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Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-05...

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THE DAILY SON GAINESVILLE FLORIDA 5 l fl rRr V AN ftl OflBce at GfJne Ul a x II eater M U McCRKAHY Rilltor P l ker W V ASHLEY AMHinte EtUitr tty Mltor- LOUlb J HHUmiY lrnvrtv Akrn- iF M PBEVT1TT Puit rotMxitfrir niv rr- OHPICK rOKTKR MACK ess l street S TcLernnxc 434 TUB DAILT jubli hnl terry morning spt Moot delivered l y cuiffcr in the city or to any part of the failed State postage rcforfjaymr fjso month fi JS three oath or j cent for the wttk uictly in ft4mncc Heading notice in local column nnt line erftrit insertion and 5 cent for each additional Motion Rate for dtiplay advcrtUm made known on QftUcatlon The Twice4Wrek Sun an forty Ttauiiday and contains all new of the week local Stale and general and will be I lied postage free to any part of the tniteJ- It or Canada for ficua ycarin advance AH advtrtliriK till become due after appearance of nilvcrtikcnirnt unlcM otherwise stipulated in contract iartie nut known to ua be required to pay for advertising in ad Addrett THE DAILY SCN The wrathrr for th put few dais hat been decidedly summery The dealers hay no rva on to be be- hind to their order Fighting Bob Evans has been at last discovered and will bv advanced to the rank of viceadmiral a new plBC next to Admiral A Marioa coaaty statesman writes to The Oeala Baaner o know who is waste to declare hla- aeelfftcaedldate for a oBice Come time ago there waa no un able to tell who was boss Howard who was convicted three tines for the Goebel murder in Ken tacky will have to verve his sentence a the United Slates Supreme Court baa sustained the decision of the high fit tribaaal IB Kentucky Admiral Rojntren we havent used the Raaae in inch a long time there nay be a few wrong letters in the English fleet stood ready to sink his outfit in the Sea of Japaa naval engagement in cue Togo failed But Togo didnt fail and USE L BURTL l tit CSt l c I a I tMoir I tit GAI4Latv1LLz FL4 v fuel 4 boll he it that OeLr lilt tlw A send eke Pit ma- r ieeerd else 1 x ti ilea R loaned r O rItht page t t wwwtt tur iuww the r win p thou t Dewey a county i says Ad- mire > ° ¬ = = The resignation of United States Beaator Chauncey M Depew by the- N w York AMembly ha l tfi n V d for through a resolution introduced in that body Wednesday His Equitable relations have been too mach for peen the New York legislators to endure What a deplorable state of affairs Oiceola county is 10 well pleased with the showing made at ihe State Tampa that the county coin miuioner will make an appropriation- in June for the next one The other counties of the State that did 10 well at the last fair will also be in line and we hope to see Alachua ia her place first next winter The people of Tampa and vicinity should out b allowed to here firearms in their as there is hardly a day passes without someone being ac- cidentally shot We supioic if they would take deliberate aim at a I some other fellow would Ret shot i They should be disarmed and not al- lowed even to look in the muzzle of a gun Governor Vardaman of M iMippiin hit annual message to the Legislature speaks very di pam ituly of the gross of that State and that thy seem to become more iliba il the more educated they become The Geor- gia negroes who were lured to Liberia hy the eloquent oratory of tir hop Turner are retiirntni end disgusted with the propect there ninl it looks as thoiiKh some other will be called on to solve the ne- gro problem The merchant who hat a neatly trimmed window will surely people who have any eye for the beau tiful to stop and admire the display a they pass his place of business lint there are many people who do not come your way for n lung time and an advertisement in The Sun will serve as a show window to display your wares where hundreds of people will them without being obliged to leave their home only when they come to purchase goods Faint person j nt cause aI see t f possession v say alit rick good- man l t a d M 3r Cis < ¬ > + ° MASHERS MASHED The polioe of Washington are afnr he mashers aid curbstone John nte that iiife i the capital and they xill receive sentences There houM tit a general khnkitiRup of thi- Ufiitry in etery city it nncht he well to plvf k nie the femnlf who try ii4aiIitC snets a kreattr tir ton of tie tune litll le oii tn tf- metiitier Wild many of three tire out only t iniike ninnie of ciun- ly K rJ night drive their time truer occupied Hut there is no Uw to compel a Girl to pay any Htlniiion to thHrndrsnee- ni l H enitil g rl will not tlo n lf- ia seldom a young laity i moleted if ne attend m own affair when going along the Even the fel- low who are out fr a m ph dnnl never tackle any only who are thought to lu pluctii KEEP TO THE RIUHT PATH There are many ways to walk in thi world owing to th different view of dfff r ni peunle we meet a we journey aloiK th stream of Time In ii rly every walk in life we meet with ou tiiele ami are Jnttlec liy the mmlden na crowd that is moving in an opposite direction from the one in whhh we are traveling You may he urged liy ome people to turn from the straight and narrow pith you are faithfully clingi UK to which wilt ultimately carry you to your journey in safety by our who may try tu ailur jou trim what you hIm sty believe it sf t and brat You must have a mirtl of your own and not he led either way by any our There i only our way keep to the right and look where you are KoiiiR of tidy end let1 and the t chips s her street there > < ¬ + ±+ + + + + + + + DEATH WARRANTS ISSUED Governor Hroward has death warrants for four murderers all to be executed on the ninth day of Febru- ary 106 They are Howard Sanford white man convicted in Wakulla county at the fall term of the circuit court of murder in the first desrs and sentenced to be hung Noble Collins convicted at the fall term of the circuit court Lake coun- ty and sentenced to be hung for the murder c f Julia Sharp Andrew Jackson alias Sim Jackson convicted at the fall term of the cir- cuit court St Johns county for the murder of Alice Jackson Robert Ford convicted in the fall term of the circuit court of Na au county for the murder of Guisie All are negroes except Howard San ford Tallahassee Daily Capital issued a Wil- liams ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Tote Louisville k Nashville railroad- is always up to the times tenth in the matter of comfort to the traveling public promptness of otlicial and many other little conveniences that make their line popular with the peo- ple We have recently received from George Herring Florida Pdsenger- Agent 2C W st Bay street Jackson- ville a Daily Reminder and IhttniDnJ- Aila imued by this road that it one of the handiest vestpocket reference book eter i ued r being a memorandum for n idre expense account etc and a sys- tem of maps of the United Saten and pora ion gotten up with r ry d tail as which W that the L it N doe everything in same systematic munmr that cellent line i4 maiiHged and Atlao and fur yourelf- The reviilutionifit are JKHV nviitini tin r opportunity to capture the of tIlt Cjtnr Deafness Cannot be Cured Iy AppltCKtioiiii rinn t reach the iJin aed purtion of tlo ear There M only one way to fire tiem and that i hy cnnjtit iti nil rentedie Ueaftieji i an irilliineil conililion of ht 1- 4liniiiK of the Eutiti hitn Tine en thi tube i inllatn you hay a rum- bling round or imperfect hearing tad when it i entirely ilufd de tfiu 4 the result anti tinles he uii n tin can lie taken out u i t ibe- remored to it normal coniiitiin I r- ing will be de troye l forever Nine cares out of ten art cau 1 fiy catarrh which It tithing but nn irllameii ci n- dition of the mtuou surface We will give Dm Muiulred for any case of deafntg i hy catarrh that cannot he rued liy Hall Catarrh Care for cellar trey F J CHENEY Co Tiled o sold by 75 Take Halts Family fur coniti- Iation E It t- Ie to accuracy I this 1 brad drat lay pt I I this PI art I r j I druggist sides hai paged rz prod c t- an rr lit l eta airy Cats d send It i1J Ti ¬ < ¬ < < ¬ > > < ¬ + + + + + + + + + + SUNSTROKES l pe ttrawberne cud i h tre in bo nni on New Jay H that for clirnatf- iJie it mil t tni a f Wite nt rirfttl I h bluff donr to rU ve with the l y n h fetow hm The A nuil it N hs e t ncniit nrnivil A ing by tire Th Thy are a IMOT ono one who li l S g i f r iiy- We dont exp t nil the walthy o pie of the North nuomt to Florida dun winter e want ime nf th m to rriiinn at home to biy m if thug tine iravi rre that ar iiiif shipped there daisy i A Mlow who W5 ijuietly rgit it in a very animated tonver wih a- rminv nt one of the iiiil fun tinn thi fw vrim raid by ai oServtr to b nuk ng- h nniden tieech- jome newpajer art worm d over the ninitr uf htndfakf only hy the Ireiiident at lii recent wan around orate people dont kn nv coat tilt pedometer Ir ideiu oar ric up Jeeve rral try The lVn aolH Journal ben hav- ing a ml with the buii n men of t ar lUll shows up the Xjienne of ruining a daily taper and conclude hy iifonntu them that advertising rat will be r i d That eem Mi1 a very good but it i not the of adver- tising that the litirine man fhoud- moit consider It what it i worth I I lit I It m 1 fI r < I u tI all1I- n11 ill th h I jul n h J tH I liars lava h 1r ti l hat tr r 4 t tv a rlt has din t t to rtj y luttr ti i tatty airy t lest was the hair hrart to hart per- cent our prior > > < ¬ ¬ + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + The companie of H i Has- tings fc Co and tie A ander Com- pany who have their catilogue printed at The Record office in St Augustine will ma an additional weight of o ouid for the po t office to handl thi Jacksonville i in have another school build nz 1 end C c r ti o cw that I w nM oat wtth at tBj I triit tl x coot uri rtl- loriii and lnaJacbr N w nt t lcf- n t itliartic I t i rj n btxttrr- t the I t Jorwlclli I hue ii Anna l Otburn MU No MM Best For The Dowels Ptsisnf P t hl IMtent T MO v n n v1- Ttr r V a iffif I S N it- t M n t T tf i t i i Uukoittj tsi c KI r Ii- Etcrlicc Remedy Co Chicago or NY lot ANNUAL SALE TEN MILLION BOXES Pleasant to take The new laxative Does not gripe or nauseate Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic by restoring the natural of the stom- ach liver and bowels Fur Salt liy J W Mc nllnin X It HI- I U v fM- i r m- U U N MEN AND WOMEN I I fit i rural 1 at- I t ki B- f l f ir I ii t r ktiti- nr n i i i i ur- PROCuRCD AND OCFCNOCO ALL t i I r WASHINGTON O C ill i UZI LIVER be nor I I r ttnmrud t rr trlerl a r ra liner r 4 ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup j ac lic1 I I t II- i I I t Mol I cr I urr U J J I I II J I I III- F11t sd fI Frttice h tt state rte I sera week hand- some was p shut rtrtuniT j err L CAllrtry CATtYAr1C tern rotC 1 con- stipation p t 4 r r a iitlgr rvL C t 1 511 C br Irnlglt- r r rrr v r- tor ild t truttL I I S- IN COUNTRIES n r eat r- as Hula artp stet Oslr s i ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ < < > > = ± + > + PERMANENTLY CURES ION COUGH COLD m WHOOPING COUGH CKGUP DO NOT DELAY Until drain on tem produces permanent disability The human breathing machinery is a wonderful tubes To have good health it must ba in good order A COLD is considered of no or of the lung its dangerous rUt rf When a cold makes its use at once Milan S Her kaaai Sjmt which will speedily WHOOPING COUGH and Require Action SNOW LINIMENT applied to the throat and wonderful relief while Harts will violent of IS THE ONLY COUGH REMEDY THAT WILL CURE WHOOPINO COUGH AND CROUP REST FOR CHILDREN Mind Adams Tex writes I have u f4 DaHarda- DoreaouLa Syrup anl It the m T tnedlrlna for croup inutbs and colds My children uo ItaaAU pleuaat to take and cure SAFE AND SURE Three Sizes 25c 50c Xevety Ive7 Bettto Gar t s4 Ballard Snow Liniment Co St Louis Mo OLD AND RECOMMENDED BY If You Are Insured In a Company tha it Kf- Vntt n With Iit f rthty of IttjB lo fes Irrniilly Nary a Iolicy Correctly tu tract and the Company You Are Assured That no it riaue foes can overcome you withuut y j have dome refuge Fire Life Accident and Health tame None bit Information cheerfully UAIXKSVILIE FLORIDA PARTIAL PRICE LIST OF Whiskies Wines Beer and Malt ritrui r ii ije- t l ni- Vr rfev 19 I 10 Hulk lioid JHJ I in Nut Irvuid Q1 IVr or- f tie ITJ i ir n itl krnlt- Iei o- ntn i Hull lini uuivf- iA IVr iiiiof M llye liln Coru Kuu for tfcc nocev ft 1iT iinn- t i Ainie llnindr Mellow rnrn Cons t f l- Itiin v U 9S t lw p v Victoria ISyc social Drojis Ityc- e 3 iu Jlty- T M0 BV IUJI T UJflS HJilJt- j i JiV s rs irM TS ji A MII riots Ur r in iiir HANNE BROS JA KSONVIILK- K1A IA MGRAHAM Sao V HVDB VicePresident H K TAYIOK Cahier- tulii MIAM At Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THB ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN ALACHUA Capital oouOu Surplt tatty Undivided Profits 00 r iieca irracwezcci tc traDtivcteJ frorcuilr TAYLOR Cashier FIRE LIFE AND ACCIDENT IN THE OLDEST AND BEST COW PANIES B F JORDAN INSURANCE f i f eo TH N the our cet yet if it was known it name of throat Inflammation character would be overcome dst vel the Ont tbate Is L- On C arand W M JOHNSON Gainesville I I C C- AM CUSH It I I oj c t t I z f r H 1 7 U I Itt 0 11 UJ v I fi a W t Jt I I hf 1 l t Jt J am- t I J Ier DOl- t cit rIlal1 r II- JP t It 1 t Mhard I I II- Ih II I L 1- 1a jitt Ir r 11 1 Ire idto OF GAINESVIIIL ono Ju ell J lofITt t Jrl tI acr State o A N E i POPTE Btocx 3LIllESL V I i- A AND impor- tance s appre I r sty POSITIVELY Mrs not s Jh J 0 r Purvey 1 Relict e Cornparsirs 1rprereUtrd i0 MAN furnished IxriEss 1 IZn I tool Hr t C r d1 Itt 4 n err s s lint s y 14 Iach and It Irt tjm lrr 1 Qdci- LILarrlA t a rt 4 It Lrr ItLm t y Ir- t Il it c y rte 1 1r ti 1 ttr t ICilthlfl 15 11111 1 C ill teTaracir utreet rtbtaCalreessa to barkt tor So C etc wcujctsof e e 1 > < > > > > < + + +
Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01-05 ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01355/00033.pdfhind to their order Fighting Bob Evans has been at last discovered



ftl OflBce at GfJne Ul

a x II eaterM U McCRKAHY Rilltor P l kerW V ASHLEY AMHinte EtUitr

tty Mltor-

LOUlb J HHUmiY lrnvrtv Akrn-

iF M PBEVT1TT Puit rotMxitfrir niv rr-

OHPICK rOKTKR MACKess l street S TcLernnxc 434

TUB DAILT jubli hnl terry morningspt Moot delivered l y cuiffcr in the city or

to any part of the failed State postagercforfjaymr fjso month fi JS threeoath or j cent for the wttk uictly in


Heading notice in local column nnt lineerftrit insertion and 5 cent for each additional

MotionRate for dtiplay advcrtUm made known on


The Twice4Wrek Sun an forty

Ttauiiday and contains all new of theweek local Stale and general and will be I

lied postage free to any part of the tniteJ-It or Canada for ficua ycarin advance

AH advtrtliriK till become due afterappearance of nilvcrtikcnirnt unlcM otherwisestipulated in contract iartie nut known to ua

be required to pay for advertising in adAddrett THE DAILY SCN

The wrathrr for th put few daishat been decidedly summery The

dealers hay no rva on to be be-

hind to their order

Fighting Bob Evans has been atlast discovered and will bv advancedto the rank of viceadmiral a newplBC next to Admiral

A Marioa coaaty statesman writesto The Oeala Baaner o know who is

waste to declare hla-aeelfftcaedldate for a oBiceCome time ago there waa no un ableto tell who was boss

Howard who was convicted threetines for the Goebel murder in Kentacky will have to verve his sentencea the United Slates Supreme Courtbaa sustained the decision of the highfit tribaaal IB Kentucky

Admiral Rojntren we haventused the Raaae in inch a long timethere nay be a few wrong letters in

the English fleet stoodready to sink his outfit in the Sea ofJapaa naval engagement in cue

Togo failed But Togo didntfail




tit CSt





tMoir I


GAI4Latv1LLz FL4v



boll he

it that


lilttlw Asend eke Pit ma-

r ieeerd else1x






rItht paget t wwwtt tur iuww



winp thou













The resignation of United StatesBeaator Chauncey M Depew by the-N w York AMembly ha l tfi n V dfor through a resolution introduced inthat body Wednesday His Equitablerelations have been too mach for peenthe New York legislators to endureWhat a deplorable state of affairs

Oiceola county is 10 well pleasedwith the showing made at ihe State

Tampa that the county coinmiuioner will make an appropriation-in June for the next one The othercounties of the State that did 10 wellat the last fair will also be in line andwe hope to see Alachua ia her placefirst next winter

The people of Tampa and vicinityshould out b allowed to here firearmsin their as there is hardly aday passes without someone being ac-

cidentally shot We supioic if theywould take deliberate aim at a I

some other fellow would Ret shot i

They should be disarmed and not al-

lowed even to look in the muzzle of agun

Governor Vardaman of M iMippiinhit annual message to the Legislaturespeaks very di pam ituly of thegross of that State and that thyseem to become more iliba il themore educated they become The Geor-gia negroes who were lured to Liberiahy the eloquent oratory of tir hopTurner are retiirntni enddisgusted with the propect there ninlit looks as thoiiKh some other

will be called on to solve the ne-

gro problem

The merchant who hat a neatlytrimmed window will surelypeople who have any eye for the beautiful to stop and admire the display athey pass his place of business lintthere are many people who do notcome your way for n lung time and anadvertisement in The Sun will serveas a show window to display yourwares where hundreds of people will

them without being obliged toleave their home only when they cometo purchase goods













alit rick















The polioe of Washington are afnrhe mashers aid curbstone John

nte that iiife i the capital and theyxill receive sentences TherehouM tit a general khnkitiRup of thi-

Ufiitry in etery city it nncht hewell to plvf k nie the femnlf whotry ii4aiIitC snets a kreattr tirton of tie tune litll le oii tn tf-

metiitier Wild many of threetire out only t iniike ninnie of ciun-

ly K rJ night drive their timetruer occupied

Hut there is no Uw to compel a Girl

to pay any Htlniiion to thHrndrsnee-ni l H enitil g rl will not tlo n lf-

ia seldom a young laity i moleted ifne attend m own affair when

going along the Even the fel-

low who are out fr a m ph dnnlnever tackle any only who arethought to lu pluctii


There are many ways to walk in thiworld owing to th different view of

dfff r ni peunle we meet a we journeyaloiK th stream of Time

In ii rly every walk in life we meetwith outiiele ami are Jnttlec liy themmlden na crowd that is moving in anopposite direction from the one in

whhh we are travelingYou may he urged liy ome people to

turn from the straight and narrowpith you are faithfully clingi UK towhich wilt ultimately carry you toyour journey in safety by ourwho may try tu ailur jou trimwhat you hIm sty believe it sf t andbrat

You must have a mirtl of your ownand not he led either way by any ourThere i only our way keep to theright and look where you are KoiiiR















± +




+ + +



Governor Hroward has deathwarrants for four murderers all to be

executed on the ninth day of Febru-

ary 106 They are Howard Sanfordwhite man convicted in Wakulla

county at the fall term of the circuitcourt of murder in the first desrsand sentenced to be hung

Noble Collins convicted at the fallterm of the circuit court Lake coun-ty and sentenced to be hung for themurder c f Julia Sharp

Andrew Jackson alias Sim Jacksonconvicted at the fall term of the cir-

cuit court St Johns county for themurder of Alice Jackson

Robert Ford convicted in the fallterm of the circuit court of Na aucounty for the murder of Guisie

All are negroes except Howard Sanford Tallahassee Daily Capital









Tote Louisville k Nashville railroad-is always up to the times tenth in thematter of comfort to the travelingpublic promptness of otlicial andmany other little conveniences thatmake their line popular with the peo-

ple We have recently received fromGeorge Herring Florida Pdsenger-Agent 2C W st Bay street Jackson-ville a Daily Reminder and IhttniDnJ-Aila imued by this road that it oneof the handiest vestpocket referencebook eter i ued r being amemorandum for n idre

expense account etc and a sys-

tem of maps of the United Saten andpora ion gotten up with r ry dtail as which W thatthe L it N doe everything insame systematic munmr thatcellent line i4 maiiHged and

Atlao and fur yourelf-

The reviilutionifit are JKHV nviitinitin r opportunity to capture theof tIlt Cjtnr

Deafness Cannot be CuredIy AppltCKtioiiii rinn t

reach the iJin aed purtion of tlo earThere M only one way to firetiem and that i hy cnnjtit iti nilrentedie Ueaftieji i anirilliineil conililion of ht 1-

4liniiiK of the Eutiti hitn Tine enthi tube i inllatn you hay a rum-bling round or imperfect hearing tadwhen it i entirely ilufd de tfiu 4

the result anti tinles he uii n

tin can lie taken out u i t ibe-

remored to it normal coniiitiin I r-

ing will be de troye l forever Ninecares out of ten art cau 1 fiy catarrhwhich It tithing but nn irllameii ci n-

dition of the mtuou surfaceWe will give Dm Muiulred

for any case of deafntg i hycatarrh that cannot he rued liyHall Catarrh Care forcellar trey

F J CHENEY Co Tiled osold by 75Take Halts Family fur coniti-



It t-


to accuracy I





laypt I



PI artI




sideshai paged

rzprod c t-

an rr

lit l eta airy

Cats d






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+ +






l pe ttrawberne cud i h tre in

bo nni on New Jay H

that for clirnatf-

iJie it mil t tni a f

Wite nt rirfttl I

h bluff donr to rU vewith the l y n h fetow h m

The A nuil it N hs e

t ncniit nrnivil A

ing by tire Th

Thy are a IMOT onoone who li l

S g

i f r iiy-

We dont exp t nil the walthy o

pie of the North nuomt to Florida dunwinter e want ime nf th m

to rriiinn at home to biy m if

thug tine iravi rre that ar iiiif

shipped there daisy i

A Mlow who W5 ijuietly rgit it in

a very animated tonver wih a-

rminv nt one of the iiiil fun

tinn thi fw vrimraid by ai oServtr to b nuk ng-

h nniden tieech-

jome newpajer art worm d overthe ninitr uf htndfakf only hy

the Ireiiident at lii recent wanaround orate people dont kn nv coat

tilt pedometer Ir ideiu oar

ric up Jeeve rral tryThe lVn aolH Journal ben hav-

ing a ml with the buiin men of t ar lUll shows upthe Xjienne of ruining a daily taperand conclude hy iifonntu them thatadvertising rat will be r i d

That eem Mi1 a very good

but it i not the of adver-

tising that the litirine man fhoud-moit consider It what it i worth



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lava h 1r ti l

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tv arlt

has din t t


rtj y luttr



tattyairy t lest



hrart to hart


centour prior



< ¬


+ +


+ +


+ +










The companie of H i Has-

tings fc Co and tie A ander Com-

pany who have their catilogueprinted at The Record office in StAugustine will ma an additionalweight of o ouid for the po t

office to handl thi

Jacksonville i in have anotherschool build nz

1 end C c r ti o cw that I w nM oatwtth at tBj I triit t l x coot uri rtl-loriii and lnaJacbr N w nt t lcf-

n t itliartic I t i rj n btxttrr-

t the I t Jorwlclli I hue iiAnna l Otburn MU No MM

Best ForThe Dowels

Ptsisnf P t hl IMtent T MO v n n v1-

Ttr r V a iffif I S N it-t M n t T tf i t i iUukoittj tsi c KI r Ii-

Etcrlicc Remedy Co Chicago or NY lotANNUAL SALE TEN MILLION BOXES

Pleasant to takeThe new laxative Doesnot gripe or nauseateCures stomach and livertroubles and chronic

by restoring thenatural of the stom-ach liver and bowels

Fur Salt liy J W Mc nllnin X

It HI-I U v fM-

ir m-


MEN AND WOMENI I fit i rural

1 at-I t ki B-

f l f irI ii t


nr n i

i i i ur-



i I r





I r ttnmrud t rr trlerla r

ra liner

r 4

ORINOLaxative Fruit Syrup

j ac lic1I


t II-




MolI cr I

urr U



F11t sd fI Frttice h tt

state rte







shut rtrtuniT j err


CAllrtry CATtYAr1C

tern rotC1


p t4 r

r a

iitlgr rvL C

t 1 511 C br Irnlglt-r r rrr



torildt truttL


I S-


n r

eat r-

as Hula artp stet Oslr






> >




< >









Until drain on tem produces permanent disability The humanbreathing machinery is a wonderful tubes To have goodhealth it must ba in good order A COLD is considered of no

or of the lung its dangerousrUt rf When a cold makes its use at once Milan S Herkaaai Sjmt which will speedilyWHOOPING COUGH and Require Action SNOWLINIMENT applied to the throat and wonderful relief while


REST FOR CHILDRENMind Adams Tex writes I have u f4 DaHarda-

DoreaouLa Syrup anl It the m T tnedlrlna for croup inutbs andcolds My children uo ItaaAU pleuaat to take and cure

SAFE AND SURE Three Sizes 25c 50cXevety Ive7 Bettto Gar t s4

Ballard Snow Liniment Co St Louis Mo


If You Are InsuredIn a Company tha it Kf-

Vntt n With Iit f rthty ofIttjB lo fes Irrniilly

Nary a Iolicy Correctlytu tract and the Company

You Are AssuredThat no it riaue foes can overcome you withuut y j have domerefuge

Fire Life Accident and Health tameNone bit

Information cheerfully UAIXKSVILIE FLORIDA


Whiskies Wines Beer and Maltritrui

r ii ije-t l ni-

Vr rfev 19 I 10

Hulk lioid JHJ I in Nut IrvuidQ1 IVr or-

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