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From the Hart: An OWBC - 2.6

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From the Hart: An OWBC Part 2.6: Musical Edition

From the Hart: An OWBC

Part 2.6: Musical Edition

Welcome back to my OWBC! You’ve walked into an odd time! Last time, Kana gave birth to a late member to generation one, Rainbow, whilst Onyx tried to die in order to become a zombie. Ringo grew into a child the same moment his father caught fire. Kana brought Onyx back, who is quite content to be a zombie, and Keika gave birth to the final member of generation two, Strawberry. Then there were some more birthdays – Lennon became a teen, Rainbow a kid – and a trip to the business. Lennon discovered he quite liked Binaree the Servo’s adopted daughter, Daisy, and scored a first kiss, and somehow a first woohoo. Strawberry became a toddler. So yeah, a pretty busy update! I recommend reading the older chapters. And once again, a massive thanks to Keika for her simself donation for this generation’s spouse! (Keika writes Clitheroe: A BaRKC)

Let’s get started with a new method of potty training! It doesn’t look comfortable, and I wouldn’t recommend it!

Downstairs, Brian has taken to drinking. His enthusiasm for the family, and for the crazy lifestyle has been declining as you know, and I think it’s time to give him his own space. Plus eleven sims in one house is driving me nuts.

Brian will be getting his own apartment where he chill out and generally enjoying peace and quiet. He’s nearly an elder, and I think he’s earnt a rest from the madness.

Monster Mash-up Onyx has also decided to ditch his leaves and pick a random CC hair I didn’t know I had instead. I tried to change it, but the mirror won’t let me, so he’s stuck this way. Randy looks like he’s judging him, but I think it suits him in an odd way.

Onyx is then grabbed by Paul for dancing. Seriously, all Paul does is dance.

Really, I’m not joking. If anyone is standing around with their action queue empty, Paul will grab them and force them to dance. It’s kind of cute.

Ringo, meanwhile, has taken to following Basil around. I don’t know why, seeing as Basil is closest to Paul out of all of siblings. I like to think Ringo considers him a role model or something.

And because you can’t have an update without some toddler cuteness, here’s the youngest Hart, Strawberry, enjoying the crayons. I keep waiting for evidence of her mean streak, but no sign of it yet.

“I’m just like my big brother!” Just look at him! So adorable.

“Fear me! I don’t know which creature noise to make!” He has so many options – bleh like a vampire, growl like a werewolf, moan like a zombie…it’s so much fun having him around, even if it is hard work stopping him from passing out during the day!

I forgot resurrecting a sim made their marriage non-existent until Keika rolled the want up to propose. “My sparkly supernatural boyfriend, will you do the honour of marrying me again?”

“But you’re still wearing your wedding ring from last time? Doesn’t that mean we’re still married? I thought we were still-” “Marry me?” “Well yes, of course!”

We can make up for the fact the last wedding wasn’t very pretty! These two really are adorable together, I’m pretty pleased things worked out.

Ringo is not the shyest of his generation, but he is the child you’ll most find on his own. It’s kind of sweet, but I do wonder why he doesn’t interact very much. Maybe he’ll grow out of it.

Meanwhile, because the nursery is upstairs, the toddlers wait very patiently at the top of the stairs for attention. I really need to fix that next generation.

Randy is great with the kids, so it only seemed fair to have him help out with the toddler training. Not that either girl is interested in learning!

Look who’s dancing again! I mean, it’s not surprising in a house where someone is slap-dancing 90% of the time, but Paul doesn’t do much else.

There’s usually at least one person dancing at a time. In this case, it’s little Strawberry, and it’s the cutest thing.

Ringo, meanwhile, is trying to work out if the light stays on when you close the door. I’m serious, I couldn’t get a decent picture of it, but it was a lot of fun to watch! Little goofball.

And because bad apples don’t have bedtimes, once everyone has vanished, Paul dances all on his own. I’ll stop spamming you with pictures of his obsession now.

“Bye honey, I’m off to the office!” I can’t remember the last time I saw Onyx on his broom, and was able to fix that when he ran late to work. There was a small patch of steam where he took off. Honestly, the vampire-plantsim thing is hard work, but a lot of fun.

“Look! I got an A+!” “I’m the mother of the BEST bad apple EVER!” I’m sure Lennon doing Paul’s homework had nothing to do with it

Keika brought the paper girl home from work, which is a bit odd. Not sure what to make of that. She got along with most of the family, especially Paul, so we’ll probably be seeing her again.

Basil hasn’t played much of a role in this update yet, because this is generally what he’s doing – taking care of the kids. “Where’s your favourite nephew?” “THERE!” I just realised Rainbow makes the family tree a little messy. Your nephew helping to raise you is definitely an odd one.

Speaking of odd things, I found Ringo dancing in the garden with some random elderly lady. He’d been playing Marco Polo with a school friend when I last checked on him. Whatever floats your boat, Ringo!

Would you look at that, Basil’s got the privilege of yet another birthday. It was a quiet one, no massive party.

Paul also decided to steal Rainbow’s thunder, and sparkled up around the same time. “Heh heh, my brother’s sparkling!”

I have no idea what he’s looking so worried about. He’s still adorable! Paul Hart Pleasure Blonde Hair/Logic - Fitness

And here’s Rainbow, who looks like she’s judging me a little bit. No idea why. She’s cute, and she takes mostly after Kana, by the looks of things.

“Like, bleh!” I wonder if this will have any side effects on how long Randy lives. I love the guy, but there are ten sims in the house, and kind of need him to pass on. I was going to stick Kana in the sunshine when he went, but I don’t know if I can go through with that. I’ll definitely be moving her out of the Love Shack, though.

This is probably how Paul learnt to dance in the first place. Or maybe from Brian, seeing as it was the only thing that put a smile on his face.

Apparently Keika brought the newspaper girl home again – I really hope that isn’t a bad sign for the neighbourhood. Anyway, Paul decided to appreciate her, which I thought was cute. He randomised as straight, but I wasn’t sure if he’d actually do anything with that – Orchid didn’t show any interest in dating as a teen, afterall.

He then ruined the romantic potential by chest pounding. Teenage boys, right? Or maybe just sims… By the way, the newspaper girl’s name is Jenna Couderc.

Paul then decided to help out the family. “Hey kiddo, she needs a nappy change not a bath.” “But she smelled?” “Exactly.”

“Hold on, Grandpa, let me just get that puddle…” “Like, Paul, this is totally uncomfortable.”

In the other bathroom, I find a certain oddball spending time by himself again “Heave ho, to land we must go!”

“You can join me in immortality and darkness!” “UGH, dammit Kana!” We’re going to run out of anti-vamp soon, I think. I bet this family is the only one keeping the gypsy in business.

I got that oven aaaages ago, and Ringo is the first one to notice it! He didn’t finish cooking though, he left the muffin in the oven, and Rainbow later ate it.

“That’s cool Dad, but this is how you REALLY chest pound!” “Do you guys MIND?!”

I didn’t check, but I’m pretty sure Strawberry has stockpiled at least two creativity points away as a toddler – one from the activity table, and one from the xylophone. And yes this is just an excuse to show you how cute she is!

That elderly lady that Ringo was dancing with? She’s still here. I have no idea how she hasn’t passed out or starved or something yet. So I had Randy befriend her. Could always use more friends, right?

“Oh gosh, the hail! It hurts me so!” “No idea what you’re on about, bro, it’s gorgeous out.” Yeah I have no idea why Lennon is doing that. Maybe it hailed before school, I don’t know.

Blossom doesn’t live here anymore, but she lets herself in like she does. All part of having ten outgoing points. Surprisingly, she didn’t make an immediate beeline for the hot tub.

Rainbow came home from school, and looks just as judgemental and annoyed as always. I think she knows she’s not going to get much attention because her generation is already grown up, bless her.

She then pulled this face and ruined the judgemental aura she had. I like Rainbow

It’s weird thinking Onyx is her brother, though. “MY EYES!” …yes they still have a porch shower. It’s incredibly useful.

Blossom moved from one sofa to another, and finger-gunned three people on the way. It can only have been like ten steps or something. I’ve missed having her around!

It looks to me like Randy wants that cake more than Strawberry. Anyway, another quiet birthday. With so many sims in the house already, the last thing I need is a bus load more. I will have them all over again soon, I swear.

Strawberry’s first act of childhood was to pee herself in front of the toilet. And then complain about it for days afterwards.

“I am overachiever!” While Strawberry sorted herself out, Lennon came home from a job I forgot he had, in the Adventure career track. And apparently, he’s topped it, too!

“Everything is AWFUL!” I told you she would cry over it for awhile. It makes me feel guilty even when there’s nothing I could’ve done.

“No, Ringo, THIS is how you smustle!” “I don’t want to smustle!” “SMUSTLE WITH ME!!”

Strawberry, meanwhile, has found the karaoke machine, and become best friends with it. “This one’s called ‘Mary Had A Little Lamb’ and goes out to all my fans!” Of course, she’s still cute as a button.

“I’m a vampire again! Gasp!” Just in case you didn’t know, Kana’s got a bit of a biting problem. This is beginning to happen nightly!

This, however, is what Onyx is doing nightly. Sitting in his magical throne, reading the paper. He could be biting people, but he’s not. No idea why Kana is so much more bite-y than he is.

“Hey, Paul! Kachow! Good work on the sleeping!”

“I call this one ‘Everyone Wake Up And Pay Attention To Me’!” So Strawberry has developed a little bit of an obsession with the karaoke machine. Just another musical number for a house full of dancers, right?

Randy is such a good grandfather <3 I don’t think there’s a single kid that doesn’t like him.

So it was a Saturday and I decided to send the family to the park. They don’t go out much, really. I made the mistake of inviting Kana and having to send her back to her coffin twice before she gave up trying to leave the Love Shack, but totally forgot about Onyx and his aversion to the sun. So he spent most of time in the toilets washing his hands. Everyone else, however…

“Let’s all stand in this tiny bit!” “Like, what a good idea, Paul!”

They eventually freed themselves of the tiniest spot in the park, and started having fun. Paul and Randy decided to have a rock, paper, scissors tournament for the entire duration of the visit to the park.

The other kids decided to have a water balloon fight instead, which was cute!

Although, it did seem a little bit like the boys were ganging up on their little sister.

Not that she couldn’t handle it. “Hey losers, I’m still dry!”

Back at the house that evening, and the Harts have invited a few people over. So Paul is teaching Jenna to slap dance, which I think is adorable.

The main reason for inviting people over was actually Onyx and Keika’s second wedding. Which is already prettier than their first one, despite being held at night.

It was only a small wedding, really – the people who lived in the house, plus their dates, so Heather, Daisy and Jenna (I’m optimistic okay) were the only outsiders present.

After the wedding, Paul headed inside to talk to Jenna, who apparently hadn’t gone outside for the ceremony. “Hey, thanks for coming tonight, Jenna.” “No problem.” “It means a lot to me…”

He scored his first kiss all by himself! Paul’s making being a bad apple look easy!

Elsewhere, the bubble blower is attracting all the attention. I moved it for the wedding, and apparently that reminded the Harts that they owned a bubble blower.

Paul, stop it. Whatever action you have in your queue, she’s not interested. Blossom’s been there all afternoon.

“Randy…did you just hear a lullaby?” UGH. I thought I’d put Kana on birth control via ACR, but apparently not, and now there’s going to be ANOTHER baby.

That bed is also the only double bed in the house because I had to make way for more kids, so everyone’s woohooing there! …Paul, I’d leave the room if I were you.

That night, everyone who’s anyone was invited over for Ringo’s teen birthday. I told you I’d have them all round soon enough!

And here he is! Cute, right? Ringo Hart Knowledge Chief of Staff 5/4/1/10/8 (Capricorn) Blonde/Custom Hair – Jewellery Now the reason this chapter is longer than usual is so I could get to the HEIR POLL!

Basil Hart Romance/Family Professional Party Guest 1/10/4/10/10 (Gemini) Fitness/Blonde – Undies Despite being born after Lennon, Basil’s the oldest of the generation. The fun-loving plantsim is a friend to anyone and everyone, and particularly enjoys spending time with the kids. He’s currently in a relationship with Heather Huffington, a Sim State premade.

Lennon Hart Family Reach Golden Anniversary 5/2/4/7/10 (Aquarius) Swimwear/Custom Hair – Fitness Lennon’s the well-spoken eldest child of Onyx and Keika. His favourite things are smiling at people, spending time with the family, and generally being excessively nice. He’s currently in a relationship with Daisy Rai, daughter of the family’s old servo.

Paul Hart Pleasure Blonde/Logic – Fitness Bad Apple Paul’s the uncontrollable second child, and the only one to have Onyx’s large alien eyes. His favourite past times are sleeping and dancing. As Paul is uncontrollable, I can’t help him out with relationships, but he managed to score himself a kiss with the papergirl, Jenna.

Ringo Hart Knowledge Chief of Staff 5/4/1/10/8 (Capricorn) Blonde/Custom Hair – Jewellery Ringo was supposed to be the youngest but that didn’t go to plan. Growing up in such a large family, Ringo tends to spend time on his own, generally being a goofball. Ringo only just transitioned into a teenager, so no partner yet, but there’s still time before college.

Strawberry Hart 7/10/1/7/1 (Leo) An ACR accident, Strawberry is the youngest of the generation. She’s a bit of an oddball in the family, due to her complete lack of nice points, but her mean side rarely manifests. Her favourite things are karaoke, and hanging out with her brothers. There will a teenager picture of Strawberry (from bodyshop) in the boolprop poll thread to make it ‘fair’. Choose who you like, I’ll honestly be happy with any of these guys for my heir. See you all again soon
