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Futurist Perspective

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Futurist Perspectiveon the Implications

    o ec no ogy orBehavioral Health &Social Services

    David Whitehouse MDCMO Strate and Innovation

    The 2009 Institute for Behavioral HealthInformatics:

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.

    Optum Behavioral Solutions The Future of Technology in Behavioral


  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Medical andPharmaceutical

    24% ($116.2M)

    Indirect Medical CostsImpaired


    63% ($311.8m)Long-Term Disability

    1% ($6M)

    Absenteeism6% ($27M)

    Short-Term Disability6% ($27M)

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    Copyright 2004 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.Source: Bank One. Figures based on 2000 annual data. Workers compensation accounted for < 1% of indirect medical costs.

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    increase in overall sickness absence, particularly frequentshort periods of absence; poor health (depression, stress, burnout); physical conditions (high blood pressure, heart disease,

    -, , , ,and backache, low resistance to infections).

    Work performance reduction in productivity and output; increase in error rates; increased amount of accidents; poor decision-making; deterioration in planning and control of work.

    Staff attitude and behavior

    loss of motivation and commitment burnout staff working increasingly long hours but for diminishingreturns poor timekeeping labor turnover (particularly expensive for companies attop levels of management).

    tension and conflicts between colleagues; poor relationships with clients; increase in disciplinary problems.

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Work-related suicide

    Overwork-related deaths, including suicides - karojisatsu areofficially recognised and compensated in Japan. Figuresreleased in May 2007 showed of the record 205 individuals inJapan qualifying for workers' compensation insurance payouts

    in the 2006 fiscal year, 65 involved death by suicide and oneinvolved an attempted suicide, according to the Ministry of

    Anthony McDermott, factory worker, 50Suicide verdict on bullied factory worker,Hazards news 11 Februar 2006

    Health, Labour and Welfare. This was up from 42 work-relatedsuicides the previous year.

    Wayne Williams, engineer, 28Suicide note blamed work pressure, Hazards news, 24 June 2006An en ineer who killed himself wrote in a suicide note sa in 'the ressure of


    A father of four killed himself after beingbullied by his managers for two years, aninquest has heard. Anthony McDermott, 50,left a letter explaining his factory floorordeal before hanging himself. He workedfor the same firm for 14 years but the

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    work has turned my mind into a ticking time bomb,' Wayne Williams hangedhimself after a party to mark the end of a year-long contract in Singapore.

    hearing was told that at the end he found abullying campaign soul destroying anddemeaning.

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective



    % Co-Morbidity Increase in

    Co-Morbidity with Medical Member Medical Cost

    with Depression Medical Costs

    Heart Disease


    35% 163%

    30% 100%$4,000







    Cost ~ 5,000 More




    40% 183%

    25% 109%

    22% 103% TotalPo ulation

    Non- Depressed





    35% 100%

    25% 183%Average 28%Co-Morbidity

    22% of Americans have some form

    of diagnosable mental disorder

    9.5% of the population is affected bydepression in any given year

    Sources: Census Bureau Current Population Survey, CMS,

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    treated according to minimum standards

    Kaiser Family Foundation, EBRICDC; Milliman; U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services,SAMHSA; ChapterHouse,

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Brain differences associated with depression

    Area 25 altered metabolism and 39% (bipolar)

    Mental disorders as brain disorders



    Brain Resource l enabl ing opt imal so lu t ions for bra in heal th l www .bra inresource.com

    Drevets et al., Nature, 1997Brain Resource l enabl ing opt imal so lu t ions for bra in heal th l www .bra inresource.com

    Progressive Brain Structural Changes Mapped as

    Psychosis Develops in At Risk Individuals

    200520062007 first quarter2007 second quarter2007 third quarter2007 fourth quarterFebruary 2008

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    Brain Resource l enabling opt imal solut ions for brain health l www.brainresource.com

    Sun et al, Schiz Res., 2008Brain Resource l enabling opt imal solut ions for brain health l www. b r a in r e s o u r c e . c o m

    Manolio, Brooks, Collins, in press.

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Looking Beyond ECT, Meds or Therapy

    St. Jude Medical AcquiresNorthstar NeuroscienceAssets for $2 Million



    On June 8, 2009, St. JudeMedical, Inc., acquiredNorthstar Neuroscience,Inc.s intellectual propertyportfolio, clinical study data,device designs, and

    Northstars Renova Cortical Stimulation System*Medical College of Wisconsin, MilwaukeeI

    manu ac ur ng equ pmenfor $2 million. Northstarfocused on developingcortical stimulationtherapies for the treatmentof major depressivedisorder stroke and other

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    University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh

    Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston

    , ,neurological disorders..

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective



    Largest U.S. study of Major Depression 3,671 patients over one year.

    No medication better than another.

    = , . ,

    More than one med = more likely to relapse

    Rush, J. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2006; 163:1905-17.

    STAR*D Clinical Study ResultsRelapse Rates (QIDS-SR )16 >_11

    Level1 Level2

    (1 Failure)


    (2 Failures)


    (3 Failures)

    Level1 Level2

    (1 Failure)


    (2 Failures)


    (3 Failures)1-9 Weeks 8-10 Weeks 14 Weeks

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Methods and FindingsWe obtained data on all clinical trials submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)for the licensing of the four new-generation antidepressants for which full datasets were

    -.initial severity on improvement scores for drug and placebo groups and on drugplacebodifference scores. Drugplacebo differences increased as a function of initial severity, risingfrom virtually no difference at moderate levels of initial depression to a relatively smalldifference for patients with very severe depression, reaching conventional criteria for clinicalsignificance only for patients at the upper end of the very severely depressed category. Meta-regression analyses indicated that the relation of baseline severity and improvement wascurvilinear in drug groups and showed a strong, negative linear component in placebo groups.


    severity, but are relatively small even for severely depressed patients. The relationshipbetween initial severity and antidepressant efficacy is attributable to decreasedresponsiveness to placebo among very severely depressed patients, rather than toincreased responsiveness to medication.

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    WIRED MAGAZINE: 17.09Med-Tech : Drugs

    RX FOR SUCCESSWhat turns a dummy pill into a catalyst for relieving pain, anxiety,

    depression, sexual dysfunction, or the tremors of Parkinson's disease? The

    Placebos Ar e Ge t t in g

    Mo r e Effect ive .

    D r u gm a k e r s Ar e

    brain's own healing mechanisms, unleashed by the belief that a phonymedication is the real thing. The most important ingredient in any placebois the doctor's bedside manner, but according to research, the color of atablet can boost the effectiveness even of genuine medsor help convince apatient that a placebo is a potent remedy.Steve Silberm an

    Yellow p ills

    D e sp e r a t e to Kn o w W h y.By Steve Silberman

    Red pi l ls

    can give you a more stimulating kick. Wake up, Neo.

    make the most effective antidepressants, like littledoses of pharmaceutical sunshine.

    e a e sparticularly those labeled "antacid"are superior forsoothing ulcers, even when they contain nothing butlactose.

    The co lo r g r een

    M o r e i s b e t t e r ,

    scientists say. Placebos taken four times a day delivergreater relief than those taken twice daily.

    re uces anx e y, a ng more c o e p .

    B r a n d i n g m a t t e r s .

    Placebos stamped or packaged with widely recognizedtrademarks are more effective than "generic" placebos.

    Cl eve r na m es

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    can add a placebo boost to the physiological punch in realdrugs. Viagra implies both vitality and an unstoppableNiagara of sexy.

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    CATIE Stud of Anti-Ps choticsLargest and longest study of its kind

    Over 1,400 patients with schizophrenia

    18 months: Tolerability and Efficacy

    Efficacy and Tolerability: poor

    CATIE Study Phase 1:74% stopped meds for anyTime to Discontinuation for Any Cause

    Olanzapine (N=330) Risperidone (N=333)

    Ziprasidone (N=183)

    Quetiapine (N=329)Perphenazine (N=257)






    reasonSubstantial side effects: 64%

    to 70%.







    ContinuingTreaRegular Antipsychotics fared as

    well as Atypicals

    18Lieberman JA et al. N Engl J Med. 2005;353:1209-1223.



    0.00 3 6 9 12 15 18

    Time to Discontinuation for Any Cause (months)

    Stroup, T and McEvoy, J. AmericanJournal of Psychiatry2006, 163: 600-622

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    The Current situation

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Many Treatments Ineffective for Many

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective



    The death of nine-year-old MichaelAdams-Conroy didn't seem at first likea si nal event in medicine. It seemed

    or une agaz ne c o er ,

    like homicide.

    While recuperating from whatseemed to be flu, Michael went into a

    .His grieving parents, Jayne and Neil,soon got another shock: an autopsyshowed a massive overdose of Prozac

    in Michael's blood and tissues, raisingthe specter of a murder chargeagainst them

    - '

    CYP2D6 gene deletion occurs in 6% ofCaucasians and CYP2D6 gene duplicationoccurs in 30% of East AfricansCYP2D6 metabolizes a broad array of

    painful pilgrimage to a medical frontier

    known as pharmacogenetics, thestudy of how genetic idiosyncrasies

    drugs, from cough suppressants toantidepressantsIn Michaels case CYP2D6 gene deletioncaused fluoxetine to build up in his body

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    influence responses to drugs to a level exceeding any previouslyreported in cases of Prozac overdose

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Differences in Metabolism

    Schizophrenia: Abilify

    ADD: Atomoxetine

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    The truth is.

    healthcare professionals to deliver patient carewi h h ffi n i n n f h

    the full range of current knowledge couldsupport.

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Personalized Medicine Why do we need it?

    Successful When it Leads to Innovation

    Old Paradigm: Trial and Error Medicine

    an mproves an ar o are.

    Fails When We Settle for Trial andError Medicine as theStandard of



    Largest U.S. study of Major Depression 3,671.

    No medication better than another.

    37% remission after 1 trial, 67% after 4.(Massive dropout rates = 21, 30 and

    More than one med = more likely to relapse

    Rush, J. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2006; 163:1905-17.

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    The future is nowC H A P T E R 2Neuroscience Research Agendato Guide Development of aPathophysiologically Based

    eurosc encebrings a newri or and

    Dennis S. Charney, M.D., David H. Barlow, Ph.D.,Kelly Botteron, M.D., Jonathan D. Cohen, M.D.,David Goldman, M.D., Raquel E. Gur, M.D., Ph.D.,Keh-Min Lin M.D. M.P.H. Juan F. L ez M.D.

    insight intoMH

    James H. Meador-Woodruff, M.D., Steven O. Moldin,Ph.D., Eric J. Nestler, M.D., Ph.D., Stanley J.Watson, M.D., Ph.D., Steven J. Zalcman, M.D.

    .perhaps the greatest promise for the field lies in the combined use of the variousmethods. There are a variety of benefits that can be gained by the integrated useof different modalities, many of which are beginning to be explored.

    ,identifying intermediate phenotypes related to the patients genotype and behavioralphenotype. The neurobiological phenotype may be discerned by neuroimaging,

    cognitive evaluation, and neurophysiological testing. The neurobiological phenotype

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    monitoring the neurobiological response to treatment

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    How neuroscience changes assessment

    Dont just ask people how they feel, measure the brain inaction

    Analogous to a cardiac stress test

    You use a standard assessment of general plussocial cognition - to measure brain efficiencies

    By simulating real world challenges, you canidentify the strengths and weaknesses that

    characterize each individual brain B com arin those results to matched controls

    in a database, you can reliably identifysignificant differences

    Brain Health Strategies decision support ruleshelp link each clients Markers to their best

    personalized solution

    But brain tests and genetic tests by themselves are

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    expensive, complex, not easily accessible

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    BRID: neuroscience power behind Optum Brain



    insights that arepossible onlywhen there is a

    Brain ResourceInternational Database

    huge databasewith


    Linking Markers to SolutionsThese are: the most complicated aspects of data


    Independent Scientific

    the source of the clinical power of theassessmentthe critical element in the difficulty for

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    IntegrationBrings together measures of genomics, brain, cognition and experience thatare normally assessed in isolation.



    Cognition Experience

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    NIH and NIMH Databases

    WWW Available Human Databases


    Genotype and Phenotype http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov


    Linked Efforts to Accelerate Parkinson's Solutions (LEAPS)

    Linking Genome Wide Association Study of Schizophrenia8/2008

    Major Depression: Stage 1 Genome wide Association in

    Population-Based Samples7/2008

    NEI Age-Related Eye Disease Study

    ' va a e uman a a ases

    http://hendrix.imm.dtu.dk/services/jerne/brede/ Brede database/ Data from fMRI scientific articles containing

    Talairach coordinates

    http://www.fmridc.org/f/fmridc Peer reviewed repository of fMRI studies and their underlying data

    - -

    NINDS Repository Neurologically Normal Control Collection Whole Genome Association Study of Bipolar Disorder

    7/2008 http://www.pdgene.org/

    Parkinson's disease genetic association studies


    NCBI Single Nucleotide Polymorphism http://www.nbirn.net/bdr/index.shtm

    ey are ne er astandardized or

    integrated p: ase.org cg - n we come.cg A community website for Huntington's Disease (HD) research

    http://www.hprd.org/ Human Protein Reference Database. Centralized platform to visually

    depict and integrate information pertaining to domain architecture,post-translational modifications, interaction networks and diseaseassociation for each protein in the human proteome

    National Brain Databank: Brain Tissue Gene Expression Repository.

    Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN) Data Repository.Biomedical imaging data from humans and animal models areavailable for download with descriptive metadata, and in some cases,associated clinical, microarray, or other biomedical data.

    Gene expression data from microarray experiments on brain tissue

    samples, along with diagnostic results from postmortem studies ofneurological and psychiatric disorders http://arrayconsortium.tgen.org/np2/home.do

    NIH Neuroscience Microarray Consortium http://mecp2.chw.edu.au/

    RettBASE: IRSA MECP2 Variation Database. Mutation andpolymorphism data from the published literature pertaining to Rettsyndrome and related clinical disorders

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Brain Resource International Database

    1. All these measures are taken ineach individual in the core database.1. All these measures are taken ineach individual in the core database.

    Depression; Conduct DisorderSchizophrenia Eating DisordersPTSD Sleep DisordersADHD Panic Disorder

    ement as p epsyMultiple Sclerosis HIV/AIDS

    Head Injuries

    2. In thousands of normals.2. In thousands of normals.

    3. And in a spectrum ofclinical groups.3. And in a spectrum ofclinical groups.

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    e ata ase nc u es over 20,000 atasetsIt covers 6-100 years of age.

    It includes sites in the USA, Europe, Africa and Australasia.

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Screening and Assessment

    BRISC: Brain Resource Inventor of Social Co nition10- 15 minute test identifying social cognition, depression,

    anxiety and stress.

    BRISC provides a sensitive, yet rapid and cost-effective screening to prioritizehigher risk individuals, saving time and money.


    DASS Scale:De ression





    BRISC indicates if an individual is at risk per3 critical numbers

    A new approach to screening that goesbeyond diagnosis specific instruments tocapture a brain at risk whatever thediagnosis; quantifies the distress and

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    Negativity BiasSocial Skills

    Emotional Resilience

    helps by highlighting unique strengthsand vulnerabilities

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Detailed, Personalized Informationon Functional Difficulties, Strengths

    A true functional assessment that not onlyrelates to real world issues; but establishespersonalized markers that can guide

    an ea nesses

    30-45 minute Web-based tool that measures social and generalcognition covering cognitive domains including: memory,

    unique specific interventions

    a en on, sensory-mo or s s, execu ve unc on, mpu s v y,and emotional recognition.

    Motor tapping Digit SpanRecognitionMemory

    Choice reactiontime



    Press Dpress

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    Switching ofattention



    Emotion RecognitionRecallGo No Go

    Delayed Memoryrecognition

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Social Cognition A powerful addition to

    nce arw nEmotional responses = inheritedpatterns of behavior shaped by

    adaptation.Facial expressions of emotion have

    remnants of previous adaptivebehavior, persisting in mild form.

    -support for basic emotions and theirfacial expression

    , , , ,

    sadness, and surprise

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Depression: General Cognitive Markers

    Response Speed Depression What Depression



    Impulsivity Depression Profile

    Info Processing Efficiency

    Executive Function

    -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0

    Emotion Recognition

    -4 -3 -2 -1 0-4 -3 -2 -1 0-4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0

    Depression: Soc ial Cognitive Markers

    -4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1

    Negativity BiasNegativity Bias

    Emotional Resilience

    Emotional Res i l ience



    Social SkillsSocial Skills

    Neg ativity Bias

    Emot ion: Sadness Speed

    Assessing strengths andweaknesses and identifying

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    Brain Resource 2008 27

    -8 -6 -4 -2 0Emotion: SadnessAccuracy

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Combo of general/social cognition separates

    1. HypoprocessingDepression Subtypes







    2. HyperprocessingAnxiety







    -5.0 0.0 2.5-2.5 5.0

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    a an ega v y as

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    These marker indicators also predict different categories:

    SSRI with Hyperprocessing,

    SNRI with Hypoprocessing

    Tric with Mixed



    2. SNRI

    3. TriCFea





    Group Centroid




    -2.5 0.0 2.5


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    VigilanceAttentionResponse Speed

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    When people get depressed their brains react in different ways:Knowing this has implications in how best to help themPredispositions: Genomic; Neuroticism; Negativity Bias; Stress

    Hyperprocessing No Adaptive Compromise Hypoprocessing

    EEG Beta

    Nonconscious ERPautomatic bias to emotion


    EEG Coherence measures

    Variability of all responses

    Emotion Regulation

    EEG Theta: Alpha

    Conscious ERP emotionprocessing

    Motor response speed

    Startle EMG

    ANS Arousal

    Right Hemisphere

    fMRI Amygdala ACC

    SymmetryfMRI Amygdala ACC

    Medial Frontal

    ANS Arousal

    Memory, attention,planning

    Left Hemisphere


    Medial Frontal


    Limbic Cortical Tone:


    TriC higher dose SNRI

    Stabilize Limbic Cortical Tone: SNRI

    Limbic Cortical Tone:

    volume Lateral FrontalCortex


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    Source: Williams & Gordon, The Neuroscientist, 2007.

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    The Texas Algorithm and STAR-D

    Builds on the bestalgorithms and enhances

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    BRC advantages at step one

    Initial drug selection in STAR-D is just citalopram in the Texas Algorithm itcould be SSRIs, Bupropion SR, Venlafaxine XR, Mirtazapine, orNefazadone, but there is no guidance for selection of a particular agent.

    Treatment success at the first step is less than 50% with high drop out ratesand non-adherence.

    Using web based neuropsychology tests backed by an integrated databasewhich is normed and age and education matched to create better

    understanding of the probable endophenotype at a personalized level, while an individual level for a specific agent can significantly increase the likelihoodof a successful step one match increasing the chance of a faster moreacceptable response, greater adherence and decreased costs from possibly


    In this regard BRC is complimentary to the Texas Algorithm AND makes iteven more useful by creating an easy to use decision support for step one.

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    No medicationtriggered

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Urgent risk(caseidentification)

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    ons stent

    with selfreportedde ression-anxiety-stress

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    But, no

    Thinking Emotionmarkers formedication


    Or, for othercognitive

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    But there is aSelf Regulationmarker forpoor emotionalres ence.

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Case 1 Summary

    Urgent Risk case identification

    No Thinking/Emotion markers indicating a biologicalalteration, or other cognitive problem

    = indicates psychotherapy (like CBT)*.

    Self Regulation marker present (poor emotional resilience)

    = Confirms likely value of psychotherapy (like CBT)


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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Example of use of BR methodology

    The Database provides a frame of reference for better quantification of the

    Drug X may cause a significant change in the DV, however only drug Y shows achange that is clinically meaningful

    p =

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Wh are we so reluctant to incor orate the im lications?

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    The Implications of a Brain that canchange itself.

    Can we train and develop the

    cognitive brain?

    n an age o now e ge wor erscould this hold the competitive

    e ge

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Cajal: At the start of the 20th century Cajalproposed that brain cellsunlike every othercell in our bodydont divide. They dont die,


    the womb with the only brain we willever have.

    Pasko Rakic, the chairman of Yale Universitysneurobiology department was the most convincing moderndefender of this theory. All neurons of the rhesus monkeybrain are enerated durin re-natal and earl ost-natal

    life, Rakic wrote in his 1985 paper, Limits ofNeurogenesis in Primates. Not a single newneuron was observed in the brain of any adult

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Fernando Nottebohm

    Showed that songbirds, in order to survive andcreate new songs, added at least 1% of new tissueto their song centers each day

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    J h Alt 1962 MIT h d h i h b

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Science30 March 1962:vol. 135. no. 3509 . 1127-8

    Joseph Altman: 1962 MIT suggests the accepted truths might be wrong.

    Are New Neurons Formed in the Brains of Adult Mammals?In an autoradiographic investigation, the production of brain lesions in rats was combinedwith intracranial injection of thymidine-H3. Inaddition, some neurons and neuroblastsshowed labelin su estin the ossibilit of roliferation of neurons in adult rats

    Michael Kaplan: 1977 The University of New Mexico

    The electron microsco ic observations re orted in this stud reveal: I that a steadrate of granule cellneurogenesisoccurs during the first year of a rodents life; (2) thatnewly formed granule neurons in the dentate gyrus of the newborn mouse and adult ratare a result of neuroblast division; and (3) two distinct classes of mitotic cells can beidentified during the peak period of postnatal neurogenesis-those with synapses ontheir cell bodies and processes and those with no synapses or processes.

    Rakic told him They may look like neurons in New Mexico but they dont inNew Haven

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    Eli b th G ld P i t

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Elizabeth Gould: Princeton

    In 1989 Gould while looking at rat brain degeneration in rats

    following glucocorticoid administration found that the brain alsohealed itself

    , -Early life experience alters response of adult neurogenesis to stressChristian Mirescu, Jennifer D Peters & Elizabeth Gould

    .post-doc, Mirescu, they deprived newborn rats of their mother for either 15 minutes orthree hours a day. Earlier studies had shown that even after these rats become adults, theeffects of their developmental deprivation linger: They never learn how to deal with stress.


    from the stress response. But these deprived rats cant do that. Its as if they are missingthe off switch. The rat might have forgotten its pain, but its brain never did. Pre-nataltrauma also has life-long implications. Being low in a dominance hierarchy also

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    . .thumb, a rough lifeespecially a rough start to lifestrongly correlates with lower levelsof fresh cells.

    Ronald Duman: Yale

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Ronald Duman: Yale

    demonstrating that antidepressants increased neurogenesis in the

    adult rat brain. In fact, the two most effective treatments they lookedatelectroconvulsive therapy and Prozac increased neurogenesis in

    , .the exact same molecules, especially trophic factors, that are suppressed by stress.

    Luca Santarelli: Columbia


    Requirement of Hippocampal Neurogenesis for theBehavioral Effects of AntidepressantsLuca Santarelli,1* Michael Saxe,1* Cornelius Gross,1Alexandre Surget,2 Fortunato Battaglia,3 Stephanie Dulawa,1Noelia Weisstaub,1 James Lee,1 Ronald Duman,4 Ottavio

    Arancio,3 Catherine Belzung,2 Ren Hen1 .

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    . ere, us ng gene c an ra o og ca me o s, we s ow a srup ng antidepressant-induced neurogenesis blocks behavioral responses to antidepressants

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    A new paradigm

    The partially


    The brokenThe breakingeve opebrain

    healthy brain

    brainstressed brain

    Every day your cognitivebrain is hostage to youremotional brain

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Taking Care of the Brain

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Nutrition, Exercise and the Brain

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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Its a whole new world

    Train the BrainFrom The Times

    Januar 26, 2009

    Nintendo brain-trainer 'no better than pencil and paper'

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    A Wh l N G i Of G

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    A Whole New Generation Of Games

    from Uncle Milton

    Mindflex from mattel

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    M B i S l ti

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective




    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    . .which draws on new insights to develop better brain habits

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.



    My Brain

    My Brain

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    These are your average scores for: Emotion-Thinking-Feeling-Self Regulation.

    DisclaimerThis report provides indications of general cognition and social cognition as compared directly or indirectly to a normative database. It is not to be used as a basis for actionwithout consideration by a competent relevant professional. Always seek the advice of a trained health professional or relevant specialist regarding any highlighted varianceswithin this report before any treatment or action is taken. This report is not intended to be used in any way on its own to diagnose, select treatment or cure any health

    ee age to v ew recommen e ra n ra n ng rograms ase on your ra n core pro e.

    See Page 3 and 4 to view the explanation and details of your scores.See Page 5 to read about the theoretical brain model which underlies these scores.

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    con on. s repor oes no es a s any p ys c an-pa en re a ons p or supp an any n-person me ca consu a on or exam na on. ppropr a e me ca a en on s oualways be sought for specific ailments. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment as a result of findings contained within this report.Brain Resource expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk which may be or is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of any use andapplication of this report.

    Educate Motivate Set Goals

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Educate, Motivate, Set Goals

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    Engage With Solutions

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Engage With Solutions

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    On-line Cognitive Therapy

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    On line Cognitive Therapy

    Not just a rich knowledge base,but smart tools and programs

    ,therapy, journaling, coaching and

    prevention. Embedded screeninglogic - tools adjust to member.

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    Heart Rate VariabilityThe Connection

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Heart Rate VariabilityThe Connection

    You have a personalized BEST BREATHING


    or Resonant Frequency,

    en you are rea ng a

    your Resonant Frequency,your heart and brain areworking together in

    synchrony and you are calm,

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    w ere your o y s a gne or pea per ormance.focused and

    in the zone.

    MyCalmBeat: How it Works

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    MyCalmBeat: How it Works

    Low heart rate variability (and faster breathing)has been connected to worry and negativefeelin s ain and stresses at work 1-3 .

    Higher heart rate variability enables people torecover more easily from stress, and boost theirositive feelin s 2 .

    Higher heart rate variability is also beneficial toour ability to focus and concentrate, and to


    1)Princi T, Accardo A and Peterec D. (2004).

    2)Thayer J and Lane RD. (2000).

    3)Pieper S, Brosschot JF, van der Leeden R, Thayer JF. (2007).

    4)Porges S. (1992).

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    Integrates with MyBrainSolutions

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Integrates with MyBrainSolutions

    As a registered user ofwww.mybrainsolutions.com,

    use the MyCalmBeat

    .Set the breathing bar to

    your Resonant Frequency.

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    Human Capital Solutions

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Human Capital Solutions

    Much more than managing the sickness business post eventum

    Beyond sickness management to wellness and prevention (EAP/WL);

    Beyond wellness and prevention to optimization (Resiliency training, social skillstraining etc,)Beyond individual optimization to team and group capability maximization;Beyond team optimization to corporate culture productivity maximization

    Technomedia Partners With SBT to Accelerate Its

    International ExpansionMontreal Nov. 28Technomedia, a Canadian provider of talent managementand human capital development solutions, announced itspartnership with the SBT (Scientific Brain Training) group, aEuropean provider of training and evaluation of cognitive

    .portfolio and international presence through the signature of

    a letter of intent to acquire Technomedia, which will enterinto effect in mid-December. For its part, Technomedia willround out its TM SIGAL technology and e-learning servicesb offerin su ort for the behavioral and co nitive

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    assessment of employees.


  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective



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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Education CO O CS, C O OG

    FORMATIONJames J. Heckman; Working Paper 13195;http://www.nber.org/papers/w13195NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH1050 Massachusetts AvenueCambridge, MA 02138

    Fifth, for both animal and human species, there is compelling evidence of.

    readily acquired at certain stages of childhood than other traits (Knudsen et al.,2006). For example, on average, if a second language is learned before age12, the child speaks it without an accent (Newport, 1990). If syntax and

    grammar are not acquired early on, they appear to be very difficult to learnlater on in life (Pinker, 1994). Different types of abilities appear to bemanipulable at different ages. IQ scores become stable by age 10 or so,suggesting a sensitive period for their formation below age 10 (Schuerger andWitt, 1989). There is evidence that adolescent interventions can affect

    ., .neuroscience that establishes the malleability of the prefrontal cortex into the

    early 20s (Dahl, 2004). This is the region of the brain that governs emotion andself-regulation. Rutter (2006) and Rutter et al. (2006) present comprehensivesummaries of age-dependent epigenetic and other gene-environment

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    nteract ons or psyc opat o ogy nc u ng aggress on. n average, t e aterremediation is given to a disadvantaged child, the less effective it is.

    Focused Strategy

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective



    Mild Cognitive ImpairmentAlzheimer's DiseaseChemobrain (Emotional andcognitive deficits following

    chemotherapy)SchizophreniaHIVLyme Disease

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    Neuroscience in Sports Medicine

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective



    Emerging Evidence and Conclusions based on data derived from CarlstedtSubliminal Attention, Reactivity, Coping Scale-A includes:Model Explained up to 50% of the Variance in Performance

    qua on, ncreas ng near y as a unc on o eve o r ca yRelative Trait and State Left Brain Hemispheric Predominance Predicted

    Performance on the basis of Objective Longitudinal Outcome MeasuresDynamics of Isolated Measures in Predicting Performance are Reconcilablewith Brain Localization and Functional Studies of these Traits/Behaviors(incl. Dietrichs Transient Hypofrontality Hypothesis) and EEGinvestigations of AthletesALL ATHLETES SHOULD BE ASSESSED ON THE ABOVE MEASURES* THEY ARE POTENT PREDICTORS OF AN ATHLETE'S


    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    Use of Neuroscience to Drive Marketing

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Pharmaceutical (physicians, patients, pharmacists, caregivers& nurses)

    Pfizer GlaxoSmithKline Merck

    Sanofi-Aventis Novartis AstraZeneca

    Genentech (Ortho McNeil, Janssen& Scios)

    Boehringer Ingelheim

    Schering PloughSolvay BiogenIdec

    Brain Surgery Offers 3 "Connection"ProductsCONNECTIONS BONDING

    Abbott Adolor


    EisaiShire KOS

    emo ona m n se c us er ng, core n ng,Emotion Drivers, attribute/message testing

    and final messaging)CONNECTION DRIVERS(emotional "mindset" clustering and Emotion

    Wyeth Amgen Endo

    Bayer Schering

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    CONNECTIONS TESTING(Emotion Drivers and testing)

    Consumer and Business to Business


    2 0 P e r ce n t o f Scie n t is t s Ad m it U s in g

    Br a in -En h a n cin Dr u s -- Do Yo u ?

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Br a in En h a n cin Dr u s Do Yo u ?By Alexis Madrigal

    Nature released the results of an online surveyin which 20 percent ofrespondents, largely drawn from the scientific community, admitted tousing brain-enhancing drugs like Ritalin (methylphenidate) and Provigil(modafinil).

    Society must respond to the growing demand for cognitive enhancement.That response must start by rejecting the idea that 'enhancement' is a dirty

    The Ultimate Cureby David Ewing Duncan May

    , .

    2008 Issue

    The neurotech industry isengaged in a $2 trillion race tofix your brain. Many players will

    Can everyone be an Einstein?

    Science is getting ever closer tosolving the complex puzzle that isthe human brain. And its beginning

    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    a , u e payo w e ugefor those who succeed.

    usBryan Appleyard


  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective








    * * **








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    72Number of moves



    1 2 3 4 5 6

    Modafinil improves planning inhealthy volunteers


    Militar uses of co nitive enhancers

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Research and Development organisation for the US Department of Defence

    Eliminating the need for sleep during an operation,while maintaining the high level of both cognitive and

    h sical erformance of the individual will create afundamental change in war fighting and forceemployment. Such a capability has the potential todisrupt enemy OPTEMPO [operations tempo],

    forces and shorten the duration of conflict.

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    Transcranial Direct Cortical Stimulation

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


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  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    Confidential property of OptumHealth. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of OptumHealth.


    It is estimated that 50% of the

  • 7/31/2019 Futurist Perspective


    will be obsolete in 6 years

    NIMH sa s it takes 17 ears forinformation to get from research to


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