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Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08...

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THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AUGUST 8 1909 4 i K y f She OAtLV- M itiA ora n si 4tlo fcw- las seec49lMt stall MU r- H B McCCrfAJtV MtleranPut U ber F M nUCWIT- TOk La Haynaas Block s AXT am svMfcte my er Ic- Mffl MMrfif 4tKvm4 fcy Mfrrhr ia tta qity r- fiaym fi tafe- eA T 4 V tte AMI t tlUtte lilfotety jwMUfeti artty Wsaisy s4- stk toaal MM iwcral rtftt Ned tot Usy ywteff laves Affirm TKV DAILY SWH Tampa papers are callls tl baseball t that city t dls- ka4 Tkey data taaf A ttwae to Ute www twill iMtaUtetec last ftUee IB the UMU 0 rte G HattlKiwa has use Mr 9 S with p M aUM e The fiartew Record JUr a4 M ta weekly Mw pa en ta UM stale we may ROW xjKKt It te eee m eve frettef than keretefere Net a MrprMftc AMHHtat et alacrity kM toe Hen te aaettda at caa get Coafreaa agalast tURk Clark The eM er twe p y r la the 4bKriet wae are last be ea M Ie t kits are by their methee makteg It extremely dlS kt fta4 say oppoaeat to the geatle wke aaa stood BO loyal by kin eeasUtneBte tad who kaa dose suck faltklal senrlco for them Miami GoTcrnor Qllckrlat must be pleased- to the many about bla fairness to all parties and sec- tion tits plan of letting the local executive committee or primaries se- lect suitable persons to flll vacancies ts refreshing If he has any friends In a political sense ho I not trying- to put them In office In any county Tata iUtcV stay sometime get the wrong Jtaan but tho Governor can aot bo accused of trying to build up machine Arcadia sews Old Tallahassee shows signs of awakening from lur Itlp VauWlnklo sleep The people have toted for the erection of a twenty thousand dollar rwbHc chool building and Powell motto Push and Bmile seems to brew generally adopted by her people Editor Smith of Tho True CHimoerat la no small factor In tho- t r0w campaign for the towns d SUCCOM to you friends bettor or more hospitable peo tkaR those who live in Tallahamtj- R v r IftiabUed a place Thvrv la a teatfeuoy ou part ttai Ut prv tsi ridicule th pnuu cam lKn of Claude UKualoi for h W 8 natorshli Hut U a wUlak Claude going tu be tat tt by ridlcuio lloa a plau lt ta and something of an uuwrt n- IN of lAnfvugo himself all ui down the and k It MM Iww lUvraturw with fc w HHMI tf th m will be bound t It HMPHW A MMn t fWl 5 W w Wf ell ia u w bet ell Urn to lit toel IUM 4 MAM t H- v 1 I t fn1- M Peat e 118M Roersr w xaia Rkeet L ue f t Sa- t Hat 1 tag II il M MIl till OH t- wu ttpdrd tL eta v V 4 The JOB Ie Perfectos e er inti lat et Mitt tee lat they see compliments taRt fur thu u tam cater I ham the y Uw tM a tw ft wh c I i M Ya 4 atn 1IIe 4 ii ap pattt Vlted wtet- Aleter rkaaNaat tit tar s eeld r s entks gWItly ednae- rwllagaN eeltea aerltYaM a eeatrearladdiMoa r sa 1 X 4p1lat s I 434 ea Mllusa paper lhses Iz ab Murd sad polalt f r 61 a ya rta adraaw- Ari tidwsllaiui hips titre BS due stills e1 1rd Yse1tawts- iptatedleetum W tlieeaaapetls- Nt be a peyfe t4 dWtetia elate r sta a teas h s ta1 Ia tend t 0 dated arM la- the very i t tyke sea Newa Record L a r a I bare veto a phi ire 111 t t min ud Ile to g01np miss tha ut It t plea and Slate Its I hat rnd stir 114 h Illliwt et rlt0rttl aM l rt arni ttrN- itatlap plaalelltiee ehars of palhtea- IhralA atgr e11 part d prattt Mff- tl1 apd 11 a11Nis Cl 4 eak- e I4Wi ftAl9NlNhr I fuel slice wi hat rlN stl ills M Rs italic Itltlea bU irate wlst h- t Ierlt th egNlf tbt tae aNA 1- l1E Ibe poeipfr 11i tdse f111M I b I Mtarlt Aim 1tt111i stM w Ael t s peNlrir- kM ells is Ia A r1i tf- A Luis w a t- M 5 1 d y- d I is s sMt- esd tit s Irr 0 telNd stn n- r 5 I IN- i w lilt ad s t i lMltMl N fwl eMd R > > ¬ ¬ > > < > > > > = > = + + + + + + + + + FRANK CLARK- A few editors delight In critlchtng Congressman Frank Clarks position on the tariff and never miss an op- portunity to republish matter which they consider detrimental to hid po- litical Interests Mr Clarks position on the tariff was before he was elect ed to Congress for the first term he proclaimed It from the stump In every county In the district as well as in printed matter mailed to every voter lie Is for a tariff for revenue only but as long as revenue has to be ratted by a duty on foreign pro- duct imported Into this country he believes and justly so that Florida growa cotton fruits vegetables to- bacco etc should receive tho bens of a protective tariff on such ar- ticle Imported Into this country A tarp OB cotton imported taco the Halted States would be worth millions to the growers of Sea Island cotton la Georgia aad Florida In tho same proportion as It has bees beneficial- to other sections of the country on other products The manufacturer of cotton goods la this country Is pro- tected agalast competition from the sate goods manufactured la England but the producer of the staple from which these goods are manufactured has to grow the cotton in competition with the pauper labor of Egypt aad ether foreign countries Is there any justice In this whea Iron etc to given the benteit of ag lnst foreign competition Tlfo eera wheat oats wool aaa everything produced Is protected by tho tariff But the producer ef cotton has to la- bor lUtCjajBpfttUoa with the peons of fed There is ao Juattee- te sucks discriminating tariff sad Mr Clare is to be commended for hla afforta ln behalf of hla constitu- ents HVfeM faithfully to bet ter tho conditions of Ids people especially the farmers sad opposi- tion to him emanatefs from personal as well as political enemies Out Frank Clark Is equal to the present emergency and the man who opposes him for reelection In the primaries of 1910 will find that Clark has the people back of him Not to return Frank Clark to Con- gress under the present circum- stances would be au acknowledge- ment on the part of the people that they do not appreciate the efforts of a faithful public servant to butter their condition NO TARIFF FOR ENGLAND Heports from England Indicate that country Is HO well natUtlvd with tree trade that there I tittle proapvct of Joseph Chamberlain winning out In his fight to reestablish protective tariff which was abolished In IS 10 The English Liberal leaders of Parliament aro suiting up tho Ameri- can and Uvrmau tariff as examples which should warn England against following in their For a time it upa ared an- if the protectionists under the load of Mr Chamberlain wore gaining ground but It uow seems the scull meat of the nation Is again swinging around In d U n of tree trade and It Is extremely doubtful If England will urns countuuunuo protwtlun again Thu Urltlsh people have been vnllghtoiie as to the beutttu of freo trade by oxtou lv tnluciitiunal work carried OH b the llbt Ml For In tanrt It has IHHJH iH lnlml out mid the contvittion u tAtum by fuels that while wager hl h r In HHS laud under trad than in high pMttHHloti lU ruuMiy and uthwr- hltritHHiii H tlon tilt vt of living than in thw hi hi r l tlwii unlrlt- Ml la ill as l wM r- Nr A- tMf Mid 1 i H t H i as It Ore pro- tects d Welt labor tit hor- rible toot hill u t hlkt MhrtMIl h e- ta Is 0 I t I we11 known In- dia barle la- the aaqttwpt troubles art fret llama Is etutrldunllrly ehwapNr IN 1luglaut I alr ti Ibal ikt Atwt LNN tMrN MtNrr p1 heath pktt rtl al Ibt ea1NrlMlt NNww w INN hi telhiK th4 is rah last N11tat NKt1l k blab pPla tw appeUi f tttl lutrs ttts i tNIaNIN- Ili iNr- wtdthstg a itNeollali St viii iMa- reN t eetwN AgNM h IaINI lit l1k11ah1 Nalltl INM IMF N 4 tNNIbMI WMR M tta1 s 1tae eetlaetw IN Iisle has H I1 etwbl bs haeel ltlla4 Ib1 N 1N MaselMa Ilw atw Ito 1 ttlltt v IIiNwt IVtI is hits tied M tttattllliN itlNkhswtl e1M Ikr a 1t wti ttatMra l IaM IIrJ h iw rrMa r l- a r M- r 11 C tit r N h ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > >> + + + > + + ly or find pleasure and complacency in the troubles of our friends and neighbors but when we are told that the sovereign remedy for our finan- cial troubles to create In Great Urltaln what hat been created In Germany and what Is just being re created In America a general tariff we are entitled to look to the ex- perience of those who have adopted these methods And what Is the case of the new American tariff Why as far as I can make out It Is universally condemned by the whole American press and regarded- by the American people as a triumph of particular Interests over general Interests for they see the trusts and monopolies relntrencbed and rein forced In their long and too victorious campaign against the consumer Senator D II Baker who resides at Orange Hose Sumter county says that the recent rains flooded his yard with little flab some of them large enough for bait Senator Baker Is not given to spinning fish yarns to this statement canbe received as thee genuine article Mr Frank Turner who lives about three miles from Ocala that It mutt have rained frogs In his direction In oRe of the ponds that extends part- ly across tiffs road sear his souse be says that there must be a billion lit tlo frogs No one can imagine the quantity lie says that thousands are crushed beneath tab baggy wheels In crossing the pond where it crosses the road It looks cruel to see so many of them crushed to death Ocala Banner The Kisslmmce Valley Gazette Is one of ino best weekly papers that comes to The Bun office Editor Har- ris is doing good work for his city and county and deserves the liberal pat- ronage his enterprise is receiving Deafness Cannet Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car There Is only one way to euro deafness and that Is by constitutional remedies Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube Is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing and when It Is entirely closed Deaf nens Is the result and unless the In- flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to itt normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten art caused by catarrh which Is nothing but an In- flamed condition of the mucous sur- face will give One Hundred Dollars for any nile of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hulls Catarrh Curt Send for circu- lar free F J CHENEY CO Toledo 0 Sold by druggists 75c Take halts Family Pills for consth pat Ion toad ItMlth Pint Oig iton- Rtrona Ntrv i nd flood Humor some tram the mudiMli use of MARPin- Whuksy by A 4 M i Is 0 t I Nearly LlIU l Ll fU t J p t crt It 1 says wet weather almost Is lIMPER i I Per site Isdratl hPPav Nault 1MIra M 1t tIA- t t l k- IN 1r Viet a M a- I snIab 45i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + KING OF THEM BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENTH- as been Crwww with Ph mlii I Success since lt ant- is today the Best HattaahsiH Liniment on the market CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL 2S wrf 100 fUfw AN SafeUtyte ALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO VgStHS- 00SQ2 N rth SM nrf Street ST LOUIS M- oJOBOSTSOIT EFFECTIVE DEC 18 108 Leave Gainesville for Fairfield and lo cal points South 1010aa Returning arrive Gainesville M Leave Gainesville for Sampson City Palatka Lake City points North 600 p IB Returning arrive Gainesville 930 A Gliu CfR Supt L E Barker Traffic Mjr NEW YORK CITY and RETURN Tickets on snlo from Jacksonville every Mon- day nwl Thursday beginning with 17th up to Aug return limit 30th allowed on theso tickets at Rich- mond Washington Baltimore tool Philadelphia Reduced rates to other summer resorts For information rates reservations oil cull on or write to A Division Passen- ger Agent laS West Hay St Jacksonville Fin SEABOARDA- ir Line Railway AVANNAIl COIUMUU OAMDKN 8OUTIIKUN IINBB- HAkfitOII IIICIIMONll VA8IIINQTON IUUTIMOHH- IMIILAhKUMIIA VOHK Two Klurtut Trniiw hnil- ySI8AIHAIM KXIMMiSS MAIL- XIY I INK U i V l i CUTS IlUSUW RaT ANtI nttNa lie ALLAI old and Reommnded b W M 1IL TYPEWRITERS EI ALL SIIPPU- QIIcIiIes f IeII Write for Priers Tents Etc I C DIMS I CD 90 JACKSONVILLE ILL W L DENIIAN 4 2b p P L VIA ATIAMTIC COAST LIME RAILROAD V FlU 101 till A Nit S I MelI L I Tit I f It t A 001 I r ALL PAIN- t PRAltta R CURES MUSC1S 5f I Nc5UAi csti- UiNSNL CH 3LA1 ALLs motels cs iris 1 Oils SF L Yrst Ry SL The FaIs VisIs Agent JacksonvilleRaily at fir 3 off o Sept Ito 1OVOrs S 1N111t1 11A a LIMAN r4UiPMgNT- I I d 1 111 liiilwi I t New 1 Iri all P1 trt t eWIMN 4 tit 4f P aP 4Nrt Opt 11- 1te Al1M Msirr a wtt4 AY6tit11Nft ithllNI i r ApsI J O541ttrINe i1 t4le- S SSO 1 II ot lt tElsltRAf1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > +
Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-08 …ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01474/00244.pdf4 THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA AUGUST 8 1909 i K y f She OAtLV-M






M itiA ora n si 4tlo fcw-

las seec49lMt stall MU r-

H B McCCrfAJtV MtleranPut U ber


TOk La Haynaas Block

s AXT am svMfcte my er Ic-Mffl MMrfif 4tKvm4 fcy Mfrrhr ia tta qity r-

fiaym fi tafe-

eA T 4 V tte AMI t tlUtte lilfotetyjwMUfeti artty Wsaisy s4-

stk toaal MM iwcral rtfttNed tot Usy ywteff laves


Tampa papers are calllstl baseball t that city t dls-

ka4 Tkey data taafA ttwae to Ute wwwtwill iMtaUtetec last ftUee IB the

UMU 0 rte G HattlKiwa has useMr 9 S with

p M aUM e The fiartew RecordJUr a4 M ta weeklyMw pa en ta UM stale we may ROWxjKKt It te eee m eve frettef thankeretefere

Net a MrprMftc AMHHtat et alacritykM toe Hen te aaettda at caa

get Coafreaa agalast tURkClark The eM er twe p y r la the4bKriet wae are last beea M Ie t kits are by theirmethee makteg It extremely dlS

k t fta4 say oppoaeat to the geatlewke aaa stood BO loyal by kin

eeasUtneBte tad who kaa dose suckfaltklal senrlco for them Miami

GoTcrnor Qllckrlat must be pleased-to the many aboutbla fairness to all parties and sec-tion tits plan of letting the localexecutive committee or primaries se-lect suitable persons to flll vacanciests refreshing If he has any friendsIn a political sense ho I not trying-to put them In office In any countyTata iUtcV stay sometime get thewrong Jtaan but tho Governor canaot bo accused of trying to build up

machine Arcadia sews

Old Tallahassee shows signs ofawakening from lur Itlp VauWlnklosleep The people have toted for theerection of a twenty thousand dollarrwbHc chool building and Powellmotto Push and Bmile seems to

brew generally adopted by herpeople Editor Smith of Tho TrueCHimoerat la no small factor In tho-

t r0w campaign for the towns dSUCCOM to you friends

bettor or more hospitable peotkaR those who live in Tallahamtj-

R v r IftiabUed a place

Thvrv la a teatfeuoy ou partttai Ut prv tsi ridicule th pnuu

cam lKn of Claude UKualoi forh W 8 natorshli Hut U a

wUlak Claude going tu betat tt by ridlcuio lloa a plau lt ta

and something of an uuwrt n-

IN of lAnfvugo himself

all ui down the andk It MM Iww lUvraturw with

fc w HHMI tf th m will be boundt It HMPHW A MMn

t fWl 5 W w Wf

ell ia u w bet ell

Urn to lit toel IUM







fn1-M Peat e

118M Roersr

w xaia RkeetL

ue f



t Hat1

tag II

il M

MIl till



tL etav V 4



e er inti


et Mitt



see compliments



thu u


cater I

ham the


UwtM a tw








atn 1IIe

4 iiap pattt Vlted wtet-

Aleter rkaaNaattit tar s eeld r s entks gWItlyednae-

rwllagaN eeltea aerltYaM aeeatrearladdiMoa

r sa1

X4p1lat s I 434

eaMllusa paperlhses Iz ab Murdsad

polaltf r 61 a ya rta adraaw-

Ari tidwsllaiui hips titre BS due stillse1 1rd Yse1tawts-iptatedleetum W tlieeaaapetls-

Nt be apeyfe t4 dWtetiaelate

r sta

ateas h s

ta1 Ia tendt

0 dated arM la-the




Newa RecordL









t min udIle to g01np miss tha ut It tplea and Slate

ItsI hat

rnd stir114 h Illliwt et rlt0rttl aM l rt arni ttrN-itatlap plaalelltiee ehars of palhtea-IhralA atgr e11 part d prattt Mff-

tl1 apd 11 a11Nis Cl 4 eak-e I4Wi

ftAl9NlNhr I fuel slice wi hatrlN stl ills M Rs

italic Itltlea bU irate wlst h-

t Ierlt th egNlf tbt tae aNA 1-

l1E Ibe poeipfr11i tdse f111M I b I Mtarlt

Aim1tt111i stM w Ael t s peNlrir-

kM ells is Ia A r1i tf-A Luis w a t-

M 5 1 d y-

d I is s sMt-esd tit s Irr

0 telNd stn n-r 5 I IN-i w lilt























+ +

+ +






A few editors delight In critlchtngCongressman Frank Clarks positionon the tariff and never miss an op-

portunity to republish matter whichthey consider detrimental to hid po-

litical InterestsMr Clarks position on the tariff

was before he was elected to Congress for the first termhe proclaimed It from the stump Inevery county In the district as wellas in printed matter mailed to everyvoter lie Is for a tariff for revenueonly but as long as revenue has tobe ratted by a duty on foreign pro-

duct imported Into this country hebelieves and justly so that Floridagrowa cotton fruits vegetables to-

bacco etc should receive tho bensof a protective tariff on such ar-

ticle Imported Into this country Atarp OB cotton imported taco theHalted States would be worth millionsto the growers of Sea Island cottonla Georgia aad Florida In tho sameproportion as It has bees beneficial-to other sections of the country onother products The manufacturer ofcotton goods la this country Is pro-

tected agalast competition from thesate goods manufactured la Englandbut the producer of the staple fromwhich these goods are manufacturedhas to grow the cotton in competitionwith the pauper labor of Egypt

aad ether foreign countries Isthere any justice In this whea Iron

etc to given the benteit ofag lnst foreign competition

Tlfo eera wheat oats woolaaa everything produced

Is protected by tho tariffBut the producer ef cotton has to la-

bor lUtCjajBpfttUoa with the peons offed There is ao Juattee-te sucks discriminating tariff sadMr Clare is to be commended forhla afforta ln behalf of hla constitu-ents HVfeM faithfully to better tho conditions of Ids peopleespecially the farmers sad opposi-tion to him emanatefs from personalas well as political enemies

Out Frank Clark Is equal to thepresent emergency and the man whoopposes him for reelection In theprimaries of 1910 will find that Clarkhas the people back of him

Not to return Frank Clark to Con-gress under the present circum-stances would be au acknowledge-ment on the part of the people thatthey do not appreciate the efforts ofa faithful public servant to buttertheir condition


Heports from England Indicatethat country Is HO well natUtlvd withtree trade that there I tittle proapvctof Joseph Chamberlain winning outIn his fight to reestablish protectivetariff which was abolished In IS 10

The English Liberal leaders ofParliament aro suiting up tho Ameri-can and Uvrmau tariff as

examples which should warnEngland against following in their

For a time it upa ared an-

if the protectionists under the loadof Mr Chamberlain wore gainingground but It uow seems the scullmeat of the nation Is again swingingaround In d U n of tree trade andIt Is extremely doubtful If Englandwill urns countuuunuo protwtlunagain Thu Urltlsh people have beenvnllghtoiie as to the beutttu of freotrade by oxtou lv tnluciitiunal workcarried OH b the llbt Ml For In

tanrt It has IHHJH iH lnlml out midthe contvittion u tAtum by fuelsthat while wager hl h r In HHS

laud under trad than in highpMttHHloti lU ruuMiy and uthwr-

hltritHHiii H tlon tilt vt of living

than in thw hi hi r l tlwii unlrlt-

Ml laill as

l wM r-

Nr A-

tMf Mid

1 i H t H i



Ore pro-tects





toot hill




h e-






we11 known








Is etutrldunllrly ehwapNr IN 1luglaut I

alr ti Ibal ikt Atwt LNN tMrN MtNrr p1heath pktt rtl al Ibt ea1NrlMlt NNww w

INN hi telhiK th4 is rahlast N11tat NKt1l k blab pPla tw

appeUi f tttl lutrs ttts i tNIaNIN-

Ili iNr-wtdthstg a itNeollali St viii iMa-

reN t eetwN AgNMh IaINIlit l1k11ah1 Nalltl INM


M tta1s 1tae eetlaetw IN

Iisle hasH

I1 etwbl bs haeel ltlla4 Ib1N 1N MaselMa Ilw atw

Ito 1 ttlltt v IIiNwtIVtI is hits tied M tttattllliN

itlNkhswtl e1M Ikra 1t wti ttatMra l IaM

IIrJ h iw rrMa r l-

a r M-

r 11 C
























> >



+ >



ly or find pleasure and complacencyin the troubles of our friends andneighbors but when we are told thatthe sovereign remedy for our finan-

cial troubles to create In GreatUrltaln what hat been created InGermany and what Is just being recreated In America a general tariff

we are entitled to look to the ex-

perience of those who have adoptedthese methods And what Is thecase of the new American tariffWhy as far as I can make out ItIs universally condemned by thewhole American press and regarded-by the American people as a triumphof particular Interests over generalInterests for they see the trusts andmonopolies relntrencbed and reinforced In their long and too victoriouscampaign against the consumer

Senator D II Baker who residesat Orange Hose Sumter county saysthat the recent rains flooded his yardwith little flab some of them largeenough for bait Senator Baker Isnot given to spinning fish yarns tothis statement canbe received as theegenuine article Mr Frank Turnerwho lives about three miles fromOcala that It mutt have rainedfrogs In his direction In oRe of the

ponds that extends part-ly across tiffs road sear his souse besays that there must be a billion littlo frogs No one can imagine thequantity lie says that thousands arecrushed beneath tab baggy wheels Incrossing the pond where it crosses theroad It looks cruel to seeso many of them crushed to deathOcala Banner

The Kisslmmce Valley Gazette Isone of ino best weekly papers thatcomes to The Bun office Editor Har-ris is doing good work for his city andcounty and deserves the liberal pat-ronage his enterprise is receiving

Deafness Cannet Curedby local applications as they cannotreach the diseased portion of thecar There Is only one way to eurodeafness and that Is by constitutionalremedies Deafness Is caused by anInflamed condition of the mucouslining of the Eustachian Tube Whenthis tube Is inflamed you have arumbling sound or Imperfect hearingand when It Is entirely closed Deafnens Is the result and unless the In-

flammation can be taken out and thistube restored to itt normal conditionhearing will be destroyed forevernine cases out of ten art caused bycatarrh which Is nothing but an In-

flamed condition of the mucous sur-face

will give One Hundred Dollarsfor any nile of Deafness caused bycatarrh that cannot bo cured byHulls Catarrh Curt Send for circu-lar free F J CHENEY CO

Toledo 0Sold by druggists 75cTake halts Family Pills for consth

pat Ion

toad ItMlth Pint Oig iton-Rtrona Ntrv i ndflood Humor some tram themudiMli use of MARPin-Whuksy by A

4 M i






LlIU l Ll

fU tJ p tcrt It



wet weather





Per siteIsdratl hPPav Nault

1MIra M 1t tIA-


t l k-

IN 1rViet a M a-


snIab 45i








+ +



SNOW LINIMENTH-as been Crwww with Ph mlii I Success since lt ant-

is today the Best HattaahsiH Liniment on the marketCURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL

2S wrf 100 fUfw AN SafeUtyte




Leave Gainesville for Fairfield and local points South 1010aa

Returning arrive Gainesville MLeave Gainesville for Sampson City Palatka

Lake City points North 600 p IB

Returning arrive Gainesville 930A Gliu CfR Supt L E Barker Traffic Mjr


Tickets on snlo from Jacksonville every Mon-day nwl Thursday beginning with 17th up toAug return limit 30th

allowed on theso tickets at Rich-mond Washington Baltimore tool Philadelphia

Reduced rates to other summer resortsFor information rates reservations oil cull

on or write to A Division Passen-ger Agent laS West Hay St Jacksonville Fin

SEABOARDA-ir Line Railway




Two Klurtut Trniiw hnil-ySI8AIHAIM KXIMMiSS



V li


IlUSUW RaTANtI nttNalie


old and Reommnded bW M




QIIcIiIes f IeIIWrite for Priers Tents Etc



4 2b p





V FlU 101






I Tit


f Itt A





PAIN-t PRAltta RCURES MUSC1S 5f INc5UAi csti-

UiNSNL CH 3LA1 ALLs motels cs


1 Oils SF

LYrst Ry SL

The FaIs VisIs Agent



fir3 off o

SeptIto 1OVOrs



11A a LIMAN r4UiPMgNT-

I Id 1 111 liiilwi

I t New 1 Iri all

P1 trt t eWIMN 4 tit 4f PaP 4Nrt Opt 11-1te Al1M Msirr a wtt4 AY6tit11Nft ithllNI

i r ApsI J O541ttrINe i1 t4le-

S SSO 1 II ot lt tElsltRAf1






