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F-B C P-B C A by Martin de Lasa A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Computer Science University of Toronto Copyright © by Martin de Lasa
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Feature-Based Control ofPhysics-Based Character Animation


Martin de Lasa

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirementsfor the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Toronto

Copyright © 2011 by Martin de Lasa

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Feature-Based Control ofPhysics-Based Character Animation

Martin de LasaDoctor of Philosophy

Graduate Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Toronto


Creating controllers for physics-based characters is a long-standing open problem in animation

and robotics. Such controllers would have numerous applications while potentially yielding

insight into humanmotion. Creating controllers remains dicult: current approaches are either

constrained to track motion capture data, are not robust, or provide limited control over style.

is thesis presents an approach to control of physics-based characters based on high-level fea-

tures of human movement, such as center-of-mass, angular momentum, and end-eector mo-

tion. Objective terms are used to control each feature, and are combined via optimization. We

show how locomotion can be expressed in terms of a small number of features that control bal-

ance and end-eectors. is approach is used to build controllers for biped balancing, jumping,

walking, and jogging.

ese controllers provide numerous benets: human-like qualities such as arm-swing, heel-o,

and hip-shoulder counter-rotation emerge automatically during walking; controllers are robust

to changes in body parameters; control parameters apply to intuitive properties; and controller

may be mapped onto entirely new bipeds with dierent topology and mass distribution, with-

out controller modications. Transitions between multiple types of gaits, including walking,

jumping, and jogging, emerge automatically. Controllers can traverse challenging terrain while

following high-level user commands at interactive rates. is approach uses no motion capture

or o-line optimization process.


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Although we focus on the challenging case of bipedal locomotion, many other types of con-

trollers stand to benet from our approach.


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Returning to graduate school aer several years of working in the “real-world” was not easy forme. Were it not for the support and contributions of many people, this thesis would never havebeen completed.

First and foremost, I am indebted to my supervisor Aaron Hertzmann for his guidance, encour-agement, collaboration, and nancial support. Aaron’s boundless energy, math chops, diverseresearch interests, and attention to detail have been a constant source of inspiration throughoutmy doctoral studies. e core ideas in this thesis are the result of countless meetings, thoughtexperiments, and conversations with Aaron.

Many thanks are also due to my thesis committee members, David J. Fleet, Karan Singh, and tomy external examiner Jovan Popovic for their criticism and support throughout this process andfor their specic help improving this document. I am especially grateful to David who alwaysmade himself available, providing a fresh perspective and insightful feedback on, toomany, earlypaper and checkpoint document dras.

Special thanks to my collaborator Igor Mordatch for all his hard work and dedication. His ideasand proposed solutions greatly contributed to the results described in this thesis. My graduateexperience was enriched by working with and learning from Igor.

I would also like to thank the other members of the DGP lab for their friendship and support.Special thanks to Simon Breslav for patient understanding during many late night video editingsessions, to Mike Daum for being a sounding board and source of support, and to Jack Wangfor many great exchanges and countless culinary adventures on Spadina. anks to the rest ofthe DGP crew for creating an open and fun work atmosphere, including: Anand Agarawala,Jacky Bibliowicz, Patrick Coleman, Sam Hasino, Christian Lessig, Noah Lockwood, DerekNowrouzezahrai, Peter O’Donovan, Faisal Qureshi, Ryan Schmidt, Patricio Simari, and toomany others to list individually.

To my adoptive oce mates in GB418. anks for many memorable lunch breaks and showingme what life is like on the other side of St. George st.

I am very thankful for the nancial support provided by the National Sciences and Engineer-ing Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the University of Toronto’s Computer Science


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Department, which allowed me to focus on the task of research.

is work would have never happened without the encouragement and support of my entirefamily. To my parents, Hugo and Graciela, thank you for your love, support, and remindingme to focus on the “big picture”. To my parents-in-law, Marianna and Stefan, thank you foryour unbounded generosity and willingness to assume parental responsibilities on a phone call’snotice. To my children, Stefan and Amelia, thank you for bringing chaos to my world and forreminding me of the truly important things in life. Lastly to my wife, Magda, thank you forembarking and accompanying me along this journey; no words can express my gratitude.


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Abstract ii

Acknowledgements iv

1 Introduction 11.1 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.2 esis Organization and Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Previous Work 72.1 Simplied Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.2 Maintaining Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.3 Task-Space Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.4 Motion Capture Tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142.5 Interactive Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152.6 Learning Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3 Feature-Based Control 203.1 Dynamics and Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.2 Features and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253.3 Example Controllers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303.4 Comparison to Quadratic Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4 Feature-Based Locomotion Control 414.1 Balance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414.2 Standing Jumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434.3 Walking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46


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4.4 Prioritized Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504.5 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

5 Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 585.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595.2 Preview Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615.3 Preview Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675.4 Full-Body Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.5 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

6 Prioritized Optimization 776.1 Unconstrained Prioritized Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786.2 Weighted Combination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846.3 Constrained Prioritized Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

7 Conclusion 917.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Appendix 95

A Target Objective Derivation 95A.1 Analytic Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95A.2 Least-Square Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96A.3 Equivalence to Cubic Hermite Interpolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

B Jacobian Computation 99B.1 Denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100B.2 Methods for Computing Jacobians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101B.3 Spatial-Axis Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

Bibliography 108


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List of Tables

3.1 PlanarBipedMass Properties. ProvidedCOMvalues are expressed in link localcoordinates. Inertia is expressed about each link’s COM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.1 Objectives for Balance and Jumping. Each objective corresponds to the controlof one feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.2 Pose Objective Gains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434.3 Objectives and Parameters forWalking. Top: Objectives uses forWalkingBot-

tom: Walking controller parameters. See Figure 4.6 for an illustration of thesequantities. Quantities in parameter table are commanded values. ese willdier from actual values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.1 Controller Parameter Values. Nominal values are based on observed humanmotion. Typical preview optimization weights are: wsteptime = 10, wstepdist =

10, wheading = 1, wcom = 0, waccel = 0.05, wleg = 10, whip = 10. . . . . . . . . 71


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List of Figures

3.1 Planar Four Link Chain Simulation. e chain’s actual COM location is shownas a red sphere, while the commanded (i.e., reference) COM location is shownas a green crosshair. Chain movement is restricted to the XY plane. . . . . . . 31

3.2 Planar Four Link Chain Results. Objective gains are E1: kp = 100, kv = 10,E2: kp = 0, kv = 1000. Le: COM commanded and actual trajectories, Right:Residuals. c0: dynamics constraints, i > 0, ci = Ei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.3 Underactuated Chain Example. Le: Time-series of underactuated chain dur-ing COM tracking task. Desired COM height shown as red crosshair. ActualCOM height shown as black circle. Middle: Commanded (blue) and actual(red) values for COM height. Right: Prioritized optimization residuals for pro-vided objectives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.4 Planar HATmodel for squatting simulations. Model has 7 links, 9 degrees-of-freedom with a oating base, connecting the character’s pelvis to the world viaa three degree-of-freedom planar joint. Inertial parameters are taken for a 50thpercentile North American male. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.5 Seven frames from the planar biped squatting simulation. Actual and desiredCOM/contact point positions are shown as red spheres and green crosshairsrespectively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.6 Planar squatting simulation results. From top to bottom, plots show: com-manded vs. actual COM position, commanded vs. actual trunk orientation, leleg control torques, magnitude of bilateral contact forces for leg foot (p1 and p2are the foot contact points), and residuals for all tasks specied to the prioritizedsolver (i.e., Ei = ||Aix− bi ||). Right leg joint details omitted for brevity. . . . 38


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3.7 WeightedMultiobjectiveOptimization SquattingResults. Tracking of feature-space quantities for ve dierent sets of weights is shown. Tasks weights Wi =

(αi1, αi2, α

i3) are: W0 = (10, 10, 0.1), W1 = (50, 10, 0.1), W2 = (50, 50, 0.1),

W3 = (100, 50, 0.1), W4 = (100, 100, 0.1). As weights are increased, QPcontrol output converges to prioritized solver output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.1 Feature-Based Locomotion Controllers. Controllers based on high-level fea-tures can bemodied to create new styles, transferred to new characters and arerobust to interactive changes in anthropometry. le to right: normal walking,“sad” walking, asymmetric character, “baby,” ostrich, dinosaur. . . . . . . . . . 41

4.2 Arm “Windmilling” Compensates Disturbances: When applying cyclic per-turbations (1000 N, duration: 0.1 s, interval: 0.1 s) to the standing controller,windmilling compensation strategies emerge automatically from AM control.Sequence order is le-to-right, top-to-bottom; elapsed time between images is1/30 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

4.3 Planar illustration of jump controller actions/state machine. State transitionare based on COM state and contact events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.4 Sample jumping styles (le to right): Normal, Scissor-Kicks, Air-Splits . . . . 454.5 Sample Forward Jump: Modifying in-place jump controller yield forward jumps 464.6 Walking Actions and Parameters. Top: A state machine is used to coordi-

nate contact (Econtact), COM (Ecom‖), and stepping (Eswing) objectives. Mid-dle/Bottom: Illustration of parameters (Table 4.3) used to specify swing targetsyswingr and COM trajectory y

com‖r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4.7 Sample walking styles (le to right): Fast, slow, “sad” . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5.1 Interactive locomotion control over varied terrain. Gait, footsteps, and tran-sitions are automatically generated, based on user-specied goals, such as di-rection, step length, and step duration. In the above example, a user steers thebiped across uneven terrain with gaps, steps, and inclines. . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5.2 System Overview. At each time step, character state q, q is mapped to a lower-dimensional preview model state, s0. Next, a preview optimization generatesan optimal plan S? that meets user-specied goals. Lastly, the full-body con-troller optimization calculates joint torques τ , based on the instantaneous ac-celerations from S?. Torques are applied to the simulation, resulting in a newcharacter state. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


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5.3 Low-dimensional planning. At each instant, a low-dimensional planS? is com-puted, specifying COM (c(t)) and COP (p(t)) motion, as well as the next footplant (yswing). Motion is divided into stance and ight phases, with COMmo-tion modeled as described in Sections 5.2.2 and 5.2.3. COP motion uses a linearmodel (Equation 5.3). A running motion is shown above, with footplants ΩR/ΩL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

5.4 Preview optimization schedule. Using a single schedule we capture a large fam-ily of locomotion behaviors. Depending on the optimization results dierentmotions are produced (by excluding dierent phases): Walking alternates be-tween double-stance (DS) and single-stance (SS). Running alternates betweenSS and Flight (F). Standing only uses a single DS phase. Because we force ex-change of support (EOS) between subsequent stance phases, motions such ashopping on one leg require a dierent schedule (Chapter 7). . . . . . . . . . . . 66

5.5 Uneven Terrain Capabilities. In addition to walking, running, and turning,low-dimensional planning allows traversal of varied terrain including: drops (1m), steps (0.5 m), stepping stones, gaps (0.25-0.9 m), and inclines (±15o). Seethe accompanying video for a complete set of examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

5.6 Performance vs. Update Frequency. Mean COM tracking error and runtimespeed, as a function of replanning frequency, for level-ground walking. Stan-dard deviations are shown for tracking error. COMerror is themean cumulativeCOM tracking error over each replanning window. Planning was performed atspecied multiples of the integration timestep (blue). To improve stability, wealso allowed replanning at contact transitions (red). Replanning only at contactsyields speedups with only minimal tracking error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

6.1 Prioritized optimization problem with 2 objectives. E1 (in red) constrains theminimizer to lie in the family of solutions x(w) shown as a dark red line. Se-lecting among valid solutions, the solver identies the minimizer in the familyof solutions x(w) producing lowest E2 (shown in blue). . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

6.2 Constrained prioritized optimization problem with two objectives. e min-ima of E1(x) (in red) lie in a linear subspace x(w), shown as a dark red line.e solution must lie on this subspace. e dynamics constraints require thesolution to lie the green polytope. e solution that minimizes E2(x), subjectto these two constraints, is given by x∗. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86


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B.1 Illustration of Transformation hierarchy. For this example λ2 = [ 0, 1 ] (cf.Section B.2.3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103


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Chapter 1


From the motor chauvinist’s point of view the entire purpose of thehuman brain is to produce movement. Movement is the only waywe have of interacting with the world. All communication,including speech, sign language, gestures and writing, is mediatedvia the motor system

[Wolpert et al. 2001 ]

From an early age, we learn to use our bodies to grasp objects and locomote. Long before weare able to speak, we use movement to let others know how we feel, express intent, and infer themood of those around us. For humans, movement is a non-verbal extension of our personalitythat allows us to communicate, interact with, and shape the world we live in.

In spite of our innate familiarity with human movement, we still have a poor understanding ofhuman motor control and learning processes. is remains one of the grand challenges of sci-ence, with practical implications across numerous domains including entertainment, security,and medicine.

e study of human motion dates back to Aristotle’s De Motu Animalium (On the Movementof Animals) that advocated qualitative study of motion through observation of experiments.To date, this has remained the predominant methodology used by biomechanists, with the lasthundred years seeing large advances in the use, and development, of quantitative models. Usingdetailed in vivo measurements of muscle activations, joint angles, and ground contact forces,a number of biomechanical models have been developed to explain gross aspects of motion.esemodels have been shown to hold, with surprising similarity, across a wide variety ofmulti-limbed animals, including bipeds, quadrupeds, hexapeds, and polypeds [Full and Koditschek


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Chapter 1. Introduction 2

1999]. Energy storage and recovery principles have been shown to extend to non-terrestrialactivities, such as swimming and ight [Dickinson et al. 2000].

To reduce complexity andprovide tractable representations for analysis andunderstanding, low-dimensional biomechanical models typically ignore “unused” limbs, such as the head, trunk,and non-contact limbs; non-essential joints, such as vertebrae and knees, are also omitted. esimplest model used to describe bipedal walking, the inverted pendulum, consists of a rigid linkconnecting a pointmass at the center-of-mass (COM) to the center-of-pressure (COP).is pro-vides an explanation of why the body speeds up or slows down, during the single-stance phase ofwalking, but leaves many aspects of whole-body motion undened. For example, it provides noinsight into particular selections of foot plants or mechanisms responsible for arm/leg synchro-nization. Additionally, since models are typically planar and reduce the body to an inertialesspoint mass, they are restricted to small motion regimes.

Most biomechanicalmodels are descriptive. For given recordings of animalmotion, they providehypotheses explaining observed behavior. Robotics and physics-based computer animation re-quire generativemodels, capable of synthesizing motion from descriptions of desired behavior.

Unlike models of passive phenomena (e.g., cloth, re, and water), generative models of humanmotion require control. Control is required to specify internal, time-varying, forces acting atjoints. For locomotion, control must meet several goals. At its most basic level, locomotioncontrol should keep the character from falling over when operating in steady-state or handlingexternal perturbations and modeling errors. Ideally, locomotion control should be capable ofproducing a variety of stylized gaits and transitions, of adapting to dierent types of terrain, andof generalizing across characters with dierent anthropometry. e nature of human dynamicsmakes these design goals very challenging.

Human dynamics are high-dimensional, highly nonlinear, underactuated, change discretely,and are naturally unstable1. Hence, mathematical tools from classical control theory are of lim-ited use. Furthermore, since contact forces between the character and the environment are con-strained to be repulsive (i.e., contact forces cannot pull the feet towards the ground), availablecontrol actions are severely limited. For example, when standing, ankle torques must be care-fully chosen to avoid foot rotation about the heel or ball of the foot. When compensating for

1Human dynamics are analogous to a ball on top of a mountain. Without constant monitoring and correctiveactions the ball will roll of the mountain (i.e., the person will fall over). Naturally stable systems (e.g., a ball in avalley) have dynamics that remain unchanged even without any corrective actions [Ringrose 1997 ].

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Chapter 1. Introduction 3

external disturbances, control must decide when ankle torques are sucient and when it is nec-essary to take a step. Depending on the nature of the disturbance, specic foot plants may bepreferable. For rugged terrain, where there is little margin for error, this problem becomesmoredicult since control must account for the future impact of actions on motion completion. Anumber of additional practical challenges arise when targeting robotics systems, including ac-tuator and power limitations, inaccurate knowledge of system inertial and frictional properties,sensor measurement error, and limited knowledge of global system state.

Despite these diculties, researchers have been able to develop an ever growing body of controlexamples by iterative experimentation, analysis, and renement. For humanoid locomotion,this pragmatic approach has produced impressive results but has, to date, failed to yield a unify-ing method. Most developed techniques exploit particular system details (e.g., many synthesistechniques have targeted planar systems without upper body limbs), making it very dicultto apply control algorithms to new characters with large topological or anthropomorphic dif-ferences. Methods also tend to be gait specic; control generalizes poorly to new actions orenvironments. Hence, a general theory of locomotion control based on common high-levelbiomechanical principles, or building blocks, has remained elusive.

1.1 Approach

is thesis aims to develop a general set of tools to ease design of control for simulated physics-based characters. Instead of formulating control in terms of low-level commands, such as indi-vidual joint actions which can vary in number and representation between dierent charactermodels, we seek to identify essential motion features and to formulate control in terms of thesehigh-level quantities.

By using higher-level abstractions, our goal is to produce control that is more resilient to varia-tions in character and environmental properties. We call this approach, feature-based control.

is thesis aims to answer three fundamental questions about feature-based control:

• What is a sucient set of features needed to produce locomotion?

• How can individual features be regulated?

• How can multiple features be combined to design robust controllers?

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Chapter 1. Introduction 4

In addition to answering these scientic questions, we describe and solve many practical engi-neering challenges that must be overcome in order to obtain a working feature-based controlsystem.

e methods we describe provide numerous important and desirable properties. Generatedfeature-based control generalizes to characters of very dierent topology and mass properties.Additionally, many natural properties of locomotion, such as toe-o, arm swing, and hip sway,emerge automatically without being explicitly specied. Resulting control can navigate overchallenging uneven terrain, with steps, inclines, stepping-stones, and gaps, while respondingto interactive high-level user commands (e.g., step-length, step duration, COM apex height,heading, etc.). We demonstrate robustness to aggressive external disturbances, applied both instance and ight.

Although we believe ideas in this thesis will benet humanoid control work in robotics, andgeneralize to other types of creatures, such as quadrupeds, we limit the scope of our work todeveloping control for simulated biped characters. Focusing on simulated characters avoidshardware and sensing diculties, allowing us to concentrate on developing the needed math-ematical tools to achieve our goals. From a practical perspective, there are a huge number ofapplications, ranging from video games to security, that will benet from the development of aunied approach to control development.

1.2 Thesis Organization and Contributions

A review of control techniques for physics-basedmotion synthesis is rst presented (Chapter 2),followed by three separate methods for low-dimensional control of physics-based characters inChapters 3–5. Chapter 7 concludes with a discussion of the limitations of our approach; we touchupon several interesting directions for future research. A brief description of key contributionsfollows.

Feature-Based Control. We begin by introducing feature-based control and deningneeded objectives for control of abstract high-level quantities (Chapter 3). We describe twonovel objectives for moving between distant feature targets and regulating whole-body angularmomentum without center-of-pressure knowledge. To validate the proposed control formula-tion, we present three problems of increasing complexity, illustrating how acceleration, torque,

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Chapter 1. Introduction 5

and bilateral force constraints can be incorporated in our formulation. All examples run inreal-time, while requiring less tuning eort and providing a number of benets over previousmethods.

Feature-Based Locomotion Control. Building upon the results of Chapter 3, Chapter 4presents locomotion control examples that use unilateral constraints to model ground contactforces and joint/torque limits. We showhow to hand-design control for complex actions, such aswalking and jumping, by using nite-state machines to coordinate time-varying actions. Sincecontrol includes a model of character dynamics, it tolerates large changes in anthropometryand character topology. Hence, control can be applied to dierent characters, with only minorparameter changes.

Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning. Chapter 5describes a novel planner aimed at increasing the robustness and versatility of feature-basedcontrol. Instead of hand-designing task-specic state machines, as described in Chapter 4, opti-mal features commands are automatically selected using nonlinear optimization. To make thisplanning ecient, we propose a low-dimensional model, based on linearized Spring Loaded In-verted Pendulum equations-of-motion, along with a schedule that plans feature-space actionsover the next two footsteps. To select optimal actions, we propose an objective that considersa number of stylistic motion characteristics, such as direction, step length, step duration, andCOM height. In conjunction, these elements generate a continuum of robust behaviors overuneven terrain with aggressive variations.

Prioritized Optimization. Chapter 6 presents mathematical details of the prioritized opti-mization algorithms used throughout Chapters 3 and 4. In prioritized optimization a nestedsequence of objectives is optimized so as not to conict with higher-priority objectives. We de-rive two recursive algorithms for problems with equality and inequality constraints. ese algo-rithms can be viewed as solutions to lexicographic optimization for the special case of quadraticobjectives with linear constraints in free variables (i.e., quadratic programs). To the best ofour knowledge, we are the rst to design algorithms for this important case. Furthermore, weshow that when all objectives are placed at the same priority level, our formulation reduces toa weighted multiobjective optimization. In the context of control, these algorithms can be usedto enforce task-relevant acceleration, torque, and force constraints.

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Chapter 1. Introduction 6

Contributions in the aforementioned chapters have been previously published in the ACMTransactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH) [ de Lasa et al. 2010; Mordatch etal. 2010] and the Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Sys-tems (IROS) [ de Lasa and Hertzmann 2009]. We refer to accompanying videos containingimportant illustrations of results throughout the thesis. ey can be found at:

Chapter 3 http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mdelasa/iros09

Chapter 4 http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mdelasa/feature

Chapter 5 http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mdelasa/slip

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Chapter 2

Previous Work

Real-world motion is the result of muscles, gravity, and external forces. By modeling these ele-ments, physics-based character animation holds the promise of generating nuanced and expres-sivemotion, with human-like qualities. In recent years, great strides has beenmade towards thisgoal, with state-of-the-art systems far exceeding capabilities of just a decade ago.

In this section, we summarize common themes from the expansive body of work on locomotionresearch in animation, robotics, biology, neuroscience, and biomechanics. We seek to distillsimilarities, with the aim of informing the principal goal of this thesis: designing computationalmodels of robust locomotion control for complex physically-simulated biped characters.

Because of the tremendous overlap in representations, constraints, and methods used through-out the literature, it is dicult to neatly classify previous work into distinct categories. To com-plicate matters, research goals vary widely. Biomechanists and integrative biologists seek in-sight into mechanisms used by real organisms, without concern for synthetic implementation;explaining observations is oen enough. Neuroscientists focus on the brain and are concernedwith computational andmemory-basedmodels of motor control. Roboticists focus on develop-ing control for real systems, operating in real environments; motion quality is oen of secondaryimportance. Animation researchers are concerned, above all else, with motion quality, “style”,and end-user controllability; accuratelymimicking biologicalmechanisms is not a primary goal.Standards for evaluating results reect these dierences, as well as domain-specic challenges.


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2.1 Simplified Models

A key challenge in the study of locomotion is to determine howeach individual component within the locomotor system operates,while at the same time discovering how they function collectively asan integrated whole.

[Dickinson et al. 2000 ]

Reasoning about whole-body motion of complex characters is dicult. For high-dimensionaldynamical systems, such as 3D humanoid characters, mathematical analysis is intractable.Hence, simplied low-dimensional models that capture essential aspects of motion have a longhistory in biomechanics [Alexander 1980; Srinivasan and Ruina 2006] and locomotion control[Coros et al. 2010; da Silva et al. 2008a; Kajita et al. 2001; Kajita et al. 2003a; Pratt and Pratt1998b; Pratt et al. 2001; Raibert 1986; Raibert and Hodgins 1991; Tsai et al. 2010; Yin et al.2007].

Two basic models that have been proposed to explain the dierent patterns of time-varyingforces measured during walking and running are the inverted pendulummodel (IPM), and thespring-loaded inverted pendulum (SLIP) [Dickinson et al. 2000; Full and Koditschek 1999].

e IPM [Miura and Shimoyama 1984; Kajita and Tani 1991 ], models center-of-mass (COM)motion during walking. During walking the COM moves along arc-like trajectories about thecenter-of-pressure (COP). In the rst half of the stance phase kinetic energy is transformed togravitational potential energy. Kinetic energy is partially recovered in the second half of stance,as the COM moves forward and downward. e IPM assumes a constant leg-length, is con-strained to have only one foot on the ground at all times, and does notmodel swing leg behavior.Hence, it cannotmodel double-stance, ballisticmotion, or sequences ofmultiplemotion phases.

e SLIPmodel [Full andKoditschek 1999; Schwind andKoditschek 2000] generalizes the IPMby replacing the xed-length leg with a spring. is capture the body’s ability to store energy, inmuscles, tendons, and ligaments, during running.is energy storage and release processmakesrunning analogous to bouncing on a pogo stick [Dickinson et al. 2000; Raibert 1986]. Despitetheir simplicity, exact SLIP equations-of-motion are non-integrable and are, therefore, costly toevaluate. In Chapter 5, we describe a closed-form SLIP-basedmodel that capturesmotion acrossmultiple phases, selects footholds producing good subsequent steps, and generates a continuumof behaviors including walking, running, and jumping.

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e IPM and SLIP are, arguably, the simplest models for analysis of walking. In robotics andbiomechanics, there is also considerable interest in understanding the role of passive dynamicsin walking. e primary motivation of this work is to understand, and replicate, the energyeciency of human walking.

In his seminal work, McGeer [1990; 1993 ] designed and analyzed a series of simple planar walk-ingmachines that walked down shallow slopes, despite having no active control or actuation. Heshowed that favorable mechanical design and minimal energy input, to compensate for impactlosses, are sucient to generate gaits approaching the eciency and uidity of humans. Sincethen, many researchers have sought to add actuation and control to these passive walkers, tomake them suitable for at ground locomotion (e.g., [Collins et al. 2005 ]).

Despite their relative simplicity, analyzing motion of passive walkers as a means of developinggeneralizable theories of locomotion remains challenging. ese systems are highly nonlinearand rely on limit cycle dynamics for gait generation; results are very sensitive to system initialconditions. Extending dynamic walking to rough terrain is an active area of research [Byl andTedrake 2008b; Byl and Tedrake 2008a].

To date, the IPMand SLIP remain themost tractablemodels ofwalking. In the following section,we detail locomotion control techniques based on thesemodels. Despitemany dierences in theunderlying details of how they are used they share a common goal: maintaining balance.

2.2 Maintaining Balance

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keepmoving.

Albert Einstein, 1879-1955

Bipedal locomotion requires balance. Two important factors inuencing balance are: i) swingfoot placement and ii) stance foot contact forces.

Selecting good swing foot targets is critical for smooth forward progress during locomotion anddisturbance rejection. As anyone who has been pushed can attest to, good foot placement canbe the dierence between regaining balance, aer a push, and speeding up, slowing down, orfalling over. During locomotion this process can be exploited to regulate locomotion speed.

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Chapter 2. PreviousWork 10

is straightforward insight is at the heart of the seminal work of Raibert, Hodgins, and col-leagues [Raibert 1986; Raibert and Hodgins 1991; Hodgins et al. 1995; Hodgins and Pollard1997 ]. For running and hopping gaits, they propose a three-part decomposition of locomotioncontrol that regulates hopping height, hopping speed, and torso pitch, using decoupled con-trol laws. ey demonstrate stride-to-stride forward speed regulation, by adjusting swing foottouchdown position, for a SLIP-like robot. Since its introduction, this idea has been used in anumber of animation and robotics applications [Kuo 1999; Laszlo et al. 1996; Talebinejad 2000]. Because these control laws assume steady-state behavior (i.e., controlled quantities depend ontiming of previous strides), they can have diculty handling transient behavior, such as suddentransitions from fast running to in-place hopping.

Yin et al [ 2007] extend this approach using continuous linear feedback based on simpliedIPM analysis, in their SIMBICON system. At every time-step swing leg hip angle, in the worldreference frame, is adjusted based on the COM position and velocity, relative to the stance foot.is strategy produces robust locomotion, by indirectly regulating foot touchdown position.Since its introduction, it has been used in several animation systems, for a wide variety of gaits[Coros et al. 2009; Wang et al. 2009; Wang et al. 2010; Yin et al. 2008]. is feedback law iscomputationally inexpensive but requires retuning control parameters for dierent charactersand motions.

To improve the generalization capabilities of SIMBICON across characters of dierent dimen-sions, Coros et al. [2010] propose a linear feedback law based on capture-point analysis [Prattand Tedrake 2005; Pratt et al. 2006; Rebula et al. 2007]. e n-step capture point modelpredicts the set of n foot steps needed to slow a walker to a standing conguration. For the spe-cial 1-step case, IPM energy analysis yields a closed-form analytical model. Manipulating thetarget foot plant location, relative to the 1-step capture point, yields a speed control mechanismanalogous to the method of Raibert et al. [ 1986]. is method is limited to walking motionsand does not directly apply to running or jumping.

In Chapter 5 we describe a method for optimal foot plant selection based on nonlinear opti-mization of a SLIP-based model. By considering future outcome of the simulation, we ensurethat foot steps yield good results. Since themodel is not based on gait-specic analysis, it appliesto many locomotion gaits.

While swing foot placement is an important mechanism for controlling impulses applied at ex-change of support, successful locomotion also requires regulating stance contact forces. Stance

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Chapter 2. PreviousWork 11

forces are the byproduct of system inertial and dynamic properties, such as joint torques and ac-celerations, as well as mechanical properties of the environment, such as friction and elasticity.Hence, care must be taken to ensure that control torques do not lead to gait failure. For example,excessive ankle torques can cause the feet to roll about the toe or heel, leading to loss of balance.

To keep feet rmly planted during control, one alternative is to use model-based optimization[Abe et al. 2007; da Silva et al. 2008b; da Silva et al. 2008a; Hofmann et al. 2004; Jainet al. 2009; Macchietto et al. 2009; Muico et al. 2009]. By considering the coupled nature ofdynamics and contact constraints, these approaches select optimal joint torques at every instantin time. Because these methods use an accurate system model, it is also possible to incorporateother types of constraints, such as limits on actuation and joints. e methods we describe inChapters 3–5 fall into this category.

In addition to ensuring stance feet remain planted on the ground, regulation of stance contactforces can also be used for ne-scale velocity control. ZeroMoment Point (ZMP) control [Vuko-bratovic and Juricic 1969] is a variant of this approach. By sti tracking of carefully designedjoint trajectories, the center-of-pressure can be kept within some “safe” stance foot region1. isapproach yields cautious statically-stable gaits, diering signicantly from dynamically-stablegaits employed by humans. Instead of trying to actively regulate the ZMP, an alternative is touse the ZMP to estimate gait stability. For example, monitoring the ZMP during locomotion canbe used as an indicator the foot is rolling, or is about to roll [Popovic et al. 2005 ]; preventativesteps can be taken as needed [Wu and Zordan 2010].

2.3 Task-Space Control

To date, most existing locomotion controllers use joint-space representations. ese methodsuse per-joint PD servos, coordinated by a high-level state machine [Faloutsos et al. 2001; Hod-gins et al. 1995; Hodgins 1998; Laszlo et al. 1996; Raibert andHodgins 1991; Wooten 1998; Yinet al. 2007]. is approach has been applied to a wide variety of walking, running, and athleticmotions. e combination of high-gain tracking and discrete state machines frequently leads tomotion that is dicult to tune for natural-looking full-body behaviors.

1For horizontal contact surfaces the ZMP and COP are equivalent [Popovic et al. 2005 ]. While the former iscomputed from joint accelerations and mass properties, the latter is computed by direct measurement of contactforces.

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Chapter 2. PreviousWork 12

As robots and simulated characters becomemore complex, there is increased interest in deningcontrol in terms of high-level motion features. For example, for humanoid robotics, one mightwish to strictly maintain balance while attempting to reach a target. Strong evidence is emerg-ing to suggest that such low-dimensional control strategies are exploited by animals to managecomplexity during control. Humans have been shown to only correct deviations in motion di-rectly interfering with tasks [Todorov and Jordan 2002], while high-level similarities have beenreported across a wide variety of animals during locomotion [Full and Koditschek 1999]. Task-level control decomposition can also make the application of learning methods (Section 2.6)tractable [Shkolnik and Tedrake 2008].

Task-space control has a long history [Abe and Popovic 2006; Hsu et al. 1989; Khatib 1987;Liegeois 1977; Nakamura et al. 1987; Shkolnik andTedrake 2008]; for a survey, see [Nakanishi etal. 2008]. Task-space strategies aim to achieve tasks as closely as possible, without lower-prioritytasks interfering with higher-priority tasks, while also resolving ambiguities due to underdeter-mined tasks. Task-space strategies in the literature can be categorized by whether control isspecied in terms of velocity [Liegeois 1977 ], acceleration [Hsu et al. 1989 ], or force [Khatib1987 ]. ese methods are based on null-space projection operators.

Velocity-based techniques gained early adoption because of their ease of implementation andmodest computational requirements. ese methods work well when high-gain tracking is de-sired, but are ill-suited for low-stiness control [Nakanishi et al. 2008]. Acceleration and forcelevel approaches are better suited for impedance control, but aremore challenging to implementsince they require a dynamic model of the system. Force-based methods, such as OperationalSpace Control (OSC) [Khatib 1987; Khatib et al. 2004] correctly decouple primary and sec-ondary behaviors and ensure minimal interference between tasks. However these methods canrequire a potentially complex set of task-specic projection matrices and of their derivatives.Sentis [2007] extends OSC to whole-bodymotion for simulated humanoid robots, demonstrat-ing a number of balancing and locomotion behaviors that handle numerous competing goalssimultaneously.

An alternative force domain approach, rst proposed by Sunada et al. [1994] and later formal-ized into Virtual Model Control (VMC) by Pratt et al. [1995; 2001 ], uses the Jacobian transpose(JT) mapping of forces to joint torques, derived from principles of virtual work [Craig 1989].JT/VMC assumes static equilibrium; inertial properties, gravitational and Coriolis forces areneglected; redundancy and task conict is not explicitly handled. Coros et al. [ 2010] use this

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Chapter 2. PreviousWork 13

approach for gravity compensation, and COM velocity regulation. To allow task combinationby superposition they are designed to not interfere with one another. Wu and Popovic [2010]

use optimization to resolve task conicts.

Most null-space projection methods do not handle unilateral constraints; doing so is extremelycomplex and restricted to special cases [Mansard and Khatib 2008]. For restricted applications,iterative extensions to projection methods have been proposed (e.g., [ Baerlocher and Boulic2004]) that handle unilateral constraints by solving problems multiple times until all violationsare eliminated. No performance guarantees exist for these methods.

To avoid calculating null-space projections, severalmethods formulatemultiobjective optimiza-tions that combine tasks into a single Quadratic Program (QP) [Abe et al. 2007; Azevedo etal. 2002; da Silva et al. 2008a; da Silva et al. 2008b; Fujimoto et al. 1998; Kudoh et al.2006; Macchietto et al. 2009; Wu and Popovic 2010] or non-convex optimization [ Jain etal. 2009]. is avoids the need for projection operators, but cannot guarantee strict prioritiza-tion. ese methods achieve impressive results in highly-constrained balancing and reachingscenarios. Because most QP methods use weighted combinations of objectives, this can resultsin objective terms that “ght” against each other. is makes it challenging to adjust weights incomplex situations.

Instead of combining objectives in a weighted manner they can also be arranged and solvedhierarchically, by order of importance. is scheme is referred to as lexicographic [ Isermann1982; Marler and Arora 2004; Rentmeester et al. 1996; Zykina 2003] or prioritized [Kanounet al. 2009] optimization. Prioritized optimization (PO) ensures that objectives are achievedoptimally, with minimal interference between objectives. To date, research on PO has focusedprimarily on nonlinear optimization problems; application of PO has received limited attention[Clark et al. 2008; Kanoun et al. 2009]. Most PO algorithms enforce higher-priority objec-tives through equality constraints (Section 6.3.4). In Chapter 6 we propose two PO algorithms,for quadratic programs, that use an alternate approach, based on solving each optimization inthe null-space basis of all previous, higher-priority, problems. In our experience this schemeprovides improved stability for task-space control applications.

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Chapter 2. PreviousWork 14

2.4 Motion Capture Tracking

Designing control for highly stylized, physically-simulated, motion is very dicult. To easethis task, many methods have sought to leverage databases of recorded human motion capture(MOCAP) reference data. Although MOCAP data preserves many of the nuanced details thatmake motion feel “alive”, using it for physics-based control poses several challenges.

For complex actions, such as walking, direct MOCAP playback through joint PD servos, re-sults in rapid loss of balance (i.e., the character falls over aer just a few steps). is is dueto discrepancies between the recorded human subject and the physical model of the simulatedcharacter. Simulated models have fewer degrees of freedom, assume perfectly rigid links, andideal revolute-joints; ground contact models make many approximations and oen use ad-hochand-tuned parameters; precise in vivomeasurement of human inertial properties are dicultto obtain.

To improve the robustness ofMOCAP tracking approaches, several authors have explored usingdisplacement maps. Displacement maps adapt MOCAP data by applying time-varying osetsto recorded trajectories. For planar actions, Sok and colleagues [2007] learn displacementmapsusing simplex optimization. Learned displacement maps are generalized using regression andcomposed into behavior-specic state machines. Parallel stochastic search can also be used tond displacement maps for complex 3D actions [ Liu et al. 2010]. In both cases, learnt poli-cies are open-loop; control does not have feedback. An alternative to displacement maps is toaugment MOCAP tracking with some form of balance control; an arbitration mechanism is of-ten required to avoid controller interference. A simple strategy to handle control conicts isto assign dierent functional roles to dierent joints (e.g., lower-body handles balance, whileupper-body handles tracking [ Safonova et al. 2003; Zordan and Hodgins 2002]). Alternateapproaches include hand-designed control [Yin et al. 2007] and simplied models [Tsai et al.2010].

In recent years, many authors have turned to constrained optimization to resolve tracking andbalance conicts [Abe and Popovic 2006], while also incorporating feedback. Feedback strate-gies based on nite-horizon planning [ da Silva et al. 2008b], optimal control [ da Silva etal. 2008a; Kwon and Hodgins 2010; Muico et al. 2009; Yamane and Hodgins 2009], andmomentum compensation [Macchietto et al. 2009] have been proposed.

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One of themainmotivations for using physical simulation, for animation applications, is to gen-erate results that adapt realistically to new environments and interactions. Although MOCAPmakes it much easier to specify motion style, MOCAP-based control is typically robust onlynear reference trajectories (or transformations of them); new trajectories are required for everydesired type and style of motion.

Many researchers are actively investigating techniques for adapting MOCAP-based control tonew environments, body shapes, and unexpected perturbations. One approach is to lower PDgains following perturbations [Allen et al. 2007; Zordan and Hodgins 2002]; optimal con-trol formulations based on Dierential Dynamic Programing (DDP) has also been proposed[Ye and Liu 2010]. ese approaches can produce qualitatively satisfying results, but have lim-ited predictive capabilities. ere is growing interest in developing biomechanically motivatedadaptation strategies [Shiratori et al. 2009].

2.5 Interactive Control

Increases in computational power, have recently made interactive authoring of physics-basedcharacter motion possible. ese techniques attempt to bypass the control design process, re-lying instead on the ability of humans to quickly learn and repeat motor tasks. An interestingapplication of interactive control is to provide training data for imitation-based learning of con-trol policies [Loken 2006] (Section 2.6).

Using interactive input devices to control physically simulated characters presents a number ofchallenges. Unlike kinematic characters that do not model momentum, physically simulatedcharacters cannot always respond to user commands instantaneously. For example, before exe-cuting a sharp turn, a running charactermust ensure that its foot is rmly planted on the ground;waiting for viable transition conditions can create a lag in system response.

Impressive acrobatic maneuvers and stunts can be authored for simplied planar characters thatdo not need to maintain balance and provide straightforward mappings from game controllerinputs to character joints [Laszlo et al. 2000]. Interactive control of full 3D characters is morecomplex; numerous jointsmust be coordinated to avoid exceeding game controller inputs. Zhaoand van de Panne [ 2005 ] demonstrate such a technique for challenging snowboarding mo-tions. Shiratori and Hodgins [2008] investigate commanding transitions between preexisting

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controllers, using Wiimote-based interaction techniques. When interactively controlling ag-gressive motion, with limited margin for error (e.g., ips), visualization of future system statecan inform action selection [Laszlo et al. 2005 ].

2.6 Learning Methods

Learning is not compulsory ... neither is survival.

W. Edwards Deming, 1900-1993

Many theories ofmotor control are expressed in terms of optimality principles.is is appealingsince many of the processes that give rise to human motion appear, in some sense, to be opti-mization processes; evolution, learning, and adaptation all help improve system performanceover time [Alexander 1980; Alexander 1993; Bramble and Lieberman 2004; Harcourt-Smithand Aiello 2004; Todorov and Li 2003 ].

In the context of robotics and graphics, learning methods oer the long-term promise of prin-cipled automated control synthesis, with improved generalization capabilities, without need forcomplex dynamical modeling. In recent years, this has been an active area of research [Mori-moto et al. 2004; Nakanishi et al. 2003; Sharon and van de Panne 2005; Smith 1998; Sok etal. 2007; Tedrake et al. 2004; Wang et al. 2009; Wang et al. 2010].

Learning approaches can be categorized into threemain groups: i) supervised, ii) reinforcement,and iii) unsupervised learning.

Supervised Learning. In supervised learning, the system is presentedwith a series of inputsand the corresponding desired outputs. e goal of the learning system is to build a modelmapping inputs to provided outputs. System performance is determined by measuring errorsbetween actual and desired outputs. Two supervised learning approaches that have been usedto date for locomotion control are imitation learning and feedback error learning.

Imitation learning [Atkeson and Schaal 1997; Loken 2006] uses recorded expert performancesof behaviors to provide exemplar output. MOCAP trackingmethods (Section 2.4) can be viewedas a variant of this approach. Although MOCAP data provides action-specic joint angles, cor-responding internal forces are typically not observable. Since these are the quantities that must,

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ultimately, be learned, this poses a signicant problem.

An alternative is feedback error learning (FEL). For cyclic motion, FEL can be used to learnopen-loop feed-forward control. It is conjectured that feed-forward control is a key strategyused by humans to generate low-stiness motion [Kawato 1990; Nakanishi and Schaal 2004;Yin et al. 2007] and handle large delays in the central nervous system [Takahashi et al. 2001 ].

Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control. In reinforcement learning (RL) [Suttonand Barto 1998], the system provides a measure of reward, at every instant in time, for every in-put and output. e goal of the learning system is to maximize the sum of total future rewards.An optional weighting can be used to trade-o between immediate and long-term gain. Noexemplar output is provided in RL; the system simply species if the overall behavior is desir-able. A major challenge of applying RL to non-trivial problems is the temporal credit assignment

problem: for an outcome that depends onmany past actions, which actions should be rewardedor penalized?

Most RL techniques proposed to date use little or no system knowledge; they attempt to nd theglobally optimal policy for a given task. Proposed methods include: Dynamic Programming[ Bellman 1957; van de Panne et al. 1990], Genetic Algorithms [Allen and Faloutsos 2009;Auslander et al. 1995; Ngo and Marks 1993; Pratt and Pratt 1998a; Sims 1994; van de Panneand Fiume 1993 ], Generate-and-Test [van de Panne et al. 1994; Grzeszczuk and Terzopoulos1995 ], Simulated Annealing [Wu and Popovic 2003 ], Downhill Simplex [Tedrake and Seung2002], Stochastic Gradient Descent [ Tedrake et al. 2004; Sharon and van de Panne 2005], and Continuation methods [ van de Panne and Lamouret 1995; Yin et al. 2008]. eseapproaches can work reasonably well on simple problems, but scale poorly. Methods generallyassume discrete state and actions spaces, which scale exponentially as ner discretizations areused.

To improve performance, several methods leverage knowledge of system dynamics. ese for-mulations have a long history in the engineering eld ofOptimal Control. Rooted in the calculusof variations, Optimal Control methods assume continuous state and action spaces.

One of the most famous results of Optimal Control theory is the Linear Quadratic Regulator(LQR). For linear time-invariant systems with quadratic cost, globally optimal linear feedbackpolicies can be generated using the LQR formalism [Brotman and Netravali 1988; da Silva et

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Chapter 2. PreviousWork 18

al. 2008a; Muico et al. 2009]. In practice, assumptions of linear dynamics only hold for trivialsystems; more complex problems required dynamics to be linearized about a particular regionof state-space. Hence, resulting policies are only locally optimal.

LQR-based schemes have become popular for optimal tracking ofmotion capture reference data(Section 2.4). Calculating LQR control for complex character at interactive rates remains com-putationally prohibitive. Hence, policies are typically precomputed about target reference tra-jectories [ da Silva et al. 2008a; Muico et al. 2009]. Since resulting policies are based onlinearized dynamics, they tend to generalize poorly far from reference motion. To address thisproblem, a number of policy composition methods have been proposed [da Silva et al. 2009;Todorov 2009; Tedrake 2009].

A closely related technique to Optimal Control is spacetime constraints. Spacetime constraintsmethods formulate motion synthesis as a constrained nonlinear optimization, whose goal isnding minimal energy motion trajectories [Fang and Pollard 2003; Witkin and Kass 1988 ].Constraints enforce physical realism, contact events, and permit high-level artistic direction.

Spacetime constraints can produce impressive results formotions dominated by dynamics, suchas running and acrobatic maneuvers. However, nding good solutions to low-energy motionswith many local minima, such as walking, has proved more dicult. Several parameterizationof spacetime constraints have been proposed to address this issue [Cohen 1992; Liu et al. 1994;Liu and Popovic 2002; Liu et al. 2005; Safonova et al. 2004]. Spacetime constraints does notgenerate feedback control; motion is open-loop and can fail if the character is perturbed. Muicoet al. [2009] augments spacetime with feedback mechanisms to improve robustness.

Spacetime constraints and LQR methods act optimally over some large time-horizon. An al-ternative is to act optimally, without considering future impact of actions (i.e., control is onlyoptimal relative to the current system state). Problems of this type, with quadratic objectivesand constraints linear in free variables, can be optimized using Quadratic Programming (QP)[Abe et al. 2007; da Silva et al. 2008b; da Silva et al. 2008a ]. Although QP methods donot generate feedback policies, solvers are suciently fast that solutions can be recomputed atinteractive rates.

Unsupervised Learning. In unsupervised learning, the system receives input from the en-vironment but there is no measure of reward. For most varieties of unsupervised learning, the

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Chapter 2. PreviousWork 19

desired output is the same as the input. is form of learning is most commonly used to buildreduced dimensional models. To date, unsupervised learning has been used to perform Prin-cipal Component Analysis (PCA) [Wolpert et al. 2001 ], and identify low-dimensional motorprimitives [Todorov and Ghahramani 2003 ].

Challenges. Although it is theoretically straightforward to use the above described learningmethods, many practical diculties must be overcome before they can be applied to non-trivialreal-world problems. Selecting an appropriate controller representation is very challenging; rep-resentations that are too task-specic generalize poorly, while overly abstract representationsmay be dicult to train and can produce unexpected output. Abstract representations, suchas function approximators, also scale poorly and are challenging to apply to high-dimensionalstate/action spaces, as encountered in motor control. Commonly used motor learning policyrepresentations include: Neural Networks [Grzeszczuk et al. 1998; Sims 1994; van de Panneand Fiume 1993 ], Nearest-Neighbour [Coros et al. 2009; Sharon and van de Panne 2005],Locally-Weighted Projective Regression [Vijayakumar et al. 2005; Loken 2006], Pose ControlGraphs [van de Panne et al. 1994], and manually-designed policies [Tedrake and Seung 2002;Yin et al. 2008; Wang et al. 2009; Wang et al. 2010; Wu and Popovic 2003; Wu and Popovic2010].

Designing good objective functions is also dicult, particularly for animation applications, thatseek to produce “natural” results, while also providing a high-degree of user control. Only ahandful of techniques [Liu et al. 2005; Wang et al. 2009; Wang et al. 2010] propose objectivesfor generating “human-like” locomotion without resorting to motion-capture [Sok et al. 2007;Liu et al. 2010] or specialized mechanism design [Tedrake et al. 2004].

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Chapter 3

Feature-Based Control

Animation is not the art of drawings that move but the art ofmovements that are drawn

Norman McLaren, 1914-1987

One method of generating physically-plausible character animation is to use dynamic simula-tion. Dynamic simulation models the character’s dynamics, as well as the contact forces actingbetween the character and the environment. To make the character move in a desired fashion,dynamic simulation requires that internal forces (e.g., joint torques) be specied at runtime.is requires control. Specifying control for complex characters, with many joints, is dicult;many previousmethods calculate torques based on the desired behavior of each individual joint.

In this chapter we describe feature-based control, an optimization-based approach for control-ling physically simulated characters.e key idea of feature-based control is to parameterize de-sired behavior in terms of a small set of abstract quantities. In this thesis, we investigate featuresthat are linear functions of free variables x. Although free-variables vary between problems, formany examples:

x =





where τ denotes joint torques, q denotes joint accelerations, and fc are contact forces. We beginby summarizing key steps needed to design control using the feature-based representation; inthe sections that follow we provide additional details.


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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 21

e rst step in designing a feature-based controller is to determine the task-relevant quantitiesto control. In practice, we nd that many human motions can be described in terms of center-of-mass (COM), angular momentum (AM), and end-eector (EE) motion. For example, as weshow in Chapter 4, walking can be specied in terms of just a few features: propel the COMforward and move the feet, while minimizing AM and torques for balance, stability, and style.

Once features have been selected, the next step is to specify desired reference, or target, values foreach feature. Reference values may be xed or may be time-varying trajectories. Each feature isthen expressed, mathematically, as a quadratic objective that reects how well a feature matchesthe desired reference value. In Section 3.2 we provide mathematical details for a number ofobjectives we use for motion design.

Next, each objective is assigned a priority expressing its importance with respect to all otherobjectives. Multiple objectives can also be combined at the same priority level. In our exampleswe typically place contact objectives at the highest level of priority. is reects the fact that lossof balance is typically catastrophic for humans and that it is not possible to alter whole-bodymomentum without external forces.

Lastly, the set of objectives and priorities is given to a prioritized optimization (PO) algorithm(Chapter 6) that solves forxminimizing objectives and satisfying top-level equality and inequal-ity constraints, which we denote as:

C(x) = 0 (3.2)

Dx + f ≥ 0. (3.3)

In our system, we use equality constraints (3.2) to ensure optimization solutions are physicallyvalid, while inequality constraints (3.3) restrict solutions such that: motion remains within validranges of joint movement, actuation limits are not violated, and contact forces do not exceedfriction limits. Sections 3.3 and 4.4.2 provide details of terms contained in Equations 3.2 and 3.3.

We now proceed to give additional mathematical details of our simulation system, providingthe needed background to develop our feature-based formulation. In this chapter we illustratethe exibility of the feature-based formulation, using a set of simple examples. In subsequentchapters we apply feature-based control to more challenging tasks, including 3D humanoid bal-ancing, standing jumps, walking, running, and uneven terrain navigation.

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 22

3.1 Dynamics and Simulation

In our system, a character is a series of interconnected rigid bodies, or links. Each link is assignedphysical properties such as mass, moment-of-inertia, and a center-of-mass. Between each pairof rigid bodies, a joint is included.e number and orientation of the joint’s degrees-of-freedomdetermine how links move relative to one another.

For bipedal humanoid characters, the described representation results in an open tree-like linktopology, or “skeleton”, with nj joints and nl = nj + 1 links. A coordinate frame is attachedto each link to provide a reference for link-local quantities (e.g., center-of-mass), thus avoidingmany numerical issues. A ctitious “world” link is also included at the top of the hierarchy thatacts as the root of the joint/link hierarchy and provides a xed reference frame.

For each joint i, we can dene a vector of generalized coordinates positions qi and its time-derivative (i.e., velocity) qi. Assuming inertial properties remain constant, and that links arecompletely rigid, it is possible to fully describe the character’s instantaneous state by aggregatingall joint information into the high-dimensional vectors:

q =



q =




where q ∈ Rnp×1, q ∈ Rnv×1, and np/nv are the total number of position/velocity degrees-of-freedom respectively. For the systems described in this thesis np ≥ nv.

Since we are interested in generating animation, we need to calculate how the character’s statechanges over time; we do this using a model based on Newtonian dynamics. For a given state(qt, qt), at time t, and applied forces ut ∈ Rnv×1, we derive equations-of-motion:

qt = f(qt, qt,ut) (3.5)

that calculate generalized coordinate accelerations. Integrating these accelerations provides anestimate of the system state in the future. For example, using Euler integration:[












∆t. (3.6)

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 23

Many more complex integration schemes exist, each oering dierent benets; see [Press et al.2007] for a more complete discussion.

Generating equations-of-motion (Equation 3.5) eciently for articulated rigid-body dynamicalsystems is a problem that has a long history in robotics and appliedmechanics; many techniquesexist to solve this problem.

One possibility is to express the equations-of-motions, in manipulator form:

ut = M(qt)qt + h(qt, qt)s (3.7)

whereM and h are the joint-space inertia matrix and Coriolis/gravitational forces respectively.M and h can be eciently calculated using the Composite Rigid-Body and Recursive Newton-Euler algorithms [Featherstone 2008]. For brevity, we omit dependence of these quantities onq and q in the remainder of the chapter. Equation 3.7 is simply a generalization of Newton’ssecond law:

f = m a (3.8)

from introductory physics, for more complex systems. Note that in order to solve for q usingthis approach wemust invertM. To obtain improved performance, methods exist that calculateq, without explicitly computing or invertingM, while also taking advantage of branch-inducedsparsity, present in most articulated body systems. Our implementation uses the ArticulatedRigid-Body Method [Featherstone 2008].

To calculate generalized accelerations, q, using Equation 3.5, we need to specify forces, u, actingon the system. Forces acting on a mechanical system:

u = (fint, fext) (3.9)

can be classied as external or internal. External forces include gravity, contact forces, friction,and so on. In humans, internal forces come frommuscles, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Inour simulation, we approximate these biological force generation mechanisms; internal forces

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 24

come from torques:

fint = τ =

τ 0

...τ nj


applied at each joint, where τ ∈ Rnv×1.

For oating-base systems, such as humanoids, the joint connecting the character to the world,q0 ∈ R6×1, is passive (i.e., τ 0 = 0). is captures the fact that humans are underactuatedand can only generate motion through internal forces. At each instant in time, remaining jointtorques:

τ =

τ 1

...τ nj


are generated using a control algorithm or controller. More generally, a controller is a mapping:

τ = f(q, q, t) (3.12)

from character state to torques. Controller torques can also depend on other quantities, such astime, internal controller state, contact forces, and mocap reference motion recordings.

A common approach is to parameterize control in terms of individual joint actions, as:

τ i = kp(qir − qi) + kv(q

ir − qi) i > 0 (3.13)

using proportional-derivative (PD) control1. Because individual joint actions combine in ahighly non-linear and interdependent way, expressing coordinated or stylized motion in thismanner is extremely dicult. For example, tuning PD gains to obtain particular motion stylescan require iteration; results depend not only on parameters in Equation 3.13 but also on thecontact state of dierent limbs. Goals of generating motion in a particular style may also con-ict with requirements for accurate tracking of reference quantities; increasing kp reduces po-

1is equation assumes all joints are one degree-of-freedom revolute joints. Special care must be taken tocorrectly calculate positional error for spherical/ball joints represented using quaternions [da Silva et al. 2008b ]

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 25

sitional error at the expense of yielding “sti” results, while increasing kv can make motionappear “soupy”. For in-place gesturing motions an alternative is to specify gains by reasoningabout forces in terms of antagonistic forces [Ne and Fiume 2002].

Instead of specifying control torques in terms of individual joint actions, feature-based controlsolves for torques by formulating an optimization in terms of N quadratic objective functions,Ei(x), in unknowns x (Section 3.3) subject to dynamics and control specic constraints. Eachobjective expresses some characteristic of the desired motion.

To solve this optimization, we use the prioritized optimization algorithms described in Chap-ter 6. is can be summarized as:

hi = minxEi(x)

subject to Ek(x) = hk, ∀k < i

C(x) = 0

Dx + f ≥ 0. (3.14)

Variables may vary with time t, which we omit from these equations for brevity. In other words,the rst optimization problem is h1 = minxE1(x), subject to constraints. Subsequent stepsare required to achieve this minimum: the second problem is h2 = minxE2(x), subject toh1 = E1(x) and constraints. is optimization is repeated recursively, returning the point xNthat solves theN-th problem.

Akey aspect of this approach is that because each featurewe control is formulated as an objective,theywill either be exactly satised orwewill be given theminimumnorm solution to our controlproblem. e latter case can only occur if a higher-priority objective interferes with a lower-priority objective. Hence, residuals can be calculated to determine to what degree the solutionreturned by the solver satises the specied control objectives.

3.2 Features and Objectives

In this section we summarize objectives used to design feature-based control. Each objective isformulated in terms of some feature yi of the motion, such as COM, foot position, AM, jointtorque, or pose. We use 4 dierent types of objectives to control these features: i) Setpoint, ii)

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 26

Target, iii) Angular Momentum, and iv) Minimum Torque objectives. We now describe each ofthese objectives.

3.2.1 Setpoint Objective

is objective applies linear control to some feature of pose. In this case, a feature is any algebraicfunction:

yi = f(q) (3.15)

of generalized coordinates q. To dene a setpoint objective, we rst specify “reference” valuesyir, y

ir, y

ir for the feature. A desired acceleration is computed by linear control:

yid = kp(yir − yi) + kv(y

ir − yi) + yir (3.16)

where kp and kv are feature-specic gains. Unless noted otherwise, we set kv = 2√kp in our

examples. For an ideal second-order spring-damper system of unit mass, this yields a critically-damped response to step changes in reference values, yr [omson 1993 ].

e setpoint objective then measures the deviation of the feature acceleration from the desiredacceleration:

Ei(x) =∣∣∣∣ yi − yid

∣∣∣∣2 (3.17)

where the actual feature acceleration yi can be computed by dierentiating Equation 3.15 twice:

yi = Jiq (3.18)

yi = Jiq + Jiq (3.19)


Ji =∂yi


is the Jacobian matrix of yi, and Ji is its time derivative. For example, we may dene a COMfeature ycom and then servo it to a setpoint ycomr . is is normally used to maintain a feature

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 27

at a xed value, (e.g., maintaining COM over the feet). Appendix B describes how to computethese Jacobians eciently.

3.2.2 Target Objective

When we wish to servo a feature to a distant setpoint (i.e., yir yi), directly applying thesetpoint objective would cause large impulsive forces since Equation 3.16 is dominated by thepositional error term. One alternative is to servo along a smooth time-varying trajectory yr(t),(e.g., using Equation 3.16), with appropriate boundary conditions (e.g., yir(0) = yi(0)). How-ever, this requires time-consuming trajectory design and servo-gain tuning.

To avoid this manual design step, we propose a method that directly computes yd by solving asimple boundary value problem to move the feature from the current state (y0, y0) to a targetstate (yT , yT ), in duration T . In practice, we use this type of objective tomove a feature betweentwo target locations, such as when the COM height is controlled during jumping (Section 4.2)or feet are guided between footholds in walking (Section 4.3).

Solving for each element of y ∈ RD separately, and assuming a linear solution of the form:

yd (t) =

(1− t




Tb (3.21)

we seek constants a and b generating the desired motion. Integrating Equation 3.21 twice, iso-lating a and b, and writing in matrix form yields:[

T 2/3 T 2/6

T/2 T/2




[yT − y0 − y0T

yT + y0

]. (3.22)

At each instant of the simulation, we recompute a and b, by solving the above linear systemin a least-square sense using a singularity-robust pseudoinverse (Appendix A.2). is avoidsinstabilities that may occur as T → 0. For large values T 0, this approach is equivalent tocubic Hermite interpolation; consult Appendix A.3 for a formal proof.

en, the objective for each feature is:

Etarget(x) = ( yd(0)− y )2 . (3.23)

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 28

is calculation determines the target acceleration independent of the object’s mass. See Ap-pendix A for a derivation of (3.22).

3.2.3 Angular Momentum Objective

Biomechanical observations of human motion reveal that AM about the COM2 is very smallduring walking [Herr and Popovic 2008; Popovic et al. 2004]. Directly regulating AM duringstanding tasks, has also been shown to improve balance stability and robustness, via strategiessuch as windmilling [Macchietto et al. 2009; Kudoh et al. 2006].

Current AM regulation strategies (e.g., [Macchietto et al. 2009]) have several limitations. First,they require a reference center-of-pressure (COP) to be specied. Although a xed COP is suf-cient for static motions such as balancing, more complex actions (e.g., walking) require time-varying COP trajectories [Adamczyk et al. 2006]. We propose an alternate AM control formu-lation that produces good results not only for balance, but also jumping and walking. Second,methods rely on knowledge of contact forces prior to computing control, limiting the techniqueto simulators with penalty-based ground contact models. To avoid interpenetration and tuningof contact model parameters, modern simulators formulate calculation of contact forces as Lin-ear Complementarity Problems (LCP) (Section 4.5). ese simulators compute contact forcesaer joint-torques are specied. We were unable to make the method of [Macchietto et al. 2009] work in our LCP-based simulator. Our method does not rely on knowledge of contact forcesfor AM regulation. Lastly, since we do not explicitly introduce coupling between linear and AMregulation, our approach is simpler to implement.

We propose a quadratic objective in free variables:

EAM(x) =∣∣∣∣∣∣ L− Ld

∣∣∣∣∣∣2 (3.24)

that measures changes in whole-body AM and species desired change in AM:

Ld = kp(Lr − L) (3.25)

using linear control. In Equations 3.24 and 3.25, L is the rate of change AM about the COM and

2AM about the COM is also referred to as the spin angular momentum [Herr and Popovic 2008; Popovic etal. 2004 ] or centroidal angular momentum [Orin and Goswami 2008 ]

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 29

Lr is the reference AM about the COM. For balancing (Section 4.1) and walking (Section 4.3),we set Lr = 0, which corresponds to damping rotations [Popovic et al. 2004]. For acrobaticjumping maneuvers (Section 4.2), we specify non-zero Lr to create twisting behavior.

To calculate L, we express AM about the COM [Orin and Goswami 2008] as:

L = PJAM q (3.26)

JAM =[

JT1 . . . JTn


P =[

I1 . . . In


where Ii is the inertia about the COM of the ith link, Ji = ∂ci∂q

maps joint velocities to angu-lar velocities about each link’s COM in the world reference frame, and q is the vector of jointvelocities. Dierentiating (3.26), we obtain:

L = PJAM q + (PJAM + PJAM)q (3.29)

P =[ω1 × I1 . . . ωn × In


where ωi is the angular velocity of the ith link. Note that the productPJAM is equivalent to therst 3 rows of the Centroidal MomentumMatrix (i.e., AG) [Orin and Goswami 2008], and thebottom 3 rows of the large RHS matrix in Equation 1 of [Kajita et al. 2003b].

3.2.4 Minimum Torque Objective

We use an additional objective to minimize joint torques:

Eτ (x) = || τ ||2 =∣∣∣∣∣∣ [ S 0

]x∣∣∣∣∣∣2 (3.31)

where the selection matrix S is a square matrix of zeros, with ones on the diagonal for jointswe want to make passive. We do this by penalizing application of control torques. It is used inSection 3.3.2 to make user-selected joints passive and to produce natural-looking arm sway inwalking, by minimizing shoulder and elbow torques (Section 4.3).

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 30

3.3 Example Controllers

We now apply feature-based control to three control problems: tracking a target with a planarserial chain, tracking a target with an underactuated planar chain, and performing squats witha planar biped with bilateral ground forces. All examples are shown in the accompanying video.

e simulations range in complexity from 4 to 9 degrees-of-freedom, with the individual tasksranging from 8 to 20 dimensions. All examples are integrated and controlled at 1 kHz and run inreal time; dynamics are integrated as in Equation 3.6. Unconstrained prioritized optimization(Section 6.1) is used for all examples.

When dening a controller, one must dene a set of objectivesEi(x) that, at each time-step, areprovided to the optimizer to calculate joint torques. We dene the vector of free variables as:

x =


]. (3.32)

Substituting ut = τ into Equation 3.7, and rewriting in terms of x, yields dynamics equalityconstraints:

C(x) =[

I −M]x− h = 0 (3.33)

relating joint torques and accelerations.

We then dene additional objectives for the features we wish to control. Note that the high-est priority objective E1(x) will always be satised as long as it is achievable without violat-ing equality constraints. Lower-level objectives, Ei(x), will be satised as closely as possible aswell. It is important to dene sucient features to completely specify torques. Although uncon-strained prioritized optimization returns theminimumnorm solutionwhen ambiguities remain(e.g., Section 6.1, Algorithm 1, line 11), in practice this solution leads to instability due to insuf-cient damping. Instead, in all the examples that follow, we dene the nal objective such thatit aects all torques and includes some dissipative component. For example, the nal objectivemay damp velocities or servo all joints to some default pose. Since the feature will be full rank, itwill not be exactly satised. Instead, we will obtain the solution satisfying the damping objectiveas closely as possible. Based on our experience, this is sucient to prevent instability.

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 31



Figure 3.1: Planar FourLinkChain Simulation.e chain’s actual COM location is shown as a red sphere,while the commanded (i.e., reference) COM location is shown as a green crosshair. Chain movement isrestricted to the XY plane.

3.3.1 Fully Actuated Chain

A fully actuated planar serial-chain with four one degree-of-freedom revolute joints is rst sim-ulated (Figure 3.1). All links are given identical inertial and geometric properties (length=0.7 m,mass=10 kg, inertia=0.41 kg·m2). e primary control objective is to servo the chain’s COM:

ycom = f(q) (3.34)

along a two-dimensional gure-eight reference trajectory constrained to the XY plane:

yr =

[A sin(t)

A sin(2t)

]. (3.35)

is is accomplished using a setpoint objective:

E1(x) = || ycom − ycomd ||2 (3.36)

=∣∣∣∣∣∣ Jcomq + Jcomq− ycomd

∣∣∣∣∣∣2 (3.37)

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 32

where the desired acceleration ycomd is determined according to Equation 3.16 and

ycom = Jcomq + Jcomq (3.38)

is obtained by dierentiating Equation 3.34 twice with respect to time.

To resolve redundancy in the remaining degrees-of-freedom, a secondary objectives servos alljoints to a reference posture:

E2(x) =∣∣∣∣ yposture − ypostured

∣∣∣∣2 (3.39)

=∣∣∣∣∣∣ Jpostureq + Jpostureq− ypostured

∣∣∣∣∣∣2 . (3.40)

Since the second setpoint objective is for a conguration-space task:

yposture = q (3.41)

yposture = q (3.42)

yposture = q (3.43)

or equivalently,

Jposture = I (3.44)

Jposture = 0. (3.45)

Hence (3.40) can be written as:

E2(x) =∣∣∣∣ q− ypostured

∣∣∣∣2 . (3.46)

Summarizing all constraints and objectives we obtain:

C(x) =[

I −M]x− h = 0 (3.47)

E1(x) =∣∣∣∣∣∣ [ 0 Jcom


[ycomd − Jcomq

] ∣∣∣∣∣∣2 (3.48)

E2(x) =∣∣∣∣∣∣ [ 0 I

]x− ypostured

∣∣∣∣∣∣2 . (3.49)

Figure 3.2 shows commanded and actual COM coordinates in the XY plane for a 15 second sim-

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 33

−0.5 0 0.5








x (m)

y (m


Commanded Actual

4 6 8 10 12 14








7x 106

t (s)



c0 c1 c2

Figure 3.2: Planar Four Link Chain Results. Objective gains are E1: kp = 100, kv = 10, E2: kp = 0,kv = 1000. Le: COM commanded and actual trajectories, Right: Residuals. c0: dynamics constraints,i > 0, ci = Ei

ulation using the described controller; unconstrained prioritized optimization objective valuesare also plotted. As expected, the COM objective, E1, is exactly satised (i.e., c1 = 0), whilethe pose task objective, E2, cannot be completely satised (i.e., c2 6= 0). is occurs since E2

operates in the mechanism’s conguration space and conicts with the COM objective. c0 cor-responds to problem equality constraints, C(x), which we enforce via a top-level objective E0.

3.3.2 Underactuated Chain

Amechanism is said to be underactuated if internal forces cannot produce accelerations in cer-tain degrees-of-freedom. is includes well-known systems such as Acrobot [Spong 1994] andall untethered robots and simulated characters. Underactuation arises when a system has moredegrees-of-freedom than actuators.

One strategy used to control underactuated systems is to use a partial feedback linearization(PFL), to couple active and passive degrees-of-freedom [ Shkolnik and Tedrake 2008; Spong1994]. Due to the generality of our technique, dening a PFL for an underactuated version of thesystem requires only minor modications to the specication. is avoids having to manuallydecompose the mass matrix into active and passive parts [Shkolnik and Tedrake 2008].

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 34

0 5 10 151





t (s)


m (




0 5 10 15−1








3x 10


t (s)








Figure 3.3: UnderactuatedChainExample. Le: Time-series of underactuated chain duringCOMtrack-ing task. Desired COMheight shown as red crosshair. Actual COMheight shown as black circle. Middle:Commanded (blue) and actual (red) values for COM height. Right: Prioritized optimization residualsfor provided objectives.

In this example, we perform a setpoint regulation task with an underactuated version of the 4-link serial chain, from Section 3.3.1. To do this, we constrain the rst joint to be passive (i.e., τ 0 =

0), by augmenting the equality constraints with a minimum torque objective (Section 3.2.4).Hence, constraints and objectives are:

C(x) =

[I −M

S 0




]= 0 (3.50)

E1(x) =∣∣∣∣∣∣ [ 0 Jcom

]x− [ ycomd − Jcom ]

∣∣∣∣∣∣2 (3.51)

E2(x) =∣∣∣∣∣∣ [ 0 I

]x− ypostured

∣∣∣∣∣∣2 (3.52)


S =[

1 0 0 0]


is the joint selection matrix. We set kp = 0 in E2, such that the posture objective only appliesdamping forces. All other quantities/gains are unchanged from Section 3.3.1.

Figure 3.3 shows results for this simulation. Despite making the base joint passive, the COMheight is accurately tracked. As can be seen from the solver residuals, with the exception of thenal full-rank task, all task objectives are met.

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 35

3.3.3 Bilateral Constraints

To test how our method scales to more complex problems, we simulate a planar human per-forming squats (Figure 3.5). We use a HAT model (Figure 3.4) that aggregates head, arms, andtrunk mass properties into a single link. Character height and weight correspond to a 50th per-centile North American male, with individual link mass/geometric properties estimated usingdata fromWinter [2004]. Given link mass and geometric properties, inertia is calculated usinga thin-rod assumption (Table 3.1).

We model foot/ground interaction using a set of bilateral forces, acting at 2 contact points (p1r,p2r, p1l, p2l) on each foot (Figure 3.4). is requires that we include external forces, fc as un-knowns:

x =





and that we augment Equation 3.7 to account for the torques generated by these external forces:

Mq + h = τ + JTc fc (3.55)

where JTc =[

JT1r JT2r JT1l JT2l

]contains the Jacobians J? = ∂p?

∂qfor all contact points.

ree other setpoint objectives are provided in our example: an objective to regulate horizontaland vertical COMposition, an objective to regulate trunk orientation, and a nal conguration-space objective servoing all joints to a reference posture.

e complete set of constraints and objectives is:

C(x) =

I −M JTc

0 Jc 0

Spelvis 0 0



ycd − Jcq



E1(x) =∣∣∣∣∣∣ [ 0 Jcom 0


[ycomd − Jcomq

] ∣∣∣∣∣∣2 (3.57)

E2(x) =∣∣∣∣∣∣ [ 0 Jtrunk 0

]x− [ ytrunkd − Jtrunkq ]

∣∣∣∣∣∣2 (3.58)

E3(x) =∣∣∣∣∣∣ [ 0 I 0

]x− ypostured

∣∣∣∣∣∣2 . (3.59)

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 36







p1 p2

Figure 3.4: Planar HATmodel for squatting simulations. Model has 7 links, 9 degrees-of-freedom witha oating base, connecting the character’s pelvis to the world via a three degree-of-freedom planar joint.Inertial parameters are taken for a 50th percentile North American male.

In the above Spelvis =[

I3×3 03×6

]is the passive joint selection matrix for our simulation.

is objective ensures that no articial forces are applied at the pelvis. We compensate for nu-merical dri arising from expressing contact point position constraints at the acceleration levelusing a setpoint objective on the contact points (3.56); this is equivalent to Baumgarte stabiliza-tion [Cline and Pai 2003 ].

Figure 3.6 summarizes key results for this example. As can be seen, COM position and trunkorientation are accurately tracked. With the exception of the last full-rank task, residuals for allother tasks are within machine tolerance of zero.

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 37

Table 3.1: Planar Biped Mass Properties. Provided COM values are expressed in link local coordinates.Inertia is expressed about each link’s COM.

Link Length Mass COM (x,y) Inertia[m] [kg] [m] [kg ·m2]

trunk 0.846 55.47 0.00 0.325 3.670uleg 0.441 8.18 0.00 -0.191 0.166lleg 0.443 3.81 0.00 -0.191 0.068foot 0.274 1.19 0.07 -0.035 0.001total 1.80 81.82

Figure 3.5: Seven frames from the planar biped squatting simulation. Actual and desired COM/contactpoint positions are shown as red spheres and green crosshairs respectively.

3.4 Comparison to Quadratic Programming

Analternative to executing tasks in strict priority order is to combine them in aweighted fashion:

x∗ = arg minx



subject to C(x) = 0

Dx + f ≥ 0. (3.60)

is corresponds to formulating control as a constrained quadratic program (QP), with weightsdetermining each objective’s inuence (Section 6.2). is formulation has been used for balanc-ing and motion capture tracking [Abe et al. 2007; da Silva et al. 2008b; da Silva et al. 2008a;Macchietto et al. 2009]. However, it can require substantial eort to properly tune parameters(e.g., [Jain et al. 2009]), and can lead to problems with objective terms that “ght.”

To evaluate the benets of our unconstrained prioritized optimization algorithm, we repeat theactuated chain (3.3.1) and squatting simulations (3.3.3) using a QP-based control. We reuse thesame objectives, gains, and setpoints from these examples and combine them as described in

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 38

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100




M (m


xd x yd y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10−0.5




k An




!d !

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10










"hip "knee "ankle

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





|f| (N


p1 p2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10




x 107

t (s)



c0 c1 c2 c3

Figure 3.6: Planar squatting simulation results. From top to bottom, plots show: commanded vs. actualCOM position, commanded vs. actual trunk orientation, le leg control torques, magnitude of bilateralcontact forces for leg foot (p1 and p2 are the foot contact points), and residuals for all tasks specied tothe prioritized solver (i.e., Ei = ||Aix− bi ||). Right leg joint details omitted for brevity.

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 39

(3.60). For the squatting simulation, we also include a regularization task (i.e.,Areg = I, breg =

0, αreg = 0.01) to improve problem conditioning. Our implementation uses the interior-pointQP solver [Boyd and Vandenberghe 2004] from [MOSEK ].

For the actuated chain example, we were unable to nd a set of weights for the QP formulationthat achieved both tasks accurately. Instead, interference was observed between objectives in allattempted simulations. As one task was achieved, its contribution to the objective diminished,causing the optimization to favor the other objectives.

For the squatting example, many weight combinations cause the simulation to fail. With suf-cient tuning, the QP-based controller results approach those of the prioritized solver. Figure3.7 shows QP controller performance for a representative set of weight combinations. e QP-based control implementation runs at approximately half the speed of unconstrained prioritizedoptimization.

3.5 Summary

In this chapter, we introduced feature-based control. Feature-based control is an optimization-based approach for performing control in terms of high-level features of pose. Each featureis formulated as an objective. We describe four dierent objectives for: servoing to a set-point,reaching distant targets, regulating angularmomentum, andminimizing user-specied torques.

Controllers are designed by combiningmultiple objectives in a prioritizedmanner. A prioritizedoptimization algorithm solves for joint torques satisfying objectives, subject to constraints. Wevalidate this approach by presenting three examples.

In the following chapter we describe how to apply the objectives described in this chapter tomore complex locomotion problems. We use a version of the prioritized optimization algorithmcapable of dealing with unilateral constraints on actuation torques and contact forces. Becausewe target complex 3D characters, these problems must deal with balance; designing locomotioncontrol requires time-varying actions to be synchronized.

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Chapter 3. Feature-Based Control 40

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100







M x


n (









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100





M y


n (


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10−0.5




nk A




Time (s)

Figure 3.7: WeightedMultiobjective Optimization Squatting Results. Tracking of feature-space quanti-ties for ve dierent sets of weights is shown. Tasks weightsWi = (αi1, α

i2, α

i3) are: W0 = (10, 10, 0.1),

W1 = (50, 10, 0.1), W2 = (50, 50, 0.1), W3 = (100, 50, 0.1), W4 = (100, 100, 0.1). As weights areincreased, QP control output converges to prioritized solver output.

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Chapter 4

Feature-Based Locomotion Control

In this chapter we apply feature-based control, introduced in Chapter 3, to locomotion tasks.We describe controllers for balancing, jumping, and walking. We show that locomotion controlcan be expressed in terms of a small, intuitive, set of features and objectives. Objectives can beinterpreted in terms of balance and end-eector control. Control of multiple features is coordi-nated by a constrained prioritized optimization scheme that allows objectives to be resolved inpriority order, while handling inequalities from limits on actuation torques and contact forces.

4.1 Balance

We begin with a basic balancing control task; this controller will later form the basis for ourjumping andwalking controllers. Our balancing strategies are based on previous results [Kudohet al. 2006; Macchietto et al. 2009], with a number of improvements.

Figure 4.1: Feature-Based Locomotion Controllers. Controllers based on high-level features can bemodied to create new styles, transferred to new characters and are robust to interactive changes in an-thropometry. le to right: normal walking, “sad” walking, asymmetric character, “baby,” ostrich, di-nosaur.


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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 42

Table 4.1: Objectives for Balance and Jumping. Each objective corresponds to the control of one feature.

Priority Objective Role1 Econtact Keep feet planted

2 Ecom‖ Keep COM over base-of-supportEcom⊥ Control COM height

3 EAM Minimize AM changes (Section 3.2.3)Epose Servo joints to a rest poseEankle Servo ankles rel. to COM (jump)

Balancing involves several actions, summarized in Table 4.1. We divide actions into 3 prioritylevels, combining objectives at the same level with equal weight, (i.e., E1(x) + E2(x)) (Sec-tion 6.2). With the exception of EAM (Section 3.2.3), we use setpoint objectives for remainingfeatures (Section 3.2.1).

e rst priority level ensures the feet remain planted on the ground. is is enforced by anobjective, Econtact, which keeps each foot’s sole on the contact surface. is is done using asetpoint objective (Section 3.2.1), applied to each point on the bottom of the foot. e referencevalue ycontactr is obtained by projecting each of these points onto the contact surface.

e second priority level is responsible for regulating linear momentum. To accomplish this,Ecom‖ regulates the projection of the center-of-mass (COM) to the centroid of the base-of-support. Specically, ycom‖r is set to the average location of the contact points. Control of theCOM component perpendicular to the contact surface uses a similar objective, Ecom⊥; ycom⊥r

is chosen based on the character’s stature (≈ 80% max COM height). Varying ycom⊥r producesdeep-knee squats.

At the lowest priority level, two objectives are used: an angular momentum (AM) objectiveEAM compensates for unwanted rotations (Section 3.2.3), and a rest pose objectiveEpose resolvesremaining whole-body redundancies. e rest pose objective is a special case of the setpointobjective, which simplies to:

Epose = || q− kp(qr − q) + kvq ||2 . (4.1)

See da Silva et al. [2008b] for a discussion of how to compute position error (i.e., qir − qi) forspherical joints. We select a target for yposer = qr that commands joints to a neutral pose; knees

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 43

are bent slightly to encourage rotation away from joint-limits. Pose feature gains are listed inTable 4.2; damping is set as described in Section 3.2.1. Contact constraints (Section 4.4.2) arealso enforced for all foot contact points close to the ground.

Table 4.2: Pose Objective Gains.

Joint kposep (Nm)

Ankle 500

Shoulder 250

Elbow 50

Other 2000

e described balance controller is very stable across a broad range of parameters and characters(Section 4.5). Several whole-body strategies emerge automatically to achieve controller objec-tives. When applying large external perturbations aecting overall character posture, “wind-milling” strategies emerge from AM regulation (Figure 4.2); arm “windmilling” is a commonwhole-body strategy used by people to avoid loss-of-balance, while standing [Kudoh et al. 2006;Macchietto et al. 2009]. e character also assumes natural postures coordinating diverse jointgroups. Increasing reference COM height for Ecom⊥ is rst handled via knee extension; onceknees reach limits, the character begins straightening his back and raising his arms. Command-ing COM heights that exceed physical limits of the character eventually leads to failure, as nofeasible solution exists.

4.2 Standing Jumps

We now describe a variety of jumping behaviors (Figure 4.4), created by simple modicationsto the balance controller described above. A state machine determines reference values for in-dividual balance controller features. Using the state machine, COM height is rst lowered andthen quickly raised, producing the jump. An additional objective, Eankle, controls the ankleposition in mid-air. Varying reference values yields dierent jumps, including twisting, in-airkicks/splits, and forward jumps.

e state machine for jumping includes the following stages: standing, compression, thrust, as-cent, descent, and impact (Figure 4.3). During compress, we use the basic balance controller,

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 44

Figure 4.2: Arm “Windmilling” Compensates Disturbances:When applying cyclic perturbations (1000N, duration: 0.1 s, interval: 0.1 s) to the standing controller, windmilling compensation strategies emergeautomatically from AM control. Sequence order is le-to-right, top-to-bottom; elapsed time betweenimages is 1/30 s

but lower the COM height, so that the character crouches. en, thrust begins: ycom⊥r is quicklyraised, while continuing to balance. When the COM passes a threshold height, we enter theascent state. In this stage, COM tracking and contact objectives are disabled (i.e., αcom =

αcontact = 0). Simultaneously, ankle control, Eankle is enabled (i.e., αankle = 10). is keepsthe ankles at a xed position relative to the COM, throughout ight, improving stability uponlanding. During descent, and once the feet are about to touchdown, ankle rest pose is updatedto match the ground slope. Upon impact, we disable Eankle and re-enable Ecom and Econtact(i.e., αankle = 0, αcom = αcontact = 1). e COM motion in this phase is determined by thebalance controller, which helps decelerates the body. Once the COM starts moving upwards, atarget objective (Section 3.2.2) Ecom⊥ is used to bring the character back to a standing posture.All changes to COM height are done using a target objective. is avoids the need for carefultrajectory design or gain tuning. For the standing jump, AM damping (i.e., Lr = 0) is appliedthroughout the motion.

Jump with twist. To create twisting jumps, non-zero vertical AM is commanded about theCOM during thrust. e greater the AM at take-o, the more the character will rotate in the air.Sample 90 and 180 twisting jumps are shown in the accompanying video.

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 45


Delay Contact




COM Control

Contact ObjectiveAnkle Objective

Figure 4.3: Planar illustration of jump controller actions/state machine. State transition are based onCOM state and contact events

Figure 4.4: Sample jumping styles (le to right): Normal, Scissor-Kicks, Air-Splits

Jumping kicks and splits. To create scissor kick or air-split motions (Figure 4.4), standing-jump controller values for yankler are varied throughout ight. To do this, we rotate the ankleoset relative to the COM about a user-specied axis, reversing the direction of motion oncedescent begins. Accompanying videos shownatural counter-rotation of the torso during ballisticmotion.

Forward Jumps. Jumps that produce large COM displacements can be created by furtherextending the acrobatic controllers (Figure 4.5). During thrust, a small displacement in COMposition is commanded in the direction of desired travel. During ight, ankle position tra-jectories are modied to prepare for landing. See the accompanying video for more jumping

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 46

Figure 4.5: Sample Forward Jump: Modifying in-place jump controller yield forward jumps


4.3 Walking

We now describe a locomotion controller capable of walking at dierent speeds, with dierentstepping heights, and in a variety of styles. e features used by this controller can be dividedinto two categories. First, foot and COM features are controlled to drive the character forward.A statemachine governs targets for these features.e remaining objectives are used tomaintainbalance and control additional nuances of style. ese objectives are independent of the statemachine; many of them are derived from the balancing controller in Section 4.1. e completelist of features/objectives is summarized in Table 4.3.

4.3.1 State-dependent objectives

Control of the feet and the COM is governed by a state machine. Each foot can be in one of fourstates: swing, plant, support, and heelo. State transitions are determined as shown (Figure 4.6).At specic state machine transitions, targets for the feet and COM are recomputed based onuser-specied properties of gait, such as step length and duration.

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 47

Foot control. Two objectives are used to control the feet, Econtact and Eswing. When a footis in one of the contact states (plant, support, heelo), the Econtact objective enforces contactconditions, and is implemented as in the balancing controller. Depending on the current state,either the front, back, or all four corners of the foot are kept in contact with the ground (Fig-ure 4.6).

When a foot is in the swing phase, theEswing target objective controls its trajectory. is objec-tive rst raises the foot to a user-specied step-height h and then lowers it, all the while movingthe foot forward. One target objective is used for the toe, and one for the heel. e desired swingphase duration T is set by the user (Table 4.3).

More specically, the target location yswingr for the heel is split into a component parallel to theground plane y

swing ‖r and a target height yswing⊥r . e parallel component is determined when

the foot enters the swing phase, as an oset from ystance, the heel’s position at the start of theswing phase, as:

yswing ‖r = ystance − 2α lhip d⊥ + lstep d‖ (4.2)

where d‖ is the direction of travel, d⊥ is the right-handed direction perpendicular to d‖, andlhip is the stride width. e indicator α is +1/−1 for the right and le swing foot, respectively.For the rst half of the swing phase duration, yswing⊥r is set to a user-specied step-height h. Forthe remaining duration, it is set to zero. e target objective for the toe is identical to that of theheel, but delayed by a small amount.

Note that the swing foot objectives do not precisely specify footmotion. Footmotion can deviatefor many reasons, including conicts with higher-priority tasks, unmodeled disturbances, andinconsistencies between commands and the character’s foot size. Objectives aremeant to “guide”the feet in a sucient way to avoid toe-stubbing, while moving the foot to the next foot plant.

COM control. e COM is controlled along a sinusoidal path that propels the characterforward, placing the COM over the stance foot for balance. Whenever a swing foot entersthe plant phase, this target trajectory is recomputed. To synchronize the COM and the feet,the desired COM trajectory duration is set to the actual duration of the previous swing phase,T icom = T i−1

swing. is simple feedback mechanism encourages the character to enter a stablelimit-cycle aer only a few steps. e duration of the COM trajectory is parameterized with a

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 48

60% of Swing



4 Contacts


≥ 1 Contacts



Figure 4.6: Walking Actions and Parameters. Top: A state machine is used to coordinate contact(Econtact), COM (Ecom‖), and stepping (Eswing) objectives. Middle/Bottom: Illustration of parame-ters (Table 4.3) used to specify swing targets yswingr and COM trajectory ycom‖r .

phase variable φ ∈ [0...1].

COMmotion parallel to the ground plane is commanded along a trajectory:

ycom‖r (φ) = φp1 + (1− φ)p0 + αlhip sin(πφ)d⊥ (4.3)

relative to the initial COM position p0, with:

p1 = ystance − α lfoot d⊥ +1

2lstep d‖ (4.4)

where lhip and lstep specify hip shi and step length respectively (Table 4.3). In our walkingcontroller, we leave the COM motion perpendicular to the ground plane unconstrained. isallows the walking motion to pivot on the stance leg, rather than walking with some predenedheight or attempting to hand-cra trajectories that may conict with the system dynamics. To

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 49

Figure 4.7: Sample walking styles (le to right): Fast, slow, “sad”

adjust walking height, we vary the knee angle in Epose.

4.3.2 State-independent objectives

e remaining objectives do not depend on the state machine. As with in-place motions, weregulate AM to improve balance (Section 3.2.3). Biomechanical studies have indicated that AMis tightly regulated during human walking [Herr and Popovic 2008]. is quantity has alsoproven useful in control optimization [Wang et al. 2009]. To our knowledge, ours is the rstmethod which actively regulates AM for human locomotion.

For style, an additional objectiveEarms is also included to encourage passive armmotion. Earmsuses the minimum torque objective (Section 3.2.4), selecting shoulder and elbow joints via thematrixS.e combination of AMdamping andminimumupper-body torque control producesnatural-looking in-phase arm swing and hip-torso counter oscillation.

Two additional objectives are used. To control the character’s posture, we use a setpoint objectiveEtrunk‖ specifying the location of the base of the neck relative to the COM:

ytrunk ‖r = ycom‖r + d‖ ltrunk. (4.5)

Lastly, a setpoint objective Ehead is used to stabilize the orientation of the head [Pozzo et al.1990]. A quaternion setpoint qhead species the desired orientation of the head about d⊥, whilealso pointing the head in the direction of travel.

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 50

Table 4.3: Objectives and Parameters for Walking. Top: Objectives uses for Walking Bottom: Walkingcontroller parameters. See Figure 4.6 for an illustration of these quantities. Quantities in parameter tableare commanded values. ese will dier from actual values.

Priority Objective Task1 Econtact Keep stance foot planted

2 Ecom‖ Move COM parallel to ground planeEtrunk‖ Control neck position wrt COM

3 Eswing Control swing footEAM Dampen angular momentumEpose Servo joints to rest poseEarms Minimize arm torquesEhead Servo global orientation of head

Parameter Symbol ValueSwing Duration T 0.3 - 0.7 sStep Length lstep 0 - 0.7mSwing Height h 0 - 0.1mFoot Spread lfoot 0 - 0.03mSwing Delay ∆T 0 - 0.3 sHip Shi lhip 0 - 0.3m

COM oset ltrunk ±0.3m

Head Orientation qhead ±180°

4.4 Prioritized Optimization

We next describe details of the optimization solved to enforced objectives for balancing, jump-ing, and walking.

At each instant of a simulation, the controller determines the following vector of unknowns:

x =





where τ denotes joint torques, q denotes joint accelerations, and λ denotes weights in the lin-earized friction cone bases. To ensure that generate contact forces are not sticky we apply con-

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 51

strained prioritized optimization algorithm (Section 6.3).

4.4.1 Equality Constraints

As shown in Equation 3.55, the equations of motion:

Mq + h = τ + JTc fc (4.7)

relate joint accelerations q, joint torques τ , and contact forces fc.e quantitiesM andh are thejoint space inertia matrix, Coriolis/centrifugal and gravitational forces respectively. e contactforce Jacobian Jc maps generalized velocities q to world space Cartesian velocities at contactpoints. Contact forces:

fc = Vλ (4.8)

are expressed in the basis of the linearized friction coneV [Abe et al. 2007]. Substituting (4.8)and (4.6) into (4.7), and rearranging gives the equality constraints:

C(x) =[

I −M JTc V]x− h = 0. (4.9)

4.4.2 Inequality Constraints

To accurately solve for control torques, it is necessary to account for contact forces arising fromjoint-limits and ground interaction. Together, these dene the inequality constraints:

Dx + f ≥ 0 (4.10)

used by our simulator.

Ground Contact. Ground contact forces must be strictly repulsive and respect friction [Abeet al. 2007; da Silva et al. 2008b; Fang and Pollard 2003]. In our experience, strictly enforcingzero acceleration at contact points [Abe et al. 2007] leads to numerically sensitive/infeasibleproblems. We have found that using non-penetration constraints [Bara 1994], expressed in thelinearized friction cone basis, producesmore stable results.ese conditions can be summarized

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 52

by the inequality constraints:

λ ≥ 0 (4.11)

ac ≡ VTJcq + VT Jcq + VTJcq ≥ 0 (4.12)

Although complementarity constraints are not enforced (i.e., λTac = 0), we have not foundthis simplication to adversely impact controller performance or stability.

Joint Limits. To prevent the character from assuming unnatural postures, we include addi-tional constraints in the contact Jacobian:

J′c =

[Jc 0

0 Jlim


for all joints at limits. For a joint, whose generalized coordinate conguration qi, has rangeqil ≤ qi ≤ qiu, we set the rows of Jlim to the standard basis ei when qi = ql and to −ei whenqi = qu. is increases the number of λs in x (Equation 4.6).

Torque Limits. Bounds on torques help prevent superhuman feats of strength and are ex-pressed as: −τ imax ≤ τ i ≤ τ imax.

We nd that directly including the equality constraints C(x) = 0 (Equation 4.9) as constraintsin the QP optimization can lead to infeasible solutions due to numerical issues, particular atcontact transitions where rows of Jc become linearly dependent to machine precision. Instead,we obtain stable results by adding a top-priority objective E(x) = || C(x) ||2. Since this objec-tive has higher priority than all other objectives, it will always be minimized to zero, ensuringthat the equality constraints are satised.

4.5 Results

Wenowdescribe results of applying feature-based controller design to balancing, standing jump,and walking motions, seen in Figures 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, and the accompanying video.

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 53

Simulation Details. Our simulator uses Featherstone’s algorithm, and provides automaticcomputation of Jacobians and equations-of-motion [Featherstone 2008]. Equations are inte-grated using the semi-implicit schemeofGuendelman et al. [2003 ]. Ground contact ismodelled,using an inelastic impulse-based model, that includes friction (µ = 1). Our double-precisionsingle-threaded implementation runs at 50− 100% real-time, on a Dual Core 3GHz Intel XeonCPUwith 4GB RAM, running OSX 10.5, for all presented examples. Speed varies depending oncharacter complexity, number of active contacts, number of prioritization levels, and the choiceof QP solver. Our default character model has 35 degrees of freedom, with height and weightcorresponding to a 50th percentile North American male. Skeletal dimensions and link massare taken fromWinter [2004]. Link inertias are calculated using uniform density shapes scaledto match skeletal dimensions.

Once optimal torques are computed, the joint accelerations q can be computed in two ways.First, one may directly apply forward dynamics using the torques. Alternatively, because theoptimizer outputs q values as well as torques (i.e., both are included in x), one may insteaddirectly use the output of the optimizer. Because complementarity is not enforced during op-timization, using these q’s may lead to slight numerical inaccuracies. Furthermore, one mustuse a QP solver that guarantees that all constraints will be satised: interior-point methods dosatisfy all constraints, whereas active set methods may not, leading to small sticky (bilateral)forces. However, using the optimizer output allows dynamics to be advanced at signicantlylarger timesteps. Specically, using forward dynamics integration and control must be doneat 1 kHz to maintain stability; the simulation can operate at 100Hz using q from (4.6). In ourtests, we developed the controllers using q values from the optimizer, and then perform the nalsimulations using forward dynamics.

Balance & Jumping. Starting from the balance controller, it was straightforward to pro-duce jumps of dierent heights, for characters with varying skeletal properties, requiring onlyminor changes to parameters controlling hopping height. Despite large changes in motion, thecontroller produced consistent landings. is robustness is atypical of joint-space parameteri-zation. e examples we demonstrate are qualitatively similar to those of Wooten [1998], whoexplored a vast array of acrobatic maneuvers for simulated humans.

Starting from the basic jump controller, it took about 30 minutes to make the character performboth twisting jumps and in-air acrobatics. e feature-based parameterization also provides a

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 54

useful dimensionality reduction. Only 3 parameters (i.e., crouch depth, thrust phase duration,and reference AM) vary between standing and twisting jumps. Designing similar motions us-ing conventional methods would have been very dicult, requiring careful trajectory design toavoid unwanted rotations prior to ight. Injecting AM in a coordinated manner would also bevery fragile and time consuming to design.

Walking. Using the feature-based representation, we generate walking in a variety of styles.is can be done by reasoning about the desired look and feel of the motion. For example, togenerate the sad walk example shown in our video, we begin with the slow walk, activate a set-point objective to place the character’s hands in his “pockets,” tilt the head forward, add a littlebit of forward lean to the body, and add a small amount of knee bend to the rest pose. iscan be done without concern for coupling between dierent features. For example, since we areexplicitly controlling the COM in our walking controller, trunk lean angle does not directly in-uence forward speed. is allows lean angle to be varied over a large range (Table 4.3), withoutworrying about its eect on stability. is is not the case with many joint-space walkers, whichtightly couple lean and forward velocity (e.g., [ Yin et al. 2007]). Furthermore, our methodallows interactive changes to gait parameters, by directly adjusting control parameters such asthose in Table 4.3.

Changes to Body Shape. Generalization of motion synthesis methods to new charactersis an important goal. is has previously been demonstrated for kinematic methods [Heckeret al. 2008], and to a lesser extent for physics-based systems [ Coros et al. 2009; Hodginsand Pollard 1997; Tsai et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2009]. Model-based approaches [Abe et al.2007; Coros et al. 2010; Macchietto et al. 2009], such as ours, signicantly expand controlgeneralization capabilities.

Our controllers are robust to large changes to skeletal and inertial properties. We demonstratethis for both balancing and walking by changing morphology for our biped during simulation(Figure 4.1). No control parameters are changed for these experiments. Limb dimensions areincreased by a factor of 2, with mass and inertia scaled appropriately.

Furthermore, we can apply the same controllers to characters with vastly dierent topologiesand mass distributions (Figure 4.1). Aside from rest pose, all of our features are independentof character topology. We parameterize all of our characters in such a way that 0 can be used

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 55

for the rest pose for all joints. Our implementation automatically computes all necessary fea-tures, Jacobians, and objective termswithout requiring any additional eort. We nd controllerscan be successfully applied onto new characters without any manual modication to the exist-

ing controller whatsoever. is illustrates the power of the feature-based representation as anabstraction for reasoning about and creating motion.

Benefits of Prioritization. In our experiments, we have found prioritized optimization tohave several advantages over weighted multiobjective combination. Although weighted opti-mization is sucient for control with a small set of objectives [Abe et al. 2007; Jain et al. 2009], it can behave poorly when many objectives are enabled/disabled at runtime. For example,despite only minor dierences between the balance and jumping controllers, we were not ableto generate jumping motions using weighted optimization. Results were numerically sensitive,producing infeasible problems, despite activating only one additional objective (e.g., Eankle).As controllers becomemore complex and use a larger set of objectives, tuning objective weightsbecomesmore dicult and time-consuming. From a design perspective, using prioritization al-lows control to be layered, improving workow. Control of fundamental motion features can be“locked-in”, without worrying about impact of lower-priority objectives on stability or motionexecution.

In our experiments with in-place standing motions, we found prioritized optimization to bemore robust to external disturbances. Because weighted optimization does not explicitly de-couple objectives, disturbances aect all objectives. As dri increases in one objective, weightedoptimization will begin to favor other objectives (e.g., error in Ecom will increase, while Eposedecreases), eventually leading to task failure. Prioritized optimization does not suer from thisfailure mode. Instead, tracking of low-priority features is sacriced tominimize errors in higherpriority goals. is yields human-like disturbance rejection, consistent with hypotheses frommotor neuroscience [Todorov and Jordan 2002]. See the project web page for a comparison ofweighted/prioritized optimization.

We also converted our walking controller to a weighted optimization. However, minimizinginterference between the dierent objectives was extremely dicult and sensitive to parametertuning. Sti-looking walking can be obtained by disabling all objectives except for Econtact,Ecom‖, Eswing, and Epose. Stylistic terms such as EAM and Earms proved especially sensitiveand required careful tuning. Small changes in these objectives produced motion with “ailing”

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 56

arms or excessive torso-counter rotation that “fought” rest-pose objectives. Coupling betweenuser control parameters also increased. Because of these issues, we do not believe we wouldhave been able to develop a good set of objectives in the rst place without using prioritizedoptimization.

Prioritized optimization has a few disadvantages as compared to weighted optimization. Pri-oritized optimization is slower and more work to implement, since each priority level requiressolving both a QP and a SVD. For locomotion control, prioritized optimization requires theuse of double-precision arithmetic for numerical stability, whereas single-precision arithmeticis sucient for weighted optimization. In our attempts to use prioritized optimization withsingle-precision arithmetic we found that Jacobians for high priority objectives (e.g., Econtact),can become rank decient to machine precision. is makes prioritized optimization sensitiveto preconditioning techniques used by the QP solver. Weighted multiobjective combinationdoes not have these problems, since adding many low-rank matrices together can produce full-rank ones. When the problem is formulated without unilateral constraints these issues can beavoided (Section 6.1).

4.6 Summary

In this chapter, we presented a set of locomotion controllers for complex physics-based charac-ters based on controlling high-level motion features. Features are resolved in prioritized ordersubject to equality constraints, dened by dynamics, and unilateral constraints, from contactforce, actuation, and range of motion limits. By exploiting prioritization, our method reducesobjective weight tuning, increases robustness, and allows controllers to be designed incremen-tally, while decreasing coupling between control objectives.

Although our controllers only use a small number of features, many natural behavior propertiesarise, including human-like armmovement and hip-swaying in walking. ese motion featurescannot easily be generated using previous joint-space approaches.

To synchronize time-varying feature targets, we propose a number of action-specic state ma-chines. For walking, foot plants are determined using a simple strategy with minimal feedback.is approach has some limitations. Runtime updates to hip shi, swing duration, and steplength must be coordinated to ensure the COM moves suciently close to the stance foot, to

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Chapter 4. Feature-Based Locomotion Control 57

allow the stance leg to support the body. As swing duration decreases motion becomes morestable since the walker spends less time in single-support. Furthermore, because these curvesare dened in world coordinates, the controller is not robust to perturbations.

To address these issues, Chapter 5 proposes a strategy for selecting optimal feature commands,by planning in the low-dimensional feature space, while simultaneously considering dynamicsand terrain characteristics.

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Chapter 5

Robust Physics-Based LocomotionUsing Low-Dimensional Planning

In nature, unlike in the laboratory, straight-line, steady-speedlocomotion is the exception rather than the rule.

[Dickinson et al. 2000 ]

Generating robust locomotion control of physically-simulated characters is very challenging.At every instant, control must select forces that aect not only immediate state, but also futuremotion completion.is is especially important whenmoving across irregular terrain with littlemargin for error. In these situations, foot step locations and modes of travel must be jointlyselected to set up the next step. For example, a character walking on at ground may needto switch to a dierent gait, such as running or jumping, when traversing stepping stones or

Figure 5.1: Interactive locomotion control over varied terrain. Gait, footsteps, and transitions are auto-matically generated, based on user-specied goals, such as direction, step length, and step duration. Inthe above example, a user steers the biped across uneven terrain with gaps, steps, and inclines.


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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 59


Planning these types of motions remains an open problem. Performing a full spacetime op-timization of the motion is extremely expensive, and cannot handle unforeseen disturbances,changes to the environment, or new user-specied goals. Feature-based control methods, de-scribed in previous chapters, provide a number of useful abstractions for designing controllers.However, complex actions still require task-specic state-machines and trajectories. As an alter-native, simplied dynamics models that enable online planning (of feature actions) can be used.However, existing models are gait specic and do not plan control over multiple foot-steps.

is chapter introduces a locomotion controller for full-body 3D physics-based characters thatplans joint torques by optimizing a low-dimensional physical model. At each instant, the con-troller optimizes a plan over multiple phases of locomotion. To generate the plan, full-bodydynamics are approximated by a set of closed-form equations-of-motion, allowing replanningto occur at every time step. e controller then chooses optimal full-body torques accordingto the current plan, while maintaining balance. Depending on the task goals and terrain, dif-ferent gaits, including walking, running, and jumping, and gait transitions, emerge naturally.When navigating over terrain with a limited number of footholds, optimal paths are automat-ically determined. We demonstrate this technique on several uneven terrain navigation exam-ples, including gaps, inclines, stairs, large drops, and stepping stones. Robustness to externaldisturbances and projectile avoidance capabilities are also shown. Our method requires no pre-processing and no motion capture data; a small set of user-level parameters allows control overthe nal motion.

5.1 Overview

Wedescribe a locomotion controller that calculates joint torques τ for a physics-based character(Figure 5.2). At each instant of the simulation, a plan S? is computed by nonlinear optimiza-tion of the motion over the subsequent two footsteps. Since trajectory optimization [Witkinand Kass 1988 ] for full-body locomotion remains very computationally expensive [ Liu et al.2005; Wampler and Popovic 2009], we optimize the trajectory of a low-dimensional previewmodel instead. Full-body torques are then chosen such that the full-character’s COM followsinstantaneous plan accelerations.

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 60

Full State( , ) State

Full Body Controller

Character Simulation

Preview Optimization





Figure 5.2: System Overview. At each time step, character state q, q is mapped to a lower-dimensionalpreview model state, s0. Next, a preview optimization generates an optimal plan S? that meets user-specied goals. Lastly, the full-body controller optimization calculates joint torques τ , based on theinstantaneous accelerations from S?. Torques are applied to the simulation, resulting in a new characterstate.

e preview model is based on the Spring-Loaded Inverted Pendulum [ Full and Koditschek1999] (SLIP) (Section 5.2). A xed preview schedule divides the next two footsteps into 6 phases:double stance, le single-stance, ight, double stance, right single-stance, and ight. e opti-mization includes objectives to achieve target goals (e.g., desired step length and heading) andobjectives to compensate for simplications (e.g., foot position relative to hip). e optimiza-tion produces dierent gaits by omitting certain phases: omitting double-stance leads to jogging,while omitting ight leads to walking. e plan is computed by optimizing control parametersU, for the SLIPmotion S during these 6 phases. Wemake simplifying approximations to deriveclosed-form SLIP equations that allow forward dynamic simulation without numerical integra-tion. e optimization yields an optimal plan S?.

Using the optimal plan S?, τ is determined by a second optimization (Section 5.4). is opti-mization attempts to have the full character match the instantaneous accelerations of S?, whilealso maintaining balance. Given torques τ , a simulator computes joint accelerations q and con-tact forces fc, and updates the full-character state (q, q) by integration. is process of replan-ning and torque optimization is repeated at every time-step. Instead of replanning every simu-lation timestep, faster performance can also be obtained by replanning less frequently.

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 61

Figure 5.3: Low-dimensional planning. At each instant, a low-dimensional plan S? is computed, spec-ifying COM (c(t)) and COP (p(t)) motion, as well as the next foot plant (yswing). Motion is dividedinto stance and ight phases, with COM motion modeled as described in Sections 5.2.2 and 5.2.3. COPmotion uses a linear model (Equation 5.3). A running motion is shown above, with footplants ΩR/ΩL.

5.2 Preview Simulation

is section describes the low-dimensional model used to simulate dynamics over multiplephases of motion. Stance phases are represented with a modied SLIP model, with simpli-cations that allow closed-form integration. e resulting motion over multiple phases is piece-wise polynomial, allowing analytic integration of objective function terms (Section 5.3). Ballisticphases are represented by COMmotion only. Initial conditions for the preview simulation comefrom the current full-body character state, which provides initial COM position c0 and velocityc0, initial heading α0 and angular velocity α0, and right/le foot contact polygons ΩR/ΩL. α0 isset to the orientation of the pelvis about the vertical axis.

5.2.1 Stance Model

When the character has one ormore feet on the ground, a SLIPmodel [Full andKoditschek 1999] is used to describe character motion. We modify the SLIP in several ways. First, we add an

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 62

explicit representation of the contact polygon corresponding to the convex hull of the supportfeet. Second, since exact SLIP equations must be numerically integrated, we use an approximatemodel that decouplesCOMmotion in directions parallel and perpendicular to the groundplane.is allows equations of motion and objective functions to be computed in closed-form. Lastly,rather than assuming a xed COP position, we allow it to move within the support polygon.

e SLIPmodel is parameterized by aCOMposition c and a headingα, representing orientationof the pelvis about the vertical axis. At any given instant, the complete degrees-of-freedom ofthe model are:

ss(t) =








where ΩR/ΩL are the support regions for the right/le foot respectively. e support regionsare constant throughout a given phase. When a foot is in the air, its support region is empty(Ω = ∅). Otherwise, its support region is modeled as a quadrilateral determined by projectingthe sole of the foot onto the contact surface (Figure 5.3)

e complete set of single and double stance control parameters used by our model, are sum-marized by an 8-dimensional vector:

us =







. (5.2)

e duration of the phase is set by the parameter T . e SLIP model is controlled by a linearspring that connects the COM, c, to COP, p, on the ground. e spring has rest length r(t) anda xed stiness k. Rather than xing the COP as is typically done (e.g., [Kajita et al. 2001 ]), weallow a time-varying COP. Walking with a xed COP corresponds to walking on pin-like feet

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 63

and does not take advantage of the foot’s whole support region. In humans, foot rolling is animportant factor in the production of smooth, energy-ecient walking [Adamczyk et al. 2006]. Both the rest length and COP are controlled linearly:

p(t) =t

T(pT − p0) + p0 (5.3)

r(t) =t

T(rT − r0) + r0 (5.4)

where p0/pT are the start/end COP locations, and r0/rT are the start/end rest lengths. Angularmotion is controlled by setting a constant angular acceleration α.

5.2.2 Stance Dynamics and Simulation

Wenow describe SLIP equations-of-motion used to obtain s(t) (Equation 5.1), given initial con-ditions s0 and control us. As discussed in the sections that follow, horizontal, vertical, and ro-tational motion are decoupled to obtain closed-form solutions. Components are combined:

c(t) =




. (5.5)

All derivations assume at ground with axes x/y and z being parallel and perpendicular to theground plane respectively. Equations are represented in world coordinates and converted topolynomial form using h-order Taylor approximation about s0.

Our approximate SLIP model results from decoupling and linearizing the inverted pendulummodel ofKajita et al. [2001 ]. In the vertical direction, we also add a springwith constant stiness.is produces a model with a straightforward interpretation: horizontal motion is governed byinverted pendulum dynamics, while vertical motion is described by spring-mass dynamics.

Horizontal Motion. We rst derive equations-of-motion along the horizontal x-axis; sincewe assume planar dynamics, equations-of-motion in the y direction are identical. Assuming aninverted pendulum of mass m, a height h above the ground, a COP location px, and an angleθ from the vertical axis, gravitational forces act in the horizontal direction as mg tan θ. Using

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 64

tan θ = (x− px)/h, we have:

mx = mg(x− px)/h. (5.6)

Because COP motion is linear (Equation 5.3), the solution is given by:

x(t) = β1eαt + β2e

−αt + px(t) (5.7)


β1 =x0 − p0,x

2+x0T − (pT,x − p0,x)


β2 =x0 − p0,x

2− x0T − (pT,x − p0,x)


α =√g/h (5.10)

and x0/x0 are the horizontal COM position/velocity at the beginning of the stance phase, and his the COM height at the beginning of the stance phase.

Vertical motion. Vertical motion is modeled using a spring mass system, subject to gravita-tional and spring forces:

mz = k(r − z)−mg. (5.11)

Because the rest length varies linearly (Equation 5.4), the motion is given by:

z(t) = d1 cos(ωt) + d2 sin(ωt) + r(t)− g/ω2 (5.12)


d1 = z0 − r0 +g


d2 =z0

ω− rT − r0


ω =√k/m (5.15)

and z0/z0 are the COM position/velocity at the beginning of the stance motion in the verticaldirection. In all our examples we use g = 9.81m/s2 and k = 1N/m.

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 65

Heading. To compute the character’s heading α(t), we assume the pelvis orientation is inde-pendent of linear COM motion. Because the controlled angular acceleration α is constant, wehave:

α(t) = α0 + α0t+1

2αt2. (5.16)

5.2.3 Flight Dynamics and Simulation

e complete state vector during ight is:

s(t) =






. (5.17)

When the character is in ight, projectile motion equations are used to describe COMmotion.Since joint forces have no eect on the COM trajectory or heading, the only control parameterfor the ight phase is the duration T :

uf =[T]


e equations of motion are then:

c(t) = c0 + c0t−1

2ct2 (5.19)

α(t) = α0 + α0t (5.20)


c =





is the acceleration due to gravity.

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 66

1 65432DS SS F DS SS F




Figure 5.4: Preview optimization schedule. Using a single schedule we capture a large family of loco-motion behaviors. Depending on the optimization results dierent motions are produced (by excludingdierent phases): Walking alternates between double-stance (DS) and single-stance (SS). Running al-ternates between SS and Flight (F). Standing only uses a single DS phase. Because we force exchange ofsupport (EOS) between subsequent stance phases, motions such as hopping on one leg require a dierentschedule (Chapter 7).

5.2.4 Multi-step simulation

Simulation over multiple steps requires concatenating multiple stance and ight phases. Walk-ing emerges as a sequence of alternating double and single-stance phases, whereas running al-ternates between single-stance and ight (Figure 5.4). In all cases, single-stance phases alternatebetween le-foot and right-foot stance. We capture multiple types of locomotion with a single,xed preview schedule of 6 phases (Figure 5.4): double-stance, single-stance, ight, double-stance, single-stance, and ight. Optimizing a preview schedule entails optimizing six sets ofcontrol parameters:

U =[

u1s u2

s u3f u4

s u5s u6


]. (5.22)

In every schedule, only a subset of the phases will occur. Phases assigned a zero duration bythe optimization (Ti = 0), will be omitted from the nal plan. e initial phase must matchthe initial state of the fully-body character (e.g., if the current character state is single-stance,then the rst double-stance phase is skipped). Because it is not possible to transition from ightdirectly to double-stance (i.e., one foot will always land slightly before the other), at least one ofphases 3 and 4 will always be skipped.

When the character is not standing in place, exchange-of-support between le and right stancefeet will occur aer phases 2 or 3. is requires a new footplant to be selected. We use an

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 67

additional 2D control parameter:

ufoot = yswing (5.23)

to specify where the swing foot should be planted. Given yswing and the character’s heading αat the beginning of the corresponding phase, the shape of the character’s foot is projected ontothe environment to determine the corresponding Ω for rest of the schedule.

Given initial conditions, s0 and control parameters, U, a preview simulation is then performedby applying equations-of-motion for each phase sequentially. Concatenating the individual tra-jectories gives the low-dimensional motion over the entire preview schedule:

S(t) =[

s1s s2

s s3f s4

s s5s s6


]. (5.24)

Since each phase is polynomial, the complete sequence is piecewise polynomial. e total du-ration of the schedule is the sum of the individual durations, Tsched =

∑i Ti.

To avoid impulsive changes in motion, we enforce continuity in control parameters across con-secutive stance phases. Specically, pT for phase imust equal p0 for phase i+ 1; likewise rT forphase imust equal r0 for phase i+ 1. As a result, the preview control parameters U consists of23 free parameters.

5.3 Preview Optimization

Given initial conditions s0, the preview optimization selects optimal control parameters,U? forthe preview schedule, relative to a set of user-specied energy terms gi(S):

U? = arg minU


wigi(S) (5.25)

Because the landscape of our objective has many local minima, we solve the optimization us-ing Covariance Matrix Adaptation (CMA) [Hansen 2006]. To speed up the optimization, wereuse the solution from the previous timestep as the initial guess for the current solution. In ourimplementation, we run CMA with a maximum of 5000 objective function evaluations and apopulation size of 15. e projectile avoidance examples (Section 5.5) uses up to 10000 evalua-tions.

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 68

As discussed below, two types of terms are included in the preview optimization: goal objectivesand modeling objectives. e optimal control parameters U? yield an optimal simulation S?.

5.3.1 Goal Objectives

Using goal objectives, users can specify desired properties of motion. Our system uses fourtypes of goal objectives: i) step duration, ii) step length, iii) pelvis heading, and iv) COM height.roughout this section, we denote the rst and second foot step of the schedule using A andB respectively. See Table 5.1 for typical settings used in our examples.

We seek solutions with steps of user-specied duration Tstep. Deviations are penalized using:

gsteptime = (TA − Tstep)2 + (TB − Tstep)2 (5.26)

where the total duration of each step, TA and TB , are the sums of their respective double andsingle-stance durations.

To encourage steps of a particular length, dstep, and in the desired direction of travel, d, we use:

gstepdist = (dA − dstep)2 + (dB − dstep)2 (5.27)


dA = (cA − c0)Td (5.28)

dB = (cB − cA)Td (5.29)

are the length of the rst and second steps, projected in the desired direction of travel, and ci isthe Cartesian location of the COM at dierent points in the preview.

Since heading changes cannot be achieved instantaneously, we determine error in orientationat the end of the preview using:

gheading = (α− αd)2 (5.30)

where αd is the desired character heading and α is the nal pelvis orientation determined ac-cording to Equations 5.16 and 5.20. is term allows a user to steer the character.

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 69

Transitions betweenwalking and jumping arise based on foothold selection anduser constraints.To encourage motions with pronounced ballistic phases, we include an objective:

gcom = (hε − hd)2 (5.31)

hε = max (hapex − hstart, hapex − hend) . (5.32)

hstart, hend, and hapex are the COM heights at the start, end, and apex of the rst ight phase,respectively. hd is expressed relative to the COM standing height.

5.3.2 Modeling Objectives

Modeling objectives play an important role in compensating for simplications made by thedecoupled preview dynamics model. We use three modeling objectives: i) COM acceleration,ii) leg length, and iii) foot position relative to hips. Although modeling objectives use errorintegrals over the preview window, these quantities can be calculated in closed-form, due to thepiecewise-polynomial COM preview motion (Section 5.2.2).

Because we optimize a simplied passive model, with no explicit force inputs, it does not makesense tomeasure stride power. Instead, we seek smoothmotions with small COM accelerations:

gaccel =

∫c(t) dt. (5.33)

A key simplication made by our stance model is that COM height is constant during stance.ough this simplies the mathematical preview model description, it can produce unnatural“at walking” motions. Natural walking is characterized by an arc-like motion of the stance legabout the COP. To encourage this type of motion, we penalize motions with large variationsfrom the target leg length:

gleg =∑



i − L2r)

2 dt (5.34)

where Li =∣∣∣∣ yihip − yiankle

∣∣∣∣ is the length of leg i, measured between the hip and the ankle(Figure 5.3) and Lr is the character’s leg length when standing. e positions yhip and yankle aredened by xed horizontal osets from c and yswing , respectively. is term also helps avoiddri, keeping the leg length “centered” near its nominal value. Weights for this objective term

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 70

are kept small, since motions such as running and jumping require substantial leg compression.

In our preview model, we assume pelvis orientation in the axial plane is completely decoupledfrom forward motion. Even for characters with small hips, changes to pelvis orientation willrequire leg-length changes. To compensate for this simplication and to generate motions withthe feet roughly pointed in the same direction as the pelvis, we use an objective:

ghip =∑


∫||y′hip − y′ankle ||2 dt (5.35)

wherey′hip andy′ankle are the 2D projections of the hip and ankle position onto the ground plane.is term encourages the hip to stay over the ankle.

5.3.3 Constraints

To ensure solutions calculated for the simplied model are valid when mapped to the full char-acter, several geometric constraints, based on target character skeletal properties, are enforced.With the exception of leg length, all of the constraints are expressed in CMA as variable boundsconstraints. A sigmoidal so-constraint [Liu et al. 2005 ] is used for leg length constraints.

e COP locations p0/pT must lie within the base-of-support during each stance phase. elocationsp0/pT are represented by bilinear coordinates within the contact quadrilateral. Duringdouble-stance, an oriented quadrilateral is t to the convex hull surrounding ΩL and ΩR.

We limit the model’s telescoping leg length:

Li ∈ [Lmin, Lmax ] (5.36)

to ensure leg length limits imposed by the full character are not violated. Lmax is the maximalhip to ankle distance of the full character when the legs are fully extended and Lmin is the samedistance when the legs are fully contracted.

e footstep location is constrained to lie near the COM:

||c‖ − yswing||1 <1

2Lr (5.37)

where c‖ are the COM coordinates projected on the ground plane and Lr is the character’s leg

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 71

Table 5.1: Controller Parameter Values. Nominal values are based on observed human motion. Typicalpreview optimization weights are: wsteptime = 10, wstepdist = 10, wheading = 1, wcom = 0, waccel =0.05, wleg = 10, whip = 10.

Action dstep [m] Tstep [s] wcom hd [m]

Walk 0.75 0.6 0 0

Run/Jump 1.05 0.4 > 0 0− 0.5

length when standing. e L1 norm is used to express Equation 5.37 as bounds constraints.

Each phase must have a non-negative duration T ≥ 0.

5.4 Full-Body Controller

Once S? has been selected, a second optimization computes full-body joint torques τ for thecurrent time instant. e only quantities used from S? are the instantaneous second derivatives(cd, α) at the start time t = 0, and the target footplant yswing.

Given the optimal preview motion S?, we calculate:

x =





where τ are the full-body control torques, q is the generalized accelerations of the body, and λ

are linearized friction-cone basis weights, used to estimate contact forces. We formulate controlsynthesis as a weighted optimization (Section 6.2).

At each time instant, the optimal x is recalculated; the resulting accelerations q are then in-tegrated. e dynamics constraints, character model, and integration are implemented as inChapter 4. We do not use constrained prioritized optimization (Section 6.3), although we sus-pect that it could provide better stylistic control and robustness.

e optimization uses several objectives.e rst two objectives aim to have theCOMandpelvismove in the direction suggested by the plan. To do this, we use objectivesEcom = ||cr− c||2 andEheading = (αr − α)2, where cr and αr are computed by analytic dierentiation of the currentpolynomial plan representation. Feet are moved to the target footholds, yswing, using the target

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 72

objectiveEswing described in Chapter 3. Unlike locomotion controllers from Chapter 4, it is notnecessary to hand-design gait-specic COM trajectories or foot targets.

Another objective, Ehip, implemented as a setpoint objective (Chapter 4), favors motions withsimilar hip-to-COM distance as the simplied model. Nominal hip-to-COM distance is calcu-lated at the beginning of the simulation, when the character is in its reference standing posture,and assumed to remain constant. is helps us come up with a better measure of the leg lengthcommanded by the SLIP.is quantity is expressed in the heading reference frame, to encouragethe legs and feet to point in the desired direction of travel.

Additional objective and stabilization terms are taken from (Chapter 4): angular momentumregulation (EAM ), rest pose (Erest), head stabilization (Ehead), and foot contact during stance(Econtact). We do not include stylistic terms, such as arm torque minimization, as we found thatthese can cause problems during sharp turns. Angular momentum (AM) regulation performstwo roles in this optimization. First, as in Chapter 4, AM regulation is useful for balance andstability. Additionally, because our simplied model does not represent rotational motion out-side the axial plane, it cannot accurately preview motion with signicant AM. Hence, keepingAM small for the full-body movement helps prevent deviations between the models.

It is also possible to compute the optimal preview less frequently, since, in the absence of unex-pected events, the preview optimization is normally consistent across a large number of frames.is improves performance. In addition to planning at integer multiples of the integrationtimestep, we nd it useful to allow replanning at contact events (e.g., change of support).

5.5 Results

Using the described formulation, we generate a diverse set of robust locomotion behaviors. Gen-erating distinct behaviors, such aswalking, running, and standing, aswell as transitions betweenthese behaviors, is achieved by specifying only a high-level set of task goals. No state machines,special treatment of transitions, or motion capture data are required to generate these motions.Resulting motions are shown in the accompanying video.

Our system uses the simulator described in Chapter 4, which uses an inelastic (εrest = 0) LCP-based contact model with Coulomb friction (µ = 1). Our human model has 37 degrees offreedom (Figure 5.3). All limbs are assumed to have constant density. Table 5.1 lists typical

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 73

Figure 5.5: Uneven Terrain Capabilities. In addition to walking, running, and turning, low-dimensionalplanning allows traversal of varied terrain including: drops (1 m), steps (0.5 m), stepping stones, gaps(0.25-0.9 m), and inclines (±15o). See the accompanying video for a complete set of examples.

parameters used in our system to achieve dierent types of motion.

Performance. When updating dynamics and control at 250Hz, our unoptimized imple-mentation runs at approximately 15% real-time on a Intel i7 920 2.67 GHz processor. Planningless frequently signicantly improves performance. To quantify impact of planning frequencyon level-ground walking, we test two algorithm variants (Figure 5.6). First, we restrict previewcomputation to occur every 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 integration steps. At each step, a COMsetpoint objective (Chapter 4) is used with reference acceleration cr computed by dierentiat-ing the plan, and with gain kcomp = 1000. All other aspects of the control remain unchanged.Second, we repeat the rst experiment, but also allow replanning at all contact events.

Less-frequent planning signicantly improves performance, but decreased robustness. Withoutallowing replanning at contact events, we were not able to plan less frequently than every 100steps. When limiting replanning to only occur at contact events, the average speed is 55% real-time; remaining computation is for our simulator and the full-body controller. Replanning onlyat contacts yields signicant speedups with minimal motion changes. In this case, replanningconstitutes a negligible portion of computation time.

To further improve performance, our method might also benet from more sophisticated opti-mizationmethods, such as Basin-CMA [Wampler and Popovic 2009], which could leverage theanalytically-dierentiable objective provided by our method. Planning frequency could also bedynamically adjusted based on detected disturbances or preview deviations.

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 74

0 20 40 60 80 1000








r (m


Update Freq. (steps)

Tracking Error

No Replan at ContactReplan at Contact

0 20 40 60 80 1000






% R




Update Freq. (steps)

Runtime Performance

No Replan at ContactReplan at Contact

Figure 5.6: Performance vs. Update Frequency. Mean COM tracking error and runtime speed, as afunction of replanning frequency, for level-ground walking. Standard deviations are shown for trackingerror. COM error is the mean cumulative COM tracking error over each replanning window. Planningwas performed at specied multiples of the integration timestep (blue). To improve stability, we alsoallowed replanning at contact transitions (red). Replanning only at contacts yields speedups with onlyminimal tracking error.

Standing. To have the character stand in place, we set the desired step-size dstep = 0 and de-activate the step-duration objectivewsteptime = 0. is results in a preview consisting of a singlearbitrarily long double-stance phase. If the desired heading, αd, is changed during standing, thecharacter will take the necessary steps to avoid errors from ghip, while also satisfying gheading.Small changes in desired orientation are handled by the torso, while large turns coordinate legjoints. In addition to smoothing locomotion gaits, using a linear COP model (Equation 5.4)enhances standing by allowing perturbations to be handled using in-place weight shis, ratherthan requiring many small compensatory steps.

Walking, Running, and Jumping. Walking and running are performed by adjusting stepparameters (Table 5.1). Transitions between these two locomotion modes occurs automaticallyas parameters are changed. To force motion with marked ballistic periods, the COM heightobjective (Equation 5.32) is activated andhd is set to a nonzero value. Alternatively, theweightingof gaccel can be decreased. is will allow larger deviations in c.

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 75

Uneven Terrain Navigation. Because our preview model plans into the future, control de-veloped for at ground can also be used for uneven terrain without changes. e controller cansuccessfully traverse many types of uneven and constrained terrain, including gaps, inclines,stairs, large drops, and stepping stones (Figure 5.5). A demonstration of the character traversingan obstacle course with many of these elements is shown in Figure 5.1. Terrain is represented asa height eld, which is provided to the preview optimization to select good footplants yswing.For large gaps, we have found it useful to provide the optimization with a signed distance elddescribing favored foot plant locations on the terrain. Specically, when possible we prefer thecharacter step in the middle of a platform, away from edges. Currently our system handles in-clines of ±15o. Larger inclines violate at ground modeling assumptions of our approximateSLIP model.

External Disturbances and Projectile Avoidance. Previous work has quantied con-troller robustness through external perturbation tests (e.g., throwing projectiles at the character[Abe et al. 2007; Coros et al. 2009]). In the accompanying video we demonstrate controllerrobustness, by testing external forces ranging from 100-500 N applied for 0.1-0.2 sec. to thecharacter’s head, at both random and cyclic intervals. In addition to applying forces when thecharacter is in stance, we also test the challenging case of in-air disturbances. In both cases, theplanner generates steps to avoid failure.

Our controller can also be robust to projectiles by dodging them. We add a projectile avoidanceconstraint to the planner that constrains the plan to keep the COM above a minimum distanceD from the projectile’s path:

mint|| p(t)− c(t) ||2 > D2 (5.39)

where t indexes the duration of the plan, and p(t) is the future path of the projectile. isconstraint is enforced by a sigmoidal so constraint, and theminimum is computed over a set ofdiscrete sample times t. As a result, plans are generated that take necessary evasivemaneuvers tostep away fromprojectiles. When the heading objective is deactivated, the character can changeswhole-body orientation to more quickly avoid projectiles. When heading is active, avoidancestrategies generally involve taking larger steps.

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Chapter 5. Robust Physics-Based Locomotion Using Low-Dimensional Planning 76

5.6 Summary

is chapter has presented a method for simplifying design of feature-based locomotion con-trollers. Instead of hand-designing state-machines for dierent behaviors as described in Chap-ter 4, we formulate the feature selection process as nonlinear trajectory optimization.

At each time instant the nonlinear optimization proposes a set of feature acceleration targets.Features are selected by evaluating a low-dimensional hybrid dynamicalmodel that predicts howactions taken at the current time instant will impact motion in the near future. To evaluate themodel, an objective is used that accounts for user-specied goals and modeling simplications.Once features are selected, we calculate joint torques, for forward simulation, using methodsdescribed in previous chapters.

We are not the rst to consider planning of biped motions. However, unlike many previouskinematic (e.g., [Kuner et al. 2003 ]) and kinodynamic (e.g., [Chestnutt 2007; Coros et al.2009]) techniques, we do not rely on discrete search for action selection. Instead, our low-dimensional formulation allows optimizations to remain tractable, while also considering thestate-dependent nature of actions. Although we initially pursued this approach to improve footplant selection on at ground, we demonstrate good generalization capabilities tomany dierentgaits, terrain types, and constraints (e.g., projectile avoidance).

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Chapter 6

Prioritized Optimization

e process of optimizing a collection of objective functions is referred to asmulti-objective op-

timization (MOO). Methods for MOO have a long history in economic theory, game theory,and pure mathematics [Marler and Arora 2004]; see [ Stadler 1988 ] for a historical perspec-tive. In addition to practical considerations of eciency, MOO algorithms must overcome twochallenges. First, MOOmethods must provide a way to combine multiple, possibly conicting,objectives. Second, for nonlinear objectives functions, MOO algorithms must choose amongsta possibly large set of solutions.

e most common method of combining multiple objectives is weighted combination (Sec-tion 6.2). For problems with quadratic objectives and linear constraints, this amounts to solvinga quadratic program (QP). In practice, tuning weights for problems with many objectives canbe dicult (Section 4.5). An alternative, to weighted combination, is lexicographic or priori-tized optimization (PO).is approach solves objectives in a hierarchical order; at each prioritylevel, objectives are solved subject to problem constraints and equality constraints arising fromall higher priority objectives. Most PO methods (e.g., [Kanoun et al. 2009]) use a formulationthat systematically increases the number of equality constraints considered at each priority level(Section 6.3.4).

In this chapter, we propose two algorithms that use an alternate strategy. By focusing on pos-itive semi-denite quadratic objectives and linear constraints we can enforce prioritization bysolving a series of nested underconstrained linear systems (Section 6.1). Each linear systemis solved in the null-space basis of higher-priority problems. When unilateral constraints areincluded (Section 6.3), each priority level requires a QP to be solved; constraints must also be


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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 78

reparameterized. erefore, in our algorithms the number of constraints remains constant. Ouralgorithms also allow multiple objectives to be combined by weighted combination at any pri-ority level. Hence, proposed algorithms provide a single method of handling both weighted andprioritized optimization problems.

By focusing on quadratic objectives and solving underconstrained problems in a least-squaresense, we avoid the having to maintain a set of potential minimizers (as described above fornonlinear objectives). If a feasible minimizer exists it is guaranteed to be the global solution.

6.1 Unconstrained Prioritized Optimization

6.1.1 Problem Statement

Given an ordered list of N objectives, E1(x), . . . , EN(x), over some variable x ∈ RD, priori-tized optimization nds the solutionminimizing each objective without conictingwith higher-priority objectives:

hi = minxEi(x)

subject to Ek(x) = hk, ∀k < i (6.1)

For example, suppose we are given three objective functions E1(x), E2(x), and E3(x). ereare three steps to dene the solution to this problem. Our rst goal is to nd the minimumof E1(x). Since objectives are generally underconstrained, E1(x) will typically have multipleminimizers. Our next goal is to nd which among these valid minimizers have minimalE2(x).Finally, among this new set of minimizers, we want to return the one which minimizes E3(x).More formally, we can write the problem as the following sequence of optimizations:

h1 = minxE1(x) (6.2)

h2 = minxE2(x)

subject to E1(x) = h1 (6.3)

h3 = minxE3(x)

subject to E1(x) = h1, E2(x) = h2 (6.4)

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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 79





Figure 6.1: Prioritized optimization problem with 2 objectives. E1 (in red) constrains the minimizer tolie in the family of solutions x(w) shown as a dark red line. Selecting among valid solutions, the solveridenties the minimizer in the family of solutions x(w) producing lowest E2 (shown in blue).

We then return the value x∗ that solves this nal optimization. Figure 6.1 illustrates a case withtwo tasks; the general case ofN objectives can be dened as in Equation 6.1.

In principle, prioritized optimization could be solved byN applications of a general constrainedoptimization algorithm. In this chapter, we focus on the case where all objectives are positivesemidenite quadratics, and thus can be written as:

Ei(x) = ||Aix− bi ||2 (6.5)

for somematrixAi and vector bi. GivenN objectives, our goal is to solve for unknowns x suchthat we minimize Ei(x) subject to each of the previous objectives.

In this formulation, each objective can also be thought of as a constraint of the form Ei(x) =

0. Solving the prioritized optimization problem ensures that this constraint will be satisedwhen possible, since, in general, Ei is minimized at zero. When a constraint cannot be satised(typically because it conicts with a higher-level constraint), minimizing Ei will minimize thefailure of the constraint. Hence, each Ei can be viewed as either a constraint or as an objective.

6.1.2 Solution for Three Objectives

To see how to solve this type of optimization problem, we consider the case of three quadraticobjectives E1(x), E2(x), and E3(x). Solving for x in a naıve manner would involve solving

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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 80

a sequence of quadratically-constrained quadratic programs. However, the space of optimalsolutions to a positive semidenite quadratic objective must be a linear subspace.

Specically, the space of optimal solutions to E1 = ||A1x− b1 ||2 can be parameterized by avector w1 as:

x(w1) = C1w1 + d1 (6.6)

where C1 = null(A1) is a nullspace basis for A1, and d1 = A†1b1 is a minimizer of E1. Anychoice of w1 produces a minimizer of E1(x). e quantities C1 and d1 can be computed usinga single Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Note that their dimensionalities depend on therank of A1.

Now we can reparameterize the second objective:

E2(w1) = ||A2x(w1)− b2 ||2 (6.7)

= ||A2C1w1 − (b2 −A2d1) ||2 (6.8)

=∣∣∣∣ A2w1 − b2

∣∣∣∣2 (6.9)


A2 = A2C1 (6.10)

b2 = b2 −A2d1. (6.11)

e solutions to this problem can be described by a smaller subspace, parameterized by a vectorw2 as w1(w2) = C2w2 + d2, where C2 = null(A2) and d2 = A†2b2. If we only have twoobjectives, such as the example shown in Figure 6.1, the solution to the optimization problem isx∗ = C1d2 + d1.

To account for the third objective, we reparametrize E3 in terms of w2, using:

x(w2) = x(w1(w2)) (6.12)

= C1(C2w2 + d2) + d1 (6.13)

E3(w2) = ||A3x(w2)− b3 ||2 (6.14)

=∣∣∣∣ A3w2 − b3

∣∣∣∣2 (6.15)

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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 81


A3 = A3C1C2 (6.16)

b3 = b3 −A3(C1d2 + d1). (6.17)

e subspace of optima for this problem is given by w2(w3) = C3w3 + d3, where C3 and d3

are dened as above. en, any value of w3 gives an optimal solution for the nal objective.Substituting in the original space, we have:

x(w3) = x(w1(w2(w3))) (6.18)

= Cw3 + d (6.19)


C = C1C2C3 (6.20)

d = C1C2d3 + C1d2 + d1. (6.21)

Hence, a solution to the entire prioritized optimization problem is given by x∗ = d.

6.1.3 General Solution

We can generalize to the case of N objectives as follows. First, we dene an initial subspaceequivalent to the full space x(w0) = w0, so that C0 = 1D×D and d0 = 0D. en for all1 ≤ i ≤ N , we have:

Ai = Ai


Ck (6.22)

bi = bi −Ai




)dj (6.23)

Ci = null(Ai) (6.24)

di = A†i bi (6.25)

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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 82

At each step, the substitution of the subspace is of the form Ei(wi) =∣∣∣∣ Aiwi + bi

∣∣∣∣2. esolution subspace for this problem iswi(wi−1) = Ciwi−1 +di. e substitution of di back intothe original space is:

di =i∑




)dj (6.26)

yielding the nal solution to the entire problem x∗ = dN .

6.1.4 Recursive Algorithm

Equations 6.22 and 6.25 provide a recursive description of the unconstrained prioritized solverfor quadratic constraints. However, they contain a great deal of redundant computation. Forexample, the product:

Ci =i∏


Cj (6.27)

is computed multiple times. To avoid this duplication, we substitute (6.27) into (6.26), yielding:

di =i∑


Cj−1dj (6.28)

= di−1 + Ci−1di (6.29)

= di−1 + Ci−1A†i bi (6.30)

Using Equations 6.27 and 6.28 we can rewrite Ai and bi as:

Ai = AiCi−1 (6.31)

bi = bi −Aidi−1 (6.32)

Using the above and dening accumulator matrices C and d yields the recursive algorithm:

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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 83

Algorithm 1: Unconstrained Quadratic Prioritized Optimization Solver

C← I , d← 01

for i = 1 toN do2

Ai ← AiC3

bi ← bi −Aid4

d← d + CA†i bi5

if Ai is full rank then6

return d7


C← C null(Ai)9


return d11

If the objective functions are designed well, line 11 will never be reached. For example, if AN isfull-rank, then AN must also be full-rank.

e nullspace and pseudoinverse computations using SVD require user-specied tolerances.ese tolerances impact solution smoothness. We use:

tolpinv =√ε (6.33)

tolnull = max(m,n) max(s)ε (6.34)

wherem andn are the dimensions of each Ai, s are its eigenvalues, and ε is themachine tolerancefor the oating point representation used by the implementation.

e exact complexity of the iterative solver described in Algorithm 1 depends on the number ofobjectives and rank of each objective. However, since a SVD is required for each task, a worst-case estimate isO(D3).is is equivalent to other existing task-space control approaches, whichtypically require a matrix inverse, or pseudoinverse, to compute projection operators [Liegeois1977; Khatib 1995 ].

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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 84

6.2 Weighted Combination

e algorithm described in Section 6.1 combines objectives in a strictly prioritized manner. Al-ternatively, users may wish to combine multiple objectives by weighted combination:

E(x) =J∑j

αjEj(x) (6.35)

with weights αj . Algorithm 1 also supports weighted combination. At any priority level i, mul-tiple objectives (Aj,bj) can be combined into a single quadratic as:

Ai =



bi =




where βj =√αj . All other algorithm details remain unchanged.


E(x) = ||Aix− bi ||2









β1A1x− β1b1

...βJAJx− βJbJ


β1A1x− β1b1

...βJAJx− βJbJ



(βjAjx− βjbj)T (βjAjx− βjbj)


β2j (Ajx− bj)

T (Ajx− bj)


αj ||Ajx− bj ||2 =J∑j


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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 85

6.3 Constrained Prioritized Optimization

6.3.1 Problem Statement

In Section 6.1 we present a recursive algorithm for unconstrained prioritized optimization. ealgorithm supports both strict prioritization and weighted combination. Although the algo-rithmwas designed for unconstrained problems, prioritization can be leveraged to enforce equal-ity constraints:

C(x) = 0 (6.37)

by specifying appropriate objectives at the highest level of priority.

In practice, it may also be desirable to enforce inequality constraints:

Dx + f ≥ 0 (6.38)

arising from bounds on x. In this section we extend the algorithm from Section 6.1 to suchcases.

Given an ordered list of N objectives, E1(x), . . . , EN(x), constrained prioritized optimizationnds the solutionminimizing each objective without conicting with higher-priority objectivesand top-level constraints. is is dened recursively as:

hi = minxEi(x)

subject to Ek(x) = hk, ∀k < i

C(x) = 0

Dx + f ≥ 0. (6.39)

6.3.2 Solution for Three Objectives

Suppose we have three prioritized objectives, E1(x), E2(x), and E3(x). e space of optimalsolutions toE1(x) = ||A1x− b1 ||2, subject to the unilateral constraints, can be parameterized

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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 86

E1(x) x(w








Figure 6.2: Constrained prioritized optimization problem with two objectives. e minima of E1(x)(in red) lie in a linear subspace x(w), shown as a dark red line. e solution must lie on this subspace.e dynamics constraints require the solution to lie the green polytope. e solution that minimizesE2(x), subject to these two constraints, is given by x∗.

by a vector w1 as:

x(w1) = C1w1 + d1 (6.40)

whereC1 = null(A1) is a nullspace basis forA1, andd1 is a feasible1minimizer ofE1(x).en,any feasible choice of w1 produces a minimizer of E1(x), although not all values of w1 yieldfeasible solutions. e solution d1 can be obtained by solving a QP, and C1 can be computedusing Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Figure 6.2 illustrates the solution for the case oftwo objectives.

is reparameterization may then be repeated recursively. Substituting x(w1) into the secondobjective gives:

E2(w1) = ||A2x(w1)− b2 ||2

=∣∣∣∣ A2w1 − b2

∣∣∣∣2 (6.41)

A2 = A2C1 (6.42)

b2 = b2 −A2d1. (6.43)

e second objective is now reparameterized so as to restrict it to the space of solutions to the

1We use “feasible” for any point that satises the unilateral constraints.

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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 87

rst objective. Likewise, substituting x(w1) into the unilateral constraints gives reduced con-straints:

c(w1) = DC1w1 + Dd1 + f ≥ 0 (6.44)

Now, the solutions to this problem can be described by a smaller subspace, parameterized by avector w2 as w1(w2) = C2w2 + d2, where C2 = null(A2) and

d2 = arg minE2(w1) (6.45)

subject to c(w1) ≥ 0 . (6.46)

We nally reparametrize the third problem in terms of w2, using:

x(w2) = x(w1(w2)) = C1(C2w2 + d2) + d1 (6.47)

E3(w2) =∣∣∣∣ A3w2 − b3

∣∣∣∣2 (6.48)

c(w2) = D(C1(C2w2 + d2) + d1) + f (6.49)


A3 = A3C1C2 (6.50)

b3 = b3 −A3(C1d2 + d1). (6.51)

e subspace of optima for this problem is given by w2(w3) = C3w3 + d3, where C3 and d3

are dened as above. en, any value of w3 gives an optimal solution for the nal objective.Substituting in the original space, we have:

x(w3) = x(w1(w2(w3))) (6.52)

= Cw3 + d (6.53)


C = C1C2C3 (6.54)

d3 = C1C2d3 + C1d2 + d1. (6.55)

Hence, a solution to the entire constrained prioritized optimization problem is given byx∗3 = d3.

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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 88

Algorithm 2: Constrained Quadratic Prioritized SolverC← I , d← 01

for i = 1 toN do2

Ai ← AiC3

bi ← bi −Aid4

di ← arg minw

∣∣∣∣ Aiw − bi∣∣∣∣25

subject to D0Cw + D0d + f0 ≥ 06

if problem is infeasible then7

return d8


d← d + Cdi10

if Ai is full rank then11

return d12


C← C null(Ai)14


return d16

6.3.3 Recursive Algorithm

An ecient algorithm for computing the solution forN objectives is given in Algorithm 2. isis a straightforward generalization of the procedure described in Section 6.1.4, the only dier-ence is that inequality constraints are now enforced when solving for di in lines 5-6. If theprioritized optimization problem is well-posed, then line 16 will never be reached. For example,if AN is full-rank, then AN must also be full-rank.

We have tested this algorithm with several QP solvers, including MOSEK’s [MOSEK ] interior-point method and the active-set solver in QPC [Wills ]. We nd that MOSEK works for allproblems, but is somewhat slower that QPC. QPC is faster, but may not strictly satisfy all in-equality constraints.

6.3.4 Alternate Strategy

Section 6.3.3 presents a strategy for solving Equation 6.39, based on reparametrizing objectivesat each priority level. Kanoun et al. [2009] propose an alternate strategy based on satisfying anincreasing number of equality constraints. eir method is summarized below.

Let x∗k be an optimizer of the k-th recursive optimization problem, and hk = Ek(x∗k). en the

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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 89

subsequent constraint Ek(x) = hk is equivalent to Akx− bk = Ax∗k − bk or, simply:

Ak (x− x∗k) = 0 (6.56)


Claim 1. x is a miminizer of Ek(x) = ||Akx− bk ||2 if and only if Ak (x− x?k) = 0

Part 1. e complete family of solutions is:

x(w) = x?k + Ckw (6.57)

whereCk is the nullspace ofAk (i.e., AkCk = 0). Substituting Equation 6.57 into Equation 6.56:

Ak (x?k + Ckw − x?k) = 0

AkCkw = 0

0 = 0 (6.58)

Part 2. Suppose x satisties A (x− x?k) = 0, then

Ek(x) = ||Akx− bk ||2

= ||Akx−Akx?k + Akx

?k − bk ||2

= ||Ak (x− x?k) + Akx?k − bk ||2

= ||Akx?k − bk ||2 (6.59)

Substituting (6.56) into (6.39) yields:

hi = minxEi(x)

subject to Ak(x− x∗k) = 0 ∀k < i

C(x) = 0

Dx + f ≥ 0. (6.60)

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Chapter 6. Prioritized Optimization 90

is can be solved recursively usingN Quadratic Programs.is approach applies an increasingnumber of linear constraints at each step, which oen lead to numerical instability. Kanoun andcolleagues [2009] also describe a method for handling prioritized inequality constraints, whichwe do not discuss here. In practice, we have noticed this method has diculties with rapidlychanging constraints, such as when the number of contact points changes; noisy torques aregenerated oen resulting in simulation failure. is formulation is also sensitive to the choiceof QP solver, failing on active-set methods.

6.4 Summary

We have presented two algorithms for lexicographic optimization [Marler and Arora 2004] forthe special case of quadratic objectives and linear constraints. We refer to these algorithms asunconstrained and constrained prioritized optimization.

Unconstrained prioritized optimization applies to problemswith quadratic objectives and equa-lity constraints. For this particular case, we propose a recursive algorithm based on solving anested set of underconstrained linear systems. At each priority level, the linear system is solvedin the nullspace basis of all previous solutions. Hence, results are guaranteed to not interferewithone another. A top-level objective is used to enforce inequality constraints. At each priority level,we perform a singular value decomposition (SVD). From this SVDwe extract both the nullspacebasis and calculate the pseudoinverse needed to solve the linear system.

Constrained prioritized optimization applies to problems with quadratic objectives and bothequality and inequality constraints. To handle this case, we extend the unconstrained prioritizedoptimization algorithm. At each level we formulate a quadratic program (QP) to ensure thatinequality constraints are respected; Inequality constraints are projected as needed.

When all objectives are combined at the same priority level, these methods are equivalent toweighted multiobjective optimization.

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Chapter 7


Domo arigato Mr. Roboto

Styx, 1983

is thesis set out to develop new tools for designing and implementing control of simulatedphysics-based characters. Physics-based animation approaches hold the promise of improvedgeneralization and compact representation, while also potentially shedding light on motor con-trol processes used by animals.

We focus on locomotion actions, such as walking, jumping, and running, since they representfundamental human behaviors. As such, control must deal with challenging aspects commonto many types of human motion, including balance, intermittent contact, and underactuation;many practical applications stand to benet fromdevelopment of robust locomotion controllers.

Instead of parameterizing locomotion controllers in terms of joint behaviors, which implicitlycouple control actions to character anthropometry, we focus on formulating locomotion usingabstract features of pose. is requires three questions to be answered:

• What is a sucient set of features needed to produce locomotion?

• How can individual features be regulated?

• How can multiple features be combined to design robust controllers?

Chapters 3 and 4 introduce feature-based control, an optimization-based approach that formu-lates control in terms of abstract high-level features. Control of each feature is formulated as aquadratic objective. We show that in-place actions, such as balancing, can be described in terms


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Chapter 7. Conclusion 92

of foot contact andmomentum regulation objectives. More complex behaviors, such as jumpingand walking, can be generated using task-specic state-machines, to coordinate time-varyingfeatures, such as foot plants and center-of-mass motion. We also propose objectives for regu-lating stylistic aspects of motion. is approach yields a variety of locomotion gaits with manyhuman-like characteristics. Additionally, since control uses a model of the character dynamics,no additional eort is required to reuse control on new characters of dierent proportions orwith a dierent number of joints.

To improve controller generalization and robustness, Chapter 5 presents a method for auto-matically selecting features targets. is method performs trajectory optimization using a lowdimensional biomechanically-motivated planning model. e planning model uses linearizedspring-loaded-inverted-pendulum dynamics in stance, projectile dynamics in ight, and a xedtwo-footstep schedule. To select optimal planning model parameters, a nonlinear optimizationis formulated that favors motion with user-specied characteristics (e.g., step length/duration,heading, etc.). is approach has several advantages. Firstly, by using a general mechanism todetermine high-level features, hand-designed state machines, described in Chapter 4, can becompletely eliminated. e resulting controller is memoryless: no persistent state (e.g., indexinto a state machine or reference trajectory) is needed by the controller, with the exception ofremembering the last stance foot during ight. Secondly, using a planning horizon based on aspecic number of foot steps, rather than on a xed amount of time, we avoid special treatmentof dierent behaviors (e.g., based on frequency domain motion characteristics). Hence, a singlecontroller can be used to generate a large family of behaviors and transitions. Lastly, carefulchoice of objectives allows us to optimize essential features gait, producing simulated charactersthat can be directed at interactive rates.

A key element of the feature-based representation is amethod for calculating joint-torques fromfeature objectives. To do this, we derive novel algorithms for problemswith positive semidenitequadratic objectives and linear constraints. ese algorithms can be viewed as specializations oflexicographic optimization for quadratic programs. Our approach draws inspiration from twoareas: optimization-based control [Abe et al. 2007; da Silva et al. 2008b; Hofmann et al.2004] and prioritized task-space control [Khatib 1987; Khatib et al. 2004; Abe and Popovic2006]. e proposed algorithms guarantee minimal interference between objectives and do notrequire specialized projection matrices, as in Operational Space Control [Khatib et al. 2004].

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Chapter 7. Conclusion 93

7.1 Future Work

When one door closes, another opens; but we oen look so longand so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the onewhich has opened for us.

Alexander Graham Bell, 1847-1922

e techniques described in this thesis provide a set of design tools for expressing motion interms of features, objectives, andpriorities, while abstracting out the specics of individual jointsor masses. is provides a poweful abstraction layer for control design that could be used formany dierent types of motion, not just locomotion.

A long-term goal is to build-up the vocabulary of features and associated control rules neededto generate the entire spectrum of human behaviors. For example, what features are required togenerate a spinning karate-kick? What about a ballerina’s fouette? How can a run be modiedto produce hurdle jumps? Can these changes be further exaggerated to generate a grand-jete?Identifying common features and controlmechanisms for various behaviorswill lead to compactreusable motion models and, potentially, to a deepened understanding of human motion.

To date, we have found it challenging to generate certain types of motion with the describedplanning model and feature objectives. Using the preview model described in Chapter 5, we areunable to reliably generate sharp 180 turns when the character is running quickly. It is also chal-lenging to hand-design controllers for classes of motion requiring substantial inertial changesin the sagittal plane, such as front/back ips. is arises since the body is assumed to be a pointmass and rotational eects are neglected. To enforce this assumption, our AM objective activelycancels rotations about the center-of-mass. One potential solution is to explicitly account forcoupling between linear and angular momentum [Macchietto et al. 2009]. Alternatively, ourmethod might benet from more sophisticated models of AM generation [ Pratt et al. 2006;Lee and Goswami 2007; Orin and Goswami 2008; Lee and Goswami 2009]. is will requireidentifying appropriate features and objectives for regulating rotational quantities.

Additionally, it should be possible to generate a broader range of motions, by considering moresophisticated previewmodels. We currently use a xed planning schedule for all generated mo-tions, with forced le/right-foot alternation. Other motions, such as hopping on one leg couldbe achieved by enforcing le-foot-only contacts; more general contact sequences could be op-timized, as in Wampler and Popovic [2009].

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Chapter 7. Conclusion 94

e two foot-step planning horizon we currently use is also too short for certain terrain types.We nd that the character has diculty nding good footholds across gaps larger than 1 mand making anticipatory movements to walk on narrow beams. Toe-stubbing can occur whenclimbing up stairs larger than 0.5 m, since the current swing foot objective does not account forterrain collisions. Our method might benet from “terrain-aware” swing strategies as in [Wuand Popovic 2010]. Since we do not monitor inter-limb collisions, limb interpenetration canalso occur.

e focus of the work in Chapter 5 is on robustness in challenging tasks and there is room forimprovement in the style of motion. ere are two main factors limiting the style. First, theSLIP model does not have knees, arms, and other elements that may aect style. Second, all ofour examples err on the side of being overly sti at all times. Although steady walking can beaccomplished with fairly loose control, and strategies in Chapter 4 were designed with that inmind, the types of aggressive motions shown in this work require stier response. For example,if the arms are too loose, they can swing wildly during sharp turns. Varying full-body controllerstiness based on dynamic state or previewmodel predictions, would be an interesting directionfor future work.

While we nd that prioritized optimization is an important tool for identifying feature objec-tives and hand-designing control (Chapter 4), we did not nd it to be essential for the motionsin Chapter 5. One hypothesis is that frequent replanning, with a physically-consistent model,automatically corrects for deviations that may accrue when combining multiple, possibly con-icting, objectives by weighted combination.

Understanding the implications of dierent schedules and prioritization strategies on perfor-mance, solution convergence, temporal consistency, and motion style is an important next stepfor real-world use of our approach. For robotics applications, that may not have access to ex-act physical system parameters, combining feature-based techniques with system identicationmethods is also a potentially fruitful direction for future investigations.

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Appendix A

Target Objective Derivation

A.1 Analytic Solution

Given x0, x0, xT , xT , we seek to nd constants a, b, such that:

x(t) =

(1− t





=b− aT

t+ a. (A.1)

Integrating x(t), we obtain:

x(t) =b− a2T

t2 + at+ x0 (A.2)

x(t) =b− a6T

t3 +a

2t2 + x0t+ x0 (A.3)

To solve for a and b, we substitute boundary conditions x(T ) = xT and x(T ) = xT into Equa-


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Appendix A. Target Objective Derivation 96

tions A.2 and A.3.

xT =b− a2T

T 2 + aT + x0 (A.4)

=b− a

2T + aT + x0 (A.5)



2+ x0 (A.6)


2= xT − x0 −



b =2

T(xT − x0)− a (A.8)


xT =b− a6T

T 3 +aT 2

2+ x0T + x0 (A.9)

=b− a

6T 2 +

aT 2

2+ x0T + x0 (A.10)

=aT 2

3+bT 2

6+ x0T + x0 (A.11)

a =3

T 2

(xT − x0 − x0T −

bT 2



=3 (xT − x0 − x0T )

T 2− b


Substituting Equation A.8 into Equation A.13:

a =3 (xT − x0 − x0T )

T 2− 1



T(xT − x0)− a


=3 (xT − x0 − x0T )− (xT − x0)T

T 2− a


=6 (xT − x0) + 2 (xT − 2x0)T

T 2(A.16)

A.2 Least-Square Solution

Because a = b = lim T→0 =∞, simulation instabilities can arise if the analytic solution is usedfor small values of T . To avoid such instabilities, we solve for a and b in least-square sense. To

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Appendix A. Target Objective Derivation 97

do this, we rewrite Equations A.13 and A.8 as:

T 2 (2a+ b) = 6(xT − x0T − x0) (A.17)T

2(b+ a) = xT − x0 (A.18)

respectively. Expressing the above in matrix form yields:[T 2/3 T 2/6

T/2 T/2




[xT − x0 − x0T

xT − x0

]. (A.19)

To solve in a least-square sense Equation A.19 can be augmented with a user-specied toleranceε as :

T 2/3 T 2/6

T/2 T/2

ε 0

0 ε

︸ ︷︷ ︸





xT − x0 − x0T

xT − x0



︸ ︷︷ ︸



and solved using the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse:

x = (ATA)−1AT b. (A.21)

Alternatively Equation A.19 can be solved directly using a SVD-based singularity-robust pseu-doinverse.

A.3 Equivalence to Cubic Hermite Interpolation

Hermite interpolation is a method of interpolating data points using polynomial functions thatmatch data points in both value and rst derivative. Given n values and n rst derivatives Her-mite interpolation computes a polynomial of at most degree 2n−1 interpolating provided data.

In this sectionwe show that for values of T 0, the target objective derivation presented earlieris equivalent to cubic Hermite interpolation.

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Appendix A. Target Objective Derivation 98

Proof. Given x0, x0, xT , xT , we seek to nd constants α, β, γ, ψ, such that:

x(t) = αt3 + βt2 + γt+ ψ (A.22)

x(t) = 3αt2 + 2βt+ γ (A.23)

x(t) = 6αt+ 2β (A.24)

Substituting initial conditions x(0) = x0 and x(0) = x0 it can be shown that ψ = x0 andγ = x0. Evaluating Equations A.22 and A.23 at t = T :

T 3α + T 2β = xT − x0 − x0T (A.25)

3T 2α + 2Tβ = xT − x0. (A.26)

Comparing Equations A.24 and A.1 we set 2β = a and 6α = (b − a)/T , substitute them intoEquation A.25 and expand :

T 3 b− a6T

+T 2

2a = xT − x0 − x0T (A.27)

T 2

2a− T 2


T 2

6b = (A.28)

T 2


T 2

6b = (A.29)

Repeating this for Equation A.26:


2a+ 3T 2 b− a

6T= xT − x0 (A.30)


2a− T


3T 2

6Tb = (A.31)




2b = (A.32)

Rearranging Equations A.29 and A.32 in matrix form yields the original linear system fromEquation A.19: [

T 2/3 T 2/6

T/2 T/2




[xT − x0 − x0T

xT − x0


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Appendix B

Jacobian Computation

A key requirement of techniques that formulate motion control in terms of abstract goals, suchas Feature-based Control, Virtual Model Control [ Pratt 1995; Pratt 2000; Pratt et al. 2001;Coros et al. 2010], Operational Space Control [Khatib 1987 ], and inverse kinematics, is ecientJacobian computation. All of these techniques require the Jacobian matrix:

Ji =∂pi∂q


relating changes in joint angles, q, to changes in position and orientation of some point p on alink i. Constraint-based formulations of impact and resting contact, used by forward dynamicssimulators, also require these matrices.

Although the material in this appendix is not novel, treatment of this topic is currently spreadacross many sources in the literature. Additionally many references restrict treatment to specialcases; analytical solutions are oen presented for simple toy systems, while others focus on spe-cialized joint types (e.g., one degree-of-freedom prismatic and revolute). is appendix aims toprovide a concise summary of numerical techniques for calculating (B.1).

e appendix is organized as follows. First, we provide a formal denition of the Jacobian weseek to calculate. Second, we present various methods for calculating these Jacobians, focusingon techniques that evaluate the Jacobian at the origin of each link’s local reference frame. Fol-lowing the terminology in Featherstone [2008], we call this matrix the Body Jacobian. ird,we show that multiple Body Jacobians can be computed simultaneously. since all Jacobians witha shared subset of joints have duplicate columns. Lastly, we show how to transform Body Jaco-bians to arbitrary link locations.


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Appendix B. Jacobian Computation 100

B.1 Definition

Assume a non-linear function:

y = f(q) (B.2)

exists mapping vectors q ∈ Rn to vectors y ∈ Rm:

q =



y =




wherem ≤ n, and y and q depend on time. Dierentiating both sides of (B.2) with respect tot, and applying the chain rule yields:





∂t. (B.4)

is can be rewritten in the more familiar forms:

y = Jq (B.5)


δy = Jδq (B.6)


J =


· · · ∂y1∂qn

... . . . ...∂ym∂q1

· · · ∂ym∂qn


is the multidimensional form of the derivative, referred to as the Jacobian, and y/q are the time-derivatives of y/q respectively.

In character animation and robotics a Jacobian of common interest is (B.1). is corresponds to

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Appendix B. Jacobian Computation 101

the case:

y = pi (B.8)


pi =




is the angular and linear position of some point p on a link i. In the sections that follow, wedrop the subscript on pi for convenience. As in Section 3.1, nl denotes the number of characterlinks, nj denotes the number of character joints, np denotes the dimensional of the generalizedcoordinate vector q, and nv denotes the dimensionality of the generalized coordinate velocityvector q.

B.2 Methods for Computing Jacobians

B.2.1 Finite-Difference Method

e simplest technique for estimating (B.1) involves extending the forward nite-dierence ap-proximation of the derivate:


dx≈ y(x+ ε)− y(x)


to the multidimensional case. is is achieved by perturbing every component of q by somesmall amount ε and evaluating p multiple times. Each evaluation of p yields a column of J,which we denote as Jj . Algorithm 3 summarizes this procedure; ej is the standard basis vector(i.e., a column vector of 0’s with 1 in the jth row).

Algorithm 3: Jacobian Estimation via Finite-Dierence. ej ∈ Rnp×1

p← f(q)1

for j = 1 to np do2

pε ← f(q + ejε)3

Jj ← pε−pε



return Ji6

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Appendix B. Jacobian Computation 102

Approximating the Jacobianusing the nite-dierencemethodhas a number of problems. Firstly,the accuracy of the approximation depends on the size of ε. Making ε too big yields large er-rors, while making ε too small can result in quantities falling below machine precision. isproblem is particularly acute near mechanical singularities (e.g., when the character’s knees arefully extended). In these situations, solutions are very sensitive to the magnitude of ε. Sec-ondly, for certain joint types, such as spherical joints represented using quaternions, care mustbe taken to ensure that perturbations do not violate joint representation assumptions (e.g., unitlength constraints for quaternions [Shoemake 1985 ]). Although this issue can be addressed byrenormalizing quaternions, additional errors will be introduced in derivatives since perturba-tions applied in the numerator and denominator of line 4 will be of dierent magnitudes. Lastly,nite-dierence approximation is inecient, since it requires n + 1 computations of the entirecharacter kinematic state, which oen recalculates/caches numerous transformations.

B.2.2 Unit-Velocity Method

A straightforward variant of the nite-dierence method, that avoids many of its diculties, isthe Unit-Velocity Method. is simple approach is based on Equation B.5. Assuming a proce-dure:

p = fvel(q, q) (B.11)

exists that can compute the velocity p of some point p, as a function of some q and q, indi-vidual Jacobian columns, Jj , can be evaluated by setting q = ej . Algorithm 4 summarizes thisapproach.

Algorithm 4: Jacobian Calculation via Unit-Velocity Method. ej ∈ Rnp×1

for j = 1 to nv do1

Jj ← fvel(q, ej)2


return Ji4

Since no ad-hoc perturbation parameter is needed for this method, calculated Jacobians areexact (to machine tolerance), rather than approximate. Furthermore, no special treatment ofdierent joints is required. Although spherical joints use quaternions to represent position,velocity is represented using an unconstrained angular velocity vector.

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Appendix B. Jacobian Computation 103




3 6

Figure B.1: Illustration of Transformation hierarchy. For this example λ2 = [ 0, 1 ] (cf. Section B.2.3)

ere are two problems with this method. First, it assumes that fvel exists, whichmay not be thecase. Assuming such a procedure is available, it must be evaluated n times. Second, it neglectsthat not all components of qwill contribute to velocities p. Specically, for tree-like articulationhierarchies, such as characters, (B.1) will contain empty columns for all joints that do not inu-ence p. Figure B.1 illustrates this idea using a schematic of the transformation hierarchy for theplanar biped shown in Figure 3.4.

Let’s assume the goal is to compute the Jacobian, J2, mapping joint velocities, q, to the Cartesianvelocity at some location on link 2, illustrated by the red arrow in Figure B.1. Since link 2 ison a dierent branch of the transformation hierarchy than links/joints 4, 5, 6, there exists nochange in the components of q corresponding to these joints that will produce changes in p.Additionally, since link 3 is a child of link 2, movement in link 3 will also not induce any velocityin link 2. Hence, in this example, Jacobian columns corresponding to joints 2, 4, 5, 6 will alwaysbe 0.

B.2.3 Modified Unit-Velocity Method

To reduce unnecessary computation, Algorithm 4 can be extended to exploit knowledge of char-acter topology. To accomplish this, arrays λi, containing a list of parent links indices, are rstcomputed for each of the character’s links. As long as the character connectivity does not change,

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Appendix B. Jacobian Computation 104

these arrays can be cached and reused.

Once λ arrays are computed for all system joints, the unit-velocity method can be applied toeach element of λ. Algorithm 5 shows pseudocode for this method. For joints with more thanone degree-of-freedom, care must be taken to set all corresponding columns in J; a loop isprovided in Algorithm 5 to handle this case.

Algorithm 5: Jacobian Calculation via Modied Unit-Velocity Method. ej ∈ Rnp×1

Ji ← 01

joints← [ λi, i ]2

for j in joints do3

start← getIndex( j )4

ndofs← getNumDofs( j )5

for k = 1 to ndofs do6

Jstart+k ← fvel(q, einx)7



return Ji10

B.3 Spatial-Axis Method

e discussion so far has assumed the existence of a function fvel (cf. Equation B.11) that returnsthe linear and angular velocity of some arbitrary point on a specied link. In this section, wederive an ecient form of this function, by analysing the forward kinematic pass done on thetransformation hierarchy in most animation systems. To focus the discussion, rst we computethe Body Jacobian yielding velocities at the origin of each link’s frame of reference. Followingthis, we show how Body Jacobians can be transformed to return the velocity at arbitrary linklocations.

B.3.1 Body Jacobian

e velocity at some point on a link i:

pi = prelative + pparent (B.12)

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Appendix B. Jacobian Computation 105

is the sum of velocity link i’s parent and the relative velocity between the link i and its parent.Since the velocity of link i’s parent is similarly dened, this results in the recursive denition:

pi = prelative +P∑j=1

pj (B.13)

where P is the number of elements in λi (Section B.2.3).

Although there are many ways to represent relative link motion, a convenient approach is to usethe spatial notation described by Feathersone [2008]. Using this approach, relative motion ofan n degree-of-freedom joint, between parent and child links, is described using a spatial axismatrix Si ∈ R6×n. For each Si, there is a corresponding vector qi ∈ Rn×1 that expresses therate of change along each direction of S. Stacked on top of one another, the set of qi and qi fullyspecify the character’s kinematic state (Section 3.1). Hence, Equation B.13 can be rewritten as:

pi = Siqi +P∑j=1

pj. (B.14)

Recall that the modied unit-velocity method iterates through all joints in the hierarchy thataect a particular link setting appropriate components of q = ei (Algorithm 5; line 6). iscalculates the relative contribution of each joint, while freezing all other joints (i.e., pj = 0).erefore, Equation B.14 simplies to:

pi = Si. (B.15)

Hence, the inner loop of Algorithm 5 can be removed, yielding Algorithm 6.

Algorithm 6: Body Jacobian Calculation via Spatial-Axis MethodJi ← 01

joints← [ λi, i ]2

for j in joints do3

start← getIndex( j )4

ndofs← getNumDofs( j )5

Jstart:start+ndofs ← worldXjointSjoint6


return Ji8

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Appendix B. Jacobian Computation 106

Note that because each spatial axis, Si, is expressed in a link local coordinate system, columns ofJ must be transformed into a common coordinate frame; for convenience we choose the worldreference frame. To perform this change of coordinates we used the 6× 6 spatial transformationmatrix:

bXa = ( bRa, r) (B.16)


[bRa 0

bRar×T bRa


where bRa is the 3 × 3 homogeneous transform from frame a to frame b, and

r× =

0 −rz ry

rz 0 −rx−ry rx 0


is the 3 × 3 skew symmetric matrix, and r is the oset between frame a and b expressed inframe a coordinates.

B.3.2 Jacobian at Arbitrary Link Location

Algorithm 6 returns the Body Jacobian. is is the Jacobian for the point at the origin of thelink’s coordinate frame. To calculate the Jacobian for other points p, on a link we must apply anadditional transformation:

Jpi = pX0Ji (B.19)


pX0 = (13×3,p) . (B.20)

Proof. We seek the velocity of some link i at some point p. e velocity of any rigid body canbe broken up into angular and linear terms, ω and v respectively. Whereas the angular velocity

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Appendix B. Jacobian Computation 107

is the same at all points on a body, the linear velocity varies through the body, yielding:

p =

ω × p + v


is is analogous to Equation B.12.

Starting from (B.19):

p = Jpi q (B.22)

= pX0Jiq (B.23)


[1 0

−p× 1

]Jiq (B.24)


[1 0

−p× 1



]q (B.25)



−p× Jωi + Jvi

]q (B.26)


−p× ω + v



ω × p + v


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