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Galieo Shoes ITT1r Wun f derhos For Our e STOCK pair l

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ququ 1T 3t < ITT1r il kT I L s II This Is The Time fof the year when mothers are think ipot school dresses and fabrics tAnil1spedion of our stock will con you we are headquarters sidr lovely Galieo Madras s ai l Our showing of midsummer mater t I ials is superb We carry a full line v of Novelties and you will make a K mistake if yon dont visit our Drapery department Our stock includes everything to be found in an upto date Dry Goods Store OWEN McKEE DRY GOODS COMPANYY- OU ARE WELCOME TO OUR REST ROOM Comer 1st Main The Richmond Climax I mUStED HER WEMBBIT IT L THE CLIMAX PRINTING CO Incorporated A D MILLER EDITOR I Mimbir tl KENTUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION JI4 EI6HTH DISTRICT PUBllSIERS lEAGUE FBICE 100 PER YEAR 0IN ADVANCE WEDNESDAY SEP 21 1910 TUE Republican papers of Louisville sem to be very much exercised over the position of Col John II Whallen at the meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee says the Elizabeth town News They are undertaking to show and make the public believe that Col Whallen has proven traitor to Ben Johnson or Will Head because ho threw his influence toclcct Judge Allie Young who is a McCrcary man Chairman of the Campaign Committee The people Hrhoknow John Whailen know absolute ¬ onelthing what ho whole matter is that Col Whallen play ¬ ed a very natural and perfectly human part at the Lexington meeting His very closest and most intimate political friend in the State is Judge Allie Young and very naturally he would not do any- thing ¬ against him even if Young was for McCreary for Governor But leaving personal friendship out of the question Young would have been elected Chair ¬ man if Whallens influence had been against him Whallen did not go over to McCreary atall Ho will do exactly the same when a nomination is to be made for Governor Ha will stand loyal to his pledges but if he sees he cannot land his man he will throw his strength to the candidate ho sees is going to win and ho will see it before anybody else does THE Edwards followers in the Eleventh district are sure sore over the defeat of their idol Oh what a blow it was The Democrats arc taking on new life and will have a strong candi ¬ date in the field They dont stand much showMrinning but it is a fight- ing ¬ chance Edwards downfall is easily explained and all Democratic jpersIn the Eleventh saw the hand- writing on the wall His Henchmen Were loud in their condemnation of Powers calling him a murderer a thief guilty of tho Gobel murder etc the very same people who a few years ago were fighting his battles and cry ¬ ing that he was a martyr aud should be vindicated When he returns and annouBces for Congress the right of all men ho is turned against by these followers of Edwards because their utiieu counter must go and the graft be given to another regime Inconsis ¬ tency and tho majority of the Republicans of tho Eleventh saw it and eitet 4 Powers Il was an excellent happening for the Democracy all over the state It means the defeat of Congressman Bennett in tho Ninth and Laugley in the Tenth KeiTOR M OSUUJVAK of the Shelby viMe Sentinel has the tender sympathy fjtk brother editors all over the state latke loss ot his lovely daughter Miss XiUbWkie Elizabeth OSullivan whose detb occurred Saturday after a two BMAtks illness of typhoid lover Deceas ¬ ed was nineteen years old and a charm ¬ ing yeang woman IF the Xew Jersey undertakers succeed itt ttrmging about a reform there will be ib ie burials at sea They are ur- gIthpassage i of a law which requires MMtMMlmer to be placed on each steam ship so that in case of death at sea the- y b isa be cared for scientifically ExpRB6iDKXT Roosevelt says he will iiiotit upon honesty if it breaks up the bus businesses of the mad If his efforts avfitt anything along this line it is to be lt pi < he will at l Mt put out of busi mttt wpM of the corrupt politicans in BQ rond Washington Juy CBAS S MOOKBHKAD former editor and owner of the old Princeton BMMN JIO returned to PrInceton and is now Iftorof Leader under its sew l I merit i Wnur a JOHCBMYl attention has bMBwrwtWby a pretty girl thus K Aettaff loft for hun to do but to carry blaas to court west MiM Pail inarrod a Mr VV1Ir BMb U rtbo Hwt8Biight trw f41Cb a union to turn a goodly ercp of pftrs ORB hJng ia vMMt that it ainhip ant ittd toto wwftw it win to nO4W 4I7tbatUs- It Ii I1 1Ii pMot 11 II a r PERSONALS GOOD THOUGHT The Glad heart goes the longest way The sunshine makes the finest tiny Miss Mary Foley is visiting in Middles boroMrs A C Scanlan was in Lexington Saturday Mr Edgar Blanton has been sojourn- ing ¬ at French Lick Miss Norma Elmore of Lancaster is with relatives here Mr Rhodes Yeager of Georgetown has been visiting here Mr Herman Leo has been visiting relatives in Midway Dr and Mrs W G White returned Friday from Louisville Mr and Mrs Emil Lorisch were in Louisville last week Mr Thomas Hamilton was in Cincin ¬ nati last week on business Mrs S B Hume left yesterday for Cincinnati to spend a week Miss Bessie Miller returned Monday from a visit to Louisville friends Misses Tillie Tribblo and Julia Hig gins spent Saturday in Lexington Miss Mary Rankin of Lancaster has matriculated at Madison Institute Mr Curt Adams has returned from Niagara and other points of interest The French Mission Circle was enter- tained ¬ Monday by Mrs S B Hume Mrs Fred Faris and Miss Mary Roberts are in Cincinnati this week Mrs J A Stevens and family spent the week endwith Lexington relatives Mr N B Deatherage has returned from a visit to friends in Owen county Mr and Mrs James Winn of Winches- ter have been visiting Mrs Robert Miller Miss Cramer of Lexington is the guest of Mrs Robert Sallec on Glyndon Ave Editors T II Pickels and A D Miller attended the State fair last ThursdayMiss Burnam returned last week from the East where she spent summerMiss Taylor has returned to Lebanon where she teaches in the High School Mr and Mrs Walker McKinney of Georgetown were guests of relatives here last week Mr and Mrs Elmer Tate left last week for a two weeks stay at Crab Orchard Springs Mrs Julian Van Winkle of Louisville has been visiting her mother Mrs James W Smith Professor and Mrs C Rucker Adams of Chicago came last week for a visit to Miss Lucy Adams Miss Aubrey Burgin has returned to Lexington after a delightful visit to her aunt Mrs J A Stevens Mr and Mrs J R Azbtll have been in London visiting their daughter Mrs George C Moores Mr and Mrs W R Black and baby of Winchester are visiting friends in tho city and county Miss Elizabeth Lackey of Kingston left Monday to matriculate in Hamilton college Lexington Mr and Mrs Harvey Chenault were in Louisville last week the guests of Mr and Mrs E B Hume Mrs H B Hanger went to Millers burg last week to enter her son Paul in the Military Institute Mr Clyde Hart of tho Winchester News spent Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrs T H Hart Shelby NewsMr James W Zarin of Richmond is visiting his sisters Misses Alice and Mattie Zaring Miss Maud Wilson has been in Lan ¬ caster visiting her sisters Mesdames W R Got t and Leonard Miller Mr William Wallace left Monday for Yale where he will enter upon his senior yearjin the study of law Mr Leonard Robinson left this week for Richmond to enter the Rich- mond ¬ High School London Echo MrS Wilson Tate has returned from a two months visit to her daughter Mrs G W DulL te Hoopston Ill Mrs ThomRSHltrIeyorLebauooJ- lUlctioois the guest of her raothria law Mrs SL Mtokiff on Third tree Mr W WWaUs and family and Mrs Faaaie SraUli motored to T uisville 1Mt wektoMIii MM State fairMessrs Robert Turtoy and Haymow Xwfrk left Sat i kif far JliiMfe re sums iheir studies te the State Unlwr sky KiN Pearl Davis of Lvwferttht k ta barge afthe triTrnfrf ilqprlmint of FMkMMiXiMs 1I IIItiIW Mr LlGwIry Mrs CL D Killer sai Miss EltaalMth Mlltor spent the 1NiekendwitJt Mr WillIam Ooala aod ftually MM Pjuxtte- Mn J 8 OMliw Its WUlOelliM Bxui MoOor4IaMr WtMhMtw M iBkH of Lowfpflfc 1 r cam aatnrdajHo peed a Jew days with ih1Wir whc k vsUu ber mother raJaiIW8wLJraUliahiuUle Xi- iran wIthhwmiif Mn Wlnabeth Croft after a visit to hen fot r Mn ChM Crooke in DanvIlle Mrs Mat Hacker and ehiklree Kieh olsvill spent the weekBftd with Xi A E Cars Miss Irene Buckwatter of TVlagaH Miss k the guwt of her sister Mrs It O LsehyM Poatec of New York City is the beautiful and charming guest of Mrs Cap Dickersoa Mr J S Gardner and family passed though Riehmoad Monday eare te to Jacksonville Fla from Irvine where they have been visiting Mrs J II Taylor of Kansas City who has been with her sister MrsJ R Pates is now with Mrs Uraat E Lilly on Lancaster avenue Mrs Harvey Parrish of Union City entertained a number of friends last Friday in honor of her brother Mr Dudley Berry of Leroy Ill Miss Strong of New York who has been visiting Mrs Russell Robinson left last week for Texarkana where she will teach during the winter Mr N B Deatherage accompanied by Mr 1fH Haggard of George- town went last week to Owen county to visit an old Confederate comrade Mr J M Herndon Mr Barnett Chenault has returned from the Canal zone Mr Chenault is one of the most papular of the younger ocial set and was given a royal welcome by his many friends Messrs Clarence E Brown of Ler ington Woodford Dick of Louisville John D Allen and Miss Martha Allen of Carlisle spent last week with Mr and Mrs J W Zaring Col Wallace Estill of Franklin county accompanied by his sisters Mrs Laura Estill Francis and Mrs Lavinia Estill Cunningham visited their old home town at Richmond last week Miss Annie Bennett Cohen has enter ed the preparatory department of the Randolph Macon college at Lynchburg Va She was accompanied to Lynch ¬ burg by her aunt Miss Minnie Wagers Mr Clark Allman has accepted a position in the drug house of H L Perry Mr Allman is the younger son of Captain and Mrs J H Allman and is one of the best known young druggists in the city Louisville Times Col and Mrs William B Haldeman motored out to Pewee Valley today to attend the Confederate Reunion at the L Z Duke HalL They had as their guest the Hon J B McCreary of Richmond Mrs W G Gregory of Louisville is visiting her daughter Mrs R E Million She was accompanied by her little grand daughter Elaine Million who has been spending several weeks in Louisville Miss Norma Elmoro is in Richmond viisting relativesJilrs JW Elmore is at homo from a visit to relatives in Versailles and RlchmondnMrs John Christman Jr and children and Mrs B Kelly of Richmond arc visit ¬ ing Mrs N Miller Lancaster Record Miss Eva Roberts whose well known embroidery and stamping establishment is headquarters for lovers of fancy need ¬ le work left yesterday for Cincinnati to remain all week Miss Roberts will re- turn ¬ with now patterns now materials and new ideas for Winter and Christmas workProfessor Jaync former director of the Model school of this city left yester- day ¬ for his home in Detroit after spending several days here with friends Professor Jayne is attorney for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to animals which position is ono of importance carrying with it a handsome salary He is also lecturer in the Detroit college of law and enjoys a good private practice Professor Jayne has many friends hero who are glad to know of his success Base Ball Won Lost Pcrt Parisu 78 45 631 Leximtonnu 67 51 553 Winchester uu 61 fiS 6It 503Frankfort Maysi1Iou 37 85 304 Season Closes The base ball season is over Rich ¬ mond was to have played a double- header in Frankfort on Monday and then to Winchester on Tuesday for another double bill but the wet weather made playing out of the question and in both places and so the season camo to a close as these were the last scheduled games Richmond finishes in fourth position a half game behind Winchester In the past two seasons Richmond has devel- oped ¬ two stars who will no doubt bo heard from all along tho lines of the big leagues Hub Dawson the Versailles boy who was sold the first of the season to Minneapolis has made good and Roy Golden tho easygoing twirler has beta given a good berth by the St Louis team of tho National league Owing to mis- fortunes ¬ that have presented themselves at critical times the part season the team has not played as good ball as it was expected to do at the beginning but the fans are loyal and will overlook all this Richmond will mako every effort to haye a winner in tho race next set son and to gain this work will begin at an early dato Estrayed A thin roan cow weight about 800 Ibs came to my farm on Red House pike Sept 5 and has since been cared for by undersigned I have also lost black gilt weight about 150 lbs No marks sept212t RR McKinney For Bald Heads A TreatmentThat Costs Nothing if it Fails We want you to try three large battles of Rexall 93y Hair Took on our personal guanuitee that the trial will net cost yea penny if it does not give you absolute sattsfaetioq Thats proof of oar fMtfa in ibfe remedy and it shod UdMputiibly demonstrate that we know wh t we are talking about whenw ss r tint ItezaH g3 Hair THllewiftW hair on M1ddlt except baMoess has hem oflUek long duration that the root of the hair are entirely dead the follioie closed and grows ovicaa4 the scalp glazed Remember we ass aiming our tate niti upon win bn already lIMo aocomiAfaheil by hufRexaU W BJMT Tonic tiMLSre ha9ttUte rW t to a MWie Uiatt whit H ha dqM for tbocsands l itlMn it will rdo for you IB any event ymu eanaot Jose anything by giving it a trial oh ourliberal ran tee Two siMa JOe and 1100 Re metober yoji eaa obtata ttexall Rzme din thU cscauonSif 8 11t our tonlbe ftmA Siws Heory L PerryRZy Fate fthePilt- oDetermined in Next Ten Days President LeBus Makes it Plain that Growers Must Show Intentions Before District Board Meets BALLOTS WILL BE- PREPARED AT ONCE Leader Has Not Lost Hope But Thinks Time Given Has Been Sufficient SPBCIAL TO THK CLIMAX MiUersbiqr Ky Sept 17In a speech here today President Lebus of the Burley Tobacco Society made it very plain that the fate of the 1910 pool and with it the fate of the growers move ¬ ment would be decided within the next ten days I want to say here and now he declared that the days of delay are numbered I have not lost faith We have carried this flag through darker peViods than this but the time has come when the grower must say either that he will go forward or lay down If he has decided to lay down the quicker this is made known the better Unless there is a substantial awakening before September 27one week from Tuesday I want to say that my vote will bb cast in favor of submitting the question of the 1010 pool just as speedily as the ballot can bo gotten to the people When the Executive Board meets next week I ani going to recommend that the ballot be printed immediately Every grower in the Burley District is thoroughly familiar with the issue and will have had ample opportunity to make up his mind before the 27th I know that you can win and you know that you can winIn face of this certain promise if you have made up your mind not to take advantage of tho opportunity then we will all go to market together This year the dumper cannot sneak around the hill to furnish supplies to the enemy If the pool should go down there will be a grim satisfaction in seeing the plight of tho outsider And if wo should fail the responsibility is going to be on the landlord and not on tho tenant Tho only excuses that have been offered have been the inventions of landlords Those growers who think that they are able to get along without pooling might well stop to consider what they would do with their tobacco if this pool should be declared off early in October Those who champion loose leaf ware houses would then have an opportunity to put their alleged benefits to tho test As for my part they will never hold an umbrella over me and charge mo for tho shade while the trust skins me If the pool is a success it will be be ¬ cause you pool your tobacco and go to work to induce your neighbor to pOol The women have become enlisted in this work and I have great hopes as to what they may accomplish You are in the midst of a garden spot If this pool is declared off the value of your land and everything you own will be cut in half tnd the papers of this community will be filled with advcrtisedfarms Tho attitude of those growers who havo borne the heat of the fight in the past was strikingly set forth by Mr John W Bell of Harrison county I quit pulling suckers to como to this meeting You do not knowjjwho I am and I will tell you I am one of those who have blisters on their feet and the skin worn from backs carrying the rich growers of the Blue Grass I am one of those who have endured privation and whose family have stinted themselves and undergone hardship in order to lay the foundation for this society Lastly I am one of those men who are not going to carry you any longer Heavy Rains The heavy rainof Sunday night and all day Monday which prevailed in this vicinity seems to have been general over Cenleral Kentucky While the rainfall hero was as heavy as has been seen in years yet the electrical storm seems tohavo played havoc in Fayette and parts ofFranklinand Woodford The tolo phone wires escaped damages in Madi ¬ son only a few boxes being burned out which is tho case with nearly every storm As Viewed by Ofliers One of tho handsomest and most in ¬ teresting of industral editions was issued this week by the Richmond Climax It is a real gem of tho printers art as well as a splendid exhibition of the art deS- criptive Editor A D Miller can shake hands with hlmselfWl Walton in Lexington Herald Our neighbor and friend the Climax issued this week its handsome special edition which has been tho souco of much complimentary comment It is a = omploto compendium of the indust ¬ mchImonti many of our prominent citizens busi ¬ ness men and officials It is well worth filing away as a work of reference and wo congratulate our contemporary on producing so creditable a vorkKcn ¬ ucky Register The Richmond Climax camo out this week ala very handsome souvenir edi- tion ¬ Editor Miller gives his patrons a mighty good paper all the timeIbut when he puts on a few extra touches as 5a the abovenamed issue why then there isnt a county paper in the United States that can surpass it Harrods burg Herald The Richmond Climax issued a very handsome special edition this week w1tlekisa decided credit to the putt lIs1er and to the eilyOyatida DeJR eerat T T r The Riehaaead GJiaax iss ll Uife wek iUsplwHlM pictorial and hitorks sapptement whkjJt is a most excellent advertisement for that progressive city The supplement which is in magaia ij k a p1eodMilyprintedudWorkthM ri to CORe by those interested in the history of Richmond lad Madison county Editor A p Millar te to he MiwratMftMr for tIM rulftnlh of this trig ua dertakiBg Danville Advocate The best industrial edition we hay bJgR nlleetleeu8er r The IndustriarEditlon of the Rich mood Climax bame to our desk Redoes day and after examfnatou we unhest- tatinglypipnounceit ¬ far superior to anj thing ever attempted by a Central Ken- tucky ¬ newspaper It shows remarkable enterprise and the workmanship is sptadM Weooagntulatetheaia BOOM of the uadertaklagju1 T n Close Call Mat 8 tMn the Muted horseman tGgeLlaenrihseen1 assoeiatea hiss a Jose u from death Monday afternoon in LexSnfioa while waM bt the oMce of the TaMwsatta Sale barn A bolt or lghlir struck the ehhsMwjr tKuringa nsrljosi of it away and kmwkh the oer cupaots U every direvion So severely Haaaed were they that for several aia wtes they were enable to riP their senses A telephone message received at the hone of Mr Jplm Wagws Tues day morning conveyed the news that Mr Ceiiea was able to Be about About Gone This will be the last week for water- melons ¬ in Madison county according to the growers who make Richmond tacir headquarters with the toothsome article The wet weather in the spring retarded the growth and later in the season when they took a brace the destructive little stripped bug came along and in many places almost wiped out the patches by feasting on the vines There was only a half crop this season if that much according to the growers in the College Hill and Waco sections where the bulk ofthei melons are raised in Madison A Handsome Brass Bed for Twentyfive Cents Beginning with Friday there will bo- on display in Douglas Simmons Deatherages window an elegant brass bed which some one can own f r the small sum of 25 cents This bed has been donated to the ladles of the P A C Infirmary by E L March of Lexing ¬ ton to be used Inane big sample saloon Oct 3 and 4 The ladies have decided to open up a guessing contest the par ¬ ticulars of which will be announced in the next few days This is an unusual opportunity to win such a bed for such a small sum- Program ol Teachers Associa- tion ¬ Teachers of Educational Division No 6 will hold their meeting sit Red House Saturday Sept 24 1910 PROQKA5I 10 oclock am Song Red House Choir Devotional ExercisesProf It F Scudder MusIcWelcome Address Hon J Tevis Cobb Response Supt John Nqiand Song Little Rose BudsAnHaTr- ibble Ends Sought in Teachers Asso- ciationsIsflss ¬ Rebecca Edwards and Miss Amelia McWhortor Values of High School Education Prof T J Conies Music Neon Recess Afternoon Exercises 130 pm tI What to do with the JncorriglWes Mrs JD Powell and Miss Kittle HisleHow Home Environments Affect Ai o ItObtlStoctton H Berry usl- cRecitationMiss My rtleDalton In What Way Can Parents Assist the Teacher Miss Maudo Bailey and Miss Eloise Million RecItationElizabeth Carson MusicRelative Advantages of the City and Country Childupt Noland J B Harris R F Ecudder Querry Box 330 AdjournmentJ HAUnTS President MRS ED CAissoN Secretary Dandruff anal Itchtar Scalp Yield to TbisTx ttheflt- Why experiment to drlYfltM dandruff grm from underneath the skin with lotions < fancy hair dressing when IILPerryDrttc Store will guarantee ZKMO and ZKMO SOAP to entirely rid the scalp of the germ life that causes the trouble ZESIO and ZEMQ SOAP can be obtain ¬ ed in any city or town ja America and are recogaIzedthe lIe anti melt eeea omioal treatment for all affections of the skin and scalp whether oft Infant or grown persons One shampoo with ZESI O SOAP application of ZEMO will stop itching and cleanse the scalp of dranduV and scurf Wo invite you to try ZKMO and ZEMO SOAP and if not entirely satisfied we will refund your money STOCK Sale I will sell publicly on the premises of the late J P Simmons 7 miles from Richmond near Kirksvilte on Friday Sept 23 WO lOam 22 Head of Good Stock 5 suckling mules 2 yearling mules 1 good 3yearold mulo 2 4yearold mules 5 aged mules 5 mares 1 5yearold horse well broken jennet Terms Sale will be made on credit of 0 months with bankable note bearing 6 per cent intere- stMcCreary Sinimons Public Sale Of Two Farms We will sell at public auction in front of tho Court House county court day at 2 oclock p m Mond YtOct3t J9JO the following property About 345 Acres of Land near Red House five miles north of Richmond Ky This land will be sold in two separate tracts These two farms are divided by a road there be- ing about 175 acreson the East side with good dwelling house and other necessary outbuildings upon same On the West side of the road is about 170 acres with good store room thereon This is a splendid location for selling goods and tho building now rents for 150 per year The Red House station is a fine shipping point and very close to the farm mentioned The farms are well watered and most desirable property Terms Onethird cash balance in one and two years with legal interest from Jan 1 1911 when possession will be given and deed made Seeding privileges will begiven purchaser This property will positively be sold on date and time mentioned above For any other information see Harvey Douglas or James Hunlcy Harvey D Parrish Harriett Parrish Peoria Drill Dont Over Look the Best The greatest Dull of the age Has put new life into wheat growers Combining both shoe and disc something that has been lacking in the Disc Drill You cannot appreciate this Drill until you see it You cannot afford to buy until you know its features over others For further information call and se- eD B Shackelford Co Hardware Tinware Stove and Farm Implements September a8tblJ9x I will c4ferf rsale6a the premises My highly improved 2 12 Acre Farm on the best of pikes miles rosa each Dnvieaa4 Laaeasier 175 Awes TilWbto RM Lsnt S etwbieh ii TuFm 14m4 3 f l Lvei14s Land 1Qdetotw are and it iMdJ iaad hetGDi1 rMt Iin 6 I j best ia the oowrty b a Nosn ra bi houi hoaM t and siehed It is notad for itabcanttfoi and Mklthy g M j h borbooaed chose > roxiinUt 1bohoo Chu in i 4e There are three gft JJraore tobacco ifatm wWi excellent b arfollaockMd24 rs considering location buOdlngs qnality of Jaad etc no more desirable farm home has been placed on the market If intnrestei write or com and see Im ¬ mediate possession can be given if crops are sold There is a fine T7year old War r a lug orchard on the place Ar1 H OTTER nviIIe Ky r 0 jt t ti ct 1 liis r MILLINERY OPENING Wednesday and Thursday I Childrens School Shoes- Our Childrens Shoe Department is complete We have made a special effort to get the best school shoes made at the Lowest Prices ChildrensSchool Handkerchiefs Good quality hem ¬ stitched cambric handkerchiefs i n plaiu white 3c Each Boys School Suits A splendid line cf Suits knicker bocker pants The materials are che ¬ viots and cassi merescolors blue brown and gray 298 348 and 498 McCallPatterns 10 and 15c Sir Itobt R Burnam has added to his Fire Insurance Companies The Henry Clay Firo Insurance Co a Ken ¬ tucky company with 500 000 capital and surplus Support a home institution and demand a policy in this new com- pany tf Public Sale I will sell at mv resi ¬ dence on East Mainst at lOa m- Thursday Sept 29 10 all my Household and Kitchen Mrs Loutitia Carse Public According to the directions of the wil of John 6 Taylor I his administrator will sell at public auction on Oct i5 1JO at 10 oclock a m his late residence at corner of First and Irvine streets and vacant lot 20 feet wide adjoining both in the very heart of the city of Rich ¬ mond A splendid corner lot with brick residence anti vacant lot for building A more particular description of both and dimensions will be gladly furnished upon inquiry This property wilt be offered separate- ly and as a whole to be sold in the way bringing tho most money Terms for payment will be onethird cash balance in six and twelve months with lien re- tained ¬ J E GfiiEENLEAF Administrator 9213t With Will Annexed Public Of Valuable City Prop ¬ erty We will sell at public auction on the premises on Seeon d street at 10 oclock a us Saturday Oct the residence known as the Ellis proper ¬ ty The let fronts on Second street 150 feet running back 241 feet to First street with a frontage on First of 78 13 feet This property is centrally located close to the business part of the city The residence contains eleven rooms and three hftlk entrance to any room in the building without passing through another room and is admirably located and arranged for family or boarder if desired Thor is also gas and water pipes throughout the huikUng Miss Ellis and Mrs Daniel or J A HigginSWilt take pleasure in showing property to prospective purchasers Terms will be mad haewa on day af sale At sane wW aeR ai nsi6nseme housefaatd fvrnittira- LMW TOM Cxntiour Aaeiiooeer 4tM HOG FEED ftS lhopUUR BottHnxi Hog Cbofera Remedy is the carjr known CURE for hog cholera A few doaea along with thefeed now will destroy all disease breeding germs worms and parasites in your hogs and CoaaCIb11 Sold by q r 2 I September21 and 22 j We Sell and Guarantee f Wun d er ho s e for men women and children 4 pairs guaranteed to wear 4 months without mending SI Box 4 pair in box Ladies Fall Skirts Our Assortment includes all styles and colors 5 values in black blue and brown panamas and voiles trimmed and tailored nicely 3 Furniture 8ttJO lIiHII Regular 48 Let us take your measure for Fall Suit or Skirt 400 samples on display and fit and satisfaction guaranteed McCalls Magazinew- ill help you to make Stylish Fall Clothes 5 cents a Copy r Radcliffe Shoes For Ladies < + Dull calf patent colt tans short vamp effec t s cloth and Jeather tops I 250300 > and 350 i < if i WeareshowingNew Hamburgs Laces and White GoodsI Qu > 5 = C- Eo Q = 8 rtJ 61 = rIl d c- QOt 0 P4 1 A rn ri irjC- l I I 00 o IE V ELDER It Sale Saturday Sale a- New oI A Wef 0L1J0ftt g SKaln9Ii Outfitters to Women invite you to the opening rr of their J 2 Readytowear Parlors V Tuesday September twentyseventh 127 East Main Street Lexington Ky We Leave all Meats on the Scales long enough for the customer to see the weight We dont slap it on and off before there is a chance for the indicator to stop jiggling so the pin ¬ chaser cat only gues if the right weight is charged for Buy at the market where you get what you pay for both in quantity and quality C C CULTON Successor to Douglas Culton 231 WEST MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 126 t W L IhcrI gtcntt tie4iCflhln1t CIIUC1q t jrrcscnts ls compliments milt v- 5fer 2 I < j mmmtttccs lts sv I it > t Jt1t1Umt nub llutht > 7 iIfl llahi Sf2Rcabt fnfu 1r ODptt S cbtusJgtr ltad ci i kil JipfcinbtrZl2Z ili ziC T i BE1 i rjte 4 L tio fj 1i t e 5atuHx temiurces4 i It II 1 Look to the Future v 7 vi V > Youdonatwys 1 a small boaiaees Tim pare QUnelffoabitine teBmk Wgbu tin wW you only to l CtMla Iiit 5StateBankTrty JJj < S

ququ 1T 3t <ITT1r il

kT IL s II

This Is The Timefof the year when mothers are think

ipot school dresses and fabrics

tAnil1spedion of our stock will conyou we are headquarters

sidr lovely


Madras sai

l Our showing of midsummer matert I ials is superb We carry a full linev of Novelties and you will make a

K mistake if yon dont visit our Draperydepartment Our stock includeseverything to be found in an uptodate Dry Goods Store



The Richmond Climax




IMimbir tl







TUE Republican papers of Louisvillesem to be very much exercised over

the position of Col John II Whallen atthe meeting of the Democratic StateCentral Committee says the Elizabeth

town News They are undertaking to

show and make the public believe thatCol Whallen has proven traitor to Ben

Johnson or Will Head because ho threw

his influence toclcct Judge Allie Young

who is a McCrcary man Chairman of

the Campaign Committee The people

Hrhoknow John Whailen know absolute ¬

onelthingwhat howhole matter is that Col Whallen play ¬

ed a very natural and perfectly human

part at the Lexington meeting His

very closest and most intimate political

friend in the State is Judge Allie Young

and very naturally he would not do any-



against him even if Young was

for McCreary for Governor But leaving

personal friendship out of the questionYoung would have been elected Chair ¬

man if Whallens influence had been

against him Whallen did not go over

to McCreary atall Ho will do exactly

the same when a nomination is to be

made for Governor Ha will stand loyal

to his pledges but if he sees he cannot

land his man he will throw his strengthto the candidate ho sees is going to win

and ho will see it before anybody else


THE Edwards followers in theEleventh district are sure sore over thedefeat of their idol Oh what a blow

it was The Democrats arc taking onnew life and will have a strong candi ¬

date in the field They dont standmuch showMrinning but it is a fight-



chance Edwards downfall iseasily explained and all DemocraticjpersIn the Eleventh saw the hand-

writing on the wall His HenchmenWere loud in their condemnation ofPowers calling him a murderer athief guilty of tho Gobel murder etc

the very same people who a few yearsago were fighting his battles and cry¬

ing that he was a martyr aud should bevindicated When he returns andannouBces for Congress the right ofall men ho is turned against by thesefollowers of Edwards because theirutiieu counter must go and the graftbe given to another regime Inconsis ¬

tency and tho majority of theRepublicans of tho Eleventh saw it andeitet 4 Powers Il was an excellenthappening for the Democracy all overthe state It means the defeat ofCongressman Bennett in tho Ninth andLaugley in the Tenth

KeiTOR M OSUUJVAK of the ShelbyviMe Sentinel has the tender sympathyfjtk brother editors all over the state

latke loss ot his lovely daughter MissXiUbWkie Elizabeth OSullivan whosedetb occurred Saturday after a twoBMAtks illness of typhoid lover Deceas ¬

ed was nineteen years old and a charm ¬

ing yeang woman

IF the XewJersey undertakers succeeditt ttrmging about a reform there will be

ib ie burials at sea They are ur-gIthpassagei of a law which requiresMMtMMlmer to be placed on each steamship so that in case of death at sea the-

yb isa be cared for scientifically

ExpRB6iDKXT Roosevelt says he williiiotit upon honesty if it breaks up thebus businesses of the mad If his effortsavfitt anything along this line it is to belt pi< he will at l Mt put out of busimttt wpM of the corrupt politicans inBQ rond Washington

Juy CBAS S MOOKBHKAD formereditor and owner of the old PrincetonBMMN JIO returned to PrInceton and isnow Iftorof Leader under its sew

l I merit

i Wnur a JOHCBMYl attention hasbMBwrwtWby a pretty girl thus K

Aettaff loft for hun to do but to carry

blaas to court

west MiM Pail inarrod a MrVV1Ir BMb U rtbo Hwt8Biight trw

f41Cb a union to turn a goodly ercpof pftrs

ORB hJng ia vMMt that it ainhipant ittd toto wwftw it win tonO4W 4I7tbatUs-

It Ii I1 1Ii pMot11


a r



The Glad heart goes the longest wayThe sunshine makes the finest tiny

Miss Mary Foley is visiting in Middles

boroMrsA C Scanlan was in Lexington

SaturdayMr Edgar Blanton has been sojourn-


at French LickMiss Norma Elmore of Lancaster is

with relatives here

Mr Rhodes Yeager of Georgetownhas been visiting here

Mr Herman Leo has been visitingrelatives in Midway

Dr and Mrs W G White returnedFriday from Louisville

Mr and Mrs Emil Lorisch were inLouisville last week

Mr Thomas Hamilton was in Cincin ¬

nati last week on business

Mrs S B Hume left yesterday forCincinnati to spend a week

Miss Bessie Miller returned Mondayfrom a visit to Louisville friends

Misses Tillie Tribblo and Julia Higgins spent Saturday in Lexington

Miss Mary Rankin of Lancaster hasmatriculated at Madison Institute

Mr Curt Adams has returned fromNiagara and other points of interest

The French Mission Circle was enter-


Monday by Mrs S B Hume

Mrs Fred Faris and Miss MaryRoberts are in Cincinnati this week

Mrs J A Stevens and family spentthe week endwith Lexington relatives

Mr N B Deatherage has returnedfrom a visit to friends in Owen county

Mr and Mrs James Winn of Winches-ter have been visiting Mrs Robert Miller

Miss Cramer of Lexington is the guestof Mrs Robert Sallec on Glyndon Ave

Editors T II Pickels and A D

Miller attended the State fair last

ThursdayMissBurnam returned last

week from the East where she spent

summerMiss Taylor has returnedto Lebanon where she teaches in theHigh School

Mr and Mrs Walker McKinney ofGeorgetown were guests of relativeshere last week

Mr and Mrs Elmer Tate left lastweek for a two weeks stay at CrabOrchard Springs

Mrs Julian Van Winkle of Louisvillehas been visiting her mother MrsJames W Smith

Professor and Mrs C Rucker Adamsof Chicago came last week for a visitto Miss Lucy Adams

Miss Aubrey Burgin has returned toLexington after a delightful visit to heraunt Mrs J A Stevens

Mr and Mrs J R Azbtll have been inLondon visiting their daughter MrsGeorge C Moores

Mr and Mrs W R Black and babyof Winchester are visiting friends intho city and county

Miss Elizabeth Lackey of Kingstonleft Monday to matriculate in Hamiltoncollege Lexington

Mr and Mrs Harvey Chenault werein Louisville last week the guests of Mrand Mrs E B Hume

Mrs H B Hanger went to Millersburg last week to enter her son Paulin the Military Institute

Mr Clyde Hart of tho WinchesterNews spent Sunday with his parentsMr and Mrs T H Hart

Shelby NewsMr James W Zarinof Richmond is visiting his sistersMisses Alice and Mattie Zaring

Miss Maud Wilson has been in Lan¬

caster visiting her sisters MesdamesW R Got t and Leonard Miller

Mr William Wallace left Monday forYale where he will enter upon hissenior yearjin the study of law

Mr Leonard Robinson left thisweek for Richmond to enter the Rich-mond


High School London EchoMrS Wilson Tate has returned from

a two months visit to her daughterMrs G W DulL te Hoopston Ill

Mrs ThomRSHltrIeyorLebauooJ-lUlctioois the guest of her raothrialaw Mrs S L Mtokiff on Third tree

Mr W WWaUs and familyand Mrs Faaaie SraUli motored toT uisville 1Mt wektoMIii MM State

fairMessrsRobert Turtoy and Haymow

Xwfrk left Sat i kif far JliiMfe resums iheir studies te the State Unlwrsky

KiN Pearl Davis of Lvwferttht k tabarge afthe triTrnfrf ilqprlmint of


Mr LlGwIry Mrs CL D Killersai Miss EltaalMth Mlltor spent the1NiekendwitJt Mr WillIam Ooala aodftually MM Pjuxtte-

Mn J 8 OMliw Its WUlOelliMBxuiMoOor4IaMrWtMhMtw

M iBkH of Lowfpflfc



cam aatnrdajHo peed a Jew days with

ih1Wir whc k vsUu ber mother

raJaiIW8wLJraUliahiuUle Xi-

iranwIthhwmiif Mn WlnabethCroft after a visit to henfot r MnChM Crooke in DanvIlle

Mrs Mat Hacker and ehiklree Kieh

olsvill spent the weekBftd with XiA E Cars

Miss Irene Buckwatter of TVlagaH

Miss k the guwt of her sister Mrs ItO

LsehyMPoatec of New York City

is the beautiful and charming guest ofMrs Cap Dickersoa

Mr J S Gardner and family passedthough Riehmoad Monday eare te toJacksonville Fla from Irvine wherethey have been visiting

Mrs J II Taylor of Kansas Citywho has been with her sister MrsJR Pates is now with Mrs Uraat ELilly on Lancaster avenue

Mrs Harvey Parrish of Union Cityentertained a number of friends lastFriday in honor of her brother MrDudley Berry of Leroy Ill

Miss Strong of New York who hasbeen visiting Mrs Russell Robinsonleft last week for Texarkana whereshe will teach during the winter

Mr N B Deatherage accompaniedby Mr 1fH Haggard of George-

town went last week to Owen county

to visit an old Confederate comradeMr J M Herndon

Mr Barnett Chenault has returnedfrom the Canal zone Mr Chenault isone of the most papular of the youngerocial set and was given a royal welcomeby his many friends

Messrs Clarence E Brown of Lerington Woodford Dick of LouisvilleJohn D Allen and Miss Martha Allenof Carlisle spent last week with Mrand Mrs J W Zaring

Col Wallace Estill of Franklin countyaccompanied by his sisters Mrs LauraEstill Francis and Mrs Lavinia EstillCunningham visited their old hometown at Richmond last week

Miss Annie Bennett Cohen has entered the preparatory department of theRandolph Macon college at LynchburgVa She was accompanied to Lynch ¬

burg by her aunt Miss Minnie Wagers

Mr Clark Allman has accepted aposition in the drug house of H LPerry Mr Allman is the younger son

of Captain and Mrs J H Allman andis one of the best known youngdruggists in the city

Louisville Times Col and MrsWilliam B Haldeman motored out toPewee Valley today to attend theConfederate Reunion at the L Z DukeHalL They had as their guest theHon J B McCreary of Richmond

Mrs W G Gregory of Louisville isvisiting her daughter Mrs R EMillion She was accompanied byher little grand daughter ElaineMillion who has been spending severalweeks in Louisville

Miss Norma Elmoro is in Richmondviisting relativesJilrs JW Elmoreis at homo from a visit to relatives inVersailles and RlchmondnMrsJohn Christman Jr and children andMrs B Kelly of Richmond arc visit ¬

ing Mrs N Miller Lancaster RecordMiss Eva Roberts whose well known

embroidery and stamping establishmentis headquarters for lovers of fancy need ¬

le work left yesterday for Cincinnati toremain all week Miss Roberts will re-


with now patterns now materialsand new ideas for Winter and Christmas

workProfessorJaync former director of

the Model school of this city left yester-day


for his home in Detroit afterspending several days here with friendsProfessor Jayne is attorney for theSociety for the Prevention of Crueltyto animals which position is ono ofimportance carrying with it a handsomesalary He is also lecturer in theDetroit college of law and enjoys a goodprivate practice Professor Jayne hasmany friends hero who are glad toknow of his success

Base BallWon Lost PcrtParisu 78 45 631

Leximtonnu 67 51 553Winchester uu 61 fiS 6It

503FrankfortMaysi1Iou 37 85 304

Season ClosesThe base ball season is over Rich ¬

mond was to have played a double-header in Frankfort on Monday and thento Winchester on Tuesday for anotherdouble bill but the wet weather madeplaying out of the question and in bothplaces and so the season camo to a closeas these were the last scheduled gamesRichmond finishes in fourth position ahalf game behind Winchester In thepast two seasons Richmond has devel-oped


two stars who will no doubt boheard from all along tho lines of the bigleagues Hub Dawson the Versaillesboy who was sold the first of the seasonto Minneapolis has made good and RoyGolden tho easygoing twirler has betagiven a good berth by the St Louis teamof tho National league Owing to mis-


that have presented themselvesat critical times the part season theteam has not played as good ball as itwas expected to do at the beginning butthe fans are loyal and will overlook allthis Richmond will mako every effortto haye a winner in tho race next setson and to gain this work will begin atan early dato

EstrayedA thin roan cow weight about 800 Ibs

came to my farm on Red House pikeSept 5 and has since been cared for byundersigned I have also lost black giltweight about 150 lbs No markssept212t RR McKinney

For Bald HeadsA TreatmentThat Costs

Nothing if it FailsWe want you to try three large

battles of Rexall 93y Hair Took onour personal guanuitee that the trialwill net cost yea penny if it does notgive you absolute sattsfaetioq Thatsproof of oar fMtfa in ibfe remedy andit shod UdMputiibly demonstrate thatwe know wh t we are talking aboutwhenw ssr tint ItezaH g3 HairTHllewiftW hair on M1ddltexcept baMoess has hem oflUeklong duration that the root of the hairare entirely dead the follioie closedand grows ovicaa4 the scalp glazed

Remember we ass aiming our tateniti upon win bn already lIMoaocomiAfaheil by hufRexaU WBJMT Tonic tiMLSre ha9ttUte rW t toa MWie Uiatt whit H ha dqM fortbocsands l itlMn it will rdo for youIB any event ymu eanaot Jose anythingby giving it a trial oh ourliberal rantee Two siMa JOe and 1100 Remetober yoji eaa obtata ttexall Rzme

din thU cscauonSif 811t ourtonlbe ftmA Siws Heory LPerryRZy

Fate fthePilt-oDetermined

in Next TenDays

President LeBus Makes itPlain that Growers MustShow Intentions Before

District Board Meets


PREPARED AT ONCELeader Has Not Lost Hope

But Thinks Time GivenHas Been Sufficient


MiUersbiqr Ky Sept 17In aspeech here today President Lebus ofthe Burley Tobacco Society made it veryplain that the fate of the 1910 pool andwith it the fate of the growers move¬

ment would be decided within the nextten days I want to say here and nowhe declared that the days of delay arenumbered I have not lost faith Wehave carried this flag through darkerpeViods than this but the time has comewhen the grower must say either thathe will go forward or lay down

If he has decided to lay down thequicker this is made known the betterUnless there is a substantial awakeningbefore September 27one week fromTuesday I want to say that my votewill bb cast in favor of submitting thequestion of the 1010 pool just as speedilyas the ballot can bo gotten to the people

When the Executive Board meetsnext week I ani going to recommendthat the ballot be printed immediatelyEvery grower in the Burley District isthoroughly familiar with the issue andwill have had ample opportunity to makeup his mind before the 27th I knowthat you can win and you know that youcan

winInface of this certain promise if

you have made up your mind not to takeadvantage of tho opportunity then wewill all go to market together This yearthe dumper cannot sneak around thehill to furnish supplies to the enemy

If the pool should go down there willbe a grim satisfaction in seeing theplight of tho outsider And if wo shouldfail the responsibility is going to be onthe landlord and not on tho tenant Thoonly excuses that have been offered havebeen the inventions of landlords

Those growers who think that theyare able to get along without poolingmight well stop to consider what theywould do with their tobacco if this poolshould be declared off early in OctoberThose who champion loose leaf warehouses would then have an opportunityto put their alleged benefits to tho testAs for my part they will never hold anumbrella over me and charge mo for thoshade while the trust skins me

If the pool is a success it will be be ¬

cause you pool your tobacco and go towork to induce your neighbor to pOolThe women have become enlisted in thiswork and I have great hopes as to whatthey may accomplish You are in themidst of a garden spot If this pool isdeclared off the value of your land andeverything you own will be cut in halftnd the papers of this community willbe filled with advcrtisedfarms

Tho attitude of those growers whohavo borne the heat of the fight in thepast was strikingly set forth by Mr JohnW Bell of Harrison county

I quit pulling suckers to como to thismeeting You do not knowjjwho I amand I will tell you I am one of thosewho have blisters on their feet and theskin worn from backs carrying the richgrowers of the Blue Grass I am one ofthose who have endured privation andwhose family have stinted themselvesand undergone hardship in order to laythe foundation for this society LastlyI am one of those men who are not goingto carry you any longer

Heavy RainsThe heavy rainof Sunday night and

all day Monday which prevailed in thisvicinity seems to have been generalover Cenleral Kentucky While therainfall hero was as heavy as has beenseen in years yet the electrical stormseems tohavo played havoc in Fayette andparts ofFranklinand Woodford The tolophone wires escaped damages in Madi ¬

son only a few boxes being burned outwhich is tho case with nearly everystorm

As Viewed by OfliersOne of tho handsomest and most in ¬

teresting of industral editions was issuedthis week by the Richmond Climax Itis a real gem of tho printers art as wellas a splendid exhibition of the art deS-criptive Editor A D Miller can shakehands with hlmselfWl Walton inLexington Herald

Our neighbor and friend the Climaxissued this week its handsome specialedition which has been tho souco ofmuch complimentary comment It isa =omploto compendium of the indust ¬

mchImontimany of our prominent citizens busi ¬

ness men and officials It is well worthfiling away as a work of reference andwo congratulate our contemporary onproducing so creditable a vorkKcn ¬

ucky Register

The Richmond Climax camo out thisweek ala very handsome souvenir edi-


Editor Miller gives his patrons amighty good paper all the timeIbutwhen he puts on a few extra touches as5a the abovenamed issue why thenthere isnt a county paper in the UnitedStates that can surpass it Harrodsburg Herald

The Richmond Climax issued a veryhandsome special edition this weekw1tlekisa decided credit to the puttlIs1er and to the eilyOyatida DeJR

eerat T T r

The Riehaaead GJiaax issll Uife

wek iUsplwHlM pictorial and hitorkssapptement whkjJt is a most excellentadvertisement for that progressive cityThe supplement which is in magaia ij

k ap1eodMilyprintedudWorkthM ri toCORe by those interested in the historyof Richmond lad Madison countyEditor A p Millar te to he MiwratMftMrfor tIM rulftnlh of this trig uadertakiBg Danville Advocate

The best industrial edition we haybJgRnlleetleeu8er r

The IndustriarEditlon of the Richmood Climax bame to our desk Redoesday and after examfnatou we unhest-tatinglypipnounceit


far superior to anjthing ever attempted by a Central Ken-


newspaper It shows remarkableenterprise and the workmanship issptadM Weooagntulatetheaia

BOOM of the uadertaklagju1


n Close CallMat 8 tMn the Muted horseman

tGgeLlaenrihseen1 assoeiatea hiss aJose u from death Monday afternoon

in LexSnfioa while waM bt the oMce

of the TaMwsatta Sale barn A bolt or

lghlir struck the ehhsMwjr tKuringansrljosi of it away and kmwkh the oercupaots U every direvion So severelyHaaaed were they that for several aiawtes they were enable to riP theirsenses A telephone message receivedat the hone of Mr Jplm Wagws Tuesday morning conveyed the news thatMr Ceiiea was able to Be about

About GoneThis will be the last week for water-



in Madison county according tothe growers who make Richmond tacirheadquarters with the toothsome articleThe wet weather in the spring retardedthe growth and later in the season whenthey took a brace the destructive little

stripped bug came along and in manyplaces almost wiped out the patches byfeasting on the vines There was onlya half crop this season if that muchaccording to the growers in the CollegeHill and Waco sections where the bulkofthei melons are raised in Madison

A Handsome Brass Bed forTwentyfive Cents

Beginning with Friday there will bo-

on display in Douglas SimmonsDeatherages window an elegant brassbed which some one can own f r thesmall sum of 25 cents This bed hasbeen donated to the ladles of the P AC Infirmary by E L March of Lexing ¬

ton to be used Inane big sample saloonOct 3 and 4 The ladies have decidedto open up a guessing contest the par¬

ticulars of which will be announced inthe next few days This is an unusualopportunity to win such a bed for sucha small sum-

Program ol Teachers Associa-tion


Teachers of Educational DivisionNo 6 will hold their meeting sit RedHouse Saturday Sept 24 1910


10 oclock a mSong Red House ChoirDevotional ExercisesProf It F


Address Hon J TevisCobb

Response Supt John NqiandSong Little Rose BudsAnHaTr-

ibbleEnds Sought in Teachers Asso-


Rebecca Edwardsand Miss Amelia McWhortor

Values of High School EducationProf T J Conies

MusicNeon RecessAfternoon Exercises 130 p mtI What to do with the JncorriglWes

Mrs JD Powell and Miss KittleHisleHow

Home Environments Affect AioItObtlStoctton

H Berryusl-

cRecitationMiss My rtleDaltonIn What Way Can Parents Assistthe Teacher Miss Maudo Baileyand Miss Eloise Million

RecItationElizabeth Carson

MusicRelativeAdvantages of the City and

Country Childupt Noland JB Harris R F Ecudder

Querry Box330 AdjournmentJ

HAUnTS PresidentMRS ED CAissoN Secretary

Dandruff anal Itchtar Scalp

Yield to TbisTx ttheflt-

Why experiment to drlYfltMdandruff grm from underneath theskin with lotions < fancy hairdressing when IILPerryDrttc Storewill guarantee ZKMO and ZKMO SOAPto entirely rid the scalp of the germ lifethat causes the trouble

ZESIO and ZEMQ SOAP can be obtain ¬

ed in any city or town ja America andare recogaIzedthe lIe anti melt eeeaomioal treatment for all affections ofthe skin and scalp whether oft Infant orgrown persons One shampoo withZESI O SOAP application of ZEMOwill stop itching and cleanse the scalpof dranduV and scurf

Wo invite you to try ZKMO and ZEMOSOAP and if not entirely satisfied wewill refund your money


SaleI will sell publicly on the premises of

the late J P Simmons 7 miles fromRichmond near Kirksvilte on

Friday Sept 23 WOlOam

22 Head of Good Stock5 suckling mules2 yearling mules1 good 3yearold mulo2 4yearold mules5 aged mules5 mares1 5yearold horse well brokenjennet

Terms Sale will be made on creditof 0 months with bankable note bearing6 per cent intere-

stMcCreary Sinimons

Public SaleOf Two Farms

We will sell at public auction infront of tho Court House county courtday at 2 oclock p m

Mond YtOct3t J9JOthe following property

About 345 Acres of Landnear Red House five miles north ofRichmond Ky This land will be soldin two separate tracts These twofarms are divided by a road there be-ing about 175 acreson the East sidewith good dwelling house and othernecessary outbuildings upon same

On the West side of the road is about170 acres with good store room thereonThis is a splendid location for sellinggoods and tho building now rents for

150 per year The Red House stationis a fine shipping point and very closeto the farm mentioned

The farms are well watered and mostdesirable property

Terms Onethird cash balance inone and two years with legal interestfrom Jan 1 1911 when possession willbe given and deed made Seedingprivileges will begiven purchaser

This property will positively be soldon date and time mentioned above

For any other information see HarveyDouglas or James Hunlcy

Harvey D ParrishHarriett Parrish

Peoria DrillDont Over Look the Best

The greatest Dull of the age Has put new life into wheatgrowers Combining both shoe and disc something thathas been lacking in the Disc Drill You cannot appreciatethis Drill until you see it You cannot afford to buy untilyou know its features over others For further information

call and se-

eD B Shackelford CoHardware Tinware Stove and

Farm Implements

September a8tblJ9xI will c4ferf rsale6a the premises My highly improved

2 12 Acre Farmon the best of pikes miles rosa each Dnvieaa4 Laaeasier

175 Awes TilWbto RM LsntS etwbieh ii TuFm 14m4 3f lLvei14s Land

1Qdetotw are and it iMdJ iaadhetGDi1 rMt

Iin6 Ijbest ia the oowrty b a Nosn ra bi houi hoaM tand siehed It is notad for itabcanttfoi and Mklthy g M j hborbooaed chose>roxiinUt 1bohoo Chu in i 4e

There are threegft JJraore tobacco ifatm wWi excellent

barfollaockMd24 rsconsidering location buOdlngs qnality of Jaad etc no more desirable farm

home has been placed on the market If intnrestei write or com and see Im ¬

mediate possession can be given if crops are sold There is a fine T7year old Warr

alug orchard on the place

Ar1 H OTTER nviIIe Kyr

0 jt t ti ct 1 liis


MILLINERY OPENINGWednesdayand Thursday



Our ChildrensShoe Departmentis complete Wehave made aspecial effort toget the best schoolshoes made at the



HandkerchiefsGood quality hem ¬

stitched cambrichandkerchiefs i nplaiu white

3c Each

Boys SchoolSuits

A splendid line cfSuits knickerbocker pants Thematerials are che ¬

viots and cassimerescolors bluebrown and gray

298 348and 498


10 and 15c

Sir Itobt R Burnam has added tohis Fire Insurance Companies TheHenry Clay Firo Insurance Co a Ken ¬

tucky company with 500 000 capitaland surplus Support a home institutionand demand a policy in this new com-

pany tf

Public SaleI will sell at mv resi¬

dence on East Mainstat lOa m-

Thursday Sept 29 10

all my Household andKitchen

Mrs Loutitia Carse


According to the directions of the wilof John 6 Taylor I his administratorwill sell at public auction on

Oct i5 1JO

at 10 oclock a m his late residence atcorner of First and Irvine streets andvacant lot 20 feet wide adjoining bothin the very heart of the city of Rich ¬

mond A splendid corner lot with brickresidence anti vacant lot for buildingA more particular description of bothand dimensions will be gladly furnishedupon inquiry

This property wilt be offered separate-ly and as a whole to be sold in the waybringing tho most money Terms forpayment will be onethird cash balancein six and twelve months with lien re-


J E GfiiEENLEAF Administrator9213t With Will Annexed


Of Valuable City Prop¬


We will sell at public auction on thepremises on Seeon d street at 10 oclocka us

Saturday Octthe residence known as the Ellis proper ¬

ty The let fronts on Second street 150feet running back 241 feet to Firststreet with a frontage on First of 78 13feet This property is centrally locatedclose to the business part of the cityThe residence contains eleven roomsand three hftlk entrance to any room inthe building without passing throughanother room and is admirably locatedand arranged for family or boarder ifdesired Thor is also gas and waterpipes throughout the huikUng

Miss Ellis and Mrs Daniel or J AHigginSWilt take pleasure in showingproperty to prospective purchasers

Terms will be mad haewa on day afsale

At sane wW aeR ainsi6nseme housefaatd fvrnittira-

LMW TOM Cxntiour Aaeiiooeer4tM

HOG FEED ftSlhopUURBottHnxi Hog Cbofera Remedyis the carjr known CURE for hog choleraA few doaea along with thefeed nowwill destroy all disease breeding germsworms and parasites in your hogs and

CoaaCIb11Sold by q r2 I

September21 and 22 jWe Sell and Guarantee


Wund erho s efor men women and children 4pairs guaranteed to wear 4 monthswithout mending

SI Box 4 pair in box

Ladies FallSkirts

Our Assortment includes all stylesand colors 5 values inblack blue and brown panamasand voiles trimmed and tailorednicely







Let us take your measure for

Fall Suitor Skirt

400 samples on display and fit andsatisfaction guaranteed

McCalls Magazinew-

ill help you to make Stylish Fall

Clothes 5 cents a Copy




< +Dull calf patentcolt tans shortvamp effec t scloth and Jeathertops I

250300 >

and 350 i< if



HamburgsLaces and



> 5

= C-



= 8rtJ

61= rIl

d c-QOt0P4 1














New oI


Wef 0L1J0ftt g SKaln9Ii

Outfitters to Women

invite you to the opening

rr of their J

2 Readytowear ParlorsV

Tuesday September twentyseventh

127 East Main StreetLexington Ky

We Leave all Meats on the Scaleslong enough for the customerto see the weight We dontslap it on and off before thereis a chance for the indicatorto stop jiggling so the pin ¬chaser cat only gues if theright weight is charged forBuy at the market where youget what you pay for both inquantity and quality

C C CULTONSuccessor to Douglas Culton



W L IhcrIgtcntt tie4iCflhln1t CIIUC1q

tjrrcscnts ls compliments milt v-

5fer 2 I<j

mmmtttccs lts svI it >

tJt1t1Umt nub llutht


7 iIflllahi Sf2Rcabt fnfu 1r ODptt S

cbtusJgtrltad ciikilJipfcinbtrZl2Z ili ziC T

i BE1i rjte4 L tio fj1i t e 5atuHxtemiurces4


ItII 1

Look to the Futurev 7 vi V >

Youdonatwys 1a small boaiaees Timpare QUnelffoabitineteBmkWgbutinwW you only to l CtMla Iiit5StateBankTrty

JJj <S
