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Gane, Gerog - Existence

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Existence englisch


Georg Gane


Since the beginning of this existence man has tried to unravel those phenomena which he cannot comprehend and understand directly through his senses. The phenomenon of existence as we experience it in our daily life leads to conclusions yielding incontrovertible truths, i.e. facts and consequences of existence which result from logical premises. Human thought attempts and has the capacity to penetrate even further into the interior of this phenomena which can lead to results and consequences which are different from those we are familiar with. Everything that surrounds us is perceived by our senses in a certain preprogrammed manner and is translated into reality. Man has the ability to probe into both his own being and his surrounding and to organize these observations into precise disciplines. The reality determined and accepted in this fashion remain valid until new discoveries appear which amend or even disprove the then current knowledge. There are indeed unequivocal universally accepted axioms but absolute existence, in the context in which we will explore it, does not rest on these. No experiments or trials are here involved. What is involved, however, is the use of human thought in pursuit of the solution to the mystery of existence.

Who in the last century could have imagined that matter would be found to consist of tiny so called particles, which internally move at incomprehensible speed ? (We will see during the course of this paper that these are very close to waves but cannot be definitively designated as such). Between the concepts of water, fire and earth of antiquity through the alchemy of the middle ages up the discovery of the atom in the last century almost three thousand years have passed. In every epoch of the history of man, man has been convinced, or at least has believed, that ultimate reality had been discovered. No one dreamed, however, that immense energies where hidden in matter and that these energies, energies of cosmic origin capable of generating energy of cosmic magnitude when released, were caused by their very existence. These energies are relatively well known to us today but only in the context of release under certain conditions.

Retrieval of this energy is not yet possible. This is because the origin of the internal energy of matter is unknown. Matter is without a doubt a neutralized form of forces or energies which through counteraction with each other generate a stabilizing effect. Man has developed methods of activating them, i.e. of destabilizing them. This is analogous to an entity, which is sent from equilibrium into chaotic movement by an impulse which can then return to its original form and which thus is altered in its form. We can messier these released energies with relative precision. We know how they behave but not where they come from, how they became trapped in matter nor why they remain stable in the realm of our existence. We know today that matter. As it exists around us in our realm of existence, cannot exist simultaneously in another realm. It would adapt to the existing conditions thus changing its form.

Energy also manifests itself in the universe in the form of gravity, the gravitational force of the heavenly bodies moving through space. Jet propulsion was developed to free us from this force through the mechanical responses generated by friction and heat. Today, one can only conquer gravity through creation of counter energy generated through matter, which must be greater than that of the heavenly body. This has many disadvantages and limits freedom of movement within a gravitational region especially as it is possible only in the direction of the original impulse. In order to free oneself from gravity, other than through use of jet propulsion, one must know which phenomena caused the gravity and the true structure of matter. There is a very close connection between gravitation and the internal structure of matter. If one knew the secret of the mystery, on could make matter independent of the surrounding matter. One could call that which enables the creation of neutral matter. Anti-gravity.

In order to truly understand the phenomena of existence, it is necessary to begin where nothing yet exists. It is undisputed that such areas exist in the universe; it is where existence has not yet taken concrete form or where the cycle of existence is just beginning; every phenomenon is subject to a cycle. In other words, there are no areas in the universe, where nothing exists, as we understand the concept of nothing; there is an only area where more less motion exists. We will see later that it is exactly this motion which is the origin of all things, of both the material and the immaterial.

In order to fully understand this engrossing issue, in order to solve the mystery of existence, we must begin there where that which exists in the infinite space of the universe exists in its most primary form, i.e. in that area where space is almost void of motion. These areas of space are not actually void of motion in absolute terms; however, since universe is infinite, they can be considered motionless only relative to infinity. Otherwise, since time is conversely proportional to motion, an absolute time with no values would not exist.

The truth about existence itself, the comprehensible and the incomprehensible, cannot be investigated in a laboratory but rather only through the logical conclusions of our thought. It is not possible to create all of the conditions existing in space within the limited framework of the earth; this is, of course, because of the time and magnitude involved in the phenomenon.

As our planet is part of the great existence, phenomena in the simplest to the most complex form occur before our eyes. Existence is created in the universe under certain conditions powerfully influenced by a value, velocity, which we will call motion. These values determine the form, the characteristics and the future development of existence. Of, course, the whole process is not so simple; rather, the phenomena follow each other in quick succession which cause the forms thereby created to achieve higher or lower levels even causing re-establishment of the primary conditions until the evolving existence takes on concrete stable forms.

Motion are higher and lower values which has corresponding consequences. However, there is no such thing as absolute velocity - timeless and momentary - because, in such a case, the space in which this manifests itself would be reduced to a single point; this, once again, because motion is conversely proportional to space. This would logically lead to non-existence, an absurd concept. The term non-existence can have no meaning when absolute existence is at issue; however, it can take on meaning considered relative to other phenomena.

Since infinity is spaceless and timeless, it cannot be considered either as existence nor as phenomenon but only as that which is. The term phenomenon designates the course of an event without beginning, or end if it is not cyclical and with return to the beginning of the cycle if it is cyclical. The term phenomenon will be used here to designate the course of all events which contribute to the creation of existence such as waves, the internal motion of an atom or the motion of celestial bodies and waves in space. Since these events of existence are perpetually repeating themselves with no beginning and end, these phenomena cannot be compared to infinity. A value has meaning when referred to in relation to something to which it can be compared. Absolute values do not and cannot exist for us because they may only compared to themselves.

Motion as a phenomenon which occurs at one location in space as the consequence of another phenomenon leads to stimulation of the primary forms present at that location causing the formation of independent entities in which lower values are attracted to higher ones. A portion of the energy is collected in what we call atoms which in turn collect together. The resulting form maintains its stability until a phenomenon with significantly higher values disrupts its equilibrium. In our chronology, this process occurs over billions of terrestrial years of time. Space, which before had no values or only minimal ones in comparison to surrounding ones, retracts under the influence of motion and becomes smaller and a form of existence with independent values is created which then takes it own independent course. That is not to say, though, that a vacuum thereafter results because as was previously mentioned there must always be something everywhere in the universe. In this manner, the celestial bodies which we see every night in the sky are created. And because everything is subject to a cycle, these celestial bodies, too, have a lifespan after which they return to their primary forms.

That which exists has, at the beginning, values very close to zero but not quite zero, since absolute absence of motion does not exist. However, the almost absolute absence of motion yields the greatest volume for primary form of existence as is demonstrated by the following equation :

L' = L .

In the above equation v = c and l = 0. If the volume of an entity collapses as motion increases, then the opposite must be true as well. if v = 0 the volume is the largest despite the apparent equality, L = 1 because this takes place under condition of almost non-existent (minimal) motion. The characteristic motion within the context of the determination of the space and time of an entity, provides the basis of everything that follows in the next chapters. This being said, we can proceed with the introduction of our theories of existence and can attempt to explain how the existence phenomena manifest themselves in the infinity of space, how matter is created, how it achieves higher forms, how gravity and other energies in space are created and maintained.

One could argue that theory is speculative and incapable of proof and above all one could quote scientific advances as counterevidence. The following theory of existence, however, considered in an absolute sense can be proved mathematically. Mathematics is precise since it can produce only those values which it yields; i.e. 1+1 = 2 is always true. But math as an exact science alone cannot solve our mystery because the solution can only be a product of human thought. Logical thought has always played a greater role than the numbers. Numbers are inflexible and cannot be modified, but human thought can lead to the exact conclusions which are the translated into disciplines. If every beginning is a consequence of thought, even the inflexible numbers, then it is logical that our mystery can be transformed into science through application of philosophical thought.

Thus, one can assume that surrounding space can influence us in three ways. First, we can feel things. Second, we can see them whereby waves of light are transformed into perception. Third, we are aware of existence as the logical conclusion following from the perception. Because man is a product of the high-test elements of the existence phenomenon on our planet the Earth, a conglomeration of intertwined elements, one could conclude that three elements which mutually condition and interpret each other are harmoniously bound together in our essence. Each of us is an organized unit within the great common existence. But this is not just true for man. All forms of life on earth from the amoebas to the primate are made out of the same matter and energy, the only difference being that they are not aware of their existence. This provides evidence for the proposition that everything which exists is placed on higher or lower planes and that such placement depends on the associated motion value.

Let us name these three elements which are bound together within us :

The first form of existence - matter - with all his attributes

The second form of existence - waves - or energy an attribute of motion

The highest form of existence - life - from the single cell to the thinking man, attribute of the highest energy.

In this work we shall speak only of matter and of waves. Further, we will try to unravel the mystery of existence to discover how it is created and how it develops. After stating the problem philosophically we will attempt to prove that matter is not constructed as science assume, but rather that the values are exactly opposite from what we commonly know. This daring assertion is astonishing at first glance. However, this is not an attempt to negate the achievements of science nor to claim that we know does not correspond to reality. That which we have learned so far about nature is true and fully corresponds to reality; it is just that in certain areas a minus sign belongs where a plus sign now stands. We will expound further on what this means below. This does not mean that the theories of science must be thrown out but merely amended in order to bring them back into a realistic perspective.

Matter, Waves

The first two forms of existence may be considered wholly independently of each other because one cannot exist without the other. Matter exists everywhere in the universe. It is the skeleton of existence and embodies the entities existing in space, the celestial bodies which maintain their stability through the originally established motion but only as long as no higher values disturb this stability.

Much time and effort has been devoted to the study of matter to attempt to understand its structure and behavior and to discover how it can be manipulated. Conclusions have been reached which are indisputable. In laboratories, conditions similar to those which existing in space have been artificially created in miniature. Matter has been created through acceleration of particles. However, it is possible to maintain this matter only short periods of time because the matter created is in an unfavorable energy level which cannot be stable in our environment.

There are two reasons why man cannot succeed as an absolute creator. Firstly, because the extent of man's possibilities is limited and, secondly, because man exists in a time/space dimension where the origin of all things cannot be completely recreated. Our dimension has its own values and this limits the creation of another. Man can only change existing matter to a limited extent through the application of the second form of existence, waves. Our attempts are limited to modest proportion because the enormous energies which are required which man can only produce at great effort and expense. Further, the values of time and motion in the dimension in which we live are insufficient to create phenomena on a grand scale. The phenomena which we are able to create are so minuscule as hardly to be perceptible.

Only through experiments which are appropriate for our environment can we begin to recreate a microcosm's of everything that occurs in the universe and that, of course, only within the time and space limitation of our environment.

Matter is examined and researched in the form in which we know it. However, we must realize that the matter we see has traversed a long paths of development in which it has undergone the influence of innumerable complex existence phenomena. The processes which have influenced its creation are almost all unknown to us which greatly impetus our research. Even when intergalactic conditions can be simulated with complex equipment, the mystery of the existence of matter is far from solved. The relationships which exists in those areas of the universe where matter exists in its primary forms, i.e. where values are almost but not quite zero, are impossible to recreate in a laboratory. It has been possible for science to create new elements but only with great effort and expense. The characteristics of matter resulting from the original phenomena which obstruct our view of the primary structure of matter can only be peeled away through the expenditure of tremendous energies, and even then, only partially.

The matter surrounding us is stable with its internally neutralized energies corresponding to the motion value of our planet. In order to place this matter on a different level through activation with higher or lower motion values it has to be returned to its original condition which requires the use of complicated equipment and which can only be partially accomplished. The newly produced matter only then remains stable if the artificially created environment remains favorable over time, which is, however, impossible.

Just as it is true for everything that exists, matter is subject to a cycle. It has a beginning in which it accumulates under the influence of the phenomenon which brings into existence, the original phenomenon; it remains stable as long as the imprinted values are favorable and dissociates when confronted with a phenomenon which is stronger than the energy contained in the matter. This is only a schematic presentation, of course, because the cycle of a unit of matter can cover several billion earth years. Dissociation may occur violently or gradually. The consequences remain the same, however; it is just the time line which varies. This dissociation is not indicative of regression in the universe. When existence is at issue the terms nothing, regression, above, under, etc. have no meaning.

As mentioned previously in order to get to know and understand matter, one must begin there where it exists in its primary form with the lowest values. In this solid condition, matter has precise values which determine the characteristics it has during its existence. This status remain valid only as long as matter remains in a favorable environment, i.e. as long as the external range of values is favorable. Just like matter, cosmic entities such as the celestial bodies have their own characteristic values which have been set by motion value of their original phenomena; this applies equally to individual heavenly bodies, solar systems, zones and galaxies. The complexity of the mutually interacting values eventually produced the stability of the entity. At the beginning of the creation of each galaxy is an original phenomenon which is itself the result of a complex of other phenomena. This chain of events and phenomena continues back until the creation of the individual unit itself is reached.

Everything is cyclical. Within a galaxy, other original phenomena occur with greater lesser intensity creating the units of the zone or solar systems right down to the smallest unit. Matter as an existence phenomenon appears initially when space contracts as the result of an original phenomenon. This can be compared to a huge plastic mass which is very expansible and malleable in which internal energies gather in certain areas causing contractions which makes the mass thicker in these areas without causing the dissolution or dilution of bordering areas.

Matter gravitates according to its internal energy to higher or lower levels of existence, with the terms higher and lower being understood in terms of internal energy. In our environment these internal energies represent the so-called elements, which we classify in tables according to atomic values. We will see later that these classifications are correct but that the values are exactly opposite of those scientifically discovered. These elements are the basic components of material existence to which we shall refer.

We shall attempt to place matter in the field of existence not as it is generally done, but rather from the beginning onward which shall lead to astonishing results.

Matter cannot exist without waves the energy producer, the second form of existence. Waves are that which manifest themselves in space and are, therefore, the cause of everything that there is; they ate the original phenomena themselves. The term waves includes all no-material forms existing in different variations in the infinity of space, they are energy. Their elemental characteristic is the motion value which is specific to waves and which gives them the ability to generate existence. Waves are also responsible for everything which happens in the universe. Motion, the creator of every, has two aspects right form the very beginning; the internal energy which brings matter into existence as such and which is neutral once it has reached that form and the primary form which accelerated the unit of existence in space and which imprints it with a constant velocity. These two forms of motion interact and maintain the equilibrium and the neutrality of the internal energies. Process of the creation of levels of existence does not occur solely at the beginning and then cease, but rather occurs continuously as long as the entity progresses on down its path. It occurs violently where new entities are being created and more gently where the environment is stabilized. Even today new forms of matter are being created right before our eyes while other dissociate, a process which we generally refer to as disintegration. This phenomenon will be discussed later in greater detail.

Matter can, therefore, not exist without waves. Modern science understands phenomena which manifest themselves within and without matter and has discovered how to use such phenomena through use of complex procedures for our benefit yet, unfortunately, whether intentionally or unintentionally, also for our destruction. We can control most of these phenomena with precision assuring that they fulfil the desired purpose, but the altogether security is not done, because the complete screening is not possible. The origin of these phenomena, the reason why they behave in a certain manner is unknown. They can be explained only through more or less logical elucidation. Let us take temperature, which is very closely related to matter, and which can have positive or negative values our system of measurement, warm or cold. Temperature excites and can combine elements to form matter or reduce matter to its elementary components. This is described as a result of the friction between particles, but is this really so ?

Radio and television waves which can spread through all media at very high speed can be cited as another example. They can be produced, emitted, measured, caught and directed, but what are they actually ? What are they composed of ? They are measured in wavelengths; their range can be measured. We know how to produce them but not where they come from or how they evolved. Spontaneous existence does not exist. Radioactive elements which disintegrate in levels could also be mentioned. Why does this occur ? Once the process of existence is completed, the laws and values of the original phenomenon intercede. The stabilized levels of existence (the elements) stabilize Themselves which them fixed valves.

One must understand that matter is stable in a level in which it exists and is not capable of moving from one in the next so long as the entity which this matter embodies exists in the range of values of the original phenomenon. With infusion of tremendous amounts of energy matter may radioactivated through acceleration of the energy contained within it. The explanation for why an element is naturally radioactive is that it was created during the evolution process by high energies and was then thrown into a motion value which was unfavorable to it. In order words, the contained internal energy is greater than that of the environment.

The purpose of this work is not to analyze phenomena and to connect them logically to facts which are known to modern science but which have not yet been explained but where progress in finding an explanation could be achieved by placing a minus in front of those values which relate to the components of matter. What this means exactly will be explained later.

Based on what has been said so far, the following differences between the first and second forms of existence may be stated :

The first difference is that, as said before, matter cannot exist without waves and waves also manifest themselves outside matter.

Waves manifest themselves in two ways in existence. First, they are the source of the original phenomenon as a consequence of their characteristic of being able to move through space in the universe with precise motion values, motion being one of their characteristics. And, secondly, thee may alter the internal values of matter by appearing as heat, electricity of light These characteristics of waves can bind elements together without altering the structure of the units. However, waves may disintegrate matter as well and return them to their primary form even back to the starting point of almost zero motion thus opening the way to a new cycle.

If waves are a consequence of the activity of matter and both are consequences of the original phenomenon, this does not necessarily mean that waves are a product of matter. Both are created simultaneously as a consequence of a whole series of phenomena which are further interconnected with still others - an interrelation of occurrences with no beginning and no end repeating cyclically in space. This can be explained as follows : The first two forms of existence move in a cycle each with its own specific motion value meeting the other from time to time at certain points, touching or associating, dissociating again and moving on. Since the cycle has no beginning nor end, this type of motion is unlimited and eternal. The waves, though, in contrast to matter, have much more independence and freedom of movement. This characteristic gives waves the ability to alter matter.

If matter existed isolated in the center of the universe, then, under certain circumstances, it could produce matter from nothing and there would be areas in space in which there would be nothing from which to produce anything. This is an absurd idea which does not correspond to reality theory. The concept of nothing has no meaning when existence is at issue. Materialistic thinking is an absurdity marked by political nonsense.

The second difference between the first form of existence, matter, and the second, waves, can be described as follow :

Matter contain motion while waves produce it. Let us look at these characteristics separately to see where it leads us.

The Motion created by waves

The infinite space of the universe is not static; everything in it is constantly in motion from the largest to the smallest unit of existence. This motion is created by the second form of existence waves. Because of its activity, matter condenses or defuses; it can be heated into temperatures which are incomprehensible to us or can be cooled to infinitely low temperatures. But it is not this type and consequence of motion which we will discuss but rather the characteristics that waves have of being able to put the universe in motion. Waves, through their characteristics motion, influence all occurrences in the universe in two ways. First, matter has the capacity of maintaining the motion transmitted to it by waves and it creates existence as a consequences of the association phenomenon. In other word, matter is born in that instant in which it incorporates motion and the littlest entities thus created being to concentrate as a result of the motion trapped therein. From this moment onward motion belongs to the matter but not as a characteristic, rather as a consequence of entrapment of the motion created by waves. One could refer to this type of motion as the "little motion" of the universe or as the "little existence".

Secondly, the free moving waves imprint matter with motion within the universe. Even this motion of the created entity is and must be favorable to the motion contained in the matter in order to generate a stable entity. It can maintain itself (constant velocity) until a greater energy causes it to disintegrate or a lesser value causes its dissolution. This double manifestation of motion is the foundation of everything that there is in the universe. Including ourselves as human being and even our souls, a problem that extends way beyond our material existence.

Of course, this presentation is greatly simplified and schematic because innumerable forms and variations of existence exist in the infinite universe from the smallest and simplest to the most complex, man himself. The phenomena permeate each other since more than one level of existence may be present at once, which makes our task of penetrating the mystery of matter much more difficult.

The motion created by waves marks every entity within the universe including every system, galaxy or system of galaxy with a specific time. Furthermore, the motion also creates the space in which the entity will move. The volume of the entity and universal space depend on the value of the motion.

These two types of motion, the contained and the free, maintain the equilibrium of the entire universe, its zone, system and individual entities, in that the values of the contained energy are evenly distributed with the free energies of the waves. There where an imbalance appears, disintegration occurs plunging the system of fraction thereof back into the original condition: the energy frees itself and new material entities are created which correspond to the then existing motion values. This can be compared with a scale where both arms are equally weighted but which is sensitive to every change. The universal equilibrium is the essence of existence itself and is realized through the uniform distribution of these two types of motion. Imbalance are created when values which are capable of destabilizing existing matter by releasing the energies contained therein which then combine with the free waves causing the surrounding energy to be greater than in the matter. This kicks off a chain reaction which continues until the energies come back into balance.

The law which controls all existence, which give all entities systems and zones a particular motion value, a value which can only have meaning viewed in relation to another, can be referred to as the law of equal values and not as law of conservation of energy since energy is nothing other than pure motion. The greater or lower the value of motion, the greater or lower is the energy. Energy at rest or absolute inertia cannot exist because, as mentioned above, the concept of nothing is meaningless where existence is a issue. Energy manifests itself there where motion is and motion is everywhere. Energy is therefore directly proportional to the motion value. The energy contained in matter has the value of the wave that caused the original association. In this form, motion generates no active energy because it is contained and moves in a cycle. It generates new initial energies in order to maintain the surface of the atom around the core. In comparison with surrounding space, this value is practically negligible. We will see, however, that the contained energy is that which causes matter to combine.

It can therefore be concluded that latent energy cannot exist, that it is a consequence of motion or, better yet, that it is its attribute. It is not the energy which causes the phenomenon but rather that the phenomenon, motion, which creates the energy. The second conclusion which can be draws is that matter cannot move itself and, therefore, creates no motion. On the other hand, it cannot remain motionless because this condition is incomprehensible in our universe. Something is motionless only when its position is compared to that of something else. Two bodies existing at a particular motion value are motionless relative to each other even though they are moving forward together as an entity. If one of the bodies receives its own motion value, than the other appears motionless in relation thereto and vice versa. It all depends on which perspective the problem is viewed from. Absence of motion is thus relative and can only be identified or perceived in reference to another body. This means that matter must move to exist. However, it cannot create motion itself; it needs the necessary energy which causes the motion. This energy, for its part, is responsible for maintaining the contained motion. One determines the other and only both can lead matter through existence. In other words matter must possess duality of motion in order to be able to exist.

Cause without effect does not exist. Everything which moves in the universe has a cause, a cause which created the generated motion which for its part has a cause and so on. The cycle in which the existence phenomenon occurs appears over and over. Motion in the universe manifests itself cyclically which is the cause of the two types of motion mentioned above, the maintained and that created by waves. The activity of all the phenomena which cause the production of cyclical motion generate a universal gravity which holds the universe, galaxies, systems, zones and entities in balance. Thus, one can logically conclude, that existence is the result of the motion generated by waves.

There where something is, there must also be space and time, the attributes of motion; however, the motion must be cyclical in order that space and time can exist because otherwise the concept of existence loses meaning. One can therefore conclude that there where cyclical motion manifests itself and where, as a consequence, space and time appear, material existence is generated. This means, that the universal existence phenomenon occurs there the cycle ends. Infinity is an indefinite motion value which consequently has no motion, time or space; it is fixed. But that fixity is only in relation to existence because it nevertheless consists of a form of motion independent of space and time.

The value of infinite motion is almost zero but not quite zero. And because the infinite space of the universe has the greatest value and the lowest values this means that negative magnitude and positive miniscule values are generated depending upon the volume of the collected matter (celestial bodies) and the consistency of their system and their subordinate entities. But it is not merely these entities which are effected by the consequences of motion, but also matter itself in its structure is affected. This characteristic of matter leads to improbable conclusions which contradict science. The consequence of the evaluating matter in terms of plus to minus and minus to plus will be discussed in detail when we discuss the creation of matter.

It is difficult to identify where a cycle ends. One could say that a cycle is complete when a galaxy has been created since that is the largest entity in the universe which has its own specific value. However, a galaxy is also independent on the entire universe. Within the galaxy other cycles exist which are connected to the values existing at those locations. The infinite space of the universe is an open cycle with values almost but not quite zero. This kind of motion generates the universal pulsation, a cosmic phenomenon which can be compared to human breathing. The galaxy has a volume and, as a consequence, a time which makes it an existing body and gives it contents. Within the galaxy all phenomena, which are constantly in motion, manifest themselves. Worlds appear and disappear simultaneously. The galaxy includes all forms of existence and simultaneously has a separate life just like the energies found within it.

An infinite motion without goal is nothing; it ends nowhere. Only when the motion takes a curve does existence take on meaning. The same is true when matter is created. Matter is the same in the smallest entities as it is in the largest. The energies contained in matter are no less great than those which are not entrapped in matter because the energies released when they are just as powerful.

At first glance, the problem seems simple and already common knowledge; however, these facts must be mentioned otherwise the explanation in the next chapter not be understandable as we try to solve the mystery of existence.

The reality of existence can only be revealed through logical conclusion, but founded upon the science, because, as mentioned previously, the origin of all things cannot be simulated in the laboratory. Chemistry, physics, biology and every other scientific discipline is only a portion of what transpires in existence. Every branch of the science contains only a limited body of knowledge concerning that which is directly related to it and that is all limited to that which exists in our own realm of existence.

Existence cannot be explained within one single discipline, because, first of all, it involves phenomena which cannot be comprehended by our material senses and, secondly, cannot be comprehended within the time and space of the limited essence of matter. Time and space play a decisive role, because existence cannot exist without time and space.

Everything that has been said so far can be summarized as follows :

1.- Existence without motion cannot exist. Matter exists because its motion has been imprinted by waves both structurally and as forward motion. Matter is contained energy produced by waves, standing waves.

2.- Waves move on their own since motion is a characteristic of waves. Matter cannot move on its own; it must be propelled by waves.

3.- Matter exist on different levels corresponding to the contained values. Every level has its own specific values. These levels form the foundation of matter; they can combine and produce new products. These are the elements which can be listed in tables according to certain criteria.

4.- The levels of existence are fixed within the scope of the reality of existence. This means that that which is on a particular level cannot to another but can only exist in that range in which it was created and where the motion value is favorable. These values can be changed here on earth but only in small amounts and with tremendous effort.

5.- Since matter contains energy, it can become waves and vice versa but only if the contained energy is released.

6.- Motion is entrapped through the phenomena of association and it is transformed into the energy contained in matter.

7.- Waves produce the motion while matter contain it through influence of the motion value during the process of association of matter.

8.- All values which participate in the association phenomena create an average value for the newly generated unit which determines its specific motion value and represents the equilibrium of free and associated values.

10.- Motion determines time and space. On the basis thereof the following conclusion may be drawn.

Conclusions pertaining to Time

Since motion is inversely proportional to time, the universal units of existence with low motion values implicitly have large time values and those with large motion values implicitly have small time values. In order words, the higher the speed the less time is required to cover a particular distance and vice versa. In absolute values such as those that contribute to the creation of levels of existence, the motion value of a galactic unit equals the average of its constituent values. As the energy in the matter begins to stabilize, this energy equalizes with motion until both form of energy (contained and motion energy) are brought to the same level. At this point, the entity acquires its own specific time value corresponding to its motion as a consequence of the phenomena which created its existence.

Galactic time influence objects in the galaxy differently than in our dimension of the earth and sun. Our planet has the time value of the solar system which is imprinted on it like an internal clock; this is also true for us humans. The power of the human mind is capable though, of imagining situations other than those existing on earth.

Time is very elastic; it can expand from the smallest unit to the galactic level which has corresponding consequences. A phenomenon which manifests itself in one area of the galaxy is invalid for other areas but only when material existence is at issue. It can influence other areas but only a different manner postponed in terms of time. A phenomenon can influence an occurrence directly, indirectly or through perception. The perception of a phenomenon is delayed in time by an amount directly proportional to the distance.

One could assert here that perception in the universe as we understand it is not possible as an option since matter and everything which belongs to it as existence is not capable of perceiving something; however, is a materialistic view of existence which does not correspond to reality. Aren't we as humans or, better yet, as thinking beings also a product of existence and aren't we able perceiving everything that falls within the range of our senses ?

We can even imagine situations which would not even fit in our environment. We have the ability to think abstractly and to think in innumerable ways. if we as human posses these great capabilities why couldn't there be a universal perception? Furthermore, man tends to believe that only which he can perceive directly through his senses is real and that logical thinking cannot comprehend reality. Man always wants to be right, but that is not always the way the facts are. Situations can exist other than those which we believe exist. Being a kind of person with this personality is no disadvantage. Rather, it is an advantage because through his constant mistrust, he is always in search of the truth. This is what has led man to the peak of his knowledge and what will continue to propel him further. There is still much which remains to be discovered because nature does not reveal its secrets lightly.

Mankind is limited in time and exists within certain motion values which are specific to earth which impairs thinking. But man posses logical thought and creative thought which allow him to surpass the limits of his own existence and is evidence that there is a third element, i.e. that which allows matter to be aware, conscious, of its own existence. This unequivocal element of existence exists everywhere in the universe and associates with matter only there where the conditions are conductive in levels and cycles just as with everything else that exists. The perception of existence stands above matter and waves and does have a specific motion value but its characteristics are quite different from those of the first two elements of existence. To materialize things does not represent progress of thought but rather prevents progress.

Galactic time is expandable and can have different values in different zones simultaneously. Since the time in our environment determines our perception in that we view all occurrences from the perspective of a particular time value, or perception of all perceivable entities right up to the highest level, the absolute, is influenced. Enough now of this digression.

We will take the galactic values as reference value since our presentation concerns units of existence which exist in the galaxy, zones or systems and which consist of matter which was produced as a consequence of waves. We will not try to calculate these values since they can only have values in connection with other time. One could, for example, compare them to ours but that would not make sense.

The entire galaxy is divided into zones with equal values which keep the galaxy in balance, each with their own time. Each unit has two motion values, its own and that of the higher value upon which it is dependent. The time of a unit is determined by its notion which is in turn, determined by the body on which it depends. In our galactic environment, the earth has its time in relation to its movement around the sun and each of the planets of our solar system have their own times in relation to their movement around the sun. The sun belongs, in turn, to a system of higher values on which it is dependent and this chain continues right to the galaxy level which is itself dependent on other values.

If each motion value has certain characteristics which it imprints on each celestial body which moves in its range, then it also has a corresponding time value in relation to the entire galaxy, i.e. that of the zones or systems in which it moves. The time of individual units is determined by the local values which are connected cyclically to others.

Time is nothing other than a period or interval in which an occurrence is completed; existence begins there where motion is transformed from infinite into cyclical. One can therefore conclude that the time of a unit of existence is the period or interval in which its material existence transpires, which is inversely proportional to the motion value of the unit of existence. We will see, however, that units have other time than those attributable to their existence, i.e. those of the matter itself.

The concept of time can be viewed from two angles, which are so closely related that they almost merge, but which have different effects on matter. First, there is the time imprinted on the entity by the original phenomenon, which it space inside a larger unit and second, its own tine as a consequence of motion through the universe which determines the existence of the unit and which maintains it in its material form.

Energy unit of existence consists of matter which is more or less maintains its associated form because it has a favorable motion value. The contained energy can only remain neutral if the cosmic unit exists within the range of the average motion value of all of the phenomena which contributed it to the creation of the matter. This explains why some matter is unstable or radioactive. The internal energies of such matter exceed that of the existing motion value of the unit.

This units of existence are the building blocks of the galaxy; they create the zones in which matter condenses as existence as a consequence of the original phenomenon. The motion of an entity is a consequence of the original impulse. All motion values which are all closely connected to each other are what keeps the largest unit of existence, the galaxy, in equilibrium. No matter what angle one takes the cycle always appears.

Waves have the ability to move outside matter. Their time as existence depends on the motion. Since time is inversely proportional to motion, waves have a low time value by a high motion value and vice versa. Because waves can manifest themselves independent of the zone, system or galaxies, they can be placed on an extra-galactic plane. They are, of course, influenced by local values.

A postulate can be proposed here in response to the question what causes motion to become entrapped. It is indisputable that motion and energy are present within matter. If science could answer this question valuably and unequivocally, than one could say that mankind know everything there is to know about matter. But is this true? We shall attempt to explain.

The capacity of waves to generate motion could be compared to the blast of an explosion. In this situation, the explosion can be compared to the original phenomenon and the force of the blast to the generated motion. The phenomenon, waves, can assume innumerable levels of motion values. Similar to matter, they can associate or dissociate which has corresponding consequences for the values. It is extremely difficult for man to comprehend that matter could be generated from something immaterial.

As mentioned above, man can, to a limited extent, release energy from matter but cannot win it back again; it remains lost. This is because it is not possible for man to create the conditions existing in space here on earth. However, this released energy is not actually lost; it does not disappear, but rather it is absorbed by the surrounding existence. This explains why the environment becomes radioactive as the result of an atomic explosion. The absorbed energy increases the existing energy thereby making it unstable.

Existence has been properly divided by science into matter, which is the material side of the problem, and waves, which is the immaterial side. This completely corresponds to reality. But what do we actually mean by the terms material and immaterial? Only that which can be perceived by our senses? It would be very easy to believe that but today almost nobody adopts this view.

The difference between what is matter and what is immaterial is generally accepted as reality but we do not really know where the precise dividing line between these two forms of existence is. One tends to believe that waves are a special form of matter, i.e. particles which move at incomprehensible speed. It is known that these particles have characteristics with approximate those of the waves. Only if one accepts that matter is nothing other than contained energy and that it is a product of an associative phenomenon is one going in the right direction.

The most puzzling aspect of existence is that it can exist in the form of living matter which even has the ability to perceive. What allows it to make this leap? There is much talk of genes, of chain which are capable of storing an ever increasing body of data and also much talk of other discoveries which have taken science incredibly far. But has anyone asked where is gets these characteristics and why are created in this form? That this particular characteristic exists is no secret and is indisputable because we ourselves are made of such matter. Thus, the question remain how can a blind power generate something logical? Has anyone asked why, during the course of time what has happened creating what there is today and not something else?

Is it all the result of coincidences which may logically related to each other? Why does one say that the function creates the organ? Where does the function come from and why is the organ generated? How does the organ know to create itself in order to adapt to the environment and what causes further developments?

One cannot just attribute existence to hazard, pure chance, since everything surrounding us is subject to strict rules which cannot be avoided. If one were to do that, we, as humans, would not survive nature. An example: the human body consist of organs each with its own function and without which we could not live and consequently without which we could not think.

Nature is constantly correcting itself in that change are always appearing which keep the existence phenomena on track. Since we ourselves are products of combined existence - matter, waves and the capacity to think which we commonly refer to as soul - one can conclude that the trinity theory - matter, waves and higher form of existence (perception) is true and corresponds to reality.

Perceptive existence which doubtlessly exists and exists not just on earth is subject to a just like matter and waves. Human intelligence has characteristics and possibilities which we cannot even dream of which are unknown and, above all, unused. Many of us are not aware of the powers we have. This is a result of the fact that our solar system is imprinted with a specific time value. Each one of us is a spark of the universal existence but still a unit, a separate entity.

The same can be said of waves; each has its own motion value which gives it specific characteristics but which is dependent on higher values. However, each wave is still a unit, a separate entity with a specific value but which is unaware of its existence. It is this independence among phenomena which is the cause of all things in the universe. If the phenomena were not interconnected, there could be no existence. One must understand the cycle from this perspective as well. An object exists as long as it is dependent on something else and as long as the phenomena are cyclical, i.e. repeat each other.

Let us continue our pursuit of the concept of time. In the event that a unit of existence acquires a higher motion value it assumes the values which are then imprinted in it. Since motion is inversely proportional to time and to space in terms of volume and distance traveled, these are correspondingly shortened. This has the consequence that the entity condenses and assumes the lesser time value associated with the increased motion value. The entity cannot be reduced to a mere point through this condensation because that would mean that nothing would be created out of something which is not possible.

The internal energies of matter compromise themselves in correspondence with the appearing values until the point is reached where it is violently released and the matter disassociates. The same occurs with waves; when a motion value is exceeded by a certain limit the waves disassociate. Waves, through their characteristic motion value, are the generators of time. The higher the value are the higher the time sphere to which it belongs. The phenomena at the galaxy level are limited in terms of time as longs as they are within a galaxy. Because waves extend beyond the boundaries of a galaxy, they are practically unlimited when they leave a galaxy up until the point when they create new existence entities - the cycle begins once again.

All of these occurrences can last incredible lengths of time, so incredible, in fact, that our system of measuring time is wholly inadequate. The occurrences at the cosmic level have time values which correspond to the existing magnitudes which, of course, are not excessive in relation to space in which they exist. The time value of the galaxy of a universal entity is immeasurably large in comparison with that of our planet. If the time of our earth is assumed to be a point, the time of the galaxy would be the size of the earth in comparison. In the time it takes our planet to orbit the sun one thousand time, i.e. the life time of thirty generations of humans, almost nothing has transpired at the galaxy level.

A thinking being, if transported into galaxy time, would experience the entire existence cycle of the earth in just a few seconds. This is a fantastic concept which is actually not supernatural since it involves an occurrence which transpires outside of our timeframe.

Man tends to believe that all phenomena which do not adjust to or fit into our environment contradict known since and they are branded supernatural. The concept of existence, however, is false and cannot correspond to reality under any circumstances. One could say that a phenomenon appears supernatural when it is not in an environment corresponding to its characteristic values. It is indisputable that the universe is infinite with an enormous number of galaxies. One cannot claim that it is limited because this raises the question of what exists beyond the limit etc.

However, considering the universal motion, one can assume that the shape of the universe is curved. Let us consider two entities of existence, A and B, which have the same motion value within a stabilized zone. If A, for example, acquires a higher motion value because of a phenomenon, it will implicitly assume the higher value and, consequently, will be imprinted with a corresponding time which is smaller that of B but is only in relation to B which has remained at the original value. This means that in one period a greater length of time has passed for B, but it must be emphasized once again, this is only in relation to A.

If A return to the values of B and assumes once again its original motion value more time will passed for B than for A during the absence of A. This means that A is in a later time upon its return that it would have been in if it had never left, but in relation to itself the shorter time which it experienced during its absence remains. One could say that it is in a time which is equal to the difference between the two times. It is difficult to explain this problem in words and it is further difficult to understand because we live in a time frame determined by the motion of the earth which has been imprinted on us as material existence. Through our capacity to think and analyze, however, we can look over the fence to the other side. If A never return to the values of B, there is not more comparison and A assumes the new values of the level where it is and everything occurs within its new environment as nothing happened.

Theoretically, one could increase the lifespan of an entity in this manner; this concept corresponds to reality but the means to achieve is practically do not exist. The phenomenon may be explained by the difference between different space values. The space value in terms of the distance covered is directly proportional to the time value and indirectly proportional to the motion value. Originally the space had a greater time value and at the higher motion level a lesser time value, which proves that A which remains at the original value has a time value which exceeds the difference of the times.

In terms of the grand scheme of existence, time plays a decisive role, i.e. it determines the lifespan of material existence. We as thinking beings, sense the need of existence to complete itself through cycles. Man has perceived this through his thousand year history of though which proves that he is himself a part of creative existence. How could it possibly the otherwise? We exist. We exist both physically and intellectually. We live and move within a real existence which is small in format but which offers numerous possibilities for comprehending, analyzing and understanding our environment and what is beyond it. We can even produce in miniature what existence creates on grand scale. We must not underestimate ourselves. We must not materialize ourselves completely. We must be aware of our heritage and of the path we must take to actualize our existence.

In addition to matter, we are composed of that which the grand scheme of existence has at its highest level - that which we refer to as soul. Each of us is a unit, an individual entity, but in the final analysis we are all part of the same existence, one which is much greater, one which stands above us, one which is called God. This higher level does exist. He who denies it is at the nadir of existence and has far to go before achieving actualization. This has nothing to do with intelligence or education. He who is referred to as a simple man can be spiritually far ahead of an educated man.

Therefore, the higher the velocity, the more comprehensible is the motion of the universe and, as a consequence, the compression of time because an immeasurable velocity would pull all phenomena and occurrence of the past, present and future together but only as perception. One could compare this phenomenon to a tape which records all occurrences chronologically, stores them and can play them back at any time under certain conditions. The faster the tape is played, the shorter the time becomes and the closer together the record occurrences appear. The whole depend as well on the starting point of the tape. In the universe, light, the so-called radio waves or numerous other waves which traverses space at incredible speeds, plays the role of the tape. These phenomena contain all occurrences which they have caused or have participated in during their existence. In order to understand this, one must consider the following :

A phenomenon which manifests itself in a certain zone has immediate consequences for the material environment. It can be perceived by the third form of existence, the conscious form, which exists everywhere in space through sensory perception which is enabled through the second form of existence, waves, which themselves have no material existence and which move through space at incredible speed. Both light and radio waves are example thereof. This means that the conscious form of existence can observe all the phenomenal occurrences; it can evaluate them and even anticipate the future course of events; by following and understanding the occurrences, it is able to draw conclusions about the future. This proves the existence of the second form of existence once again, i.e. that form, which can manifest itself in immaterial form , which can dissociate and which can influence the higher form of existence in that it is perceived by the higher level.

It is difficult to comprehend how our lifespan can be extended by increased speed. At first glance, it looks as if that is the consequence; however, in reality that is not what happens. Time and its effects can be explained as follows. Time has specific values for each unit of existence, zone or galaxy. The motion value as a consequence of time determine material existence in the final analysis and not vice versa.

The different time values establish what we refer to as the levels of existence. Each level of existence has its specific time which is characteristic of this motion value. Everything which exists within this level has a corresponding time. It should be noted that this phenomenon only makes sense when a point of reference is established, a reference which has in turn another reference and so on in cyclical fashion.

We, too, as living beings are subject to time. First, because we have material bodies and, second, because a time value has been imprinted in us. Living cells have a cycle; they have a beginning, the develop and they die. These events are subject to the existing time value. The course if events is the same everything; it is only the time of the zone which varies.

If a living entity accelerated to a higher motion value, less time passed for it in comparison to its original motion value. Once again it must be emphasized that is only in relation to the original motion value, because upon return to the original value a difference in the times exists but its actual development remains the same. An event can only be understood in reference to something else. This proves what was postulated at the beginning namely that the greater the motion value the less the time and vice versa. This relativity of values cannot be denied. The phenomena manifest themselves precisely as we have described and are understandable only in relation to a etalon phenomenon.

These phenomena appear supernatural to us since we are accustomed to viewing time and all values in relation to the values of our earth. Our perspective is the product of the lengthy development of conscious life on our planet. In the level of consciousness has been developed almost to a level of perfection. Today, we are in a position to understand things which we could not even have imagined existed before. However, there is a big "but" to be added here because man has been able to control his ego since his evolution; it is just that he was unable to understand it fully.

Today, we have learned to combine matter and spirit which can lead us to a much higher pinnacle of understanding than ever was true before. Through his ability to perceive and comprehend, man can and has always been able to imagine The conditions associated with other motion values. This ability to understand has developed over time, during the course of the cycle. Since we possess this grand capacity to understand this environment, why is reality denied so often?

Perhaps because we want to be creator? We are creators but only within the limits of a motion value and only within the limited environment in which we exist. It is, of course, very difficult for us to imagine other systems of existence or for us to imagine what would happen were we to change the values existing on earth.

In this book we would like to prove that phenomena may be explained in a manner other than through mathematics and that is through human thought which, of course, is what created mathematics.

Enough now of the consequences that time has on units of existence. In the next chapter, we will explain the effects of the motion value on space.

Conclusions Concerning Space

Waves with a low motion value and with a correspondingly high time value have a high space value and vice versa. Space is directly proportional to time and inversely proportional to the motion value. The concept of space may be viewed as the volume of a unit of existence or as the distance traveled. Thus, both the volume of a celestial body as well as the space in which it moves are involved. However, as one goes further up the scale, i.e. when one considers a solar system or zone, its volume and the space in which it move are considered identical. It merely depends upon the level which one considers at any given point.

Let us now consider the consequences which the motion value has for the volume and density of a unit in light of what been said so far.

A celestial body has a motion value corresponding to the system or zone in which it exists which determines its time, space, volume and density. In order to avoid confusion, the term space will be used for the distance traveled by an entity over a particular time and a the term volume will be used for the mass of the entity. The volume is determined, however, by the density which, in contrast to volume, is inversely proportional to time. This means that the density of an entity increases as the velocity increases. This means that the matter contained in the entity condenses and contracts.

This effect of motion on matter leads to very important consequences. The condensation cannot reduce the entity to a zero value because that is impossible. When existence is at issue, one cannot speak in terms of zero. There cannot suddenly be nothing where there was something. How could this something, disappear? As long as the energy, or, more precisely, the motion values which have caused this energy, maintain the equilibrium in the universe, it will correspond to the energy contained in matter and the motion values generated by waves. The equilibrium is maintained as long as the motion value of a unit is caused by the energy of a phenomenon which sends it on its path, a path which can only be curved.

The matter which is formed contains for its part the entrapped energy of the original phenomenon and these two forms of energy must be equal value in order to maintain the stability of the unit. There is a duality to motion: the contained motion on the one hand and the forward motion on the other. In the event that the balance is disrupted by the introduction of higher value, the unit, whether a celestial body, system or galaxy, begins to dissociates and the contained energies are released creating organized chaos which eventually achieves a new equilibrium with new motion values. This, of course, has corresponding consequences for the time, space, volume and density.

Dissociation also takes place where matter, because of excessive motion value, condenses beyond a certain limit. In the event an entity acquires a lower motion value, however, the volume increases the density decreases, and the product slowly dissociates; it becomes radioactive. The term radioactivity is derived from radius, emission and active. It represents disintegrating matter.

Radioactivity is nothing other than matter which was formed as a result of higher values so that the contained motion exceeds the forward motion of the entity. The motion which energy produced, becomes entrapped and matter is formed, but in order to be stable in this form the forward motion value must be favorable. This means that the velocity of the entity must correspond to the original impulse. If this is not the case, the contained energy must equalize with the external energy which leads to a release of energy in the form of emission. The dissociation occurs slowly in accordance with the motion value of the entity.

All of these phenomena are result of the behavior of atoms, the integral components of matter. Atoms, despite their small size have values for volume, time and motion. The volume of this smallest unit of material existence has values corresponding to the motion value of the surrounding environment. This means that its diameter corresponds to the speed of the celestial body through space.

The word atom derives from the Greek word meaning indivisible. The atom as the smallest particle of matter cannot be divided ad infinitum. This is certainly true if one views matter as concrete existence. The atoms converge in great numbers and can take on infinite forms. The distance between the surface of atoms varies significantly. However, atoms never touch each other because that would create chaos for the internal energies, an impossible result. There is not chaotic existence as we understand it and such cannot exist. Nothing is truly chaotic even where it appears so. There is an exact correlation between the diameter of the atom and the distance to the next atom which corresponds to the motion value of the surrounding environment.

Where the motion value increases, the atom contracts and the distance between atoms shortens. Upon return to the original value, the atom assumes the existing values once again but the distance remains shortened corresponding to the difference between the values. This explains the reduction of volume at high speed. One can justifiably claim that these claims are based on pure speculation. Yes, that is true, but the phenomenon of reduction of volume at higher speed is scientifically proven. The question then becomes how else can this phenomenon logically can be explained. No one can claim that science is not in a position to explain phenomena logically. However, there are situations where question arise which cannot be explained by precise science. First of all, in our case, one cannot speed high enough in order to be able to measure the contraction phenomena accurately. For that one would require motion value significantly exceeding the speed of the earth's rotation around the sun.

One could give further example of facts for which science currently has no explications. For example, one could ask why and how data is stored in genes or why the data is inherited. Or we could turn to a phenomenon which we observe daily, the expansion of matter caused by heat. Heat is an phenomenon like so many others around us. Matter expand because of warmth or, to be more precise, its volume increases, and vice versa.

We know fairly precisely why this is so. The atoms become further apart from each other as their internal motion accelerates. This is true and indisputable but can any one say with certainty why this is so or what the term heat really means? Do we know the inner powers and processes which lead to this result? Heat is a phenomenon which manifest itself within and without matter; it influences matter and can be experienced by our senses. Proof of this is, for example, sun rays which only produce heat when they come into contact with a material surface.

Motion leads to the same result the only difference being that upon return to the original value the atoms become closer together and it resumes its original volume. One could conclude from this that where volume increases because of heat that an association of matter with a form of existence which we call waves is involved. The waves only influence the existing values only during the association process. In the second case the motion of an entity through space involves no association. This is only a postulate, but, according to logic, this might possibly de true. Science can produce and direct phenomena It can describe and explain, but when it comes to the core issue, no real exact science can help. One is surrounded by speculation and works with what one knows in an attempt to make it official by having it recognized as "the truth". This has been true throughout the history of making of everything man has know or has believed to know. For example, for centuries man was convinced that matter was nothing more than dead mass that one could divide into smaller pieces. Man had no idea that matter was composed of elements. The alchemists of the Middle Age tried in vain to transform matter from one element into another. The alchemist were on a completely wrong track and these false conceptions were passed on from generation to generation merely because that which was known was labeled "the Truth". Only a few progressive and very talented individuals have brought science to where it is today. However, there is still a long road to perfection of human knowledge. This stage will never be reached - not by a long shot. Einstein, one of the world's greater geniuses was the first to comprehend infinity and the first to truly understand the relativity of values and he proceeded to announce these finding to mankind. He transformed many values into mathematical formulas. But once again, there is the question of whether truths can be explained in any terms other than mathematics. In any case, one can correctly assert, that every discovery has been the product of logical thought. What we are trying to achieve in these pages is attainment of the truths logical processes. Since logical premises lead only to logical conclusions we will also mention facts which are axioms, i.e. which are indisputable.

In summary, the following can be said about space and time :

Space in terms of volume and of distance traveled as well as the time of a cosmic unit as it moves through space are determined by its motion value. Space is directly proportional to time and inversely proportional to the motion value. Thus, one can conclude that the time of an entity or better yet the duration of a celestial body is inversely proportional to the volume and directly proportional to the density. There is, therefore, a favorable motion value at which the entity is most stable. One could compare this to a canister which is filled with gas in stage until the walls of the canister burst under the pressure. On the cosmic level, the problem can be described as follows. The volume decreases and the density increase because of the motion value pushes the internal energies to the extreme and finally leads to dissociation.

Thus, the entity is most stable when it is at a value representing the average of all values which is contributed to its creation. Our planet, the earth, is composed of 50% oxygen and 25% silicon and, thus, has the motion value of oxygen and silicon. The other elements are more or less stabile because they are within the range of their existence values. That matter which is not quite in the range of values that produced its existence but which is surrounded instead by lower values will lose some of its contained energy as a consequence. It releases this energy slowly in stage. We refer to this process of disintegration as radioactivity.

Up to now no contradictory theories have been developed which correctly explain the phenomenon of radioactivity. The question why it exists Remains unanswered and, in contrast to the question related to the theory of motion values, cannot be explained. In our solar system, the matter existing on the planet is subject to the motion value of the celestial bodies and the sun and the motion value of the solar system through space. The radioactive elements on our planet were produced by motion values which were much greater than those normally present.

We as thinking beings are products of the universal perception system which manifests itself there where conditions exist which allow the association of the matter/wave perception. This claim could be discussed at length but cannot be denied. This is so because as long as our system of perception is connected to matter it has corresponding time and space values and can thus only be concept to another motion value through logical thinking and intellect.

Before we go further, the terms motion value, velocity, time value, space value must be mentioned. Since this problem is unusual and goes both science and philosophy, these terms are more appropriate to this problem. This presentation is a product of twenty years of thought and effort and has not been influenced by any other theory or scientist. As a result, conventional terms have not been used. However, this creates no disadvantage.

The Creation of Units of Existence

the Galaxy and the Universe

In galactic space, there are areas outside the areas where units of existence have developed where the existing motion values are very close to zero but not zero. It is these areas which maintain the equilibrium of the galaxy. This form of existence has no definite volume and has an extremely low density. This is the great cosmic space in which all existence phenomena occur. It is incredibly larger than the sum of the volumes of all celestial bodies existing in galactic space. This form of existence exists outside of the galaxy as well and there the values are even smaller. This form of existence or motion holds all of the galaxies as well as the whole galactic system together. The sum of all of these low values have the effect of a giant magnet over all the galaxies and systems which keep them in balance during the course of their travel through space,.

Galactic and intergalactic motion is not divided into contained and generated motion, rather it is uniform and has values close to zero. A zero value represent anti-existence or non-existence which is not possible because in the absolute values of existence, absolute nothing cannot exist.

Thus, the existence phenomenon is everywhere, differentiation's appear only there where a phenomenon transfers the almost motionless motion to different levels of existence. In intergalactic space these differentiation's do not exist. As soon as a differentiation appears material existence is created. The almost motionless motion is also a form of existence which has characteristics of both waves and matter but is not actually either.

Intergalactic elements are conventionally called particles because they have no material components. The smallest intergalactical particle contains an internal motion just as matter does but which, in this case, is very low - almost zero but not quite zero. This motion manifests itself in a rotating motion which equalizes it with the low motion value. Equality internally and externally means existence and stability.

The volume of these smallest units or particles correspond to the space in which they exist and is influenced by the surrounding values, but since the motion values is so low and since the association phenomenon does not influence the existing environment, the particles have a much greater volume in comparison to the values which exist in areas where material existence exists.

The smallest form of existence is the atom which, as such, is indivisible. Further division would lead to the dissipation of the contained energy and the matter would change from contained energy to generated energy.

The motion value of waves also has the capacity of condensing or collecting matter. Thus, the association phenomenon is a consequence of the motion value which is produced by waves. Matter, for its part, has the tendency to preserve its contained energy or to change generated energy into contained. This tendency entraps energy and forces it to manifest itself within the framework of a closed cycle. This is the end of the existence cycle which repeats itself cyclically. This is, in fact, the universe's way of breathing; it gives life to and refreshes existence. The phenomenon causes matter to associate in stages until a unit is formed which slowly stabilizes itself with its own values which it maintains as it traverses through space.

Therefore, space is pulled together and forms that which is called matter as a consequence of a phenomenon which is capable of generating the association phenomenon in intergalactic space, which, for its part, is a result of violent dissociation's. The almost motionless particles are influenced by the external motion value.

At the beginning there is only a nebulous entity which does not yet have a distinct volume and in which the energies continuously create and disintegrate matter. The cyclical motion together with the original impulse causes nebulous entity to rotation which simultaneously gives it forward motion. From this moment onward, the created motion is entrapped and a cosmic entity with specific values corresponding to its original phenomenon is created. As soon as the motion is contained, the material existence of the unit begins. These processes can, of course, take several billion earth years until stability is achieved. The cosmic time cannot be compared with our earth time.

In this manner organized galaxies are formed within which matter is generated around motion centers. The form the units of the galaxy. However, while this process begins, dissociation's are constantly occurring as a result of the tremendously powerful phenomena which cause matter to return to its original condition and simultaneously other forms are being generated until the generated form takes on a spiral form which attracts matter. At a distance, this spiral looks like a ball with a thin surface. Thousands of these spiral nebulous forms can be seen in the heavens each night. Only when a nebulous entity takes on a spherical form are the first material units created. The closing of the spiral allows the new entity to entrap the existing motion values to a greater or lesser extent. This is how zones, systems and individual celestial bodies within the galaxy are created.

In order for something to exist, there must be space. Without space there is nothing. Something which is unlimited cannot enclose something else and that which cannot be enclosed cannot be referred to as existence. Only unlimited space can exist in absolute values, but not as something comprehensible, rather only as that which is.

Absolute existence is that which is. It is the only consequence of certain conditions. In this case, the opposite cannot exist because absolute non-existence as nothing cannot exist. However, where one unit of existence is compared with another, there can be non-existence, but once again only in relation to another unit.

Since existence truly exists, it, too, like all other values, is subject to relativity. The logical conclusion prove that space must be present for a cosmic entity to exist. Thus, motion as creator of existence can function only in an enclosed environment. The space determines the time value which correspond to the existing motion value. Time does not play a decisive role in the creation of existence. The time value exists only because of the motion value. Right from the very beginning, even when the nebulous entity is still curved, it acquires a rotational movement which is imprinted by the internal motion.

Because of the differentiation of motion values within the galaxy, energy condenses in zones by becoming entrapped in evolving matter. The zones, system or independent celestial bodies move in accordance with the existing values and with the original phenomenon which cause the original impulse.

The galaxy stabilizes itself through the appearance of zones, systems or individual celestial bodies having identical values. As long as the equilibrium is not disturbed by higher values, the galaxies, zones, systems or celestial bodies are able to maintain their material existence.

Motion is thus the absolute creator of material existence. Without motion nothing happens and nothing is created. But it is not solely motion which creates material existence. Differentiation of values is a necessary element as well. Without levels of existence which enable the creation of entities with specific values, existence would not be possible. Material existence can be considered absolute in this respect. Every scientific term can have an absolute or a relative meaning. It has an absolute meaning when an event is considered on its own and not in comparison to something else. It has a relative meaning when an event takes place on a certain level so that it may be compared to other. A stable cosmic entity consist of matter corresponding to the values which more or less violently contribute it to its creation.

Whole series of differentiation's appear; the main value, however, which will exert the most influence over the entity, is that which caused the greatest concentration of association. Thus, as mentioned above, it follows that our planet exists within the range of motion values of oxygen and silicon. The remaining elements are also stable because they, too, are more or less within the range of their characteristic motion values. Only a small portion of the matter of the planet is unstable or radioactive, i.e. matter which was formed by a phenomenon with higher values and which, as a consequence, has greater internal energies.

After motion is transformed from infinite into contained energy, the entity acquires a rotational motion in addition to its forward motion. This is determined by the contained energy. Celestial bodies, therefore, experience dual motion, i.e. forward motion and rotation. These two types of motion determine the shape of the celestial body which is always spherical. The types of motion also exert significant influence over its stability or instability.

In addition to forward and rotational motion. there is a third energy which also influence a celestial body and that is universal gravity, which is a result of all the activities of celestial bodies in galactic space. Gravity is nothing more than we have been referring to as the association phenomenon.

At the beginning of the creation of the galaxy, there was a uniform force of attraction which was caused by the original phenomenon. Over time as the galaxies slowly stabilized, the gravity differentiated into zones, system or individual celestial bodies with specific values and forces which hold the entities in balance.

The celestial bodies which move within a galaxy have precise forward and rotational motion within the context of the general universal motion of the galaxy. There where disturbances appear because the values can no longer stabilize dissociation's occur splintering celestial bodies and creating the chunks of matter which move wildly through space, the so-called meteorites. If they come too near to the gravitational force of a greater celestial body either a collision occurs or the meteorite vaporizes under the extreme air friction.

The collision of two celestial bodies cannot occur because of the specific motion values. If this were not so, the relationships in the universe would be so chaotic that even existence itself would be endangered.

Finally, gravity is not concentrated in one area of space. If it were, that would mean the existence of a fixed energized point in which motion and his consequences, time and space, would no longer have any value, an absurdity which leads to non-existence, i.e. to nothingness.

The mechanism creating the celestial bodies within the galaxy is identical to that which creates the galaxy itself, the only different being that the original phenomenon being that the original phenomenon is a product of internal activities and is not supra-galactic in scope. The space within a galaxy in which all of the galactic events occur contains more independent motion than intergalactic space. This id also because the galaxy has a tendency to contract as it moves forward through intergalactic space because of the association phenomenon. The system and the individual celestial bodies are nothing more than condensed energy which has been caused because of the motion manifested in zone. Each zone, system or individual celestial body has its own force of gravity which is, in turn, dependent upon the gravity of the whole just as each celestial body has its own specific value which depends, in turn, on the value of the whole. The hierarchical interdependence of energies is another element leading to the stability of interrelated cosmic motion.

Our solar system developed in the same manner in which the galaxy did, the only difference being that it was influenced by local values. The appearance of a phenomenon in a particular zone of the galaxy causes the matter which existed in a latent condition to condense through the association phenomenon creating a nebulous entity which is then developed further through transformation of infinite motion into contained energy. As mentioned above, this entity acquires forward motion through the original impulse and rotational motion through the internal energies. A local point is created where higher values collect. Simultaneously, however, subsidiary material entities appear which are set in rotational orbits by the rotation of
