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Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307,...

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FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly Little Club at the end of Santa Fe Chanel! e of Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy June 2015 Friday Happy Hour
Page 1: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly

FOGHORN June 2015

Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307,

700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807

The Friendly Little Club at the end of Santa Fe Chanel!e of Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy

June 2015

Friday Happy Hour

Page 2: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly

FOGHORN June 2015


Kelly Mack [email protected]

June 6 Defibrilator Training

June 26-28 Loch Lomond YC cruise out

July No Meeting, no workparty

August 15-17 Bay View Boat Club Cruise-in

August 22 Brazil Barbeque

August 29-30 Balena Bay YC cruise out

October 3 Wharf Rats Regatta

October 9-10 Sacramento YC Cruise-in

November 26 Empty Nest Thanksgiving

Monthly 2nd


General Membership Dinner & work


Off on another Mexican ad-

venture, this time with Ted

Hawkins and David Grietzer.

Dr. Jim Koss shows us the propere use of the our

new defibrilator

Page 3: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly

FOGHORN June 2015

Rear Commodore

David Greitzer

[email protected]

Pay your bills at

Point San Pablo Yacht Club

700 West Cutting Blvd.

PT. Richmond, CA 94807

Fully into May and the sailing is great! Thanks to

Ingrid and Letty for a wonderful Kentucky

Derby Party and to Ted Hawkins and his entourage

for a superb lamb dinner. Kathy McMahon and

Eckke Droppmann will put on the Chef’s hat for June

so please rsvp your reservation to Glenda before

Thursday. If you’d like to lend a hand cooking there

are still couple of month’s available: sign up sheet is

on the bulletin board in the bar. Can’t let the month

go by without thanking Lauren Belton (again!) for his

hard work clearing the drain and sink-erator in the

galley during the meeting dinner. Oh the

drama! Thanks too to Norm and Karleen for refinish-

ing the table on the deck and crafting a plan for the

replacement of the table cloths: well done! Mention

must be made here on the outstanding participation

of our club members at the Master Mariner’s Regatta

this past Memorial Day weekend: Aida, Bluenose,

Farida, Tiger, Vectus, and Vixen did PSPYC proud as

did our clubmembers serving as crews on other

boats. Check out the pix on the Master Mariner’s

website. Well here it is June so it’s high time we start

thinking about oatmeal again! Here goes:

Scotch Teas

8x8 or 9x9 pan lightly greased

2 cups oatmeal

1/2 cup butter

1 cup light brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

Heat oven to 300.

Mix oatmeal, salt, and baking powder.

Melt butter and sugar together, stirring to keep from


Add oatmeal mix to butter and sugar: mix well.

Put into greased pan and press mixture to compact.

Cook at 300 for 20 minutes.

Cool completely before cutting.

Tonja. Tonja. Tonja. Thank you Tonja for hosting

the May Friday Happy Hours. PSPYC volunteerism

at its best is what Tonja Jackson so graciously ex-

emplified while the Rear Commodore along with the

Commodore and Ted Hawkins sailed/powered over

991 nautical miles from La Paz to Ensenada, Baja,

Mexico. Also, thank you to all who filled in with bar

duties while we were away.

We’re back now and with that Friday Night Happy

Hours will continue as before. We expect to have live

music as often as possible, pot luck snacks, and

general merriment.

I look forward to sharing our Mexican sea adven-

tures with you so be sure to corner me at the bar

and ask away. For those that were able to follow

along with my blog, I hope you enjoyed it. I have a

few more entries to post and should have them up-

loaded within a week or two. For those that want to

catch up on the blog posts please go to https://

pubspeopleplaces.wordpress.com/ and check it out.

Keep in mind the most recent posts are listed first so

you may want to go back to the first entry on May 4.

Thank you for your support and remember visit the

Friday Happy Hours, be a part of “your” club and

most importantly have fun at PSPYC.

Vice Commodore

Paul Maheu

[email protected]

Page 4: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly

FOGHORN June 2015

Port Captain

Jenny Knox

[email protected]

Greetings all,

We accomplished some rewarding projects at the last

work party. The flag pole is now raised back into it's

upright position. Thanks to Paul Jaqua for his skill in

reworking the staff & shrouds. The heavy winds this

whole month has put it through the test and no

longer will we be

wasting any money

on replacing ripped


With Lauren's exper-

tise, we then re-

placed the old bro-

ken down security

fence than ran be-

tween us and the

public boat ramp

with the gate that

was cut down dur-

ing the barbed wire

removal. It fit per-


Thanks for showing up: Lauren, Blake, Chris, Mike,

Todd, Chuck, Norm, Andy, Karleen, Sue.



Paper- Plates, Boxes, Napkins, Cups, Newspapers, Mags

Dirty Paper Plates Food scraps Coffee Grounds

Styrofoam, Dog Poop, Palm fronds

Plastic- Flatware, Straws, Wrappers, Film & Bags

Yard Clippings, Bar fruit, Pizza boxes

Treated wood, large glass, large metal

Cans-Aerosol, Soda Glass-Bottles, Jars

***NO PLASTIC*** Rubber, hoses, fabric, batteries, electronics,



June Cruise Out: Loch Lomond, June 26th, 27th and

28th. Friday’s Dinner: $10.00PP Menu Pending, Sat-

urday June 27th Dinner: 3LB Lobsters 50.00PP Sun-

day June 28th Breakfast: No Charge (Provided by

Loch Lomond Yacht Club) Additional information re-

garding Dinner Tickets will be provided at a later


July: No Cruise Out

August 28th and 29th Balenna Bay Yacht Club-

Island Party!

See you there!

Fleet Captain

Elaine King

[email protected]

Work proceeds on the repair of the clubhouse railings

which were badly rotted and not up to current building

codes. Demolition assistance came from Robby Robin-

son and Casey Garvey.

Page 5: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly

FOGHORN June 2015


Darrell Struck

[email protected]

Res: (510) 233-0576


Treasurer's Report

Memorial Day is now over for another year, and the BBQ Season is fast approaching. Typically

the PSPYC will be set up for a Sunday BBQ program starting on Memorial Day and ending on La-

bor Day. Thus far, I have not noticed any charred meat odor emanating from the patio so the field

is wide open for a volunteer(s) to launch the program. It doesn't have to be fancy. Generally we use

the KISS approach. It usually starts a little slow but in July and August it is quite popular with

members and guests. The process is as follows: The club will bankroll the event for the first time

and after that the system should be self supporting. After the season is over, the club will be paid

back and the funds remaining will be designated by the volunteer(s) who have sole jurisdiction as

to what they wish to do with the money. If you have a pet project that needs to be funded this may

be your chance to raise the bucks necessary. Sometimes, if you need a little extra, the club will

subsidize the shortfall. The tricky part is a commitment to dedicate time on Sundays for the event

because once we start and promote the event we need to ensure that each and every Sunday the

fix'ns are available and the BBQ is hot. Any volunteers??

Page 6: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly

FOGHORN June 2015

Ariane Paul, MMBA Staff Commodore

Master Mariners Benevolent Association


2015 Master Mariners Regatta – in the bag

This year’s Master Mariners Regatta did not start the

way it usually does. The winds were surprisingly light

and participants began the race in a strong flood. Diffi-

culties like this still make for an exciting race as skip-

pers and crew make the best of the circumstances and

fight harder towards the finish.

Point San Pablo

Yacht Club was

well represented in

this event. In the

Gaff 1 division were

the schooners: Ti-

ger with Luc Maheu

taking a 3rd place;

the Peitso brothers

on Bluenose; and

Skip Henderson on

Aida which had the

honor of first vessel to arrive at the awards party at En-

cinal Yacht Club. In Gaff 2 was Sequestor with Tom

List’s son Hans and his wife Sophie, while Tom and

Suzanne relaxed on Begone in Hilo, Hawaii with crew

Vicky Oswald, all sipping Mai-Tais while receiving long-

distance race reports from their friends and family back

in the Bay. Marconi 2 division had Mike and Sue

Proudfoot on Farida, and Marconi 3 had Louis Nickles

on Vectis and Vixen, with Steve Kibler taking 3rd place.

In charge of this year’s regatta was PSPYC Staff Com-

modore and current Master Mariners’ Vice Commodore

Steve Hutchinson who did a fine job running the race

and presenting the awards at the dinner party at Enci-

nal Yacht Club. Maggie said it was one of the best

times she has had at the regatta, and she and Steve

spent the remainder of the evening on the dance floor

after all the work was done. During the day, Patty

Henderson and Linda Kibler worked the T-shirt sales

table at Encinal sharing stories and waiting for the big

raft-up party to start.

Besides all the local participants, the MMBA was glad

to welcome the Schooner Martha in this year’s regatta.

Martha, down from Port Townsend, used to call San

Francisco Bay home and was built here at the W.F.

Stone Boat Yard in 1907. She had tried to come

down for her 100th birthday, but the trip was de-

layed until last year. She has been busy participat-

ing in classic yacht events up and down the coast

this past year. Martha will be in the Great San

Francisco Schooner Race on Sat. June 13th at the

San Francisco Yacht Club, and then participate in

this year’s TransPac. Martha’s Cap’n. Robert d’Arcy

and his crew had a fine battle with the M1 Pursuit.

Martha came in second place, with Pursuit taking

line honors as well as the coveted Dead Eye perpet-

ual trophy.

The scow schooner Alma won the Big Schooner di-

vision for only her second time and all of her crew

were beaming at the party. Being the only current

member vessel that participated in the early Master

Mariners regattas of the 1800s, you know this is

quite a big deal for Alma.

Besides the upcoming schooner race, the Wooden

Boat Show will be on Sunday, June 28th at the Co-

rinthian Yacht Club, and the eighth annual Sum-








will be

on Sat-


June 20th at Encinal Yacht Club. Norm Harris was

on the winning team last year with his fellow MMBA

member Ted Hoppe. It is a great contest at fun

sailing event.

Thanks to all the PSPYC members who participated

in this year’s Master Mariners Regatta! You can

find links to photo galleries of the regatta on the

MMBA website and Facebook page – the Facebook

page also has race re-cap links from various vessels

and video links: www.mastermariners.org,

Page 7: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly

FOGHORN June 2015

From David G’s Blog

Day 4 -9 At Sea– Hey Battleship Potemkin, You Ain’t Got Noth-

ing on Us.

Usually a listicle is the lazy journalist’s way of writing

to lazy readers. Instead of prose and description the writer sim-

ply lists what they think are newsworthy items. This is popular

on the web today as anyone who clicks on Facebook reposts of

usually mindless articles can attest. Miracle food cures cancer.

Beyonce slips nip at MTV Awards, Market Crash Certain by

Christmas, etc… My purpose in the following listicle is far more

practical. Being in WiFi hell along the Baja Peninsula getting

enough signal to post these blogs is getting increasingly more


Just yesterday in San Juanico, the tony village of 42

people, my four-chapter masterpiece was erased during upload.

First world problem, I know. But, for you the reader, I feel

sorry. It was a combination of Moby Dick, the Iliad, and East of

Eden all rolled into one. For those not familiar with those clas-

sics, you’ll be right at home with the following listicle amd in

need of a a semester of English Lit at your local community


1. First day at Seat, refridgeration broken. All meat had to be

thrown overboard.

2. Alarms going off at all hours. it usually means Ted’s girl-

friend is calling. For some reason Ted’s cell plan is better

than NASA’s communication system.

3. Bilge pump not working. Boat is lower in the water now.

4. Water gushing into front cabin soaking all bedding.

5. Day Two, water is dripping onto my sleeping bag. Smells

like its passing over a petrified rat full of cheese that’s

been stuck in the hull since 1979.

6. Stepped on two Chihuahuas. Really pissed them off and I

think I maimed one in the process.

7. Caught a mackerel. Left it on deck for two days. Smelled

like a two-day old mackerel.

8. 45-mph wind gusts with 25-foot waves every 3 seconds.

9. Launched out of bed in the middle of REM sleep. Bruised


10. Day Three, bathing has become a distant fond memory

like Christmas morning as a kid.

11. Forced Ted to shower in San Juanico and was chastised

as being too sensitive.

12. Whales, dolphins, shark, pelicans. Yadda yadda


13. Batteries low.the only thing that seems to be

charging is Ted’s cell phone.

14. Day Four, solar panel nearly slips off of boat. Se-

cured it with Zip ties.

15. Putting toothpaste on brush during rough seas is

like squirting glue on the wall.

16. Caught 30-pound yellow tail tuna. Fish juice all

over. Ate it raw because propane stove went kaput

17. Captain ran out of e-cigarette juice. Now smoking

real cigarettes in cabin.

18. Met two fishermen who gave us oysters and fish.

The fish had to be chucked. See #16.

To sum up the trip, I would punch the first

sailboat salesman who offered to sell me a sailboat. Sail

boating seems to me to be a series of fleeting glimpses

of awe with continuous moments of panic and terror.

But, sail boaters would say, “But the stars.”

Hey, sail boaters, go outside anywhere you are on the

planet (even off the planet) and look up…stars.

Sail boaters might even say, “But, the sunsets.”

Again, go outside and look up. You’re welcome. I just

saved you 100K and a high blood pressure problem.

“But, the wind is free.” True, the wind is free.

But when the wind is coming from the wrong direction,

you’re burning diesel like the Exxon Valdez. And, how

much was that little stainless steel fitting you had to


“ But, how about having a hot cup of coffee in

the middle of the night while gazing at the sea?” In my

experience, it was like the scene in Young Frankenstein

when the blind man spilled scalding hot soup in the

monster’s lap.

All in all it was an experience I am grateful to

have had. Key word, had. I’m glad it’s over and can now

say I traveled over 991 nautical miles without serious

incident. Thanks Captain Ted. You’re attention to detail

in planning and preparedness, and careful attention to

all things seaworthy, we are alive to be glib and snarky.

Page 8: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly

FOGHORN June 2015

.General Meeting

May 8, 2015

Kelly Mack called the meeting to order at 8:14 pm.

Motion to approve, seconded and approved.

Vice Commodore: Paul Maheu

Please give Ted Hawkins and a big round of applause.

Thank you, Ted for the wonderful dinner. The club had a great Kentucky Derby party and everyone had a lot of

fun. We have three slots left for volunteer monthly din-

ners, please see the sign up sheet.

Rear Commodore: David Greitzer We have Happy hours every Friday except on General

meeting nights. We have live music and the guest at-

tendance out numbered the members. The band is very

good and the bar is doing well.

Port Captain: Jenny Knox The flag pole is down because we fixed it with the help

by Paul Jaqua. Tomorrow morning we will be putting

the flag back up for the Work Party which starts at 9

a.m. We will be working on putting up fencing between

the public ramp and our property. Low tide is at 9 a.m. sharp and so be there on time.

TREASURER: Darrell Struck

Board was busy this month’s meeting. Next week are

going add a new WiFi and we will have new railings be-

fore next meeting.


Elaine is on vacation and told me to mention the cruise

out next week end to Petaluma

PICYA: Sybil Hallbauer

We had one boat in parade so we got some points

FIRST MATES: Sue Proudfoot.

The lawns look brown so the First Mates will pay for

new Boci Ball courts for the west lawn. In addition, Jim Koss has volunteered to give an AED class will be giving

a brief introduction after the work party at lunch time –

free on Saturday 9th. Deloris has arranged a six hour

CPR class and sign up and must have a minimum of 25

people – cost associated $55 per person – American Heart Association master training will provide CPR

which covers first responder training 2 year certification.

Hands on and videos

Every body should know CPR it is buying time.


WIFI will be installed


New member: Todd Bloch has been a small boat

sailing for 25 year and works at San Francisco Maritime and is a volunteers there too. His boat is

currently up in the delta and he want to move the

boat to here. Look forward to being here.

Good of the club:

Anyone know who the big red boat (first boat) in the dry storage? No response

Linda/Steve Kibler presented a Royal Malta Yacht

Club burgee to the commodore.

8:29 p.m.

Motion to adjourn. Approved.

Page 9: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly

FOGHORN June 2015



The meeting was called to order in the PSPYC back

room by Sue Proudfoot at 1730 hours.

Present: Colleen Fielding, Sybal Hallbauer,

Earlene Lagier, Karleen Ohlhausen, Sue Proudfoot,

Dolores Robinson, Karen Stokes, Nancy Struck

Approved: April 10, 2015 First Mates meeting min-


Dolores distributed a course description for CPR,

AED and First Medic class scheduled for June 6th

@$55 per person. The instructor, Joyce Arsi, was

recommended by Kathy Pehargou. Dolores will dis-

tribute descriptions at the membership meeting and

post a signup sheet. She will request Glenda to

send notice(s) to the membership. Need at least 10

people. Dolores will report results to the instructor,

collect and deliver checks to the instructor.

Colleen will provide an accounting of profits and

expenses for raffle baskets sold during 2015.

Sybal deposited $253.17 laundry income for the

month; $200 is the average monthly laundry in-


Sybal paid $200 to the bar for entertainment; re-

ceived receipts and will mail check for $97 to Kathy

McMahon for raffle basket expenses. No reim-

bursement for Karleen, who had used the club card

to purchase material for deck chairs.

Karleen will create a new Tee Shirt design.

Plan to install a gas fire place in dining room is un-

der consideration. Waiting for the Board to put in a

bigger gas line because the existing fireplace takes

away gas from the galley stove and laundry dryer.

Actively pursuing possibility of installing a bocce

ball court(s) to replace the lawn area and provide

entertainment for members and cruise-ins. (visions

of tournaments) Sybal will research the cost for

installation and materials and the resulting level of

water conservation.

Sue will ask Dr. Koss to schedule an introductory

presentation for the AED.

The meeting adjourned at 1825 hours.

Our traveling friends

Sue List, Vicky Oswald, and Tom List on the

way to Hawaii

Master Mariners Crew Pip Sailed on Bluenose

Visitor from outer space?

Page 10: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly

FOGHORN June 2015

Harbor Master

Glenda Linn



Kelly Mack 530-363-5802 [email protected]

Vice Commodore:

Paul Maheu


[email protected]

Rear Commodore:

David Greitzer


[email protected]

Port Captain:

Jenny Knox


[email protected]

Fleet Captain:

Elaine King

[email protected]

Staff Commodore:

Letty Kraus


[email protected]


Darrell Struck

510-235-3719 510-235-


[email protected]


Hal Peterson

[email protected]


Richard Alexander


[email protected]

Glen Bigelow


[email protected]

Wayne Rundall


[email protected]


Hospitality Chair:


Fleet Surgeon:

James Koss, M.D.


[email protected]

Foghorn Editor:

Norm Harris


[email protected]

Membership Chair:

Karleen Ohlhausen


[email protected]


Bob Skye


[email protected]

Telephone Tree:

Karen Stokes


[email protected]

First Mates President:

Susan Proudfoot


[email protected]


Harbor Master/Club Steward:

Glenda Linn

510-375-0289 or 510-233-1046

[email protected]

PSPYC Office:

Glenda Linn

510-233-1046 (fax 510-233-0843)

PSPYC Club House:


Affiliations and Public Survive

PICYA Representative:

Sybal Halibauer


[email protected]

Is it really Spring?? Flowers

are blooming, but seriously,

for the whole month of May it

has felt like cold days of

March! I heard this has been the coldest May on re-

cord. Enough of these chilling sea breezes (winds!)

and dreary days! I think I want to go back to Flor-

ida..haha! Summertime is for BBQ's so come on

warm sunny days!!

Our slips are all occupied. Our waiting list for slips

as of today is: Cliff Smith (large slip), Dan O'Dell

(small slip), and Helmut Tutass (small slip).

Our lockers have been full for awhile now, so no

available currently.

We have 2 on the container storage list: Norm Harris

& Maarten Kalway

I just received our EMUD bill from March 19 – May

18. As the drought continues EBMUD has stated on

our bill that we cut back our water use by 15 per-

cent compared to 2013. Our usage has gone down

about 68%! Daily gallon water usage in 2013 was

1660 gallons per day. In this same period for 2015

daily gallon usage was 524! Govenor Brown has re-

quested to cut back 25% state wide on average. Even

at that we have cut back well over 50%. That is

really great and a big thanks to all of you in helping

with our water conservation!! June 1st is the offical

date for mandatory cutbacks, so keep up the good

work here at the club and at home!

As a reminder, please notify the Port Captain or

Harbormaster for the storage of vehicles or boats on

trailers ahead of time for space availability. Written

requests are required before hand and rental fees

are applied the same as slip fees or storage lockers

and containers.

I hope many of you have enjoyed our Friday Night

Happy Hours with all the music, food and drinks. A

big thanks goes to Tonja for her awesome work host-

ing in David's place over this last month!! Please

come to unwind and enjoy in the camaraderie and

good time here at the club!See you all on meeting

night, June 12th! July will be our summer break and

meet up again on August 14th.

Page 11: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly
Page 12: Friday Happy Hour - Point San Pablo · FOGHORN June 2015 Point San Pablo Yacht Club, PO Box 70307, Norm’s Dark ‘n Stormy 700 West Cutting Blvd., Point Richmond, CA 94807 The Friendly

Point San Pablo Yacht Club

PO Box 70307

PT. Richmond, CA 94807

June 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30

Happy Hour



Happy Hour

Happy Hour

Work Party

Defib Training

July 2015

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 No Mtg 11No WP

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31

Save the Date:

August 22, 2015

Griff Brazil’s sponsored barbeque

Professional BBQ, Great drinks and music

Arts/Crafts Silent auction to benefit First

