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Full Speed Ahead Freight Trains for a Green Economy

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  • 8/9/2019 Full Speed Ahead Freight Trains for a Green Economy


    Full Speed Ahead:Creating Green Jobs Through

    Freight Rail Expansion

  • 8/9/2019 Full Speed Ahead Freight Trains for a Green Economy


    Full Speed Ahead: Creating Green Jobs

    Table of Contents:

    Executive Summary

    The Challenges ...................................................................... 1

    A Jobless Recovery? ..................................................... 1

    Decline in Goods-Producing Jobs ................................. 1

    Inrastructure Investment, Foreign OilDependence and Climate Change ................................ 1

    Future Demand and Freight Rail Capacity ..................... 2

    The Freight Rail Solution ...................................................... 2

    Freight Rail Jobs are Green Jobs ........................................ 3

    Addressing Other Environmental Concerns ...................... 5

    Freight Rail Creates EmploymentThroughout the Economy..................................................... 5

    Investment and Economic Impact ................................. 5

    How Many Jobs? .......................................................... 6

    Direct and Indirect Job Creation .................................... 7

    Additional Employment Impacts Induced Jobs .......... 8

    What Kinds o Jobs? ..................................................... 8

    Caveats to Using Economic Models ............................. 8

    Recommendations ................................................................ 9

    Conclusion............................................................................ 11

    Executive Summary

    America is experiencing a jobless recovery rom a pronounced andprolonged recession, which resulted in the attrition o millions oAmerican jobs across all sectors o the economy. At the same time,the nation sends massive amounts o money overseas to support ourdependence on oreign oil, while transportation represents a signicantcomponent o this oil dependence and consequent greenhouse gaspollution.

    Moving to a clean energy economy that reinvests in American industriesand prioritizes ecient energy use and pollution reduction represents asignicant opportunity to create jobs and promote sustainable economicgrowth. The reight rail industry can be a part o this transition, havingdemonstrated its green potential by making signicant strides ineciency, limiting pollution and creating and sustaining quality jobs.

    Economic models estimate about 7,800 green jobs are created orevery billion dollars o reight rail capital investment. Furthermore, theindustry has nearly doubled the amount o goods it has shipped withoutincreasing uel consumption over the past three decades, and createsa raction o the pollution o other transport modes such as truckingand aviation. Its continued growth will generate green jobs, reducedependence on oreign oil and contribute to solving climate change.

    As the U.S. economy gets back on track, reight movement will expand,requiring corresponding inrastructure investment. By growing capacity,the reight rail industry can seize signicant opportunities to meet

    projected demand or shipping cargo, save energy, reduce pollution andcreate tens o thousands o new jobs throughout the economy.

    Freight rail invests more than our times the proportion o revenues intocapital investment than most other industries, and creates public benetsby returning a high level o economic output, oering an alternativeto other modes o transport that can reduce congestion and improveproductivity, serving as the backbone or national passenger rail andachieving eciencies that signicantly reduce energy use and pollution.

    Public policy should account or these public returns and supplyincentives that will help the industry maintain economic viability whiledelivering even greater economic and environmental benets movingorward.

  • 8/9/2019 Full Speed Ahead Freight Trains for a Green Economy


    Table 1: U.S. annual oil imports from 1990-2009

    (millions of barrels)


























    Source: U.S. Energy Inormation Agency


    The Challenges

    A Jobless Recovery?The American economy is showing signs o recovery rom the

    deepest recession in seven decades. While unemployment rateshave crested, surpassing 10 percent in recent months but nowslowly retreating, new approaches and investment are needed to getmore Americans back to work and invigorate the U.S. economy.

    The country continues to ace severe economic challenges, bothcyclical and structural. Since the beginning o the recession inDecember 2007, the labor market has shed 8.2 million jobs. Inorder to keep pace with population growth, during this period itshould have added 2.8 million jobs, meaning that the economyis eectively 11 million jobs below its pre-recession employmentlevels. To achieve this level within the next three years, the economywould have to add on average 411,000 jobs each month or 36consecutive months. To illustrate just how unprecedented thisjob growth would be, in the peak year o job growth during the

    1990s expansion (1997), only 280,000 jobs were added onaverage each month.ii

    In other words, it will take the economy, which entered a recessionmore than two years ago, at least a ew more years beore it ullyrecovers, i not longer.

    Decline in Goods-Producing JobsIn previous decades, the U.S. economy has experienced amarked shit away rom goods-producing jobs, such as those inthe manuacturing, construction, natural resources and miningindustries. From 1979 to 2007, the share o goods-producing jobsell rom 27.8 percent o total nonarm employment to 16.1 percent.Despite the American workorce growing by over hal during thatperiod, in 2007, beore the recession, there were 25.5 percent ewergoods-producing jobs in the U.S. than there were in 1979.iii

    While goods-producing jobs constituted about 16 percent o jobs atthe start o the recession, they accounted or nearly hal o the jobslost through February 2010. This shit has signicant implicationsor the economy moving orward. Manuacturing jobs, and goods-producing jobs more generally, have historically been pathways tothe middle class, especially or the 70 percent o the labor orce thatdoes not have a college degree. For workers with a high schooldegree or less, manuacturing jobs provide on average 9.2 percenthigher wages than the economy-wide average.iv Higher rates ounionization among manuacturing jobs generally lead to betterhealth care benets, pensions, and job security. For workers, these

    Economic models estimate about 7,800 green jobs are createdor every billion dollars o reight rail capital investment.

    characteristics make manuacturing jobs a vital rung in the climb upthe socioeconomic ladder, and their demise is widening the incomegap in America.

    In March 2010, President Barack Obama announced a goal o

    reversing the decline o goods-producing industries and doublingthe value o American exports by 2015. Such an undertaking, whichcould create 2 million new American jobs, would also ideally promptexpansion o the reight rail system to move more goods, with theadded benet o creating jobs in the manuacture o the rolling stockand machinery requisite to grow the American rail network.

    Infrastructure Investment, Foreign Oil Dependence,

    and Climate ChangeRight now, the U.S. is being outpaced by the global competition interms o inrastructure investment. Overall inrastructure investmentin the U.S. is estimated at $150 billion per year through the nextdecade, while the European Union expects to invest nearly $300

    billion per year and China, $200 billion per year through the sametimerame.vii

    At a time when domestic investment is desperately needed, Americasends more than $1 billion each day to oreign countries to purchaseoil. American imports o oreign oil have risen by nearly 40 percentsince 1990, and currently imports supply the bulk (57 percent) oAmerican oil use.viii

  • 8/9/2019 Full Speed Ahead Freight Trains for a Green Economy


    Transportation, meanwhile, accounts or two-thirds o U.S. oilconsumption, and uels derived rom oil currently drive nearly alltransportation activity (98 percent). Within transportation, suracereight movement (including trucking, water-borne reight and reightrail) represents a considerable segment o energy usage, consumingthe equivalent o the amount o oil we import rom Saudi Arabia,Nigeria and Venezuela annually.ix

    Corresponding with reliance on ossil uels is the production ogreenhouse gases (GHGs) that contribute to climate change.Currently, transportation accounts or nearly a third o Americas

    GHGs, necessitating more ecient approaches across alltransportation modes i the sector can become part o the solutionor achieving energy independence and addressing the impacts oclimate change.

    Future Demand and Freight Rail CapacityCurrently, the nations reight rail network is relatively uncongested.Trac will grow as the national economy gains traction, however,and over the next three decades demand or reight rail is projectedto nearly double.x

    Freight rail hosts passenger rail on its trackage, meaning increaseddemand or reight rail could also disrupt passenger rail trac. Thiswould be especially unortunate given that the passenger rail industryis increasing capital investment to deliver higher and high-speedrail service, bolstered by multi-billion dollar investments set orthin the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and subsequentederal budgets. Lower passenger rail eciency could lead toadditional congestion on our highways and air corridors, and alsoundercut eorts to bring the American passenger rail system onpar with the higher speed networks beneting other advancedeconomies. Conversely, strengthening our reight rail networksthrough expansion would create new synergies by reducing cargotrac among reight modes and allow reight rail to capitalize on thegrowing intermodal market, which transports more than 12 millionintermodal (ship, train and truck-compatible) containers annually.xi Itwould also increase the ability o higher and high-speed rail to movepeople more eciently and reduce congestion on our nations roads.

    Freight rail capital investment is almost exclusively unded throughindustry revenues. Overall, the reight rail industry has invested $460billion in revenues back into capital needs and expansion since 1980.These investments have continued through the recent economicdownturn; in 2008, Class I railroads (the seven major national reight

    railroads, and Amtrak, which own and operate the majority o U.S.rail track) spent more than $10 billion on capital improvements (toinclude $2.6 billion on rolling stock and equipment, and $7.9 billionon roadway and structures). However, an additional $1 to $2 billiono annual capital investment is estimated as necessary to keep pacewith growing demand or shipping in the years to come.xii

    These projections actor current market trends and do not accountor concerted eorts undertaken to combat oreign oil dependenceand the eects o climate change. Given transportations impact onboth o these ronts, making progress on oil savings and reducingGHGs will accelerate the need to capitalize on eciencies alreadyachieved within the reight rail industry. Expanding reight rail capacitywill not only help achieve energy savings and pollution reductions

    within the sector, but also guarantee that other industries are not letto carry additional burdens o emissions reductions to meet overallclimate change goals.

    The Freight Rail Solution

    Americas reight rail networks, comprising about 140,000 miles,move more than 2.2 billion tons o reight annually. Among the50,000-plus miles o primary rail corridors in the U.S., up to140 trains per day move commodities such as crops, ore, andmanuactured goods or processing and distribution.xiii

    Freight rail is a ar more ecient mode o transporting bulk goodswhen ranked against trucking and aviation, especially over long

    distances, by moving a ton o reight 480 miles per gallon o uelconsumed.xiv On a per-ton basis, trucking uses on average ourtimes the energy to transport reight versus rail.xv While trucks are

    Source: Bureau o Transportation Statistics

    Table 2: 2005 U.S. petroleum-based fuel consumption

    by transportation mode (millions of gallons)

    2 Full Speed Ahead: Creating Green Jobs

    n Aviation

    n Passenger cars

    and trucks

    n Freight trucking

    n Transit

    n Freight rail

    n Water-borne

    (incl. reight)

    Table 3: 2003 Rail versus truck fuel savings

    per distance segment

    Fuel savings per carload (gallons)


    0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200






    Source: ICF International


    4,098 8,445




  • 8/9/2019 Full Speed Ahead Freight Trains for a Green Economy


    necessary to carry goods over the last mile rom local andregional distribution centers to market reight rail is the mostecient means o moving reight medium and long distances romports and inland terminal centers.xvi

    Advances in locomotive and rail system eciency have increasedsubstantially in the past two decades, with the reight rail industryhaving increased its uel economy 38 percent since 1990, comparedto 11 percent or trucks through the same period. In recent years,railroads have implemented advanced monitoring systems toimprove engineers ability to drive at speeds that maximize uelsavings. Railroads have also invested in lighter reight cars and moreecient locomotives to reduce uel consumption. These eciencygains have allowed the reight rail industry to double the numbero ton-miles traveled without increasing energy use over the lastthree decades. In 1980, reight rail transported 919 billion ton-mileso cargo; by 2008 this increased to 1.8 trillion ton-miles, and uel

    consumption remained steady at nearly 4 billion gallons over thosethree decades.xviii

    Energy savings ostered by transporting reight via rail results inlower GHGs. While accounting or nearly hal o total U.S. reightton-miles, rail currently contributes only about 11 percent o reight-related carbon dioxide pollution.xix Furthermore, in 2010 the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency proposed that shiting ve percento truck reight to reight rail would signicantly contribute to reducinggreenhouse gas emissions to levels that would help solve climatechange.

    To the extent reight rail investments improve the movement o reightand passengers, we will also have the added benet o oil savingsand GHG reductions rom better intercity passenger rail services.

    Freight Rail Jobs are Green Jobs

    Green jobs are those jobs which help achieve goals to reduceclimate impact, save energy, encompass waste reduction andrecycling, conserve water, lower carbon pollution, producerenewable energy, recycle resources and goods and remediateenvironmental problems. Freight rail jobs, key to reducing carbonand saving energy in the transportation sector, meet this standard.

    This assertion is reinorced by emerging standards o economistsand labor market analysts who are at the beginning stages ocodiying working and workable denitions o green jobs.

    The transition to a low-carbon economy is a dynamic processand green jobs will evolve along an ever-improving continuum. Todate, perhaps the most comprehensive labor market analysis ogreen jobs has been developed by authors writing on behal othe Occupational Inormation Network (O*NET), which prepared a2009 report or the U.S. Department o Labor entitled Greening othe World o Work. This report analyzes the impact o the growinggreen economy on occupational requirements and on the broadersystems o industrial and occupational categorization used byworkorce and economic developers to track industry demandor specic occupations, as well as the wages earned and skillsrequired by workers in those occupations. These systems, the NorthAmerican Industrial Classication System (NAICS) and the StandardOccupational Classication (SOC), dont recognize separate greencategorizations or either industries or occupations. Thereore, thereport is necessarily crosscutting in its approach, not least in thedenition it oers o the green economy, which spans multiple

    industries and is analogous to the denition oered above:

    The green economy encompasses the economic activity related toreducing the use o ossil uels, decreasing pollution and greenhousegas emissions, increasing the efciency o energy usage, recyclingmaterials, and developing and adopting renewable sources oenergy.

    Expanding capacity would allow freight rail to

    capitalize on the growing intermodal market, which

    transports more than 12 million containers annually.


    Source: Bureau o Transportation Statistics

    Table 4: 2007 U.S. total surface freight ton-miles by mode

    (trillions of ton-miles)

    n Trucking

    n Freight rail

    n Water-borne


    1.30 1.40


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    The report goes on to dene twelve broad industry sectors thatmeet this denition. One o those sectors is transportation, whichis dened as ollows:

    This green economy sector covers activities related to increasingefciency and/or reducing the environmental impact o variousmodes o transportation, such as trucking, mass transit, reightrail, and water.

    The report then develops a typology o dierent green joboccupational categories, organized by the skills required or thesejobs and the degree to which these are new skills. This typologyillustrates how most green jobs are, in act, current occupations inpresent-day industries:

    1) existing occupations expected to experience primarily anincrease in employment demand;

    2) existing occupations with signifcant change to the work andworker requirements; and

    3) new and emerging green occupations.

    4 Full Speed Ahead: Creating Green Jobs

    In 1980, reight rail transported 919 billion ton-miles ocargo; by 2008 this increased to 1.8 trillion ton-miles,

    and uel consumption remained steady at nearly 4 billiongallons over those three decades.

    The report goes on to give examples o transportation sector jobsthat are green increased demand jobs the rst o the threecategories as they correspond with O*NET-SOC occupations.These include a number o rail jobs:

    Railroad Engineers O*NET-SOC: 53-4011.00

    Rail-Track Laying and O*NET-SOC: 47-4061.00Maintenance Equipment Operators

    Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters O*NET-SOC: 53-4031.0

    Greening o the World o Workthus contextualizes green jobs withinthe systems used or industry and occupational analysis and clearlyidenties rail jobs as part o the categorization they oer or greenoccupations.

    Building on this work, the Department o Labors Bureau o LaborStatistics (BLS) is in the process gathering data about green jobs inorder to develop a denition o green industries and green jobs thatis comprehensive and robust enough to serve as the basis or uturepolicymaking and labor market analysis.

    Accompanying their notice o solicitation o comments publishedin the Federal Register in March 2010, BLS proposed a list o

    industries that should be considered green. One o the industriesproposed is Line-Haul Railroads (NAICS Code # 482111), whichNAICS denes as: primarily engaged in operating railroads or thetransport o passengers and/or cargo over a long distance within arail network

    While BLS is not clear at their present stage o analysis about howhigh up the supply chain, or how broadly, to label manuacturingindustries as green, the list does includes Railroad Rolling StockManuacturing (#336510) as a proposed green industry.

    Furthermore, supporting industries that lay the oundation o reightrail inrastructure play a large part in contributing to transportationeciency, and as such, could meet the standards as currently

    In March 2010, President Barack Obama announced a goal odoubling the value o American exports by 2015, which ideallywould prompt expansion o the reight rail network to movemore goods.





    Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

    Table 5: 2007 U.S. transportation greenhouse gas

    emissions by mode

    n Trucking

    n Freight rail

    n Other reight

    (incl. water-borne)

    n Passenger


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    Freight Rail Industry Profle:

    TTX Company

    Headquarters: Chicago, IL

    Total employees: 867

    Locations: Jacksonville, FL; Joliet, IL; Waterord, MI;

    North Augusta, SC; TTX Company also has

    employees located at 33 major rail acilities

    throughout the United States.

    Company description: TTX maintains and supplies large

    pools o railcars which are shared among the railroads and rail

    shippers. Unlike cars owned by the individual railroads, TTX

    Company railcars do not have to be returned empty to the owning

    railroad ater being unloaded by another railroad. Instead, the

    railcars can be reloaded and transported to any other destinationby any railroad.

    This practice prevents more than 2.5 billion empty miles per year,

    saving more than 167 million gallons o uel annually.

    Supporting clean energy: TTX provides numerous car types

    or the transportation o blades, towers, nacelles, hubs, and other

    wind power generating equipment. Moreover, TTX Companys

    engineers possess substantial expertise in modiying railcars

    or this service in conjunction with engineering rms and wind

    turbine manuacturers that design and manuacture the xtures

    that apply the components to the railcars.

    For instance, TTX has converted hundreds o 89-t fat cars and

    ormer intermodal spine cars (each spine car is at least 260-t

    long) to handle wind turbine blade xtures. Likewise, these and

    other cars transport the tower sections as well. Additionally, TTX

    Companys large feet o heavy-duty fat cars, bulkhead fat cars

    and 89-t, 110-ton fat cars are all suited to carry heavy nacelles

    and hubs.

    Union support: TTX Company has 357 employees that are

    members o the Brotherhood o Railway Carmen.

    A TTX employee perorms repairs on a coupling to helprecondition a reight railcar.


    proposed. These existing occupations such as constructiontrades that lay track and build supporting inrastructure and railequipment manuacturers generate and sustain employmentbased mostly, i not entirely, on capital investments that enhancereight rail eciency.

    Freight rail and supporting industry jobs are green jobs, and theemerging consensus suggest this will be the case as the denitionis urther rened. Labor market analysts, advocates, workorce andeconomic development practitioners can all build on this oundation.

    Addressing OtherEnvironmental Concerns

    While reight rail expansion is part o the move to a clean energyeconomy, this is not to be broadly interpreted that all reightrail activities are benecial to the environment. Like most otherindustries, there are areas where better practices can be developed

    and employed to oset negative environmental impacts.

    For example, while the reight rail industry has made signicantprogress in improving uel eciency, ossil uels are the basis olocomotive energy and pollution is inevitably created. In Caliornia,communities are concerned about the concentration o dieselemissions produced by trucks, trains and cargo-handling equipmentin rail yards, which some say result in high cancer risks orneighboring communities.

    Progress in areas such as this is necessary to truly capitalize onthe green potential o reight rail. Pro-active eorts on the part othe industry, such as working with the Caliornia EnvironmentalProtection Agencys Air Resources Board to solve communitypollution issues, are steps in the right direction. The railroads alsohave extensive programs in place also to limit pollution related touel and industrial processes, and to reward complying with andexceeding local, state and national environmental standards.

    Federal policy holds potential to promote substantial emissionsreductions across the industry: in March 2008, the EPA issuednew locomotive emissions standards, eective in 2015, that willcut particulate emissions by up to 90 percent and nitrogen oxideemissions by up to 80 percent. The reight rail industry is committedto meeting these mandates and supportive o ederal emissionstandards, as they align with the industrys ongoing eorts toadvance system eciency and invest in uel-ecient vehicles andequipment.

    Freight Rail Creates EmploymentThroughout the Economy

    Investment and Economic ImpactCoast to coast, the reight rail industry links commerce and helpsdrive the American economy. The reight rail industry is a signicanteconomic engine, contributing nearly a quarter o a trillion dollarso total economic activity annually, and is supported directly andindirectly by about 1.2 million workers. As such, the reight railindustry and its supportive sectors comprise a value-add to theeconomy, representing 1 percent o the U.S. workorce that creates2 percent o output within Americas $14 trillion economy.xxii

  • 8/9/2019 Full Speed Ahead Freight Trains for a Green Economy


    Within the industry itsel, capital investment in reight rail presents asignicant opportunity or American job creation. In 2008, the Class Irailroads spent more than $10 billion on inrastructure and equipmentinvestment, and historically, the industry directs more than our timesthe proportion o revenues into capital investment compared to other

    industrial sectors.xxiii

    In addition to benets accruing rom energy eciency and pollutionreduction, investments in reight rail create quality jobs that onaverage are better paying and more accessible than jobs in thebroader economy.

    Specically, Americas reight rail providers comprise a $65 billion ayear industry, with reight rail employees directly representing about180,000 jobs. Rail employees, the majority o whom are unionized,earn on average 30 percent more than the mean U.S. annualincome and 74 percent more than workers in the transportationsector as whole.xxiv

    How Many Jobs?

    To estimate the types o jobs that are directly and indirectly createdby investment in reight rail, we use a model that merges industrialdata on input-output relationships with household-level data ondemographic and labor market variables. We nd that:

    $1 billion o rail capital investment creates about 7,800 green jobs,which we dene as jobs created in direct and supplier industriesas a result o reight rail spending. These industries include:

    Manuacturing locomotives, reight railcars, shop machinery

    Construction rail roadway buildings, warehouses, grading

    Iron and steel industries rail and over-the-road track materials

    Others communications and computer support, timber orrailroad ties, quarrying or rail ballast

    Rail capital investments create and sustain proportionatelyewer low-wage jobs and more medium-wage jobs comparedto the broader economy. They also benet those hardest hit bythe recession, providing a higher proportion o employment toworkers without a college degree.

    Including the re-spending eects, $1 billion o rail investmentscould create anywhere between approximately 12,300 to 26,600total jobs throughout the US economy.

    Calculating what mix o jobs would be supported by higher railinvestments involves three steps. The rst is translating a packageo capital investment (based on actual 2008 reight rail capitalexpenditures, which include equipment and inrastructure),into spending fows that match up with one or more o the202 industries in the BLS 2008 nominal domestic employmentrequirements matrix.xxv

    Second, these spending fows are equated into employment impact.The BLS matrix shows how demand in a given industry is supportedby employment in both that industry (the direct job impact) and other

    supplier industries (the indirect job impact).

    For example, $1 billion o demand in the construction industry hasimpacts outside o the BLS-dened industry as well. For example,$1 billion in demand in any given industry would sustain jobs withinthat BLS-dened industry (the direct job impact), and also jobs inretail trade, health care, and a variety o other industries throughoutthe economy.

    Freight rail jobs, key to reducing carbon in the transportationsector, meet the standard reinorced by economists and labor

    market analysts who are codiying working and workable defnitions o green jobs.

    6 Full Speed Ahead: Creating Green Jobs

    Occupation Mean HourlyWage

    Mean AnnualIncome

    All occupations $20.32 $42,270

    All transportationand material moving occupations

    $15.12 $31,450

    All rail transportation occupations $26.33 $54,760

    Locomotive engineers $25.71 $53,470

    Locomotive frers $25.46 $52,950

    Rail yard engineers, dinkey operators,and hostlers

    $16.76 $34,850

    Railroad brake, signal, and switch operators $23.75 $49,400Railroad conductors and yardmasters $26.02 $54,120

    Freight Rail Employee Profle

    Lyle Staley, a ourth generation railroader,

    began his rail career in 1969, served in the

    Navy and has since dedicated a total o 39

    years to railroading with the Toledo, Peoria and

    Western (TP&W) Railroad.

    Staley joined TP&Ws Environmental/Hazardous

    Materials Department in 1994, and among his many certications and

    duties, he developed a system-wide process to review energy usage,

    contributing greatly to the railroads ability to determine, report and

    model emissions. Staley has also worked to transorm locomotive

    pre-startup and ueling procedures, uel leak prevention and training

    programs to promote signicant energy savings and reduce pollution.

    For these and many other eorts, Staley won the rail industrys North

    American Environmental Employee Excellence Award in 2008 or

    environmental stewardship in executing his responsibilities.

    Source: Bureau o Labor Statistics

    Table 6: 2008 Rail wages versus U.S., transportationoccupations (mean hourly wage and annual income)

  • 8/9/2019 Full Speed Ahead Freight Trains for a Green Economy



    Direct and Indirect Job Creation

    Lastly, demographic and labor market data rom the U.S. CensusBureaus Current Population Survey (CPS) are actored to calculate

    the share o each industrys employment by relevant categories(gender, race, ethnicity, wage levels, etc.), reerencing data rom2005 and 2007 to ensure the largest sample size possible.

    A crosswalk approach matches up the CPS data on demographicand labor market variables with the BLS data on industry input-output relationships. This crosswalk* is easy to construct as itmatches up both the CPS and the BLS industry codes to a thirdclassication system, the NAICS, that maps onto both the CPSand BLS data.

    By then multiplying the number o jobs created in each industry(either through direct spending or through supplier eects) byindustry demographic shares and then summing these up acrossindustries, we get the total number o jobs in each industry category

    (both direct and supplier jobs) that are created through a givenamount o inrastructure spending.

    O these direct and indirect jobs, we can impute a number odemographic attributes:

    Table 7: U.S. job creation, by industry type, resulting fromfreight rail capital investment

    Source: Economic Policy Institute









    2%2% 1% 1%


    Manuacturing - Total Leisure and Hospitality

    Construction Financial Activities

    Natural Resources and Mining Retail Trade

    Proessional and Business Services Inormation

    Wholesale Trade Government - Total

    Other Services Utilities

    Transportat ion and Warehousing Education services

    Percentages do not total 100 percent due to rounding.

    Job Characteristics DirectIndirect

    (% of total) TotalOverall


    Totals 45% 55% 100%


    Male 88% 69% 77% 60%

    Female 12% 31% 23% 40%


    White 74% 70% 72% 67%

    Black 7% 10% 9% 11%

    Hispanic 16% 15% 15% 15%

    Asian 1% 3% 2% 4%

    Other 1% 2% 2% 2%


    Less than High School 20% 14% 17% 11%

    High School Only 41% 35% 38% 31%

    Some College 26% 27% 27% 30%

    BA or greater 12% 24% 18% 28%

    Wage Quintiles

    First (lowest) 12% 18% 15% 19%

    Second 24% 20% 22% 21%

    Third 25% 22% 24% 20%

    Fourth 22% 21% 22% 20%

    Fith (highest) 16% 19% 18% 20%


    Northeast 18% 16% 17% 18

    Midwest 23% 25% 24% 23

    South 39% 36% 38% 35

    West 20% 23% 21% 23

    Central City status

    In central city ometro area

    16% 23% 20% 27%

    In metro area, notcentral city

    39% 42% 41% 44%

    Not in a metropolitan area 31% 19% 24% 14%

    Not Identifed 15% 16% 15% 14%

    Source: Economic Policy Institute

    Table 8: Demographics of direct and indirect job creationfrom U.S. freight rail capital investment

    * This crosswalk is available rom the authors upon request.

  • 8/9/2019 Full Speed Ahead Freight Trains for a Green Economy


    Additional Employment Impact:Induced Jobs

    Rail investments tend to create quality employment opportunities.

    Re-spending or induced jobs will also be created in theindustries in which workers in the direct and indirect industries

    choose to spend their additional income. This can include anything

    rom housing, education, ood, recreation and other consumer andbusiness spending made possible through rail-derived income.

    Because we cannot predict what types o purchases workers will

    make, it would be inappropriate to label the entire job impact as

    consisting o green jobs.

    The model only predicts direct and indirect job impact, but by

    applying a standard economic multiplier one can determine

    a rough estimate o the total job impact, one that includesre-spending eects.

    Economic multipliers are estimated by looking at historical data and

    attempting to link a single policy change with their economic impact.As such, estimates produced by this modeling should be considered

    guides rather than direct measures since all other variables are held

    constant (in order to isolate the policy eect) and also compensate

    or the act that most policy changes are themselves responses toeconomic conditions. For these reasons, multiplier estimates tend to

    vary widely.

    On the low end, Mark Zandi (chie economist at Moodys Economy.

    com) estimates that each dollar o inrastructure investmentproduces 57 cents o induced output throughout the rest o

    the economy (with a total economic multiplier o 1.57). The

    Congressional Budget Oce publishes a broad multiplier or

    purchases o goods and services by the ederal government,which it uses to calculate the economic impact o inrastructure

    investments. This multiplier is a range, rom 1 (no induced economic

    impact) to 2.5 ($1.50 o induced output or every dollar). On the

    higher end, the U.S. Department o Commerces RIMS II (RegionalInput-output Modeling System) employment model estimates that

    the multiplier or reight rail capital investments specically is 3.4.xxviii

    Applying these economic multipliers suggest reight rail capital

    investments would produce anywhere rom 12,300 to 26,600 total

    jobs (direct, indirect, and induced) per billion dollars o investment.

    What Kinds of Jobs?Rail investments tend to create quality employment opportunities.

    Relative to the overall economy, a disproportionately small amount o

    these jobs are low-wage, with more jobs created in the middle o the

    wage distribution. Over the past ew decades hourly wage inequalityhas risen dramatically, becoming the single largest impediment to

    raising the living standards o average American workers. Much

    (though ar rom all) o this rise in wage inequality is attributable to

    the de-unionization o the workorce and growing wage advantageaorded to those with a college degree, actors also perpetuated in

    part by the loss o manuacturing jobs in the economy.xxix

    The model suggests jobs that support the reight rail industry tend

    to be slightly more unionized when compared with the generaleconomy (13 percent or industries directly or indirectly supporting

    the reight rail industry, versus 12 percent or the economy as a

    whole)**, a condition that oten coners higher benets and greaterjob security to workers. Finally, a much larger share o these jobs areavailable to the 70 percent o workers without a our-year

    college degree.

    Caveats to Using Economic Models

    Using an economic output multiplier to calculate re-spending jobs

    produces only a rough estimate. Implicit in this calculation is theassumption that the ratio o economic output to jobs or, in other

    words, worker productivity is the same in the broader economy

    (in which direct and indirect workers are re-spending their incomes)

    as it is in those direct and indirect industries. I, or example,

    productivity were lower in the re-spending industries compared tothe direct and indirect industries, it would suggest that the economic

    multipliers actually understate the re-spending job impact.

    These estimates are based on currently existing patterns o

    employment across sectors. As such, the nal results suggest

    how many and what kinds o jobs would be created within the

    economy. However, to the extent that new investments are aimed

    at transorming the economy or labor market, the results are

    8 Full Speed Ahead: Creating Green Jobs

    Freight Rail Employee Profle

    Keith Brinker has served CSX or 28 years, and

    works or the railroad in Jacksonville, Florida as

    manager o environmental remediation.

    When Brinker transitioned to a position in

    Georgia, the railroad was not consistently using

    the same chemicals, cleaners and petroleumproducts. Brinker led an eort to reduce the number o chemicals and

    cleaners in use rom 65 to 16, lowering concentrations o potentially

    harmul chemicals and reducing employee exposure, generation o

    hazardous waste and the chemical load on the railroads wastewater

    treatment plants. His eorts and introduction o saer chemicals

    eliminated the use o chlorinated solvents system-wide.

    For this and an outstanding track record o environmental excellence

    throughout his career, Brinker won the rail industrys North American

    Environmental Employee Excellence Award in 2006.

    ** While the majority o railroad employees are unionized, these workers are part o

    a subset o transportation and warehousing occupations, which only make up ourpercent o industries directly and indirectly supporting the reight rail industry, as

    described in Table 7.

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    not precisely indicative o the true impact. For example, policy

    restrictions on the kinds or quality o jobs created and specic policy

    targeting o job creation would lead to dierent outcomes than

    estimated here. The numbers presented here compose an estimatedbaseline or policy makers to consider.


    There are several policy approaches that would bolster the reight

    rail industrys ability to create jobs to support a rebounding American

    economy. Continued and expanded investment in rail inrastructure

    would also capitalize on potential or much greater transportationeciency and reduced pollution rom the transportation sector.

    Tax incentives reduce the cost o investments, helping economically

    viable projects get built sooner and thereby accelerate employmentcreation and public benets. By targeting specic outcomes, such

    as generating levels o employment or expanding transportation

    system capabilities, policymakers can limit the scope and duration

    o tax credits to achieve the intended eect. Furthermore, tyinginvestments to outcomes would help remove much o the risk o

    wasting incentives on economically unjustied projects.

    We propose the ollowing set o policy recommendations tohelp the reight rail industry expand and meet the demands o a low-

    carbon economy:

    A tax credit for rail capital investments. Ideally, all businesses

    that make capacity-enhancing rail investments, in addition to therailroads, would be eligible or these incentives. While tax credits

    would oset potential government revenues, U.S. Department

    o Commerce data suggest that every $1 o rail inrastructure

    investment generates more than $3 in economic output.xxx Such

    a tax credit could be targeted to support reight rail capacity

    expansion specically, which in recent years represents about

    25 percent o total reight rail capital investment. The economicmodel detailed in this report suggests approximately 7,800 green

    jobs, and a total impact o 12,300 to 26,600 jobs are generated or

    sustained per billion dollars o capital investment.

    Renewal of the expired short line tax credit for short lineand regional railroads. This existing tax credit, which lapsed

    in 2009, has created or sustained more than 125,000 jobs, and

    enabled $330 million in short line track upgrades necessary or

    regional carriers to match reight cars with the larger, heavier carsutilized by Class I railroads or long-distance hauls. This credit

    also supports thousands o jobs in the steel and rail construction


    Develop public-private partnerships between freight

    railroads and passenger rail. These partnerships can greatly

    expand the use o rail with responsibility shared between

    two entities government paying only or public benets,

    and railroads paying or the business benets they gain rom

    improvements to the rail network. For example, some projectsmight deliver public benets such as decreasing highway

    congestion by taking trucks o the road, or oster higher and

    high-speed intercity passenger rail (which would increase travel

    options and also contribute to a lower carbon transportationsystem), as well as private benets or reight rail by enabling

    aster, more reliable train operations.

    In other cases, a public entity may contribute a portion o the initial

    investment required to make a project easible, with the railroad

    responsible or unding all uture maintenance and operationsto sustain the project over time. In all cases however, we must

    ensure oversight is in place to ensure public nancing is tied to

    public benet outcomes.


    Freight Rail Employee Profle

    John Rebillet is a pipetter or the Burlington

    Northern Santa Fe railroad (BNSF) and member

    o the Sheet Metal Workers International

    Alliance (Local 259). He has worked or BNSF

    or 19 years and is currently employed at

    the Alliance Mechanical Facility in Alliance,


    Rebillet enjoys keeping up with the changes

    in locomotive technology and also serves as

    the unions Local Chairman to advance the interests o his ellow

    railway workers.

    The Alliance Mechanical Facility is one o the largest repair

    acilities within the BNSF system, with about 600 employees who

    perorm scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on the railroads

    locomotives. Keeping locomotives in good repair has been crucial in

    helping the reight rail industry achieve a 38 percent increase in uel

    eciency since 1990. Freight rail carries twice the tonnage now as it

    did in 1980 without increasing system-wide uel consumption (nearly

    4 billion gallons annually).

    Rebillet also owns a local store, where he recently installed high

    eciency rerigeration to save energy, reduce pollution and cut costs.

    Freight Rail Employee Profle

    Donald L. Robey has been in the railroad

    industry or 28 years and currently is

    director o locomotive engineering or CSXin Jacksonville. Robey designed, piloted

    and implemented a horsepower reduction

    program or 132 retrotted locomotives.

    Over ve years, it is estimated this

    technology will reduce uel consumption by 12.5 million

    gallons and greenhouse gas emissions by almost 100,000

    tons, an achievement or which Robey won the 2007 Chaee

    Award, given to rail workers or exceptional individual eorts in

    environmental stewardship.

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    Freight Rail Industry Profle:

    The Greenbrier

    CompaniesHeadquarters: Lake Oswego, OR

    Total Employees: 4,174

    Locations: Dothan, AL; Pine Blu, AR; Tucson, AZ;

    Modesto, CA; San Bernadino, CA; Golden, CO;

    Macon, GA; Red Oak, IA; Chicago Heights,

    IL; Peoria, IL; Atchison, KS; Kansas City, KS;

    Osawatomie, KS; Topeka, KS; Elizabethtown,

    KY; Hodge, LA; Kansas City, MO; Omaha, NE;

    Portland, OR; Springeld, OR; Lewistown; PA;

    Philadelphia, PA; Youngstown, PA; Cleburne,

    TX; Corsicana, TX; San Antonio, TX; Van Ormy,

    TX; Chehalis, WA; Finley, WA; Tacoma, WA

    Company description: The Greenbrier Companies manuacture

    new reight cars as well as lease, manage, repair and reurbish

    existing reight cars. The company also produces and reurbishes

    reight car components. Greenbrier Rail Services oers the

    largest network o shops in North America.

    Sustainable production: Greenbrier strives to create a healthy

    and sae working environment as well as to recycle and conserve

    resources and energy at every stage o the product lie cycle.

    The company is currently in the process o relocating a hydraulics

    acility to Red Oak, Iowa, consolidating two separate acilities into

    one to yield a smaller ootprint. New systems have been installedto manage water used in the cleaning process to eliminate

    potential environmental contamination. In order to improve air

    quality or employees, the acility has internal structures within

    the larger acility to house welding units. The air and umes rom

    these structures are ltered and decontaminated beore being

    converted to heat or the larger acility.

    New reight cars: The combination o new high-strength

    and lightweight materials, innovative designs and advanced

    technologies creates lighter more ecient railcars. These new

    cars have nearly 20 percent greater capacity and can save

    millions o gallons o uel over their liecycles.

    A Greenbrier employee at their Tuscon, AZ acility perormsa repair on a reight railcar.

    Americas reight rail providers comprise a $65 billion a yearindustry with 180,000 employees, such as these workers

    coordinating train activity at a Union Pacifc dispatch center.

    Public-private partnerships are prescribed in the Federal RailAdministrations (FRA) high-speed and intercity passenger rail

    programs. Under FRAs guidelines, states applying or ederal

    grants or high-speed or intercity passenger rail are required to

    have written agreements with host reight railroads on saety,

    inrastructure capacity, compensation and liability issues in orderto be eligible or ederal unding. New programs could build upon

    this established ramework to greatly expand benets accruing

    rom these partnerships.

    Ensure policy promotes quality, homegrown employment

    opportunities. In order to maximize the economic benet o

    these investments and create quality jobs, we should ensure that

    any investment o taxpayer unds or reight rail investment include

    prevailing wage provisions to ensure that new jobs maintain the

    rail industrys relatively high level o pay and expand these benetsto more workers.

    To uphold pay and benet standards in the rail sector, the

    employees o anyone who owns, operates or maintains raillines should be subject to relevant railroad laws (such as the

    Railroad Retirement Act and Railway Labor Act). I public-privatepartnerships and other measures alter employment arrangements,

    current collective bargaining agreements must be respected and

    successorship rights must be provided.

    Also, policy approaches should incorporate domestic sourcing

    (Buy America) requirements, which also hold potential to

    incorporate prevailing wage standards, to ensure these capitalinusions benet American workers, expand clean energy

    manuacturing, and ampliy multiplier eects or both employment

    and investment within the domestic economy.

    10 Full Speed Ahead: Creating Green Jobs

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    Freight Rail Industry Profle:

    Reidler DecalCorporation

    Headquarters: St. Clair, PA

    Total Employees: Fluctuates between 50-180

    Locations: Charlotte, NC; Dallas, TX

    Company description: The Reidler Decal Corporation,

    ounded in 1926, is the oldest and largest abricator o

    markings and signage or the railroad industry. Reidler operates

    a 60,000-square oot headquarters and actory in St. Clair

    (northeastern Pennsylvania), and with the decline o mining in the

    region, the company provides new employment opportunities.

    The Reidler amily is in the third generation o ownership and

    most employees have been with the company or their entire

    working lives.

    Supporting the rail industry: Rising levels o reight movement

    means new car builds and new repairs equating to more

    demand or Reidlers services and more employees.

    Expanding rail capacity would mean more opportunities or

    Reidler Decal, and companies like it, to outt new generations

    o specialized cars, as well as acilitate aster, more ecient

    movement o reight and access to new markets.

    A Reidler Decal employee helps abricate a train markingor a reight railcar.


    Over the past two centuries, rail has helped America realize its

    potential and become the worlds leading economic power. In

    this new century, rails eminence as an economic engine has the

    potential to be as great, and also produce signicant energy savings,reduce pollution, move cargo across the country eciently as part o

    a multi-modal reight network, and create an estimated 7,800 green

    jobs per billion dollars invested.

    The recent recession, and the massive job loss that accompanied

    it, shows that a status quo approach will not suce i America

    is to leave the 21st century stronger than when it entered. A

    truly balanced transportation network that achieves highereciencies among passenger and reight modes will help create

    an inrastructure platorm that makes America more competitive in

    the global economy. Freight rail occupies an important role in this

    multi-modal network, and merely maintaining share within a growing

    reight market would orego the signicant opportunities presentedby rails demonstrated ability to reduce oil consumption, achieve

    system and vehicle eciencies to reduce pollution, as well as create

    and sustain quality employment throughout the economy.

    Freight rail expansion would create thousands o quality green

    jobs and induce overall employment and economic growth while

    strengthening many o Americas goods-producing industries.

    Furthermore, reight rail has already demonstrated its ability toachieve signicant eciencies resulting in lower uel use and reduced

    pollution; increased investment would advance this progress, which

    has doubled the overall industrys eciency in a ew decades.

    As America moves ull speed ahead to a clean energy economy,reight rails crucial role in that transition can be expanded through

    sound policy choices that maximize the public and economic

    benets o this industry.


    By targeting specifc outcomes, such as generating levelso employment and/or expanding transportation systemcapabilities, policymakers can limit the scope and durationo tax credits to achieve the intended eect.

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    i Positive job growth, but not enough to reduceunemployment rate, Heidi Shierholz/Economic PolicyInstitute, 2 April 2010.

    ii Labor market closes 2009 with no sign o robust jobs

    recovery, Heidi Shierholz/Economic Policy Institute, 8January 2010.

    iii The State o Working America 2008/2009, Larry Mishel,Jared Bernstein, and Heidi Shierholz/Economic PolicyInstitute. Ithaca, N.Y.: ILR Press (an imprint o CornellUniversity Press), 2009, pg. 184.

    iv The importance o manuacturing: Key to recovery in thestates and the nation, Robert E. Scott/Economic PolicyInstitute, March 2008.

    v Mishel, Bernstein, and Shierholz, pg. 202-203.

    vi Capitalizing on the Upcoming Inrastructure Stimulus,CIBC World Markets, January 2009.

    vii United States Energy Profle, U.S. Energy Inormation

    Agency (U.S. EIA), 18 August 2009; How Dependent AreWe on Foreign Oil? U.S. EIA, 23 April 2009.

    viii Biouels: DOE Lacks a Strategic Approach to CoordinateIncreasing Production with Inrastructure Development

    and Vehicle Needs, General Accounting Ofce, Reportnumber GAO-07-713, 11 June 2007.

    ix U.S. Imports by Country o Origin, U.S. EIA, April 2010;National Transportation Statistics: Table 4-6 - EnergyConsumption by Mode o Transportation, Bureau o

    Transportation Statistics (BTS), September 2009.

    x Freight Analysis Framework, Federal HighwayAdministration Ofce o Freight Management andOperations, 2006.

    xi Rail Intermodal Transport, American Association oRailroads, June 2008.

    xii National Rail Freight Inrastructure Capacity andInvestment Study, Cambridge Systematics,September 2007.

    xiii Transportation For Tomorrow, National SuraceTransportation Policy and Revenue Commission,December 2007.

    xiv Railroad Rate Studies, U.S. Department o TransportationSurace Transportation Board, 2009.

    xv Comparative Evaluation o Rail and Truck Fuel Efciencyon Competitive Corridors, ICF International (or the FederalRailroad Administration), November 2009.

    xvi National Transportation Statistics: Table 4-14 -Combination Truck Fuel Consumption and Travel, Table

    4-17 - Class I Rail Freight Fuel Consumption and Travel,Table 1-46a - U.S. Ton-Miles o Freight, BTS, 2008-2009.

    xvii Railroad Rate Studies.

    xviii Transportation or Tomorrow.

    xix Inventory o U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks:1990-2008, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(U.S. EPA), April 2010.

    xx EPA Analysis o the Transportation Sector GreenhouseGas and Oil Reduction Scenarios, U.S. EPA,10 February 2010.

    xxi Capital Spending R-1 Schedule 330, Column (e); FinalDemand Multipliers, U.S. Department o Commerce,Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS) II.

    xxii Current-dollar and real GDP, Bureau o Economic Analysis,March 2010.

    xxiii RIMS II.

    xxiv Occupational Employment Statistics, U.S. Department oLabor Bureau o Labor Statistics (BLS), December 2008

    xxv Nominal dollar based domestic employment requirementstable 2008, BLS, 10 December, 2009.

    xxvi Fiscal Policy Roadmap, Mark Zandi/Moodys Economy.com,19 October 2009, pg. 4.

    xxvii Estimated Impact o the American Recovery andReinvestment Act on Employment and EconomicOutput From October 2009 Through December 2009,Congressional Budget Ofce, February 2010, Table 2.

    xxviii RIMS II.

    xxix Since 1979, unionization rates have allen by more thanhal, rom 27 percent o the workorce to 12.3 percent.

    Also, college workers earned wages that were 50 percenthigher than those o non-graduates (holding other workercharacteristics constant), while by 2007 that advantagehad risen to 80 percent. Research by DiNardo, Fortin, andLemieux shows how this has led to greater wage inequality:Labor market institutions and the distribution o wages,1973-1992: A semi-parametric approach, John DiNardo,Nicole M. Fortin, and Thomas Lemieux, Econometrica. Vol.64, September 1996, pp. 1001-1044.

    xxx RIMS II.


    Rob McCulloch, BlueGreen Alliance/Legislative Advocate orTransportation and Transit Issues

    Ethan Pollack, Economic Policy Institute/Policy Analyst

    Jason Walsh, BlueGreen Alliance/Director o Policy and StrategicPartnerships

    The authors would also like to thank the ollowing or their editorialand technical assistance:

    Brendan Danaher, AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department/Legislative and Policy Representative

    Dave Foster, BlueGreen Alliance/Executive DirectorKate Gordon, Center or American Progress/Vice Presidento Energy Policy

    Frank Hardesty, American Association o Railroads/AssistantVice President - Policy and Economics

    Daniel Keen, American Association o Railroads/AssistantVice President - Policy Analysis

    Deron Lovaas, Natural Resources Deense Council/FederalTransportation Policy Director

    Ann Mesniko, Sierra Club/Green TransportationCampaign Director

    Kelly Schwinghammer, BlueGreen Alliance/National

    Communications Director

    12 Full Speed Ahead: Creating Green Jobs

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