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Fusion Procurement Beta

Date post: 26-Feb-2018
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7/25/2019 Fusion Procurement Beta http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/fusion-procurement-beta 1/30 Procurement Application Overview Fusion Functional Set Up Manager Common Applications for Procureme Common Procurement Purchasing Self Service Procurement Supplier Portal Sourcing
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Procurement Application Overview

Fusion Functional Set Up Manager

Common Applications for Procureme

Common Procurement


Self Service Procurement

Supplier Portal


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Reporting and Business Intelligence

Supplier uali!cation Management "

Procurement Contract

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Fusion Procurement Bet

Explain Procurement architecture and components

Explain simplifed Procure to Pay ow

Explain Procurement applications integration

Explain the Application implementation liecycle

Explain Functional Set Up Enterprise Roles

Plan an implementation

Confgure oerings

!enerate Set Up "as# lists$ %erings$ and %ptions

Assign "as#s to users

&anage implementation pro'ects


Explain Enterprise Structures

Confgure Applications security$ (o) roles$ *uty roles$ and Pri+ileges

Create ,usiness Units$ common Paya)les$ Procurement options$ and Appro+al

&anagement or Procurement

&anage Supplier confguration and Supplier site assignment

*efne Payment "erms$ U%&$ Carriers$ and -a.ard Clauses

*efne a Supplier ,usiness classifcation loo#up$ Supplier Products$ and the Ser+ices hierarchy

Create Freight /oo#ups$ purchasing profle options$ and Appro+ed Supplier /ist statuses

*efne Purchase *ocument Confguration and *ocument Styles

*efne ,usiness Unit Function confguration$ Confgure Procurement ,usiness Unit$ *ocument

*efne Recei+ing Parameters or Purchasing

Create /ine "ypes and Change %rders$ and assign Procurement agents

Set up ,udgetary Control and Encum)rance accounting

Set up Financial %rchestration Flow dri+en Procurement

Set up Procurement o Consigned 0n+entory rom Supplier

Explain Sel Ser+ice Procurement

&anage Profle %ptions$ Catalog categories$ Content &aps$ and confgure Re1uisitioning ,usine

Create Pu)lic Shopping /ists$ Smart Forms$ Catalog2Category -ierarchies$ "emplates and Punch

Confgure Re1uisition appro+als

Explain o)'ecti+es$ Portal Setup$ and maintenance

Create Portal Registration$ Supplier Pro+isioning$ and *eault Roles

Explain Supplier )usiness classifcation$ internal and external supplier registrations

Explain Sourcing confguration o)'ecti+es

Use 3egotiation styles and "emplates

Create Cost Factors$ Attri)ute lists$ 3egotiation loo#ups$ and 3egotiation lists

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  or Procurement

Explain Reporting and ,usiness 0ntelligence or Procurement

Confgure %",0 $ R"F "emplates or P%s$ PRs$ *ash)oard metrics$ and graphs in Purchasing wor


Confgure S4& and create 4uestions$ 4ualifcation Areas$ and &odelsSet up S4& Processes and manage "ransactions$ including 0nitiati+es$ Responses$ E+aluation o

Confgure a Contract "erms /i)rary

Create Contract "erms$ Procurement Contract$ Appro+als$ and Contract Fulfllment

Confgure 3egotiation and Award Appro+al$ Surrogate ,idding$ %nline &essage$3otifcation Summary$ and two2stage RF4

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Supplier uali!5






Supplier Portal$


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cation Management "SM#Con!gure SM and create uestions( uali!cation Areas( and Models

Set up SM Processes and manage )ransactions( including Initiatives( Responses( *v

*+plain Sourcing con!guration o,-ectives

Use .egotiation st/les and )emplates

Create Cost Factors( Attri,ute lists( .egotiation loo0ups( and .egotiation lists

Con!gure .egotiation and Award Approval( Surrogate Bidding( Online Message( .o

*+plain o,-ectives( Portal Setup( and maintenance

<ith %racle Fusion Supplier Portal$ your suppliers gain access to a secure$ integrated wor# area

0nstead o struggling with disparate systems$ axes$ emails$ or +oice messages$ suppliers can a

Create Portal Registration( Supplier Provisioning( and 2efault Roles

Supplier User Pro+isioning reers to the process o esta)lishing suppliers with access to %racle

 "he )uying organi.ation maintains control )y granting pro+isioning access to their trusted sup

Fusion Supplier 4ualifcation &anagement >S4&? ena)les you to streamline the process o 1uaprocurement unction within an %rgani.ation=

An integral part o %racle Fusion Procurement$ %racle Fusion Supplier Portal impro+es the way secure solution pro+ides superior supplier and perormance management=

%racle Fusion Supplier Portal is the next generation application or ena)ling smarter supplier inapproach to supplier management )y remo+ing communication )arriers )etween you and you

<ith 'ust a ew clic#s$ suppliers get the most current status o negotiations$ agreements$ purchinormation a$ you can ena)le them to )etter ser+e your )usiness=

Fusion Applications introduces a new product called Supplier &odel and this product pro+ides tsupplier records in their own eatures$ such as in Supplier Portal=

0t ena)les the )uying organi.ation to create and maintain user accounts$ 'o) roles$ and data acAn important part o supplier user pro+isioning is to pro+ision 'o) roles$ which gi+e users the a)their 'o)=

 "he content Supplier Users can access and tas#s they can perorm are tightly controlled )y the-owe+er$ a #ey eature o %racle Fusion Supplier Portal allows supplier users to assume the resaccounts or their ellow employees that re1uire access to the Supplier Portal application=

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0n each o these ows the Supplier Administrator is a)le to create a user account$ assign 'o) ro

*+plain Supplier ,usiness classi!cation( internal and e+ternal supplier registrations

 "he seeded 'o) roles that can perorm supplier user pro+isioning are@Supplier Administrator@ "his is an internal 'o) role to the )uying organi.ation= Users with this supplier contacts=

Supplier Sel Ser+ice Cler# >SSC?@ "his is a supplier 'o) role= Supplier users with this role can muser account re1uests made )y the SSC re1uire appro+al )y the )uying organi.ation=

Supplier Sel Ser+ice Administrator >SSA?@ "his is a supplier 'o) role= Supplier users with this r

organi.ation appro+al=

 "here are se+eral ows in which Supplier Administrators perorm user pro+isioning@Supplier registration re+iew and appro+al=Supplier contact change re1uest re+iew and appro+al=Suppliers wor# area$ Edit Supplier ow where supplier contacts are maintained=

 "he Manage Supplier User Roles setup page is used )y the )uying organi.ation to defne th "he &anage Supplier User Roles page ser+es two important setup tas#s="hese two distinct set

5="he core tas# is to defne the list o roles that can )e pro+isioned to supplier users in %racle

 "he supplier roles are added rom the central %racle /*AP roles repository which stores all %ra%nce the role is added to the ta)le$ it is immediately a+aila)le or pro+isioning to supplier contris# o adding an internal application 'o) role inad+ertently which could result in suppliers gainpri+ilege to manage the list o supplier 'o) roles that can )e pro+isioned=

6=*efne the supplier role usages= "he Procurement Application Administrator is responsi)le orfrst column controls whether the supplier 'o) role can )e pro+isioned )y suppliers in %racle Fu

Supplier ,usiness classi!cations3Supplier )usiness classifcations support the trac0ing of supplier certi!cations that are impre1uirements can +ary )y country or region the seeded classifcations can )e changed= "he apAgency$ and Expiration *ate=

 "he ollowing seeded classifcations are pro+ided or trac#ing suppliers= -u) Bone &inority %wned  Su)classifcation@ >Arican American$ American 0ndian$ Asian$ -ispanic?

Ser+ice2disa)led Deteran %wned Small ,usiness Deteran %wned <oman %wned

 "he ,usiness Classifcations su)ta) displays an alert i there are certifcates that are expired o7 days=

 "here are se+eral options a+aila)le or creating suppliers in Fusion Applications@Supplier 0mport @ /oading a pre2prepared fle o supplier data=External Supplier @ Registration 2 suppliers creating their own accounts online Re1uests raise

0nternal Supplier @ Registration 2 internal users creating accounts on )ehal o suppliers Re1uSupplier &erge @ Consolidating supplier records in the system=

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0n Fusion Applications Supplier Registration unctionality is pro+ided as a parameter in the stan

Supplier Registration Process3 "he Supplier Registration process is used )y companies to su)mit their registration re1uest in re1uest using a colla)orati+e re+iew process and determines i it wants to consider this compa

Suppliers can potentially enter into a )usiness relationship with the )uying organi.ation throug External supplier registrations 2 Re1uest raised )y the prospecti+e Suppliers +ia the sel ser+ 0nternal supplier registrations 2 Re1uests$ originated rom within the ,uying organi.ation dur

0nternal supplier registration allows employees to re1uest new suppliers through sourcing$ su

Supplier Registrations can also include attachments to pro+ide additional inormation along wit "ype >graphics and documents?$ UR/Gs$ and Plain "ext 3otes=

-ere is how the supplier registration process wor#s@5="he )uying organi.ation ma#es the supplier registration UR/ a+aila)le to the prospecti+e supprospecti+e suppliers can fnd it= ?or sending it to them in an e2mail= "he )uying organi.ation c

 "hereore$ the supplier registration ow is deployed at the procurement ,U le+el and the regis

6="he prospecti+e supplier enters all re1uired inormation and su)mits the registration re1uest

return to su)mit the registration later=

%nce the registration re1uest is su)mitted$ appro+al wor#ow routes the re1uest to the re1uirere1uest i needed= %nce all the appro+als are completed$ the prospecti+e supplier category m

7="he )uying organi.ation recei+es the registration re1uest$ where it goes through a colla)oratA&I is a ro)ust engine that ena)les administrators to organi.e and author appro+al routing ru+erifed against existing records to ensure it is not a duplicate registration= Appro+ers who ha+

8="he outcome o the re+iew is either appro+ed or re'ected= E2&ail notifcation with the registramar#ed as administrati+e contacts on the registration=

9=An appro+ed registration automatically initiates a process to create a supplier record rom thre1uests are sent to %racle 0dentiy &anagement or processing=

*uring a sourcing e+ent$ category managers can register a prospecti+e supplier and add supplreerred to as 0nternal Supplier Registration= 0nternal Supplier Registrations also go through a cthe category manager >sourcing user? who su)mitted the registration re1uest= As it is a separaow=

More 2etail 2escriptions of *+ternal Supplier Registration3Product@ Procurement J Supplier Portal

 "he procurement )usiness unit will in+ite a prospecti+e supplier )y sending them the registratProspecti+e Supplier enters the details in the sel2guided registration ow and su)mits the regi

%nce the registration re1uest is su)mitted$ appro+al wor#ow routes the re1uest to the re1uirere1uest i needed= %nce all the appro+als are completed$ the prospecti+e supplier category m

 "he External Supplier registration ow is not secured= 0t is accessi)le to anyone that is gi+en thFor technical reasons a duty role is still re1uired to access Fusion application pages$ so any use

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2e!ne Purchase 2ocument Con!guration and 2ocument St/les

 Oou can create a document style or a specifc commodity such as ser+ices= "his document sty

 Oou can ena)le a document style or use with contract purchase agreements utili.ing the nam

2e!ne Business Unit Function con!guration( Con!gure Procurement Business Unit(

Prospecti+e suppliers register with a procurement )usiness unit$ which is associated with the rAdministrators ha+e +isi)ility to the registration re1uests or the procurement )usiness units th

 "he Supplier Administrator can confgure which pages to expose to the prospecti+e Suppliers uspecifc Procurement ,U wants to collect=

More 2etail 2escriptions of Internal Supplier Registration3

Product@ Procurement J Suppliers "he supplier administrator can create a supplier record with profle details$ including a supplie Steps@ ,eore creating the supplier$ perorm a search to ensure the supplier to )e created is nClic# the Create Supplier lin#= Enter the supplier inormation$ addresses$ sites$ contacts$ etc= C

Another way to register suppliers internally is to ha+e a Category &anagers register prospecti+Product@ Sourcing J 3egotiations=

Supplier records can )e created during negotiation creation in order to in+ite them to a negotia5= "he Category &anager na+igates to the Create 3egotiation ow=6= "he user starts creation o a negotiation and populates the %+er+iew$ Re1uirements section

7= "he user then creates the lines >adds the items categories? and mo+es on to the Suppliers

8= "he user searches or a particular Supplier in order to )e added to the negotiation$ howe+erAdd action= "his redirects to the 0nternal Supplier Registration page=

9= "he user enters all the re1uired inormation and clic#s on Register which su)mits the Regist)ac# to the Suppliers train station:= User then pu)lishes the negotiation=

Purchase order document styles allow organi.ations to control the loo# and eel o the purchascan turn on or o +arious procurement eatures$ there)y simpliying the user interace= 0n addinaming con+entions o your organi.ationGs )usiness=

<hen a purchasing document is created using a document style disa)led eatures are hidden=display the price )rea# region=

 Oou can ena)le a document style or use with )lan#et purchase agreements= "his document stcompany might name their agreement styles E1uipment Agreement and Supply Agreement to

A change order template is a set o guidelines that ena)les an organi.ation to speciy what concourse o its liecycle=Some o the document change terminology@5=External Change %rder6=0nternal Change %rder

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*efne Recei+ing Parameters or Purchasing

Create /ine "ypes and Change %rders$ and assign Procurement agents

Set up ,udgetary Control and Encum)rance accounting

Set up Financial %rchestration Flow dri+en Procurement

Set up Procurement o Consigned 0n+entory rom Supplier

*+ternal Change Order3 "his is a type o change order that modifes an attri)ute or attri)utes that may )e rele+ant to tterms= "his is also reerred to as a supplier acing change order= 0n commercial organi.ations thmodifcations=

Internal Change Order3 "his is a type o change order that modifes an attri)ute or attri)utes that may not )e rele+ant

a certain category o attachments= "hese are also reerred to as administrati+e changes= "ypically this will )e a )uyer or re1uester re1uested change order= "hat is a change order re1u

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Identif/ two features of the price ,rea0 functionalit/ provided in Blan0et Purchase A

A= payment method$ which supports multiple2installment payment goods or ser+ices

,= condition2dependent reductions in price

C= change orders aecting pricing o specifc lines

*= means to pro+ide price discounts

E= price increase re1uest rom a supplier through the supplier portal

Supplier ,usiness classi!cations3Supplier )usiness classifcations support the trac0ing of supplier certi!cations that are impdiversit/ programs4 Since classifcation re1uirements can +ary )y country or region the seedcertifcation details or each classifcation such as Certifcate 3um)er$ Certiying Agency$ and E

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6="he prospecti+e supplier enters all re1uired inormation and su)mits the registration re1uest

7="he )uying organi.ation recei+es the registration re1uest$ where it goes through a colla)orat

8="he outcome o the re+iew is either appro+ed or re'ected= E2&ail notifcation with the registra

9=An appro+ed registration automatically initiates a process to create a supplier record rom th

*uring a sourcing e+ent$ category managers can register a prospecti+e supplier and add suppl

Suppliers can potentially enter into a )usiness relationship with the )uying organi.ation throug External supplier registrations 0nternal supplier registrations 0nternal supplier registration allows employees to re1uest new suppliers through sourcing$ su

Supplier Registrations can also include attachments to pro+ide additional inormation along wit

unctionality is supported including any File "ype >graphics and documents?$ UR/Gs$ and Plain "e

-ere is how the supplier registration process wor#s@5="he )uying organi.ation ma#es the supplier registration UR/ a+aila)le to the prospecti+e supmail= "he )uying organi.ation can ha+e multiple procurement )usiness units which may ha+e registration ow is deployed at the procurement ,U le+el and the registrations are processed i

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  to gather re1uested inormation and return to su)mit the registration later=

  e appro+al routing o the registration= A&I is a ro)ust engine that ena)les administrat

tration re1uest and any contacts mar#ed as administrati+e contacts on the registration

gistration$ then user pro+isioning re1uests are sent to %racle 0dentiy &anagement or

usion Sourcing application= "his ow is reerred to as 0nternal Supplier Registration= 0nt

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rs to organi.e and author appro+al routing rules )ased on +arious seeded attri)utes=



  ernal Supplier Registrations also go through a colla)orati+e re+iew process and use A&

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  uring the re+iew process$ the company name and tax identifers are +erifed against e

I or appro+als= Upon completion o the re+iew$ a notifcation is sent to the category m

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  isting records to ensure it is not a duplicate registration= Appro+ers who ha+e the re1ui

anager >sourcing user? who su)mitted the registration re1uest= As it is a separate appr

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red pri+ileges$ li#e the supplier administrator$ can edit the registration during appro+al=

+al tas#$ administrators can author dierent sets o appro+al rules or the 0nternal Sup

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  lier Registration ow=
