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The Geology OWBC: Chapter 1

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Growing up Geology.
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THE GEOLOGY OWBC Chapter One: Growing up Geology
Page 1: The Geology OWBC: Chapter 1


Chapter One:

Growing up Geology

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Proof positive that my founder did indeed propose to and marry Trent. Then night fell and ruined my marriage kiss shot…

Anywho, welcome to Chapter One. And as you dear readers know, my game is cursed to give me way more kids than I want in a generation so I ended up with five kids in generation one. This chapter will show them all. And I’ve decided to go with the Boolprop Naming scheme as many do, but if I fail to find names that start with the letters I’m on I’ll change them to something that I like better. Still

within the theme of geology and gemology of course. I have an awesome reference book with all sorts of names of rocks and gemstones to use.

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Geodessa: My Family senses are telling me we need some babies.

Trent: Funny, my Knowledge senses are telling me the same. That and I feel an uncontrollable urge to stargaze in the freezing autumn air for hours on end…

Geodessa: How lovely, but babies first then you can chain yourself to the telescope.

Trent: Yes ma’me.

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Needless to say, the FT Family perk of fertility worked. So he had to hit the telescope. Though it is part of my problem for having too many

kidlets in a generation but hey, variety is the spice of life is it not?

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Trent: Okay, manly duties done, wife is satisfied, I’ve worked out to be as hot as I can be…now for the non-manly duties…probing. Why did I

ever leave the Dormie life behind for this kind of humiliation?

*prays it doesn’t work*

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Hehe. Probing a go, praying for a non-humiliating experience is phail. Did I say how much I love Trent? First night of using the Knowledge

perk with the non-expensive telescope worked beautifully. Alien Baybee!!

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Geodessa: Oh sugar butts!! PAIN is NOT NICE!!

And of course “There’s TWO new babies in the family.”

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Geodessa: Honey? Still in pain here…

Trent: I noticed.

The result: Twin purple baby girls.

Meet the first B babies, Basalt and Breccia. Basalt had the unfortunate luck of being born first so she’s this

generation’s Bad Apple. Truly going to be an experience for me, I have never done a Bad Apple before so I predict a

lot of accidental peeks at her stats/wants/fears merely out of habit.

I’ll try to keep it to a minimum though.

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Apologies for lack of close-ups, they’re basically clones of their mother in looks, same eyes and custom hair and then I lost their toddler pics.

Also things may be slightly out of order since for some reason the game decided to stall out and hang so I had to Ctrl+Alt+Del to end the program to get it unstuck so I had to get Trent re-abducted, rebirth the

twins, and redo their birthdays but Trent had his alien baby slightly later than I thought…which you’ll see in a few slides after some cute

pic spam of the twin girls.

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Guess who got their Gold Robotics badge? Yes, Geodessa proves her awesomeness and with their limited funds, networking perks from AL to get Trent higher wages in the Adventure career (his LTW is to be a Space Pirate) we made

Molly here. She’s a gods’ send for them, the nanny was irritating me, and Metrion because the nanny wouldn’t leave her alone. Molly is great, she takes care of the twins, keeps Bad Apple Basalt occupied as well. She likes to play a lot, I got the Social Worker warning about Basalt being too hot because she was jumping on

the bed in SUMMER… that nearly ended my challenge right then and there. Which would have sucked majorly.

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Oh? You wanted to see them? Well here they are. The one with the long ponytail is Breccia and Bad Apple Basalt in pink. How great was it that Basalt picked good clothes to transition into? And you see Molly trying to interact with Basalt, waiting patiently…I love Molly. <3 I left Basalt with her mother’s hair, I could have offered her a makeover, a way to change appearances without actually touching her, (loopholes I loves

them) but it helps me tell them apart.

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Just as the 8 am exodus occurs…

Trent: OWW!! Help!!

Breccia: Bye daddy.

Geodessa: Love you honey.

Trent: Loving family? My reasons for being? Anyone? Molly? IN PAIN HERE!!

Poor Trent. Anyway, meet baby Onyx, second born of generation one. Another girl, typical dominate alien genes black hair, green skin,

black eyes.

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As per the OFB challenge, Trent bought the Little ‘n’ Local shop in Bluewater to sell off all the sparking and broken robots the two of them had to make to get their Gold badges. Trent only has a Silver

one at this point, but it’s still close enough to run a shop. So far, only Rank 2 since I get the Shit Disturber customers who keep

downgrading my rank by refusing all Sales attempts. You who have done OFB businesses know who they are… Belladonna is full of them

just so you know. Good thing is that their predestined hobbies are both Tinkering so yay for FT challenge points working with OFB!!

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Birthday time!! Don’t worry though, I had them try again for baby since Onyx won’t be related to Geodessa, it worked naturally. So another baybee is on the way. And again, no toddler pics. I had to keep them all alive so the pictures suffer. I’ll give you stats and

explanations of the names at the end for all of the kidlets. Also I do not really like this narrative format for stories, it just feels lacking

somehow, maybe I’m so used to my legacy where there’s little or no narration for it. Once this chapter is over it’ll be better that’s for sure.

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But here’s Onyx.

Jean*: So you’re really green huh? Mommy said that there were green people around Belladonna, purple ones too.

Onyx: Yes, I am green. But you asked me to come here didn’t you?

Jean: Oh of course, I have no problem with green people. I see the green werewolf dude sometimes lurching along the sidewalk at night, stealing newspapers.

*Jean is my simself’s adopted daughter, a rarity in the adoption pool, she’s got my favourite face and she’s pretty!! *

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Onyx: Mommy’s pregnant again so I’m not the youngest anymore.

Jean: Hmm, I know. I am the youngest since my cousin Chanteri is a little older than me, he’s uncle Gabriel’s pod baby.

Onyx: What’s a pod baby?

Jean: They’re green like you, only they have leaves and vines on them. But Chanteri doesn’t, uncle Gabriel made him a potion to make him a boy so he

could grow up with me.

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Onyx: I think I won.

Jean: Oh, you did!! You’re so smart Onyx!!


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Metrion: Surely you jest. Why in blazes would I give you my delicately manicured paw? Foolish servant…

Geodessa: Paw, shake Metrion, shake.

Metrion: I said no.

Geodessa: Please? I’ll give you extra catnip mice…Paw?

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Metrion: Hmm, extra catnip mice you say? Very well. I shall allow you to touch the paw.

Geodessa: Oh happy day!! You did it girl!!

Metrion: How little it takes to excite you purple one…

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Metrion: Now where’s my mouse?

Geodessa: One more time, paw?

Metrion: Where’s my mouse?? And my velvet cushion you promised me?

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Metrion: I have done all I’m going to. No more until I have what was promised to me.

Metrion never changes does she? We did get another cat, but she refuses to interact with Cymmi. In fact, the two are nearly enemies. At

this rate I won’t get my baby kittehs…unless I deliver her a CAS cat that meets her high expectations…

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But let’s meet the newest baby, this is Obsidian. Another girl. I seem to be overrun with them don’t I? She looks like her sisters, same

hair, same eyes, same elf ears. All girls have the ears which is good. I still have one more pregnancy to get through before the fun starts,

here’s hoping the last O baby is a boy.

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But before we get to the last baby, let’s make a detour back to my simselves’ house. We have teenagers, because Belladonna is severely lacking in teens. Aside from Tara DeBateau there really are no playable teens other than the

townies. And I do love my male simself’s genes. ^_^

Jean: Congrats on growing up cousin, shake on it.

Chanteri: You could have chosen a more not-invading my personal bubble space to grow up in.

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And also because the twins are growing up too. Breccia being the totally awesome twin she is, grew up well and her Bad Apple twin Basalt faired less well. She grew up low green and it happened to drop into the red, therefore giving everyone a “Basalt grew up badly” red memory in true Bad Apple style. So she shows it by kicking over the trash bin, resulting in being shocked by the angry Sentry Bot. After she was shocked she picked up her mess and composted it, leaving me to believe she has

high neat points. So my first Bad Apple, my first non-green memory of growing up…so far so good. ^_^

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In all the fun and drama of growing up red, the final baby of the generation was born. Meet little Olivenite, the only boy. He has daddy’s

red hair and he’s purple, an odd combination of genes and colour choices; much like Basalt here.

Basalt: Together baby brother, we will rule this family. You can be my minion. I should have someone to share my misery with.

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Look!! I did manage to make Metrion a mate she likes. This is Prince Good Breeding, his name is perfect for him. He’s the exact same breed and personality as Metrion is, and lo and behold she

likes him.

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Say hello Prince.

Prince: Charmed. You did something right for once Bodiless Voice of the Shiny One.

Have you been talking to Metrion?

Prince: Of course. And she says it’s about time, that common cat you expected her to breed with was atrocious.

Stop talking to Metrion…she’s a bad influence on you.

Prince: She only deserves the best, and I am he.

Lovely. >_<

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And this is what happens when I play too far ahead and forget why I took cute pictures like this. Olivenite grew up and immediately was scooped up by Molly.

Obsidian also grew up so now I have two teens, two kids, two cats and toddler in the house, a full house. What happened to Cymmi you might be wondering? I made Prince in CAS but since there were already eight in the house I couldn’t add him to it, the larger household hack only works if there are born in game

sims that go over the eight limit. If you add more than eight from outside the lot goes red. I had to wait a while for Olivenite to grow up so once he did, and Trent made a Servo of his own, Molly moved out and took Cymmi with her. One more

picture for the road and then next chapter I will slow down, pace myself and show off the kids a little bit more.

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The activity table, bringing kids together since 2008. Obsidian and Onyx were the only ones able to use it with Olivenite.

This chapter was very disjointed and rushed I feel, while I am better at avoiding thought bubbles and relationship signs, my writing quality is suffering. At least for a small challenge like this one. It will be better, I


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Mineral Name Origins and Stats:

Basalt Properties• Volcanic, mafic, igneous• Made of mostly sodium plagioclase, pyroxene, olivine• Colours are dark grey to black• The Rosetta Stone is made of black basalt and was discovered in Egypt in 1799 by

Napoleon’s troops

Breccia Properties• Marine freshwater, glacial, sedimentary• Can be made of any hard mineral• Colours vary• Coarse texture

Obsidian Properties• Volcanic, felsic, igneous• Made of glass or silica• Colours are black, brown or red• Texture is amorphous (changes and varies)

Onyx Properties• Silicate, crystal• Made of silicon dioxide SiO2

• Colours are black and white• Largest source is in Pune, India

Olivenite Properties• Arsenate, crystal• Made of copper, arsenic, silicon and oxygen Cu2AsO4 (OH)• Colours olive green, brownish-green, straw-yellow, grayish-white

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Basalt FO/RNo idea what her stats are yet.

Breccia K/POPisces

5/3/7/3/9LTW: Be Visionary

Onyx Virgo




