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3fc.v 3jfw,,. i. ."n gft'Mttf'at"'3isyTP''Mt'' H'iw.l'r,J jun mi ii rqtu un jsj gjiUi-f- t, 4 fill lv-ff- C si Jk - B 1 is$ T tf ft i J mi W ,'; umiwwiiwwinwiM Vol. XrV. No. 2382; HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 19, 1389. 60 OENTO SUDSORIPTIOn PER MONTH Ii THE DAILY BULLETIN r &. r i r& Is printed and published at the ofllco, Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, BO cents por Month. Address all Communications Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, to ensuro lnsortlon, should bo haudod lu beforo one o'clock p.m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor Bulletin Steam Printing Ofllco. Newspaper, Book nud Job Printing of nil kinds dono on the most favorable terms. Bell Telephone No. 258 Mutual Telephone No. 258 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 83 columns of residing matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Island News. It is the be3t paper uubllshed in tho Kingdom to send to friends abroad. HubaiuripUon : Island : : . $4 00 year Foreign : : 5 00 " Commission Merchants. HACKFISLiD Jia Co., General Commission Agents. Honolulu Gr. W. MACZAKLANE &. Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen street, - Honolulu. H. I. 1648 GONSALV.ES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & tfuie Merchants Beaver Block, Honolulu. BB3WKB & COMPANY, o (Limited) General Mercantile and Commission Agents. list ov ofviobbs: P. 0. Jones, Jr President & Manager f. O. Oaiiteb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary directors: Hon. C. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen, H. Watebhobsb. 333 ly T. "WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealor in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athorton-- Q. P. Castle & COOKE, CASTLB Shipping and Coniiniislon Merchants. Importers and Dealers in Gonoral Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 Clr.ui Bprsckola. Wm. Q. Irwin. IHWIN & COMPANY, WO. Factors and Commission onts, Honolulu. 1 tt CO., WILDBB Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials of overy kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. l . ldwors, V. J. Lowrey 0. M. Oooke. & COOKB, (successors to Lowers u Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu J H. G. CRA73BE, DEALER IN HAY and GRAIN, 61 King Streot, opposite tho Old Station House. Mutual Toleplicmo No. 4. 87 tf VETEIUNAltY. ROWAT, Vetorinary Surgeon, AR. and pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel Stables, cornor Hotel aud Richard streets, ticleutltlc treatment iu all (lis. eases of domestic animals. Orders for plantation and ranch Mock promptly attonded to. Mutual Telephone 1)51, P. O. Box 320. inh.18 89 O LTJSO UAWAIIANO. persons who want to communi ALL with tho Portuguese, either for business, or for procuring workmen, sorvants or any other helps, will 11ml it the most protltable way to advertise In tho Luso Jfttwaiiauo, tho now organ of tho Portuguese colony, which is pub- lished on Hotel strcei, and only obargee reasonable rates fo iiIv.t i..-n.jt- '- rpHE BEST PAPER to subscribe X for is tho "Dally -- Bulletin." 00 cnts por roontU. Professionals. JM. MONSARUAT, it I Law & Notary Public Mil Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf ALFRED MAQOON, J Attornoy at Law & Notary i'ubllc 178 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly David Dayton Will prnctico in tho lower courts of the Kingdom an attorney, attend to collect lug In all its branches, renting of houses and any other business entrusted to him Office 91 King Street Upstairs. Feb 9 PIONEER STEAI CAM FACTOR! AM) iiVlCUltY. F. HORN, Practical Confoctlonor, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- &lt& Telephone 74. HOELISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, : William's Block, 210 Honolulu, H. I. tt. M. BENSON. Q. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for BoericUe & Sceohlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ricksccker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y WEfflER & GO. JIInnnrncturliiE Jetvellcrtt, no. s xoiit gTit-iaasT- Constantly on hand largo assortmen of every description of Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Tinted Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmafcer Kukul Jowolry a Specially. Kins Street, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Ofllco. C3" Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. jan.lft-8- 9 Hustace& Robertson, DRAYMEN. A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-x- jl tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices, ODlce, next door to Jas. F. Morgan's auction room. 982 ly Mutual Tclcphono No. 19. A. H. KASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No, Merchant streot. Up stairs. y NEW YORK LINE ! m Al Vessol will bo despatched for AN Honolulu to leave Now York iu all November For i'utlher information apply to tho Agents, Mnssim. W. H. CROSSMAN & BRO., 77 & 79 Hroad St., New York City. Or CASTLE COOKE, a271m Honolulu, II. I, New Zealand Jams ! received a coiitdgnmcnt of New Zcalnud Jams, assorted cases. For sale at low pilnfs bv J. E. BROWN & CO., 227 tf 28 Merchant street. DAVID KAAIIIUE HAS the best and cheapen Black Rook, Coral, Sand and Boll fur sulo In any quantity. Apply ut the law o(li08 of William 0. Aehl, No. iifl Mi-r- . obant slreut, Honolulu, H. I, 301 3m BEAM A SALOON Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Ooffeo at ill Hours Tho Finest Brand of Kk& J AXwnyH on Hand. II. .1. JUnSK, X.roiirictor. i?im IY ggTS KsT?TT Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesalo & Retail Butchers AND NAVY OONTIlACXOItS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton Beef, Pork, Always on hand at the HONOLULU MAFiKE (Successors to Wm. McCandless), No. U tlueen Ht., : : J'IrIi 3Iavl(ct, Honolulu, II. I. CSyFamily and Shipping Oiderscare. fully attended to. Live Slock furnished to vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8 JOS. TINKER, mjTcur.it. sty IVIarkety Nuuauu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO- - Cambridge Porf&ausages ! Fresh Every Day. ' rHls noted Sausages aro made by the every best machinery, and all orders entrusted to his care will bo delivered with promptness and dispatch, and hih prices are as low as anywhere in the city. CSTTry his Bologna Sausages."- - oct.5-8- Anderson &Lnndy, X&eirtists. Artificial Teeth from one to an entire set inserted on gold, silver, alltimiuum and rubber bases. Crown and Bridge Work a specially. To persons wearing rubber plates which aro a constant sourco of irritation to the mouth and throat, wo would recommend our Pro. phylactic Metal Plate. All operations performed in accordance wiih the latest improvements iu dental science. Teeth Extrfccted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. CSTOfflce at Old Tregloan Residence Hotel street. Fob-20-6- 9 WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Stroot, next Lucas' Mill, . car,. "S:!- - f Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmlthing, Drays, Carts & Wagon Building ai specialty. Every description of work In the above lines performed in a flrst-clat- a manner nnd executed at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. tgy Orders from tho other islands solicited. bo I'U'ftbcd to sec all our old customors its well as new onec. Mutual Telephone No 675. nnr.ins'l Pioneer Shin Factory 104 Fori St., Up3lair8. The un(ler,ignt.(l bcas to inform the public of these Islands that he Ik making Directions for folf.measiiri'nient will be given on application. White Shirts, Oyorslilrts & Night Gowns A fit gimrantoo by making u fampU Hhlrl to every order. Island order solicited Bell Totephonn 410 Mlly a. n. suuAAm. Ladies' Hats ! Ladies' Hats ! Largest Assortment ! Latest Styles I AT THE POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, 10(t Fort Street, Honolulu. 3X. . SACHS, - - Proprietor. WE LEAD IN STYLE & PRICES ! -- LATEST STYLE OF- - Mies' mi euro's Straw Hals ami Bonnets Received by every Btoamcr. We have just received another lot of our well-know- n spar: -:- - sablor: -:- - HAT ! IN BLACK fc WHITE. On trimmed Hats in all Shapes ! IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF Ladic' c 01iild.ieii Trimmed Hat C- At very low prices. A full assortment of Satin - Edge - Cros - Grain - Ribbons, In all widths and shadce. Silk Buds, Flowers, Feather3, &c, &c, A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Children's nfluslin Bonnets & Ghambry Hats LATEST lufant'a 3Emfcroicierecl Silk: Bonnets AT VERY LOW PRICES umom FEED CO., OFFER AT BRD EOCK PUIOES o California Hay, OsttB, Bran, Oil Cako Meal, Linseed Meal, Hurley, ltolled Barley, . Middling Ground Barley, Wheat and Corn Flour. FLOUR -- Alta, Golden Gate & Salinas-- ! FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. Boll folepliona, SO "S3SS9 v- J f(o. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street. HAYE THE BEST AND GAL A IMPORTED Our 'PEDRO SIMPLY gT Whioh will b sold AT I 2170 STYLE Cor. Edinburgh Quoen StB. IVlutual Tolopliono, 371 J: . t THIS KINGDOM. 'JIMENEZ" 3UDLIME. LOWEST UATEH by Mttiutuwi QUALITY EACH EVERY KIND 01 FOftl INTO IS & UTERFRIS PLANING MILL. Alakcu, nenr tyicen t&U Tolcpltono SS. WALKEE & REDWABJ), ContraolorH Jt Xliitltlum. Brlt'V, Btonc and Wooden Buildings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Dell Tele-phon- o N'J. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap GEORGE LUCAS, $mL and Builder,?; ZS&jjgg$$ Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hspia nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds ot Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds ot Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll aud Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other Is- lands solicited HONOLULU IRON WORKB. Steam engines, suicar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and leou cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job Work oxe-ruto- d at short notice. 1 - I il gBSl I BaS f liS Merchant St., Honolulu. HX COMMISSION" MEKOHAWTS ACCOUXTASm ConYeyanceis & General Agents REAL ESTATE FACTORS t& COLLECTORS. Sole Acints for the Burllug'on Route Across America, Hnd to the A.rrM. bole Aircnts for Pitt & tfcoll'o Foreign Parcels Express it General Shipping Agency. Sole Agontb for Bunny South AcrUed Waters. Solo Agent9 for MascQeld Bros.' Now Zenland Mullet and Canned Ooods. Special Agents for Leading Nrw Ztw Una and Australinn Mercantile Firms Spoclal AgoaU fortheUsllfurnla Lnd Asjoclatlnn. Special Agonts for the Honolulu Busl nes Directory. AIoo, Other Npccinl Aaontles. tV Oustoms Kntrlca Passed. Pro peitius Managed. Assignees and Audi Mrs' Work done promptly. House Leased aud Rents Collected. New Business Solicited Bell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Telo. No. 3G0. Dec-- 5 Post Office Box 4G9. 88-l- y P. O. Box tlffl. -- - Jlcll Tolu. SJ74. Hawaiian Busiucss Agency Corner Fort & Merchant Streets, Honolulu, H. 1. GENERAL AGENTS. Acconntantn He Collector l'OIl THK Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co. Manager of Advertising Department pou TIIK- - H Supepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will rrcoivo special niton, lion nnd returns promptly made. Roal tslato bought, sold nnd knsed. Taxes Paid and properly safely inxiiiod Homes, Cottsaci, Rooms and Oldest, lcncd nnd reiitvd, ami rents collectei. Fire and Ufa Intuunco eOtxIcd In rlret class Inrti'iince OompsnleA. Conveyancing r Kpcclftll Records softichwl and cornet Alv.truclh of Tltlo furnished. Ugal Dqcun'.gntt and Papers of tvtry Joacrlptlon raiefully drawn cud baod somely enuroM-- Copying and Translating In Ml ltio;ii.iyw Iu ueneial ue In this Kingdom. Custom Houio Riislnatt truueaclcil with accuracy nnd Oltptttch. Losns nf.goiiuttil at favorable rates. Oold, Sltvor anil Ceitldcsltj txiuht and sol t AttvsrllJomanU and Sulworlplloni h.II cllfd for pulilUhcrs. Sklllod and Unbilled Labtir furnlt.litd. Any Arllola piirchnsel or 3ol.1 Inlcr-lslan- d OiJeu will )'iirtl oulor attention To tat, Furnlslisd and UnldrnUhod Col. tKflO InddslrMilo InoatltlMat renfoanlile reninU Several Valuablo I'ropurUus In oad around the olty now for wle and kfft ou ey terms. MJJA11 bualccis m trusted to ntir turn wlllreciilvo prompt ami ftjltbful atluu-tii- r i.t uiMUfrwu cburtc NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $96,000,000.00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every ago, on every premium table, und in overy year, the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Toiilitie Policiwi of the New York Lifo Insurance Co. have been LARGER than tlioso O ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing piiiiilur policies. 0" For particulars apply to V. O. UERGGD, flfti'l Agctit Hawaiian Island. 28:1 tf FIRE, LIFE, AUD MARINE INSURANCE." Hartfard Hit InBarenc Ca. Amtt, 28a,00t) Coi&tarrvkl Iruuiunco Co. (Fire mid Harlnt) Assets, $4W,000 Angio-Nova- dn AsBumnct Oorporatlcm (Fire und Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire sod Hariii Z&s. Oa Capital, $10,000,00-JJft- York Llfb iMttrnnci) Co. AsMts, $&5,ooo,oo-- a G.O.BERGER HONOLULU. Oouersd Agent, rimt'ii Islauda. 1038 ly '' ! i i t "I'i.n Mil jga CASTLE &. COOKE, Life, Fire &. Marino Insur'oo Agtantk. XOKNTS FOU TUo lew lluuloud MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y of Boston. Tho .ffit-a- a Tiro Insurance Co of Hartford, Gonn. The Uulsu Kire nnd Marine Insurance Co., of Ban Frauchscp, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comn'v KBTAHUBHKD 1810, Capital 8,000.000 Relchsmuta THE undersigned, having been an. agent of the above Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risksagainst Fire, on Building, Furniture, Merchandbio, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Tenus Loum Promptly Adjusted and Payable Honolulu. H. IUEMENHOHNKIDKtt; Jly.87 ly atWIIdtr.&Co'a. ae FILTER PRESSES ! F'aat-ha- d Plantation, Hawaii, March 1), I8c8, ( ItUaon Iron A. uramottv Werhtf, an t'rnociaco. QE.TLEEN:--Wobat1ous- el two o your 30 Clumbtred Fitter Prestos tbH Mason. They aro oonvwilont, taUy bundled and ore working entirely to our tatlsfactlou. Icuu reconiiQMuJ no Ut. . piovemcntou them. Very irspto' fully yotin. (Hlgnedi A. MOORE, Mnnagtr Paanhau Plantation. There Prctscti are nindo exlra hoivy for hteh prwsurcs, occupy a floxy space II tw by 4 i W, aud present a rlllerlng snrfsoe of 240 squars foel. A limited nuuibor in slock In no-lul- u aud arts toId at very low price. Risdou Iron & Loco. Works, Han rrnnolflcv. fNp" VorjHrtlculn ouqulru of JOIIS' DYER, nonoluhi, Boom No. 8 BptecUli' Blocfe, 5W)tf W.Q.!twfi&0pni?Wt. tra . .Uim)f. .!,. i. M ! . 'J .as - fH .j e i " t&H ?i v 1 1 I k '"-J-tf
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r &.




Is printed and published at the ofllco,

Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, BO cents por Month.

Address all Communications DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, to ensuro lnsortlon,should bo haudod lu beforo one o'clockp.m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor

Bulletin Steam Printing Ofllco.

Newspaper, Book nud Job Printing ofnil kinds dono on the most favorableterms.Bell Telephone No. 258

Mutual Telephone No. 258


Weekly Summary.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, contains 83 columns ofresiding matter on local topics, and acomplete resume of Honolulu and IslandNews. It is the be3t paper uubllshedin tho Kingdom to send to friendsabroad.

HubaiuripUon :

Island : : . $4 00 yearForeign : : 5 00 "

Commission Merchants.


General Commission Agents.




Queen street, - Honolulu. H. I.1648


Wholesale Grocers & tfuie Merchants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

BB3WKB & COMPANY,o (Limited)

General Mercantile andCommission Agents.

list ov ofviobbs:P. 0. Jones, Jr President & Managerf. O. Oaiiteb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

directors:Hon. C. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen,

H. Watebhobsb.333 ly

T. "WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealor in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Athorton-- Q. P. Castle& COOKE,CASTLB Shipping and Coniiniislon

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGonoral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

Clr.ui Bprsckola. Wm. Q. Irwin.IHWIN & COMPANY,WO. Factors and Commission

onts, Honolulu. 1

tt CO.,WILDBB Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materialsof overy kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. l

. ldwors, V. J. Lowrey 0. M. Oooke.& COOKB,

(successors to Lowers u Dickson,)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allKinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu J

H. G. CRA73BE,


61 King Streot, opposite tho Old StationHouse.

Mutual Toleplicmo No. 4.87 tf

VETEIUNAltY.ROWAT, Vetorinary Surgeon,AR. and pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, cornor Hotel aud Richardstreets, ticleutltlc treatment iu all (lis.eases of domestic animals. Orders forplantation and ranch Mock promptlyattonded to. Mutual Telephone 1)51,

P. O. Box 320. inh.18 89


persons who want to communiALL with tho Portuguese, eitherfor business, or for procuring workmen,sorvants or any other helps, will 11ml itthe most protltable way to advertise Intho Luso Jfttwaiiauo, tho now organ oftho Portuguese colony, which is pub-lished on Hotel strcei, and only obargeereasonable rates fo iiIv.t i..-n.jt- '-

rpHE BEST PAPER to subscribeX for is tho "Dally -- Bulletin." 00cnts por roontU.


JM. MONSARUAT,it I Law & Notary Public

Mil Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

ALFRED MAQOON,J Attornoy at Law & Notary i'ubllc178 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

David DaytonWill prnctico in tho lower courts of theKingdom an attorney, attend to collectlug In all its branches, renting of housesand any other business entrusted to him

Office 91 King Street Upstairs.Feb 9


AM) iiVlCUltY.F. HORN, Practical Confoctlonor,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. --&lt& Telephone 74.


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, : William's Block,210 Honolulu, H. I.



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for BoericUe & Sceohlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Ricksccker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2y

WEfflER & GO.JIInnnrncturliiE Jetvellcrtt,no. s xoiit gTit-iaasT-

Constantly on hand largo assortmenof every description of Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Tinted Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmafcer

Kukul Jowolry a Specially.

Kins Street, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Ofllco.

C3" Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. jan.lft-8- 9

Hustace& Robertson,

DRAYMEN.A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-x- jl

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices,

ODlce, next door to Jas. F. Morgan'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Tclcphono No. 19.

A. H. KASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No, Merchant streot. Up stairs.y


mAl Vessol will bo despatched forAN Honolulu to leave Now York iu

all November For i'utlher informationapply to tho Agents,

Mnssim. W. H. CROSSMAN & BRO.,77 & 79 Hroad St., New York City.

Or CASTLE COOKE,a271m Honolulu, II. I,

New Zealand Jams !

received a coiitdgnmcnt of NewZcalnud Jams, assorted cases. For

sale at low pilnfs bvJ. E. BROWN & CO.,

227 tf 28 Merchant street.


HAS the best and cheapen BlackRook, Coral, Sand and Boll fur

sulo In any quantity. Apply ut the lawo(li08 of William 0. Aehl, No. iifl Mi-r- .

obant slreut, Honolulu, H. I, 301 3m


Tho Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Ooffeo at ill Hours

Tho Finest Brand of


AXwnyH on Hand.II. .1. JUnSK, X.roiirictor.

i?im IYggTS KsT?TT

Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesalo & Retail Butchers



Choicest Mutton

Beef, Pork,

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MAFiKE(Successors to Wm. McCandless),

No. U tlueen Ht., : : J'IrIi 3Iavl(ct,Honolulu, II. I.

CSyFamily and Shipping Oiderscare.fully attended to. Live Slock furnishedto vessels at short notice. my 17-8- 8

JOS. TINKER,mjTcur.it.

sty IVIarketyNuuauu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Porf&ausages !

Fresh Every Day.

' rHls noted Sausages aro made bythe every best machinery, and all ordersentrusted to his care will bo deliveredwith promptness and dispatch, and hihprices are as low as anywhere in thecity.

CSTTry his Bologna Sausages."- -oct.5-8-

Anderson &Lnndy,X&eirtists.

Artificial Teeth from one to an entireset inserted on gold, silver, alltimiuumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork a specially. To persons wearingrubber plates which aro a constantsourco of irritation to the mouth andthroat, wo would recommend our Pro.phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed in accordance wiih the latestimprovements iu dental science. TeethExtrfccted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

CSTOfflce at Old Tregloan ResidenceHotel street. Fob-20-6- 9

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Stroot, next Lucas' Mill,

. car,."S:!- -


Carriage Builders,Ship's Blacksmlthing, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Building ai specialty.

Every description of work In theabove lines performed in a flrst-clat- a

manner nnd executed at short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.tgy Orders from tho other islands

solicited. bo I'U'ftbcd to sec allour old customors its well as new onec.Mutual Telephone No 675.


Pioneer Shin Factory104 Fori St., Up3lair8.

The un(ler,ignt.(l bcas to inform thepublic of these Islands that he Ik making

Directions for folf.measiiri'nient willbe given on application.

White Shirts, Oyorslilrts & Night Gowns

A fit gimrantoo by making u fampUHhlrl to every order.

Island order solicited Bell Totephonn 410

Mlly a. n. suuAAm.

Ladies' Hats ! Ladies' Hats !

Largest Assortment ! Latest Styles I


POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE,10(t Fort Street, Honolulu.

3X. . SACHS, - - Proprietor.



Mies' mi euro's Straw Hals ami Bonnets

Received by every Btoamcr. We have just received anotherlot of our well-know- n

spar: -:- - sablor: -:- - HAT !


On trimmed Hats in all Shapes !


Ladic' c 01iild.ieii Trimmed HatC-

At very low prices. A full assortment of

Satin - Edge - Cros - Grain - Ribbons,In all widths and shadce.

Silk Buds, Flowers, Feather3, &c, &c,A NEW ASSORTMENT OF

Children's nfluslin Bonnets & Ghambry HatsLATEST

lufant'a 3Emfcroicierecl Silk: BonnetsAT VERY LOW PRICES



California Hay, OsttB, Bran,Oil Cako Meal, Linseed Meal,

Hurley, ltolled Barley,. Middling Ground Barley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.FLOUR --Alta, Golden Gate & Salinas--! FLOUR

Telephones, No. 175.

Boll folepliona, SO "S3SS9

v- J

f(o. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fort Street.







gT Whioh will b sold AT

I 2170


Cor. Edinburgh Quoen StB.

IVlutual Tolopliono, 371

J: . t












Alakcu, nenr tyicen t&U

Tolcpltono SS.


ContraolorH Jt Xliitltlum.Brlt'V, Btonc and Wooden Buildings; es-

timates given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 King street. Dell Tele-phon- o

N'J. 2. P. O. Box, 423. ap

GEORGE LUCAS, $mLand Builder,?; ZS&jjgg$$

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hspianade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds ot Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds ot Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll aud BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other Is-lands solicited

HONOLULU IRON WORKB.Steam engines, suicar mills, boil

ers, coolers; iron, brass and leou cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job Work oxe-ruto- d

at short notice. 1

- I il gBSl

I BaS f

liS Merchant St., Honolulu. HX


ConYeyanceis & General Agents



Sole Acints for the Burllug'on RouteAcross America, Hnd to the A.rrM.

bole Aircnts for Pitt & tfcoll'o ForeignParcels Express it General ShippingAgency.

Sole Agontb for Bunny South AcrUedWaters.

Solo Agent9 for MascQeld Bros.' NowZenland Mullet and Canned Ooods.

Special Agents for Leading Nrw ZtwUna and Australinn Mercantile Firms

Spoclal AgoaU fortheUsllfurnla LndAsjoclatlnn.

Special Agonts for the Honolulu Buslnes Directory.

AIoo, Other Npccinl Aaontles.

tV Oustoms Kntrlca Passed. Propeitius Managed. Assignees and AudiMrs' Work done promptly. HouseLeased aud Rents Collected.

New Business SolicitedBell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Telo. No. 3G0.Dec-- 5 Post Office Box 4G9. 88-l- y

P. O. Box tlffl. -- - Jlcll Tolu. SJ74.

Hawaiian Busiucss Agency

Corner Fort & Merchant Streets,Honolulu, H. 1.

GENERAL AGENTS.Acconntantn He Collector


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

Manager of Advertising Departmentpou TIIK- -


Collections will rrcoivo special niton,lion nnd returns promptly made.

Roal tslato bought, sold nnd knsed.Taxes Paid and properly safely inxiiiodHomes, Cottsaci, Rooms and Oldest,

lcncd nnd reiitvd, ami rents collectei.Fire and Ufa Intuunco eOtxIcd In rlret

class Inrti'iince OompsnleA.Conveyancing r Kpcclftll Records

softichwl and cornet Alv.truclh of Tltlofurnished.

Ugal Dqcun'.gntt and Papers of tvtryJoacrlptlon raiefully drawn cud baodsomely enuroM--

Copying and Translating In Ml ltio;ii.iywIu ueneial ue In this Kingdom.

Custom Houio Riislnatt truueaclcil withaccuracy nnd Oltptttch.

Losns nf.goiiuttil at favorable rates.Oold, Sltvor anil Ceitldcsltj txiuht and

sol t

AttvsrllJomanU and Sulworlplloni h.IIcllfd for pulilUhcrs.

Sklllod and Unbilled Labtir furnlt.litd.Any Arllola piirchnsel or 3ol.1Inlcr-lslan- d OiJeu will )'iirtl

oulor attentionTo tat, Furnlslisd and UnldrnUhod Col.

tKflO InddslrMilo InoatltlMat renfoanlilereninU

Several Valuablo I'ropurUus In oadaround the olty now for wle and kfftou ey terms.

MJJA11 bualccis m trusted to ntir turnwlllreciilvo prompt ami ftjltbful atluu-tii- r

i.t uiMUfrwu cburtc


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $96,000,000.00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every ago, on every premiumtable, und in overy year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Toiilitie Policiwiof the New York Lifo Insurance Co.have been LARGER than tlioso O

ANY OTHER COMPANY issuingpiiiiilur policies.

0" For particulars apply to

V. O. UERGGD,flfti'l Agctit Hawaiian Island.

28:1 tf


MARINEINSURANCE."Hartfard Hit InBarenc Ca.

Amtt, 28a,00t)

Coi&tarrvkl Iruuiunco Co.

(Fire mid Harlnt)Assets, $4W,000

Angio-Nova- dn AsBumnct Oorporatlcm(Fire und Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire sod Hariii Z&s. Oa

Capital, $10,000,00-JJft-

York Llfb iMttrnnci) Co.

AsMts, $&5,ooo,oo-- a


Oouersd Agent, rimt'ii Islauda.

1038 ly'' ! i i t "I'i.n Mil jga

CASTLE &. COOKE,Life, Fire &. Marino Insur'oo Agtantk.


TUo lew lluuloudMUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y

of Boston.

Tho .ffit-a-a Tiro Insurance Coof Hartford, Gonn.

The Uulsu Kire nnd

Marine Insurance Co.,of Ban Frauchscp, Cala.

101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comn'v


Capital 8,000.000 Relchsmuta

THE undersigned, having been an.agent of the above Company

for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risksagainst Fire, on Building,Furniture, Merchandbio, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable TenusLoum Promptly Adjusted and Payable


H. IUEMENHOHNKIDKtt;Jly.87 ly atWIIdtr.&Co'a.



F'aat-ha- d Plantation,Hawaii, March 1), I8c8, (

ItUaon Iron A. uramottv Werhtf,an t'rnociaco.

QE.TLEEN:--Wobat1ous- el two oyour 30 Clumbtred Fitter Prestos tbHMason. They aro oonvwilont, taUybundled and ore working entirely to ourtatlsfactlou. Icuu reconiiQMuJ no Ut. .

piovemcntou them.Very irspto' fully yotin.

(Hlgnedi A. MOORE,Mnnagtr Paanhau Plantation.

There Prctscti are nindo exlra hoivyfor hteh prwsurcs, occupy a floxyspace II tw by 4 i W, aud present arlllerlng snrfsoe of 240 squars foel.

A limited nuuibor in slock In no-lul- u

aud arts toId at very low price.Risdou Iron & Loco. Works,

Han rrnnolflcv.

fNp" VorjHrtlculn ouqulru ofJOIIS' DYER, nonoluhi,

Boom No. 8 BptecUli' Blocfe,

5W)tf W.Q.!twfi&0pni?Wt.

tra . .Uim)f. .!,. i.




.as- fH.j



" t&H





Page 2: ft J fill si Jk T tf W · 3fc.v 3jfw,,. i.."n gft'Mttf'at"'3isyTP''Mt'' H'iw.l'r,J jun mi ii rqtu un jsj gjiUi-f- t, 4 fill lv-ff- C si Jk - B 1 is$ T tf ft i J mi W umiwwiiwwinwiM

V' itifl LATHY MOM ftAMDA. T



SATURDAY, OCT. 19, 1889.


Thorough Work Done by the Hono-lulu Marine Itnllwny

The following is a Washingtondespatch of October 4th. Admit alKlrnberly's report on the U. S. S.Nipsic, as repaired on the inatinerailway here by Messrs. Sorensou &Lyle. is a valuable testimonial tothe facilities of Houolulu for repair-ing ships :

Admiral Kimberly has reported tothe Navy Department by mail fromHonolulu. There is nothing in thereport n:t already told in the pressdispatches except that the Admiralsays the repairs on the Nipsie atefinished, and if Bhe had the portionof her equipment now on the

she would be as good asever and ready to rjake a full three-yeir- s'



When the Atari pem was at Tu-tui- la

two men boarded her and ask-

ed Capt. Hayward to be allowed totvork their passage to Honolulu.The captain finally allowed them todo so. The next morning they re-fused to do any work at all. Capt.Woodward of the U. S. S. Adamswas a passenger on board and a fewdays afterwards recognized them asdeserters from the Adams, thoughthe men did not know the captainwas awaie of their being on board.As the Mariposa was coming intothe harbor a message was sent to theU. S. S. Alert. A boat immediatelyleft that vessel and the oflleer incharge boarded the Mariposa beforeshe docked, and at rested the twodeserters. They are on board theAlert under arrest.


The usual weekly meeting of theUnion was held at the Kniglus ofPythias hall yesterday evening ; Mr.J. Phillips in the chair. The attend-ance was large.

The committee reported in favc--rof the expenses of the Union beingleft to volurtary effort, as againstcollections or fixed assessments.Carried.

A discussion ensued upon whetherit is conducive to the general goodthat the Government pay rates ofwages as low as a dollar a day.

Mr. Gibbs opened the debate in aserio-comi- c air, advocating the em-ployment orChinese in the severaldepartments of Government. Fiomthe King and "the four other Kings"and the judges, and down throughthe heads of departments, etc., heclaimed that ninety cents on thedollar could be saved by sub-stituting Chinese. True, itt'nouldramify, through the white and an-tiv- e

working people, but they al-

ready told the- - arc not wanted.Mr. .7. Bowler condemned the prc-8e- nt

ministry as unfaithful to theirtrust and having aided in bringingthe laborers' wages to the lowestpoint. He urged his hearers tounite for the coming contest.

Mr. D. M. Crowley said that la-

bor was in a sense acommodity theprice of which was regulated by sup-ply and demand. The governmentwere less to blame for the low ratesof wages they were payiug, than theimmigration policy f the country.That was the real cause, as whileAsiatics are landed to woik at 813 amonth, native labor nnist followfcuit. It was stated that the govern-ment were trying to lessen the num-bers of Chinese and he believed it.If so they should get credit for it.He condemned the Road Act,as it placed power in thebands of men w'o were speciallyinterested in bringing labor down,and for several other reasons itshould be repealed. Some planta-tions were paying natives 50 cents aday.

Mr. Mehrtens condemned to paltryconduct of a government in iU pub-lic works policy of running to whitemen to get bids on small jobs andthen giving them to Chinese, andgave instances.

Mr. Lishraan tti'dlight it was notthe duty of government to see howlittlo a laborer could live on, but toknow that no man could keep afamily on a dollar a day. He felldeeply for a laborer on such pay.

Mr. O'SulHvan condemned thestarvation policy of trying how littlea man could live on. The laboreris worthy of his hiie.

The President is reviewing thedebate said that the governmentwere paying their laborers less thanother town employers.

The meeting adjourned to Fridaynext, 7:30, at same place.

WANTEDA N Assistant Sugar Boiler for a

--cir plantation on Kauai. Apply to383 3t II. HAOKFELD & CO.


A NUMBER of Working Mules.Apply to



WOMAN to take the bolo care of aA family of three small children. Acoitpeltnt person will find immediateemployment on application to870 tf GUUCK'8 AGENCY,

Stallctoa Abiilratts In FavorrtlMtmfH.

The file of the Samoa Times, fromSept. 14 to Oil. 5 inclusive, receivedby the Mariposa, ccnta.ns some

news.The U. S. S. Monongaheh, Capt.

Wlngute, sailed for San Franciscoon Sept. 13, with all the guns andgun carriages rccoveicd from thewrecks of the Trenton and Vanda-ll- n.

The ship Sachem from Philadel-phia discharged her 2000 tons ofcoal at Pago-Pag- o.

The Times understands that theUnion S. S. Co. of New Zealandhave under consideration the tender-ing' for the proposed French service

Samoa, Tahiti and Honolulu.Since war's alarms have passed a

marriage boom has set in at Apia.Three young business men commit-ted matrimony in one week.

A supply of rice for distressednatives has been received from Syd-

ney and distributed.Grevsrauhl & Co. will build a

large new hotel to replace the oneburned down January last.

King Mataafa presented AdmiralKimbcrly on leaving with a flue col-

lection of Samoan curios, and re-

ceived the Admit til's lhnnk' in nvery cordial speech.

The bark Juno has arrived fromHamburg to the German plantationcompany.

Many of TamaseseN chiefs havemade friends with Mataafa, and allthought of fighting is absolutely atan cud.

Malietoa abdicated tiic kingshipof Samoa voluntarily at a mass meet-ing of 2000 natives on Oct. 2. Hetook occasion to express great grati-tud-o

to Mataafa for leading ills pattyduring hit absence. When aprisoner in a foreign land he thoughtlie should never sec his people again.Malietoa was in a physically weakcondition. Mataafa in an eloquentspeech accepted the throne as per-manent king. Several chiefs spokeall in agreement with the arrange-ment and the meeting continuednext day.

Several natives have been sent-enced to hard labor by a nativejustice for taking breadfruit fromthe German plantation. The nativesclaim that the plantation had en-

croached on their laud, but Mataafasays they must await judicial settle-ment of the title.

Lessee L. .1. Levey.Manager Malt. L. Berry.

SATURDAY, Oct. 19thEngagement of the Popular


Miss Katie Putnam,Supported by America's Favorito


George C. Boniface, Jr.The evening's entertainment will com-

mence with the beautiful domesticCorned v Drama in 8 Acts,



Gertrude KATIE PUTNAMCapt. Whiter Unidcnblush

Geo. C.BONIFACE, Jb.Other chaiscters by the Company.

After which an OLIO, consist-in- s




The whole to conclude with the Laugh-able Puree,

The Youth Who Never Saw a Woman.

& Entire dinne of piogramme ateach entertainment. 370 tf

Tahiti Bamboo !

RECEIVKD ec "Mariposa" fromu largo assortment of

Bamboo for lint malum.'.J. E. BROWN & CO.,

382 lw 28 Merchant street.

" CruisReen-!law- n "!.' QL..Vf9fe3.

Another Invoice to hand per "Banca."381 lw GONSALVES & CO.


FIRST - CLASSA Phaeton in per.S& !; feet ordor. Apply atthis otllre. 341 tf


ZANDER'S Baggage Express OfficeO litis removed to the old stand, No.81 King street, directly opposite the onerecently occupied, B78 lm

Estuto of tho Lato Bruclclor(Francois Louis.)

A1 persons indebted to tho late(Jruckler (Francois Louis) are

hereby requested to make an immediatesettlement of their indebtedness at thoFrench Consulate, where all claimsagainst this estate duly sworn to musthe presented within thirty dayB fromdate or they will be forever harrod.

(Sigued);G. B.d' ANGLADE,

Consul & Commissioner for trance.Honolulu, Oct. 17, 1889. 8S0 8t

rpHE WEEKLY BULLETIN-- X28 columns, purely Ideal mnttei

Mullul to foreign countries, $5 purnnum.

bkM fctaiifefltth ifoMtfctt ft , WVftMta to, .gyJft-trWt- t

0. o.NOTICE 1

MFMrvRTAT. cTrnvrnp win i,A. hew i t'Ativo.vv itjat, KineMrcet, oi SUNDAY, tuber 90, UP0,nt2: n p. M. nt winch ah. mi'inhor ofthi Order with their families ate

to attend.PER ORDER.

NSTDonatlonsiof flowers will be thank-full-

received at the time of tho eer.vice. ' U79 4t

Fresh Frozen

(On Ice;

JUST RECEIVEDPer S. S. Australia,

At The Beaver SaloonII. J. XOITK, Proprietor.

3St at

-- oci3ArsTic-

Steamship Comp y


The Al Steamship

"AUSTRALIA,""Will li ave Honolulu for the above

port on

Friday, Oct. 25, '89A.T' NOON.

For Freight or Pnang, apply to

WM. G. IEWIN & CO., Agents.881 lw


ncry we.


Gnstarns AM Dims

A Page of Swedish History.

By Hon. John L Stevens, LLD,

United States Minister Resident toHawaii.

PHICE. se.ao.377 lw

W.W. Wright & Son)

79 & 81 Bell Tele.Kina St., .No. 381.

(The Hose Promises)

All orders for Theel vehicle or everydescription filled with promptness.

First ulass mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a SpecialtyTKA3I CAltM. 0:iI.-IU8Nr.-

Plantation Wagons, Mule & Ox Carts,Made to order, altered or repaired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,ETC., K1C, ETC., ETC.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under tho management of It.

oct.lfiJ Cayford. 3m



General Shipping Agency


Parcels Express.Chlel Oflice lor Hawaiian Islands: 28

Merchant Shoot, Honolulu.

nilAKCI! OWICE'- -i

Wolluku, Maui W. II. Daniels.Mahukoua, Hawaii... V. .1. Urodio.Ililo, Hawaii. .. Holmes AWilifoni'.Kcalia, Kauai Q. E. Fairchild.Kllauea, Kauai Kilnuea Hlore.Hanalei, Kauai J. C. Long,Waimeu, Kuuiti

C. U. Hofgaatd & Co.Koloa, Kauai IS. Htrehz.

Goods purchased and Bhipped to andfrom any of abovo ports, and all partsof the world.

Goods received from ahroad, clearidat Custom Houso nnd forwarded to dcs.tinntlnn per island steamers.

JSHlstes furnithed on application to

J. E. BROWN & Co.,375 tf 28 Mcrchaut street.


Residence: Cottage No. 1, HawaiianHotel, or at tho resilience of the pupil.

872 lm


m, fi 1VEN by Felix Ollert atrW JC No, 27 Alakea Btrcet, orat the resldenco of tho pupils, accord,ing to agreement. Charges moderate.

307 lm

: dmmm ..iLi hit.ht v r.m riMBrrinrTaiW' viiiftg niim-- i


Aaoiion Sate by tonics p, Morgan,




BY otder of V. L. GREEN and At.K.x.YOUNG, Executors or the last

will it ml testament of Simon ltardcnstle,deceased, I nm tlliectcd to sell at PublicAuction at inv Salesroom on Ouccti

'stroct, In Honolulu,


36 - SHARES - 36Or the Capital Stock of the

UPjExia .Plantation,Par Value $100 a Share.

20 -- SHAKES -- 20Or the Capital Stock of tho

UMSOftlFEDOO.,Par Value $150 Kath.

11 Havaiian Government Bonds

Of .fttn cncK beating (1 rerccnl perannum free of ta.ct.

3 Hawaiian Government Bonds

Of $1,003 each bearing (3 pcrcjnt perannum free ol taxes.

JAS. F. MOItGAN,373 Id Auctioneer.

Auction Sale of Leases of

Desirable Billing Lots!


On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 18,AT 1 O'CLOCK xoorv.

At my Salesroom, Queen street, hv orderol H. H. II. LilmoUnlaui, I will

bell al Public Auction,

The Lease for 20 Yob!Of tho following Dtsirablu BuildingLots, euitahlc for icidences, situated atWnilcilti, on the main road, and belugaportion of the Waikiki property of II.It. U.Liliuokahini:LOT A Size 175 reet rrontar.d ISC Tcet

deep; this Lot thebridge and U on the mainroad leadinir to tho Parkllio Lot is fenced

LOT B Adjoining Lot A, has a front-ag- e

of 130 reet on main road,and is 18G feel deep.

LOT C adjoining Lot li, lrontnce f120 feet on main road, 180feet deep.

LOT D Adjoining Lot O on mainroad Has 120 feet frontageand a depth of 186 feet.

LOT. E Size 140 feet by 3C0 feet, atrear of Lots A, 1$, C, D ; hap arrontago n a now road 81feet wide, connecting withmain road to Park.

LOT F Adjoining Lot K; size 140 by3G0 feet.

LOT G Adjoining Lot F; size 140 by3G0 feet.

LOT H Adjoining Lot G ; blzc 140 bySCO feet.

LOT 1 Adjoining Lot II ; size 140 by3C0 feet.

All these Lots are level and wellplanted with grass. The Waikiki Carsrun past the front of tho Lots.

The Lois are situated about 00 feetfrom the beach.

Parties purchasing any of these Lotswill receive gratis a 20 year lease of f.O

feet of laud on the beach, lor erection ofbath-house- s and bathing facilities.

l?onla payable semi-annuall- in ad.vane p.

AChattofthe Properly can ho seenat my Salesroom.

OSSTFor further particulars apply to

JAS. F. MOItGAN,331 22t Auctioneer.


Valuable-:-Leas- 8 !

By order of A J. Cartwright, E6q I willbcM at Public Auction, at my

Salo3room, Queen fctreot,

On SATURDAY, Oct. 20th,A.T lit O'CLOCK SOON,

The Lease for I O Years,Of that Valuable Parcel of Land,

situated at

Papakoko, Koolauloa, Oahu,And comprising 7B Acres of Fino Hicc

Land, at present under cultivation,jj lleuts payablo y in

advance. Papuru at cxpenbo of pur.chaser.

EGyFor further particulars apply to

JAS. F. MORGAN,381 7t Auctioneer.



Colburn & Co.'s nuilding; 3rd floor,(formerly occupied by J. M, Oat & Co ),corner Queen & Nuuanu streets Woikdone with neatness and dispatch.

1)02 lm

THE0. PSEVERIN,"View and Landscapo

Photographer.JIakes a specialty of photographingresidences, interiors, groups, decora-tions and all kinds of out and indoorviows. Also, docs printing and develop,ing for amateurs and others at tholowest rates. Satisfaction given audnil orders rccolvo ptompt attention.Yiowa mounted in hooks to order.

Okfiok: Comer of King and Alakeastreet. P.O. Box B2. MutuMTelc. 350.


msyig ft P



9 H

OF icw yotsk:


pppfIs issuing a new of iuMinmee which irnitli", in the event of death, for a return of all premiums paid in ad-

dition to the amount of the icy, t. Miould tin- - injured utvive gixeti nuinher of years, the Company willreturn all thf pi iniuma paid iili'tut o- -l ; x! of inccptim; the polii.x nnd H"fltM in tin leual holdermay, WITHOUT MLDlLAL XAMlNA'l lt)Xi.il NU'lIlOU I Fl K'MIKU I'AY.MKN I OK PREMIUMS, tuke inlieu thereof the amount of policy mid piollls in FULLY I'AID UP insurance, paiticipating nuuually in dividends.

Kcmpiiilier, this contract ia insticd by the oklosl Life Insurance Company in the United States, and the Lar-gest Kintncial Institution in the World, its assets exceeding One Hundred and Twenty-Si- x Millions of Dollars.

tQf Kor full particulars call on or addressS. JB. ROSE,

8G0 lm General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.


itutiie-- J









s- - -- 30 BAY





Our Entire Stock at a Sacrifice 1 Not a Few Special hut a Clean SweepIn Every I

Commencing TUESDAY, Sept. 17th, our entire stock of Seasonable Goods will be offered at prices that must nttractimmediate attention. "We need more room to properly display our European purchases now on tho way, and liavoresolved, that our piesent block 31UST GO. Cost hits not been considered Prices been marked on the GoodsTO SUIT Y'OU, not usl "We are bound to keep trado lively! Visit our note tho prices, and youthink so too.

700 pes Perthshire Lawns, 20 ydsfor $1,

Extra Fino Victoria Lawn, 12Jc peryard.

Striped &, Plain Nainsooks 12cup.

200 pes of Col. Linen Lawns from $2up.

lbO doz of Ladies Col. Bord. Hand-kerchiefs, 50o per doz.

Ladies Balbriggan Vests, good qua-lity, 50c each.

Ladies Ribbed Vests, good quality,30c eacli.

Childrcns Jersey Vests, extra good,25c each.

White Linen Napkins, 5c (biuallsize.)






MRS. 5IONROE, ladies' nurse,to 8, Kukui


TTOUKNISHED Rooms toJL corner of

streets, would ho convenient asmall


Residenco of

EmmaResidence ofLATE Frank Brown,

Kapiolani Park.of

Jarnos Lcvo,King btrect,

Residence ofLATE M. Grcon,

, occupiedWolfe,

KingVStr Apply to

A. OAKTWB1GIIT,If Moroktut utacct- -





coEyaEoiG THIS DAY 31




White Linon Napkins, with col. bor.and fringed, (extra good) 10c.

Ladies Jcanctte Paiabols, just thothing hcic.

Ladies Col. Parasols with laces, 75c,worth double.doz. Child ens White Straw Hats,trimmed,

gjST'Wa to sell this entireof Hats within a few days, you

will havo to buy a few when you seethem.

82 Englebcrl, wool, Dresshadcs.

0Wo limit quantity toyds to each cttbtomcr at7-J- yard.





" for

ir.iiifiP&liSeSi V


ti t.





:oA3rs 3a

Intended to quote pricesthat would astonish you, butwant of space excludes it.

stock of TRIMMINGS at halfprice.

gSTWe mean to sell 420 ChildrcnsWhite & Dresses, in linenpiquo, trimmed with coloredembroidery 50 CENTSWe think they are and at thoprices wo quote you will want some.Ladies Balbriggan Hose, silk decked,

25c per pair.gJFOur stock of Embtoideries,

Hamburg Edgings Skirtings, in-

cludes a full lino of Nainsook, Swissand Cambric choice designs.


CXE3 2

Giu in tliis Kincflom,


No uee to quote prices, loo large, have been sellinp; chenp, bul present stock will go a song. NEWGOODS in this department will also sutler this week.

C3T 8KK WINDOW !ISPI,A.Y "a Iffi- - BK UK WIKDOW DISPLAY m12 yds WHITE COTTON, good. quality, 1 yd wide $1. 15 yds UNBLEACHED,

good quality, 1 yd wide $1.Jp"Our block of MILLINERY is tho finest in this Kingdom. SPAR HATS in Whito, Black, GreenBlown. 311 MEN'S DOUBLE-BREASTE- D FROCK COATS, extra (,'ood quality, foiraer price $20, $22.50 and

$25; we will tell sale at $10 EACH.

The Leading Millinery loose of J. Fishel,351 CORNER OF FORT STREETS.


hasNo, lane.



Punchbowl and Iteretaniavery for

family. 2015 Cm


ATnXJ Mr. Ileimonschncldcr,




Mr.210 Btrcet.

now byMr. Grocer,








pes partGoods, dark

tho 20per








Having purchased from J. J, Melchers, W. Z. Schiedam, Holland, tho soleright to use his


Which label bears the picture of an elephant, under palm trees, printed indifferent colors, and also the words

"Greatest Gin Distillery of the Netherlands, registered; J,

Melchers, W. I Schiedam,"

And having been granted a Certificate of Registration for tho term oftwenty years, dating from tho 17th day of .Soptembor A. D, 1889, undertho hand und seal of L. A. Thurston, Minister of tho Interior for thoHawaiian Islands, for tho exclusive use of tho said labol throughout thoHawaiian Kingdom, persons aro heroby warnod not to ubq tho Baldlabel, or any Uuttatioti thereof, under penalty of tho law.

JGi lm





for mere







1 J



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fjV.ru gutUfinSATURDAY, OCT. 19, lP8i.

ARRIVALS.Out 10-S- ttur

Likcllko from MaulS)mr M uolll from .Mulo.uiStiur ulnkule from hlluuea and !!

ualelSttnr Pele from HnwmlStmt J as Mukue ftom Kmiat

7 DEPARTURESOct lO- -IlJl S Mmlposn, Ilnywnrii, for b'an

Kriuiclseo at 0 :15 n in


Stmr Ltkcllko for Mnttt nt B p inStmr J A Cumiuliis for lvoolmi nt 0 n mStmr Mokolll for Molokul at o inSehr Sarah & lCllzu for KoolimStmr Wulmnunlo for Waliilun mid Wiu- -

aiine at 9 a mSchr Walnmlu for Puna

PASSENGERS.From Maul per stmr Llkellkc, Oct 10Mra McGregor, Kuv J K Iosepn, Miss

O Btewnrt, A T Hurtwell. Q II llallcy.Miss S May Bailey, Mra Rowoll, Miss QKowell, D T Bailey imil 02 deck.

From Maul ami Hawaii pur stmr WG Hall, Oct 18 Krom Volcano: TheirK II Couut and Countcs Bardl and 2

terrains, Baroness Hurtling, BaronHeydebrand, Count Zlieri, Count l.uc-ehc- sl,

Mra II M Newh ill and G A New-lnil- l.

From Konn, Kallua ami Lahaina:His Majesty the King, .1 V Robertson,II II Princess Poomalkclnni, Muior WU Cornwcll. J S Bartli lomew, L Les-ser, Mis P Lee, Dr B Oliver and wife,n G Wootcn, E Smith, R B Giffard, ,7

Coata, 3 others and G2 deck.Forrian Finncheo per KMSS Mari-

posa, Oct 19 Hon W U Wilder andwife, Hon Godfrey Brown, Capt .1 AKing, Dr A McWayne, A J K1eited, 1

Z Smith, C steerage, and others intransit.

From Kona per stmr Pele, Oct l'JDr Mack.

From Kauai per stmr Waiuleale, Octl'J Miss HTitoomb, MU.s L Dnclmla-k- y,

Miss Grnu, A B Lindsay, II G Ber-telma-

and 20 deck.From Colonies per KMSS Mariposa,

Oct 1811 Boniface, wife and child, IIEmery and wife, Dr Giecn, Mr Berryand wife. Mis.s Sarah .tonus. Juo Mc-Carthy, 8 steerage, and 73 passengers intransit.


The steamer Likellke brought thismorning 1 horse. 19B hides, 30 bagscorn and 100 pkgs sundries. She leavesagain on Monday afternoon.

The bark Velocity brought only 13Chinese passengers from Hongkong theother day and not 19 aa erroneously

Among the uumber were sev-

eral women and children.Tho steamer W G Hall brought yes-

terday 2,814 bags sugar, 32 pigs and C2

packages sundries.The steamer Mokolll brought 145

sheep from Lanal this morning.The steamer Tele arrived troin Kona

this morning with 30 head cattle, 127bags awa, and 20 bags coffee.

The Oceanic Company's brigantineConsuelo, Capt .7 R Robertson, arrivedat Kahului on Wednesday, 21 days fiomSan Francisco. She will sail again nextTuesday for San Francisco.

The Swedish hark Ophirand the Brit,ish hrrk Eskdalu will sail next Tuesdayfor Port Townseiid and Portland res-pectively.

The tern W S Bowne and the barkeu-tln- eDiscovery are bo h expected to

leave next Wednesday for an Fran-cisco.

The R M S S Maripcs.i, II M Hay-war- d,

commander, sailed at 9.16 o'clockthis morning for San rrancisco with 19

boxes betel leaves, and 1147 bunchesbananas, and 2010 packages in transi t.The domestic cargo was valued at 92,- -'889.

BORN.LOGAN At Palaina, Oct 18, to the wife

of Daniel Logan, a daughter.

EVENTS THIS EVENING.Katie Putnam Comedy Company

at Opera House at 8.Chiarini's Italian Circus on the

Esplanade, at 8 o'clock.


The Royal Hawaiian Band willrgive a public concert this afternoon'at Emma Square, commencing at4:30 o'clock. Following is theprogramme :

March Crown Frlnce KraiOverture Romildo and Constance...

MeyerbeerFinale Attlla (new) VerdiSelection Belisurio DonizettiWaltz Tho Syrens WaldteufelPolka A Good Kiss Waldteufel


The Royal Mail steamship Mari-posa, Capt. Hayward, arrived fromthe Colonies at live o'clock Fridayevening with 10 cabin and 8 steeragepassengers for Honolulu, nnd 27cabin and 40 steerage in transit forSan Francisco. Left Sydney Oct,2nd and Auckland tho 7th. Touchedat Tutuila the 11th. Experiencedfine weather the entire trip. TheMariposa left for San Francisco thismorning soon after nine o'clock.


The Katie Putnam Comedysix persons, arrived

on the Mariposa and give their firstperformance this evening in theOpera House. The sale of scats liasbeen large and thcro will be a fullhouse, trom wuat was seen by aBulletin representative at rehearsalthis morning, a raro treat inaj' bolooked for. Tho programme em-

braces the comedy drama in 3 acts,f'fhe Housohold Treasure," andthe laughable farce, "The Youtliwho never saw a Woman." Betweenthe two pieces there will be an oliowith songs by 'Katie Putnam andNellie Stricklaud, a recitation by II.B. Emery and a specially, "Theblack fairy," by George Uouifa'ee.

Ho Irigcratore arrivedCAMARINOS' filled with choiceOraprs, Plums, Pears, Apples, Celery,Cauliflower, Frozen Ovhutb, hIeo 20

crates lino Whlto Heart Cabbage Call,forula Fruit Markit & dnu i'ranolfcol'nijt Depot. ' 381 3t

vi.v'.tr7:irr -


Wuiimo Mult lire wanted,

Am assistant sugar builur is ntlvortisud for.

The Australia biuughl foily bagsof mail fur the Post OlDoo.

J. E. Bitow.v t Co. nilvorliso IVhiti bjinbuu lor lint making.

Two li.isfhtill matches on the Ma- -kiki grounds this afternoon.

TilE band played at the departureof the Mariposa this morning,

ii.Tub band plays at Emnin Squareat 4 MO o'clock this afternoon.

Ills Majesty the King and suitewill ulteiid the circus this evening.

There will bo a tlanco nt tho AriouHall next Saturday for membersonly.

O I -- -Tiik Post Office despatched oh the

Mnriposa, 4585 letters nnd 703 pack-ages of papers.

Mrt. 0. A. Spencer, Vice-Cons- forItaly at Melbourne, was a throughpassenger on the Mariposa.

Ponacii Tho. Smith of tho Mari-posa has tho thanks of the Bulletinfor files of late Colonial papers.

Mr. Nolle has a new brand of ci-

gars named "Beaver" after his lunchsaloon. It is of a quality to becomea favorito of Miiokcrs.

Tiierk will be a gospel praise ser-vice at Kaumakapili Church Sundayevening at 7 :30 o'clock, under direc-tion of Hon. Henry Watcrhousc.

Richard E. Taylor, who was ex-

tradited from Honolulu on a charge,of forgery, has pleaded guilty in thoSan Francisco Courts. He was to bosentenced October 12lh.

A memorial service will be held ntHaimony Hall Sunday afternoon nt2 :30 o'clock, to which all membersof the Order of Odd Fellows nnd theirfamilies are invited to attend.

The woman Rodeiick who cameto Honolulu with Richard E. Taylor,the forger, was a passenger on thelast up-tri- p of the Australia, and suf-fered badly with the delirium tre-mens.

Rev. J. A. Cruzan is thanked for acopy of the 27th annual reports ofhis church, the Third Congregationalof San Francisco. His friends herewill be glad to hear that his chargeis prospeiing.

. .

puiEF Engineer Kicrsted of the U.S.'S. Nipsie left on the Maiiposa forthe States. When ho left the Nip-si- c

in tho captain's gig for the Mari-posa, the sailors stood on the yardsand cheered him.

Cait. Woodward of the U. S. S.Adams was a through passenger onthe Mariposa from Sama to SanFrancisco. His health is not good.Dr. Green of the Adams has como tojoin the U. S. S. Alert.

The San Diego Chamber of Com-merce was to give Claus Spreckels apublic reception October 12th, on theoccasion of his first visit there Col.Spreckels was going there to lookover tho ground for a sugar refinery.

Mr. C. W. Webb, 13. A., who writesfor several Canadian papers, passedthrough on the Mariposa. Ho hasbeen to Melbourne to write up theexhibition. Mr. Webb visited theBulletin office and made many en-quiries about'tho islands.

The complimentary concert to thoAdmiral and captains and officers ofthe men-of-w- in port at the Hotellast evening was a very brilliant affair. The verandas were crowded alltho evening with listeners who thor-oughly enjoyed the fine music. Chi-nese lanterns illuminated the frontof tho building. ...

The New Zealand Legislature hasagroud to the government proposalsregarding the San Francisco mailservice, and the'service will thereforebe continued without interruption.Tho Government was enabled topresent very favorable terms to thecolony, owing to New Soutli Waleshaving become th chief contractingparty.

His Majesty the King returnedfrom Hawaii yesterday afternoon onthe W. G. Hall. As tho steamerdrew towards her dock the live men-of-w- ar

in port, which wero decoratedwith bunting, manned their ymds,and were fired from tho V. S.S. Mohican and II. B. M.S.Espiegle.Their lloyal Highnesses the Countand CounteBS Bardi and suite altoreturned on the Hall from their tripto the Volcano.

At tho October-ter- m of the Su-

preme Com t this morning Kuia, foundguilty of extortion, was Mintenccd tosix months' imprisonment at hardlabor. A divorce was granted in thocase of N. Fctciaou vs. Wahincaeaon the grounds of ndultory. Theease of the King vs. Frank Davis,larceny, was tried before a nativejury, who found him guilty and thoCourt sentenced him two years athard labor and pay a fine of $25.

It appeals that tho passengers onthe W.G.Hall were not aware that theyhad run cloo to the Kiiiau on Fridaynight, the 11th; so Unit the statementof the Ad vet User that "the screamsof tho passengers on board tho Halllire said to have been fearful," is en-

tirely false, Capt. Freeman of theHnll says ho was about thu only onewho know of the oloso proximity oftho two vessels and the weather wasrough at tho timo. The Bulletinstill declines to say anything abouttho occurrence until thore bus beenan investigation, which should bohold ut once.

kkte&MML fomMM &.. mwvtMiL i&, 4mlil.J.C.A.-'"- W" W -

. ..- - - - - ..wImfiffi fiYTfi ii ft fnTtftflffl I


Iflfl M IrAil ! n IN IUU UXlll 1 1LUU 1 1

Recent Gamble in Trust Cer-


A Bold CoiifLienceGame.

Hawaii's Vital Interests Menaced.

San Francisco, Oct. 10.Conespoudence of the Bulletin.Tho Sugar Trust is making a hard

fight against approaching dissolu-tion, hut Eastern papers of influenceconcur in the opinion that the com-bination must be broken up. Its in-

fluence, however,- - is far reaching,and both in San Francisco and NewYork it has apparently sufficient"pull" upon the Courts to preventany decision being reached in theacti ins brought by the people tocancel the franchises of certain su-

gar refining coiporatious which join-ed the trust. These arc test casesand if decided, as they Hhould be,in the interest of tho people, theSugar Trust would necessarily fallto pieces. It is one of the mostthreatening features of the SugarTrust, however, that it can appar-ently corruptly influence the Courtswithout attracting public attentionor causing a popular outcry againstits methods. The Sugar Trust firstskim the people by pulling an arti-ficial price upon a necessity of life,and it next bars them legal redressby manipulating the Courts. TheSugar Trust stands at present as thegreat corruptionist machine in theUnited States, having supplantedthe railroads, but it will ultimatelybe destroyed.

It is notorious that the SugarTrust managers who arc on the in-

side have been raking in millions ofdollars by manipulating the NewYork stock market where its certifi-cates have been listed. Indeed, thelisting of these certificates is primafacie evidence of an attempt to cinchthe outside public b' manipulatingthe stock market. Tills iB evidentfrom the fact that the Sugar Trustis not incorporated, has no legalexistence, keeps no records of itsmeotingB, and is in short playing aconfidence game on a colossal scale.Its victims arc without redress, andreputable brokers of New York havewarned their clients not to touchsugar certificates. This statementhas been made by nearly all promi-nent New Yoik newspapers.

Last June those ceititlcates soldat 127, having been boomed by theinside manipulators, who kept quiet-ly unloading on the public. Whenthe time came for squeezing weakholders the screw was turned, andon Sept. 28th, sugar certificates solddown to 87. Having thus squeezeda iood deal of water out of the cer-

tificates, and concentrated themagain in the hands of the manipu-lators, a strenuous efforts is beingmade to bull them again.

"All hand3 to the pumps" wasthe cry on Saturday by iho SugarTrust manipulators (remarks Wailstreet Daily News.Sept. 30th), "andif they hadn't jumped to the rescueit would be hard to say just howlow the certificates would have gone.As it was, good buying orders werogiven out, and the certificates wereclosed at 00 after selling down toS7. Higher prices are promised."

In accordance with the foregoingprogramme Mr. Searlo, manager oftho Sugar Trust, emerged from hisseclusion, where he had kept him-

self aloof from sinful speculators, asa devout Sunday school superin-tendent should do, so that he mightbe able to make a plausible denialof participation in tho certificatedeal on Wall street. This was fol-

lowing the biblical injunction sofamiliar to his mind, to be as wiseas a serpent, but tho knowledgewhich Hawaiian sugar planters haveof this Mr. Searles when fightingthem on the sugar commissionshould satisfy them that he was notas harmless as a dove.

No sooner did he show himself onhis old haunts than he was pouncedupon by a World reporter, but thissaccharine specimen of "oily gam-mon," putting on an air that was"childlike and bland" proposed tobe ignorant of even Mr. Have-meye- r's

retreat. But he made ashrewd point of bulling certificates."I have only arrived here this morn-ing," he 9Aid to ft World reporter,"and I know nothing of the marketbeyond what I have seen in the pa-pers. Where Mr. Haveniuyor is I

do not know. The lost I heard ofhim was at Newport, This breakin sugar seems to me the result of alaid by the hears. Sugar certifi-cates, in my Judgment, nro worth in-

trinsically more than when theywore quoted at 12C. Wo nro notWall street operatoro down here,and know nothing about theirschemes."

This was "too thin" for thostreet, nhere it is understood thatstrong holder have been unloading.Many persons who had been assuredthat sugar ccitillcatcs would touch140, have lost large sums. "TheSugar Trust people are not philan-thropists," said a Wall street brokerto a World reporter, "and it ispretty hard to believe that theyknew nothing about this. H theirstory bo true th.at they hold lingoblocks of tho certificate!.) they couldpractically control the situation, and

. W. W.MWMW - --,-r rrv ... - -- z:v; z. ;i: tttt

' ! wouirf hi ucttiilhii? tUtficiiU to ''

brli; about aay serious breais tylth'out 'their They oredown here to ruike money, and Ifancy they have made a good pile,flrntin booming the certificates andthen in engineering tho break onwhich they sold short."

The absence of worn statementsregarding the financial status of theTrust has begotten want of conf-idence, and it is believed powerfulp iols hove been formed in NewYork, Boston and Albany to breakthe Trust. The Havemeyers declarethat the financial position of theTrust is as strong as ever it was,but holders of certificates uoubtthese assurances, and are clamoringfor a financial statement under oath.The Trust manipulators, however,nro too shrewd to show their handsin this way, nnd will continuo towork tho market to recoup them-selves from innocent investors forthe losses they have made in sugar.Thev also deny having sold certifi-cates. Tho Wall Street Daily News,October 2d, puts this point brieflyand pithily. It says that when theSugar Trust was formed the wholeof the certificates were held by own-ers of the refineries that joined thecombination. "If it is such a goodinvestment will Mr. Ilnvemeycr ex-

plain to the dear public, who havelost heavily through dealing in aconcern of which he is the head,how it is that hundreds of thousands)of his certificates got on the marketat all. Which of tho insider havobecome disgusted with the combina-tion and unloaded? Mr. Ilavcmeyerclaimn that he has not, but it is hisduty to say who has sold out. Ifthe insiders have not sold, has morestock been quietly issued? As chiefengineer of the Sugar Trust, Mr.Ilavcmeyer lias much to explain.Either one or more of the insiderslias become disgusted and unloaded,or more certificates have beeu is-

sued." This puts Messrs. Ilavc-meyer, Scarle and associates in .avery delicate position, from whichthere is no escape except by a fulland unreserved confession, takingthe public into their confidence.

But they fail to do so. Searleprofesses innocent ignorance; andTheodore Ilavcmeyer has nothingto say beyond expressing hi3 sym-pathy for n swindled public, it isevident that Biigar trust certificatesare to be manipulated hereafter forpurposes of profit by the inside oper-ators of the Sugar Trust, while theirdupes and victims lose money on thevarious deals and in the trading andrefining operations of the combine.

How far the Islands holder ofSugar Trust certificate! may bo af-

fected by the certificate-brokin- g

operations of the inside clique isknown only to themselves. It is nota very desirable kind of security,however, nor docs it seem likely thatthese certificates ever will have afixed value. When they became re-

finers as well as planters the sugarmen of the Islands took great risks,and these were vastly increasedwhen their trustees exchanged Ame-rican Refinery stock for certificatesin Tom Tiddler's trust. If theywere living in this country andcould take advantage of the gam-bling operations of the Trust, theymight be able to protect themselves,but ultimate and irretrievable lostmust be tho issue to all those whohold the certificate! as an invest-ment despito present dividends.The doubt raised as to tho promis-cuous issue of certificates by the

'AVall Street Daily Ncwd, is one ofthe most damaging, as' it is one ofthe most alarming incidents in thenot very creditable career of thiTrust.

Under the head "More Certainthan Law," tho Wall Street DailyNews has the following editorialcomments in its'issue of Sept. 30th:

"The law's delay is proverbial, asalso its uncertainty. The suitsagainst the Sugar Trust have beenpending for so long that confidencein the courts has been almost lost.Fortunately for the public there isanother quicker and more certainremedy at hand. Within eighteenmonths from now the refineries thatdo not belong to the Trust will beable to supply the whole of thesugar requircd"for the United States.Each one being independent, andhaving no old worn out concerns tocare for, will be able to manufacturesugars and make a profit at less costthan the Trust combination. Whatwill become of tho combination?President Hayemcyer and SecretarySeailes will have to sound the bigdrum and try to make the dropsystockholders roll up with their do-llars."

Irving A. Evans &. Co.'o Boston Trade Circular has the followingon the sugar deal and the past andpresent situation, which Island in-

vestors in Sugar Trust certificatesmay also ponder on :

"It is probable that Boston owns820,000,000 sugar certiflcates.where-a- s

eight months ago it held aboutone-thir- d of this sum, showing thattho insidors have been large sellers.The plant cost about 816,000,000;its legitimate profits and the rise Inraw material during this time isabout 520,000,000. The certificatesnro selling y on it basis of S

Tim earnings of the sugarrefineries for live yearn previous totho formation of thu Trust wero pro-bably less than 3 per cent on Usplant. But inasmuch as the com-bine is being Hurrotuuh-- d by re-

fineries with superior appliances forturning out sugar, it follows thattho best thing left for holders of cer-tificates, if they wish to save them-selve- s,

will bo to cell out. Bostonmen being heavy holders, having

. W M M M 1 VW.- - -- -- . - -- -

tan talis tb? the trwl, hnv (mmbulling naKar ceHlllcatia in til 8 BUS'ton Poat, September 23th. HaTlngtwenty millions invested in "dropsycertificates" this is only natural.An "Insider" is credited with tollingthe Post that "supposing tho com-pany pTrustJ should shut down to-

day unci refine no more sugar, theearnings already placed to the divi-

dend account arc sufficient to pay atthe current rata 2J per cent quartet-i- y

for three years." This "insldor"goes on to say that the Trust re-

fineries are earning $1,000,000 permonth, or 30 percent on its capital-ization, whereas it is only paying 10percent dividends, and adds: "Themen in this town fBoston I who knowmost about sugar say vertitlcatesaro worth S125 and nro buyingthem."

Of course this is a bluff, inasmuchas the only modern refinery belong-ing to the Trust has been recentlyburned, and the Trust manager ofthe American Sugar Refinery ad-

mitted in a recent interview in a SanFraucisco paper that tho TruBt hadbeen losing money on sugar. Theywill continue to lose and judging bythe following, which may not bepleasant reading to Hawaiian plan-ters, they 'may be compelled towind up their swindling game soonerthan they anticipate. The Pitts-burgh Post, writing on the sugarsituation, ha the following reflec-tions:

"The sugar situation stands inabout this way : There arc duties onboth raw and refined sugars. Theduty on raw sugar has an element ofprotection in it, but is, in effect, arevenue duty, yielding over 855,-000,0-

to the Treasury. On theother hand, the duty on refined sugaris protective almost to the prohi-bitory point. It yields only about$1,500,000 to the Treasury. Re-

pealing the duty on raw sugar wouldbenefit the Trust. Repealing theduty on refined sugar would smashit, and cheapen the cost of thisprime necessary of life to every oneof the 805,000,000 of consumersin this country. The people con-sume about 3,000,000,000 poundsof sugar annually, and the tariffduty enables the Trust to extort atleast 830,000,000 a year from them.The way to break the Trust is to re-

peal the duty on refined sugar, orcut it down to such a point as willadmit of the importation of refinedsugar in competition with the pro-duct of the Trust."

The "insider" in the Boston Postsays that "even if Congress shouldgo to the extreme and take dutiesoff both raw and manufacturedsugar the Trust could still maintainits position." This is nonsense;but it is certain that if the dutiesare removed it will he because Con-Kres- s

will feel that the people atlarge should be protected againstthe Trust. Should this come to passHawaiian planters will havo thesatisfaction of knowing that theycontributed to their own undoing ina business way.




Open Every Night!(Except Sundays.)



Rapid Change of Programme !

Doom Oop ii nt t. l'rrrnriuuuro torn-i- n

u it ceo at H o'clock liurp.

Afternoon Performances Every

Wednesday & Saturday,

Ioor Ojirn at . IVrrormnuco com-uirnci-

at U ii'ciork.

I'UIOIW of ADMISSION:Boxes (0 Chairs) S?9 00Single Chairn in Box ... 2 00Dree Circle, Chairs . . 1 002d Class, Caipcled Scats 753d Class, Gallery 50tfjsVChildren under 9 years of ago

HALF PRICE to all parts exceptBoxes,

gslTTiekcU mny be had and Boisarocurcd daily from 8 a.m. to 6 o'clockr. ii., at Lewis J. Levey's AuctionRoom, and at thy Ticket Office of thoCircus.


L. MAYA, ; ; : Secretary,3flu td

rrHEWORKINQMAN8 PAPER1 "Thu Djtly Bulletin," GO ratper mouth.




' $

lew Free Tontine Policy

Equitable Life Assurance Society.




From the ew YonK Times, June 'il, 1930.

The Equitable Life Assurance Society has adopted a uew form ofpolicy which, like a bank draft, is a simple promisa to pay without condi-tions on the back.

From the Chicago iNVESTioATon.

Always on the alert, and ever anxious to give the public the mostadvantageous contract in life insurance, the Equitable Life Assurance So-

ciety of New York has, in the past, made many advances on old methodsnnd has been the means to liberalize life assurance in a greater degreeperhaps, than any other organization. It is not at ail surprising, there-fore, that this great company now comes before tho people with a newcontract, the like of which has not before been known in life insurance.

From tho Kkntuokv Kkoistkr, Ith liuioml, Ky., June 'U,

The Equilablo Life Assurance Society has, in the past, done more Increate and maintain confidence in life assurance than any other company.

its business is larger than that of any of its competitors.it has now a step practically evrcops every ob

jectionof the character referred lo out of the way. The result, undoubt-edly, will be that thousands of men who have heretofore lacked confidencein life assurance, will examine the new policy offered by the Equitable,and assure their lives forthwith.

fFrom the llosros- - I'ost.This company has done more thou any to simplify the assurauoa

contract, and to maintain public confidence in life assurance.

IFiom the Pacific Sau Francisco, July I, 1330 J

The Equitable has already established a world-wid- e reputation forliberal dealings with its policy-holde- rs and for Its prompt settlement of alllegitimate claims against it, and this new poliuy cannot fail to enhanoa lureputation for enterprise and la dealing with tho subjectof life assurance.

f& For full particulars call on

J.330 lm uenerai

y'lTWrVTT..irT nri'irnHBg

Notice Holice








ConsequentlyFurthermore, taken which




LEX.Agent Hawaiian Island.

! Notice




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Ladies' & Gents' Furnishing Goods,LADIES', MISSES' & CHILDREN'S



S. EHRLIOH,Oct-19-8- 9 Corner Hotel &2Frt Streets.



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Patent Medicines,;.n j



if mvmw om?TiPTTmaairififlo



IDUlLIJUUiiDllUXn.oew "Embroideries, ,



5 j. i






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Si'-- .IS!.- -'

J i I Hill II WWW"""Oceanic Slenrasliip Cninp'y,

TI3IK TABIiKtArrivo ot Honolulu:

Alameda Ootober 20Australia...'. .,.;.. ..No vombor 15

Loavo Honolulu:Mariposa October 19Australia. October 25Zealandiaf. November 10Australia November 22Alameda December 14

218 tf


"EL EL 232!"

aMIE "ELELE" Is now being publishedboth Native and English on

trial for a period of six months. Thishas ercatlv increased the expenses. Tomeet this', friends have already addedlargely to our subscription lists, and itspublication in English will be con-tinne- d

permanently, if a few huudredmore subscribers can be obtained. The'ELELE is a

Tnoronglily Independent Newspaper !

Devoted to the Interest of all tlio peopleof Hawaii, without regnrd to Cliques,Factions or Political Parties. The"ELELE" Is always Vrigkt, Sparklingand Spicy! Head itt

tSTCallntthe Elelc Publishing Co,No. 03 King street, for a sample copy.

tSTSubacriptions received at the rateof $2 CO for the six months. MutualTolephone No. C14. 804 tf

TTnTs. WILLIAMS,Engineer & Contractor,

Ls prepared to desigu and contract forall classes of Sugar Extraction Mucinncry, Irrigating .Machinery, Evaporat-ing Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Enginesof all kinds and for all purpeses, WaterWheels, Water Conduits, both pipesand flumesj, Steam Boilers of variouskinds, Railroad Material and RollingSlock, Etc., Etc.DIFFUSION MACHINERY,

In all its branches a specialty.Plantations supplied with Chemical andAnalytical Apparatus of the very bestdescription to order.

JQP Close attention paid to all ordersand satisfaction to the purchaser gua.rnnteed. P. O. Box 880. Fort street,Honolulu. sept-- 0 89-l-




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J. O. J3E2RGt JEXR..363 1m

The Crandall


Change of Type In 6 Seconds !

Writing in Plain Sight!

Simple and Durable !

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HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.,General Agents .for Hawaiian Islands.

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The Thoroiired Stain


"MARIN"Will Hand at service al


ItECOHi) 2:22, Sacramento, Sept. 10,1887.

Pedioiiuk: Marin was sired byQulnn's Patchcn, ho by Geo. 21. Pat.chen, Jr.; "Marin's dam hy Emigrant, heby Hilly McCrackcn; Billy McCrackenby McCraeken's Black Hawk, 707, (the8lro of Lady Dooley, and of tho dam ofOverman, 3:1). McUrackcn'ri BlnekHawk, 707,' by Yerm'ont Black Hawk, 0 j

2nd dam by Marshall's Black liiiwk, hoby Boston's Black Hawk. The dam ofQulnn's Patchcn by Btockbrjdgu Chief,he by Vermont Black Hawh, fi.

It. T. Carroll of Han KranciFCO, theformer owner of Marin, vouchos, thatout of Uilrlylx mares served by thishorse during his last Reason in Call.JfOinla, thlrty.flve proved with foal.





Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

-- 0-

Nevf Good recolved by overy PacketFresh uamornia rrouuco oy every steamer,anu uooub ueitvcrcu to any pan or me cityr.ltcd. Satisfaction guarantee l'ost utuco Box

(oloplione MP.- -


theorttors faithfully



LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,


- ON ICE lsteamer uf tho O. S. 3. Co. from California

Fresh Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Cala. Fruits,

JTJnIi, Game, VeffcUiblcs, 3Eto., 121c.complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J, T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. just a fresh of

Ucrmn.il l'atcn & Potted McnU & Mottled Preserved Frnltn,& Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured & Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, & Cream Wheat Flakes,Sicily Lemon9 & Cala. Riversldo Oranges,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc.,

ap-1- 6 Satisfaction. l. 87




Kit Salmon Bellies, Block Codfish, Smoked Beef, Buffalo HamBacon, Boxes Smoked Herring, Tins Norewgian Salt Herring,

Cal. Cheese, Atmores Mince Meat, Green. Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Suar Raisins, Currants, Walutits, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cereoline Flakes,

CAPE OKiVlSIJERrtlES,Tomato Ketchup, Cases Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas,-Jerse- y

Potatoes, Ruta Bagas TurnipB, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,nil kinds; Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Saloon and MediumBread, Wheat, Flour, Butter, Pudding, etc., eta.

and a General Assortment of Canned Hdats,. Frnlts and Other Groceries.

mh-9- J jj- - Leave your orders, or riDg up 119. -

JOHNUlruond Bloclr," Now.


Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN, COPPER AND993


Cream Flakes


Sheet Iron Work.fmWl5aBaualWJouJiljll't

The "Dail Bulletin

Will bo Issued on

92 Columns of Interesting Notrii

Honolulu Library

Readinq Room Association,

Cor. Hotel A Alakca Streets.

Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consist at the preeultime of over Five Thousand Volumea.

The Beadlup; Room is supplied withabout ilrty of tho loading newspapers

periodicals.A Parlor is provldcU for conversation

games.Terms of membership, fifty conU a

jiontli, payoblo quarterly In advance.No formality required lu joining oxoeptHigulpg the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from other islands are wel-come to tho rooms at all times as guests.

This Association lmvlnjc no regulurineaus of support except dues ofmembers, It Is expected that residentsof Honolulu who desire to avail thom-Rclv- es

of Its privileges, ami nil who feulan Interest in maintaining an institutionof kind, will down theirand become regular contributors.

A. J. OAIITWIUQHT, Ptss.,M. M. SCOTT, Vlce-Prsld- nt,

II. A. PARMBLEE, Secretary,A.Ii.BMlTH.Treasuror,O. T. KODGER8, M.D.,

Chairman Hall and Lfbrary CommltUo

from Eastern States and .Europeah nttonucuto

iroo ouarge, Island orders toll.14fi. No. 98 rnov.4-8-5

-- P. O. Bos


By each

Also, received lino

Lewis HamsOat

Etc., Etc.







ANB- -





this put names


NOTT,C SC Of Klucr S5tret.


Weekl Summarv

Outobtr 22nd.

The Beet Paper to Send Abroad.


Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.30 Rue do Donkerque, Paris.

Kxecutea Indents for every descriptionof Prench, Belgian,Swiss, German, and English Goods, atthe best Manufacturers' Lowest Prices.

Commission, per cent.All Trado and Csh Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardedwhen requeetod.

Remittances, through a London orParis Banker, payable on delivery ofShipping documents; or, direct to thomanager.

The Agency Represents, Buys, andBells, for Home auu Colonial Firms,

Piece Ooods, Cashmoros, Cambrics,Bilks, Velvets, Lawns, Chintzes,Muslins, Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Lacos, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols, Haberdashery,Gold and Silver Lace,Flannels, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, Glass, andChina-ware- , Clocks, Watchoo,Jewell ry, Fancy Goods.Electro-plat- e, Musical Instruments.Fans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods. Mirrors, Toys.Perfumery, Wines, &c,Oilman's Stores, Books ArtisticFurnlturo, Stationery,Chroinos, Machinery. &o.. &o,


nOG-TOmTLLT, Hi: TM OGTTOteR, 4985).

aed !

Per "Eskdale"123 days from Liverpool..

DRY GOODS!Large, Varied & Selected Stock.

FANCY GOODS,Dressing Cases,

Mirrors,Wicker Ware, Etc.

GROCERIESA full lme.


A large assortment.


Saddlery-- AND

Cux-x'lufif- o Lnmps,Sugar &


Filterpress-- ABB

Other Varietiou.


Latest Novelties.


American andPortuguese



Rock,Liverpool and

Hlggin's Dairy.

Oil ! Oil !

Boiled & Raw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc !


Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Etc., Etc.

! IROiti !

Corrugated & Plain.

I'm m

In all varieties.

Fence reAnnealed,

Galvanised Barbed,Patent Bteol Barbed;

Bedsteads of Iron,0UTLEEY,


ualiiorma Groceries

Of all varieties, always In stock.Also,

Hay, Feed & Flour



Pacificl''OIT -'

ndiUWfltlB bu., L u,r.i.'t. iioisov.tn.iiT.






Oopot, 28 Merchant Street.

Ex "Eskdale" from Liverpool, a largoassortment of

PATENT BOTTLES,Of Assorted Steos.

PLAIN - SOD40, CO & 75 cts. dozen,

GINGER -- ALE,40, 00 & 76 els. dozn.

LEMONADE,40, (0 & 76 cts. dcren.

Etc., Etc., Etc, Etc.



GINGERAt 00 ots. dozen.

Jj. E. Brown & Co.,oot-l- l AtfcnU. 18W

HW.IKwMMWMiMilir,rwiMMI1,iM.. Mv


PAINTS, OIL, VABhlSHBS.OfIVugi i,-- , "Rto. Etc.


Revere Rubber Co,, Boston,


Ruler & Wiro Bound Hose.

KF" Cull and examine our NowGoods. Aug-3-8- 8



C f" M T1 M JTTS 13 tn W C?v


NEW Wilcox & White ParlorA Orcan with clriit stop3. Suitablefor cchool or church. A flno instru-ment. Applv at 57 Punchbowl street,opposite N. P. Miesion Institute. 27a tf

European Billiard Parlors.THE Handsomest Billiard Parlors inJL the city, nnd fitted up in the most

approved style. Pour tables with all thelatest improvoments.

J. P. BOWEN & CO.,270 tf Proprietors.

FILTER PRESSES!K Second hand Uroog's Patent FilterO Presto, as goml as new, havingbeen wed but u few months; ,2, 42Chambers, !!, !!0 Chambers, 8 Second,hand Glaiiflers, 800 gallons capacityeach. This machinery lias been thrownout of use by the Diffusion Processbeing introduced; and is offered forsale at veiy low pi ices. For particularsapply to

.T. N. S. WILLIAMS,Fort St., Honolulu. P.O. Box 380.

353 lm

Carriage For Sale Cheap.

NEW Cutunder Oar-riag- e

lust finishedand handsomely trimmed

,u first clasb style ; must be immediatelyHold to clo3o an assignment. Apply to



rm, a CONTAINING 1 large andMSi'v'&l J 2 small rooms, verandaC3Se3 with bithroom, dining-roo-

and kitchen detached, on Kckaulikestitet, opposite notel street, lteut $10per mouth. Apply at


Cottage To Lot.one story Cottage

on upper part of Llllhaass street, eontniniuc 5 rooms

niculy papered and painted, bath room,kite1 en, nice lawn, shade trees, etc.Will bo rented reasonable to a good ten-ant. . .



''B'MIE best reinndv forA J. wounds, ulcers,

gall?, proud flesh aud--jEttswT Efll'DC flf flnci.i.ltt

&--- - tlon to perrons or nnl- -innls. Adopted by leading horfo rail-road, club and livery stables, etc.. intho Pulted States nnd elsewhere. Weme prepared to prove this statement bytestimonials mid. reference.? to pluuicisand liverymen in this Kingdom.Apply to


Island Views.LARGE assortment of PhotographsA and Stereoseoplo Views of the

most attractive rcencry, buildings, oto,in these islands, for salo at reasonableprices.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.Corner Fort amlilorchant streets.



Mraliai Mail ServiGB

i,c ni-- (1 1 ) i

it ftAaiiposa,MtlHiiici'iiiiieSli'uin liljiUdiiipiiny, will'niitiiMit llnniihiin rriim Sjilnov

an ' uoMuihl n uliont

October 19, I8S9.And will leave for tho above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, liavinc SU.PERIOH ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WH. G. IRWIN & CO., Agonto.

For Sydney and Auckland


Tho now and fine Al stcol ste,njqhiphi Alameda,"

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, willbe duo at Honolulu from San

Francisco-- or about

October 26, 1889.And will havo prompt dispatch withmulls nnd passengers for the rIjovo ports,

For freight or passage, having SDPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

"WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Agents

74 King st. --yffljj 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


The Beautiful Seaside Resort at Wai--ki-

(formerly the residence of Col.G. W. Macfarlane), known as


Park Beach Hotel

Tho Promises consist of

A ftflain Building,Containing a

Lanai 40x40, Dining Boom, Pantry,Kitchen & 6 Bedrooms,

All partially furnished.

One 33uilclixi8fContaining

Bowling Alley, Billiard Room and

ro Bedrooms.

One Cottage,with

2 Large Bedrooms & Dressing Rooms,

One Building on beach,t Containing

Rath Houses, Wash Rooms, Etc.

Largo and Commodious

Stables with Carriage Honse.

Upper Floor fitted with Largo AiryRooms, suitable for scrvauts,

etc., etc. There aro

Large & Well-laid-o-nt Grounds,

Connected with tho Premises on whichcould he erected cottages for visitorsshould tho place bu converted into ahotel, for which it is admirably adapted-- ,

The Bathing facilities equal the bestalong tho lino of beach.

Premises will bo leased foriiterm of years to responsible parties.For further particulars apply to


ST A Springfield Gas Machino Isoo the Promises and the pipes load inipall tho abuve BuHdings, aprSWBJJ

.'.Y M





-- 7 .l



. TVs

...'';. J),-
