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From the Pastor authority…has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all...

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Newsletter of Lewes Presbyterian Church January, 2018 1 From the Pastor 2 Session Highlights Treasurer’s Report Pastor Nominating Committee Update Getting Ready for New Key Entry System 3 Adult Sunday School Marathon Youth Rally Annual Women’s Conference 4 Unplug & Reboot Retreat Pizza and A Movie Parables of Jesus Class Congregational Meeting & Dinner 5 Hunger Offering 6 Thank You Men’s Luncheon Kelly Class Luncheon Birthdays & Anniversaries 7 2018 Flower Calendar 8 Calendar LPC s Editorial Staff Dr. Buz Hughes, Pastor Connie Ballato Christina Best Bob Comeau Cathy Heronemus Jewel Levering Ellie Ziegler INSIDE THIS ISSUE your way prosperous, andbe suc- cessful. Likewise, in our situation of uncer- tainty, we have the fullness of Gods Word guide us, along with the follow- ing charge of our Savior Jesus Christ, as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20: All authorityhas been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nationsteaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. What does a disciple look like? A disciple is one who: Delights in worshiping God; Is disciplined in prayer; Faithfully studies the Bible and seeks to live according to its truth; Is single-minded in devotion to Christ and his priorities for life; Surrenders to Gods will and is dedicated to serving his purposes. Enthusiastically participates in the life and ministry of the church. Discovers, develops and deploys ones spiritual gifts for ministry. Faithfully gives of ones time and resources for Gods kingdom. Learns to share ones faith with others in appropriate ways through ones words and deeds of love. If LPC is faithful to make disci- ples, Jesus will be faithful in building his church here. For he gave this promise: And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. In Christs service, As we enter the year 2018, we enter a year of uncertainty for LPC, as my pastorate of almost 26 years will draw to a close with my retire- ment at the end of June; after which, in Gods good timing, a new pastor will arrive to partner with the Session in leading our church. At this time of uncertainty, there is a message for us in the word of the Lord to Joshua, as he assumed lead- ership of Gods people after the death of Moses, thus taking on the daunting task of leading a group of liberated slaves, who had been wandering in the desert for 40 years, into the prom- ised land—a land defended by forti- fied cities and armies of trained sol- diers who looked like giants—as recorded in Joshua 1:1-9: After the death of Moses the serv- ant of the LORD, the LORD spoke to Joshua sayingproceed to cross the Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the Israelites....As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous; for you shall put this people in possession of the land that I swore to their ancestors to give them. Their situation was perilous and clouded with uncertainty, but they had Gods charge to take the land, along with his promise that he would be with them to help them every step of the way. Moreover, Gods people had one other gift to help them in their walk with him: Only becareful to act in ac- cordance with all the law that my servant Moses commanded youso that you may be successful wherever you go….you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it. For then you shall make
Page 1: From the Pastor authority…has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. ...

Newsletter of Lewes Presbyterian Church January, 2018


From the Pastor


Session Highlights

Treasurer’s Report

Pastor Nominating

Committee Update

Getting Ready for New Key

Entry System


Adult Sunday School

Marathon Youth Rally

Annual Women’s Conference


Unplug & Reboot Retreat

Pizza and A Movie

Parables of Jesus Class

Congregational Meeting &



Hunger Offering


Thank You

Men’s Luncheon

Kelly Class Luncheon

Birthdays & Anniversaries


2018 Flower Calendar



LPC s Editorial Staff

Dr. Buz Hughes, Pastor Connie Ballato Christina Best Bob Comeau Cathy Heronemus Jewel Levering Ellie Ziegler


your way prosperous, and…be suc-cessful.

Likewise, in our situation of uncer-tainty, we have the fullness of God’s Word guide us, along with the follow-ing charge of our Savior Jesus Christ, as recorded in Matthew 28:18-20:

All authority…has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.

• What does a disciple look like? A disciple is one who:

• Delights in worshiping God;

• Is disciplined in prayer;

• Faithfully studies the Bible and seeks to live according to its truth;

• Is single-minded in devotion to Christ and his priorities for life;

• Surrenders to God’s will and is dedicated to serving his purposes.

• Enthusiastically participates in the life and ministry of the church.

• Discovers, develops and deploys one’s spiritual gifts for ministry.

• Faithfully gives of one’s time and resources for God’s kingdom.

• Learns to share one’s faith with others in appropriate ways through one’s words and deeds of love.

If LPC is faithful to make disci-ples, Jesus will be faithful in building his church here. For he gave this promise:

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.

In Christ’s service,

As we enter the year 2018, we enter a year of uncertainty for LPC, as my pastorate of almost 26 years will draw to a close with my retire-ment at the end of June; after which, in God’s good timing, a new pastor will arrive to partner with the Session in leading our church.

At this time of uncertainty, there is a message for us in the word of the Lord to Joshua, as he assumed lead-ership of God’s people after the death of Moses, thus taking on the daunting task of leading a group of liberated slaves, who had been wandering in the desert for 40 years, into the prom-ised land—a land defended by forti-fied cities and armies of trained sol-diers who looked like giants—as recorded in Joshua 1:1-9:

After the death of Moses the serv-ant of the LORD, the LORD spoke to Joshua …saying…proceed to cross the Jordan, you and all this people, into the land that I am giving to them, to the Israelites....As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous; for you shall put this people in possession of the land that I swore to their ancestors to give them.

Their situation was perilous and clouded with uncertainty, but they had God’s charge to take the land, along with his promise that he would be with them to help them every step of the way. Moreover, God’s people had one other gift to help them in their walk with him:

Only be…careful to act in ac-cordance with all the law that my servant Moses commanded you…so that you may be successful wherever you go….you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it. For then you shall make

Page 2: From the Pastor authority…has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. ...

www.lewespresbyterianchurch.org Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.


TREASURER’S REPORT, Jack Lesher, Treasurer January 1, 2017-November 30,2017

General Fund 2017 2016

Revenue………...$415,494 $427,351 Expenditures ..... $411,282 $393,402 Excess Revenue $ 4,212 $ 33,949


For the month of November, it looks as though we hit a pothole in the road. Total revenues for November were only $26,221, all the while I was expecting closer to $40,000. Expenses keep on coming--revenues or not. We did not hold services on December 10 due to snowy weather, so we have four Sundays to meet our total budget of anticipated revenues at $455,000.

This is the giving season of the year. We are a thoughtful, giving congregation of Christian believers.

Come to your Annual Congregational Meeting in January and get your full report in detail for 2017.

SESSION HIGHLIGHTS, Gerry Brown, Deputy Clerk of Session

Regular Session Meeting December 19, 2017

• Session approved drivers for the Youth Rally in Ocean City, Maryland. There will be 26 youth attending.

• Jim Miller, Chair of Finance, presented the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget which was discussed and approved by voice vote.

• There was further discussion of the question of whether LRAC should become an interfaith organization or remain an exclusively Christian organization.

• There was an initial discussion of setting Goals and Objectives for LPC, and the possible restructuring of the Committee system that is presently in place.

• Appreciation was expressed for the service of Fred Beaufait and Pat Argo, who have completed their terms of service.

We Are Getting Ready For Our New Church Entry System

As you may be aware, the church is getting ready to install a new entry system that will involve replacing the keys that you are currently using to enter the building. The new system replaces our outdated system and will allow us to have better security.

New keys will be issued to anyone who needs to access the building outside of normal office hours (9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday). There is a sign-up sheet in the Welcome Center where you can list your name and the group and/or activity that you participate in that requires your access to the building.

We will inform you of when the new system is active and ready for use. We anticipate that this will be installed by the second week in January. You do not have to turn in your old key--it will not work in the new system and may be discarded after you receive your new key.

As always--thank you for being vigilant about safety in our building. Please remember to have someone monitor who is entering the building if you must prop the door open. Also, remember to close all doors to the outside firmly, making sure they are latched and locked.

If you have any questions about the new system, Nancy Williams, Chair of the Building Use Committee, will be happy to answer them.

Mission 2017 2016 Carryover………..$3,162 $5,918 Revenue………..$81,586 $79,233 Disbursements…$80,555 $76,684 Carryover Update $4,193 $8,467


Same story for Mission funds as for General Fund--same pothole! Total received was $5,489. We really need $12,000 in December to fulfill budgeted giving for 2017.

The Mission effort provides giving opportunities beyond our church walls. We can do it!

PNC Update

The Pastor Nominating Committee continues to receive applications from pastors in response to LPC’s job description and the Church Information Form (CIF) posted on the ECO Job Board. We are pleased with the number and quality of the applications we have received. A typical application includes a cover letter expressing interest in LPC, a brief statement of faith, a resume, and often a separate narrative describing their faith journey. Candidates also provide links to audio online sermons so that the committee members can review them.

The PNC began reviewing applications at its November 29th meeting. While we have eliminated several applicants whose experience and interests do not seem to be a good fit for LPC’s needs, we have also identified several for further consideration. Therefore, our December 13th meeting was devoted to us listening to sermon samples and planning to follow up with these candidates in January with telephone interviews to learn more about them.

We have not set a cut-off date to receive applications yet, and will continue to screen and conduct phone interviews for several months. Please pray for the PNC members that we will hear God’s voice with clarity and feel peace as we discern

who we should interview. Pray that as we read applications, listen to sermon samples, and talk with candidates that we will recognize the person that God has called to be our next pastor.

Jim Miller, PNC Chair

Page 3: From the Pastor authority…has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. ...

www.lewespresbyterianchurch.org Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.


Adult Sunday School Class Begins New Book

On Sunday, January 28, the Adult Sunday School class will begin an eight-week study of Why Suffering? Finding Meaning and Comfort When Life Doesn't Make

Sense. by Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale.

The authors carefully walk you through a variety of responses that consider providing clear, comprehensive, and convincing answers to the following questions: Where there is the possibility of love, there has to be the reality of freedom, and therefore the possibility of pain. The cross is the key to a compelling and rational explanation for trusting in God in the face of suffering. The reality of evil only makes sense in light of the reality of divine goodness. God's decision to allow temporal suffering is understandable when viewed from an eternal perspective. Divine goodness shows how to conquer not in spite of, but even through suffering.

The book is written with great respect for the complexity of the issue, recognizing that some who read it will be in the trenches of deep suffering themselves and others questioning the very existence of a loving God.

If you would like us to order a

copy of the book ($10.00 payable to LPC), or if you need more information, please contact Jim or

Marianne Miller.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Wicomico Youth and Civic Center

Salisbury, MD

10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Change comes in many forms. There are changes we know we need to make, changes we don’t want to make, and changes that happen beyond our control. They are all challenging, but God can use them all to help develop us into the women we were meant to be! This conference is for women of all ages, stages, denominations and backgrounds who want to live out their faith and purpose. Brilliant speakers, inspiring praise music, delicious food, fun vendors, and tons of God-loving girl time!

Please join us for this unique opportunity of learning and fellowship with other Christian women in Delmarva.

Register in the Welcome Center, beginning Sunday, January 7, 2018. Payment of $53.55 (check to LPC or cash) must be received by

February 4, 2018. (5 scholarships are available.)

Featuring Keynote Speaker Carol Kent

Carol Kent is an award winning author and a gifted speaker. Her vibrant personality and relevant messages make her one of the top Christian communicators today. She is regularly featured on a wide variety of radio and television programs. Carol is hilariously funny, biblically sound, and culturally relevant. You will fall in love with this woman who has experienced unimaginable change and upheaval in her life and learned that God is the only constant we will ever know.

Page 4: From the Pastor authority…has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. ...

www.lewespresbyterianchurch.org Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.


Sunday, January 28

in the Fellowship Hall

5 p.m. Dinner

6 p.m. Meeting

You do not have to bring anything—

the church is providing your meal.

Please plan to attend this most

important meeting of the year.



Email to [email protected]

Another Day Retreat for Women!

"Unplug and Reboot Retreat "

Saturday February 3, 2018 from 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

at the home of Mary Wickstrum,

3015 Bay Shore Drive, Broadkill Beach

Join us as we unwrap our theme - Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am GOD." We will explore Scripture

both in the group and alone, plus have a chance to share experiences and enjoy each other. Group is limited to

nine participants. Sign up in the Welcome Center. More information will be provided upon registration.

Sponsored by Adult Education Committee and facilitated by Sylvia Gilmore.

Pizza And Movie Night!

Sunday, February 11th

at 5:00 p.m.

Pizza! Yum Yum!

Then...The Movie ~

“The Case For Christ”

(Answers to the most challenging questions about

Jesus and Christianity)

Mark your Calendars Now!

Live Deeply, The Parables Of Jesus

by Lenya Heitzig & Penny Rose

Patsy’s Bible Study classes begin February 12 and 13. Have you ever read one of Jesus’ parables and asked, “What is He talking about?” Together we will uncover the parables’ important meanings for our walk with Christ.

Call Pat Macintire (645-9049) to reserve your book!

Page 5: From the Pastor authority…has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. ...

www.lewespresbyterianchurch.org Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.


"Nickels for Hunger" becomes the "Hunger Offering"

The second Sunday of each month at LPC is designated the "Nickels for Hunger" Sunday. When this program was first introduced many years ago, the idea was to give a nickel for each meal each family member ate. For most of us, eating three meals a day, that would come to $0.15 per person per day. The Mission Committee recently learned the name "Nickels for Hunger" is confusing to some of our newer members, so the decision was made to change the name simply to the "Hunger Offering."

Many of the people of the Kasai Region, Kananga Presbytery, and Lungandu Parish consider themselves blessed to eat one meal a day. The current hunger crisis in the Kasai presently affects 3.2 million people, with unreliable access to enough nutritious food. The armed conflict in the Kasai region, which

began in August of 2016, disrupted the production of manioc and maize which the local people rely upon for most of their diet. According to the World Food Program, two consecutive planting seasons have been missed. The result is that "Many of the most vulnerable now eat little more than a meal a day - typically just cassava root and leaves - that is lacking in protein, vitamins, and minerals."

Though conflict in the Kasai has diminished to a state of distrust and tension, our Congolese brothers and sisters are struggling due to the dramatic changes in the economic situation. Inflation is huge in 2017. Prices for imported products such as dried fish have soared. Wages are stagnant, and the overall economy, which was already weak, is now much weaker. The exchange rate when we first began our partnership with Lungandu Parish was approximately 950 Congolese Francs to $1.00 U.S. The rate was steady until the end of 2016 when it began to inch up. Today the rate is 1595 Congolese Francs to $1.00 U.S. - almost a 70% increase! How would our lives be impacted if suddenly everything we purchase was to rise in price by 70%?

The UN initiated a special appeal for the Kasai this year, but it is currently less than 50% funded. Stephen O'Brien (UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator) recently said, "The humanitarian community has been working with significantly insufficient financial resources to deliver at the scale required. This is not just insufficient - it is unacceptable for the global community to leave this very real suffering of the Congolese people unaddressed ...".

In Matthew 25:34-40 our Lord Jesus said, "Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick, and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or imprisoned and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”

Furthermore, James 1:27 states, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Every few months, your Mission Committee sends this special offering to the Session at Lungandu Parish through Rev. Kabasele. Lungandu's Session then decides how to distribute the funds; most often this is done by purchasing grain in bulk (so that the best price can be obtained) and then distributing the grain to those in need. Careful records are kept as to whom and how much has been received. Orphans are fed – daily - right there at the church. Lungandu's Session occasionally gives the money to the Kananga Presbytery so that food can be distributed to people in need in other parishes. They have also fed the prisoners at the local jail. How faithful they are to tend to "the least of these" among them!

Please continue to collect or start collecting your spare change. (Dollar bills work too!) Place your offering in the basket under the Communion table in the Sanctuary or below the offering plates in the Fellowship Hall on the second Sunday of each month. If you would like to write a check, or if you bring your Hunger offering on a different Sunday, write "Hunger Offering" on the outside of the envelope along with the amount. By writing on the outside of the envelope, you ensure the offering will be directed to the Hunger account.

Page 6: From the Pastor authority…has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. ...

www.lewespresbyterianchurch.org Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.


Lewes Presbyterian Church,

Thank you for participating in the ministry of Operation Christmas Child. Your 328 boxes will bring a smile and happiness to all those children. Most importantly they will each learn about Jesus & His great love. Prayerfully many if not all those 328 children will give their hearts to the Lord. Thank you,

OCC Drop Off Center New Covenant Presbyterian

Dear Rev. Hughes,

We are in receipt of your Endowment Committee’s donation. Thank you so much for thinking of us as you decide where to send your charitable dollars. Every penny you send will go to good use in the coming winter months. We will be in touch as things progress with the shelter.

All the Best,

The Immanuel Shelter, Board of Directors

Dear Friends of IMCK,

You are a part of this group because of your kind donations to the health of people in the Congo. Supporting this vital hospital and institution in one of the most volatile and dangerous parts of the Congo is truly essential to the well being of many people. This letter comes with a deep felt thank you for your support and a wish that the upcoming holiday season will be a blessed one for each of you. Please pray for the folks struggling to keep everything going at the IMCK. It has been a difficult year for them. The Good Shepherd Hospital is centrally located and with its good reputation has treated the wounded from all sides. Finances are stretched as the militias generally have no money for hospital bills and the government just doesn’t pay. Many staff have

The Male Bag

Men’s Luncheon

Lewes Diner

Thursday, January 18, 1:00 p.m.

Reservations: Ron Trupp 645-8927

Kelly Class Luncheon 12:30 p.m. Monday, January 8


Connie Simmers 302-947-2603

Doris Burkhardt 302-645-5420

Birthdays & Anniversaries


Larry Prettyman ...............................1 Alan Ward ........................................1 Teresa Lockerman ............................1 Michael Hughes ...............................2 Cheryl Reese ....................................2 Connie Simmers ...............................3 Alberta Cullum.................................5 Irene Witoski ....................................6 Jim White .........................................8 Eli Brown .........................................9 Taylor Gooch .................................11 Barbara Clark .................................12 Meryl Chapin .................................13 Jack Vessels ...................................15 Pearl Morris ...................................16 Marge Trupp ..................................17 Ed Ross ..........................................17 Eileen Pallace .................................19 Charlene Pappa ..............................20 Wyatt Spellman ..............................20 Andrew Westgate ...........................24 Grier White ....................................26 Harold Cogill .................................27 Abigail Hoeller...............................27 Walt Clark ......................................30 Stephanie Brown ............................30

Joe and Irene Witoski will celebrate their 36th anniversary on January 1.

Jack and Eileen Pallace will celebrate their 50th anniversary on January 9.

Patty Jo and John Mock will celebrate their 29th anniversary on January 11.

Leanne and Christopher Prosser will celebrate their sixth anniversary on January 21.

Bernard & Tana Gilmore will celebrate their 56th anniversary on January 27.

left to get away from the fighting and difficulties with road blocks and getting to work. On the plus side, our organization has had a good year thanks to both our faithful donors and nice growth of our investments in the bull market. We have money on hand to finish the PAX maternity project in Kananga when construction resumes.

We couldn’t have gotten this far without the generous support of our fellow friends. We hope that you feel good about the way you have contributed to the health of so many.

Faithfully yours,

Tinsley Gordon Smith, M.D President, Friends of IMCK

Dear LPC Congregation,

On behalf of the entire Clothing Our Kids (COK) organization, I want to say thank you for your recent donation from your Thanksgiving Offering. Your generosity goes a long way toward improving the lives of underprivileged children in Sussex County and allows us to purchase the shoes, coats, sweatpants and other school clothing we need to respond quickly to emergencies. It is because of you that COK can fulfill its mission. Your support has touched the lives of thousands of children who, through no fault of their own, live in urgent need right here in our community.

You people are wonderful!

John F. Smith, President

Page 7: From the Pastor authority…has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. ...

www.lewespresbyterianchurch.org Believing, growing and sharing the love of Christ.



7 Charles & Ruth Ann Goarcke in loving memory of our parents 14 David & Elaine Shupe in memory of our daughter, Pam


28 Bill Baughman in memory of Mom, Pop, Gram and brother Larry


4 Adrienne Scott in memory of loved ones 11 Robert & Denise Barnes in memory of loved ones 18 Halsey Knapp & Gay Marini in memory of Joan Knapp & Deborah Knapp Sharkey 25 Bob & Peg Partlow to the glory of God! MARCH

4 Aline Marstiller in memory of husband, Bob 11 Phyllis Ramjattansingh in loving memory of her husband, Frank 18 Pam Mousley & Betty Farris in memory of their parents Bob & Florence Faust 25 PALM SUNDAY FLOWERS APRIL


8 Alice & Don Sturtz to the glory of God

15 Helen Maull in memory of loved ones 22 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Warrington in memory of their Parents 29 Dora & Frank Toomey & Scott Gordy in memory of loved ones MAY

6 Rosann Mears in memory of loved ones 13 Carol & Gerry Brown in memory of family 20 Alberta Cullum in memory of her husband, Mac & daughter, Linda Hazzard 27 Paul & Sharon Ognowski in honor & memory of military veterans JUNE

3 Charlene & Rachel Pappa in honor of parents & grandparents 10 Connie & Carl Ballato in honor of daughter Christina 17 Pat White in memory of her husband, Harold & mother, Thelma Schulze 24 Beverly Hurd in memory of her husband, Charles & grandchildren, Madison & Christian Hurd


1 Bob & Jean Patterson in memory of their son, Jim

8 Dr. Melvin & Mary Ellen Kreps in memory of their parents & son-in-law, Howard 15 Carol & Gerry Brown in memory of Susan Cunningham Kidd 22 Joyce & Sabatino Maglione in memory of loved ones 29 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Warrington to the glory of God! AUGUST

5 Mr. James Roberts in memory of Judith Roberts 12 Fran Stevenson in memory of Dorothy Matthies 19 Lorraine & Ron Smith in honor of family members & good friends 26 Peg Love in memory of loved ones SEPTEMBER

2 Jack Lesher in honor of the Caring Ministry 9 Doreen Truitt in memory of her mother 16 Marjorie Latzko in memory of loved ones 23 Chuck Mohacey in memory of Mary Ann AND Mrs. Jean Van Pelt in memory of our parents 30 Fred & Lois Beaufait in memory of loved ones


7 14 Bill Baughman in memory of loved ones 21 Carol & Gerry Brown in memory of Gerald W. Brown, Jr. 28 Cathy & Bill Heronemus in memory of our parents NOVEMBER

4 Ginny & Frank Small in memory of her parents & brother and his parents & sisters 11 Marjorie Latzko, “Happy Birthday Melanie!” 18 Bob & Jean Patterson in memory of their parents & granddaughter 25 Ed & Kathy Ross in memory of their parents DECEMBER

2 Al & Lutie Davis in memory & honor of friends & family 9 Carol Bishop in memory of Bob Bishop 16 CHRISTMAS FLOWERS


30 Margaret Petersen in memory of Frank C. Bright

2018 Flower Calendar

As you can see from the following list, we have vacancies on the Flower Calendar. If you would like to provide

flowers for the worship services in honor of or memory of loved ones, or if you are already signed up and would

like to make a change, please call the church office at 645-5345, or email us at [email protected].

Page 8: From the Pastor authority…has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. ...

January 2018

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


9:45 AM Nursery (Not Staffed) 10:00 AM Combined Worship Service(S)





7:00 PM Moms In

Prayer (CR)


10:00 AM Intercessory

Prayer (CR) 6:00 PM Praise Band

(FH) 7:00 PM Choir (MR)


10:30 AM Fit &

Flexible Class (FH)


Youth Rally

Weekend (SH)





Committee Mtg



Epiphany Youth Rally

Weekend (SH)


Youth Rally Weekend (SH) 8:00 AM Communion Worship (S) 8:15 AM Faith in Action Study (CR) 8:45 AM Nursery 9:00 AM Adult Sunday School (L) 9:00 AM Contemporary Worship (FH) 9:15 AM Children's Sunday School 11:00 AM Traditional Worship (S) 12:30 PM Bible Project (L)


9:00 AM Beatitudes (L) 10:30 AM Fit & Flexible

Class (FH) 12:30 PM Kelly Class


9:00 AM Finance

Committee (MR) 11:00 AM Soup

Fellowship (FH) 3:30 PM Mission

Committee (MR) 7:00 PM Moms In

Prayer (CR)


10:00 AM Intercessory

Prayer (CR) 6:00 PM Praise Band

(FH) 7:00 PM Choir (MR)


10:30 AM Fit &

Flexible Class (FH)


6:00 PM Kids

For Christ (FH)



Hunger Offering Sunday 8:00 AM Communion Worship (S) 8:15 AM Faith in Action Study (CR) 8:45 AM Nursery 9:00 AM Adult Sunday School (L) 9:00 AM Contemporary Worship (FH) 9:15 AM Children's Sunday School 11:00 AM Traditional Worship (S) 12:30 PM Bible Project (L) 6:30 PM Youth Group(SH)


9:00 AM Beatitudes (L) 10:30 AM Fit & Flexible

Class (FH) 5:30 PM Crosswalk (FH)


9:30 AM LASP

Advisory Mtg. (MR) 11:00 AM Soup

Fellowship (FH) 7:00 PM Moms In

Prayer (CR) 7:00 PM Session (MR)


Newsletter Deadline 10:00 AM Intercessory

Prayer (CR) 6:00 PM Praise Band

(FH) 7:00 PM Choir (MR)


10:30 AM Fit &

Flexible Class (FH) 1:00 PM Men's



12:00 PM




8:00 AM Communion Worship (S) 8:15 AM Faith in Action Study (CR) 8:45 AM Nursery 9:00 AM Adult Sunday School (L) 9:00 AM Contemporary Worship (FH) 9:15 AM Children's Sunday School 11:00 AM Traditional Worship (S) 12:30 PM Bible Project (L)


10:30 AM Fit & Flexible

Class (FH)


11:00 AM Soup

Fellowship (FH) 7:00 PM Moms In

Prayer (CR)


10:00 AM Intercessory

Prayer (CR) 11:00 AM Deacon/

Caring Ministry

Meeting (MR) 6:00 PM Praise Band

(FH) 7:00 PM Choir (MR)


10:30 AM Fit &

Flexible Class (FH)


6:00 PM Kids

For Christ (FH)



8:00 AM Communion Worship (S) 8:15 AM Faith in Action Study (CR) 8:45 AM Nursery 9:00 AM Adult Sunday School (L) 9:00 AM Contemporary Worship (FH) 9:15 AM Children's Sunday School 11:00 AM Traditional Worship (S) 12:30 PM Bible Project (L) 5:00 PM Congregational Meeting &

Dinner (FH) 6:30 PM Youth Group (SH)


10:30 AM Fit & Flexible

Class (FH)


11:00 AM Soup

Fellowship (FH) 7:00 PM Moms In

Prayer (CR)


10:00 AM Intercessory

Prayer (CR) 6:00 PM Praise Band

(FH) 7:00 PM Choir (MR)


10:30 AM Fit &

Flexible Class (FH)

2 3

9:30 AM

Unplug &

Reboot Day


