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Game Changers on Fire Marketing Group

Date post: 30-Mar-2016
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CGOF provides training, consulting, marketing and business growth strategies
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www.startmyhomebizuniversity.com [email protected] Start MY Home Biz University Preparing you for Successful Business Ownership We train and coach you through a 12 week program that equips you to build a highly efficient, very profitable, home –based business of your choosing. Business Ownership sets you on the path to financial independence. With 40% of all American households joining in the “new economy” using a home-based business as the vehicle to get them there.

www.startmyhomebizuniversity.com [email protected]

Start MY Home Biz University Preparing you for Successful Business Ownership

We train and coach you through a 12 week program that

equips you to build a highly efficient, very profitable,

home –based business of your choosing.

Business Ownership sets you on the path to financial independence. With

40% of all American households joining in the “new economy” using a

home-based business as the vehicle to get them there.

www.startmyhomebizuniversity.com call for help: 856-359-4851

Ecommerce Import/Exporting

Professional Consultants

Sell Products for Plus Size Living

Concierge Service for Seniors

Network Marketing Professionals

Fitness Trainers

Business Coach

Marketing Consultants

Personal Assistant for A Day

Remote Book Keeper


Merchant Services

Private Educators/Tutor

Social Media Consultant

Fast Growing Home Business

Benefits of SHBU

In today’s fast moving marketplace, you must engage

teachers, mentors, or coaches to push you to learn the

critical strategies that are proven in the economy. The

reason you’re a student in our online university is you

don’t have the time to conduct extensive research on the

methods, and science of business building. Our extensive

online library of Video’s help you visually learn all the

steps to creating the foundation of your home-based

business from writing a brief business plan to Marketing.

Most small businesses have difficulty targeting their

marketing message to a specific audience., simply be-

cause, they don’t know their audience. Our programs

help you focus in on a highly targeted niche market

who’s needs are not being satisfied by your competitors.

We help y0u build around the strategy of finding a

niche market that is “One Inch Wide and a Mile Deep.”

Once you understand your audience you can offer them

solutions that will differentiate your company from oth-

ers in the market place.

Business Owners today must learn to adapt to the

changes in marketing, sales, service, and delivera-

bles. The art of running a business in today’s

crowded market-place has changed. Customers,

clients, and patients can respond immediately to

your businesses service, or even the quality of

product through Social Media in real time. In

today’s market place customers can vote on your

performance publically in front of millions by

using the internet. Without guidance, to create a

strong customer service plan your business could

be in trouble.

Our Coaches help you answer the

critical questions home-based busi-

nesses face every day such as:

How do I get more customers?

How do I increase my cash flow?

Hos do I increase my net profits?

How do I use the internet to

increase my business

Expert Coaching to answer all you questions on

how to get started in laying the foundation to

launch a business . Weekly conference calls that

provide the foundational training you need to

select the best business opportunity and walk you

through the process of setting up the business.


Each business , sales professional, and

or entrepreneur is different, however ,

the nature of the market place is the

same for all who serve customers. We

begin working with you where you are

and design programs to help you reach

your business goals.


We start with making sure your mar-

keting content is focused on your tar-

get market, then ensure you are using

the right key words in your messaging.

Next we introduce you to all the inter-

net based platforms such as Social

Media and blogs to connect with your


Improve Your Focus and Positioning

Once you Launch our objectives to

help our students focus on the follow-

ing four key areas. (1) Differentiate

and build brand awareness; (2)become

aware of and in sync with you target

market; (3) benchmark against the

leaders in your industry; and (4) be-

come the name prospects think of first

in your niche market:

“Pathway To Profits Business Boot Camp”

Coaching Groups for current Business Owners

Joining our CEO Builder Coaching group is equivalent to membership in

the modern day trade show, mastermind group, university study group,

all mixed in one.

Did you know that over 95% of the most innovative people in the busi-

ness world admit to membership in one or more coaching groups. Your

connection with business leaders, innovators, marketers, mentors, train-

ers will exponentially grow your results by leveraging the knowledge of

others. The activities of CEO Builder consist of the following:

Live Meetings

Weekly Conference Calls

Individual Coaching Calls

Onlinre Member Forums


Membership in a professional community of Business Professionals

Access to Internet Radio Show Broadcast

Instructional Video’s and Audio Podcasts

Blogs with informative news articles, research, interviews

Free 30 min. Coaching is available just email Jerry at

[email protected] Start MY Home Biz University

Twice each year SHBU offers a business boot camp for our stu-

dents and the business community. These boot camps are inten-

sive workshops that power your business to greater profitability.

S Start My Home Biz


WWho are our Students?

WWomen who work on jobs that limit their

ability to spend time caring and nurturing

their children.

Retired and Semi-Retired individuals who’s re-

sources are not sufficient to sustain them in the

new economy and would like to earn additional

money to help their children and grandchildren.

Veterans who served in the Armed Forces but

due to physical or emotional challenges find it

difficult handling the structured environment of

the work place.

Individuals who work for companies in very

difficult circumstances causing physical and

emotional stress on themselves and their family


Why you need our business training.

DStudent Supports

Supports are provided each week to students as they progress through the online learning modules.

Students get access to weekly conference calls where the Coaches offer more detailed steps ,

answer questions, and give additional resources materials.

Weekly Individual Coaching

Weekly Radio Broadcaste

Pre-Recorded Video format


Week 4

Benefits of a

Home –based


Week 5

Picking the



Week 6

Setting up your




Week 16

Scaling the

business for


Week 17.


streams of rev-


Week 18.

Grow the busi-

ness through



Week 13.How

do you create



Week 14.How

do you use so-

cial media in


Week 15 Creat-

ing the Sales

funnel for in-

creased profits


Week 1.

Taking on the

Mindset of A

Business Owner.

Week 2.

Turning Your

Fascination into

a Business.

Week 3.

Build in the best

a Niche Market

for sustainability


Week 10.

Get started



Week 11.

How does your

business get


Week 12.

Why is increas-

ing customer

value Critical.


Week 7.

Do you really

need a business


Week 8.

What does a

profitable busi-

ness look like.

Week 9.

How does a

profitable busi-

ness function.

S Start My Home Biz University Course Content

Each Course Module is provided weekly, along with Conference call,

Video, and step by step written content.

Register Now to Change Your Life

Hi, my name is Jerry Burt, I am the Dean

of Education, at SHBU. Our mission is to

“Prepare Students to become Successful

Business Owners” for those of you who

want to gain control of your lifestyle and financial se-

curity. It’s no secret that true security can only be as-

sured when you control the economic vehicle that

generates your wealth. Our solution to your problem

is to teach you the strategies, give you the skills, and

equip you with the tools to build a home-based busi-

ness that produces profits.

Try It out. Your first week is free

Start My Home Biz University (SHBU)


An online Home Biz University Email: [email protected]


We guide your business “Eight inches

Learn New Marketing Strategies

Learn how to Position Your Business

Start M

y Ho

me B

iz Un


Register Now at


Call Jerry, Dean of Education at 856-359-4851

Silver Payment Plan Gold Payment Plan

Save $300.00 by

paying in Full.

Your price is re-

duced to $1,200.

Pay 4 Payments of

$375.00. Payments

are made second

Friday each month
