggins, of Buccasnnnn, m

called nooio from Neivbenie, If. C., on Tues-J a j \ owlug to the iUuesa af hia lallief.

Mr. lloy VaIentiueaudfrUnd,ofNewyork,fere tlio guests of Mr. A. D. Salmon oa Eos-ur.Mr. D. T. Truiiuy, ot iirooWyn, Bpent H

ay ut lho Park Iloute.The scholars of tlia Draltesvilla acliool wt.

uold a Oag socinbls a t Bclieer'a Hotel oo thli''riutty avotilHg. .

Miss Amelia Werner, of Newark, spout Eas-ter with bar parents at the Lake,

Mr. Jore Baker, who hae been suffering fron.a severe attack of tue grippe, 1B, we are gladto nay, oa the improve,

Mr. J. K tuition, of New York city, itho guoat of \\\t father, Mr. A. D. SalmoD.Suurfuy.

Mrs. A..D. Dakor, of Newark, foviafather, Mr. A. lloberto, of thi* place.


SOHOQLEY'B MOUNTAIN.Mrs. l'hilipHoflking spent Sunday with ter


llev. Hneli Smjthe eictanged pulplUi lulSalitall with tto F d m a i u t i««lor.

T b o r i t l b b l d l U TBaniKtlugtababcldlnUie Tr«by.terian Church uoxt Uoturdoj, (or lho purpoSeof oteoUng a upir tnutoe uit] pravldlnga pnr-BOMBS tor ouvpuMr. "Ltt j l loomoidthwilling lieart."

Mr. Baniuel Wjot'off It greaUy Improvtoe«« o mulctan. Ho tomilia lite violin wltSwoularlul ikil] for a beginner

Tto Bw. L. I. StoutouburB died Tuesday.KB m n t l o Washington, D. u., to iprad tniWinter and tliere (tasseil aw»y. Ho ioattmany (ricails in Uiia place to mourn hfa lou.

' X g R X M I .






(Ned to Parda & Olark't.)


Po»T Oiu«. N. J., JIuoh a i « , 1891.Mrmi Anttnon B Tho.. Bt


na, , Sm , II. Rove.To obtain any orthe*uove lettoci mrtld" nd giv,. dato of this Int.



Lettett remaintng unclaimedin the Post OBQce at Dover, >. J.

DoTor, N. J . , April iW, 1691.JolinS. Alston, D r . BnadmU.' M . J. Ilusb, Win Curleri i ,__. Mn. Jas. C. Brown,

J M . J. iiU9b,Harry llyniBs,Edward Cook, (2)

To obuin tor of tba *bore uttera mf8«iBod"»na gin dtto o r tWld t

JAB, 6. MEUOK, P . M.

RANTED.EotiBokeepoi-or for bonds of matrimonT.(oKtftnt tinfnrvni •J g SMITHProteetaut iirefemd.


of matriJ> g SMITHMorrii PJaias, K. J.


P. 0 . BOX U7,, Boonton, K. J.

WATCH POTOB.Tho dsughter ol to lubKribtr found ID

Dover Kit Satufdaj, upon the rtraet,. ™tchand chain, which tho owner can recover byproving iironerty and paving for thta adrer-" — i n t . Apply to tam 0HIMES,

upp. St. I toryt Ctarob, DOTCT.

REMOVAL!._ baB removfld hia HEALISSUI'.ANCE OFFIOB to" 1INU, aecond floor, Oor-

scr BlackvieU ami Warren Sta.H. L. DUNHAM.

B0ABDEB8 "WANTED.Location yery plcaant and convenient.

A p p l y t o • . . • ; • ' • , ;•• '": .

18-2wp DOTBT.N. J.

Dissolution of Partnership.Tbe partoerah!phoretoforbexl«ting betweeniBBwlwribcra under tbe arm lumo ot Hop-ir&Mooreto tWiday dlMolred by uatual

t the iva an

UAIAH JioonaBated Dover. H. J., April let, UVL 18-Sir


: i m i TOH'llUAM B00EH8, Sipt.

Uocoln Beaemar Co., Dalridera, H, J.



Mrs. Geo. Fair'sPORT ORAM.

A very pretty display of novelties and nei

Spring Bonnets and Hath i U tJl (lie ladle* will ho pleased to .

Call at once and obtain thu ddvautixn ofgood selection. 18-Sm


Owlnff lo the large ipcrcase in trade I bai. JUIII. it necessary to remove my marketthe commodioui room

Cor. Blackwell and War-ren Streets,


wliere I Blinll be pleated to BW my ouitomislid tho nubile irenoraUy on aud after &&UKUAY, A Pill L lll£. No pallia will

wl to make Lute Uw moat complete



3STQTIOE.Estate of William IL Uc-

Davlt, deceased.to tna ordotortbe BBrrogiteor

OoiiDty of Morris, inicla on the flrit dajoF ApiU A. D. ODB tbuuitnti clitbi haiidmand clnotj one, ootloAii berebj qiiea to all pernow imvlnR olftluis iftslnit tlie eilate of WmII. UoDirli, lato or Iho County of Morrli. <"oeaveil, to preiont (lie tune, under oathafurn.atlou to Hi* tubicriber, on or bafotD IQr« ciar of /inoarr next, balog nltnoniha irom thedito of uldoroari *nda^,creditor neglfctlDg to bring In aod nliibit hitor her claim, ouderottli ot a&tmitios, wltb'"tbotltnosfl limited, will be forem barredhia cr ber utioo tbcnfoie igiJoih the A.nifuittratar.

flrat dw of April' •*" B. PIKuouK,

AclmiDirtr»for.MorriPtot D, N,

FOR SALE.targe Oil Painting, Fire Proof Safe,Large Book Case, net drawers uuderaoal

aod glass doom above, >AA Olllce Table, Six Bchool Desks.Long Table and set Chairs for school rwLarge Bugar Loaf Stone.VedraontBult, Dogatolle Tabla.Above goods left on salo and will be i

cheap. Krgt come, best served.






Pnailept-EBNBT W. H[LI.EB.Vlee-Prtlldent—AUBELIC8 B. HULLtBeeretarj and Tieunrer— a. T. HULU

Henry 0. Pttse?, Henry W. HllUr.A«ilniO.O.aa«W, AareliuB. Sell,

Chu Y.Sinn,«. B, fto.OBeil^° 'r l


*b IesikiiSililaDd,


Hi uoa joat (r»« tna prolUa Hi Ilia pre-laalz nootfaa badaaia.npariu matte oa ar before the 3d dajra o]

laBB.nr.Jprll, July asd Oolobnanw ln..t..llremb«»ntaajiolaaHnionlbinipajUt»lj

UaNKlNO nO0U>: .A. II. to 4 r, M. aally, and 7 b) 9 p. H. Satsr.3olr daj

RAZEE, CONNET& Co,Central Dry Goods Stert,

No. 683 BROAD St.,Bitwnn Wnt Park and Ctdar St>.


f or Ladlea, Mltxa and Children,




IK KEW ftFI^^Q MlABia AHD BL&CE.Alan Hue Bilk and Bilk Haled Olotea for

Ladlee; Mlim ai«J Children, of beat g r a t e—1 at lo-weat pricea, - .


HOSIBHY»ld In It'.i tontlct twla j . Gvarr pair «nar-

anteodaarepreaeiiMil. ^ ^ .-1 9 * 8peclal attention ]a Invited to oor rayM a Unca of Black, Black and OoH, BUnr,Itetludlloamliig ••.. .• r . V


Special laMfc

DMPERT l i f t s .


- $1.00




Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes andHardware, New Goods for Spring and

Summer in all Departments.

BLACK DRESS GOODS.Silk Warp Henriettas from $1.00

per yard up.

Casliuiercs from 50c. per yard up.

Serges, Mohair, Urllllaiitlncs,

Sevastopol Clotlm.

All tlie newest shades in colored


H E N R I E T T A S ,

F L A N N E L S ,

S E R G E S , etc.









and FIXTURES of all linds.

FAST EUZ H I Tfor Ladles, flcntleuuu, Misses and

Children, UioELECTBIC brand.

200 pairs Child's Grain Tipped

,'pring Heel Buttoned Shoes, slzei>

8 lo 10, at 75c.

300 pairs Misses' do. sizes 11 to

2, at 96e.

250 pairs Women's Fine Dongola

Button Shoes, Box Toe and Common

Sense styles, at $1.85.

150 pairs Youths' A Calf Lace

Shoes, sizes 11 to 13, at 93c.

150 pairs Boys' A Calf Lace Shoes

sizes 1 to 6, at 81.00. -

120 pairs Men's Buckle firogans

at $1.00. v

120 pairs Men's Lace Brogans,

fall double soles, at «1.2i.

Our LADIES SHOES forthis season are all in thenewest styles; Wauken-phast, Box Toe plain, BoxToe with Pointed PatentLeather Tips, CommonSense, and also a line ofdue Dongola Kid Shoes withPatent Leather Tips andCloth Tops.

Henderson'sGarden Seeds,


Henderson's FlowerGarden Tools of all kinds,

Rakes, Hoes, Spades,

Forks, &c.

Choice Glover andTimothy Seed.

All widths in Galvan-

ized Poultry Netting,







BABY CABBLA.GES. . . * f *








I'EIUS VEBTEIBTI»»:OisMaaroni«jiiifactiii«d ben In Do.

w o( tbe verj bott o! W»Mtt AID OJUTZHUl.

0EOAN8 FttOI «8S UP,and aold on the InttaUnent pkn aa ]<r» aa

Eznu itar im


i "


UTeretl ht till. I bar. ooo tt lie lirnatKepaltiiLi netntaa la Iha Btat*-ttuMm&• 3 f 5 KJY«—«bm i do all U U t bnpaltlns on Pfauoa and "Hama ant Oriana.

LTM Omit ox Jotx ]Van.


> K4OT TEBKB. . . .Doot baallale to »HU ma for anr lo/omia-

Uco u njMM toPtanoaand Dt»anlyoiii«ardealre, IE lfiil otuj ooat you one ctjntforaiioatal oan). AnVJtie, • <





-Itarico makera xrotn oralaarr to beat qvalltar aa"'kacpu*,aUlna*ooilrtuuiliiK(raerazidwaTraQted. l^SoJndmf «aioo»raandtb.pobU<: t U t I amconat.nateilaUiia;mjatookioallllaclipartiiienta and tbej . « ,alaraya to£iaa&)ila& sww and In ti»latc«t pattanu tad



JOHN A. LYON'S,str. * .

cam be bond a complete stock in 6T017 depntmimt, such u

Dry Goed§, Satlons, Hosiery, Carpete, OU Cloths,

Bags, Cloaks and Jersey Jackets. '

Luge assortment ol Iadioa', Ififlaaa' and Men's SHOES. -


Page 3: FREE! FREE! JT. OOOPEB.; GIVEN AWAY. Parlot Suite ta.Silt ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1891/1891-04-03.… · ' Carsehter and Builder, jo»Wwruwinp»rtlo.


Winter teenu to be lingering, etc.

Busses Court* open oat Tuesday.Look for local new* on every page.

- Freeholder* owe* cest Wedauday, ,

The Newark H. E. Conference ww a mem-bership of 227.. .' • .

Tbere wai quite • squall's! mow early onSunday morning. " ' j

0 . 8 Dt^r«aooat»nipUtoitebuiiiUnshl» (

bouse at Denville. .Jt U sold four fine mw bouw are soon to be

fruit at annual VsJley. , .Newark U. i. Conference meete i t Wash-

ington niat W»xtaoa<1ay.. , "':';..' ' ...';Dr. V. W, Flogge bts broken ground for hi

oaw house at Bock* way. /:>'"iforriB & Ernst- Railroad Etock sold In Now

York a few day* ago tor 141%.

ThaD.,L.'S; W. ha»d«Ured tta usual qua*tarty dividend of 1 « per cant.

The aolary of the yfuxfaa of Uorrii PlolniAsylum ta»8,W() Mid 10a living, _

The HacketWown Bank baa dodded to ob-•eryetheBaluntoyhalfholiday^ /

Truman Scott has purchased the shoe storejotJ.L. Blckford in UorristoWB.

Tbe Woman1" Rdiel Corps will meat nextt Thursday afternoon, at 8 o'clock.

Tha new Board ot Matwgentiispectedttw" Morris Plains AJjlum yesterday. ;

I . is now expected that the Port Oram blastfurnace win be lighted next Monday. '

The PuUman house and barn, on Fairtnount. areoue. Chester, an progressing finely.

. An ortettlaa weU labels'; driven on the laketv l ew House property, lAke Hopetoong.

Tbos. Bright'* uow hotel at Voodport willbe lighted by gat and heated with steam.

Daniel Sandford hai the contract to clearthe lot for tha hew Stanhope school house.. Tbe Boontun If. B. CburchofHoiaJ« are eon-

..'•idonng -he purcbtte fct and* pipe organ.

Fish Woman Foota and other Uorristownpeople have rented Lower Lobgwood pond.

Every timo a Democrat sue"* h i l c o f f 0 e u e

ought to give tbanlu for tha UcKJnley WU,.foe HodiBon Band played at the Easter

services In Bt, yinoantsiCbureh, that place.The Dirocton promise that thenew railroad

to Caldwell wiU be In operation by Hay UUDr. B. D. Johnston and W, B CHIlon ahot

., flyablftiidiitAaatLi^sDeiinmikia Monday.•., Tlieiii?wBoardotSUl*TaiC«niaiasioneri'willmeetatMorristown, for hearings, April

• ' n j t h . . - ; • • , • ' . • : • . ; -

' It D. Sphwarx 1* drivlug a new and veryttyllah team. otiamU with wblto maxuw andt a i l * . . ' • • : • . ' . ' • • • '"•/:•

March went out with a Btorm of enow on tbe•last day, but It melted nearly as fast OB it

: oame. . / , . . " \ ' •. Bix oouotles bave already n o t Ioapplica-Hc«is for excise CfflninJadoiiers under, the EewJicenselaw. . \ :

11 The canal opened fornavigatlon on Monday'•;' and Uie flnt loaded boata pasted through Dt>

v , v e r o n T u e s d a y , . - • • , ' , - . . ' • • ; • , • .• ,-•. -,-'•«- Jfoifc Monday Is Out twenty-fifth annli' ' W y of the organisation of the flnuid Army. oftHollopubllo. • ; . -;••. . - :

• ~ -'• HorrlBtown people aro wondering who tooMoult Township Committee will- appoint

: -HoadComtalsaknior, ..;. • ; '.-..' . Thore la now a new iron derrick at the Jfor-:

tiitowo freigbt depot, to unJoaJ stone andotbervpryheavytrelgnt \ •..•. /

* A tew days ago twenfrf-two car loadi at- tunonB paaed ttiough here over tha Ladi :

^: 'aira«iarotd (boiiodWaty ; ' > - . ; : "':/ Aflne-dock wit* l iziyfee. Iron. Will be

DUIH by ibe Momn. Schwwi la / n o t 6t t*rfr1 •• - a - a . . T > - _ _ * ^ . . - . ' - - . ' . * ' . ; ' L"-" , / ' • ; .

fiera&tj fivftuw books will be added to tii»library of tt» PretVytarian Sunday school.

A most enjojaUo sociable wu tield at tbePresbyterian panosage on Vedneiday even-ing. • . '• • , :• " • • : - \

Tha UnTUtoim banks have decided to ob-serve the Saturday half holiday, closing atloon.

Complaint U mnde that many doga In tbovlcJuity of Cbrystal street aro running looeowithout muuiet-

Tbe Rev. James "lL Freeman, D, D.t willpreach in tha First U. B. Chord, next Sab-bath, morning: aad evening.

Two large flocks'cf wild gene, the firstQumiMritiK about ISO and ths last about fiO,flew over Port Morris yesterday.

Wabop Starkey pill visit St. John's paritb,Dovor, next Wcdnaaday, and ttutfe will bojerries in thsohurchjn the eyonliM: «t 7i».

Tbe little Cnrysta] Street MluJoii Chapel (Berurowded at aerylooi and ths officiary have

appointed a committee to devise ways of relief.Cave Ipowutl and Ed. h. Dtokerwn took1 trout on Uw opening day and barber Iky

pt over a score ol beauties that averaged WEnclieBoach.; ' : ' ' , ' •:

Then waa another sevare snow ftbnn laitteolttg and all nituro was covered withsveral Inchea ot snow tala morning, but ItTU soon couvertwd Into sluub.The Uorrli County' Qrocers'.; AsBoclation

rill celebrate their first analveesory, April4Ui, with a Hue dinner, to whiok^reprne&taIve men hi th* hvulaen and tba county edf-onw«ll»inyi»d.

lav, P.,0. W a a left Dover laV Mondayattend tha New York Kurt Conference.

is pulpit of the Swedish M. E. Church willoccupied next Sunday in the morning byiv. Mr. Jenkins aud in tlie evening by Mr.


Mlea Ftube J. DeU witbea to ntum thanks> Kev. Dr. Stoddard and wife, to the choirtlie BuccaBunua Presbyterian Church, andf riendB and n'righbora ol Buiivil, for their klpdaesa tuid uslBtonceltfrecent beho Wright Organ and Piano Uaaufactur-Co. have nwuivtfd tbdi* ceriiQeatea and

seal.. The booKi'are now open for tW sole ofstock, and we are glad to learn it Is being

in quite rapidly. •.They.bftve put on twomm and a » re


till at Pine Brook.TLo ranrrlagtt cC itlu Laura A.' Kent and

lenjainln 8. Van Ness took place at the rest-ol tie brides parent* ou Tucedsy; UarcbTbe.epBoiom parlors were, tastefully

ated wltli rare and beautiful plants andDwers.. At ll o'clock Uie bride and groomitered the parlors and Blood beneath an archevergreens and flowers, while ltev. E. F,awler, paitor of the M. B. Churob, performedievtnarriage oercuinny. AfWr receiving the

longmtiUaUoo* of their., nianyfriendi, thelining room doors were. thrown open and aumptuoua wB<}ding breakfart WM nerved,Iter wbioh -UIBS Jennie Laoaard rented t

'cry touching and appropriate, poem, com-used for toe occasion.; Tbe brtdewM attiredn a handsome dove colored faille troocalserest, and. wore a corsage bouquet of whit*•sea. , The hnjipy couple left maid showersrice, to tako the 8 v. w. train ot Montckirr Kow York, from wheni»;they proceededConnBctlout on a bridal tour. AUIODK the

:. Smltbi Mr. and[n. %'W; yan Ness, Mr. F. Van New aud

yawl lira, James Cole, of Kawarlc; Mr.Mra. H. Only, of Llncolri.ParkiWr.Mrt. A. Font and daughter of Mountainwi Mr. and Mrs. Thu. Cfc]»Uck, Mm

>pbie Btarkey, Ur. Fred. Btarkey.ond Ur.mnk,Starkey, of ttontvilJn; Ur. end Mrs.rilbu'rQou.d and Mr. and Urn. Henry Lewis,Qild^-oU; Win LJbbh Horn), of Pompton\xm\ Mr. and Mil. i;Van New, Mr. andi. K Pear; Mr. and Hn.vJ.ColIard, Mr.rles and Aaron Kent, Ur.,and Mm. H. 0.id^ltlss IdB Kent. Mr.' and ,'jkbi, D. U.

'an'Wert and daughter/kiss Jennie Lake,i Jennie Leonard, Ur. and Mrs. F.ClupIn,and Mra. E, Clxajiluf Hr. and Slrs.'J.

Sarfisonand daughter, and Jirl'sBdMrnS.?(en»,ofPiM Brook.

^ y . V •' Onsottheao^dnoraUosiBattheVigilantBsUwas aframe of bsanlltul silken badgesbelonging to Daniel Dehler.- ' , ~ ' "--.: , : . ' .


,; f Bany Cory,'; teller ot lie Hut NsttinuilBank, Mortl«to»n, will build a aeixwhouse

.'buEarlystreet,iathat.towii.•• /:•.'*••;; .':U\;; 1-Oovemor,-Ab'bett'has sppointed> Friday,-;'Aprilirtli,'as tko.day for the planting'of.v'lenattieesthrougbouttheBUte: . V

-^.vTto £HA*a. correepotulence hi becoming soV '«jt«nded that we are odmpelbd in .eliminate

V"B11 niatbirB except »ctUBl loosjhewa '::; I h m t N ^ i

«ioto tie government tin princely sura of»««)oa 1 lUi r 1 tu I io fUStU«t

>«, "Tho.Merehants1Xxcna^B^heiaiorgw-;! Jiasd ill Morriito»n witliiilauaut quartan ur:;' reoreatloa and tht uaMCicru « builj>jsl.tf~"^aiarcL mignVbs p a l i e d ' ' V g ^ *g p g ^ ,i«s.tiw moau tempeisture »«. lets.than.one- d l d t h i t ^ l T ltfiJnja jJl'reitora of l ie Vorrlrto»n BuUding'.":I«i As<odaU(si bave-diddid to itart a{ i l at«ek;?i«iimenclng i-wltti

, p ::: ,;i5^:{Kri:a,::«:?. r. Toi'hut Poit and &• btter jatrlotjdorgral-> sstioM of Unrrktow^, will celebrate 'next. HomJajevailng- (hi acth sniivertary ol the

• Pojsalo county wlUcooUnuetto mi; mlilDgot th« old:'.'Hslnlj»rg aid Pikreon'

tomplis tiU the Morris, ilue 1. nabhed'atf Bewrbuidland:'«%,S!t|J 1 i ff.^K'^ifV

:Tb» Itocxaway'Boldjers' ikonument"Coin-'UIUoeb«sr«»olr«d,byavoteciftiroBt<it<ro,

:': to hnild the monunMnt c< whltv'.bronse, >mr;.vatoad of graultoj^i'.i ^-;,, ;Sv [:,/,.•$ V i -•}' , ' !Xt.B. W: fofjetbsurs lismlaolni reaMenoi

l l d l A»a, Jsorrlrtom.W.b™ loaicdL i d f K Y k itto WoodburyLiigdpn,of Kew York city,

te«(9»jarjsVV?i^;/':^»J"i:«ij;• ; Our cohWpwidento:inwt.not forgot >hat

, wben.theytiMpenonall^ar we U w to-bear':,the weponiiWlity, which we do notcftre to do.•1",H«nwaitlieyitt6ciitout.-.r,'r". .', ;&::>••--;•• John Thatcher bpaght tbe Button pluie ob

. Boulb street, Mormtown, for •I31WX'f flndafter holding i t two weeks sold ifHto IUM

. Ji^'Wll*oofor|lB,OW..,'v ; / •. •'; In a code fight last wwfc, uot'yary far frota

town, Morriitown blrJs were beaten.badly" /,bycbanticleen frbniviladtaon, and cotuider*-.. i, .ttoaey,cli*ngBii JiBnda,,::'.' >.;-• - - \:'.-/r-'

-" f V TbA i. Cbatiiam'. 'toWuhip,. iwinivlttee' b«A1 divided fia townihip Into four road dlitricta,',-iiiirfar four saperinUwideDU and have bought'"•a^wheelroadscraiilnginaclilne; , '

• '; ; K « t year the •Wj.tttlop Ice Company willprobably erect an ios-house at RoeeviUe,

;' • whicb they ttlU flU with Ice from the lakes in;..-. AnitovBrajidByram>wi)ihlpa,>;, ; ' '

, ' /'HwryVWiikeB is' In Now fork dty fia'tbafUlile of the Sire Uroc. Koaallad "Wllkei Uat the Uonistown track. They yriU bolhga

, - ' Ate** .**^e%• . — I M —*n s^ j 1 .* w..• ••M*m^»^ * «^^«— —'

of tha Into Wm. H. UoDavit were placed upon.'; bli tnive in Locust HUI umeterylut Sunday• and many friends vWtedtto.place.'- "~"/'\ \

: '."'-. laeltovWAccoinmo^tlontrynduebereal

killed snunteowniiwirb^.wiuwils^. ttornB»aIoriTerbiWw_atHowtrk..; J '

• . Vh* Morris' & E » T . Kmplojew1 .Mutual. • j •'Bwiefltl'AssoeJaaon la to b»TB sm orgaa edited

ybjUr.B'l;;:A:Bnploya."'it vdll make its appsaraioe'ne

• ^V'^tt'thcaBTkwsparUthinkiJiBybivsap^V^ttthcaBTkwspatinJyp's'piayer In town wko can'do up the Sewf

.: "ri champion^ Hlsin order for Uieui'.toprodi4" tdmasdputlip thageods to hackhui-Bu*

^ f Every man in town thonld bear Rev? E.MkBugland In Baker Opera"House oil Sunday>•!»« K u.'. He'll an eloquent and talented speak-

i ' ! t o h T l I l A O h t

.. as'pnsented In Baker Opera. i•••'-••.•HOUSB"Tnb^ay evening;, by Uitfl-yoMini Com-:^Vl«ny, Tfiaprob«bly:tfa9 mwEdramatlQiNr-

^i^ah^uaaeme^m In Doref, but the s—

? J^%:A;"neTr.liw'jH^dos tuil «V(nT ItlneraiV\'-;**qdor wDjbshaJl*eU or expose at private (•••-(i'vpQbBB ttle any wearfnar flppsrel wHiout

lo tfcnB iieiyahan tt, flnet. $H) or

ftTheKewark Call says' Marriitown has two'ioerchanti, partners; who. oordlally agreti

feb^httotld whohavei



That there are romances in real lite it ofteudeumnitroted by tho experience* of railroadtratel, and one of Uie most amusing iuddenttiwe hava beard of In a long tlute occurred thisweek between MorriBtown and Dover. Uponthe mall train over tho old road coming Weston \Vt»laesda.y morning were a soung maayoung woman. That t he / were liusband aiwife was demonstrated by subsequent eveau,and Ibatthoy were Just married waawldiby the Infftllibleslgns that al»rayi betray tbonla that situation, no matter how much theymay try to conceal i t ' They were on tbelrway to Dover, 'where they exported to changecars and take tho fast line for Chicago whichloaves hero a t 10:21 o'clock.

Whim the mall t n l u arrived atUorristowu,a few minutes before U o'clock, the younghuiband wont Into the depot to get a tiro* tableot the ticket oBlw,land while absent IU trainmoved away wlUwut him. The young wifewas a t once thrown lntoavoryliy*t«ria of anx-iety, her distress Iwoomlng so groat that kind-hearted conductor Grifltii topped bis tmlnand backed to the Morristown station to pickup blB abandoned passenger. When he reachedthere, nowever, bo found that tbe buBbaud badstarted in quest of a liveryman to take him hiDover. Again tbe train moved on, but theloom of the bride so Increased that she got offat the nei t station, whore she caught tbeEatrton Eipreu and once more went back toMorristown. Arriving there she found worsetribulation than before. The husband, flnd-

]g that he bad nearly an lour and a holt be-tio Chicago train left Dover, had found a

rerymon who was willing to contract tohtm here i s time twd «as already on

j« way. The wife, when she fotiud that Itran she who waa left lnitead of her husbandrod that tiiere WBB no train liy whlchshecou.ilreach Dover In time, was plunged (n the verylnptlu< of grief, and no weeping Nobo everpresented a more deplorable picture. I t waanart than the {.alUht beort of conductorKrastuiD.Coe could stand.; His gravel trainwas Btandlng in the station and hastilydetaching his CAIXXW, he placed -the alliiotedlaiy on board and was soon speeding aw»y

iword Dover, . • , '

Upon thearrivnl here of the upedal a new)iT0W ftWiited tlie jouthful wile. Tho UUB-wnd bad cot yet arrived, the time for tbeIhlcago train was approaching, and fear of

iflut by tbo way haunted tier, Just aminutes before the arrival of the train,

mover, a uoree rooking with foam dashedt.to the depot, tbe lost husband jumped from

carriage, and tbe"rennltad pair Indulgedsuch demonitraUoDB of joy upon tlia plat-m that there waa no longer any doubt ofi receiioy of tUe marriage ceremony. Thanksthe gallantry ol tlie railroad officials and

sinews of a good hoi-M, tbe cloud hadledaway fromtheborizon of tbehotieymoontwo fond tteartB, agalu bwtlug as one,

o soon lessening Bjiao) lit the direction of

Hickooaj and death have been thuall absorb-ing topics In this vlulmty daring the p u twuek, and a number have been called away,iucludiiig thres well known citizens of Itox-

Elns and John A. Honnell—died this morning.A number of others have also buen BO near toctaaUi'B door that Uwre has been great anxiety'or them.

g thrae parlor clialn. a tengold pJ«»,,tfcrwJ dozehbapUni,;otw

it»^oounterp*iiea, roaa blanket!, « t ofa, dock, twoglasB wta,: umbrelU holder,lampe, ailver butter knife/BIITBT fruit

.setlUverteaspoooi, t&ljtr iug»rsifter,iiigar. ipooa; ailwr buUer dish, silver

* d *b t f l

- Y. M. 0. A, Notes.JAre you • railroad maa'f Oil you work in

car shops J It BO KJIUODIW that thnre lareoeptlDn to be held to-ulght in our roonu

* weeipeot you there/ Don't fall to otTbla %indsy we coaiineuc« our series of 4

'dock tueetlugs in tliu Baker Opera House.Lev. E. B/Knglacd, of Chester, will be tbepeaker for this Sunday and he will speak on

.n Old picture with Jloduro Side Light*."ru(loubtAd]7tboO[ioniHou»OWlU be crowdeda any one who hoi lUard Mr. England speak'ill go miles to bear him again. Some onuskedthe quastlrra, "Can peoptafrom out otiwncotne to these meetlngt. f1 , We answer

and we will U glad to baVe you, but beUn»fDrwe«xpeotacro>vd. 1'heY.M.C.

. Orchestra will furnish the tnutio and thanging will be the best our young men canlake It and "they can ring, We expect to»ve a large, male .choir and invite any ono

) will help ui ring tobeat'theOperaHouse. 3;« Sunday afternoon and BBB the Generale r o t a r y . • " ' ; • . " ' , . ' • ' . ' • •

The Bible training plan will ineet ai usual. >c.;Buniiay,ttnii iqitead of t)» regular ]os-i onivfaalf hour w^l be spent In the Inquiry

rtltaad theothor bait hoqr (a prayer for tbaIterniwD meeting.. ' ' . ; , ' • . -••~>areTery fortunate Jn «eaurlngUr. Jas,

_ in a» oornettBt ot oar orchestra, Mr.Hagan la a floo player and we appreciate his

tin volimteerlngilisserrJoev. !.;',

very mechaolo In the building trades of[ori^to|rn-«nd they'oonipriw all. theme-

- ' - ' • amployei in., that clty-waot otitnWay on strike, U» force* embraougallcarpenters, brJck; lay en., plwleren, hodi W t e ^ l b d U i l t k«., .T(ie caui*» wailaidfiagreauient betweenmen and ;tbe"\ employers u tohoun ofir,-; Some.iime ago a federaUon of the

trlrfus trades was foniwd and the mea nudedemand that clue hours work., withjtfln

^'•pay.'ibouW oonBtiiuta B. day's labori; April 1st n i s^ebo t sesoonoeJdd^ b r w a B supposed to be settled,,the tirue appKUfbed, however. Ui

aounced that the- wording boiirs Wofljd beom;Ti80i,«:to«i80P.»l. To this, the menrmurredand insisted that 'the'boiin shouldfrpmTtoS. The bosses refused assent andt i k \ t r i D r i l i d l l

ikerw\tr i . j a y p sitifttlbJ,:ntimb6riny.fully waa

lade Uirougb the itreete, aud^ctjlmlnated in a' in tlae park >'t which a npmbenof tbe

iOSt]«xtendedoQe-.the strike; U of a seriouscbartctar. All balldlng opersUociHreat asUndatill right at the twinning of tfaebtiiy

'on. All repalrinj anj nmavtUna,' i(«IfoabwlnoM at this time of the year, Isstopped. - On Tuesday t k M ? n i ! t fonm

some thirty or forty jnen atwork In'reno-lUng the Hantdon Home and on V7ednefld*yjt onei ,Thatd»r,.ttie paintor, »J»ne woploj Bbout »venty meu. - Both rides express their

determination of holding out and the presantIniicaUons are that Uieiitruggb wfll be ahard

Mrt~PredTi £. Bilvey arxired at tie home ofill uncle, Mr' D. A. HIcaolas, at JTanders, onPrfdayweuJtiglaft, bavtagleftFortNiobrara,Wb., in Iteceinber and driven through with a

r of Indian poniea and wagon; making a.ircey of about two thousand miles, passing

mnigh Kansas', Missouri, JlJiDoli, Indiana,^feao,»»';M«w:iIer»f0' ' ft required

crae plurit to t ab )» Jong a - jonrnsy In thetad of Winter, but our young traveller w»»iqualtotbe 6ccadop..!Wiiena joulh, eight

an' ago, be went Wert, and aetUlng near9 Port, then BJmoBtawildanieeB. surroundedIndtanB, took Op land and went to fanning,

iiillta sraoll bouite and kept batabelor's ball,*by holding possesdan of tto land f«• theyears necerjisry to jvecuro a,'government

„3. ' He returns now through a long andnrilouB journey for.the. Ant timoln eight

yuan to the East to visit his frfeudi. Frcd'agenial face and. pleasant manners, niado bun

ways a welcome guest and he > doubly aonow after nlii long absence.,' He will probablynensin Basis far, /the pwient'j«iuon, and' haa

to W ther M s A J Slvey

; '.-• .AhothexlCaAJlDffi' '. <T A short Urao ego ii1 mad.dog Bj)pea>ed ooMiss Busan Sayrc's farm.on the Alton road.He fiew at tier,; but she' happily escaped .bjrostlng ia the house. Thtj dog then killed antimber o!; cMciens 'imd Onsily bltahel/er.TtiedogwaskilWi and: nine days later,1 r-Satnrday last, t*a helfar becaniB cnued,her freray bellowing and toarilig about mofrantically/ She w«cf course killed,* andwfll be well for perrons in that jielghborhooio keep tvo «y« «H thdr dog*.—Banner.

Too' anirt spwrfmea of type writing woriwo have enr mm waj done b / -JH« Ida'Barroitlnpreparini for'the printer the ooof an^Aoaaaraesti Urammar upon which hdfather, Kev. 3. WV Barrett, haa rpentyean olabor.: Uot only. Is thatjps .writing beauUf nMy accurate, bntibe lias drawn' very flnelywith pen the tnsay Chinese duroctert neededIn the work, and tha whole, tiresouts an arti*-UoappeannMaforwhtotaiaia la to.ba highlycompllnnmted. • " ; '£ a ' -•"• ' ; ' •"-••'•; -•' •

Y . , ; _ ( _R. B. Best baring put in' a water motor

his bakery, opposite Park Hotel, will be'ppato to « p i & during the •ea*on, wholesalsand retail, pnra ici»'creani In all flavors,willdeUWttfanypejioflown. *

of .Blaokwdlaiid Smx Bte.,| |^^(^|I

ViIUOAX VOHU WlliO.SB.•VUUiun F. Wiggins, nioro f amillarly knownFord Wiggins, died this morning at four

'dock at the borne of his son-in-law,Wm. E. Caursen, at Buocoaunna. He

« u in Dover two woela ago last Wednesday,but was token 111 that night with a cold, thesymptoms of which were similar to thow of-lie all prevalent gripps. HU Ulna* flnaUylulmlnatod in typboid-pnemnouia of such a

'ere type tint bis decease waa hourly, ex-pected for u>vend dayi before ho passed away.

B ion, Dr. H.C. Wiggins, who wuBpe&dingne weeks In North Carolina, waa Bumuwnodtelegraph, but it v«aa doubtful if he would

iurvive«ntilW»tUTlvBl. Dr.Wlgglnsreaonedlome on Tuesday noon and the dying father,

who Lad Uen iu an apjiarently uncaoaclouioottditlon, at once reoognlxed him and withgladnessexclainwd, "Tbe last obatadeh n-moved." All blBBurvlvingchildren were nowabout him and be peacefully awaited his end.

' With tbe death cf Ur. Wiggins Is removed

of tbo oldest and best known of tbewho hava been long engaged in the iron mlu-Ing Industry of this Boction, as well as one oftha widest known and most familiar ol Its

Itiuns. He waa bom at UL Hope In April,S15, and waa tborefore almost TO yean of Bge.

father, David Wiggins, VIH engaged Inlining and farming at Mt Hopo before him,

1 his ancestors wore resident* of that placefar \>ack as Iho revolutionary period.

,Vbeu Q very young nun he made the first'entureforliituself as superintendent of tbeiVaahlngton Forgo, near lit . Pleasant, of

lob he had charge many years, and ha isI to have been the first to Introduce tbe hot

last in Uie forges of this section. Somewhatlater, wbeu tba late Henry UcFarlan pur-chased tba JUchsrd mine be placed tha prop-erty In charge of ilr. Wiggim and It was

rkod undsr his direction Still later hoi ID charge of tbe welt known Tilly Foster

nine jn New York, and be superintended thework daring the construction of theffitcoag 1 urotuwt) t>t Stanhope.* These

rare i i - principal positions he held, but healso interested in one way or another

itb man/ other mining ventures, and hislowlwjjje of mining properties In this Motions BO great that up to the time of his death,counsel was frequently Bought for infor-

notion respecting property lines and theoursoa and peonlloritlDs of veins of ore, al-hougb he retired eome time ago front activeludness pursuits. ,

Ur, Wiggins waa aim well vensd.inallth&tei-talued to the local history of this section,la memory was Indeed remarkable, enablingq to recall tacts u»l dates will, wonderfuliiiracy, and this quality made bis ooguaint-» especially valuable to. all jnteresbxl in

he local concerna ot tho put . He waa a Ire-iwfflt visitor to the sanptum of the EUA,rhere his presence was always welcome, andlany of the lucidenta of other days wf 'ive been enabled to publish for nearly a

score of yettra wert) supplied by him upon theoccasion of these visits. Jlla Intelligence andgeniality, coupled with tho fact that he was

l Inordinate raadar and observer of all publicita, also made his preseDce ever sgrceablo,hie opinions upon affoin of national or

local Import were alnays conecUy conceivedand forcibly rendered.

It was but natural that a man of his intelli-gence, keeaobseryatlonandconauientiouBCon-tfctloui should have acquired the moat correctyleifslnrqcardtopolltlcalaffairi Heoce.beroe from the days of his youth, both as aITitg and a Republican, an uuconipromlslngiponeat of the Democraoy. He waa one ofe jnoit atdeat advocates Qt the protection of

American labor we ever knew, and in con-trovsniei upon thta sub^ootUiue wtre butfew who know him who cared to antagonlce

i was eminently pracWpaJ.and would

A, Tribute Crom »

But i—I do not'knoV that luayttlng.old'wall be added to your kind and ]iutltuary notice of the late Wai. H. HcDavit,

1 cannot refrain from giving a portion ofy awn tattmony and f eellnpi regarding bis

unsalfish Jntorast In, aud Jovu for others whomwas pleased to wll, bia frlpndj, wlio couldbent, only In i ain»U )ray nttuni his favor*,was my privilege to enjoy an intimate aoInUnoa with turn for a niiinber of yean.It rJU'Owars be *rxwrcoot ailed grief

me tha^tl f aa prevented by tbeaama maladyhJeh ended Us life from being prevent at his

uneral to place a flower on but oofiln, or toIft tpy voice tn song, with feelings mingled

[th* grief because'of rav. personal lost, anidts: thankfulness" that;the world:bat bees

tiado better because cC hli living b it.. HIl»iu p.,UC» that (B na>'&r nscboiicd'.atitep £uU

l | t e j f l l f i t ; i " t h

ture working out of tbelivM-rfsonie lnd|-d U who hafo com* dlreotly under his In-

I ' foel insuredi tfcat in "giring: ex-•nbsion totbese feeUngs'I i»m but volilntfh sanUmonU of many otbei* • ' / . . ..";

; ; „ " . Sincerely Youn*,

_ far as we can kwu the nonon of thepenlng of the trout M m oP TTed^esday InU section were won with oddi to spare br

Mr; Fr*d. T13lor, olltii.'place, wbo thatinoromg took from the Rockaway river .tialrgeattrout"Wi haveerer 'iwn.:- When putn the\tati* ID Has bfBce." W* In the day it

weighed.plump. Stf, pbba4i>.and when tintt k from the water wekbed ty{ pounda. It

b t ' d ^ k e d iuuiyrat a baanty,'andpand iuuiy.

feasted their eyea on' it,1 - Mr. Taylor.also ^jgli esteem of. all within the range of hiscaiightJ<tbefWifltImfl'MpU»rJrouttta^ " ' ' - - • • • - - • - -•wclghod IX poonds, and would bave beeo Iright had It not bteri>w 'completely edlpied

yttaroyalo«npaniott.i v^ . •' . '. ., ••.'.•}'•:Mr; Ed. D. Ndgliboiir,,wlLU« out'for troutis same day found a, flk» in the adit near tholooti ot tha Port br im tunnel, and discover;

KI two young men In tbe tunnel driving tbetrout down toward I t Under threat of proW-luUonba compelled them.Ui take away'tbe

CB, JA person who would take such a meanadvantage of these royal game flsb, withoutgiving them a fight for life, ought to be prose-cuted to tfie full extent of the faw.

A V Uosnae fioket, :A meeUng of temperance people WM hsl4

iGricoM, E. Church on Jioadayevening,which the: feasibility of nomJniliog a no-

lense ticket for the charier, election wai dit-cu»ed.'" I t W f l a s l l y decided to appoint acommit tM'pf.six, with power to add sis others^ po their number ; they to nominate a ticket

and to cafl KmeeUng to lailfy itUjff* mtde>stand that.thiy h^ae,that ths nawlswBxingopunty boards of excite commit*'to control iiceoaes not'grantvd by theinaylnBome w»y be declared unconstitutional.They may rest tbelr minds about that. Tfrelatrwnfl epadrillj prepoml in th^llquorln-terestato preventrno Iletana^in'any port ofNaW Jenoy, and those dralting it hiave prob-ably taken good care to so prepare it .that Jwill itand the tost of U*.:: Th»'top>raapeople themaelTOB, by. their Independenttloriatcritibal junctarea.ln New Jersey pol;

• have made ail this possible, and barercnAend their own Votes ,'taore unavaUlngthanever.- ^ ' ' )

;TVblla almost everybody; has noticed

rutum of tbe robins and bliwrilrdu, few havthought to »pcak ot tbe taci'Uat i*»TEog\lila•parrowa are carting their nsual annniilamount of debris over the windows, utdar thegutters, in the pornenunl among the branchesot the ivy, -That to bna of # « fMtpWspring that liaot at all pleajoni , -

A. Janes, expert opticaii, wlU be at tny'stontwo days only, Tueadajand Wedneiday, ApriJTth and'Sth,"Those having defwUwi tislonare Invltol to.call at that time.;.;Ko',chargemade for eaumMttonj, Jj, Halrbonse, watch-

}•; -Will Wonneia Kevor Oeut^r •J9oren • pounds bMt standard gntnulai

sugar for si canta, at I*. Lebinant p6's,door to posfrflfflbe, Dover.-; ;. " •.'', ' .



son, a prauiiieut lawyer, uf I auaic, N Jdied only a tow weoka ago.

UBS BfcTOBHEIU.Urs. Batlubelka firiant, widow of th* late

BUpbes Briunt, died a t tha old homestead oftbe family, on the road between Dover A:Mt. Freedom last Bunday, having ataiaed tothu good old age of 83 yean aud 9 mouths,»was laid to rest on Thursday. Mrs. Briantwas a life long resident of that vicinity, andbad always enjoyed the undivided respect ofthe community because of her useful andblameless Ilfo as a wife, moUiar and friend,Tbe children who survive her. are CjrusBriant, John Briant and Elfeabeth, wUa ofJohn B. Stickle of



free trad* tndproWcUon. While severalIng offloa himself, bis lUlwart idvocacy of the

*pablicao cause was always valuable to hisi r t y ; •_ - • ' • • • ' • • ' ' . • . * • ' . . ' • . • • • " . • ;

Of tha kindly qualitlMof Mr. Wiggins at a;bt»r. friend and head ol a family,, i t is

Aa the people of Dover aaenj to be Kt&awbatluterasled in tbe new corporation known asthe Wriglit Organ & Flano ManufacturingCompany, recently organised In Dover, weconcluded to Interview thB officer* and giveour readers full information as to the origin,what they are now doing aud their futureplans. The building in which they are locatedis situated on the corner of Bergen and Black-well Btreets, and also contain the offlcw of M.V. B. Bearing, T. B.Ucarath , If illeox &terry find 0 . T. Clark & Boa. We found Ur.

V. fi. Soaring, the ownar of the building,engaged in erecting a new building for the

lodation of tha carpenters and black-mltus.wjUiB'Wrigbt Company can occupy

whole two-story coraar building runningnBlacltwell street t» t i» river. Mr Sear-

ing la tbo Auditor ot the Wright Company.'Ing been connected with it for the past

roar, and ou being questioned, remarked"If I bad not confidence la Sir. Wright'sabilities, and the success of the Wriglit Organ& Piano Manufacturing Company, I would

it go to t ie expense of building, nod unkingextensive alterations." On entering theof the coro[«ny we saw and heard same

the Huest rood organs made, The tone be-full, powerful and sweet. The cabinet

irtwell made and nniib**, of tlw b « t ofu>rial,<aDd the designa original, t u t r and

Mr. Wm.'S. Wright, the President ofrapatiT, took ui through the tuctory andi us every courtesy that laid ia his

iwer. Von might asy Mr. Wright bad fairlyborn tn a piano or organ, tor when he waayoung, he neglected W» school education,irorkod in bis half brother's piano factory

New York. He commenced business Incomity without a cant aa a tuner and t ovr of pianos and organs la 1858. In 1877

built a small ttro-itory factory, 10x24, ons property at Fmnklyii three miles East ofover, put In foot power machinery to mann-icture organs. Af tw malting a lot of orgaoB> added a bone power to run the machinery,ading the machines not heavy enough far

work, he disposed of them and put in aipleU lot ot full'aixe wood working

machines. Then finding Uie horse power w u* enough to run the machines, ba put In a

re lione engine and holler; steam pump,m tbafUng and pulleys, and put up two

buildings. • • • / • ' .

v he was all ready for business, but bistondi hod dwindled away and he Had nononey to buy material with which to make

In Feb., im, ba took Ur. Brjraut e*partner, who put a very email amount ofmoney in the business, moved to Dover Intotha building now occupied by t ta present oom-

iny aud w u known as The Wright OrganThis company had nothing to do with

outside tutting, repairing-, and soilingios, which Ur. Wright retained as bis own

iraonalbusiness. Themovlngofthebusiaess,ivkg to buy a HBW boiler aud other unfor-

expenses, completely ate up all the fundsfora ttioy fairly got to work, and Jt wasird work for the company to lite the yeari t However, they done so and at Uie endthe year their books ahowed.Uier Sad heldeir own, and a small profit, but not bavins;

spitaltaey decided to dlstolve, Ur.Wrishthen interested lleeBri. Bearing, UcGrath andtlazlsr in the businosi, who agreed to furnish

tnmll amount of capita) and Tbe Wrightirgan Co. was reorganised Uhy 1st, IBM.

Wright's piano bustoess occupying theirgest part of bis time, and the organ com-iny unable to employ hltn, The Wright Or-

i Co. run on In on unbuslness like maniwr,et paying expenses and a neat profits Con-Idering the necessity of nhiiing Mr, .Wright's

I O lituIaUHs with the organ ooapany. andfull attention, also more capital, Tbe

fright Organs Piano JlanufaOttlring'Com-iny,was ' ~ ""

KkadjJaakirtJq_sp«nk.ffTU nwi,r|iU,i"-4lononble, genial and tnia. and alwava ap-irectated the value of old-time acquaintance,foe older tealdentt of thU section will («a apecial seme of loss in Wi departure." Of thereabyteriaa Church he WBB si member for

many Jew* and demtmttnted ma faith byrec^itand example, ;

f the family of bb father an only brother.aniel 3 . Wiggins, ranalns. In his young

manhood he married Miss Busan H, Bought?,ho died In 18W, afteraJong and happy union,

chlldnw wore bora to them, of whom one1 In ooiidbood/ud another, Albert Wig-i, died in the service of bis country, beingof the Beventeen. volunteers from Rocka-township who yien drbwnad by the over*I f b t ^ l g the C b ^g t w ^ c p M i l i i g the Cumb^

. . _ Thli * u a Urtlng grtef to the fondth9r,"an4 bewas (Wver-abW to spoftk; of ittfc&at fiboffing 'thVitajpBst'motlwLV Iboritfc& fiog p

urrivlDg children are Un, Wm.H. Jdase, Ofovor, and tflss frouls* Wiggins, Tr.1 H. 0.lggbuancl Hn. Wm. E, Couraeh,~,ot Boo-

c a s u n n a . - ' . " • '• . f ' : "• : ' ; " ' . " : -'"•* • '• *•>!

Tie funeral of Mr. Wiggins Will take place, Monday next. a^iriowintheSuc

Presbyterian Churcbi at 10(30 o'clock..:\., J0flNltLBJ3WB0N»lLl.This gentleman," ticotier prominent and WBUown oJUwn of Roxbnry township, breathedlast tvttliEWt the tame time aa Ur, Wig-

ftas, having died at about two o'clock thisonung.' U« too oatne of an old family, Usrth'er, John iHonndl, and otlur anonrtoravWbManaUresofthlsseoUan. Ur.Hon-

tell wms about 03 years of age^ was born inloxbury tofntahlp, and bad resided there aU

life. Us followed the occnpaUon of awwianiiooertaiidijpilgbtfBoUeinJin'f ^ w . w a i p g f U ,

airfthi^hoat Ids life carried With him the

a w , . Bii cordial nature alao madelira very popular,' and as be was a Democrat

in" politics it WM posBible for him to obtainsdnwstuy t m i b l p effice. He bad filled »• numbw cJ.mch podUba*," had formerlyrepresented Roxbury In tie Board of Free-holtta'rs, and was ailing ,:the:poslUoa:.<*>Aii*

ir atUw^Ume1 cf his death, having: boen._rototh»tofficeatth«laiteleoUon.' Mr.

[onnell had been ill for quite sometime, hisQmeotbelnjtlitumororcaocer of tbestonucb,

and bis death w u hourly expected for severaldavB.' Among • large dixie of friends he willbe adncerely Ejourned. Ho leaves a wife andtwo Kfcw^ •oos, one of ^ f n '^anoh J , Hon>nell, Is engaged |n the grocery bustnen on Mt,Hope avenue. ]n Pavmv C^Ttm funeral service;-wlubebelacaTaesds.7 next,at 10 o'clock, A,

. in the Baccaiunna U. S. Church.' ' KDWARO DHIsiia r''*fr'-T'

Bdward Pell, a.'widely taowa wiident^thU vicinity, died at his bofnenear KoTJaln*-itle, at 8:46 o'clock oo Baater Hubday morn-

ing. Tfaecauiawaspneumcml^rstultjngfromthe grippe, • Mr.Deli: would; have bee*

f I J next' B b l ^ r i t a cgpp

rears of age In June next,' Bebelon^ritaof the old families of tills secUon and was borand lived all t i l days In the neighborhood,

l B > t d t W iyenergeUo man, and pushed hisactively until the ttaeof his death, accomttlat-ing a fortnse* estinuited at from: 175,000 t$100,000, Ha remained abuijbelarallhiadaThs funeral took place on Wednesday,Soon,' from the Buccasuniia P b t oCChapel, and was attended by a large gather-ing of relatives and friends. The interment

ru la the Quaker Cemetery at MJIIbrook,rhere his father, Jessa Dell, and his ancestors

Were buried, ^the family 'being; of Quakerorigin, and among Ute early settlers of thissection. Aftar the funeral the friends returnedtohisUte'realdencej where his w W w « 'fssulby J s i H. Keigtbonr,. He nuide faetpmti to anumber of friends wbo had taken care of himduring blft lUaeas, aad divided hia^wtaiaftmongbisrcjatlr^- Hb* Phebe J . Ddl, bBnnt »nd iwoiekepper, WM prorWefl for lfb*(d,y, ;H; I*. aOtmhwrinnu lU«s Fcobe 3. P<areUiaexaoutor#.: " • ; -

. .; JHT.L.LI t Is nport«d tbaf R«v.

died on Tuesday at Washington, D. 0.; WIMTBs spending * He wai for

number of rears pMtor of tbe Cbeater 0°gregBtlopRlCbiircb and principal of tbe Iceltuteln that {,!»<», About t-wtatj 5»r> a,be removed to Bd.ooley's Mountain to ac*>]the pastorate of the^Presbyterian Church,IHWrlT h u nsdded at Newton. Ills 1Tears wera 'mule •toniawliat.uDpIeannt bomUxt over his la*t wife's .will, u d .otbormisfortune*.; Henudamany friandsdiirihi*Usagw«ld«io»laMorrtspouniy;.: W» bU i b d r f 7 f i (

Tb»t HibonUa School Kat ter .HIBEJUOA, N. J., April UI, 181H.

EDROB OT TUB Inox EKA:DIAB BJB:—I desire through your columiurefute the slanderous and untruthful aaeor-

ions of "Citlzeu" hi the paper ol UarcU27tb.explanation of tbe alTair given in

paper of March 20th was correct and wasbaaed on the remarks of tbo opposition cauddates and their friends, who have from time

i time doctored theii oppualUoo to tha Bab-wti school and their Intention to brook Jt up."he public school is and has been conducted

to tha general satisfaction of Uie people, amithe only dissatisfaction thct exists is among a

who dwdre their children to have tho rulef t t» v&ool. As JOT Bearchicg nil places lor'otors of ail kinds and CIEUSCU tha oppuition

if must have been included an the ne-ed " ring " did not cont&lu any ]»uponi or

itoiicatod pomous. Furthermore, all ther of the opposition was that tha ladies badlight to vole at a school meeting aud should

lot vote, as they would not allow them andranted the petticoat eovammeutU) give themwo hours till thoy went home and got theiromen. When thechairuun read tbo school

aw concerning the right of ladle* tn vote atJitj aaid meeting the opitoaltion party wilb-

wlth yeJU and slouderoua remarks,will be xaara ladles out t i n t year.


itoongj UIBSlub^Qsars.

A number of Kcnvilltes attended a Burprisoirty at Hotel Breslin March t!7th, given Ininor of Mrs. VnnNortwick. Those presentoreAlMsn. Ayars, Babble, Cliicklo I'iersou,

'rankle Carrell, Willie Uegio and Dr. Sinltb,fKatrtoa; Jlr.aod lira. DurkLort and (inugSi-r, Ur. Nelson, the Uiases Lee, of Lake Ho-

UIBS Scripture, of Stauhope; Miss. «srs. A. Skellenger, Tom Kitzlierbert

and Fred Thlbou, of Huccasuuna, and manython. A pleasant evening wan eujoyod by

A hauakerohlof soclabla will bo hold at t ie"eddence of Ur. Win. Hwtwney on U'cduea-l y , April 6th. Corns one, uome all.

Ulw Helllo Baker, of Morristewa, spvntunday with bar parents in this place.Mr. and Afre. Uaberry, of Lyndliurst, tpont

iubday with Ur. C. Btumpf and family.Ulsa Ads I'uliB, of Warwick, 1B vlmtlng Mrs.

. G. Baker.Mr, Jonas Hulae, who has bmn spomlluR a

days in the South, bus returned,Ur. Jerry Baker, of this place, In lying quiteI at his son's horns In Dntkuvlllu, We witthr him • speedy recovery,ilr. and Mn. Baal Baker, Ur, Ryereon, ofY,, Mr. Cbu. Baker and wife, and the

Boker, of DraliesviUfl were the guerta8 . 0 . Baker Sunday.

Ur. Jonas Hulse aud wife spent SundayIth Ur. 0 . Salmon, of Ut. Olive.Ur. and Mre. Will Stumpf and the Misses

mpf.^ot Suocasunna, were the guests of'. 0. Btumpf ou Sunday.

r. Ed, Dell, a well known resident of thiswn, died at bis home on Sunday morning at

tight o'clock.Banks, book-keeper at the Atlantic

>ynatnlte works, Is now living in the houseformerly occupied by M. 3. Fanohor.' Kra, A, A. baker, we are sorry to say, Is

a oonflned to her bed.'oa onto the Daisy ot Rustic. Tbe mowagain fallen and has very likely caused it

bend Its bead Lowe.Joseph Uott, who Las boeaqutte ill, we

> glad to Bay 1B recovering,flan Katie Schwlchtenberg, of thla city,a has been spending tha winter In Boonton,returned. We aro glad to SOB you looking

i well, Katie. We suppose i l l s due to thorisk country air which you luhaled during

ir. WaiTen Gordnor, of Buix-osunna, wasi guast of Ur. Otto Stumpf on Saturday,

uvmlmr of KJmvllitesattendcd tlie iStuterat Dover on Monday evening. They soy

hey enjoyed themselvmi Imnioiisely.Ur. John Lowe, ot Rustic, wai Bean in tewnSunday. *

rs. John King, of Phillipsburg, has beenIting hur mother, Mre. I. Ike, of Ibis place.

CAKHAH'a «HOflr.

OEBJCAN VALLEY,Gumble, of Somervllb, has been visit-

In town,lur school has been closed owing to the" Rttendanoo, many bolng lick with the

. » . - • '

Il ls. Kate Morgan, of Callfoo, spent Uoo-wlth her Bister, Sire. Isaao Dorland.las Cora UetUer la visiting friends in. Kewk, Rosevillo, Bntoklyn and Albany.

March left ui with (juiUa itnow atom.; glad* gone, for tbe month brought much stck-

WU1 Hill bad his SngenbatUy laoeratedbrough the carelestnesi of another on Thu»-

last while working on the railroad.T u r f m r t d b t | a > l d

oak of 150,000, divided iuto iharw of |25h, Ur. -Wright taking Bbana lu paymentbii piano buaineoa; t l w for hit shan ot

Wright Organ Co. and will devote biswhole time to the management of the business.D r i n g the past month two extra men have

sen employed, aud expect to take on anotherBit weak.: The organ and piano manofaoring business Is now drmly wUbliabed in

'over, and h u all thaindlcaUonJ of becominglarge concern. The benefit* will not onlye In bringing mechanics to our town, butrill bring 'purchasers from this M -well aattter Btatea, and Dover, W, J . /wll l beoome

own a» an enterpridnK cunufaoturingWe ooDgratulalvl Mr. Wright hoi-

Jdng this comii h t '

Kmnany, and believe him to bein the right place, ft&d wisb the

V B U C C e S B . - . ^ ' '• • ' '•'• '•'••'

competitiva examination for the sslecti onacandidato and an alternate to be nom

itod h? EeproeentnUvo Cadmtia of the Fifthongresalonal District of New"Jersey.aitidetto tbe United Btates Naval Academyrllltakaplace April ESth, 1801,begiDningat) o'clock A. M., at public school No. 0 In E)ll-

stnet,FaterBoa.' Candidates mtut be iea-Ideate of either Bergen, Uorrja or. PaiatlooounUeaand between the ages of flftoan andtwenty years, phjrfcaUj tound} «eU fonncd

ofrobaitconiUtuUon,They will be examined In reading; writing,ai^^ihme^KeogTaphy, GngUib gram-r and the elementary prlndplas of algnbra.the luccessful candidate n c d m his ap-

pointment hi time he may present hinunlf toAcademy on the IDth of May for exsmtna-

tkn for admission, otherwise be will be ex-amitwdontheflntofBeptemberi . .

Theoourse for Naval Cadets Is six jean,' u r years at the Academy and two sts sea,a pay oJ a cadet it MCOayear TOmmendnfthe date of his admission, ., <. ,•

' The Board of EuunlnerB will be John Ter-iiine, Superintendent of Public Instruction,or Boreen cocnty; Rev. Dr. Chaa. D, Shawor r-uSac, and the Hon. Wlllard W. Cutler

Uorri« county.• A tfourlBbln* Sunday Ekhool.'

The Ht, John's U. B. Sunday school atPort Onun, has pasted the 600 mark, tbe rollnow showing a membership of 604, which Isexceeded by only one Sabbath school in thecounty-that of theBouth Street.PiieibyiwknChurch, at Uorriitown: At the annual elao-tlon on Sunday afternoon the following officersirere ctoeen: S^p'tl[Win.H:T«ikinjr( AsstSup't, E, W.RoievsaTi Beoy.t^T.-ajptrgoiT U l A 8 Ijaruei Oganlst, Hlat

F d DlkHarriet Pavis; librarian, Fred. Dlokenooiip't of Primary Department, MIsi Anna B.irue; Asdntanta, Hisses EUs Champion and

Uiry Jobnaon; Beo'y, John A. TojJdogOrganist, MIM Keille Farr, ; .

•"" " Who Will be Major P,.Lieut. Col. E. W. Davis, of the Flrrt K.

/•gtmcat, to which Co, 0 , of Dpvsr, Is *\tached, has resigned his poelUon.and Iticonceded that Uaj. R. Seber Brientnell willRocceed. TWi wlM make a vacant^ la tiie of-fice of Major aud a warm contest for it tuualready begun, the candidates being CaptB. Cbamplin, of Co. E, Capt. 3. 3, Berry,Co. A, and Lieut H. W. freeman, of Uie gundetachment. Prom ' Cflpt Cbantplln's in-timacy and interest in Co. 0 w« Imaginewni be their favorite.

- : ~ ; Pe r Prohibition. - •..At a meeting in the Pin t U. S. Church last

Friday evening a ladles Auxiliary to theProhibition [arty vaa orguuxed wiLh the fol-lowing otBcars: Mrs. Halfard JODOS, Presi-dent; MIM Etta Searing, Vice President:uW.Bt^3fayben7, -&cntary~snd Tma-urer and Ulss Daisy Martin, Aislataut &tary and Treasurer. , ' . • • .

has ranovod bis practipe to porot and hastaken the residence and ofpee of B. J. palmDornor otBlackwell and Essex street*.Hann hai had a tuceessful practioe of elgljeort In Oaraum Valley, and i/a UUdl f th> h t d Ij m y, / pUdlsaaaM of th> heart and Inngt, and ofdiaeaste of wofnea tvpd cblldrDn.. ConimJtaU<free,;.; : • : ^ ^ ' ' '

- . ' VroBted Oream Soda,KlUjoro, the druggist, bos opened his Boda

Fountain for the season with ajl the leadingflavors and the new Frosted pWtn withflavors,'••' • ' •','' ' : " ' * . • ' ' '• '"

,'"•.• 't Wonderful, twt rrue,,Boran pounds best itanoan) granulal

mtpi lor M oant*, at L. Lehman A Co*,dtoMtffiDr ^

gOur towisuiuu, Ur. Wm. Bbupo, has beenlugerously 111, but wo am glad to kuow bebettor.Jir. John lluillgnn Is flllioff the position nt

rolling mill wbloh Mr. TLos. Hammondigutd.ohn C. Wunl, of Htanuopu, lias recelvod a

>nsioii of (4 i»r niaiitti and nine mouthsck lay.

lfiTumorodlhat Job u II. JuL-ksonba« ro-ilgnod bin position aa route agent on the Lack-

anna rood,Mr. U. E. Oraj, of Iloonloa, IIBB acoet.U-d a

ion with p . M. Ueblcln, coufeoUaniBk-, W. J.ibart Canlhld, ot MonbtoKu, h u

fliited a jutcnt for a balanceil valve forteam uuginos.Mrs. K. A. UnCurJy, of Morria ia,ilini laat Katunlay for an oxtoudul tourrougli £timj>e.

r. and Mrs,' Henry Tregnnuwatt, andilrai, of Hobokeu, spoilt FMOBV, with their

.rente iti this piano.Win. K. Buniull, of Ilockaway, Una c badlyirnincd ankle, caused by a slip In alighting

n, a raili-ood train.ihn Littlo, e. Mendhnin fnrmur, bod hisbroken last -ivtuk by being struck with tholilt! of a Htutuii puller.r. I'hll. H. 1'jera.iti, of ITorrlaUmn, linai avpoiutal uumtabtvato of tbo cstolo oflate Wm. IT. McDavit.

Harrison Uooiv, tho ovni]gcllst,holdameetr-ig at Littlotou lust BuuJay, a t vrtiiclj four-

a went forward for prayers,ns, Ida H, Toller, wife of Her. U. W.

Jor, pastor of tbe Rolormod Ghurcli, atnpton Pluiun, dlod ou Wednesdny.r. I«wia W. lawigdnu, of Chester, has beenwith la grijijie aa havenLto Mm. J. Boelty,Edwlou aud Mr. F. E. Langdou.

r. K. Braun, of Rockaway, is uaid haveotTercd a handsome uum Tor the uso of his

manutaeturing process in Germany.5Vank lloblnson, of nockoway, has patentednacblne for nmklug horse shoes with calks& nail boloe, all rcadj to 1U to the iiurso's

rs. Elimbotb Freegnns, «( Port Ornm, hagicelved tWa.!W tma tUoOdilFcilowB Mutualfo Ina. Association, in which her buxbandi n policy.

Col. E. W. Davit), ot UwFiwtUegliaent,been appointed tn nu Important Chief

irkship Jtt oao of the departments a t Waah-;ton, D. C.ir. HI, D, Monroe retired Tuesday from thoItion of Warden of tho Morris I'laius'luui, wbicli lu bus bold tdticu Uint iustiLu-lwiis founded.'A. J. Dlckerson baa been appointed rtgentthe PrudentialIIIB. Co.,rorilosliury town-and vicinity, and nil should tahsplcatmrii

patronising htm.' .H. OUbort, of Morris PIUIUH, was sum-

ioneti to Rliode Island on Thursday to attendof Ills follow brother*. Ho will bo gonu

ui three to five dnvs.4!UuV?liUe,oeN6W York city, will hoveirge of tbe music at tho Cburcli o! tho Ho-jiiier, Monistowii, next year, aud Fred,inyou nttl ho organist.[t«v. Titos. H. UndoD, of Bordoutown,morly of. Bucctuunua, has tx-en clioqeu

•oslilent of tlie StaUi Humane. Cougrcta forProtection of Animals.

)r. Fayctte timltii, of Madfwn, caught theihthGiia while attending bis pBtiunb, andone time was so duiRorouslv ill that it wnsirod he would not recover,

r. Frank Crane, of Dover, and Miss

Hlsslon Band social . ,uite a number1 about here are now la their

- J • U - i i l dcanallers are on the move, too.: Mrs. Draman and daughter wert) the guest*

: Sirs. Dorland on Sunday.Ur. Winey, of Cast Orauge, made bis many

Wends in our town a flying visit a few days

p. and Urs, C. B. HendershotBpentSastcrm y from home, • • . - ,•• •Rev.*nd'UrB. Drip have been away for ft

lew dayi a t Allentown, -Pa., sttendlng thefuneral of ISn, Delp'a father. They have theheartfelt sympathy of many friends in ourtown, v • : •

Tbe Lord's Supper was celebrated In thelUthenn Church last Babbatb and Qve mom-

wereftdtted. The church waa tastefullyrated with flovrers, aud the choirrendered

beautiful music. Tbey ware aBsUted by Ur.Wtllat*tth his cornet. We hope ba will con-

. to aaslstof ten.. The Presbyterian'nhwrcftalso nicely decoraUxl with calls lillos and

flowers, and tho choir rendered ft flao

i'congratulate Uiss Chrissle Howetl be-so fortunate a i to allmily Bocura a auhaal

Pleasant Qrove. We hope she may proveefficient that tbe trustees will engage herr another year.With a large corps of workers the "Quar-

terly's" were soon disposed of. The refreshnests furnished by the publisher were line.

•» • •»MINE HILL. '

The Mine Hill Church waa made gloriojii1th tragranca.. as from Uie uovrers of Edenid a delight to the eye on Easter Sunday,i. Jenkins, who is a great lover of flowers,

CUledibftpIaUonnwmibyaclntha.eto. Ourdominie told n* there are now fifty-two EasterBundayi every year to some peojije.

Lota ot sklmesB all •round UB," Orippe and cold among the old,And with yonm the measles 0."

Thay aw sinking a saw (halt or cleaning upold one on tha DIekerson mine propertyit "fnminrt" Peter Dmry'*. HILLITB.

Mrs. John Bbarkey. IU with grippe. Is able

Catharine V. H. Harvey ind her BOH, J U .Harvey, and sratdacat }',». 0. Harvey,

.re all taken sic£ Sunday night, March 22,rlth tbe grippe. Catharinii is still confine,i her bed, but is quite, some better. Junes?. and foa, a Harvey are able to be tipiround the house. . . ,

Jas. Gould and Michael Donoghue aro veisick and confliwd to tbeir beds.

The flrrt of April DM brougbtsome change*.Mward Leuniog hai moved in lira, James'oole's house at Thbmastown. Peter Croet-osn moved from Paujtowa to Patrick Ryan'sicuse ft Thotnaatowa Jos. Frisk has movedi John Pally'«house.Mil. Uzaa Tbotnak's baby has tbo measles.Mr, Jan. Opia, wbo came home from Mon-ma for the improvement of bis health, is noiinch better.Ur. J&b*> Kelley, we are glad to note,

quite (mprored in health and able to takerive with his flue carriage horse. -

. Urs. Jamas Berrynan, who fell and brolcfwo ribs, is quite some better, and can attendo household dutfea again, and tbe boarders

are quite proud of it.Quo. Sackanslwy, a Hungarian, wbo kepi

a boardlne boose at the Byram mine, hsimoved toBtanbopo and took bis boarders whim to work at the furnace.

Louie Pnak baa been confined to the bouseace Sunday vrltt maaales.

Our atreete are again moDopoUted by tbichildren and young men playing marbles.

Tbe Fort Oram Gun CTub will tneet on S&tnrday afternoon neit for practice, if weatherpermit*. As there aro some exports in thisclub, some good ahooting Is anticipated.

Tberanaa been quite a little excitement'ort Onun over a dog belonging to Ur. Lums-km, which bit one of iir, tv*m. Datb'i bovs.

As near as we can learn of the particulars tieCabbboy waatomKaUDgtheuoguntillt became angry and at last caught young Dablif the hand and inflicted an ugly wound

Wo undentond that Dabb became tcrrib.'exited over the affair, and waa Jtolnff to ttthe dog. Katorajly.of TOoi^MTtdafter learning how (be boy haWt, refused to have tbe *—very v(duabla one Prv

men Hyaftornoon, oia party

L wltQLtiuir (abor UaiL wilves,Bame one of fliopart

_ . fun, dropped a wet ne on youiBloe,a Ieqderin BUcb.ntitv.aQd

became terribly exaspented, picked upsntna piece ot ma aud tirow It with gtforce M*lort MOtber.mon who was enflrlnnoop»\and at the soms tune nlcke4 ularge poker and wielded it with great ftd J u n e " at tho sajnomani ^«t fortunatsomatning caught nod warded off tbo blothetwtaelt A t h m n a l M UtaUya

HI™K. conipelledto >en»» tern

»- m—"» ^

ta family.flr, H U M Tpet t a d . d


W. Hturgls Ltta iwuuvwl fnuu ltmuk«Jde to

ilisa Auuu Miiy TixU, uf Boon tou, i* vUUnglends at Orange.C. L. iluacb uatj Uxtii tk-ctwi Clerk of 11

•wny scliool district.livtio lioyd, Ibc fiuiioua robeJ spy, m

oil Wetluefidny.Geo. W. Vanderlioof, of Hlbernia, will re-love to Bloouiin«(Iale.Kranlc F. Ap^tit'i coadlU<.Ht ft&a u littlu im-ivcd ntlnstoccauute. *

Ror. Father Brady, o[ Neteoug, we regret> learu was taken inilto 111 yesterday.

A. V. Ktoutoud dmiyuters, of Moiris-. ivlll reawvd to Wmhingtou, D. C.

Charles II. Juluuon, u Honitto»rn veteran,a& bocu ijranlw] it J^UIJOQ of iH jwr iilonUi.Tlie Cluitliaui M, E. Cliurcb has askul for

rutuniof llev. Jwhun Miaul tor a fourth

liaj. Gun, O. O. Uowaard WBEUXI Morris-u last Jlomiuy on Ibe guest uf Dr. and Mra.

re glad to liuIllchard Clovo, win

r of tho improvement ofi ban boon ill with the

Abnor Shummi, of Stauiiopo, a ineiuber oflecond lUi.. N. J". Vols., uaa bocn allawed a

"tt'm. B . Bpuglsr, Jr., was elects a, Dlrcc-of tbo Dovor Y. II p. A. o W d ll

larried quietly on Thursday eveufug of lastreek at tha homa of tbo bride. . . . . . . . . .~ CarttTare out" for the wedding of Mlsa MayToeephlne Crevler to Ur, George Brenton

"o, at the residence of the lady, Boonton,

v. J . B. Hamilton will remove fromklyn to Hackettstown, and will devoteIme to bettering tlw cotuUUaa ot aged

mlnlaterB cf the HoUiodiflt Cbtircb.Sifinor Etnllio Pirii, aa Italian composerid musician of great merit, has been, an-iged to take charge of tho music in (helurch of tho Assumption, Uorriatovii.Hon. Dorld Neighbour, of Callfon, waa soli-ly 111 with pneumonia Uie firtt of UIIB week,. despite bis IU yeans, tis bod Butllclent vl-Ity to overcome it and yesterday waa alile

)baup.Mrs. F. J. KUtridge, of Jersey City/who

been visiting with tbo family of Ur. A. 0.jiur, wag one D[ tlie most graceful flgurea

:d cue sX 1U> HUOVL uautsrs at tUo Vigilantiwrllall,

Din. §MtA flhlpmtm Hoppiug, ot Alton, diedi the SSth ult. at tbo great age ol (13 years,le was born at Wblppany and during herng Ufa WM a. resident of Hanover mid Cliftth-




X I L L G O R S ' S


Stands for




The Best Made.

Dover, N. J.







The One-priced Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers,are on daot with oil tho lew ana lute styles SPE1NG OLOTHING for

Men, Boya, nnd Obildroi]. We bave the most oomplete linetlits flenson than ever before,



DON'T FAIL TO SE33 OT1E KEW DERBY EATS, all the latestylos and shapes, each as the

DUNLAP, YOUMAN and MILLER BLOCKS.All colors in SOFT HATS, aucli as tbe BnoAlfflDli-FEMlu-CntJeir,

and other stjles for Men ami Boys.


Harry Noldon,' of SUnliope, graduatedmrth in a large class at Bellavne Uedlcalollego, and bis rank entitles him toa surgical

appointment In the hospital, which ho willassume next fall.

Hn. Chaa. H. Knlfibt, of Uorristown, whilelopplngin Now York city on Ttuirnday ofBtweek (dipped aud fell on tbe sidewalk,

causing concussion cf the brain and necessitat-ing her removal to ihe hoepltal.

Ur. TV. A, Dunlap of this place Is going toan tho Bowman Homo in Brancbvlllo. Ur.>unlap bos bad a practical experience In that

and the poopleof Branchvillo will find him•[ as a pleasant geotle-

__ J. Prank Llndalay, H. B. Hotiman.oho &. Vnela&il and Dr. J. R. HctTman are'Isitlng Salem and While Oak Cbnrch, Va.,rbore they were lnntruiuental In establishinglabbatbachooIflupoatlieoccasiffliotUielrtaKtflait.

Mr. Fred. Sllvey, of Ntbraka, ia stoppingrlth his uncle, D. A. Nicholas, of Flanders,

Ur. Silver ia a tourist of ye olden time, as hostarted from Nebraska in Scptorabur, and liM

iven nearly ,0U9 tnllaa slnco liia (lepariureroin them.Rev. £ . TV. Dennis will oIllclAte &t tbo

3hurch of tbo BodeeinBT, Morristown, during.be months of April and Hay, and the Rev.pr. John Fulton during tbe month of June,while the rector, Rev. Dr. Hughes, and wifeare In Germany,

Ur. D. H. Wallace, who haa made manyMends In Driver while in charge of tbe buni-

ol Uie Bwitt Beol Co,, nn» been trans-Dired to a poslt'on :t greater responsibility inlev York, nnd ii succeeded by Mr. Bnrrott,if Btuibury, Caan.

Jas. Mattbow), for many yeara proprietor)f the Port Oroin Hottl, and late sresldentafRockaway, has bought aud taken possmslou of.i largo hotel a t Cresco, Fa., near Strouds-iurg. The well wishes of many friends followIr. Mathows to bis new location.Mr. £ . Kow, who baa had charge of tho

grocery business of L. Leunian In Dorer, haabeen admitted to a partnership, which be welldeserves because of bU business sagacity,' andin tbelr pleasant now quarters, next to tbopost office, will piuh business moro activelythan ever.

Ur. Jas, 1. Tonklne, of Wt Hope, arrivedfrom Brazil on Monday evening, af tore, rough

* 13 days, experiencing tbe huricano

FI8HDTG TACKLE, BIRD CAGES,SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOWS,PRICE $1 lower than last season.Wire Fencing, all kinds at bottom prices


Bales 100 Feet Long.Syracuse Plow Shares 35 cents,SPRING TOOTH HARROWS,Dash and Cylinder Churns, $1.75 np.Boys' Iron Axle Express Wagons 80c. np.CARPENTERS'TOOLS,BUILDERS'HARDWARE,Blacksmiths' Drills, Blowers, Anvils,Carriage Woodwork and Wheels, / •Carriage Trimming Materials,


Everything in Hardware



1,000 YARDS

off tbe Atlantic coast, la wblch a number ofyeraelH were wrecked. Tbe party found ex-cellent proepects tor iron era in Venezuela,along thB Orinoco river.

Ur. A. B. Bynun, wbo has been assistant IDthe Paver post oRlce, lor el^teaa years whtPostmaaters Heooidr, J£iuctuiuui anil Uellclchas relinquished the position. Ho is a man ofcorrect habits and Una business capabfUtlaBand ma>ny frieodi will wbb bun succe 'whatever ho may undertake.

Conductor*QabHol D. Willlanw,of tho Lack-awanna, wbo was buried at Bingbamton wasa popular member of the Order of RailroadConductors, and tho members of tlie order ont ie Morris & Essex Division got up a finefloral emblem In the form of a conducWapunch, wblch they wut to tbo borne of tholroW friend.

Or. Thos. Hammond baa resigned his posi-tion In the Dover rolling mill, and nronotestor * while at least to rest from labor, Hoand Urn. Hammond will ijwnd a month a tJunction, K. J., with tbnlrdaughtor, aud afterthat will reside at Doonton. Mr. Haminondh u worked In rolling mills since GOTCU yetraof age, and hits boon In Dover eleven years.All here will rcgrnt tho,t wv are, to Iocs so gooda citizen and friond.

AlftbaatiSQ, - .A five pound packaga for 40 cent*. TVlU

cover double the mrtace kalsomlne or whitingcnlxtorfla will. Sold by a H. Barry & Co.,Uifl Povor Hardware Dealers.



Henriettas and Cashmeres;Gimps, Tinsel t Steel Trimming


• • ' Jor StrrtLu tn tltui«rv«u.can «t th« BM HJT* Bton, Don,




Page 4: FREE! FREE! JT. OOOPEB.; GIVEN AWAY. Parlot Suite ta.Silt ...test.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1891/1891-04-03.… · ' Carsehter and Builder, jo»Wwruwinp»rtlo.


oft in my tluiUELta cauics the wJIij

With vWmt <.•< immunity imTli.v Mitr uutf the 1>IH.-L uud Hi

And "jvijiV'Qflioiitiltioii tThe new paintrxl wbwlliar

she*"Tl,« l,iK i

Aft.T wLL-' "blcli I bu

i-y biKU j>il

fd to Its

IViUi w ' '• ' "">

Tliat Stilly ».lil l

--U limit or tin'

cki-t tlmt lnmb' In the

in.iriiirg IM i-rawl fn.

in tlie t-nni-yar.) at mill: Id

piihl l.r«il

i .irivt! llto DM liriiiill.- l«i

ialf r iHMj I'd lilo to theiralies mid milk.Am) ill] up with ittiiral

to lullI norer dl.l mix—I tan tolling nofulifc-

TLut milk from the biwki't llinl hung Inwell.

Tlial oil lakon bucket, that inoss-liaokLnokcl,

TUt slLiuy old luicU-t tlifll lning in ttio m

Yet all was not liibiir, a fair niml of \t\etuWan uiiue to enjoy in my innocent wny,

All Hicli were filled UJI without (.tint, wit ho

tiglimitnyal'riiling, or 1

i.B happy Iiooruftlitili..

.T itiniiiitnln or ni«M.(>w or do*;Ml,

Tbat uld unkeu liuckut, Ihut uiusfl-lmci•bucket,

Tlmt hliitij' t>M Uiivkot tlmt hung ii. tlio v

Ah, yes, many years must my memory cTo raid, Iliuso vicarious ilnys of my yt

From hnyhoikil K> Miiutttftclit', (rum mountto IOV*T,n lover llirough six little toddlers' flitootb.

(Iv ; uiws ta n o t ; l>ut

HeavenTim rest atfe torn HlVs Wttwr trl

utriro,Tlinu£ii nut Irrni) unr )>res*>n«) Unit J


The Hcnreti M«i'4 waU-ni, llie ««writers,

il JUver of Waters of Lite.

Ttw iltty*nntlitt

But w

: youth

, U OUT'S mi'l wo rdinU yet iliscoviHoyot'ii us the fuiintaiii of youth oucongai.

Anil winn wo return from our last ir< fluting,

Wlieri! imshiuiis auil ho]«s wen HO 1iiml rife,

AWU quietly 'Iilile In tlio ttrilffjutglnnmfng,

Till colled to tlio I H w of U'ntors of LifeTho Heaven lilr-ss'ii watcm, tho God

irntora,I'ercnutal Hirer nf Vntewiii Ufa I:

OAJTE AHD PISH NOTES.Tliero nro i-Jciity of trout streams In

Stata w.il plenty of trout lu ttia etteiEvou Essex county Is not without Its trotstreams, .ulttuiugtt tlicir Iwmks ure worn lianrol unoutli by tlio feet of Uio niigleiu Morcounty !ii\3 mom streams wkteb ato not•well ktiuwu nor so mucb tidied. In I'assi

atocketl with flsb, nml many ot them amPXtTonirfy rongli country wlilcb tries tbo(lui-Qnixi of tbe an git1 rs. In KiifuoxniDstoftrout strvams aro in fairly ojjun country, iiiiiiiiy of them ore uirufully protected1! hut anUciiUotiiniily angler can ensJIy oliUifu f roiuowner (lie jirlvjlege nf Hulling tor halt a day.

It would lie better for all if trout fisherwould rcftpoct tlio law on J throw luck Into tinbrooks all trout uuder six inches Ju length.•Smaller trout nro uot worth keeping underany clrcum^anaa, aud If a mtin merelyfar cDuut IIQ can aa well enumerate thosewhich bis throws lmclc, for no rensonnblo per-son would Imvo anything Mica respect for onangler who FIIOJTB up a lot of flngerliiigBprove UU atsertionn. N« trout over tbrwInches la length will rufnso it tvonn, nml tbnlittto fellow*aret«l(.OTn»tniGi> by tlio boo'

iK to tbo worm like bull-dogs, and aiA out vt tbo water to drop on tlio bnnV.

Tho l'equannwk river, near Newfoundland,Morris county, contains some fine trout,'ore. thoroughly ulucatod. There aro trout Intlio 'Wlilpptuiy, alio, uud In the Ilockuwftjthrougbout its upper atretcuei. Near Uopatconglio Una trout utreaoi, which In mucvWtcdbyKewarkera. At the head nf Greeiwood liike, In Dutch Hollow, t hero are a ultra-bcr of good brooks, and thorn are morethe mountain in tbo vicinity ot Warwick. TinWalUll dud Black river valleys have obeen not«l (cr trout, and there is a fnmousbrook near German Valloy. Up tabledWaiiftque mountain, in tho neighborhood

. Btana Town, is a brook, vrtileu Its frequentvisited v-Ith success by Non-ark anglers.

A siatt -who lives on the tipper Tiuattlc rmarked on Friday that nearly overy farmerin Um vicinity o! StvInefleM Bridge and FineUrook had and used n not, UP unys tbat anyoi them will f)gut mtlicr than obey the lair,and that a flub wnrdnn who ultcinpta to onany of tuom will get a warm reception. Tim;seem to hold It an inalionuMo right to fishthe Passaic wltli nets and arc encouraged I,Newark men who go up and help them haul.

Buckor fltililne in In onlor now, amitho wntar Is cold they will take tho warm.They come nearer Mug jmlatable now thanat any time In the year.

In two or three weeks the oels will com-mence to nscend tho atreatna.—Newark Call.

Farmer*' Intaretts.Tho report of tbe State Board of Agricul-

ture for 1890 says that grain fan.alng.nssncl.,must be abandoned In Now Jersey. ThoState, U B&yo, is tiasliinH\ to becomo A marketgarden agriculturally. First-class vegetable*,•small Irultii, poultry, eggs and butter mtutbeoomo tbe staples. Ulustrating this point,Medfoni Granger Is credited with raisin*1,W» worth of csntalouiws on n flvc-actpatch, and it h msntlonttt that Oloutceter,Caintlcn, Burlington, Salem and AtJcounties aro now growing largo quautlUes olvegetables and snail fruits far the Phihdc]phia laarketn, Tlio report states that thecranberry crop fell off 75,000 bushels last J<

•Tersoymen are snid to oirn W.MH horeesveIurfat«$tt,KH,703;0,GOl mule* are held altl.Wil.214, and m,*CQ milch cows valued

The report snys that freight dlgcriuilnatlotiis TBtordiMg U« development of the ilali.interest and that oleomargarine and ndultcr.at«lcbee»bavogreaUr Injured trado In tht-gonnine articled. U is stated that whotilow yean «KO K«w Jerwy nncuallj- ciportolbutter wortb £7,000,000, In 1690 the shlpmcnUfell to $ ,000,000, and that t ie dairymen at-tribute this to the Imitation butter. Cheeseshipment* hare fallen off in u like routiner,According to the rcimrt pnre lonl is a. dttll-cult article to buy, as is also unadulteratedbutter. •

Specimen Cues.B. Tl. aiiTord, New Cast*], M'bcoiuin, wn»

troublwl with Neuralgia and Itheumatism,liln Stonioch wax disordered, his LircrwoiaBcctal to an alarming dpgm.nppuUtofullaway, and lm was terribly reduced in Ref.liand BtrongUi. Three bottles of Elyctrfc Bit-t en cared him.

Edward Sbcptionl, ItarrUiburg, IU., lim\ nrunning wre on his leg at eight yiatm1 stand-ing. U»ri three botUw of Electric Bittenand seven boxes of Bucklcn'a Arulcn Bolve,tuul Ws leg is soiTOd and 'well. John Spi-oker,Catanbo, 0., bod lire large Fover sores ort i i leg, doctors said be woi Incurable. Ombottle Electric Bitters and one box Sucklen'fArnica Salve cured bim entirely. Sold byHubert Killgore'* Drug Store, Dover, Onun,Bonce & Go's Drug Start*, Port Omm, and F.N. Jcnldns' Drug Btore, Cbwtor.

Tbe best wive lu the world for Cuts, Bore*.Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores.Tetter, Chapped Hannj, Chilblains, Coras,and all Skin Eruptions, and positively caretFiles, or no pny required. It U guaranteed bgive perfect saUifacUoi), or money refundedP r i » tWAotr-fivo oenta per box. For salt bjRnbfrt KlUzora. Dover. Oram, Banoe & Co,Part Onun, and F. If. Jenkins, Chester.

When your dealer send* you something"just as good" when Hires'Boot Boar is oakenfor, Us proper UJag 1* to send it back, Ht

U h in MlUrg sulnUtotoa, bocausa Uitl " :

• WITH HOME TALENT.Tue iomUtlnn oi tbu Atamh " ThrM Year*

u a Man Trap," pntti'ntod in Bnkcr OperailouMj last FrlilnyandSafttunJayt-vuiiiiign, was•willy ilcpt-flnss, when it i» ctutidt-aO tlmtjciirly itio utniio »[ tliD ciu,l wutt uuidu up otjimn* ttli'bt, laubl of the cUuractcrii uen-r IHJ-romhjiuu^n]iiK'unxl npjii • (.tago. Two nf;bi) priucj{u)l cbiruclci^, ami thu generalBuporviflon of theplay, was ub»uiiiHl by W.W. Wood and B. H. Cuiinully, of J'liiladi-l])l)ia,

•MI actluit wan pt-r/ect, uud who ik-. rvuga-at citsllt for brinsiitg to uitli u Cfgi-ec uf

ixlluu Dttr hmiie (itimteurs. Thu cilmrat-U'rof bill Munthfin, n Iminiiier, wiw taken by 1L'W. Uuwrll, whd boil '.II tho <tibo of n prufra-

U, uud such a tltw ctrawptwu «t Uin jwrtLbutfuvv would liovo tuki'ii lilm for an n ma-tt! ur. In thtf (hiimltr oIJiiliHUIuiii.tholawl-lonl, Fniiik T. I'I-UliuineC. V. CmirturundM. U. U«

.-ve will spokeU H i, liix

nb I'uU-rs'wns uiso

arts in u very i>ra]ilati]« way. Fninliu up in tin Irinh cbnmeter Irttcary gi^l. Vi. V.. Tliomiwu, In tLo jmrt (if

IV-rry Flint, aiKild outca>t, was both iiimnhtt-up and niiiiinir jarll^iilnrly good, tuid 1m didnearly as cell In aimtlier juirt In ivLieb bo

utuili.tl nil old Irlbh woman. Joseph V.*r, «'!io nuitiniul tho chjiracnjr of

|)hilonUiro])ic gentlctuan, invest**! it wibccuiiiinggroTityniii. dignity niuJcontrilmUluiwU to tlio general Buttons, (juy Fewwas in ovtry tenbe fL intxlul jroliccmitn *ti]

I'iUlieibcrt inturpretwl very nicely tlio poiof KlMinea-r Hoidfast, n unnctiinoniiraB.kiullitit, nnd Hurry M. Tliauiim acted vgreat natiiruliit-Ntttie jjnrt of n j'oungim

i a wHig wall ifudoml. Lew Polliird -uulitti k>y lu a chnructor of tliat kiutl i

Ilia emmdatioii and dramatic uction were hd. 'flu minor mnlo [wirta were verytalilv takeu by O. A. I'lirkoran a inechiiii. P, Titus [in Jmljo nf tho Court, ChnitLKcbasn tonyli uud WllJicKingaaanon*


Of tto Mien iwrticliiattug in Uio east Mr(J. C. J'arker, in tlio character uf iliigglLloyd, <.l«4Krvc«speclii nwutlou. Her tnanaewas cany ait'I grnccful, lier HUM tvull spoke'auiJ elmrly enunclnUx., w«lunjiriiiirlale to her jiart in oxcclK'ut voice

, U. T.Cowcli nuHnUle Qkiin, and MM. I. iteaniaiiSIi-a. IJoyd, werohoth oxccllcchurncUii-H for mimlcum nml essiyed tinchnnicU-ra In a ivny tlmt wns ptoaKlug ii•tTrctivo. Little SHss Ueam, iu a childiluu-nctcr, WHB chanuing mid t'orrect iiwrtiLUilnr,Tlio stflRo nrrangomeiila were very goo

Tlio st'i-ucry, uonio of which was sjiecinJ, wlilacwl, nnd tbu concluding tnbtoou K

notfc-onljly Jlnu. Tho mtinlc of Iho orehestttUa Gi<*Uen.t, auil greatly aUled Uio beslleur i«rfoniiHuce given in Doverjtiu ]ati£

lino. ^ ^

Morria County Heal EitatiTlio following jirojwrty located in ilorrii

rouiityliDH recently been transferred: C'lar11. Wood to Waller n. "Wood, Morr

i, (2,000; Henry HwurtoU anil wi(oHnrveyIIi*ior, 1'oipinmioc towiubip, (4,«

jy S. Tliurber to KewUni Kltcliell, Biwton, (3,000; Clmrlotto A. Taylor to lVIllhr11. Taylor, Boonton, JI; Clmrlolto A. Tnyloto John Taylor, Uooutoti, f l ; AugUhtlno ]Benmmi and others to .lames llyan, MudlituSM0; Ooorgo A. Silver to Edward ClearPequannoo tflwnshlp, *3,1W); "WillUm II,MuDavit to Adolbert Wcllavit, Dover, tl:William II. MoDftvlt to Edvnuil FiemiDover, 11; IW ward 1'Iereon to JVdclla A. litDavit, Dover, $1; Chiirlea E. NoMoamt IfcnJV, llawell to Unrry M. Briiikerhoir, itiioa township, fl-fl; heirs of Oeo. IV.4i John 11. Taylor, Jloonton, *.W0; Edw;Lyou, spednl muster, to Henrietta A. Dram,Uhatbam towiu.htn, 4285; OeoriHoroco W. Fuller and Charles D. Fuller, e:

in, to Thwxlcvvtj Ringlieb, UooatoiAlson Cook to Richard II. iticbnrdH, lloontoitHM; Peter Y. C«)VttoCimTlc9A.C[»k,Iloc!iway towuHhijt, tWO; JohnC. Drown, Fxli). I ord and Ucorge DcVorert Uir& to William

C. Uimiin, Uooutoti, $2,SK); John C. Uroivu,Kdivard c. Lord and Ooorga DoForcut Lto Andrew (J. Ktatrom, property betweeiKoctiaway and Dover, (2W.

A Saccesaful EmriQeer,Ifsoac Sbloldt, whom tlio railrond boys call

1 Ike," runs tbo ongiuo Itosovlllo for Couduc-r Oca. Taylor on tlio branch of tho Lacka-uma road batwueu Summit and Ulaiistone,

i'rerioua to that bo ran freight on the mibctwocn llobokou ami Washington,. 1

[rugallty of some men is well illuftralalSbfelda. Ho has saved bis oarufiigfl, arecently bought up nearly oiio-tbird of Olod-

Onhlalnud he is now building fluei. Then tUo paopls of Qladstocu

call him the fijrumoBt cltlseu, With all bis

Ii Ike stlU wean & dark Uuntultof ov<LIIB nnd a light foro and Aft hat. Hin facial

neat Is & eantly mustache and goatee.LVhen under tho foro and aft bat lie looks like

AfricaD lion hunter, Ike lovea A practical\6ko, and ho would stop Ills train nny tiroololl a Inrmer tbat his " wheel was goiiironnd."

A Pastoral Reiigmat'on,Itev. Jftroea B. Beaumont JorniaUj retignwlIschdrgooa ptutor of therreebyterlau Church

at Chatham, from tto pulpit, lost Buudayvrbbh posJLIoc he has held for the paat liimyears. For somo time past a great deal of dl

LtlsfocUon lif-a been ox pressed by n largo i>oion of tlia Bupportere of tbe church,lonthsagua mcetiug of the church official,

was called, and it was decided to request thipastor to resign. This was done, Imt AoveraJ

lonths wont by and nothitig further Was heardof the inutlcr. It Is reportni on goodauthoritythat a request was niede tha second time, froiwhich better uuecess re*ulted. A uumlwr o!the prominent church poople had given noticetbat tluiy would not attend the. churcb alterApril 1st, to that tho resignation came just lo

ta sate & serious division ia the;atlon. '

Ohdap Suffar.There is ono of tho provisions of tlia McKiu-

ley tariff bill whlrb went into effect on Wtnosday, which will ba felt ta every lrausenol<

the nation. It ii tho admission free of dutyKigfcni uct aboTO No. Ifl Dutch standanl.

ly tho prorisloui of tbo bill tbe refiners bnipcnnitlwl to import tbe raw BUgnr with'

out the payment of duty, refine it anit depositthe sugtx all ready lor market in the bonded

louses. Tbcra wig consequently a largeetoclc of sugar readjtor shipment on lVcdncs-day anil tbe consumers will secure the s<.<tago of tho reduction made by tho McKinleybill nt once. Still tbo Doinocrtits and mug-wumps continue to cry that there Is no goodthing fn tbe Republican tariff measura..

THE OBSTINATE CAMELAn Anit'rHaft'i l i n t t ( i with tin

If imy otiic-r nniuial K'ltsout it IH slillpo!ii.iblotnmulio it travel u lew uiilc_by a judiuiuiis nsf "f putiviwe unttciuVi; but not no with n camel. Whe:)iu llfb di>wo he will gut up only wbeilie fci'ls til:»- ilo'in? so: you may dragtliustriiiLr wlii.-h in rnsicri.'rl tntliefitictlmni;:li liis m^trils till yi-u teur it

imn;:li l y

will (nil.v y-maii uml hjtit, It was m;sl vxiH-iitinc u-itli ininols. and

uld be my lust; fcU t

. tin'

jiliart- Hi

UMIJ IIW tinwnie unimula


An Error That S a y JJTact Dav«rAttorney General Stockton hos discoveredorrarlutbarecent kglsUiU^emftctnunj IVerts Ballot Iloform law, caused by tboreleitsMss of oua ot the Engrossing Clerks,wan thoBtupId introduction of " not "beforee WI.TIIS %l lwstbin 4,CW population." Tho

amendment was intended to reliare all muni*pallUes that according to theloitcensuscon-ifoed I«a than 4,000 from tlm minor details;the Wertslaw Inordortorcducotbecostnfch minor elections. If tho word " not" re-

inains unchanged dties and villages of morehan 4,000 am rcllorcd from tho excellent pre-

Ifonary measures of tbo Ballot law. This111 affect Morristofrn andos Dover Is believedbnvo fully -1,1100 population may apply to un

The Scarlet Paver at Sadiaon.Ths Slodiaon Board of Health hare taki

charge of tho ecarlot fever ease* in tho m l -of John Uuchmore, of Prospect etroet.

was found nrccsnary inasmuch as three ofracmbeni of the family aro sick from tbo

iiseftse, to qnuantinB thn entire hou&tholil.lie board has liiflwige instructed Borough

V Day to requDst all families fn tnirtragh to clean out all cesspaolaand seetbAty are properly dhdnfected. A t Lonntaka,ir Madison, tUe public school was reopened

Monday, but was closed tbo samo night

The Hew 'Warden a t MorriWarden Martin B. Monroe, ot tho JlorrU

'bins Anylum, was notified on tho Sflth lust.t Br-Sanatar Evcritt, ot IIuatenloncountY,UU take hi» jilaoQ oa April 1st, being e j -

Uy lour day*1 notice. Everltt -WM elected; tho meeting of tho Board in tho Governor'siota at Trenton last-week. He is a man atfty yean, looks constitutionally tired, md

tus bun a liventocl: broker.—Newark Call

Election Expenses.There has been conilderBblo disnurioo as totoon tbo eloctlon officers are to get their pay-from the dty or toinuhip, or county. Afc-jrney-General Btockton and Senator TTertB»vegiven this opinion; Into«csblptvrhcp3> Freeholder m i elected, expenses of elecUon!M paLI Uy tho to-Birfiiii. When n Fre^ildcr iras elected, the expense* to t» divided,uaHy and paid by U» county JUU) town-

inspoctlrelv.; t •;

taring of hiiinuii lieinjp*.]Jchlii<s tln-ir iiitlnnilii'H of to

rcuuUinir, 1 ii-li'-'f. fl't)l'i lu'ivdilvHp.'psJii. UKtrvllinw)) bysurli ctuii[!Uf!i. (iffL'iifiivi- tm'iiihs, vdd j f u r y ttitomiiuhs us 1 liuw wi'ii with no otherrumitiaiits. tln'.v uiv lU-liirnto In thu ex-trviiw. Tln'i '«inw.»lroiily intliiit*r iiiunllin. for us boon UH tlu'ir woobviiins u> full. Siimywui like, tliHtivnh'tlf!il>;«iul.»iisthfiii.

Tlu-y L-iui travel Only over a countryWhen- th.TL- nro no htonts, fortlie pudaof Ut«ir fwt wiuir out nnd thru thehave tn In? i>;it<'liril,,u most troublesoiniopcrullmu Tin- wnm't 1« thrown nndjiim> of leather stiulntd on over tbifoot Uio hUtelK's being tulu u tlirouyl(Iio w>ft part "f 11; In this conditionjnwy tvuvi-l till tlw *.UUi IIUK thickenutrtiln: tir. wln't in more likely, untilyi'fiws \*» t-i!;^ ;\ st*>n,—\V. Woodvllli


AFTKB Iho Intro<liu;ti(.n.—Jfra. YiTn-IIIer (who mlHtulaw Dr. Jovial fornliyfllutari)—"And wju*re ilo yuu prac-tice, ddcltir?*1 Jli-v. Ur. Jovinl—"Ab,inmliim, I Jon't prnutlcc. I onlj

A ror.nin:i. Irotli-'r thus nddrcssed h!acongivaution: **11»* fo' purl of d« Jiousowill plt'iiKi' »It rltnvn; fo' de blmi partenn nut hi'o tin fo1 piirt if <1« fo' part per-t,Utsin standing IWo'cle hind part, todo uttah nlwclnsifja ub de liiudpa. "do IV part."

A IScuTCit tluratiiw, afU>r telllaB hlBECholaris the story of .Aniuiliis and Sap-iihtra, uskfil tlwmt "U'liy tlacsuotOw!strllw evui-j-boily ili'nrt who tclln a Ho?"After tt long niloiwtf one little fellow ex-claimnl: "JICUUIIHO, Hlr, tlitm wttdnabaonyUuly U'ft."

A ci.K[,«y.MASs:iys: "1 once innrrlcnyon«K iionplfi »«'• »s ' t l»lt Uio briflob j the iimid lit tlio close of tbo ccro-raany utitl gjiva licr my wnrmest eon-grntulations, slietow-ed her pretty liend,anil, pDlnting lo Hio irtiangroon., BBW:•I think bo la Um ono to bo congratu-la ted" 1

"Yi;8, lirctliron," said tbe clertO'niaiivho was prenclilnjr tbo funurul aermoi;'our tlcjceuficd briillicr IVHH cut down iiBiivle niglit—luni fmni tlio iirnia o

his loving ivife, who in tiiim left a dl*consolntu widoiv n t the uj/o of twenty-

it years." "Tivmily-nix, Hifio," nobs the widow in tlio froni

jicw, liinergin',' from her luuidlicrcliiifor nn Inhttint. . .


Carpetsare now ready far inspection, and thdinptay coven TWO ENTIREFLOORS of our building.

Tills department has alwaijsheena noiiceablefeitture of our establish-ment, and buyers in this city anvicinity who examine our ajwortuienlfind that'it compares favorably, Mlin sltjh and prices, with any housein New York City.

Many faautifiil designs in Axmin-ter, Jlcyal Wilton, Moquel, Velvet,nmel&i Tapestry Brussels and In-

rain are {minded in the neio patterns.We lave also received 250 ROIiLS

of Cftina and Japanese iTaUwgs,holh plain and figured, samples q)tuhich 1tave been placed m tk sales-rooms.

Persian and Oriental Rugs,Poiaer Loom Itiuja.Oil-Clotlid, Linoleums and Mais.

Heath' k Drake,777 & 779 Broad St.


J . J . V R E E I A N D ,

CARPENTER'"-BUILDER«mnved his ofllco and stop to his newIns on BlAckweU street, neit to t ie Eleo-

__ Light Statiou, He returns Uiaulcs forthe liberal p&trouogo of tha post And will beleased w aee bia friend) in bis new place.Coutracts, Plans, BpocillcaUnns and Mate-

rials furniHbciI for every kind of work. SlateItoofs laid in tbo beat manner dud JOBBING


PIANOS!Great Bargains!

On account of alterations ire win sell Pianosci.»Jlj'romlMntjnaJiGr1_regaraie8a of. coat.;ASU OU IHSTALM:

LURCH,807, 830 FOURTH AVE., COR. !5ra St.

. 1JEW VOIiK OITT. ' ,

1891.January 1st has cosno and gone end my ad-

mUseaient of Nov. ULi, 1800, offariDg 1600d p t o that date t o any - h l l b

h ld b tp

this State nho could beat my stock of old•vw not having been taken Is a proof, of tbejporior quality and aga of my wblsJriei. Itm Inform my patrons that 1 a n preparedfurnish such goods cheaper than uny bouse,

Itinr In tils Btato or Kew York, eiUiar In ort of bond, In any quantity,

H. BTRIBB,pp. C n m u i DEPOT. - DOVEB, K. J.

. HOUSE TO BENT.On and sftcr September l i t tbfl propirtjaovn IB tlia Ltnyer White plwe, oornsr ofliloH ttreet snd Bindolpn »T8nne, will b«ir rent. Apply ta • rmn _ ^ _

(8-tf . Pnrt OmmJt. X


ivertbf Southern Paciflo tkanp&nj1*Bunt_.ied Ogdcn Routes. Cheap rates. Apply to

Umi t , A. . T.R. J. B»mi, Act,


, A. O. T. St . 'JB B i i r i ™ , X.»mi A t , 40 SonU, Thlrf Strtet,



H A i u i T p o a T , '.'.'•;•:•

•lm U l b e n J ^ H . J .

NOTICE.Notice is barebyglvat thatUwaimnaJ moeb-

inff of tbe stockholders ot Tbo Cover Electric;ht Company "»1 to held at U» olQn ot



may be relied uuou at allplace for ibe purclu

in tba way or


Poultry,Clams, Oysters, Fish, etc.and everything that a well stocked marketshould contain. In meats special pains aretaken to secure any imU ileslral, and a polnIs made of offering only fresh vegetable* andother articles to contumen. All ordmpromptly delirorod. A trial ia resncctfullsolicited In the belief that I can satisfy onecustomer. I keep only experienced mon—whiknow boir to cut aud put up meat, and wh(will taka as much jaiiia witu. aa oraar f ram ichild as from a grown person. 13-1 y

S.KBEMETT(SDC*J<«OB TO A. wioaxoir,)



Tn, Oorru i » SBOT ZBOX Booms,

Zinc,Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipe,Pumps, Ac,





Losses promptly adjusted andpaid In cash.



Choice baildtDg loti u d fsnoi ooesay teniu


with all modem lmpw««enU, Centrklljloosted in D«r*r.

Monty to lo*i OD bond u d mortf •£•,


Inker Jinildiaii, DOVKH.

W. L DOUGLAS$3 SHOE is'°^;SW.l^iUOIJOLAHrBiMltMt^taM* Soldi

•. •••••'••• ' S O L O B f • ' . ' •




831 BROAD St.


W1LCOX & BERRY.(nHttnnM to M, T* B.


okklai pntMptli•ttudeito.'BUTIBOOn-WalliniiahllnUlaNaUK'

od pawn alkta «o!a by Rood meebaalM,Saokata' Bhealhlm ftpct H.ajaoo band.Qffles aad abop Oor. of Blaabrall «ad B«r


v The iDbicribcr fan opened oSreoch ID eoBDWtfonviih bla other bosinemi,oro»r or Bltekwttll tod Berfftn flti.. Porer.

IKIDBUS Ii lo ehinti o f t pnulltwl tod_ rlenwdbotts-atioet. t&d I lupMttnlly

rolloil»litre of pnbHop»tniM|e.', -; :

Geo. McOraoken.

ff%'. CUAnU^KnaiBA "liarn - r-—*' ' -'' '.






&^asftft!ttB!W.U. UnWianwl BATS and BONNETS,WREATHS, BOUQUETS and NOVELTIES,[a style* ana anorUnenta equal to aov lu theVu»ed BUIa.

TU1MH1NO8 FOR U1I.UNEEIYla Out Lace, Jets, Qutter Flfea and BpeclalUea

<rf BVWT dewripUnn.

CLOAKS AND SUITS.Our display of mw ntylta for Ladlee' and

Uisses1 8]>rluff Wear now ready, and In It*magnitude nurpassaall previous/ears efforts.

BOYS' CLOTHING.is a teat reooenfeed by tha parent* otark that the AdVantagce gained by pur-

chasing ^ tlie Bwlllvo are not obtainableelsewhere and we are poalUva that tbo savingthla department affwds will more than peythe expense of Journeying from DPFOT,

BABY CARRIAGES.Tb9 lowest priwsflKlIiug in lie land. From1 to & sared on Babjr Carriage purduuMladebere.

LlFLAUT&Co.707 to 719 BBOAD Sfc,


$10 REWARD.WIH be pild to .nybcdjfoaLd wlllcg, fllllcg

cr«llfEl)»<leitroyUig oorbofUea. oi ittaUcgloppdri iram the lama.

BTOHE TO 1ST.The comer storo ta the Bclmarx Block on

Sussex street. Daw occupied by h. LebmuiE3 a grocery. Also ronn aoonfl ou the second

or, with all md i UAlso the roor, with all modern imAlso three rooms over

log store.






II alocted •lib Ilii lual of ot.rjlhltg In tbeae

linol, u J Kill al 1MJW pr l«* Oill md "U»-

lae BI7 atock and priflea. All gooda dellvend

to anr paH of toe town al abert notloa.


Painter and Paper HangerMURAL DECORATION,




Biaaa and Wood Curtain Flituret,

Bant Wa< Flolah tor Hooaea, Palota. OlGlaaa, SLO. ^rtlat'a colon ami fanubea.

1 7 * Competoutmen aent to aiy pu-tof theState or ouculierc.


DOB. WAStniraroir AHD COVBT Sn .


Masons and Builders,DOVER, S . 1.

Contracts for all Unda ot work taken andall materiala furnlalied. Pnotical experienceIn ever; branch ot muon work.


Brlop OH BiROtn* STltnT,

8-lJ NEXT TO D., L. & W. B. II.



FiUMK ». AFOAB, - - •

OYSTERH la sll.tjlet and imtlj asrved.[iWicliee prepared at any aour ot ths dar.Oyaten, pttme ant freah ererv day for famllrui»,l)j tie IU) or 1,000. Beatbrandaol .

SE04B8, S»BB ASD -fflSEB,alwaya on hand, and a m i l equloped POOLBOOK attached. Alwaja aTpfiaant andorderly pUoe to call at.

IF YOU WANTBeoDnd-baod Faniltnre of ell alnda, Stofeaanj eTenlhloi ' "price tor aorep

MB. I . TB0K111NOn l e a n at,, near the Sink, Dora. K, J,

SnooKrli'LQn Sntoen?

(BOliuIS AKP 188IXDIVW0N.) Once a Luxury,Now a Necet*lty.



S l t o C ™ . M» ooT.r&P»ae aa


Mann/ulcr«d bj rlerM. BoUer4 Plow Ban-ntaolortnt Oo, SfnMUa, R. T.

"»fOBX aold is Haw lanay than aH otbenMooSblnod, all gltlnf ptrtaot aatlalaotlon.

V lealnraa tbaa anj ntaer luaMr made.

QPI0IALLT dMlgn«a lot wannlDIt prliateS reticonue In rilj ot ooutrr, boiala, dnb

s^&x S51S



cost wjfftin BEACH or AM..eendforclnitaca. bttnutealree. KeailU

goaranteed. Large*! Blaani lleater Snai^eHn the Slate Oorraapoadenoa aolultad.


Al 430, 7:10, 730*. >K0*, e.U, »10,1010<• «.; U.W K., ISO-, a-X, 4 ID*, a:S0, I6A0,7^0*. 8:00". 8^0 and 9-OC" p. H.

•Tla. Boonhm Braaori.

General Agent fbrOentraiandHDrthan BTewJener.


TraTaont isaUainan.

ESTABLISHED 1830.A.K. r.K.r.M. ' A v r K i>10:3a 8:06 8:17 Oneatar 7:2S U.-00 4:lO 1:57 COD Uorton KB U 0810:U 9:03 6:01 Ironla 7:87 11131:10-JI2 3-.i7 S:S9 BnMkauma 7:13 Ull» 4:>:tl S:13 S:« HeCalniTllle Tit KM I»M J:U 5:17 Port Oram 7.63 1SJ01»:15 2:S0 &O Dorer (0OUS5BThe Haikellalno Eipnai How at I .

O n a loiog Xaal al 7ilM i , at; go&s Weal

6E0B6E E. T00BHEE8,


HARDWAREOeutral Hailtoad of Mew itnt;

IRON MERCHANT,Balldera'. Oarrfaia Hak.r.', BJaoaamltka1,imnauimiont

In Saw ToM.foot of ULerty St., North tin

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS QROGERIESBeela and »«rtitla.ra, fa)M u d taalaa, Bl»j.a, Trlcj.lee.Bailai ftat'e aadSpVta-nm'a Oooaj, HoaaekMilit Qoodai


BABfi WIBE FENCDta,, ,,10 10 «0

B.ia IO.SI8JB 10.M«J» 10.CI8 M U.0S8.89 1U0

i.u8.17 11.188 SO 11 91e.Mll.Mp.aiB.ta 11.99 S

Plilobury'i Bestlrandof FWur, %['

b « U Vbeet GatUralon, W»ll-t A, WocdMow«n. Betpcti u d Binden, Homj BftkM,Ain«riOftit u d BnUud'a B»y Tedderi; Lonr

T l H r d l l f l i i f

I. P. CHAYON, Gcn'l Agt

INSURANCEft.u 111 t.Stl,4S Ita 118 U l l i M I«47, 1MMI Fin, Llgltnl»|.»r BEAM

>4 a tarr talaabhprepuulimnitt im utD oBrtrjira,' -;

O m i a nstrata aOb«.« PRICE,

ROBERT KILLSORE. Druiglst,fi-. Mtmna, S. J.



MACHINE t IRON Co.Insaraoca and RealBOIeVTlNe EM6IMES,

at Ike OU> AH) UUABLI AaDot.aal

Ofno»-llaltaul tlloa auk lalkUat.NEWARK, S. J.

Raw Jeruy Buiineit




Sieam and Hot Water ^ lOflbNS'MATEIRIAI,, ' U '


lajtnotlon tnoronghlSatlaTulion (lanntoedl

Poaltlraa tor all trailTollion naaoublel_ n . SKm.

^ fcur™,, i u , 4«,,11W.:: Du> SnwlaUUiie bappr to Ina ia«S,lugaWlkoHlraa.Joi aiwet. OpaBaUUwiaatt -, t

H. B.-Onioa iku nutnafe vijau.a. T. ^

AT u i n n temsstm sou," -••-•

ALrssaamDOYM. B. J.

ssSsissssstKAt.wuaaa.ot Dnat people t.T.kiiSiSi "°* ta ° SV i STEAM Binui i i WORKS,





Dalniy Books udBooklttt,

Work u d Bonip Buketi,


•»teri»l for i f t i w Work,

aoufe, roans, jm ULxooapiMVAASD urnaAi WATMUB.




SLATE MANTELS..CaUoo H. T. E. 8KABlm>i.r, •

Periodicals,P a p e r s ^ ••'.' ,




A «IC¥CLE, AND IT WOS'I €OAT YOU A CBST!E?eiry Monday morning wo give away a Bioyole and publish the name

. of tbe boy who receives it in the "Newark papors.

HERE'S THE PLAN.In onr window you wiB aee a Bioyole, also »jarotlwana. We don't

•tow ourselves how many Iwiina ihatf u e iu that jar, nor does any-body olaa before they are connted. We allow everybody who makes apnrchaso oi Boys' or Children's Clothing to guess, and the one who

„ — „ j — OardBtogaeeBOnforniahedat time of sale. ,

orai STOOK or oiiOXHrao FOB BOM AND OHHJJREN IZ****^is an elegant and peerless one. An immense assortment of Olothioefur Boys o( all aces and sizes. .In Short Pant Saita the stook is largeandunbrokoa; Many utrikiBg andsMsh garments not to be met wilonlaide our Btore. Plun Jackets and all the new styles ol plefltinwith and without veeta. A Block in whioh you can sot fail to find whatwill anit your taste and suit your pookethook.

Large Boys'Baits, with long pants. Here again the stook is verystrong in quantity and variety. 'We have tried hard to merit yourapproval this Benson. We are meeling it daily and we are pleased.



i l ^ * 5 1 S I l r B i c r < 2 e Gnessiug Contest the beans were conni«d-bjIr. G. O. Gormen of the SUNDAY OiLL staff, and the prise awarded to



B Blab


SUSSEX STOE3Epp|| |o''^l»of^is'

.blob h . la oould««la Ik. OoWV.toiot U.1 tod s n i btOTjtt to Doier. and to wnlib taputtraUrlj Innlu the all.nll«no( ladloc AUo enr j thins pnralar and kadln| lo Ib i

B o o k s , 0&^gazixiBB': P i d i

