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  • Records of theWestern Australian Museum

    Supplement No. 14

    A Revision of the Fiddler Crabs of Australia(Ocypodinae: Uca)

    R.W. George* and Diana S. Jones*

    Perth 1982

  • Cover A male Darwin Red Legs Uca flammula, from Broome, Western Australia.Photographed by John Chambel-Gaspar.

    World List Abbreviation:Rec. West. Aust. Mus. Suppl. no. 14

    ISSN 0313 122 XISBN 72448613 5

    Published by the Western Australian Museum, Francis Street, Perth, Western Australia 6000.Printed in Western Australia by Frank Daniels Pty Ltd.

  • Contents





    Key to the Species of Uca in Australia

    Descriptions of Species




    Inset: Identification Chart










  • Rec. West. Aust. Mus. SuppL no. 14.1982

    A Revision of the Fiddler Crabs of Australia(Ocypodinae: Uca)

    R.W. George* and Diana S.]ones*


    Three new species are described Uca elegans sp. nov., U. pavo sp. novo and U.hirsutimanus sp. novo Another three species U. coarctata. U. dussumieri andU. vomeris. previously known from the east coast of Australia, are now recordedfrom the Northern Territory. The range of U. signata is also extended across north-ern Australia into Western Australia. The presence of U. tetragonon and U. triangu-laris in Australia is confirmed and it is concluded that U. minima Crane, 1975 isa synonym of U. signata (Hess, 1865). Descriptions of U. australiae Crane, 1975and U. erassipes (Adams and White, 1848) are included although we do not recog-nize them as belonging to the 17 confirmed Australian Uca species. Only one male,the holotype, is known of U. australiae. and only one specimen of U. crassipes isrecorded from Australia. A key, full descriptions, a pull-out chart and colour photo-graphs are provided.


    In Crane's (1975) Fiddler Crabs of the World she recorded 14 species or sub-species for Australia, seven of which were described by her as new. However, hertaxonomic conclusions on the Australian fiddler crab fauna were mainly based onpersonal collections during a visit to Australia and on those collections housed inAmerican and European institutions. The only museum visited in Australia wasthe Australian Museum, Sydney and she emphasized (Crane, 1975: 591) that it, ... has a fine collection of Uca from Australia and neighbouring shores. Unfor-tunately, when I stopped there brief1y in 1956 I had not done sufficient taxonomicwork on the group to profit by the material; it will reward future attention'. Wehave now examined the extensive collections in Australian museums and as aresult we have added three new species to Crane's faunal list, expanded the geo-graphic range of several species and confirmed previously questionable records oftwo species on Australian shores (Table 1). We have elected not to repeat theextensive species synonymies given by Crane (1975) but include an annotatedsynonymy for all species records from Australia.

    * Department of Crustacea, Western Australian Museum, Francis Street, Perth, WesternAustralia 6000.



    Table 1 Species of Uca recorded from Australia

    Species W.A. N.T. Qld N.S.W.

    * capricornis Crane, 1975 x x x* elegans sp. novo x x* pavo sp. novo x x

    dussumieri (H. Milne-Edwards, 1852) x x

    * australiae Crane, 1975 x* coarctata (H. Milne-Edwards, 1852) x x

    flammula Crane, 1975 x x

    * signata (Hess, 1865) x x x* hirsutimanus sp. novo x x* longidigita (Kingsley, 1880) x* seismella Crane, 1975 x x x* polita Crane, 1975 x x x x

    tetragonon (Herbst, 1790) x

    * dampieri Crane, 1975 x xvomeris McNeill, 1920 x x xcrassipes (Adams and White, 1848) xtriangularis (A. Milne-Edwards, 1873) x xmjobergi Rathbun, 1924 x xperplexa (H. Milne-Edwards, 1852) x x

    * Australian endemic species


    In this reVISIOn we present the results of our examination of almost 6000specimens from the collections of the Western Australian Museum (WAM), theAustralian Museum (AM), the Queensland Museum (QM), the Crocodile ResearchSurvey, University of Sydney (CRS), the Smithsonian Institution, NationalMuseum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. (USNM), and the Swedish Museumof Natural History, Stockholm (SM). The initials given in parentheses after thenames of the institutions are used in the rest of the text to indicate these institu-tions. Under Material Examined the numbers in parentheses indicate the rangeof carapace width (c.w.) measured in centimetres at the widest part of the cara-pace. We have found that the gonopod and the major cheliped of the male providethe most conclusive means of species determination. Other useful characters arethe minor cheliped, the carapace, the merus of the walking leg and the colour.The accompanying diagrams of inner and outer views of the major chela (Figuresla, lb), the dorsal aspect of the carapace (Figure le), the front of the carapace(Figure Id), the frontal view of the carapace (Figure le), the walking leg (FigureIf), the gonopod (Figure 19) and the inner view of the carpus and merus of threespecies (Figure lh-j), indicate the position of the many morphological featuresconsidered to be of taxonomic importance. In the Appendix a list of references



    a Enlarged toothDistal ndge








    /-~-_.- Posl,efolatcral




    Subdorsal groove

    ~ledian groove

    Upper margin of eyebrow

    Orbital floorSuborbital (fcncllations abst~nl

    Ptcrygostomlanwell covered with


    __~ Pterygostomian regionsparsely covered withsetae

    r-.lerus ._--f-..-





    Inner process ..... ········,lllr-····· Long, chit mOllS lcrnllnid tube


    Inner dursaJ margin 'v\'Hhan tooth

    Serrate ven [fa! margm


    inner dOfS"dtuberculate,


    01 mCfUS





    Inner dorsalof merus vvith




    1)1Figure 1 Important taxonomic features of Uca: (a) major chela, inner view; (b) major chela,

    outer view; (c) dorsal aspect of carapace; (d) front of carapace; (e) frontal view ofcarapace; (f) walking leg; (g) gonopod; (h-j) major carpus and merus, inner view -(h) U. seismella, (i) U. dampieri, Q) U. flammula. For variations of morphologicalfeatures, refer to Appendix.



    to text figures is given to define the variations of those morphological featuresused to distinguish the Australian species; the terms used are those of Crane(1975).

    The morphological features of a regenerated male major cheliped occasionallycause confusion (see Remarks, U. vomeris) since they change significantly in bothshape and dentition from the normal cheliped (Yamaguchi and Takeda, 1973).Regenerated chelae have sometimes erroneously formed the bases for separatetaxa. In laboratory studies Hagen (1962) has shown that, after the removal of themajor chela in U. tangeri, a toothless form regenerates. Crane (1975: 459) report-ed that two forms of chela may be present in some species - brachychelous andleptochelous. We believe the brachychelous form represents a normal chela andthat the leptochelous form is a regenerated chela. In our examinations we havenoted regenerated chelae in five of the 17 confirmed species of Uca found inAustralia - U. elegans (WAM 656-65, 57 to 59-76, 264-79), U. flammula (WAM328-79), U. hirsutimanus (WAM 84-76, 81-78, 123-81), U. signata (WAM 24-76,26-76) and U. vomeris (WAM 175-62) (see Figures 54, 146, 182). Regeneratedchelae occur in quite small males as well as in large males, and males with normaland regenerated chelae were found in the same sample.


    In spite of the attempts by Bott (1973) and Crane (1975) to subdivide the genusUca Leach, 1814, Hagen (1976) and Manning and Holthius (1981) have pointedout that such formal subdivisions of the genus are, at this state of our knowledge,undesirable. Manning and Holthius (1981; 224) aptly summarized the situation asfollows' ... he (Bott, 1973: 316) split the old genus Uca into 10 genera ... oneof which consisted of 2 subgenera ... In Crane's (1975) monograph of Uca, allthe fiddler crabs were still placed in a single genus, Uca, within which Cranerecognized 9 subgenera ... The limits of Crane's subgenera in many instances donot coincide at all with those of Bott's genera and subgenera ... We have now themost unpleasant situation that Crane's subgenera are well defined and exhaustive-ly treated in an ideal way, while Bott's names published in a short, not too welldocumented paper, have priority.' References to the generic and subgeneric namesproposed by Bott and by Crane are given in the exhaustive synonymy of Uca byManning and Holthius (1981: 220, 221). In our experience, however, the speciesof Australian Uca can be grouped (mainly along the lines that Crane proposed)into five fairly well defined species assemblages which may reflect their phylo-genetic relationships; the group characters are detailed in Table 2. Nevertheless weagree with Hagen's (1976: 223) conclusion that' ... the formal grouping orsplitting of Uca appears premature as we are only beginning to understand theevolution of the genus' and we follow his advice in using here the simple binomialof genus (Uca) and species for each taxon referred to.


  • Table 2


    Characters used for the grouping of Australian Uca species.

    Group )


    Outer major manus without a small almost circulardepression near pollex base. Legs banded or spotted 3

    3 (2) Outer major dactyl with a median groove and amoderately long subdorsal groove, outer majorpollex without a median groove (Figure 4a); post-erior surface of merus of minor cheliped with astrong, longitudinal row of tubercles above postero-ventral margin, curving abruptly upwards at distalend (Figure 5a); outer major manus pale orange-yellow with a speckling of brown-orange spots , Uca triangularis

    Both outer major dactyl and outer major pollexwithout median grooves (Figure 4b); posteriorsurface of merus of minor cheliped without longi-tudinal row of tubercles above posteroventralmargin (Figure 5b); outer major manus uniform yellow 4




    4 (3) Subdistal triangular tooth on pollex very small toabsent (Figure 4b); gonopod with slight torsion,small thumb ending below flange base (Figure 7a).Legs speckled Uca mjobergi

    Subdistal triangular tooth on pollex well developed(Figure 6); gonopod with strong torsion, largethumb reaching beyond flange base (Figure 7b).Legs banded. . Uca perplexa



    7a 7b

    5 (1) Gape of major chela without any enlarged teeth;distal cutting edge of major dactyl and pollexdistinctly toothed (Figure 8a) Uca australiae

    Gape of major chela with one or more enlargedteeth; distal cutting edge of major dactyl and pollexwithout distinct teeth (Figure 8b) 6


    -6 (5) Outer major pollex with one long median groove

    (Figure 9a); female minor chela with only one pairof enlarged teeth in gape of at least one chela, orteeth absent .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7

    Outer major pollex without median groove (Figure9b); female minor chela with numerous small teethand one pair of enlarged teeth in gape 13 (Group Ill)

    7 (6) Outer major dactyl with one (Figure 9a) or two(Figure 8b) long grooves; female minor chela withonly one pair of enlarged teeth in gape of at leastone chela 8

    Outer major dactyl without grooves (Figure 10);female minor chela without teeth in gape 17 (Group IV)



    8 (7) Outer major dactyl with one long groove runningmost of its length; female minor chela with onepair of enlarged teeth in gape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 (Group II)

    Outer major dactyl with two long grooves runningmost of its length; female minor chela without onepair of enlarged teeth in gape (except capricornisand dussumier£) 10 (Group I)

    9 (8) Orbital floor with a line of accessory granulesbehind suborbital crenellations (Figure lla); distalthird of major dactyl with large subdistal tooth(Figure 12); carapace black; major dactyl and uppermanus dull grey-cream; pollex and lower manusrusty red to orange; legs grey-brown; male withwhite patch on merus of last walking leg Uca coarctata

    Orbital floor without a line of accessory granulesbehind suborbital crenellations (Figure IIb); distalthird of major dactyl with small or indistinct sub-distal tooth (Figure 9a); carapace black with someorange, major cheliped and legs orange to orange-red Uca flammula

    10 (8) Length of major dactyl equal to length of uppermajor manus, hand 'stout' (Figure 13); eyestalksshort and thick; carapace blue-black; major manusorange to yellow-green; dactyl and pollex palecream; legs blue-purple; male with distinct palepurple patch posteriorly on merus of last walkingleg Uca capricorni's

    Length of major dactyl greater than length of majormanus (Figure 8b); eyestalks long and thin 11



    11 (10) Frontal groove broad and shallow (Figure 14a);supramarginal groove on outer major manus barelyex tends on to pollex; fingers and hand 'elegant'(Figure 15a); gape of minor cheliped of male withlong setae distally, gape minutely serrate or smooth(Figure 16a); gape of minor chela of female eitherwithout enlarged teeth (Figure 17a) or with oneenlarged tooth in middle of pollex (Figure 17b);gonopod distally tapered (Figure 18a); carapacebrown, blue-black or dull blue-green; major manusorange-red to pink-grey; fingers white to rose-pinkto purple; legs grey-brown, male with orange-greyon first, second and third walking legs . . . .. Uca elegans

    Frontal groove deep and narrow (Figure 14b);supramarginal groove on outer major manus extend-ing well on to pollex; fingers and hand 'heavy'(Figure 15b); gape of minor cheliped of male with-out long setae and with obvious, even, fine serrationsdistally (Figure 16b); female cheliped usually withone enlarged tooth in middle of both the dactyl andpollex (Figure 17c); gonopod distally rounded(Figure 18b) 12






    12 (11) Gonopod without a chitinous spine near gonopore(Figure 19a); female with merus of fourth walkingleg bordered conspicuously with pile along postero-ventral margin (Figure 20a); major chela with outermanus and proximal pollex yellow-orange, fingerswhite; legs uniform black-grey Uca dussumieri

    Gonopod with a chitinous curved spine near gono-pore (Figure 19b); female with no pile on postero-ventral margin of merus of fourth walking leg(Figure 20b); major chela with outer manus andproximal pollex yellow-grey, fingers white-cream;obvious blue-white patch on posterior proximalmerus of last walking leg Uca pavo

    19a 19b

    13 (6) Gape of minor cheliped with numerous, graduallyenlarging, triangular teeth, the distal pair largest(Figure 21); propodus, carpus and occasionallymerus of fourth walking leg of female with patchesof pile on posterior surfaces (Figure 22); dorso-lateral margin on female carapace defined by a rowof large, widely spaced tubercles (Figure 23a);carapace grey to brown-black; major manus andfingers white to grey; legs grey with fine brownspeckling Uca seismella

    Gape of minor cheliped without numerous, gradual-ly enlarging, large triangular teeth; no pile onpropodus, carpus or merus of fourth walking legof female; dorsolateral margins on female cara-pace marked by a definite, microscopically beadedline (Figure 23b) 14



    23a 23b

    0014 (13) Orbital floor without a line of accessory granules

    inside suborbital crenellations (Figure lIb); frontalgroove deep and narrow, extending on to frontal V(Figure 24a); outer major pollex without supra-marginal groove (Figure 9b); posterolateral striarepresented by a weak protuberance only (Figure26); oblique ridge of inner manus low with small,irregular tubercles (Figure 27a) 15

    Orbital floor with a line of accessory granules insidesuborbital crenellations (Figure 11a); frontal groovebroad and shallow, extending (Figure 24b) or notextending (Figure 24c) on to frontal V; outer majormanus with supramarginal groove extending most oflength of pollex (Figure 25); posterolateral striarepresented by a line of raised tubercles (Figure23b); oblique ridge of inner manus steep and strongwith regularly spaced tubercles (Figure 27b) 16

    24a 24b 24c



    26 27a


    ~.00 0 0 •• ,


    carapace brown and blue-black with cream or grey-green marbling; legs of female with pale spot onposterior surface of merus of second, third andfourth walking legs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Uca polita

    Gape of minor chela of male without a pair of en-larged teeth (Figure 28b); gonopod with distinctsmall thumb (Figure 29b); upper outer major manuspale grey-blue, lower outer major manus and fingerswhite; carapace turquoise blue-green with somebrown and cream marbling; legs of female uniformdark grey-blue Uca longidigita

    28a 28b

    e)€:)16 (14) Frontal groove extending on to frontal V (Figure

    24b); pile absent in supramarginal groove of outermajor pollex and in gape; gape of minor chelipedof male without enlarged teeth (Figure 30a); cara-pace brown with dull blue-green and white marbling;major manus red-brown; fingers grey to white; legsbrown to blue-grey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Uca signata

    Frontal groove not extending on to frontal V (Figure24c); pile present in and around supramarginalgroove of major pollex and in gape; gape of minorcheliped of male with a pair of enlarged teeth(Figure 30b); carapace brown-black with somecream patches; major manus dull orange-grey;fingers off-white; legs brown-grey with brownspeckling Uca hirsutimanus

    30b _---..,.-"""-"--4-.


    32); gape of major chela with two slightly enlargedtubercles beyond middle of pollex (Figure 33a);gonopod without torsion Uca tetragonon

    Adult male carapace without dorsolateral marginsor posterolateral stria (Figure 31 b); female withoutpile on carapace; gape of major chela with a finelydentate single subdistal triangular projection onpollex (Figure 33b, 33c); gonopod with moderateto strong torsion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18

    31a 31b 32



    18 (17) Distal one-third of major pollex with a very small,subdistal, triangular projection (Figure 33b); postero-lateral stria present on female carapace, representedby a short line of slightly enlarged tubercles (Figure34a); frontal groove extending on to frontal V(Figure 35a); carapace black-brown with grey, creamand white mottling; dactyl and upper manus palegrey with some pink; pollex and lower manus orange;legs grey-cream, male with orange spot on merus ofall walking legs Uca dampieri

    Distal one-third of major pollex with a very large,subdistal triangular projection (Figure 33c); postero-lateral stria absent on female carapace (Figure34b); frontal groove not extending on to frontal V



    (Figure 35b); carapace brown-black with dull blue-green blotches; dactyl and upper manus grey topink; pollex and lower manus orange; legs of maledull orange-brown, female similar with a creampatch on first walking leg Uca vomer£s

    34a 34b 35a 35b


    Descriptions of Species

    Uca capricornis Crane, 1975

    Figures 13, 36a-h, 55a

    Uca (Deltuca) dussumieri capricornis Crane, 1975: 36, Type locality Broome.

    DiagnosisMajor male chela with two long grooves on outer dactyl and one long groove

    on outer pollex, with long pilose supramarginal groove running to or beyond one-quarter length of pollex; pile in base of median groove of pollex; stout strongfingers, usually equal to length of manus except in very large specimens. Carapaceblue-black; major chela with manus orange to yellow-green, fingers mostly palecream; legs blue-purple, posterior surface of merus of last walking leg of malewith distinct pale purple patch.


    CarapaceCarapace of male feeling smooth but looking microscopically granular, cara-

    pace of female feeling and looking microscopically granular. Anterolateral angleacute but little produced. Anterolateral margin short, definite, microscopicallybeaded, slightly converging. Dorsolateral margin long, extending to level of secondor third walking legs, microscopically beaded for entire length. No posterolateralstria; a definite boss, sometimes tuberculate, on female carapace, behind dorso-lateral margin.

    Front narrow. Frontal groove deep and narrow, extending well on to frontal V.Eyebrows narrow, long, extending through two-thirds of orbit; upper margin



    a b




    Figure 36 Uca capricornis: (a) front of carapace?; (b) front of carapace d; (c) frontal view ofcarapace ?; (d) dorsal aspect of carapace d; (e) major chela d, outer view; (f) minorchela d, outer view; (g) minor chela?, outer view; (h) gonopod.



    marked by microscopic beading; lower margin marked by microscopic granulesand fine hairs. Eyestalks moderately thick. Suborbital crenellations low, separate,truncate, becoming larger towards anteroex ternal angle (especially in female), oftenfused at anteroexternal angle. Orbital floor without a line of accessory granulesbehind suborbital crenellations. Pterygostomian region sparsely to moderatelycovered with setae.

    Major ChelipedDactyl as long as manus (Figure 13) except in a few very large specimens

    (longer than manus) (Figure 36e). Median groove long, distinct, broad and deepproximally, shallowing distally, extending most of length of dactyl. Subdorsalgroove parallel to long median groove throughout its entire length, deep andbroad proximally, shallowing distally. Tubercles on dorsal margin extending formore than half the length of dactyl; external surface of dactyl covered withmicroscopic granules, internal surface with microscopic granules near dorsal andventral margins only.

    Median groove of pollex long and distinct, extending most of length of pollex,deep with steep sides proximally, shallowing distally; external surface of pollexcovered with microscopic granules, internal surface with microscopic granulesnear dorsal and ventral margins only.

    Supramarginal groove on outer manus well developed, extending to or beyondone-quarter length of pollex. Tubercles on outer manus enlarged, largest near baseof pollex and not towards dorsal margin. Dorsal margin with a double tuberculateridge.

    Oblique ridge on inner manus moderately strong, tubercles large.Pile absent in gape, traces in supramarginal groove, present in long median

    groove of pollex.Inner dorsal margin of merus tuberculate except proximally, tubercles slightly

    increasing in size distally but without enlarged distal tubercle.Minor Cheliped

    Male with small even serrations distally in gape; gape with a few sparse setaedistally but no enlarged teeth; dorsal margin of dactyl with a dense brush of setae,ventral margin of pollex with a less dense brush of setae.

    Female with a pair of enlarged teeth in middle of gape, small serrations distallyand a few proximally; dorsal margin of dactyl with a sparse brush of setae, ventralmargin of pollex with a very sparse brush of setae.

    GonopodApex broad, bluntly rounded and covered in short, dense setae; a short, broad,

    chitinous subterminal tube and a straight chitinous spine projecting slightly fromblunt apex.

    ColourMajor chela with fingers mostly pale cream; outer manus and proximal part of

    fingers orange to yellow-green; carpus and merus dark orange-yellow. Minor chela



    with fingers cream; manus, carpus and merus pale grey-brown. Carapace uniformblue-black; subadults brown or blue-black with transverse white bands acrossfront and with a spot in branchial region, some with grey or green mottling. Eye-stalks pale cream to green. Legs uniform blue-purple; mature male with distinctpale purple patch in central region of posterior surface of merus of last walkingleg. Mouthparts pale cream; pterygostomian region purplish; subadults grey,green and pale purple.

    HabitatIn shade of trees along tops of muddy banks of narrow creeks, living above

    U. pavo or U. dussumieri.


    Western AustraliaExmouth Gulf, Dampier, Cape Lambert, Broome, Derby, Port Warrender. Also

    known from Montebello Is (Crane 1975).

    Northern TerritoryDarwin, Grant I., King R., Wurogoij Ck, Liverpool R., Habgood R., Gove.

    Torres StraitPrince of Wales I.

    QueenslandHinchinbrook I. Also known from Townsville (N. Warburton, pers. comm.).

    Material Examined

    Western Australia49 66 (2.66-0.68), 23 non-ovig. 99 (1.64-0.49), 2 ovig. 99 (1.69,1.44). Exmouth Gulf

    (8 66 + 1 9) WAM 311-79, 315-79, 318-79; Dampier (1 9) WAM 85-78; C. Lambert (1 6)WAM 288-79; Broome (2866 + 9 99) WAM 120-78,162-78,170-78,171-78,262-79,152-80,166-80, 175-80, 176-80, 189-80, 191-80, 195-80, 209-80, 214-80, 224-80; Derby (460 + 499) WAM 52-76, 76-78, 77-78, 82-78, 83-78; Port Warrender (8 06 + 899 + 2 ovig. 99) WAM17-77,19-77,27 to 30-77,69-78,70-78,84-78.

    Northern Territory53 66 (1.97-0.43), 26 non-ovig. 99 (1.76-0.76), 1 ovig. 9 (0.96). Darwin (1400 + 4 99)

    WAM 73-78, 116 to 119-78,265-79; Grant 1. (1 0 + 3 99) CRS 92; King R. (200 + 1 9) AMP31784; Wurugoij Ck (660 + 5 99) CRS 49, 51,65, AM P31960; Liverpool R. (500 + 2 99)CRS 4/1, 4/4, 69, 105; Habgood R. (3 99) CRS 87; Gove (25 00 + 18 99 + 1 ovig. 9) WAM24 to 26-77, 86-78, 154-78.

    Torres Strait2 66 (1.08, 0.93), 1 non-ovig. 9 (1.17) from Prince of Wales I., AM P31 756.

    Queensland506 (1.35-0.70), 2 non-ovig. 99 (1.63, 1.46) from Hinchinbrook 1.

    Incomplete Locality Record'Off Queensland' (16) WAM 147-71.



    Uca elegans Sp. novoFigures I4a, I5a, I6a, I7a, I7b, I8a, 37a-i, 55b

    HolotypeMale 2.17 C.W. WAM 52-76. Derby, Western Australia (17°19'S, 123°38'E), Town Jetty,

    150 m landward of sea cliff. V. Semeniuk,July 1975.

    ParatypesSee Material Examined.

    DiagnosisMajor male chela with two long grooves on outer dactyl and one long groove on

    outer pollex, with short, non-pilose supramarginal groove on ventral region ofmanus; long, smooth, 'elegant' fingers. Gonopod apex tapered and extended by along, chitinous terminal tube; thumb definite and covered with setae. Minor chelaof male with long setae in distal part of gape, without enlarged teeth. Carapacebrown, blue-black or dull blue-green; major chela with manus orange-red to pink-grey. Fingers white to rose-pink to purple; legs grey-brown, anterior surface ofmerus of first three walking legs of male orange-grey.


    CarapaceCarapace of male feeling and looking smooth, carapace of female feeling and

    looking microscopically granular. Anterolateral angle acute, directed forward.Anterolateral margin short, definite, microscopically beaded, slightly converging.Dorsolateral margin short, extending to level of first walking leg, definite andmicroscopically beaded anteriorly, but becoming indistinct posteriorly. Noposterolateral stria; no definite boss on female carapace behind dorsolateralmargins.

    Front narrow. Frontal groove broad and shallow, extending on to frontal V.Eyebrows narrow, moderately long, extending through half of orbit; uppermargin sinuous with very slight microscopic beading; lower margin indistinct,barely marked by a few sparse hairs and scattered microscopic granules. Eyestalksthin. Suborbital crenellations low, separate, truncate, uniform in size, fused atanteroexternal angle. Orbital floor without a line of accessory granules behindsuborbital crenellations. Pterygostomian region sparsely to moderately coveredwith setae.Major Cheliped

    Dactyl much longer than manus. Median groove long, distinct, broad andmoderately deep proximally, shallowing distally, ex tending most of length ofdactyl. Subdorsal groove parallel to long median groove throughout its entirelength, broad and moderately deep proximally, shallowing distally. Tubercles ondorsal margin present proximally; external surface of dactyl covered with micro-scopic granules, internal surface with microscopic granules at dorsal and ventralmargins only.


  • a





    Figure 37 Uca elegans sp. nov.: (a) front of carapace; (b) frontal view of carapace; (d) dorsalaspect of carapace 0; (d) major chela 0, outer view, normal form; (e) major chela0, outer view, regenerated form; (f) minor chela 0, outer view; (g) minor chela9, outer view; (h) minor chela 9, outer view; (i) gonopod.



    Median groove of pollex long, distinct, deep with steep sides, extending most oflength of pollex; external surface of pollex covered with microscopic granules,internal surface with microscopic granules at dorsal and ventral margins only.

    Supramarginal groove of outer manus short and not extending beyond one-quarter length of pollex. Tubercles on outer manus moderately enlarged, largestat base of pollex and not towards dorsal margin. Dorsal margin with a doubletuberculate ridge.

    Oblique ridge of inner manus strong, tubercles large.Pile absent from gape, supramarginal groove and long median groove of pollex.Inner dorsal margin of merus tuberculate distally but not proximally, tuber-

    cles uniform in size without enlarged distal tubercle.Minor Cheliped

    Male with long setae distally in gape, gape smooth or minutely serrate; dorsalmargin of dactyl and ventral margin of pollex with a brush of setae.

    Female without enlarged teeth in gape or with one enlarged tooth in middleof pollex; dorsal margin of dactyl and ventral margin of pollex without a sparsebrush of setae.Gonopod

    Apex tapered and extended by a long chitinous terminal tube; thumb definite,well covered with setae and ending well below terminal tube.

    ColourMajor chela with most of fingers white, proximal part of fingers rose-pink to

    purple; lower two-thirds of manus orange-red, remainder pink-grey; carpus andmerus grey-orange. Minor chela with tips of fingers white to pale grey, proximalfingers pink-orange; lower half of manus grey-pink or brown, remainder grey-orange or brown; carpus grey-orange; merus dull orange. Carapace of male brownor blue-black, with dull blue-green markings on anterior third with white speck-lings, central transverse region blue and posterior third black with a light spot onposterolateral region; sides orange. Carapace of female almost uniform dull blue-green with brown speckling. Eyestalks slightly iridescent, bright yellow-green withsome brown or blackish-brown. Legs grey-brown, darker on posterior surface;anterior surface of merus of first three walking legs of male orange-grey. Mouth-parts blue-grey with some iridescent pink and apple green; pterygostomian regionblue-grey with some pink.

    HabitatSandy loam in salt flats behind mangroves, burrows often with characteristic

    short (5 cm) 'chimneys'.

    DistributionWestern Australia

    Shark Bay, Carnarvon, Exmouth Gulf, Onslow, Dampier, Cape Lambert, PortHedland, Broome, Derby, Kimbolton, Port Warrender.



    Northern TerritoryDarwin, Gove.

    RemarksNamed in reference to the long and elegant fingers of the major and the minor

    chelae in both sexes. (From the Latin elegans, graceful.) It is related to U. capri-cornis Crane, 1975, U. pavo sp. novo and U. dussumieri (H. Milne-Edwards, 1852),and the major differences are detailed in Table 3.

    Material Examined (paratypes)

    Western Australia117 00 (2.66-0.75), 64 non-ovig. 99 (2.00-0.64), 1 ovig. 9 (1.44). Shark Bay (1400 + 14

    99) WAM 654-65, 656-65,118-68,124-68,181-78; Carnarvon (9 00 + 4 (9) WAM 22, 23-77,AM P19134; Exmouth Gulf (47 00 + 19 (9) WAM 168-62,90-78,316-79,323-79,325-79,330-79, 332-79, 77-80, AM PI7772; Onslow (8 00 + 3 (9) AM PI7770; Dampier (1400 +8 (9) WAM 282-79, 293 to 295-79; Cape Lambert (600 + 5 (9) WAM 278-79, 280-79, 300-79;Port Hedland (5 00) WAM 182-62, 289-79; Broome (2000 + 10 (9) WAM 172-62,659-65,153-80, 154-80, 158-80, 196-80; Derby (2800 + 1 9) WAM 44-76, 49 to 59-76, 126-76, 1-78,12-78,91-78; Kimbolton (300) WAM 92-78; Port Warrender (3 00 + 1 ovig. 9) WAM 18-77,93-78.

    Northern Territory18 cB (1.19-0.98), 10 non-ovig. 99 (1.04-0.97). Darwin (13 00 + 10 (9) WAM 114-78, 115-

    78,263-79,264-79; Gove (5 00) WAM 153-78.

    Uca pavo sp. novo

    Figures 19b, 20b, 38a-i, 55c, 55d

    Gelasimus dussumieri ~ Haswe1l1882: 93 (part), Darwin.Gelasimus sp. unnamed' ... fighting chaela in the male cream colour' Saville-Kent 1897:

    241, Broome.Uca dussumieri Rathbun 1924: 8 (part), see Remarks.

    HolotypeMale 2.56 C.W. WAM 189-78. In front of Continental Hotel, Broome, Western Australia

    (17°58'S, 122°14'E), in mangroves. R.W. George, 22 May 1978.

    ParatypesSee Material Examined.

    DiagnosisMajor male chela with two long grooves on outer dactyl and one long groove on

    outer pollex, with long, non-pilose supramarginal groove running to or beyondone-quarter length of pollex; long, strong fingers. Inner dorsal margin of merus ofmajor cheliped with an enlarged distal tubercle. Pterygostomian region evenly andwell covered with setae. Carapace blue-black or brown-black; major chela with



    manus and proximal pollex yellow-grey, pollex tip and entire dactyl white; legsblack, male with blue patch on posterior surface of merus of last walking leg,female with blue patches on posterior and anterior surfaces of all walking legs.



    ---:.~-----/ j,- ---~?



    Figure 38 Uca pavo sp. nov.: (a) front of carapace; (b) frontal view of carapace; (c) dorsal-aspect of carapace 0; (d) major chela 0, outer view; (e) minor chela 0, outer view;(f) minor chela 9, outer view; (g) minor chela 9, outer view; (h) minor chela 9,outer view; (i) gonopod.




    CarapaceCarapace of male feeling smooth but looking slightly microscopically granular,

    carapace of female feeling and looking microscopically granular. Anterolateralangle acute, directed forward. Anterolateral margin short, definite, microscopic-ally beaded, slightly converging. Dorsolateral margin long and definite, extendingto level of third walking leg, microscopically beaded for entire length in female,beading becoming indistinct posteriorly in male. No posterolateral stria; a definiteboss, sometimes tuberculate, on female carapace, behind dorsolateral margin.

    Front narrow. Frontal groove deep and narrow, extending on to frontal V.Eyebrows narrow, long, traceable through two-thirds of orbit; upper margin wellmarked by microscopic beading, lower margin marked by very microscopicbeading and fine hairs. Eyestalks moderately thin. Suborbital crenellations low,truncate, separate, enlarging slightly and sometimes fusing towards anteroexternalangle. Orbital floor without a line of accessory granules behind suborbital crenel-lations. Pterygostomian region well covered with setae.

    Major ChelipedDactyl longer than manus. Median groove long, distinct, broad and deep

    proximally, shallowing distally, ex tending most of length of dactyl. Subdorsalgroove parallel to long median groove throughout its entire length, broad anddeep proximally, shallowing distally. Tubercles on dorsal margin microscopicextending for half length of dactyl; external surface of dactyl covered with micro-scopic granules, internal surface with microscopic granules at dorsal and ventralmargins only.

    Median groove of pollex long, distinct, deep, broad with steep sides, extendingmost of length of pollex; external surface of pollex covered with microscopicgranules, internal surface with microscopic granules at dorsal and ventral marginsonly.

    Supramarginal groove of outer manus well developed, extending to or beyondone-quarter length of pollex. Tubercles on outer manus enlarged, largest at baseof pollex and not towards dorsal margin. Dorsal margin with double tuberculateridge.

    Oblique ridge of inner manus strong and tubercles large.Supramarginal groove and long median groove of pollex without pile.Inner dorsal margin of merus irregularly tuberculate, except proximally,

    tubercles increasing in size distally, terminal tubercle enlarged.

    Minor Chel£pedMale with small even serrations distally in gape, gape with a few sparse setae

    distally but no enlarged teeth; dorsal margin of dactyl and ventral margin ofpollex with a dense brush of setae.

    Female with small even serrations distally in gape, gape with either a pair ofenlarged teeth in middle, or one enlarged tooth in middle of pollex, or no


  • Table 3 Comparison of U. capricornis Crane, 1975, U. elegans sp. nov., U. pavo sp. novo and U. dussumieri(H. Milne-Edwards, 1852).


    capricornis elegans pavo dussumieri

    Frontal groove Deep and narrow Broad and shallow Deep and narrow Almost absent

    Eyestalks Moderately thick Thin Moderately thin Thin

    Pterygostomian region Sparsely to Sparsely to Well covered with Well covered withmoderately cover- moderately covered setae setaeed with setae with setae

    Inner dorsal marginof major merus(a) Tubercles Regular Regular Irregular Irregular(b) Enlarged distal Absent Absent Present Present. bicuspid


    Length of major dactyl Equal to manus, Longer than manus Longer than manus Longer than manusexcept in largestspecimens

    Supramarginal groove Yes No Yes Yesextending beyond one-quarter length ofpollex

    Pile(a) In median groove Present Absent Absent Absent

    of pollex(b) On posteroventral Absent Absent Absent Present

    margin of fourthwalking leg offemale

    Minor chela of male(a) Serrations in gape Small and even Minute or smooth Small and even Small and even(b) Setae in gape A few sparse setae Many long setae A few sparse setae A few sparse setae(c) Brush of setae on Dense Sparse Dense Dense

    dorsal margin ofdactyl and ventralmargin of pollex

    Minor chela of female(a) Enlarged teeth in A pair None or one on A pair. or one on A pair

    middle of ll:ape pollex ollex or none

  • (b) Brush of setae Present Absent I Present Presenton dorsal marginof dactyl andventral margin ofpollex

    Gonopod(a) Apex Broad, bluntly Tapered Broad, bluntly Broad, bluntly

    rounded rounded rounded(b) Chitinous tube Short, sub- Long, terminal Very short, sub- Short, sub-

    terminal terminal terminal(c) Chitinous spine Straight Absent Curved Absent

    Colour(a) Carapace Adults uniform Male brown or Male blue-black or Male blue-black;

    blue-black; sub- blue-black, with brown-black with female more blueadults brown or dull blue-green dull orange mottling; than maleblue-black with markings on an terior female blue-blacktransverse white third with white with lateral spotbands across front specklings; central of blue-greenand with a spot in transverse regionbranchial region; blue and posteriorsometimes grey third black with aor green mottled ligh t spot on postero-

    lateral region; femalealmost uniform dullblue-green with brownspeckling

    (b) Major cheliped Fingers mostly Most of fingers white, Pollex tip and entire Pollex tip and entirepale cream; outer proximal part of dactyl white to cream; dactyl white to cream;manus and proximal I fingers rose-pink to outer manus, proximal outer manus, proxi-part of fingers purple; lower two- part of pollex, carpus mal part of pollex,orange to yellow- thirds of manus and merus yellow-grey carpus and merusgreen, carpus and orange-red, remain- yellow-orangemerus dark orange- der pink-grey,yellow carpus and merus


    (c) Walking legs Uniform blue- Grey-brown, darker Male black, adult with Male and femalepurple; adult male on posterior surface; blue to white patch uniform black-greywith distinct pale anterior surface of on posterior proximalpurple patch in first merus of male merus of last; femalecentral region of orange-grey black, adult with largeposterior surface bright blue patch onof merus of last posterior and anterior

    surfaces of meri


    enlarged teeth; dorsal margin of dactyl with a dense brush of setae, ventral marginof pollex with a sparse brush of setae.

    GonopodApex broad, bluntly rounded, covered in short, dense setae; a very short,

    chitinous, terminal tube and a chitinous curved spine projecting slightly fromblunt apex.

    ColourMajor chela with pollex tip and entire dactyl white to cream; outer manus,

    proximal part of pollex, carpus and merus yellow-grey. Minor cheliped of malewith fingers cream-grey; manus, carpus and merus grey; minor cheliped of femaleentirely pale blue-green. Carapace of male uniformly blue-black, sometimesbrown-black with dull orange mottling; female blue-black with lateral spot ofblue-green. Eyestalks bright green or grey-green. Legs of male black, adult withblue to white patch on posterior proximal merus of last walking leg; legs of femaleblack, adult with large bright blue patch on posterior and anterior surfaces of meriof all walking legs; legs of subadults uniform grey-blue. Mouthparts of male verypale blue; pterygostomian region blue-grey; mouthparts of female very pale blue-green.

    HabitatMuddy upper shoulder of steep creeks living above U. flammula and below

    U. capricornis; usually shaded.


    Western AustraliaExmouth Gulf, Broome.

    Northern TerritoryDarwin, Cobourg Peninsula (nr Two Hills), Nungbalgarri Creek.

    RemarksNamed in reference to the bright blue patches on the walking legs, similar to

    those on a peacock's tail. (From the Latin pavo, a peacock.) It is most clearlyrelated to U. capricornis, U. dussumieri and U. elegans. The major differencesbetweenpavo, capricornis and elegans are presented in Table 3.

    Dr E. Mjoberg's Swedish Scientific Expedition to Australia in 1911 collected38 specimens at Broome, W.A., which were identified by Rathbun (1924: 8) asU. dussumieri. These specimens were subsequently housed in the SwedishMuseum of Natural History, Stockholm, and in the National Museum of NaturalHistory, Washington D.C. Crane (1975: 593,595) reidentified seven of the eightspecimens retained in the V.S. National Museum as U. flammula (200 + 2 99VSNM 56419; 2 00 + 1 9 VSNM 56420) and the eighth as a new species U.



    australiae (1 0 USNM 64250). After re-examination of all 38 specimens we con-clude that the composition is as follows: 36 specimens of U. flammula (23 dd +13 99 USNM 56419, 56420; SM 11895 [part], 11896), the holotype of U.australiae (1 0 USNM 64250) and one specimen of U. pavo (1 d SM 11895[part] ).

    Material Examined (paratypes)

    Western Australia67 00 (3.23-1.41), 22 non-ovig. n (2.71-1.07), 1 ovig.9 (2.45). Exmouth Gulf (19 dd +

    599 + 1 ovig. 9) WAM 55,56-77,60,61-77,312-79,314-79; Broome (48 do + 17 99) WAM123-78, 168-78, 172-78, 189-78, 261-79, 163-80, 170-80, 177-80, 180-80, 194-80, 205-80,222-80, SM 11895 (part).

    Northern Territory18 00 (2.73-1.40), 9 non-ovig. 99 (1.83-0.78). Darwin (16 od + 8 99) WAM 121, 122-78,

    AM G4191, P16808, PI6811; Cobourg Pen. nr Two Hills (1 d) AM P16801; Nungbalgarri Ck(1 0 + 1 9) CRS 40,98.

    Uca dussumieri (H. Milne-Edwards, 1852)

    Figures 19a, 20a, 39a-g, 55e

    Gelasimus dussumieri H. Milne-Edwards, 1852: 148, Type locality Java, Samarang; HasweII1882: 93 (part), Moreton Bay.

    Uca dussumieri -- Grant and McCuIIoch 1906: 620, Port Curtis; Musgrave 1929: 342, PortCurtis, Trial Bay; Macnae 1966: 77, 79, Thursday 1. to Moreton Bay.

    Uca (Deltuca) dussumieri dussumieri - Crane 1975: 37, Cooktown.

    DiagnosisMajor male chela with two long grooves on outer dactyl and one long groove on

    outer pollex, with long non-pilose supramarginal groove running to or beyondone-quarter length of pollex; long strong fingers. Inner dorsal margin of merus ofmajor cheliped with an enlarged bicuspid distal tubercle. Pterygostomian regionwell covered with setae. Carapace blue-black or brown-black; major chela withmanus and proximal pollex yellow-orange, pollex tip and entire dactyl white;legs black. Merus of fourth walking leg of female bordered conspicuously withpile along posteroventral margin, pile sometimes similarly present on third walk-ing leg.


    CarapaceCarapace of male feeling and looking smooth, carapace of female feeling and

    looking microscopically granular. Anterolateral angle acute, slightly directedforward. Anterolateral margin short, definite, converging, microscopically beaded,beading more definite in female than in male. Dorsolateral margin long anddefinite, extending to level of third walking leg, microscopically beaded for entire



    length in female, beading becoming more indistinct posteriorly in male. Noposterolateral stria; a definite boss, sometimes tuberculate, on female carapace,behind dorsolateral margin.

    Front narrow. Frontal groove almost absent, not extending on to frontal V.Eyebrows narrow, long, traceable through two-thirds of orbit; upper marginsinuous or very microscopically beaded, lower margin marked by very micro-scopic beading and fine hairs. Eyestalks thin. Suborbital crenellations low,truncate, separate, slightly larger towards anterolateral angle where they are oftenfused. Orbital floor without a line of accessory granules behind suborbital crenel-lations. Pterygostomian region well covered with setae.





    ~................/~.=~-' ..:J.. ---_._"", " "f

    Figure 39 Uca dussumieri: (a) front of carapace; (b) frontal view of carapace; (c) dorsal aspectof carapace, left-hand side 0, right-hand side 9; (d) major chela 0, outer view; (e)minor chela 0, outer view; (f) minor chela 9, outer view; (g) gonopod.



    Major ChelipedDactyl longer than manus. Median groove long, distinct, broad and shallow

    proximally, extending most of length of dactyl. Subdorsal groove parallel to longmedian groove throughout its entire length, broad and deep proximally. Tuber-cles on dorsal margin microscopic extending for one-third to one-half length ofdactyl; external and internal surfaces of dactyl covered with microscopic granules.

    Median groove of pollex long, distinct, deep, broad with steep sides, extendingmost of length of pollex; external and internal surfaces of pollex covered withmicroscopic granules.

    Supramarginal groove of outer manus well developed extending to or beyondone-quarter length of pollex. Tubercles on outer manus enlarged, largest at baseof pollex. Dorsal margin with double tuberculate ridge.

    Oblique ridge of inner manus long, tubercles large.Supramarginal groove, gape and long median groove of pollex without pile.

    Merus of fourth walking leg of female bordered conspicuously with pile alongventral margin.

    Inner dorsal margin of merus irregularly tuberculate, tubercles increasing insize distally, terminal tubercle enlarged and bicuspid.

    Minor ChelipedGape of male with small, even serrations and a few sparse setae distally, with-

    out enlarged teeth; dorsal margin of dactyl with a dense brush of setae, ventralmargin of pollex with a less dense brush.

    Gape of female with small, even serratIOns distal1y and a central pair of en-larged teeth; dorsal margin of dactyl with a dense brush of setae, ventral marginof pollex with a less dense brush.

    GonopodApex broad, bluntly rounded, covered in short, dense setae; a short chitinous

    terminal tube projecting slightly from blunt apex.

    ColourMajor chela with pollex tip and entire dactyl white to cream; outer manus,

    proximal part of pollex, carpus and merus yellow-orange. Minor cheliped of malewith fingers cream-grey; manus, carpus and merus grey; minor cheliped of femalegrey-red. Carapace of male uniformly blue-black; female more blue. Eyestalksgrey-green. Legs of male and female uniform black-grey; legs of subadults grey-blue. Mouthparts of male pale blue, pterygostomian region blue-grey; mouthpartsof female blue-white.

    HabitatMuddy upper shoulder of steep creeks living above U. coarctata and below

    U. capricornis; usually shaded.




    Northern TerritoryDarwin, Cape Don (Cobourg Peninsula).

    QueenslandBloomfield R., Annie R., Lizard 1., Cairns, Murray R., Townsville, Bowen, Port

    Denison, Mackay, Endeavour R., Port Curtis. Also known from Cooktown (Crane1975).

    Material Examined

    Northern Territory10 00 (2.57-1.36), 1 ovig. n (1.87). Darwin (900 + 1 ovig. (3.40-1.78),4 ovig. (3.44-1.53). Bloomfield R. (1 0)

    AM P4264; Annie R. (200) QM W8962; Lizard I. (1 0) AM P31757; Cairns (2 00) QM W2503;Murray R. (3 00) QM W8192; Townsville (2 00 + 1 ovig.


    beaded anteriorly, extending only to level of first walking leg, strongly converg-ing. Posterolateral stria absen t.

    Front narrow. Frontal groove deep and narrow, extending well on to frontalV. Fronto-orbital margin practically straight. Eyebrows very narrow, moderatelylong, extending through half of orbit; upper margin strongly marked by micro-scopic beading, lower margin marked by microscopic granules and fine hairs.Eyestalks long and thin. Suborbital crenellations extending almost full width oforbit, low but well marked. Orbital floor with several poorly developed tuberclesbehind suborbital crenellations. Pterygostomian region moderately covered withsetae.Major Chel£ped

    Dactyl longer than manus. Median groove long, shallow and indistinct, extend-ing most of length of dactyl. Subdorsal groove short, less than half length of


    d'" 7'?·"-"';;:'~::::;-.-e-c

    \~....••....' ~~~"'..~,.~~. -~


    Figure 40 Uca australiae holotype 0: (a) front of carapace; (b) frontal view of carapace; (c)dorsal aspect of carapace (carapace damaged); (d) major chela; (e) minor chela;(f) gonopod.



    dactyl. Inner edge of dactyl without any enlarged teeth, distal cutting edgedistinctly toothed. Tubercles on dorsal margin extending for one-third length ofdactyl; external and internal surfaces of dactyl covered with microscopic granules.

    Median groove of pollex long, shallow and indistinct, extending most of lengthof pollex. Inner edge of pollex without any enlarged teeth; distal cutting edgedistinctly toothed. External and internal surfaces of pollex covered with micro-scopic granules.

    Supramarginal groove of outer manus present; indistinct. Tubercles on outermanus moderately large, largest at base of pollex and not towards dorsal margin.Dorsal margin with a double tuberculate ridge.

    Oblique ridge of inner manus moderately strong and tubercles moderatelylarge.

    Pile in gape and around heel of outer manus.Inner dorsal margin of merus marked by scattered tubercles distally,becoming

    indistinct proximally.

    Minor Chel£pedMale with small, even, blunt serrations distally in gape; gape with many fine

    setae distally, no enlarged teeth; dorsal margin of dactyl and ventral margin ofpollex with sparse setae.

    GonopodInner process broadly rounded, ending proximal to gonopore. Anterior flange

    broad, curved and high; posterior flange narrow.




    Western AustraliaBroome.

    RemarksThis species description is based on the male holotype and no other specimens

    have been recorded in collections since that time. The holotype male was takenat Broome, W.A. in 1911 by the Mjoberg Swedish Scientific Expedition (seeunder Remarks, U. pavo). We have given here a description of the holotype andwe have included it in the key to facilitate identification should further specimensbe discovered. Until such an event, we regard australiae as a doubtful taxon. Crane(1975: 41) designated australiae as a subpsecies of the species demani. Two othersubspecies were included by her in this species group - typhoni and demani:typhoni is based on 46 specimens distributed in the northern Philippines and



    demani IS based on 132 specimens found in Indonesia and the southern Philip-pmes.

    Material Examined

    Western Australia10 (2.50) from Broome, USNM 64250; holotype of U. australiae.

    Uca coarctata (H. Milne-Edwards, 1852)

    Figures Ha, 12, 41a-g, 56a

    Gelasimus coarctatus H. Milne-Edwards, 1852: 146, Type locality Odessa, in error, see Crane1975: 54,594; Haswell 1882: 93, no locality given.

    Uca arcuata ~ Grant and McCulloch 1906: 6, 20, Port Curtis.Uca coarctata- Macnae 1966: 85,89, Queensland, south to Moreton Bay.Uca (Deltuca) {coarctataJ coarctata coarctata Crane 1975: 55, Cooktown, Cairns, Gladstone.

    DiagnosisOne long median groove running length of outer major pollex and dactyl.

    Orbital floor with a line of accessory granules behind suborbital crenellations.Distal third of major dactyl with large subdistal tooth. Gonopod with gonoporeat end of short tube, inner process not bent anteriorly. Tubercles on outer majormanus coarse, but not as coarse as in flammula, tubercles largest at base of pollex.Carapace black; major chela with dactyl and upper manus grey-cream, pollex andlower manus rusty red to orange; legs grey-brown, male with conspicuous whitespot on posterior surface of merus of last walking leg.


    CarapaceCarapace of malc feeling smooth but looking microscopically granular, cara-

    pace of female feeling and looking microscopically granular. Anterolateral anglestrongly acute, directed anterolaterally. Anterolateral margin very short, some-times practically absent, being convergent almost immediately behind antero-lateral angle; microscopically beaded. Dorsolateral margin moderately long,extending to level of second or third walking legs; microscopically beaded, beadsanteriorly well separated, becoming smaller posteriorly. No posterolateral stria.Female carapace with an area of larger granules, more or less linear, extendingposteriorly between posterior end of dorsolateral margin and base of last walkingleg.

    Front narrow. Frontal groove deep and narrow, extending on to frontal V.Eyebrows narrow, long, extending through half to two-thirds of orbit; uppermargin marked by microscopic beading extending almost to anterolateral angle,lower margin ending slightly beyond middle of orbit and marked by microscopicbeading and fine hairs. Eyestalks long and thin. Suborbital crenellations low,



    flattened, indistinct, becoming larger, rounded and separated towards antero-external angle. Orbital floor with a line of accessory granules behind suborbitalcrenellations. Pterygostomian region moderately to well covered with setae.

    Major ChelipedDactyl longer than manus. Median groove long and distinct, broad and shallow

    proximally, narrowing distally, extending most of length of dactyl. Subdorsalgroove very short and indistinct. Distal third of dactyl with large subdistal tooth.Tubercles on dorsal margin extending for one-third to half length of dactyl;external and internal surfaces of dactyl covered with microscopic granules.




    Figure 41 Uca coarctata: (a) front of carapace; (b) frontal view of carapace; (c) dorsal aspectof carapace 9; (d) major chela 0, outer view; (e) minor chela 0, outer view; (f)minor chela 9, outer view; (g) gonopod.



    Median groove of pollex long and distinct, deep and broad proximally, shallow-ing and narrowing distally, extending most of length of pollex; external andinternal surfaces of pollex covered with microscopic granules.

    Supramarginal groove of outer manus poorly developed. Tubercles on outermanus coarse, largest at base of pollex and not towards dorsal margin. Dorsalmargin with a double tuberculate ridge.

    Oblique ridge of inner manus moderately strong and tubercles large.Slight pile in gape and sometimes in supramarginal groove and often pile

    proximally in long median groove of pollex.Inner dorsal margin of merus irregularly tuberculate, tubercles enlarged distally,

    the most distal bicuspid or tricuspid.

    Minor ChelipedMale with very small, even, blunt serrations distally in gape, gape with fine

    setae distally without enlarged teeth; dorsal margin of dactyl with a brush of setae,ventral margin of pollex with a sparse brush of setae.

    Female with small, forwardly directed teeth distally in gape, no small teethproximally, middle of gape with a pair of enlarged, forwardly directed teeth;dorsal margin of dactyl with a brush of setae, ventral margin of pollex with asparse brush of setae.

    GonopodGonopore at end of a short, chitinous tube, its overlapping margins distinguish-

    able; spinous inner process not closely appressed to tube, ending half way up tubeand not bent anteriorly; thumb of moderate length with tube extending wellbeyond it.

    ColourMajor chela with dactyl and upper manus mostly dull grey-cream; pollex and

    lower manus rusty red to orange; carpus and merus dull grey-orange. Minor cheli-ped with manus, pollex, dactyl, carpus and merus dull grey-orange. Carapacemostly uniform black, becoming grey with some slight white mottling in anteriorthird. Eyestalks grey-brown. Legs grey-brown with slight cream mottling; lastwalking leg of male with conspicuous white patch on posterior surface of merus.Mouthparts grey-blue.

    HabitatMuddy upper shoulder of steep creeks, living above U. polita and below U.



    Northern TerritoryDarwin, Goomadeer R.



    QueenslandCooktown, Cairns, Murray R., Hinchinbrook 1., Cardwell, Ingham, Towns-

    vitle, Port Denison, Mackay, Rockhampton, Rundle Range, Port Curtis, Gladstone,Calliope R., Howard, Maryborough, Pine R., Moreton Bay, Brisbane, Nerang R.

    Material Examined

    Northern Territory1800 (2.70-0.74), 10 non-ovig. 99 (1.86-0.71). Darwin (15 00 + 1099) WAM 105 to 107-

    78; Goomadeer R. (300) CRS 82.

    Queensland151 00 (3.74-0.70), 40 non-ovig. 99 (2.69-0.80), I ovig. 9 (1.46). Cooktown (11 00 + 5 99)

    AM P2091 to P2096, P31996; Cairns (10 00 + I 9) QM W3017, W4563 to W4567;Murray R.(8 dd + 499) QM W8183, W8186, W8188, W8189, W8193;HinchinbrookI. (3 dd) WAM 115-81;Cardwell (I d) QM W2979; Ingham (2 dd) AM P16644, QM W2982; Townsville (43 do + 1199 + I ovig. 9) AM P16641, P16642, P16867, P16873, P17386, P18350, P31674, WAM 104-78, 259-79, 260-79, 103-81, 109 to 111-81, QM W1228, W3010; Port Denison (8 dd) AMP6965 to P6968, P6970, P7820, P7821; Mackay (3 od) QM W2997; Rockhampton (I 9) QMW4749; Rundle Range (4 do + 2 99) QM W4751; Port Curtis (18 00 + 5 99) AM P5976,PI7440, P16803, P31675, P31677, P31678; Gladstone (2400 + 5 99) AM PI968 to P1973,P1975, P1976, PI978 to P1980, P16805, QM W3000, W4751, W6808; Calliope R. (400 +I 9) QM W4024, W4039, W6799; Howard (I 0 + I 9) QM W4833; Maryborough (3 do) QMW5373, W5381, W9473; Pine R. (I 9) QM W2992; Moreton Bay (600 + 399) QM W2048,W3004, W3019; Brisbane (I d) WAM 118-81, Nerang R. (I 0) QM W683.

    Uca {/ammula Crane, 1975

    Figures 9a, llb, 42a-g, 56b, 56c

    Gelasimus arcuatus - Haswelll882: 92, Darwin.Gelasimus coarctata ' •.. brilliant scarlet vermillion, inclining to crimson.' -- Saville-Kent 1897:

    239, Broome.Ucaforcipata - Rathbun 1914: 661 (part), PI. 2., Montebello Is, see Crane 1975: 57.Uca dussumieri - Rathbun 1924: 9 (part), Broome, see Remarks under U. pauo.Uca sp. '(Darwin red legs)' - Macnae 1966: 101, Darwin.Uca (LJeltuca) [coarctata 1 coarctataflammula Crane, 1975: 56, Type locality Darwin; Semeniuk

    et al. 19"i~: 12, Port Warrender.

    DiagnosisOne long median groove running length of outer major pollex and dactyl.

    Orbital floor without a line of accessory granules behind suborbital crenellations.Gonopod with gonopore at end of moderately long tube; inner process bentanteriorly. Tubercles on outer manus very coarse, largest at base of pollex. Cara-pace black with some orange; major chela orange to orange-red; legs orange-red.


    CarapaceCarapace of male feeling smooth but looking microscopically granular, carapace

    of female feeling and looking microscopically granular. Anterolateral angle



    strongly acute, directed forward. Anterolateral margin very short, sometimespractically absent, being convergent almost immediately behind anterolateralangle; microscopically beaded. Dorsolateral margin moderately long, extendingto level of second or third walking legs; microscopically beaded, beads anteriorlywell separated becoming smaller posteriorly. No posterolateral stria. Femalecarapace with an area of larger granules, more or less linear, extending posteriorlybetween posterior end of dorsolateral margin and base of last walking leg.

    Front narrow. Frontal groove deep and narrow, extending on to frontal V.Eyebrows narrow, long, extending through three-quarters of orbit; upper margin


    I',I I ~ ,I

    j J 11:11

    I f)l\

    I! 11




    Figure 42 Uca flammula: (a) front of carapace; (b) frontal view of carapace; (c) dorsal aspectof carapace ?; (d) major chela 0, outer view; (e) minor che1a 0' outer view; (f)minor che1a ?, outer view; (g) gonopod.



    well marked by microscopic beading extending almost to anterolateral angle;lower margin marked by microscopic beading. Eyestalks long and thin. Sub-orbital crenellations low, flattened, indistinct, becoming larger, rounded andseparated towards anteroexternal angle. Orbital floor without a line of accessorygranules behind suborbital crenellations. Pterygostomian region moderatelycovered with setae.

    Major Chel£pedDactyl longer than manus. Median groove long and distinct, broad and moder-

    ately deep proximally, shallowing distally, extending most of length of dactyl.Subdorsal groove extremely short and indistinct. Tubercles on dorsal marginextending for one-third to half length of dactyl; external and internal surfaces ofdactyl covered with microscopic granules.

    Median groove of pollex long and distinct, deep and broad proximally, shallow-ing and narrowing distally, extending most of length of pollex; external andinternal surfaces of pollex covered with microscopic granules.

    Supramarginal groove of outer manus present. Tubercles on outer manus coarse,largest at base of pollex and not towards dorsal margin. Dorsal margin with adouble tuberculate ridge.

    Oblique ridge of inner manus moderately strong and tubercles large.No pile in gape, slight pile in supramarginal groove and often pile proximally

    in long median groove of pollex.Inner dorsal margin of merus irregularly tuberculate, tubercles enlarged distally,

    the most distal sometimes bicuspid or tricuspid.

    Minor ChelipedMale with very small, even, blunt serrations distally in gape; gape with fine

    setae distally but no enlarged teeth; dorsal margin of dactyl with a brush of setae,ventral margin of pollex with a sparse brush of setae.

    Female with small, forwardly directed teeth distally in gape, no small teethproximally, middle of gape with a pair of enlarged, forwardly directed teeth;dorsal margin of dactyl with a brush of setae, ventral margin of pollex with asparse brush of setae.

    GonopodGonopore wide, at end of a short, chitinous tube, its overlapping margins

    distinguishable; inner process closely appressed to tube, ending half way up tubeand bent anteriorly; thumb definite, of moderate length, with tube extendingwell beyond it; flanges absent.

    ColourMajor cheliped with fingers, manus, carpus and merus orange to orange-red.

    Minor cheliped uniform coloured; fingers, manus, carpus and merus orange-red.Carapace black with anterior eighth to quarter orange to orange-red; subadultstotally yellow or yellow with black central region. Eyestalks pale purple-pink.



    Legs uniform orange-red although female may have black on proximal parts of allwalking legs; subadults brown with orange-yellow. Mouthparts orange-red.

    HabitatMuddy upper shoulder of steep creeks living above U. polita and below U. pavo.


    Western AustraliaMangrove Bay, Exmouth Gulf, Onslow, Montebello Is, Dampier, Cape Lambert,

    Cossack, Port Hedland, Frazier Downs, Broome, Derby, Koolan I., Port Warren-der, Wyndham. Also known from Nicol Bay and Mermaid Str. (Crane 1975).

    Northern TerritoryDarwin, Melville I., Goomadeer R., Wurugoij Ck, Nungbalgarri Ck, Liverpool

    R., Gudjerama Ck, Cadell R., Blyth R., Ngandadauda Ck, Djigagila Ck, DarbitlaCk, Glyde R., Hutchinson Str., Woolen R., Buckingham R., Warawuruwoi R.,Habgood R., Kurala R., Darwarunga R., Baralminar R., Goromuru R., SlipperyCk, Peter John R.

    Incomplete Locality Record'Gulf of Carpentaria'.

    Material Examined

    Western Australia130 dd (3.96-0.65), 52 non-ovig. 99 (3.00-0.54),2 ovig. 99 (2.11-1.68). Mangrove Bay (1 9)

    WAM 74-80; Exmouth Gulf (11 dd + 11 99) WAM 178-62,288-74,16-77,57-77,317-79,78-80, 80-80; Onslow (11 dd + 6 99) AM Pl7773; Montebello Is. (1 d) WAM 183-62; Dampier(13 dd) WAM 15-77,281-79,284-79,287-79,291-79; Cape Lambert (299) WAM 285-79, 297-79; Cossack (2 dd) WAM 169-62; Port Hedland (6 dd + 1 9) WAM 171-62, 179-62,328-79;Frazier Downs (1 d) WAM 74-81; Broome (26 dd + 16 99) WAM 4894, 9385, 15577,170-62,177-62, 120-68, 112-78, 113-78, 158-78, 159-78, 173-78, 174-78, 176-78, 157-80, 193-80,197-80,227-80, AM P4037, P4038, P23804, P23808, USNM 56419, 56420, SM 11895 (part),SM 11896; Derby (44 dd + 13 99 + 1 ovig. 9) WAM 266 to 274-45, 150-71,34 to 48-76,10-78;Koolan 1. (6 dd) WAM 150-71; Port Warrender (2 dd + 1 ovig. 9) WAM 14-77,31-77,78-78;Wyndham (7 dd + 2 99) WAM 110-78, 111-78.

    Northern Territory183 dd (3.49-0.64), 117 non-ovig. 99 (2.77-0.46), 7 ovig. 99 (1.71-1.03). Darwin (12 dd +

    15 n) WAM 13-77, 108-78, 109-78, QM W2981;Melville 1. (1 d + 3 99) CRS 32, AM P31780,P31781; Goomadeer R. (5 dd + 5 99) CRS 44,96,102; Wurugoij Ck (9 dd + 19) CRS 47,65,AM P31776; Nungbalgarri Ck (23 dd + 6 n + 3 ovig. 99) CRS 41, 64, 99; Liverpool R. (46dd + 31 99 + 1 ovig. 9) CRS 4/1, 5/1,7/1,8/1,10/2,11/2,5/3,10/3,11/3,8/4, AM/30, 95,101, 103, 104, 106, 110, AM P31766, P31767, P31777; Gudjerama Ck (2 dd + 19) CRS 100;Cadell R. (3 dd + 2 99) CRS 60; Blyth R. (9 dd + 7 99) CRS 33,35,39,71; Ngandadauda Ck(10 dd + 1 9) CRS 54, 59, AM P31966, P31967; Djigagila Ck (9 dd + 1 ovig. 9) CRS 57, 62, 93,AM P31779; Darbitla Ck (4 dd + 2 99) CRS 90, AM P31785; Glyde R. (16 dd + 6 99) CRS 55,67, 73, 77; Hutchinson Str. (2 dd + 399) CRS 37; Woolen R. (10 dd + 399) CRS 63,91;Buckingham R. (1 9) CRS 76; Warawuruwoi R. (2 dd) CRS 45, 52; Habgood R. (5 dd + 599



    + 1 ovig. 9) CRS 87, AM P31961, P31962; Karula R. (3 dd + 399 + 1 ovig. 9) CRS 66, 80, 86;Darwarunga R. (7 dd + 5 99) CRS 34,36, 70; Baralminar R. (3 dd + 3 99) CRS 46, 79,88;Goromuru R. (4 dd + 5 99) CRS 61, AM P31965; Slippery Ck (2 dd + 2 99) AM P31778; CatoR. (4 dd + 1 9) AM P31768, P31963; Peter John R. (12 dd + 7 99) CRS 42, 53, 56, AMP31771, P31964.

    Incomplete Locality Record1 d (2.22) from Gulf of Carpentaria, AM P133.

    Uca signata (Hess, 1865)

    Figures 24b, 30a, 43a-h, 56d

    Gelasimus signatus Hess, 1865: 146, Type locality Sydney, doubtful locality, see Haswelll882:94 and Crane 1975: 66; Kingsley 1880: 146; Haswell 1882: 93; Miers 1884: 236, PortCurtis, Swan R. (a very unlikely locality); Man 1891: 35, eastern Australia; Ortmann 1894:756, eastern Australia.

    Uca signata Crane 1975: 79, Gladstone.Uca bellator - Macnae 1966: 77,79,80, Thursday I. to Port Curtis.Uca (Australuca) bellator signata - Crane 1975: 67, east coast Australia, Port Curtis, Gladstone,

    Boyne R.Uca (Australuca) bellator minima Crane, 1975: 69, Type locality Ludmilla Ck near Darwin.

    DiagnosisLong median groove absent on outer major pollex; long median groove present

    on outer major dactyl. Orbital floor with a line of accessory granules just insidesuborbital crenellations. Minor chela of male with very small, regular, forwardlydirected teeth in gape; minor chela of female with small, irregular forwardlydirected teeth and usually with a pair of enlarged teeth in middle of gape. Gono-pod with thumb represented by a shelf; tube tip flared.


    CarapaceCarapace of male feeling and looking smooth, carapace of female feeling and

    looking microscopically granular. Anterolateral angle acute, directed forward.Anterolateral margin short, definite; microscopically beaded; scarcely converg-ing. Dorsolateral margin long, extending to level of second or third walking legs;microscopically beaded for entire length, formed by gradual turning in of antero-lateral margin. A single posterolateral stria always present, represented by eithera short line of tubercles, or a tubercle surmounting a protuberance or, rarely, justa protuberance.

    Front narrow. Frontal groove broad and shallow, extending on to frontal V.Eyebrows very narrow, long, extending through three-quarters of orbit; uppermargin defined by slight microscopic beading, lower margin defined by micro-scopic granules and fine hairs. Eyestalks moderately thick. Suborbital crenella-tions in male small, only distinct at anteroextemal angle; in female crenellations



    separate and distinct before anteroexternal angle. Orbital floor with a line ofaccessory granules just behind suborbital crenelIations. Pterygostomian regionsparsely covered with setae.





    'I j I

    ~.· ·1=>••••.···9

    ~)~I~'::' ~ .•'1.

    Figure 43 Uca signata: (a) front of carapace; (b) frontal view of carapace; (c) dorsal aspect ofcarapace; (cl) major chela d, outer view; (e) minor chela d, outer view; (f) minorchela 9, outer view; (g) minor chela 9, outer view; (h) gonopod.



    Major ChelipedDactyl longer than manus. Median groove long and fairly indistinct, extending

    most of length of dactyl. No subdorsal groove. Tubercles on dorsal margin micro-scopic, extending for one-quarter length of dactyl; dactyl compressed; externalsurface with microscopic granules proximally but smooth distally, internal surfacesmooth with a few microscopic granules proximally.

    Long median groove of pollex absent; pollex compressed, deeper than dactyl atits base; strong, triangular projection distally usually surmounted by an enlargedtubercle; external surface of pollex covered with microscopic granules, internalsurface smooth except for microscopic granules at dorsal and ventral margins.

    Supramarginal groove of outer manus long, extending from heel to distal tip ofpollex. Tubercles on outer manus flattened, small, well spaced giving a moderatelysmooth surface, tubercles largest towards dorsal margin and not at base of pollex.Dorsal margin without definite double tuberculate ridge.

    Oblique ridge of inner manus strong and tubercles large.Pile occasionally in gape, absent in or around supramarginal groove.Inner dorsal margin of merus with a weakly tuberculate crest; no enlarged

    tooth distally.

    Minor ChelipedMale with very small, regular, forwardly directed teeth in gape, teeth not

    graduated, no enlarged teeth in gape but many fine setae distally in gape; dorsalmargin of dactyl and ventral margin of pollex with sparse setae.

    Female with small, irregular forwardly directed teeth in gape, teeth not gradu-ated, gape either without enlarged teeth or with a pair of enlarged teeth in middlefo gape; dorsal margin of dactyl and ventral margin of pollex with sparse setae.

    GonopodTube tip flared; thumb represented by a shelf; inner process closely appressed

    to tube and ending below tube tip; end of inner process a sharp point; flangesabsent.

    ColourMajor chela with fingers grey to white; manus, carpus and merus red-brown.

    Minor chela with fingers grey to white; lower two-thirds of manus red-brown;upper third grey-blue; carpus grey-blue and merus orange-brown. Carapace ofmale brown with dull blue-green and white marblings in central and frontalregion. Carapace of female brown with extensive marblings in frontal region only.Eyestalks orange-brown. Legs brown to blue-grey. Mouthparts brown-blue withwhite band.

    HabitatSandy mud on upper levels of gently sloping creek banks, below U. flammula

    or U. coarctata and above U. polita; also sandy loam in salt flats behind man-groves in Queensland.



    DistributionWestern Australia

    Derby, Kimbolton, Port Warrender, Wyndham.Northern Territory

    Darwin, Melville 1., Kakadu, Goomadeer R., Wurugoij Ck, Nungbalgarri Ck,Liverpool R., Ngandadauda Ck, Djigagila Ck, Darbitla Ck, Glyde R., HutchinsonStL, Woolen R., Buckingham R.

    Gulf of CarpentariaSir Edward Pellcw Group, Norman R.

    QueenslandCooktown, Annie R., Cairns, Murray R., Hinchinbrook 1., Townsville, Port

    Denison, Rundle Range, Gladstone, Calliope R., Maryborough. Also known fromBoyne R. and Port Curtis (Crane 1975).

    RemarksWe examined the type series of Uca (Australuca) bellator minima Crane, 1975

    and after close comparison with a large series of U. signata, containing all sizes, weconcluded that Crane's specimens are juveniles of signata. The particular charac-ters compared were the anterodorsal crest on the major merus, the subdistalcarina on the inside of the major pollex, and the gonopod. Crane (1975: 64)described minima as an 'exceptional bellator' as follows - 'Anterodorsal crest on[major] merus always tuberculate (except in b. minima).', and 'Subdistal carinainside [major] pollex long; except in b. minima, '. She also illustrated the gonopodand stated that unlike all the bellator, the gonopod had the 'inner process long,slender, straight, not appressed to the terminal tube;'.

    In our comparisons, the anterodorsal crest on the major merus in each of thefive males in the type series of minima was identical with the condition of signataof equivalent size (i.e. small juveniles) being convex, almost smooth with micro-scopic tuberculate serrations; these become well defined as maturity is attained.Similarly the short subdistal carina inside the major pollex in the small juvenilesignata (and in minima) becomes long in mature signata.

    In regard to the gonopod, we found three conditions in eight comparable sizedjuvenile males of signata; the inner process may be separated from the terminaltube in both the left and the right gonopod (two males) or closely appressed inonly one gonopod (four) or closely appressed in both gonopods (two). For thefive males of the type series of minima, three specimens had the inner processclosely appressed in both gonopods and the other two specimens had one innerprocess closely appressed and the other separated from the terminal tube(Table 4).

    Material ExaminedWestern Australia

    187 dd (1.84-0.54), 63 non-ovig. 99 (1.47-0.40). Derby (155 dd + 56 99) WAM 15 to 33-76,122,123-76,37,38-77,40,41-77,71-78; Kimbolton (1 d) WAM 21-77; Port Warrender (6 dd



    + 3 99) WAM 32-77, 7-78, 72-78, 75-78; Wyndham (25 00 + 499) WAM 174-62,134-78,270-79,AMP17867.

    Northern Territory99 00 (1. 79-0.52), 60 non-ovig. 99 (1.43-0.39), 3 ovig. 99 (1.56-0.95). Darwin (1 d) USNM

    137668, holotype of U. minima, (5 od + 7 99) USNM 137944, paratypes of U. minima, (2 od+ 3 99 + 1 ovig. 9) QM W2981; Melville I. (1 9) CRS 32; Kakadu (1 9) QM W9114; GoomadeerR. (23 od + 5 99 + 1 ovig. 9) CRS 44,82,87, 102; Wurugoij Ck (16 od + 799) CRS 47, 50,AM P31969; Nungbalgarri Ck (3 99) CRS 41, 99; Liverpool R. (24 dd + 12 99 + 1 ovig.9)CRS 4/1, 7/2,10/3,4/4,103,106,108, AM P31968; Ngandadauda Ck (3 do + 1 9) CRS 38,59; Djigagila Ck (3 od + 1 9) CRS 62; Darbitla Ck (4 dd) CRS 81; Glyde R. (8 dd + 11 99) CRS67,77; Hutchinson Str. (600 + 399) CRS 37, AM P31782; Woolen R. (2 od + 19) CRS 63,91; Buckingham R. (2 dd + 4 99) CRS 76.

    Gulf of Carpentaria6 dd (1.79-2.19),2 non-ovig. 99 (1.43, 1.42). Sir Edward Pellew Gp (6 dd + 19) AM P3948;

    Norman R. (1 9) QM W2387.

    Table 4 Condition of gonopod inner process (g.i.p.) in juvenile U. signata and the typeseries of U. minima.

    carapace g.i.p. closely g.i.p. closely g.i.p. not localitywidth appressed to appressed to closely(cm) both gonopods one only gonopod appressed to

    either gonopod

    U. signata

    1.3 x Wyndham(WAM 134-78)

    1.2 x Derby1.1 x (WAM 241 to1.0 x 246-79)0.9 x0.9 x0.7 x

    0.6 x Townsville(WAM 247-79)


    U. minima

    1.1* x Darwin1.0 x (USNM 1376680.8 x holotype and0.6 x USNM 137944)0.6 x

    * Holotype. On examination, only one gonopod was present (g.i.p. closely appressed). Themissing gonopod is probably the one illustrated by Crane (1975 Fig. 62J), g.i.p. not closelyappressed, since her label on the holotype states '1 gonopod drawn'.



    Queensland95 dd (2.00-0.59),39 non-ovig. 99 (1.66-0.74). Cooktown (1 d) AM G1094; Annie R. (5 dd)

    QM W8963; Carins (2 dd + 1 9) QM W4568; Murray R. (1 d) QM W8185; Hinchinbrook l.(3 dd + 2 99) WAM 116-81; Townsville (58 dd + 3399) AM G6025, P16868, P16872, P17387to P17390, P17392, WAM 173-62, 148-71, 132-78, 133-78,247-79,269-79,105-81,107-81,112 to 114-81; Port Denison (7 dd) AM P6975; Rundle Range (7 dd + 2 99) QM W4751;Gladstone (7 dd + 1 9) AM P1982, P1983; Calliope R. (1 d) QM W4025; Maryborough (3 dd)QM W9474.

    Uca hirsutimanus sp. novo

    f'igures 24c, 30b, 44a-g, 56e

    HolotypeMale 1.30 C.W. WAM 190-78. Derby, Western Australia (17°19'S, 123°38'E), Town jetty,

    south side, seaward edge of mangrove. V. Semeniuk 1975.

    ParatypesSee Material Examined.

    DiagnosisLong median groove absent on outer major pollex, long median groove present

    on outer major dactyl. Orbital floor with a line of accessory granules just insidesuborbital crenellations. Gape of minor chela of male and female with small,irregular, forwardly directed teeth, a pair of enlarged teeth subdistally. Outermajor manus with thick pile in supramarginal groove, pile also in base of gape.Gonopod with small, definite thumb; tube tip not flared.


    CarapaceCarapace of male feeling smooth but looking microscopically granular, cara-

    pace of female feeling and looking microscopically granular. Anterolateral angleacute, directed forward. Anterolateral margin short, definite; microscopicallybeaded; scarcely converging. Dorsolateral margin long, extending to level of thirdwalking leg; microscopically beaded over entire length, formed by the gradualturning in of the anterolateral margin. A single posterolateral stria always present,represented by either a short, raised line of tubercles, or a tubercle surmountinga protuberance or, rarely, just a protuberance.

    Front narrow. Frontal groove broad and shallow, not extending on to frontalV. Eyebrows narrow, long, extending through three-quarters of orbit; uppermargin defined by microscopic beading, lower margin defined by microscopicbeading and fine hairs. Eyestalks moderately thin. Suborbital crenellations in maleonly apparent near anteroexternal angle, usually fused and not separate; in femalecrenellations small and separate before anteroexternal angle. Orbital floor with aline of accessory granules just behind suborbital crenellations. Pterygostomianregion sparsely covered with setae.


  • ~. •........r.."'~..'~.'.'.'.' '·i'· . ••• •.•. •.•.••••.•.•.. .//~~' w..



    Major ChelipedDactyl longer than manus. Median groove long and distinct extending most of

    length of dactyl, broad and deep proximally. Subdorsal groove absent. Tubercleson dorsal margin microscopic, extending for one-quarter length of dactyl; dactylcompressed and covered with microscopic granules on external and internalsurfaces.






    Figure 44 Uca hirsutimanus sp. nov.: (a) front of carapace; (b) frontal view of carapace;(c) dorsal aspect of carapace; (d) major chela 0, outer view; (e) minor chela 0, outerview; (f) minor chela 9, outer view; (g) gonopod.


    Long median groove of pollex absent; pollex compressed, deeper than dactylat its base; a strong, trian/,JUlar, denticulate projection beyond middle of gape;pollex covered with microscopic granules on external and internal surfaces.

    Supramarginal groove of outer manus long, extending from heel to distal tipof pollex. Tubercles on outer manus very flat, small, well spaced, giving a fairlysmooth surface; tubercles largest towards dorsal margin and not at base of pollex.Dorsal margin without definite double tuberculate ridge.

    Oblique ridge of inner manus strong and tubercles large.Pile in gape, in and around supramarginal groove, in area of base of outer

    manus, but not extending all along groove to tip of pollex.Inner dorsal margin of merus with a tuberculate crest, but without enlarged

    tooth distally.

    Minor ChelipedMale with small, irregular, forwardly directed teeth in gape, teeth not graduated,

    one pair of enlarged teeth always present subdistally, only a very few, fine setaepresent in gape; dorsal margin of dactyl with a dense brush of short setae, ventralmargin of pollex with a less dense brush of short setae.

    Female with small, irregular, forwardly directed teeth in gape, teeth not gradu-ated, one pair of enlarged teeth always present subdistally; dorsal margin ofdactyl with a moderately dense brush of short setae, ventral margin of pollexwith a sparse brush of setae.

    GonopodTube tip not flared; definite small thumb present; inner process closely

    appressed to tube and ending below tube tip; end of inner process rounded;flanges absent.

    ColourMajor chela with fingers oH-white; manus dull orange-grey (deeper orange

    ventrally); carpus dull grey; merus orange with some dull grey. Minor chelipedwith fingers and manus cream-grey; carpus and merus grey-brown. Carapacebrown-black with some cream blotches; female with more marbled appearanceand more green blotches than male. Eyestalks cream-grey to green. Legs brown-grey with brown speckling. Mouthparts blue-grey with some white; pterygosto-mian region blue-brown.

    HabitatVery soft mud on lower levels of gently sloping creek banks; below U. polita

    and above U. seismella and U. dampieri.


    Western AustraliaLearmonth, Port Hedland, Broome, Derby, Wyndham.



    Northern TerritoryDarwin, Melville I., South Alligator R., West Alligator R., E. Alligator R., King

    R., Goomadeer R., Wurugoij Ck, Nungbalgarri Ck, Liverpool R., Gudjerama Ck,Cadell R., Blyth R., Ngandadauda Ck, Djagigala Ck, Darbitla Ck, Glyde R.,Hutchinson Str., Woolen R., Warawuruwoi R., Habgood R., Kurala R., DarwarungaR., Baralminar R., Goromuru R., Cato R., Peter John R.

    Torres StraitSaibai I.

    RemarksNamed in reference to the pile in and around the supramarginal groove on the

    outer major manus and pollex. (From the Latin hirsutus, hairy, and manus, hand.)It is related to U. signata and the major differences between hirsutimanus andsignata are presented in Table 5.

    Table 5 Comparison of U. signata (Hess, 1865) and U. hirsutimanus sp. novo

    Character signata hirsutimanus

    Frontal groove extending on Yes Noto frontal V

    Outer manus with obvious pile No Yesin gape, on base, and in andaround supramarginal groove

    Minor chela of male(a) One pair of enlarged teeth Absent Present(b) Setae in gape Many fine setae distally A very few fine setae(c) Setae on dorsal margin of Sparse Dense

    dactyl and ventral marginof pollex

    Minor chela of female(a) Enlarged teeth Either one pair, or no One pair

    enlarged teeth(b) Setae on dorsal margin of Sparse Moderately dense on dactyl, sparse

    dactyl and ventral margin on pollexof pollex

    Gonopod(a) Tube tip Flared Not flared(b) End of inner process Sharply pointed Rounded(c) Thumb Represented by a shelf Small but definite

    Colour(a) Carapace Male brown with dull blue- Brown-black with some cream

    green and white marblings in blotches, female with more marbledcentral and frontal region: appearance and more green blotchesfemale brown with extensive than malemarblings in frontal region

    (b) Major cheliped Fingers grey to white: manus, Fingers off-white; manus dull orange-carpus and merus red-brown grey (deeper orange ventrally); merus

    orange with some dull grey

    (c) Walking legs Brown to blue-grey Brown-grey with brown speckling



    Material Examined (paratypes)

    Western Australia293 66 (1.86-0.58), 118 non-ovig. 99 (1.76-0.46),62 ovig. 99 (1.54-0.79). Learmonth (1 6)

    WAM 4-78; Port Hedland (666 + 5 99) WAM 271-79, 290-79; Broome (31 66 + 32 99) WAM145-78,163, 164-78, 175-78,271-79, 169-80,174-80,184-80, 192-80,207-80,213-80,226-80,123-81; Derby (18066 + 62 99 + 51 ovig. 99) WAM 61, 62-76, 69-76,76 to 88-76,90-76,91-76, 124, 125-76,33-77, 35,36-77,6-78,81-78,88-78, 190-78; Wyndham (175 6d + 19 99+ 11 ovig. 99) WAM 139 to 144-78.

    Northern Territory315 66 (1.80-0.46), 181 non-ovig. 99 (1.60-0.47), 20 ovig. 99 (1.29-0.89). Darwin (17 66 +

    15 99 + 1 ovig.9) 74-78, 135 to 138-78,101-80; Melville 1. (1 9) AM P31981; South AlligatorR. (4 66) QM W8993, W8998, W8999; West Alligator R. (2 66) QM W8994, W8995; EastAlligator R. (1 9) QM P8997; King R. (266) CRS 107; Goomadeer R. (866) CRS 96, 102;Wurugoij Ck (1366 + 3 99 + 1 ovig. 9) CRS 50, 51, 65, AM P31978; Nungbalgarri Ck (7 6d+ 2 99) CRS 41, 64, 99; Liverpool R. (107 66 + 6899) CRS 5/1, 7/1, 8/1,7/2,10/2,11/2,5/3, 11/3, 4/4, 8/4, AM/30, 68, 95, 104, 106, AM P31972, P31973, P31979; Gudjerama Ck(1 d + 19) CRS 100; Cadell R. (1066 + 999) CRS 43, 60, 83; Blyth R. (13 dd + 7 99 + 1 ovig.9) CRS 33, 35,39,71,84; Ngandadauda Ck (15 6d + 1299 + 2 ovig. 99) CRS 59, AM P31774,P31775; Djagigala Ck (1 6 + 2 99 + 1 ovig. 9) AM P31980; Darbitla Ck (1 9) AM P31982;Glyde R. (5 66) CRS 55; Hutchison Str (3 66 + 2 99) CRS 37, 75; Woolen R. (4 d6 + 4 99)AM P31783; Warawuruwoi R. (866 + 2 99) CRS 45, 52, 78; Habgood R. (38 d6 + 16 99 +7 ovig. 9) CRS 85, 87, AM P31763, P31765, P31971; Karula R. (1 d + 1 9) CRS 80; Darwar-unga R. (3 66 + 2 99 + 1 ovig. 9) CRS 36, 70, 72; Baralminar R. (1 d + 4 99) CRS 79,88;Goromuru R. (1466 + 9 99) CRS 61, AM P31773, P31977; Cato R. (16 6d + 12 99 + 3 ovig.99) AM P31769, P31974; Peter John R. (19 66 + 7 99 + 3 ovig. 99) CRS 42, 53, 56, AMP31975, P31976.

    Torres Strait1 non-ovig. 9 (0-90) from Saibai 1., AM P31970.

    Uca /ongidigita (Kingsle
